Sciąga angielski 2

Asset – something such as money or property that a person or company owns – kapitał

Beg – to ask people for money, usually by poor – błagać, prosić

Blend – to mix something in attractive way – mieszanka, zestaw

Blog – personal web page – blog

Bottom line – the most basic fact or issue in a situation – najważniejsze

Bucks – informal: Money – kasa, forsa

Coupon – a piece of paper that allows you to buy something – kupon

Dip into – to take some money from an amount you have saved – zanurzyć się, sięgnąć

Drag on – to continue for longer than you want or think is necessary - rozwlec, wlec się

Edge – an advantage that makes someone or something more successful than other people or thing – krawędź

Household – relating to homes - gospodarswo domowe

Lure – to persuade someone to do something by making it look very attractive – ponęta, wabik

Mortgage – a legal agreement in which you borrow money from a bank in order to buy house – hipoteka

Odds – the chances if something happening – szansa, kurs

Pitch – a sort speech, presentation – przemowa

Premises – the building or lands that a business or organizations uses – local, teren

Quantitative – formal: involving amounts – ilościowy

Raft – a small light boat made of rubber or plastic – tratwa

Raw materials – substances as coal or iron that are in their natural state – surowce

Razor – a small tool used for shaving – brzytwa

SMS – short message service – SMS

Spare – object kept in addition to other similar objects in case you need it – zapasowy

Stake – the part of a business you own because you have invested money in it – stawka

Stealth – a quiet and secret way of behaving so that no one sees you or hears you - ukryty

Stifle – to stop something from developing normally – tłumić, zdusić

Subliminal – something is you don’t notice or think about it - podświadomy

Track record – your reputation, based on things you have done or not done – osiągniecia, historie


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