Dluzsza forma

Zad. 1

List do koleżanki z Anglii, którą zaprosiłeś wcześniej na wakacje. Podaj w nim informacje:

Dear Agata.

I thank you, that you wrote to me. How did you spent time in last month? I think, that you played very fun. How are your parents feeling?

I am very happy that you are going to me in next weekend, but I have to you bad information. I don’t have go to you on airport because I must be in University Jagielonski on exams, because I want learn on this university. I really sorry. I hope that you don’t be angry.

I examined plan my city and I think, that you’ll not have problem go to my home. You’re go on the bus stop and you get on bus number six. You come on the Warsaw Street in 30 minutes and you get off bus. My house is across from bus stop.

When you’re in Poland we go to Wawel Castle and repository in Wieliczka. You are getting comfortable shoes and clothes.

See you in next weekend.


Zad. 2

Spędziłeś wakacje u znajomych w Anglii. Napisz list po powrocie w którym:

Dear Jane and Tom

Yesterday I came to Poland. I thank, that I spent a very great time with you in England and that you made trip to me to London. This was very great.

My air plain flew 3 hours. Trip was relaxed. I sat with one beautiful American girl. She was very nice. I gave her my e-mail address and she promised that write to me when she back to US. On the Airport my parents waited for me with my brother and slip with my name. My mom was crying. Brother and father was very happy that I’m in Poland.

I’m very unhappy that vacation be over because I have to go back to school. In this year I write matriculation and I have a lot learn.

My parents hail you and we invite you to Poland when we have free time.

Your faithfully



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