pytania rejon j. angielski 2014v2, TRICKING SHOPPERS


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I. Uzupełnij poniższe zdania. Liczba kresek równa jest liczbie liter brakującego wyrazu.

Nie wolno zmieniać żadnej z podanych liter. (0- 8 pkt)

  1. The snow usually m _ _ _ s by mid March.

  2. It's your _ _ r _ to shuffle the cards.

  3. A large range of h _ _ _ s and spices are used in South Asian cookery.

  4. Cuckoos are famous for _ _ _ ing their eggs in the nests of other birds.

  5. He g _ _ _ bed his child's arm to stop her from running into the road.

  6. She looked absolutely f_ _u _ _ _s in her dress. Everyone thought she was a model.

  7. Computerization should e _ _ _ _ e us to cut production costs by half.

  8. I'm trying not to get into the h _ _ _ t of always having biscuits with my coffee.

II. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. W niektórych linijkach (1-8 ) występuje błąd - jedno zbędne słowo. Wpisz je w odpowiednim miejscu w kolumnie po prawej stronie (przykład 00). Jeśli dana linijka nie zawiera zbędnego wyrazu, wpisz symbol (przykład 0).

(0-8 pkt)


I am sure you have heard of Marion Taylor,


haven't you? Marion was the young girl she



kidnapped by aliens in 1993. Not only that was


she given a ride to a distant planet, but whether she


also managed to take some photos of the aliens


who they had taken her prisoner, since she had been


carrying herself a camera when they captured her.


Whenever I hear stories like this I assume so


that they have been made them up. It is hard to believe


Marion's story, owing to the fact that she was

only ten years old at the time.

III. Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy tekst. W punktach 1-8 wybierz, zakreślając kółkiem, jedną

z czterech propozycji (a, b, c, d) zakończenia zdań bądź odpowiedzi na pytanie odnoszące się do treści tekstu.

(0 - 8 pkt)

A rich old woman lived in luxury in a large house in an expensive part of town. Due to old age, however, her sight grew worse until eventually she was totally blind.

One day she heard about a physician who had recently moved into her area. As he had a reputation for successfully treating blindness, she asked him to visit her. The physician said he could help her see again, but he asked such an unreasonably high price that the old woman was shocked.

“I will pay you what you ask,” said the woman, “but only on the condition that you cure me. If you do not, you shall receive nothing.”

So the physician began weekly visits to her home to treat her eyes. Thinking that the woman would not enjoy her wealth for long, after every visit he took with him an item from the house. He continued coming every week and soon he had stolen everything valuable.

After many more visits, the woman was able to see again and the physician demanded payment. However, when the woman saw what had happened, she refused to pay and so the physician took her to court.

When the judge had heard the physician's story, it was time for the old lady to speak. “Sir, it is true that I promised to pay this man, but only if he cured me”, said the woman. “He says he has made me see again but I disagree. Before my blindness, I could see paintings on my walls and gold and silver in my cabinet. Now, I see none of it.”

  1. The old woman …

    1. had been blind all her life.

    2. moved to a nicer area because of her blindness.

    3. had recently become blind.

    4. wanted to see everything before she became blind.

  2. Why did the old woman want to see the physician?

    1. He was the only physician in the area.

    2. He was well-known for curing the blind.

    3. The woman was rich.

    4. The woman's sight was getting worse.

  3. The physician wanted to be paid …

    1. if he cured her.

    2. in advance.

    3. in property.

    4. more than was fair.

  4. What did the woman decide to do?

    1. Pay the physician what he wanted if he made her see again.

    2. Pay the physician less than he asked.

    3. Give the physician nothing.

    4. Give the physician all of her property.

  5. What did the physician do during his visit?

    1. He asked the old woman for a piece of her property.

    2. He treated her and stole something from her house.

    3. He took things from her house without treating her.

    4. He left early every time because she wouldn't pay him.

  6. Why did the physician think the woman would not enjoy her wealth for long?

    1. She couldn't see it.

    2. He was going to rob her.

    3. She was old.

    4. She was so rich.

  1. The physician's visits stopped …

    1. when the woman had no money left.

    2. when he had stolen everything.

    3. because the woman refused to pay.

    4. because the woman was no longer blind.

  2. They went to court because the woman …

    1. accused the physician of theft.

    2. wanted back her property.

    3. would not pay the physician.

    4. demanded payment.

IV. Uzupełnij poniższe zdania, wpisując w lukę odpowiednią formę wyrazu podanego pod tekstem (1-8). Zdanie (0) stanowi przykład. ((0-8 pkt)

My friend Jack, was once a rather (0) ____annoying ____ person . He was

always getting into trouble at school because he was so (1) _____________ .

In class he was very (2) _____________ and never stopped making jokes. The teachers all told him he was (3) _____________ because he interrupted them. When I met him he was very (4) _____________ and didn't want to talk to me at all. People told me that he

stole things, and that he was (5) _____________ . His school work was terrible. He didn't take any (6) _____________ in his writing, he never spent enough time doing his homework, and he was not at all conscientious . One day he saw a gang of boys

attacking an old man. Jack hated (7) _____________ and he fought them all until they ran away. He was awarded a medal for (8) _____________ .

After that, people changed their minds about him.










V. Wybierz, zakreślając kółkiem, jedną z czterech propozycji (a, b, c, d)

uzupełnienia luk w poniższych zdaniach. (0- 8 pkt)

1. _________ have you been living in this area?

a) Since when

b) From when

c) For when

d) How long ago

  1. Do those people have _________ money to invest in the company?

    1. many

    2. a lot

    3. lots

    4. much

  1. “That's the new manager, _________ ?”.

“Yes, that's him.”

    1. is he

    2. isn't it

    3. is it

    4. isn't he

4. I am having new carpets _________ at home tomorrow.

    1. be fitted

    2. fitting

    3. fitted

    4. to be fitted

5. He _________ everyone about the party.

a) told to

b) said

c) told

d) will say

6. “What did Peter want ?”.

“He asked me _________ .”

  1. where is his book

  2. where was his book

  3. where his book was

  4. where would be his book

  1. The police suggested _________ to a lawyer.

  1. we should speak

  2. that should speak

  3. to speaking

  4. us to speak

8. When I _________ home I'll ring you.

a) will arrive

b) arriving

c) arrive

d) am arriving


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