Rozdział 11 MiniMatura Grupa B

Rozdział 11

Grupa B

Imię i nazwisko:


Klasa: Wynik /50



1 Uzupełnij słowa. Każda kreska odpowiada jednej literze.

I went out with some friends last week. We had a meal in a restaurant. That night I woke up in real 0 p a i n . I had eaten a lot, so I thought it was just an 1 _ p _ _ _ stomach. I took a 2 _ _ l _ and went back to bed. The next day, I felt worse. I went to a chemist’s and told the 3 _ h _ r _ _ c _ _ _


4 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie, tak aby miało takie samo znaczenie jak zdanie wyjściowe.

0 My mum said to me: “Put a plaster on your finger”. My mum told me to put a plaster on my finger.

1 My dad said to my sister: ‘Don’t go outside with a fever.’ My dad told

how I felt. He told me to make an 4 _ _ p _ _ n _ m _ _ _ to .

see a doctor. It’s lucky I did. I had food 5 _ _ _ s _ n _ _ _ and was seriously ill for more than a week.

2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Podano cztery dodatkowe słowa.

0 This building wasn’t designed for wheelchair users.

  1. I’ve got some to rub on this burn.

  2. Take him straight to the operating .

  3. Cover your mouth when you !

  4. I twisted my when I was jogging.

  5. I suffer from . I just can’t sleep at night.

3 Uzupełnij zwroty, tak aby miały znaczenie jak najbliższe podkreślonym zwrotom w zdaniach.

0 You are ten kilograms heavier than you should be.

overweight .

  1. You should stop smoking.

up smoking

  1. I need to be examined to make sure I’m OK. have a -up

  2. I’m sorry but I’m a bit deaf.

I’m a bit of hearing.

  1. My knee suddenly hurt a lot.

I had a sharp in my knee.

  1. John can’t see.



  1. We said to my mum: “Take it easy for a few days.”

We told


  1. The doctor said to my mum: “Don’t take too many tablets.”

The doctor told


  1. Toby said to Mark: “Don’t be scared of the dentist!” Toby told


  1. My mum said to me: “Try to get more sleep.”

My mum told



5 Wybierz jedno słowo, które poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.

0 You should a nap.

Try to it easy and have a good rest.

A have B take C make

  1. Hope you better soon. You don’t enough sleep.

A get B feel C have

  1. You’re very good shape. Are you pain?

A on B with C in

  1. I’m allergic nuts.

Don’t sit there complaining about the pain, go the doctor’s.

A for B to C with

  1. I think you should cut down the amount of antibiotics you take.

The doctor will operate you tomorrow.

A in B with C on

  1. I’ve got a throat.

My eyes are because I watched too much television.

A hurt B sore C ache


6 Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A–F) do każdego fragmentu tekstu. Wpisz odpowiednią literę w miejsca (1–4). Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego fragmentu.

  1. Positive thinking will cure most things.

  2. Think of others and yourself.

  3. Make the most of new technology.

  4. Be sure you’re getting good advice.

  5. Just because you look healthy, doesn’t mean that you are.

  6. Stay healthy without the need for doctors.



The Internet is a mixture of useful and bizarre tips about health. You may misinterpret your symptoms online and the suggestions for cures may be useless or even dangerous. When it comes to your health, only listen to people who you are sure know what they are talking about.


Doctors are better trained than ever before. Advances in medicine make us all safer but visiting the doctor’s or going to hospital is still an unpleasant experience. By changing your lifestyle and eating more healthily, you can greatly reduce your chances of getting ill.


Sometimes, to be kind to colleagues, you come to work when ill. You cough and sneeze all day and don’t actually get much done. A week later, half of your colleagues are off sick, blaming you for their illness. Next time you feel ill, stay in bed. It’s better for everyone.


When we see someone who is obese, we often think about heart attacks or strokes. However, losing weight may not improve your health. Experts agree that a stressed, slim person who does no exercise is more likely to be ill than a relaxed, overweight person who goes for a short walk every day.

  1. According to the speaker,

A there is nowhere that sick people can go for treatment at the weekend.

B more people get sick at the weekend than at other times.

C only very sick people should try to see a doctor at weekends.

  1. The person who is against smoking is a A nurse.

B relative of one of the patients.

C patient.

  1. Fructose does not

A cause more weight gain than other kinds of sugar.

B lower fat levels in the body.

C come from natural sources.


8 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.

Jutro masz się zgłosić na tydzień do szpitala. To twój pierwszy pobyt w szpitalu. Napisz e-mail do przyjaciółki, która już wcześniej była w szpitalu.


7 TRACK 12 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć wypowiedzi związanych ze zdrowiem. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

  1. The boy won’t go back to school for another A week.

B two weeks.

C three weeks.

  1. The two people are talking A at school.

B after school.

C before school.

  1. The speaker did not

A see a doctor while he was on holiday.

B have any health insurance when he was on holiday.


C use any medication before he got back to England.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014


LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego poziom podstawowy


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