Instalacja PA soft scaner BMW

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pamiętaj! co to jest system operacyjny? 32 lub 64bit?

tutaj jest to, co zrobiłem, aby zmusić go do pracy na mój samochód i komputer ....

Tak więc pierwszą rzeczą jest, aby pobrać ten sterownik:

rozpakuj go, lubię za pomocą 7zip nie mają z tym problem.

Dalej trzeba iść do menedżera urządzeń:
1. Kliknij przycisk Start, kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na komputerze i uderzył zarządzać. (Przepraszam, jeśli już wiesz, jak to zrobić, po prostu się krok po kroku, w przypadku dont)

2. Kliknij przycisk Menedżer urządzeń i wskaż Kontroler uniwersalnej magistrali szeregowej.

To jest dziwne, część, zrobiłem to dwa oblicza, na jednym z komputerów to kolejny krok spowodowanych na moje porty USB do zaprzestania pracy, więc jej hazard, jednak na mojej drugiej komputera niczym dziwnym stało.

3. Następnie wybierz jeden z Huby USB administratora i kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy, a następnie Aktualizuj sterownik.

4. Następnie Przeglądaj mój komputer w poszukiwaniu oprogramowania sterownika

5. Wybierz pozwól mi wybrać z listy sterowników urządzeń

6. Następnie wybierz "Z dysku"

7. Przejdź do którego wyodrębniono powyższy plik i wybierz ftdibus i naciśnij OK.

8. Z listy wybrać USB Serial konwersji i kliknij Install

9. Wystarczy kliknąć ok, przez wszystkie podpowiedzi win7 rzuca na swój sposób.

10. Wyłącz Internetu, a następnie podłączyć skaner do samochodu BMW, a następnie do komputera. Win7 powie, to nie mogę zainstalować urządzenia

11. Wróć do żłobu urządzenia i znaleźć BMWscanner, że powinien mieć żółte! obok niego. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy, aktualizować sterownik i zainstaluj sam sterownik zrobiłeś dla pierwszego koncentratora USB. Może to błąd w działaniu. Otwórz oprogramowanie BMWScanner i powinien wiedzieć, pokazać się, że sterowniki zainstalowane i podłączone do samochodu!

Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy, po prostu daj mi znać, mam nadzieję, że pracuje dla Ciebie!

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sure! what is your OS? 32 or 64bit? here is what I did to get it to work on my car and computer.... So the first thing is to download this driver: then extract it, I like using 7zip never have a problem with it. Next you have to go to device manager: 1. Click start button, right click on computer and hit manage. (Sorry if you already know how to do this, just going step by step in case you dont) 2. Click on Device manager and scroll to Universal Serial Bus controller. This is the weird part, I did it on two computes, for one of the computers this next step caused on of my usb ports to stop working, so its a gamble, however on my other computer nothing weird happened. 3. Next chose one of the USB Root Hubs and right click and then Update driver. 4. Then browse my computer for driver software 5. Choose let me pick from a list of device drivers 6. Then chose "Have Disk" 7. Browse to where you extracted the above file and select ftdibus and hit ok. 8. From the list I choose usb serial convert A and click install 9. Just click ok through all the prompts win7 throws your way. 10. Turn off your internet, then plug BMW scanner into car and then into computer. Win7 will say it cant install device 11. Go back to device manger and find BMWscanner that should have a yellow ! next to it. Right click, update driver and install the same driver you did for the first usb hub. It might error out. Open up BMWScanner software and it should know show up that drivers installed and connected to car! If you need any help just let me know, hope it works for you too! – definicje

sure! what is your OS? 32 or 64bit? here is what I did to get it to work on my car and computer.... So the first thing is to download this driver: then extract it, I like using 7zip never have a problem with it. Next you have to go to device manager: 1. Click start button, right click on computer and hit manage. (Sorry if you already know how to do this, just going step by step in case you dont) 2. Click on Device manager and scroll to Universal Serial Bus controller. This is the weird part, I did it on two computes, for one of the computers this next step caused on of my usb ports to stop working, so its a gamble, however on my other computer nothing weird happened. 3. Next chose one of the USB Root Hubs and right click and then Update driver. 4. Then browse my computer for driver software 5. Choose let me pick from a list of device drivers 6. Then chose "Have Disk" 7. Browse to where you extracted the above file and select ftdibus and hit ok. 8. From the list I choose usb serial convert A and click install 9. Just click ok through all the prompts win7 throws your way. 10. Turn off your internet, then plug BMW scanner into car and then into computer. Win7 will say it cant install device 11. Go back to device manger and find BMWscanner that should have a yellow ! next to it. Right click, update driver and install the same driver you did for the first usb hub. It might error out. Open up BMWScanner software and it should know show up that drivers installed and connected to car! If you need any help just let me know, hope it works for you too! – synonimy

sure! what is your OS? 32 or 64bit? here is what I did to get it to work on my car and computer.... So the first thing is to download this driver: then extract it, I like using 7zip never have a problem with it. Next you have to go to device manager: 1. Click start button, right click on computer and hit manage. (Sorry if you already know how to do this, just going step by step in case you dont) 2. Click on Device manager and scroll to Universal Serial Bus controller. This is the weird part, I did it on two computes, for one of the computers this next step caused on of my usb ports to stop working, so its a gamble, however on my other computer nothing weird happened. 3. Next chose one of the USB Root Hubs and right click and then Update driver. 4. Then browse my computer for driver software 5. Choose let me pick from a list of device drivers 6. Then chose "Have Disk" 7. Browse to where you extracted the above file and select ftdibus and hit ok. 8. From the list I choose usb serial convert A and click install 9. Just click ok through all the prompts win7 throws your way. 10. Turn off your internet, then plug BMW scanner into car and then into computer. Win7 will say it cant install device 11. Go back to device manger and find BMWscanner that should have a yellow ! next to it. Right click, update driver and install the same driver you did for the first usb hub. It might error out. Open up BMWScanner software and it should know show up that drivers installed and connected to car! If you need any help just let me know, hope it works for you too! – przykłady

Zobacz też

Tłumaczenia sure! what is your OS? 32 or 64bit? here is what I did to get it to work on my car and computer.... So the first thing is to download this driver: then extract it, I like using 7zip never have a problem with it. Next you have to go to device manager: 1. Click start button, right click on computer and hit manage. (Sorry if you already know how to do this, just going step by step in case you dont) 2. Click on Device manager and scroll to Universal Serial Bus controller. This is the weird part, I did it on two computes, for one of the computers this next step caused on of my usb ports to stop working, so its a gamble, however on my other computer nothing weird happened. 3. Next chose one of the USB Root Hubs and right click and then Update driver. 4. Then browse my computer for driver software 5. Choose let me pick from a list of device drivers 6. Then chose "Have Disk" 7. Browse to where you extracted the above file and select ftdibus and hit ok. 8. From the list I choose usb serial convert A and click install 9. Just click ok through all the prompts win7 throws your way. 10. Turn off your internet, then plug BMW scanner into car and then into computer. Win7 will say it cant install device 11. Go back to device manger and find BMWscanner that should have a yellow ! next to it. Right click, update driver and install the same driver you did for the first usb hub. It might error out. Open up BMWScanner software and it should know show up that drivers installed and connected to car! If you need any help just let me know, hope it works for you too!

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