Homemade Eye Spray(1)

Homemade Eye Spray for Itchy & Irritated Eyes

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Sometimes my eyes get so irritated and itchy with a feeling that there’s something in them, especially after removing my contact lenses. In these times, I’ve always wished to have a sort of refreshing and antibacterial eye mist that’s soothing and relieving. One day, the irritation got so bad that I decided to finally go ahead and make a homemade eye spray with raw honey and distilled water.

You might be wondering why I don’t get myself some prescribed eye drops but that’s because first off, they somehow don’t seem to give relief for long, it seems only a few minutes then you have to put the drops again. Secondly, almost all eye drops contain thiomersal and other toxic mercury-containing ingredients that act as preservatives but have negative side effects that include more irritation and allergies.

Meanwhile, honey is a natural and effective remedy that works in relieving itchiness and irritation. Combined with distilled water in a clean spray bottle, you can make a safe and refreshing treatment to calm your eye. Now since this homemade product is something for your precious eyes, please use sterilized utensils and storage container as well as pure ingredients like raw honey and distilled water. You don’t want to compromise your eye health by using something like fake honey or tap water!

Caution: Before you proceed, please note that I am not a doctor or medical practitioner and this homemade eye spray is not intended to diagnose any eye condition whether it is a bacterial eye infection, itchy eyes or dry eyes. Please visit a qualified ophthalmologist in case you have chronic dry eyes, itchiness, redness, changes in your vision including blurriness, or any other severe eye condition because you might be having something serious like a corneal ulcer or keratitis, which must be checked and treated by an eye professional. Ensure you keep this homemade eye spray refrigerated and do not use for more than 3-5 days. If you experience any discomfort using this homemade eye spray, then stop using it immediately.

Why Honey?

Honey for eyes: Look for pure raw honey for best results!

Honey for eyes: Look for pure raw honey for best results!

The first time I heard about using raw honey for eyes was when I was a teen and it seemed so…bizarre and unsafe but I quickly discovered that it’s been used since ancient times as an antibacterial treatment for eye infections such as pink eye. The ancient Egyptians used raw honey as a medicine for cataracts and it has also been used in other traditional cultures to heal eye irritations.

Famous Greek philosopher and scientist, Aristotle, was even quoted on the natural healing abilities of honey,

“… honey is a good salve for sore eyes.” – Aristotle (350 B.C)

The reason why honey is prized as an effective natural eye remedy is because of its powerful antimicrobial properties that fight off bacteria and germs. It also has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that work in treating a myriad of eye conditions.

Testimonials: Using Honey for Eye Infections, Dry Eyes & more

What Type of Honey to Use

Get yourself a jar of local raw honey, the one which hasn’t been processed, for best and safe results. Manuka honey is really very effective but because it’s so expensive I suggest using any type of raw honey.

How to Make a Soothing Homemade Eye Spray/Mist





  1. Heat the distilled water on low heat until it is warm to touch.

  2. Add the raw honey and stir until well mixed.

  3. Let it cool down completely.

  4. Pour into a clean and sterilized empty spray bottle.

How to Use this Homemade Eye Spray

Simply hold the spray bottle close to your irritated eye, open it wide and spritz once or twice. The spray, because it contains honey, will leave stickiness on your skin so keep a paper towel nearby to immediately dry the area around your eyes after spraying.


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