pytania woj G j angielski 2012


dla uczniów gimnazjów województwa lubuskiego w roku szkolnym 2011/20112

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I. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery fragmenty audycji radiowej. W punktach 1-8 wybierz odpowiedź zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę a, b lub c.

(0-8 pkt)

  1. The killer fish were discovered:

a) hiding among the leaves of a tree.

b) hiding inside the branches of a tree.

c) crawling among trees in a forest.

  1. The killer fish is known to be:

a) the only fish species that can live on the ground.

b) a species of fish that does not live in groups.

c) a species of fish that can reproduce on its own.

● ● ●

  1. Denmark's Faroe Islands and Scotland's Isle of Skye are still in good condition because:

a) they are better protected and financed by their governments.

b) they are relatively unknown and therefore unpopular.

c) they are rather cold and lacking in large beaches.

  1. Experts advise tourists to:

a) visit those islands where their money is likely to promote the island's well-being.

b) stop visiting the islands under the greatest threat for a few years.

c) stop visiting exotic destinations altogether and choose northern islands instead.

● ● ●

  1. In July 1914, National Geographic published its first colour photograph of:

a) a potato.

b) a collection of glass.

c) a garden.

  1. In 1930s, the autochrome technique was replaced by:

a) monochrome digital photography.

b) colour photo film.

c) Kodak black and white film.

● ● ●

  1. Nowadays, the tallest men (on average) in the world live in:

a) the Ukraine.

b) the USA.

c) the Netherlands.

  1. Over the years 1910 - 1976, the height of an average American man increased by:

a) 10 inches.

b) 5 inches.

c) 1 inch.

II. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie udziel odpowiedzi na pytania do niego, zakreślając jedną z czterech propozycji (a, b, c lub d). (0-8 pkt)

Windsurfing around Britain

Kelvin Cookson, a 23-year old engineering student, has been keen on windsurfing for many years. Recently, he set a new record for travelling all the way round the coast of Great Britain on a windsurf board.

`I don't really know why I did it', says Kevin, `just for the fun of it, I suppose. It was there to be done, that was all.' Despite lacking both the obsessive ambition and the funds that normally go with attempts to break records, Kevin made the journey in eight weeks and six days, knocking one week off the previous record set in 1984.

Leaving from Exmouth in the south-west of England, Kevin travelled up the west coast of England and Wales, before going round the top of Scotland and then coming back down the other side. The journey officially covered 2,896 kilometers, although given the changes of direction to find the right wind paths, the actual distance Kevin travelled is probably closer to 4,000 kilometers.

Kevin fitted his fitness training in around his final year university examinations. `I didn't have that much time to prepare', he explains. `But I went running often and supplemented that with trips to the gym to do weight training. I found I got a lot better during the trip itself actually. At the start, I was tired and needed a rest after four hours, but by the end I found I could do ten hours in a row no trouble.'

Kevin had a budget of £7,000 to cover the whole expedition. The previous record had been set with a budget twice that size, while a recent unsuccessful attempt had cost £40,000. Budgets have to meet the cost of fuel, food and accommodation for the support team, as well as the windsurfer's own equipment and expenses.

Previous contenders had been accompanied by a boat on which they slept at night, as well as a fleet of vehicles on land to carry their supplies. Kevin made do with an inflatable rubber boat and an old van manned by four friends who followed his progress. Overnight arrangements had to be found along the way. Apart from the odd occasion when they enjoyed the hospitality of friends, the team made use of the camping equipment carried in the van, and slept on the beach.

Such a prolonged period of gruelling windsurfing made relaxation important however, and for this, Kevin favoured the pub method. This also provided social opportunities. `The people we met were really encouraging', he recalls. `They thought what we were doing was really great. It was hard work, but we had a lot of fun along the way'.

Kevin has been windsurfing since he was thirteen years old and is also a highly-ranked competitor at national level. `I don't know where I'm ranked now', he says, `because I've missed a lot of important competitions this year. But what I did has more than made up for that and I'll be doing my best to be up there amongst the winners once I get back into the competitive sport next season'. Given his unique achievement this year, Kevin seems well-placed to take on the world's top windsurfers.

  1. Why did Kevin decide to try and break the record?

a) He enjoyed the challenge.

b) It had always been his ambition.

c) It was a way of making money.

d) He was invited to do it by others.

  1. Before making the trip, Kevin

a) spent a lot of time practising on water.

b) could already windsurf all day without a break.

c) had only a limited amount of time for training.

d) spent most of time working out in a gym.

  1. How was Kevin's trip unlike earlier attempts at the record?

a) He had no support team.

b) He used better equipment.

c) Only one vehicle was used.

d) It took less time to organise.

  1. Where did Kevin sleep most of the time?

a) on a boat.

b) in a tent.

c) in the van.

d) in friends' houses.

  1. What does `gruelling' (in paragraph 8) mean?

a) extremely fast

b) quite lonely

c) very tiring

d) highly uncomfortable

  1. How does Kevin feel about regular windsurfing competitions?

a) They no longer interest him.

b) He's sure he can do well in them.

c) He regrets missing them.

d) He has no plans to enter any.

III. Uzupełnij poniższe zdania. Liczba kresek równa jest liczbie liter brakującego wyrazu.

Nie wolno zmieniać żadnej z podanych liter. (0-8 pkt)

  1. The m _ _ _ _ _ _ y of students find it quite hard to live on the amount of money they get.

  2. Students gradually develop techniques for taking notes while listening to l _ _ _ _ _ _ s.

  3. The final s _ _ _ _ was Liverpool two, Chelsea one.

  4. Diets are most effective when _ _ _ _ _ _ ed with exercise.

  5. The shoes r _ _ _ e in price from $25 to $100.

  6. He opened the d _ _ _ _ _ of his desk, and took out a brown envelope.

  7. The length of time spent exercising d_ _ _ _ _ s on the sport you are training for.

  8. You have a c _ _ _ _ e of hotel or self-catering accommodation.

IV. Wybierz, zakreślając kółkiem, jedną z czterech propozycji (a, b, c lub d) uzupełnienia

luk w poniższych zdaniach. (0-10 pkt)

1. I will write to you provided you _________ back.

a) will write

b) have written

c) write

d) wrote

  1. Peter asked Ann how long _________ Betty.

a) had she known

b) she had known

c) she knew

d) she had been knowing

  1. _________ earlier about your coming, we would have prepared something to eat.

    1. If we had informed

    2. If we were informed

    3. Had we informed

    4. Had we been informed

4. Mike bought _________ furniture that his apartment looks great after the renovation.

a) such a nice

b) so a nice

c) such nice

d) so nice

5. Our teacher suggested _________ the National Museum.

    1. to visit

    2. us to visit

    3. us visit

    4. visiting

6. He seriously doubts that the quality of these records _________ very good.

a) is

  1. are

  2. have been

  3. were

7. We objected _________ on vacation alone.

a) to his going

b) him going

c) him to go

d) his to go

8. It wasn't long _________ I realized I had lost my wallet.

  1. when

  2. before

  3. just

  4. as soon as

9. It`s about time she _________ studying for her exams.

  1. starts

  2. started

  3. has started

  4. had started

10. I can't find my car keys. I _________ them in the kitchen.

a) might lose

b) must have left

c) must have been lost

d) had to leave

V. Wybierz, zakreślając kółkiem, jedną z czterech propozycji (a, b, c lub d) uzupełnienia luk w tekście.

Too old to rock'n'roll?

The world's biggest and oldest rock stars are still (0) in love with performing in front of audiences. This irresistible urge to give concerts means they are constantly (1) ...................... their retirement until a later date.

(2) ...................... , the question remains: is rock music an art form that can really be performed by middle-aged people?

Most of these rockers do have to keep in (3) ...................... . Mick Jagger, who remains astonishingly athletic in live performances, takes a personal trainer on tour. And with an act that involves enough dancing on (4) ...................... to tire out a 20-year-old, Tina Turner proves that age has had (5) ...................... effect on her ability to put on a good show. Yet she has never seen the inside of a gym. She seems to have a natural energy, which means she doesn't worry about dieting or exercising.

Paul McCartney thanks his vegetarianism for enabling him to keep fit enough to rock'n'roll. McCartney also believes that he and bands (6) ...................... the Stones and the Who still perform because they can. What these bands have (7) ...................... is that they perfected the craft of performing in clubs before they became famous, something only a tiny minority of chart bands do now.

For the Rolling Stones it's also a matter of pride, a way of answering (8) ...................... who say they are too old. Nothing gives them greater pleasure than the knowledge that theirs have been the highest money-earning tours of all time.


0) a) capable b) interested c) get on d) in love

1) a) putting off b) giving up c) keeping on d) cutting down

2) a) Despite b) In spite c) However d) Whereas

3) a) conditions b) fitness c) health d) shape

4) a) screen b) scene c) step d) stage

5) a) little b) few c) small d) slight

6) a) like b) as c) how d) such

7) a) in all b) at all c) in common d) on the whole

8) a) those b) anyone c) ones d) they

(0-8 pkt)


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