Chapter 5 All souls day part 4

-- Chapter 5 - All souls day part 4 --

The ten minute walk took almost an hour as Zero had to stop for breath after almost every agonizingly painful faltering step. But finally, the outline of Cross Academy loomed at the top of the hill in the gathering dusk, lights already shining out from multiple rows of windows. It was a welcoming sight that brought a lump to Zero’s throat.

He stopped for a moment, hoisting Yuuki higher up in his aching arms as he carried her bridal style. He was swaying with fatigue and dripping with sweat. Two figures suddenly appeared at the top of the hill and started hurrying towards him. He recognised them as they came closer. The appearance of these two persons would ordinarily have invoked feelings of irritation, acute dislike and even hatred but right now, he was conscious of only one feeling – intense, fierce relief that bordered on tears.

Zero stumbled and sank to his knees on the wet grass, cradling Yuuki close to him even as his legs gave way.

"Yuuki! Zero!"

"Yuuki! Kiriyu-kun!"

The two figures hurried closer, twin looks of relief etched on the pleasant, slightly careworn bespectacled face of Chairman Cross and the beautifully sculptured one of the pureblood leader.

Capable arms gently but efficiently took Yuuki from Zero’s arms; he tried to resist weakly. "No..." he muttered hoarsely. He looked up to see Kaname's face as he knelt in front of him, a strange look in the dark eyes as they took in the lines of fatigue on Zero’s perspiration soaked face and the all too obvious signs of bloodlust - crimson hued irises, partially grown fangs, laboured breathing and pale skin stretched taut... then the pureblood leader said, almost gently "It's all right, Kiriyu-kun, I've got her..." before looking up at the Chairman. A look of understanding passed between the two men before the older man also knelt down beside Zero. He placed a sympathetic hand on Zero's shoulder, feeling the fine tremors shivering through the younger man's body.

"Kaname will take Yuuki back to the academy. There's something you and I need to do first..." Zero looked wildly from one man to the other, before the pureblood's dark compelling gaze held his again. The fierce gaze had softened slightly with understanding and something faintly resembling respect. "Yuuki will be fine, you know I would never hurt her..."

Kaname stood up with Yuuki in his arms, not really sure why he even bothered explaining his actions to the ex-human vampire, only there was a desperation in the suffering eyes that called out to him... Holding Zero’s gaze for a moment more, he then turned and walked back up the hill towards Cross academy, cradling the slight figure in his arms carefully.

Zero gazed after him, knowing deep in his heart there was no safer place for Yuuki at that moment, even as a part of his mind wondering at the strange look in the pureblood's eyes. Was that look…real…?

"Zero, let him. You're at the end of your own strength now..." said the Chairman quietly.

A deep shudder shook the younger man. The burden of caring for Yuuki suddenly lifted from his shoulders made him feel weak with relief. Still kneeling on the grass, he swayed and bent forward, eyes closing, both hands flat on the ground and arms shaking as he hung his head, trying to breathe around the tight bands in his chest. His fangs had extended even more with the presence of the Chairman at his side - why the hell was the stupid idiot still kneeling so close to him? Zero could practically feel the blood pumping in the older man’s body, he could almost taste it on his tongue, and the knowledge made him tremble violently. Pushing himself back to sit on the grass once more, he hugged himself tightly and gasped "Go away..."

When the Chairman didn’t budge, Zero tried again. "Please... for your own sa-safety..." he got out with difficulty, hugging himself even tighter as the bands around his chest grew even tighter.

The Chairman ignored his plea, pushing up the right sleeve of his jacket and rolling up his shirt sleeve. Zero blanched even as the crimson hue in his eyes intensified. His fangs grew longer.


Without further ado, the Chairman pushed the inner flesh of his exposed wrist right up against Zero's mouth, fearless of the gleaming fangs visible between the pale trembling lips. "Don't argue anymore..." he said quietly, gripping the younger man’s shoulder with his other hand.

Zero closed his eyes, ashamed to his very soul, even as his fangs sank in deeply. Trembling hands gripped the Chairman's arm like vices as he gulped the life-giving blood ravenously, heedless now of anything except satisfying the hunger he'd had for what seemed like a lifetime... The Chairman’s blood was nowhere near as sweet as Yuuki’s but it was fresh and delicious all the same, flowing from his desperate mouth into his body, rejuvenating and nourishing him. The gash in his thigh healed and the bruises he’d sustained in the fight disappeared. Still, he drank on, heedless of anything else save getting more and more mouthfuls of the wonderful and intoxicating blood down his throat.

Minutes passed then fingers tightened on his shoulder. “Enough, Zero - I need to look after Yuuki, remember?” The Chairman’s voice sounded slightly weakened... and this fact managed to penetrate the fog in Zero’s brain. He - he needed to stop. Now. Taking one more gulp, he wrenched his lips away. Swiping the back of his hand across his lips and chin, he looked hesitantly at the Chairman, chest still heaving. The older man’s face was slightly pale and he was sweating a little but he managed a small smile at the sudden surge of guilt reflected in Zero’s eyes.

I’m fine, Zero... really...” he absently patted the shoulder his hand was resting on then peered at his own wrist, blood still welling up from the deep puncture wounds. Zero followed his gaze and instinctively and without thinking, brought the bleeding wrist up to his lips again, licking off the dripping blood and unintentionally caressing the skin at the same time before stemming the flow with his tongue, causing the Chairman to gape open-mouthed at him.

Flushing, he dropped the Chairman’s hand and cleared his throat. “Sorry” he muttered, staring at the ground. He seemed to be saying that a lot these days. He groaned softly and rested his forehead on his bent knees, not knowing what else to say, mortified that he’d been desperate enough to take blood from the Chairman. Oh God...

The older man cleared his throat as well. “’Thank you’ would be more appropriate, don’t you think...” he said, perhaps a trifle dryly. Then, as Zero lifted his head suddenly to glare at him - what had he meant by that remark – he continued in a gentler tone “After all, you have nothing to apologise for...”

There was a deep understanding and a hint of a smile in the older man’s eyes that made Zero stare at him, as if he’d never really looked at him before. He hesitated for a moment then opened his mouth, the spontaneous words that came out surprising them both.

Thank you... Father”

Seeing the rare vulnerable look in the younger man’s eyes, Chairman Cross longed to reach over to embrace him in a bone-crushing hug but he forbore from doing so. He just squeezed his shoulder again and nodded once before Zero looked away again, embarrassed. They sat there in silence for a few minutes more before slowly getting up, the Chairman shouldering Yuuki’s bag while Zero slung his own onto his shoulder. For a moment, he was surprised at how light it was, it had seemed full of boulders an hour ago...

When the both of them had made their way up the hill back to Cross Academy and into the main building, the Chairman pushed Zero towards the kitchen. “There are leftovers on the kitchen table. Eat, then I want you to take a bath and sleep. Everything else can wait” he said decisively.

As Zero opened his mouth to argue, the older man continued “You can see Yuuki tomorrow, she needs her rest too...” before striding down the corridor to Yuuki’s room, not waiting for an answer.

Zero’s eyes moved involuntarily to Yuuki’s bedroom. He sighed, knowing the Chairman was right. Although his bloodlust was for the moment satisfied, he was still very hungry for food, dirty and bone tired. He headed for the kitchen, where he wolfed down the food the Chairman had prepared earlier, for once not bothering what it was.

Then, grabbing his towel and a clean pair of pyjamas from his room, he showered in the main bathroom with hot water and generous amounts of shampoo and soap. Finally, he collapsed onto his bed, hair still wet, asleep even before he’d even managed to pull the blanket over himself.

When Zero opened his eyes the next morning, the sun was already high up in the sky. He glanced at his wristwatch – it was almost noon?! He was rather disoriented for a moment, before the events of the past two days flooded his mind. Had it really been two days ago that he was packing his bag in this room? Thank goodness there were no classes today either, as a good number of the Cross Academy students would only be returning that evening.

He was also somewhat surprised to find himself covered with his blanket. Had the Chairman done this while he was sleeping? he wondered, faintly uneasy at the thought of someone being in the room with him sleeping and completely off guard...

Zero got out of bed, more than a little relieved to find his body had healed completely – his arms were no longer trembling with fatigue and his legs had ceased being shaky. Other that the fact he was hungry again, he felt perfectly fine and healthy.

He brushed his teeth at the sink in the corner of his room, belatedly remembering he’d forgotten to do so last night, and splashed cold water on his face. Yuuki - how was she? Dressing in the nearest T-shirt and jeans that came to hand, he strode out of his room.

Zero! Finally awake? How are you feeling?” greeted the Chairman who was lounging around outside in a most suspicious fashion. “Come have something to eat...” Zero hesitated, looking at the older man warily before his eyes swung up the corridor to Yuuki’s room.

Breakfast first. She’s not awake yet” said the Chairman firmly, grasping the younger man’s shoulders and steering him towards the kitchen.

Zero looked at him then, asking with his eyes. “Yuuki will be fine, her fever’s stayed down and she’s still sleeping” explained the Chairman but decided not to mention that Kaname was with her at that very moment.. “C’mon, you need food...”

Zero relented and followed him to the kitchen, fixing himself a double-decker sandwich while the Chairman made coffee for both of them. He placed a steaming mug in front of Zero before sitting opposite him at the small table in the corner of the kitchen. Zero ate hungrily, somehow not able to bring himself to look the Chairman in the eye as he recalled what happened last night, how he’d gripped the Chairman’s arm and held the wrist to his lips, how he’d swiped at the stray droplets of blood on the same wrist using his tongue and how - just for very brief second - he’d had a sudden urge to throw his arms around the Chairman in gratitude and relief.

He chewed and swallowed methodically, staring at an invisible spot on the plastic surface of the table and willing the heat he could feel in his face to recede.

The Chairman watched Zero finishing off his sandwich and sighed. “Zero, what really happened? Did the attack happen after you... drank Yuuki’s blood?”

Zero’s head jerked up, amethyst eyes widening in surprise and almost choking on his last mouthful. “Uh – “

The older man regarded him for a moment. “Those are your bite marks on her neck, right?”

Zero dropped his gaze, feeling his cheeks flame even more with embarrassment, completely unable to refute the Chairman’s question. He remembered how he’d sobbed and clung to Yuuki in the gazebo as he drank her blood, his face wet with rain and tears, while the heavy rain continued to fall…

She... I – I never... she always..." he mumbled before dwindling off, feeling and looking wretchedly guilty.

The Chairman sighed again. “Please, spare me the details” he said rather dryly. “I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t a stray vampire who attacked Yuuki and yourself...”

Then, as Zero continued to stare silently into his coffee, the older man continued in a softened tone “It’s OK, Zero, I know my Yuuki...” There was deep affection in his voice that Zero could not help but notice. A moment of silence passed then Zero glanced up hesitantly at the older man, relieved to find only tolerance, resignation and sympathy in his eyes before his expression turned serious again. Leaning forward, he spoke “But I want to know how you came to be injured...”

- o -

Zero hesitated outside Yuuki’s door, tapping it lightly with his knuckles before turning the door knob. Somehow, he wasn’t really surprised to see Kaname sitting on Yuuki’s bed, holding her hand as she sat up against her pillow. He knew he wouldn’t have left her side either if their positions had been reversed.

Zero!’ cried Yuuki happily as she looked up and saw him framed in the doorway. The pureblood glanced up as well, even though Zero knew it was just for show. Not doubt the pureblood had sensed him coming before he actually knocked on the door.

Kiriyu-kun, how are you feeling?” murmured Kaname.

Better - Kuran”

The ex-human looked almost normal compared to the pathetic sight he’d been yesterday evening but while the expressionless look was back in place, Kaname’s quick eyes noted the myriad of conflicting emotions that flickered in the amethyst eyes. He said nothing but looked back at Yuuki, deliberately brushing aside the silky auburn strands at her neck to reveal Zero’s healing bite marks.

Your... handiwork, I presume?” taunted the pureblood, lip curling slightly as he looked again at Zero. Feeling both guilty and wretched for the second time that morning, Zero swallowed. He managed to hold Kaname’s look, though not without difficulty.

Yuuki looked from one vampire to the other, feeling the almost visible tension in her room. “Hey guys...”

At her words, Zero glanced at her. He knew she wasn’t sure what to do and who to support at that moment, so he turned to go.

No – Zero...”

Zero paused just outside the doorway and looked back at her. “Please, don’t go...” she whispered, her eyes beseeching him.

Kaname was watching Yuuki’s face and the elegant pureblood sighed soundlessly at her words. If she’d displayed any sign of fear, anger, disgust or revulsion, Zero would’ve been dead right there and then, but there was only joy on Yuuki’s expressive face when that ex-human vampire had first made his entrance.

Zero moved hesitantly towards them and stopped beside her desk, drinking in the sight of Yuuki, noting how fragile she looked with faint purple shadows visible under her large brown eyes.

Much to his surprise, Kaname bent to place a gentle kiss on Yuuki’s hair before reluctantly letting go of her hand and standing up. “Just a few minutes, my dear, you need your rest” he murmured, his intent gaze and softly spoken endearment causing Yuuki to blush.

As the pureblood brushed past Zero, he added softly “Don’t keep her up too long, Kiriyu-kun, otherwise I won’t hesitate to remove you from here” He didn’t wait for his reply before strolling towards the door.

Zero glared at the pureblood’s back, opening his mouth to deliver a stinging reply, convinced now that the look he saw yesterday in Kaname’s eyes must have been a figment of his imagination…

Zero, how are you?”

He turned around and forgot everything and everyone else - but Yuuki.

I’m fine, Yuuki, don’t worry about me…”

But - your leg, has it healed?” He’d walked into her room just now as though it had, but she asked the question anyway. He nodded once.

She sighed, shaking her head slightly in wonderment. “How on earth did you get us both back with that injured leg?” she said softly.

With a little difficulty” he admitted somewhat wryly.

Yuuki smiled at that. “A lot, I’ll bet” she whispered in return, her eyes soft with compassion.

They stared at each other for long moments. Zero didn’t know how Yuuki could still look at him as she always had, especially after witnessing how completely he’d broken down in her arms in the gazebo yesterday – what a useless snivelling...

But Yuuki got onto her knees, moved towards the edge of the mattress and held out her arms to him. He reached the bed in three long strides and pulled her swiftly into his arms.

They held each other for several minutes, Zero’s body trembling slightly with the sheer joy of being next to her once more as Yuuki rested her cheek against his chest, listening to the familiar thump of his heartbeat.

A thought struck her and she pulled back, frowning. “You need fresh blood to heal so quickly... and I know you didn’t drink mine since that afternoon...” she pondered this thought for a moment, tilting her head slightly to study him.

Her large eyes widened suddenly as she recalled waking up briefly in Kaname’s arms last night when he’d placed her gently on her bed, soothing her while waiting for the Chairman to show up, which he did later. Zero knew she’d guessed the identity of the mystery donor and waited resignedly for her outburst. It was softer than he’d expected though…

It was - Father?” she asked, not even realising how she’d addressed the Chairman in her amazement.

Zero hesitated then nodded. It was obvious Yuuki was more surprised that Zero had accepted his help rather than the fact that the Chairman had been willing to help in the first place.

They were silent for a moment as Yuuki buried her face again in his chest, Zero thankful that she did not laugh at him.

He does love you, you know” her voice was gentle but not reprimanding.

He scowled then as Yuuki raised her face again to look at him.

No, he really does, Zero” she said softly.

Not wanting to hear anymore praise about the Chairman, Zero pulled her close again – the episode was embarrassing enough as it was. However, honesty compelled him to murmur into her hair “I did say ‘thank you’, Yuuki”

Yuuki smiled, tightening her arms around him in response. Another thought struck her then and she pulled back to look at him again.

What now?” asked Zero, rather resignedly. He wasn’t anywhere near done with holding her yet - the past two days had been physically and emotionally draining for him and he needed to hold her close to his heart to convince himself they were both safe and sound and back at Cross Academy.

Where did you take it from? His neck?” A sudden giggle escaped her despite her attempts to control it and Zero rather suspected she was mentally picturing the Chairman being held helplessly in his tight embrace, his silver head buried in the older man’s neck...

No, dammit! His wrist, of course!” Zero all but growled. He almost shook her for this bit of impertinence... almost. But he didn’t, remembering how ill she’d been and how - rewarding - the impish glint of laughter was in her eyes at this moment, never mind the fact it was at his expense…

Oh” Then she remembered what he’d done after he’d drunk from her wrist in the kitchen the other time.

But you didn’t... you know, suck... his...?” she tried hard to repress another round of infectious giggles but failed, and Zero did shake her this time. Gently.

Then he relented, releasing a very reluctant chuckle as her laughter continued. But enough of her teasing - Yuuki’s eyebrows shot up as Zero sobered suddenly and released her to close long fingers around her wrists. He raised both her hands up, palms facing him then placed a tender kiss on the tip of each slender finger, watching as Yuuki stared at him open-mouthed, cheeks growing a little warmer with each kiss.

He rewarded the last finger he kissed - her left pinky – by gently sucking it into his mouth and licking its entire length before sliding it slowly from his lips. “Only yours, Yuuki, only yours...” he vowed huskily, his gaze intent on hers, hearing her gasp softly in reply. She tugged at her hands and he released them, wrapping both arms around her again and holding her close once more.

When Yuuki’s head drooped sleepily against his chest a few minutes later, Zero lowered her onto her pillow and pulled up the blanket over her. He bent down to brush a kiss on her cheek and left her room with the soft imprint of her lips upon one lean cheek.

-- Chapter End --


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