The Photographer and the Actor

Storyid: 4915751

Name: The Photographer and the Actor

Author: dreamer1901

Chapter 1 to 41

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Chapter: 1

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, but I wish I did.

Over the years, I've realized that love is all about taking chances.

You take that great leap by opening yourself up to someone, hoping they'll except you. Then you take that extra step and fall in love with them. I've yet to fall in love with anyone because I know that no one will be there to catch me.

Love's a journey that I have yet to complete.


I walked through the streets of New York city, my new home. It was so different from Forks, yet I loved it already. I can wear whatever I want because no one here has enough time to notice how bad... or good I look.

I was taking an afternoon run through Central Park. This was my favorite part of New York. How can you not love it? It's got the trees, the beautiful grass, the park, and everything you could imagine. It's my favorite place to be, well, other then at my apartment with my roommates slash best friends.

Alice Brandon and Rosalie Hale, what a trio we were. Shocking, if you could say that. Seeing as the two of them could be models on magazines while I am just the plain girl who lives in the background of life. Rosalie was an aspiring actress who does a couple shows on Broadway here and there. Alice is currently taking over the fashion industry with her unique and playful clothing ideas. And I'm a professional photographer.

Yes, you heard me correctly. I'm a pro at what I do. I've shot magazine covers for the biggest people in the biz. How do I do it? I'll never tell.

But there is a downside to my job: dealing with celebrities that have an attitude. The worst one possible was Lauren Mallory. She demanded so many things to be on the photo set. She is without a doubt, the hardest person to work with. I don't know how she's kept her job.

I ran the rest of the way to the apartment and I had to dodge people walking on the streets. I couldn't help but laugh at their expressions. Especially the guys. Their eyes widen and then I can feel them staring at me after I've already passed them. Strange, I know.

I ran into my apartment complex and said hello to the doormen Bruno before running up the stairs to the 10th floor. I found 1012 and put my key in the door. I could already hear Alice singing before I even go the door open.

"Alice! I'm home!" I yelled after I got in. She ran out of the kitchen. I had to hold in my laughter. Alice was covered from head to toe in flour. I'm guessing she was baking, no, trying to bake. She was never very good at cooking. I usually cooked, but I was fine with that. As long as Alice didn't force feed her cooking to me.

"What happened?" I asked her. She let a big breath out of her nose which caused the flour to go into the air. That was when I lost it. I burst out laughing and by the time I was finished with my laughing fit, I had tears running down my face and a very mad flour covered pixie standing in front of me.

"This is not funny! I'm cursed Bella, I can't cook a thing without making myself a mess!" she cried. I stopped laughing and gave her a look of pity.

"It doesn't matter if you can cook Alice, that's what you got me for." I told her with a smile. She frowned and crossed her arms.

"But what happens when you get married, or I get married! What do I do then?!" she shrieked. I laughed and shook my head.

"Two solutions. One, we never get married and we live with each other and Rose forever, and Two, marry a good cook." I told her. She laughed. "Well, I'm going to go get a shower now." I said. I started to walk to my room but Alice called my name.

"Guess who called you today?!" Alice squealed. I raised an eybrow and stared at her.


"Edward Cullen!" Alice shrieked. She started jumping up and down and flapping her hands. I just stared at her in confusion. She realized that I had no idea who that was an immediately stopped.

"Oh come on Bella! He's been in a lot of really good movies and he's going to star in The Truth About Forever. He wants you to take his photos from now on." she said. I stared at her with my eyebrows raised. Edward Cullen, now that I thought of it, his name did sound familair.

"Sure, right. Umm... I'll call him in my room. Where's the message?" I asked her. She ran back into the kitchen and grabbed a napkin with a cell phone number on it. I thanked her then ran into my room and sat in my favorite black chair. I pulled out my phone and dialed the number.

The person picked up after the second ring.

"Hello?" a voice like velvet asked. It was a man's voice, an angel's voice.

"This is Isabella Swan, is this Edward Cullen?" I asked.

"Oh! Isabella, I've been meaning to talk to you. Yes, this is Edward. I was wondering if you would want to take my photo shoots from now on?" he asked. Wow, it's really straight to the point with this guy. Don't get carried away, he's just another celebrity.

"That sounds great! How about we meet somewhere and we can talk more about why you want to pick me. Does that sound good?" I asked him, keeping this matter strictly business.

"Sure, meet me in the middle of the West 49th Street Reservoir Bridge at noon tomorrow, and we'll take it from there." he said, keeping it business like. What a professional. At least he's not whining about something like most of my past clients.

"Perfect. See you then." I said before hanging up the phone. I got off my bed and walked back into the living room. Rosalie had just gotten home and was sitting on the couch watching House.

"Hey Bells, Alice tells me you've got a new client with the name of Edward-freaking-Cullen!" Rosalie yelled when she saw me. I laughed and sat down next to her.

"How can you not be freaking out about this?! He's better then Patrick Dempsey, Hugh Laurie and Brad Pitt all together!" Rosalie said loudly.

"He's just another celebrity Rose. I'm not sure if he's going to be that different. Sure he's got a pretty face but that doesn't mean everything. You should know that by now." I told her. She sighed and looked down.

"True. Everyone in the acting business is usually beautiful but they aren't all that good on the inside." she said quietly. She was probably thinking back to her ex-boyfriend Royce King who used her just to get another girl in the business.

He didn't even feel bad about what he did. All he said was 'it's part of what we do Rose.' then went off with another girl on his arm.

But Rosalie, being the tough person she is had no time for tears. She pulled herself together after only 1 night of a crying jag and a pint of Ben&Jerry's Rocky Road.

We went back to watching House and I couldn't help but feel a little excited about my day with The Edward Cullen tomorrow morning.

Well... hit or miss? Review and let me know.

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Chapter: 2

Disclaimer: I don't own the Twilight characters.

I woke up early feeling refreshed and nervous at the same time. Refreshed because, well I just got eight hours of sleep and nervous because I had 3 hours till I met with Edward. I got out of bed and walked slowly to the kitchen while rubbing my eyes. I smelled pancakes and bacon all the way from my room so I was in for a treat.

"Morning Bella!" Alice squealed. I chuckled lightly and picked up a plate. Rosalie had just finsihed making me and Alice breakfast so we piled our plates high with bacon and pancakes. We sat down at our makeshift dinging room table.

"So what time do you get to meet the Greek God?" Alice asked. I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my bacon. I swallowed before answering.

"I meet him in Central Park at noon." I told her. Alice practically choked on her orange juice but kept it in.

"You mean we only have 3 hours to make you look ah-dorable for Mr. Greek God?!" Alice shrieked.

"Alice, you need to stop reading The Clique Books, they're rubbing off on you." I told her on account of her use of ah-dorable. "And what do you mean we?" I asked.

"Bella, do you honestly think we'd let you do this alone? Now hurry up and eat, I have to make you look amazing to knock Greek God's socks off!" Alice commanded. I obeyed and finished up my breakfast. Alice shoved me into the bathroom and demanded that I took a shower.

I did as told and hopped in the shower. I used my favorite shampoo... strawberries. That calmed my nerves a little bit. I don't even know why I'm nervous, this wasn't a date in anyway. Maybe it's because Edward is probably my most famous client yet.

I got out of the hot water and wrapped myself in a towel and walked to my room. Alice had laid out an outfit for me and I dried off and got into the outfit, careful not to let my wet hair drip on the shirt shoulders.

I put my hair up in the towel and looked at myself in the full length mirror. I didn't even look at what I was putting on, I just did it.

Mary Alice Brandon is an evil little pixie.

She has put me in a pair of tight, straight leg jeans that fit me perfectly. A blue v-neck sweater was what I had for my top. Although I didn't wear things like this, I did look good. And the bra Alice gave me actually made me have cleavage.

"Bella, you look hot!" Alice claimed from the doorway. She had a grey pair of high heels in her hands. I shot her a death glare.

"No! There is no way I'm wearing those death traps. Plus, we're going to a park Alice!" I explained. She rolled her eyes and came back to my room holding a pair of silver metallic ballet flats. I nodded in approval and slipped them on.

"Makeup time." Alice said, steering me in the direction of her room. I don't normally wear makeup, just some mascara and lipgloss, that's it.

"Not too much Alice." I said quietly as I sat down in her 'beauty chair' as she called it. I closed my eyes and let her have her way with me. It felt like it took way too long but when she said open, I realilzed it was only about five minutes.

I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror. The girl in front of me had a light gold eyeshadow on and big full lashes that adorned her glowing brown eyes. This girl didn't even look like me, but she was beautiful I must admit.

"Alright, now for your hair." Alice said. She took my hair out of the towel and started blow drying it with a round brush. When she was finished with the drying stage which took about 30 minutes since I have such thick hair, she started to straighten it.

When she was finished I was a totally different person and I like it. I looked... beautiful for once.

"Thank you Alice! I look good." I said. She came up behind and scoffed.

"Good? Bells, you look frickin amazing!" Alice said in delight. I rolled my eyes and picked up my purse an dmy portfolio of pictures from past clients. I brought a camera along with me just in case.

"Catch you later Alice. Have fun at work Rosalie!" I called before walking out of our apartment. A simple makeover took 3 hours. Leave it to Alice to distract me that much.

I hailed a cab and told them to take me to Central Park. We arrived there shortly and I got out of the car and paid the fare.

I walked towards the bridge and found a beautiful boy with bronze hair leaning against the railing. His hands were in his pockets and he had a slight smile on his face. This was the boy who had been on the cover of every teen magazine since his first movie came out and the whole female nation swooned over him.

I couldn't blame them, he was gorgeous. I walked towards him and he heard me coming and smiled at me. Oh God, that smile was crooked and beautiful. And the eyes! A deep forest green that I wanted to get lost in.

"Hello Isabella, let me help you with that." he said politely and took my portfolio from my crammed hands.

"Thank you Edward, and you can call me Bella." I told him with a smile. He chuckled a little.

"Alright Bella then. Where do we get started?" he asked as we strolled casually across the bridge. I saw a picnic bench a little ways over and gestured for us to sit. He sat down across from me and clasped his hands together.

"You aren't what I expected Bella. Most of my photographers are grimy old ladies with glasses, wearing dirty old jeans. But you, you're something else. I don't understand why you're behind the camera. Instead of in front of it." he told me. I blushed a little and looked down.

"I don't think that would be a good idea. My picture in thousands of places around the world for everyone to see. Ya, not a good idea." I told him. He laughed and ran a hand through his already disheveled hair.

"Well let's see some of your work." he said. I opened my portfolio and showed him the photoshoots I used to do for Lauren Mallory before she fired me because I wouldn't let her wear booty shorts for a photoshoot.

"Ya, that sounds like Lauren alright." he said.

"Oh ya, didn't you two work on a movie together?" I asked him. He nodded then shuddered which made me laugh.

"Oh, this is Tanya Denali. Famous supermodel in Berlin. Supposedly, she would wake up every morning at 5 and take a 5 mile jog before eating anything. That's her secret." I whispered to him. He just shook his head.

"So, who has been asking you to do a photoshoot?" I asked while packing up my portfolio.

"Let's see. Vanity Fair, Vogue, Seventeen, TeenMag, Abercrombie and Fitch, Hanes, Ralph Lauren, and People wants to do a life story or something." he explained. Holy cow, how does this guy have time for anything but his career.

"Well, I'll be happy to be your photographer Edward. That is, if you still want me to be." I said the last part quietly.

"Of course I want you. Everyone wants you to be theirs. You're the best in the biz Bella." he told me. I laughed slightly and took out my camera.

"Picture for our first day of working together as partners?" I aske dhim as I pointed the camera towards him.

"First day of working together as friends." he corrected then gave me the crooked smile. I took the shot then set the camera in my lap and looked at the screen.

Wow, this guy is all you need for a teen heart throb.

"So, if you could just sign this then we can start talking about my publicist Emmett and how he'll be able to contact you so we can get you prepared for the shoots." he said while handing me a contract. I read it over and saw that it was very promising. I would be given $500 dollars for every photography I took that got in a magazine or on a billboard. Wow. That's a lot of money, more then any of my other jobs.

I signed it and handed it back to him.

"Wanna grab something to eat and we can talk?" he asked. I nodded. I picked up my things and then he saw me and got a very confused expression on his face.

"Do you want to put that stuff in your car?" he asked.

"It's New York Edward, I don't have a car." I told him with a laugh. He sighed and looked like he was thinking hard.

"We could put it in my car, then I could give you a ride home." he said with a hopeful expression on his beautiful face.

"You don't have to." I said quietly.

"Come on Bella. We're friends and that's what friends are for." he said sternly. I narrowed my eyes at him and he galred right back.

"Fine. Take me to your car." I said with a sigh. Edward smiled triumphantly and we walked right to the parking lot and towards a Silver Volvo.

Just another thing to add to the list: Sexy car to match his sex hair.

He popped the trunk open and I put everything in except my camera.

"So what would you like for lunch Bella?" Edward asked with a smug smile.

Before I could answer, millions of camera flashes went off. The paparrazi were flashing millions of photos and yelling "Isabella! Over here!" and "Edward, are you two a thing?!" Edward slipped his hand around my waist and led me through the cameras, then we ran for it.

One thing paparrazi is known for, other then being annoying is they can't run to save their lives.

We ran into an ice cream shopand collapsed on a table in laughter.

"I didn't think they would recognize me!" I said after the laughing fit was gone.

"You're more famous then you know." Edward said in a soft voice that made me blush and hide behind my hair.

"Anyway, might as well get some ice cream while we're here." Edward said. I nodded in agreement. "What flavor would you like Mrs. Swan?" he asked with a teasing smile. I snorted and rolled my eyes.

"Strawberry please." I answered sweetly.

"Alright, one strawberry cone coming right up." he said. Before I could protest, he stood up and went to the counter to buy both of our ice creams.

I sighed and slumped down in my chair. I stared out the window towards the bustling streets of New York. Everything about Edward dres me in. His hair, that smile, the way he is so polite in everything he does, his laugh, the way his eyes shimmer when he talks. And his cologne is to die for! But everything between us is strictly between us. The photographer and the actor.

"Here you are." Edward snapped me out of my thoughts with a large strawberry ice cream cone.

"Thanks." I said, grabbing the cone from him. I took a lick and smiled at the taste. Strawberry has always been my fave. I looked over to Edward to see what flavor he had gotten.

Mint-Chocolate Chip.

I shuddered at the thought of eating that.

"What's wrong?" Edward asked, his face masked with worry. I pointed to his ice cream flavor.

"How can you eat that?" I questioned him, my nose scrunching up in disgust. He started laughing.

"What's wrong with it?" he asked.

"I just never cared for it. Mint is a flavor meant for gum, then you add those little chocolate squares and you've set yourself up for something utterly repulsing." I said. he looked a ibt taken aback, then he narrowed his eyes.

"Strawberry isn't that great. It's too original and is always clumped together with vanilla and chocolate as the three main flavors." he retorted. His eyes were serious, but the corner of his mouth was twitching, hiding a smile.

I smriked then leaned across the table and took his cone and shoved it on his nose.

I sat back satisfied, and couldn't hold my laughter in when I saw his face.

"That. Was. Not. Funny." Edward said seriously. You could see he was holding back his laughter. Then before I could form a coherent thought, he forward and grabbed my cone.

"Revenge is sweet." he said huskily before shoving the ice cream on my face. I closed my eyes, and when I reopened them, Edward was laughing his butt off. I tried to fight them off but the laughs came any way.

Before I knew it , I was somehow sitting on Edward's lap, our bodies rocking together with laughter. We still hadn't wiped the ice cream off so I grabbed my camera and snapped a picture of us looking like idiots.

Hit... or miss? Review please!

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Chapter: 3

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Chapter 3

Edward dropped me off at my apartment. We said formal goodbyes, and now I'm sitting in front of the television watching re-runs of That 70's Show.

I flipped my phone open and looked and looked at the time. 2:18 pm.

I graoned and trudged into the computer room. I logged onto my e-mail and saw that I had a new message from someone named Jasper Whitlock, I opened it up with caution.

Good afternoon Bella!

My name is Jasper Whitlock, Edward Cullen's publicist.

TeenVogue has asked Edward to do a photo spread in the July issue of their magazine.

The guideline of this shoto for you as a photographer are as follows.

*Bring own equipment.

*Outdoor photo shoot- be prepared

*Shots need to have a dark lighting.

An instructor will be there to tell Edward how to model and what not.

The shoot is in California. We'll be staying there for a week. You ticket is paird already. We have your address so be ready and packed by 8am July 17th on Friday.

See you then Bella.

Jasper Whitlock.

I couldn't wait to meet Jasper. Even from his e-mail, I could we would be freinds. Maybe not close friends, but friends. I replied with a short: I'll make sure to be ready, see you then.-Bella Swan.

I heard someone knock on the apartment door. I ran to answer it. I threw open the door and there stood the biggest guy I'd ever seen. Big as in muscular. He had dark brown, curly hair that reminded me of a baby. His ice blue eyes were beautiful. I could've easily been scared of this guy, but his goofy smile and dimples told me he was friendly.

"Hiya! I'm Edward's body guard slash best friend slash brother-from-another-mother. My name's Emmett McCarty." he said loudly with a smile.

"Hey Emmett, it's nice to meet you. Ummm, want to come watch TV with me or... something?" I asked nervously. Emmett laughed and pointed to my cheeks.

"You're blushing!" he said between laughs. I narrowed my eyes and was about to shut the door on him but thought better of it.

"Are you gonna stand there and make fun of me or are you going to watch That 70's Show with me like a good person?" I said loudly. He immediately stopped laughing but was smirking. All of the sudden he pick me up and crushed me into a massive bear hug.

"Sure sure, I'll watch T.V with you." he said before walking past me and settling himself on our couch. He put his hands behind his head and I turned on the T.V and sat down beside him.

"So, Edward said you were a great person. Spoke very highly of you. I think he's got a crush, just like in highschool." Emmett said with a laugh.

"Ya right Emmett. He's my client, he can't have a crush on me. Plus, he's just another celelbrity." I sneered the last part. Emmett froze and turned to glare at me.

"Is that all you think of him as? Is just another celebrity?! Just another guy who's a spoiled jerk and has too much of an ego?" he said loudly. I widened my eyes in fear. "He seemed to think that you liked him, but I guess he was wrong." Emmett said quietly.

"Emmett, I didn't mean it like that. Sure, most of the celebrities I've met are like that, but Edward isn't. He's actually nice and cares about people, other then himself. I do like him, he's really nice. There's more behind the handsome face." I blurted out before I could stop myself. Emmett caught my blush and smiled like an evil genius.

"Bella's got a crush." he said in a sing-song voice. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. Then I heard the door open and Rosalie walked in with a very pissed-off expression on her face.

"Want to know why people like me can't get jobs?! Because we have to act like whores to climb the social ladder, that's why. It's all a game to everyone. If you give me a blow job, you'll get the part! This is so fucking screwed up!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, obviously not noticing Emmett.

"It's good to see you too Rose, this is Emmett McCarty, Edward Cullen's body guard." I said with a smile. Rosalie turned and saw Emmett for the first time. Her mouth popped open into a little 'o' and her eyes widened. She even dropped her purse, which she never would've done considering it was Dulce&Gobanna.

Emmett chuckled and slowly got off the couch. He picked her purse up off the ground and handed it towards her.

"Dropped this." he said with a big goofy finally snapped out of it and smiled at him. She grabbed the purse from him then stuck her hand out.

"Rosalie Hale." she said quietly, almost like she was nervous. She never gets nervous. Emmett just stared at her hand for a second. Then he pulled her towards him by the hand and gave her a bear hug. Rosalie held onto him too and was giggling like crazy. She was blushing when they pulled apart and she looked embarrassed.

Rosalie Hale's got a crush, just like a cute little freshman in highschool.

A/N: And so it begins! Haha, that was fun to write! Review please!

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Chapter: 4

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Emmett left shortly after meeting Rosalie, said he had to meet up with Edward and Jasper to plan for our trip. Oh God! Our trip, I totally forgot. Today is the 10th and we're leaving the 17th. I can't believe I'm saying this... but Alice needs to take me shopping.

Rosalie had walked Emmett to the door and when she shut it, she turned around and put her back to the door and let out a breath in the form of a sigh. Her eyes were shut and she had a smile on her face.

"Rosalie, stop gushing over Emmett!" I said, trying to snap her out of it. She got the picture and stood up from the door, still wearing that smile.

"Sorry Bella. But did you see him?! He's really cute, funny and really kind. Nothing at all like the guys I've dated. He's perfect." she gushed.

"Rosalie, nothings perfect in the eyes of society." I told her calmly. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Well he's perfect through mine, so there!" she said then walked to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of water.

"How'd the meeting go with Greek God today?" Rosalie asked after taking a sip of her water. I sighed and sank further into the couch.

"First, stop calling him Greek God. Second, the meeting went great, I'm his new photographer. Third, I'm going to California for 1 week to do a shot for Teen Vogue." I explained. Rosalie's blue eyes widened when she heard the last part.

"California.... 1 week.... TeenVogue?!" she shrieked. I smiled lightly and nodded. Rosalie squealed and ran over to give me a hug.

"Oh my gosh Bells, this is huge and is a call to celebrate! We just have to wait till Alice gets home." Rosalie said. I giggled and nodded. Rosalie flipped on the T.V to our favorite celebrity gossip show.

"Is Edward Cullen dating notorious photographer Isabella Swan? The couple were seen at Cullen's car in New York, then looking very cozy with each other at an ice cream shop. We'll show you the pictures and you make what you want of it."

The show then flashed two pictures of Edward and I.

The first one was of us at his car, him and I just talking together like two normal people. Then the next picture made me never want to go out in public again. Somehow, the paparazzi got a picture of me in Edward's lap while laughing with him!

"Shit, this is not good!" I yelped. Edward was going to hate me for being around him like that! His reputation was going to be ruined and it's all because of me. Who would want to date me? I'm just plain old' Bella, never-had-a-fella.

"Bella, calm down. As long as you remember the truth, it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks." Rosalie reminded me. Before I could thank her, the apartment door flew open and Mary Alice Brandon waltz in looking very pissed.

"I was just walking by the television shop on 5th Avenue and guess what I saw? A picture of you, Isabella Swan, cuddled up with Edward Cullen in an ice cream shop! Care to explain?" Alice said loudly, crossing her arms and tapping her foot impatiently.

"We were just hanging out Alice, as friends. There is nothing going on between me and Edward Cullen." I explained. She just rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch on my other side.

"You think that? Flip to channel 4." she said. Rosalie did as told and I almost screamed when I saw the picture on the television.

Someone had photo shopped a picture of Edward and I together so it looked like we were kissing! This cannot be happening. Not now, not when I'm about to make the biggest break of my WHOLE ENTIRE CAREER!

Right when I was in the middle of panicking, my phone rang. I brought it out and gulped when I saw the name.

Edward Cullen.

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Chapter: 5

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

"H-hello?" I said shakily into the phone.

"I'm guessing you saw the news?" Edward asked in a calm voice. I gulped.

"U-u-uhhh ya I-I did." I stammered into the phone. I sealed my eyes shut tight and let my head fall back onto the couch behind me. Please don't fire me, please don't fire me.

"Pretty entertaining isn't it? I mean, we just met each other and the paprazzi is already coming out with stories about us being an item. How much more annoying can they get?" Edward asked while laughing. I immediately began to lighten up.

"Wait. You mean you aren't... mad?" I asked. The other line was silent. Here it comes. He's going to yell at me about being so careless about the way I acted in public. Then he's going to fire me and I'll never get my big break and I won't go to Califonia to shoot for MaxMagazine (A/N: I switched it to this, copywright fear!) and....

Edward Cullen started laughing.

"And what is so darn funny?" I asked him. He slowly stopped laughing and calmed down enough to tell me.

"Bella, Bella, Bella. What am I going to do with you?" he asked, sounding like he was in a daze. I sighed and started to get a little angry.

"You're going to tell me why you were laughing at my question." I said sternly.

"I'm not mad at you Bella. It's not like it was your fault. The media always chooses what they want to believe. I was laughing because you were being completely and utterly absurd to think I was mad at you." he explained, chuckling a little again. I narrowed my eyes, even though he couldn't see me. But if he could, he would be backing up against a wall, eyes widened in shock and cowering fear... whoa.

"Well I'm sorry! I don't get used to paparazzi following my every move!" I practically yelled into the phone. I immediately felt guilty after doing that.

"I'm sorry Bella, I didn't mean to make you upset. Do you forgive me?" he asked quietly. I felt my heart melt at the sincereness of his voice.

"You're forgiven." I said softly.

"Good, because I have a plan." he said evily into the phone. I widened my eyes and instantly felt a little scared at what he was going to say next.

"And what would this plan be?" I asked nervously.

"We freak the paparazzi out and give them something to talk about. We pretend like we're dating. Hugging, holding hands, kisses on the cheek, but no lips. Mess with their heads." he said excitedly. I let out a laugh and smiled as I answered.

"Sounds like fun. I'm in." I replied.

Shortly after that I hung up with Edward and began watching T.V with Rose and Alice again.

"So what is the plan you were talking about?" Alice asked during a commercial break. I smiled just at the thought.

"We're going to pretend date and mess with the paparazzi." I told them. Alice raised her eyebrows and looked... apprehensive.

"Sounds like a jolly good time, just don't get yourself in too deep. I don't want you to get hurt." Alice told me quietly. Rosalie nodded in agreement.

"Thanks for caring, and I promise, this is just for fun. I promise."


"Your phone rangin, your phone rangin! I said... YOUR PHONE RANGIN!" I was awakened by an angry man shouting at me from my phone. I really need to change my ringtone.

"Hello?" I asked after I flipped the phone open.

"It's Edward. Sorry if I woke you up, but I have a day off and wanted some company. Unless you have something else to do then I completely unde-"

"Shut up. Just tell me when and where." I snapped. He chuckled lightly.

"I'll come pick you up at 9, we can have breakfast together." he told me. My heart fluttered at the though of breakfast with and I immediately started to wake up.

"Alright, see you then." I said, then I hung up the phone.

"Alice!" I yelled while walking into the kitchen. Alice was sitting on the couch drinking coffee.

"Edward's taking me out for breakfast at nine. Could you help me get ready?" I asked nervoulsy. Her eyes got so wide, I was sure they would pop out of her head.

"You're... asking me?" Alice asked in a shocked voice. I looked around the room then back at her and nodded. She threw herself at me and gave me a tight hug.

"I'm so proud, I don't have to badger you about it anymore! Now come on, we've got to make you look good!" she said, draggging me into her bedroom.

We were done by 8:45, plenty of tiem for me to calm my heart down... right?


Even though I knew I looked amazing in the black jeans and blue top that Alice picked out for me, and I wasn't wearing heels, my heart was still running rampid. I was sitting with Alice on the couch watching Pooh Bear since it's Monday and too early for normal T.V. But secretly I think me and Alice still liked the show even though we're 24.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts and I stared wide eyed at Alice. She jumped off the couch and brought me up so I could open the door. I cautiously turned the knob and opened the apartment door.

And there stood Edward Cullen. Looking very chique in black for fitting pants and a dark blue top. He looked at me from head to toe and chuckled. What was wrong? Did I forgot my pants?

"We match." he said, explaining the laughs.(A/N: Sound familair! Haha, right before the meadow in Twilight of course!)

"Want to meet my roommate?" I asked him. He thought about it then smiled and nodded. I gestured him inside and called out for Alice. She came out of the hallway with a smile on her face.

"Hi, I'm Alice Brandon." she said with a big smile.

"Edward Cullen." he said in a serious voice which made Alice laugh. Finally, Edward cracked out his crooked smile.

"You really don't have to introduce yourself, I know who you are." Edward said suddenly. Alice gave him a look of confusion. Edward just laughed and pulled out his wallet. He opened it up and showed Alice the tag on the inside.

Mar Ice Ran

"Mary Alice Brandon, right?." Edward said quietly. Alice's eyes widened and she smiled.

"I can't believe you have one of my designs! That's so cool. I can't believe it." Alice said quickly. "I use Alice because Mary is just so boring, and not... me."

"Alice does suit you." Edward told her. She just smiled and looked close to tears. I put a hand on Edward's arm and pulled him outside, yelling goodbyes at Alice. When we got out of the apartment building, I turned around and threw my arms around him.

"You are without a doubt, the sweetest guy I've ever met. I've never seen Alice look so happy, and it's all because of you. You're unbelievable." I said into his ear. He laughed and held me tighter.


"Edward, over here!"

"Isabella, look this way!"

Stupid paparrazi. I let go of Edward but he kept an arm around my waist as we faced the paparazzi.

"Isabella, is it true that you are Edward's new photographer?" a reported asked. I looked up at Edward and he smiled down at me, reasurring me that it was okay.

"Yeah, we're going to be working together a lot now." I told them. They immediately started taking more pictures and the cameras were rolling. Edward guided me over to his car and opened the door for me to get in.

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Chapter: 6

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

After we got into Edward's car, the paparrazi tried to chase us, but Edward's Volvo is took quick for them. His car smelled just like him. I can't really pinpoint what it is, but it sure was intoxicating. He turned on his car stereo and Clair De Lune came on. I gave him a look and he started blushing.

"What? It's a very relaxing song." he told me quietly. I laughed and looked out the window. Edward was not what I expected.

He's this handsome movie star who can get anything he wants. He could be a real jerk if he wanted to, and people would still love him. He's supposed to be just a pretty face. But there's much more to him. He's this really great guy who likes to make people happy. He blows Hollywood actor stereotypes away. He's no where near what I thought he would be.

I was hesitant about excepting this job. I honestly thought he was going to be just another arrogant, self-centered, attention seeking celebrity. But he's not. He listens to Debussy, and enjoys complimenting people.

"So what is your driving song Bella?" he asked suddenly. I stared at him in confusion.

"Driving song?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head.

"You mean you don't have a driving song?!" he asked. I shook my head slowly. "It's the song that makes you feel confident while you drive. Mine of course is 'Sexyback' by Justin Timberlake. But we need to find yours." he told me. I laughed at his choice of song.

"Honestly Edward, 'Sexyback?" I asked him with my eyebrows raised.

"Well, I guess it's not the right song. I'm not bringing sexy back, I invented it." he said. Then he attempted to snap his fingers in a 'Z' formation. I burst out laughing and he cracked a smile.

"Don't ever do that again. Don't attempt, don't even think about it!" I scolded him. He laughed but kept his eyes on the road.

"Back to your driving song. What song makes you feel confident Bella?" he asked. I thought about it for a while and finally got it.

"So What by P!NK." I told him.

"Nice! Good choice. I would've chose that one, except it's about a girl." he told me, his nose scrunching up in disgust.

"Hey, the song is now only about a girl. It's about a boy up and leaving and the girl is determined not to fall just because of him. She's going to stay strong and have fun." I argued. He raised and eyebrow and glanced at me.

"True." he said simply, like he was losing the fight. Well... he did lose.

"So where are we going for breakfast?" I asked him after a matter of time. He smiled and looked over at me.

"It's a surprise." he told me. I groaned and closed my eyes.I let my head fall back against the head rest and put a hand to my forehead. I hate surprises with a burning passion.

My last birthday party was a surprise party. Let's just say I ended up tripping over the couch and I had a cast on my arm because of it.

I don't do well with surprises.

"This better not be some reality show you're putting me on. Or some guy will pop out of no where and we're really on a hidden camera show. But hey, I'd get to meet Ashton." I said with my eyes still closed.

"No this is not a hidden camera reality show, and sorry, you don't get to meet Ashton. You've got me instead!" he said happily. I snapped my eyes open and looked at him.

"Oh joy." I said sarcastically. He narrowed his eyes and glared at me.

"Don't be difficult Bella. I'm just trying to be nice." he told me sternly. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. He gave me a crooked grin and held his hand out for a high five. I slapped it, but he grabbed my hand before I pull back. He turned back to the road but kept my hand in his. It felt nice. His hand was warm, but not clammy, and it was really really soft. The way his hand felt in mine sent tingles up my whole arm, but it felt good.

It felt like home.

We listened to the rest of Clair De Lune and we finally pulled up to the surprise breakfast destination.

IHOP. That's where we're going for breakfast. I thought Denny's, possibly Shari's but IHOP didn't even cross my mind. Edward slipped his hand out of mine and I immediately missed the contact. I watched as Edward unbuckled himself and turned to me.

"Here were are! International House of Pancakes... my second home. IHOP." he told me with a smile. I laughed and took off my seatbelt. Edward got out of his car and ran to my side. I blushed as he opened my door for me. What a gentlmen.

We walked up to IHOP and he opened the door for me. I smiled and rolled my eyes at him before walking into the restraunt. The waitress immediately recognized Edward and got all flustered and smoothed her hair and outfit before talking to us.

"Welcome to IHOP. Table for two?" she asked directly at Edward. I was surprised she even noticed me and said table for two.

"That would be great, thank you." Edward said politely, not leading her on. She smiled and led us over to a little table in the back. When we sat down she took out her pad of paper and a pen.

"What would you like to drink?" she asked Edward, totally ignoring me. He gestured towards me with a smile and the waitress reluctantly turned to me.

"Coffee." I said quickly. She rolled her eyes and wrote it down. Then she turned to Edward and smiled again.

"Same for me." he told her. She smiled and walked off. I watched her walk back to the kitchen and start talking animatedly to another worked. They both looked in my direction and narrowed their eyes and began whispering again. I laughed and turned back to Edward.

"Apparently our waitress doesn't think too highly of me. But she was positively drooling over you." I teased. He grimaced and glared at me.

"I hate it when women do that. It's repulsing how they have to look good for celebrities. We're not Gods or anything." he told me. I nodded and smiled at something.

"Well, when my roommates call you -God because that's what you look like to them." I told him. He laughed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm just glad you aren't like that. One of the reasons I chose you is because you're known for acting well around celebrities. You don't get caught up in what you look like around them." he told me. "Not like you need to worry. I bet you would look beautiful with your hair messed up, no makeup, and a pair of sweats." he teased. I laughed and shook my head.

"That's a Saturday for me. Trust me, I do not look beautiful like that. No way, no how." I confessed. Right then the waitress came up and gave us our drinks and the menus. She turned to Edward and smiled.

"And if there's anything I can get for you, don't hesitate to ask." she said, obviously trying to seduce him. Edward gulped and smiled slightly.

"I'm fine for now." he told her. She looked slightly shocked, then huffed and walked away. I shook my head and picked up the menu. Everything was just so... big! There was no way I could eat all of this.

"Edward?" I asked nervously. He lowered his menu and smiled at me.

"Yes honey?" he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes then remembered the whole 'fake dating' thing so I let it slide.

"I honestly don't think I can finish anything off the menu." I told him nervously. I blushed and looked down. He laughed and shook his head.

"Well, I guess we'll have to share. I don't think you'd want a kid's menu." he told me. I widened my eyes and shook my head.

"Not with her as our waitress." I hissed. He laughed louder and I noticed a couple of the women in the restaraunt give him looks of lust and longing. I glared at all of them and Edward just laughed harder.

"Marking me as your territory?" he asked after he stopped laughing. I blushed and shook my head.

"I'm just trying to protect you." I lied.

"Sure. So what do you want to share? I'm thinking pancakes, bacon, eggs, and sausage." he told me.

"That's sounds fine." I told him. The waitress, Rebecca, came back and Edward ordered for us. Her jaw dropped when he said we would be sharing. Then she huffed and stomped away from our table. I giggled and Edward chuckled.

"She really is unbelievable." he said, almost to himself. I chuckled and sipped my coffee. Edward did the same and then the waitress came with our food.

"Here you are! Is there anything else I can get for you?" she asked Edward. He smirked and winked at me.

"Is there anything else you need love?" he asked me. I bit my lip to hold back laughter. He's really putting it on thick this time. I decided to play along.

"I'm good babe, thanks for asking." I told him. He smiled and leaned across the table. We met halfway and he kissed my cheek and lingered for a second before pulling away. The waitress stared at us with her jaw slack and her eyes wide. I turned to her.

"Are you alright?" I asked her, feigning concern. She just shook her head and walked away. When she was out of hearing, we burst out laughing.

"Did you see her face when I called you babe? Classic." I told him. He laughed and shook his head. We both grabbed a fork and started eating the breakfast. It was really good, but our forks kept hitting one another. He went for the same piece of sausage I wanted, so I shoved his fork with mine and got it before he could.

When I put it in my mouth, I smiled at him and he narrowed his eyes.

When we finally finished the breakfast, the check came and the waitress didn't bother talking. Edward immediately whipped out his wallet at the same time I grabbed my purse.

"No way Bella.I'm paying, no arguing." he told me. He slammed down money for the bill and tip before I could even get my wallet out. He stood up and offered his hand to me. I rolled my eyes and took it. He immediately intertwined his fingers between mine and we walked out of the restaraunt hand-in-hand. When we got to his Volvo, he opened my door for me and shut the door after I got in. He ran around to his side and got in and buckled up.

"Where to now?" he asked. I thought about it for a second.

"Want to just drive around till we think of something?" I asked he. He shrugged and nodded. He started the car and it purred to life.

Once we got on the road, we started chatting.

"Are you excited about coming to California and shooting for MaxMagazine?" he asked with a smile. I immediately starting grinning. MaxMagazine was HUGE and I was going to be shooting for it. My name was going to be in it: Photographs by Isabella Swan.

"I'm so excited. MaxMagazine is the biggest thing I've done in my whole career. And I've never been to California, so that will be loads of fun too." I told him. He smiled and grabbed my hand with one of his. What is up with all the hand holding today? Oh well... I couldn't complain. I did like it, a lot. Probably much more then I should...

'"I'm really happy for you. And I'm excited to spend two weeks with you in beautiful and sunny California." he told me. I blushed and smiled up at him. "Plus, you'll get to meet my publicist, Jasper Whitlock and Emmett McCarty my-"

"Body guard slash best friend slash brother-from-another-mother?" I asked him with a smile. He looked at me with alarmed eyes.

"When I hired you, your resume said nothing about being a stalker." he said quietly. I laughed and he looked even more scared.

"Oh ya, I follow you all over the place.. Come on Edward?! I'm not a stalker. Emmett came to my apartment yesterday so I've already met him. And Jasper e-mailed me about the shoot. I can't wait to meet him." I explained. He let out a breath of relief and I laughed.

"Did you honestly think I was a stalker?" I asked with a teasing smile.

"I was just alarmed is all. But it makes sense. So what did you and Emmett talk about?" he asked, totally back to normal.

"Let's see, I opened the door, he teased me about blushing, then he gave me a bonecrushing hug and watched That 70's Show with me. Then he met my other roommate, Rosalie Hale. I think Rosalie has a crush on Emmettt, but don't tell him." I told him. He smiled.

"So Rosalie is the blond girl that Emmett was going on and on about how beautiful and cute she was." he said.

"Awww, that's sweet. I think they should hang out more." I told him. He nodded then I put my gaze to the front window. Edward was driving right next to Central Park and drove into a parking spot. He unbuckled himself without saying a word and got out of the car. He went to my side and opened my door for me. He offered his hand and I took it.

He didn't let go as we walked through Central Park. We finally got to the bridge where we first met and I set my back against the railing and Edward stood in front of me.

"Tell me more about you Bella, I want to know everything." he told me quietly. I raised my eyebrows and let out a big breath.

"Alright... I was born in Forks,Washington. Then my mom took me when I was about 4 to live with her in Phoenix. Then my mom got remarried to Phil Dwyer. He was a minor league baseball player so we traveled a lot, we didn't stay in one place for very long." I started to explain.

I sort of liked moving around a lot. Whenever I stayed in one place, I would make a couple of friends, but we weren't very close. It was never that hard to move away from them. Eventually, right before we would have to move again, they became surprisingly annoying, so I was almost happy to move and had the chance to make new friends.

"I got my first camera when I was 14. Since we moved so much, I was able to take a lot of shots of landscapes. Eventually, I would take pictures of random people, and they turned out really good." he smiled and nodded as if for me to continue. "I took photography classes in highschool. Then I went to a photography contest where we put together all of our best pictures and they would get judged. The winner would have a chance to win 5 thousand dollars to get started on their career. I won first place and 5 thousand dollars."

His eyebrows raised up and he moved a little closer to me, his hands in his pockets and a slight grin on his face.

"I went to college, and got even more into photography. One day, this scout came to our school and picked me to do a photography shoot. And that's how my career took off." I explained. He smiled and put on hand on the railing beside my waist and leaned against it.

"So how did you meet Rosalie and Alice?" he asked, sincerely curious. I smiled and started laughing.

"Well, Rosalie and Alice were friends before they knew me. We were already living in New York, just not together. Anyway, one day I went to Starbucks and she was walking by with a coffe and talking on the phone. Let's just say, she didn't see me and I ended up with an ice coffee all over myself." I told him. He started laughing but immediately stopped when he saw me glaring at him. He bit his lip but his eyes still had a hint of laughter in them.

"She starts apologizing and everything. Then she insists to take me back to her place and give me a new shirt. So we go to her apartment, which is now our apartment, where I meet Rosalie. Alice gave me a shirt, I hung out and we all started talking. Then I moved in with them two months later. That happened 2 years ago."

"Wow, what a way to meet someone. I've known Emmett my whole life. We grew up together since our houses were across from each other. He would always tease me but I knew he was joking. Then when I started acting, no other person who signed up to be a bodyguard did it as well as him, so he got the job." he explained. I raised my eyebrows and nodded.

"Jasper on the other hand, that's a whole other story. Emmett came home one night with a bloody nose and Jasper was being held by his shirt collar. When I asked what happened, Emmett told me that he had gotten in a fight and was outnumbered, but Jasper came up and helped him out. I thought it was hilarious that Emmett is this huge guy and had a bloody nose, while Jasper is lanky and didn't have a scratch on him." he told me with a smile. I laughed at that. Emmett was huge so that was pretty surprising.

It was slightly windy today but I didn't bring a jacket. A huge gush of wind came and I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself. Edward noticed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder and held me to his chest. I inhaled the scent coming off his shirt and smiled. Edward chuckled. Crap! He must've noticed. I felt him lean down a little.

"Just so you know, you smell good too. Like strawberries." he whispered. I laughed and looked up to him with a smile.


I looked down and saw a photographer on the ground below the bridge. Edward smiled and held me closer. I turned back and acted like I didn't even see the photographer. But I could still hear the clicks of the camera as they caught me and Edward in this sweet private moment that was sure to be on T.V by the 6 o'clock news.

"We should go to my place and wait for our pictures to come on T.V. I want to know what they say." I told him. He laughed and smiled down at me. The photographer was still down there taking pictures of us. Edward smiled devishly and leaned down to my ear.

"Play along." he hissed. My eyes widened. What was he going to do? When he told me the guidlines of the pretend dating, he only said holding hands, hugging, and cheek kisses. Nothing else. What is he doing.

He pulled back up and looked at me. He kept his eyes opened as he leaned down towards me. He was about an inch away from my lips when he put his hand over my mouth. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips to his hand which was over my lips and dipped me. The photographer's camera was going off like crazy down below.

Edward pulled me back up and took his hand off my mouth quickly but inconspicuously. I bit my lip to keep from laughing and he his mouth was in a hard line. Finally, we let out a couple of laughs and Edward put his arm around me and we walked back towards his Volvo.

A/N: Alright, that was the next chapter. It was long, but I really like it. The whole fake kiss thing, that happened to me once. It was really awkward.

I know the paprazzi keeps popping up but they're annoying and Edward and Bella are hot news, so that's why.

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Chapter: 7

A/N: Hello everyone! On Friday the 20th, me and my friend went to the midnight release party for the Twilight DVD! I now own the 2-Disc Special Edition of Twilight! The deleted and extended scenes are amazing, but I can see why they didn't make the cut for the movie. Although, I think one of them should've been in there...

So here's the next chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Edward and I got into his Volvo and he drove us to my apartment. We parked in the number for our apartment, right next to Alice's Porsche 911 Turbo. I was prepared to walk right up to my apartment, but Edward stopped short and gazed at Alice's car.

"Who's car is this?" Edward asked, still looking at Alice's car.

"Alice." I told him, sounding bored. Rosalie was a car expert and Alice loved to buy expensive cars that fit her personality. I honestly don't care, I'd rather take a cab then attempt to drive around New York. Rosalie has a red M3, but it's at her parent's house because she doesn't want the people of New York to scratch 'her baby.'

"911 Turbo?" he asked. I nodded and he let out a low whistle. I rolled my eyes and let my head fall back. I closed my eyes and waited for him to stop oggling a car.

"Bella?" Edward asked, his voice closer then I expected. I opened my eyes, he was right in front of me, wearing a very confused expression.

"Are you finished?" I asked in a bored tone. He chuckled and nodded.

"Not much of a car person are we?" he asked as we walked towards the apartment building.

"Nope. Rosalie is actually good at fixing cars, and Alice just loves to buy new flashy toys like that Porsche. I don't even want a car." I explained as we walked up the stairs to my apartment. We made it to 1012 and I could hear Alice singing. But there was another voice laughing, and it wasn't Rosalie's. It was a man's voice.

I gave Edward a confused look and opened the door.

Alice was dancing around to Don't Trust me by 3OH!3 and there was a blond tall guy laughing and singing along with her. They looked like they were having lots of fun, but I don't even know this guy.

"Alice!" I yelled. She didn't notice so I grabbed the stereo remote and turned it off. Alice and the guy stopped and looked over to me.

"Edward?" the guy said. Edward raised his eyebrows and started laughing.

"Hey Jasper, I see you've met Alice." Edward said with a smile. Jasper? As in Jasper Whitlock, Edward's publicist?

"Ya, I came over to introduce myself to Bella, but Alice answered the door and said Bella wasn't here. So we just hung out, and here we are." Jasper told Edward. Jasper then turned to me and held out his hand. "Jasper Whitlock ma'am." he said in a slight southern accent. I shook his hand and smiled at him. After we let go, I turned to Alice and raised my eyebrows. She blushed and giggled a little.

I smiled and shook my head.

I walked past them and turned on the T.V and flipped to the celebrity gossip channel. They were just talking about Lauren Mallory and her new movie coming out. The show was about to go to commercial break when the host came up.

"Yesterday we showed you some pictures of photographer Isabella Swan and actor Edward Cullen together in New York. Stay tuned for more when we come back." he said with a fake smile.

"Wait, are you two not telling me something?" Jasper asked. I laughed and sat down on the couch. Edward sat next to me and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Well Jasper, Bella and I have become hopelessly in love, we're quiting our jobs to ride a hippie van across the county and sell dried fruit to the locals." Edward said sarcastically. I laughed and so did Edward.

"Seriously Jasper, we just met. We're just messing with the paparazzi's heads." Edward explained. Jasper rolled his eyes and him and Alice sat down next to each other on the floor. Their shoulders were touching but that's it. We talked while the commercials were going, but Edward and I shushed them when the show came up. We leaned forward and the host smiled as the camera came up to him.

"Edward Cullen, and Isabella Swan were seen together again in New York this morning. It was said by an anonymous source that they are now working together, Bella being Edward's new photographer. Here are some brand new pictures of the hot couple."

The picture of Edward and I walking out of the apartment came up. Then another while we were talking to the paparazzi, Edward's arm around my waist.

Us walking into IHOP

A picture of us through the window, him kissing my cheek. How the hell did they get that?

Holding hands while walking out of IHOP and then him opening my car door for me.

Walking towards the bridge with our hands intertwined. The next couple pictures were of us on the bridge. I braced myself for Alice's squeal when they would see the next one.

The fake-kiss came up. Wow! It really did look real. Edward made sure he covered all of his hand with his lips and you couldn't see his arm that was up. I had my eyes closed and Edward's other hand was tightly gripping my waist. Alice immediately turned around and looked at us with wide eyes.

"What. The. Hell." she said, enunciating each word sternly. I looked over to Edward and raised one eyebrow. He just shrugged. I crossed my arm and gave him a look that had him looking around the room nervously. You-better-tell-them-now-before-I-slap-you-upside-the-head. That's what that look meant.

"Fine! Stop looking at me like that Bella. It was a fake kiss you guys. You can't see it, but my hand was over her mouth." he explained. Alice and Jasper looked at each other and rolled their eyes before we all turned back to the television.

"There you have it. Hand holding, eating at IHOP, and a hot kiss. Meet the new couple, EdBella." the host smiled at the camera as the screen faded to black and the credits came up.

"EdBella? They could've come up with something better then that." Alice hissed. I laughed. At least it wasn't Bedward, that's just retarded.

"I think we'll have to cut this little meeting short, Edward has an interview with Katy Rose tomorrow." Jasper said. Alice pouted as we all got up and the boys made their way over to the door. Before they made it to the door, Edward turned around and smiled at us.

"You two and Rosalie will come to the interview right? It's live, and we can get you front row seats." Edward said with a smile. Alice started squealing and answered yes for both of us.

"Great. It starts at noon. See you then." Jasper said. He gave me a hug then turned to Alice. He hugged her a little longer and whispered something in her ear to make her giggle. Edward rolled his eyes and turned to me. He wrapped me in his arms and kissed my cheek.

We can so beat Alice and Jasper in the sweet romantic crap.

"See you tomorrow." Edward whispered in my ear, which made me shiver. He pulled back and gave Alice a one armed hug then they both left.

When the door was closed, Alice turned to me with a big smile on her face and her cheeks slightly flushed.

"Mary's got a crush! Mary's got a crush!" I started singing, using Alice's real name that she hated with a burning passion.

"Don't call me Mary! And no, I don't have a crush, but you do." she giggled. I glared at her and crossed my arms.

"I don't have a crush on Edward, Mary." I retorted, sneering her name. She stopped giggling and glared at me.

"Well, I don't have a crush on Jasper, Isabella."

She did not just call me by that dreadfully awful name.

"Fine. Neither of us have crushes." I said with my jaw clenched. She narrowed her eyes one last time at me, before we both burst out laughing. She gave me a hug then we both sat down to watch House.



"What the he-" I started to say as I woke up to my ringtone that Alice had sneeked on my phone. I rolled too far over and fell off the bed.


I groaned and tried to sit up and find my phone in the dark, but my hand just kept feeling air.


I finally found my bed and hoisted myself up so I could turn on the lamp. I finally found it and flipped it on. I saw my cellphone and went to grab it.


"What?!" I snapped as I opened the phone. It was silent on the other end. If this is a prank call that has woken me up at 2 o'clock in the morning, then I'm going to find this person and personally strangle him.

"Whoever is calling me at 2 o'clock in the morning must have a pretty good reason for it, so SPEAK UP!" I shouted into the phone.

"I can call back later." Edward whispered on the other line. Crap.

"Crap! I'm sorry Edward. I didn't mean to shout. Alice put a 3Oh!3 song on my cell and it woke me up with an angry guy yelling 'I'm not your boyfriend baby.' Then I proceeded to fall out of bed. And then you wouldn't start talking so I imagined you as a prank caller that I would have to find and murder later and...and...and, just tell me what you called for." I said with a sigh, realizing I was babbling. I heard Edward's musical laughter on the other end of the line.

"I don't think you'll like my reason for calling. I just couldn't sleep. But I shouldn't have woken you up, I'm sorry, I'll just go now." he said.

"No!" I said too loudly. "I-I mean w-we can just t-talk, till we fall asleep." I stammered. I closed my eyes tightly and put my hand on my forehead, I really sound like an idiot right now.

"That's sounds like a good way to pass the time." Edward said. I can just imagine him with a smug smile on his gorgeous face right now. I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

"Well, you know how I got into photography, how did you become the actor you are today?" I asked him. I turned off my lamp and climbed into bed again so I was laying flat on my back.

"I would always be in the school plays and most of the time, I would be the lead. In my Sophomore year, a talent agent came to the play specifically to see me. I guess he liked what he saw because he helped me become what I am today. I owe it all to him." he explained.

"Wow. He sounds like a great guy to help you out so much." I said in disbelief.

"Aro Volturi, what a guy. He was like my second father whenever I had to be away from home. But he passed away a couple of years back." he continued.

"I'm sorry about that. He sounded like a really great person." I uttered. What do you say to a guy you've just met and he's takling about his practically second father passing away?

"Thanks. And he was just that, a great person. But I'm just happy that I have a lot of great people in my life now. My parents, Jasper and Emmett, even you and your roommates that I've just met. I'm grateful for all of you." he said with adoration dripping from his tone of voice."Enough about me. Who's the biggest person in your life?" he asked.

"That would have to be Grandma Swan. She lives in Forks near my real father, Charlie. I'm really close to her, but I don't get to visit that often, but maybe I can soon." I started to say. "She would take care of me in the summer when either Charlie was out and Renee and Phil were on a private vacation where they didn't want me to come. She really helped with my photography and was with me every step of the way. Charlie didn't like the idea of me being a photographer but my Grandma convinced him that it was what I wanted to do and he should respect that."

"She sounds like a strong women, I bet you miss her." Edward said softly into the phone. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes. Whenever I thought about Grandma Swan, I always got emotional. She was the only reason why I'm a photographer. She's my hero.

"I miss her a lot." I replied, my voice breaking.

"Don't cry Bella. We're going to California this Friday. After the photoshoot, I can drive you up to Washington so you can see your Dad and your Grandma." he said.

"Edward, you don't have-"

"Bella. We are going to take you to see your Grandma ok?" he asked sternly.

"Fine." I sighed. I yawned involuntarily and let my eyes shut gently.

"Tired?" he asked, a smile obviously on his face.

"Just a bit." I said slowly. Edward chuckled on the other line and I heard a little bit of shuffling around on the phone. Then I heard a piano. It was playing Starbright by Jim Brickman. It was one of my favorite songs. It was a mix of lullabys and always calmed me down. Whoever was playing, was doing a great job. I started to fall asleep, I felt my eyes get heavy.

"Goodnight Bella. I think we can hang up now." I heard Edward whisper.

"G-night....Edward." I said groggily. I pulled the phone back and pressed the red button. Then I fell into a dreamless slumber.

A/N: Well there you have it! Review please! (You know you want to... )

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Chapter: 8

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Alright hand, find the snooze button.

Found the night stand, found the lamp....alarm clock! Alright, find the big button, got it now press!

"Oh no you don't!" a voice stopped me. I opened one eye and peeked above me. Alice was standing next to my bed with her hands on her hips.

"You need to get up and take a shower. Edward has his interview with Katy Rose at noon and he's invited us, remember?" she asked. I groaned and nodded. I looked over to the clock. It's only 6 in the morning.

"Alice... it's only 6. Why do we have to get up so early?" I asked her while she started raiding my closet, looking for my outfit.

"Bella, Bella, Bella. You have so much to learn. We're getting front row seats to a live filming of Katy Rose, we might be on T.V so we have to look ah-mazing!" she explained. She turned back around to face me and held out a pair of dark skinny jeans and an emerald green long sleeve shirt.

"Thanks, and you really need to stop saying ah-mazing Alice. We're 24.." I reminded her. She just rolled her eyes and laughed at me.

"Fine! Now go take a shower and get dressed! I have to do your hair and makeup for the show." she commanded. I hopped out of bed and saluted her before marching to the bathroom.

But a thought occured to me and I turned back around.


"Hmmm." she answered while looking through her makeup.

"Yesturday, while Jasper was hugging you. What did he whisper in your ear to make you laugh?" I asked her. She looked up and started laughing.

"You know how we were listening to Don't Trust Me?" she asked. I nodded with caution. "He whispered, she wants to touch me woohoo, in a falsetto voice." she explained with a laugh. I shook my head and laughed.

"Great, my best friend has an inside joke that I can't be in on." I muttered. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Ya well, I can't pretend to date Edward with you! Now go take a shower." she said quickly. I groaned and stomped into the bathroom again.

The shower water ran over my back and calmed my nerves. No, I'm not nervous about seeing Edward, it's the T., what if I do end up on the show?

I shook the thought out of my head and got out of the shower. I dried myself off and put on the outfit. I looked in the mirror and sighed.

I'm not some gorgeous girl with movie star looks, like Rosalie. I'm just a plain person. Dull brown eyes with unruly hair to match. My face is so pale, almost translucent. I have great skin though, so that's a plus. I stepped out of the bathroom and was attacked by Alice.

She dragged me over to her makeup chair aka: Chair of Doom, and began rubbing hundreds of products on my face.

"We're going to make you look stunning!" Rosalie said suddenly.

"Where have you been Rose?" I asked while Alice kept dabbing and brushing things onto my face.

"I just got back from coffee...with a-a friend." she answered. Alice scoffed and kept putting on my makeup.

"Emmett called while you were asleep and asked if Rosalie wanted to go out and get coffee with him before the show." Alice said happily while she put eyeshadow on my closed lids.

"I see. I thought you and Emmett would hit it off. So do ya like him?" I asked while Alice began her torture on my hair. I opened my eyes and looked up at Rosalie. She was sitting on the chair next to mine and had a cup of coffee in her hands. She was constantly shifting it around in her hands.

"I really like him. He's a great guy and he's funny too. I don't think he would hurt me like Royce did, he's too much of a teddy bear for that. And I know this is crazy to think about so soon, but I can't help it." she said, obviously frustrated. "When I look at him, I can't help but think that he'd be a great... husband and father someday." she continued. I smiled up at her and she smiled back.

"Awww, Rose, I've never heard you talk about someone like this." I replied. She laughed and shook her head in disbelief.

"He's not just someone. He makes me feel safe. I know we aren't...together like that, but maybe someday right?" she asked me, hope in her eyes.

"Emmett would be a complete dip shit if he didn't ask you to be his girlfriend Rose." I answered. She laughed and patted my shoulder.

"Thanks Bells." she whispered before going to get dressed for the show. Alice finished up with my hair and finally let me see myself.

I looked, cute. My makeup was light and natural and my hair was curled into nice flowing waves. Alice hadn't gone overboard! Yay!

"Stop dazzling yourself Bella and let's go!" Alice yelled. I grabbed my brown oversized purse and ran out to the living room where Alice and Rose were waiting. Alice grabbed her keys and we walked out of our apartment and toward's Alice's car.

We piled in and Alice roared her car to life. I closed my eyes and waited for the ride of hell to be over.


We arrived at the set for the Katy Rose show and saw Emmett and Jasper outside the building.

"Rosalie!" Emmett yelled when he saw us coming. He quickly walked towards us and scooped Rosalie up in a big hug. He swung her around while she laughed. I turned to Alice and saw that she was getting a one armed hug from Jasper. I sighed at this.

"What, no hugs for Bella?" I asked in a fake hurt voice. Emmett laughed and gave me a bonecrushing hug.

"Emmett...can't...breathe!" I choked out. He immediately set me down and I got my breathing back.

"Are you ready to go in? Edward's up in 10 minutes and we already got you seats." Jasper said once I got back to normal. We all agreed and started to talk inside. Emmett showed us our seats and we sat down. Emmett immediately sat down next to Rosalie so I sat on his other side. Jasper and Alice sat down by each other too. Wow, am I the fifth wheel or what?

The show started up and the crowd started applauding.

"Welcome back. Today we have a very special guest on the show today. Please welcome, Edward Cullen!" Katy Rose said enthusiastically. The answering cheers from the females in the room was deafening. Edward walked out, looking even more stunning in a pair of dark jeans and a green shirt. Ha, we match again.

He gave Katy a hug then sat down on the couch next to her.

"Thanks for coming on the show. I have a lot of questions for you." Katy began. "First, what was it like working with Lauren Mallory on The Truth about Forever?"'

I waited for Edward's reaction. I know he can't stand her, but he wouldn't say that on television would he?

"It was great working with her." he lied. He looked straight at me in the audience and winked.

"Second, what do you plan on doing next?"

"I have a lot of photoshoots lined up so I plan on finishing those up. Then...I guess whatever comes up." he explained with one of those dazzling crooked grins.

"Oh of course. We hear that you hired Isabella Swan as your photographer. But we've been noticing that there's something more between you two. Care to explain?" Katy questioned. Edward looked towards me and smiled evily.

"Well, Isabella's in the audience. Why don't we ask her?" Edward asked Katy. The crowd went wild and my jaw dropped. He is not putting me on national television. Katy gestured for him to go get me. Edward ran off the stage and walked straight towards me.

"Are you ready for your big debue?" he teased. I widened my eyes and shook my head.

"No! Edward, don't make me do this. Please." I begged. I even put my hands together and pouted. Edward just shook his head. The camera was already on us, watching our little conversation. Edward grabbed my hands in his and intertwined our fingers.

"I won't let them embarrass you. I promise." he whispered. I sighed and nodded my head. Edward smiled and drug me towards the stage. Edward sat us down togehter on the couch next to Katy.

"I just have to say, you two are an extremely cute couple." Katy said with a smile. I smiled politely at her and fought the urge to jab my elbow into Edward's ribs.

"So, Isabella, what is going on between you and Edward?" she asked. I turned to Edward and took a deep breath.

"Edward is a really sweet guy and I really love being with 's pretty handsome too, but there's more to him then 's funny and always knows what to say when I need to be cheered up.I trust him with my deepest secrets and I feel like I've known him forever. I can't live without him." I whispered the last part for dramatic effect. The crowd awwed and I laughed nervously. Edward rubbed circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. Katy put a hand over her heart and blinked rapidly.

"That was beautiful. I see wedding bells in your future." she said confidently. I laughed again. Edward and I aren't even together and she's talking about marriage.

"We've seen a lot of pictures surfacing of you two together. Our favorite is this one." she said excitedly. We looked back at the screen behind us and the fake kiss picture came up. I blushed and turned back to the crowd who was cheering and wolf whistling.

"You both just look so... perfect together." she said breathlessly.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" I heard a voice chanting. I looked over and saw Emmett and Alice yelling it. Then Rosalie and Jasper joined in and pretty soon the whole crowd did too. I glared at Alice and Emmett but they just shrugged and kept yelling.

I turned back to Edward who was blushing slightly and looking down. I looked from the crowd, to Katy, to Alice, then finally back to Edward before deciding something.

"Screw it." I whispered huskily to Edward. It worked and he lifted his head up and stared at me. I grabbed his collar and brought him to me. I kissed him fiercely while I held onto his neck and the crowd erupted in applause and wolf whistles. i meant to just kissed him then pull away, but he has really soft lips and they started to move against mine slowly and... lovingly? My fingers were now in his hair and he had one hand on my waist... I had to remind myself that we were on live television.

I pulled back and took my hands off Edward. My face turned red when I looked back at the audience. They were cheering my name. I looked over to Edward. He had his eyes closed and his breathing was erratic. I tapped him on the chest and he finally went back to normal.

"Well well well! You two look like you were enjoying yourselves. Beautiful couple aren't they?" Katy asked the crowd. They started clapping and cheering again.

"We're going to take a break. We'll be right back." Katy said into the camera. The guy cleared us out and I took a deep breath and turned to Edward.

"You know you got us into this mess." I told him coldy. He just shrugged and gave me a dazzling grin.

"I only kissed you to keep this whole thing up alright?" I asked he. He just laughed and nodded. I crossed my arms and faced the crowd again.

"I must say, you are an amazing kisser." Edward whispered in my ear which made me shiver. I rolled my eyes and laughed without humor.

"Whatever Edward." I said breathlessly.

My lips are still on fire from that stupid kiss.

A/N: Hahahaha, I'm so evil! So there you have it. Review please!

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Chapter: 9

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight

The rest of the show went by smoothly. I didn't talk anymore because it was all questions for Edward. I watched in awe as Edward answered Katy's questions. He did it with such grace and he knew how to make her laugh. He really is amazing, and I don't think he knows it.

"You two come back and visit whenever you want." Katy told us while she was wrapping up the show. Edward had his arm around my shoulders and our fingers were laced together. Edward smiled at her and turned to me.

"We might take you up on that." I said with a smile. Katy smiled back sweetly then turned to the camera.

"Well there you have it. My new favorite celebrity couple, Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan." she said straight into the lens. The camera then went to us and Edward leaned into my ear and whispered.

"They really think we're dating." he whispered. I laughed slightly and whispered in his ear.

"We must be doing a pretty good job." I teased. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. We smiled at each other and laughed lightly.

"And we're out! Great show everyone!" the producer yelled. I immediately turned to glare at Edward.

"Now that we're off the air, I can do this." I said coldly. He stared at me in fear. I turned to face him and punched him in the chest.

"Owww." he said quietly, rubbing the spot where I hit him.

"You just kissed me on national television!" I whispered shouted. Edward rolled his eyes.

"If I remember correctly, you're the one who kissed me." he said with a smug smile. Katy then came up and told us we could leave. We smiled and thanked her politely then walked off the stage together with his arm around my shoulders. Right when we made it outside. I took his hand off of me and walked faster then him.

"Bella's mad at me." Edward said softly from behind me. I didn't turn around, just kept walking toward's Alice's Porsche... which has convientally disappeared.

"Damn you Alice." I mumbled. I found Edward's Volvo and walked over to it. I turned around and glared at Edward.

"You're taking me home." I told him flatly. He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

"Not until you say that I'm the best kisser in the world." he teased. I narrowed my eyes and stepped closer to him.

"No." I spat. He narrowed his eyes and took a step towards me so our bodies were touching.

"Say it, or you're walking home." he said harshly. I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes.

"You're the best kisser in the world, now take me home!" I said loudly. He smiled smugly and leaned down towards me.

"That's more like it!" then he pecked me on the lips. He chuckled and walked to the driver side of the car.

"Edward! You are not allowed to just kiss me whenever you want! We aren't even dating. We're friends and that's it." I explained. He chuckled and opened his car door.

"Fine. No more kissing. Now let me take you home." he said seriously. I crossed my arms and shook my head. Edward sighed and walked around his car to my side. He opened the door then walked around to me.

"Get in the car Bella." he said quietly. I rolled my eyes and got into his stupid, shiny Volvo. I buckled myself up and waited for him to start the car.


"Would you rather kiss a hobo or a chicken?" Edward asked while we drove towards the apartment. I rolled my eyes.

"The chicken." I answered. He chuckled.

"Would you rather kiss... a soda can, or a pair of scissors?" he asked.

"I don't know...the soda can." I said. He laughed and then went on to explain why he would pick the scissors. Honestly, I just tuned out.

"Next question. Would you rather kiss... a stranger, or your best friend..with tongue?" he asked with a smile.

"Since Alice is my best friend, I would kiss the stranger with tongue." I told him.

"Eeeew! You'd at least know that Alice doesn't have some kind of STD, but the stranger, he could be loaded with diseases..."

"Edward!" I shouted. He stopped talking and looked over at me. "Would you rather kiss my fist, or my foot? Because if you don't shut up in the next minute, one of them is going to be hitting your face." I said harshly. Edward just chuckled and turned back to the road.

"Touchy." he said underneath his breath.

"I heard that!" I yelled, which made him laugh harder.

"So what's got your wand in a knot?" he asked with a smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Stop using Harry Potter quotes. And I'm nervous because my mom watches the Katy Rose show, and I don't think she'll be happy about seeing her daughter kissing some guy she's never even heard of." I answered.

"I can see where that could raise a problem..." he said quietly.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically. He laughed and grabbed my hand. He rubbed circles on the back with his thumb while he held onto it.

"Just tell her the truth. We're fake dating and that was only done to keep up with this charade." he said simply. I groaned and shut my eyes.

"Either way, she's not going to be happy about this. The kiss, or the fake dating." I explained.

Then my phone rang. It was my mom. I answered it hesitantly.

"Mom?" I asked quietly. Edward stared at me with wide eyes, and bit his lip. He's adorable when he does that... what no? He's the guy who persuaded me to kiss him on live television. He's the enemy. He's the hot enemy!

"I just saw you on the Katy Rose show, kissing Edward Cullen! Care to explain?" she asked sharply. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"I'm not dating him. It's all fake mom. We're only pretending to mess with everyone's heads. I had to kiss him to keep it up." I explained. I heard a little commotion in the background.

"I have to go Bella. Just don't get hurt alright? I love you, talk to you later." she said. She hung before I could say anything else. I closed my phone and put it back in my purse.

"What'd she say?" Edward asked.

"Not much. But she's not mad, I don't think. So that's a good thing." I told him flatly. He nodded in agreement. We pulled into the parking lot for the apartments and I unbuckled myself. Before I got out, I turned towards him.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" I asked hopefully. Edward smiled sadly and sighed.

"We leave for California on Friday and it's only Tuesday. I have to do an interview tomorrow, then on Thursday, I have to finish packing. So I won't see you till Friday when we pick you up to go to the airport." Edward explained sadly.

"Oh. I'll see you then." I said softly. I opened the door to get out of his car. I got one foot out, when Edward called my name.

"Ya?" I asked after I turned back around. Edward was closer then I expected and his nose made a trail along my cheek when I turned.

"Can't wait to see you on Friday." Edward whispered huskily into my ear. He pulled back and kissed my cheek and lingered for a second longer before pulling away.

"Talk to you later, Edward." I whispered before getting out of his car and walking up to room 1012. When I made sure his car was gone. I put a hand on the cheek where he kissed it.

I took a deep breath and shook my head before walking into the apartment.

"Bella! You're back." Alice yelled when I got in the room. I glared at her and brushed right past her and into the living room where I sat down on the couch.

"You're mad at me for chanting Kiss and leaving you at the set, I know I know! But still, I just wanted you two to see what you could be instead of pretend to be." Alice explained. I closed my eyes.

"Ya, well you've opened my eyes to that. But I still don't like him that way Alice. We're better off as friends." I said with my eyes still closed. She sighed and sat down beside me.

"Come on Bella, we all see the way he looks at you." Rosalie said, adding onto Alice's side of the argument.

"What way?" I asked them flatly.

"He looks at you like you're the only girl in the whole room. And when you laugh, his eyes are trained on you and he's wearing a silly grin. He's got it bad!" Rosalie explained. I laughed at her comment but doubted the whole thing.

"Well, I don't get to see him till Friday." I told them. I finally opened my eyes and looked at them. They nodded sadly at my news, then put their attention on the T.V

"Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen were on the Katy Rose show this afternoon. Things got a little steamy, check this out." the host said.

A video of me and Edward on Katy's couch came up. The crowd was heard yelling KISS. Then you see me whisper to Edward, and he looks up at me. I grab his collar and kiss him hard and he reacts. His hands are all over me and mine are tightly holding onto his neck.

"Turn it off!" I shouted. Rosalie immediately flipped to a different channel. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and stood up.

"I'm going to bed." I said quietly. They nodded in recognition and I walked back to my bedroom and flopped on the bed.

Edward Cullen will be the death of me, I swear it.

A/N: Woohoo! 9th chapter done! Get ready for the 10th, it's coming soon. Review and it will come even faster! =)

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Chapter: 10

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight!

I woke up and last night's memories came flooding back.

The T.V Show, the kiss,and everything in between.

I got out of bed and walked slowly towards the kitchen where I smelled breakfast. I expected to see Rosalie or Alice when I turned the corner to the kitchen, but it was neither one of them.

It was Edward Cullen.

"What are you doing? I thought you had an interview today." I told him while I sat down at the bar. He laughed and placed a plate of pancakes, sausage, and bacon in front of me.

"It's only 8 in the morning. My interview doesn't start till 10." Edward explained before handing me a fork.I got a piece of the pancake and stuck it in my mouth. I had to bite back a moan, this was the best breakfast I've ever had.

"This is amazing, Edward." I said after I swallowed that bite. He chuckled and leaned against the edge of the counter. He ran a hand through his hair, and I knew he looked a little trouble.

"Bella, I didn't just come over here to make you breakfast. I need to talk to you about something." he began. I started panicking. He's firing me, I know it.

"Edward, if you don't want me to be your photographer, just fire me." I said suddenly. Edward stared at me like I had three heads.

"I'm not gonna fire you Bella, if that's what you're thinking." he said slowly like he was talking to a kindergartener. I let out a breath of relief and he laughed lightly.

"I wanted to talk about... the kiss." he said finally. I nodded and kept eating my amazing breakfast.

"What about it?" I asked through a mouthful of pancake. Edward wringed his hands and wouldn't meet my gaze.

"Did you... feel anything?" he asked finally. I swallowed my food and tried to lighten the mood.

"I felt your extremely soft lips, what chapstick do you use?" I asked in a light voice. I managed to make him laugh lightly.

"I didn't mean that. I meant, did you feel some sort of... spark?" he asked quietly. I finished eating my food and looked up at him.

I knew I felt something, but I didn't want him to know that. I know for a fact that I don't like Edward Cullen... that way. We're really good friends and that's it for the time being. Now, if something were to happen later on in our friendship, then sure, I would date him in a heartbeat. But... not right now. I would want to get to know him first.

"Edward, if you're asking me wether or not I like you that way, I'm going to have to say no. I don't. I don't know you well enough to like you that way. And yes, I felt a little something when we kissed, but I don't think that necessarily means we have to start dating." I explained. Edward debated in his head and finally nodded.

"True. I was just wondering if you felt the same way. I don't think I have feelings for you, yet. But we don't know what the future brings." he said with a crooked grin. I smiled and gave him a hug.

I pulled back and looked over at the clock.

"Edward! You have to go." I said in shock. It was 9:30 already. Edward looked at the clock and laughed.

"Bella, interviewers don't care if I'm late. As long as they get their questions, I'm good. But still, I should be leaving." he countered in a second thought.

I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I'll go to my interview. Even though I'd much rather stay here and talk to you." he said sadly. He grabbed his jacket and I walked him to the door. I opened the door for him and said goodbye, he was about to walk out but he turned around and came back in.

"There's a guy with a camera out there." he whispered in an anxious voice. I smiled and pushed him out the door. I leaned against the door frame and watched in preripheal vision as the photographer got his camera ready.

"So, I'll see you on Friday right?" Edward asked in a giddy voice. I laughed and nodded.

"8 am on Friday morning, see you then." I said sweetly. I gave Edward a big hug and held on longer and tighter then was really necessary. I heard the clicks of the camera as the guy captured the moment. I pulled away and raised my eyebrows at Edward. I began to lean in slightly and I saw Edward nod slightly in recognition of what I was doing. I leaned into his cheek and kissed it. I linger for a second before, leaning even farther and going towards his ear.

"We rock at this. See you on Friday." I whispered. I felt Edward shiver, then I pulled back and went back inside my apartment. I laughed at what just happened and walked into the living room. I sat down on the couch and was about to turn on the television when I got a text. Alice.

Hey chicka. Wat r u up to?

It asked. I laughed. Alice was always calling me chicka and babe.

Nothin. Edward just left.

I turned on the television and settled down for a House marathon. All my favorite episodes were coming on today. But I should probably clean the house while the girls are gone, give them a special treatment.

My phone buzzed again and I flipped it open to talk to Alice again.

haha. u dont know how sexual that sounds.

im gonna be home l8, srry.

be quiet.

where r u going?

I stood up and walked towards the closet and pulled out the vacume and started to vacume the apartment. Alice buzzed again and I pulled out my cellphone.

Jasper's taking me out!!!

I can't believe he asked me.

Jasper and Alice... cute couple. I give them permission to date. I finished up the vacume cleaning and started to answer Alice's text.

that's great!

hope it goes good.

I got out the windex and started cleaning the windows and the mirror that Alice said we had to have for quick makeup and hair fixes on our way out. It was huge and I could barely reach the top, but I made it. Alice rang again, and I read her text.

i'm sooo excited!

I gotta go, ttyl!

I smiled and slipped the phone back in my pocket. I set the windex down and went over to my iHome. I found the song I was looking for and starting dancing around and singing to it.

'Build Me Up, Buttercup' was my favorite song to clean to. It was upbeat and peppy, and kept me going. Plus, it was the funnest song I had on my iPod. I started dancing around and singing to the music and swishing my hair around. I amaze myself with the fact that I can actually have fun by myself.

I stopped dancing when I heard a knock on the door. I turned my music down so it was background music and ran to get the door. I opened the door and was shocked when I saw who it was.

Jacob Black.

I glared at him and tried to shut the door in my ex-boyfriend's face, but he put his foot in the space before I could shut it all the way.

"What do you want Jacob?" I sneered when I opened the door up again. Jacob took a deep breath and ran a hand through his long black hair.

"I want you." he said quietly. I laughed without humor and leaned against the door frame with my arms cross.

"No you don't Jacob. You had me, you had me and you chose Leah. You had me 3 months ago and you cheated." I explained.

"What if I said I wanted to make that up to you?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.

"I'd say you need to get a life." I said before walking back into the apartment and slamming the door.

3 months ago, Jacob Black broke my heart by cheating on me with Leah Clearwater. What hurt the most was that I used to consider Jacob my best friend as well as a boyfriend, but not anymore. Jacob's been showing up at my apartment at least once a month, begging for me to take him back. Every time I tell him no, but he still comes back. The first time he came back, he tried to force himself on me by kissing me. I pushed him off and kicked him... where the sun don't shine.

The second time, he managed to control his lips, but he did fall to his knees and beg. I just rolled my eyes and left him in the middle of the hallway. Next time he comes, I hope Edward is here. We need to convince another certain someone that we're dating.

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Chapter: 11

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Chapter 11

I sat around and cleaned the rest of the apartment while I waited for Alice and Rosalie to get usually come home around 4 and it's already 2:30 so they should be home in a couple of hours.

I tried to watch House, but I couldn't concentrate on anything. I tried reading, listening to music, watching a movie, even watching Oprah! And nothing seems to distract me long enough. Maybe I should take a knitting class, that'll give me something to do.

I know why I'm so bored. It's because I've spent these past couple of days with Edward, and he's not here today. That's why. I'm always having so much fun whenever he's with me, so when he's gone, I'm going to be bored.

Wow, this sucks.

I can't see Edward again till Friday.

I need to make more friends so I won't be as bored as I am right now. Then I can actually have fun while Edward is packing for California, and while Alice and Rose are working.

I stand up and walk to the kitchen. I pull out the recipe book my mom gave me when I moved out. I flip to my favorite recipe and get the ingredients out for Lemon Refrigerator Pie (A/N: My fav!) I started to make the pie and when the crust was in the oven, I started to make tripe fudge brownies from scratch. The oven dinged for the crust and I pulled it out and started to put in the filling. I covered up the pie and put it in the fridge to cool. I finished mixing the brownies and put them in the oven.

When the brownies were safely in the oven. I turned around and started cleaning up the kitchen. I cleaned the kitchen so it was spotless, and the brownies finished cooking too. They were baked to perfection. I let them cool and walked over to my bedroom.

I got on my laptop and pulled up an e-mail from my mom.


I still don't like the idea of you and that celebrity, Edward Cullen, fake dating. But it's your life and you can do whatever you want with it. Just don't get yourself in too deep, you could get hurt.

Phil and I are doing great. It's been going slow around the house lately. I haven't spoken to your father in a while, how's he doing? I hope Grandma Swan is doing good too. Next time you talk to them, tell them I say hello.

Love, Renee.

I sighed. Why can't Renee just call Charlie and Grandma Swan if she wants to talk to them. Why do I have to be the middle man?


It's fine mom, Edward and I are really good friends now. Nothing is awkward between us. We both know that we're only friends. He's a really nice mom, you should meet him sometime. I'm going to California with him and his friends Emmett and Jasper, to shoot for MaxMagazine! I can't believe how lucky I am to shoot for them, it's going to be great!

I haven't talked to Grandma Swan or Charlie in a while. But I should call them because Edward said that since California is close to Washington, he could take me to Forks after we're done with our two weeks in Cali. We're leaving on Friday, so I really should start packing.

Love, Bella.

I sent the e-mail and closed my laptop up. I turned around to my closet and pulled out a suitcase. I started throwing random necessities, like toothbrushes, underwear, bras, that kind of crap. But I heard the apartment door open and a pair of heels hit the floor.

"Bella! I'm home!" Rosalie called. I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room where Rosalie was setting her purse down and taking off her jacket. She smiled when she saw me.

"So what did you do today?" she asked. I sighed in frustration and gave her a small smile.

"Edward came over this morning and made me breakfast." I told her. She awwed and I glared at her, which made her laugh. "Then he left and I was cleaning up and guess who comes to the door?" I asked, feigning excitement.

"Who?" she asks, with fake curiosity, she already knows of course.

"Jacob Black, who else?" I sneer. She laughs and shakes her head.

"When will that kid ever learn that when you get caught cheating, you don't get the girl." she said with a smile. I roll my eyes and we both plop down on the couch.

"I got bored,so there's brownies and lemon refrigerator pie in the kitchen. I got bored." I told her. Her eyes went wide and she immediately shot up from the couch and ran to the kitchen. She came back out several seconds later, holding a brownie in her hands. She took a bite and closed her eyes.

"I love it when you're bored." she said through a mouthful of brownie. I laughed and she sat back down on the couch. She turned on the television and a celebrity gossip show came on. I turned to her and we both raised our eyebrows, before turning back to the T.V and settling in for some drama.

"Are Isabella and Edward becoming match makers? We've been seeing their friends together lately. Jasper Whitlock, Edward's publicist, and Isabella Swan's roommate and deisgner, Alice Brandon, were seen out on the town today. Take a look." the host said.

A picture of Alice and Jasper walking around the streets of New York with big smiles on their faces came up. The picture fades and another one of them comes up with them holding hands as Alice pulled him into what looked like BCBG.

The picture fades and the cutest one comes up. Alice is trying to run but Jasper has his arms around her waist and has picked her up about 2 inches off the ground.

The host, with his fake smile and everything, comes up and starts to talk again.

"Rosalie Hale, broadway star, and Emmett McCarty, Cullen's body guard, were seen together, also." he says.

Rosalie and Emmett come up and they're sitting outside Starbucks with coffee in their hands. Emmett is talking and Rosalie is laughing her head off. Another picture comes up and they're holding hands while talking. The last picture comes up, it's right outside our apartment. Emmett is giving Rosalie a kiss on the cheek and she's blushing just as bad as me.

"Love is in the air for anyone friends with Isabella and Edward." the host says.

I turned to Rosalie and raise my eyebrows.

"What?! Emmett is the nicest guy I've met, and I can act like myself around him. And he likes that." she explained. "But I don't think he feels the same way. I'm not good enough for him." she said the last part quietly.

My eyes went wide and my eyebrows shot up. "Rosalie, you are too good enough for him! How can you even say that about yourself?" I asked her incredulously. She just sighed and shook her head.

I'm slippin' into the lava

And I'm tryin' keep from goin' under

Baby, who turned the temperature hotter?

'Cause I'm burnin' up, burnin' up for you baby

C'mon girl!

"It's Emmett!" Rosalie shouted as she searched for her phone in her purse. I burst out laughing.

"Why is his ring tone a Jonas Brothers song?" I asked. She just shook her head and finally found her phone.

"Hello?" she asked with a smile. She kept grinning and then started laughing. I rolled my eyes and went to get a brownie. Rosalie came into the kitchen too and kept talking to Emmett.

"Oh, okay....right. I'll tell her." Rosalie said into the phone. She brought it away from her ear slightly and stared at me. "Emmett said that he says hi, and that Edward says it too." she told me. I laughed and swallowed my brownie.

"Tell Emmett I said hi... tell Edward to call me since I'm bored." I responded. She relayed the information to Emmett, and 10 seconds later my phone was ringing.


I groaned and picked up my phone. I really need to change Edward's ring tone. I flipped it open and pressed the green button.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Bella! I can't believe my ringtone is I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby. I'm hurt." he said quickly. I laughed and sat down on the couch. I could hear Rosalie, who was in her room now, laughing on the phone with Emmett.

"How did you know that?" I asked.

"Rosalie told Emmett, who told me. I must say, I'm surprised." he said in a sarcastic voice. I rolled my eyes.

"Well... you aren't my boyfriend baby, and you won't be my cute little sex toy. You seem more like a mountan lion then a regular lion or a tiger, and you refuse to be my nasty little boy... so the song fits!" I explained in a sarcastic tone. He chuckled his musical laugh, and it was beautiful... like always.

"True, I don't want to be a sex toy, or a nasty little boy. And a mountain lion is cool." he responded. I giggled and turned the T.V down since the show was back on. They didn't say anything else about Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett, or me and Edward.

"So what is my ringtone?" I asked, honestly curious. Edward chuckled and I could practically hear him run his hand through his hair.

"Umm... I don't know if I want to tell you that." he said sheepishly.

"Come on Edward." I said, trying to be seductive. It must've worked because I heard Edward's breathing quicken. I smiled devilishly and kept talking. "It can't be that bad, and if it is... I guess I'll just have to punish you." I said huskily into the phone. Edward's breath was becoming shallow.

"Your Body is a Wonderland by John Mayer. That's your ringtone." he breathed into the phone. I laughed at the thought of my body being considered a 'wonderland.' Totally ridiculous.

"That's great, choose a song that doesn't even fit me!" I said with a smile. Edward sighed and began to answer.

"Maybe I should choose a song about some girl who is a total TEASE!" Edward yelled into the phone. I laughed harder and tried to keep myself upright.

"You have to admit, I did have a big affect on you. You were breathing heavy and everything." I said between laughs. Edward didn't say anything on the other line, so I started singing the appropriate song. Sorry by Maria Mena.

"And I say baby, yes I feel stupid to call you, but I'm I don't think you meant it when you said you couldn't love I thought maybe if I kissed the way you do, you'd feel it too. He said I'm sorry. So sorry. I'm sorry. So sorry." I sand in the quietest voice I could manage, because that's how the song is sang by Maria Mena.

Edward stayed silent on the other end of the phone for a while.

"That was... random, yet beautiful." he finally said. I burst out laughing. So, I sing a song for a guy, and he calls it random and beautiful. Yep, that's just how I roll.

A/N: So there you have it, the 11th Chapter of my little story!

I have a serious question for you as my readers.... you guys don't know what Edward is feeling towards Bella, but I do!

Would you like to know? Would you like to have an occasional Edward POV?

Review and tell me what you want! This story is fueled by your reviews!

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Chapter: 12

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

You people wanted it... so here it is!

Edward's POV

After I hung up with Bella, I walked around my apartment and kept running my hand through my hair. I'm going to go prematurely bald if I don't figure this out fast.

All these things happening between Bella and myself are confusing the shit out of me.

I know she doesn't feel anything like that towards me, it's obvious. She even told me she doesn't. But what about me? Do I feel anything when she touches me, says my name, laughs her sweet laugh, and kisses me?

The answer to that is: YES!

God yes. Everything about her makes me want to kiss her. But she told me not to, and I don't know how long I'll be able to live with that. Every time she touches me, I shiver because it feels so good. I know I probably sound like a cheesy romance novel, but it's true.

And I don't think she knows what she does to me.

Sure, she knows about the heavy breathing when she tries to be seductive, but that's unavoidable.

But what Isabella Swan doesn't know is that I think I'm falling for her, in a big way.

"Edward!" Emmett shouted, shaking me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows.

"What?" I asked flatly.

"What is wrong with you? Every time you talk to Bella, you're always moping around and running your hand through your hair. What's up?" he asked. I sighed and sat down on the couch while Emmett stands in front of me.

"I know we're supposed to be fake dating, but I wish it was real." I said quietly. Emmett sighed and sat down next to me.

"Just tell her. She'll understand." Emmett said. I sighed in frustration and got off the couch.

"I tried to see if she felt the same way, but she said no. Just outright no!" I said loudly. I walked quickly to my room and shut the door harder then necessary.

I walked over to my stereo and popped in Mae. I switched to my favorite song, Tisbury Lane, and set it to repeat. I laid on my bed on my back and set my brain to figure this out.

So there's this girl named Bella Swan. She's beautiful in every way known to man. A heart shaped face, pale skin, mahogany hair, and chocolate brown eyes. Absolutely gorgeous. She's got this way of blushing whenever she's embarrassed, and it gets me every time. Her laugh is my favorite sound and my new mission is to hear it at least once everyday.

I want to be the guy she goes to when she's sad, so I can hold her in my arms. I want to be the guy she can kiss whenever she wants to. I want to be allowed to call her whenever I want to, and talk to her for hours. I want to be her boyfriend, for real.

A/N: So there you have it, my first Edward Point-of-View.

He won't be in here that much, because this is Bella's story.

But you needed to know what he was feeling, and obviously, it's not the same as Bella.

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Chapter: 13

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Back to Bella's Point-of-View

"Alice!" I yelled as I walked into the kitchen on a bright and sunny Thursday morning. Alice was reading the paper and drinking coffee. It's her day off so my plan was going to work.

"Morning to you too Bella." she said with a smile. I leaned against the counter and folded my arms across my chest.

"I have a big favor to ask of you Alice." I started out quietly. Alice looked up at me and raised her eyebrows. "You have to promise me something first, though," she nodded.

"You can't go overboard." I said finally. She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

"Overboard on what?" she asked. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Promise me first, then I'll tell you." I answered. I opened my eyes and looked at her.

She debated for a second. "I promise." she sighed. My answering smile was brilliant. Alice looked slightly frightened.

"Alright, here's my favor. I'm leaving for California tomorrow and I need you to... take me shopping." I said finally.

Her answering squeal made me cover my ears. She hopped off her barstool and wrapped me in her tiny arms. She pulled away and started jumping up and down.

"We have to get you some great new clothes! You should call Edward and see if you need anything formal. I'm going to take a shower and get dressed. Call Edward, then we'll leave after I'm ready." she said quickly before running to her room and starting her shower.

I shook my head and got my phone out of my purse and dialed Edward's number.

"Hello?" his velvet voice asked.

"Eddie!" I yelled in a preppy voice.

"Bella, don't ever call me that again." he scolded, I giggled. "So to what do I owe the honor of you calling me?" he asked formaly. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Alice is taking me shopping for our trip. She wants to know if I need anything formal, like a dress or whatever." I said with a flip of my hand. I hate dressing up, it's annoying.

"Well...I probably should've told you this sooner. I have to walk the red carpet, for a movie premiere of a fellow actor. You can come if you like. Be my date." he said slowly.

I didn't say anything. Edward wants me to go to a premiere, on a red carpet, and pretend to be his date? My life is getting weirder by the minute.

"Umm... sure. Why not?We need to keep up this image of fake dating anyway, this'll just be another chance." I said, trying to be cheerful. I have a feeling this is going to end in disaster.

"Fake dating...right. Well, I need to finish packing. See you tomorrow at 8 in the morning Bella." he said quietly. Before I could say goodbye, he hung up. I pulled the phone away from my ear and scrunched my eyebrows in confusion as I put it back in my purse.

I got dressed in a pair of simple blue jeans and a green t-shirt while I waited for Alice to come out of her room. I put my hair back into a ponytail and put on my favorite shoes. It takes Alice an hour to get ready so I sat down at the table and found a pen and a pad of paper and started doodling.

I started writing my full name, Isabella Marie Swan, in cursive over and over again. Then I started writing something else. Isabella Marie Cullen. I stopped writing and held the paper away from me and looked at the name. It sure looked nice... and it made my heart flutter at the thought of me and Edward getting maried.

But that would never happen. We're friends, that's it.

But just because we're friends doesn't mean I can't write my name with his on the end... right?

I kept doodling Isabella Marie Cullen over and over again, then finally shortened it to Bella Cullen. I liked that better and kept writing it over and over again.

"What cha doin?" somebody asked suddenly. I jumped up and tried to hide the notebook from Alice, but she grabbed it before I could stop her.

"Isabella Marie Swan, Isabella Marie Swan, Isabella Marie... Cullen?! Bella Cullen, Bella Cullen...." she trailed off, reading the rest of it in her head. She turned to look at me with one eyebrow cocked.

"Care to explain?" she asked, flinging the notebook on the table and crossing her arms. I sighed and my eyes darted around the room.

"So there's this guy, his names Edward Cullen. I think I might have a crush on him, but that sounds like we're in highschool. Plus, we're strictly friends, that's it." I explained. Her eyebrows shot up higher.

"Strictly friends... that's it? Honestly Bella, you can do better then this!" she said, gesturing towards the notebook. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse.

"Whatever Alice, are you still going to help me shop, or do I have to torture myself?" I asked while I assembled the things in my purse. Alice immediately jumped up and grabbed her purse and slipped on a pair of black heels.

"I can't let you shop by yourself, we would be taking half of it back anyway." she said with authority as we headed out the door of our apartment and down to her yellow Porsche.


"There is no way I am wearing that!" I whispered yelled as Alice tried to get me in a bikini. It barely covered... anything! Alice pouted and I had to look away, she's too evil for her own good.

We'd been shopping for an hour, and I must admit, I've caught a lot of cute stuff. All we need now is a swimsuit, and a formal gown. Oh joy.

"Just try it on Bella!" Alice rebounded. I rolled my eyes and snatched the offending piece of material and stomped over to the dressing rooms.

The bikini was dark blue and it was cute, but just not for me. The top had strings going up to tie behind my neck, and the bottom were more like a pair of boyshort underwear. I slipped it on and tied the neck up as best as I could. I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes went wide.

I look... hot!

It fit me perfectly and the blue contrasted perfectly against my creme skin. And when it was on me, instead of the hanger, it showed the perfect amount of skin. Since it was Victoria's Secret, it had a built in 'Miracle Bra' in it, so I actually had cleavage.

"Bella, come out. I want to see!" Alice said after she knocked on the dressing room. I opened the door slowly, then I heard Alice gasp.

"I'm buying this for you! No buts. Now, take it off and we can go find you an evening gown for the red carpet." she said before closing the dressing room. I took off the bakini and got back into my jeans and t-shirt. I grabbed the bikini and walked out to meet Alice.

She paid for it, no matter how many times I refused and pouted.

We walked out of Victoria's Secret and Alice dragged me to a designer boutqiue.

"Hey Alice!" the manager called when he saw us walk in. Alice ran over to her and kissed him on both cheeks.

"What brings you here today my sweet?" the guy asked in an incredibly feminine voice. Oh wait. He's a guy, and he manages a designer dress shop. He's probably gay.

"My friend Bella needs a dress for a red carpet premiere in Hollywood." she explained. The man put a hand over his heart and thrust the other out to me.

"Oh my god! You're the lucky girl dating Edward Cullen. Yum, he is a hunk, isn't he?" he said while shaking my hand.

"Ya, he's really great." I said after we pulled back.

"Alright darling, my name is Darel and I know the perfect dress for you." he said, then led me over to the other side of the store with Alice tagging along. He searched throught the rack, then pulled out a dress and turned around to show me.

I gasped when my eyes hit it. It was perfect... no, beyond perfect.

It was strapless and had rouched front on the bust. It was a dark midnight blue color and it flowed to the ground in perfect pleats. It was gorgeous!

"Perfect." I breathed. Darel smiled and handed me the dress. Alice walked me over to a dressing room and I started to put on the dress. When I finished, I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. It looked perfect on me, not just on the hanger.

I walked out of the dressing room, and Alice and Darel both started clapping.

"It's perfect Bella, we have to buy it!" Alice said. I laughed and nodded.

"I love it!" I said happily. Alice pushed me back into the dressing room where I changed back into my normal clothes.

We bought the dress and I was happy on what we bought today. We finally finished, after what felt like 5 hours of shopping, but in reality, it was only 2 and a half. We walked out to Alice's Porsche and climbed in. 5 minutes into the drive home, I got a text.

How was shopping?


I smiled and thought about how the day went.

Not too bad. How was packing?


I replied. Alice turned on her car stereo and started playing Maroon 5. We sang along to Make Me Wonder at the top of our lungs. Before we pulled up to the apartment, Edward texted back.

Torture. Emmett wouldn't stop talking about Rosalie. But I think it's cute.


Awww, that is cute. Emmett sounds like a really great guy from what Rosalie has said. And when I met him, he was nothing but nice.

That is cute. Seems like our friends are falling in love.


A/N: So this chapter didn't have anything meaningful in it.

I was trying to find the perfect bikini and dress online, but I couldn't. So the descriptions are my own on what I was hoping to find, but couldn't.

This chapter was pure fluff, and I kind of hate it, but it was needed I think.

I hate it, but review the chapter anyway!

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Chapter: 14

A/N: A huge thanks to Supertwilightobbsessor for being my 100th review!

Without further ado, I give you... the 14th Chapter! (That kind of rhymed!)

**Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight **

I woke up to my annoying alarm clock on Friday. I rolled over and groaned. It's only 7 in the morning, and I have to be all packed and ready to drive with Edward, Emmett, and Jasper to the airport. California here we come.

I shut off my stupid alarm clock and got out of bed and walked, half asleep, to the kitchen.

"Morning Bella." I heard someone say. I opened my eyes enough to see Rosalie at the bar drinking coffee. She was already put together and ready to go to work at this time? Dang, I feel lazy.

"Morning Rose." I muttered. I closed my eyes again and started searching for the fridge. My hands touched something cold and then I found the handle to the fridge. I smiled and opened the fridge and my eyes too. I found the milk and grabbed it, it took me two tries, but I got it. I pulled it out and shut the fridge. I ambled over to the cupboard and got out the Lucky Charms. I felt myself slipping back into sleep and closed my eyes again.

I opened the other cupboard and pulled out a bowl, then I found the silverware drawer and got a spoon. I set it all on the counter across from head began to fall down, so I set it on the counter and sighed. I heard giggling, I snapped my head up and opened my eyes to see Rosalie holding a camcorder and silently laughing.

"What are you doing?" I whined. She giggled and kept the camera on me.

"Making you the next Youtube star. I know what I'll name it! Beautiful Bella before breakfast, perfect use of alliteration!" she said while the camera was still rolling. I started making funny faces and she finally shut off the camera. I started to wake up more and poured myself some Lucky Charms with milk. I ate it quickly on account of I only had 45 minutes to get ready for my trip.

I put my bowl in the sink and ran to my bathroom. I took a 5 minute shower and blow dried my hair so it was slightly damp, but still looked nice. I put on my favorite pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my suitcase and carry on bag. I looked at the clock, 7:45, they'll be here soon.

I wheel my suitcase out to the living room and set it by the door. I moved everything from my purse and put it in my backpack, along with Wuthering Heights, and my iPod. I put my purse in my suitcase so I could use it when we got there. I made sure all my camera and photography equipment was safe, then I zipped everything up and sat down on the couch.

"Excited?" Rosalie asked as she sat down beside me. I nodded and smiled at her.

"We're going to be gone for two weeks, I bet you're going to miss Emmett." I said. Rosalie sighed and gave me a timid smile.

"We talk for hours almost everyday now, so of course I'm going to miss him." she replied.

"Well that's good to know!" a booming voice said from the door. I didn't even here them come in. I hopped off the couch and walked to the door where Emmett, Jasper, and Edward where piling in. Rosalie came with me and started blushing when she realized that Emmett heard her confession.

"Hey Emmett." she said quietly. Edward and I shared a knowing glance and Jasper acted like he didn't know what was going on... because he really has no idea.

"Don't be embarrassed Rose, I’m going to miss you too." Emmett said sweetly. Rosalie's answering smile was brilliant. They just kept smiling and staring at each other. I checked my watch, and saw that it was inching closer to 8:15.

"Sorry to break up this little love fest, but we have to go. Sorry Rose." I said quietly. Rosalie snapped out of it and gave me a sad smile. We were almost out the door, when a sleepy voice interrupted.

"Jasper?" Alice asked as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She's funny when she's half asleep, almost as bad as me.

"Hey Alice." Jasper said softly, walking over to her. He gave her a hug and was about to pull away but she held on and snuggled up on his chest and smiled.

"You smell soooo good." she said. Jasper laughed slightly and rubbed her back.

"Alice, I have to go. I'll be back in 2 weeks." he told her. Alice groaned and took her arms off of him.

"2 weeks? But I'll miss you." she said quietly while trying to keep her eyes opened. Jasper chuckled and rubbed her shoulder affectionately.

"I know. I'll miss you too." he said quietly. She smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek.

Or so we thought.

But she went straight for his mouth, and Jasper didn't stop her. Their lips met and Emmett whistled and Rosalie slapped his arm and told him not to ruin the moment.

Alice pulled away and smiled up at Jasper.

"Call me when you land in California." she whispered. Jasper's answering smile was beautiful, I've never seen someone look so happy. He nodded excitedly and Alice smiled. The rest of us headed out of the apartment and said goodbye to the girls.

Edward grabbed my suitcase and we walked downstairs to Emmett's Jeep that he wouldn't shut up about the first day we met. He called it his 'baby.' But I think that will change when him and Rosalie become official. We put my stuff into the back of Emmett's jeep and Edward helped me into the backseat where we sat together.

Emmett turned on his stereo and 'Addicted' by Saving Abel came on and he started singing along at the top of his lungs. I laughed while he sang the beginning, but when he got to the chorus, I sang along.

I'm so addicted.

All the things you do

when you're rollin round with me

in between the sheets

All the sounds you make,

with every breath you take

it's not like anything

when you're loving me

After I sang the chorus, Emmett took over for the rest of song. I looked over to Edward and saw that his eyes were closed and he was breathing heavy. I gave him a confused look and nudged him. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He just smiled and shook his head.

"Nothing, just tired." he replied, but I could tell he was lying. I narrowed my eyes and looked at him while he just gave me an innocent smile. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the front of the car.

The rest of the drive to the airport consisted of Emmett and Jasper doing a very good rendition of a scene from a movie called Zoolander They did it perfectly and changed their voices to match Ben Stiller's and Owen Wilson's. It was freaking hilarious.

We finally pulled up to the airport and Emmett parked his jeep in the 2 week zone. We got out and I grabbed my carry on bag and tried to get my suitcase, but Edward beat me to it. I glared at him, but he just smiled and flicked my nose.

We walked into the airport and found our terminal quickly and sat down and waited for 8:45 to roll around so we could start boarding. Jasper gave me my ticket.

First Class.

Holy crow. I've only flown in coach. This was sure to be an interesting flight. It was a 5 hour flight. No stops from New York to Hollywood, California. (A/N: Unrealistic, but this is MY story!)

They called for our flight to start boarding and we stood up and got our tickets checked before walking into the hallway connecting us to our plane. While we were walking through, Emmett was singing Burnin' Up by Jonas Brothers.

"Emmett, did you know that that's your ringtone on Rosalie's phone?" I asked while we walked towards our plane. He stopped singing and started laughing instead.

"Of course. I'm the one who set it to that." he explained. I looked up at Edward and cocked an eyebrow. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"And why did you pick that?" I asked while I felt my eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. Emmett just smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"It describes me. I'm burnin' up because I'm so hot." he explained, fanning himself with his free hand. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me. We finally stopped walking through the connector and got on the plane. I found my seat, Edward's was right next to mine, and Emmett and Jasper were behind us.

Edward took the window seat and I gladly took the middle, hoping that I wouldn't be stuck next to a creepy dude.

I saw a cute guy walking towards my seat, and my breathing started to quicken in pace. But he looked at his ticket and sighed, then kept walking past us. I smiled at the thought of him actually wanting to sit by me.

I closed my eyes and waited for the plane to finished boarding.

"Excuse me?" a voice asked from my right side. I turned and almost threw up.

Lauren Mallory.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. She grimaced and looked at her ticket. Then she plopped herself down in the seat next to mine.

Hell no.

"I'm on this flight. And in this seat. Lucky aren't we?" she sneered in a sarcastic, nasally tone. I took a deep breath and turned to face the seat in front of me.

"What's wrong?" Edward asked from beside me in a hushed voice.

I turned to his ear. "Lauren Mallory is sitting in the seat next to mine. She hired me a while back." I explained in a whispered. I pulled back and looked at Edward with a sad smile. He glared at something over my shoulder and then looked at me with a smile.

"Don't worry about it. It's only 5 hours." he teased. I rolled my eyes.

"You don't understand." I said quietly. Edward looked at me with confusion all over his face. I took a deep breath. "Lauren fired me. It was brutal. She did it on one of the shoots and shouted at me in front of every one." I said quietly.

Edward put a hand under my chin and brought my face up to look at him.

"It'll be alright Bella. She can't bother you, I won't let her." he said quietly. I nodded and he stroked my cheek softly. "She's a jerk Bella. To even think about doing that to you... it's absurd. Who would fire you? You're gorgeous, and she's lucky to even have had you." he said sincerely while stroking my cheek and staring into my eyes. I smiled sadly and sighed.

"Sometimes I don't think about the situation like that, but I guess your right." I said flatly. Edward smiled and gave me a side hug.

"What are you doing to that... that,thing, Edward?" Lauren asked angrily from my side. I turned to glare at her, then I smiled and looked at Edward. He noticed my smile and returned it, then winked. I settled back against Edward's chest and he kept his arm around me while he narrowed his eyes at Lauren.

"Why are you calling my girlfriend a thing?" he asked menacingly. My heart fluttered at the sound of him saying my girlfriend in reference to me. I smiled at the thought, but quickly banished it to the back of my head. NO, just friend. Fake dating, that's it.

"Girlfriend?" Lauren asked while she stared at me with a blank expression. I smiled and nodded. She shook her head, then smiled at Edward.

"So how much is she paying you?" she sneered. I gasped and I saw Edward's jaw flex. "There's no way an actor like you, would be with her. That's why I left. She was good at photography, but then she wasn't. You'll be leaving her in a while. Trust me." she spat, then turned to me and glared.

"I can't believe I ever hired you Bella. You were the worst photographer ever. I mean, I thought I was hiring a gorgeous photographer who I would become friends with, but I got stuck with you." she said harshly. I heard Emmett and Jasper cursing her silently from behind us.

"If I ever hear you talking to Bella like that again, I swear, you won't be able to find another job in New York." Edward said quietly, I looked at him and gasped

He's hot when he's angry. And he's even more hot when he's defending me.

"You really think that Edward?" Lauren asked. I heard shuffling from behind us, then Emmett was standing in front of Lauren with one of his fists in his other hand.

"Yes, we really think that. It's nice to see you again,Lauren. I'm Edward's bodyguard. You'll be hearing from me if you keep talking to Bella like that." he said menacingly. He cracked his knuckles and I saw Lauren sink into his seat a little more. Emmett smiled evily, then sat back down behind Lauren.

The captain came over the loudspeaker and announced that we would be taking off. I buckled up and sat in my seat again, but still held Edward's forearm as we began to move around the landing. I hate taking off.

We started to accelerate and I began to breath heavier. Edward kept trying to get me to calm down, but it was no use. I don't usually calm down until we're safely in the air. We took off and I was flung into my seat. I closed my eyes and gripped Edward's arm tighter as we pulled up into the air. We finally leveled off and I began to loosen up. The plane began to glide effortlessly so I just laid my hand on Edward's arm.

I looked down at his arm and gasped. He had fingernail marks in his arm and there was a read handprint.

"Oh god! I'm sorry, why didn't you say something?" I asked while I rubbed his arm affectionately. Edward smiled and shrugged.

"It didn't hurt, honestly." he said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and kept rubbing his arm, hoping the redness would go away. I pulled it up to my face and kissed it. Edward closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, his breathing coming in short little breaths. I dropped his hand and put my hand on his forehead.

"Are you feeling alright?" I asked. He grabbed my hand and set it back down on the armrest.

"I'm fine, but I think I'll go to sleep." he said quietly. I nodded and turned off the light so he could get comfortable. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against his window.

In 5 minutes or less, his breathing got heavy and I knew he was asleep.

"Bella." I heard someone say by my right side. Lauren.

I turned to her and cocked an eyebrow.

"Haven't you insulted me enough for once?" I asked. She sighed and ran a hand through her short fake-blonde hair. It was longer when I shot for her.

"I'm sorry Bells. I know I'm being a bitch, but I promise I won't bother you anymore on the flight. You look really happy with him, and I guess I got a little jealous that he could be happy with someone... who...who wasn't me." she said quietly. I sighed and smiled a little.

"He's a really great guy Lauren, and thanks. But, I still hate you." I teased. She laughed and nodded.

"I get that." she breathed. I turned to face the front and pulled out my iPod from my backpack underneath my seat. I turned it to my favorite song to fall asleep to, The Blower's Daughter by Damien Rice. I set in on repeat and laid my head back onto Edward's shoulder and fell asleep.


"Bella...Bella baby, wake up." I heard a velvet voice calling me out of my dreams.

What a nice dream. Edward and I were at a park swinging on the swings. We were kissing and teasing each other like we'd known each other all our lives. It was perfect, the sun shining behind us brilliantly....

"Bella, wake up." the voice called again. I lifted my head up and opened my eyes. I stared into a pair of gorgeous green eyes and smiled.

"Hey." I breathed with a smile on my face. Edward chuckled and smiled back.

"Hey, sleepy head. The drink carts coming around, I thought you would want something." he said softly. I smiled and nodded.

I sat up more and stretched. Just then, the flight attendant came around with the cart and leaned in towards us. She was pretty, with sandy blonde hair and torqoiuse eyes. Her name tag said her name was Julie. She smiled at us.

"Are you... Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan?" she asked with a fan-girly voice. I laughed slightly and nodded. Lauren scoffed and rolled her eyes. The flight attendant looked at her and smiled.

"We can get you something for that sore throat." she said, obviously naive to the fact that nothing was wrong with her. I bit my lip to keep the laugh back. Lauren just rolled her eyes and the flight attendant gave her a strange look and mouth 'Ok' before turning to us.

"What would you like to drink?" she asked with a smile while she handed us a snack pack. Edward answered with for him, and I said the same. She turned to pour our drinks, then hesitated and looked back at us with a nervous smile.

"Would you... mind signing a magazine that I was reading. It has a picture of you kissing on the Katy Rose show." she said with a timid smile. I raised my eyebrows and turned to Edward.

"Sure, that's sounds fine. Both signatures?" he asked while sitting up more and taking down his table fromt he seat in front of him. She smiled and nodded

She smiled and handed us the magazine and the sharpie. The magazine was opened to the picture of us. Edward had to disguise his laugh as a cough.

He uncapped the sharpie and wrote his name on the top of the page, along with I love my Bella. He turned to me and winked while I rolled my eyes and took the pen from him. I signed my name, and wrote I love Edward, underneath it. I smirked at him, then handed the magazine back. The lady handed us and Lauren our drinks, then went on with the rest of it.

I leaned back in my chair and turned to Edward.

"How long have we been on the flight?" I asked. He checked is watch then put his head up to meet my gaze.

"Only 2 hours, we still have 3 more to go." he said sadly. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Oh joy." I replied sarcastically.

3 more hours of non-stop flying with Edward. How much better can this day get?

A/N: Here is the 14th Chapter. My longest one yet. 3,533 words. =]


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Chapter: 15

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Edward's POV

3 more hours of non-stop Bella. I can handle this...I think.

I know I can't handle it when she touches me. I couldn't even handle having her stroking my arm to make me feel better! I'm turning into a horny teen again. Every time she says my name, I swear, I have to control myself by imagining the old ladies who ask me to sign their chests. It may be a bit disturbing, but it helps.

I looked to my right and I see Bella, her head leaning back to the seat and her eyes closed. She has her ear buds in, listening to who knows what. I see her hand tapping on the armrest and I smile, she must be listening to something good. I see her lips moving faintly to the lyrics. I lean in and I hear her singing in a soft whisper.

"I never knew perfection till, I heard you speak and now it kills me just to hear you say the simple things. Now waking up is hard to do. Sleeping's impossible too, every thing's reminding me of you, what can I do? It's not right, not OK, say the words that you say. Maybe we're better off this way. I'm not fine, I'm in pain. It's harder everyday, maybe we're better off this way, it's better that we break..." she sang quietly before stopping.

Why would Bella be singing 'Better That We Break' by Maroon 5? She doesn't feel that way about... us, and this whole pretend dating thing, does she? I sure hope not. I'll fake date her as long as I get to feel her soft lips against mine every once in a while.


They can work wonders. I swear, even an hour after the Katy Rose show I still felt the tingle on my lips from when she kissed me. And when I pecked her lips in the parking lot, I still felt it. Bella Swan is changing me in ways not even I thought possible.

Everything about her is beautiful.

Her smile sends flutters through my heart, and I feel like it would stop beating any second. The way she says my name, no matter what tone her voice is in, it makes me smile to hear it. The way her lips felt against mine was the best feeling in the world. I've been kissed before, and nothing comes close to that.

"Edward?" I heard someone ask, shaking me out of my thoughts. I turned and saw Bella looking at me with a twitching smile on her face. She's about to laugh at something, I can tell.

"What?" I asked flatly.

That does it.

She starts laughing- and it's the most beautiful sound in the world. Like music to my ears.

"Nothing, you just looked so concentrated on something."

Concentrated on you, and how you're making my heart beat faster whenever I see you... God, I'm turning into a chick.

I cleared my throat and made it deeper."Just thinking about" I lie. Bella raises her eyebrows and smirks. Damn, she can see right through me.

"Your car... right." she says, drawing out the 'right.'

I narrow my eyes and cross my arms and stare out the window. We should probably be flying over Texas right now. It's daybreak at the moment, and it's beautiful.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Bella says from behind me. I turned and I see that she's closer then I had first thought. She's actually flipped back the armrest and is practically sitting in my seat with me, her head near my shoulder, peering into the window. My eyes wandered recklessly to her lips... and she noticed. She cleared her throat and sat back in her seat.

Great, now I've scared her.

"Uhh..y-ya. It's, beautiful." I managed to say. Bella smiled quickly at me before turning her attention back to the seat in front of her. She must've really hated that kiss on the Katy Rose show if she's acting like this now.

Why aren't I ever enough?

I try so hard to be what everyone wants, but I never get the satisfaction of pleasing them. There's always that one person who says my acting was awkward, or I didn't fit the character right. I'm trying my best to make people happy with my acting, but sometimes it feels like I'm not doing it right. If I can't please every single person in the audience, how can I please Bella?

That's right, I can't.

She might be just one person out of a million, but I want her to be the one I can please. The one where I can be myself and not be judged. Maybe that's why I like acting so much. I don't have to be myself when I act. I get to immerse myself in someone else, another character who is nothing like me.

Like when I played Wes, in The Truth About Forever. He's this struggling artist who's mourning the loss of his mother while confusing his feelings towards Macy, a girl he got to know while playing Truth. Then he's got his job, catering with Wish.

Nothing at all like me. Wes is a whole lot cooler then Edward Cullen.

At least, that's what I think.

Sure, I play the piano, and I've got crazy hair that the ladies supposedly swoon over. But is that all everyone really cares about? I want to be the guy who's the most interesting person in the room. Seems impossible, and for is.

"We will be landing in beautiful California in approximately 1 hour. Enjoy the rest of the flight." the captains voice says over the intercom. I sigh and sink farther into my seat. I turn to Bella and attempt to start a conversation.

"Only 1 more hour, are you excited?" I ask with a smile. She smiles and nods her head excitedly.

"Of course! I've never been to California, and I get to shoot for MaxMagazine. This is huge, the biggest thing I've done in my whole entire career." she answers. I smile and decide to tease her a bit.

"Is that all?" I ask. She thinks about it for a minute, then smiles and nudges her shoulder into me.

"And I get to spend California with Emmett." OK, that was not the answer I was looking for. I scowl at her and she throws her head back and laughs before giving my face a slight tap.

"Kidding! I get to spend California with you Edward! And I get to take your picture, how much better can this trip get. I wonder if they'll make you go shirtless..." she says, trailing off into her own little world. Shirtless hmm?

I may just have to ask about that.


1 hour later and we were landing. Once again, Bella held tightly onto my hand. Not that I cared, I would be happy with any physical contact I could get. We were the last ones off the plane, Bella and Lauren even gave each other an awkward hug while departing, I guess that little friendliness must've happened while I was sleeping.

We grabbed our carry on bags and headed off the plane and into the little hallway connector thingy mer bobber. I pulled out my favorite pair of sunglasses, big, black, and beautiful. There was bound to be at least one photographer.

Emmett started skipping while holding Bella's hand. They were both singing 'California' by Hawk Nelson at the top of their lungs. They were getting some pretty strange looks. When they got too far in front of us, Bella stopped and dropped Emmett's hand and started to run towards me.

She had this huge smile on her face and her hair was all over the place. Her brown eyes were big and full of excitement as she walked quickly towards me.

Before I knew it, she had gotten to me and threw her arms around my neck and jumped on me.

That's right, she jumped on me. Wrapped her legs around my waist and held on while laughing into my neck. I barely had enough time to put my hands under her to hold her up.

"Edward! I know our song!" she said while I held onto her and kept walking through the little hallway connector thingy mer bobber. I raised my eyebrows and smiled at this beautiful woman in my arms.

"Really? And what is our song?" I asked. We were nearing the end of the little hallway connector thingy mer bobber. She grinned evily, then before I knew it, she was singing.

"Well you are the one, the one that lies close to me. Whispers 'Hello', I've missed you quite terribly. I fell in love, in love with you suddenly. Now there's no place else I could be, but here in your arms." she sang beautifully. I smiled and laughed a little.

"Here In Your Arms, by Hellogoodbye. Nice choice. I agree, that is officially our song." I said with a smile. She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder as I walked us out into the rest of the airport. Before I could put her down, cameras were going off everywhere.

"Isabella! Are you in love with Edward Cullen?" a reported asked, trying to shove a microphone into Bella's face. I immediately set her down and held onto her waist so we could get through the flood of cameras and reporters. I could hear Emmett telling all of them to take a step back and to leave us alone, but all I could see were the flashes that blinded my vision. Finally, I stopped walking and faced Bella.

"We can't get through this right now. Just smile and pose. Answer questions if you want to. They'll leave us alone in a while. But we'll keep walking." I said. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers as we started walking slowly, the cameras in front of us walking backwards.

This is was you get for arriving at LAX.

Bella tried to smile at all of them, but it resulted in a grimace. I chuckled and kept us moving. A reporter stepped right up next to me and started talking.

"Edward! Are you in love with Isabella?" she asked while sticking a news camera in my face. I smiled directly at her and said truthfully...

"I love Isabella very much. She's the best part of my life." I said. The reporter smiled then gestured to cut the camera as we kept walking towards the luggage carousel. I looked at Bella and saw a sleazy paparazzi guy sticking his camera in her face.

"Isabella! Have you ever thought of becoming a playboy? I hear Hugh Hefner was consider you, he needs a brunette. And with an ass like that, you're sure to get the job." he said with a disgusting smile on his face.

No one is allowed to look at Bella's ass, except me.

I let go of Bella's hand and moved to her other side so I was right next to this idiotic reporter.

"Leave her alone. And no, she's not going to become a playboy." I said harshly. The guy nodded and moved away from us. Emmett was still trying to back everyone up, but there were so many people! How did they know we would be here?

Bella tugged on the shoulder of my jacket and I leaned down so I could hear her.

"What if I do want to become a playboy?" she asked seriously. I pulled back and raised an eyebrow. She smiled and started laughing. I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her shoulder as hers went around my waist.

An airport security member came up to me and smiled.

"Sorry about the fuss. I think one of our flight crew has tipped off your arrival. I would be pleased to get your luggage for you so you won't have to deal with the hassle. You can have a seat over there." he said politely. I smiled and thanked him then guided Bella over to a seat, the paparazzi still following us. I sat down and she was about to sit beside me before sitting daintily on my lap.

She smiled and put her feet in the chair next to me. I laughed and shook my head as she began to play with my hair, the paparazzi still snapping away. I decided to play along and started rubbing her thigh. We kept doing this, all the while just gazing at each while smiling and laughing occasionally. It amazes me how Bella and I can interact like this with each other, and have her feel nothing at all except friendship towards me.

"What do you have to say about your video on youtube Miss. Swan." a reporter said. Bella stopped playing with my hair and snapped towards her.

"What video?" she asked, her eyes wide and her voice anxious. The reporter smiled and answered.

"Beautiful Bella before breakfast. It's already got over a million views." the reporter said. Bella groaned and turned to smile at me.

"Rosalie video taped me this morning. I was half asleep." she said quietly before turning to the reporter. I chuckled and rubbed her leg again.

"I was completely unaware of my rising fame as a YouTube star. My friend must have put that video up. She failed to mention it to me." she said the last sentence through clenched teeth. The reporter smiled and turned off his camera. He smiled one more time towards us and left.

The airport security member came back with Emmett and Jasper, holding our luggage. I thanked him profusely, and slipped a $100 dollar bill in his pocket. Good man...good man.

"Are you ready to see some sun?" Emmett asked Bella as we walked towards the exit. Bella smiled and nodded.

"I've never been to California, so of course I'm ready!" she said enthusiastically, right before we stepped out of the airport and into the... gloomy California day?

What happened to the sun? I thought California was supposed to be sunny all the time, not a single cloud in sight. But no, California was gloomy and raining.

Bella's smile immediately left her face.

A/N: Well, there is the 15th Chapter, in Edward's POV. I don't know why, but I felt like doing his pov for once again. Obviously, he's falling for Bella... hard.

I was going to post sooner, but I went snowboarding! It was fun, but I now have a really bad sunburn that hurts super duper bad =[

Chapter 16 is in the writing process! Will be up soon.

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Chapter: 16

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight!

I planned to get this chapter us sooner, but my internet has been freaking out lately. It's really annoying and I can't stand it! One minute, it'll be working, then it's out and crappy. I can't live without my internet. =)

Bella's Point-of-View

"You're beautiful, every little piece, love, don't you know you're really gonna be someone, ask anyone. When you find everything you looked for, I hope your life leads you back to my door. Oh, but if it don't, Stay Beautiful." -'Stay Beautiful' by Taylor Swift

What the hell is this?!

I was so excited to see some sun and get a tan by a swimming pool. That's what you do in California! The photo shoot is outside, how are we going to do it when there are storm clouds surrounding us and it’s raining off and on?

This is not what I expected.

"Well this sucks." Emmett said loudly. I turned to him and laughed lightly, this does suck. We grabbed our bags and walked towards the edge of the sidewalk and waited for a cab to take us to our hotel. I set my suitcase down and sat on it, my chin in my hands.

"What's the matter Bella?" Edward asks as he sits down on his suitcase in front of me.

"The photo shoot is outside, Edward. But how are we going to do it now?" I answered. Edward thought about it for a second and shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess we'll have to move it inside." he replied. My shoulders slumped. I hate indoor photo shoots. You can't get any variety. But maybe I can get some since I'm shooting Edward.

"Fine. But you have to promise me that you'll look good. I don't normally like indoor shoots because you can't get variety, but maybe you'll do good." I said quickly. Edward nodded his head and smiled.

"Come on guys, our cabs here." Jasper shouted. We hopped off our suitcases and walked towards the cab. Edward hleped me get mine in the trunk, then Jasper, Edward and I slid into the backseat with me in the middle. I leaned across Edward so I could look out the window at the gloomy sky that is California. I sighed and sat back down in my seat.

The cabby was chatting with Emmett about something, then he noticed me in the back and smiled, his eyes crinkling in the mirror.

"Merlin's Beard, it's Isabella Swan." he said in a deep gravelly voice. I smiled kindly at his reflection. We came to a stoplight and he turned around to smile at me.

"I'm Felix. I've heard a lot about you. Your photography is superb." he said with a slight accent. It sounded faintly Italian. I felt my cheeks heat up slightly as I smile at him.

"Thank you." I said quietly. He smiled then turned back to the front and drove the rest of the way to our hotel. He pulled up to a humongous building with thousands of windows. I leaned across Edward again to get a better look. This hotel was huge, and had a very modern theme to it.

"Here we are, the Renaissance hotel." he said with a grand gesture. Jasper paid Felix and we piled out of the car and grabbed out luggage. We began to walk up to the front of the building, when a bellboy came and smiled at us. He grabbed our luggage from us and put it on a cart. He gestured for us to go inside.

Jasper went up to the front desk and checked us in. He got our room key and we all headed to the elevator.

"What floor are we staying on?" I asked Jasper. He looked at the key and smile at me.

"The 23rd." he said before pushing the button.

The 23rd floor? Wow.

We waited silently in the elevator as we climbed the stories. Edward was leaning against the side of the elvator with his arms crossed and his head leaned back. His eyes were shut and he had a peaceful smile on his face.

He is gorgeous. He's got that hair that's a crazy shade of bronze, and it's always all over the place. Sometimes, I have to hold myself back from running my hands through it. It just looks so soft, and the messiness of it draws me in. And when his eyes gaze into mine, it feels like we’re in our own little universe and no one else is there. Just us. When he says my name, a shiver of pleasure runs from the tips of my toes to my spine. And when we touch, a jolt of electricity is spread between us, about to catch fire. But apart from just the touching, there’s also the kiss. That kiss will forever be embedded in my head. His hands roaming over my waist gently, and my hands locking onto his neck, it was perfect. And that smile! It’s the best thing in the world and I plan on seeing it every time we’re together. If he doesn’t smile, it’ll torture me until I find out why this gorgeous man isn’t happy. Beside his looks, he has the kindest heart in the world, and it seeks to make other people happy, and I love that about him.

"Here we are, the 23rd floor." the bellboy says in a cheery voice, we all step out of the elevator and walk towards our room. We finally stop at a cherry wood door and Jasper opens it up. We all go to step in, but the bellboy grabs my arm.

"I'm Eric. If you want to hang out sometime, I get off at 4." he says in a sweet voice, I smiled sweetly at him and was about to answer, when Edward wraps an arm around my waist.

"Sorry Eric, but Bella's with me." he says in a smiling voice. But I can see a hint of anger in his expression.

"I know. I meant hang out as in friends." Eric says slowly, like he's talking to a first grader. Edward narrows his eyes, then smiles at him. He opens his mouth to answer, but I cut him off.

"I'll see you later Eric." I say quickly, then shove Edward into our room and shut the door louder then necessary.

"What. The. Hell. Was. That?" I asked through clenched teeth. Edward shrugs his shoulder and walks towards the little kitchenette.

"Don't you walk away from me Edward Cullen!" I yelled as I walk after him. He's looking through the fridge that is fully stocked with food. It all looks delicious...

Back to the matter at hand.

Edward grabbed a water bottle and turned to me with a smirk on his face.

"You can't possibly want to go out with that guy." he says while opening the bottle. He takes a long drink then looks back at me with waiting eyes.

"You don't know what I want." I hissed. Edward narrowed his eyes and stepped closer to me.

"What do you want, Bella?" he asked quietly. I took a deep breath and thought about it.

"I want someone who can play the piano like he's been doing it forever, I've always thought that is was the most romantic and hot thing for a guy to do. He needs to be confident so he can live out his dreams. He shouldn't be scared of tears, because that's when I'll need him the most. I want someone who can talk to me without being nervous of my reaction, and I want someone who can be completely honest with me. I want someone who's personality is kind and gentle, while being humorous and sweet at the same time. That's what I want." I answered. Edward had walked closer to me while I was talking, and I was now pressed to the wall.

Edward took a deep breath and started talking.

"I've been playing piano since I was eight." he said quickly. I raised my eyebrows and stared at him, speechless.

All my life, I had thought that piano playing was the hottest thing a guy could do. And for Edward to have played it since he was eight, wow. That's

"That's" I breathed. Edward chuckled and took another drink of his water. He leaned in close to my ear and I felt his hot breath on my neck, fresh and minty. I shivered from the feeling.

"I think photographers are hot, too." he breathed into my ear.

"Stop sexually assaulting Bella and get in the living room!" Emmett shouted from the door of the kitchen. I laughed and grabbed Edward's arm and walked towards the living room.

This place was so awesome! The walls were pristine white with tons of modern art on the walls to spice it up. The floor was hardwood, and shone brilliantly. The couch was a light beige color and had green plush pillows thrown in for color. One of the walls had a strip of gray in it, and had a built in shelf with lights on the top. All together, it was modern Chic. We sat down on the huge couch together and Edward oh-so sneakily slipped his arm around my shoulders and leaned back. I rolled my eyes, but let it slide.

"All right, here's our schedule for the two weeks we'll be here. Edward said that you wanted to drive up to Washington, so I put that on here too." he said as he handed me a piece of paper.

Today is Friday, and all it said on this day was Arrive. Saturday and Sunday had Relax written on both of them. Monday and Tuesday both had Photo shoot! written in bold letters. Wednesday and Thursday were relaxation days again. Then on Friday, it was the movie premiere. Saturday Edward has his interview with MaxMagazine. Sunday said Relax, Pack for Forks. Monday said, Drive to Forks. Tuesday and Wednesday both had Forks written on them. Thursday was our last day and it said Drive to Cali. Catch flight at Noon.

"This looks great. I've got basically...3 days to hang out with Charlie and Grandma Swan. Sounds good." I said aloud to everyone. Edward squeezed me closer and reached his hand out to mess my hair, but I dodged it by standing up from the couch. I glared at him and backed away to sit on the edge of Emmett's armrest. Emmett chuckled and grabbed me so I was sitting in his lap. Edward narrowed his eyes and I swear, I heard him growl.

"So what are we going to do today?" Emmett asked from underneath me. His face went pale and he shifted us around so I was sitting on the chair, and he was standing up. His hand went to his pocket and he grabbed his phone.

He was muttering 'shit' over and over again as he dialed a number. He put it to his ear and rubbed his forehead with his other hand as he waited for the person to pick up.

"Rosalie? Hey, it's Emmett. We just got to our hotel." he said with a smile. He winked at us then walked into another room. Jasper stood up and walked to the deck and pulled out his phone. Probably calling a very pretty pixie, who is waiting to hear his voice.

"Just us." Edward sighed. He stood up and walked over to the T.V and opened a door. Hundreds of DVDs were stacked in there and he tapped his chin. He turned to me and smiled.

"Well Miss. Swan, what do you want to watch?" he asked with a sexy crooked grin. Haha, sexy...

I stood up and walked over to the collection of movies. It was huge, and had some really great titles. But I found the one I wanted.

"We're watching The Holiday." I said firmly, pulling the movie out of the stack. Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, Jack Black, and Jude Law all in on package? Can't get much better then that. Edward rolled his eyes and took the movie from me. I walked back to the couch and jumped on it, landing butt first. I snuggled up into the couch, and Edward came to join me. Once again, he put his arm around me, not that I minded.

"We need movie snacks." I said suddenly. I stood up and walked to the kitchen and opened up a cupboard. Inside was all the candy that I had ever heard of, and then some.

"Edward! What type of candy do you want?" I asked as I grabbed a big bag of skittles for myself.

"Skittles!" he answered. I smiled. We have skittles in common, good for us. I walked back with only one bag of skittles, we can share.

When I walked back to the living room, Edward has laid across the whole entire couch. His hands were behind his head as he watched the opening credits.

"Edward," I whined. "You're hogging the couch." I pouted at him as I stood in front of the couch, blocking his view. Edward chuckled and grabbed my hand that wasn't holding the skittles.

Before I knew it, Edward has pulled me down on top of him. I yelped in surprise, but I had a smile on my face the whole time. Edward's crooked grin was dazzling me as we gazed at each other. I heard the movie start and I flopped my head onto Edward's chest and we both turned to the television.

We watched the beginning as Cameron Diaz broke up with her boyfriend for cheating on her.(Edward kept feeding me skittles.) We watched as her and Kate Winslet switched houses. Kate meets Jack Black, and they become friends. Cameron meets Kate's brother, Jude Law, and sleeps with him.

"That's disgusting. They just met and they're already sexing it up?" Edward scoffed. I rolled my eyes and turned to him.

"Edward, do you still have your V-Card?" I asked him. His eyes went wide as he looked up at me. His arm that had slipped around my waist tightened as he stared at me. (A/N: For those of you who don't know what a 'V-Card' is, it's your virginity..hehe)

"Yes. What about you?" he asked, throwing my question back in my face. I was a little shocked that his was still in his possession.

"Yep. I got mine safe and packed away. Waiting for marriage, that kind of thing." I answered truthfully, Edward laughed softly as we turned to watch the rest of the movie.


Halfway through the movie, I felt my eyelids start to droop. The clock on the DVD player said it was only 5 in the afternoon. Where did Em and Jazz go? Hmmm... oh well.

I look up to Edward and see that his eyes are closed and his mouth was opened slightly. Adorable!

I shift a little and stand up to turn off the movie, but a hand grabs me as I stand up.

"Stay." Edward whispered, his voice slightly husky from sleep. I smiled slightly at this. I reached forward and gently touched his cheek.

"I'm just going to turn off the movie. I promise." I whispered. His eyes were still closed, but he smiled and let me go. I kept walking towards the television and got the DVD out and put it in it's case. I put the DVD away then turned the television off. I slowly walked towards Edward and laid down by his side.

"Bella..." Edward whispered, his eyes half opened as he stared at me. He turned to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Edward brought me closer till my chest was against his. I gently put my arms around his neck and leaned my head in the crook of it. I breathed in deeply and my head filled with the smell of his cologne. It wasn't overpowering. It was sweet with a little hint of something spicy. It was heaven.

I felt Edward breathe heavily against my chest, and I sat up to watch this beautiful boy sleeping.

His mouth was opened slightly and his lips looked so...kissable. They were cherry red and soft looking. His breathing was heavy and almost coming out in sighs. The eyelids on Edward were light pink and closed, his lashes long and thick. His skin was creamy and not a flaw in sight.

I hesitantly reached a hand up and touched his cheek. I let my nimble fingers run from his cheek to his forehead, then back down to his jaw. Edward never stirred. I used my thumb to trace his jaw and chin, then I ran it across his lips and shivered.

Pure beauty.

I removed my hand from the angel's face and snuggled back into his side.

I kissed the side of his neck. "You're beautiful, every little piece." I whispered before settling my hand on the crook of his neck and finally succumbing to the sleep that threatened to take over.

A/N: Chapter 16! Woop woop!

I hope you enjoyed it. Please review!

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Chapter: 17

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

A/N: I have a question for you my lovelies =]

Do you want me to put a picture of myself for my avatar? Or would that distract too much from the story? Idk, PM or write in a review what you think.


Chapter 17! Woop Woop!

"Hurry up Emmett! Take the damn picture before they wake up." I heard what I think was an angry Jasper yelling. I didn't think much of it, so I just stayed asleep.


"I got it, I got it!" I heard Emmett whisper shout in victory. I felt Edward start to stir beside me and I finally opened my eyes. Emmett and Jasper were standing above Edward and I with huge silly grins on their faces. Like they knew something we didn't.

"What?" I asked, my brow furrowing in confusion. Jasper rolled his eyes and smiled at me. He gestured to the way Edward and I were laying together and laughed.

"You two are cute." he said. I stared at him in shock. Such a girly thing to come out of his mouth.

"I think Alice is infultrating your mind with girly thoughts Jasper. How is she by the way?" I asked. I turned to my right and saw that Edward was indeed, still asleep.

"She's doing good, designing new clothes. She wants you to know that her and Rose are doing great." he said with a beatific smile. Some body's in love! I smiled up at him, but made sure I didn't wake up my sleeping angel, Edward.

"That's great. What time, and day is it?" I asked, sincerely confused. Emmett looked at his watch.

"It's 9 in the morning. And today is Saturday." he answered. Geez, Edward and I slept around 17 hours. We must've been really tired.

"Geez. We slept too long." I said under my breath. Emmett chuckled.

"You sure did sleep a lot. But you looked pretty comfortable with our little Eddie." he teased in a loud voice. I shushed him immediately.

"Be quiet! Don't wake him up. Go buy doughnuts or something." I said in a hushed voice. Emmett rolled his eyes and him and Jasper walked out of the room to get us breakfast.

I turned to Edward and looked at him. He was still asleep, but was slightly awake. You could tell by his fluttering eyelids.

"Edward. Time to wake up." I said in a sing-song voice. He just groaned and got more comfortable. I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder.

"Get up!" I said in a stern voice. I peaked over and saw that he had a little smirk on his face. I grinned devishly.

"Alright. I just wanted to tell you that your Volvo got stolen." I said quickly. Then I got off his chest.

"No!" Edward yelled, suddenly awake. I laughed at his expression. It looked like he was on the verge of crying. Stupid boys and their cars.

"Calm down Edward. Your car is safe! I just did it to get you awake." I said before sauntering towards the kitchen, but a firm arm around my waist stopped me in my tracks.

"That's wasn't very funny Bella." Edward hissed in my ear. I shivered and turned around to face him. I stood up on my tiptoes and stared him right in the eye.

"And what are you going to do about it?" I asked flatly. I went back onto my flat feet and stared at him. He narrowed his eyes and smirked. He started walking past me and into the kitchen. I cocked an eyebrow and followed him. He was standing at the sink with his hands on the counter. One hand reached out to grab something. I must've looked like a confused dog, my head all tilted to the side.

Edward slowly turned around.

My eyes widened when I saw what was in his hand. The hose to the sink. He was going to spray me with it.

"Edward, you really don't want to do that." I said while I backed into the counter with my hands up in surrender. Edward just smirked and held the hose up higher, aiming it right at me.

"!" I yelled as he sprayed me with ice cold water. I screamed and tried to push him away, but he wouldn't budge. By the time he was finsihed, I was absolutely soaked. He was bent over laughing at my face as I spit out water. The bottom of my hair was drenched, and my clothes were sopping.

"You are dead!" I shouted. I shoved Edward back and grabbed the hose from his hand. He looked at me with wide eyes but he was still laughing. I aimed the hose at his chest and sang the line, "Bang Bang, Shoot Shoot." From 'Happiness is a Warm Gun' by The Beatles.

Then I pulled the trigger and let the ice cold water hit Edward square in the chest. He jumped about a foot in the air before finally calming down. He started laughing and tried to get me to stop, but I kept it pointed at him.

I finally turned it off and started laughing.

Edward looked like a drowned cat. His bronze hair was now a dark brown color and fell over his eyes. He spit water out of his mouth and shook his head at me. I laughed and walked forward to him.

I didn't think about the consequences of our little water fight. I slipped on the floor and landed on Edward's chest. He teetered and fell back on the floor with me on top of him.


I looked up at Edward and sighed. His eyes were closed and he looked like he was in a little bit of pain. I didn't feel anything because he sort of acted like a pillow.

I sat up on one of my hands and leaned over him.

"Edward, are okay? I didn't mean to fall on you." I said quietly. Edward looked up at me and smiled, his green eyes bright and playful.

"No, I'm fine. Just took me by surprise." he said, sitting up a bit on his elbows. I bit my lip and looked at him.

"But you looked like you were in pain. Are you sure you're all right?" I asked, brushing my hand over his cheek. He sighed and closed his eyes.

"I'm fine, I promise." he said, finally opening his eyes to show me the bright green of them. I heard Edward's breathing hitch as we looked into each other's eyes. I leaned in towards him and threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. At first he was shocked, then he laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry." I whispered in his ear as we embraced.

"I'm fine Bella." he said into my hair. I smiled against his shoulder and didn't let go. Edward laughed and leaned back till we were laying on the wet floor together. We just sat there for about five minutes, hugging on the wet floor with soaked clothes. We didn't talk, just enjoyed each others company. Every once in a while, I would run one of my hands through his hair and smile at the texture. So soft...

"Bella, Eddie! We're home! Stop doing it like bunnies and come get some doughnuts!" I heard Emmett yelled through the door. I moved to get up but Edward's hands constricted around my waist and wouldn't let me move. I looked up and saw Emmett and Jasper laughing at us as they stood in the doorway to the kitchen.

"What are you two doing?" Jasper asked with a smile. I rolled my eyes and stood up, Edward actually let me this time.

"We got into an argument of sorts." I said simply. I put my hand out and grabbed Edward's so he could stand up too. When we released hands, it felt like my hand was on fire. Weird...

Emmett laughed and punched Edward in the shoulder. "What was the argument about? Who looks best in wet clothes?" he asked with his goofy grin plastered on his face.

I laughed and rolled my eyes at Emmett. I walked past them and into the hallway.

"Which room is mine?" I asked as I searched the rooms in the hallway. Jasper followed behind me and looked slightly nervous, he ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"It's only a 3 bedroom hotel room." he said quietly. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"But we have 4 people." I said slowly. He laughed without humor and wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"We and Edward...could....share." he said the last word in a whisper. He wants me to share a room with Edward? Alright, this trip is going to be even more awkward then I had first expected.

"Fine." I huffed then walked into the last bedroom. It had simple cool green walls with a grey bedspread. Simple elegance, but it was beautiful. Mine and Edward's suitcases were already on the couch that was in the corner room. I walked towards them and opened mine. I pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a new t-shirt. I closed the door and locked it before getting dressed.

"Edward!" I shouted as I walked out of the room. He was sitting on the couch with Jasper and Emmett. I sat down on the armrest beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. "What side of the bed do you sleep on?" I asked suddenly. Edward raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

"The right, why?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing. I smiled and nodded my head in satisfaction.

"I sleep on the left. We have to share a room, since the knuckle head over there only got a hotel room for 3 people." I said, gesturing towards Jasper. He narrowed his eyes and slid lower in his seat.

"I'm telling Alice!" he whined like a little kid. Edward and I laughed. I stood up and walked towards the kitchen where a box of doughnuts were sitting. I grabbed a chocolate doughnut and turned around. Edward was standing right there with a crazed look in his eyes.

"What do you mean we have to share a room?" he asked while he ran a hand through his hair. I chuckled and stepped towards him so our chest were touching. Edward was breathing heavy and I could feel his chest rising and falling against mine.

"You and me, living in the same room, sleeping in the same bed, for two weeks. That's what I mean." I said slowly, then I took a huge bite of my doughnut and walked around him. But he caught my wrist and pulled me back to him.

"I can sleep on the couch, if you want." he said nervously. I chuckled and took another bite of my doughnut.

"Whatever you want Edward." I said around my doughnut. Edward laughed and let go of my wrist so I could walk back to the couch. I sat down and looked out the window. I quickly swallowed my bite and jumped off the couch.

"It's sunny!" I shouted. Emmett, Jasper, and Edward laughed at me as I stared at them with an over-excited expressions.

"Good job Bella." Emmett said, treating me like an idiot. I rolled my eyes and walked to the window again. I slid open the door to the deck and stepped out. I smiled and took a deep breath. Aaahhh, the smell of California. Perfect.

"Beautiful isn't it?" someone asked. I turned around and saw Edward sliding the door shut behind him as he stepped onto the deck with me. I nodded and took another bite of my doughnut. I turned back to the view in front of me while I chewed.

Below us was the hotel swimming pool, and it was absolutely huge. Out in the distance, you could make out the Hollywood sign on the mountain. Cars whizzed by below us and everything was lit up by the bright sun in the sky. I finished the rest of my doughnut and turned to Edward.

"What should we do today?" I asked. Edward opened his mouth to answer, but got cut off.

"LAST ONE TO THE POOL LICKS EDWARD'S BIG TOE!" Emmett yelled from behind the screen door. Edward groaned and opened the door so we could get ready to go swimming. I think Emmett was being serious so I tried to get dressed as quickly as I could. But when I finished getting my bathing suit on, everybody else was gone.

I rolled my eyes and slipped on my flipflops and grabbed a towel. I walked out of the room, absolutely forgetting my swimsuit cover, and into the hotel hallway. I pressed the button for the elevator and waited patiently for it to come.

"Well hello there." a disgusting voice said behind me. I turned around a grimaced. The guy behind me was letting his eyes rake over me like I was a piece of meat. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. The elevator doors opened and I stepped inside and pressed L for lobby.

"I'm Tyler Crowley, and I know who you are." the man, Tyler, whispered behind me. I turned around and gave him a quick smile.

"You're dating Edward Cullen, right?" he asked. I turned towards him and nodded. He snorted and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I bet he can't give you anything close to what I could give you." I heard him say under his breath. I chuckled lightly and shook my head.

"So, you should come back to my room tonight, Isabella. We can have some... fun." he whispered. I turned my whole body towards him and glared.

"I love Edward very much, Tyler. I don't intend to cheat on him. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I don't appreciate you assuming that I would do that." I said quite loudly. We finally made it to the lobby and I walked quickly out of the elevator towards the pool. I opened the door and stepped out into the sun and walked over to the pool where the boys already were.

I glared at them and set my towel down and took off my flip flops. I walked past them and went straight for the diving board. I got on in and jumped three times before diving perfectly into the water. I kept going till I reached the other end of the pool and finally came up.

"What's got your panties in a knot?" Emmett asked as I came up and out of the water to sit next to Edward. I rolled my eyes and dried my face off.

"Some guy in the elevator was trying to get them off of me." I sneered. Jasper and Emmett laughed lightly, but Edward looked murderous.

"What'd you say to get him to leave you alone?" Jasper asked. I sat down on a chaise lounge next to Edward and ran a hand through my wet hair.

"Something along the lines of, I love Edward...I don't want to cheat on him...he's the best thing in my life...I don't like you assuming things about me. That was it pretty much." I told them. Emmett laughed and gave me a high five.

"Almost forgot. You were the last one down to the pool, you have to lick Edward's big toe." Emmett said with an evil grin. I raised an eyebrow and cross my arms over my chest.

"That's not fair. I could've gotten raped since you didn't wait for me, and you still want me to lick Edward's toe? Not cool." I said sternly. Jasper smiled timidly and nodded, while Emmett was guffawing, scaring the birds away in a nearby tree.

"You have to do it Bella, it's the rules." Emmett said after his laughing episode calmed down. I raised my eyebrows and shook my head.

"The rules of being a complete idiot." I muttered under my breath. "I heard that!" Emmett yelled. I laughed and kneeled down in front of Edward who was laying down on a chaise lounge. I looked at his feet and grimaced. They were clean, but still, they're... feet.

I looked up to his eyes and he was silently laughing. I rolled my eyes and put my tongue out to his toe and licked it. I pulled back when I got the tip and started spitting on the ground. The boys were laughing their asses off at my expression.

"All right, stop laughing at my expense and come swimming." I said as I walked closer to the edge of the pool. I turned around to the water and placed a toe in it. I heard them whispering behind me, then I felt the myself being lifted off the ground.

"What are you doing?!" I shrieked while Edward and Emmett held onto my hands and feet. I started squirming around, but they held on tight. Then they ignored my protests and started swinging me back and forth, counting.

"1, 2, 3!" they yelled at the same time before letting me go and sending me sailing into the pool. I let myself fall in and sink to the bottom. I sat down on the bottom and concentrated on holding my breath. I seriously have super lungs, my personal best is 1 minute.

I counted up to 47 before I saw someone come crashing in. Edward came swimming towards me and grabbed my waist. I internally rolled my eyes at his attempt to save me, when in reality, I was perfectly fine. We made it to the surface and I hit his chest.

"What the hell was that for?" I asked. Edward looked at me, shocked.

"We thought you were drowning." he said slowly. I laughed without humor and rolled my eyes. I hit his chest again.

"No! I was 12 seconds away from beating my personal best." I explained. Edward nodded in realization and let go of me.

"Sorry, you didn't tell me you had super lungs." he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and kept swimming to the shallow area. I stood up and wrung my hair out. Edward came swimming up towards me.

"Try again. I want to watch." he said suddenly. I stared at him in confusion and didn't meet his eyes. I finally looked at him and stepped forward to his chest.

"You can't stay underwater that long. You'd kill yourself." I said quietly. Edward laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"Just as long as you're there to resuscitate me." he said playfully. I grabbed his hand and guided us into the deeper end of the pool. I looked at him in question, and he nodded his head. I took a deep breath, and started swimming downward with him at my side. We finally hit the bottom and we both sat down.

Edward smiled at me from underwater as I started counting. He watched me intently as I kept on holding my breath. He didn't falter once. I scooted closer to him and ran a hand down his arm. I gave him the 'OK' sign and he nodded. We were passed 30 seconds now, and I still felt fine.

So did Edward.

I grinned internally and continued running my hand up and down his arm. I wandered from that and ran it across his muscular back, then towards his chest and rock hard abs. I smirked and scooted even closer.

Past 1 minute now.

Edward still looked like his lungs were doing just as good as mine, but he was blushing slightly as I assaulted him. I ran my hand through his bronze hair, and his head fell back. I sat up more so I was right in front of him and grabbed his face in my hands.

I don't know what feeling went through me, but he opened his eyes and stared at me.

1 minute and 15 seconds.

Edward made a motion with his hand and pointed up. I nodded and we both pushed off the bottom of the pool and swam upwards till we reached the surface.

"We did it Edward! We beat my record!" I yelled once we came up. Edward was laughing and trying to catch his breath. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He chuckled and hugged me back.


I tensed up immediately at that sound, knowing exactly what it meant.


Edward held me tighter as we heard more clicking go off. I rolled my eyes and pulled away slightly so I could look at him.

"Paparazzi, time to lay it on thick." I hissed. Edward chuckled and nodded. I smiled and pulled away completely. I swam over to the side of the pool and hopped out so I was sitting on the edge with my feet still in the water. Edward swam over and stood next to me, with one of his arms slung over my thighs.

I felt an electrifying current run through my body at this simple, and fake, touch of Edward's. I smiled sweetly at him, but on the inside, I was totally confused at what was going on with me.

"So, I think I'll just sleep on the couch tonight. I wouldn't want to impose." he said quietly. I gave him the stink eye and sighed.

"Whatever makes you comfortable. I don't really care." I said in a blase tone. Edward chuckled and tapped my thigh twice before pushing off the wall and swimming to the end of the pool. He popped his head out and flipped his hair around till it went away from his eyes.

All look like he just stepped out of an underwear commercial.

"Stop trying to dazzle me with your good looks!" I called to him. He chuckled and flashed me that damn sexy smile.

"I dazzle you?" he shouted back. I threw my head back and laughed. I flicked my foot out and kicked him lightly with water. He opened his mouth in shock, then swam quickly towards me. He grabbed my feet and started tickling them relentlessly. I shouted at him to stop, but he woulnd't. Finally, I stood up and ran towards the diving board.

Emmett and Jasper were playing cards underneath an umbrella, laughing out mine and Edward's little display of flirting. I jumped off the board and did a perfect dive into the water. I swam underwater till I reached Edward. I popped out right in front of him.

He laughed and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I've never had so much fun swimming before in my whole life.


We finished up our swimming adventure and headed back to our hotel room. Jasper even got a picture of me on a blow up chair with Edward bowing at my feet. Altogether, I'd never had so much fun swimming. (Even if I did have to throw in a couple of cheek kisses to Edward, just in case paparazzi was there. But I'm not complaining...) Emmett and I raced to see who could get there first, elevator or stairs. So he took the stairs, and I waited patiently in the elevator with Edward and Jasper.

Elevator won.

We had to wait 5 more minutes until a huffing and puffing Emmett emerged from the stairwell. I now have eternal bragging rights over him.

We took showers and got out of our swimsuits. Then Emmett and I drove to a Chinese take-out place to grab some grub. He and I had a very interesting conversation.

"So when are you and Eddie, going to stop this fake dating thing, and starting going out for real?" he asked while we stood in line for food. I stared at him for a second, then I realized he was being serious.

" I don't think Eddie and I will become exclusive any time soon. We're just friends." I explained. Emmett gave me a goofy grin and cocked an eyebrow.

"You mean to tell me that all those loving touches you give each other don't mean anything?" he asked, his face masked into a teasing smile.

I laughed. "He's an actor Emmett. He's good at faking, and I have to remember that. I'm telling myself they don't mean anything because I know they don't. This is just something we cooked up together, and that's it. It's not real, and it's never going to happen." I argued.

Emmett sighed and shook his head.

"You might think that. But I doubt he does." he said simply. Then we got called for our food. The drive to the hotel was silent.

I was mulling over what Emmett had just told me. Edward can't possibly think about me that way... can he? No. He can't, that's just not possible. If Edward thought about me that way, I don't know what I would do!

Do I think about him that way? What do we do when this whole 'fake dating' becomes too much, and I want the real thing?

We arrived back at the hotel, and Emmett wrapped an arm around my shoulder and gave me a brotherly reassurance hug.

"If it makes you feel any better, Rose and I are doing great. She really is amazing. Fierce attitude, but still a softie. She's great, and I'm glad I've met her. I just don't know... how to ask her to be my girlfriend." he said sheepishly. I laughed internally at this bear of a man being nervous.

"Have you kissed her yet?" I asked with my eyebrows raised. He laughed and kept us walking to the hotel.

"I don't normally kiss and tell... but I haven't kissed her so there' nothing to tell." he said quickly. I laughed shortly, but stopped when he glared at me.

"Just kiss her Emmett! She likes it when guys take control, but don't get pig headed about it. Be playful, and kind at the same time. She'll definitely love you." I reassured him. He gave me his goofy grin and walked us into the hotel and towards the elevator.

After dinner, Emmett fell asleep pretty quickly since Jasper and Edward dared him to eat a whole box of Kung Pow Chicken. A full stomach makes you sleep is how he explained that one.

Jasper went to his room to call Alice, so Edward and I decided to hit the hay.

"I'm sleeping on the couch." Edward said after we were in our pajamas, teeth brushed, and ready for some shut eye.

I looked at him and sighed. "I don't think it'll be that comfortable, but do whatever you want." I told him. I honestly don't mind him sleeping with me in the same bed, because all we'll be doing is sleeping. That's. It.

"Alrighty then. Goodnight Bella." he said as he spread out on the couch in the corner. I climbed into the bed and turned off the lamp.

"Goodnight Edward." I said as shifted into a comfortable position and laid down. I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind.

But somebody wouldn't stop fidgeting on the couch. I tried to tune out the noise, but it wasn't working. Five minutes later, he was still doing it, so I gave up.

"Edward Culllen, if you don't get in this bed right now, I swear to God... you'll show up at the photo shoot with a black eye." I warned. I heard Edward's musical chuckle from across the room, then quiet footsteps coming closer to the bed. Edward pulled down the covers on the right side of the bed and slipped in. I rolled to my side so I could see him.


"Much." he answered with a smile. I shifted closer to him so I could wrap an arm around his waist. Then I laid my head down his chest, and went into a dream filled slumber.

A/N: This chapter took me forever to write.

It's not that I had writer's block, it's my computer. I had a virus, so all these things kept popping up while I was typing. Talk about ah-noying! (Sorry, I've been reading the Clique)

Review, as always!

Love- Annaleigh

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Chapter: 18

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Hello my lovely readers! I'm shocked and totally ecstatic about the number of reviews I am getting for this story. When I first started it, I honestly didn't think it would go anywhere, and I now I have over 200 reviews, and over 100 Favs and Alerts. This story is becoming my pride and joy. I feel bad that I'm almost abandoning my other stories for this one, but I believe it's necessary. Thank you all for your reviews and support. It makes me write even faster!

By the way, I just posted a one-shot, that I think is pretty awesome. Check it out! It's called My Piano Man and Me.

Chapter 18

Sunday, our last relaxation day before the shoot was filled with awkward awakenings and a meeting for our little dysfunctional family... I know sounds crazy, but guess what? It is.

I remember dreaming about something. Edward was there, and so were Alice and Rosalie. Emmett and Jasper were no where to be found. The setting changed and we were in a plain white room, when Jasper and Emmett showed up and started throwing Mac&Cheese at us.

I was woken up by a rather tall person sitting in between me and Edward, effectively ending our connection. I sat up quickly, to start yelling at this person for ruining our moment, when my eyes went wide.

"Jasper!" I shouted and smacked his shoulder. He chuckled and mussed my hair. I glared at him and sat up. Edward was waking up too, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"You were yelling about Mac&Cheese, Bella." Jasper explained with a teasing smile. I rolled my eyes and sat up so I was farther up on the bed with my head against the headboard.

"BED PARTY!" I heard Emmett yell. My eyes went wide as this bear of a boy came barreling towards us and hopped on the end of the bed, at our feet. The force of his jump made us all bounce a little. And it didn't help that he kept bouncing to get me and Edward awake even more then we already were.

"I'm up, I'm up!" Edward yelled, finally sitting up, making Emmett stop. Emmett pointed at me and Edward and laughed. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed.

Edward and I made breakfast for everyone together. We had bacon, pancakes, and eggs. Altogether, it was fun. We were singing The Beatles while we moved around the kitchen. Emmett kept moaning after every bite he took, telling us how good we were at cooking through a mouthful of eggs. Rosalie definitely has her hands full with this guy.

In the middle of our breakfast, Jasper tossed my phone at me.

"You got a text. I didn't mean to intrude, but it's from some guy named Jake." he said as I looked at my phone curiously. Jake needs to back off, I'm happy where I'm at right now.

"Who's Jake?" Edward asked in a whisper, looking seriously scared.

I didn't answer him right away. Instead, I flipped open my phone and checked my inbox and found 1 new message from Jake.

Hey Bella!

I stopped by your apartment yesterday.

Rose and Alice said you weren't home.

I hope you can forgive me,

I would like for us to try and be friends again.


I smiled a little and shook my head. Jake was a really good friend to me, and he was the best boyfriend I had ever had, but he cheated, and I didn't deserve that. But I never wanted to lose his friendship, but I don't want him back in a romantic way.

Hey Jake.

I'm in California, with Edward Cullen.

Doing a photo shoot for MaxMagazine tomorrow.

You really hurt me Jake, but I do want our friendship back.

I'll call you when I'm back in New York. =]


I pressed send and flipped my phone back down. I rested my head on my hand and smiled slightly before laughing a little.

I lifted my head back off my hand and looked at the rest of the guys who were still sitting around the table. Jasper had a sad look to his face, Emmett was looking at Edward with pity, and Edward looked like he just got told his dog got ran over.

"Who died?" I asked with a nervous laugh. Jasper just rolled his eyes, Emmett scoffed, and Edward ran a hand through his hair. I looked at all of them like a confused puppy. What is wrong with them?! Just five minutes ago, we were laughing and talking like we'd known each other for years...

"Seriously. Why are you all looking at me like this?" I asked a little louder this time. Emmett laughed slightly then stood up from the table. He walked into the living room, grabbed a magazine that I hadn't even noticed was there, then sat back down.

He tossed the magazine at me, and said "Page 25." I raised my eyebrows, and turned towards the page number.

On it was a collage of picture of Edward and I. Ones at the LAX after landing in California, eating ice cream, walking around in central park, the fake kiss, the real kiss, and somehow, they managed to get a picture of us after he dropped me off at my apartment the first day we met.

"Why do I need to look at this?" I asked as I closed the magazine. Emmett smirked slightly and Jasper punched him in the shoulder which put him back into Serious Emmett mode again.

"You need to look at that because... how can you act like that when you have a boyfriend?" he asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I laughed.

"I don't have a boyfriend." I said with a stupid smile on my face. They glanced at each other, then back at me.

"Who's Jake then? You seemed all smiley after texting him." Jasper accused. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I stood up off my chair and started collecting the dishes.

"Jake isn't my boyfriend." I told them. They all just scoffed and shook their head before I could continue. I was starting to get a little bit angry at them. I stopped collecting the dishes and set them all down loudly on the kitchen table.

"All three of you judge too quickly from what you see. I was smiling because Jake asked if we could be friends again since he cheated on me and broke my heart. That's the only reason why I was smiling, so stop judging from what you see and find the facts before you accuse someone again." I said loudly before walking out of the dining room and into my bedroom.

I may have shut the door a little too loudly, but hell if I cared.

I fell back onto the bed and closed my eyes.

I hate it when people judged me for what's going on in my life. Those boys have just barely met me, they have no right to be accusing me of practically cheating on a boyfriend that I don't even have. Edward should've known better then to think that, but he was acting the exact same way as Emmett and Jasper. I thought Edward and I were close, close enough to tell each other every thing. Why does he think I would keep this big of a secret from him? If I did have a boyfriend, I wouldn't have agreed to this 'fake dating' thing.

God how I wish it were real.

I shot up in my bed at that thought. That couldn't have come from my own thoughts could it? That had to be some alien infiltrating my brain... right?

Then again, think about how much easier it would be if it was real? We wouldn't have to act around paparazzi, we would let it be. I remember the way his lips felt against mine like it was just yesterday, and every touch he gives me, sends my body into a frenzy.

I clapped a hand over my mouth and felt my eyes go wide.

I've got a crush on Edward Cullen.


After the boys came back and apologized for judging so quickly on what they saw, we all settled in on the couch. Still in our pajamas.

We were all so different and yet so alike with our pajama choices.

I had Batman pajamas, Emmett had The Incredible Hulk, Jasper had Spiderman, and Edward (surprisingly) had The Joker on his pajamas.

"How come you have bad guy pajamas?" I asked as I sat between him and Jasper on the couch as we watched Spongebob Squarepants.

Edward shrugged. "He's the coolest bad guy ever. And the whole 'good guy' is so cliché." he answered. I thought about it for a minute, then agreed.

"True." I agreed, then turned back to the episode we were watching. I had seen it about a million times with Alice and Rosalie. 'Band Geeks.'

I leaned across Edward and grabbed the remote control and started channel surfing.

Nothing was on, so I just went back to Spongebob and leaned my head against Edward while we all watched it together. We put the 'fun' in dysfunctional family.


After our Spongebob marathon, we ate lunch, (which consisted of Emmett attempting to cook, which turned out to be disaster. Almost burnt down the kitchen. ) we all decided that we should just take it easy.

I called up Alice and Rosalie and asked how they were doing.

"I've got some great designs coming up, and I can't wait to show them to you when you get back from California. It's going to be awesome. One of the dresses would look ah-mazing on you!" Alice chimed. I laughed and twirled a piece of hair around my fingers.

"That's great Alice! I miss you guys so much, but it is a lot of fun in California. And tomorrow is the photo shoot. I'm excited and nervous at the same time." I explained. I heard Rosalie laugh, sounding like bells, and start to argue with me.

"Bella, you know you're going to do amazing. You're the best in the biz, remember that." she told me in a confident tone. Then she totally changed the subject. "Emmett is a pretty big guy to handle isn't he?" she asked, totally catching me off guard.

"Ummm... y-ya. He is, but he's really nice. And funny." I told her. She laughed without humor.

"Funny. Gotta watch out for that." she said with a laugh. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Come off it Rosalie. You know you're totally into him." I said. Rosalie was quiet for a second then sighed.

"I am into him. I feel like we balance each other perfectly. He's what I need since he can balance my... toughness so to speak. And I'm there to keep him in line. Works our perfect... right?" she said. slightly doubting herself.

"Duh! You two are amazing for each other."

"Thanks Bells. Alice wants to say something." Rosalie said. I heard a little scuffle on the other end, then Alice's child like voice on the other end now.

"What do you think about Jasper?" she asked serious.

"He knows how to listen and give helpful advice. He's like a big brother for me, and he knows how to get me to open up and talk. Even though he may seem quiet at first, he's really funny and loud when he's in his element. All in all, he's great." I explained. She 'hmmmed' about this information for a second, then sighed.

"He really is perfect, isn't he?" she asked quietly.

"For you, he is." I answered. She laughed and I smiled at her thinking about Jasper like this.

"I can't believe I kissed him! He has the softest lips in the world Bella, and I barely remember them since I was half asleep! I'm so stupid, why didn't I wait a while longer till I screwed everything up?" she asked quickly.

"Alice! You should've seen his face, it was beautiful. Smiling, blue eyes shining. The look of absolute joy. You make him happy." I informed her.

"Thanks Bella. Listen, I've got to go. We'll talk to you soon. Good luck with the photo shoot! Love you!" she said.

"Love you too! Tell Rose that too. Bye Alice."

"Will do. Bye Bella." she said before hanging up. I laughed at my friends and their feelings towards these two amazing guys. Falling in love, taking chances, That's what it's all about.


"Get up hot stuff! I get to take a million pictures of you today!" I yelled as I kissed Edward's cheeks while we still laid in bed. He groaned and shifted so I couldn't reach his face, he hid it on the pillow.

I rolled my eyes and barked out a laugh before climbing over the massive amount of blankets on this bed, and laid my head on his back. I leaned up so I could whisper in his ear. "Do you really think this position is going to stop me?" I asked seductively.

"I was hoping it would." he replied, slightly muffled from the pillow. I laugh without humor and scurried up closer, so my head was by his shoulder.

"Oh how wrong you are." I whispered, then kissed the part of his neck that was visible to me. He immediately tensed up, and let out a big breath.

"Are you trying to kill me?" he asked, turning his face to me so I could see his bright green eyes. I smiled and shook my head.

"No!" I said loudly. He chuckled, and let me continue. "But Edward, you do need to get up. Jasper said the photo shoot starts at 11:30, and I don't want to be late and make a bad impression."

Edward was about to answer me, but was cut off by Emmett.

"Bella! Get out here my little YouTube star, you have to see this!" he yelled. I looked at Edward curiously, then we were both off the bed and walking quickly to the living room where Emmett had the television on pause.

"Watch." he said simply.

Edward sat down on the last seat of the couch, so I sat down on the armrest; before he swung me into his lap. He smiled at me, and I rolled my eyes in response.

Emmett hit play and wea ll settled in to watch whatever he was so excited about.

Isabella Swan, photographer and girlfriend of actor Edward Cullen, has posted a YouTube video of herself that has caused an uproar on the internet. The video is taken by her friend and room mate, Rosalie Hale, and showcases Isabella in the morning, before coffee and makeup.

The response to this video is epic. Over 2 million views in the first day up, and 1 million comments. Isabella Swan is taking the media world by shock at her rising status. From an amazing photographer, to the very beautiful girlfriend of Edward Cullen, and now, to one of the most famous videos on YouTube.

Whatever will she do next?

"I'm a YouTube star!" I yelled, throwing my hands up in victory. Edward laughed and took my hands down so he could hold them.

"And the very beautiful girlfriend of Edward Cullen." he whispered in my ear. I laughed and shook my head before standing up and clapping my hands.

"Come on boys! We only have an hour and a half till we have to go to the photo shoot. Chop chop!" I yelled. They looked slightly scared, but knew not to cross me so they all stood up and got dressed. Edward took a five minute shower, which totally amazed me.

I put my hair up into a simple pony tail, leaving a few extra pieces hanging around my face. I slipped on my favorite pair of skinny jeans; old and fade, then looked through my suitcase for a shirt. I couldn't find something I wanted, so I decided to raid Edward's suitcase.

I found a Beatles T-Shirt that fit me, so I wore that. I grabbed my distressed leather purse out of my suitcase and loaded it up with my wallet and other necessary items. I opened the second suitcase and smiled.

All of my cameras and photography equipment laid in there. I picked up my personal camera. I name it Sketch. If I ever have a dog, I'm naming it that.

I grabbed the suitcase and wheeled it out to the living room where the boys were waiting. I checked my phone and saw that it was 10:45, time to go.

"Are you ready to be beautiful?" I asked Edward with a smile. He chuckled and raised an eyebrow.

"Psh! I'm always beautiful." he said with a wave of his hand. I laughed and we all began to walk downstairs. We finally made it out of the elevator, I waved to Eric the bell hop (Edward glared) and we all walked out in the California sun.

This photo shoot is definitely happening outside.


We finally arrived at the shoot which was basically a big field of grass that was big, lush, and perfectly green.

"Beautiful." I whispered as we walked towards the magazine editors.

A girl with dark hair pulled into a tight pony tail ran towards me and stuck her hand out for me to shake.

"It's nice to meet you Isabella. My name is Angela Weber, and I'm the assistant photographer." she said. I smiled at her and shook her hand.” Call me Bella." I said sweetly. After we let go, she wrapped an arm around my shoulder and walked closer towards the group of people.

"Hey everyone! Bella and Edward are here!" she announced as we got closer. Everyone's heads popped up and they all started talking at once and fluttering over to us. Edward was whisked away to a makeup counter in a trailer nearby, while Angela and I set up our equipment. We chatted quietly about how much we loved what we did. But for the most part, we stayed silent, which was perfectly fine with me.

We finished setting up, and just sat around in a couple of chairs provided by MaxMagazine. A girl with sandy blonde hair kept asking me if I needed anything. Angela said her name was Gianna. She seemed nice, but a little over-bearingly sweet.

Edward finally came back out in the outfit they chose for him. What he left the hotel in was a pair of basketball shorts, tennis shoes, and a grubby white t-shirt. His hair was a mess, and he looked like he had a hangover.

But now... wow... that's all I can.

He was wearing a pair of low hanging jeans and a shirt that clung tightly to his chest. The shirt was so nice and tight, that you could see every perfect muscle underneath it. His six-pack, pecs, and even the 'V' jutting from his pants.

What a God.

His shirt was black and his pants were a faded and rugged looking. I swear, I felt a little drool coming from the corner of my mouth while he chatted with the makeup artist. They seemed like good friends.

"He's quite the catch, isn't he?" Angela asked, catching me staring. I blushed and nodded.

"He's amazing. And there's so much more behind the beautiful looks." I answered, not taking my eyes off of Edward. He was still talking animatedly with the makeup artist, and kept throwing his head back laughing. I smiled and bit my lip at the sight. Gorgeous.

Then he turned to me and caught me. Dang.

He flashed me that damn, crooked, sexy smile and started walking towards me. They must've done something to his face, because his eyes seem to shine brighter, his teeth looked whiter, and his skin looked like it was glowing more.

"Like what you see?" he asked playfully while he stood in front of me, his hands in his pockets. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Very much." I answered truthfully. What's the point in lying? He chuckled and walked slightly closer so our bodies were slightly touching.

"You look very nice. Feel free to wear my clothes anytime you want." he said with a smug smile. I blushed and shook my head at him.

"Finally you noticed. I was beginning to think you never would." I said with a teasing tone. He chuckled and gave me a hug. I pulled back and sniffed my shirt. "I think I will wear your clothes more often. You smell amazing. And I look hot in this shirt." I said, striking a pose. He chuckled and went to ran a hand through his hair.

"EDWARD CULLEN! Don't you dare touch that hair that I just worked 30 minutes on to fix!" a women yelled. I assumed it was the make up and hair artist that Edward was just chatting with. Edward laughed and motioned for her to come over. When she stopped in front of us, Edward put an arm around her shoulder and squeezed.

"Bella. This is Kate. She's been my makeup artist since the very beginning. She just loves to play with my hair and face. It's almost like a fetish. 'Oh Edward! Your hair is sooo soft!.' It's quite the show." he explained. I laughed, but tried to hide it behind my hand. Edward continued the introductions.

"And Kate, this is my Bella." I loved how he said 'my' so sweet. If only it was real... "She has blushes a lot, but it only makes her look cuter. She's hilarious when she's angry, like a kitten who thinks she a tiger. And she smells amazing, just like strawberries. Feel free to take a sniff." he said, gesturing towards me.

I look at Kate and raised my eyebrows, to which she just shrugged.

When Edward is in his element, around people who practically worship him, he's amazing. Kate took his arm off her shoulder and gave his face a firm pat.

"I'm going to sniff your girlfriend. Now go out there and make me proud." she said with a smile. Edward gave me another hug before walking over to the magazine editors and talking.

"You're lucky, Bella. He's really amazing." she said, giving me a shoulder pat before walking over to a man I assumed to be her boyfriend. I walked over to Angela, and we both picked up our cameras and synced them to separate laptops.

Let this photo shoot begin.

A/N: *wipes hand on forehead*

That was a great chapter to write. Probably one of my favorites. At first, I was planning on putting the photo shoot scene in this chapter, but changed my mind last minute. Angela, Gianna and Kate have now been incorporated. Whoever shall I choose next? I'm thinking... hmmm.... oh I know!

Mike Newton.

Haha, yes I am evil, and no, I don't care!

Review and you get a virtual cookie. Don't review, and you get a virtual half eaten cookie for reading this chapter anyway. =]

Love - Annaleigh.


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Chapter: 19

A/N: Once again my lovely readers, it is time for another chapter of my favorite story I have started on FanFiction. All the number of reviews still amaze me, even though many of you have told me I shouldn't be surprised. *blushes*

Please enjoy, then review.

Edward whipped out a CD that was labeled : Photo Shoot. He slipped it to the magazine editors then ran out to stand in front of our cameras. He smiled at me while I stared at him curiously. I looked back and saw a person put the CD in a humongous stereo, then press play.

I like, where we are.

When we drive in your car.

I like where we are.


I immediately started squealing and smiling at him.

"It's our song!" I yelled to him. He laughed at my display, and nodded. Then he got serious when the photo shoot director began to point out where to move and how to arrange his face.

He struck his first pose, and both mine and Angela's cameras went off. God must have loved me today, because a slight breeze came, Edward smiled slightly, and the sun came through a tree and shone perfectly on his flawless face.

I clicked it quickly and looked at my camera.


Edward kept moving around, and I started to step a little closer to get some better shots of his face. The next song came on, and I had to stop so I could laugh.

It was 'Sexyback,' his driving song. Edward laughed and I took that shot. He had his head thrown back slightly and his arms were on his hips.

When the chorus came, he turned around a did a little butt shake. Which I captured for humorous purposes. Emmett and Jasper could be heard laughing from about a mile away.

'Sexyback' faded into the background and I kept clicking away as Edward kept striking highly sexual poses. He did this really amazing one that made me catch my breath.

The photo shoot director made him pull his shirt down slightly so you could see a bit of his chest. Them she positioned his shirt so it was higher up on his hips. And to finish up this sexy look, she pulled his pants down even farther, so you could see the pronounce 'V' jutting out from his body.

And, just my luck, the next song on this crazy ass CD, was 'Whatever You Like' by T.I

I can definitely not have whatever I like.

Edward's mouth was slightly parted as he held this pose. I turned my camera sideways and clicked this shot. Then he did the unbelievable.

He stuck his tongue out to the corner of his mouth and held it there, staring straight at me as I tried to compose myself. His eyes were hooded with what seemed like... lust? as he stared at the camera. The sun was shining right behind him which made him look slightly darker then in reality. The spokes of then were shining through his hair, making him look like a fallen Sex-God.

I had to stop taking pictures to bark out a laugh as the next song came on. It was one that me, Rosalie, and Alice had listened to countless time while trying to make fun of it. I just never expected Edward to have it.

'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' the Miley Cyrus version.

Edward laughed and went into the next pose. This time, the director wanted him to smile and bite his the edge of his lip. Trying to look innocent... ya not going to happen when he looks this sexy. He was positioned so his legs were wide and his hands were looped in his belt loops. He had this playful, and boyish look to his face. But my God, was he a sexy boy.

He kept striking the poses and I kept taking pictures of this beautiful boy.

The next songs on the CD were surprisingly amazingly good.

'The Frog Prince' by Keane, 'Imagine' by John Lennon. Edward looked incredibly thoughtful and mature while this song was on, taken by the words I presume.

I was totally awestruck with him when 'The Blowers Daughter' by Damien Rice came on. Without being told. He kind of collapsed to the ground and laid down, his hands behind his head as he stared up at the sky. I walked towards him and stood above him.

I clicked the camera's shutter button rapidly as I stared at him through the camera lens. His eyes were shut and his hair was fluttering lightly in the wind.

Just... wow. That's the only word that could describe this moment. Right here, right now, just... wow. The Blower's Daughter continued to ring out through the air as I just stared at Edward, not taking anymore pictures.

I can't take my eyes off of you.

I listened as the line repeated itself 5 more times as I gazed at Edward. I bit my lip as I looked at him, his beauty clouding my brain. It was unimaginable, this strange connection I felt with him. Like if one of us goes down, the other is going with them no matter what. The CD's tracks changed and on came a song that made me blush as I tried to look at anything else but Edward.

The next song on this CD described how I felt about Edward.

'Your Body is a Wonderland' by John Mayer.

Edward's body is better then a wonderland, it's like a candy land. His abs, arms, and the rest of his body make me want to jump him right here. Then again, we are in public with lots of people around. Good for the fake dating thing we got going on right?

Haha, no!

I totally shied away from the idea of jumping Edward right then and there, but he had different ideas. He sat up so his elbows were planted firmly on the ground, and smiled at me. I gulped as my breath hitched when his green eyes connected with mine. He slowly got off the ground, keeping his eyes connected with mine. He stepped forward towards me and reached his hand out to touch my cheek, and never took his eyes away from mine.

He leaned in and kissed me lightly on the cheek before whispering in my ear.

"We'll discuss this later."

Then he pulled back and kissed my forehead, hugged me, then walked away.

I opened my eyes and turned to my left to see him walking back to the rest of the photo shoot people. I sighed and walked the other way towards Angela. She was looking at me curiously.

"What just happened?" she asked with her arms crossed. I shook my head and sighed.

"I have no idea." I answered quietly while running a hand through my hair. She bit her lip and looked around for a second before walking closer to me.

"It's weird to watch you two kiss like that. It's almost like you're saying goodbye. It's really strange, but with a romantic edge to it." she whispered while looking me in the eye. I bite my lip and look at the ground.

Angela seemed like a person I could trust. She should know about this whole dating thing being fake.

"Angela, are you good at keeping secrets?" I asked. Her eyes widened and she back away. She clapped a hand over her mouth and shook her head.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT AREN'T YOU!" she shouted, making everyone look my way with shocked expressions on their faces. I immediately placed a hand over her mouth and shook my head.

"NO! I'm not pregnant Angela. I swear." I said loudly enough for everyone to hear. They nodded, and continued on with what they were doing. I took my hand off her mouth and glared. She bit her lip and laughed nervously.

"Sorry. Continue please." she said with a sheepish grin.

I took a deep breath, and prepared myself. "Edward and I aren't really dating." I whispered. Her eyebrows shot up and she laughed.

"Seriously, tell me the real secret." she said while she crossed her arms in front of her. I looked at her like a stupid idiot, then closed my eyes.

"That is the real secret. There is no 'Bella & Edward' it's all just a hoax." I explained. She finally realized I was telling the truth. She stopped grinning and her eyebrows furrowed.

"But... the kiss! The Katy Rose show, all of that was fake?" she asked, flailing her hands around animatedly. I nodded and bit my lip.

"Why did you even think of doing this?" she asked in a whispered. I ran my hand through my hair again and closed my eyes.

"When the paparazzi thought we were dating, we just decided to play along. It was fun for a while, and he's a really good kisser. But now... I don't know what's going to happen Angela." I explained, running my hands over my face. "Everytime I'm around him, I can't help but feel things for him. Romantic things. I know I'm attracted to him, but I honestly don't want to be."

"He's only supposed to be a friend, and we thought we weren't going to kiss, but we had to to keep the act up. Now I want to be the only one who can kiss him whenever she wants. But he's a client! Angela, what do I do?"

Angela's lips went pursed, and her eyes wandered as she thought about what I had just told her. She seemed to be thinking very very hard about this silly situation that I had stupidly gotten myself into. She finally made up her mind and sighed.

"Tell him. Tell him you want to be a real couple." she said flatly. I stared at her like she was some tech geek who just used a bunch of words that don't even sound like English.

"W-what?" I stammered. She sighed and put an arm around my shoulder.

"If what I'm assuming is correct, he likes you to." she said with a smile. I bit my lip and nod.

"Maybe... but I'm really afraid of rejection Angela." I whispered. She turns me around and puts her hand on my shoulders, giving me a little shake.

"Listen to me." she says sternly, looking me directly in the eye. "I have just met you, and I can already tell that Edward would be the luckiest guy in the whole entire freaking universe if you were his real girlfriend."


"No buts! Now, you two head home to your hotel, and discuss this." she says, wagging a finger at me.

I smile and give her a hug, a 'thank you' without real words.

We pack up our cameras after uploading all of the pictures to the laptops, then we say goodbye to the crew get reminded of the indoor photo shoot tomorrow. and we finally get to leave.

It's a silent walk to the car as I get my thoughts together about what I should say to Edward.

The car ride is even silent, and we've got Emmett in it! This is so frustrating. Why can't life ever be simple? Oh ya! It's because it's not a freaking fairytale. God, I will sue Walt Disney for making every little girl believe that life is all about princesses and fairies. Newflash! We don't ride unicorns or poop rainbows.

Life can seriously suck.

We finally made it to the hotel after a car ride with an extremely unbreakable awkward silence. Edward got out first and shut his door louder then necessary. I winced and got out as well. Emmett took my suitcase with the cameras for me, so I only had my purse. I was about to walk into the hotel when Edward called my name from behind me. I winced and turned around.

"Ya?" I asked quietly. Edward ran a hand through his hair and wouldn't look me in the eye.

"I honestly don't know how to say this, so I'll just do it." he said, arguing with himself in his head. He closed his eyes tightly for a second, then opened them and stared at me. "I like you Bella... a lot. Ever since you came into my life, it's been better. It's been brighter, funner, and happier for me. I know we aren't really dating, but I wish we were."

I stare at him for a second, blinking rapidly, mouth hanging open.

Edward Cullen... likes me! Oh God, I sound like a middle schooler.

But I seriously can't let this happen like this. We've only known each other for 9 days, even though if feels like forever. Probably because we spend every waking moment with each other... and we fall asleep together.

Back to the point!

I know that I have a crush on him, and that I attracted to him, but I want to know him better before this turns real.

"Edward...I do have feelings for you,but they aren't enough to be your official girlfriend. They're just surfacing for me now. Give it some time, then I'll tell you."

"Time...I'll be the first to know, right?" he asks while walking us into the hotel together. I laugh and smack his chest.

"Of course, who else will I tell?"


"I can't believe you like this movie!" Edward yelled from the kitchen. I was sitting on the couch watching High School Musical 2. I honestly can't stand this movie, but it's something to watch. I was just at the part where Zac Efron is singing 'Bet On It' and dancing around like an idiot.

Cracks me up every time.

"Zac Efron is just soooo dreamy! Don't you think?" I tease while he walks in with his cell phone in his hands, texting someone.

He sits down beside me, and just keeps texting. I finally get curious, and ask.

"Who ya textin?" I ask, sounding like a little kid. He looked up and I had to hold back a gasp. The smile on his face was beautiful, and his eyes were more green then I had ever seen before.

"My mother, Esme. We don't get to talk often, so she finally learned how to text." he says, a slight blush to his cheeks. I held back an 'awww' because I knew he would hate me for it. Then an idea came into my head.

"Let me text her!" I said, getting ahead of myself in the excitement category. Edward chuckled and handed me the phone.

Hello Mrs. Cullen.

You don't know me, but my name is Isabella Swan.

You may call me Bella.

I am dating your son... not really, but that's what the paparazzi thinks.

Your son is funny and very cute. You raised him well.

I pressed send and silently laughed to myself. I'm such an idiot, but I honestly don't care.

"What'd you say?" he asked. I read him the text, and he laughed. "Thank you. I always knew I was cute." he said, making his face look all googly eyed.

His phone buzzed again, and I flipped it open.

Well hello dear.

Please, call me Esme.

I've heard a lot about you from Edward...

I don't think I was supposed to tell you that.

Please, send me a picture of yourself.

I only get to see the ones on magazines.

=] Esme.

I smiled and did as she requested. I turned the phone to camera mode and snapped a photo of myself. Edward looked at me curiosly, but I just waved him off. I attatched the photo to a text, and began to write back.

Here is myself!

It was very nice talking to you.

I hope I'll get to meet you.

I think I'll let Edward talk to you now.

Goodbye Esme!

I pressed send, then gave the phone back to Edward. I turned back to the movie and started laughing. Zac Efron had the weirdest expression on his face. Blue eyes all scrunched up, and eyebrows raised like an idiot.

"He isn't that cool." I heard Edward mutter from beside me. I turned to look at him with raised eyebrows.

"And how do you know that?" I asked while staring at him with one eybrow raised. He shrugged and kept looking at the T.V.

"I met him once. Too much of a Disney kid. He's never going to break out of that." he answered. He does have a point. Disney kids usually stay Disney kids, or never go anywhere.

"Hmmm." I answered lamely. We stayed silent for about 5 more minutes, before we both spoke at the same time.

"This is boring."

We started laughing and turned off the T.V so we could think of something to entertain ourselves. I turned to him and crossed my legs indian style.

"So what should we do?" he asked.

"Make out like crazy." I blurted before I could think about it. Edward chuckled then shrugged his shoulders.

"Sounds good to me."

Then, before I had time to realize it, he threw himself at me and tackled me to the couch. His knees were on other side of my hips, and his hands were near my head, holding himself up. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about this position. So many possibilities...

"Edward, you do know I was kidding, right?" I asked wearily. Edward laughed and leaned in so our faces were slightly closer.

"Of course I knew that. I'm just waiting until you decide you aren't." he breathed, making my head go foggy. But I quickly shook myself out of it and smirked.

"Well... that won't be anytime soon. Now would you mind getting off of me?" I asked, managing to cross my arms in front of my chest. Edward snickered, and didn't move.

"Are you sure? I'm quite comfortable actually." he teased. I rolled my eyes and just let him sit on me. His hands weren't near my head anymore, they were holding my hips. I didn't even notice until he started rubbing circles on the sliver of skin exposed from my shirt.

I narrowed my eyes at him, and grabbed his hands.

"I didn't tell you you could cop a feel ." I snapped, going back into being just his hired photographer where we were strictly Mr. Cullen, and Mrs. Swan.

"You know you enjoyed it." he said with a smug smile. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, then finally got off me.

"We should go see a movie." he said about a minute later. I thought about it for a second. I get popcorn, candy, soda, Edward, a cool thing to watch, Edward, we might throw popcorn at happy couples, Edward... hmmm... did I mention Edward?

"Sounds great. But is this... a date?" I asked nervously, my cheeks heating up slightly. Edward looked down shyly, then looked at me through his lashes.

Damn him and his dazzling ways.

"Only if you want to be." he said quietly. I thought about it... a real date with Edward could actually be fun. We wouldn't have to worry about acting, we would just... be.

"Then it's a date. Just let me go freshen up." I said gesturing to my outfit. I wasn't going to change out of Edward's Beatles shirt, but I did need to brush my teeth.

I noticed that Edward's eyes brightened up when I said it would be a date. I smiled from ear to ear at him, then walked into the bathroom. Preparing for my date.


"We're going to see Knowing." Edward said sternly. I glared at him and shook my head.

"No way. 17 Again, it's got some eye candy for me... and I don't care if you don't like Zac Efron, we're seeing it anyway." I told him. He crossed his arms and shook his head.

"No way. I'm not going to sit through our date and listen to you gawk about Zac Efron. He's not even that good looking." he growled at the end. I laughed and messed his hair.

"Jealous much?" I asked with a smug smile. He just stuck his tongue out at me like a 5 year old. We were still in the rental car in front of the theater, trying to decide what we should see. Edward wanted to see the Sci-Fi Nicolas Cage movie, while I wanted to see hot n' sexy Zac Efron play Mike O'Donnel in 17 Again.

We were both soooo stubbourn, so neither one of us was budging on this.

"Bella, we have to decided on something." Edward sighed, running a hand through his thoroughly messy hair. I looked at the signs and surveyed them.

One caught my eye.

"We're seeing Monsters V.S Aliens. It's the only movie we can both like since it's so incredibly kiddy. Now come on hot stuff, we've got an animated movie to see." I said quickly before jumping out of the car before he could open the door for me. I leaned against the car, and waited for him to come out.

He finally walked towards me and smiled. We walked silently towards the movie theater, and he oh-so sneakily, grabbed my hand and braided our fingers together. I looked up at him and smiled.

He was wearing a silly grin on his face that made him look like a kid on Christmas. We finally made it to the ticket counter. The fake-blonde, fake-boobed, fake-nose... you get the point, looked up and her eyes widened.

She knew it was us.

"Two adult tickets to Monster V.S Aliens." Edward said smoothly, giving the girl a flashy smile, probably making her heart stop. She nodded and rang up our purchase. Edward paid for the tickets, much to my discomfort and we began to walk to the movie theater.

But a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back. The ticket girl.

"You are so damn lucky! Don't mess this up." she said with a wink before letting me go. I smiled and walked back to Edward who was looking confused. I just gave him and eyeroll and laughed. He got the message and we walked to the popcorn stand.

We bought too much food.

One small popcorn. A bag of Reese's, a bag of Twizzlers, and one medium soda. Edward said that since this was a real date, the only thing we weren't allowed to share was candy. And only because he hated Twizzlers, and opted for his own bag of Reese's.

But I didn't mind. Sharing popcorn and soda wasn't bad. I've already had my mouth on his. Couldn't be worse, could it?

We finally walked into the movie theater, and I was nervous to see that the lights were still on...

and everyone was looking our way.

"Oh my God! It's Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan!" a crazy fan girl with frizzy blonde hair yelled, pointing to us. I waved slightly and tried to hide my discomfort, but it wasn't working. Edward wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple.

The whole crowd 'awwwed'

Why is my life turning into a bad sitcom? Pretty soon, it's going to get canceled.

Edward led me up the stairs, past the stares and looks of pure jealousy, until we sat down at the third to top row, in the direct middle. Edward put the soda between us and turned to me.

"Enjoying yourself yet?" he asked. I could feel everyone in the whole entire theater leaning in to hear my answer. I sighed and nodded.

"I'm fine, but I wish everyone would stop STARING and watch the stupid PREVIEWS!" I said a little loudly for our close conversation. Edward chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Despite the fact that everyone was watching our every move, I was enjoying myself. It was so easy to act like this with Edward. We just balanced each other perfectly. And the feeling of his arm wrapped around me, was unexplainable.

I was shaken out of my thoughts, when someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around and saw a little girl holding a piece of paper and a pen. She was adorable! My heart melted at the sight of the little smile playing around her lips as she held the pen and paper out to me.

"Hello." I said sweetly. Her smile got wider, and her brown eyes got brighter.

"What's your name?" I asked, smiling a sweet and polite smile.

"Lily." she said, rocking back and forth on her feet. I smiled and looked at her adorable little face.

"Such a pretty name." I said softly. She bit her lip and shook her head, her brown curls swinging also. I furrowed my brow at her disagreement.

"You don't like your name?" I asked? She smiled and shook her head.

"I like yours, and his." she said, pointing a little finger to Edward. He was turned around in his seat, watching the little girl with a smile.

"Well thank you,but I do think Lily is a very beautiful name." I said as I slowly took the pen and paper from her.

I quickly wrote a little note: Lily, I hope you grow up to be a very beautiful girl. But always remember, boys are icky. Just ask Edward.

I smiled and handed the note to Edward. He chuckled, then wrote something, signed his name, then gave it back to me.

Bella is right. No dating till you're married.


I smiled and signed my own name before handing the paper back to Lily who smiled and read the paper. She giggled and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Bella is right. Boys are icky. Except Edward, he's handsome." she said before giggling again and running back down the stairs to her parents. I smiled and turned back around in my seat, just in time to see the opening credits come on.

About halfway through the movie, I had to ask Edward a question that was bugging me for some reason.

(A/N: You have to see Monsters V.S Aliens to understand this!)

"If I turned into a giant on our wedding day, would you still love me?" I asked quietly into his ear. He chuckled and turned to me.

"Of course I'd still love you." he answered, then squeezed me with the arm that was around my shoulder. We went back to watching the movie, when something dawned on me.

He said he'd still love me. Does that mean he loves me right now?

A/N: Haha, Edward let it slip a bit! But will Bella realize he's telling the truth.

I recommend you see Monsters V.S Aliens, it's actually really funny, even to me, and I'm 14! So I hoped you liked this chapter! I know I did, it was fun to write.

Review please!

Love - Annaleigh

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Chapter: 20

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

A/N: Thanks for the reviews! They're better then white chocolate mochas from Starbucks, and those things are mighty fine =]

Chapter 20!

After the movie was let out, we had just made it to the exit, when the paparazzi hit. I didn't even hear what they were screaming at me. All I felt was Edwards' hand in mine, and my thoughts were distracting me so much, that I had trouble walking. Which was why I also felt Edward wrap his arm around my waist to keep me from tripping.

"Careful now." he whispered in my ear while we walked to his car. He opened the door for me, and I got in slowly. Edward walked around and got into the driver side. He turned on the car and we backed out of the parking space.

"Bella," Edward called, shaking me out of my thoughts."What's wrong?" He asked quietly. I just bit my lip and asked myself the same question.

What is wrong?

Is it the fact that Edward has kinda, sorta, not really, just told me he loves me? And on that note, is it because I don't love him back? I know I love him, as in, if something happened to him, I would be sad. Like a family member or best friend. But I don't love him romantically, not yet at least. I probably will fall for him, my crush will grow into something more, but that stuff takes time. Is he willing to wait? That's the real question.

I realized that Edward was still waiting for an answer.

"Ya, I'm fine. Just thinking." I answered with a small smile. He must've seen right through that because he narrowed his eyes before looking at the road again. His hand reached out to the CD player and he pressed play. He must have put his own CD's in there, because he didn't put one in before.

Jimi Hendrix came blaring through the speakers. 'Remember', my favorite song of his, came on at full volume. I smiled and leaned back in the seat. Jimi can always make me feel better. I looked over to Edward and saw him smiling while staring at the road in front of. When we came to a stoplight, he turned to me and smiled, his bright green eyes playful.

"Ready to tell me what's wrong?" he asked while raising an eyebrow. I bit my lip, my nervous habit, and shook my head. He sighed and turned his attention back to the road.

"You'll tell me someday." I think I heard him mutter under his breath. We pulled up to the hotel, and Edward opened the door for me, and held my hand as we walked in. He also held it through the lobby, in the elevator, and all the way to our door.

I turned around and smiled.

"Thanks for the date, I had a great time." I said like a high schooler.

We're at the doorway, this is where the notorious 'goodnight' kiss happens. I fiddled around with the hem of my... well, Edward's shirt, until I felt a hand coaxing my chin up.

"I had a great time too." he said quietly, gazing into my eyes. He began leaning in, and I began freaking out. But he swerved and kissed my left cheek instead. After he pulled back, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and let us into the hotel room.

Before I could put my purse down, I was attacked by a pixie...

"OHMYGOSH! Bella, I'm so excited to be here! I've missed you so much! I can't wait to go shopping with you here in California! We are going to have so much fun here, since we can do whatever we want since we're basically on vacation." the voice trilled in my ear. I pulled back and looked at... Alice.

"Alice! What are you doing here!" I screamed while jumping up and down. She was doing the same with a huge smile on her face.

"Emmett and Jasper helped us to surprise you. Rose is here too! We took off work so we could meet you guys here! Isn't this great, all of us in California. I'm so excited!" she squealed. I looked behind her, and saw Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper lounging on the couch. I smiled and ran to Rose. I hopped into her lap and threw my arms around her.

"I'm so glad you two are here! Now my whole family is here!" I yelled as I hugged Rosalie. She laughed and patted my back lightly.

"We're happy to be here too." Rosalie said with a big smile on her face. I got off of her lap and went to stand next to Edward.

"Did you know about this?" I asked. His eyes darted around for a second till he looked at me and smirked.

"Ya, I had to get you out of the hotel. That was my part." he explained with a chuckle.

I had to hide my disappointment to find that the only reason why we went on a date, was to get me out of the hotel. I hid it by looking away from Edward and putting on a huge fake smile.

"This is great. We just finished the photo shoot, so I can tell you about it. Come on, we'll go out to coffee." I told them as I grabbed my purse again. The girls smiled and got up to follow me.

When we got out of the room, their arms went around my shoulders and my smile slipped off my face.

"He probably did want to go out with you, and was happy that he had the chance." Alice said, already knowing what was wrong, she always had that ability to know what was happening when she saw my mood.

"Ya, he's the luckiest son of a bitch to go out with you Bella." Rosalie added. I smiled slightly at her profanity and humor, but still felt sad inside. I sighed and began to explain why.

"I know all of that might be true. But I can't help but think that he really didn't want to go on a date with me, and only did it to get me out of the room." I said quietly. They shared a glance to each other, then set us down on a lobby couch.

"Bella, listen to us." Rosalie said in a stern, motherly voice. I looked up at her and bit my lip, getting prepared for her lecture.

"You are beautiful, intelligent, and a kick ass photographer. You can get any guy you want, because you're hot, young and drop dead gorgeous. Any man would be lucky to have you, and Edward wants you. You can tell just by the way he looks at you. He looks at you like he's seeing the sun for the first time, and he realizes just how unbelievably radiant you truly are. Inside and out. Alice and I have noticed it, and anyone who doesn't has been living in a hole. You can do this Bella." she said firmly.

I stared at Rosalie in shock and admiration. She truly believed that I could be confident in the way I pursued Edward. She actually thought I was beautiful, both her and Alice did. Even though I don't always feel like that, the only person disagreeing is the one in the mirror.

"Thank you. And you're right, I can do this." I smiled. I hopped off the couch, and put my hands on my hips. "Now let's go get some coffee and talk about hot guys!" I said loudly. They giggled and we all walked out to the car.


Over our little coffee emergency, I found out some interesting things about the relationships between Alice and Jasper, and Emmett and Rosalie.

Rosalie confessed that when she saw Emmett at the airport, she threw away the shy Rose that he had seen, and turned aggressive.

She had dropped her bags right there, and ran to him. He had this goofy grin on his face when he saw her. Rosalie had actually jumped onto him, wrapped her legs around his waist, and kissed him hard. She seemed very, very proud about that.

The only thing he had said after they pulled back was 'wow'.

The shy Rose was gone, and has been replaced by confident Rose. She's back!

Alice and Jasper were very different on their greeting. First, they had just stared at Rosalie and Emmett's performance in shock. But when they finally got over it, Jasper gave Alice a gentle hug and swung her around. He set her down and brushed his hand against her cheek, and said "I missed you."

Alice told me how happy she was about that, because she had missed him a lot too, so she kissed his cheek and smiled. "So did I."

Then they came to the hotel.

And here we are!

Alice and Rosalie were staying in the room across from ours, so we would be seeing a lot of each other. They knew about Edward and I having to sleep in the same bed. Rosalie encouraged me to jump him, while Alice scolded her and told me to wait. I rolled my eyes at Rose, and agreed with Alice.

"Hey Bella, what time is the photo shoot tomorrow?" Alice asked while she unpacked her suitcase.

"11:30, why?" I asked through a mouthful of Lucky Charms.

She shrugged and hung up another shirt. "Me and Rosalie want to come, so we needed to know." she explained.

"Thanks, but it's going to be pretty boring. You don't have to come." I said quietly. Alice's tinkling laugh filled the air and she put a hand on her hip.

"We want to. And if we get bored, Emmett and Jasper will be there too..." she said, trailing off. I laughed and shoved another spoonful of my favorite cereal into my awaiting mouth.

"Hey, we're thinking about going out for dinner tonight." Emmett said as he walked into the room. He flopped onto the bed and looked at us."Where should we go?"

Alice shrugged, Rosalie sat on Emmett's lap, and I started thinking.

"What do we even want to eat?" I asked while walking around the room and hanging up the girl's clothes with Alice.




The three of them all said different choices at the same time. I sighed. This was going to be a bit difficult. I hung up the shirt I had in my hand and walked across the hall to my room.

"Hey boys. What do you want to eat?" I asked once I found Jasper and Edward in the kitchen. They both just shrugged.

"Please. Just give me an answer." I begged. I let them think for a couple seconds, then Jasper answered first.

"Seafood sounds good to me." he said nonchalantly. Not the answer I was looking for. I turned to Edward and raised my eyebrows.

"Hamburgers." he said quickly. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

All of wanted different things. Alice wants pizza, Rosalie wants Chinese, Emmett wants Mexican, and Edward wants hamburgers, while Jasper wants seafood.

And I want a sub sandwich.

None of us are going to get what we want. All of us will just have to settle for something...


"I have an idea." I said suddenly. I motioned for the boys to come with me into the other room and we all sat down.

"Since none of us want the same thing, we should split up and go get whatever we want. Then we bring it back here and eat with everyone." I announced. They all smiled and got up to go get their food.


"Oh my God. Rosalie, you have to try this." Emmett said after swallowing a mouthful of his chicken enchilada. He held out a forkful of it to Rosalie, who ate then smiled at him.

"That's really good." she said before taking another bite. Emmett snuck some of her Chinese food and smiled like a devil before eating it.

I laughed at all these people who had become such great friends over the course of a couple of days. Rosalie is now Emmett's official girlfriend, while Jasper and Alice are more private about their relationship. It's all just so sweet and perfect.

Then there's Edward and me.

I'm not his girlfriend, I know that much. But I can't help but think that we are more then just friends. We know a lot about each other, and that's good and really important to have with a friend.

I stood up and walked over to the TV and turned it on. Then I grabbed the remote and flipped it to the celebrity gossip channel. Gotta keep up with what people are saying about us.

"Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen are gracing California with their presence. They were seen staying at the Renaissance hotel, and were taking a swim."

Photograph of Edward tickling my feet at the pool.

"But is there more behind this relationship. A close friend of Isabella's says 'Edward and Bella aren't really dating. She already has a boyfriend.' Jacob Black is Isabella's supposed boyfriend, and he leaked that Swan and Cullen aren't dating. Is this all a game of jealousy?"

We all stared at the television screen, absolutely shocked. Everyone else looked just surprised, but I was furious. I stomped over to my purse and grabbed my phone. Then I punched in Jacob's number and waited for him to answer.

"Hey Belal!" he said in a peachy tone.

I grimaced. "You're an asshole, you know that?" I yelled into the phone.

All I heard was his throaty laugh.

"Bella I've just made everything easier for us. Now it looks like you and Edward are just friends, and we can go back to where we left off." he said, trying to sound sweet.

"Where we left off?! We left off with you cheating on me with some other girl!" I shouted. Jacob was silent on the other end.

"I know that Bella. And I feel terrible. But please, give me another chance!" he said desperately from the other line. I opened my mouth to tell him off, when someone tapped me on the shoulder.


He smirked and took the phone from me.

"Hey Jacob, this is Edward." he said with a smile on his face. I stared at him with my mouth open. "I would appreciate it if you left Bella and I alone." he said politely.

Jacob was so loud, the I could hear him. Edward's smile immediately left his face, and his eyes flashed with anger.

"Listen you stupid mutt. What goes on between Bella and I is none of your business." he hissed into the phone. My eyes widened at the sight of angry Edward. What a freaking turn on.

Edward's jaw clenched when Jacob answered. Instead of answering, he just flipped the phone shut and handed it back to me.

"Delete him off your contacts." he said harshly before sitting back down and taking a bite of his hamburger. I unfroze and did as he said, then sat behind him on my knees.

"What did he say?" I asked. Everyone else in the room was waiting for his answer as well. Edward swallowed his hamburger and sighed, finally calming down a little.

"He called you a whore." Edward said quietly. Rosalie and Alice looked like they were going to kill someone, same with Em and Jazz. I bit my lip and looked down at my hands in my lap.

I don't care if Jacob thinks those kind of things about me. Sure, they hurt and what not, but not as bad when he voices them to other people. And he had to say it to Edward! I could feel the tears threaten to spill over, so I quickly got up.

"I'm just going to go to bed." I said quietly before running to my bedroom.

(A/N: I wrote this next part listening to Hamburg Song by Keane. I recommend you listen to it while reading. It's amazing!)

I kept the tears in while I changed for bed. I put on a tank top and pair of cotton shorts. I brushed my hair out, then sighed.

I flopped onto the bed and allowed the tears to spill over.

I kept making little hiccup noises so I buried my head in a pillow to drown them out.

I will always regret letting Jacob Black into my life. He ruins... everything! He ruined our relationship, and now he's calling me names to my friends. I have no idea where he got the whore comment. There's no way I could ever be a whore, it's just not me.

And to have him say that to Edward, of all people, that was the breaking point. I don't want Edward's opinion of me to be changed by some idiot like Jacob Black. He doesn't matter and he's not in my life anymore. I just hope that Edward is smart enough to realize that Jacob is an idiot.

The tears began to come faster when I heard the door open. I didn't turn to look, I already knew who it was.


I heard him take his shoes off, then get dressed for bed. I closed my eyes, and willed these tears to go away. But they didn't give up. They flowed down my cheeks relentlessly, until touching my lips so they were salty. The little hiccup/animal noises would not go away, and my breathing was irregular.

I felt Edward pull the covers back then slide into the bed next to me. He wrapped an arm around my waist, and flipped me over so I was facing his chest. I kept sniffling as his green eyes swept over my face, until locking with my own. He raised his hand and gently brushed it against my cheek. I closed my eyes at the sensation and sighed, my tears finally stopping. Edward continued to brush my tears away, then finally put his hand back down and brought me close to his chest.

"I didn't believe him." he whispered into the silence. I smiled and snuggled closer into his chest. His grip on me tightened and I felt my eyelids start to droop, sleep finally taking me over.


"Wakey wakey Bella!" I heard a tinkling voice say sweetly, right before ripping my warm blanket off of me. I groaned and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I looked to the right side of the bed and saw it empty. Edward had already woken up. I ran a hand through my hair and stood up.

"There's muffins and coffee in the kitchen, come out when you're ready!" Alice yelled while walking out of the room and shutting the door.I hopped into the shower, and took a quickie. I blow dried my hair then walked over to my suitcase and looked through it before pulling out my favourite pair of white shorts. They were slightly shorter then I normally wore, but they were adorable. I slipped those on, then grabbed a black tank top. I looked through the shoes I brought, then had a silly idea run through my head.

I grabbed a pair of red high top converses and only tied them up halfway so they were loose at the top. Then I walked back into the bathroom and put on some mascara and lip gloss.

I looked good, not beautiful, but alright.

I walked out of the room and went straight to the kitchen, my stomach agreeing with my motives. Alice and Rosalie were sitting around with the rest of the boys, drinking coffee and talking.

"Ow ow! Aren't you a little hottie?" Rosalie said when she saw me, making everyone else look over too. I blushed and grabbed a poppy seed muffin and taking a bite of it. Emmett and Jasper were chatting with their 'girls' and Edward... well Edward was looking at me with a dazed look. I blushed again and swallowed the muffin.

"What?" I asked him. He shook his head and smiled before putting an arm around my shoulders.

"You look really nice." he said with a cocky grin. I rolled my eyes and finished eating my muffin. I walked back into my room and brushed my teeth. But as I was walking out, I had to be a klutz, and tripped over the edge of the carpet.

I closed my eyes and braced myself for the ground... that never came. Instead, a pair of very strong arms went around my waist and held me up.

"Careful, love." Edward said, chuckling above me. I let the 'love' nickname slide, but I wasn't going to forget it. I stood up and smoothed my hair back down before looking up at Edward.

"Thanks. It would've been terrible if the photographer died before the shoot." I teased while walking past him and grabbing my purse.

I slipped on a pair of over sized sunglasses and walked out to the living room and joined everyone else. The only person we were waiting for now was Edward. When he came out, I almost cried at the sight of him.

Even though we hadn't started the photo shoot yet, he still looked delicious. A pair of dark faded jeans were hanging low on his hips, and he was wearing a black Jimi Hendrix t-shirt.

He slipped on his own pair of sunglasses, just plain and black, then walked over to us with a smug smile on his face.

"Let's go let someone touch my hair and put makeup on my face!" he said, clapping like a little girl. I laughed along with everyone else as we walked out of the room.

Edward wrapped an arm around my waist when we walked past Eric the bellhop. I laughed and gave Edward a sloppy kiss on the cheek for dramatic effect. The smile on his face was beautiful, and he had a pink tint to his cheeks. Oh oh! I made Edward Cullen blush.


"Oh good. You're here Bella. We need your advice on how to do the lighting for this shot." Angela said right as we entered the building.

It was more or less a warehouse. But in the middle of it, was a simple white backdrop for the pictures, and lighting all over the place. A room in the back was used for wardrobe and makeup.

"Put the light over to the left a little bit more, it'll shine on his face and give a slight shadow." I said, directing the crew around. They did how I said, and I smiled at their effort.

Alice and Rosalie got introduce to Angela and the rest of the set managers, then sat off to the sides with Emmett and Jasper while we finished setting up. Edward had already been whisked away by Kate for makeup and hair.

We would be shooting our shots in black and white today, and I was excited about that. Black and white had always been my favorite for shooting people in. Color sometimes distracted from their facial expressions, and black and white helped hold the focus.

Edward's other photo shoot CD was already playing, and the first song on was relaxing and mellow. It was John Mayer's 'Slow Dancing in a Burning Room' and I couldn't help but sway a little as it played. I closed my eyes and stepped around lightly, my converse being forgotten and set aside. The concrete floor was cold against my feet, but I welcomed it as I danced around.

Then I felt a hand grip my waist, and another intertwine into my other hand. I opened my eyes and saw Edward's green eyes looking playful and happy. I laughed and put my other hand on his shoulder as we danced. I closed my eyes and put my head on his shoulder and let the music over take me.

I see it in the way you do,

when no else could ever get through.

I was shocked out of the intimate moment by a song by Hedley. I laughed as Edward jumped from the loudness and shock of the music.

He laughed and we walked over to the white backdrop where Edward was told to stand.

Me and Angela grabbed our cameras and aimed.

Until then, I hadn't noticed what Edward was wearing, but now that I saw, I was grinning like the Cheshire cat.

They had let him keep his jeans on, but they switched out his Hendrix tee for a plain white wife beater. The makeup they had applied gave his face a slightly tanner looked, and he had on a thick, black leather bracelet around his left wrist.

He looked bad ass.

The expressions he was giving off while we clicked away were filled with lust and... hatred? Maybe that was the plan: look like he had an attitude.

And to top it all off, 'I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby' by 3OH!3 came on and added to the intensity of this look. I didn't know that Edward listened to this music, but whatever floats your boat I guess. I wasn't complaining. The song did help me get into the moment.

Edward was positioned to sit on the ground with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, so Angela and I stepped closer to get a better shot.

Damn. He looked so superior and intimidating in these shots. A total turn from what we took yesterday. And the music made everything so much different.

His eyes were hooded and his lips were parted so he could hold the cigarette. I felt this sudden urge to rip his shirt to shreds and lick him... but I held back the animalistic side of me and kept taking the pictures.

The director took the cigarette back, then positioned him differently. This time, he was laying on his back with his arms folded across his stomach, the muscles in his arms tense up so you could see the definition. I gulped and took an angled shot of him and smiled at the outcome.

His eyes were closed and his face was turned to the left and he looked like a fallen angle... on drugs. His hair had been styled even crazier then normal, and looked freaking sexy.

'Right Round' came on and I couldn't help but start to dance along. This song always did this to me, it was just such a dance-to kind of song.

Edward got directed to sit with his back to the white backdrop on the wall, and turn his head to the left. I walked closer and got the camera right up to his face to get the closeup. I clicked this shot rapidly and got it about 20 times, Edward having different expressions on each one.

I almost dropped my camera because of what he did next.

He bit his lip and arched his back so only his head was touching the wall. And he even moaned slightly. His eyes were closed tightly and he looked like he was riding a pleasure wave. I gulped and took this shot about 50 times, capturing this moment for my own purposes. This shot better get in the magazine.

Edward opened his eyes again and winked at me. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head at him. He chuckled when I stuck my tounge out at him like a 5 year-old.

'Everything' by Michael Buble came on and I smiled at his choice of song. I always had a little fantasy about a guy singing this song to me at a high school talent show, then walking out to the audience and giving me a single red rose. Perfection.

Edward stood up from the wall and laced his hands together, then looked down at the ground, crossing one leg over the other in a relaxed position. His cheeks were slightly sucked in, and he looked like he was brooding.

"Alright everybody, take five!" the set manager yelled. I sighed and set my camera down beside the laptop, and went to sit by Rose and Alice.

"You are so amazing Bella! I wish I could be a photographer." Alice gushed. I laughed and shook my head at her compliments.

"Thanks Alice." I said quietly. Edward then came over and put his hands on his hips while he looked at us on the couch. No room for little Eddie.

"And where am I supposed to sit?" he asked like a girl. I laughed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"In the corner." I said harshly. He narrowed his eyes and shook his head at me. Then he raised his hand and pointed a finger at me.

"You're going to get it little girl." he said menacingly. I raised my hands in the air and laughed.

"Help me! Eddie's going to get me!" I screeched. Alice and Rosalie were laughing so hard they had tears in the corner of their eyes. Emmett and Jasper were teasing Edward about getting 'owned' by a girl. I laughed and got high fives from the girls while Edward was still standing up with his arms crossed.

"Fine. I'll just have to sit on you." he shrugged, then turned around and sat right on my lap.

"Isn't this cozy." he said out loud. I laughed and patted his back. This wasn't so much as cozy as much as it was slightly weird. But I wasn't complaining.

"How about we switch?" I whispered from behind him. He nodded and got up. We switched places and I sat on his lap and threw my arms around his neck.

"That's better." I announced.

We finished up our five minute break by telling stories about our childhood and things about us as friends. I was blushing like a tomato when Alice and Rosalie told the boys about my dating drought. We called it that because I kept getting stuck on boring dates, and had to call the girls for an emergency.

My most used lines to get out of it were 'my sister got in an accident.' 'my dad chopped off his finger.' and the most famous. 'my insane mother was found in mcdonalds, naked.'

Then I hightailed it out of there.

But I did hear some interesting stories about Edward also. He had gotten drunk one night and proceeded to run around his neighborhood singing 'Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head' without clothes on. He spent the night in jail for streaking.

I found this hilarious, but he was mortified.

We had to stop our little stories when the director called us back to attention.

Edward was changed into another outfit, this one tamer then the last.

The jeans were different, just a shade had opted for a white cotton button down shirt this time. It had been rolled up to his elbows, and unbuttoned a little on the top to show off his chest.

The shots were taken in color this time to capture the color of his eyes and the strange bronze color that is Edward's hair. He kept flashing that swoon worthy crooked smile and letting his eyes look playful and bright. My favorite shot was when he bit his lip and looked scared, like a little boy in trouble.

Halfway through the rest of the shoot, I told Angela to take over while I went to the restroom.

But when I came back out, Angela and Edward were having what looked like a very deep conversation about something. Angela would say something, then Edward would try to explain what he was trying to say.

He started talking and didn't stop for a while, smile occasionally. Then he looked up at the camera and smiled. Angela took this shot about 50 times. It must've been amazing.

She stopped taking the shots and I walked back over like I had never been watching them.

"Hey Bella. The shoot is almost over, we just need a shot of you and Edward together." Angela said. That's right! MaxMagazine always does a shot of the photographer and the actor on the cover. I smiled and went to stand next to Edward on the backdrop.

"Alright, so how are we going to do this?" I asked him. He just shrugged and bit his lip. The set manager rolled her eyes and came out to position us.

She actually made me jump on Edward for a piggy back ride. I couldn't focus on anything except Edward's soft warm hands on my thighs, holding me up. I smiled and laughed as Angela began taking shots of us.

We then got directed so Edward was carrying me bridal style while I let one foot stay up in the air.

But my favorite was the one when Edward wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and lifted me off the ground while I laughed and listened to 'Wake Up Call' by Maroon 5 which had just come on.

We finished up the shoot with Edward giving me a sloppy kiss on the cheek while I blushed and looked down at the ground. The worst part was that Angela loved this shot too much so she made us hold this position so she could take it 15 times.

I gave Angela a hug and thanked the set managers for having me before Edward, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and I all headed out into the California night.

"Let's go celebrate!" Emmett yelled before we all piled into the car and drove to...

a bar.

A/N: That one took forever!

Since they're going to a bar, one of them is going to get totally hammered while everyone else is slightly tipsy. But who will it be? Alice, Bella, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, or Rosalie?

Review and tell me who should get hammered!

Love - Annaleigh!

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Chapter: 21

A/N: Hello my lovely readers! I am so happy and thrilled with all of you right now. I now have OVER 300 reviews and could not be happier... well I'll be happy if I can get to 400 or 500! That would be freaking awesome!

A warning to the wise... I'm only 14, and I've never gotten drunk, so all of this chapter right here, is from reading or seeing other people do it. And trust me, it's hilarious.

Ugh... I haven't been able to write this chapter as quickly as I would've liked. My room smells like Chinese food for some reason, and it sickens me =P


P.S Here is the link to Bella's movie premiere hair. Will be up on profile also =]

Without furhtur ado, chapter 21!

"Emmett... I'm not very good with alcohol." I said as he pulled into a parking spot. He just ignored me and let out a throaty laugh.

"You don't have to drink Bella. You can be designated driver." he explained. I hated being designated driver. It absolutely sucked, and I never had fun.

"No! I'll be designated driver. I don't even like drinking. I always get a hangover." Jasper piped in. I smiled at him and mouthed 'thank you' to which he winked. Alice sure picked a good one.

"Fine. Now let's go!" Emmett yelled before opening his door, signaling for us to follow. I groaned and reluctantly got out of the car with everyone else. We walked up to the bar slowly and the bouncer let us in just by seeing our faces. Being famous does have its perks.

Emmett lead us over to a table that could hold all of us. Although we didn't need all the seats since Rosalie decided that Emmett's lap was more comfortable.

A waiter came over with a round of beers already with him. His nametag said 'Tony' and he had inky black hair. Emmett immediately grabbed it and guzzled it down. Rosalie laughed at his eagerness and sipped at her own. I'm not a fan of beer, but I still drank it.

It was ice cold and smooth. Slid very nicely down my throat.

I set it back down and smiled.

Emmett was already halfway done with his and Alice was too. I smiled and guzzled down the rest of my beer quickly.

This was bound to get fun.


Halfway through the night, I was totally drunk. Alice had finally slowed down when she realized how many calories were in the beer. Emmett was worse then I was, but I could barely tell what was going on. We were standing around at this little table or something, and Edward had to hold my elbows to keep me from stumbling.

"SHOTS!" Emmett yelled while I cheered along with him. Tony shook his head and brought on another round of whiskey.

Emmett downed his in one gulp, and I did the same.

"Ahhh." I said after the liquid burned my throat. I screwed up my face until it subsided, then I was laughing and smiling again.

"Oh my gosh, we should totally...." I started to say, but then I looked at Edward and gasped.

I know that Edward was good looking, and positively handsome, but right now, he looked gorgeous. It might have been the alcohol, but I felt an insane feeling to... touch his face right now.

So I did.

I lifted my hand up slowly and touched his cheek. He raised and eyebrow and chuckled. I smiled slightly and kept running my hand over his cheek. I set my 6th beer down so I could use both hands to touch this beauty's face.

I ran both my thumbs over his cheeks and felt the skin there.

"So...soft." I whispered into the air. I heard some giggling so I looked over to see Rosalie getting her hair twirled by Emmett who kept murmuring "My Cinderella, so beautiful." she was laughing, but you could tell she was enjoying it....a lot.

I turned back to Edward and ran my hands over his face more.

He was just sitting their laughing. I would pinch his cheeks slightly and push them together. His face looked hilarious so I started laughing before I made it normal again.

Then I took a deep, calming breath, and ran a thumb over his bottom lip.

"Breathtaking." I murmured while staring at my thumb which had stopped in the middle of his lip. I leaned in slightly and kissed my thumb on his lip.

I pulled back, satisfied with myself and smiled hugely.

"You're so cute Eddie. I think I love you." I said while swinging my hands back and forth. He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.

"Whatever you say Bella." he muttered. I stared at him, then crossed my arms.

"That's it?" I asked after not getting what I wanted to hear. He caught on quickly and laughed.

"Love you too Bells." I smiled and started giggling. I looked across the bar and saw Tony coming towards us.

"Tony!" I yelled, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek sloppily. He laughed and put me at arms length.

"You're beautiful Bella, but Edward looks like he wants to bite my head off." he said while looking over my shoulder. I turned around and saw Edward staring at us with his fists clenched and jaw tight. I smiled and waved at him. He just acknowledged me with a nod.

I smiled and turned back to Tony. "See you later Tony." I said, kissing his cheek again, before running back to Edward and hopping onto him with a big smile on my face and a fuzzy feeling in my head.

"You're so beautiful Edward." I whispered into his ear. He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Bella, you're drunk." he argued. I shook my head fiercely and giggled.

"I drunk, I'm not god." I slurred in a 'duh' voice.

Edward chuckled and got off his chair while holding onto my elbows. He turned to the rest of our little family and smiled.

Emmett was trying to makeout with Rosalie but kept missing her mouth and would get her chin or nose instead. Rosalie was just laughing it off and complaining that it tickled.

Alice and Jasper were whispering quietly to each other about something.

Edward cleared his throat and got everyone's attention. "Ready to go?" he asked. Jasper nodded and he and Alice got up. Edward walked over to Emmett and tapped his shoulder. Emmett jumped and squealed like a little girl. His face was hilarious!

"Come on Emmett. We're going to the hotel now." Edward said, talking like Emmett was a kindergarten er.

"Who is thisss Emmett that you sssspeak of? My name is Emmy Bear." he announced proudly before he and Rosalie stood up and we all walked out to the car.

I looked around and spotted Edward. I giggled and ran up to him and jumped. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"What are you doing Bella?" Edward asked while holding me up and walking us outside. I smiled and shrugged.

"You looked so fun to just jump on." I answered. Edward laughed and opened the door for us.

A ton of flashes went off and a lot of people were screaming my name. Edward held a hand in front of his face and walked us throught he crowd of shouting, flashy people.

"Bye!" I yelled once we got through, throwing my hand up in the air to wave to them.

We made it to the car and I hopped down off of Edward and waited for the rest of our group to show up.

I turned to my left and saw Edward.

He had his head leaned back against the car and was breathing deeply.

I didn't think, I just acted. I quickly stood in front of him and brought his head down to my level by holding onto his neck. I kissed him hard and pinned him against the car. At first he didn't respond, probably out of shock, but then his lips began moving in time with mine. I opened my mouth and slipped my tongue out to touch his bottom lip. He groaned and opened his mouth for me. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and caressed his. I felt his hand travel down to my thigh, and hitch it around his waist. I jumped up slightly so he was holding me up by my legs as we continued to kiss.

"OW OW! Get some Eddie!" I heard someone bellow. I pulled back and slipped off of Edward, stumbling backwards and landing on my butt.

I knew it hurt, but I started laughing anyway. Edward was leaning against the car with his head in his hands, breathing deeply and muttering to himself.

"Eddie! Help me up!" I whined. He popped his head up and stuck his hand out for me to take, and pulled me up.

"Alright, everybody in." Jasper yelled before we all got into the car.

I remember Alice turning on 'Kiss Me Thru The Phone' and me singing along loudly, and terribly. Alice was laughing and taking a video of me on her cell phone. I remember kissing Edward a couple more times, but a lot tamer then the first since he usually pulled away after 5 seconds, much to my discomfort. I remember Emmett yelling 'I kissed Rosalie' out the window as we drove through California to our hotel. I remember laying my head on Edward's shoulder.

And that is pretty much it.


"What the hell happened last night?" I groaned as I woke up to Edward stroking my hair because of my hangover.

"Lots of stuff." he said softly, being very considerate to my pounding head. I squinted my eyes and looked at him.

"I made a fool out of myself... didn't I?" I asked while trying to look at Edward through the haze in my brain. He weighed his options, then sighed.

"Kind of. All I know is that Drunk Bella, is very touchy-feely." he explained. I groaned again and hid my face in my hands.

"How bad was it?" I asked while shielding my face with my hands. I heard Edward sigh from beside me.

"You get very...affectionate, when you're drunk. Every person we saw, you gave them a hug and said 'I love you.' But it's quite funny actually." he explained with a chuckled.

I pulled my hands away from my face and saw a ring on my finger.

It was one of those plastic ones you get from a machine at a grocery store.

"When did I get this?" I asked, gesturing towards the ring. Edward laughed and showed me his hand, which had a ring on it too.

"You wanted us to get married, so you made us pull over so you could by the rings. You had it kind of backwards actually. You proposed to me." he said with a smug smile.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, but I still had a wooshing sound in my ears.

"Let me get you something for that." Edward said before standing up and walking to the kitchen. He came back holding an Advil and a cup of coffee. I took it graciously, and closed my eyes at the taste of the smooth, warm coffee.

"Thank you." I said quietly. Edward smiled and patted my leg that was underneath the covers. I looked down and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Edward... why am I wearing a t-shirt, that says 'I love Emmy Bear' on it?" I asked, my voice obviously confused. Edward laughed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Emmett has changed his name to that. He refused to speak to any of us if we called him anything but 'Emmy Bear'. He thought it was appropriate to write it on a t-shirt and make you wear it. You didn't refuse...but then again, you were really drunk." he told me.

I laughed at this and shook my head. Leave it to Emmett to do something so stupid that it was in fact, absolutely hilarious. I finished my coffee and stood up.

"So what is on the agenda today?" I asked while I put my hair up in a ponytail. I looked at the clock and realized that it was already 1 in the afternoon.

"Well... we should probably just stay in today. And tomorrow we can do whatever. Then we go to the premiere of Action is a Reward." Edward informed me.

I thought back to something since 'Action is a Reward' sounded so familiar. Then it hit me.

"We're going to see Mike Newton aren't we?" I asked cautiously, but with a big smile. Edward looked a little confused and nodded.

"Sorry. Mike and I are good buddies. But that's it, and apparently not enough for him. Everytime I see him, he's hopeful that I'll go on a date with him. But now that you're here, I don't have to deal with it anymore." I explained while looking at my outfit in the mirror. I decided that since we weren't really doing anything today, I would just wear my black sweatpants and 'I love Emmy Bear' t-shirt. It was cool enough, and slightly hilarious.

"Mike Newton, funny kid. Always tried to hard to be someone he's not. We're friends, but not that close." Edward informed. I smiled and we both walked out into the living room, me wincing everytime I took a step. It caused an odd sensation in my head.

Stupid alcohol.


Before I knew it, our relaxation days had passed, and the night of the premiere had arrived. The morning of my hangover from hell, Edward and I watched Zoolander together. It was extremely funny since we both were quoting the lines.

The rest of the group came back later in the day with dinner. I don't know how Emmett did it, but he managed to function better then I did after our night of partying. And he was more drunk then I was.

He loved the fact that I was still wearing his t-shit. I told him I would keep it forever.

I fell asleep soon after dinner and awoke several hours later on the couch.

We then spent the day with Alice running around, trying to put my outfit together for the movie premier. Her and Rose discussed what they were doing to my hair and makeup...for TWO HOURS!

I was dreading this day.

Alice had planned on giving me soft curls and pinning my hair up so it would kind of criss-cross slightly, then pin it together with pearl clips.

I thought it was a little ostentatious for a movie premiere, but they insisted.

I had to put my foot down with the makeup... but ended up giving in as always.

"Bella! Hold still." Alice cried from behind me.

"Alice, it's only 2 in the afternoon. We don't have to go until 6!" I complained. But she ignored me and kept going on with what she was doing. I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep, ignoring the tugs that Alice was ensuing on my hair.

Mike Newton was standing at the head of the red carpet with a bouquet of flowers, holding them out towards me. Edward was on the other, glaring at Mike, and smiling sadly at me.

They were both wearing tuxes. I looked down and saw that I was wearing this fabulous wedding dress with a 5 foot train and everything. I looked up, and I only had eyes for Edward.

I was about to walk towards Edward, but then a third person popped up between him and Mike.

Grandma Swan.

She was smiling and holding a glass of lemonade in her hand like she always had whenever I visited.

I think I was the only person who could see her, because Edward and Mike didn't acknowledge her. They only had eyes for me.

"Bella," my grandmother spoke. "Edward is a very nice man. Do not mess this up." she told me with a weak smile.

"I'm not going to be here for your wedding day Bella. I'll be gone by then. But I know that you are going to choose Edward." she continued before vanishing.

I smiled and kept going on my walk towards Edward.

His eyes brightened up when he realized that I chose him.

"Always listen to Grandma Swan." I whispered before kissing him.

I woke up, startled at the dream.

Grandma said she wasn't going to be at my wedding, but that couldn't be right. Charlie was always saying how healthy she was, and that she had the strongest heart imaginable. I don't think I'm going to marry Edward. He's too good for me, and he could have anyone he wanted, and I'm not included in that category.

"Alright Bella, I'm all done. It actually helped that you fell asleep for an hour." Alice said. I yawned and looked at my hair in the mirror.

It was actually really beautiful and perfect. The curls had been tamed and pinned to the top of my head, and the back was tight and not a hair out of place.

"Rosalie! Get in here and do her makeup!" Alice yelled. I yawned again and looked at the clock.

I really did fall asleep for a long time. It was already 4:30.

Rosalie came into the room with a big makeup bag in her hands and a magazine in the other.

"Bella... you should probably read this." she said before handing me the magazine and turning away to set up her makeup kit.

I looked down at the magazine and gasped.

Someone had somehow gotten a picture of Jacob and I kissing from when we were together. His hands were tight around my waist, and my hands were on the back of his neck.

Bringing him closer.

I threw the magazine down and sighed.

This is what I get for 'dating' a superstar. Publicity. The good and the bad, you can't have just one. You always have to have both.

"It doesn't matter Bella. As long as your friends know the truth, everyone else's opinions don't matter." Rosalie told me before attacking my face with a million different makeup products.

Half an hour later, she told me that I was finished and I could open my eyes.

I barely even recognized myself when I looked in the mirror. The girl in front of me had flawless skin and big bright eyes. Her makeup was done to perfection, and nothing was out of place. Rosalie had put a thick line of dark brown eyeshadow on my top lash line. She flicked it out at the corner of my eyes so it made my eyes look longer. A gold dust was on the whole lid, and a dark shimmering brown was at the corners and slightly underneath my eyes.

"Wow." I said breathlessly. Rosalie smiled and Alice started squealing and jumping up and down.

"Oh Bella, you're soooo going to win best dressed!" Alice shrieked. I shook my head and laughed slightly. Alice pulled me up and threw my dress at me.

I rolled my eyes and slipped it on.

Rosalie gave me my shoes which were a strappy silver metallic heel. They weren't too high, so they were pretty easy to walk in.

Alice immediately took out her camera and began snapping shots of me in every position and angle she could find. She even made me look like a model and put the shot in black and white. I thought it was all a bunch of over reacting, but at least she was having fun.

"Alright ladies, it's 5:30, I have to go find Edward now." I said with a clap of my hands. They smiled and ushered me out to the living room where Alice presented me.

"Miss Isabella Swan." she said, then made a tada gesture with her hands while I walked through. Emmett and Jasper were whispering, and I just blushed and looked down.

Edward walked up to me. He was in a suit, but it wasn't traditional. It had a black shirt underneath, and a black tie. No color... very trendy.

"You look beautiful." he whispered before placing a soft kiss on my cheek that left it burning. I smiled and he hooked his arm in mine and walked us out and to the lobby.

He opened the door for me for us to go out front, and I gasped.

Sitting in front of us was a stretch limo.

"Edward, you didn't." I said breathlessly. He just chuckled and pulled me towards it. He opened the door and I slipped inside.

The inside was magnificent. The seats were a soft white color and everything was adorned by twinkling lights. There was a divider between the driver and us.

"I'm guessing you've never been in a limo?" Edward asked as he sat beside me. I just laughed and shook my head. He chuckled and put an arm around me as we drove to the premiere.

We finally arrived after 25 minutes in the car. I could already see all the flashing lights of the paparazzi even through the tinted window. I took a calming breath and waited for Edward to open my door.

His hand came through the open door and I grasped onto and put one foot out to the ground....

A/N: Don't hate me for ending it hear. The next chapter will be up soon! I promise.

P.S Bella does not remember kissing Edward while drunk, but she will find out about soon! Trust me.

Review if you loved it, review if you hated it! I take em' all.


I was thinking about renaming all of my chapters as titles of songs. If you have any suggestions, I will take them into consideration!

Help the struggling writer!!! =]

Love - Annaleigh

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Chapter: 22

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight

A/N: Thank you all for the many reviews! It really inspires me to write faster because you guys like the story so much.

This quote reminds me of what's going on in this chapter. And it's from my favorite movie!

"They didn't agree on much, in fact they rarely agreed on everything. The fought all the time, and they challenged each other everday, but despite their differences. They had one important thing in common: they were crazy about each other." -The Notebook


Edward helped me out of the car and a million flashes went off. I just smiled hugely and held tightly onto Edward's hand. He smiled down at me and whispered in my ear.

"Just stand tall... and smile." he said. I looked up at him and nodded. We turned back to the crowd and Edward began to lead us through the paparazzi while officers and security were pushing them back. We finally made it to the red carpet, and the paparazzi was better controlled.

Edward brought us over to this spot where the other stars were standing to get their pictures taken. His hand was on the small of my back and mine was around his waist. It was all so overwhelming. Having all of these interviewers screaming my name, and fans holding out posters of: Edward & Bella Forever. I'm just a photographer, and now I'm some kind of phenomenon just because I'm 'dating' Edward Cullen.

"Nervous?" Edward whispered in my ear. I let out a shakey breath and laughed.

"Just a little." I answered quietly. He laughed and tightened his arm around me. I turned back to the photographers and smiled more. An interviewer was stepping towards us and pulled out a microphone and the camera man was pointed towards us.

"I'm here with Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen on the red carpet premiere of 'Action is a Reward.' Isabella, tell us how it feels to be here right now." the interviewer said before putting the microphone to me.

"I've shot for Mike Newton before, so I'm excited to be here for him. We're good friends." I answered with a big smile.

"Edward, how does it feel to be here with your beautiful girlfriend?" the interviewer asked him next. I laughed slightly and blushed.

"It's great to actually have a date that I really care about. Isabella is the best thing in my life right now, and I never want this to end." he answered.

I seriously felt like crying right then and there, but I couldn't. I just looked up to Edward and smiled. Even though everything romantic between us is fake, those words still sounded real. I never want our friendship to end. But I feel like it's going to be something more, really fast.

"Can you go into detail about the Jacob Black issue at the moment? What is really going on between you two?" the reporter asked me. I took a deep breath and began.

"Jacob and I used to be friends, but it turned into something more. I thought he loved me, but I was wrong. He cheated on me, and now he's doing everything he can to get me back. Even if it means getting Edward and I apart. But that's never going to happen. Jacob Black is nothing to me." I answered truthfully. Edward's arm tightened even more and he kissed my temple.

"Thank you for explaining. Your fans were getting pretty confused about everything going on between you two, and it's great to have everything straightened out. Thank you for talking with us." the interviewer said before moving onto another celebrity.

The next thing we had to to was go to the fans and sign autographs.

I walked up to this little girl and held my hand out for the paper.

All my best - Isabella Swan.

I smiled and handed the photo back to her. It was one of me and Edward on the bridge after eating at IHOP. That seemed so long ago, but in reality, it had been about 2 weeks ago.

I posed for pictures with the fans, and kept signing their photos of me.

Edward came back up and stood beside me, right when I got the most disturbing picture for me to sign.

I had Edward pinned up agains the car and my lips were attatched to his. He was holding me up by my thighs, and my hands were in his hair.

"When did this happen?" I hissed to Edward while I signed it then handed it back to the fan.

I don't even remember that happening...wait.

I kissed Edward while I was drunk, and he didn't stop me.

"I was drunk wasn't I?" I asked while crossing my arms. He gulped and nodded. I clenched my jaw and kept walking over to the fans to sign more autographs.

"I'm sorry Bella." Edward whispered in my ear. I finished up my signature and turned around to him.

"Why didn't you stop me?" I asked him quietly. He sighed and ran a hand through his already messed up hair.

"We'll talk later, not now." he said while looking around us at the paparazzi and camera crews. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Bella Swan! Aren't you a sight to see?" a male voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw Mike Newton standing there in a tux.

I walked over to him and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek before pulling back.

"How are you doing Mike?" I asked while holding onto his forearms. He shrugged while still holding onto my waist.

"I'm good and really excited for the movie to be seen. I'm really proud of this one." he answered while I smiled and nodded. He looked past me and smiled. He dropped his hands and held out a hand.

"Hey Edward, long time no see." he said while shaking Edward's hand. Edward smiled and nodded curtly before wrapping an arm around my waist and bringing me closer to him. I turned to Mike and rolled my eyes at Edward's jealousy.

Mike laughed lightly and clapped his hands.

"The show is starting soon, you guys want to come sit down with us?" Mike asked.

"Sure, Mike. That sounds great." I told him, then grabbed Edward's hand from around my waist and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He let out a breath and smiled sadly at me. We kept following Mike, but I pulled Edward down so I could whisper something.

"Let's just get through this...we can talk at the hotel. Promise?" I asked as we followed Mike. Edward sighed and nodded.


After the movie was let out, Edward and I walked around to the limo very slowly. Edward kept making me laugh by whispering about the reporters and the celebrities all around us.

I got to meet Zac Efron, and Edward was right. He's really hot, but he's not as good as Edward. Mike followed us around for a little while, then went back to sign autographs. Edward and I answered the questions of some interviewers, and by the end of the night, I was comfortable cracking jokes with them and laughing along with Edward.

But then again, there was an inpending doom hovering over our heads.

That stupid picture would not get out of my head, and each time it came up, I felt the urge to punch Edward in the face. I was obviously drunk and he should've stopped me from doing that. I bet I kissed him more then just that once, and I bet he didn't even stop it.

Edward held my hand as we walked towards the limo. But right when got in, closed the door, and began to drive off, I began ignoring him.

"Bella..." Edward began, lightly touching my shoulder, but I shook him off and kept staring out the tinted window. "Please don't be mad... I'm sorry." he pleaded, but I just ignored him till we got to the hotel.

I opened the door myself, and planned on brushing past him up to our room, but he stopped me.

"Talk to me, please." he said while holding onto my shoulders. I don't know why, but this made me angry.

"Fine Edward, let's talk. Let's talk about how you took advantage of me that night by making out with me! Care to explain that?" I shouted. Edward visibly cringed, but I didn't feel guilty, not one bit.

"Bella, I'm sorry. I didn't want you to find out like this." he answered.

"When were you going to tell me?" I whispered. Edward didn't answer, and gritted my teeth."You were never going to tell me were you?" I asked. Edward shook his head.

I let out a frustrated sigh and crossed my arms.

"How could you do that Edward?! It was obvious that I was drunk, you should've stopped me. But from the picture, you looked like you kept it up." I accused. Edward looked just as frustrated about this as I was.

"Maybe I didn't want you to stop?! Maybe kissing you is the best thing in the world, and I love it when you do it! Did you ever think that I like it when we kiss Bella?" he asked harshly. I just stood there dumbfounded.

There can't be anyway possible way that he likes kissing me, it's just not possible. I'm just a normal person. A commoner in the kingdom of Edward. He's this God that everyone in America adores because of his looks. I glared at him and stepped closer.

"Are you being completely honest with me?" I said harshly. Edward's jaw tightened and he nodded. I narrowed my eyes even more and stepped closer.

"You do know that we aren't dating. There is nothing remotely romantic going on between us right now. We are just friends." I explained. Edward's eyes saddened but he nodded.

I took a deep breath and ran through my thoughts once more before I did this.

"Edward, we can't keep doing this. We have to 'break up.'" I said using air quotes. Edward looked at me confused, so I explained. "We have to publicly break off this relationship. This fake dating is confusing us too much. You have to tell the interviewer tomorrow for MaxMagazine." I said desperately.

Edward ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes. I even felt some tears trying to push forward, but I held them back. I shouldn't be crying for this. We were never a real couple, I shouldn't be crying.

"Do you still want me to go to Forks with you?" he asked. I debated for a second, then shook my head no.

"I think it would be better if I went alone. You can stay here in California and hang out with everyone else. It'll give me time to think." I answered quietly. Edward nodded and put his hands in his pockets.

"I guess this is it, isn't it?" he said while staring at the ground. I pursed my lips and felt like crying right then and there, but I held it in.

"I'll still see you for photo shoots Edward. I just won't see you as often." I said softly. Edward looked up and smiled sadly at me.

"Now come on, it's cold." I said before turning around and walking into the hotel.


The day after Edward had his interview with Max, all hell broke loose.

He publicly announced our decision to break it off, and everyone in America was mourning the loss.

I was repacking my suitcase for Forks and listening to the television, when something caught my attention. Edward and the rest of the group were out buying dinner and I had to stay back so I could pack.

Last night, Isabella Swan, and Edward Cullen were seen at the premiere of 'Action is a Reward.' Upon arriving, it was all smiling and laughter, but halfway through the night, something changed. (show picture of me looking pissed at Edward.)

A source gave us this video of the couple fighting in front of their hotel. Reports of screaming and shouting at each other.

(video of me yelling at Edward while he tugged at his hair.)

And yesterday, the unthinkable happened.

Edward Cullen had his interview with MaxMagazine and reported this. "Isabella and I have made an agreement to break off our relationship. We are still good friends, but not in a romantic way."

America's favorite couple has just ended. It makes us all question, can true love survive?

I stopped packing and just sank to the floor.

Just because Edward and I didn't make it, everyone else thinks that love can't survive. They don't know the truth. They don't know that everything between Edward and I was fake. It was all fun and games in the beginning, but it ended up as us confusing our feelings towards each other. Continuing this 'relationship' would've caused us to hate each other. It was an impending doom over our heads since we started this stupid idea.

My head was in my hands when they found me.

"Bella, what's wrong?" Alice asked while rubbing my back slowly. I just shook my head and wiped away the tears. "Please tell us what's wrong." Alice whined. I looked past her and saw everyone else standing in the doorway... except Edward.

"America thinks that just because Edward and I broke up... they think that true love is dying because of it." I complained. Alice scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"They don't know the truth Bella." she retorted. I finished wiping away the tears and stood up.

"I'll see you guys in 5 days." I said and grabbed my suitcase and headed out the door and towards the lobby.

"Bella!" a velvet voice called. I just shook my head and kept walking towards the second rental car we got for me to drive to Forks.

"Bella, please wait." he called again. I clicked the door open and put my suitcase in the trunk. I tried to get into the driver's side quicker, but Edward's hands stopped me.

"You aren't supposed to leave until tomorrow." he countered while holding onto my shoulders. I tried to shake him off, but he brought me to his chest and enveloped me into a soft embrace.

I broke right then. The tears came cascading down my cheeks as I hid my face in his shoulder. I couldn't hold back the little hiccups that escaped my mouth as I held onto him for dear life. He just whispered encouraging words into my hair and stroked my back, trying to calm me down.

The tears came to a stop and I pulled back to look at him.

"Thank you Edward, but I have to go now." I said quietly, my voice slightly shaking. He sighed and looked at me with saddened green eyes.

"You don't have to go alone." he argued. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"I have to get away for a while. I'll be back, but I need to do this alone." I told him. I leaned in and kissed his cheek softly before turning back to the driver side and climbing in.

I turned on the car and started to drive off. I made the mistake of looking into the rear view mirror, where Edward was visibly seen.

Crying his eyes out.

I took a deep breath and turned my attention back to the road. I can't fix this.


The drive to Forks only took me about 6 hours, and gave me a lot of time to think about what I just did. I've just left the best guy in the world, and there's no way I'm getting him back.

You never really had him, remember that.

Shut up, conscience!

I arrived at Charlie's house at around 8 in the afternoon. I wasn't supposed to come until tomorrow afternoon, but there was obviously a change of plans.

I dragged my suitcase up the stairs and knocked on the door 3 times, then waited.

It took Charlie about 30 seconds till he opened up the door and widened his eyes when he saw me. I smiled sadly and hugged him tightly. He laughed into my hair and hugged me back.

"Daddy, I missed you." I whispered while I held onto him. He chuckled and stroked my hair.

"I missed you too Bella." he said before pulling back and looking behind me. "Where are your friends."

I nervously bit my lip and looked down.

"Change of plans. I decided to come alone." I said quietly. Then before he could question it, I cut him off. "Is Grandma here?" I asked quickly looking around his shoulder.

"In here darlin'." a voice called from the living room. I smiled sheepishly at my dad, then ran around him to Grandma Swan.

She looked healthy as ever, my dream had to be wrong. I walked towards her and hugged her gently, while she squeezed me. Her hugs could be compared to Emmett's.

"How have you been sweetie?" she asked in that sweet and gently grandmotherly voice of hers. I smiled sadly and she gave me a look.

"Alright Bells, let's talk." she said before taking my hand and walking us towards my bedroom. She closed the door behind her, then crossed her arms.

"What'd you do this time?" she asked. I sighed, and began to tell her about my mistake...

A/N: I'm sorry for all of you who wanted Bella and Edward to get together in California and live happily ever after, but it's not time yet. I know that this story is already on it's 22 chapter, but their relationship will start when I want it to so neeh!

Anyway! Ignore my Author's Blip, and review =)

Love - Annaleigh.

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Chapter: 23

A/N: Thank you for all the lovely reviews! They brighten up my day and I love reading them. This story now has over 400 reviews! I owe it all to you guys!

IMPORTANT! - I have Chapter 24, and 25 written and pretty much ready to update. I don't know if I should update them sooner or later. What do you guys want?

Disclaimer: Still don't own Twilight =(

Chapter 23

EDWARD'S POV (right after Bella left)

I couldn't stop the tears from flowing as I watched Bella drive away. We might be 'just friends' right now, but it still hurt to watch her leave.

I know my feelings for her are complicated, and that I don't know how we're ever going to fix this. But I hope that sometime...very soon, that we can fix it.

I took some calming deep breaths and wiped away the tears before I turned around and walked back into the hotel. Everyone else was already sitting in the lobby, eager to hear what went on between me and Bella.

But they stopped once they saw my red rimmed eyes.

I just sighed and shook my head sadly before running a hand through my hair.

"She's gone. She left for Forks." I said quietly. Alice and Rosalie's eyes were brimming with tears, but they didn't let them fall over. Jasper and Emmett were quieter then usual, and they both had deep frowns written on their faces.

It was a silent agreement that we all went back up to our room, and we did so in silence.

We we got to our hotel room, I slumped onto the couch and closed my eyes.

"It's alright Edward, she's going to come back. You'll see her again soon." Alice said while rubbing a hand over my back. I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"You honestly think she's ever going to want to see me again?" I asked quietly. Alice scoffed and rolled her eyes. She scooted closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"You may not know this," she whispered with wide eyes that gazed into mine. "But she needs you just as much as you need her." she continued.

I smiled sadly at her observation and hugged her.

"Thanks Alice." I said after I pulled back.

My cell phone started ringing and I gave her an apologetic smile before answering it.

"Hello?" I said casually.

"Is this Edward Cullen?" the voice on the other line asked. I furrowed my brows and answered.

"Yes, who is this?" I asked curiously.

The voice chuckled on the other end, alerting me that this person was male. "Demetri Carter." he answered simply.

My jaw dropped.

Demetri Carter was the number one commercial director in the world. He's done adds for Coca~Cola, Geico, and all of his commercials are in the superbowl.

"What can I do for you ?" I asked quickly.

Being in a commercial directed by Demetri Carter is epic. I know most celebrities don't do commercials, but if you get asked by Demetri Carter, you're still cool.

In fact, it ups your star status by a whole lot.

"Please, call me Demetri." he began. Then he sighed and sounded like he was thinking. "I have a little propsition for you..."

A/N: And so the drama begins.

I know this chapter was short, but I don't like writing Edward's point-of-view that much, so it was going to have to do. I hope you enjoyed it!

By the way... Song Titles for the chapters are up! If you know the songs, don't pay attention to the lyrics. It's all about the title. Give me a shout out if you know what was running through my head when I picked them!

Review please!

Love ~ Annaleigh.

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Chapter: 24

Disclaimer: Still don't own Twilight. Stop rubbing it in!

So...most of you who read my little Author's Blip, have answered 'Update now!" instead of later. So today is a double feature in the world of Photographers and Actors.

I know you love me =)

Bella's POV (left off from Chap.22)

"Well gram, I think I just made a huge mistake." I started to say. She crossed her arms and nodded for me to explain. I groaned and fell back on my bed.

"You know about the whole fake dating Edward Cullen thing right?" I asked. She laughed, and I took that as a yes. "Well halfway through the laughs, those laughs turned into kisses. And those kisses created feelings that I had for him. But I didn't mean for this to happen!" I whined."I didn't mean to fall for him." I added quietly.

I heard Grandma Swan sigh then the bed dipped as she sat next to me.

"Bella, everything's going to be alright." she cooed as she stroked my hair. I stared up at her and smiled.

"That's it? No lecure of how I made the mistake of letting him go, or how I shouldn't have feelings for a client?" I teased.

She laughed and patted my leg. "I'm saving that argument for later." she answered. I smiled and sat up and wrapped my arms around her.

"Thank you Gram." I whispered into her shoulder. She kissed the top of my head and laughed lightly.

"I love how my 24 year old granddaughter still likes my hugs and advice. It's very comforting." she told me with a wrinkly smile. I smiled back and shrugged.

"You're the best at it, and I usually need an expert." I replied.


The next day, I woke up to the sound of rain hitting my window. I rubbed my eyes to get the sleep out of them. I yawned and got out of bed.

When I arrived in the kitchen, Grandma Swan was already sitting there drinking tea.

"Gram, what are you doing here?" I asked as I sat down across from her. She shrugged and took another sip of her tea.

"Charlie's worried about me. Said he feels like he's going to lose me." she replied in a casual bored tone.

My dream flashed before my eyes of Grandma saying she wasn't going to be here for my wedding. But that just can't be right.

"But you're doing fine, right?" I asked, trying not to worry her. She smiled a crinkly smile and patted my hand.

"I'm fine. But I should be asking you that question." she said with those knowing eyes. I shrunk back from her gaze and blushed.

"I'm good, why do you ask?" I said quietly. Grandma laughed quietly and took another sip of her tea before answering.

"I want you to completely honest with me. What do you feel for this Edward character?" she asked in a serious motherly voice. I thought about all the times that Edward and I have been together, and found my answer.

"I like him, he's a great guy." I answered truthfully with a smile. My smile faded when I saw gram looking at me skeptically.

"Really? You just like him?" she asked disbelievingly. I nodded. She exhaled loudly and set her tea down. She leaned forward and placed her head in her hands.

"Close your eyes, and tell me where you see yourself 2 years." she said quietly. Let's see, in 2 years, I'll be 26. I closed my eyes and did as she said.

The picture behind my eyelids shocked me and scared me at the same time.

"Now, tell me what you see." Gram's voice rang out.

I took a deep, shaky breath and began to describe the image.

"I'm standing in front of a house. Edward has an arm around my waist. We're married and I'm holding a beautiful, bronze haired, green eyed, baby boy in my arms." I explained, my voice breaking by the end.

I popped my eyes wide and stared at Gram. Her smile was smug.

"If that's not love, then I don't know what is." she said sweetly.

I love him.

I love him!

I'm in love with Edward Cullen!

"I love him." I managed to whisper quietly. The realization of this hit me like a slap in the face, and I was frozen. Gram laughed and stood up from her chair.

"Come get me when you get over the shock. I had it too." she said before putting her mug in the sink and walking out of the room.

How can I love him when I barely even know what love is? I've never really been in love. Sure, I thought I loved Jacob, but I was wrong about that. What if I'm wrong about this too? And what if Edward's not there to catch me when I tell him I'm in love with him?

So many questions were running through my head as I sat, frozen at my kitchen table.


I quickly got over the shock and the rest of my days in Forks went by rather quickly. I spent a lot of time with Grandma and Charlie because I haven't seen them in forever. But after a while, I was reading to go home to New York with the rest of my friends.

And the guy I'm in love with...

It was Thursday morning and I was hugging Charlie and Grandma Swan goodbye. My flight left at noon, and I was excited to see everyone again.

"You make everything right with that boy of yours, got that?" Grandma asked while holding onto my shoulders. I patted her hands and nodded. I turned to Charlie and hugged him gently. He was never one for emotional things.

"It was good to see you again, Bells." he said after we pulled back. I smiled at him and got into the driver's side of the car. I waved to them as I started to drive off towards California.

Edward Cullen, here I come.

I kept myself busy on the 6 hour drive by listening to music and thinking about everything. I had no idea how I was going to tell him that I was in love with him. I think he's pretty upset with me right now, but I'm hoping that it won't change anything.

I pulled into the airport parking lot and put the rental car in it's spot then grabbed my luggage. I checked into the airline and ran towards our gate where I found Alice,Rosalie, and the boys sitting. Alice squealed and jumped up to give me a hug. I laughed and hugged her back. Rosalie was the next one to come, and her hug was just as tight as Emmett's are.

Emmett gave me a bear hug and swung me around, and Jasper gave me a soft hug. I turned and found the person I wanted to hug the most.


I started to walk towards him, when I noticed something.

The girls were the only ones with their carry on luggage. The boys had nothing but the clothes on their back. I stopped walking and looked up to Edward.

"What's going on? Where is your stuff?" I asked quickly, panic settling in. (A/N: I was going to end the chapter here, but I'm not mean, and the chapter would be too short.)

Edward ran a hand through his hair and looked at me warily. I bit my lip in anticipation for what he was going to say next.

"We're not going to New York." he said quietly. (A/N: I was going to end it here, but same as the reason above for why I didn't.)

I stared at him with my mouth open and eyebrows raised. Was he not coming back to New York because of me? No, that can't be right. It has to be something else.

"W-what? No, why?" I stammered. Edward took a step closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"I got asked to do a commercial Bella. Directed by Demetri Carter. I'm only going to be here for 3 weeks, then I'll be back in New York." he said calmly.

I knew all about Demetri Carter. He was the best commercial director, and only handpicked his celebrities for his commercials. If you got asked, you would be considered and idiot if you didn't take the was really big for Edward, and I'm glad he chose to do it. But 3 weeks without Edward?!

"Wow, that's great. I'm really happy for you." I said, trying to mask the sadness in my voice. But Edward saw through. He took me in his arms and let me hold onto him. I felt tears in my eyes, but I willed them to stay. I wasn't going to cry in front of him again.

"Flight 287 to New York is boarding now." a voice over the loudspeaker called out. I pulled away from Edward and smiled sadly.

"I have to go now." I whispered. He sighed and released me. Emmett took his shoulder and pointed to the time.

"Demetri wants you there by 1, we have to go." Emmett hissed. Edward took one last look at me.

"I'll see you soon Bella, I promise." he said before turning around and walking away with Jasper and Emmett. I felt my heart break as he got farther and farther away.

Then he stopped.

I stared at him with one eyebrow cocked up. He slowly turned around and I saw it all on his face. Every unspoken word. He really does want me.

Before I could think anymore about this, Edward ran toward me. He stopped right in front of me and put his hands on either side of my face. He brought himself towards me and crashed his lips to mine this kiss was so much better then the one we shared on the Katy Rose show, I couldn't even remember out drunk make out session.I allowed a soft sigh to escape my lips as we moved together in perfect tongue, ever so carefully, poked out between his lips and grazed my bottom lip. I started to kiss him back the same way, our lips moving hungrily and fastly as I grabbed the back of his neck and braided my fingers in his hair. His hands went to my hips and held me there, our lips not breaking...I pulled away and tried to catch my breath. I pulled his hands off my waist and started to back away from him. Fear pulsing through every vein in my body.

"I have a plane to catch Edward." I said quietly as I walked backwards. Edward's jaw clenched as he watched me walk away from him.

"I LOVE YOU BELLA!" he shouted, startling me and a few other people. "I know you won't believe me but I do." he finished in a quieter voice. I bit my lip and shook my head.

"You're going to be late. I'll see you soon Edward, I promise." I said quietly, repeating his earlier words.

I picked up my bag and gave the ticket lady my pass. Then I walked through the corridor towards the airplane and didn't look back.

What is up with me making mistakes?

I sat down by Alice and Rosalie and put my head on the window.

I stared out the window at the passing planes on the runway. California was a nice place, but so many things happened while I was here.

Edward doesn't deserve someone like me, he needs someone better.

I'm controlling and demanding. I don't have supermodel looks that he would be proud to see next to him on a magazine cover. I don't have the strength to interest people. I may come off as this strong, confident person, but I'm not. It's all just a cover up; a mask. If I wasn't a great photographer, I would be working at a shoe store, afraid to talk to the customers. That's where I would work. I just happened to get a job... doing something I absolutely love.

I'm not the type of girl to be on every page of a gossip magazine.

My name isn't supposed to be plaguing the T.V.

Most importantly, I'm not supposed to be with Edward Cullen. No way, no how. No matter how much I wish I could be with him... that way, I know it would ruin everything. Our jobs, his reputation, and our friendship.

If I could just put my thoughts into words... maybe everything would turn out for the better.

"Bella, what happened?" Alice asked softly as we started take off. I turned to her and took a deep breath.

"He kissed me again,Alice. I felt that same spark as the last time. But it felt wrong at the same time. I told him to catch his plane, and he yelled that he loved me, but I just ignored him and said go get on that plane... Alice, what have I done?" I asked her. She sighed and gathered her thoughts before answering.

"You've screwed up, that's for sure. But why didn't you say anything when he said that he loved you?" she asked.

"I didn't say anything because I don't want to believe him, and he knew that."

"Why don't you believe him Bella? What if it's the total and complete truth?" Rosalie asked, getting a little annoyed now.

"I'm not good enough for him Rosalie! Do you see the kind of person I am? I run away from my problems, and don't face them like I should. I'm a coward. I know I should've told Edward right then and there that I loved him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was scared." I answered, my voice getting softer.

"Would you stop!The Bella I know would not be moping around about how she's a bad person! She would be out there fixing it! You're a strong person Bella, I've always known that. But you can't keep thinking you aren't good enough because you are! You're better then most of the people in this world, but you fail to see that. Just get over it and change your own damn opinion of yourself." Rosalie said, her voice getting louder and louder as she kept speaking.

"I'll try Rosalie, but I don't know if I can do this. Edward won't be back for 3 weeks, and I can't explain this to him over the phone. And if I keep it inside, I'm going to explode." I sighed. Alice gave me a look of sympathy as we flew over the United States.

"Bella, you aren't the only one who has to deal with Edward being gone. Jasper and Emmett left too." Alice reminded me quietly. I smiled sadly and nodded slowly.

"I bet you miss him." I said softly. She closed her eyes and put a hand on her forehead.

"More then you know. And he's only been gone for an hour." she laughed. Rosalie agreed. I laughed at my lovesick friends and settled in for a long plane ride without Edward.

It's funny how when I came to California, I was with Edward and I didn't even feel anything for him that was remotely close to love. Yet here I am, leaving California without him, and I'm hopelessly in love with him.


2 days after getting back to New York, I had an epiphany.

It all started when we turned on the television. It was on another one of those celebrity gossip shows. I was about to turn it off, then I heard the host say Edward's name.

"Edward Cullen is in Los Angelas filming a commercial. He was seen out on the town yesterday and he was not happy about the camera men asking about his ex-girlfriend Isabella Swan."

A video came up of Edward walking on the streets of Los Angelas with his head down and hands in his pockets. A camera guy started talking to him while they walked.

"So how's Isabella?" the guy asked. Edward looked up at him.

"I couldn't tell you that. We're taking a break." he said flatly into the camera. The camera guy chuckled and the camera moved with him.

"I was wondering when you would dump her. She's not right for you man, too plain." he responded. My jaw dropped as I waited for Edward's response. He stopped walking and so did the guy. Edward looked up at him and I was a little afraid of his literally looked like he could rip that guy's head off.

"Isabella is not plain. She's the most beautiful woman I know." he replied through clenched teeth. The camera guy chuckled.

"I guess you don't know Lauren Mallory is chump change compared to that." the guy said through his laughs. Before I could register what was happening, Edward's fist came up and the camera looked down to the ground while the camera guy was heard cursing in the background. He pulled his camera back up to Edward.

"What the hell?!" the guy boomed.

"What? You just called the woman I love 'chump change' and you just expect me to take it?" Edward shouted. The camera guy started groaning again because of his nose but kept the camera on.

"You love her?" the guy asked. Edward sighed and nodded."How can you tell?" the guy asked. I sucked in a breath and waited for Edward to answer.

"I can't explain it. Everytime I see her, I can't help but 's perfect through the eyes of society, but she's perfect through mine. Everything about her makes me love her more. The way she smiles, her laugh, those brown eyes, and the way she says my name." he answered. He closed his eyes and a serene smile came onto his face.

"If you love her, why are you two on a break?" the guy asked. Edward ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"It's complicated." then he walked away and the video faded and the host came up again.

"Looks like Edward Cullen's heart has been stolen by Isabella Swan. But why are they on a break? Only those two know."

I shut the T.V off and looked up at Rosalie and Alice. Alice had silent tears running down her face and Rosalie was just staring at me.

"I told you he loved you." Alice said softly. I broke down right then.

He does love me, he really does. But I didn't believe him, I let him leave when he wanted me to come with him. I'm so stupid! Why do I always have to mess up every good thing that has happened to me? He's the best thing that's ever happened to me and he's in California right now, thinking I don't love him...

But in truth, I've loved him all this time, but was too afraid to admit it.

"I love him too Alice, I just don't think I realized it soon enough." I answered through my tears.

"I'm glad you finally realized it Bella." Rosalie said sweetly. She sat down beside me and put an arm around my shoulders. Alice sat down on the arm of the chair and we had a girly group hug.

"But he doesn't get back for almost 3 weeks, what am I supposed to do?" I asked them. They got looks on their faces that told me they were thinking about something. Then Alice got an evil grin.

"You need to think of ways to tell him you love him when he comes back." she said simply. I sighed.

"But what am I suppose to do while he's gone Alice?" she was about to say something when my cellphone rang.


"Don't answer it!" Alice and Rosalie yelled at the same time.

"But it's Edward!" I yelled back. Alice stole my phone and set it away from me. I just sat and listened as the ring tone kept playing then finally stopped as Edward got voicemail.

"Now we listen to his message." Alice said. She gave me my phone back and I pressed the voicemail button and listened in.

"Hi Bella. I'm in I didn't call sooner. I understand if you don't want to hear this right now, but I'm going to tell you it anyway. I love you Bella. With every ounce of my being. And I'll be counting down the days, hours, minutes... till I get to see you again. I love you, talk to you later."

The message went off and I dropped the phone and started crying again.

"You should've let me answer the phone. I would've been able to say I love you back, Alice." I said through my tears. Alice gave a frustrated sigh and crossed her arms.

"Bella, do you really want the first time you say 'I love you' to be over a phone?" she asked. I looked down at the couch and shook my head. "Exactly. Don't talk to him until he gets back Bella. I know it's mean and you're almost ignoring him, but you can't let it slip out."

"Fine, I won't answer the phone when it's him." I said quietly.

3 weeks without any contacting Edward. Come on Bella, you can do this.

A/N: I will not appreciate any reviews saying how much Bella is an idiot for not doing anything! I've had this chapter written and planned out for months now, and I've worked very hard on it.

The main reason why Bella didn't say anything to him was simple.

She was afraid.

I would be scared shitless if a guy screams he loves me in the middle of an airport! Wouldn't you?

Nice reviews please!

Love ~ Annaleigh

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Chapter: 25

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Twilight!

Edward comes back in exactly 2 weeks now. He calls every day and I save each of his messages. I have a couple of favorites.

"I miss you so much right now Bella. I don't even care if you won't call me back or answer the phone. I like to think that you actually listen to these messages, so I'll keep sending you them till I get back. I'll call tomorrow, I love you Bella."

That one was cute, then there's this one that made me break down in tears because he was practically shouting at me through his own tears.

"Bella! Please answer your phone! I miss hearing your voice. I wished you would believe me when I say that I love you. I would do anything...anything to make you believe those three words, Bella. I love you so much, I want you to believe me so bad, but there's nothing that I can do, except hope that one day you will believe me when I say it. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love answer your phone so I can hear your voice."

I wanted to answer the phone so bad whenever he called, but I know I wanted to wait till he got back for me to confess that yes, I love him too. And that I believe him.

I busied myself with landscape photography of Central Park and New York at night.

It was a good way to pass the time, but I wasn't into it. So eventually, I just ended up staying home. I watched The Notebook a thousand times, and yes, I do sound like a lovesick teenager without a life, but I don't care!

All I want is for Edward to come home so I can fall asleep in his arms. So I can feel those lips against mine and kiss him whenever I want. I want to hear him say my name again and hear him say he loves me, and hear my confident answer. We'd finally be a real couple and wouldn't have to fake date anymore. It would be real and genuine.

Right now, I'm sitting on the couch watching a crazy soap opera.

"But Dallin, I love you. Why would you do this to me?" the girl asked dramatically. I rolled my eyes and waited for the guys stupid comeback.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this right now. I don't love you anymore. I've found...someone, else." he replied. I know I should be bursting our crying at the fact that Dallin doesn't love Lindsey, but I just started laughing hysterically and couldn't stop.

Then my phone rang and the familiar ring tune of 'Over the Rainbow' came on and I knew it was Edward. I turned my attention back to the Soap Opera. Oh no! Dallin is in love with Lindsey's mother and he's been shagging her for months! Lindsey doesn't care!

The ringtone kept ringing, then it stopped and I knew he was leaving a message.

I kept watching the Soap Opera. Lindsey now wants to kill her own mother for stealing her man.

My phone rang and it was Edward again. I ringed my hands and stared at the little cellular device. One hand reached out towards it but I held it back and turned back to the T.V

"Lindsey, put down the gun. This is your mother, don't...NO!" Dallin yelled. Lindsey turned the gun on him and shot him in the abdomen. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at the fake blood going everywhere. How fake?!

The phone rang again and once again it was Edward. This is the third call, he must want something. But I can't talk to him. But he won't stop calling. And Dallin just croaked out that he always loved Lindsey more!

Why does life have to be so complicated?!

I grabbed my phone and turned it off, so at least if he called again I wouldn't have to know. I smiled, satisfied, and finished watching my stupid Soap Opera.

(In the end, Dallin isn't really dead. Lindsey and him are con artists and are scamming Lindsey's mom, who isn't really her mom! Who would've guessed!)


1 week till he's back. This time next week I get to see him again.

The day of that stupid Soap Opera, Edward left 7 messages on my phone.

"Bella, I'm bored and taking a break from the commercial. You should answer, or else I'll just keep calling."

He stayed true to his word.

"Told you I would keep calling! Now answer your phone, I want to talk to you."

There's more, and worse then that!

"I'm going to keep calling! I bet your not even doing anything important, so you should answer the phone. I love you!"

He knew me so well, but the next one is the worst of them all.

"When I grow up! I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies! when I grow up, I wanna see the world, drive nice cars, I wanna have boobies! When I grow up, be on T.v people know me, be on magazines. When I grow up, fresh and clean, number one chick when I step out on the scene! That's right Bella, I just sang that for you, in the middle of a crowded commercial shoot for everyone to hear. I may be a complete idiot, but I'm only an idiot for you. I love you, I'll call back soon!"

He sang 'When I Grow Up' as loud as he could for everyone on that set to hear. He's is an idiot. But he's my idiot. I was blushing like a tomato when I heard that one. I bet he told everyone who he was singing it for.

"I must've scared you off with my singing abilities. So anyway, my ringtone for you is Here in your Arms by Hellogoodbye. Remember, you made it our song in California. I like it a lot, and I can't wait to hear it coming from my cellphone because it means you're calling. It hasn't happened yet, so I think I'll keep calling. Sorry if I'm annoying you, but it's out of love babe. I love you."

He called me babe. And yes, he was being annoying. Kept interrupting my stupid soap opera. I couldn't concentrate on Lindsey's heartbreak!

"I just realized that I get back soon. I can't wait till I get to see you again and hold you in my arms. I can't wait to hear you say my name. I can't wait to see your eyes, your smile, your lips, your hair. I'll be home soon and I can't wait. I love you Bella."

This next one brought me to tears.

"I can't call back as much right now Bella. We're starting to film again. Bella, I wish you would answer. If you don't love me back, I understand. We can always be friends like we used to be, zero weirdness. But I'll always be waiting for that one day when you love me back...I love you Bella, I love you so much. See you soon."

I love you Edward, I love much.


5 days. Edward gets home in 5 days. I walked around the apartment doing nothing while Alice and Rosalie were at work.

My phone started ringing and it wasn't Edward. It was Emmett. His ring tone is BarbieGirl. I don't understand it either, so don't ask.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey Bella, just making sure you're alive." he answered.

"Why would I be dead?" I asked him curiously.

"You won't answer Edward's calls, so we got worried." he explained. I sighed and twirled a piece of hair around my fingers.

"Tell Edward that I can't talk to him right now. I want to, but I can't." I told Emmett. He sighed in frustration.

"You two have been through everything together Bella! And when he tells you he loves you, you just ignore him?" Emmett said angrily into the phone. I felt a tear role down my cheek and I sniffed."Awww, Bella I didn't mean to make you cry. I just don't understand what's going on between you two right now." Emmett said with a guilty voice.

"Please don't tell Edward this. I love him too Emmett. But I was scared. I know I'm ignoring his phone calls, but I don't want to tell him I love him over the phone. Do you...get what I'm trying to say?" I asked quietly. Emmett sighed.

"I get it now Bella, and I understand.I was scared when I told Rosalie I loved her. Anyway, we come home in 5 days, and you have to tell him. He's been going crazy without you." he said with a laugh. I laughed with him.

"How so?" I asked, honestly curious.

"He talks about you to anyone who will listen. He's been calling you 24/7. And he's counting down the days, hours, and minutes till we come home. He's actually accurate about it too. Then he sang When I Grow Up as loud as he could one day while leaving you a message." he said with a chuckle.

"Ya, I got that message. He said he might be an idiot, but he's only an idiot for me."

"Well isn't that the truth! He is an idiot for you Bella. I have to go, see you in 5 days, 168 hours, and.... I think 5040 according to Edward of course." he said. I laughed and shook my head.

"See you then. Bye Em." I said then I hung up the phone and collapsed on the couch.

Edward is an idiot. But he's only an idiot for me. I don't know why, but I like that.I have to think of a way to tell him that I believe him when he says he loves me.

Only 5 days, 168 hours, and 5040 minutes. I can handle this.

I think.


I was wrong. I can't handle this. I've been going crazy without him. Since he's my only client right now, I basically don't have to work. I could stay in my pajamas all day and dance around the apartment if I wanted to.

But I'm more mature then that.

Instead I cleaned and danced around in my pajamas. See? I was cleaning, getting something done. Working.

Edward has stilled called everyday, but it wasn't as bad as the soap opera day.

4 days. Edward gets back in New York in 4 days.

Yesterday, I had dinner with Rosalie and Alice. I made spaghetti with macaroni noodles because macaroni makes everything fun. We ate it on the couch while watching House.

"So, what are you going to do when Edward comes back?" Alice asked through a mouthful of pasta.

"I think I'm going to meet him at the airport and tell him there." I told them. Alice nodded in satisfaction but Rosalie scoffed.

"If you're going to do it at the airport, you should at least run up to him and wrap your legs around his waist Bella. Much more romantic." she said with a breathy voice. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Thanks Rose, I might just consider that." I answered. She smiled and stuffed her mouth with pasta again.

I don't even know what to say or do when I see Edward again. What if, over a span of 3 weeks, he decided that he doesn't love me? What am I supposed to do then?

What if, he realizes that his feelings were wrong, and that I'm not good enough for him?

I tried to get these thoughts out of my head as I finished up the vacuuming. To reassure myself, I grabbed my cell phone and scrolled through my voice mail till I found the one I wanted.

"California isn't the same with my brown eyed girl Bella. I miss you, I love you, and I'll see you soon."

I smiled and sat down on the couch, playing this message over and over again, till I eventually fell asleep listening to him say 'I love you.'


2 days. 2 days. 2 days.

Why can't he just come back right now! It's so boring without him.

I picked up my cellphone and scrolled through my numbers. I finally found the one I was looking for. I pressed the green button and waited for the person to pick up.

"Hello?" they asked.

"Grandma, it's Bella. I've made another mistake." I said sheepishly. Gram sighed on the other end of the phone. "It was bad grandma, really bad." I continued.

"Bella, I know you hate making mistakes, but you're learning from them dear. Everyone of them makes you stronger. Whatever it was this time, I'm sure it will all work out. But for now, I have to go. I love you and I'll talk to you soon." she said quietly.

"Love you too, bye grandma." I said softly before hanging up.

I put my phone into my pocket and sighed. Well at least that's resolved.I got up from the couch and looked out the window. It's daybreak right now. I woke up way too early. I looked at my watch and calculated the time difference between Los Angelas and New York. It's just 5 in the morning where Edward's at.

I groaned and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I pressed New Message and sent a text to Edward.



I miss you.

See you soon.

I sent it and put my phone back in my pocket. I was hoping that I wouldn't get a response, and I wouldn't talk to him anymore until our 2 days were up. 2 days, Bella, that's it. You can do this.

I jumped off the couch and grabbed my purse and coat. I slipped on a pair of flats and walked outside the apartment and downstairs. I waved to the doorman, then opened the doors and stepped into the cold New York air. I walked with my arms crossed against my chest.

I was headed to the little grocery store on the corner about 2 blocks away from our apartment.

I need to reunite with my other two best friends.


I walked into the little shop and was walking towards the back where the frozen food is, when something caught my eyes.

Medium sized whiteboards were being displayed. I picked one up and held it in my hands. It was plain white with a metal frame. It was only 10 dollars and it came with a marker and eraser.

I know what I'm going to do when I see Edward at the airport.

I quickly paid for the white board, totally forgetting Ben&Jerry at this point. I walked out of the shop and ran home with a huge smile on my face.

A/N: Once again, I wrote this chapter in advance. I'm really excited about writing the next chapter!

Review please!

Love ~ Annaleigh.

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Chapter: 26

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

A/N: Haha! This is my new favorite chapter! I was practically squealing when I wrote it. It was so much fun.

You better thank me for cranking this one out sooner then later! It's double feature...AGAIN in the world of Photographers and Actors.


IMPORTANT! You better listen to Here In Your Arms on repeat while reading this chapter. It's perfect, and it's the chapter theme!

Chapter 26

I finished my breakfast quickly and sat around my apartment for thirty minutes while fidgeting. I'm leaving for the airport in an hour, and I have to make sure my plan is fool proof.

I've got my whiteboard, markers, eraser, and boom box all sitting in a big bag by the door. All ready for me to take when it's time.

My body is racing with adrenaline as I keep replaying my plan over and over again in my head. Edward and the boys are coming back on flight 456 from California, so I have to be ready at gate 12. Alice and Rosalie were going to meet Emmett and Jasper, but pretty much left me be so I could think. They were even taking Alice's Porsche and had already left.

I'm sure my plan was going to go fine, but I wasn't sure about Edward's reaction. Was he going to be mad at me for ignoring him for 3 weeks? Or would he be happy just to be home?

I was hoping for the latter choice.

Their flight was getting in at noon, and it's now 11:45.

I took a deep breath and picked up the bag filled with my supplies and walked outside. I got a cab to take me to the airport, and I focused on calming myself the frick down while the man drove me to the airport.

I paid the fare, and got out. I spent about 2 minutes walking until I found Gate 12. I found myself a seat and set up camp.

I looked up at the big clock and it read 5 minutes till noon. I gulped and kept up with setting everything up. Finally, everything was in its place, the boom box on the chair next to me, the whiteboard marker in my hands, the eraser on the chair, and the whiteboard sitting on my lap.

Facing me.

I took a deep breath and uncapped the marker.

I wrote in big black letters: Edward Cullen, and left it at that. It covered up the whole whiteboard and I grinned, satisfaction.

I noticed that there were a couple photographers who noticed me, but they kept their distance. But they were not going to do that for long. I stood up on the chair and flipped the board around so his name was facing out. I heard the speed of the camera clicks of the paparazzi around me, capturing the moment.

"Flight 456 from California, now arriving."

I took a deep breath as I saw everyone off the flight come out of the corridor. I tried to see over their heads.

Then I saw a flash of bronze hair.

It was like the parting of the red seas. The crowd dispersed and standing in front of me was my own personal God. But he wasn't the one who noticed me first. Emmett did. He flashed me a goofy grin and nudged Jasper. Jasper laughed and shook his head.

Then Emmett tapped Edward, and pointed towards me.

I bit my lip as Edward seemed to turn around in slow motion to face me. His eyes saw the sign first, then he smiled and looked up at me. He laughed and said something to Emmett, then made his way over to me.

He stood in front of me with his hands in his pockets, and his eyebrows raised. His green eyes were amused and playful. Thank God, he's not mad at me.

I held up one finger, then bent down to touch the boom box. I pressed the repeat button, then play.

I like where we are.

When we drive in your car.

I like where we are...


Hellogoodbye's, 'Here In Your Arms' played quietly in the middle of the airport and caught a few heads. The paparazzi crowd was getting slightly bigger, but once again, they kept their distance. Edward laughed at my choice of song, but hey! It's our song.

I uncapped the marker with my mouth and held the cap there while I turned the board around and erased his name. I once again wrote in big black letters. But they were different this time.

Forgive Me?

Edward read it and looked up at me.

"You're forgiven." he said with a chuckle. I made a 'yes' motion with my arm and that made him laugh. I flipped the board back around and erased it again. I wrote a different set of words that made me nervous and excited at the same time.

Love Me?

I slowly turned it to face Edward and he read it quickly. When his eyes connected with mine again, he smiled.

"I already do." he said simply. I blushed slightly and bit my lip. Inside, my heart was hammering around and the paparazzi wasn't helping that. Their camera clicks made me nervous and added to the moment all the same. I flipped the board around one last time and completely put myself out there for him.

Kiss Me?

I took a gulp and turned the board around. I sealed my eyes shut and waited for his answer. The first thing I heard was a musical laughter, which made me open my eyes. He took one step closer to me and I felt my knees go week when his emerald orbs connected with my brown ones.

"You seriously have to ask?" he said with a crooked grin.

My whiteboard went clattering to the airport floor and I hopped off the seat and wrapped my arms around Edward's neck. I brought his face down to mine and kissed him hard. I moved my lips slowly and he did as well. It was like an experienced cymphony, poetry in motion. Perfection.

I pulled away and looked up at him.

"I'm sorry, I love you, and I really just want to kiss you again." I said breathlessly before kissing him again. Our lips moved slowly in perfect synchronization. It wasn't rushed, it wasn't sloppy, it was perfect.

It was us.

But Edward pulled away too quickly for my liking.

"What'd you say?" he asked quietly. I gulped and tried to swallow my fear, but I was choking on it.

"I love you." I whispered. His grip on my waist tightened and I smiled into his shoulder. His lips touched my neck and I shuddered as he dragged them up to my ear.

"Say it again." he whispered huskily. I smiled at this, and got on my tiptoes so I could whisper in his ear.

"I love you Edward Cullen." I said. He sighed in contentment and I pulled back to look at him.

"I love you, but I was afraid to admit it." I began to explain as I held his face in my hands, gazing into the endless green. "I'm sorry for ignoring you while you were in California, but I didn't want the first time I said 'I love you' to be over the phone. And I knew that if I talked to you, it would somehow slip through."

Edward took in this information then smiled. He pecked me on the lips and pulled back.

"I thought you hated me, and that I had lost my photographer." he teased. I smiled and hugged him didn't say anything, just held each other to make up for the time lost.

But we were shocked out of it by applause. I looked up and saw that everyone in the airport had seen our display and were cheering us along. I blushed and hid my face in Edward's chest. He wrapped an arm around my waist and walked us over to Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie.

Rosalie was being hugged by Emmett at the moment, and Alice was holding Jasper's hand.I smiled at these signs of affection. Emmett had said on the phone that he was scared when he first told Rosalie he loved her. But I don't know if Alice and Jasper are at that stage yet, I'll have to ask.

"Aww, Eddie and Belly got together!" Emmett bellowed. Alice got a scared look on her face and said rather loudly. "They got back together AGAIN!"

Oh right, the public doesn't know that we just now got together. I laughed at Alice's not so inconspicuous announcentment. Edward and the boys walked away to get their luggage, wich gave me time to talk to Alice and Rose.

"Oh my God! I can't believe this finally happened!" I squealed once they disappeared. Alice was jumping up and down, and Rosalie was laughing at us.

"Well I for one, knew this was going to happen the hold time." Rosalie said with a haughty expression. Me and Alice booed her until she joined in on the squealing and laughing.

"So, Bella. Tell us, what first attracted you to Edward Cullen?" Alice asked into an imaginary microphone. while Rosalie pretended to hold up a video camera. I rolled my eyes. Stupid paparazzi impersonators.

"Well, it was his eyes, and his smile. Those endless pools of green can show his emotions, and that smile makes my heart skip a beat. And that hair! Oh that hair always looks like he either just got out of bed, or had some really good sex. It always turned me on." I whispered.

I froze when heard a musical chuckle from behind me. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"He's right behind me isn't he?" I asked. I heard him laugh again, then his hand went around my waist.

"It can't be sex hair. Virgin remember?" he said playfully after I opened my eyes. I bit my lip and blushed. He just laughed and kissed my temple.

"So what are you going to do, now that you two are together?" Rosalie asked while Alice screamed "Again!" to the unknowing public.

"Go to Disney World!" me and Edward both yelled at the same time. I turned to him and smiled.

"Disney World...not a bad idea." Alice thought out loud. I turned to her and shook my head.

"Nu-uh. The last time I went anywhere, Edward didn't come back with me." I said in a panic while we all walked out of the airport to Alice's porsche.

But Edward swerved and ran to something else. I turned around and saw him resting his head on something.

His Volvo.

I rolled my eyes and told the gang I would see them later. Alice took my supply bag and I was free to run towards Edward.

"I always knew you loved that silly car more then me." I teased playfully. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I haven't seen my baby in a about a month. We need to be reunited." he said seductively before giving the car a peck. I made a gagging sound, and he glared at me. Then he began petting his car.

"SShh, it's okay she's just jealous of our relationship." he whispered.

"Jealous! I am not jealous of a car!" I shrieked. Edward laughed and stood up so he was in front of me. "Get over the car, she can't talk back and-"

He cut me off with his lips. Perfectly fine with me. I sighed into his mouth and slowly put my arms around his neck. Our lips molded together perfectly, but I felt myself getting lightheaded, so I pulled away.

"And she can't kiss you like that." I continued my sentence. Edward laughed and kissed me one more time, his lips lingering.

"You're right, she can't." he whispered. I smiled and we walked back over to his car. He being the gentlemen, opened my door for me and I bowed like a lady.

When Edward got into the car and started the engine, he sighed and started backing out.

I smiled and leaned my head against the head rest. It was already August 15, Saturday, and my birthday was coming up soon.

I hope Edward doesn't know, I really don't plan on telling him.

"Your birthday is coming up soon." he said like he knew what I was thinking..

"How did you know?" I asked quietly. Edward turned to me and smiled.

"I'm The-All-Knowing-Edward."he answered like it was normal. I rolled my eyes at this crazy remark, but I still wanted to know.

"Seriously though, how do you know about my birthday?" I asked him.

"A little birdie may have told me." he answered.

I narrowed my eyes at this. There's only one person I know who would be intent on torturing me on my own birthday. Threaten me by doing my hair and makeup, put me in a crazy outfit and outlandishly high heels.


"More like a little pixie." I muttered.

Edward must've heard because I saw a slight smile grace his lips from the corner of my eye. I sighed and decided to start making some rules.

"I don't care if it's my birthday or not, you aren't allowed to buy me a present." I said sternly. Edward groaned and I shook my head again.

"You're no fun. Why can't I buy my beautiful girlfriend a present for her birthday? You only turn 25 once ya know." he argued.

My heart fluttered at his use of the word 'girlfriend' to describe me. But I still don't want any presents.

"If you honestly feel like you have to buy me a present, then you can. But don't go all out." I said, keeping some of my argument up. We arrived at our apartment, and Edward was at my door in a split second.

"Yes! I have permission to buy Bella a present." he said before kissing me.

I could get used to this whole kissing whenever we want. I closed my eyes and smiled as he pulled away. I sighed and I heard Edward laugh lightly, before his lips brushed mine once more, and I opened my eyes.

I smiled and grabbed his hand and walked into our apartment complex.

We got to our door, and I opened it.

"EMMETT MCCARTY! What were you thinking?!" I heard Rosalie shriek. Both me and Edward shared a worried glance before running into the living room.

I couldn't hold back the laughter that threatened to build up inside of me.

I'm guessing Emmett had decided to cook something, but it backfired.

Big time.

He was covered in flower, as was Rosalie and the rest of our kitchen. Edward was laughing just as hard as I was, and soon enough, Jasper and Alice joined in.

"What..did you do?" Jasper managed to ask. Emmett slumped to the floor and Rosalie put her hands on her hips and started tapping her foot.

"Tell them Emmett." she said sternly. Emmett groaned and I saw his cheeks flush red, even through the cover of flour on them.

"I was hungry, so I wanted to make a cake. But I couldn't find the flour. So I asked Rosalie where it was. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed the flour from a high shelf. While she was doing that, I was stirring something, and I guess it spilled, because next thing I knew, I was slipping." he said sheepishly as we all listened intently to his story. He huffed and continued.

"I reached up to grab something, and it ended up to be Rosalie. She fell down too and the flour... went everywhere as you can see." he said the last part quickly. Rosalie pursed her lips and shook her head at him.

"You just had to grab the jeans." she teased. Emmett shrugged and laughed nervously. Then Rosalie bent down beside him and took his hands in her face. "Ya know, you're kinda cute with flour all over your face." she said quietly.

It was a silent agreement between the rest of us to leave them alone. Alice and Jasper went out onto the balcony, so Edward and I sat down on the couch.

I sat down and grabbed Edward's hand in both of mine and played with his fingers.

"You know, it seems more natural for us to act like this together." I said quietly while I looked down at his hand. I smiled and traced the lines that ran throughout the skin on his palm. His hands were so soft and smooth.

"It is easier to be around you when I can kiss you whenever I want." Edward said just as quietly, but a slight teasing tone.. I looked up at him and smiled. I took one of my hands and place it on his cheek, running my thumb back and forth slowly. I gazed into his eyes and felt myself leaning in, and he did the same.

Our lips met halfway and I heard the angels singing in the background. I pressed harder and moved my lips slightly. He did the same, and I urgently moved my hand from his cheek to his hair. My fingers moved of their own accord and tangled into his bronze locks. I held his face as close as possible to mine, and when our lips weren't connected, I whispered his name.

"Oh get a room!" Emmett yelled suddenly, effectively ruining the moment. I glared at him and I swear, Edward growled.

"They are in a room." Rosalie corrected him while she sat down beside him in the love seat. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Then get a different room." he said loudly, throwing his hands up. Rosalie laughed and put her arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his cheek. He got this goofy grin on his face and pecked her lips.

"Alright alright, what are we eating for dinner." Jasper complained from the deck. Alice was holding his hand, and looking up at him with a look of adoration in her eyes.

"Applebees?" Rosalie asked. We all shook our heads no after debating.

"Outback?" Jasper inquired. We shook our heads no again.

"MCDONALDS!" Emmett yelled, scaring Rosalie a little.

I looked at Edward and raised my eyebrows. He just shrugged.

"We're goin to McDonalds, we're going to McDonalds!" Emmett sang as we all started to get ready.

What a day.

A/N: This is what you all have been waiting for!

I know there wasn't much Eddie/Bella fluff in this chapter, but I'm saving it for later.

Review please!

Love ~ Annaleigh

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Chapter: 27

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Thank you for all the reviews. They always brighten up my day.

I know that everyone had gotten used to me updating almost twice a day for a while there, but I've been sick, and a pounding head does not help a writer =[

Anyway, here is Chapter 27 in all its glory.

"I'll have two Big Macs, a large fry, and a large Dr. Pepper." Emmett ordered. Rosalie was silently laughing behind her hand, Alice was looking at him with a shocked expression. While Edward and Jasper were acting like everything was normal.

"How can you eat that much?" I asked finally. He just looked at me and shrugged.

"Emmett needs food." he said simply. I laughed and turned to Edward.

"We better order before Emmett has eaten them out of food." I joked. He laughed and held me tighter by the waist before he slipped his arm off and ordered for us.

On the way here, he just decided that he was going to pay for us, and wouldn't even pay attention to my argument.

Rosalie and Alice grabbed my arm and we all sat down at a table and waited for the boys to bring us our food.

"So Alice, how is your relationship with Jasper going?" I asked. Alice blushed, and looked slightly sad. I immediately regretted bringing it up.

"Well... I'm in love with him. I know that much. He's told me he loves me, but I just can't say it back, I don't know what wrong with me." she said quietly. Alice is never quiet, and she's never sad.

"Alice, Alice, Alice. Jasper would wait forever for you." Rosalie retorted. Alice just rolled her eyes.

"Alright, we have a crispy chicken, honey mustard snack wrap, a ceaser salad, and chicken nuggets." Emmett announced, effectively ending the conversation. I smiled at Edward as he set down my chicken snack wrap in front of me.

"How can you eat so little?" Edward asked. I just shrugged and took a big bite out of my food. He laughed and took a bite out of his hamburger.

"We should go play on the toys." Emmett said, looking at the play place with longing. Rosalie shook her head and held his burger up to him.

"Be a good boy and eat, then play." she said in a granny voice. Emmett laughed and took a bit of his burger.

We ate in silence, but it was comfortable.

But Emmett broke it with a rather loud, and disgusting burp.

"Gross!" Alice shrieked, trying to scoot as far away from him as possible, which pretty much put her in Jasper's lap. Jasper's eyes widened for a second, then he smiled and wrapped his arms around Alice's waist. She smiled up at him and kissed his cheek.

"Let's go play!" Emmett whined, looking like a little kid. Rosalie rolled her eyes, then smiled and let him up.

"Come on Em, let's go makeout in the ballpit." she said quietly to him. His eyes brightened up and he grabbed Rosalie's hand and ran towards the play place. The rest of us laughed and followed slowly behind them.

"Jazz, let's go down the slide!" Alice squealed, then started to drag Jasper along with her. I laughed and turned to Edward.

"Em, Jazz, what is up with all the nicknames?" I asked him as I slowly brought my hands up so I could put them around his neck.

"Pet names, disgusting." he said, clearly not liking that idea. I giggled and smiled at him.

"Oh come on, let me call you Ed. Or how about... Eddie!" I said in a sarcastic tone. Edward narrowed his eyes, then grinned evily.

"If you call me Ed, or," cue shudder. "Eddie, then I get to call you a pet name." he countered.

I glowered at him, then finally gave up.

"Fine, what ridiculous pet name are you going to give me?" I asked, exasperated.

Edward debated for a minute, and even brought his hand up to his chin, his eyes looking to the ceiling. I looked at him for a while, then he finally smiled.

"How about...Honey Bunch?" he asked. I scrunched up my nose and shook my head. "Alright, that's a no. Muffin?" he asked again. Another no. "Sweet Cheeks?" he asked.

"Edward! That's impplying that you love my butt." I gasped. He laughed and I smiled at the sound. Just like music.

"Sorry, love." he pouted.

My eyebrows shot up and I smiled. I leaned in and pecked him quickly on the lips.

"I think we found my nickname." I said quietly. "Now lets go see what's going on in the ball pit." I said, then pulled back. His cheeks were slightly flushed, and he looked like he was on cloud nine. Oh ya, I have that affect on people. We walked over to the ball pit and quickly climbed throught he opening.

Rosalie was giggling as Emmett kept popping out of no where, and Alice and Jasper were standing in the corner, watching.

"Yo yo! It's Edward,and Lil' Bella." Emmett said, in a gangster voice. Rosalie laughed and hit him on the chest.

"You aren't a gangster." she said with a laugh. Emmett shook his head and glared at her.

"No baby, I'm not a ganster, I'm gangstuh." he said, then threw out a west side sign. Alice gasped and made him put his hand down.

"Emmett! Over here,we're north siders." she hissed, trying to keep a straight face. But Jasper cracked up and Alice started laughing with him.

"I heard this awesome song today." Rosalie piped up out of the blue. "It's called, 'I Believe In a Thing Called Love' by The Darkness." she said.

I instantly smiled. I loved that song. It had sweet lyrics, but was sung all high pitched by some dude.

"Can't explain all the feelings that you're making me feel

My heart's in overdrive and you're behind the steering wheel

Touching you, touching me

touching you, god you're touching me

I believe in a thing called love

Just listen to the rhythm of my heart

There's a chance we could make it now

We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down

I believe in a thing called love


Jasper sang perfectly. We all just stared at him. He was blushing slightly and biting his lip. He had just sang it exactly the way it was supposed to sound. It was freaking amazing.

(a/n: you have to listen to this song!)

Alice was standing beside him with her mouth hanging open. She shook her head and just looked at him.

"God, I love you." she said breathlessly, her eyes slightly glazed over. Jasper whipped around to her and smiled. Alice finally snapped out of it and clapped a hand over her mouth. Jasper grinned and started walking towards her.

"I know this was totally the wrong time to say that, and I should've waited till we were alone and more rom-"

Jasper cut her off by practically tackling her into the ball pit. Rose and I giggled at this. Jasper and Alice were always more conformative about their relationship. They weren't very open about it.

Jasper finally pulled back up and was bringing a dazed and slightly flushed Alice with him. She laughed and looked around at us.

"Ow ow! Get some!" Emmett shouted. Rosalie smacked him upside the head and he pouted at her.

"Let's go home." Edward announced. We all agreed and climbed out of the ball pit. Edward and I were the last ones to go out. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers as we kept walking towards the exit.

"Take me down to the Paradice City, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty!" Emmett began to sing as he skipped with Rosalie to his jeep.

Alice was singing along with him, but an octave higher. We all got into the jeep and kept listening to Emmett and Alice sing the rest of the song.

God, I love my friends.


"Bella! Wake up!" Alice yelled while hopping on my bed, making me move. I groaned and sat up. Alice still jumping up and down.

A week had passed and it was full of work. I was finishing up the photographs with MaxMagazine. They were all perfect. But there was one that everyone loved. I was a little sad that Angela was the one who took it, and it wasn't me. But I gave her props for it.

We chose it for the cover, and the issue would be coming out anytime now.

"The magazine is out!" Alice squealed. Now that got my attention. I jumped out of bed and ran towards the living room. I grabbed a pair of shoes and my purse. I didn't even change my pajamas.

I ran out of the apartment and took the stairs. I walked quickly towards the news stand at the corner. I finally reached it and snatched up the magazine.

Edward's brilliant face was shining on the cover. I opened the first page and practically screamed

Photography by Isabella Swan.

I quickly paid for the magazine and ran back to my apartment. I swung the door open and saw Edward sitting on the couch. He quickly stood up when he saw me. I squealed and ran towards him. He laughed and held his arms out for me. I jumped into them and and hugged him tight.

"Edward! The magazine is out! I can't believe it." I said quickly as we sat down on the couch side by side. He smiled and pecked me on the lips.

"I'm so proud of you Bella." he whispered. I smiled and flipped open the magazine. I found the first page of the editorial of Edward and gasped.

They chose the picture of him with his eyes closed, teeth biting his lip, and his head thrown back to the wall in ecstacy. That was a make your panties drop kind of picture. I can't believe they chose it! But it was so hot, I guess I can see where they got the idea.

I was worried about the interview because that was when Edward announced our 'break up' but then I voiced this to Edward. He had a very nice talk with the editors and cleared that little situation up.

"Edward Cullen, becoming a full time actor at the age of 15, shared with us a little insight on his life. "I was adopted at the age of 8, and found myself in acting when I turned 10. It was a way to get away from myself, and be something, someone, different.

Cullen said he lived a sheltered life with his adoptive parents, to which he owes a lot of his success to. "My father, Carlisle, was a doctor, and his hospital always put on a Christmas play. I was nervous about auditioning, but he pushed me to do it. I did, and I got the lead.

At the age of 15, he was founded by Aro Volturi, and was made into a super star. He resides in New York at the moment. Our interviewer, asked him questions about what he was planning on doing in his future acting career. "At the moment, I'm kind of taking a break. I'm waiting for that job that I really want to take. Something that I will be proud in, and something I want to be a part of and try to portray a character. For now, I'm mostly hanging out with my friends, and girlfriend, Isabella."

Cullen and Swan went through a rough patch when announcing their break up, but Cullen has confirmed that they are back together and more in love then ever."

"Not bad." I said after reading through the interview. I was happy that they focused on Edward, and not the fact that me and him are together. This was supposed to be about him.

I flipped the page and saw the picture of Edward and I. They had chosen the one of me and him with his arms around my waist, holding me off the ground as we both laughed our heads off for the camera.

I smiled and turned to Edward.

"I love you." I breathed. His eyes brightened up and his smile widened considerably.

"I love you, too."

My heart fluttered at those words and I leaned in towards him. His lips met mine halfway and I sighed into his mouth. I heard the magazine drop from my hands as I wrapped my hands around his head, my fingers threading into his hair. His hands gripped the small of my back and we slowly leant back so I was laying on the couch with him hovering over me.

"Hey guys, hav- Woah! Did not need to see that!" Rosalie yelled from the doorway. I sighed and pulled away from Edward. Edward pulled me back up to a sitting position and glared at Rosalie.

"Thank you Rosalie." he sneered. Rosalie laughed and held her hands up in surrender.

"That's what you get for making out on our living room couch." she said with laugh and then walked back to her room.

"We really need to find our own spot to makeout." Edward whispered. I laughed and patted his face with my hand.

"You know, I haven't been to your apartment in a while. Jasper and Emmett aren't there soooooo...." I trailed off.

Edward practically threw me over his shoulder and we both ran downstairs, out the lobby towards his car.

Secret makeout time, here we come.

A/N: To keep you all from getting the wrong idea....

No they will not be having sex! This story is Rated T! Sorry for anyone who thought that. But I'm 14, I don't write lemons!

But...If I do write a sequel, which I probably will, I have this all planned out people!

If you want to know what the sequel will possibly be about...tell me in a review and I write it in an author's note for next chapter.

But here is a little excerpt from a chapter that I've already written for it.

CUT-TO: Apartment door flys open from inside. Kate and Jason walk in with lips attached, Kate being held up by Jason. They fall onto the bed and clothes fly everywhere.

CUT-TO: Angle of just feet as they roll around the bed.

VOICE-OVER: Violet Hill by Coldplay, instrumental.

CUT-TO:Jason's hands as they skim from Kate's shoulder, to her hands, and put them behind her head.

I hope that gives you something to ponder over. The sequel is going to be dynamite!

Love ~ Annaleigh

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Chapter: 28

Alrighty, since you all wanted to know what the sequel is going to be about, I'll give you a little info =)

I know, I'm so nice. Haha.

Anyway, the sequel is pretty simple.

Edward gets asked to do a film about a man suffering from a broken heart when he finds out that the girl he's in love with is dating someone else.

Jason Lynne, that's the character. So basically, Jason goes and does everything he can to win Kate back.

So that is the basis of the film.

But there's a twist.

Bella goes with Edward to read lines with him, and she does freaking amazing, so she gets signed on as Kate, the girl Jason is in love with.

But with Bella as Kate, and Edward as Jason. There's one more person left to add.


James Willcox gets casted as Eric, the boy that Kate (Bella) is dating in the film. James basically wants to get Edward and Bella split up.

And that's my idea from right now.

Tell me what you think!

Love ~ Annaleigh.

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Chapter: 29

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

A/N: This chapter made me cry like a freaking baby. Then again, I'm an emotional mess half the time.


IMPORTANT! I made the mistake of giving out a bit too much information on the sequel. Everyone thought this story was over! But no, it is not, and won't be for about 10 more chapters. The idea I gave out for a sequel was just a little blip of what has been on my mind for the past couple of days.


Please, listen to Angel by Jack Johnson. Adds to the moment.

"Edward stop, you have to get the door open first." I giggled as Edward kissed up and down my neck outside his apartment door. He chuckled and kept kissing.

I tried to keep my resolve, and fished around in his pocket for the keys. I took them out and managed to get them into the key hole, and open the door.

Edward grabbed me and stepped inside quickly. I laughed as he shut the door with his foot, then went back to attacking me with his mouth.

"Edward." I sighed while his mouth was off mine for a millisecond. He pulled back and raised an eyebrow. I was about to say something, but I looked past his shoulder and found another issue of the MaxMagazine. Edward looked so much more amazing in this photo then any of the others.

"Edward, what were you and Angela talking about when she took that picture?" I asked, pointing to it around his shoulder. He looked around, and then back to me, a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Well..." he started to say, but trailed off. I laughed and put my hands on his cheeks.

"Come on, you can tell me anything. I love you, remember?" I said. He smiled and kissed me chastely on the lips. He pulled back and sighed.

"Angela was asking about my situation between me and you. She obviously knew that everything was fake back then, and she wanted to know how I really felt." he began. I nodded for him to continue. He shifted nervously and ran a hand through his hair. "She told me to explain everything I felt about you. It was a long list. I guess my eyes shine more when I'm talking about someone I love." he finished quietly.

I blinked back the tears and kissed him firmly on the lips.

"You're adorable, you know that?" I whispered while my lips layed gently on his. He chuckled and his sweet breath fanned out across my face, putting me in a daze.

"I guess I am pretty adorable." he answered. I pulled away and fought to suppress a yawn, but he noticed.

"What time is it?" I asked. He looked at his cell phone and sighed.

"It's only 2 in the afternoon, you shouldn't be tired." he said with a crooked grin that made my heart stop. I bit my lip and shrugged.

"Alice woke me up too early to show me the magazine." I said. My eyelids were drooping, and I could feel my legs getting weaker and wanting to lay down.

"Come on, we'll take a nap." Edward said, grabbing my hand and leading me to his bedroom. He opened the door and I bit my lip.

"Edward... I don't know." I said quietly. Edward turned to me and laughed.

"Remember that conversation we had, about our V-cards? I'm waiting till marriage, and so are you. The only way we're having sex is if I married you." he said while holding my head between his hands. Me being my immature self, blushed when he said said sex.

"I guess we'll have to get married pretty soon." I said with a laugh. Edward didn't laugh. I looked up and saw that he had his serious face on. I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the bed. I pulled back the covers and took off my shoes and jacket.

I climbed into the bed and patted the spot next to me. Edward laughed and took off his jacket and shoes, then scooted in next to me. He wrapped one arm around my waist and brought me to his chest.

"Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high. And the dreams that you dreamed of, once in a lullaby..." Edward sang quietly into my ear.

I smiled and kissed his chin, before falling asleep in an angel's arms.


"Bella, wake up." a velvety voice said from above me. I groaned and shied away from it. I heard a musical laugh and smiled at the sound.

"Wake up sunshine." he said again. I shook my head, and willed him to go away.

I was waiting for him to say it again, but a clap of thunder woke me up first. I shot out of bed, and almost hit Edward in the face.

"What's going on?" I asked quickly.

Edward stood up and walked to the window and pointed.

"A big storm came in while we were sleeping. Power lines are down and everything. The electricity is out as well." he said with a sigh. I groaned and ran a hand through my hair. Edward turned around and smiled at me.

"Good thing is, we're having a sleepover!" he said in a girl voice. I laughed and sat up on my knees to hug him.

I was about to say 'I love you' but my cellphone rang.

I picked it up, and the screen was flashing 'Daddy."

"Hi Dad!" I said cheerily. The other line was silent for a minute.

"Dad?" I asked again. I heard a sigh on the other end. Usually my father is not like this. Something must be wrong.

"Bella, something happened. It's grandma." he said quietly. I fingers clenched onto the phone tightly. My silly dream I had a while ago, was becoming a reality.

"What happened?" I managed to choke out. I heard another sigh on the end, and was sounding like a quiet sob.

"She passed away, in her sleep. Don't worry, she didn't feel a thing." he reassured me. But I didn't hear anything past, "she passed away."

The phone slipped from my hands and clattered to the floor, breaking the eerie silence. I swallowed loudly and tried to stay put together. Tears were flowing freely down my face, and I didn't move to wipe them away. I heard Charlie yelling my name, then Edward picked up the phone.

"Mr. Swan?....Charlie. Yes of course. We'll try and arrive as soon as possible. Yes, I will most likely be coming with her. Alright, I'll tell her. Bye Charlie." Edward said then hung up the phone.

My body was rattling with sobs that ripped through my body.

Grandma wasn't supposed to die. She was supposed to live forever and help me raise my children. She was supposed to be my grandma forever. She's was always so strong, this wasn't supposed to happen.

"Shh, it's going to be alright. The funeral is in 3 days. We can try and leave tonight if you like." Edward spoke softly. I nodded and he stood up and went to his computer. But the power was out and it wasn't turning on.

"W-we h-have to b-be there." I managed to say through my sobs.

"I know Bella, I know." he said while rubbing his hand up and down my arm affectionately.

"Let's go see if we can drive outside." Edward said quietly. I nodded and stood up. I slipped on my shoes and jacket, but wasn't really paying attention.

"Bella, you put your shoes on the wrong feet." Edward said nervously. I looked down and noticed that he was right. I looked up at him and completely lost it.

Everything was basically ripped out from under me. I collapsed onto Edward and fisted his shirt in my hands, hanging on tightly as he stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. Saying over and over again, 'it's going to be alright.'

For some reason, that little sentence made me even angrier.

I hit him once on the chest and pulled away.

"No, Edward! It's not going to be alright, it's never going to be alright again! She's gone, and there's nothing we can do about it." I yelled at him. His eyes were wide, and his hands were held up in surrender.

I didn't wait for him to say anything. I turned around and opened the apartment door before running out of his room and down the stairs. I was very careful on the stairs since there were no lights on. I could hear Edward yelling my name and running after me, but I didn't stop.

I finally reached the lobby and I ran full fledge outside into the pouring rain. I saw 3 police cars at the edge of the parking lot. I walked slowly towards them, my speed decreased because of my sopping wet clothes.

"What's going on!" I screamed when I got close enough. They looked up at me, shocked. I probably looked like a mad woman.

"We've issued a flash flood warning, ma'am, you should go back inside." (A/N: I have no idea if there can actually be a flash food in New York, but there is in my story. Don't judge my creative imagination! I could make a second ice age happen in this story if I wanted to!)

"How long is this going to last?" I yelled again, pulling my wet hair away from my face. They looked at one another, then back to me.

"We don't know, could be 2, maybe 4 days. But please, go back inside." the officer said again. 4 days? No! I am not missing my grandmother's funeral. There's no way.

"NO! I have to get to Washington State, now. My grandmother's funeral is in 3 days." I shouted, sounding slightly hysterical.

"There are no flights leaving from New York until further notice." the officer said again, ignoring my screaming.

"No! I have to leave, this can't be happening!" I shouted again. I began to run in the opposite direction, ignoring the shouts of the police officers. I was about 20 feet away, when two very strong arms wrapped around my waist and began pulling me away from the police officers.

"Edward! Put me down! I have to go to Forks!" I screamed as he dragged me to the apartment. I tried to get out of his grasp, but it was no use. I finally just let him pull me into the lobby of the apartment. He swung me around and held me by the shoulders.

"Do you have any idea what could've happened to you out there?! What would I have done without you?!" he asked, slightly shaking me. His bronze hair had turned to a dark brown from the rain, and his clothes were drenched. Little droplets of rain were sparkling on his hair.

"I-I'm sorry." I managed to say. His eyes softened and he pulled me into his chest tightly. He rocked me back and forth in the middle of the lobby and kissed my hair repeatedly.

Even though Edward always told me how much he loved me, I think I was finally realizing it in this moment. He stayed with me and tried to comfort me. Even though I was acting like a mad woman, he's still amazing all by him self.

"I'm sorry Edward." I cried into his shirt, the tears still flowing down my cheek. He smoothed my hair and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry about your grandma Bella, but you could've gotten hurt. Promise me you won't do something like that again." he said into my hair. I nodded and kissed his chest. "Come on, let's go to bed." he whispered.

He pulled back and held one arm around my waist as we slowly climbed the stairs to his apartment. We finally got to his floor and walked lazily to his door, which was still open.

Edward practically carried me to his bedroom. He pulled back the covers and I snuggled in deep. Edward climbed in and settled in right next to me.

He wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me in close to his chest. I smile through my tears and looked up at him.

"Why are you so good to me?" I asked quietly. He flashed me a crooked grin and leaned down to my ear.

"Because you're my girl." he whispered. I smiled, content with his answer, and laid my head down on his chest.

I still can't believe that Grandma Swan is gone, and that I'm going to miss the funeral. This isn't right. I should be there. For Charlie, and for the remembrance of my beloved Grandma.

She was the one who taught me how to use a camera, and how to get good shots. She was the one who told me that no matter how many mistakes I'm going to make, I'm going to learn from them. In the long run, all my mistakes make me stronger.

The thought of all these memories, made me cry a little bit more, and Edward noticed.

"It's ok Bella." he whispered and rubbed my arm.

"I just can't believe that she's actually gone. She was always so strong, and had so many things to teach me." I cried into his shoulder. He rubbed his hand up and down my back in soothing circles. I looked up at Edward and kissed his lips chastely.

"Thank you Edward. For dealing with me, when I was acting crazy." I whispered. He laughed and kissed me again, firmer this time.

"You weren't crazy, you're just sad and a little surprised." he told me.

I thought back to the dream I had, and realized that I shouldn't have been surprised. Most people say that dreams come true, but only the bad ones.

"This shouldn't have been a surprise." I muttered. Edward sat up slightly and furrowed his brows in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" he asked quietly.

I sighed and put a hand on his chest, and pushed him back until we were laying on the bed again.

"I had a dream, Edward. You, and Mike Newton were standing at the end of an aisle, wearing tuxes. And I was wearing a wedding dress. I was walking towards you, when Grandma Swan came up too. She said, "I know I'm not going to be here for your wedding day, I'll be gone by then. But I know you'll choose Edward."

I finished up the story and looked up to Edward.

He had this look of adoration shining in his eyes as he stared down at me.

"Never underestimate the powers of Grandma Swan." he whispered huskily. He moved down and kissed me firmly. I smiled under his lips and intertwined my fingers in his hair.

After about 5 minutes, he pulled away and settled himself so he was on his side, facing me. I ran my hand over his cheeks and he sighed and closed his eyes.

"When did life become so complicated? Why can't everything just be easy again? Before we had to worry about jobs, and relationships, and a death in the family. I just want to all go back to being the same." I whispered. Edward opened his eyes and brought me in closer to his chest and hugged me.

"We grow up, and things change." he said simply. I remembered something that Grandma Swan told me to do.

"Hey Edward, lean back for a second." I told him, gently pushing him down so he was laying on his back. I carefully swung one leg over and straddled him. His eyes widened and he held onto my hips. I leaned down slowly and touched his cheeks with both hands.

"I want you to close your eyes, " I whispered. His eyelids fluttered shut and I smiled. I ran my thumbs over them and kissed his lips.

"Picture yourself, 2 years from now. What do you see?" I asked him quietly.

His eyebrows furrowed, then he smiled.

"I see myself standing in front of a house, with an arm around your waist. And your holding a beautiful baby girl in your arms. With my eyes, and your hair." he whispered.

A/N: Alrighty! Does that last part sound familiar? It's what Bella saw when Grandma Swan told her to do that.


This story is far from over, and I don't plan on ending it soon. I was just playing around with ideas for a sequel IF I do a sequel. Don't worry, it probably will happen, but not anytime soon.

I have to finished this story first of course, then I think I'll work on some of my other stories before I start the sequel.

LOVE ~ Annaleigh

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Chapter: 30

A/N: I apologize a thousand times for not updating sooner. I don't really have a good excuse, except that life has been busy. Dance tryouts were last week, and I made the team! Happy me! But it took up my whole week, so I wasn't able to write much. Plus, I started a new story.

Until I Snapped please check it out and review =]

Disclaimer: Still don't own Twilight.

I smiled and laid my head on Edward's chest.

"Grandma Swan told me to do that, and I pictured the exact same thing. Except it was a boy who resembled you exactly." I told him quietly.

He laughed and held me closer.

"Well, great minds do think alike." he told me quietly.I laughed and leaned up and kissed him on the lips.

"How am I going to get to Forks?" I asked him after a moments silence.

There was still that nagging feeling in the back of my head, that I have just lost one of the most important people in my life, and I might not make it to their funeral. That would just kill me.

"I honestly have no idea. The officers said this weather could last a while, and they aren't letting any flights out. Plus, the power still hasn't come back on and it's already been 5 hours. This is pretty serious." he told me.

I sighed and put my chin in my hands and stayed on Edward's chest. He looked down at me with pity and I put my lip out in a pout.

"We have to find someway, Edward. You know I can't miss this." I told him quietly, my voice breaking. He smoothed my hair down and held me close.

"I know Bella. If I could make this all better, I would." he murmured softly. I sat up from the bed and peeked out the window.

The rain was coming down harder then before and it was pelting the window hard. The wind howled past the building and shook the trees in front. I sighed and sat down next to Edward.

He was about to say something, when his phone rang.

"Hello? Oh yes, hello Demetri. Another shot? Alright. I can't get out of New York for a while, there's a big storm. You can send a plane? That's fine, but can we make a stop there and delay the shoot? I owe a friend a favor."

I perked up when he said that Demetri Carter was sending him a plane.

I'm going to Forks!


"OK, Bella. I've got Demetri landing the plane at the airport. He'll be here in an hour. But for now, we have to find someway to pack." Edward said. I could barely think, I was so tired. Edward had an arm wrapped around my shoulders to help me stand up as we walked down the darkened stairwell of the apartment complex.

The time on Edward's glowing cellphone said midnight.

I shook my head to keep me awake and kept walking till we got to the lobby.

Edward grabbed my hand and walked us to the exit. The rain was still coming down, seeming harder then before, and the wind was screaming in the night air, echoing my sorrows.

"Alice said she's be here in about 15 minute. Emmett and the rest are coming in his jeep to bring you a suitcase full of clothes." Edward informed.

I nodded sleepily and leaned against his side.

"Are you staying with me?" I asked him nervously. I knew that Demetri needed him for one unexpected shoot for the commercial, but I was pretty sure I needed him more in this moment.

"Only if you want me." he answered. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I'll always want you." I whispered. The eerie feeling of the darkened lobby made me feel like we should be quiet. He chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"That's good, cause your stuck with me forever." he whispered into my hair. I laughed and hugged him tightly.

"Sorry to break up the love fest, but you two have a plane to catch." a bell-like voice said from the entrance. I turned and saw Alice soaking wet while standing with Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett while holding 2 suitcases. I smiled and ran to her. She put the suitcases on the ground and hugged me tight.

"I'm so sorry Bella. I wish I could come, but work..." she trailed off. I put a hand up to stop her.

"It's alright Alice. Edward is coming with me. I'll be fine." I reassured her. She nodded and smiled weakly before passing me the suitcases.

"Now hurry up. And be safe, this rain is bad." she said with a watery smile and thrusted the suitcases into my hands. I smiled at Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett, before Edward put an arm around my shoulders and led us back out into the rain.

We ran through the ankle high water and made our way to Emmett's jeap.

Edward threw the passenger door open for me and tossed the suitcases in the backseat before running around quickly to his side. I quickly clicked myself in and Edward got in as well before starting Emmett's jeap and driving us to the airport in the pouring rain.

"So this is it. This is the last time I'll ever be near Grandma Swan." I said quietly to myself. Edward gently took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles.

"I know you loved her a lot Bella, and I wish I could've met her. But think, you still have a lot of people on this world who love you." he reassured me. I smiled weakly and squeezed his fingers.

We pulled into the airport parking lot, and I could already see Demetri's private jet parked on the tarmac. It had "Carter" written on the side. I laughed silently at the monstorsity that this place was, and how much it probably cost.

But I didn't have time for that.

I climbed out of the Jeep and Edward grabbed our bags from the back before we ran across the tarmac and to the plane. Someone else in Demetri's group was handling the car for us.

We gave our bags to an airport security member, then walked up the stairs quickly to get out of the rain.

"Edward! My dear friend." Demetri greeted us when we stepped into the plane. There weren't regular seats, just couches along the side, and leather bena bag chairs thrown in a circular pit towards the back of the plane. Edward shook hands with Demetri, then I walked forwards.

"I'm Isabella Swan, you may call me Bella. It's nice to meet you Mr. Carter. Thank you for letting us use your plane on such short notice." I said while he grasped my hand warmly.

He smiled and waved off my words like an unwanted fly.

"Nonsense Isabella, any friend of Edward's is a friend of mine." he said, still using my first name, in a slight italian accent. He gestured for us to sit down, and Edward and I took a seat next to each other on one of the couches/chairs.

Edward wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I snuggled in close to my chest. I heard Demetri sigh from a chair ahead of us.

"It's always nice to see young people in love." he said with a far off look in his eyes. I smiled and snuggled even closer to Edward.

"Very much in love." I whispered before sleep over took me.


"Bella, wake up love, we're here." I heard a velvet voice say from beside me. I opened my eyes cautiously, and saw Edward smiling down at me. "Morning Sleeping Beauty." he whispered.

I laughed and sat up more.

"Are we seriously here?" I asked him while stretching my arms. He smiled weakly and nodded. I yawned and stood up. Edward did as well and ran a hand through his hair.

"I've got a rental car waiting outside. Are you sure you're ready for this?" Edward asked while we walked towards the exit of the plane. I just smiled and nodded.

"Thanks again Demetri!" I yelled. He winked at me, then turned to Edward.

"Don't forget, be back here in 2 days." he warned with his eyebrows raised. Edward laughed nervously and nodded. We both walked down out of the plane and I inhaled the Port Angelas air.

"Hey Bells." a familair husky voice said. I opened my eyes and saw my father standing by his cruiser. I thought Edward was bringing a rental car!

"Daddy!" I squealed before running towards him, tripping myself right before I stopped in front of him. He chuckled and caught me by my elbows. I immediately grasped him in a big hug.

"I'm so sorry Daddy." I whispered while I patted his back. He sighed loudly and squeezed me tight before releasing me.

"I know Bella. But everything is going to be alright." he reassured me. Then he glared at something over my shoulder. I turned around and saw Edward sheepishly walking towards us with the luggage in his hands. I smiled at him and walked him towards my father.

"Edward, this is my father, Charlie Swan." I introduce them. Edward set the luggage down and put his hand out.

"Edward Cullen. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Swan." he said politely, with a warm smile. Charlie's eyes narrowed, and he appraised Edward. I heard Edward gulp loudly while he held his hand out.

Charlie liked what he saw. He smile an eye crinkling smile, and grasped his hand tightly.

"Please, call me Charlie." he said with a smile. Edward let out a breath of relief, and shook his hand.

"Alright, let's get home." Charlie said after they pulled back. I put an arm around Edward's waist, and kissed his cheek.

"He likes you." I whispered. Edward let out a shaky breath.

"I'm glad, he does own a gun." he reminded me. I laughed and slid into the back of the cruiser. Edward hesitated, but I pulled him in anyway.

"It's not like he's arresting you or anything." I chided. He laughed and buckled his seat belt.

"Let's just get through this." I told him quietly, my thoughts taking a saddening turn. He turned to me and looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"We're going to get through this, and then we're going to go to California and finish Demetri's shoot, then I'm taking you out somewhere. I don't know where, but someplace special." he told me.

I smiled and leaned in to kiss him. He was about to meet me halfway, when someone cleared their throat.

"Now now, none of that." Charlie teased with a warning look on his face.

I rolled my eyes and kissed Edward anyway.

"Ha!" I shouted at my dad.


"What are you supposed to wear to a funeral anyway?!" I whined while looking through my suitcase.

The day of the funeral came quicker then was expected, and I wasn't prepared. Edward sat on my bed from my teenage years and watched me frantically search through my suitcase.

"Aha!" I shouted, pulling out a black dress suitable for a funeral. Thank you Alice!

Edward laughed lightly at my performance, but stepped out of my room for me to put on the dress. I finished the dress and looked at myself in the mirror.

It was a nice dress. All black, and not that pretty. But it wasn't supposed to be gorgeous. Edward quietly stepped back into my room and stood behind me with his hands on my hips.

"I can't do this." I whispered shakily before turning around and wrapping my arms around him. Edward sighed and rubbed my back up and down.

"You'll make it through this, I promise." he reminded me. I pulled back and looked up to him.

"How did I get such a great guy like you?" I asked myself quietly. Edward smiled and hugged me closer to his frame.

"I believe the real quarry is, how did I become so fortunate as to get someone like you?" he corrected with a crooked grin.

"Bells! It's time." my dad called from down stairs. I sighed and kissed Edward chastely on the lips before grabbing my black purse and running down the stairs with Edward right behind me. Edward was dressed in a pair of black dress pants, a black button down shirt, and shiny shoes. (Which I teased him endlessly about.)

Charlie wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I held onto Edward's hand as we walked to Charlie's cruiser. Edward and I slid into the back seat, and he held onto my hand, all the way to the funeral site.

Edward helped me out of the car and walked us to the front row of seats. The casket was already nailed shut, we decided not to have a viewing. Edward sat down on my right, and Charlie on my left. Charlie was going to read a eulogy, and I knew it was going to be hard on him.

"We are here today, to mourn the loss of a love one, but to celebrate the beginning of a new life." the preacher began. I tuned him out while he continued on about how my Grandma was a wonderful person, and always had the best advice.

Charlie was up.

He cleared his throat and walked up to the podium.

"Marie Swan, was my mother, and I loved her dearly. She was the greatest mom in the world, and always told me to pursue my dreams. Except when I told her I wanted to be a police officer. She told me not to go in the line of duty since I could get injured, but when I told her my reasoning, to someday save someone life, she told me go ahead and do it. I thank her for that. She was the greatest mother anyone could ask for, and I'm going to miss her so much. I love you momma." he finished with his eyes slightly glazed over. I stood up and hugged him when he came down.

Then it was my turn.

I walked slowly up the stage, and managed not to trip.

"Grandma Swan, what can I say about her? She was the women I went to whenever I needed help with my problems, and she always knew what to say. Even if she was being blunt, I knew I needed that. She made the best lemonade in the world, and always had a pitcher of it made in the summer. Although I didn't spend as mmuch time with her as I should have, I loved her very dearly, and I'm going to miss her so much."

I finished my eulogy and walked down the platform, and straight into Edward's arms. He kissed my forehead, and cheeks where the tears had spilled over.

He really does love me.

I sat down and watched as the rest of the ceremony went on.

But right as it ended, the clouds cleared, and the sun shone brilliantly down on us. The crowd walked towards the casket, and paid their respects to Grandma Swan, while I hung back with Edward.

I watched as Edward walked towards the casket and said something, probably something so poetic, that only he could think of it.

He smiled at me and squeezed my fingers before standing by Charlie to give me privacy.

Everyone else had already left, so I walked towards it and smiled.

"I'm going to miss you so much Grandma, but I understand that it was your time to leave. You always knew how to give me the best advice, and had the right things to say. I love you so much, but I hope you're in a better place."

I said through my tears. I kissed my hands and touched the casket, before walking back to Edward and Charlie near the cruiser.

Edward took my hand, and I was home.

A/N: Whew! That chapter was literally written sentence by sentence. Next chapter is when Edward has to go finish a shoot for Demetri. Fun stuff!

Review my loveleys!

Love ~ Annaleigh.

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Chapter: 31

A/N: How do you deal with disappointment? I'm having a flood of it right now, and I don't know what to do. I'm disappointed in one person, and I feel terribly sorry for the other.

Anyway! I was looking through this story, and I realized something.

I almost forgot Bella's Birthday. In the story, it's like August 25 or something, that was the day of the funeral. (Yes, I do keep track!)

Disclaimer: Stop asking! I don't own Twilight.

Edward's POV

"When I was 16, I got locked out of my house, and broke my wrist trying to climb the side of the house to get to a window." Bella told me as we flew to California.

We had left the morning of the day after the funeral, and Bella was doing very well.

But it was all a mask.

When she talked about a certain thing, or when I said something that reminded her of her grandmother, she would get a teary eyed look, and quickly changed the subject.

But at the moment, we were carefree and just living our life together, on a plane, on our way to a commercial set. We had first class seats, and we had situated ourselves so our bodies were facing each other.

Our hands were thumb wrestling.

I laughed at Bella's story and attempted to squish her thumb, but she got out of the way quickly. She giggled when she saw my frustrated face.

I thought back to the time when her face was filled with sadness, as the tears ran down her face. At her grandmother's funeral, it felt fitting to walk towards the casket just like everyone else. I said a couple words, the only thing I could think of to say when I've never met the person, and yet they were loved so dearly by the person closest to me.

"I'm sorry you had to leave so soon. Bella misses you terribly. I know I never got the chance to meet you, and I regret that. But I promise, I will always love Bella, and I swear to take care of her forever."

Bella tried to smash my thumb, but I dodged it and laughed when she huffed in frustration.

"When I was 10, I tried to make my mother breakfast for mother's day, and almost burnt down the kitchen." I confessed while finally capturing Bella's thumb. She squealed in surprise, and quickly got out of it, starting another game. "1, 2, 3, 4...I declare a thumb war..." she began.

"I used to be afraid of toilets." she said in a small voice. I chuckled slightly at her confession and continued my quest to dominate the kingdom of Bella Swan's thumb.

"Really? And why were you afraid of them?" I asked her while struggling to keep my thumb away from hers.

"The noise! It always scared me. But it was just public restrooms...ugh! Especially automatics, they still freak me out." she explained. I laughed slightly, and she punished me by finally grasping my thumb with her whole hand.

"I win." she stated with a smug smile.

"You cheated." I accused with narrowed eyes.

She raised an eyebrow, and got a devilish look on her face, before sitting on her knees and leaning forwards to me, her hands on my shoulders. Her eyes were hooded with lust as her mouth neared mine. Those luscious lips were so close to mine, I could feel her breath on my lips, and I whimpered for contact. Bella chuckled and slowly leaned in even more, and finally pressed her lips to mine.

I held back my smile, and slowly moved my lips with hers, in perfect synchronization. Her hands went into my hair, and I felt a tugging sensation as he gripped the strands in her tiny fists. I slowly and carefully slipped my tongue out and sweeped it across her bottom lip, begging for entrance.


She giggled and didn't open her mouth. Even when I tried again, she resisted and kept kissing me with a closed mouth. She pulled back slowly, and I took a deep breath, and prepared myself for Bella to sit back down.


She kissed me again fiercer this time and slipped her tongue out to my mine and ran it across my bottom lip. I moaned softly and opened my mouth, her tongue slipping in quickly -

"Ma'am, please refrain from doing that until we land." a voice sneered.

We pulled apart quickly and looked up sheepishly. The flight attendant was an older woman and was glaring at the position we were in. Bella smiled timidly and sat back down in her seat, buckling herself in.

The flight attendant walked away, muttering something about the 'kids these days.'

"Well that was embarrassing." Bella muttered, shielding her red face from me. I laughed and leaned into her ear.

"No, that was hot."

Bella shivered and peeked up at me from the holes in her fingers.

"Still think I cheated?" she asked.

I looked at her confused. "Cheated on what?"


"I'm the fireman, fire f-fireman." Bella sang while we walked through the corridor towards L.A.X. She was holding a 'hose' and singing the song and everything. It was fairly amusing.

When we finally came to the exit, she stopped and prepared herself for the paparazzi that was sure to be aware of our landing. I grabbed her hand and she smiled at me, before we both reached into our bags.

Gotta put the shades on.

I turned back to her and smiled at her through my big black sunglasses, she was wearing an almost exact pair. Bella always hated the oversized girly ones, claiming that she felt like a bug.

We both took a deep breath and walked out into the airport. We were about 20 feet away, when someone yelled. "It's them! It's Edward and Isabella!"

All hell broke loose after that. Photographers were everywhere, and none of them would leave us alone. I was keeping my hand in Bella's the whole time, and shielding us from the photographers, knowing that she just wanted to get out of here.

But the crowd was getting worse, and Bella tripped.

Right into the arms of someone else....

"Woah there little missy. If you wanted to hug me, you could've just..." the familiar voice started to say but drifted off. I turned to see who it was, and I felt the green monster of jealousy rage up in me.

James Wilcox, the man who had been up against me for the Oscar (but had lost) was holding onto my love's waist, smiling up at her with his blue eyes gazing into hers.

"Hey, you're...Isabella Swan right?" he asked with a smile that girls practically swooned over. I walked closer to Bella and wrapped an arm around her waist, effectively shaking James hands off of her.

"Hey James, long time no see." I said as politely as possible. He eyed my hands on Bella for a second with a look of envy, before switching his gaze to me. I cocked my head and waited for his answer.

"Edward, man. It's been forever." he said, like we were old friends. He held his hand out to Bella. "James Wilcox, my lady." he said. Bella laughed and placed her hand in his. But he didn't shake it. No, he brought it up to his lips, and kissed the back of it. All the while staring at me like he won a prize. Bella cleared her throat and brought her hand back down and wrapped it around my waist, her hand trying to calm me down by rubbing my back.

"Edward and I were just coming from Washington." Bella announced, trying to break the tension. James raised his eyebrows.

"Really? And what is in Washington?" he asked with a smile. Bella laughed, and my grip on her tightened.

"A little rainy town called Forks. My dad lives there." she explained. James laughed at her explanation, and Bella smiled at him.

"A town names after an eating utensil, I like it! Well if you ever need a ride to Spoons, let me know." he said.

"I think I can help her get to Forks, James." I told him. the warning laced in my voice. James turned to me and his smile left his face quickly. I still noticed that the photographers were surrounding us, but it almost felt like they weren't there.

"But what happens if you aren't there to take her?" he asked like the cocky nuisance he is. My jaw clenched as I stared him down. He may be arrogant, but I'm still taller.

"I'll always be around." I hissed. James took one step closer.

"Not if I can help it." he said with a smile.

"Hey! You know I'm standing right here! Don't I get a say in whoever is taking me to Forks!" Bella said stubbornly. We both turned to her and James laughed.

"Edward, man. Learn to take better care of your woman." he chuckled, slapping me on the back. I grabbed Bella's hand.

"He takes very good care for of me." Bella said flatly, glaring at James. I began to walk us away from him.

"Don't let someone try to steal her!" he warned. We were farther away, but I still heard him whisper.

"Someone like me."

A/N: I planned on making this chapter longer, but it was going to be huge if I put the commercial in there as well.

Warning to the wise, James won't do any home wrecking in this story.

I'll save that...for the sequel.

Love, as always ~ Annaleigh

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Chapter: 32

A/N: I'm glad everyone liked the last chapter. It was fun to write a confrontation between James and Edward. I'm happy to hear that everyone thought I did it right.

Has everyone seen the New Moon Trailer? It's awesome, you should seriously go find it on youtube. Haha, I feel like a New Moon spokesperon, but truthfully, I just stay caught up with what's going on.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Bella's POV

James doesn't seem that bad. Sure it frustrated me that him and my boyfriend don't like each other, but other then that, he's kind of nice. But what was up with the whole implying that Edward doesn't take good care of me? James knows nothing. He doesn't know that Edward was the one who stayed with me, even though I was acting crazy after Grandma Swan's death. Edward was the one who kept me together.

Edward is the one I'm in love with!

Edward stayed tense the whole time we were driven to the hotel in California. He held my hand in his, and rubbed circles with his thumb, but it was silent. It wasn't awkward, but it was slightly uncomfortable. The air in the cab was filled with angst.

When we pulled up to the hotel, he kissed the back of my hand and we both got out. He got the bags out of the back, paid the driver, and checked us into the hotlel. The elevator ride up was silent too, and Edward kept sighing in frustration.

When we came to our floor, we found our room and Edward opened it up for us. He put our suitcases down and sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. I closed the door silently behind me, and walked towards him.

"Edward?" I called out softly. He didn't even look up at me. I sighed and crossed the room and stood in front of him. I kneeled down and took his face in my hands. His green eyes connected with mine, and my heart broke.

Sadness, defeat, jealousy, all mixed together shone through his emerald green orbs. I whimpered and tackled him to the bed with a hug. He laughed a hard, strained laugh, and wrapped his arms around me, our legs tangling together.

"Edward, listen." I told him. He looked up and looked me in the eyes. I gulped, and spilled my heart out. "No matter what happens, no matter what anyone says, all I care about is me and you, together like we are now. Edward, I've fallen for you, and if someone contradicts that, they're wrong. They don't know us, they don't know what we've been through to get here, and they don't know what real love is. I love you Edward, with every ounce of my being, and one little comment from someone like James, will never change that." I told him.

His eyes stared back into mine, and a slight smile graced his handsome face. His eyes shone with adoration and love this time, and I smiled back up at him.

"I love you Bella, so much." he said in a pained whisper. I smiled at him and grabbed him in another hug, his face burried in the crook of my neck, inhaling.

I don't know how long we laid like this, but I didn't care. All that mattered was that we were together.


"Edward! Isabella! Come here my dear friends." Demetri called when we arrived at the set the next day. Demetri and Edward shook hands, and Demetri kissed both of my cheeks. I blushed and smiled at him before taking Edward's hand in mine for comfort.

"Isabella, you can come right over here and sit while I take Edward and discuss what scene we will be shooting." Demetri said with a warming smile. I kissed Edward chastely on the lips before walking over to my designated spot.

I had just sat down and grabbed a magazine, when someone sat down next to me.

"Long time no see." the voice said. I turned to my left and glared.


"What are you doing here?" I asked him as nicely as possible, keeping the sneer out of my voice. He shrugged his shoulders and put his hands behind his head in a relaxed position.

"Demetri is finishing up this shoot, then I'm up next." he explained with a creepy smile. I nodded in aknowledgment, and he scooted closer.

"I don't mean to sound forward, but what do you see in Edward?" he asked, sounding honestly curious.

I stared at him like he had three heads. "I don't feel comfortable talking about that with you." I told him. He raised his hands in surrender and sat back to his spot.

20 seconds later.... he scooted closer again, our shoulders bumping.

"Tell me about yourself Bella, I want to know everything." he said with a wannabe Edward smile. I rolled my eyes and dropped the magazine before turning to him.

"Honestly James, are you trying to get revenge for Edward winning the Oscar and you losing, or do you truly like me?" I asked him.

Either way, he's not getting me.

"I truly like you." he answered sincerely. I narrowed my eyes and picked up the magazine, using it as a shield to hide me from James.

But he pulled it down and looked in my eyes.

"When I was a boy, I had a dream about a brown haired goddess, coming into my life and making everything perfect. She had big brown, doe like eyes that saw right through me. And she didn't want me for my celebrity status...she liked me, for me." he told me quietly.

I bit my lip and looked at him.

"You just made that up...didn't you?" I asked. James cracked a smile.

"Just practicing my lines for the commercial." he explained, but the glint in his icy blue eyes told me differently.

I went back to my magazine, but noticed that James had not moved from his close spot next to me. I didn't think much of it, until he put a gently hand on my thigh. I put the magazine down and looked at him.

"James...." I began. He turned to me and smiled, his hand still on my thigh, but now rubbing circles. "I'm with Edward. And I don't plan on leaving him anytime soon. If you have any sense at all, you'll remove your hand before I get Edward to do it for you." I hissed.

"But what if you two don't get married? We don't know what the future brings, Bella. You have to have options open." he explained. I narrowed my eyes at his hand still on my leg.

He sighed and removed his hand from my thigh, and slumped down; defeated. I stood up to grab a little bit of water from the cooler. I tossed my magazine down on the table, and walked towards it.

But me, being my clumsy self, had to trip over a crack in the floor and fall down. I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact.

That never came.

Instead, a pair of strong arms wound around my waist and stopped my fall with my face a foot above the ground. I started to stand up and turned around to see who caught me.

"Thank you James." I said through clenched teeth. His hands were still on my hips. I grabbed them and pushed them off.

But not before I saw a man with a camera, scurry away from us.


"I saw you talking with James." Edward said casually as we walked out of the commercial set. I sighed and grabbed his hand in mine.

"He's an annoying little creeper. And I get the feeling that he's following us." I whispered. Edward laughed and squeezed my hand.

"We can always get a restraining order." Edward said, sounding completely serious. I laughed and squeezed his hand gently.

"Let's just think about getting to our hotel, then we'll talk about restraining orders." I joked. Edward chuckled and opened the door to the cab for me. He gave the address and we settled in for the ride.

I looked out the window at the passing streets of California, and something came into my mind when I remembered what James said and when I caught a glimpse of a wedding dress in a boutique.

"Edward, are we ever going to get married?" I blurted out before I could think. I turned around slowly to face Edward, and saw that his eyes were wide open and his jaw was hanging open as well.

"I-I, don't k-know....I haven't really thought about it." he answered lamely. He ran a hand through his hair and continued. "We've only been dating for about 3 months Bella." he said quietly.

I laughed without humor and shook my head.

"You're right. I guess I just forget about those kinds of things. I shouldn't have even asked." I said quietly. Edward smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

Sadness, defeat, and rejection washed through me. Yes, Edward, I know we've only been dating for a couple of months, but what happens when you know you've found the right one? Does he think we'll never get married? That all of this will fade and it will just be a memory.

Like it never exhisted.

I blinked rapidly to keep the tears from running down my face. I bit my lip and kept my stare out the window. Is he just not that into me? Does he want someone else for a wife? Am I not wife material?!

God, this is so frustrating. Why couldn't he have been sensible and answered with "Eventually, but I'm not sure if we're ready for that." I wouldn't have to think so much about that answer. But saying that he hasn't really thought about it? That's a one way ticket to sleeping on the sofa.

We pulled up to the hotel and I wordlessly got out of the cab and Edward followed me two steps behind.

I know I'm not ready for marriage, but it would've been nice to hear that he actually thought about it every once in a while. I don't want to marry him anytime soon, I know that. But the thought is still there.

Edward unlocked our room and we walked in silently. I sat down on the chair in the corner and stared out the window again while Edward put up his shoes and jacket. He sat down on the edge of the bed and put his elbows on his knees.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I shrugged and looked at him.

"Just thinking." I told him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down on the bed with him. I smiled and snuggled in close.

"And what are you thinking about? I woud love to know what's going on in that pretty little head of yours." he said, tapping my temple with a finger.

I sighed and rested my head on his chest. "You don't want to know." I told him, slightly muffled from his shirt. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my head.

"Of course I want to know." he told me. I looked up at him and sat my chin on his chest so I could look at him.

"James was at the shoot again, and we chatted." I started out cautisouly. Edward's jaw clenched and he narrowed his eyes. "He was coming onto me, and I told him that I don't plan on leaving you any time soon....and he said something." I said quietly. Edward nodded for me to continue and ran a hand through my hair. "He told me that we might not even get married....and that I should keep my options open." I whispered.

Edward's hand stopped on my hair and he brought it up to pinch the bridge of his nose. He let out a frustrated sigh, and looked at me again.

"Do you believe him?" he asked me. I bit my lip and didn't answer right away. He sighed and his face took on a pain expression. He held me by the waist and shifted me so he could sit up. I watched him as he sat down on the edge of the bed again and put his head in his hands.

"I love you Bella." he began quietly. "and yes, in the future, I think we will get married. But I don't want you to doubt that just because of what James or someone else has said. Just yesterday you told me the same thing." he argued. His back was still facing me. I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

" I love you too Edward. And I'm sorry...and yes, in the future, I will say yes. No doubt about that." I teased. Edward laughed and turned to me.

"So, hypothetically speaking, we're engaged." he said with a crooked grin. I laughed and kissed him chastely.

"Hypothetically." I said with a smile. He smiled back and hugged me tightly, as we fell back to the bed.

"So what are we doing for your birthday?" he asked. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Nothing." I said sternly. Edward pursed his lips and nodded. But you could see a plan forming behind those emerald orbs.

"Edward..." I sighed. "Let's just focus on getting home, then we'll talk, okay?" I asked. He sighed and nodded.


"Bella, it's already September, and the fall clothing is out! We have to go shopping!" Alice squealed.

Everything since the commercial in California had been going smoothly, and it was now September 5th from which Alice dubbed this fall clothing shopping.

Everything between Edward and I has been going perfectly. We got over the miscomunication of marriage, and his parents were coming to my apartment for Thanksgiving. They were excited to meet me, Rosalie, and Alice. Even though Esme and Carlisle weren't Jasper and Emmett's parents, they still treated them like their own.

Alice, Rosalie, and I all got ready for our shopping trip, but I was especially hesistant.

The day James and I talked at the shoot, I was sure I saw a photographer run off when James let go. But I have yet to see the pictures. Everytime I'm out with Edward, there's at least 5 photographers around.

Not once have they asked anything about James.

But I'm just waiting for the day those pictures come out, and all hell breaking loose.

"Come on Bella!" Rosalie called from the front door. I sighed and grabbed my purse before running out of the apartment with them. Rosalie and Alice smiled and we walked side by side to the elevator, then to the lobby as well.

We got about 10 feet from the apartment, when a bunch of photographers surrounded us.

"Isabella! What are you relations to James Wilcox?" a man with a video camera asked.

I internally groaned, knowing this was coming, but kept a polite smile on my face.

"I met him at the airport, we're friends." I explained before grabbing Alice and Rosalie and pulling them along with me, ignoring the rest of the shouts. When we were far away from them, I sunk down to the ground with a brick building behind me.

"Who's James?" Alice asked while sitting next to me.

"He's the guy that lost the Oscar to Edward, and the little creeper who feels the need to come onto me whenever I see him." I told her truthfully, she nodded thoughtfully, and Rosalie scoffed.

"James Wilcox?" she asked. I nodded. "I know that guy. He did a little part on broadway, and he's the biggest man whore in history." she said fiercely. I laughed and got off the ground and continued to walk with them to the mall.

"What do you think Edward will say?" I asked them. Rosalie laughed and I turned to her with my eyebrows raised.

"He'll probably feel the need to be around you 24/7 since some other man is interested. He can't go around losing his women now can he?" she joked with a smile. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I'm just glad that James hasn't been able to contact me." I muttered. They nodded in response, and we finally made it to where Alice had walked us to.

I looked up at the name Mar Ice Ran and stared at it confused. That's Alice tag on her clothing...that can't be....ALICE!

"Alice!" I squealed and hugged her tightly. She squealed and hugged me as well. Rosalie finally caught on and hugged her as well.

"I did it! I finally got my own clothing boutique in New York!" she squealed, her eyes welling up with tears. I smiled and hugged her again.

"Well come on in, I have a surprise for the both of you." she said with a sneaky grin, and led us inside to her store.

The inside had light colored hardwood floor, white walls. and clothes hung up on racks everywhere. Fitting rooms were in the back, and there was a red haired women sitting behind the counter.

"That's Nancy Cope, she's my employee." Alice whispered to us with pride. We smiled at Nancy and kept walking with Alice. She led us into the backroom and pulled out two racks of clothes.

"Look at the signs." she said, flipping them over.

The Swan Collection and Hale! Yes! showed up. Rosalie and I both squealed and hugged Alice for the tenth time today.

"Alice! I can't believe you named a collection after us! You are the best." Rosalie said. I nodded along and smiled hugely at Alice.

"Not only is a collection named after you, it's a collection for you." she said. Rosalie and I shared a look, then ran over to our racks.

My rack was full of clothes that fit my skin and hair color, and all the clothes were things that I would deffinately wear.

I pulled out a pair of Chuck Taylors with a white swan on them and turned to Alice.

"Alice....can I keep these?" I asked. She laughed and nodded. I was about to squeal and hug her again, when my cellphone rang.


I flipped it open and smiled before greeting him with, "Hello?"

"Why am I getting pity looks from everyone on the street, saying "I'm sorry you lost Bella to James?" he asked.

A/N: I swear, all will be explained in the next chapter. This is a little twist, but it's not ruining everything. James is not showing up again! I promise, but I had to put him in here a little bit again.

Review please, I think it would be awesome if we got to 950, but that's just a dream.

Love ~ Annaleigh

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Chapter: 33

A/N: Hey guys this is dreamer1901 with a dreaded author's note.

I'm having my friend type this for me by the way. I broke my right index finger, and it hurts to type. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I just can't type right now. My next real update will be when my finger doesn't hurt and I can actually press on the keys.

But here's the funny story on how I broke it.

I'm choreographing a dance to "Nicest Kids In Town" for a group of kids at my school, and I was dancing in my room. On tje part where everyone screams 'yeah!' I jumped up like we always do, but I had a minor setback.

My hand hit the fan, and I jammed/cracked my finger/bone. I'm just glad no one was there to witness my miment if stupidity,

Sorry once again, I'll be back as soon as possible.

Love ~ Annaleigh

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Chapter: 34

A/N: Yes, the epic story of my broken finger was hilarious. I realized that after I had my friend type that. But at the time, I was focusing on not getting 'blood' on my dress, only to find out that I wasn't even bleeding. Leave it to me to care about my outfit =]

I have just found my new favorite song! It's called 'The Trapeze Swinger' by Iron&Wine. Check it out.

Disclaimer: I still don't own Twilight

"W-what?" I stuttered into the phone. Rosalie and Alice were giving me strange looks. I held up one finger, and walked farther back into the room and sat on a pink couch.

"What are you talking about?" I asked Edward again. I heard him sigh on the other end, I could just picture him running his hands through his hair.

"I was just walking to my apartment from Starbucks this afternoon, and a bunch of reporters started saying "Are you sad about losing Bella to James?" then everyone else on the street heard them yelling, and random people came up to me and patted my shoulder and gave me a pity look." he said quickly. I smiled slightly at the thought of random people saying sorry to Edward. I accidentally let a giggle loose.

"Bella!" Edward gasped. "This is not funny!" he said into the phone, but you could hear his amusement.

"I'm sorry Edward." I finally said, but I was still smiling. "Have you seen the pictures yet?" I asked. He sighed again.

"Yes, James was all over you! Why didn't you tell me?" he asked quietly. It was my turn to sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"I don't always need to be saved, I got him to stop, didn't I?" I asked softly, my hand paused in midway through my hair.

"James needs to be put in his place." Edward hissed, his anger evident even though I couldn't see his face. I finished the course of hand through hair, and rested my elbows on my knees.

"And how do you plan on doing that? He's still in California, and I don't plan on inviting him here." I informed him. The other side of the line was quiet for a second, before I could practically hear Edward smile like a devil.

"I have a plan." Edward said. Last time he said that I started fake dating him, and got myself into a load of trouble.

What can he be planning now?


"Edward, this is not going to work, and it's just plain stupid." I hissed to him as we drove to the most populated place of New York.

He just laughed and just shook his head. I narrowed my eyes and turned away from him.

"This is going to work, I just know it." he assured me confidently. I shook my head and stared out the front windshield and crossed my arms over my chest. Edward laughed at my response, but held my hand until we pulled up to our destination.

Let me rephrase that, my destination.

I kissed Edward chastely on the lips, but he pulled me in longer then I thought was possible.

We both pulled back breathless. I quirked an eyebrow at his behavior and he shrugged.

"In case you don't make it out alive." he said with a grin. I smacked him on the chest then quickly got out of the car with him yelling something like "That's not a nice way to treat the guy who just kissed you!"

I shook my head and walked until I was at the destination Edward told me to go to.

He was right. This place was flooded with paparazzi, and a couple of them noticed me and tried to sneak in some pictures.

"Excuse me." a voice said from my left. Two teenage girls with a pad of paper and pens smiled up at me.

"Can we have your autograph?" they asked. I blushed at their forwardness but held my hand out anyway.

I signed two autographs with 'Dream it, believe it. Peace, Bella Swan.'

I know, sounds super cheesy, but it's all I could come up with. I crossed my arms and leaned against the side of the building. I looked at my watch and sighed. "Edward, where are you?" I muttered to myself.

"Bella!" someone yelled. Me and the photographers turned to our rights to see who it was.

Edward, my own personal savior, right on time. I smiled, and put on my acting face. My eyes went wide and I ran to him, throwing my arms around him. I spilled out the best tears as possible and sobbed into his shoulder. Edward soothed me by running a hand through my hair.

The cameras were going crazy.

I smiled into his shoulder, and pulled back.

"Edward! I'm so sorry! There is absolutely nothing going on between James and I. I love you and only you." I managed to say between my shaking sobs. I also remembered to say all of this loud enough for the paparazzi to hear. "James means nothing to me. You don't know how much I love you Edward." I continued.

Edward looked at me with a shocked expression, but kept up his part of the deal. "Are you sure I'm what you want?" he asked. I nodded furiously.

"You're all I ever want." I said in a love struck voice. Edward smiled and cupped my face in his hands.

"I love you, Isabella Swan." he announced. I smiled and kissed his nose.

"I love you, Edward Cullen." Edward smiled and leaned in to kiss me. It was sweet, and romantic, but still all for show.

We pulled apart and were greeted by a flood of cat calls and applause. Edward took my hand and smiled at me.

"Let's go home." he whispered.


"That was freaking genius!" Emmett yelled after watching our debu on the t.v. It was all over the place! The television, the Internet, the newspapers...everywhere!

Everyone was now calling James a girlfriend stealer, and Edward was the hero. And I was just the girl in the whole mess.

I laughed with everyone and patted Edward on the chest.

"Bella was amazing. I didn't know you could act like that." he commented while smiling down at me. I just smiled and shrugged.

"I didn't know I could either." I said with a laugh. I was interrupted when a familiar song came on the television.

'In The City' by Kevin Rudolph played, and I smiled at what was coming next.

Edward came walking down the street. A beat up leather jacket on, and his favorite pair of sunglasses. He walked past a group of scantily dressed girls, and shook his head while they oggled him. He kept walking till he came to a black motorcycle. He hopped on it, no helmet, and kick started it, before taking off.

The camera zoomed in on a label on his butt : Levis

I clapped and whistled for it as the commercial his his face in shame. Even though this commercial gave him all the publicity he need, he hated it. Though one thing was right, Demetri can make a pretty damn good commercial.


"Wake up." a soft velvet voice whispered in my ear. I groaned and shook my head, burying it in my soft pillow even more. "Bella, get up." Edward called again, shaking me lightly this time.

"My name is Rip Van Winkle, I'm supposed to sleep for 20 years. And you aren't helping." I growled out, turning my head over to glare at him.

Edward was smiling like a little kid on Christmas. He was sitting at the head of the bed with his legs crossed Indian style. And in his hand was a cupcake.

"Happy Birthday, I love you." he said sweetly. I looked from the cupcake, up to his green eyes and smiled.

"Only you Edward. Only you would wake up his girlfriend on her birthday, holding a cupcake." I said while sitting up next to him. He laughed and handed me the cupcake.

I licked off the frosting and 'mmmmed' at the taste. I looked up at Edward and smiled.

"Did you know that you're amazing?" I asked him while licking off more of the chocolate frosting. He smiled and shrugged.

"Thank you, but it's your birthday, you should be the one getting compliments." he reminded me. I rolled my eyes and bit off part of the cupcake.

"So what are we doing to day?" I asked after I finished the cupcake. Edward smiled like a devil, and I was beginning to get scared.

"I'm taking you out, but it's a surprise." he explained. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I hate surprises." I reminded. He just laughed and took my hand so we could get off the bed. He put his hands on either side of my face when we got to the bedroom door.

"Just, get dressed, and make sure you're comfortable." he whispered. I nodded and kissed him on the lips before turning around and figuring out what to wear.

I dressed in my favorite pair of faded jeans, a plain t-shirt, and my Nike's. I pulled my curly hair up into a pony tail, and opened the door and walked to where Edward was sitting in the living room. He was talking on his cell phone, and I couldn't help but overhear a few words.

"Yes of course....I'll make sure of that.....alright, see you later, goodbye." he said quickly when he heard me come in. I looked at him curiously, but he didn't say anything, so I let it go.

He grabbed my hand and pulled us out of the apartment door. I waved to Alice, Rose, Em and Jazz as they all yelled "Happy Birthday" while we left. I waved them off and followed Edward out the door and to the lobby. We made it outside and to his car.

He turned around and held out a blindfold to me. He pleaded me with his emerald eyes, and I narrowed mine.

"No." I argued. He just sighed and walked closer to me with the blindfold. "No!" I yelled this time, stepping away from him. My back eventually hit the car and I closed my eyes in defeat.

"Don't be difficult, love." Edward whispered while tying the blindfold over me. I huffed and pouted until he was finished. I couldn't see a thing!

"Are you trying to kill me?!" I whined, my hands searching for Edward. I found the collar of his white button down shirt, and pulled him flush against me. I heard his hands slap against the car above my head as he leaned towards me.

Pulling him against me was a bad idea.

Now he has the upper hand.

I could feel his warm breath on my mouth as he shifted closer slightly. My hands left his collar and traveled their way down to his torso. I gripped the sides of his shirt, and growled slightly.

"You're going to pay for blindfolding me." I whispered. Edward laughed, and the sound sent chills through me.

"You'll thank me later." he said, his voice slightly deeper then what was normal. I gulped and let my hands go up to his chest.

"Although, this blindfold does have it's advantages, I wish I could see you....but hearing you will be enough I supposed." I said sneakily. I could practically hear Edward's confusion.

"What do you - " he started, but I cut him off by pulling him against me again and searching for his lips. He laughed and finally collided our mouths together. I smiled underneath his lips, and swung my arms around his neck. His head tilted to one side, and mine to the other, deepening this blindfolded kiss. I felt an evil plan forming in my head, and I let my tongue slip through my lips, and onto his.

My answer to this: Edward's open mouth and a soft, but still audible, sexy moan.

I did a little victory dance inside my head, and let him dominate our tongue wrestle.

His tongue moved from his mouth, to my lips and brushed against the tops of my teeth, before he finally pulled back. If this stupid blindfold wasn't on my face, I bet I would be able to see his victorious smile.

"See..." I started out breathlessly. "I got to hear you." I said victoriously.

Edward laughed. "Ha ha, now get in the car." he demanded. I huffed and he helped me get into the seat without breaking my neck. I heard him get in on his side, then start the car.

I started whistling the beginning to Five Years Time by Noah and the Whale, and then Edward started tapping along a little beat. I smiled as he started the beginning of the singing, me adding in the girl parts on 'Sun sun sun.'

We finally came to a stop, wherever Edward decided to go, and I heard him sigh.

"Promise you won't kill me." he begged. I just narrowed my eyes underneath my blindfold, even though he couldn't see me.

I heard the car door open, then Edward's hand on my shoulder. I grabbed the hand and stood up and out of the car. He put a hand around my waist and said things like "Watch your step" while we walked towards our destination.

"We're here." he whispered in my ear. I felt the blindfold begin to get untied and then it fell off totally. I opened my eyes, and felt the need to cry, laugh, and scream at the same time.

"Mom!" I yelled. Renee and Phil were standing in the middle of central park, with Alice, Jazz, Rose, and Emmett all around them. Charlie waved at me as well.

I ran towards my mom and hugged her tightly.

"Bella, it's so great to see you!" she said while lightly jumping up and down while hugging me. I pulled back and smiled at her.

"I can't believe you're here! I've been meaning to call you so you could come down here and meet everyone but it's just been so busy." I said softly while staring at my mother. She smiled her beautiful smile and laughed.

"Well Edward beat you to the punch." she said, putting an arm around Edward standing next to her. "You've got yourself one hell of a catch here Bells." she stated while winking at me. Edward laughed and squeezed her tightly then let go to give me a hug.

"Do you like it?" he asked in a worried tone. I looked around him at all my friends and family together, the streamers strung high from the trees, and the onlookers smiling at all of us. I looked back to Edward and kissed him.

"It's perfect." I whispered. He smiled and turned us back to our friends. We walked over to the table and we all sat down, me at the head with everyone smiling brightly at me.

"For our first round of dinner, we have....Kentucky Fried Chicken!" Emmett announced, trying to sound like a British waiter. We laughed and started eating and talking in between.

"You never did tell me how you got my parents and Charlie here." I whispered to Edward on my left. Charlie was in the midst of asking Emmett and Carlisle about their work, Phil and Jasper talked about baseball, while my mother and the girls conversed about the latest fashions.

"I just called them up. They were actually excited and willing to come." he whispered back with a smile. I touched his cheek with my non-greasy hand and smiled at him.

"Did you know that you're amazing?" I asked.

"I feel like you ask that question too much." he said with a laugh. I just shrugged and told him that he was amazing.

"Time for the cake!" Alice said with a clap of her hands. "Now I know you don't like cake, Bella, So Edward and I got something else." she said in a sneaky voice. I eyed her curiously while she fumbled around in a bag.

She then proceeded to pull out Klondike bars and pass them all around the table. I laughed at her choice, they were my favorite.

But the sad part was, they practically made mine go to pieces trying to put a candle in it. Finally, we just got Edward to hold the 18 candle up while I blew it out.

We ate our Klondike bars in happiness, and they all told me that they would give out their presents separately.

Alice and Rosalie gave me a brand new purse that is so adorable! Jasper got me a Jimmy Eat World CD that I didn't have, and Emmett just had to get me socks....with his face on them. They also said, 'I love Emmy Bear' on them as well. My mother and Phil got me a necklace and my mother made me take a walk with her as well while the rest of the group played volleyball. (which I suck at.)

"Edward's a nice man." she commented while we walked slowly on a little trail. I looked back and saw Charlie and Edward talking, but Renee quickly pulled me along. "I'm sorry that I doubted him." she continued.

"It's okay mom. It's the whole celebrity stereotype going on. It's in everyone's heads." I told her. She squeezed my hand and kept walking.

"Have you met his parents yet?" she asked. I shook my head.

"No, but they're coming for Thanksgiving." I informed her. She laughed and pointed a finger at me.

"You make sure to use Grandma Swan's recipe for the turkey. And you're coming down for Christmas." she chided. I nodded and bit my lip.

"So you really think Edward's a good guy?" I asked. She stopped walking and put her hands on my shoulders.

"I'm pretty sure he'd do anything for you. Charlie told me about what happened with the funeral, and how he was there for you. That's what you need in someone Bella. Someone who loves you through good times and bad, even if you're acting crazy." she said softly. I smiled and thanked her as we started walking back.

Edward was positively glowing as he saw me come back. He immediately took me in his arms and kissed me hard.

"Do you know how much I love you?" he asked seriously after we pulled back. I looked up into his green eyes, hard with determination.

"Must be a whole bunch." I whispered. He chuckled and kissed me softly.

Best birthday ever.


"Alice! Get the turkey out of the oven now!" I yelled as I ran around my tiny apartment kitchen. Alice hopped up and sprinted to the oven, and pulled out the most beautiful Thanksgiving turkey ever seen.

Thank you Grandma Swan.

She set it down and took a whiff.

"Do we have to wait till Esme and Carlisle get here? Why can't we just eat it now?" Alice whined. I laughed at her and finished stirring the stuffing.

"Alice, I have to make a good impression on the Cullens. They can't hate me." I reminded her. She huffed and sat down with her head in her hands. "You know, they're practically Jasper parents too, you should we worried too."

Alice just scoffed. "Like anyone could hate me." she dismissed it with a wave of her hand while standing up and walking to her room. I hated myself for saying this, but she's right. No one can hate Alice. I put the stuffing in a nice dinner bowl, and got out the sweet potato crunch. My mouth was already watering at the sight of it.

My favorite. Yum.

I set it on the table, along with the turkey and stuffing. I put out the basket of bread rolls, and set the rest of the table. I looked around and made sure I wasn't missing anything.


Sweet potato crunch...check.







Cranberry Sauce....


You can't have Thanksgiving without cranberry sauce! And Edward told me that it was his parents favorite. I bit my lip and ran out to the living room where Rosalie was.

"I have to run to the store,be back soon." I said quickly before grabbing a purse and jacket and running out the apartment door.

I ran out the lobby and to the street corner store. I went straight to the aisle that would surely have cranberry sauce, and found one lone can sitting on the shelf.

I let out a breath of relief and went to pick it up.

But another hand grabbed it first. A good looking blond man and his wife smiled at me.

I bit my lip and smiled at them. "I was wondering, could you please let me have that?" I asked them. They looked at me and then at themselves.

"And what's in it for us?" the blond man asked, obviously joking. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Anything." I told them with a shrug. They debated for a second, then handed me the can.

"If we give you this, then you have to help us find this apartment." the woman said sweetly while handing me an address.

I looked at it confused, it was my address.

I sneaked a peak at them, and narrowed my eyes. "You two aren't crazy stalkers are you?" I asked them suspiciously. They laughed and it sounded like an experienced cymphony.

The two people in front of me were very beautiful people. The man a practicaly movie star. What with his light blue eyes, perfectly blond hair, and glowing skin. And the woman with her caramel waves of hair, and emerald green eyes that

"Carlise? Esme?" I asked the couple. They laughed and nodded while I tried to hide my face in embarrassment.


"So let me get this straight." Emmett began after we finished our Thanksgiving dinner.

After my embarrassing act of rudeness when asking Edward's parents if they were stalking me, we paid for the cranberry sauce, and walked to my apartment together. Esme and I bonded immediately when Carlisle insisted in paying for the sauce, and I told her Edward was the exact same way.

Like father like son.

We made it to my apartment, and the boys arrived shortly after.

"You bumped into them at the supermarket, stole their cranberry sauce, and then proceeded to take them to your apartment, after you found out they were your boyfriend's parents?" Emmett asked. I nodded sheepishly while Edward and his parents laughed.

"That's right, laugh at the photographer." I muttered, which made Esme perk up.

"I forgot to mention Bella, I saw your photographs of Edward in Max and I found them amazing. You really know what you're doing." she commented. I thanked her for the compliment, but she kept going. "I was wondering if you could take some other photographs of you and your friends, and then send them my way. Our house needs some new artwork."

"I would love to Esme, thank you for the offer." I said with a smile. Edward squeezed my hand underneath the table and didn't let it go afterwards.

"So, how did you two meet?" Rosalie asked while sipping her iced tea. Esme took on a love struck face, and Edward groaned.

"Not this story again." he muttered. I elbowed him in the ribs and nodded for Esme to continue.

"I was working at a McDonalds at the time, and I was only 18, when this man," she said with a smile, nudging Carlise with her shoulder. "walked in. It was 10 at night, and he was...slightly tipsy." she commented with her eyebrows raised. Alice giggled and Carlise shook his head.

"He stared at me for a second, then leaned forward on the counter. His breath reeked of whiskey, but I looked past that and saw the bright blue eyes framed with golden lashes." she said while looking at Carlilse. "He looked at me and said, 'I think we should got on a date.' At first, I was thinking that I would never go out with him, so I told him that."

Edward shook his head, and ran a hand through his hair. I placed a hand on his knee, and he calmed down immediately.

"He laughed and proceeded to stand up on a table sing 'Foxey Lady' by Jimmi Hendrix, as loud as he could. Air guitar and everything." she continued. Emmett was cracking up and Rosalie was trying to hide it behind her hand. Esme laughed with them before continuing her story. "The only way I got him to shut up was to say yes. The next day, when I arrived for our date, he was sober, and smiling like an idiot. I was surprised he had remembered. We've been together ever since." she finished.

Carlisle kissed her on the lips and Edward made a gagging noise.

"Oh shut up Edward." I scolded. He just wrinkled his nose and shook his head. What a baby...but he's my baby.

"Well that concludes my story telling for the night, now tell me Rosalie, how did you get Emmett to finally stop acting so immature?" Esme teased. Rosalie sighed and shook her head.

"He stopped? I never noticed." she said, which got a laugh out of everyone. But Rosalie quickly resolved it by kissing him on the cheek, making him smile like a little boy on Christmas....

Christmas...I almost forgot about that.

A/N: It feels so nice to be updating again! I hate taking breaks, and annoying little fingers don't make it any better.

I liked this chapter a ton. It was fun to write, and moved things along to where they needed to be. Like one of my reviewers mentioned, I'm grabbing my slipping plot by the **** and making it better.


I don't know if I can update as much as I used to. My summer is booked, but I will try to write whenever I have time.



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Chapter: 35

A/N: I hope ya'll like this chapter.

By the way, I was surprised no one caught something in the last chapter. It happened while Bella and Renee took a walk....ya, that's what I thought. Realize it now!

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Twilight, just this storyline.

Edward's POV

(After Bella's birthday party)

I dropped Bella off at her apartment, kissed her passionately, and told her how much I loved her, and it still didn't feel like I said it enough.

I made my way through the streets of New York and finally came to my apartment.

When I got upstairs and to my room, I laid back on my bed and ran my hands through my hair.

Today had gone better then I had originally planned.

Bella's birthday had been perfect, and she loved every minute of it.

But what I remember the most was when Charlie took me aside while Bella and her mother went for a walk.

"I'm just going to get down to it son, what are your intentions with my daughter?"

I had been fearing this. The last time I had seen Charlie, it wasn't appropriate to have this conversation. What with the funeral and all.

But we were having it now, and I had to make a good impression.

"My intentions with your daughter are to protect her, and make sure she knows how much I love her." I said truthfully. Charlie nodded and ran a hand through his short black hair.

"She's my little girl, Edward. And I am the proud owner of a gun. Don't. Mess. This. Up." he said sternly, pointing a finger at me. I gulped and nodded. Charlie nodded with a smug smile, and crossed his arms over his chest.

It was silent for a moment before he spoke up again. "Marriage?" he asked the one word.

I bit the inside of my cheek and thought about it.

Of course I would want to marry Bella someday. She's the one for me, and I love her so much. To not marry her and let her live a life with another man would break me.

"I'm sure that Bella and I will get married one day. She's the one for me. Everything about her makes me love her more, and I can't live without her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her." I informed him. Charlie smiled and reached into his pocket for something.

"This was her grandmothers. She wanted it to be Bella's someday." he said, handing me the black velvet box. I looked at the little box in my hand, then back up to Charlie and nodded.

This was my breaking point. This is where I knew that Bella Swan would someday be Bella Cullen.

There was no doubt about it.

Which is why I am laying here on my bed, a beautiful engagement ring in my hand.

And no idea how, when, or where to give it to the girl of my dreams.

A/N: Sorry it was short.

Throw me some ideas for their proposal! It won't be the next chapter though, sorry. It will be in the future.

Next chapter will be up pretty soon, it's halfway written =]

Love ~ Annaleigh.

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Chapter: 36

A/N: Hey everyone! I don't really have too much to say about this chapter. It's just like all the other ones when it comes to the writing process. Hope you like it!

Thanks for the reviews and help for the proposal. Bella and Edward's proposal will not be happening for a while, but I write chapters in advance sometimes.

This chapter goes out to MyGoldenEyedBoy. I'm taking your proposal idea, changing it up a bit, and using it for another lucky couple.

WE GOT OVER 1,000 Reviews! We did it you guys, and I owe it all to you. Thank you so much!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight....not one bit =(

"No Jack! He was so young!" Emmett cried into my shoulder. I patted him awkwardly as he sobbed over the tragic death of Jack in Titanic.

It was just me and Emmett, my teddy bear of a brother from another mother, since Alice and Rosalie went Christmas shopping. Which I don't understand, it's only the first day of December. Way more then enough time.

"It's alright Emmett, it's just a movie." I cooed while rubbing his back. He looked up at me with tear filled eyes.

"Just a movie? How can you say such a thing? YOUR UNAMERICAN!" he cried before burrying his head in a pillow. I looked around at the boys apartment and was secretly wishing that Jasper and Edward were here.

But no! They were out doing interviews and movie script checks since Edward decided it was time to be in another movie.

He had 3 offers at the moment.

Black Roses which was about a woman in the midst of a love triangle. Edward would be playing a guy named Derek, and he would lose the girl in the end.

The Shadowy Woman was the one that I think he should actually sign onto doing.

Edward would be playing a man in his early 20's with a dark past. His name was Charles Wilson, and he was a piano player at a blues bar. Julie Ford is a sultry piano pimp stress with a perfect endearing, sexy voice and auditions for the part of singer. Sean Williams is her beau, but Charlies is trying to win her over.

I would watch it.

The last one is a comedy.

Edward would be playing a guy named Bill. He works at an amusement park and is just trying to get through life while dealing with college and his crazy boss. It was called A Day in the LIfe...

"Come on Emmett, I'll make root beer floats." I whispered. He shot up and wiped his tears away.

"Promise you won't tell Rosie. She wouldn't want to marry me if she knew I was a baby and cried over Titanic. I was mostly joking anyway." he said.

I was about to just laugh it off, but something he said finally sunk it.

"Marry?" I asked him in a shocked and accusing tone. Emmett's cheeks went pink and he stood up abruptly.

"So how about those rootbeer floats." he asked while rubbing his hands together and quickly walking to the kitchen. I smiled and followed him in while standing on my toes.

"You like Rosalie!" I sang while prancing through the boys' kitchen. Emmett rolled his eyes and got out the ice cream and rootbeer.

"Of course I do, we are together." he said in a 'duh' tone. I rolled my eyes and sat down on a stool.

"But you want to marry her. That's way more than just like. It's love." I said in a breathy, awestruck voice. Emmett rolled his eyes and continued to make the rootbeer floats.

"I love her." he whispered. I awwed and he glared at me. "But I'm not supposed to be prissy." he reminded me. I raised my hands in surrender and raised my eyebrows.

"But you have to be prissy in order to propose to her in the sweetest way possible." I informed him. He finished the floats and slid one to me.

"True. Which means that I have no idea how to do it." he said before gulping down half of his while I sipped daintily on mine.

"Hmmm...Well Rosalie loves attention, so shower her with it for a day." I said with a shrug of my shoulders like it was nonchalant thing.

Emmett debated for a second, then shook his head.

"It has to be something more then that." he said while tapping a finger to his chin. He lit up and snapped his fingers.

"I've got just the plan." he said before finishing his rootbeer float and grabbing his cell phone.

"Now if you excuse me, I have a couple of important phonecalls to make." he said, then running to his room before I could ask how he was going to propose.

I slumped on my stool and took out my own cellphone, scanning through the contacts till I found the right one.

I didn't press send, I didn't dial their number, I just stared at the name.

Grandma Swan.

I sighed and went to sit on the couch, the phone still in my hand.

"Hey Grandma, I'm sorry that I haven't talked to you in a while." I began in a whisper. I bit the inside of my cheek and continued. "Life's great, but I wish you were here. Edward and I are going smoothly. Emmett is thinking about proposing to Rosalie, and Alice and Jasper are more in love then ever. My birthday was amazing. Edward planned a surprise party, and even got Charlie, Renee and Phil to come. But there was someone missing. Life isn't the same without you here. I have no one to talk to. You always knew the right things to say, even if it was blunt, you knew I need to hear it. I miss you." I concluded, snapping the phone shut and laying down on the couch.

"Talk to you later Grandma."


"Bella, wake up, love." I heard a velvet voice whisper in my ear. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, and rolled the other way.

"5 more minutes." I grumbled. The voice chuckled, and pulled me up so I was sitting in their lap.

"Bella, someone destroyed your camera." the voice said. I immediately shot off their lap and whirled around.

"What?!" I yelped.

Edward was laughing his butt of on the couch, his hands clutching his sides.

"That was not funny mister." I scolded before sitting on the couch next to him. He grabbed me by the hips and pulled me onto his lap.

"I'm just getting you back for the time you did that to me in California, about the Volvo." he reminded me. I rolled my eyes and relaxed more into his lap.

I grabbed the remote control and flipped on the television, it was already on a gossip channel.

"Are Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan tying the knot? Speculations say that Cullen has the ring, but there have been no signs of a proposal. Is it a ruse? Or the real thing?"

I burst out laughing at this accusation. They were totally confusing Edward and I for Em and Rose. I turned to Edward and saw that he looked rather sad.

"Edward, what's wrong?" I asked. He snapped out of it and smiled fakely at me.

"Nothing love, just thinking....about...about the auditions today." he said monotone. I slid off his lap and sat next to him, this conversation perking my interests.

" was it?" I asked him. He shrugged and I hit his shoulder.

"You have to give me more then that! Which one do you want to do?" I asked excitedly. Edward laugh and took my hand in his.

"I'm considering The Shadowy Woman. It sounds the most intriguing. I can already play the piano, and if I portray it right, I could possibly win an Oscar for this. But there's a little bit of a catch." he said, his voice holding a far away desire. I smiled at him and scooted closer.

I opened my mouth to say something, when the apartment door flew open.

"Isabella Marie Swan! How come I am just now hearing about this secret engagement between you and Mr. Greek God?" a very upset pixie said while marching into the living room, her hands on her hips. I bit my lip and looked to Edward, but he had his elbows on his knees, and his head in his hands.

Something is up with him.

But I had to deal with Alice.

"Come on Alice, don't believe what all the paps say. It's not true. We aren't engaged." I explained. She visibly calmed down, and ran off calling out Jasper's name.

I laughed and looked back to Edward. He had shifted so his head was leaning against the back of his couch, eyes closed, hand running through his hair repeatedly.

I scooted over to him and replaced his hand with mine. He sighed in satisfaction at the feeling as I ran my hands through his hair.

"Something's wrong Edward. Please don't keep secrets from me." I whispered. Edward sighed again, but didn't open his eyes.

"I want to be in The Shadowy Woman so bad Bella." he said quietly. I bit my lip and waited for him to continue. "But there's a huge catch. And it involves both you and I." he continued.

I gulped and kept running my hands through his hair. Edward opened his eyes and grabbed my wrists. He laid back so I was resting with our chests together.

Edward took a deep breath, and closed his eyes again.

"They want me to go to California for 8 months."





8 months without Edward? I barely lasted 3 weeks! He has to do another movie, no matter how much he wants to do this one, he can't leave me here, across the country while he's in California filming a stinking movie for 8 months. Would Romeo leave Juliet? Would that guy in Twilight leave his human girlfriend. Wait...he already did that in the second book..... Would Zac leave Vanessa?

Ugh, this doesn't make any sense. I should let him go since this is something he really wants, but I don't want to lose him. And their could be someone else, someone better in California. And what about the woman playing Julie Ford in the film? She has a love interest with Edward's character? What if it's not just on screen romance?

"No." I managed to whisper. Edward looked at me, his face breaking into a mask of pain.

"I know Bella, I know." he whispered, rubbing soothing circles on my back and slightly rocking up back and forth.

I could feel the tears welling up at just the thought of Edward leaving.

"Bella, this is why I have to ask you an important question. I know you might say no, but I just need to get it out there...." he began quietly, pulling back so he could look me in the eyes.

Ask me to move with you. Just ask me.

"Bella, will you come to California with me?" he asked. I looked up to him and could feel my face break out into a huge grin.

"Yes!" I squealed, throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him while giggling uncontrollably. Edward laughed and kissed my cheeks repeatedly.

"I thought you were going to say no!" he said, sighing in relief. I laughed and ran my hands through his hair.

"I thought you weren't going to ask me." I said with a smile, and laughing at my insecurities.

We both settled down and just laid there on the couch, enjoying each other's company without talking.

"Bella, do you know about Jasper's father?" he asked. I looked at him in confusion and shook my head. Edward sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "He's sick, Bella. Really sick." he whispered.

We had never talked about Jasper's parents. I knew that his mom was a beautiful lady, from a picture of her. But we've never discussed his father.

"What kind of sick?" I asked him cautiously.

"MS. It takes over the body and nervous system. Not as quickly as ALS but still. It's a painful disease...that's fatal." he informed me. I immediately felt a wave of pity for Jasper and his family, and laid my head against Edward's chest.

"Poor Jasper, that must be really hard on him." I whispered. Edward nodded and rubbed my back.

"He's getting worse...his father." he explained. "He doesn't have much longer Bells." he said quietly.

I shut my eyes tight and willed the tears to go away.

"Let's not talk about this, it's the month of Christmas, the happiest time of year, and we have to decide what we're doing for it." I reminded him quickly, trying to get onto a happier subject. Edward nodded sadly, but smiled and sat up.

"I have an idea for what should happen this Christmas." he said quietly. I looked at him expectantly.

"Let's go to Antarctica and spend it with the penguins, they must be lonely." he said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Penguins, lovely." I muttered. Edward chuckled and put an arm over my shoulders.

"Though seriously, we should just spend it here, with Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and the big bear we call Emmett." he said. I debated it for a second.

My parents would probably understand. Renee and Phil always had a big Christmas party, and Charlie would probably go over to Billy's.

I nodded at Edward, and he smiled.

"Now to find the perfect Christmas present for my beautiful girlfriend." he said.

... ... ...


"Bella! I have the perfect idea for Rosalie's proposal!" Emmett yelled as he barged into my apartment. Alice perked up, and Emmett immediately shrank away.

"You're proposing! And you didn't tell me!" she shrieked, then began hitting Emmett all over with her tiny little hands. Emmett started shouting and trying to make her stop.

"Serves you right...not telling the fashion designer he's proposing. I have to start making her wedding dress." Alice muttered while running into her room. Emmett and I shared a look, then shook her heads.

"Okay Bella, I need your help. Rosalie's birthday is tomorrow, and I have a big surprise for her." he explained. It peaked my interest, and I immediately clued in. "I want you to take photographs of me and her Bella. We could get Alice to dress us, and possibly to Rose's hair and makeup, everything! The whole shabam to make it look official." he finished.

I eyed him curiously, since he still wasn't telling me anything about the proposal. But I agreed to take the pictures, and after some begging, we got Alice in on it as well.

Which is why I am here, at an empty warehouse with lights, a white sheet as background. Rosalie is in the back getting fixed up by Alice, still having no idea what this is all for.

She finally came out and I gasped.

Rosalie was wearing a wedding gown, that made her look like Cinderella. Her hair was curled, and let down with an intricate braid wound around it. Her eyes were done in simple gold tones, her makeup making her look flawless.

"Rosalie!" I squealed, running over to her and giving her a hug. She laughed and jumped up and down slightly, ignoring Alice's yelling of "Watch the hair!"

We finally pulled away, and she smoothed out her dress.

"This is the best birthday present ever! Thank you so much Bella!" she squealed. That's right, she still thought this was a birthday present from me, she had no idea that this was all Emmett. I was slightly pissed with that man at the moment.

He still hasn't told me how he's going to propose to her! All I know is that I'm taking pictures of her right now.

Rosalie walked over to the white sheet and began posing like I directed her to. My camera was snapping wildly as I caught her gorgeous smile over and over.

I directed her into a pose so she was facing backwards, her head directed my way so you could see the side of her face, but more importantly, her hair. A slight smile graced her lips and I caught that. She turned around and sighed.

"I have no idea what else I'm supposed to do!" she cried, running her hands up and down her arms.

"I can think of something." a deep voice said from the darkness to our right. Rosalie's eyes went wide with fear, and she started to step back.

Emmett emmerged from the back and Rosalie smiled instantly, but it faltered when she saw what he was wearing.

A black tux that looked like it was made for him.

Rosalie eyed him curiously as he kept walking towards her. He smiled goofily and held out a hand to her, which she took after a second of debating. He pulled her in and started slow dancing with her.

Alice giggled and dimmed the lights, but kept mine on. She also clicked a remote, and 'Chasing Cars' by Snow Patrol came on. I felt a hand on my waist, and I jumped slightly.

I turned around to see a smiling Edward with a finger to his lips, shushing me before pointing back to Emmett and Rosalie. I smiled and began clicking away as they danced together. There's forheads were pressed together, Rosaile's hand threaded into the curly hair at Emmett's head. Emmett's mouth was moving, but we couldn't hear it. Rosalie kept smiling and kissing him softly. I caught one of the kisses, and knew instantly that Rosalie would be keeping this forever.

Emmett finally pulled back, and motioned for Alice to switch the song.

The soft piano sounds of 'Clair De Lune' came on, and Emmett ran a hand through his hair, before taking both of Rosalie's hands into his. He took a deep breath

and got down on one knee.

Rosalie gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. Giggling, and crying at the same time, she looked down at Emmett.

"I love you Rosalie, and I promise to love you forever. Will you marry me?" he asked quietly.

Rosalie uncovered her mouth and nodded.

"Yes!" she managed to say through her tears. Emmett smiled and put his hand in his pocket, bringing out a black velvet box.

All the while, I was quietly snapping pictures from a distance so I wouldn't intrude on their moment.

But I did see the engagement ring.

It was perfect for Rosalie. Emmett slipped it on her finger, and stood up to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

I smiled and clicked the picture, sealing it to our memories forever.

They pulled back and smiled at each other. Right before Emmett yelled "I'm getting married!" and twirled Rosalie around in a circle.

..... ..... .....

"How am I supposed to shop for a stinkin boy!" I cried while Alice, Rosalie, and I walked through the mall.

The sound system above was screaming Christmas music. Usually I can't stand Christmas music, but they started playing an Aly & AJ song that I actually liked. I know, total Disney Channel, but it's a good song!

It's the greatest time of year, and it's here, help me celebrate it!

I smiled and began quietly singing along. I rummaged through the racks of the store we were in, and was yet again, unsuccessful.

"I hate Christmas!" I announced loudly to Alice and Rosalie, earning me a couple of glares, and I think I even heard someone whisper 'Devil Worshipper.'

Alice and Rosalie were holding back laughs, and I narrowed my eyes at them.

"You think this is funny?" I asked while they nodded. "This is not funny! I can't find anything for my boyfriend, whom I love so very much. This should be easy." I muttered, resting my head in my hands while laying my elbows against a close rack.

"Give him something that will mean a lot to him." Rosalie said while looking around the store. I thought about it for a minute, then finally realized something. I bit my lip, and smirked a little.

"Can you guys get me to a craft store?" I ask. They looked at me suspiciously, but nodded. I smiled and let them lead me on their way out to the parking lot.

We hopped into Alice's Porsche, and she turned on some Christmas tunes while we sped our way to Craft Warehouse.

We speed walked into the store, and I immediately found the scrapbook section. I picked up a regular black scrapbook with a leather front, and a slot for a single picture, and smiled.

Alice and Rosalie gasped as they realized what I was doing.

"Bella! This is perfect! He is going to love it!" Alice said while jumping up and down in the middle of the store. I smiled and grabbed some black writing pins, a packet of lovey dovey stickers. I found some scrapbook paper, and made sure to get a lot of black, white, red, and silver.

We finally finished up my scrapbook extravaganza, and headed home.

I texted Edward in advance.

You are not allowed in my bedroom until after Christmas!

I smiled at what he would think of my text. My phone buzzed again in seconds.

What?! That's my favorite place in your whole apartment!

What a whiney butt, but he's my whiney butt. I shook my head at him, and texted back quickly.

I know, but you can't go in there. Promise.

I picked up my bags as we parked in the lot and made our way past the lobby, to the elevator, and up to our apartment.

My room was my destination, and I pranced to it and set all my supplies down on my bed. I closed my door soundly behind me, and made my way to Alice and Rose in the living room.

"I need some help," I announced. "I need to find all the tabloids, old and new, that have me and Edward in them." I finished.

"That's easy, just go buy the whole gossip magazine section." Alice muttered before finding all her magazine and newspapers stashed under her bed. I smiled and thanked her before running off to my room again, and completing my task.

..... ..... .....

The scrapbook was....gorgeous. I loved every single page of it, because every page was different. I saved the last page, for something that I hoped would happen.

Mine and Edward's marriage and proposal pictures.

The pages were filled with headlines that were true, and pictures of Edward and I hugging, kissing, and just being with each other.

It included, the fake kiss, the real Katy Rose ice cream parlor. The iHop outing. The photoshoot picture of us together from Max. Edward giving me a kiss on the cheek during the outdoor photoshoot. The one of me drunk kissing him. Us at the movie premiere for Mike. The first airport kiss. The last airport kiss. And a couple of us thrown in from over the past couple of months.

It was perfect, it was beautiful, and I hoped he liked it.

I sat it under the tree after wrapping it in silver paper, tying a bow around it, and writing Edward's name on a card.

I sighed at my work, and went into my bedroom. It was already midnight on Christmas Eve, and tomorrow was the big day.

It felt like I had just closed my eyes, when I heard a loud voice wake me up.

"Rosie! BellaRoo! Pixie! Wake up everyone, it's Christmas!"

A/N: I'm listening to Christmas music in the middle of summer.

Oh the weather outside is too hot, but the AC is so delightful. But there's a lawn to mow, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

There, I've summarized 'Let it Snow.'


Love ~ Annaleigh.


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Chapter: 37

A/N: I loved hearing your stories about Emmett and his romanticalness (is that even a word?) They were all very amusing.

Words cannot explain how sorry I am for not updating sooner. I got grounded for a week, so my father took away my internet =( I'm trying to write the chapters quicker, but I'm just busy now adays because of dance team, friends, summer stuff, and a whole load of other crap.

Sorry, but I'm trying.

Disclaimer: Let me check.....I own Twilight!!! Wait a names not Stephenie Meyer! Nope, still don't own Twilight.

Chapter 37

"Rosie! BellaRoo! Pixie! Wake up everyone, it's Christmas!"

I groaned and rolled over so I could see what time it was.

6 in the morning! Damn you Emmett. I groaned and sat up in bed, smoothing my hair back and rubbed my eyes.

"How come my three favorite girls aren't out here yet!" Emmett yelled again, this time annoyed but teasing at the same time.

I yawned and threw my legs over the side of the bed, slipped on my slippers, grabbed my robe, made sure I brushed my teeth and made my way into the living room. Emmett was bouncing up and down, making our little Christmas tree shake.

A sleepy eyed Jasper sat on the couch, his head occasionally drooping before snapping back up. Edward sat on the other side, his head back, and light snores coming from his mouth. I laughed quietly and made my way to the kitchen.

"What did you do to my kitchen!!" I screamed once I entered it. It was spotless! Not a stain or speck of dust in sight. I whirled around and looked at the dining table. On it was a perfectly set up breakfast for 6. My eyes widened and I looked back to the kitchen. I opened the fridge. It was spotless too!

"Merry Christmas Bella! That's part 1 of your gift!" Emmett yelled from the living room. I laughed and walked back out the living room. Alice and Rosalie still weren't out yet.

"Thanks Emmett, but you didn't have to clean my kitchen for me. I could've done that myself." I said with a smile as I neared him. He just smiled and shrugged.

"Consider it your Christmas gift. I had to do something to busy myself anyway. Since we got her about an hour ago," he began while I stared at him with my mouth open. "But Jasper wouldn't let me scream till 6." he finished.

"I'm guessing you like Christmas?" I teased while sitting down next to my sleeping boyfriend. I laughed and pressed my lips to his cheek.

I pulled back, unsatisfied by the fact that he didn't wake up. Emmett and Jasper laughed at me while I glared at them.

I sat up more and pecked him on the lips.

He didn't even stir! Emmett and Jasper laughed even more, but left to go wake up their own sweethearts, who still would not get out of bed!

I tapped my chin with my index finger, and smiled when an evil idea popped into my head.

I bit my lip and threw a leg over to his other side and straddled his waist while he snored quietly. I put my hands on his shoulders and leaned down slowly to his lips.

"I think I like this wake up call." he whispered, startling me before he pressed his lips to mine forcefully. I laughed underneath them, and pulled away.

"You were awake!" I shrieked while hitting him on the chest. He pouted and rubbed the spot, like it actually hurt.

"Come on, it's Christmas. Kiss your boyfriend, don't hit the boyfriend." he scolded while waggling a finger in front of my face. I growled and snapped at it, but he brought it back before I could get my teeth on it. He laughed and put his hands on my cheeks, bringing me towards him so he could press his lips to mine again.

"Emmett Eugene McCarty! Why are you waking me up at this ungodly hour!" Rosalie screeched. I pulled away and looked at Edward curiously.

"Eugene?" I asked him. Edward disguised a cough for a laugh.

"He doesn't like to talk about it." he whispered. I laughed and nodded in agreement. Rosalie came out of her room in bunny slippers, a silk robe, and her hair piled on top of her head.

"When we get married, I control the alarm clock." she scolded Emmett. He just smiled and took her in his arms.

"Merry Christmas Rose, I love you." he whispered, kissing her on the forehead. She instantly melted and hugged him tight.

I smiled at their interaction, and kissed Edward underneath his jaw. He smiled down at me and brushed the back of his hand against my cheek.

Alice's bedroom door opened and I turned to see Jasper carrying Alice wedding style. He laughed and sat down on the floor with her in his lap.

"Alice, my beautiful girl, wake up." he cooed to her. She tried to stay asleep, but you could see a smile trying to be held back.

"There's my smile. Now wake up! It's Christmas!" he said loudly. Alice laughed and opened her eyes. She wrapped her arms around Jasper's neck and kissed him soundly on the lips.

We all ate breakfast, and talked about stupid things like always.

"Okay, forks down, it's present time!" Emmett bellowed. We all crawled down to the floor and began handing out presents.

I made sure Edward opened mine last from his little pile.

I made good on presents this year. Alice got me a first edition copy of Wuthering Heights. I made sure to hug her extra tight for that one. She knew how much I loved that book.

Rosalie got me a new photo album, that was half filled with pictures of Alice, me and her together.

Emmett handed out similar packages to all of us. "Open them!" he demanded with a smile. We laughed and teared into the paper with caution.

We all burst into laughter once we got to the gift. Emmett had bought us all matching key chains with his face on them. And in true Emmett fashion, it said 'Gonna love Emmy Bear 4-Eva.'

Jasper made me a mix CD with my favorite bands. All the way from Coldplay, to Hawk Nelson, and Jimmy Eat World.

Then it was time for the couple gift exchange. We all went into our own little parts of the apartment, Edward and me on my bed in my room.

We both gave each other our presents at the same time, then counted to 3 before we tore off the wrapping paper.

I gulped as I watched Edward finally reach the scrapbook, but I focus on finishing the wrapping paper on mine.

I gasped and placed a hand over my mouth as I instantly felt the tears coming on. I blinked rapidly, trying to get them to stay away, but it wasn't working. A few ran down my cheeks, but I made sure I didn't get them on his present.

I picked the object up and stared at it for a second. I could hear Edward flipping through his scrapbook, but I wasn't even paying attention to him anymore.

In my hands, I was holding the most beautiful necklace I had ever saw. It had a sparkling silver chain, that looked so delicate and fragile. I looked at the charm, and smiled. It was a simple silver heart, but on the back, it had 'Here In Your Arms' inscribed on it.

I heard Edward run a hand through his hair as he saw that I was holding onto it. I turned to him and gave him a smile through my tears. He reached out and wiped them from my face, before taking the necklace out of my hands and motioning for me to turn around.

"I love you so much Bella." he whispered before clasping the necklace. I let out a half laugh, half cry, turned around and flung myself at him. He laughed and held me tight to him so we wouldn't fall backwards.

"I love you so much. And my favorite place to be is in your arms." I said quietly after we pulled back. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me tenderly. My hands left my lap and wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to me so he couldn't break the kiss.

We pulled back breathless, and rested our foreheads together.

"The scrapbook..." he began softly. I gulped in fear that he would hate it. "Bella, it's amazing. This is the best gift I have ever gotten." he whispered, laughing a little at the end. I smiled and kissed him chastely on the mouth.

"This is the best Christmas ever, and it's all because of you." I said with a giggle. Edward laughed out loud and pulled us down on the bed, making sure we didn't crush the scrapbook.

"Bella!" I heard Alice squeal, then the pitter patter of feet as she ran to my room. I groaned and sat up while Edward kept an arm around my waist. Alice swung the door open and smiled at me.

"Sorry Edward, but I have to have some girl talk right now." Alice said before dragging me into her room.

She sat me down on the bed beside Rosalie, who had tears running down her face, but a smile still in place.

Alice locked the door and we sat in a circle on her bed.

"Okay, this is our tell-each-other-what-our-boyfriend-slash-fiancées-got-us time." she said quickly. "I'll go first." she said then pulled out a CD from behind her back.

On it was written in simple lettering 'To: My baby girl, from: Jasper. I love you Alice, and I always will.'

We awed at the writing, but Alice told us to wait, it gets better. She placed the CD in her player and pressed the play button.

The first track was Jasper speaking.

"This CD, is your Soundtrack, Ali. All of these songs make me think of you, and I wanted to share them with you Alice." he said in his soothing voice. He cleared his throat, and the strumming guitar was heard.

I've got an angel,

She doesn't wear any wings.

She wears a heart that could melt my own,

She wears a smile that could make me want to sing.

Jasper was covering Jack Johnson's 'Angel' for Alice. Rosalie and I put our hands over our hearts, but Alice just sighed and sniffled up her tears.

The CD kept playing in the back ground as Alice gestured for Rosalie to go next.

"Emmett bought me this." she said, bringing out a beautiful picture frame. In it was the sweetest picture of her and Emmett at the photo shoot. Their foreheads were pressed together, and Rosalie's engagement ring sparkled in the light. Their eyes were closed, and they were both wearing carefree smiles.

They were such a perfect, beautiful couple, and I was happy that Rosalie had found someone who made her glow like she does now.

We finished looking at it, and they looked at me expectantly. I sighed and rolled my eyes, before showing them the charm.

They squealed and tackled me to the bed in a group hug.

"A necklace, with your song name inscribed!? Do you realize how cool this is?" Alice asked while propping herself on her elbows so she could look at us.

"I know Alice! It's the best present I've ever gotten." I whispered in awe. Rosalie laughed and tapped my cheek.

"Why, I think she's in love." she said in a breathy voice. I rolled my eyes and sat up to face them.

"You already knew that." I argued. Rosalie just shrugged and laid down on the bed, her eyes staring up at the ceiling.

We all copied her, and linked our arms together.

"These months have gone by so fast. I want it all to slow down." Alice said softly from my right side. I looked over to her and squeezed her tighter.

"I wish it could too, Alice. I just want to remember these months forever." I whispered. I remembered something that Alice had always talked about, and decided to bring it up.

"Just a question, are you going to live with Rose and I forever, or is Jasper a good enough cook for both of you?" I asked Alice, teasing her slightly. Rosalie laughed and Alice huffed.

"FYI, he's a very great cook. He made me Italian food one time." she said with attitude. I laughed and hugged her to my side.

I felt my eyelids start to droop, but Alice's cheerful voice pulled me out of my stupor.

"Come on, let's not put a damper on Christmas." she said while wiping away her little tears. We all agreed and got off the bed and made our way to the living room.

The boys were all sitting around and their eyes were tuned in on the television.

We all looked at what they were watching, and I smiled when I recognized what it was. 'The Grinch who Stole Christmas,' the Jim Carrey version.

Edward grabbed me by the waist and brought me down so I was convienentally sitting on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me so I was tight against his chest, and placed his chin on his shoulder.

I looked at the DVD clock and internally groaned when I realized it was only 8 in the morning. I got more comfortable in Edward's lap, and sighed before watching the rest of the movie with everyone.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I remember was Edward calling out my name.

"Bella....Bella, wake up." he called. I smiled but kept my eyes closed. I stretched my arms out over my head and turned the other way.

Edward chuckled quietly and took my hand in his.

"Please wake up, I miss seeing your beautiful brown eyes." Edward whispered. Now how can I resist him when he says things like that? I carefully opened my eyes and looked up to see Edward hovering over me.

"What time is it?" I asked through a yawn. Edward smiled and looked at the DVD player.

"It's 2 in the afternoon." he informed me. I raised my eyebrows. I had been sleeping for 6 hours. They should've woken me up.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I asked him. He shrugged, but then gestured to something around us. I flipped over and laughed quietly when I saw that everyone else had fallen asleep as well. I turned back to Edward and smiled.

"We are one heck of a family aren't we?" I asked. He chuckled silently and nodded. I raised my left hand up and placed it on his cheek.

"It's all coming true." I whispered to myself. Edward opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow at me. I had been caught.

"When I met you on the bridge that first time, I never would have guessed that it would lead me where I am today." I began. Edward smiled and nodded for me to continue. "I've always been the girl without a date, the one who stayed home on Saturday nights. But now I have you, and nothing could be more perfect. And someday, I will make you see that Mint Chocolate Chip icecream is gross." I teased.

He laughed and kissed me on the mouth. I held him tight, and he breathed in when his face was at my neck.

"I love you Bella, so very much." he whispered. I smiled and snuggled in closer to him.

"I love you, too Edward. I don't ever want to live without you." I said softly. He smiled at me and his eyes flicked down to my lips. I'm guessing he didn't understand the unspoken rule of 'You can now kiss Bella whenever you like.'

I giggled and brought him closer to me, my mouth locking on his. I could feel him smile underneath them, and I did too. Our lips moved slowly together, not in a frenzied rush of tongues fighting for dominance. Just slow loving motions that sent tingles down my spine.

We pulled back satisfied and smiled at each other before laughing.

"Wha.....?" Emmett said while waking up slightly. He stretched his arms out and rubbed his eyes with his hands before sitting up and nudging Rosalie.

The rest of our little family slowly began waking up.

Emmett brought up the prospect of playing Guitar Hero, but we booed that idea and threw pillows at him.

I stood up and started making something for our Christmas dinner. Rosalie came in and helped me prepare our feast. We all pitched in and set up the table. Multiple forks, napkins on the side, the really nice china plates, and wine glasses.

The perfect set up for our Christmas feast...which consisted of nachos, tacos, quesadillas, tortilla chips and bean dip.

Can you say yum?

Alice tried to start up a round of Truth or Dare while we ate dinner, but we all stopped eating and looked at her.

"How can you play Truth or Dare while eating?" Emmett asked before he stuffed a nacho in his mouth. Alice shrugged, and nibbled on a tortilla chip.

"We could...dare each other to eat really fast." she exclaimed with a big smile, but it fell when she saw our faces. "Well gosh, who died?" she muttered.

We finished up our scrumdiliumpicious meal and sat around rubbing our stomachs.

"Let's go outside!" Jasper announced after we had finished dinner and cleaned up.

"But it's cold." Rosalie argued. Emmett wrapped an arm around her.

"I'll keep you warm babe." he said a little too loudly. She laughed and kissed him. When she pulled back, she wrinkled his nose.

"You taste like cheese." she whispered. He laughed and kissed her even more. "Ya...I don't really mind." she said breathlessly after they pulled apart.

We all put on our warm clothes and jackets before heading out of the apartment, and outside to the cold, night New York air.

Jasper was swinging around the light poles while belting out 'I'll Be Home For Christmas.'

Alice was singing an octave higher, and pirouetting all over the front yard of our apartment complex.

I looked the other way and saw Rosalie and Emmett having a snowball fight/kissing time. I laughed and turned back to Edward. He had an evil grin on his face as I walked closer to him.

"Look what I've got." he said, bringing something out from his pocket.


He smiled and held it above our heads. I shook my head but leaned in anyway and kissed him lightly on the lips.

I was about to get more into it, when I felt something cold and wet hit my head. I instantly pulled back and whirled around to see Emmett smiling.

I narrowed my eyes and made a snowball before whirling it at his head. He ducked right in time and it hit Rosalie in the face who was right behind him. I put my hand over my mouth, trying to hide the giggled, as Rosalie brushed the snow off her face.

"Isabella Marie Swan, you will pay for that." she growled, before picking up a snowball and hurling it at me. I was shoved out of the way by Edward who took the snowball right in the chest.

"My hero." I said graciously. He laughed before taking a hand behind his back, and throwing a snowball at my chest.

"Now we're even." he said while I stared at him with an open mouth. He did not just hit me with a snowball.

"Edward Cullen, you are dead." I hissed. He laughed and started running the other way while I picked up a snowball and tried to hit him. But once again he ducked at it hit Jasper's little drunk head. He whirled around and started laughing, before he picked up a snowball and threw it at Alice's butt.

"Jasper?!" she wailed. Jasper laughed and threw her over his shoulder.

I looked up to Edward's face, but furrowed my brows when I saw two of them. I pushed the real Edward away and started laughing when I looked up.

The billboard across our street had his face on it. It was a super close up picture I took for the Max shoot. It was one of the inside ones, and he looked like a scared little boy with his lips between his teeth. His eyes were wide and looking to the right. He was wearing that white button down shirt and the light wash jeans.

He's not just cute...he's freaking adorable!

"Wow, I look like an idiot." Edward said from behind me. I turned around and smiled at him.

"Well maybe I'm the idiot, I'm the one who took the picture." I retorted. Edward rolled his eyes and took me in his arms.

I was about to open my mouth and tease him, when I heard Alice and Jasper yelling.

Alice and Jasper never fight.

I walked slowly over to them and heard a snidbit of their conversation.

"Why do you have to leave?" Alice yelled. Jasper ran a hand through his blond waves and sighed.

"I told you after I gave you the CD, my family needs me right now Alice." he tried to say calmly, but he let his irritation slip through.

"Then take me with you!" Alice screamed in desperation, tears streaming down her cheeks. Jasper took her in his arms and rubbed her back.

"But....your store, you can't just leave it." he whispered. Alice sobbed and nodded into his shirt. She pulled back and wiped her eyes, the mascara streaking and making her look like a raccoon.

"Jasper's leaving."

A/N: Soooo....I'm just gonna go hide while you guys throw sharp knives at me for doing this.

If you want to know, these are the songs that Jasper covered and put on Alice's CD.

Angel - Jack Johnson

Something - The Beatles

Somebody Else - Hawk Nelson

The Reason - Hoobastank

The Best Thing - Relient K

Your Body is a Wonderland - John Mayer

Everything - Michael Buble

Say (All I Need) - OneRepublic

24 - Switchfoot

Lips of an Angel - Hinder

Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls

Getting Into You - Relient K

Come On Get Higher - Matt Nathanson

Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt

Review! (P.S My hands smell like Oatmeal! Cool!)

Love ~ Annaleigh.

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Chapter: 38

A/N: Hahaha, so hopefully the ending to this chapter will fare better with all of you.

I am slowly recovering from the knife wounds. You guys have good arms.


"So when are you leaving?" I asked as Jasper paced around his apartment. Ever since Alice so nicely announced his departure on Christmas, he's been freaking out. It's been two days since we all found out, and it's taking a toll on everyone. Rosalie is trying to find more work, and has been auditioning for everything from commercials, Broadway, musicals, and big screen movies. Edward has been reading the script to The Shadowy Woman nonstop. Emmett has probably gone up a size in shirts since all he has done is worked out since Christmas.

And Alice is the worst. She spends her days at her shop. From 7 in the morning, to 8 at night. I've barely seen her since Christmas.

And me, I've got to start a new photo shoot for Edward after the holidays are over. I'm really excited for this one. It's for a new magazine called Shocker. Edward's getting a 4 page spread, and so am I.

Jasper found out about it after Christmas, and after going over it with Edward and I, he signed us on for it. Of course, by the time the shoot comes, Jasper will be home with his family.

Jasper's father's MS is getting worse, and he doesn't have much time left. His mother needs help with keeping up the house, and making sure that his father doesn't hurt himself. His dad is already in a wheelchair. But Jasper has to quit his job.

And Edward has to find a new publicist.

"I have no idea. After New Years. Probably in the middle of January." he answered without looking at me.

Edward was busy in his room, and he wasn't much company right now. He explained that he was trying to get in the mood of the story, but I just told him he was being ridiculous. We don't have to leave for California for a while, since the movie doesn't start pre-production until March.

"Where does your family live?" I asked. Jasper finally stopped pacing and looked up at me sadly.

"A little town called Bakersfield. It's in California, so I won't be too far away from you and Edward." he answered.

California? He's never going to see Alice.

"And what are you and Alice going to do?" I asked him hesitantly. He groaned and ran a hand through his blond hair. He was fighting with himself as he shook his head.

"I have no idea. Maybe if she came home once in a while, we could talk about it and see where we're going to go." he said, obviously irritated at Alice's work schedule. But she doesn't even have a boss, she makes her own schedule.

"She's got her own way of dealing with this." I tried to explain as Jasper started up his pacing again. He kept his hands in his hair this time as he walked from the beige couch I was sitting on, to the very end of the room where the beginning of the kitchen was.

He finally turned around, and walked quickly back to me.

"But what if this is her way of thinking about things. Things that we should be talking about as a couple. What if she decides something, and doesn't let me in on it? I bet she's planning the death of her store just so she can come to Bakersfield with me. But I could never let her do that!" he ranted.

He sank to the floor with his head in his hands.

I got up from my spot and rubbed his back.

"If I know Alice, she's just trying to stay strong during this. She's hates to seem weak." I whispered. He looked up at me and my heart broke from the pained looked on his face.

"I know that Alice is tough, but I want to be there for her." he said softly. He ran another hand through his hair, making it fluff out and stick out in some places. I smoothed it down softly, and made him look at me.

"You are there for her. The distance she's creating from everyone is her choice, and nothing we do is going to make it any better." I said sternly, staring into his deep blue eyes. He cracked a smile and nudged my shoulder.

"Edward sure picked a good one." he teased.

"I sure did, but can I borrow her for a minute?" a velvet voice said from behind me. I turned around and smiled.

But it faltered when I saw Edward's panicky expression. I immediately kissed Jasper's cheek and got up to see what was up with Edward.

"What's wrong?" I whispered. Jasper smiled and nodded for me to go with Edward. He pulled me into his room and shut the door behind him.

He pulled me down on the bed with him and nuzzled his nose into my neck, inhaling the whole time.

"I love you, Bella." he said. I smiled and tried to get out of my confused state.

"I love you too, Edward." I whispered. I kissed his nose and pulled back smiling. But Edward still look scared.

"I would never do anything to hurt you." he said, his voice sounding strained and stressed. I pulled away and looked at him.

"Edward, you're scaring me." I whispered. Edward ran a hand through his hair, and fetched something on the floor beside his bed. He sat back up and handed me it.

The script to The Shadowy Woman.

"Page 65." he said, gulping after he instructed me. I pulled open the book and flipped to the page.

Julie: I fucking dare you. I dare you to kiss me. I dare you to fuck me and make me yours.

CUT TO: Charles face as he stares at Julie. Charles pushes her against the piano and holds her hands above her head.

Charles: You promise to end things between you and Sean?

CUT TO: Julie nodding with a satisfying smirk.

CUT TO: Charles dragging Julie to the back room and shoving her against the wall, lips connected.

CUT TO: Dark room with door flying open from outside. Charles and Julie walk in, stumbling their way through the dark. Julie with legs around Charles waist.

CUT TO: Julie taking Charles shirt off, and pushing him on the bed.

CUT TO: Julie's black bra being thrown across the room.

CUT TO: Shot of their feet as they roll around on the bed.

Julie: Oh God, Charles!

CUT TO: Charles and Julie embracing, a shean of sweat covering their bodies.

Charles: You are mine.

I closed the script as realization dawned on me.

Edward has to do a sex scene.

"Oh. My. God." I whispered. I threw the book down on the bed and stood up. I crossed my arms over my chest, and debated yelling at Edward or crying.

I chose the first one.

"How could you agree to do that movie?! Are you filming a porno and just keeping it from me? Hoping you can win a Woody or whatever they call the dick awards?" I yelled, being totally unreasonable.

Edward looked at me with wide eyes, before laughing. He stood up and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"This is a tasteful sex scene, it's not a porno. And I will not be showing my junk on the big screen." he teased. I winced when he said 'junk.' "And I don't plan on winning the dick award." he said, the laughing starting up again.

I rolled my eyes and pulled away from his embrace.

"Do you know who's getting cast as Julie?" I asked him quietly. He bit his lips and looked up at me.

"Lauren Mallory." he whispered so quiet. But I heard him.

"WHAT!?" I screamed. He winced and looked down. "You know what this means don't you? It will mean that Lauren Mallory has gone farther with you then I have! And I thought you couldn't stand her on the set of 'The Truth About Forever?' Why do you want to do another movie with her?" I ranted again.

But Edward didn't laugh this time.

"I have a secret crush on her. It's always been my fantasy to fake bang a bimbo like her." he said seriously. I gawked at him. He finally smiled and shook his head.

"Kidding Bells. But in all seriousness, it's just a movie." he retorted. I sighed in frustration and sat on the edge of the bed. He sat on the edge next to me, but didn't say anything.

Finally, he got right up in my face, and smiled like an idiot.

"You know what you gotta do when life gets ya down?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, and waited for him to finish. "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do ya do we swim swim swim." he sang.

I laughed and hugged him. "We aren't fish, and we aren't in a pool." I laughed. Edward thought about it, then smiled and bit his lip.

"Just keep kissing, just keep kissing, just keep kissing, kissing, kissing. What do ya do you kiss, kiss kiss." he changed. He kissed me long and hard, tongues and everything.

"I kiss you with passion, and love." he began after we pulled apart. "Onscreen kisses mean nothing. I would never choose to kiss Lauren Mallory...but it's my job." he explained. I sighed and rested my head on his chest.

"I know. But sometimes I wish you weren't an actor. You know you could've been an ice cream man instead. I could be the sprinkle girl, or the sherbet woman. We would've made a great team." I thought. Edward chuckled from above me, and kissed my hair.

"Sounds appealing. But for now, we are Bella and Edward. The photographer and the actor."


"Shut the door right now, Mary Alice Brandon!" I shrieked when I saw Alice trying to sneak past me the next day. I had slept in the living room, and set my alarm clock early so I could catch her before she left.

She froze and turned around, quietly shutting the door quietly. She wouldn't meet my eye as she walked back over to me.

"What?" she hissed. I narrowed my eyes and cross my arms over my chest.

"And where do you think you're going Missy?" I asked, going into full on mother mode. Alice looked back and forth before finally settling on something behind me.

"Work?" she asked. I glared at her and walked closer to her.

"I don't think you have to work today." I said sweetly. She looked up at me with wide eyes and tried to think of something.

"But...Nancy...she's expecting me." she stuttered. I smiled and picked her purse up from her hands. I pulled out her cellphone and sent Nancy a quick text. "Hey, can't make it today. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"Well now that that's taken care of, how about you tell me why you're avoiding everyone?" I asked. Alice sighed and walked past me to sit down on the couch. She sat down with her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.

"I've been avoiding everyone...because I just don't feel like myself right now." she tried to explain. I gave her a confused look, and she leaned her head back on the couch. "Just the thought of Jasper leaving has me cowering in my Jimmy Choos." she whispered.

I nodded and sat down beside her. "But it's not for forever. He'll come back Alice." I told her. She looked up at me with tearfilled eyes.

"But you and Edward are leaving to California." she said softly, her voice breaking. I hugged her tight and leaned my head on hers.

"This isn't goodbye Alice. This just a 'see you later.'" I reassured her in a soft voice. She looked up at me and smiled.

"I think it's time to call Jasper." she announced. She pulled away and walked back into her room, already dialing his number.

I smiled and leaned back, my hands behind my head.

"My work here is done." I said aloud to myself. I turned over on my side and decided I should catch up on my sleep.

"Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry. You don't know how lovely you are." I clamped my eyes shut and willed my cellphone to stop ringing. But 'The Scientist' kept going and I knew I had to answer Rosalie.

I finally flipped the phone open and grumbled a hello.

"Bella! You better flip to the gossip channel on the television or so help me God, I will come back to the apartment and do it for you!" Rosalie quickly yelled, waking me up thoroughly. I flipped on the television.

"Rosalie Hale, recently engaged to Emmett McCarty, has become quite the star. Yesterday, she met with the movie producers of 'The Shadowy Woman' and is now signed on for a part. We wonder what it will be like working with her friend, Isabella Swan's boyfriend, actor Edward Cullen, who has also been signed on for the 'The Shadowy Woman.'"

"Oh my God! Rosalie! You made a movie!" I shrieked into the phone. Rosalie squealed and I could hear the smile in her voice.

"I know! This means I get to come to California with you, and Emmett can keep his job as Edward's bodyguard. Plus,you'll be there, and Jasper will only be a couple of miles away, and Alice...." she stopped, finally realizing that we were one person short.

"Alice is staying in New York." I finished for her.

"Right." she answered quietly. There was a drawn out pause on the other line. I couldn't hear Alice, which meant she must have gone somewhere while I was sleeping.

"Oh Bella, Alice has to come! It just won't be the same without her." Rosalie cried on the other end. I bit my lip at her tone, and ran a hand through my messy hair.

"I know Rosalie. But do you honestly think she will? She has the store now, and she can't just up and leave it now." I whispered. Rosalie debated it for a second, then sighed.

"You're right. Alice could never do that. No matter how much she loves Jasper, getting her own store has always been her dream, and there's no way she's giving that up now." she said quickly, her tone irate.

"Listen, I have to go. See you when I get home?" she asked, her voice sounding tired and stressed.

"See ya then." I answered before she hung up.

I threw my phone down on the coffee table and put a hand to my forehead. I closed my eyes and pretended that I was young again, back when everything was simple. Before we had to worry about sick parents, job offers, moving to another state, and becoming the next big thing.

Before Edward came into my life, before Jasper, and Emmett, Rosalie and Alice. Back when I was just Isabella Swan, the photographer who was trying to make a living off something she lived.

Back when I hated my life.

My eyes flew open and I realized something: Life isn't simple, but you have to deal with it.

"BellaRoo! I have a surprise for you!" Emmett's voice called from the doorway. He made his way through our apartment and to the living room. In his hands was a tub of ice cream. I looked at him curiously.

He just shrugged. "I had a feeling you would need something to cheer you up today." he commented while going to the kitchen to get two spoons.

He came back out and sat down on the couch next to me. He handed me a spoon then popped the top off of the ice cream tub.

I grimaced at what flavor he just had to choose.

"Honestly Emmett, you just had to pick Mint-Chocolate Chip didn't you?" I asked. I slumped down in the couch and Emmett looked at me.

"Sorry Bells, this is Edward's favorite flavor, and I got stuck in the rut of buying it." he said before scooping out a spoonful and eating it.

I looked at the ice cream, and finally dipped my spoon into it. I brought it up to my lips and quickly put it in my mouth before I could stop myself.

It didn't taste as bad as I remembered. It was still too minty, and the little chips were random, and too hard, but it wasn't bad.

Pretty soon, Emmett had put in one of my favorite movies, Finding Nemo, and we commented and ate Mint-Chocolate Chip ice cream the whole time.

"Honey, I'm home!" Edward yelled as he barged into our apartment. He stopped smiling, walking, and doing anything when he saw me and Emmett. I looked at him strangely as he just stood there.

"No, Emmett! I was supposed to make her like Mint-Chocolate Chip ice cream." he whined, before plopping onto the couch next to me. I laughed and stuck a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.

"Eat up." I teased. He glared but ate it anyway.

After a while, the movie finished, and we had eaten the whole tub of ice cream. Edward looked at me and smiled.

"So did you hear that Rosalie got a part in the movie?" he asked. I immediately perked up and nodded.

"That's so cool! She's always wanted to do something on the big screen." I said excitedly. "What's her part?"

Edward had explained the script to me and I knew all the characters. Edward was Charles Wilson, Lauren (aka: My sort-of-not-really-enemy-but-not-someone-I-want-kissing-Edward.) was playing Julie Ford, they hadn't cast Sean yet, so I was waiting for who would play him.

"She got cast as Erin, the hard ass bar owner." he said with a smile. I laughed and thought about the possibilities of Rose playing that part. Erin was meant to be the hot chick who could kill you with a flick of the wrist.

Perfect part for Rose.

"That's my girl." Emmett announced proudly.

Speaking of his girl, she should be home any minute.

But Alice beat her to it. Her eyes were happy, but red around the edges, and she had Jasper in her arms as they walked in.

They sat down like everything was normal and just smiled at us.

"So..." I began. Alice immediately started giggling. I looked at Jasper, but he just smiled hesitantly. Alice finally calmed down and took a couple of deep breaths.

"Have you ever gotten high?" she asked in a breathy voice.

"WHAT DID YOU TO DO HER?" I yelled at Jasper, jumping up and pointing a finger at him. Alice giggled again, and couldn't stop. Jasper held up his hands in surrender.

"She's not high, she's just...really happy about something. I honestly have no idea what goes on in the world of Alice." he explained. I sat back down and Edward kissed my temple while he put an arm around my shoulder.

"Maybe we should wait for Rosalie, then we'll tell them the great news." Alice said happily. We all nodded and sat around in silence. Emmett whistled a tune, Edward played with my hair, I rubbed my hand slowly on his knee, Alice sat, positively bouncing in her chair. And Jasper was repeatedly taking his hand through his hair.

Finally the door swung open and Rosalie came into the living room.

"Am I in trouble?" she asked when she saw us. She took off her heels, jacket, and laid them down with her purse before coming towards us.

"I guess Alice and Jasper have some news." Edward said nonchalantly. Alice nodded happily, but something was off about her happiness.

She clapped and stood up so she was in front of us.

"So...after some long and hard considering, debating, fighting, yelling...kissing," Alice began, the last word bringing an 'Ewww' from Emmett. "Jasper and I have come to a decision." she said happily. Then she crossed her arms and turned to Jasper.

"Why don't you tell them, honey bunch." she said through gritted teeth. My eyes widened. No one has ever messed with Alice and lived to tell the tale.

Jasper shakily stood up in front of us.

"Well...uhh....w-we've decided...." he stuttered out. Alice jumped in front of him with her hands out.

"We're breaking up! Isn't that fabulous? I think it is." she said sarcastically before walking away to her room and slamming the door behind her.

We all stared at Jasper with our mouths open, in complete silence.

Then a chorus of yelling.

"You two were supposed to stick together forever!" Rosalie complained.

"Not cool, Jasper. Not cool." from Emmett.

"Long distance relationships are known to work." Edward said quietly.

"I LOVE SPONGEBOB!" I yelled. They all shut up and looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders and went to stand by Jasper.

"They're figuring this out their own way, and yelling at them isn't going to make them get back together." I said smartly. They all nodded and Jasper mouthed 'Thank You' to me. I smiled and nodded. "Now, boys, take care of Jasper, Rosalie, you're coming with me." I said. I grabbed Rosalie and took her to the direction of Alice's room.

"Alice, let us in." I said as I pounded on the door. She opened slightly and smiled.

"What can I do for you ladies?" she asked cheerily. I pushed her out of the way and waltzed in. I sat on her bed and Rosalie followed suit.

"What happened Alice?" I asked softly. Alice finally stopped smiling and sat in one of her fluffy pink bean bags.

"It just wasn't going to work." she whispered. She looked up at us through her lashes, and I saw her lower lip tremble. She shook her head and laid her head back on the bag.

"Have you ever loved someone so much that you have to let them go? That letting them go is the best thing for both of you?" she asked. I shook my head, and so did Rosalie.

"Jasper has reassured me that he loves me, but he also loves his family. And his family needs him right now. His father's life is being cut short, and we all know it isn't fair, but he needs Jasper to be with him." she began. She played with a piece of fuzz on the bean bag, and wouldn't meet our eyes. "Jasper tried to explain how the concept worked. About loving someone so much, you have to let them go. But I never really understood. Maybe his father's illness is too big for us both, and it's just taking us down." she said. She caught herself and wiped away a few tears.

"But one thing Jasper thought was for certain." she said quietly. She finally looked up at us. "He couldn't worry about his father, and love me at the same time. Of course he'll still love me, but he just can't...he can't keep it all together. What with taking care of his parents, and making sure he stayed in contact with me. It just wasn't going to work. " she finally finished.

Alice explained that in so much detail, and I'm sure that's exactly how Jasper said it. He's always had a way with words. Alice wiped underneath her eyes and brushed the tears at her cheeks. Rosalie sniffed and wiped at her own eyes, and I did the same.

"Is that all?" I asked quietly. Alice nodded, staring off into space.

"Yep," she said, popping the 'p.' "That's all." she finished.

We stayed in silence for a couple more seconds, then Alice finally laughed a little.

"You know the CD he gave me for Christmas?" she asked us. We nodded, and she laughed more. "He gave it to me for this reason. He knew this was going to happen before he even covered the songs. Jasper wanted me to have his voice forever." she said, a light smile on her face.

I smiled at how caring Jasper was for Alice.

I kneeled down by Alice and took her hand in mine. I reached out for Rosalie, and she came sliding down next to me. I rubbed my hands over their knuckles, and smiled a watery grin.

"We're gonna get through this. I promise." I whispered.


"Who wants to get hammered tonight!?" Emmett yelled as we made our way to Central Park. We were going there tonight, New Year's Eve, to celebrate a brand new year, and to watch the fireworks of course.

Even though Alice and Jasper 'broke up,' they were best friends. They would hold hands occasionally, and hug each other goodbye. I think they were trying to keep the love alive so they wouldn't lose it when he left.

Like right now. I looked back at them and smiled when I saw Jasper's arm swung carelessly over Alice's shoulder.

I looked up at Edward and kissed his cheek.

"Are you ready for a brand new year?" I whispered. He smiled down at me and kissed my mouth sweetly.

"As long as I get to spend it with you." he whispered back. I smiled and kissed him more.

"None of that! Not till twelve o'clock." Emmett yelled from behind us.

We finally stopped and set up camp so we had a perfect view of the show that was supposed to go on. There weren't going to be too many fireworks, you wouldn't want to catch Central Park on fire.

I checked my watch and saw that it was 11:45.

"Come on a walk with me?" Edward asked. I smiled and nodded. He grabbed my hand and we waved to the rest of the group before walking off wherever Edward was leading me.

"Are you excited for the move?" he asked. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Of course I am. Even though New York is what I've considered to be my home, home is wherever the people you love are at." I answered. He hugged me to his side as he walked us the rest of the way to his destination.

The Reservoir Bridge.

"This is where we first met." I whispered, running my hand over the railing. I smiled at the thought of that day. Edward came up behind me and whispered in my ear.

"And where we first kissed." he laughed. I turned to the side and smiled.

"Sorry to crush your dreams, but that was fake." I teased. Edward smiled and turned me around so I was facing him.

"True, that was fake, but this isn't." he said with a big smile. He took my face between his hands and kissed me hard. His lips moved slowly, and our tongues did a dance as old as time. My hand went up to his hair and tangled into his bronze locks as I held him to me.

He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.

"I love you Isabella Swan." he whispered.

"I love you Edward Anthony." I said in the same voice.

He pulled back and smiled at me. "What are you New Year's Resolutions?" he asked randomly. I thought about it for a minute, then finally came up with something.

"To talk to my parents more often, spend more time with the people I love, make sure I stay in touch with Alice, take more pictures." I answered with a shrug of the shoulders. "What about you?" I asked.

Edward looked up at the sky and thought about it. "To win an award for 'The Shadowy Woman,' spend more time with you. "he said, tapping my nose with his index finger. I giggled, and kiss him chastely.

"Keep in touch with Jasper, find a good replacement publicist, and...." he said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out something.

A dark blue velvet box.

I gasped and put a hand over my mouth.

"And my most important New Year's Resolution is to make you my wife." he finished. He got down on one knee and took one of my hands in his.

"From the moment I saw you on this bridge, I knew you were something special. I love you, and I promise to love you forever." he whispered. He opened up the box, and recognized the ring immediately.

"Grandma Swan." I managed to say through my tears. Edward smiled up at me.

"Bella, will you marry me?"

"Yes, Edward! A thousand times, Yes!." I cried out, laughing at the same time. Edward's answering smile was brilliant and outshone the stars.

He slipped the ring onto my finger and kissed my finger before standing up. I grabbed him and kissed him as fierce as I could, trying to pour out everything I didn't know how to say into words. Edward was the one, and we were going to grow old together.

I pulled back and smiled at him.

"I love you so much." I said triumphantly. He smiled and kissed me again.

"As I love you Bella." he whispered. I looked at my watched and realized that we had 5 minutes till midnight.

I looked up at him and laughed. "Are you ready for a brand new year?" I asked him the same question.

He thought about it and nodded. "Now that you've said yes, and officially made me the happiest man on the planet, I feel like I'm ready for anything."

I smiled and grabbed his hand, running us back to our group. We finally made our way back to them, and they looked at us strangely. Probably because we were slightly pink, and had the biggest smiles on our faces.

But they still couldn't guess.

"Presenting, the future Mrs. Cullen." Edward announced. I smiled and held up my left hand. Rosalie and Alice screamed and hugged me tight. In the back of my heart, I felt bad for Alice. All her friends were engaged, and she just broke up with her boyfriend. But everything was going to be alright.

They finally pulled away, and I took Edward's hand in mine again.

We then heard a loud cheer, and I looked at my watch.

Ten, nine, eight.

The people around us started the countdown, and we all joined.

Seven, six, five.

This year has been filled with new beginnings, death, friendship, and most importantly, love.

Four, three, two,

I took that extra step. I opened myself up to Edward, I jumped off the cliff and fell in love.


I turned to Edward and he kissed me hard. The feel of his lips against mine made me realize something.

He was there to catch me.

And this is where I'm supposed to be, here in his arms.

The End.

A/N:'s officially over. I did not say anything about when the last chapter was going to be, because honestly, I didn't know either. I wasn't sure how early, or late I would be ending this story. But right here feels good.

I want to send out a huge thanks to all of my lovely reviewers. You reviews have made me laugh, feel like I could fly, make me want to quit, and the most important, you made me want to be better. I hope the ending chapter was as good for you, as it was for me.

SEQUEL INFO: The sequeal, what to say about it. Yes there will be a wedding. Who's? Not saying. Although I think we already know. I don't when I will post it. I almost want to finish the rest of my stories first, but that would take forever. Whatevs. When I do post the sequeal up...I will put a chapter up here saying that it is up.

Thank you, thank you. That is all my lovelies.

For the last time...Review!

Love ~ Annaleigh

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Chapter: 39

Hello my lovelies!

So I'm giving out a challenge to all of the people who have read and loved Photographer&Actor. Yes, we all know it was a tearful goodbye, but I hope you take my challenge seriously.

I hate my summary for this story.

So my challenge for all of you is come up with a summary, 100 words, and either put it in a review for this, or PM it to me. I will choose my favorite, give credit to that person, and will be completely satisfied.

But then again, there might not be any good ones, and I'll just have to keep my summary or make another crappy one.

So PLEASE! Take the challenge and write me a summary.

*Also, I read a one-shot a couple of days ago. It was freaking amazing. Trouble is, I can't find it! The one-shot was about Edward and Bella. They meet at a high school party, and I think Bella's in private school. Anyway, they lie in the street, then go to his room. They kiss, but Bella has to leave. Last minute, she decides not to, and stays with him. *****If you know the author or title of this story, please tell me.

It's a one-shot, rated M, and I think it's in a contest. =]

Thanks a bunch!

Remember the challenge!

3...2....1..Go right me a summary and find me that one-shot!!!

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Chapter: 40


It's Annaleigh, here to say that I have put a poll up on my profile for all of you to pick a summary, out of my three favorite.

They are by:





Thanks to everyone who submitted a summary. Please go vote for your favorite. I will close the poll on Friday, the 10th of July. I will have the summary up on my story by then!

I have began updating my other story Let's Play a Game and I think it's finally coming together. Check it out if you have the time.

BTW, a lot of you have been saying you like the songs I put into the story. So here is my new couple of favorite songs.

Free Fallin' by John Mayer (Live Version)

Joy by Page CXVI

Look em' up and love! They rock! feels like I'm forgetting something...


Check it out. I have called it In a World of Actors.

Review it please! Let us carry on the fandom. =]

Love you!


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Chapter: 41

62 of you have voted... 62 of you have stated your opinion... 62 of you have made a difference...

The winner of my summary challenge is...

*We'll be right back with these messages*


Haha, I won't go American Idol on you.

The winner is Musycluver2011!

Thank you to all the people submitted a summary, and thank you to .Mine.003, and A-May92. Your summaries were amazing as well.

Musycluver2011's summary will now be the official summary for The Photographer & The Actor.

Thank you!

Love ~ Annaleigh.


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