Aubrey Ross Dark Dichotomy 03 Mischief

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Dark Dichotomy: Mischief

Aubrey Ross

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2008 Aubrey Ross

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is
illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary

gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison
and a fine of $250,000.

ISBN: 978-1-59596-842-5
Formats Available:
HTML, Adobe PDF,
MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader


Changeling Press LLC
PO Box 1046
Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046

Editor: Maryam Salim
Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some
may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling

Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in
which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be
accessed by under-aged readers.

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Dark Dichotomy: Mischief

Aubrey Ross

Determined to avenge her brother’s death, Brook plots to lure the Burton Dichotomy
beyond the security of their shielded estate.

One of the few humans trusted with the secrets of the Dichotomy, Nicole has always
been fascinated with brooding Leos and his handsome day-dwelling twin, Daniel.
Her newest artistic creation is a multi-media display called “Mischief.” Claiming she

needs a male perspective on the project, Nicole uses the erotic images to arouse and
entice the widowers.

Leos and Daniel are far from immune to Nicole’s obvious charms, but can they trust

her with their wounded hearts, or is she merely a pawn in Brook’s dangerous game of

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Chapter One

“The gallery was packed. Was anyone buying or did you have a bunch of fellow

artists checking out your work?”

Nicole Fierbrose glanced up from the stack of photographs spread in front of her

and smiled at her friend/employee. “A little of both, I guess. Sales were about what I’d

originally expected, which was slightly less than I’d hoped given the crowd.”

Anne laughed, her hazel eyes sparkling. “Do you have a diagram? That’s quite

an explanation.”

Too distracted to react to the gentle teasing, Nicole turned her attention back to

the photographs. “These are even better than the first batch.” The couple in the new

photos was older and less… beautiful. Nicole looked beyond their appearance and

assessed the emotions reflected in their expressions. “This is a real couple. Isn’t it?”

“Yes, but how did you know?” Anne turned the nearest photo around and

looked at the glossy proof. “I thought the other shots were just as expressive as these.”

“The others looked posed, masterfully posed, but posed. These are more relaxed.

They’re in love and don’t care who knows how they feel about each other.” Nicole had

snagged Anne fresh out of art school. She was undeniably talented and they worked

well together, but occasionally her inexperience showed. “I’ll need at least three more

sets. How soon can you have them ready?”

“How soon do you need them?”

“Friday would be perfect.”

“I’ll do my best.” When Nicole didn’t comment, Anne asked, “Can you tell me

what this is about? Why do you need so many images?”

Nicole glanced at the younger woman and smiled. They sat across from each

other in one corner of Nicole’s home studio. Sunlight poured in through the large

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windows, illuminating the neat, sparsely furnished area. The corner apartment wasn’t

large, but it boasted a spectacular view of Alamo Square and the San Francisco skyline.

“My multimedia pieces were an experiment of sorts. I thought they were self-

indulgent and wasn’t sure anyone would take them seriously.”

“I thought they were brilliant,” Anne protested. “Didn’t they sell?”

“They sold better than my paintings. People loved the interactive elements.”

“Doesn’t surprise me in the least.” She grinned and tucked a lock of her sleek

brown hair behind her ear. “Are you going to do something similar with these images?”

“That’s the plan.” Nicole resumed her inspection of the photographs.

“How will it work this time?”

“I’d rather show you once I have the structure programmed.”

“Fair enough.”

“It’s gorgeous outside.” Nicole motioned toward the windows with one of the

proofs. “Why don’t you wander through the park and take some candid shots? Drive

over to Buena Vista or maybe hit the campus.”

“Most of the classes are in recess.”

“Then go wherever people go to enjoy the sunshine.” Nicole shooed her toward

the door. “I want a variety of age groups and levels of intimacy.”

“We can’t use them without a release.”

“So get releases from anyone you photograph, just wait until after you’ve taken

the picture. People act differently when they know they’re being watched.”

Anne pushed back from the table so she could cross her legs. “Are you trying to

get rid of me?”

“I need more images and you’re not going to find them here.”

“I realized that a long time ago; the question is why?” Anne’s eyebrow arched,

adding drama to her expression. “You’re better looking than most, too creative for your

own good, and easy to talk to. So, why isn’t there a man in your life?”

“It’s a long story.”

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Scooting her chair closer to the table, Anne placed her elbow on the glass top and

rested her chin on the palm of her hand. “I’m listening.”

Once Anne set her mind on something it was useless to argue. The stubborn

streak didn’t surface often, so Nicole generally gave in. “Once upon a time there was a

handsome prince.”

“Does this handsome prince have a name?”

“It’s irrelevant to the story.”

“Sorry for the interruption. Go on.”

Nicole suspected it would be the first of many, but she continued, “A lonely

artist fell in love with the handsome prince, but he saw her as just a friend or sister.”

“Oh.” Anne perked up immediately. “You’re talking about one of the Burtons. I

should have realized.”

“Do you want to hear the rest of the story?”

“Sorry.” She zipped her fingers across her lips then folded her hands on the


“The prince found a beautiful princess and married her, crushing the lonely

artist’s hopes that she could ever make him see her as more than a friend.”

“There are lots of princes in the world. The lonely artist needs to move on.”

“I wasn’t finished.”

Anne held up her hands and smiled. “I won’t say another word until after you’ve

said ‘the end.’ Deal?”

“Deal. The prince tried to be happy with the princess, but the artist could tell he

wasn’t in love.” Anne started to speak, so Nicole silenced her with a look. “He had

married the princess out of obligation to his family. I know that sounds old-fashioned,

but it still happens in certain circles.

“Anyway, the prince asked the artist to paint his portrait as an anniversary

present for the princess. Wanting any excuse to spend time alone with him, the artist

agreed. She didn’t want to desire another woman’s husband, but her feelings were no

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less real. She convinced herself she would never act on the desire even if the prince

returned her feelings.”

She paused as memories washed over her, vivid and bittersweet.

Anne held up her hand, her gaze clearly pleading.

“Go ahead.”

“How long ago did all this happen?”

“Six years.”

“And you’re still pining away for him?” Anne fiddled with the pictures spread

between them. “Sorry. I’ll keep my opinions to myself. Did you -- er, they become


“Much to the frustration of the artist, the more time they spent together the more

aware he became of her. The love of her life was finally seeing her as a desirable

woman, but honor kept him from pursuing the attraction.” She looked away from

Anne’s curious gaze as she moved on to more recent events. “Then tragedy struck the

kingdom. A villain set the castle on fire, trapping the princess in her tower and ending

her life.”

“Oh my God. That’s horrible. Was the villain caught?”

“Yes, but the prince feels responsible for his wife’s death and he won’t let anyone

get close to him. He’s more oblivious to the artist now than he was before he married

the princess.”

“But you’re still in love with him.”

“Hopelessly.” Nicole sighed and abandoned the pretence of storytelling. “I tried

dating for a while, but it seemed pointless and unfair to my dates. My heart belongs to

Leos and always will.”

“Then Leos is a fool and so are you. There’s nothing between you now but

baggage. Kick it out of the way and rekindle the attraction. It sounds like he needs this

as badly as you do.”

“Easier said than done.”

“Have you tried?”

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“I’ve been supportive and compassionate. I’ve --”

“Supportive and compassionate? If you don’t want him to treat you like a sister,

you’ll have to stop acting like one.”

“I’m not sexually aggressive. I have no idea how to seduce a man.”

“Then you have had sex?” Nicole glared, but Anne merely laughed and

continued her explanation. “If you want this guy, you’ll have to take the initiative. I’m

not talking dominatrix, just flirt a little. Make him think about what he’s been missing

all these years. Make it obvious all he has to do is reach out and take it. Show a little

cleavage, wear a short skirt. Strut your stuff, sister! Have some fun.”

Nicole tried to picture herself in the role Anne described. Her imagination

refused to cooperate. “I’m not the strutting kind.”

“Then show him the pictures. Some of those shots are pretty hot. Ask him about

his fantasies and describe yours. You’ll have him all revved up in no time.”

* * *

Cold, insistent hands grasped Brook. One hand shook her shoulder; the other covered her

mouth, trapping a scream in the back of her throat. Panic burst through her sleepy mind and her

heart thudded wildly. She twisted, determined to elude her captor.

“Be calm,” her father soothed, his voice quiet, yet firm. “It’s time to go.”

Fear drained away, leaving her weak and shaky. She nodded once and he released her,

turning to awaken the others. He didn’t need to elaborate. This wasn’t the first time they’d fled
in the middle of the night.

She stuffed her meager possessions into a backpack, her resentment growing with each

motion she made. Why was the elder council hunting her family? What had they done wrong?

Her brothers moved about with silent efficiency, well acquainted with the routine. Their

mother helped Valerie get ready. Val was the youngest, not even three years old. She was

stubborn and could be uncooperative. Brook understood her sister’s frustration, but she was old
enough to know acting out put all of them in danger.

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Papa hurried them out of the shabby motel room and into the cool night. Brook gathered

her sweater more closely about her, feeling tense and unsure. Had the hunters arrived already?
Were they watching, waiting for just the right time to swoop in and take them away?

“Faster,” Papa urged, motioning the boys toward their stolen minivan. Papa said he was

only borrowing the vehicle, but Brook knew better.

Valerie tugged against Momma’s hold, tears trailing down her cheeks. “I don’t want to


“The bad people are on their way. We have to hurry.” Momma reached down, meaning to

pick up the contrary little girl but Val jerked away and bolted in the opposite direction.


Momma dropped her bags, preparing to follow, but Papa grabbed her arm. “There’s no

time. Let her go.”

Momma gasped as if he’d slapped her and twisted out of his grasp. “I will not leave --”

A dart whizzed past Brook’s head and lodged in Momma’s throat. Then the night

exploded with activity as if the shadows had come to life. Men dressed in black rushed in from all

directions. Someone grabbed Brook from behind, their hold strong and hurtful. She kicked and

wiggled, clawing at the thick forearm preventing her escape. Her neck stung as something sharp
pierced her skin. She cried out and renewed her struggles, desperate to reach her mother, terrified

for Valerie. Her mouth went dry and her vision blurred. What was… Why were…

Brook sat up in bed, trembling and breathless. It had been years since the

nightmare plagued her, since she was forced to relive the end of her childhood. The

images faded leaving an aching sense of loss. Her parents and oldest brother hadn’t

survived captivity. Aidan, her middle brother, had escaped from the elder council only

to be murdered by the Burtons.

Anger ignited within the sorrow and she clenched her hands into fists. Taking on

the elder council might be beyond her reach, but the Burtons would pay for what they’d

done. She wouldn’t let their power and influence intimidate her. Some would argue

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that their past actions had been inadvertent, but no one could deny that they were

directly responsible for ending Aidan’s life.

Crawling out of bed, she crossed to the adjoining bathroom and turned on the

light. Wetting a cloth with cool water, she pressed it against her flushed face. If Aidan

hadn’t been so determined to repay the Burtons en masse, he might still be alive. Aidan

had wanted to destroy them, to dismantle their empire, and ensure history forgot they

ever existed.

Her goal was far more realistic. A life for a life. She would exact her price then

disappear, leaving the others to torture themselves with guilt and sorrow.

An arm wrapped around her waist and she screamed, instinctively slamming her

elbow backward. A startled grunt assured her she’d found her target an instant before

the hold loosened. She stepped to the side and tossed the washcloth into the sink,

frantically blinking the moisture out of her eyes.

“Have you lost your mind?” Her uninvited guest stood in the doorway,

preventing her retreat. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Trying not to throw up.” Jason, her employee turned lover, massaged his

abused abdomen, but mischief sparkled in his eyes.

“Very funny.” She shoved past him and stomped into the bedroom. “How did

you get in here?”

“I wanted to surprise you, so I let myself in.” Still rubbing his belly, he followed

two steps behind.

“That’s what I get for hiring a thief.”

His blond hair was getting shaggy, which only added to his rugged appeal. Jason

had applied for a position with Exotic Escorts at the suggestion of one of Brook’s best

girls. Brook hesitated to take on a convicted felon regardless of his physical attributes.

Jason assured her all his crimes were nonviolent and her meticulous investigation

verified his claim.

She opened the drapes and stared into the night, needing the tranquility of the

city to soothe her. Patchy clouds obscured the stars and made the night seem gloomy. In

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the distance, illuminated by stubborn moonlight, the familiar shape of the Golden Gate

Bridge dominated the horizon.

“It’s nearly three.” Jason came up behind her and carefully wrapped his arms

around her waist. “Why aren’t you sleeping? I wanted to crawl into bed and wake you

slowly with my hands and mouth.”

His thumb grazed the underside of her breast, and Brook resisted the urge to

melt into his embrace. He was a pleasant distraction, nothing more. She couldn’t afford

to get attached to anyone.

Pushing his wandering hand downward, she asked, “Do you have information

for me?”

“I’d rather talk after I fuck you.” He rubbed against her back, his arousal


“If I’m not pleased with what you’ve learned, there might not be any fucking.”

“Is that so?” He tightened his hold on her waist, immobilizing her arms in the

process. “And how are you going to stop me if I decide to take what I want?”

Excitement swirled through her, curling ever downward. She would never admit

it, but she loved to be controlled. She came faster and harder when he took over than

when he willingly obeyed. None of her other lovers had tested the boundaries. Only

Jason had dared, which made him far more dangerous than she cared to consider.

He tugged the straps of her nightgown to her elbows, further restricting her

movement. “Did you miss me?”

The upper swell of her breasts gleamed in the moonlight as the material caught

on her nipples. She ignored his question, doing well to keep from grinding her ass

against his erection.

“Stop playing games,” she snapped. “Tell me what you learned.”

He tugged the nightgown to her waist, exposing her breasts to anyone who

happened to look up. The apartment was on the sixth floor, but he’d left the light on in

the bathroom. Her nipples tingled and the curling heat settled between her thighs.

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Would he take her here in full view of the street? A strangled groan escaped her throat

and Jason chuckled.

“It excites you, doesn’t it? You’d love it if a crowd gathered to watch me fuck

you. Why haven’t we explored this fantasy before?”

“Stop it.” She writhed and wiggled, the nightgown slipping lower with each

twist. He disentangled her arms from the straps and gave the garment a helpful push.

Cool air washed over her body as he positioned her hands on the window frame.

“Don’t move. Pretend there’s someone out there, watching us, wishing they were

this uninhibited.” He swept his hands up and down her sides, his long fingers brushing

the outer swell of her breasts. “Are you getting wet?”

Teasing his way across her abdomen, he eased his hand between her thighs and

cupped her mound. She grasped the window frame and moved her feet apart, giving

him better access to her pussy.

“Oh, you naughty girl,” he whispered into her ear. “You’re so wet your thighs

are slick with it.” The heel of his hand pressed against her clit as he pushed two fingers

into her core.

She ground against his hand, needing more than his teasing fingers. “Weren’t

you able to find out anything? Is that why you’re doing this?”

“I’m doing this because you love it when I make you do nasty things.” As if to

demonstrate, he pulled his fingers free of her body and brought them to her mouth.

“Lick it. Taste how much you want me.”

Undeterred by the command, she eagerly licked his fingers. The salty taste only

made her ache even more. He stroked her breasts, tugging firmly on her nipples until

they stood proud and tall. He turned her to the side and guided her hand to the wide

windowsill as he sank to his knees in front of her.

“Lift your knee to my shoulder, but stay in front of the window. I want the world

to watch while I eat you out.”

She glanced into the night. Except for a few parked cars, the street was empty.

But he was right; she didn’t care. The possibility of being watched had always aroused

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her. She steadied herself against the windowsill and moved her leg into position. Her

thigh rested against his shoulder and her heel pressed into his spine. He parted her

outer lips with his tongue, grasping her bottom to keep her in place. His mouth moved

against her as his tongue skillfully circled her clit.

Tingling pressure gathered low in her abdomen. God it felt good! She rocked

against his mouth, thrusting her breasts forward. She imagined a stranger huddling in

the shadows below, watching her, wanting her, wishing he could join the passionate


Her hair swished across her shoulders as she tossed her head. Jason pinched her

nipple, while his tongue ventured deeper. He couldn’t talk while he pleasured her, but

she didn’t care. There would be time for questions later. His lips closed around her clit

and sucked. She trembled. Her thighs tensed and she clutched his hair with her free


“Yes,” she whispered. “Just like that.”

His treacherous mouth released her clit and he rocked back on his heels. “We

come together or not at all.”

She didn’t need to tell him she was nearly there. He obviously knew what he’d

denied her.

“Your turn.” He pushed her to her knees as he stood. She glared up at him, while

he unfastened his jeans. “You don’t look happy.”

“I don’t like being toyed with.”

“Sure you do.” He tangled one hand in her hair and guided his cock to her

mouth with the other. “Suck me good and I’ll tell you what I learned.”

Circling the broad crest with her tongue, she considered his offer. “If you tell me

everything now, I’ll let you come in my mouth.”

“You’re not going to let me do anything.” He held her face between his hands

and slid his cock deeper. “If I want to fuck your mouth, I will.” He rocked his hips,

bumping the back of her throat with each forceful thrust.

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The hot slide of his smooth shaft and the musky scent of aroused male sent

sensations zinging along her nerve endings. His fist tightened in her hair and he found

her nipple with his other hand, twisting and tugging until she whimpered.

“If I want your pussy, you’ll spread your legs.” His voice sounded strangled and

lust contorted his handsome features. “If I want the tight grip of your ass, you’ll get on

your hands and knees.”

The graphic descriptions made her eager for each indignity. She wanted to feel

him pounding into her cunt, while another cock filled her mouth. She wanted fingers

sliding in her ass until she came so hard she screamed. It had been so long since she

indulged her secret passion, so long since she trusted anyone enough to be that


He pulled out suddenly and dragged her to her feet. A disapproving growl was

her only response as he spun her toward the window and angled her hips. He thrust

between her legs, easily finding her creamy passage.

Locking her elbows and arching her back, she savored each distinct impact. His

cock filled her again and again, drilling into her with enough force to jostle her breasts.

She tightened her inner muscles and he groaned.

“Fuck, yeah,” he muttered. “Squeeze me tight. That feels so good!”

She happily obliged, tossing her hair out of her eyes. He cupped her breasts and

abraded her nipples, never slowing the pounding rhythm of his hips.

An orgasm built within her, demanding completion with breath-stealing

intensity. She fought back the urge to tense, unsure if he would allow her release. Her

inner muscles rippled and he wrapped his forearm around her hips.

“No!” she cried as his body went still against her back. “Let me come, you son of

a bitch, or I’ll have you castrated.” His laughter made his cock buck inside her. She

closed her eyes against the subtle stimulation.

“We both know that would be counterproductive to your pleasure.”

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“Either let me come or get the hell away from me. I’m tired of your games.” She

tried to twist away, but he cupped her mound with one hand and banded her waist

with his other arm.

“I thought you wanted to hear what I’d found out.”

An exasperated cry was her only response.

“How old is Leos Burton?”

She dug her fingernails into the windowsill and slowly opened her eyes. “His

age is irrelevant to your assignment. I want to know about his connection to Nicole


“That’s what I’ve been trying to determine.” His fingers massaged her mound,

rubbing her aching clit against his shaft. “I couldn’t find an indication of a romance

between Nicole and any of the Burtons, so I wondered about family ties. Was she their

half-sister or something like that?”

“And?” His middle finger brushed across her clit and her hips jerked. This

wasn’t the first time he’d controlled her, but he’d never taken it this far before. She

wanted to strangle him. Her entire body ached with unfulfilled desire.

“The records I found were inconsistent, as if someone had tampered with them.

But even if the most current dates are accurate, which I doubt, all of Sebastian Burton’s

sons are in their sixties.”

“What does this have to do with Nicole?” She jammed her butt backward and

met his gaze in the windowpane.

“It wasn’t easy, but several bribes finally pointed me in the right direction and

unlocked the right archives.” His free hand drifted across her breasts, squeezing one

then toying with the other. “Sebastian Burton did have a mistress, but she was Nicole’s

grandmother not her mother.”

“Then Nicole is still a distant relative.”

“Not by blood. Her grandmother had a son and a daughter. The daughter is

Nicole’s mother and she was born after Sebastian died.”

“But the son could have been fathered by Sebastian?”

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“It’s possible. I could find very little on any of them. They’ve become far more

careful in recent years.”

“Probably because access to information has become more widespread,” she

mused. He pulled his hips back, drawing nearly out of her. A low moan escaped her

throat as heat expanded inside her.

“How badly do you want to come?” he whispered in her ear.

She squeezed him as tightly as she could, letting her body reply.

“You know what they are. Don’t you?” He moved a little faster. “That’s why

you’re so fascinated with them.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Harder, deeper, but still mercilessly

slow, he slid inside her.

“Tell me what they are and I’ll make you come so hard, I’ll have to hold you up.”

“I don’t know what they are.” He found her clit with his fingertips and gave it a

gentle tug. “Please!”

“You know; now tell me!”

His fingers compounded the lazy slide of his cock. Smoldering embers ignited,

licking at her senses like tongues of flame. She shuddered and groaned, desperate for

the culmination of these feelings.

“I can’t tell you what they are.” She relaxed into the rhythm, absorbing each new

wave of tingling heat. “I only know what they’re not.”

“They’re not human.” There was no way to misinterpret the hope in his

breathless tone.

“Yes.” She infused the word with drama as her mind rushed on ahead. This had

been a risk when she gave Jason the assignment, but she’d seen no other alternative.

The Burtons had always been Aidan’s area of expertise. She’d obviously

underestimated Jason’s resourcefulness.

“If-I-let-you-come-will-you-tell-me-ev-ery-thing?” He punctuated each syllable

with a deep thrust, forcing her arousal beyond distraction, beyond thought.

Pleasure built, completion hovering just out of reach. “Yes!”

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He slammed into her over and over. Flesh slapped against flesh. Her breasts

bounced and her pussy throbbed. She squeezed her eyes shut, focusing entirely on

sensation. He rubbed her clit in a firm circle and the dam burst. Pleasure rushed out

from beneath his fingertips as his cock pushed her higher and higher. Her cries echoed

off the windowpane as wave after wave swept through her.

Her knees buckled and she sagged in his arms just as he’d predicted. She wasn’t

even sure she’d taken him with her, didn’t honestly care. Her body tingled with

aftershocks and her brain felt muddled.

He separated their bodies and turned her around. “I kept up my end of the

bargain. Now I want to know what you know!”

She offered him a sleepy smile and stretched her arms overhead. “Let me grab a

bottle of wine and I’ll tell you everything.” Pausing to don her nightgown, she waited

until he turned his back then snatched her cell phone off the nightstand. “I’ll be right


He made some unintelligible response as she headed for the door. Damn it! She

hadn’t wanted to call in this marker until she had one of the Burtons in her trap.

Besides, Jason was the best fuck she’d had in years.

With a frustrated sigh, she activated her sister’s number and hurried across the

living room. Her call went straight to voicemail, so she entered a numerical code then

closed the phone. She flipped on the light in the kitchen and blew out a shaky breath.

She’d never ordered a person’s death before. Shouldn’t she feel a rush of emotion,

horror or excitement? Something. All she felt was an odd sense of resignation.

Her phone vibrated in her hand and she gasped then laughed at her foolishness.

“Hey, Val. I wasn’t sure you’d be awake.”

“Old habits die hard. When and where do you want this done?”

“As soon as possible.”

“Where’s the target?”

“In my bedroom.”

“And where are you?”

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“In the kitchen.”

“Taerok is on his way. Stay put. Don’t open the bedroom door no matter what

you hear. I’ll call you back when it’s over.”

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Chapter Two

Leos Burton stood on the landing to Nicole’s townhouse waiting for her to

unlock the security door. She’d asked him to stop by after his meeting and he’d offered

to bring dinner as a peace offering for missing the opening of her first solo exhibition.

Chinese takeout wasn’t much of an olive branch, but she understood why he’d been

unable to attend.

Nicole was aware of many things other humans weren’t and he’d always found

the fact comforting. He didn’t have to pretend with her. She knew what he was and all

the complications that arose from his dual nature.

“The food better be amazing if you expect it to wipe your slate clean,” she

warned as she pushed open the door.

He smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “If the kung pao falls short, I’ll rub your


“Silly man. You’ve just doomed the food to failure, guaranteed.” She locked the

door behind them and motioned toward the stairs. “Let’s eat in the studio. The sky is

beautiful tonight.”

His gaze was drawn to her rounded behind as he followed her up the stairs. He

couldn’t remember ever seeing her in jeans quite this tight before. They rode low on her

hips and hugged her ass like a lover’s hands. Damn!

“Did you attend the meeting or did Daniel?”

He raised his gaze a millisecond before she glanced over her shoulder. “I did.”

Daniel was his day-dwelling twin, the other half of his Dichotomy. Daniel existed as

energy while Leos was solid and Leos was energy during the hours Daniel had a

tangible form. Only during transition, one hour at dusk and dawn, did both halves of a

Dichotomy appear in the physical realm. “It was a yearly checkup sort of thing.”

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“Not boring so much as routine.”

She’d laid out plates and flatware in preparation for their date. Date? He was

spending time with a family friend. This wasn’t a date.

“Hello.” She waved her hand in front of his face, green eyes twinkling. “Where’d

you go?”

“Sorry.” He raked his hair with his fingers and tried to focus his thoughts. “It’s

been a long day.”

“You transitioned out of sleep state about three hours ago.”

“It’s been a long… three hours.” He chuckled, unsure what had him so flustered.

He’d been alone with Nicole countless times before. It just hadn’t felt intimate before. A

memory stirred within his mind and he amended the conclusion. It hadn’t felt intimate

since the fire.

She took the bag from his hands and set out the cartons. “Have a seat. You look

like you’re ready to bolt.”

He pulled out her chair, but she was still arranging the containers so he took his

seat and tried to relax. She’d pulled the front of her brown hair back with a large

barrette and he could only detect a subtle hint of makeup. Fresh, clean, Nicole always

looked wholesome and innocent.

And yet, the clingy top outlined her breasts and ended at her waist, leaving an

inch of silky skin visible to torment him. A golden loop hung from the shirt’s zipper,

daring him to hook his index finger through and pull. Her outfit wasn’t immodest. It

just made it far too easy to picture her naked.

“You look hungry.” Her voice purred with double entendre and he snapped his

gaze back to her face.

He cleared his throat before he spoke. “I shouldn’t. I’ve already eaten.”

“You must have been thinking about dessert.”

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Heat washed over his face and blood descended with unavoidable results. Thank

God the table hid his growing erection. She stacked the dishes to one side of the table

and unwrapped a pair of chopsticks.

“So, catch me up,” she prompted. “What’s going on in Napa Valley? Is Aidan in


“He wouldn’t allow himself to be captured, but he’s no longer a threat to


“He’s dead?”

He nodded. “We had no other choice.”

“Why was he so fixated on your family? The elder council issued the order that

made his father a fugitive.” She ate right out of the containers, deftly plying the


“And my father was head of the elder council when the order was issued.”

“I didn’t realize the conflict went back that far.” She paused for a drink of water

then picked up the chopsticks again. “But it’s over, right? You said he’s dead.”

“He is.” Brook was still out there, but he decided not to worry Nicole with that

detail. Brook had been content to remain in the shadows and there was no indication

her attitude had changed.

“How are Ryan and Torral settling in to ‘mated life’?” Her question drew him

back to the present.

“They’ve never been happier.”

“And Evan and Joseph? Was that gorgeous blonde really their mate?”

“That’s what they tell me.”

“See what you get for missing my big night. Maybe your mate was at the

exhibition too just waiting for you to find her.” She took another bite as secrets clouded

her eyes. Nicole was definitely up to something. “I’m going to be eating leftovers for a

month.” Her tongue brushed across her lower lip, leaving it moist and shiny.

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His gaze focused on her mouth and he fought back a groan. He could think of all

sorts of places he’d love to feel those lips and that soft pink tongue. But this was Nicole.

He’d known her since she was in pigtails. She was part of the extended family.

“Are you sure you don’t want some?” she asked with a knowing smile.

“No, thank you. I’m satisfied as I am.” If only that were true. He couldn’t

remember the last time he’d been truly satisfied. Watching his brothers find their mates

had left him restless and discontented. He didn’t begrudge them their happiness; he just

wondered why he had been denied the same. Needing a distraction from his troubled

thoughts, he said, “Tell me about your new project. Isn’t that why I’m here?”

“This would be easier to explain if you’d seen one of my multimedia displays.”

She folded the top of the cartons and carried them to a compact refrigerator across the

room. His wayward gaze inevitably returned to her curvy butt as she leaned over to put

the containers away. “I used a combination of images and sound to evoke specific

emotions.” She was evoking emotions all right. Longing, desire, lust! “One had various

scenes derived from nature. The other was a combination of time-lapse video and

cityscapes. That sort of thing has been done before, but I added an interface that allows

people to interact with the presentation.”

“Why can’t you show me what you’re talking about?”

“The displays are still at Pierre’s gallery. You’ll have to use your imagination.”

“Multimedia art?” He gathered the unused dishes and set them on the counter as

she filled two glasses with wine. “Is this what happens when a person follows up a

Bachelor of Science with a Master of Arts?”

“You have me all figured out.” She handed him one of the glasses as her gaze

caressed his face.

This electric awareness had pulsed between them years before, but he hadn’t

been free to act on the attraction. What had reawakened her interest? Didn’t she realize

a serious relationship with him was hopeless? His capacity to love had been destroyed

right along with Denise.

He took a sip of the cool Zinfandel and managed to smile. “Is this one of ours?”

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“Would I dare drink anything but Burton Brothers’ wine?”

“I’m starting to wonder what you would dare.”

Her brow arched and she raised her glass to her lips for a leisurely sip. “Hold

that thought. We’ll come back to it later. You asked about my project.”

“All right. I’m trying to imagine what you’re talking about, but I keep seeing a

scenic screensaver.”

“Picture three screens not one… now allow the images to scroll from one to the

other or encompass all three when needed.”

“I think I understand. But you mentioned an interactive interface.”

“It’s more or less a series of menus that allows certain aspects of the presentation

to change according to the viewer’s mood or circumstance.”

He wasn’t sure his mind had accurately rendered her creation, but he had a

pretty good idea what she meant. “What subject have you chosen for your next


“Have a seat.” She nodded toward the small table they’d just vacated. “I’ll show


She pulled a file folder out of a rack on the corner of her desk before joining him

at the table. Her studio was remarkably organized, yet unexpected touches of color and

whimsical accents revealed her creative spirit.

“I’m going to call this one Mischief.” She slipped into the chair across from him

and turned the folder so she could see inside while his view was obstructed. “Now I

need you to be brutally honest. Your insights won’t help if you try to be tactful.”

He chuckled. “This is the first time I’ve been encouraged to be tactless. Usually

I’m being reminded of the concept.”

“For a nocturnal Dichotomy, you’re the epitome of decorum.”

“What does that mean?”

She reached across the table and patted his hand. “That was a compliment. I’d

never risk this with Ryan or Evan. They’re far too unpredictable.”

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I can be unpredictable. He stopped himself just short of saying the words. Even in

his mind the claim sounded petulant. Did she want him to be less predictable? Was she

intentionally provoking him?

“If these pictures were side by side in a magazine, which would catch your eye?”

She placed two photos in front of him. One showed a man and a woman locked

in a passionate embrace; the other depicted a woman by herself. The solitary woman

wore only lacy underwear, while the couple was fully dressed.

“I’d glance at the woman first, but the couple is the more interesting shot.”

“Sorry. It’s an either or question. If you were in a hurry, which is more likely to

draw your attention?”

“The woman.”

“All right.” She returned the first two pictures to the folder and selected a

different shot. This time the younger woman had been joined by a man. He stood

behind her, his arm covering her naked breasts. Her head was turned sharply to the

side and their faces hovered inches apart as if they were about to kiss. “Do you find this

image appealing?”

“They’re both very attractive. Why wouldn’t I?”

“Don’t be defensive.” She smiled and rubbed the edge of her shirt, drawing his

attention to the shadowy hint of cleavage. Was the zipper irritating her skin or was the

gesture calculated? “What do you find unappealing?”

“His forearm,” he grumbled.

“I’m sure that’s a common complaint, but I want to keep this project focused on

various stages of a relationship and the strategies couples use to move from one stage to


“I see. What stage does this represent?”

“You tell me.” Her fingers moved to the zipper, toying with the metallic ring.


“What qualities need to be present in a relationship for it to be deeper than


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“If the couple enjoys spending time together even when they’re not having sex,

they’ve likely moved beyond infatuation.”

“Have you ever been involved in a relationship where the physical attraction


“I think most adults have.”

“Have you tried any of these strategies for rekindling the fire?” She placed a row

of pictures in front of him.

“Candlelight dinners work best if they’re a surprise.” He pointed to the next

picture. “Is this representing sexy lingerie or undressing for your partner?”

She shrugged. “Which worked better for you?”

“What man wouldn’t enjoy watching his lover undress?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you.”

“I prefer my striptease in private and sexy lingerie is always welcome as far as

I’m concerned.”

“Have you ever bought lingerie for a lover?”

Desire hung heavy in the air. He did his best to ignore the pressure between his

thighs, but she wasn’t making it easy. “I did so once. That was enough.”

“She didn’t appreciate the gift?”

“She refused to ‘dress like a prostitute’.”

“I suspect that’s the exception not the rule, so let’s move on.” She tapped the

corner of the next photo. “Have you ever tried role playing?”

Pausing to study the picture, Leos considered his answer. The same woman was

now dressed in an old-fashioned gown. Her lover was dressed as a pirate and her

hands were tied behind her back. One of his hands was tangled in her hair, and the

other was grasping the front of her gown as if he meant to rip it open.

His imagination took it a step farther, superimposing his face over the man’s and

replacing the woman with Nicole. Would she enjoy being his captive? Was this an

elaborate come on?

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The other two pictures were even more provocative. One showed the couple in a

hot tub, the woman straddling the man’s lap. Each pose carefully minimized the actual

nudity, while the models’ expressions simulated passion. The last sent lust stabbing

through Leos. Heat pooled in his groin and his erection surged. The woman was bound

hand and foot and positioned in front of the man. They were both naked and he held

her head between his hands. It was only too easy to imagine his cock sliding in and out

of her mouth.

Leos refused to look at Nicole, knowing her gaze would be warm and

welcoming. He couldn’t fuck her! Sex with Nicole would mean a commitment. She was

under his family’s protection. The thought of fucking her was more than tempting, but

he couldn’t…

He stacked the photos and handed them back to her. “I think you better find

someone else for your little experiment.”

She ignored the proffered pictures. “Surely talking about sex doesn’t embarrass


The challenge in her eyes aroused him as much as the intimate poses. He tossed

the pictures to the tabletop and stood. She tried to stand as well, but he moved too fast.

He grasped the back of her chair, caging her with his arms as he stared into her eyes.

“When little girls play with fire, they get their fingers burned.”

Nicole knew nocturnal Dichotomies could be aggressive, but Leos had always

remained cool and controlled, almost to the point of detachment. She gazed into his

luminous dark eyes and felt her body melt.

“I haven’t been a little girl for a very long time. You don’t frighten me.” Despite

her best effort, the claim sounded shaky at best.

“Really? Then I’m not trying hard enough.” He dragged her to her feet, his grip

none too gentle on her upper arms. As soon as she stood, he unclasped the barrette and

combed his fingers through her hair. “You really think you’re prepared to fuck a

nocturnal Dichotomy?”

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She refused to back down even as his fingers tightened in her hair. “I don’t want

a nocturnal Dichotomy, I want you. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want you.”

His gaze narrowed and he hooked his index finger through the zipper’s loop.

“There is nothing ‘Mischievous’ about my fantasies. I like my lovers bound and gagged

and on their knees. I expect obedience without question, submission without hesitation.

Does that sound like the kind of lover you want in your life?”

He was trying to frighten her. He’d admitted as much. Still, his voice rang with

conviction and truth. Could she obey without question and submit without hesitation?

Did she really want to try? The tension in her chest released in a heated rush and

tenderness flooded her soul. This was Leos, fierce, proud leader of the Burton clan. She

could remember his laughter and the warmth of his dark eyes and she was determined

to experience them again.

“If that’s what you need from me.”

“What I need is only half of the picture.” He tugged the zipper down as he

spoke. “Have you forgotten about Daniel? Your friends will think you’re involved with

two men because you won’t be able to tell them the truth.”

“I don’t care what people think. I never have.” He cupped her breast, his thumb

easily finding her nipple through the sheer fabric of her bra. His head lowered toward

hers and she nervously licked her lips, longing for the first brush of his mouth against


“Then there’s the physical reality of satisfying a Dichotomy.” His lips moved

against hers with each word, teasing, denying her what she really wanted. “Have you

ever been fucked up the ass, my sweet innocent? Much less taken two men inside you at

the same time?”

Her eyes widened as she pictured the deed. She’d wondered, suspected even, but

no one had ever come right out and said that Dichotomies used the hour during

transition to share their mate.

He chuckled, his hand moving to her other breast. “I’ve shocked you.”

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“I’m not as naive as you make me sound. I know there will be challenges, but I’m

willing --”

He silenced her with a forceful kiss. His mouth ground against hers, urging her

to part for his questing tongue. He found her bra’s front clasp and deftly flicked it open.

She’d waited all her life to touch him and to be touched by him. His chest was wide and

temptingly sculpted, his abdomen flat and narrow.

Needing bare skin, she untucked his shirt and slipped her hands up under the

material. Warm and smooth, his flesh fascinated her. With a throaty growl, he shifted

her, bringing her head to rest in the crook of his arm. She was off balance, forced to

cling to him for stability.

He tore his mouth from hers and pushed her away, ending the kiss as suddenly

as he’d instigated it. “I can’t do this.” He sounded miserable, but the distinct bulge in

the front of his dress pants assured her the obstacle was emotional.

“Why? We’re both adults and neither of us is involved with anyone else. Are you

going to try and convince me you don’t want me?”

“It’s more complicated than that and you know it.”

“My grandmother was your father’s mistress. That has nothing to do with us.

I’m not related to you by blood.”

“That’s not what I meant. You deserve more than I can give you.”

“Shouldn’t that be my choice?”

“No! I’m honor bound to protect you, even from myself.”

“You would never hurt me.”

“You don’t know that.” He grabbed her arms and jerked her forward. “I’ve

suppressed my feelings for so long I’m not sure what will happen if I let myself feel


“Isn’t it time you found out?” She stared into his eyes, moved by the conflict

raging within him. “We’ve been alone too long. There’s no reason we can’t comfort each


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“You’re not strong enough,” he whispered, closer to capitulation than he’d been

all night. His fingers eased against her arms, caressing where before they’d clasped.

“We won’t know until we try.”

He took a step back and fisted both hands. “Stop it! I’m not going to fuck you.”

“Then touch me and let me touch you. Give me that much at least.”

“You think I won’t stop.” His gaze swept down to her breasts before returning to

her face. “Your bloodline is compatible with mine. We know that already. Your

grandmother not only conceived, her offspring is able to transform. If I come inside you

it will trigger a soul bond.”

“Ever heard of a condom?” She softened the question with a smile. “But we

won’t need one for what I’m suggesting. I can be satisfied with touching you -- at least

for awhile.”

He embraced her so suddenly her arms were trapped between them. His mouth

moved over hers urgently, hungrily. She relaxed in his arms and opened for him.

Surrender. She’d let his natural aggression wear him down.

“I won’t fuck you, even if you beg me.”

“I won’t beg.” He stripped off her shirt and bra in one quick motion. She glanced

toward the windows and the city lights beyond. “Let me close the blinds.”

“No.” He swept her legs out from under her with an unexpected kick and

lowered her to the floor. He released the top two buttons on his shirt then tugged it off

over his head. “Are these new?” He focused on her jeans, lowering the zipper with slow

deliberation. “I’m pretty sure I’d remember if I’d seen them before.”

She just smiled and raised her hips so he could finish undressing her. He spread

her arms out to the side and kissed his way to her mouth. His chest covered her breasts,

his pants rasped against her inner thighs, and his erection pressed into her belly.

The floor was hard and cool against her back, accentuating his body heat. He

wove his fingers through hers, pinning her hands to the floor as he ravished her mouth

with deep, penetrating kisses. She welcomed his tongue, inhaling his breath until her

head spun and her pulse pounded.

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Bending her knees, she hooked her calves over his, shamelessly rubbing herself

against him. He caught her lower lip between his teeth and growled. The sting sent a

tingle spiraling down her spine. She went still beneath him and he released her lip.

“You don’t have permission to move and you don’t have permission to come. Do

you understand me?”


“Yes, Sir,” he prompted.

“Yes, Sir.” She was surprised by how natural the title sounded as she stared into

his passion-bright eyes.

“Where are the restraints you used in the last picture?”

Her heart leapt in an odd combination of fear and excitement. “I wasn’t there

when Anne took the pictures.”

“Do you have handcuffs at least?” She shook her head and his gaze narrowed.

“Have you ever been restrained?” After an awkward pause, she shook her head again.

“And you think you’re ready to fuck me?” His arrogance irritated her. She tried to tug

her hands free from his grasp, but he wouldn’t let go. “You started this, sweetheart. Are

you ready to admit you’re in over your head?”

“I’m willing to learn whatever you’re ready to teach me -- Sir,” she added with

sarcastic emphasis.

“Use that tone again and I’ll gag you. I won’t tolerate insolence. Do you


“Yes, Sir.” A bit of the tension left his expression, so she asked, “May I rephrase

the statement, please?”

“You may.”

“I might be inexperienced, but I’m honestly willing to learn.”

He released her hands and rocked back onto his knees, lifting his chest off her

upper body. “Raise your hands above your head and keep them there. Lock your

fingers together if you can’t resist the temptation to touch me.”

“I thought we were going to touch each other.”

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“That was your suggestion, not mine. Now no more talking unless I ask you a


She moved her hands above her head and grasped her wrists. Anticipation made

her breath hitch. He loomed over her, dark and dangerous, yet undeniably sexy. His

gaze moved over her breasts with ravenous intent. She had never felt more beautiful or

more desirable. Her knees framed his lean hips as he knelt between her thighs.

Year after lonely year she’d tried to imagine what making love with Leos would

be like. Her fantasies hadn’t begun to match the intensity of her feelings and the night

was still unfolding.

What I need is only half of the picture. His words echoed through her mind. She

fantasized about Daniel too, but she’d never imagined them together. Was she really

ready to love a Dichotomy?

He cupped her breast and bent to suckle, while his other hand explored. She

wasn’t allowed to touch him or talk. She licked her lips and closed her eyes,

concentrating on the feel of his lips and his fingers, and the pounding of her heart.

Moving from one breast to the other, he nibbled and nipped, sucked and licked, until

her nipples were pebble hard and tingling.

His hands swept down her sides and she opened her eyes. Would he fuck her

now, despite his good intentions? Her inner muscles clenched, anticipating the fullness

of his cock. God, she’d never ached this badly and he was still half dressed!

As if in response to her silent objection, he unbuckled his pants and lowered the

zipper. Rather than take them off, he bunched the material around his knees. The result

was more intimidating somehow. His sex rose from the juncture of his thighs, starkly

masculine, fully erect and ready to conquer.

“Is this what you want?” He stroked the thick shaft as a bead of precum formed

on the tip. He smoothed the liquid over his flesh, his eyelids drooping with the

pleasure. His other hand moved between her legs, two fingers tracing her feminine slit.

“Very nice.” His fingers mirrored the slow slide of his fist, deft and feather light.

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She wanted to thrust against his hand and impale herself on his gentle fingers.

Her pussy felt swollen and her clit tingled, desperate for attention.

He leaned closer and continued the merciless teasing with the tip of his cock. Up

and down, he slid against her without entering her throbbing passage. She gritted her

teeth, refusing to beg, knowing it would make no difference. She’d brought this on


Her abdomen quivered. How long would he punish her for… His fingers slid

deep inside her and the question disintegrated.

“This isn’t punishment,” he whispered. “There will be no question in your mind

if I decide to punish you.”

She didn’t know if he’d read her mind or her expression. His thumb circled her

clit and nothing else mattered. Pleasure gathered low in her belly as if commanded by

the swirl of his thumb. She squeezed his fingers, shaking helplessly as spasm after

spasm rippled through her.

The euphoric haze had just begun to fade when he gripped his shaft and brought

himself to a quick, shuddering climax. She watched the milky liquid arc toward her

belly and pleasure echoed through her pussy.

With his fingers still deep inside her, he rubbed his seed into her skin. His scent

surrounded her, primal, sexual, an undeniable claim. His gaze grew fierce and


“Are you frightened yet?”

“Do you want me to be?”

He withdrew his fingers and licked them clean before he responded. “Things

would be a hell of a lot easier if you were.”

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Chapter Three

Four hours of sleep did little to ease Nicole’s confusion. Leos had left shortly

after their sexual bout on the studio floor. She wasn’t even sure if she considered the

incident a success or a failure in her quest to win his heart. She’d certainly broken

through his emotional reserve, but was she happy with the emotions released by her


She outlined the structure of Mischief and did her best not to think about Leos.

She didn’t think about the brilliant flash of his dark eyes or the enticing flex of his

biceps as he held himself above her. She refused to consider the pain she sensed driving

his refusal or her instantaneous response to his aggression.

Anne arrived at nine with the images she’d shot the day before. Several hours

passed as Nicole began arranging them according to the outline.

“Did Leos enjoy your conversation?” Anne’s expression was serene, but the

amusement in her tone gave her away.

“Yes and no.” Nicole offered no more information as she paged through the

thumbnails on her computer screen. “Let me see the 35mm shots again. There were

several with a woman pulling a man along by the front of his shirt.”

“Do you want his angry face or after he broke out laughing?”

“Wasn’t there one in between? The beginning of a smirk would be perfect.”

“You suggest and I supply.” Anne handed her a picture.

“Yes. This is wonderful. Did they sign the release?”

“Of course. I dragged Bill along and he collected signatures while I

photographed half of San Francisco.”

“I owe him a steak dinner.”

Anne chuckled. “He already enjoyed his reward.”

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Nicole smiled without turning from the computer screen. “I won’t ask.”

“And you won’t tell either, apparently. Can I have a little more elaboration?

Which part is yes and which is no? You’re killing me.”

Nicole swiveled in her chair and faced Anne. “It’s complicated. Our families go

way back.”


“When my father died the Burtons agreed to protect me. Leos is now the head of

the family and he takes the vow very seriously.”

“What does this have to do with becoming your lover? Are you in danger if you

have sex with him?”

“It could never be a casual affair between us. He would have to be willing to

make a serious commitment before our relationship turned physical.”

“That’s ridiculous. This is the twenty-first century not… Why are you blushing?”

Anne stared at her thoughtfully. “Did things turn physical last night?”

“You could say that.”

“How far did things go?”

Nicole turned back to the computer screen. “Like I said, it’s complicated.”

“But he wants you, doesn’t he? He responded to your prompting?”

“His desire isn’t the problem.” How could she make Anne understand when she

couldn’t explain the biological aspect to Leos’s hesitation? There was a lot she wouldn’t

be able to explain to other humans. Nicole sighed. Leos was right. This would be harder

than she’d imagined. The doorbell rang, interrupting her musings. “I’m expecting a

package. Could you go sign for it?”

“No problem.” Anne hopped down from her stool and headed for the stairs.

Nicole heard a male voice respond to Anne’s greeting, but she couldn’t make out

the muffled exchange.

“Was this the package you were expecting?” Anne asked as she reentered the


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Turning around, Nicole saw the tall, blond man standing beside Anne. His blue

eyes shone with affection and curiosity. “Daniel.” Her heart fluttered and heat suffused

her face as she returned his smile. “I didn’t realize you’d stayed in the city.”

“That’s not much of a welcome. Are you still angry about the opening?”

“It’s water under the bridge.” She stood and crossed the studio, needing to be

near him. “What brings you by?” How much had Leos allowed Daniel to see as he

transitioned out of sleep state? Memory transfer was inevitable, but Leos had mastered

a level of control few ever achieved.

Daniel glanced at Anne meaningfully. “I was hoping to steal you away for a bit.”

His phone rang and he groaned when he saw the display. “I need to take this.”

Anne rushed to her side as he stepped into the stairwell. “He’s one of the Burtons

too, isn’t he? If Leos continues to be an ass, go after this one.”

Your friends will think you’re involved with two men because you won’t be able to tell

them the truth. If she wanted to mate with a Dichotomy she needed to accept everything

that would mean.

“Call me greedy,” she said with a smile. “I want them both.”

Anne’s eyes widened and she raised her hand to her chest. “Are you serious? Do

they… Oh my God!”

Nicole let challenge shape her smile. “I told you it was complicated.”

“You’re just yanking my chain, aren’t you?”

She didn’t respond to the question. Instead she said, “You did an exceptional job

yesterday. Why don’t you take the afternoon off?”

“Fine. I can tell when I’m not wanted.” She grabbed her purse off the floor by

Nicole’s desk and swung it onto her shoulder. “Have fun.”

Daniel emerged from the stairway a few minutes after Anne departed. “Sorry

about that.” He crossed the studio with loose-limbed grace, his stride gently rolling. “I

wanted to make sure we aren’t interrupted.”

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At first glance Daniel appeared opposite from Leos. His golden hair and bright

blue eyes were a striking contrast to his brother’s dark good looks. Yet the shape of their

noses and the firm angle of their jaws were identical.

She let her gaze sweep his tall form from head to toe before she asked, “What did

you have in mind?”

“Let’s go for a walk.”

“All right.” She followed him down the stairs then slipped into her bedroom to

grab a pair of sandals before they descended to street level. “Did you drive down from

Napa or sleep in the apartment?” Privacy was crucial for a Dichotomy. If they were

trapped in the open at dusk or dawn, their secret would be revealed to the world. So the

Burtons kept an apartment in the heart of downtown.

“I’ve been at the apartment, but sleep wasn’t involved.” He stepped closer, his

sky blue gaze intent on her face. “What happened last night?”

“What did Leos tell you?”

“Nothing. He was in one of his moods.”

She hesitated, conflict tearing at her heart. The nocturnal half of a Dichotomy

was dominant. It was the dominant half’s responsibility to instigate a soul bound. She

had no idea how they resolved differences, but she knew they couldn’t move forward

until Leos accepted her.

“Did you sense anything when you transitioned?” She grabbed her keys off the

hallstand and slipped them into the pocket of her sundress.

“I sensed Leos guarding his thoughts. And if the effort it took to keep the images

shielded is any indication, they were seriously evocative images.”

After she locked the front door, Daniel took her hand and led her across the

street. Alamo Square was a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. Sunlight

warmed the grass and created a leisurely environment for their afternoon stroll. A cool

breeze rustled the leaves and sent clouds floating across the hazy sky.

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His grip on her hand loosened, but instead of letting go, he entwined their

fingers and kissed the top of her knuckles. “I can be just as stubborn as Leos. Now tell

me what happened last night.”

“What do you think happened?” She gazed off into the distance, avoiding his

perceptive stare.

“If he’d initiated a soul bond, I’d be able to feel it. But I haven’t seen him that

rattled in years.” After a long pause he asked, “Did he frighten you?”

She couldn’t help but smile. “Not for lack of trying.”

“Then you are receptive to our suit?”

“Receptive to your suit?” She chuckled. “That sounds rather Victorian. You’re

not that old.”

He stopped walking and curled his fingers around her chin, raising her face until

she looked into his eyes. “I’ve felt old for so long, I barely remember what it’s like to

feel alive.”

“That’s all I was trying to do last night, shake things up a bit.”

“Leos was definitely… shaken.” He led her off the footpath and into the shade of

a massive weeping willow. “Tell me what happened.” It was no longer a request but a

directive. Leaning against the tree trunk, he pulled her into a loose embrace. His hands

rested on her hips and her skirt covered his legs, their lower bodies barely touching.

“I asked for his input on my new project. Can I help it if the subject is sexy games

people use to deepen or reawaken intimacy?”

“What sort of games?”

She ran her hands up his chest and pressed against him as she looked into his

eyes. “Can’t you guess?”

“This isn’t a game, Nicole. We can’t just be lovers. Your bloodline is compatible

with ours. If we have sex it will bind you to us.”

“I understand what will happen if we make love.”

“And you’re prepared to enter our world?”

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“I’m already part of your world. I can’t imagine me with anyone else. Even when

you married Denise and I knew we couldn’t be together, I couldn’t stop loving you.”

His gaze grew dark and smoky and he took her face between his hands. “Is this

what you told Leos?”

“Not in so many words.”

“Did he push you away or try and scare you off?”

“Mostly the latter, but he was pretty insistent that he wasn’t interested in

becoming my mate.”

He brushed his lips over hers and whispered, “He’s full of shit. We’re more than

interested, always have been.”

She let the possibility soothe her and embolden her. “What makes you so sure?”

“No matter how hard he tries, he can’t hide his feelings from me.” His lips

settled over hers, the kiss soft and patient. “You were seventeen when the council

suggested we marry Denise. We were attracted to you even then, but it wasn’t enough

of a reason to refuse the match.”

“I understand why you got married, but it’s been six years since the fire. If you

have feelings for me, why didn’t either of you act on them?”

“Being the mate of a Dichotomy can be dangerous. We have many enemies.”

“I’m not afraid of getting hurt. I think you’re worth the risk.”

“So did Denise.” He paused while she absorbed the significance of the simple

statement. “We weren’t willing to put you in danger, even if that meant suppressing

our feelings for you.”

“Well, that concept became moot last night. The cat’s out of the bag.”

“Show me.”

His arms tightened around her back, while his mouth moved with greater

insistency. She felt him sink into her mind and tried to relax, to allow the joining. A

telepathic link would protect her and allow them to communicate on a level more

elemental than words. Focusing on the night before, she showed him what Leos had

done and her response to his sensual demands.

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Excitement vibrated through the meld, speeding her pulse and igniting her

senses. She rubbed her breasts against his chest and tilted her head, fitting her mouth

more firmly to his. Her tongue curled around his as she parted her thighs and ground

against his thigh.

With a ragged groan, he pushed her away. “Unless you’re willing to have sex in

a public park, we better slow down.” She looked around and he laughed. “Are you

considering it?”

“Maybe if it were dark.” She shivered, missing the heat of his hard body. “I do

live right across the street.”

He took her hand and rushed her back across the park. She was laughing and

breathless by the time they reached her front door. They stepped into the hallway and

he slammed the door, pushing her up against the wall.

His mouth covered hers again, devouring and urgent. She wrapped her arms

around his neck and rubbed against his chest. He dragged her skirt to her waist,

bunching the material with one hand while the other wandered beneath. His fingers

pushed between her thighs, slipping inside her panties to stroke her cream-soaked


“So soft, so damn hot,” he muttered against her lips. “Did he let you come or

have you been simmering all night?”

“All I have to do is think about you and I get wet.” She was unashamed of her

desire. Moving her feet apart, she made room for his questing fingers. He traced her slit,

sliding back and forth, around her opening then around her clit. Clutching his

shoulders, she closed her eyes, lost in the gathering storm. She rocked her hips and

tilted her pelvis, bringing his fingers inside her just a bit.

He sank to his knees as he dragged her panties down and pressed his face

against the juncture of her thighs. Her skirt partially covered her mound, but he quickly

lifted it, baring her sex to his hungry mouth. He parted her with his tongue, sliding

across her clit as he ventured deeper between her folds.

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“Oh God.” She trembled, rocking up on the balls of her feet to give him better

access to her pussy.

He licked and sucked, bending one of her knees so he could reach the very heart

of her. His tongue slid against then pushed into her, arousing her to the very brink of


Tension gathered low in her belly as she squirmed against his mouth. Focusing

on her clit, he licked and flicked the tender nub until she arched into each stroke. Her

hands tangled in his hair and pleasure swelled within her. The tingling heat rolled

through her passage, propelled by his skillful tongue. She gasped and shuddered as his

persistent kiss prolonged the blissful spasms.

He brought her leg to his waist as he stood and kissed her, filling her mouth with

the taste of her own release. “Feel what you do to me.” He rubbed the considerable

bulge against her sensitized folds. “Soon you’ll feel that moving inside you.”

“Why soon? Why not now?”

“Nocturnal twins are dominant. I know you know what that means.”

“He has to fuck me first.”

He groaned and then kissed her again. “He has to initiate the bond. That doesn’t

mean I can’t help him understand how foolish it is to resist this attraction.”

She nipped his bottom lip. “What are you planning?”

“I need to gather some things.” With obvious reluctance he released her leg and

placed a parting kiss on her lips. “I’ll return before dusk.”

* * *

“I’m going to let Taerok transform me.”

Brook stared at her sister’s pale face and vacant eyes with mounting horror.

“Why in the name of God would you even consider such a thing?” She understood

Val’s fascination with vampires. A nocturnal Dichotomy had a lot in common with

other creatures of the night. Still, that didn’t explain her bizarre announcement. “Your

control over your day-dwelling half is rapidly increasing. With a little more practice

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you should be able to transition at will. Why would you give that up? Vampires are

helpless during the day.”

“Perhaps, but at night they’re anything but helpless.” Determination gleamed

through the glassiness in her sister’s dark blue eyes. “Who had the power to solve your

recent dilemma? It wasn’t me.”

“He was only willing to help me because you’ve been feeding him. Cut off his

blood supply and see how accommodating he becomes.”

Val crossed her arms over her narrow chest. “I won’t be dependant on him or

anyone once he transforms me.”

“It’s a bad idea, Val. A really bad idea.”

“Well, it’s not your choice to make.”

“How old is Taerok? Was he born or transformed?”

“He was born three hundred years ago.”

“And you expect to have that kind of power as soon as you awaken -- if you

survive the transformation that is.”

“I wasn’t asking your permission.”

“And I haven’t agreed to transform her, so you can stop scowling.”

A chill ran down Brook’s spine as she turned to face the speaker. He looked very

much like his voice sounded, dark, ageless, and dangerous. Dressed in faded jeans and

a black tee shirt, the vampire had appeared without warning, not so much as a stirring

of air or creak of the floorboards.

“I thought vampires had to be invited.” She stared directly into his obsidian eyes,

refusing to reveal her anxiety.

“You invited me last night. Remember? I feasted on your lover, then dispersed

his molecules out over the bay.”

“That was a nifty trick. I must admit.” There had been nothing left in the

bedroom to indicate Jason had ever been there. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He stalked toward her, his gaze boring into hers. “Valerie has

told me a lot about you.”

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“Nothing good, I’m sure.” She glanced at her sister and found jealousy glaring

back at her. Damn. They had too many points of contention between them already and

she had no real interest in Val’s newest toy.

Taerok touched her shoulder, his fingers icy against her bare skin. “How long

have you been in control of your day-dwelling twin?”

“Almost a year.”

“She was the first to transform at will,” Valerie said, “but my brothers also

achieved that level of control.”

His gaze never shifted from Brook’s face. “I’m convinced the key to breaking free

of my solar trance lies in the blood of the Dichotomy.”

“We’re two completely different species,” Brook objected.

“You’re nocturnal by nature, yet you control the cycle during which you are

meant to sleep. Is this not true?”

“Has taking Val’s blood given you any more control over your sleep cycle?”

“No, but she has not yet gained that level of control.”

It only took a moment for her to see where this was leading. “No fucking way

are you drinking from me!”

He laughed, the sound oddly sedating. Brook blinked rapidly, determined to

clear her head.

“It only hurts when his fangs go in.” Val stepped up beside her and wrapped a

slender arm around her waist. “After that it’s incredible.”

The vampire took another step toward her and Brook held up both hands. “Stay

away from me.”

“There is a longstanding truce between your kind and mine. I would prefer not

to start an interspecies incident.”

“Then keep your fangs to yourself.”

“We’re allowed to feed from any species if the blood is offered willingly. What

can I do in exchange for your blood? I’m entirely at your disposal.”

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The temptation took root with insidious appeal. He had taken care of Jason

without blinking an eye and the Burtons were still on high alert. “How do you feel

about kidnapping?”

“I’m a far better assassin. Kidnappings have too many variables.”

“I want to kill this one myself, but I could use your help obtaining the bait.”

He considered her offer for a moment then asked, “Who do you wish me to

kidnap and where shall I take them?”

“I’m still working out the details. It might take a couple of days.”

“Then you agree to my price?”

“After the deed is done, I’ll allow you to feed.”

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Chapter Four

Daniel was restless as hell. All he had to do was close his eyes and he could

picture Nicole arching and wiggling against his lips while her unique taste filled his

mouth. He’d been hard since he kissed her in the park and relief might still be days

away. Leos had to initiate the bond and Leos could be irrationally stubborn.

As if to acknowledge the complaint, Leos tossed within the confines of sleep

state. Not yet. Daniel sent the thought inward, calming his nocturnal twin.

With a gym bag clasped lightly in one hand, he climbed the steps to Nicole’s

townhouse. She answered the door in the same colorful sundress she’d worn that


“You’re cutting this a bit close, aren’t you?” She nodded toward the setting sun.

“It took me a little longer than expected to get everything together.”

“What sort of everything did you need to gather?”

“I’ll show you.” He locked the door behind him and motioned toward the stairs.

“You’re right. We don’t have much time.”

She started up the stairs then paused. “Where am I going?” Her beautiful eyes

shone with emerald fire, the luminous orbs dominating her delicate features.

“Your bedroom.”

With a stiff nod, she continued up the stairs. “If Leos is opposed to having a

mate, why aren’t you?”

“Leos isn’t opposed to mating with you. Trust me. He wants this as much as we

do. He doesn’t want to put you in danger.”

“But Aidan is dead. The danger is gone.”

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They reached a small landing and he brushed her cheek with the back of his

knuckles. “The world is filled with danger, sweetheart. We will always have enemies.

But we can’t let fear rule us or we become prisoners in our own lives.”

“Leos is afraid of me?” She didn’t sound convinced.

“He’s afraid for you. Too many of our females have been lost or harmed by our

enemies. He’s convinced the only way to keep you safe is to keep you away from us.”

“Well, that’s just unacceptable.”

He smiled at her conviction and followed her into her bedroom. “I agree.” The

bed had a simple wooden headboard that matched a functional dresser. A colorful quilt

saved the room from austerity, but it was obvious she spent the majority of her time

elsewhere. “Now all we have to do is convince the most obstinate man on the planet.”

“And how do we do that?”

“You can start by taking off your clothes.”

“Our argument will be more convincing if I’m naked?” Amusement made her

eyes sparkle.

“Absolutely. He told you last night what he likes in a lover. I think we should

give it to him.”

“Bound and gagged and on my knees?”

“Well, the gagged part will have to wait. I have other plans for your mouth.”

Understanding spread across her expression as she reached back to unzip her dress.

“Let me.” He lowered the zipper and she stepped out of the sundress. “Underwear

too.” He was disappointed to see that she’d put on another pair of panties. At least she

hadn’t bothered with a bra.

As each garment hit the floor, he grew more determined to keep her naked. Her

legs were long and toned, her hips gently rounded. She had a sweet little ass, perfect for

holding while he thrust between her thighs. Her tan lines hinted at a bikini stashed

somewhere in one of her drawers and deep rose nipples crowned her soft white breasts.

“Damn,” he muttered. “You look even better naked.” She smiled and reached for

his gym bag. He laughed and turned toward the bed. “Don’t get grabby. Impatience

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will accomplish nothing.” Heat seared his spine then stabbed into his chest. “Shit! I take

it back. We have to hurry. He knows we’re up to something.”

“What do you want me to do?”

Unzipping the bag, he found the wrist restraints he’d retrieved from the

playroom at the estate. “Hold out your hands.” She did and he fastened the velvet lined

cuffs around her wrists. “Now kneel with your feet close together.” It would have been

more dramatic with her hands behind her back, but he didn’t want to risk her losing her

balance when transition claimed him.

He secured her ankles then pushed to his feet. His pulse thudded in his ears and

pressure built in his chest. She knelt there silently, her eyes wide and watchful. “Don’t

be afraid. This is a natural part of our existence.” Except when his nocturnal twin was

fighting his way to the surface rather than letting transition progress naturally.

Daniel groaned and clutched his chest. It made no difference. Light burst from

him with blinding intensity. Leos took on form in an instant and ripped free in one

violent motion. Daniel sank to his knees, panting for breath.

“What the fuck is going on?” Leos looked at Nicole, his chest heaving. “Is this

supposed to be a joke?”

“I’ve never been more serious in my life,” Daniel managed between ragged


Leos shot at Daniel like an over wound spring. He grabbed him by the throat and

shoved him against the nearest wall. Nicole yelped and tried to intercede. The ankle

restraints brought her up short.

“I will not see another woman die because of me!”

“Danger is unavoidable. What about Kendra and Lark? Should we send them

away too?” Daniel ignored the pain in his throat and glared into Leos’s eyes. “We can’t

stop living because someone might die.”

“Brook is still out there.” His grip loosened but he didn’t let go. “She could use

Nicole to --”

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“Nicole is already connected to our family. What’s to say Brook won’t target her

anyway? Depriving us of what we need most won’t guarantee her safety. We can

protect her better with a soul bond in place.”

“I can’t… go through that again.”

Daniel guided Leos’s hand away from his throat. “And I can’t go through the

rest of my life without our mate. I let you have your way before. I won’t lose her again.”

Nicole had inadvertently witnessed her first transition when she was eleven

years old. Still, it hadn’t prepared her for this violent separation. Did Leos always

emerge so abruptly? She’d often wondered if Dichotomies argued with themselves and

now she knew. Never had the contrast between them been so stark.

The sadness in Daniel’s tone brought her attention to his flushed face. What had

he meant by “I won’t lose her again?” If he was talking about her, when had he lost her

the first time?

“If you want her, I won’t argue.” Leos crossed his arms over his chest and raised

his chin. “But I won’t be manipulated.”

Daniel turned to her with an exasperated hiss. “I told you he’d be stubborn.” He

reached down and unfastened one of her wrist cuffs. “Put your hands behind your


“I thought he had to…”

“He does. That doesn’t mean we have to be miserable. Let’s show him what he’s


She put her hands behind her back and Daniel refastened the cuff. Her breasts

were thrust forward by the position and she felt a bit off balance.

“Move your knees farther apart,” Leos suggested as his gaze focused on the apex

of her thighs. Her pussy tingled, responding instantaneously to his blatant stare. “Then

you won’t feel like you’re going to topple over.”

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Daniel knelt in front of her, momentarily blocking her view of Leos. “I won’t let

you fall.” He tilted her face up and pressed his mouth over hers. Kiss me, love. Show him

how sweetly you surrender.

She hadn’t realized the link was still active. A soft gasp parted her lips and his

tongue pushed into her mouth. He steadied her with one hand, while the other cupped

her breast. All the while she imagined Leos watching, restless and frustrated.

Daniel kissed his way down her neck, leaving her lips moist and parted. She

wanted to respond but Leos’s brooding presence distracted her from the sensations. He

should be part of this. Without his involvement they would never be complete.

Closing his lips around one of her nipples, Daniel began to suckle. His mouth

was warm and the firm pulls sent tingles down her spine. Even so, her gaze drifted to


His eyes were narrowed, his lips pressed into an angry line. She tried to twist

away, but Daniel easily followed her movements. “It’s all right,” he said. “He’ll give in

soon enough.”

“I don’t want him to ‘give in’.” She licked her lips and lowered her gaze. “If he’s

not ready, we should wait.”

Leos chuckled. “Are you feeling sorry for me?” His brittle tone belied his


Her heart lurched and she risked a glance into his eyes. Emotion swirled within

their inky depths but she couldn’t begin to decipher what he was feeling. “No, Sir. Pity

is the farthest thing from my mind.”

“Really? Then why deny Daniel release when he obviously needs you?”

Uncomfortable with his assessing stare, she lowered her gaze again. “You’re the

dominant twin. You must initiate the bond.”

“There are many things we can do that don’t involve a soul bond.”

“We?” she asked hopefully. “Are you going to participate?”

“Perhaps.” He moved closer, but she didn’t raise her head. “Daniel, sit on the

foot of the bed.”

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“Just do it.” Leos grabbed her bound wrists as Daniel moved to the bed. “Stand

up,” he directed her. It was awkward, but with his help, she struggled to her feet. “You

can’t come in her mouth.”

“Not as long as you’re determined to keep us apart.” Despite the complaint,

Daniel unbuckled his pants and lowered his zipper.

“I can’t reach him.”

“Bend over.” Leos gently pushed her head down as he used her wrists to

counterbalance her stance. If he let go, she’d tumble face first into Daniel’s lap. Leos

wanted her off balance, dependent on him for everything. The realization sent a secret

thrill through her. Daniel was right. Leos was far from indifferent.

Daniel cupped the side of her face and guided his cock to her mouth. His flared

tip felt velvety beneath her lips. She circled him with her tongue and warmed him with

her breath. He murmured her name and pushed into her mouth.

Warm fingers swept down her arm and across the small of her back. She closed

her eyes and enjoyed the simple caress. She was naked and restrained. What more did

Leos need?

“Is she wet?” Daniel’s voice sounded tense and anxious.

She moved her mouth up and down Daniel’s shaft as Leos stroked her thighs,

her hips, and her bottom. “Your skin is so soft,” he whispered. “Do you want my

fingers inside you?”

I want your cock inside me.

One step at a time, Daniel cautioned. At least he’s touching you.

Leos eased his hand between her thighs and she opened her eyes. His fingers slid

in her creamy folds, finding her clit. She moved faster, her head steadily bobbing.

Daniel matched her movements with the rocking of his hips. His shaft was marble hard

and hot against her tongue. She swirled her tongue and sucked at the top of each stroke.

“Harder, love, suck me hard. I can’t hold on much longer.”

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She tightened her lips and sucked until her cheeks ached. He threw back his

head and cried out. Light burst all around him. Her lips tingled and her mouth went

dry. She tasted the faint hint of cum as his body disintegrated.

“Did he come in your mouth?”

“Not exactly.”

Leos slid his fingers in and out, stoking the embers of her smoldering arousal.

“He either came or he didn’t. ‘Not exactly’ isn’t an answer.”

“He transitioned just as he came.”

“When did he initiate your telepathic link?”

She stiffened, wishing she could see his face. “You could hear us?”

“No. I sensed communication, but chose not to intrude.”

He withdrew his fingers and she shivered. Her body was ripe and ready for

whatever he had to give, so why was he pulling away? She glanced back at him, but all

she could see was his shoulder and part of his chest.

Uncertainty gripped her heart as silence descended. What was he thinking? Why

had he stopped touching her? “If we’re finished, will you please unfasten my hands?”

“Maybe I want you to suck me off. Daniel sure as hell enjoyed it.”

Could a Dichotomy be jealous of their other half? He’d been angry and

suspicious of Daniel. Why not jealous? “Won’t that initiate the bond?”

“Not if I pull out in time.”

Menace made his tone harsh, but she couldn’t help but smile. It would take more

than a blowjob to rattle her cage. “Would you like me on my knees or shall we lie down

on the bed?”

Much to her disappointment, if not her surprise, he unfastened one of her wrists

and crossed to the windows without another word. She sighed and rolled to her bottom

so she could unbuckle her ankles and her other wrist.

He stared out into the twilight, his chiseled profile expressionless. Daniel had

called him the most obstinate man on the planet and she was starting to believe it. She

set the restraints aside and pushed to her feet.

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“Daniel said he didn’t want to lose me again.” She took her bathrobe off the back

of her door and slipped into the calf-length garment. “What did he mean?”

“When the council suggested Denise as our mate Daniel wanted to refuse.”

“The council doesn’t make suggestions. They issue commands.”

He turned and leaned back against the windowsill. “That didn’t keep Daniel

from objecting.”

“Didn’t he like Denise? She seemed a bit stuffy, but her pedigree was flawless.”

“Regardless of her ‘superior genetics,’ Denise was not our mate and we both

knew it.”

Her heart fluttered and she tucked her hands into the pockets of her robe. Was

this leading where it seemed to be leading? “Why did you accept her if she wasn’t the


“Because I knew my mate would die and I didn’t want it to be you.”

Staggered by his softly spoken revelation, she just stared at him in silence. He

turned back to the window as she sorted through the implications. Leos had prophetic

dreams. They were infrequent and often confusing, but the events they revealed had

never been wrong.

“We did everything in our power to protect her.” Anguish bled through his tone

and paralyzed his features. “I knew she was in danger, but the fucking dream didn’t

show me how she died.”

“A paid assassin lured you away and then set your house on fire.” She moved

closer, needing to touch him, yet unsure how he would react. “It wasn’t your fault.”

“That’s what everyone told my father after my mother died.”

The sudden subject change made her wary. What did one have to do with the

other? Adele Burton had died long before Nicole was born. Nicole knew little more

than her name. “Was everyone wrong?”

“The most vivid memory I have of my mother was walking into my father’s

study and finding her body. I was nine.”

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Unable to resist the urge any longer, she wrapped her arms around his waist.

“I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”

He remained stiff and still, but allowed the embrace. “Father blamed her death

on a prowler, but I knew the truth. One of his enemies sent him a message he couldn’t


The Burtons headed the oldest Dichotomy clan. His great-grandfather had

assembled the first elder council and a member of his family had directed it ever since.

Many of the council’s decisions were unpopular, especially with the ones who broke

Dichotomy law.

“You’re the current director, so you’ve inherited your father’s enemies?”

He turned in her arms and his expression came back to life. “I am, but that

wasn’t the point of my history lesson. My father never took another mate because he

refused to put another woman in danger.”

“He had several mistresses. He even fathered other children.”

“That’s different than a soul bonded mate.”

“Why? The Dichotomy disperse their wealth evenly among their offspring. My

uncle is no less important than your brothers. Even daughters are treated equally.”

“That’s mostly true.” The conversation seemed to soothe him. He curved his

fingers around her neck, his thumb stroking the underside of her jaw. “Children of a

soul bonded mate are usually more powerful than those born of a consort. Your uncle

can transition, which is unusual for a halfling, but he has no other paranormal abilities.”

“Isn’t that because your mother was also a Dichotomy?”

“Not necessarily. Changes take place in a human when they’re soul bonded to a

Dichotomy. Many mates develop paranormal abilities. And with the shrinking gene

pool, it’s often more beneficial to mate with a compatible human than another


She raised her hand to his face, mirroring his caress. “Then why are you fighting

this so hard?”

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He caught her wrist and pulled her fingers away from his face. “Don’t you see? I

let her die. I knew it would happen and I married her anyway.”

“Did you tell her about the dream?”

“Of course. I told everyone.”

“They didn’t believe you?”

“My brothers did. She thought I was being melodramatic.” He released her hand

and hugged her to his chest.

Thrilled by the unexpected embrace, she wrapped her arms around him and

savored his warmth. “Have you dreamed about me?”

“More than you could possibly imagine.”

She smiled against his chest, but challenged the evasion. “You know what I


“It’s more like trepidation. I haven’t actually had a specific dream.”

“Well, if you do, I’ll believe every word.” She pushed back just far enough so she

could see his face. “Life never comes with guarantees. I could be hit by a car tomorrow

or find out I have cancer. I’m willing to risk the danger if it means being with you.”

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Chapter Five

Leos stared into Nicole’s eyes, his heart thudding madly. Her expression was

open and affection warmed her gaze. After six long years of guilt and grief, the past

began to shrivel and fade into the shadows where it belonged. He would never forget

those he’d lost, but he would no longer be controlled by the memories.

He framed her face with his hands and brushed his lips over hers. “If we’re

going to do this, we’ll spend the next week in bed constructing the strongest soul bond

this world has ever seen.”

“You’ll get no argument from me.”

“Then let’s start by expanding your telepathic link. It happens naturally as part

of the soul bond, but I’d rather be connected to you now.”

“I’m yours to command.” Her dreamy smile sent desire stabbing through him.

He lowered his face and she opened at the first brush of his tongue. Willing and eager,

she returned his kiss. Their mouths moved and clung. His arm circled her waist,

pressing her against him as the kiss gradually deepened.

He was met with instinctive resistance as he pushed into her mind. Relax, love.

You’ve already done this with Daniel.

This feels different. You’re a lot stronger than he is.

The link he created was temporary, but it’s basically the same.

She relaxed and his probe penetrated farther. He meticulously constructed the

link, surrounding the connection with layer upon layer of shielding.

Her hands began to wander, pulling up his shirt and exploring his back. Desire

rippled across the link and he shivered. Mission accomplished. He eased out of her

mind and savored her soft mouth for a moment before breaking off the kiss.

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She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed the crisp material off his shoulders, her

fingers moving with quick dexterity. “I want you naked.” He tugged his undershirt off

over his head as she went to work on his pants. “I’ll go back into restraints if you want

me to, but please let me touch you first.”

Despite her offer, she didn’t wait for permission. Her busy fingers slipped inside

his underwear and curled around his cock. She wrapped him in a firm fist as her lips

peppered kisses across his chest. His pants remained forgotten at mid-thigh as she

focused entirely on touching him. Not bothering to hide his smile, he kicked off his

shoes and finished undressing.

He used a mental pulse to unfasten the belt securing her bathrobe. She gasped

and looked down. “How did you do that?”

“Like this.” A slightly stronger pulse peeled the robe down her arms.

“You’re telekinetic.” She sounded amazed. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

“I’ll give you a full inventory of all our abilities after I fuck you senseless.” Now

that his determination to resist her was gone, hunger rushed through him with frantic

insistence. He wanted to touch and taste and take her all at the same time. He leaned

down and swept her into his arms. “I want this to be a true joining.”

“So do I.”

“Then we need to wait for Daniel.”

She covered her face and groaned. “I’ll never make it that long.”

“We can pleasure each other, but we need to save the actual joining until we’re

all together.”

“You better put me back in restraints. I’m liable to attack.” The mischievous

gleam in her eyes hinted at other motivations for the suggestion.

He sat her in the middle of the bed and retrieved the wrist cuffs from the floor. “I

think you like being restrained.”

“Does that surprise you?” She held out her hands expectantly.

“Not at all.” He fastened the cuffs and she spread out on her back, raising her

arms above her head. She had been fashioned by fate to fulfill them and they had been

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created for her. The ease with which she accepted even his darkest desire only proved

that she was their mate. “Bend your knees and bring your feet together.”

He picked up the ankle cuffs as she obeyed. The position spread her legs wide,

opening her pussy for his gaze and his touch. After securing her feet, he caressed his

way up her inner thighs. Her breath hitched and she fidgeted as his fingers moved ever

closer to their target.

“I thought we’d take turns” -- he traced her slit with two fingers, fascinated by

her soft pink flesh and the needful sounds she made in the back of her throat -- “but I

think you’ll like this even better.”

Crawling onto the bed, he carefully straddled her face, placing one knee on either

side of her upraised arms. She licked her lips, obviously understanding his intention.

Her tongue snaked out to welcome him inside. He slid slowly in and out of her mouth,

enjoying the silken heat and the gentle friction.

He settled into a gentle rhythm as he moved farther down. Pushing his arms

under her hips, he grasped her inner thighs and lowered his head between her legs. She

arched into his kiss, anxious for the first brush of his lips or tongue. He played through

her delicate folds for a moment before venturing into her feminine core.

His tongue moved with the same leisurely cadence as his cock. He inhaled her

scent and swallowed her taste, determined to make this last. She swirled her tongue

around his cockhead and sucked hard enough to make him moan.

Centering his mouth over her clit, he took her between his lips and returned the

favor. She shuddered, crying out around his shaft. Pleasure rolled across their link,

spiking his arousal and shattering his control.

He pulled out as he came, helpless to resist the combined stimulation. She laved

at his length until the last spasm passed. He was just as persistent in his attention,

flicking and rubbing to prolong her pleasure.

Finally satisfied that he had milked the last tingle from her body, he rolled to her


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Nicole smiled into the darkness. The sun had set completely while they enjoyed

each other. She was naked, bound hand and foot, yet she had never felt so secure. “So,

what other abilities do you have?”

“All Dichotomies are telepathic. My telekinetic ability is considered moderate

and I find it far less useful than you would think. I’m a pretty strong scanner, but I’ve

never been comfortable using the gift.”

“Scanning? Like ferreting out information in someone else’s mind?”

“Basically. I don’t mind exposing people when they’re lying through their teeth,

but I have to have a damned good reason to invade their privacy.”

She didn’t mention his prophetic dreams. The ability had brought him nothing

but pain. “Does Daniel have the same skill set?”

“Most day-dwellers have little or no abilities and many of us are unable to use

our abilities during transition.”

“Why is that?”

“Our energy is literally divided in half. That’s bound to disrupt a few circuits.”

She was quiet for a few minutes as she absorbed the new information.

He propped his head on his hand and studied her face. “What else did Daniel

stuff in that gym bag?”

“How did you know about that?”

“I saw it on the floor.” He touched the wrist cuffs with a lazy smile. “And these

look suspiciously familiar.”

“I don’t know what else he brought. We were rudely interrupted.”

“I thought he was going to start without me.”

“You should know him better than that.”

“I do. I just have a hard time thinking clearly when you’re involved.” After

pausing for a gentle kiss, he crawled off the side of the bed. He placed the bag on the

bed and rummaged through its contents.

“What else is in there?”

“He did good.”

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“That didn’t answer the question.”

“I know.”

She heard a package tearing, but he kept his hands inside the bag. “What are you


“Getting ready to get you ready. Can you turn over or do you need my help?”

She rolled to her side and then her stomach before scooting back to the center of

the bed. “Like this?”

“Now pull your legs up under you.”

With a bit of wiggling, she achieved the desired position. Her butt was thrust in

the air, so his purpose was really no mystery. If they didn’t prepare her for penetration,

it would hurt like hell. She thought about how wide she’d had to open her mouth to get

him inside and a shiver sped down her spine.

He stroked from the nape of her neck to the small of her back. “You really do

have an amazing ass.” His fingers trailed over one cheek and then the other. “I’ve

wanted to touch you like this since you pranced up the stairs in those skintight jeans.”

“I don’t prance,” she objected.

“But you bought those jeans to make sure I paid attention.”


His fingers dipped between her legs and brushed across her pussy. “This

position offers all sorts of possibilities.” He circled her clit to illustrate his claim.

She closed her eyes and concentrated on his touch. He continued to tease her nub

while his other hand returned to her bottom. His fingers traced her crack, skimming

over her sensitive anus with each light pass.

“Have you ever worn a butt plug?” She shook her head. “Would you like to see

this one before I put it inside you?”

“I think I’ll pass.”

“Okay. Don’t tense up. This won’t hurt; I promise.”

Something cool and smooth nudged her back entrance. She consciously released

the tension in her muscles and drew in a slow, deep breath. His fingers gently rolled her

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clit as he pushed the toy inside. Pressure expanded as the plug invaded her passage. It

felt odd, yet undeniably arousing. Her sphincter settled into the notch designed to

anchor the device and she exhaled.

“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” The bed swayed as he joined her on the

mattress. “I can’t get enough of you.” His face pressed against the back of her thighs

and his tongue pushed into her cunt. Her inner muscles clenched, accentuating the alien

pressure lodged inside her. He caressed her swollen clit with his tongue while he

slowly spun the butt plug. Tingles erupted in unusual places. Her nipples rasped

against the quilt and she pressed herself against his mouth. “Come, love. I want to feel

the spasms against my lips.”

Tension gathered tighter and tighter, but she couldn’t find release. His patient

strokes became persistent flicks and she still couldn’t come. “I can’t.”

He didn’t argue or give up. With a feral growl, he thrust his tongue into her core

and used his fingers on her clit. She clutched the quilt and tried to relax the cramping

muscles in her stomach. He spun the butt plug then slowly pulled it out.

Pleasure rushed through her and poured out of her. She shook violently, the bed

muffling her scream. He pushed the plug back into place as she whimpered helplessly.

“We don’t have anything to worry about. Your body already knows what to do.”

* * *

Daniel was drawn from sleep state by scalding waves of unrelenting desire. He

struggled to the surface and felt his body coalesce as erotic images flooded his mind. He

waited for the bitter slap of Leos’s anger, but all he sensed was longing and impatience.

Nicole stood beside the bed, naked and flushed from a recent orgasm. “You two

have been busy while I slept,” he muttered. “You weren’t supposed to start without


“We didn’t.” She smiled and his heart turned over in his chest. “We both knew

this wouldn’t be right without you.”

He looked at Leos as hope wrestled with uncertainty. “Is this for real? You’re

ready to let it go?”

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“It’s about time. Don’t you think?”

“Way past time, if you ask me.”

“I didn’t ask you.” Leos walked past him and pulled Nicole into his arms. “If

he’s going to stand there like a fool, I guess I’ll have to show him how it’s done.”

Jarred from his stupor by his brother’s teasing words, Daniel pressed himself

against her back and buried his face in her hair. “I have waited so long for this.” Leos

turned her around and she wrapped her arms around Daniel’s neck. “You’re sure this is

what you want?”


Her lips parted sweetly for his tongue. She tasted of wine and passion. Knowing

they’d waited to share this with him made the anticipation almost unbearable. Daniel

grew hard against her belly and her clever fingers encouraged his reaction.

“Eleven hours of foreplay is testing even my self-control,” Leos grumbled.

“I don’t care about you.” He searched Nicole’s eyes, captivated by their

luminous depths. “Are you ready for this?”

“More than ready.” She guided his hand to the juncture of her thighs and he

groaned at the wet heat awaiting him. “I’ve waited half my life to feel you inside me.”

Powerless in the face of her desire, Daniel moved to the edge of the bed and sat.

She climbed onto his lap and reached between them, guiding his cock to her opening.

He held her hips, steadying her as she descended. Her hot, wet flesh surrounded him,

inch by glorious inch.

He tangled his hand in her hair and brought her mouth to his, kissing her with

all the passion and tenderness welling up within him. Affection surged into his mind

and drenched his body with unexpected warmth. His eyes flew open and he looked at

Leos. “You established a permanent link.”

“How can we keep her safe if we can’t sense her?”

Thrilled by the increased intimacy, he passed his feelings across the link, sharing

himself with her mind to mind. Her inner muscles tightened and he grew even harder

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than before. Leos allowed their embrace for only a moment before he pushed Daniel

over onto his back. “I’d like to initiate the bond now if it’s all the same to you.”

“Should we let him? This feels awfully good to me.”

“He waited for you. It’s only fair.” Nicole tried not to let her anxiety show. Leos

had prepared her well. There was no reason for her fear.

Leos rubbed her shoulders and moved her hair aside so he could lick the side of

her neck. “The first time is always unnerving. I’ll take it nice and slow.” Daniel pulled

her forward, flattening her breasts against his chest. Leos coated his cock with lubricant

then smeared the gel across her anus. “Here we go.”

He circled her twice before pushing into her slick opening. Pressure built within

her. Stretch became sting for an instant before her body released. He drove deeper and

deeper, tightening her pussy around Daniel’s cock.

“Holy fuck,” Daniel groaned. “That’s got to be hurting her. Pull out.”

Rather than argue she opened her mind, sharing the sensations with both men.

Leos clutched her hips, trembling against her back while Daniel stroked her sides.

“I’m fine,” she whispered. “Anything less would be a disappointment.”

Leos pulled back. His slow withdrawal sent pleasure rippling through her

abdomen. She tried to lift herself up, but Daniel grabbed her hips. “Take your time. Let

your body get used to this before we move on.”

In and out, in and out, Leos slid against and inside her. Daniel caressed her sides

and her legs, his touch never lingering anywhere for long. Leos insinuated his hands

between her body and Daniel, cupping her breasts as his strokes grew deeper and


Heat swelled. Pleasure passed between them with an effortless flow. Leos drove

his full length into her then pulled her upward as he pulled back. They both hovered,

barely inside her, and then they thrust in together.

She cried out, her body exploding with an unexpected climax. They filled her

again and again, their movements perfectly synchronized. Colors danced in front of her

eyes and reality blurred. Nothing had ever felt so perfect, so utterly right.

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Leos came next. His pleasure blasted into her, triggering another orgasm. She

trembled and shook, her powerful spasms caressing her mates. Daniel arched beneath

her, his release quickly following hers.

For a long time they clung together, breathless and speechless. Leos stroked her

hair and Daniel kissed her neck as she floated between them. Welcome home, love. We’ve

been waiting for you.

She wasn’t sure if Leos or Daniel had sent the thoughts into her passion-addled

mind, but it made her smile. “That was a pretty amazing welcome,” she whispered, too

content to move.

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Chapter Six

True to his word, Leos barely let her leave the bedroom for the next week. She

told Anne she needed some time alone and assured her it wouldn’t affect her salary.

Anne asked if the enigmatic Burton brothers had anything to do with her desire for

solitude, but Nicole wouldn’t rise to the bait.

Daniel filled her days with warmth and laughter while Leos overwhelmed her

inhibitions with the intensity of his desire. She’d felt comfortable with Daniel from day

one. He was easy to talk to and easier to love.

Leos, on the other hand, could be overbearing and moody. He frequently

challenged her ideas just to see her reaction. Their discussion about color choices in

Mischief was rapidly deteriorating into an argument when understanding spread

through Nicole.

“You just like to argue, don’t you?”

“We aren’t arguing.” He stalked toward her, desire gleaming in his eyes. “This is

a friendly debate.”

“About something completely irrelevant to you.”

“Nothing about you is irrelevant.” He rolled her chair back from her desk and

turned her around. “But you’re finished working for tonight.”

“I am?”

“You are.”

“And what am I going to do instead?”

“I never punished you for recruiting Daniel and conspiring against me.”

She laughed despite his stern expression. “Daniel recruited me.”

“Then you admit to conspiracy?”

“Do I have a choice?”

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“Not really. The evidence against you is incontrovertible.”

He pulled her to her feet and brushed his lips over hers. “So I must be



Excitement spiraled through her body. His lovemaking had been mostly tender

for the past few days. The primal fire she’d glimpsed during their first encounter had

been carefully banked.

“What do you have in mind?”

Without explanation, he led her across the studio and down the narrow staircase.

Her bed was still rumpled from her passionate tussle with Daniel that morning.

“Undress,” he said as he closed the door.

She recognized his imperious tone, knew what he expected from her. “Yes, Sir.”

Her hands trembled as she stripped off her clothes. He stood beside the bed, silent and

imposing. When she was naked, she moved in front of him and lowered her gaze to the


He sat on the bed and overtly studied her body. “Move your legs apart so I can

see your pussy. Never hide yourself from me again.”

A hot flush crawled up her throat as she obeyed. “I’m sorry, Sir. It wasn’t


“Touch yourself. I want to watch you find pleasure.”

An objection parted her lips, but she stubbornly bit it back. After everything

they’d done together, how could anything embarrass her? She cupped her breasts and

rolled her nipples, alternating between soft strokes and persistent tugs.

“Come here.” She immediately moved between his legs and offered her breasts.

He suckled firmly, working in tandem with her own caresses. Her nipples beaded and a

slow melting sensation passed through her abdomen.

“Enough.” His tone was deep and throaty. “Bend over my legs and keep your

thighs separated.”

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Uncertainty knotted her stomach. She thought he’d forgotten about her

punishment when she undressed. She should have known it wouldn’t be that easy.

With a deep breath, she calmed her wayward mind. He wouldn’t hurt her. Even at his

fiercest he’d carefully guarded her pleasure. She trusted him with her body, and her


Bending from the waist, she rested her upper body across his legs. He shifted her

forward until her breasts pressed against one thigh and the other supported her hips.

Her toes barely touched the floor and she couldn’t figure out what to do with her arms.

“Have you ever been spanked?”

She shook her head, then muttered, “No, Sir.”

“Then brace yourself against the floor. I need both hands.” He released his hold

on her back and moved his legs closer together. She teetered forward, in danger of

toppling off his lap. Splaying her hands against the carpet, she pushed up until her

body was balanced again. “Good.”

She heard the low hum of a vibrator and froze. He must have retrieved one from

the trusty gym bag while she undressed.

“Why so tense, sweetheart? This part feels good.”

He traced her crease with the rounded tip of the vibrator and she moaned.

Despite her ignoble position and the promised pain, she was unable to hide her reaction

to the stimulation. Her pussy came alive with tingling heat, inner muscles tight and


Taking his time, he teased her folds and circled her clit in an endless figure eight.

“You’re so wet. Does this feel good?”

“Yes, Sir. Everything you do feels good.”

“Everything?” With the vibrator gently circling her clit, he pushed two fingers

into her dripping passage then worked the liquid up to her anus.

She held her breath, knowing full well what he intended to do. His fingertips

awakened the nerve endings congregated in the puckered flesh before breaching the

stubborn ring of muscles.

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“Does this feel good?”

Her breath hissed out and gasped in before she could speak. “I never thought I’d

enjoy anything that involved my ass, but everything you do feels amazing.”

His fingers slid in and out, in and out. Tingles gathered and pressure built. Her

pussy fluttered, craving the fullness and motion he was bestowing on her other


The sweet rush of release had just begun when he removed his fingers and

turned off the toy. “You haven’t earned that yet.”

She tossed her hair out of her eyes and tried not to howl in frustration. His hand

stroked over her bottom. He squeezed her cheeks and explored the crack in between,

intentionally passing his fingertips over her sensitive anus. She held perfectly still,

unsure what to expect.

“Do you deserve punishment?”

No sound emerged when she tried to speak, so she nodded her head. His hand

came down hard against her ass cheek and she gasped. Before she could object to the

sting, heat crawled across her skin and sank into her flesh. Oh, how odd, how


She closed her eyes and concentrated on the heat. After a long pause, he spanked

her other cheek. Her clit throbbed and tension rippled through her core.

His hand swatted upward this time, catching the lower swell of her ass where it

met the back of her thigh. He repeated the motion on the other side. Sensation flowed

through her abdomen, gathering force as it rolled along. Her clit tingled, primed and

ready to trigger her orgasm.

“Please, Sir, may I come?” She was afraid she was going to come with or without

his permission.

“Your eagerness pleases me.” He passed his fingers over her ass, barely

skimming her sensitized skin. “Come.”

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Then he flicked her clit, detonating her climax with one firm pass. She cried out,

surprised by the force of the spasms. Her inner muscles clenched forcefully as the

pleasure swelled outward from the apex of her thighs.

He kissed the small of her back then lifted her off his legs. “Kneel and put your

hands behind your back.”

Unsteady and tingling from the wonderful release, she folded her legs beneath

her and crossed her arms at the small of her back. He stood and fastened handcuffs

around her wrists. Pausing to make sure she was steady, he then took off his clothes.

His garments brushed against her as he set them aside and the scent of his

arousal became more pungent. She let her eyes feast on his naked body. Aftershocks of

her orgasm were still pinging through her and already her greedy flesh wanted more.

He stroked his shaft from stem to tip, drawing her attention to its impressive

length. “Offer me your mouth.”

She quickly wet her lips and tilted her head in silent invitation. He grasped the

back of her hair, more a posture of dominance than actual control. She circled his broad

tip with her tongue, savoring the salty tang of his excitement.

“Suck me.” She barely had time to tighten her lips before he pushed deep into

her mouth. He pulled his hips back and settled into a strong, slow rhythm. “So good.”

A few repetitions were all he could take. He withdrew from her mouth and chuckled.

“Too damned good.”

He pulled her to her feet and bent her over the bed. She turned her face to the

side and pressed her breasts into the soft mattress. Grasping her hips, he aimed his cock

between her thighs and entered her pussy with one sharp thrust.

Far beyond gentleness, he fucked her fast and hard. Her body surrendered,

taking all he had to give. His being drove into her mind with equal insistency. She

opened to him, amazed by the emotions driving his aggression. He adored her, utterly

adored her. She shared her affection with him, holding nothing back.

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Sensations flowed out of him and into her, gaining speed with each lunge of his

hips. Pleasure rained down upon them and rushed up through them, consuming reality

with staggering speed.

She turned her face into the mattress and screamed. The bedding muffled her

cries, but he threw back his head and roared, uncaring if the world bore witness to his


Her cries gave way to giggles as he struggled to catch his breath. “What’s so

damned funny?”

“I’m pretty sure they heard you in Napa Valley. No one can accuse you of

suppressing your feelings anymore.”

He gave her bottom a parting swat as he separated their bodies. “Would you like

a shower or would you rather laugh at me?”

“Can I laugh at you in the shower?”

“We’ll see.” He smiled as he unfastened her handcuffs and helped her to her feet.

* * *

Each time they made love the soul bond strengthened. Knowing they were just a

thought away filled Nicole with a sense of well-being. She’d never realized how lonely

she was until she became part of a telepathic community. No one entered her mind

without permission. Still, she hadn’t realized the other Dichotomy would have access to

the link.

“Can the others sense my emotions?” she asked Daniel as dusk approached on

the sixth day. She sat across from him at the kitchen table, sharing a cheese pizza.

Daniel shook his head and the fading sunlight gleamed in his dark blond hair.

“Even with us your emotions have to be really strong or you have to intentionally share


“Then you can’t read my mind?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “The link doesn’t work that way. Why? Are

you harboring secrets?”

“Maybe.” She focused on the pizza box and the lid flipped open.

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“When did this happen?”

“Just a second ago.” She grinned at him. “Didn’t you see it move?”

He ignored her attempt at humor and reached under the table to squeeze her

knee. “Leos’s abilities are a lot stronger than he lets on. Have you been able to do

anything else?”

“Nope. Just minor telekinetics.”

“Other abilities could develop as the bond matures. It’s really hard to say.”

“I’m not in it for the superpowers. I’m in it for the sex.” She set down her half-

eaten slice of pizza as more questions rolled through her mind. “My uncle looks

younger than I do and he’s only half Dichotomy. Will the soul bond slow down my


“Yes. You could be stuck with us for centuries.”

She smiled. “You make it sound like a bad thing.”

He rubbed his chest and pushed back his chair. “Are you bored with this part

yet?” A golden nimbus erupted around him then light burst from the middle of his


“Not even close,” she whispered.

Transition was far more gradual when Leos wasn’t forcing the issue. The light

mellowed, surrounding her with a surreal haze as Leos separated from Daniel. Leos

wavered between substance and energy for a moment longer; then his body solidified.

She watched the transformation in silent awe, mesmerized by the beauty.

An arm encircled her neck, dragging her out of the chair. Pain stabbed into her

shoulder and a second arm wrapped around her chest. Reality spun away. Her senses

paused, paralyzed by the darkness. She screamed and screamed, but no sound

penetrated the silence.

A forceful rushing drove the breath from her lungs as she was propelled through

the void. Terrified and confused, she clung to the arms supporting her.

She slammed into something solid, the velocity jarring her entire body. The back

of her head smacked her captor’s chest and lights danced before her eyes. Searing pain

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reignited in her shoulder as her captor shoved her away. She staggered then fell to her


“Your guest has arrived,” he announced in a lazy drawl.

At first glance the room appeared unremarkable, a living room like any other.

Then Nicole noticed the manacles hanging from the ceiling in one corner and a

decorative rack displaying a variety of whips.

“Why did you bite her?” A woman stepped out of the shadows on the far side of

the room. She’d pulled her dark hair straight back from her face, making her features

appear harsh and angular. Displeasure shone from her light blue eyes. “That wasn’t

part of the deal.”

Someone bit her? The pain in her shoulder…

She turned her head to look at the man and dread pushed through her fear.

“I might be able to teleport at will, but taking someone with me is far more

taxing.” He licked blood from his lips then flashed a sardonic smile. “I wouldn’t mind

having more. Her blood has a unique flavor.”

“She’s soul bonded to a Dichotomy. Can’t you smell it on her? She positively

reeks of our energy.”

Our energy? Was this woman a Dichotomy?

She didn’t bother with questions, focusing instead on a plan of action.

“What does soul bonded mean?” Interest gleamed in the man’s eyes, sending

chills down her spine.

“I don’t have time for this now. I’ll answer your questions later.”

He crossed the room in three long strides, his dark gaze softly glowing. “Then

offer me your throat.”

Nicole shuddered. Long ago her grandmother told her many “mythical”

creatures were real. It wasn’t until she saw her uncle transform that Nicole took her


“Help me secure her first.”

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He pivoted toward Nicole and her heart sank into the pit of her stomach.

Refusing to give in without a fight, she scrambled to her feet. A slow, menacing smile

bowed his lips.

“Go on. Resist. I want you to.”

She bumped against the wall before she realized she was backing away. The

woman watched in silent amusement, her arms folded over her chest. The vampire

grasped Nicole’s wrist and she instinctively tugged against him.

“Is that the best you can do, human?”

With one violent jerk, she freed her wrist and aimed a punch at his nose. He

caught her arm and yanked her forward. “Very impressive.” Irritated by his smirk, she

brought her knee up between his legs. He twisted to the side and absorbed the force

with his thigh.

“Enough,” the woman snapped. “My window of opportunity is closing.”

“She’s feisty. I want to play with her.”

“Her blood or mine. You can’t have both.”

“I can have anything I want, if I’m willing to risk war with the Dichotomy.”

Nicole kicked and struggled. He picked her up and deposited her in the corner

with the manacles. Caging her with his body allowed him to wrestle her wrists into the

metal cuffs.

“Just stand there like a good girl and you won’t get hurt.”

She glared at the woman, but understood the wisdom of her suggestion. The

manacles were cold and smooth against her skin, but the edges bit into her flesh

whenever she tugged against the restriction.

“No more excuses.” Before the woman could argue, the vampire grabbed her by

the hair and jerked her head back. With a soft growl, he sank his fangs into her throat.

His jaw flexed and his arms tightened, pressing her against his body.

The woman clasped his shirt and moaned; the sound low and… sexual. Her legs

parted and she rubbed against his thigh, her back gently undulating.

Dragging her gaze away from the spectacle, Nicole studied the room.

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Are you hurt? Where did he take you? Daniel’s thoughts were infused with an

artificial calm. He was trying to shield her from the terror twisting through him, but the

strength of his feelings couldn’t be disguised.

He didn’t hurt me, but I’m not sure where I am. The vampire is just the delivery boy. A

dark-haired woman is behind the abduction. I think she’s a Dichotomy.

That fucking bitch! Leos flared. It has to be Brook. No one else would involve a vampire.

She wasn’t sure what led him to that conclusion, but she wasn’t about to argue

the point. They needed a clue, some way to find her, or at least begin the search. There’s

no kitchen! I think this is a hotel room not an apartment.

We’ll find you. Leos’s thoughts rang with finality.

She said she wouldn’t hurt me. I think I’m bait.

The vampire maneuvered the woman back and pressed her against the wall.

Blood trailed down her neck from the puncture wounds he’d created. His hands moved

boldly and his mouth hovered over hers. Was he going to kiss her or bite her again?

“Not now.” The woman shook away the sensual haze and pushed him back. “I

don’t have time for this now!”

“There is always time for this.” He reached for her breast, but she slapped his

hand away.

“My debt is paid. Go. The rest doesn’t concern you.”

He snarled, his chest heaved, and he turned toward Nicole.

“No!” The woman grabbed his arm. “I want Leos to watch her die.”

So much for her not being hurt.

What’s wrong? Your fear just spiked. Leos sent a calming pulse along with the


It’s a trap. She wants you.

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Chapter Seven

Leos spun around and punched the wall. Not again! This couldn’t be happening


“Save it for Brook.” Daniel placed his hand on Leos’s shoulder and pulled him

away from the wall.

“I can’t just stand here. We have to do something.”

As if responding to his frustration, the phone rang. He glanced at the display on

the phone’s base, but the caller was unknown. “Fuck it,” he muttered and picked up the

receiver. “Hello.”

“She’s already told you enough to find me. Come before you transition or we

won’t be here.”

“Wait!” The line went dead. “God damn it!” He slammed the receiver into its

holder and raked his hair with both hands.

“Was that Brook?”

“How could you tell?”

“What did she say?”

“They’re in a hotel, but which hotel? She said that was enough to find her.”

“She’s not hiding. Brook owns a motel and I know where it is. Her girls use it

when their clients have unusual requests.”

Leos headed for the front door, but he let Daniel drive. “Hurry! If you transition

she’ll move Nicole.”

“She knows we’re practically powerless while we’re separated.” He switched

lanes and floored the accelerator. “Fighting an enemy who knows all your secrets really


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“She doesn’t know all our secrets.” Daniel reached out for Nicole, careful to

shield his anxiety. You hanging in there?

Her mental chuckle surprised him. Literally. The vampire left. Brook is one cocky


Does she realize you’re telekinetic?

I didn’t want to tip my hand too soon. My ability is still unpredictable and I didn’t like

the odds.

We’re almost there. What’s she doing?

Pacing. I think she’s more anxious than I am.

Is she armed?

If she has a gun, I haven’t seen it.

Daniel pulled into the small parking lot. There was only one other car, so he

parked beside it and paused to rub his temples. “We’re almost out of time.”

“Fight it off as long as you can so you transition fast.”

With a stiff nod, Daniel got out of the car. Leos followed him toward the long

narrow building. The door in front of them was ajar.

Brook stood in the far corner, steadying a gun with both hands.

“I guess she does have a gun,” Nicole said.

After assuring himself that she was unharmed, Leos focused on Brook. “Let her

go. She has nothing to do with this.”

“I originally planned for you to walk in and find her body hanging there. Then I

decided it would be more fun for you to watch her die.” She swung the gun toward

Nicole and time stood still.

Leos dove for Brook and Daniel lunged toward Nicole.

“No!” Leos shouted.

Brook pulled the trigger and the shot exploded, but her arm jerked up violently.

Confusion registered in her eyes a second before Leos’s fingers closed around her

throat. He jerked the gun out of her hand before she could fire again.

“I won’t go back.” She forced the words out despite her constricted larynx.

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“Don’t tempt me,” he sneered.

Chains rattled as Daniel released Nicole and still Leos kept his eyes on Brook.

“What will happen to her now?” Nicole sounded remarkably composed.

“That’s up to the council.”

Brook laughed. “The Burtons are and have always been the council. Why


He ignored the provocation and motioned toward the corner with her gun.

“Lock her up. I’ll call a retrieval team.”

“I won’t go back!”

She slapped and twisted, avoiding Daniel’s attempts to subdue her. He finally

wrapped both arms around her and lifted her against his chest. With Nicole’s help he

closed the manacles around Brook’s wrists and jumped back to avoid her flailing feet.

Brook yanked against the chains, panic clear in her eyes.

“Stand there like a good girl and you won’t get hurt.”

Nicole’s patronizing tone made Leos glance her way. It wasn’t like her to rub salt

in the wounds.

Brook closed her eyes, shaking visibly. “I can’t…”

A man flashed into view beside Brook. Leos repositioned the gun, but the

intruder was much faster. He grabbed Brook’s head with both hands and effortlessly

snapped her neck.

“You’re welcome,” he said with an enigmatic smile and disappeared.

“What the hell just happened?” Daniel scrubbed his hand over his eyes, clearly

confused. His expression abruptly changed. He groaned and transitioned, slamming

into Leos with enough force to knock him off his feet.

Nicole yelped and rushed to his side. “Are you all right?”

He blew out a shaky breath and nodded. “I’m fine.” She helped him to his feet

and he held her at arm’s length while he looked her over. “You’re bleeding. I thought

the bullet missed you.”

“It did. The vampire had to bite me to teleport with me.”

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Carefully lifting the edge of her shirt, he looked at the wound. “I don’t know

much about vampires, but I’ll sure as hell find out.” He pulled her into his arms and

hugged her tightly. “This was one bizarre night. Was that the same vampire who

kidnapped you?”

“The very same.” Her voice was muffled against his chest, but she didn’t pull

away. “Was he talking to us or to her when he said ‘you’re welcome’?”

“I don’t know. Maybe both. She obviously preferred death to incarceration and

we no longer have to worry about her.” He kissed her brow and led her toward the

door. “I’ll call in a cleaner then we’ll wait in the car.”

“That’s not necessary. I’ve seen dead bodies before.”


She smiled. “Do movies count?”

“I don’t particularly want to sit here and stare at her either, so do it for me.”

“I’ll do anything for you.”

He paused for a tender kiss before making the necessary calls. In the end they

waited by the car, enjoying the cool evening air and the simple comfort of being in each

other’s arms.

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Lips brushed against Nicole’s collarbone and fingers stroked through her hair.

Leos pressed against her back while Daniel adored her front. Nothing was sweeter than

waking up between her mates, except maybe falling asleep after one of their raucous

bouts of lovemaking.

“What caused that dreamy smile?” Daniel kissed his way from her collarbone to

her breast as he waited for her answer.

“Weren’t we doing this last night?”

“No, I was in front last night.” Leos cupped her breast, leaving the nipple bare

for Daniel.

She pushed her fingers into Daniel’s hair, holding him close while he gently

suckled. Leos eased his knee between her legs and pulled her more tightly against him.

His cock pressed against her back, hard and demanding.

Her body roused, sensations cascading through her, encouraged by their fingers

and their mouths. Leos left Daniel to enjoy her breasts while he moved on, caressing her

belly and her thighs.

Heat surrounded them, creating an intimate reality where only they existed. She

urged Daniel up, needing his kisses more than his tender caresses. Their mouths

pressed and clung, their tongues gently dueling.

Leos guided her leg up and back, hooking her foot over his knee. “Oh, yes.” He

moved his hand between her thighs and absorbed the heat of her pussy. “I’ll never get

tired of touching you.” His fingers lightly rubbed her folds, accentuating the pressure

already building inside her.

She squirmed, trapped between his teasing fingers and the equally evocative

hardness of his cock. She tore her mouth away from Daniel’s and said, “Please.”

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“Please what?” Leos nipped her ear.

“Please, fuck me. I need you inside me.”

He pulled back and adjusted the angle of his hips. As always his entry was slow

and deliberate. Her inner muscles parted, stretching to accommodate his full length.

“Better?” he whispered.

“Oh, yes.”

Daniel kissed his way down her neck and kept right on going. He circled her

navel with his tongue then parted her nether lips. “I don’t think she’s desperate enough.

You gave in too easily.”

Leos held her leg back while Daniel lowered his mouth to her sex. She relaxed

against Leos, thrilled by their determination. They never allowed her to rest until she

was utterly sated. The fullness inside her only added to the pleasure of Daniel’s tongue

swirling over and around her clit.

“Don’t hold back, love,” Leos encouraged. “I want to feel you come.”

Tingling heat gathered low in her belly, centered beneath Daniel’s mouth. She

squeezed Leos as hard as she could and canted her hips. Daniel closed his lips around

her sensitive nub and carefully sucked. She cried out, back arched, as her orgasm burst

within her.

Leos drew out slowly and Daniel’s mouth prolonged her pleasure. Then Leos

found her anus with his fingers and lubricated the snug opening. Daniel returned to her

mouth, kissing her deeply while Leos worked his cock into her back passage.

Stark and savage, the unrelenting pressure made her wild and ravenous. Leos

pushed into her mind, dark, dominant, possessive. She broke the kiss and threw her

head back, crying out her pleasure. Daniel took her clit between his fingers and thumb,

gently rolling as he pulled on the tender bud.

She screamed and came hard, shaking as another spasm rocked her.

“Much better.” Daniel finally spread out on his side and brought his cock to her

feminine core. “Are you desperate for me now?”

“Yes. Take me, please.”

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He teased her with the head of his erection. “Why does Leos get to fuck you, but

I only get to ‘take’?”

“Fuck me! Hard and fast, God damn it, fuck me now!”

“How can I resist, when you ask so nicely?”

Leos held her still while Daniel pushed into her tight wet pussy. Nothing felt as

good as when they were both inside her, surrounding and filling her. Daniel’s presence

burst into her mind, bright and consuming, embracing her with flames. She dug her

fingernails into his shoulders, and whimpered, lost in the extravagant pleasure.

Daniel dragged her hips forward, pulling her off Leos as he buried himself to the

hilt. Without pause, Leos reversed the motion, driving deep while Daniel hovered just

inside her.

“Faster,” she cried.

“Greedy little love.” Leos sucked on the side of her neck, marking her delicate


They passed her back and forth, the sensations building rapidly. She trembled

between them, yielding completely to the intensity. Leos draped her leg over Daniel’s

arm, giving them a better angle.

Her head swam and her body burned. They blasted her mind with consuming

passion, too far gone for a gentler emotion. She opened willingly, accepting their

ferocity without reservation.

Higher and higher they climbed. Euphoria rolled through her and poured out of

her in an endless cycle of bliss. Her inner muscles tightened with an impending orgasm.


“Yes.” Leos barely got the word out before the pleasure burst.

Her body pulsed and rippled, demanding their surrender. Leos thrust in and

released his seed. Daniel followed half a second behind. They held her close, both of

them buried deep inside her.

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Sensory echoes ricocheted through their minds as they savored the ultimate

embrace. Daniel brushed her hair back from her face and kissed her brow. “Good


“Let’s wake her like this every morning,” Leos suggested.

She laughed. “We’ve done some variation of this almost every morning.”

“Almost will never be good enough.” His warm hand sneaked around her side

and cupped her breast.

“If we did this every morning, we’d never get out of bed,” Daniel pointed out.

“And that’s a problem, why?” Leos countered.

She ran her fingers through Daniel’s hair then reached back and squeezed Leos’s

hip. “I’ll never get Mischief finished and Pierre is already harassing me about another


“I think we accomplish enough mischief right here in bed.”

Turning her head sharply to the side, she looked at Leos. “You sound jealous.”

“It’s his nature to be jealous of everyone and anything that demands your time.”

Daniel drew her head back around and smiled into her eyes. “Luckily for you, he’ll

transition soon and you’ll be left with the reasonable side of this Dichotomy.”

Leos’s only response was a soft growl as he buried his face in her hair.

“Did you ever find out who the vampire was?”

“I have someone working on it,” Daniel explained, “but as of right now he’s a


“There was just something about him. He seemed way too interested in the


“We negotiated a treaty with the vampire council. Anyone who violates the

peace will be hunted down and killed.” Leos’s voice was muffled by her hair.

“Did he seem concerned with treaties while he snapped Brook’s neck?” She

didn’t want to argue, but the image would not leave her mind.

“I’m going to transition in the next few minutes. Is this really how you want to

spend our time?”

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She tossed a smile over her shoulder. “Good point.”

“I think it’s time to introduce our mate to the rest of the family,” Daniel


“Not a bad idea,” Leos agreed.

“The others don’t know about us?”

“We wanted to tell them in person. Want to take a ride up to Napa Valley?”

Daniel wiggled his eyebrows at her.

“Why don’t we drive up to Napa and then you can take me for a ride.”

“You’ll get no argument from me.”

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Aubrey Ross

Aubrey Ross writes an eclectic assortment of erotic fiction. From power struggles

between futuristic clans, to adventurous Mystic Keepers, her stories are filled with

passion and imagination. Some of her recent awards include an EPPIE finalist, two

Passionate Plume finalists, and a CAPA Nomination from The Romance Studio.

With a pampered cat curled on the corner of her desk, Aubrey dreams of

fascinating worlds and larger than life adventures -- and wouldn’t have it any other

way! Visit her website at: Join Aubrey’s Newsletter

group at:


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