Instruction for installing ASM in Linux.
(1) For Kernel previous to 2.4 (including 2.4):
1- Make sure the CDROM with file StorMan-2.12.i386.rpm is mounted
2- cd to where StorMan-2.12.i386.rpm file located
3- Type rpm -Uvh --force StorMan*.rpm
(2) For Kernel later than 2.6 (including 2.6):
1- Make sure the CDROM with files StorMan-2.12.i386.rpm and compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96.122.i386.rpm is mounted
2- cd to where the files are
3- Type rpm -Uvh --force compat*.rpm
4- Type rpm -Uvh --force StorMan*.rpm
To run MOA: