Chapter 5 All souls day part 1

Chapter 5 -All souls day part 1 --

Zero opened his eyes to bright sunlight streaming through his bedroom window. He tensed, thinking he’d overslept, before remembering it was Saturday, when classes started at ten in the morning. After a second, he realised there wouldn’t even be any classes today...

The fact that it was also going to be a sunny morning brought no pleasure to Zero as he flopped back onto his pillow. He thought about where he was going to go, and his throat tightened slightly in remembered grief and pain. And he would be going alone, which meant he wouldn’t have Yuuki to bicker with or even her endless chatter to distract him. For a moment, he frowned, wondering when he’d ceased to think of her chatter as ‘irritating’...

Sighing, he got up and dragged his duffel bag off the top of his cupboard, tossing it onto his desk chair and unzipping it. He started picking out a change of clothing from the cupboard, his customary frown in place.

Half a minute later, his keen hearing had picked up the sound of light footsteps approaching his room. Even with the door closed, he knew who it was.

Yuuki tapped cursorily on Zero’s door before opening it, without bothering to wait for a reply. It was a privilege she didn’t even think about... nor, being Yuuki, did she ever ponder the fact that Zero never did the same thing back to her.

She poked her head around the door and looked in surprise at the opened bag on his chair. "Zero? Where are you going?”

Zero folded a T shirt and placed it in the bag before glancing at her. “Out” he said briefly, knowing the answer was sure to rile her. His expressionless face didn’t let on that his heart had warmed at the sight of Yuuki with shiny auburn hair framing her heart shaped face, large soft chocolate eyes and small mouth that always seemed to be holding the hint of a smile. He inhaled slowly and quietly, his keen sense of smell picking out the soft sweet scent that was Yuuki’s alone…

Out where?” asked Yuuki, taking care to be more specific this time. She knew that Zero was being deliberately vague just to rile her...

He looked down at his bag, fingers suddenly clenching on the towel in his hands. “It’s All Souls’ Day, remember?” he asked softly.

Yuuki’s mouth formed a silent ‘O’. How could she have forgotten? That was the reason why all of the Day and Night Class students had gone home this weekend – to visit their ancestors’ graves with their families for the yearly ritual of prayers and offerings. All the Day Class students had left Cross Academy after classes ended early yesterday - Zero and Yuuki had made sure of that – and some of the Night Class students as well, after their classes ended later. The remaining ones were departing this morning.

She’d never followed Zero before on his two day trip out of town; the Chairman used to when Zero first came to live with them four years ago. Then, as Zero grew older and more independent, he went alone and he preferred it that way. But that was before... before she knew what he was... the torment he went through each day... living under the curse a pureblood bestowed on a descendent of a family of proud vampire hunters...

She tossed her head. “I’m going with you this time...” she spoke almost even before she’d realised what she intended to do. The minute the words were out of her mouth, however, Yuuki knew they were true. She truly wanted to accompany him this time… the visit would be a painful one that would tear open wounds that would never fully heal, and she didn’t want him to be alone with only his bittersweet memories for company. She also constantly worried about what he was thinking or what he would do if she wasn’t there to keep an eye on him. Although... he at least knew where his slain parents lay, she still had no idea about hers... Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she waited for Zero’s reply, prepared to argue if he said…

No” said Zero shortly, despite the fact he’d just admitted to himself he would miss Yuuki’s company. He’d miss her bubbly personality and infectious giggles that would occur at the most inopportune moments, and he of all people should know that, especially since one such occurrence had taken place in this very room a couple of weeks ago, on the very chair he was now staring at, in fact.

Please, Zero" she wheedled, tilting her head to offer him a winning smile. “There’s no one else here except the Chairman and some of the teachers... I’ll be bored stiff!”

Oh, so that was why she wanted to accompany him? Slightly deflated, he said “You could always do more Math, you know… try to bring up your grades...” and faint amusement lurked in the amethyst eyes that watched Yuuki blush and purse her lips in irritation. But she didn’t rise to the bait this time. Instead, she sighed before admitting reluctantly “Actually, I want to be with you, Zero...”

Zero stared at her, then ruthlessly squashed the small surge of happiness that blossomed in his heart. He raised a disbelieving eyebrow instead. “Really...”

Yes, really!”

Zero continued to stare at her. What was so fun about accompanying a grumpy and sullen person who annoyed people with his monosyllabic answers, if at all, and intimidated them with his icy glare and perpetual frown? he wondered. And that was before you added the fact that he was also a vampire who was allergic to blood tablets, requiring him to drink her blood whenever the bloodlust overtook him...

He opened his mouth to say no for the second time but sighed instead when he saw Yuuki toss her head again, hands already on hips, ready for battle. “Go see what your dear father says first”

Yuuki lost her aggressive stance immediately and beamed at Zero, making him blink – she really was something else...

He’ll say yes, I’ll make sure he does!” she said before skipping off in search of the Chairman. And she would, too.

Zero continued packing his bag, shaking his head slightly, already knowing what the outcome would be.

When he heard her quick footsteps outside his open door once more, he spoke without looking up as he opened the cylinder of his Bloody Rose gun and checked that it was fully loaded – he never went anywhere without it, especially outside the Academy. “Go pack a change of clothes, we’re only coming back tomorrow...” He glanced at the door to see Yuuki grinning at him again and giving the thumbs up sign before she went to her room. “And don’t forget your toothbrush...” he called after her.

Zero closed and latched the cylinder, then slipped the gun into his coat pocket, feeling the surge of happiness in his heart that he wasn’t going to be alone, at least for this year’s trip.

- o -

The train trip to the outskirts of the city was mostly uneventful, the weather cool enough to warrant a jacket. Yuuki, eyes glowing with excitement over the train trip, practically dragged a taciturn Zero along the station, looking for their train. She and Zero were both dressed in jeans and sneakers, but while Zero wore a plain black T-shirt, Yuuki had on a long sleeved shirt and matching white jeans jacket that contrasted sharply with Zero’s long black leather coat that swung around his knees as he walked.

An hour later, the novelty of a rare outing away from Cross Academy and traveling by train had worn off a little. The interior of the comfortable train held rows of twin seats on either side of the carpeted aisle. They were both sitting on the left side of the train, Zero beside the window and Yuuki on his right. She dozed off after a while, her head dropping onto his arm. Absently, he shifted closer to her and positioned her head more comfortably against him as he looked out the window on his left, lost in his memories.

At the next stop, a family with two young children boarded the train, rousing Yuuki with their excited chatter. As the family settled down in the two rows of empty seats directly in front of them, Zero almost automatically stiffened, left hand flipping up the collar of his coat, hiding the tattoo emblazoned high up on his neck. Yuuki noticed the movement out of the corner of her eye. She knew why he didn’t want people to see his tattoo, although most would not realise its significance even if they did.

The train continued on its journey and Yuuki leaned closer to Zero, resting her cheek against his arm, her eyes drifting shut once more. She felt Zero’s arm jerk slightly and opened her eyes again to see him clutch suddenly at the dark markings on his neck, eyes squeezing shut as he inhaled sharply.

Zero… is it hurting again?” she asked softly.

He exhaled slowly, before staring frowningly out the window, not seeing the scenery that flashed past. His left hand continued to massage his neck. “No...”


Zero removed his hand from his neck reluctantly, meeting her all too knowing look. “Well, it - ” he began before being interrupted by the boy who occupied the seat in front of Yuuki. Head popping up suddenly over the back of his seat, he stared with childish wonder at Zero. “Wow, that’s a cool tattoo, mister!” he piped up. Zero froze, fixing the precocious youngster with an icy glare that could’ve given Aido a run for his money...

The child’s mother sitting on the other seat in front of Zero half got up to peer over her shoulder. Encountering Zero’s glacial stare, she immediately hushed her son, pulling him back down on his seat before smiling and bowing apologetically at both of them. Yuuki smiled and nodded tentatively, accepting the lady’s apology on Zero’s behalf.

He didn’t – he’s just a child...” she said softly. Zero’s hand was covering his tattoo again, jaw clenched tight as he gazed unseeingly out the window again.

Hey, Zero?”

Just – just leave it, OK?!” he ground out harshly.

Yuuki tensed, staring at him, large brown eyes registering hurt even though she knew he didn’t really mean it.

Zero closed his eyes for a moment before exhaling loudly. He glanced at her. “Sorry” he said softly. “I – I just – “ he broke off awkwardly, looking out of the window again.

Sudden tears pricked Yuuki’s eyes. She shifted in her seat, turning towards him. Reaching up with her right hand, she gently pulled his hand aside before covering his tattoo with her own soft palm. Startled, he glanced down at her. She was regarding him silently, compassion glowing in her tear filled eyes. He placed his hand over hers, interlacing long lean fingers with slender feminine ones as he continued to hold her gaze, drinking in the gentle understanding in her eyes that told him she’d forgiven him his harsh words of a few seconds ago. They both knew her touch could soothe the sudden tearing pain that occasionally surfaced in his neck, and she watched in relief as his shoulders slowly relaxed.

After a minute, he brought both their hands down onto his lap, absently playing with her slender fingers before placing her hand palm down in his much larger one. “You have small hands, Yuuki...” he commented suddenly before interlacing his fingers once more with hers and holding both their hands up. “See?”

She looked up from their joined hands to frown at him. “It’s because I’m short and you don’t have to rub it in, you know, every part of me is small!” she muttered crossly, partly to cover her astonishment that Zero was still holding her hand, it was usually the other way around.

Zero raised an eyebrow at her. “Not every part...”

When her eyebrows shot up in surprise at his unexpected words, he continued in a lowered voice “... your eyes, for example...“

Yuuki stared at him in astonishment.

Your caring heart...” his voice dropped even lower. At his words, her eyes grew even larger.

And your... er...” he broke off.

What?” asked Yuuki, almost bursting with curiosity.

You know...” he glanced at her chest meaningfully then looked back at her.

Large eyes widened still further – he didn’t think it possible - and color exploded in Yuuki’s cheeks as his glance reminded her of what happened last time in the bathroom when her towel had slipped off and how she’d reacted to his intimate touch. She knew from the intent look in his eyes that he remembered every detail of that incident as well.

Yuuki dropped her gaze, trying to tug her hand free. He anticipated her move and tightened his hold, regarding her flushed cheeks with faint amusement lurking in his eyes. When she tried tugging her hand again, he said softly “Hey, I’m serious...”

She stopped tugging then and looked up. “You’re not small, you’re perfect... in every way...” he confessed reluctantly, his intent gaze holding hers.

Yuuki stared at him, lips parted in surprise. He’d never said that before…what did he actually mean...?

Zero started and released her hand. He seemed to think he’d said too much and turned to look out the window again. Yuuki took her hand back, still staring at him.

She forgot about the incident however, when they got down from the train an hour later and exited the train station. “I’m starving, can we eat first?” she asked, looking around her with interest as they started walking past numerous shops, shouldering their bags.


They could afford any of the smarter cafes as the Chairman was usually generous with their allowance on their rare trips out of the academy, as a sort of reward for the tedious and thankless task of being school prefects.

Oohh, let’s eat here!” exclaimed Yuuki as they walked past a café that had a banner strung across their doorway, proclaiming famous chocolate sundaes and ice-creams. She grabbed Zero’s hand and tried to pull him into the doorway. A smiling waitress appeared almost instantly, bowing in welcome and gesturing for them to come in but Zero resisted, not having a sweet tooth. His keen eyes quickly scanned an open copy of the menu taped to the front glass window. “Well... OK” he relented after noting several noodle-based dishes available.

Zero spoke little in public. Thoroughly used to this, Yuuki prattled on in her usual manner as she made her way through a plate of fried noodles and a succession of chocolate sundaes, pouncing on the glazed cherry nestled on a bed of whipped cream the moment the sundae reached their table and smacking her lips in almost childish delight. Zero opted for black coffee after his meal and regarded Yuuki with wry amusement in his eyes although he managed to keep his lips schooled most of the time.

When the third sundae arrived and Yuuki had devoured the cherry, however, he scowled in mock annoyance.

Jeez, you really eat a lot, Yuuki” he commented as he looked at her, chin propped in one hand, his coffee mug cradled in his other hand. “That’s your - what, third helping?”

Yuuki wrinkled her nose at him. “Lucky I don’t get fat, huh?” was her only comment before smiling blithely at him and attacking her sundae again with gusto.

He rolled his eyes, knowing nothing he said would have any effect on her appetite for sweet desserts.

Besides...” Yuuki paused for a moment to lick her spoon clean, distracting Zero as his eyes focused on the pink tongue she flicked out to catch a drop of chocolate syrup slowly making its way down the stainless steel handle.

She swallowed before continuing airily and none too subtly, “... besides, I need to replenish... you know, my blood...”

Hush!” Zero hissed, amethyst eyes widening slightly in alarm as he looked around the café, checking if anyone had heard her comment before scowling at her, for real this time. Yuuki had her fingers pressed against her own lips, cool from the ice-cream, eyes wide as she realised her mistake. “Sorry” she whispered, dropping her spoon back into her sundae and missing it entirely. The spoon dropped on the table, rattling loudly against the polished wooden surface.

He fixed her with a reprimanding gaze. “I seem to remember you eating a lot, even before... that...” he said evenly, eyeing her as she squirmed in her seat. Yuuki smiled contritely at him. “Ah, you knew I was only kidding, Zero... I don’t mind... really, I don’t” she said softly, seeing the guilt he tried to hide.

He glanced away then and she bit her lip. Why did she always say things like that? As it was, she had to practically force him to drink her blood...

They sat in silence for a few seconds. “Hey, Zero?” she tried again. “I’m sorry, OK? Don’t be mad at me...”

Zero looked back at her, not bothering to hide the self-disgust in his eyes this time. “What have you got to be sorry about?” he growled. As she gazed at him, tears of remorse starting to sparkle in her eyes, he relented and added softly, “You’ve done nothing but help me, Yuuki, it’s not you who should say sorry.”

Hey, don’t cry...!” he added quickly, somewhat alarmed as his words caused her eyes to overflow and twin drops of tears to slip down her cheeks.

Yuuki inhaled sharply, swiping away the dampness from her cheeks with both palms. “I won’t” She smiled a little shakily at Zero and he smiled at her in relief, a small but genuine smile that tilted his lips and caused the rare dimple in his cheek to just about surface. She stared at it, conscious once again of how good Zero looked when he smiled, so different from his usual smirk...

Just doing what a good sister ought to...” she said, her own smile faltering as her words now caused his smile to be replaced with a heavy frown. “Really?” he said shortly before raising a casual hand and signaling for the bill. He paid silently, ignoring the polite thank you from the waitress as he collected the change from her.

Let’s go” he said as he rose, shouldered his bag and made for the doorway without looking at Yuuki. She was left to snatch up her own bag and trail after him with a puzzled frown between her delicate brows, absently nodding at the polite thank you and farewell uttered by the waitress.

Yuuki sighed. She knew she’d said something wrong… but for the life of her, she didn’t know what it was…

-- To Be Continued --


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