Rozdział 14 Słownictwo Grupa A

Rozdział 14

Grupa A

Imię i nazwisko:


Klasa: Wynik /20

Państwo i społeczeństwo

1 Uzupełnij wyrazy. Pierwsza i ostatnia litera zostały podane.

0 You pay this to the government and they spend it on schools, hospitals and other things.


  1. This is a type of government where representatives are chosen by the people in elections.

d y

  1. Dollars, Pounds and Euros are all types of this.

c y

  1. The USA’s is called The Stars and Stripes.

f g

  1. This type of person is on the left in politics.

s t

  1. This is an official statement that a government makes about how much it intends to spend and how it will raise the money.

b t

  1. Uzupełnij każdą lukę w tekście jednym wyrazem z ramki. W ramce cztery dodatkowe wyrazy.

Canada has got ten 0 provinces and three territories. The

1 between Canada and the USA is the longest in the world at almost 9000 km. The biggest city is Toronto, but it isn’t the 2 . That’s Ottawa. Canada was part of the British

3 and, although it has been independent for many years, the British Queen is still the Canadian head of 4 . During the nineteenth century, many 5

came to Canada from Ireland, Germany, Ukraine and other countries.

  1. Uzupełnij luki właściwymi formami słów utworzonych od słów podanych drukowanymi literami.

The biggest social problems where I live are 0 theft (THIEF) and 1 (VANDAL). There’s a lot of 2 (EMPLOY), especially amongst young people, and they are bored. There isn’t much

3 (VIOLENT), although there are sometimes fights in nightclubs. Local

4 (POLITICS) always talk about the problems of crime and how we should be tougher but they should worry more about the lack of 5 (INVEST) in local industries. If people had work, some problems would disappear.

  1. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w poprawnych formach. Pierwsze litery czasowników zostały podane.

0 You have broken the law and must be punished.

  1. What crime have I been a of?

  1. You have the right to r silent.

  2. Have the jury r a verdict yet?

  3. I s you to five years in prison.

  4. /5

    Over 100,000 crimes are c in this country each year.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014


LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego poziom podstawowy


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