Pelican Hill ASM installation for Red Hat(1)

Instruction for installing ASM in Linux.

(1) For Kernel previous to 2.4 (including 2.4):

1- Make sure the CDROM with file StorMan-2.12.i386.rpm is mounted

2- cd to where StorMan-2.12.i386.rpm file located

3- Type rpm -Uvh --force StorMan*.rpm


(2) For Kernel later than 2.6 (including 2.6):

1- Make sure the CDROM with files StorMan-2.12.i386.rpm and compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96.122.i386.rpm  is mounted

2- cd to where the files are

3- Type rpm -Uvh --force compat*.rpm

4- Type rpm -Uvh --force StorMan*.rpm


To run MOA:



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