Rozdział 10 Słownictwo Grupa B

Rozdział 10

Grupa B

Imię i nazwisko:


Klasa: Wynik /20


1 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi formami wyrazów utworzonych od wyrazów podanych drukowanymi literami.

0 The eight swimmers all dived into the pool at the start of the race. SWIM

  1. The entered the stadium together, waving their country’s flag. ATHLETICS

  2. Who will win the ? That’s what we are here to find out. COMPETE

  3. Today the have to cycle 100 km high up in the French Alps. CYCLE

  4. The prepared their yachts and checked the wind direction. SAIL

  5. There aren’t many champion who are over twenty years old. GYMNASTICS

3 Uzupełnij każdą lukę w tekście tylko jednym wyrazem. Pierwsze litery wyrazów zostały podane.

There’s an 0 athletics competition at our school next month. So many people wanted to be in the 400 metres race that the school had to organise some ‘pre-tournament’ races to see who would 1 q for the actual competition. I didn’t 2 t very hard and I was a little out of

3 s so, at the end of the race, I was completely 4 e . However, I came fourth and the first four in each race went through so I was very pleased. Now I must try harder to get fit before the actual 5 e or


I will come last.

2 Połącz sporty ze zdaniami. Podano cztery dodatkowe sporty.

4 Uzupełnij każdą lukę w tekście jednym czasownikiem z ramki w odpowiedniej formie. W ramce cztery dodatkowe czasowniki.

0 Its a Japanese sport


  1. You need four people and a pack of cards to play this.

  2. You throw this.

  3. It’s an American game where you hit the ball and run.

  4. It’s a short running race of 100 or 200 metres.

  5. You hit something over a net in this game but it isn’t a ball.

Darts Baseball Hockey Karate Squash Bridge Badminton Discus Chess

0 I’m going to go skateboarding after school.

  1. It’s motivating to on new challenges.

  2. The boxer hit his opponent so hard that he him out.

  3. Who the race yesterday?

  4. You’re a really good player. You should professional.

  5. /5


    I played basketball yesterday and I eighteen points.


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