Feng Yu Jiu Tian eng t 15 Chapter 4 2

Feng Yu Jiu Tian - Volume 15 - Chapter 4.2

Sure is embarrassing translating this sweet n adorable couple. LOL! Thank you for your hard work Minak Amie


With a smile on his face, Rong Tian grasped Feng Ming’s hands and guided it to a certain area below his hips.

Hot and hard, his fingertips could feel the pulsating heat, almost as if he could sense the wildly pumping blood.

No matter how long they have been together, when it comes to sex, Feng Ming always found it difficult to hide his embarrassment. Even though his body obviously wanted more, his mind still refused to allow any form of desperation to show on his face. Grasping Little Tian, Feng Ming’s heart beat wildly, but externally, his face held on to his calm facade.

He unconsciously licked his lips as he took hold of the thing in front of him. Rong Tian’s instincts as a natural born hunter noticed the small action and he wordlessly began to bite softly and kiss him relentlessly.

Mmm…” Feng Ming softly whimpered very enticing moans.

Inside the room, the steam seemed to evaporate and form a hazy mist around them, and the thick fragrance of desire permeated their surroundings.

Rong Tian didn’t want to part from the other man, but after a little touching here and there, he released Feng Ming from his hold. However, his tongue continued to ravish his adorable prey. Twining their tongues together, sucking, and kissing him until Feng Ming could no longer think straight. He let go of Feng Ming for a while to breathe some air as a domineering smile bloomed across the king’s face.

How was it? Did you like the gift this King had prepared?”

Due to holding and practicing the sword all year round, Rong Tian’s hands were full of calluses. Those rough hands of his were currently sliding down Feng Ming’s beautiful and graceful waist, trying to savour the touch as they slid further down his body.

Rong Tian!” With his sensitive place being touched and, moreover, with his little Ming in Rong Tian’s grasp, Feng Ming couldn’t help calling out ambiguously.

(EDnote: LOL. Can I do that? Can I just type “penis?” Little Feng Ming sounds awkward and I’m running out of creative ways to describe it. How about “thing” “rod” “little brother” “balls” “family jewels” “organ” “Little Feng” “Little Ming” “Xiao Feng”?) TL : This is one of a dilemma we have to get through when translating n editing. Lols!  So let u choose urself..

Rong Tian sweetly whispered, “Be good and hold mine as well.”

Feng Ming obeyed Rong Tian’s instructions. Blushing from ear to ear, he grasped the sinful thing that was currently submerged in the warm water.

Rong Tian’s eyes shined brightly and a smile lit up his face as he watched him. Feng Ming didn’t know where to hide his face, simply moving forward to cover it with the king’s broad shoulders.

He couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.

This guy, his body is so manly and magnificent. Ah… I wonder if I’ll ever be able to look like this.


Rong Tian’s skilled hands were attentively and slowly stroking him, looking as if he was caressing his most cherished treasure.

However, this dominating figure who stood above others, was breathing disorderly under the awkward and fumbling caresses of this adorable lover.

Stroke mine harder and play with those below it as well.” His voice sounded hoarse and seductive as he trying to guide Feng Ming’s movements.

Feng Ming smiled playfully and narrowing his eyes like a cat, disregarded Rong Tian’s guidance. Instead, he used his smooth and round fingertips to tease the tip mercilessly.

Rong Tian breathed heavily from the stimulation and after some time, softly bit on Feng Ming’s earlobe in retaliation. Pretending to be irate, he sternly whispered in his ear, “Don’t forget yours is also currently in this King’s hand.”

Feng Ming lightly chuckled and suddenly used his tongue to lick Rong Tian’s lips, further provoking him.

When it comes to Rong Tian, he was truly fearless.

Seeing his mischievousness made Rong Tian feel delighted, and he kissed him helplessly.

It appears my Duke Ming has become more and more spoiled.” His palm moved incessantly, mercilessly stroking Feng Ming with his hand.

The water temperature and Rong Tian’s stroking made Feng Ming heat up until nothing else seemed to matter. Without even knowing when, he had forgotten to continue working on Little Tian.

Rong Tian…nn…ahh…” With his beautiful eyes half-closed and with a lustful expression on his face, he moaned seductively. “It’s so good…mmm..ahh”

After playing around inside the bath tub for some time, Rong Tian finally put a perfectly satisfied Feng Ming in his embrace and carried him out the room and onto the bed. He took a long piece of cloth, prepared earlier by Chiu Yue, to wipe the water droplets off Feng Ming’s body.

After soaking in the warm water, his skin had turned a beautiful shade of pink. His skin felt soft like a baby’s, making people want to fondle admiringly. Up till now, he was forced to travel day and night. Finally seeing him once again, it could be said that Rong Tian’s missing heart had returned to its rightful place. He was truly afraid that Ruo Yan would do something to his Feng Ming while he was absent.


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