III rok reading list

3rd year reading list

Tutor: dr Monika Mazurek

e-mail mmazurek@up.krakow.pl


  1. ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON: `The Lady of Shalott' (excerpts), In Memoriam (Prologue, stanzas 5, 7), `Tithonus'; ROBERT BROWNING: `Porphyria's Lover', `My Last Duchess'.

  2. Victorian Crisis of Faith: MATTHEW ARNOLD: `Dover Beach'; ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH, `Easter Day'*, ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON In Memoriam (stanzas 55, 56), THOMAS HARDY, `Hap'

  3. CHARLES DICKENS: A Christmas Carol

  4. THOMAS HARDY: Tess of the d'Urbervilles

  5. OSCAR WILDE: The Picture of Dorian Gray

  6. WORLD WAR I POETS: RUPERT BROOKE (`The Soldier'), WILFRED OWEN (`Dulce et Decorum Est'), SIEGFRIED SASSOON (`The General', `Glory of Women', `They', `Does it Matter?'*)

  7. WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS:, `He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven', `The Stolen Child', `When You Are Old', `The Second Coming', `Leda and the Swan', `Sailing to Byzantium'.

  8. JAMES JOYCE: Araby, Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man (excerpts), Ulysses (excerpts)

  9. T.S. ELIOT: `The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock', `from The Waste Land (`Burial of the Dead'); WYSTAN HUGH AUDEN: `Musé des Beaux Arts'

  10. JOSEPH CONRAD: An Outpost of Progress; VIRGINIA WOOLF: Mrs Dalloway (excerpts), A Room of One's Own (excerpts)

  11. SAMUEL BECKETT: Waiting for Godot; HAROLD PINTER: The Dumb Waiter

  12. ALDOUS HUXLEY: Brave New World; GEORGE ORWELL: 1984

  13. WILLIAM GOLDING: Lord of the Flies

  14. PHILIP LARKIN: `This Be the Verse', `Talking in Bed', `Days'*, `Annus Mirabilis'*, `High Windows', `The Mower'*

  15. JOHN FOWLES: The French Lieutenant's Woman

* the poems are not in the NAEL

Course requirements:

1. Read the assigned texts BEFORE the class and, in case of poetry classes, bring the texts to the class.

2. Most of the assigned poems are available in The Norton Anthology of English Literature which is the obligatory handbook. While all the poems are easily available on the Internet, they are usually plain vanilla versions without footnotes, without which you may find many of them incomprehensible.

3. The assigned texts are accompanied by study guides which will be published on my website. Read the study guides together with the assigned texts and spend a moment thinking about the possible answers.

4. Some of the classes are going to start with flash tests (one question, usually taken from study guides or checking your knowledge of the text). Passing the majority of the tests is the condition to receive the pass grade (“zaliczenie”) for the course. THERE WILL BE NO POSSIBILITY OF MAKING UP FOR THE TESTS YOU FAILED OR MISSED FOR REASONS OTHER THAN AN ILNESS.

5. Students are allowed two absences per course FOR REASONS OTHER THAN an illness confirmed by a sick note.


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