friends listening joey breaks up with janine

Friends TV Show, “Joey Breaks Up with Janine”

Directions: Watch the clip. Then, answer the comprehension questions.

Scene 1

  1. Janine is Joey’s girlfriend. Why is she not going over for dinner?

  1. Chandler & Monica are Joey’s best friends. What does Janine think about Chandler? Monica?

  1. What does Monica say when she shuts the door?

Scene 2

  1. What happens at Joey’s apartment?

  1. What does Chandler say is boring?

  1. Why is Joey upset?

Scene 3

  1. What does Janine apologize for?

  1. Why does Janine run out of the building?

  1. What does Monica do?

  1. What do Chandler and Joey do at the end?

Scene 4

  1. What do Joey, Chandler and Monica talk about?


Directions: Write the definition for each word. Then, write a new sentence using the word.

  1. blah (slang)

Definition: boring or not okay

Examples: She thinks you’re blah. I feel blah.


  1. hoot

Definition: funny and fun

Examples: She is a hoot. We laughed all night.


  1. coming over

Definition: to go somewhere

Examples: Why is Janine not coming over for dinner? I was just coming over to apologize for my behavior.

subject + to be + coming over

I + am + coming over + to (ex. study/eat)

I + am + coming over for (ex. dinner/lunch/tea)

I + am + coming over in (ex. five minutes)




  1. gotta (slang)

Definition: have to

Examples: I gotta talk to Janine.

subject + gotta + base form verb

I + gotta + talk + to Janine.


  1. gonna (slang)

Definition: going to

Examples: I’m gonna talk to them about it. What am I gonna do?

subject + to be + gonna + base form verb

I + am + gonna + talk + to them.


  1. wanna (slang)

Definition: want to

Examples: Do you wanna go watch? I wanna go to the party.

subject + wanna + base form verb

I + wanna + go.



Have you ever disliked your best friend’s partner?

Have you ever gotten into a fight with them?

Would you break up with someone if your friends didn’t like them?


Scene 1

Monica: Why is Janine not coming over for dinner?

Joey: Well, she didn’t want to hang out with you guys two nights in a row.

Chandler: Why didn’t she want to hang out with us?

Joey: Because she thinks that you are blah. And that you Monica are too loud.

What? What?

Chandler: So she was just pretending to like us last night? She was just lying to our faces?

Monica: I can’t believe this. Who is she to judge? We could not have been nicer to her.

Chandler: And I am not blah. I am a hoot.

Joey: Come on, please, please, don’t be mad. I’m sure she just said that stuff because she was just nervous. You guys are my best friends. You know, and it was our first date. Plus, she’s really sick.

Chandler: No, you said you made that up.

Joey: I know. But don’t you think the sick thing is better than the play thing.

Chandler: No, they’re both good. I generally go with the “Monica is drunk” thing.

Joey: Come on you, guys, please, please. Just give her another chance, huh? She’ll come around. I promise.

Monica: Ofcourse, we will. Come on, we can make dinner.

Chandler: Okay.

Monica: I do not like that woman.

Joey: I can hear you.

Monica: I am loud.

Scene 2

Joey: See. Wasn’t that fun?

Janine: We have got to move.

Monica: I knew it. You’re not so quiet yourself, missy.

Chandler: And I’m blah? The only thing that is more boring than watching Modern dance is hearing you talk about it. Oh, Chandler. I just lost myself in a movement.

Janine: You know. You know, I hear you talking, but all I hear is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Monica: Alright. You and me. Let’s go, right now.

Joey: Enough. Enough. You two, go home. I gotta talk to Janine.

Chandler: You know, I really think you can take her.

Monica: You better hope I don’t see you in the hallway.

Joey: Alright, ah, look, we got a little bit of a problem here. These people are my friends. You can’t treat them that way.

Janine: They said stuff to me too you know.

Joey: I know, I know. And I’m gonna talk to them about it. They mean so much to me. They’re like my family. If you guys are gonna be fighting all the time, I don’t think we can be together. It just can’t work. It just can’t. I’m very upset.

Janine: Okay, okay, would it help if I went over and apologized?

Joey: Yeah, yeah, that’d be very helpful.

Scene 3

Monica: What did I tell you about the hall?

Janine: I was just coming over to apologize for my behavior. I’d really like it if we could be friends.

Monica: I know it would make Joey happy, so I would like that too.

Janine: Great.

Monica: Come on. I’m glad we worked things out.

Janine: Me too. I’ll see you.

Monica: Bye.

Janine: Or I’ll hear you.

Monica: That’s it big girl, come on.

Janine: Wait.

Monica: You better run.

Chandler: Did you hear that?

Joey: Yeah. What am I gonna do?

Chandler: I don’t know. I’m sorry man. Ya wanna go watch?

Joey: Yeah.

Scene 4

Chandler: Hey.

Joey: Hey. How you doin?

Chandler: So, did she move out?

Joey: Pretty much.

Monica: I can’t believe you just broke up with her, just like that.

Joey: Well, when it’s not right, ya know it.

Chandler: You okay?

Joey: Yeah. I’ll be alright.

Ross: You know what would cheer you up?

Joey: What?

Ross: I’m giving this lecture on erosion theories tomorrow night. I think you should come.

Joey: You’re right. That did cheer me up.



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