Rozdział 11 Słownictwo Grupa B

Rozdział 11

Grupa B

Imię i nazwisko:


Klasa: Wynik /20


1 Uzupełnij każdą lukę w tekście tylko jednym wyrazem. Pierwsze litery tych wyrazów zostały podane.

0 You don’t get enough sleep.

  1. I’m a to chocolate I eat three bars a day!

  1. T things easy for a while.

3 Wybierz poprawną opcję: A, B lub C.

0 I’ve got a sprained .

A heart B wrist C stomach

1 I’ve got a throat.

A sore B poor C runny


You should d lots of fluids. 2 I from asthma.

A suffer B hurt C sneeze


The doctor said they are going to o on

me tomorrow morning. 3 I’ve got tonsils.

A sore B upset

C swollen


You should r the amount of stress in your



  1. I’ve caught .

A a rash B a cold C insomnia

  1. I’m -sighted.

A poor B weak C short


2 Uzupełnij wyrazy. Każda kreska odpowiada jednej literze.

Woman: You look terrible.

Man: I 0 f e e l terrible. I feel 1 ­_ _ ­ z _ _

and I keep2_ h _ v _ r _ _ _.

Woman: Maybe you’ve got a 3 _ _ v _ _

Man: I have. I’ve got a temperature of 38 degrees.

Woman: You’ve probably got the 4 _ l _.

You should go to bed.

Man: But I have to see the doctor. He can give me a

5 _ r _ _ c _ _ _ t _ _ _ for some medicine.


Woman: Don’t bother. You know what they say sleep is the best medicine.

4 Uzupełnij każdą lukę w tekście jednym wyrazem z ramki. W ramce cztery dodatkowe wyrazy.

I read an amazing story about a man who, in the 1970’s was told that he had 0 cancer . He lived in Florida but his family was from Greece. He was told he only had a few months left to live so he went to Greece to die. He didn’t go to hospital for 1 , he didn’t see

any 2 and he wasn’t given any drugs or other 3 . He just relaxed and

4 a healthy, Greek diet and lifestyle. He’s now over one hundred years old and still in good

5 , considering his age and medical history.


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014

LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego poziom podstawowy


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