sciaga angielski jedna strona(1)

Zdania czasowe:

Zd. Nadrzedne: Future Simple / F. Cont. / F. Perfect / Must / Can / May /prośba; polecenie


Zdanie czasowe: Present simple / present cont. / present perfect.

Srtona bierna :

Strona czynna I: podmiot + orzeczenie + dopełnienie

A bus + hit + my cat.

Str bierna I:

dopelnienie +BE(forma) + inies.Bierny3for + BY z podm

My cat + was + hit + by a bus.

Str. Czynna II:

podmiot + orzeczenie + dop dalsze + dop. Blizsze

A friend + gave + me + the money.

Str. Bierna IIA:

dop.dalsze+BE(forma)+imiesBieform+dop.bliz+BYzpod I + was + given + the money + by a friend.

Str. Bierna IIB:


The money + was + given + to me + by a friend.

Zmiana strony czynnej na bierna:

  1. present simple - am / are / is

  2. present cont. - am /are / is + begin

  3. future simple - will be

  4. past simple - was / were

  5. past cont. - was / were + begin

  6. present perfect - has been / have been

  7. past perfect - had been

Okres warunkowy typ 1

Zd. Nadrzedne:

Future Simple / F. Cont. /F. Perfect / Must / Can / May

Spójnik: IF / UNLESS

Zdanie czasowe: Present simple/ present cont. / present perfect.

P: We will go to London if he gets a passport tomorrow.

Okres warunkowy typ 2

Zd. Nadrzedne: Would (Could/Might/Should) + bezokol.

Spójnik: IF

Zdanie czasowe: Present simple.

P: He would go to London if he got a passport now.

Okres warunkowy typ 3

Zd. Nadrzedne:

Would(Could/Might /Should) +HAVE +imiesbier 3form.

Spójnik: IF

Zdanie czasowe: past perfect / past perfect cont.

P: He would have gone to London 3 days ago if he had got a passport.

Tryb łączący:


Przyszłość: would + bezokol.

I wish he would go to London tomorrow.

Terażniejszość: past simple

I wish he went to London now.

Przeszłość: past perfect.

I wish he had gone to London last week.

Po WISH zawsze WERE we wszystkich osobach!!!!

WOULD RATHER = `d rather

  1. I/you/... Would rather + bezokol.

Przykład: I would rather stay here.

  1. I'd rather + zdanie z innym podmiotem.

Przyszłość + terażniejszość: past simple.

Przykład: I'd rather she come today.

Przyszłość: past perfect.

Przykład: I'd rather he had left yesterday.

Mowa zależna.

1. Present simple. I do my homework every day.

a) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Present simple Present simple

Say / tell(s) sb / think(s) do(es)

P: Bob says (that) he does his homework every day.

b) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Past simple Present simple→past simple

Say / told sb / thought do(es) →did

P: Bob said (that) he did his homework every day.

2. Present cont. I'm doing my homework.

a) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Present simple Present cont.

Say / tell(s) sb / think(s) am/are/is doing

P: Bob says (that) he is doing his homework.

b) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Past simple Present cont. → past cont.

Say / told sb / thought doing → was/were doing

P: Bob said (that) he was doing his homework.

3. Future simple. I will do my homework on Monday.

a) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Present simple Future simple

Say / tell(s) sb / think(s) will do

P: Bob says (that) he does his homework every day.

b) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Past simple Future simple → Future in the past

Say / told sb / thought will do →would do

P: Bob said (that) he would do his homework on Monday.

4. Future cont. I will be doing my homework all day.

a) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Present simple Future cont.

Say / tell(s) sb / think(s) will be doing

P: Bob says (that) he will be doing his homework all day.

b) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Past simple Future cont. → Future cont. in the past.

Say / told sb will be doing → would be doing

P: Bob said (that) he would be doing his homework every day.

5. Past simple. I did my homework on Monday.

a) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Present simple Past simple

Say / tell(s) sb / think(s) did

P: Bob says (that) he did his homework on Monday.

b) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Past simple Past simple → Past perfect

Say / told sb / thought did → had done

P: Bob said (that) he had done his homework on Monday.

6. Past cont. I was doing my homework from 7 to 9.

a) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Present simple Past cont.

Say / tell(s) sb / think(s) was / were doing

P: Bob says(that)he was doing his homework from 7 to 9.

b) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Past simple Past cont.→ Past perfect cont.

Say / told sb was / were doing → had been doing

P: Bob said (that) he had been doing his homework on Monday.

7. Present perfect. I haven't done my homework.

a) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Present simple present perfect.

Say / tell(s) sb / think(s) have /has done

P: Bob says (that) he hasn't done his homework.

b) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Past simple present perfect.→ Past perfect.

Say / told sb have /has done → had done

P: Bob said (that) he had done his homework on Monday.

8. Present perfect cont.

I have been doing my homework for 2 hours.

a) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Present simple Present perfect cont.

Say / tell(s) sb / think(s) have /has been doing.

P: Bob says (that) he has been doing his homework for 2 hours.

b) Zd. Nad. (THAT) zd. Pod.

Past simple Present perfect cont.→ Past perfect cont.

Say / told sb have /has been doing → had been doing

P: Bob said (that) he had been doing his homework for 2 hours.

Czasowniki zdan nadrzednych:

Say(s)→said; tell(s) → told; explain(s) → explained; answer(s) → answered; replay(s) → replied; announce(s) → announced; repeat(s) → repeated; promise(s) → promised; remark(s) → remarked; think(s) → thought

Pytania tak jak mowa zalezna ale dokladamy if

P: Bob: Do you cook dinner every day, Eve?

Bob asks Eve if she cooks dinner every day.

Bob asked Eve if she cooks dinner every day.

Czasowiki zdan pytajacych nadrzednych:

Ask(s) → asked; wonder(s) → wondered; question(s); want(s) to know → wanted to know; enquire(s) → enquired;

Rozkazy zależne:

Zdanie zwykłe → zdanie zależne bezokloicznikowe.

P1: Mike: Go home, Eve!

Mike told Eve to go home.

P2: “Don't drive so fast”, she warned him.

She warned him not to drive so fast.

Odpowiednie czasowniki dla rozkazów:

Tell(s) → told; ask(s) → asked; say(s) → said; order → ordered; warn(s) → warned; command(s) → commanded; advise(s) → advised;

Present simple

Podmiot + przys.częst + czsow.gł +......+ (określ.przysł.)

3os.l.poj. -(e)s

I/you /we/you/they drive/work/do

He/she/it drives/works/does

Pytania: Do I/you we/you/they work/drive?

Does He/she/it work/drive?

Przeczenia: I/you we/you/they don't work/drive?

He/she/it doesn't work/drive?

Przysłówki: always, never, often, rarely, usually, sometimes, every day..., on Sundays, from time to time.

Present continuos:

Podmiot + BE + czsow.gł. + + określ.czasu

(AM/ARE/IS) z koń. -ing.

I'm are....he/she/it is ..... we/you/they are + diving

Pytanie przea inwersje: am I ..... are you ...... is it ...

Przeczenie: not

Przys: now, at present, at the moment, today, tomorrow, this week,

Past simple:

Podmiot + czas.gł + ......+ (OKR.CZASU)

2-ga forma (-ed.)

I/you/she/he/it/we/you/they enjoyed

Pytania: did I/you/she/he/it/we/you/they enjoy ?

Przeczenie: I/you/she/he/it/we/you/they didn't enjoy.


I/she/he/it was/wasn't

you/we/you/they were /weren't

Pytania: Was I/she/he/it ?

Were you/we/you/they?

Przysłówki: yesterday, the day before yesterday, the other day, just now, 2 hours(days,months,years) ago, last Monday (week, month,jear)

Past continuos:

Podmiot + BE + czasow.gł + ..+ (okres.czasu)

(was/were) z konc. -ing.

I/she/he/it was/wasn't playing.

you/we/you/they were /weren't playing.

Pytanie: Was I/she/he/it playing?

Were you/we/you/they playing?

Przysłówki: all day yesterday, all night, all the afternoon, from 10 to 12,at 11 o'clock yesterday ( last night, this morning), yesterday at 11, this time yesterday,

Present perfect:

Podmiot + have/has + przysł.+imiesł.bierny +... +(przysł)

3 forma

I/you /we/you/they have/haven't finished.

He/she/it has/hasn't finished.

Pytanie: Have I/you /we/you/they finished?

Has He/she/it finished?

Przysłówki: for 2 hours (a long time, many days,...) since Friday (tea-time, she was a child ...), just, already, yet, lately, recently, at last, ever, never, so far, up till now, up to the present, czasami this morning (afternoon, evening, week ,month, year,...)

Past perfect:

Podmiot + HAD + przysł. + imiesłów bier + ...

3-cia forma

I/you/He/she/it/we/you/they had gone.

Pytanie przez inwersje.

Przysłówki: after, before, when, as soon as, until/till, by the time that, by that time, never ... before, already, ever, for,

Past perfect continuous:

Podmiot + HAD + przysł. + BEEN + czasow.gł + ...

z koń. -ing.

Pytanie przez inwersje.

Przysłówki: after, before, when, until/till, by the time that, by that time, all day, already, for.

Future simple:

Podmiot + WILL + czas.gł + (okreslenie czasu)

Pytanie przez inwersje.

Określenie czasu: tomorrow, tomorrow morning, the day after tomorrow, next week (monday..), in 10 minutes ( 2 hours), at 4 o'clock, soon.

Future continuous:

Podmiot + WILL + BE + czas.gł + (okreslenie czasu)

z koń ing.

Przysłówki: from ... to, all night, at 4 o'clock, tomorrow, tomorrow morning, this morning after tomorrow.

Future perfect:

Podmiot + WILL +HAVE + przysł. + imiesłów bier + ...

3-cia forma czas..

awake - awoke - awoken - budzić się

be - was / were - been -być

bear - bore - borne - urodzić

beat - beat - beaten - bić

become - became - become - zostać

begin - began - begun - zaczynać

bend - bent - bent - zakładać się

bind - bound - bound - wiązac

bite - bit - bitten - gryźć

bleed - bled - bled - krwawić

blow - blew - blown - dmuchać

break - broke - broken - złamać

breed - bred - bred - hodować, rodzić

bring - brought - brought - przynosić

build - built - built - budować

burn - burned - burned - palić, parzyć

burst - burst - burst - rozrywac; wybuchac

buy - bought - bought - kupowac

cast - cast - cast - rzucac

catch - caught - caught - łapac; chwytac

choose - chose - chosen - wybierac

come - came - come - przyjsc ; przyjechac

cost - cost - cost - kosztować

creep - crept - crept - czołgać się ; skradać się

cut - cut - cut - ciąć

deal - dealt - dealt - mieć do czynienia ; postapic

dig - dug - dug - kopac

do - did - done - robic ; czynic

draw -drew - drawn - ciagnac , rysowac

dream - dreamed - dreamed - snić; marzyć

drink - drank - drunk - pić

eat - ate- eaten - jeść

fall - fell - fallen - upaść

feed -fed - fed - karmić ; żywić

feel - felt - felt - czuć ( się )

fight - fought - fought - walczyć

find - found - found - znaleźć

flee - fled - fled - uciekać

fling - flung - flung - rzucać

fly - flew - flown - lecieć

forbid - forbade - forbidden - zabraniać

forget - forgot - forgotten - zapominać

forgive - forgave - forgiven - przebaczać

forsake - forsook - forsaken - opuszczać

freeze - froze - frozen - marznąć

get - got - got - dostać

give - gave - given - dawać

go - went - gone - iść ; jechać

grind - ground - ground - mleć ; ucierać

grow - grew - grown - rosnąć

hang - hanged - hanged - wieszać (kogoś)

have - had - had - mieć ; posiadać

hear - heard - heard - słyszeć

hide - hid - hidden - ukrywać (się)

hit - hit - hit - uderzyć

hold - held - held - trzymać

hurt - hurt - hurt - zranić (się)

keep - kept - kept - trzymać

kneel - kneeled - kneeled - klękać

knit - knitted - knitted - robić na drutach

know -knew - known - znać ; wiedzieć

lay - laid - laid - kłaść ; położyć

lead - led - led - prowadzić

lean - leaned -leaned - opierać się

leap - leaped - leaped - skakać

learn - learned - learned - uczyć się

leave - left - left - opuszczać

lend - lent - lent - pożyczać

let - let - let - pozwalać

lie - lay - lain - leżeć

light - lighted - lighted - zapalać

lose - lost - lost - gubić

make - made - made - robić

mean - meant - meant - znaczyć

meet - met - met - spotykać

mow - mowed - mown - kosić

pay - paid - paid - płacić

prove - proved - proved - udowadniać

put - put - put - kłaść

quit - quitted - quitted - opucszczać

read - read - read - czytać

ride - rode - ridden - jeździć

ring - rang - rung - dzwonić

rise - rose - risen - wstawać

run - ran - run - biec

saw - sawed - sawn - piłować

say - said - said - mówić

see - saw - seen - widzieć

seek - sought - sought - szukać

sell - sold - sold - sprzedawać

send - sent - sent - wysyłać

set - set -set - ustawiać

sew - sewed - sewn - szyć

shake - shook - shaken - trząść

shine - shone - shone - świecić się

shoot - shot - shot - strzelać

show - showed - shown - pokazywać

shrink - shrank - shrunk - kurczyć się

shut - shut - shut - zamykać

sing - sang - sung - śpiewać

sink - sank - sunk - tonąć

sit - sat - sat - siedzieć

slay - slew - slain - zabijać

sleep - slept - slept - spać

slide - slid - slid - ślizgać się

smell - smelled - smelled - pachnieć

smell - smelt - smelt - czuć

sow - sowed - sown - siać

speak - spoke - spoken - mówić

speed - speeded - speeded - spieszyć się

speed - speed - speed - mknąć

spell - spelled - spelled - literować

spend - spent - spent - spędzać

spill - spilled - spilled - rozlewać

spin - spun - spun - prząść

spit - spat - spat - pluć

split - split - split rozszczepiać

spoil - spoiled - spoiled - psuć

spread - spread - spread - rozciągać

spring - sprang - sprung - skakać

stand - stood - stood - stać

steal - stole - stolen - kraść

sting - stung - stung - kłuć żądlić

stink - stank - stunk - śnierdzieć

stride - strode - stridden - kroczyć

strike - struck - struck - uderzać

strive - strove - striven - starać się

swear - swore - sworn - przysięgać

sweep - swept - swept - rozciągać się

swell - swelled - swollen - puchnąć

swim - swam - swum - pływać

swing - swung - swung - huśtać się

take - took - taken - brać

teach - taught - taught - nauczać

tear - tore - torn - rwać

tell - told - told - mówić

think - thought - thought - sądzić

throw - threw - thrown - rzucać

trust - trust - trust - pchać

tread - trod - trodden - stąpać

understand - understood - understood - rozumieć

wake - woke - woken - budzić się

wear - wore - worn - mieć ubranie, nosic

weave - wove - woven - tkać

weep - wept - wept - płakać

wet - wetted - wetted - moczyć

win - won - won - wagrywać

wind - wound - wound - nawijać

wring - wrung - wrung - wkręcać

write - wrote - written - pisać


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