D B Reynolds [Vampires in America] Vampire Vignettes 1 (docx)

VAMPIRE VIGNETTES – Rated R (or maybe X)



Malibu, California – December 31st

Cyn wandered through the crowded room, smiling at people, aka vampires, she didn’t know, sipping occasionally at the crystal flute of very fine champagne held in one hand. This wasn’t exactly how she’d planned to spend New Year’s Eve—not this year, the very first one she’d be celebrating with Raphael, the at long, last love of her life. Not that he wasn’t here somewhere. She could feel him in her heart, in her mind, the inexplicable connection that was like a slender filament between them, always there, no matter how far or near. It had bothered her at first, made her feel like he was spying on her, like she had no privacy at all. But it wasn’t like that. It was no longer an intrusion, but the very opposite. It gave her strength and security, the knowledge he was always there, her beautiful, powerful vampire lover.

Speaking of whom, she scanned the room once again looking for him. He shouldn’t have been that hard to find. He was not, after all, a small man. Unfortunately, neither were most of the attendees at this very private New Year’s Eve party. This was a special gathering, the heads of his various nests, his closest advisers from his Malibu headquarters—all of them were vampires of his own making, his own children, and all of them were here. There were admittedly a few female vampires scattered amongst the hulking males, but the reality was that for centuries most vampires had chosen their children from among the staunchest of warriors, and since vampires lived a very long time, most of those present reflected that selection process. Which meant the room was filled to the brim with vampire muscle.

It also meant there were no humans present, not at this party. After midnight, the vampires gathered here would join the larger party down the hall—there would be plenty of humans at that one, guests of a rather unique sort. But for now, Cyn was the only human in the room. Of course, as Raphael’s mate, she held a rarified position in the Vampire community. Unfortunately, that position didn’t get her any closer to him at this moment.

Good evening, Cynthia.”

Cyn glanced up and smiled. “Hey, Duncan,” she acknowledged.

You’re looking lovely as always,” he commented, raising his own drink in a salute. His glass held the same champagne hers did, except with a blood chaser mixed in. It was almost funny. All those big bad vampires walking around holding flutes of pink bubbly.

You’re looking rather lovely yourself, Duncan. I do love a man in a tux,” she confided as he took up station next to her. “Big party tonight, huh?”

Duncan nodded. “The biggest. New Year’s Eve is possibly the most important holiday in the Vampire culture.”

What about Halloween?”

He gave her a disgusted look. “A celebration of the dead? Really, Cynthia.”

Sorry,” she muttered, trying not to laugh. “So why New Year’s?”

Because the climax of the celebration, the raison d’etre of the entire holiday, occurs at midnight, the darkest hour. An occasion tailor-made for vampires, wouldn’t you say?”

When you put it like that, I guess so.” She glanced nervously at the clock, which was fast ticking toward midnight, and gave the room one last scan. Still no sign of Raphael. She sighed and deposited her glass of champagne on a vampire waiter’s passing tray. “I think I’ll get some air. Enjoy the party, Duncan.”

She made her way to the patio doors and slipped outside. The air was cold this close to the ocean, and wet. It felt good on her bare arms after the crowded room, although she knew it would soon grow uncomfortable. She stepped out of her stiletto heels and onto the sand, walking down towards the water and around the huge, battered rocks lining the shore. The lights of the party disappeared, her dress rustling softly in the shadows as the midnight breeze played over the water. It was a lovely dress, in a blue so dark it seemed black . . . until the moonlight caught the fabric just right and the blue sheen shone through. With a tight, strapless bodice and short, full skirt of lace and tulle, it wasn’t something she’d normally wear. But she’d bought it especially for tonight, for her first New Year’s Eve with Raphael.

She sighed again, disgusted to realize she was feeling sorry for herself. After all, this was a party, and from what Duncan had said, an important party. It was as much business as anything else, a re-forging of the bond between Vampire Sire and child. Still, it was nearly midnight, and she’d really hoped—

Abandoning me at midnight, my Cyn?”

She spun around, feeling her foolish heart kick in her chest at the sight of him standing there, so beautiful, the moonlight dancing lovingly over his high cheekbones and black eyes, his broad shoulders filling out the tuxedo in a way other men could only hope to emulate. His eyes gleamed silver as he watched her walk toward him, holding out one hand to pull her closer as she stepped up to him barefoot and stood on tip toes to reach his sensuous mouth. She sank into his kiss, a long, slow exploration, hungering for him as if it had been days rather than hours since she last tasted him. “I looked for you,” she said eventually.

I found you.”

She smiled against his lips. “Don’t you need to be inside? Your vampires are all waiting for you.”

But you’re out here.”

But it’s nearly midnight and they’re your children, and Duncan said—”

He curled one strong arm around her waist, lifting her off her feet and nuzzling his face into her neck. “There is only one of you, my Cyn. And only one place I want to be at the stroke of midnight.”

Where is that?” she asked breathlessly, threading her fingers through his short hair, feeling the warm brush of his tongue.

With you,” he breathed against her skin. “In you,” he whispered seductively. He backed her against the high rocks and slid a big hand beneath her pretty skirt, tearing away the lacy panties she’d donned just for him. His fingers found the warm wetness between her thighs and began playing with her, rubbing circles around her clit and gliding away.

Raphael,” she gasped, protesting his teasing. She fumbled between them, lowering his zipper, her fingers finding his hard length, circling him and stroking until it was his turn to gasp and then growl impatiently.

He lifted her higher, spreading her legs with his hips, his teeth pressing against the blood rush of her jugular. Inside the house, the big clock chimed midnight and the vampires roared. As if it was a signal, Raphael’s fangs pierced her vein and his cock thrust into her slick heat. Cyn cried out as she felt the exquisite pain of his fangs sinking into her vein, as his hard length plunged deep between her thighs. She wrapped her arms around him as their bodies took up a rhythm in time with the throb of the ocean, in and out, silk over satin, her legs holding him tightly, releasing him only long enough that he could plunge deeply once again. The first orgasm crashed over her, leaving her shuddering helplessly in his arms, knowing only the thrust of his cock, the pounding of the waves, the warm lap of his tongue on her neck.

Raphael,” she whispered again. His mouth found hers, filled with the salty taste of her blood until his replaced it, a hot, searing rush of ecstasy that trailed down her throat, setting every nerve on fire until she screamed into the night. He thrust deeper, harder, faster as the waves crashed against the rocks, until he roared into the night sky and they tumbled together into ecstasy.

Cyn closed her eyes, arms curled securely around Raphael’s neck, afraid to let go, afraid her legs were too weak to hold her. Raphael tightened his grip, but shifted them around until it was his back against the rocks rather than hers. Not that she’d noticed it. She burrowed into his solid strength and laughed happily.

Happy New Year, Raphael.”

Happy New Year, my Cyn.”



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