Feng Yu Jiu Tian eng t 15 Chapter 5 5

Feng Yu Jiu Tian - Volume 15 - Chapter 5.5

I got sick.. here is raining everyday and I'm down with a fever. Lucky got my hubby to take care everything.  I got this edited version few days back and I can't tell you how thankful I am to have Minak Amie as my editor. So guys please donate some ah so I can treat her some meals. 


Zi Yan wanted to reveal the truth behind He Di’s relationship with the pirates of Dan Lin, but after looking at the hopeful expressions on Duke Ming and the king’s faces because of the newly acquired treaty, he decided to remain silent.

The situation between Xi Lei’s soldiers and the pirates was most understood by Zi Yan. Even though he was shrewd and possessed manpower, Rong Tian, who did not participate in the previous encounter with the pirates, did not know the true extent of Dan Lin’s rampant ferociousness.

Truthfully, it could be said that currently, even if Dong Fan, Xi Lei, and the Xiao Family were to combine their strengths, they would still fail to withstand an attack by the invincible navy commanded by He Di.

Due to this, if their newly found hope was dashed by him letting out his grievances, bringing them back to their original hopeless situation, would there be any point?

Deep in his heart, he was acknowledging the matter with He Di as his own responsibility.

Since he was appointed as the special envoy, he had no choice but to use all his strength to deal with He Di. He had to make sure He Di would not prevent Duke Ming from establishing a trading route for the sand.

Zi Yan,” Feng Ming’s voice broke the silence, “don’t kneel anymore. Didn’t I already tell you this matter was just a misunderstanding? The fight on the Aman River had nothing to do with you. Get up now and put your sword away. Have you eaten breakfast? Are there still pastries leftover? Qiu Xing, go bring in some more pastries.”

Yes, Duke Ming.” Qiu Xing replied agreeably with a smile on her face, but she still had yet to move her feet.

Zi Yan stood up and put away his sword. Rong Hu had followed and stayed by Feng Ming’s side for years, and since he has also married to Qiu Lan, of course he was too familiar with his King desires to practice “Kung Fu” with Duke Ming. He cupped his hands and bowed to Rong Tian while saying, “Your Majesty, Zi Yan and I will go out to eat. After, we need to find Luo Yun to deal with Zi Yan’s position here, otherwise, the Xiao men will prevent him from going around. Besides, we subordinates do not dare to further obstruct Your Majesty and Duke Ming’s discussion over military affairs.”


[TLN : seriously…the raw said ‘ 功夫gōng fu’]

Military affairs?

When Feng Ming finally understood what he was implying, his whole face turned red down to his neck.

RH: “Let’s go.” 

For such an honest and frank guy, he unexpectedly said something humorous. Even Rong Tian couldn’t help but smile while nodding his head in agreement.

Rong Hu patted Zi Yan’s shoulder and led him out of the room.

After they left, Qiu Xing closed the door behind them.

Feng Ming released a breath he was holding in and, unable to bear it any longer, cheered in joy. 

The problem with Dan Lin is finally resolved, now let’s continue our breakfast!”

The two started to playfully feed each other again, proudly making those watching blush. Eventually, even Qiu Lan and the two girls couldn’t endure any longer. Qiu Lan announced she was leaving to prepare lunch as she quickly slipped away with the other two maids.

Finally, within the room remained only two people, Rong Tian and Feng Ming.

After a countless amount of heated kisses, the two parted from each other, out of breath.

Snuggled up together, they intimately whispered sweet nothings to one another.


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