Bateryjki, wyposażenie dodatkowe, do retrofitów

Bateryjki, wyposażenie dodatkowe, do retrofitów

/ / ************************************************ ******************************
/ / NOTE: Due to overlap with KMM no e-and K-words are allowed, starting with "L" or "P"
/ / E: active supplement lines (PUSY relevance for control SA <100) (-) A maximum of 10 in the FA
/ / E LEDE LEATHER / / leather
/ / Attention Battery size over e-words. (See section H)
E B046 BATT_46AH / / 46 Ah battery
E B055 BATT_55AH / / 55 Ah battery
E B070 BATT_70AH / / 70 Ah battery
E B080 BATT_80AH / / 80 Ah battery
E B090 BATT_90AH / / 90 Ah battery
E A070 BATT_AGM_70AH / / 70 Ah AGM battery
E A080 BATT_AGM_80AH / / 80 Ah AGM battery
E A090 BATT_AGM_90AH / / 90 Ah AGM battery
E EWS4 / / rate for new generation EWS (not coding!)
E TARN TARN / / for all PPP veh. with camouflage headlight
E EFZG prototype / / test vehicles (CLASS_PWR) only in conjunction with plant control SAs 0W3 and 0W4
EMEA e / / omission must Adapter (MAIL Haller 27.2. 7:56) PA603 / 586
Sixt E / / disable DSC M3 with Sixt Fzgen
E ANRA / / "for" another radio "according to the SCCB 05:11:09 E-word not coding, just KMM!!
E OGKB OHNE_GKB_FA_BF / / Without load limiters FA / BF
E OAPC OHNE_SITZ_POS / / seat position sensors FA / BF auscodieren
E M3NK ENTFALL_KLIMA / / elimination SA534 with M3 GTS KG91, KG92 / / NA190286
E RECA NR_SPORTSITZE / / retrofitting performance sport seat for retrofitting M3 GTS performance sport seat, Project no. 000 000 484
E MSPS MIT_SITZ_POS / / seat position sensors BF eincodieren E84US

E MPTC MIT_PTC / / PTC sheeting factory - CEK from 09.05.2008
E ZABF BEIAIRBAGST2 / / Two-stage front passenger airbag 09-09-410 <09-09-450 then H word
E EEKP EKP_HW / / vehicles before 10-03-450 nachcodiert performed without rebuilding measures
E E459 SITZMEMORY_FA SPRITZD_HZG / / For type-Schl. PM93 from 03/10 to 09/10
To use e EOAS OHNE_AUFROL_STR / / Without Aufrollstrammer, older vehicles in the FIT with 16 ignition circuit devices continue to
E CTM3 CTM3 / / PVL E89 with the old hood with 3 function valves open and close while driving
E OVSW OHNE_VSW1_4 / / CTM E93, new roof sensor VSW 1.4 package stored on the left (new in 12-07-450, or in plant use at 12-07) is made hideable. (Shoring and error review)
/ /

/ /
/ / NOTE: Due to overlap with KMM no e-and K-words are allowed, starting with "L" or "P"
/ / ************************************************ ******************************
/ / H: historical lines (no PUSY relevance, former controls <100) (+ / -) Maximum 10 FA
H FITT FITT / / Display CC messages in the combined active
H TARN TARN / / for all PPP veh. with camouflage headlight
H KMB1 / / for interim status PL2-1 in combination with Codierindex I2.20
H B046 BATT_46AH / / 46 Ah battery
H B055 BATT_55AH / / 55 Ah battery
H B070 BATT_70AH / / 70 Ah battery
H B080 BATT_80AH / / 80 Ah battery
H B090 BATT_90AH / / 90 Ah battery
H A070 BATT_AGM_70AH / / 70 Ah AGM battery
H A080 BATT_AGM_80AH / / 80 Ah AGM battery
H A090 BATT_AGM_90AH / / 90 Ah AGM battery
H ID4P ID_GEBER_4 / / 4 ID-Enter for passive access
H NNIC NACHRUEST_NIC / / Re-equipment with customer complaint "clutch judder when driving"
H IHKA KLIMA_HIGH IHKA_NACHR / / Use + IHKA is in the low variant E87 without FZD FZD with no air required
H SPHZ NACHRUEST_SPHZ / / retrofitting mirror heating
H DBFA DEAKT_BEIF_AIRB / / retrofitting passenger airbag deactivation
H BEEF KEIN_RADIO / / Nachruestoption Radio Navigation Indianapolis E87 and E90
H GSHI OHNE_GUSTR_HI / / pretensioners are back to VS not installed E90/E91. / Rear belttighter not buld in till VS E90/E91
H GKBF OHNE_BF_GK / / Without belt contact passenger (PVL E90) /
H SHSZ SONDERSTANDHEIZ / / heater as Machine Accessories
H OPSS OPT_KEY_SEARCH / / temporary e-WORD spec. for CAS and KOMBI from I-5:20! (Only FIT / Labcar)
H OI12 OHNE_BF_SBR / / disable passenger Seatbeltreminder (PVL E90)
H OPOL OHNE_POL_DIMM / / Without Pin Dimming (MRS5 Flash 05-09-410 -> 05-09-420)
H IALT I_TAFEL_ALT / / Old instr.panel Installed (for control IHKA appropriate software)
H EWS4 / / rate for new generation EWS (not coding!)
H MEPS / / EPS control pre-series
(Must be at least Fzg flashed on CCC_APP.C08) H KMP3 NACHRUEST_MP3 / / Re-equipment / retrofitting MP3 activation at CCC for cars before 09/05
H ULF2 ULF2 / / Control ULF2 in CCC_APP; SVS_MICRO (or most similar)
H BRSP / / Control record for 06-03-511 Sports Cars 100% from 0606
H USHD FH_DISASHD_KR / / activation Schiebehubdach with terminal R (PA603/161?)
H IPOD IPOD CD_WECHSLER CD_DVD / / retrofitting IPOD as a CD changer
H œœ œœ / / customer oeffnen tailgate without unlocking
H abig NR_ABBIEGELICHT / / retrofitting cornering not yet in ASAP
H DIFI DPARTIKELFILTER / / diesel particulate filter
H MLIB / / Re-equipment for Lebanon for bad fuel quality
H HFMM / / HFM retrofitting retrofitting E90N46 with SA858
H K302 ALARM / / retrofitting Alarm 0306-0906
H HOS3 / / control the plant for the exhaustion of parts to 0307
H SWUL / / software update MULF
H K638 TEL_PROFESIONEL / / retrofitting Car telephone Professional
H K644 ULF / / retrofitting kit universal
H MOGB OHNE_GB / / Without GB (M3 PPP patch)
H KOAB KOLIAB / / conversion will comfort light off
H DCAN D_CAN / / As of 03/07 is dependent on a motor DCAN. Please be heading just before 09/07!
H EHHS KURZ_HEIZ / / New rear window, Einsatzt 100% from JUNI06, einfliessend with EHHS
ALKS H / / CO2_ALKS / / Adaptive air flap control
H MMSA CO2_MSA / / engine start stop automatic
H MIGR CO2_IGR / / Intelligent Alternator Control "6cyl Diesel"
H KOKU / / compressor clutch
H OMSA OHNE_MSA / / No engine start stop automatic
H IGRX / / IGR_6BMOT / / IRG encoding for "gasoline" 6cyl.
H NSWA NR_NSWA / / (Project no: 000 000 251) Pennsylvenia retrofitting FRMFA
H SPBR NR_SPORTBREMSEN / / retrofitting sport brakes, project no. 000000478
H OSST OHNE_SOFTSTOP / / retrofitting deactivation SST
H Exra EXTERNES_RADIO KEIN_RADIO / / retrofitting external radio (combi no request!)
H OI03 OHNE_SIDEBAG_VL / / side airbag deactivation, front left
H OI04 OHNE_SIDEBAG_VR / / side airbag deactivation, front right
H ZBEP PERF_CONT / / Conversion PL2 conversion from ZBEH to Perform. Controller, project no. 000000379
H K640 TELE_VORBE / / universal retrofit kit (without mute FZD), Project no. 000 000 370
H OSTH OSTH / / retrofitting heater, Project no. 000000347
H OKOM OKOM / / Conversion Komfortoeffnen deactivation, Project no. 000000304
H MKOM MKOM / / Conversion Komfortoeffnen activation, project no. 000000304
H XFRM / / retrofit heater (remove space create $ 520 without exchange FRM), Project no. 000 000 412
H MUEB MUE_BELEUCHTUNG / / retrofit measure E87N LCI tail lights, project no. FZ 000 000 246
H UKKP UMKLIKOMP / / Re-equipment Air Compressor
H KLED LED_AHM / / retrofitting LED lights for trailers, Project no. 000000453
H NAVp NAVI_PORTABLE / / retrofitting Portable Navi, project no. 000000419
H RUZU / / Re-equipment E90/91 M57D30TU2 speed variation, Project no. 000 000 474
H NSBK NR_SPIEGELBEIKL / / retrofitting Spiegelbeiklappen, Project no. 000000480
H RECA NR_SPORTSITZE / / retrofitting performance sport seat for retrofitting M3 GTS performance sport seat, Project no. 000 000 484
H RecF NR_SPORTS_FAHRE / / retrofitting Performance sports seat only driver, project no. 49563
H LINS LIN_BEDIENBLOCK / / retrofitting performance sport seat patch for LIN mirror
H TAK1 TCU_E91_AUDKORR / / TCU audio correction E91, project no. 000 000 506
H URLK ALPINA_ERSATZ / / retrofit / replacement parts are required for MSD80 ALPINA B3, Project no. 000 000 504
H EMEA / / omission must Adapter (MAIL Haller 27.2. 7:56) PA603 / 586
H MUE_BEL_FRONT MTF / / control dummy for clear separation FRONT / REAR
H toil MUE_BEL_HECK / / retrofit / upgrade facelift rear lights, project no. 000000536
H MUEG MUE_BEL_FRONT MUE_BEL_HECK / / retrofit / upgrade facelift front and rear lights, project no. 000000539
H K5DA DEAKT_BEIF_AIRB FZD FZD_E88 FZD_E89 / / BF airbag disconnection, in conjunction with roofing Electrical module without ISOFIX, Project no. 000 000 554
H MPTC MIT_PTC / / PTC sheeting factory - CEK from 09.05.2008
H OBBV ONBREMBELVERANZ / / Auskodieren Lining Wear, Project no. 000000557
H ZUOF OHNE_ZUHEIZER / / heater not working, project no. 000000563
H EFZG prototype / / test vehicles (CLASS_PWR) only in conjunction with plant control SAs 0W3 and 0W4
H WGAK / / retrofit / wastegate measure, project no. 000000712
H ASCD ASCD / / ASC (diesel) Control N57 W-bikes.
H NPOW / / conversion / performance tuning N54 135i / 335i, Project no. 22761
H ZABF BEIAIRBAGST2 / / Two-stage front passenger airbag 09-09-410 <09-09-450 then H word
H RNIC DREHZAHL_ANHEB / / Conversion / Anfahrdrehzahlanhebung with clutch judder E89xN47, Project no. 98161 156511 190164
H TEAL / / Conversion KMM / Anfahrdrehzahlanhebung with clutch judder E89xN47 EU3 EU4, project no. 169745
H DIRU / / Conversion / E9x N53 MSD80 jerking, project no. 113847
H FRAUD FRAUD / / Conversion / iSpeech One Shot Ireland PN 187425
H ONSW OHNE_NEBELSW / / retrofitting retrofitting heater - deactivation NSW
Sixt H / / disable DSC M3 with Sixt Fzgen
H EEKP EKP_HW / / vehicles before 10-03-450 nachcodiert performed without rebuilding measures
H E459 SITZMEMORY_FA SPRITZD_HZG. / / For type-Schl PM93 from 03/10 to 09/10
H ANRA / / "for" another radio "according to the SCCB 05:11:09 E-word not coding, just KMM!!
H OGKB OHNE_GKB_FA_BF / / Without load limiters FA / BF
H OAPC OHNE_SITZ_POS / / seat position sensors FA / BF auscodieren
H OSAT OHNE_SAT_BILD / / elimination satellite imagery in some countries
H MUH2 MUE_HECKL_LCI_9 / / conversion for tail lights for LCI retrofit E92/E93
H MUH1 MUE_HECKL_LCI_8 / / conversion for LCI tail lights retrofit E82/E88
H KDDE N47D20_KDDE / / Re-equipment DDE71 N47D20O0 performance L2 (originally KMM only)
H KDD1 N47D20_KDD1 / / Conversion / E91 v-max increase with diesel performance
H KAMP ERSATZ_AMP / / Can Bus replacement by low cost HiFi HiFi AMP E89
H K3AR HECKTRAEG_NACH / / NA rear luggage rack for E84 vehicles between 09/09 and 03/10
H ONIC O_DREHZ_ANHEB / / disable Anfahrdrehzahlanhebung NA190231
H M3NK ENTFALL_KLIMA / / elimination SA534 with M3 GTS KG91, KG92 / / NA190286
H KSHD SHD_KOMFORTPOS / / E84 Panaramadach comfort position for vehicles before 09/10
H Katb / / Conversion / DDE73 data compatibility for SCR catalyst at E90US only for KMM
H MSPS MIT_SITZ_POS / / seat position sensors BF eincodieren E84US
H TINT TEL_INTEGR / / telematics integration for various PLATF.
H FHRC FH_HINTEN_CABR / / Conversion / E89/E93 Rear FH
H KEPS / / EPS FSC for Altfahzeuge / Mischverbau (for CMM)
H AGRI / / Inverse EGR valve
H KDD2 / / Diesel Performance Package
H KNET RAD_TEL_US / / radio telephony for U.S.
H CTM3 CTM3 / / PVL E89 with the old hood with 3 function valves open and close while driving
H EOAS OHNE_AUFROL_STR / / Without Aufrollstrammer to use older vehicles in the FIT with 16 ignition circuit devices continue to
H OK3Z / / Conversion DDE data available at Oxi Kat exchange E90US
H DMBA DMB_AUDIO / / retrofitting DMB audio
H KDSC DSC_TR_BREMSEN / / DSC E84 brake drying
H KEQA EQ_AMPT / / customer complaint EQ AMPT70 E89
H AMKS / / N46T Panama knocking noise only for KMM
H SWTK SW_TUERKONTAKT / / threshold Tuerkontakt
H OSNU OHNE_SNU_DIAG / / Without diagnosis of Hall sensors in the lock nut
H HLED LED_OHNE_XENON / / retrofit LED rear lamps for E84 without xenon light
H FLXL LCI_XENON_SW / / retrofit for LCI-Xenon/AHL-Scheinwerfer in E84-LCI vehicles before production (07/12)
H FLCE FLC_EMPF / / automatic headlight control sensitive
De-/activate H KLSD LAUTSPR_DIAG / / Speaker diagnosis for ASD
H KVNE VERDECK_NEU / / CTM E93, new roof sensor package placed on the left
H OVSW OHNE_VSW1_4 / / CTM E93, new roof sensor VSW 1.4 package stored on the left (new in 12-07-450, or in plant use at 12-07) is made hideable. (Shoring and error review)
/ /
/ / ************************************************ ******************************
/ / K: Customer Service supplementary lines (no PUSY relevance) (+) A maximum of 10 in the FA
/ / ************************************************ *******************************
/ / NOTE: Due to overlap with KMM no e-and K-words are allowed, starting with "L" or "P"
/ /
K Oneg OHNE_NEIGUNG / / deactivation inclination sensor
K OFIS OHNE_FUNK_IN / / deactivation indoor sensor
K MTFL MIT_TAGLICHT / / with daytime running lights
K OSZV OHNE_SEL_ZV / / without selective central locking
K MSZV MIT_SEL_ZV / / with selective central locking
K LOCK VERRIEGELN_AN / / lock 16 km / h on (without head unit)
K NLOC VERRIEGELN_AUS / / lock 16 km / h off (without head unit)
K FLCN FLC_NORMAL / / automatic headlight control low sensitivity (sensitivity = Series)
K FLCS FLC_SEHR_EMPF / / automatic headlight control is very sensitive
C107 K NACHR_CKM_A107 / / Re-equipment of the mechanical activation. Procedure (CKM_A107) (no activation / Akt. Been unlocked with FB / Akt. According unlocking and opening the door with FB)
K TELD TELEMATIC_DIS / / disable function for Telematic TCU_MOST
K PVCA AKT_PERS_V_CALL / / enable voice calls staff coupled with speech recognition
K K639 NACHRUEST_TCUUS / / SAZK639 / / retrofitting Everest platform for U.S. (SA639)
K K633 BT_AKTIVIERUNG / / retrofitting MOBILE PREPARATION BUSINESS (only with SA639)
K K641 NACHRUEST_STDUS / / U.S. standard upgrade kit universal mobile phone preparation (South America and Korea)
K RASK MOST_RING_MASK / / enable bit in the MASK RING
K OSVs OHNE_SVS_LOW / / disable function "low language processing" in MASK / M ULF
K KSET AUTO_SITZVERST / / Automatic seat adjustment after unlocking FB
Disable K OI11 OHNE_FA_SBR / / Seatbeltreminder driver
Disable K OI12 OHNE_BF_SBR / / Seatbeltreminder passenger
K GKBF OHNE_BF_GK / / Without passenger belt contact
K SHSZ SONDERSTANDHEIZ / / heater as Machine Accessories
K OI03 OHNE_SIDEBAG_VL / / side airbag deactivation, front left
K OI04 OHNE_SIDEBAG_VR / / side airbag deactivation, front right
K ID4P ID_GEBER_4 / / 4 ID-Enter for passive access
K NNIC NACHRUEST_NIC / / Re-equipment with customer complaint "clutch judder when driving"
K IHKA KLIMA_HIGH IHKA_NACHR / / Use + IHKA is in the low variant E87 without FZD FZD with no air required
K SPHZ NACHRUEST_SPHZ / / retrofitting mirror heating
K DBFA DEAKT_BEIF_AIRB / / retrofitting passenger airbag deactivation
K BEEF KEIN_RADIO / / Nachruestoption Radio Navigation Indianapolis E87 and E90
K KMP3 NACHRUEST_MP3 / / Re-equipment / retrofitting MP3 activation at CCC for cars before 09/05 (Fzg must be at least flashed to CCC_APP.C08)
K USHD FH_DISASHD_KR / / activation Schiebehubdach with terminal R (PA603/161?)
K IPOD IPOD CD_WECHSLER CD_DVD / / retrofitting IPOD as a CD changer
K œœ œœ / / customer oeffnen tailgate without unlocking
K abig NR_ABBIEGELICHT / / retrofitting cornering not yet in ASAP
K DIFI DPARTIKELFILTER / / diesel particulate filter
K MLIB / / Re-equipment for Lebanon for bad fuel quality
K HFMM / / HFM retrofitting retrofitting E90N46 with SA858
K KFDM / / retrofitting flexible diagnostic module
K K302 ALARM / / retrofitting Alarm 0306-0906
K SWUL / / software update MULF
K K638 TEL_PROFESIONEL / / retrofitting Car telephone Professional
K K644 ULF / / retrofitting kit universal
K KOAB KOLIAB / / conversion will comfort light off
K NSWA NR_NSWA / / (Project no: 000 000 251) Pennsylvenia retrofitting FRMFA
K SPBR NR_SPORTBREMSEN / / retrofitting sport brakes
K OSST OHNE_SOFTSTOP / / retrofitting deactivation SST
K Exra EXTERNES_RADIO KEIN_RADIO / / retrofitting external radio, project no. 000000260, 261
K ZBEP PERF_CONT / / Conversion PL2 conversion from ZBEH to Perform. Controller, project no. 000000379
K K640 TELE_VORBE / / universal retrofit kit (without mute FZD), Project no. 000 000 370
K OSTH OSTH / / retrofitting heater, Project no. 000000347
K OKOM OKOM / / Conversion Komfortoeffnen deactivation, Project no. 000000304
K MKOM MKOM / / Conversion Komfortoeffnen activation, project no. 000000304
K XFRM / / retrofit heater (remove space create $ 520 without exchange FRM), Project no. 000 000 412
K MUEB MUE_BELEUCHTUNG / / retrofit measure E87N LCI tail lights, project no. FZ 000 000 246
K KLED LED_AHM / / retrofitting LED lights for trailers, Project no. 000000453
K NAVp NAVI_PORTABLE / / retrofitting Portable Navi, project no. 000000419
K RUZU / / Re-equipment E90/91 M57D30TU2 speed variation, Project no. 000 000 474
K NSBK NR_SPIEGELBEIKL / / retrofitting Spiegelbeiklappen, Project no. 000000480
K RECA NR_SPORTSITZE / / retrofitting performance sport seat, Project no. 000000484
K RecF NR_SPORTS_FAHRE / / retrofitting Performance sports seat only driver, project no. 49563
K LINS LIN_BEDIENBLOCK / / retrofitting performance sport seat patch for LIN mirror
K TAK1 TCU_E91_AUDKORR / / TCU audio correction E91, project no. 000 000 506
K URLK ALPINA_ERSATZ / / retrofit / replacement parts are required for MSD80 ALPINA B3, Project no. 000 000 504
K toil MUE_BEL_HECK / / retrofit / upgrade facelift rear lights, project no. 000000536
K MUEG MUE_BEL_FRONT MUE_BEL_HECK / / retrofit / upgrade facelift front and rear lights, project no. 000000539
K K5DA DEAKT_BEIF_AIRB FZD FZD_E88 FZD_E89 / / BF airbag disconnection, in conjunction with roofing Electrical module without ISOFIX, Project no. 000 000 554
K OBBV ONBREMBELVERANZ / / Auskodieren Lining Wear, Project no. 000000557
K ZUOF OHNE_ZUHEIZER / / heater not working, project no. 000000563
K WGAK / / retrofit / wastegate measure, project no. 000000712
K ASCD ASCD / / ASC (diesel) Control N57 W-bikes.
K NPOW / / conversion / performance tuning N54 135i / 335i, Project no. 22761, N55 135i / 335i, NA 190224 190565
K RNIC DREHZAHL_ANHEB / / Conversion / Anfahrdrehzahlanhebung with clutch judder E89xN47 EU5, project no. 156511 (98161) 190174
K TEAL / / Conversion KMM / Anfahrdrehzahlanhebung with clutch judder E89xN47 EU3 EU4, project no. 169745
K DIRU / / Conversion / E9x N53 MSD80 jerking, project no. 113847
K FRAUD FRAUD / / Conversion / iSpeech One Shot Ireland PN 187425
K ONSW OHNE_NEBELSW / / retrofitting retrofitting heater - deactivation NSW / / NA 187686
K OSAT OHNE_SAT_BILD / / elimination satellite imagery in some countries / / NA 190129
K MUH2 MUE_HECKL_LCI_9 / / conversion for tail lights for LCI retrofit E92/E93 / / NA 190103
K KDDE N47D20_KDDE / / Re-equipment DDE71 N47D20O0 performance L2 (originally only KMM), / / ??RCV 190132
K KDD1 N47D20_KDD1 / / Conversion / E91 v-max increase with diesel performance / / NA 190151
K KAMP ERSATZ_AMP / / Replacement Can-Bus low cost HiFi HiFi AMP by E89 / / NA 190171
K K3AR HECKTRAEG_NACH / / NA rear luggage rack for E84 vehicles between 09/09 and 03/10 / / NA 190183
K ONIC O_DREHZ_ANHEB / / disable Anfahrdrehzahlanhebung / / NA 190231
K KSHD SHD_KOMFORTPOS / / E84 Panaramadach comfort position for vehicles before 09/10 / / NA 190218
K Katb / / Conversion / DDE73 data compatibility for SCR catalyst at E90US only for KMM / / NA 190216
K GTRR / / HO word to correct the Schaltklackerproblem's in the DKG / GS40 in HO / / NA 190279
K MUH1 MUE_HECKL_LCI_8 / / conversion for retrofit E82/E88 LCI tail lights / / 190284
K FHRC FH_HINTEN_CABR / / Conversion / FH E89/E93 Rear / / NA 190296 190491
K KEPS / / EPS FSC for Altfahzeuge / Mischverbau / / NA 190323 190324
K AGRI / / Inverse EGR valve / / NA 190306
K KDD2 / / Diesel Performance Package / / NA 190308
K KNET RAD_TEL_US / / radio telephony for U.S. / / NA 190334
K MOTORCYCLE / / Conversion for CD83 ALPINE CD73 radio, only for CMM / / NA 190357 190358
K OK3Z / / Conversion DDE data available at Oxi Cat E90US exchange for KMM / / NA 190370
K DMBA DMB_AUDIO / / retrofitting DMB audio / / NA 190385
K KDSC DSC_TR_BREMSEN / / DSC E84 brake drying / / NA 190381 190485
K KEQA EQ_AMPT / / customer complaint EQ AMPT70 E89 / / NA 190411
K AMKS / / N46T Panama knocking noise only for KMM / / NA 190413
K SWTK SW_TUERKONTAKT / / threshold Tuerkontakt / / NA 190424
K HLED LED_OHNE_XENON / / retrofit LED rear lamps for E84 without xenon light / / NA 190442
K FLXL LCI_XENON_SW / / retrofit for LCI-Xenon/AHL-Scheinwerfer in E84-LCI vehicles before production (07/12) / / NA 190467, 190468
K FLCE FLC_EMPF / / automatic headlight control sensitive / / NA 190475
K KLSD LAUTSPR_DIAG / / enable or disable Speaker diagnosis for ASD / / NA 190488
K KVNE VERDECK_NEU / / CTM E93, new roof sensor package placed left / / NA 190495
K OKOS O_KOMFORT_SCHL / / retrofitting elimination Komfortoeffnen about Castle in SA 877 / / NA 190627
/ / K MUE9 / / Facaelift retrofitting Xenon headlights E89 / / NA 190 578 and 190580
K CSUS CARSHARING_US / / U.S. car-sharing, disable CC message key is
/ / NOTE: Due to overlap with KMM no e-and K-words are allowed, starting with "L" or "P"


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