D B Reynolds [Vampires in America] Vampire Vignettes 2 (docx)









Cyn opened the sliding glass door, standing in front of it for a few minutes despite the cold air and the shiver it sent skittering over her bare skin. It would be warm enough once she got back to her fireplace and, besides, she loved the fresh, salty air, loved the sound of the ocean only yards away from her balcony. Turning back into the warm room, she walked over to the deep chair in front of the fire and settled in, tucking her bare feet beneath her and pulling her computer onto her lap. She flicked a glance at the lower right corner of her screen, checking the time.

It was still too early. Just as it had been the last ten times she checked. She was alone here in her condo, had been for two nights. Raphael had gone to New Mexico with a bunch of his vamps to deal with a problem. A problem caused by that asshole Jabril who’d all but run his territory into the ground before he died. Nobody cared that he was dead–at least nobody Cyn knew–but his territory was a huge mess for the new Vampire Lord, Anthony, to clean up. Some of Raphael’s people were there helping, but every once in a while a few rats crawled out from under their rock and caused trouble. This latest episode was a couple of Jabril’s losers who decided they didn’t like the new management. Einsteins that they were, they’d decided to drop over the line into Raphael’s territory and set up shop, preying on the locals. As if. They were too stupid to live if they thought Raphael would let something like that slide. But then, they wouldn’t have to worry about the whole “living” thing for much longer. In fact, their worries were probably over by now.

She shifted in the chair, trying to find a comfortable spot. Although, after two nights and days without him, Cyn was pretty sure there would be no comfortable spot until the big guy came home. She should have gone with him, she mused. Should have insisted. He’d wanted her all safe and sound, of course. Preferably tucked away in his underground bunker with enough food and water to keep her until he came home. Like that was going to happen. Even if it was more of a luxury suite than a bunker. She’d gone along with the idea of him going without her—and what a colossal mistake THAT had been—but there was no way she was going to hide out like some sort of scared mouse for the duration.

As it turned out, she hadn’t remained on the estate at all. The huge estate house had just felt too damn empty with Raphael and most of his guards gone, so she’d spent the time here in her own condo instead. She sighed and focused on her computer, determined to get some work done instead of sitting around mooning like a lovesick teenager. She had several client searches going, simple things she should be able to do in her sleep.

But sleep reminded her of bed which reminded her that hers was empty because a certain vampire– Her thoughts screeched to a halt and she sat up, suddenly alert. She’d docked her i-pod into her sound system downstairs. It was wired throughout the house and now . . . The song had changed to one of her favorite romantic tunes . . . and every nerve in her body was zinging.

Between one breath and the next, he was there, filling the doorway to her bedroom, little more than a hulking shadow, the hallway behind him darker than it should have been—but that was his talent . . . one of oh so many. His eyes pinned her as she looked up at him, gleaming silver in the low light. Not even the golden glow of the fire could touch those lambent depths.

Lubimaya. His voice was as dark as the night, a caress of warm honey along her skin.

She wanted to run to him, wanted to jump into his arms, drag him to the ground and have her way with him, right there in the hallway. But he was just waiting for that, wasn’t he? Arrogant bastard. She smiled instead, setting aside her computer and stretching slowly as she stood, knowing her short, tight t-shirt would outline her breasts, that her hip-hugging yoga pants would flash a good bit of flesh for him to admire.

He growled low in his throat and took a step toward her.

That was all it took. She gave in and ran, after all, meeting him halfway, or more than half, who cared? He swept her up into his arms, his mouth coming down on hers in a hard, claiming kiss, full of pent-up desire. Moaning against his mouth, she shoved his coat off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.

Too many clothes,” she fretted, tugging at his sweater, hungry for the feel of his hard flesh against her, for the taste of his skin.

Raphael gave a deep, masculine laugh, delighted at her eagerness. “It’s your clothes that are in the way, sweet Cyn.” With a single tug, he had the t-shirt over her head and off. Picking her up bodily, he feasted on her breasts as he carried her to the bed, half throwing her down even as he was stripping away her tight, stretchy pants. He grinned appreciatively at discovering her naked underneath, straightening long enough to unfasten his own denims, shoving them down his thighs and freeing his beautiful, jutting erection.

Cyn leaned back on the bed and let her eyes feast on her gorgeous lover, watching the muscles play over his chest and arms as he pulled his sweater over his head and kicked away his boots. She laughed delightedly as he climbed onto the bed, still half-dressed, spreading her thighs with his hips as he leaned in for another deep, hungry kiss.

I missed you, my Cyn.” His words were a murmur against hot skin as he licked his way down her body, pausing to suck hard on each nipple, leaving them swollen and flushed red with blood. The tiniest nick of his fangs offered that blood to his tongue and she gasped with pleasure, holding his head closer, arching her back in invitation.

You should have taken me with you,” she said breathlessly.

He responded with a sharp bite to one plump nipple and she moaned softly, the delicious mingling of pleasure and pain shuttering her eyes and sending her thoughts scattering. Her eyes flashed open on a gasp of surprise as he used her distraction to slide his full, hard length deep inside her, stretching her achingly wide until he was buried to the hilt, the tight fabric of his jeans rasping against the tender skin of her thighs.

Cyn felt tears press against the back of her eyes, an almost overwhelming rush of joy filling her as their bodies were finally joined. Just having him here, his big body crushing her into the soft bed, his mouth gliding over her skin, alternating biting and soothing as he hummed with his own pleasure—it was ecstasy, it was . . .

I love you, Raphael,” she whispered fervently. “I missed you so much.”

He kissed her mouth tenderly and began moving, long, sure strokes of his cock, plunging into her eager heat, the muscles of her silky canal caressing him with every thrust, urging him deeper, releasing him only reluctantly and only to shudder with renewed desire when he drove himself inside her once again until their bodies met with the soft slap of firm flesh. Cyn lifted her legs, wrapping them around his back, opening herself even further, inviting him to slide deeper, harder.

Raphael hissed hungrily, his lips finding the soft curve of her neck, his tongue seeking out the plump sweetness of her vein. She felt him jerk with surprise at what his tongue found there and she smiled, but only briefly as her delight in his reaction was washed away in the first clenching of her womb, the climax rolling over her like an electric current, every nerve suddenly shrieking in ecstasy as the orgasm sped through her body, bowing her back and wrenching a scream from her throat.

Raphael sank his fangs into her vein, sending her into a second orgasm before the first had even finished with her, endless ripples of pleasure tumbling her over and over until she was only blearily aware when he threw back his head and roared his own completion, her blood still glistening on his fangs.

Cyn closed her eyes, every muscle limp, every nerve exhausted. She felt Raphael tense to roll to one side and tightened her hold, unwilling to release him. “Stay,” she whispered. “You feel good.”

She felt his smile against her neck, felt his tongue as he lapped up the trickle of her blood, closing the small wound on her neck. She waited. It didn’t take long.

What is this, my Cyn?”

Cyn smiled. “That, my love, is your Valentine’s Day present.”

He didn’t say anything for a long moment. “It tastes of you.”

It is me. I asked Elke about the place she and your other vamps go. I wanted it to taste like me, like us, and I knew the vamps had the artist mix their blood in with the ink in order to keep their bodies from healing over the tattoo.”

He froze. “You let someone bleed you?” he growled.

Cyn patted his butt. “Down, big guy. He only needed a couple drops. I pricked my finger and bled myself, and I made sure any leftover ink was burned.”

He lifted his head then and examined the small heart tattooed high over her left jugular vein, the center of it a stylized letter R. His eyes met hers, glowing with liquid silver. “I’ve a gift for you, too, lubimaya. It’s in my jacket pocket.”

They both looked toward the hallway where his jacket lay discarded on the floor.

Cyn smiled and shrugged. Raphael gave her an inscrutable look, one eyebrow cocked arrogantly. And then, using that uncanny speed of his, he leapt up and was gone and back, his cock sliding neatly through the slick folds between her legs and lodging deep within her, before she’d even registered his absence. She noted appreciatively that he’d shucked his jeans on the way and was now fully naked, the sought after jacket lying on the bed next to them.

Show off.”

He kissed her softly. “I missed you.”

Cyn didn’t know if he was talking about the last two days or the last two seconds. Either way, she agreed. “Me, too.”

He snagged the jacket with one hand, reached into the pocket and pulled out a small aqua blue box. “Happy Valentine’s Day, my Cyn.”

She eyed the box quizzically, watching as he lifted off the top and produced a black velvet ring box which he then handed to her. Cyn glanced up at him, took the box and opened it. Inside was a stunning platinum band with channel set diamonds all the way around.

Raphael,” she breathed. “It’s beautiful, but you already—”

I have noticed . . .” Raphael interrupted. He removed the ring and tossed the box over his shoulder, then lifted her hand and slipped her diamond solitaire off her ring finger, sliding it onto his own pinky finger instead. Cyn smiled at the sight of the slender diamond ring stuck above the first knuckle of his much larger hand.

Raphael drew her attention back when he slid the band onto her ring finger, followed by the solitaire, so that the new band was closest to her heart, like a wedding ring. “Too many males seemed to view the previous ring as a challenge, rather than a mark of . . .” He met her gaze evenly. “Ownership,” he said bluntly. “You are mine, sweet Cyn. Never doubt it.”

Do you think I doubt it, Raphael?” she asked softly.

No. But I am selfish enough and Vampire enough to want it made clear to others, as well.”

His expression was the cool, unemotional gaze of a powerful Vampire Lord, someone used to unquestioned obedience. Which told her he knew he was treading a fine line here. Ownership? Uh huh. But she couldn’t help feel just a bit smug that he felt the need. So she smiled. “Well, it’s certainly clear now.”

Yes,” he said. “It is.”

Cyn put her arms around his neck and rippled her body sensuously against his, luxuriating in the brush of her sensitive breasts against his hard chest, the glide of their bare legs entwined in the warm glow of the fireplace.

Raphael growled softly in response, pulling her closer beneath him. “I trust you are not expecting to sleep before sunrise.”

Cyn kissed his wonderfully soft mouth as he began thrusting inside her. “I’m counting on it,” she whispered. “After all, it’s Valentine’s Day.”


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