Feng Yu Jiu Tian eng t 15 Chapter 3 7

Feng Yu Jiu Tian - Volume 15 - Chapter 3.7

Finally our editor comes back. Thanks to your guys for being patient. I am really grateful to Minak Amie since she agreed to help me edit without monetary support since our donation poll didn't really move except once. Lol. Anyway thanks for your hard work editor-san. Today I would do double posting to finish up chapter 3. 


Duke Ming.” As the sun lit up the morning sky, Zhuang Pu and Qing Zhang came over to discuss with and get Feng Ming’s opinion. “The city of Han Ruo is not far from here. It would be better to leave some of the men here to watch over and salvage the ships. Everyone else should head off to Han Ruo. If we set off now, we will reach the city roughly around dusk. Like this, we could solve the issue of accommodation for tonight.”

It just so happened that at this moment, Rong Hu was not present. Feng Ming looked around but couldn’t find his location. Finally he turned to Luo Yun for his opinion.

Luo Yun’s reaction was not like it would have been in the past. There was no hostile glare or hints of mockery. The only expression on his face was one of cold detachment. Although his attitude appeared indifferent, he still respectfully bowed and answered, “Please, Young Lord, give us the orders!”

Seeing Luo Yun’s well-behaved manner, Chiu Lan and the other maids’, who were waiting on the side, eyes widened in surprise as if they saw a ghost.

Feng Ming was also quite surprised by his change. Scratching his head, he replied, “Oh…well, if that’s the case… Then Luo Yun, you choose some people and stay behind as the leader. You will be responsible for guarding the ships. The others will follow General Zhuang’s soldiers to Han Ruo. Let’s go!”

Young Lord!” Luo Yun solemnly rejected. “This subordinate has been ordered to personally protect you, therefore I cannot leave your side.”

Feng Ming carelessly nodded and said, “Then, you pick the people who will stay here and appoint one of them as the leader. After that, follow me to Han Ruo.”

Everyone then began to prepare for the departure.

Luo Yun went off to choose the men. Just as he was finishing and about to head off to Feng Ming to report, he suddenly turned around and noticed a dark shadow nearing. From a young age, Luo Yun had been cultivating his fighting skills, so his instincts and reaction time were good. Even though he could not see what was coming, by reflex, his sword had already been drawn.

The sword came in contact with something, but…

Eh, what is this?

The sound of cloth ripping could be heard.

Stunned, Luo Yun calmly glanced at his blade only to find a piece of torn cloth with exquisite workmanship. It was a shame that his sword had ruined it even though he didn’t use much strength. Looking at the rip he made, he felt a sense of pity for ruining it.

He suddenly felt a threatening aura being unleashed, alerting him.

Looking up, his vision was filled with a pair of fiery eyes.

Chiu Yue looked at the cold expression on Luo Yun’s face. Inside, she was holding back an immense amount of fury and didn’t care that he was the one holding a sword. With his strength, her life could be ended with one move. But still, his courage was so big that he was willing to damage the clothes she had kindly mended for him. Throwing the clothes on the sand, Chiu Yue began to stomp and jump all over the fabric. Hatefully, she said to him, “As expected, I’m not good enough to even help you fix your clothes. I tried to be nice, but it seems I was just wasting my time by showing you my good intentions.”

For a moment, Luo Yun stood there dumbfounded, helplessly looking at his mended clothes being trampled on by her feet. He couldn’t help but pull her off and ask, “Why are you destroying the clothes?”

Chiu Yue looked at the cold expression on his face that she had always disapproved of. Taking in a big breath and feeling quite enraged, she answered, “I’m ruining the clothes that I personally mended. What has it got to do with you what I do with my things? Who do you think you are? Regarding my things, you also dare to control what I do with it?”

She once again stomped on the clothes and sulked.

Luo Yun didn’t chase her away, nor did she leave, only unhappily looking at the ruined clothes she used to release her anger. Suddenly, Luo Yun asked flatly, “You helped me mend my clothes?”

By now, her temper had already subsided. She just stood there dumbfounded as she looked up at him.

She couldn’t tell what he was thinking. The meaning of his words could not be read through his expression.

Watching her bright eyes and dark eyelashes quiver and appear a bit wet, Luo Yun’s heart unexpectedly beat a bit faster. With a frown he asked, “Are you crying?”

Being asked such a question suddenly woke up Chiu Yue from her trance. Like a cat whose tail had just been stepped on, her temper once again returned. Feeling embarrassed and indignant, she replied, “Yeah I’m crying! So what if I am? Even if I cry, what’s it matter to you?”

Covering her face, she turned away and ran off.

Luo Yun, who was always cold and detached, despite being a part of the Xiao Family, was dumbfounded by her actions. Standing still for a while, he finally bent over and picked up the dirty clothes which had been stomped on spitefully.

Staring blankly, he suddenly felt his shoulder bring lightly tapped on.

Turning, he saw Rong Hu.

Rong Hu looked at him strangely. “I called you twice. You didn’t react at all. Did something happen? Right now, we are within the borders of Tong and have no idea of what surprises may pop up. We need to remain vigilant and protect Duke Ming. You absolutely cannot let your guard down, what if someone had snuck up on you just now… Eh, isn’t this your clothes? Why is it so dirty?”

Luo Yun silently rolled up the clothes in his arms and answered, “Yes, it’s mine. It accidently fell down on the ground and got dirty. Let’s go see the Young Lord.”


Feng Ming’s side had already finished its preparations. Worrying that Lie Zhong Shi and Lie Dou, who were guarding Qing Ding’s head, would make a blunder and reveal the truth around Qing Zhang’s men, they made the decision to leave the 2 clowns at the river with the other men to guard the ships.

The two tried to protest, but they were ordered by Lie Zhong Liu to listen to Feng Ming’s orders, so they were forced to stay.

Of course, the cute Xiao Qiu had to stay as well.

But Xiao Qiu liked the river and was happily shaking its fluffy tail and jumping on Lie Zhong Shi’s shoulder. Chiu Yue didn’t want to leave the little creature, but unfortunately, it was loyal to its owner and refused to leave.

Hence, the group of randomly mixed people, after suffering from a terrible naval battle, once again advanced towards their destination.


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