01: unblocker.reg
02: install 7z
03: install winrar
04: install adobe air
05: install_flashplayer16
06: install Shockwave_Installer_Slim
07: intsall BMW_ISPI_iLean_ISPI_Admin_Client_1.1.808.3
From ista-p dir
08: install BMW_ISPI_ISTA-P_SYS_3.55.0.300.msi (make sure its unblocked)
09: move loader dir into C:\Program Files (x86)\Loader, then "sent to" desktop, then rename to "BMW Group ISTA-P"
Now go to ISTA-D dir
10: install ISTA_SYS_3.48.20.13322.msi
11: unrar and move SQLiteDBs to correct location.
12: go to dir TesterGUI and renmane ISTAGUI.exe.config to OLD_ISTAGUI.exe.config
13: copy ISTAGUI.exe.config from GUI to ISTAGUI.exe.config
14: copy all files from ISPI Files to C:\ProgramData\BMW\ISPI\config\ILEAN\ISPI Admin Client
15: install BMW_ISPI_HDD-Update_2.2.5449.17449.msi
16: install BMW_ISPI_TRAC_KSD_14.12.1.0.msi selecting KSD (top option)
17: then send Ista-D testerGui.exe to desktop and rename to "BMW GROUP ISTA-D" (następnie wysłać piki …)
18: Now RIGHT CLICK > changer.exe and Run as ADMIN then type :> 20FE-8B77 <: IN BOX AND CLICK CHANGE
19: Reboot
20: send KSD.exe from the c:\KSD dir to desktop
21: reboot
22: run ista-d to see if it works
23: run ista-p to see if that works
If ilean not work, istad not work. (Jeśli ilean nie działa to nie działa również ISTA D)
1-reinstall ilean admin. after copy .xml files in C:\ProgramData\BMW\ISPI\config\iLean\ISPI Admin Client
2- RegEdit Machine ID
(During this process not execute ilean admin) (Podczas tego procesu nie wykonuje administrator programu ilean)
4- check clienteconfiguration have only read atribute.
5- reboot, and launch ilean admin. if open ok. istad Should work.
Reset i uruchomić program ilean jako administrator, jeżeli jest otwarty to ISTA D również powinna działać bez problemu)
STRONY : https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4999120