Aubrey Ross Sensual Captivity 05 Seer

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Aubrey Ross

Sensual Captivity, Book Five

Desperate to recapture her prophetic visions, Sarah ventures into the heart of the

pleasure district in search of the virus that originally triggered her transformation. The

pain and isolation will be worth it if she can save lives and avert destruction.

Two very different men are on a collision course with the stubborn beauty. Allen,

mild-mannered scientist, feels responsible for her desperation and wants to show her

that life is more than pain and loneliness. General Rayden Kolter agrees to help her

hunt a killer, but he’s completely unprepared for the explosive twists fate has in store

for them.

Through sexual magic, Sarah forges a bond between the three that overwhelms

their senses and expands their understanding of the world in which they live. Danger

surrounds them, passion consumes them, and only by surrendering to the fire can they

destroy the enemy.

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


ISBN 9781419928086
Seer Copyright © 2010 Aubrey Ross

Edited by Mary Moran
Cover art by Syneca

Electronic book publication April 2010

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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
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Aubrey Ross

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Chapter One

Mutant Underground, Protaria

“Are you sure you want to do this?”
Sarah lit the candle she was holding and returned it to its metal base before she

answered Alice’s question. Though primarily a healer, Alice also trained those who had
recently mutated, teaching them how to better their concentration and control their
abilities. All of her considerable skills would be necessary for the ritual they were about
to perform.

Candlelight wavered across Alice’s round face, emphasizing the worry in her dark

blue eyes. Sarah squeezed her upper arm and produced a smile she hoped was
convincing. “I’ll be fine. You’ve seen me through far worse than a vision quest. Most
people don’t even bother with an attendant anymore. Several of the precogs do this on a
weekly basis.”

“Only because they enjoy the ride.” Alice shook her head, disapproval knitting her

brow. “It’s only been eleven days since the transformation. Doctor Lansky isn’t even
sure the change is permanent.”

Sarah glanced away from her friend, unable to hide the emotional tempest

unleashed by the mention of his name. Allen Lansky, destroyer of lives. Well, destroyer
of her life at least. The rest of the Underground might consider him a hero, a brilliant
scientist who swooped in and pulled them back from the brink of death. Her opinion of
the ambitious doctor was far different from the rest.

True, her mutation had become unstable and it was likely she would have died

without Doctor Lansky’s treatment. But he hadn’t stabilized her condition, as promised.
No, the nanites he’d injected into her body had reset her genetic code, meticulously
purging her DNA of any trace of mutation. And robbing her of her prophetic visions in
the process.

“This is permanent and we both know it.” Too anxious to remain still, Sarah began

to undress. “I’m healed. Praise be to Doctor Lansky, modern-day savior of the

“If you’re no longer able to penetrate the veil, this might be an exercise in

frustration.” Hushed resignation crept into the healer’s tone. Alice didn’t like the idea,
but she had obviously accepted that the ritual was going to happen.

“I doubt I could be any more frustrated than I am right now.” The bedroom was

small and warm. A multitude of fragrant candles created a soothing glow, but they also
compounded the airless heat. Wearing only a loose underdress, Sarah crawled onto the
bed. “My gift hasn’t left me, Alice. I still sense the visions waiting beyond the veil. My


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mutation allowed me to punch through and access the images. If I can find another way
in, I won’t be useless anymore.”

“Anyone without paranormal abilities is useless?” Her tone remained

conversational but challenge raised her chin. “I know many who would object to that

Sarah waved away the older woman’s objection. “I didn’t say that. I’m a dreamer.

Even before my original transformation, I was sent images from beyond the veil. This is
my destiny, what I am meant to do. This is a setback, not my ruination.”

“Vision quests cannot replace your gift.” Alice went to the small table where she

had crushed the needed herbs. She added cirgra tea to the dry ingredients and
vigorously stirred the mixture. “It’s dangerous and addictive. This compound can erode
your mind in ways you don’t want to consider.”

“I’m aware of the risks. All I want to do is reestablish the connection, relearn the

path. If I can experience the voyage once from this new perspective, I know I’ll be able
to find my way again.”

Alice didn’t argue with her, but doubt shadowed her expression. She brought Sarah

the cup and watched closely as she drank. “Fane will have my hide if he finds out I did
this for you.”

“Then let’s make sure he doesn’t find out.” She lay back against the pillows and

closed her eyes. Fane had an uncanny ability to anticipate trouble, but he was also
extremely busy with all the recent changes that had come to the Underground. New
alliances and new enemies. Sarah couldn’t remember a time when things had been so

“Clear your mind. Don’t try to control the images. Let your being flow freely.”
Wood scraped against wood and Sarah pictured Alice moving the desk chair nearer

to the bed. The quest could take several hours or she could emerge in a matter of
minutes. There was simply no way to know. Alice had agreed to remain at Sarah’s side
until she awakened from the vision.

Heat spread across Sarah’s skin and her fingers tingled. Was the concoction taking

effect already? No, it was much too soon.

She inhaled deeply, savoring the spicy scent of the candles. The air around her

swirled, wafting against her skin and stirring her hair. Peeking through her lashes, she
looked at Alice. The healer held a fan in each hand, slowly waving them back and forth.
Her eyes were closed and her lips moved as she whispered ancient words Sarah didn’t

Lowering her lids again, Sarah let her mind wander as she waited for the potion to

lead the way. She saw herself standing before a mirror, staring at her reflection in
stunned disbelief. Her features were straight and symmetrical rather than twisted and
deformed. Most people would have been thrilled by the transformation. She saw only
uselessness and betrayal.


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Doctor Lansky swore the result hadn’t been intentional, that he’d only meant to

arrest the deterioration and restore her strength. Still, she couldn’t help but wonder if
he’d been playing God, giving her what he thought she needed rather than the
compromise to which she’d agreed.

The image blurred and her head spun. Colors burst within the darkness. She took

slow, deep breaths, sinking deeper into intoxication. Opening her mind to the sensory
rush, she flowed with the tingling stream.

Her body seemed to rise and twirl, suspended in midair. Weightless and naked, she

accepted the image without question or conscious thought. She arched and wiggled,
luxuriating in the soft brush of air against her bare skin.

Tingles rippled across her flesh, awakening her senses and stirring her desire. The

slow, melting heat wasn’t altogether alien to her. Though she’d never been with a man,
she’d brought herself to release when the restlessness grew too persistent to ignore.

But why had her quest led her here? Sexual frustration wasn’t keeping her from the

vision world. Or was it? Was her self-imposed isolation hindering her gift? The ache
between her thighs focused as if to confirm the supposition.

“Don’t analyze what you’re seeing. Accept each image and move on to the next.”

Alice’s voice sounded very far away.

Sarah tried to assure her that she would heed the advice, but her body refused to

cooperate with her mind. Reality dissolved and the feelings assailing her body
intensified. Her nipples tightened and her breasts felt heavy. She tried to lift her arms,
to press her palms against the fullness and ease the ache.

Hands swept up along her ribs, but they weren’t her hands. She gasped and shied

away from the touch, only to press back into a tall, warm body.

“Easy, love. Let us soothe you. Relax and let it come.”
Let us soothe you? She didn’t have one lover, she had two? The man behind her

wrapped his arm around her waist while the man kneeling in front of her caressed her
breasts. All she could see clearly was the top of his blond head as he bent to suckle her

Despite her intention to flow with the quest, her mind began to whirl. How was this

helping her recapture her abilities? Unlike the Stilox, most Protarians didn’t require two
men for conception. Tri-bonds weren’t unheard of on Protaria, but they were far more
unconventional than on Stilox. She had no room in her life for one lover, much less two!

Their hands moved over her body with bold familiarity. Was she glimpsing the

future, or had she unleashed some deep-seated fantasy she’d never dared to entertain?

Surrounded by their warmth and supported by their strength, she began to soar.

The blond’s lips pulled firmly on her nipple, sending hot darts of sensation through her
chest. A hand covered her mound, rubbing and squeezing without venturing into her
crease. She rocked her hips, pressing against the hand, needing more than he was
giving. The subtle motion drew her attention to the cock rapidly hardening against her


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Why wasn’t she afraid? She’d never had sex before. How could she possibly be

comfortable with this?

The hand between her thighs shifted, his long middle finger parting her folds. He

teased her opening then pushed into the core of her body. Even the slight fullness felt
wonderful. She canted her hips, taking him deeper.

She tried to abandon herself to the vision, but her mind would not be silenced. Her

barrier was as yet unbroken, so this couldn’t be her first sexual experience. His hand
shifted again, his finger settling over her clit. She jerked with the first gentle flick then
rotated her hips, encouraging the circular caress.

Warm lips pressed against the side of her neck while she undulated and moaned. It

had never felt like this when she touched herself. The sensations built gradually,
gathering momentum as they swept through her body.

She wanted to see their faces, to understand what this meant. Tangling her fingers

in the blond man’s hair, she tried to lift his head and reveal his features. He ignored her
efforts as his mouth continued its steady sucking. Feelings rushed toward completion.
Pleasure burst from her clit and pulsed through her abdomen. Her inner muscles
clenched and released while sensations rained down upon her.

Floating in the weightless aftermath, she felt the image slipping away. No! There

had to be more. This revealed nothing helpful, nothing useful. She hadn’t seen their
faces, had no idea how to find them or if she even wanted to try.

Alice pressed a cool cloth against her brow as she struggled free of the lethargy.

“That was a waste of time,” Sarah whispered, her body still tingling with echoes of her

“What did you see? I couldn’t tell if you were in some sort of struggle or…enjoying

the ride.”

She dragged her fingers through her hair and sat up. “Even if the image I saw was

real, it was in no way helpful.” Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she released
a ragged sigh. “This was my last hope. There is only one other way to reactivate my gift
and I really don’t want to go there.”

“Don’t even think about it!” Alice planted her hands on her hips and glared at

Sarah. “I was part of the team that kept you alive during your first transformation. You
were delirious, so you don’t remember much of it, but I do.”

“That’s just the point. I survived mutation before. Chances are good I will—”
“Die in agony.” Alice let the prediction hang in the air for a tense moment before

she went on. “Two of the members of the original team are no longer alive. There is no
way I can heal you alone.”

“You’re not alone. There are other mystic healers and you’ve only gotten stronger

since my transformation.”

Alice sat beside her and captured one of her hands. “Don’t do this. It’s not worth

the risk.”


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“I can’t live like this.” Sarah looked into her friend’s eyes and allowed her anguish

to show. “I sense the visions just beyond my grasp. My dreams are filled with warnings
and predictions, but the moment I wake, the knowledge slips away no matter how
desperately I try to hold on to the images. How many will die if I’m unable to warn
them? How many will suffer without my help?”

“It’s not worth what you’d be risking. Find another way to serve the cause.”
“There is no other way for me. I was born to dream.”

* * * * *

A muffled shout drew Allen Lansky’s attention to the hallway beyond his lab. He

deactivated his microscope and moved toward the disruption. Fane had immobilized
Sean Wylie against the corridor wall, though the mutant leader stood several paces

“Calm down and I’ll release you,” Fane told his indignant friend.
“If anything happens to her, this is on you! I told you to have her shadowed.”

Sean’s face was flushed, his gaze narrowed, fists clenched at his sides.

“Thom is shadowing her. Unfortunately, he didn’t report her behavior. I have a

feeling her guard has become her escort on this misadventure.”

“How the fuck can you be so cavalier? She’s the most resourceful person I know. If

she wants this to happen, it will happen.”

“I agree.” Fane eased the telekinetic pressure, allowing Sean to step away from the

wall. “We can do our best to protect her, but ultimately this is her decision.”

“I don’t accept that!”
Understanding spread through Allen, dread half a step behind. Despite the very

real danger, Sarah had decided to expose herself to the lentavirus for a second time.
And apparently the specter who was supposed to be guarding her was now helping her
achieve her goal.

Sarah. Strong-willed, fiercely independent, untouchable. Her face had haunted

Allen ever since he arrived in the Underground. She lay near death, features twisted by
mutation when he first met her. She’d seemed tragic, in need of a savior, a champion to
protect and heal her ravaged body. He’d worked relentlessly, determined to save her.
And he’d succeeded—a little too well. Not only had his treatment stabilized her
mutation, an unintentional glitch in the programming had resulted in a complete
transcription of her DNA. She’d regressed to a point in her physiology before mutation
had begun, leaving her physically whole yet essentially powerless.

“Does she know where to find the lentavirus?” His question drew the attention of

the other two.

Rage burst across Sean’s features and he charged down the hall. Fane brought him

up short, mutant intensity glowing in his eyes. “Enough!”


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After a long, tense pause, Allen rephrased his question. “Do you know where she’s

gone? There are only a handful of people who have access to the strain she needs.”

“There are very few people who have legitimate access to the virus,” Fane corrected.

“There’s a network of suppliers who sell the shit on the black market.”

“There’s a black market for the lentavirus?” The question sounded so preposterous,

Allen resisted the possibility. “The outbreaks have killed millions. Why would anyone
pay money for a lethal germ?”

“For the same reason Sarah wants it,” Sean muttered. “To unleash their mutant


“Not everyone who survives the onset illness mutates and not everyone who

mutates ends up with any significant power.” Allen shook his head, baffled by the
concept. “Don’t they realize it’s far more likely they’ll end up blind or deformed or
dead? The airborne strain has been eradicated, but anyone injected with the virus can
still spread it through sexual contact. This is insane.”

“You’re preaching to the choir.” Fane moved closer while Sean stayed back and

continued to glare. “We’ve been trying to shut down the black market for years. As long
as there’s a demand for it, these scumbags will find a way to provide for their

“Can we focus on Sarah?” Sean snapped. “How long has she been gone? Has

anyone tried to contact Thom?”

“Several of us have tried. Thom is shielding his signal, distorting it just enough that

I can’t get a fix on his location.” Fane crossed his arms over his chest, his expression
nearly as grim as Sean’s. “After some browbeating on my part, Alice admitted that
Sarah had a contact in Silver Hills.”

“Silver Hills? That’s in zone fourteen.” Sean made a vertical motion to his side and

an opening appeared in midair, allowing him access to the shadow dimension.

Seeing a specter effortlessly manipulate the fabric of space helped Allen understand

the allure of mutation. The possibility of possessing that sort of power might be
tempting to those willing to face the dangers. Still, it was only a possibility and a slight
one at best.

“Keep us in the loop,” Fane said.
Sean paused in the opening, half of his body swallowed by shadow. “I will. If you

learn anything, no matter how insignificant, let me know.”

Fane waited until the opening sealed behind Sean before he turned back to Allen.

“Silver Hills is a decoy. Sarah is too smart to tell anyone where she’s really going.”

“Then why send Sean there? You don’t intend to let her do this, do you?”
“Of course not. Sarah has been traumatized by her unexpected regression. She’s not

thinking clearly right now. This is her decision, as I said, but sometimes people need to
be protected from themselves.”

“Sean is a specter. Wouldn’t his skills be valuable in this situation?”


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Fane just smiled, obviously well used to life-and-death crisis. “Sean’s too close to

this. Emotions make people sloppy and we can’t afford mistakes.”

“Then what’s the real agenda?”
“There are three possible options that make more sense than the rest. Two are in

Old Towne, one’s in the heart of Sanctum. Are you willing to help me search? Your
background gives you a believable interest in the virus.”

Reaching back into his past, Allen dusted off his military training. He might be a lab

rat now, but he’d spent eight years in the field before settling down behind a
microscope. Besides, when push came to shove, this was his mess to clean up. Sarah’s
regression had been unintentional, but his treatment had caused the change.

Sarah’s image lingered in his mind, delicate features flushed with anger, accusation

flashing in her bright green eyes. He’d been attracted to her from the beginning. Her
sacrifice and loyalty had awakened longings he’d never felt before. He’d been
determined to save her, unwilling to let her sacrifice be for nothing. But any hope he
had of getting to know her better or making her aware of his feelings for her, had been
abolished with her full recovery. He was the cause of her dilemma, the last person she’d
confide in or trust.

“I doubt she’ll venture any farther into Sanctum than she has to, even with an

escort,” Allen mused, refocusing his thoughts on the present crisis. “Her life has been
very compartmentalized.”

“I agree.” Fane handed Allen a data crystal as he explained, “I’d like you to visit

Carr Sancho. He owns half of the pleasure district outright and controls the rest. Guns,
prostitution, drugs, he has his fingers in everything. It’s doubtful Sarah will approach
him directly, but he’ll be able to point you in the right direction if she tries to score in
his territory.”

“And why will Sancho agree to see me, much less help?”
“I’ll tell him to expect you and ask for his assistance.” The casual confidence in

Fane’s tone made him easy to believe. “We’ve exchanged information in the past. As
long as I stay out of his territory, he’s remarkably civil.”

“For a kingpin?”
“Understanding one’s limitations is the first step toward success in any endeavor.”

Fane punctuated the statement with an enigmatic smile.

“You can’t secure the Underground by pissing off the rest of the world?”
“Something like that. Sancho might participate in endeavors most consider shady,

but he lives by a strict code of honor. He’ll tell you the truth as long as we leave any
ramifications to him. When rules are broken in his territory, he likes to be the one to
dole out justice.”

“I have no problem with that. Is there anything else I should know?”
“A quick who’s who of the pleasure district is on the data crystal. We’re also

searching for this man.”


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Fane’s gaze narrowed and an image formed within Allen’s mind. The man was

blond with pale blue eyes and sculpted features. “Who is he?”

“He calls himself Ceddrik. He’s extremely dangerous. If you spot him, contact me

immediately. Do not approach him or attempt to detain him.”

“Is the image accurate? He doesn’t look dangerous.”
“Don’t let his appearance fool you. Ceddrik is ruthless and deadly. He’s also low on

energy and his most likely hunting ground is the pleasure district.”


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Chapter Two

Rayden Kolter strode into his brother’s spacious office, a subtle smile bowing his

lips. “You look damn good behind that desk.”

One of Byod’s eyebrows arched and he deactivated the viewscreen on his left. “Are

you insulting the administrative nature of this position or congratulating me on the
promotion? I honestly can’t tell with you.”

“If I have to deal with a suit, I’d rather it be one I trust.” Rayden paused in front of

the large bank of windows and admired the spectacular view. “Sanctum looks different
from up here. So quiet and clean.”

Byod pushed back from the desk and crossed his legs. “We both know better. This

entire planet is reeling from the fallout of Howyn’s arrest. He was corrupt to the bone,
but he was remarkably popular.”

Clasping his hands behind his back, Rayden faced his brother. “So, Secretary Kolter,

what can I do for you?”

“Secretary of defense,” Byod shook his head with a distant smile. “I can’t get used

to the title.”

“It’s only been a few days. Let it sink in.”
Byod swept his hand toward the chairs in front of his desk. “Have a seat. This

might take awhile.”

Secretary of defense was a new position, one of four created to increase

accountability within the Protarian régime. Before this change, Rayden had reported
directly to the chancellor, as had the leaders of all the other military divisions.

“Were you ever briefed on Project Chrysalis?” Byod asked.
“I wouldn’t say I was briefed on much of anything. I generally found out about

Howyn’s pet projects after the fact. He’d go off for a month or two, and then I’d be
ordered in to clean up the mess he’d made.”

“Then this is familiar territory for you. How much do you know about Project


“They were using nanites in an attempt to transfer mutant energy into a non-

mutated host. To my knowledge their success was sketchy at best and they ignored the
project’s major flaw. Mutant energy only exists on Protaria, so the host’s range would
be extremely limited.”

Byod nodded once, acknowledging the accuracy of Rayden’s information. “Howyn

saw the limitation as an obstacle not a flaw. He was working on a way to increase the
storage capacity, thereby extending the host’s range and potential. Anyway, the
research lab was raided and the prototype stolen the night Howyn was arrested.”


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“Is that what really happened, or is the story a smokescreen so the new

administration can pick up where Howyn left off?”

Byod scooted his legs back under his desk and folded his hands on the desktop.

“We need to work on your trust issues. I’m not one of Howyn’s lackeys and I’ve never
lied to you.”

“I’ve been fed half-truths and lies for so long, I forget what the truth sounds like.”
“You’ve worked hard to protect your teams from the corruption and your efforts

haven’t gone unnoticed. I had no idea how bad things had gotten. Howyn was really
good at keeping up appearances.”

“Yeah, well, I operate behind the scene. I saw enough of Howyn’s deceit to suspect

he was rotten to the core.” Anger boiled up within him, hot and unexpected. Howyn
was incarcerated. His evil had been exposed. Protaria could start rebuilding. They could
reestablish the integrity of its leaders. “I should have done more. I should have…”

“You should have what? The ultimate authority on Protaria was the one at fault.

There was no way you could—”

“Fane found a way. That sewer rat figured out how to bring Howyn down while I

was chasing shadows.” He shook his head, unable to deny his reluctant admiration.

“Have you ever met Fane? His dossier is fascinating.”
“No.” He shrugged with an indifference he didn’t feel. There was much about the

Underground he found appealing. They were a close-knit community who fought for
each other regardless of the odds. The Protarian élite could learn from their example.
“Not that I’m aware of, at least. He can be one sneaky son of a bitch.”

“So I’ve heard.”
Dismissing the tangent with a wave of his hand, Rayden said, “I didn’t mean to

derail the conversation. We were talking about Project Chrysalis.”

“The body of our primary suspect was found in a hotel room a couple of days ago.

No sign of the prototype.”

“Is this why I’m here? You want me to locate the thief?”
“Yes. I’ve compiled all the information we have. Unfortunately, it’s not much. It’s

possible the mutants beat us to the punch, but we have to know for sure. We prefer that
the prototype be recovered. However, confirmed destruction is also an acceptable

Rayden took the data crystal from his brother and pushed to his feet. “I’ll get right

on it.”

“We’re depending on your discretion. We’d rather the general public not realize

this is still going on. Our inability to resolve the crisis quickly isn’t going to foster
confidence in the new administration.”

“Careful, bro. You’re already starting to sound like a politician.”


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* * * * *

Flowing smoothly with currents of air, the spirit opened her mind and absorbed her

surroundings. Thoughts and emotions poured into her, passing through her as she
sorted and scanned. The dragon was out there, gathering energy and knowledge. He
might call himself Ceddrik, but she knew his true identity. He was self-serving and
ruthless, deceitful and deadly.

When he’d injected himself with the Chrysalis nanites, the danger had escalated a

hundredfold. Ceddrik must be destroyed as soon as possible. If he learned to control his
new abilities, he would be all but invincible.

She understood her task. The dragon must die, but she was no longer strong

enough to accomplish the mission alone.

She needed to find the seer and empower her with wisdom and energy. But she

couldn’t lose track of the dragon. There was very little time and even she couldn’t be in
two places at once. Such a quandary.

If she took on a corporeal host, her abilities would be limited while her time in this

dimension would be greatly extended. But even a hint of mutation in the host’s
physiology would taint her energy. No, it was better to remain incorporeal and focus
entirely on her goal.

The dragon would be hungry after the battle from which he had narrowly escaped.

He would be searching for energy, both psychic and sexual. Communication was
complicated for the dragon. He was deaf and unable to speak, so picking up some
lonely stranger in a seedy bar wasn’t going to happen. He could force himself on
someone, but negative emotions, like mutation, tainted energy transfers.

He’d take the obvious course and find a professional, someone willing to indulge

all his appetites at once. And after he fed and his energy was restored, he would hunt
down the person destined to destroy him. So, all the spirit had to do was attach herself
to the dragon and let him lead her to the seer. She would empower the seer and sit back
and watch as the seer fulfilled her destiny.

With her strategy finally solidified, the spirit narrowed her search. She soared

through the pleasure district, scanning for concentrated pockets of energy. Lust and
longing, greed and jealousy pulsed all around her. She filtered out the specific
emotions, focusing instead on the energy’s elemental rhythm.

Strong and steady, like the persistent tick of a metronome, someone’s energy

beckoned the spirit closer. She locked on to the signal and located the source. Unlike the
other dens, the exterior of this club was nondescript and unassuming. No flashing lights
or animated signs luring potential customers.

The spirit passed through the wall and paused. Emotions surged, momentarily

drowning out the signal. She focused and the beat returned, regular as the tick of an
ancient clock. She followed the beat, passing through the throng of people and behind
the main stage.


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A woman stood in the wings, watching the performers. Her hair had been dyed

bright red and her breasts had been augmented to comic proportions. A sleeveless black
dress did more to display her assets than protect her modesty. If the other acts were any
indication, she would be removing even that as soon as she took the stage.

Scanning the stripper’s being, the spirit was surprised by her effervescent

personality and the dense concentration of her psychic energy. Oh yes, the dragon
would flitter to this woman like a moth to flame. She radiated health and vitality. He
wouldn’t be able to resist such tantalizing bait.

The spirit circled the woman as her thoughts spun on ahead. She would amplify the

woman’s signal and draw the dragon to her. She would meticulously shield her
presence while he fed. And then she would follow him, tether herself to him, so there
was no way he could escape.

Once the seer destroyed the dragon, the spirit would slip beyond this realm and

enjoy her long-awaited rest. Her mission would finally be complete. The seer would
carry on the sacred traditions and the dragon would be no more.

* * * * *

Turning up the collar on his coat, Allen searched the row of nightclubs for Sensual

Sojourns. Bright lights and holo-displays vied for his attention. Any vice imaginable
could be indulged for a price in the sprawling pleasure district. This was the only place
on Protaria where labels such as mutant, rebel and élite had little meaning. All it took to
open any door was the required number of credits and, occasionally, an invitation.

Allen knew the club was somewhere on this block. He’d been up and down the

street twice and still couldn’t find any sign of Sensual Sojourns. Digging the data crystal
out of his pocket, he activated the small device and double-checked the address. He was
in the right place, so why couldn’t he find the club?

Tuning out the gaudy signs and blinking lights, Allen followed the address

numbers. If the Diamond Cabaret was nine-two-four and Rapture was nine-two-eight…
A large green door stood between the two clubs, lost in their overt carnality.

“There you are.” He crossed the street and opened the door. The corridor beyond

was dimly lit and semi-claustrophobic. Muffled music from the clubs on either side
penetrated the walls, making the hallway throb all around him. The tall, bald doorman
snapped to attention as he neared the unmarked entrance.

“I’m Allen Lansky. Mr. Sancho is expecting me.”
The doorman tapped the audiocom nestled in his ear and waited for authorization.

“Right this way,” he said a moment later. He pulled open the door and motioned to a
pretty blonde woman. She sauntered over on impossibly high heels, curly hair
bouncing on her bare shoulders. “This is Mr. Sancho’s guest. See that he has anything
he wants until Mr. Sancho calls for him.”


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“Of course.” She smiled at Allen and made a sweeping gesture with her arm.

“Would you please follow me?” She led him to a high-backed booth along the
perimeter wall. “Would you like something to drink?”

He had no idea how long Sancho would keep him waiting, so he gave in to

temptation. “A beer would be wonderful.”

“We have snacks and finger foods available, if you’re hungry. Why don’t you look

over the menu while I get your beer?” She touched the corner of the table, activating the
touch screen inset in the tabletop.

A runway extended from the main stage, dissecting the large room. Padded stools

lined the runway and the floor behind them was cluttered with tables and chairs. Four
small stages were situated in the corners, offering each visitor a close-up view of the

If this was a virtual sex club, why did they need live performers?
The lights flashed and an unseen announcer introduced the next act. A man and a

woman took the stage together, their dance slow and sensual. They undressed each
other with caressing hands as they whirled and swayed across the stage.

Their image appeared on the screen in front of him, momentarily drawing his

attention away from the stage. He absently paged through the selections, needing
something to fill the time. The couple offered a variety of experiences. A client could
fuck one or the other, or both. Watching them have sex was an option. Variable levels of
aggression and several common kinks were also available.

“They’re very popular,” the blonde said as she set his beer to one side of the screen.

“Would you like me to reserve a room for you? I can let Mr. Sancho know where to find

“No, thank you. Hopefully he won’t keep me waiting that long.”
“If you change your mind, or need anything at all, just push the call indicator at the

bottom corner of your screen.”

Allen glanced around the room and then continued his exploration of the menu.

The likeness of each performer was available for a variety of sexual activities. The price
increased according to length of the program and level of deviance. The concept was
really quite clever. Seeing the live performers would make the virtual experience that
much more real.

“See anything you like?”
A sultry female voice drew Allen’s attention away from the screen. He lifted his

head and produced a thin smile. The woman’s hair was flame red and fell to the middle
of her back like a length of crimson silk. Her black synth-leather dress provided the
perfect foil for her ivory skin and flamboyant hair. She turned slightly to the side and
cocked her hip. The pose accented her large breasts and narrow waist.

“Sancho’s standards are obviously high. Everyone in this place is esthetically



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She laughed. “Not exactly the reaction we’re hoping for.” She raised one knee to the

seat beside him, offering him an unobstructed view of her sleek thighs. Within the
shadow of her skirt, he glimpsed a bright red bush and a hint of feminine folds. “Don’t
any of us make you want to do more than look?”

Despite her blatant invitation, a far different image filled Allen’s mind. He pictured

Sarah, green eyes wide and luminous as he pushed into her snug heat. Would she gasp
or arch beneath him, taking him deeper with each combined thrust?

“Back off, Scarlett. Mr. Sancho is ready for his guest.”
Scarlett paused for a saucy wink before she headed off toward another table.
The hostess led him to a staircase, guarded by a burly bouncer. Apparently, the

upper level wasn’t open to the public. They passed six unmarked doors before she
knocked on the one at the end of the hallway.

Pushing open the door, the hostess motioned him inside while remaining in the

corridor. Allen stepped past her and took a deep breath. Everything had gone as Fane
promised. He had no reason to doubt the rest would go smoothly.

“Have a seat,” the man behind the desk directed. His brown hair had begun to gray

at the temples and he now had a thin mustache. Even so, Allen easily recognized him
from the images he’d seen on the data crystal. His dark eyes reflected intelligence and
impatience, but Allen sensed no overt threat. “Fane explained what’s going on. Why
does he care about this one woman?”

Allen took the seat before responding, “Fane cares for all his people, but Sarah is


“You said ‘his people’ not ‘all of us’. Aren’t you a mutant?”
“No. I’m working with them, but my DNA is stable.”
Sancho paused as his gaze bore into Allen’s. “Your accent screams élite. What are

you doing in the Underground?”

“I was wrongly discredited by Howyn when my findings became inconvenient. The

mutants have offered me a rare opportunity to reclaim my scientific credibility.”

“Which brings us back to Sarah.” Sancho relaxed against the high back of his chair,

hands resting on the padded armrests. “What makes her special and why did Fane
choose you for this mission?”

Allen sensed the challenge in Sancho’s even tone. He would accept no vague

explanation. “I’m responsible for Sarah’s condition. In an effort to stabilize her
mutation, I inadvertently cured her.”

“So, she wants to go through it all again?”
The disbelief in Sancho’s tone soothed Allen somewhat. At least he wasn’t the only

one who thought Sarah’s choice was crazy. “She’s infuriated and conflicted. This is an
emotional response she will likely regret later.”


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“I don’t think she’s made contact with anyone in the pleasure district, but I’ll make

some calls just to be sure. What do you want me to do if she does show up?”

“I thought I’d set myself up in a hotel room somewhere. If you leave orders for any

of your contacts to send her to me that would be perfect.”

“You can use one of the VIP suites. If she turns up anywhere in the district, I’ll have

her rerouted to you.”

* * * * *

Sarah moved closer to Thom as they entered the crowded bar. This place seemed

more upscale than the previous two, but she was still no closer to accomplishing her

Uncertainty spread through her mind and gripped her belly. She had debated every

option and anticipated each complication. Submitting to the change was the only way
to recapture any semblance of her former life. Without her power, she was nothing. She
had to remain resolute, strong in the certainty that this was her destiny.

She crossed her arms over her chest and shivered. If this was her predestined path,

why couldn’t she calm her nerves and silence her doubts? She wasn’t afraid of the pain
as much as the isolation. Her restored appearance was a vile temptation, a distraction
luring her away from what must be done.

“You don’t have to do this, Sarah. Please let me take you home.”
She sighed, averting her gaze from Thom’s hopeful expression. It had been at least

five minutes since he tried to talk her out of her chosen course. “It will all be over soon.
I promise.” The vow reassured her as much as it calmed her antsy guardian.

He shook his head and grumbled, “In more ways than you realize.”
Understanding his concern, she slipped her arm through his and manufactured a

smile. “I told you, Sean is not going to take this out on you. I won’t let him. Fane
ordered you to follow me and that’s what you’ve done.”

“Welcome to Sensual Sojourns,” a petite blonde woman greeted. “Is this your first

visit to our establishment?”

The time for uncertainty was past. She had chosen to embark on this journey and

she was determined to see it through. “The bartender at Rapture suggested I come
here,” Sarah said in a calm yet insistent tone. “He said Mr. Sancho would know how to
find what I’m looking for.”

“Mr. Sancho is a very busy man. Why don’t you tell me what you desire and I’ll see

if I can provide it?”

“I was doing business with one of Mr. Sancho’s employees. Unfortunately, this

person is no longer available. If Mr. Sancho can’t address my needs personally, I have
every confidence he will know someone who can.”


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The blonde folded her arms beneath her breasts as cunning burned through her

friendly veneer. “You’re going to have to do better than that. Mr. Sancho has hundreds
of employees. Why should he bother with you?”

“I’ll explain the details to Mr. Sancho. Please let him know I’m here.” Sarah squared

her shoulders and raised her chin. She’d come too far. Failure was not an option.

“I need to know your name, sweetcheeks, if I’m going to explain the situation to

Mr. Sancho.” The blonde’s lips curved with the hint of a smile.

“Sarah. I’ve been dealing with Cameron Mikeal out in Silver Hills.”
Accepting the information with a subtle nod, the hostess moved off through the


“What if he won’t see you?” Thom shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his

gaze gravitating toward the main stage.

“I’ve purchased all sorts of contraband from Cameron down through the years.

Sancho is not going to want to lose a return customer.” Two shapely women were
gyrating to the raucous music. They tossed their heads and ripped off each other’s
clothes in a routine part dance, part cat fight.

“What happened to Cameron?” Thom glanced at her then returned his attention to

the dancers.

“He was shot during a police raid.”
They lapsed into silence as the sexually charged atmosphere wrapped around them.

Thom seemed content to watch the mock battle on the main stage while Sarah’s gaze
wandered across the sea of flushed faces. The audience whistled and cheered as more
and more skin was revealed by the shredded costumes.

A couple stood entwined in a passionate embrace on one of the smaller stages. The

man stood behind the woman, his arms wrapped around her as they undulated and
swayed. Their music was lost in the uproar surrounding the main stage, but they didn’t
seem to mind. He kissed her neck and stroked her breasts while she rubbed her ass
against his crotch. Was it all an act, or were they really lovers? He rolled one of her
nipples and she gasped, her tongue peeking out to wet her lower lip.

Tingles circled Sarah’s nipple then cascaded through her torso. Heat pooled

between her thighs, making her feel empty and needful. For years she’d wondered
what such pleasures would feel like. She’d tossed in bed, imagining the tender caresses
and passionate kisses of an attentive lover. Someone who wanted her so badly they
would do anything to possess her. She’d never found a man willing to look beyond her
physical appearance, much less burn with desire. So she’d remained alone, untouched
and empty.

She raised her hand to her smooth cheek as longing swelled within her. If she went

through with this, she would be damning herself to a life of isolation and want.

The man grabbed the woman’s hair and pulled her head back. She thrust her

breasts out and parted her lips as he pressed his mouth over hers. Reaching back, she


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grasped his hips and ground against him, her movements almost frantic. His free hand
skimmed her belly and cupped her mound, the only portion of her anatomy not visible
to the audience.

Thom touched Sarah’s upper arm, dragging her attention away from the

impassioned couple. If it were only a performance, they should be commended on their
believability. Thom nodded toward the crowd on the other side of the main stage.

The blonde wended her way through the onlookers, her expression serene. “Mr.

Sancho told me to take you to VIP Suite Three. There’s a man there who should be able
to accommodate you.”

This was it. No more hesitation, no regrets. She couldn’t dwell on what might have

been or the pleasures she would never know. She had a higher calling. It was time to
embrace her destiny.

Sarah followed the blonde up a staircase nestled in the back corner of the bar. Thom

trailed along in their wake, silent and watchful. The hostess opened the door and
motioned them inside. Tension gripped Sarah’s belly as she stepped into the lavish

A blond man stood at the observation window, looking out over the club’s main

floor. His hands were clasped behind his back, his stance militant. Dressed casually in
black pants and a royal blue tunic, he waved away the hostess without turning around.

Thom positioned himself near the door, hands loose at his sides. He obviously felt

the same tension gripping her belly.

Reinforcing her determination with a deep breath, Sarah said, “Thank you for

seeing me. I was a customer of…” The man turned around and her thoughts
fragmented. Shock eclipsed her confusion for a moment before her mind unfroze,
whirring to life with myriad questions. Allen Lansky! What the hell was he doing here?
Why had he come? “How did you find me?”

His expression was grim, his handsome features tight and disapproving. “Did you

really think you could hide from Fane? He has contacts all over this planet.”

“He has no right to interfere with this decision. What I do with my body is no one’s

business but mine.”

Rather than argue with her, Allen looked at Thom. “You’re to return to the

Underground immediately. Fane is expecting you.”

Thom’s gaze shot to her, his reluctance to leave clearly written in his troubled


“Wait,” Sarah objected. “If he leaves, I’m stranded here.”
“I have a skimmer,” Allen said. “I’ll take you back as soon as we’ve talked this out.”
“I have nothing to say to you.”
“If Sarah wants me to stay, I stay.” Thom reinforced her position.
She shifted her gaze between the two men. If Fane knew where she was, Sean

couldn’t be far behind. Thom would likely catch hell because of his actions already.


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Keeping him here would be a selfish indulgence. It was too late to protect her from
Allen’s ambition. The damage was already done.

“Go on. I’ll be fine.”
Thom accepted her decision with a stiff nod and created an opening into the

shadow dimension. She watched his departure with a mixture of frustration and envy.
Specters were respected and admired. They were powerful and intimidating. Her gift
had been different, but she’d been part of that world. She’d belonged to something
vibrant and important. And all it had cost her was any hope she had of a personal life.

“Are you all right?”
The warm compassion in Allen’s tone surprised her. He almost sounded as if he

gave a damn. “No thanks to you.” She faced him, more than ready to release the
emotions that had been simmering inside her all day. “If it weren’t for you, none of this
would be necessary. You have no right to interfere.”

“If it weren’t for me, you’d be dead.” Anger intensified the brilliance of his eyes.

Had they always been so blue? “I refuse to regret saving your life. You keep leaving
that detail out. I didn’t administer my treatment to a whole and healthy woman. You
were dying, Sarah. Can you deny it?”

She was having trouble maintaining her anger. Deep inside, part of her knew he

was right. And she was relieved that he’d interrupted her quest. “You might have
prevented my death, but you ruined my life.” She concentrated on her claim, trying to
rekindle her resentment. “My visions weren’t a hobby. They saved lives and allowed
others to avoid disaster.”

“Many people live fulfilling lives without psychic abilities.” He moved closer, his

gaze cautious yet penetrating. “You just need to—”

“Don’t tell me what I need to do! You know nothing about it.” She focused on her

irritation, fueling the smoldering embers of her temper.

“So explain it to me. Help me understand why you want this so badly.”
She glared at him, resenting the suggestion. She hadn’t been able to make Sean

understand. How could she hope to make someone who had never experienced a
paranormal ability understand the devastation of its loss?

“I’ve always had prophetic dreams. I correctly predicted events long before I

submitted to the change. The mutation only amplified my natural abilities, it unleashed
my full potential.” The words sounded hollow, rehearsed. Did she no longer believe
what she was saying, or had her priorities started to change?

He moved closer still, his warm, spicy scent teasing her nose. “If that’s true, isn’t it

possible the right training could allow you to access those abilities without risking your

“It’s not that simple.” His gaze moved over her face, intent and caressing. Why was

he looking at her like that? How long had he been watching the naked dancers? “I can
sense the images swirling just beyond my reach. It’s as if my mind is surrounded by


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fog.” His lips parted and her mouth went dry. She wanted his lips on hers, silencing her
objections and stealing her breath.

This was her tormentor! What the hell was wrong with her? The last person she

wanted to kiss was Allen Lansky.

“There has to be another way to penetrate the interference,” he persisted.
The tension coiled within her released with a jarring snap. She was frustrated and

afraid and horny, and he was compounding each emotion. “You seem to have all the
answers, so tell me what to do! How do I access the images? What will burn through
this fog?” Her voice rose with each question until she was shouting at him.

“I don’t pretend to have all the answers.”
“Then shut the hell up!” Tears welled behind her lashes, blurring her vision. “You

have no idea what it’s like to…” Grief tightened her throat, choking off her words. He
reached for her, hands warm and strong on her shoulders. She twisted away, but he
ignored her struggles, pulling her into a firm embrace. “I hate you.” She wiggled and
shoved against his chest. “I’ll never forgive you!”

His arms tightened gradually until she was immobilized against his chest. She

pressed her face into the base of his throat and surrendered to her emotions. Hard,
racking sobs shook her body. She had never been so confused, so unsure. Her visions
helped define who she was. Without them she was lost, unimportant, but she didn’t
want to die. She wanted a long and full life, free from isolation and fear.

Slowly he eased the pressure of his arms without releasing her completely. One

hand slipped into her hair and the other pressed against the small of her back. “I am so
sorry this happened. It was never my intention to ‘fix’ you, just to stabilize your health.”

She raised her head and looked into his eyes, not quite ready to let go of her

resentment. “Your intentions don’t change the result. I’m still…useless.” Her voice
broke over the last word, making it sound thin and pathetic. Weak. She wasn’t weak, so
why was she allowing this to strip her of her dignity?

He cupped the side of her face, his thumb lightly tracing her lips. “You’re intelligent

and brave, compassionate and driven. Surely there is some other way you can make
yourself useful.”

“If there is, I haven’t found it. And it’s not for lack of trying. I’ve researched every

alternative, every possible way to restore my abilities.” She stared into his eyes,
confused by her reaction to his nearness. She should push him away and demand that
he take her home, but she didn’t want to. She wanted to enjoy the closeness and savor
the desires unfurling within her.

“Perhaps that’s the problem. You’ve been focused entirely on recapturing your old

life. You need to accept that life will be different, but you will have a life. You’ll find a
purpose and forge a new path. There are so many people who love you and are willing
to help you embrace your new life.”

Her mind returned to the vision quest and the images she’d dismissed as incidental.

A new path? Sexual magic was strong, sometimes explosive. And sex was the one


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aspect of her life she’d never explored. Her body warmed and melted. Is this what the
vision was trying to show her? Had she stumbled upon her new path?

“Are you willing to help me?” She licked her lips, purpose settling over her mind.

Fate had delivered her into the arms of her enemy. Still, there had to be a reason for this
development. The vision quest never lied. Sexual magic was the key. All she had to do
was accept what she’d been shown. If she wanted to regain control of her life, she had
to be bold.

“I’ll help in any way I can. I’ll—”
“Kiss me,” she whispered. “My old life was isolated and lonely. Show me what it’s

like to be loved.”


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Chapter Three

Allen stared into Sarah’s luminous eyes, torn between compassion and desire. His

body hardened, eager to fulfill her request. She was confused and emotionally drained.
She needed affection and warmth, not a frantic tumble with the enemy.

Unable to turn away completely, he took her hand and led her to the sofa situated

against the back wall. He sat and pulled her down onto his lap, leaning her back against
the high, curved arm. “You’ve never been with a man before?”

She shook her head then took his hand and kissed the center of his palm. “I don’t

want to talk or think. I need to feel alive again.”

He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. She was warm and soft, though not

yet responsive. Angling his head, he fit his mouth more closely to hers then guided her
lips apart. Her breath escaped in a soft sigh, filling his mouth with her scent and
making him hungry for her taste. He touched the tip of his tongue to hers and waited to
see her reaction.

She encouraged the intimate invasion with the tentative stroke of her tongue. This

was her first kiss, the first time anyone had touched her in a sexual way. The realization
thrilled Allen more than he thought possible.

Her hand pushed into his hair and her response became more confident. She

guided his hand to her breast and whispered against his lips, “Touch me, please.”

Soft yet firm beneath his fingers, her breast demanded his attention. He cupped the

generous mound then found her nipple with the pad of his thumb. She was already
pebble hard, ready for his lips to suckle.

Desire expanded within him, shoving his good intentions to the back of his mind.

She wanted this, needed it. Why should he resist when they wanted the same thing? He
hadn’t expected it to happen this quickly, but he couldn’t deny his attraction to her.

They kissed again and again while his hands discovered her curves. She touched

him too, tugging up his tunic until her eager fingers found bare skin.

“Take it off,” she urged, moving her hands out of the way so he could oblige her.
He pulled his tunic off and tossed it aside, his gaze boring into hers. “Now you.”
She raised her arms and he rid her of her top and the bra beneath. “Oh Sarah, you

are so beautiful.” Pain flashed in her eyes and he cursed his careless tongue. The new
Sarah was beautiful. The old Sarah had hidden behind a veil and segregated herself
from the rest of the world. “Sorry. No talking. Just pleasure.”

He bent to her breasts, gently suckling one nipple and then the other. The pink tips

grew tighter and darker beneath his lips. Her soft gasps urged him on. She arched, her
hands holding the back of his head.


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“I want you inside me.” She unfastened her pants and raised her hips. “I


Intoxicated by her need and his own desire, Allen scooted out from under her. He

pulled her down until she lay across the sofa then knelt on the floor beside her. After
tugging off her shoes and socks, he paused. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Yes, come inside me.”
She lifted her hips so he could pull her pants down and then off. Her musk was

undeniable. She was definitely aroused. Still, her emotions were raw and conflicted.
Would this help or hinder her recovery? He ached with his need to claim her, yet his
conscience held him back.

“Sometimes people need to be protected from themselves.” Fane’s words echoed through

his mind, reinforcing his hesitation and banking his desire. He couldn’t fuck her, not
like this. Not while she was still so vulnerable.

That didn’t mean he couldn’t give her a taste of passion, a glimpse of what her new

future would hold. He touched her knee then watched her expression as he slowly slid
his hand down the inside of her thigh. Her lips parted and her eyes widened.
Anticipation glowed in her emerald eyes. Each touch was new and wondrous for her,
which made it thrilling for him.

Her curls were damp, her folds slick and hot. He licked his lips, wanting to taste

her, craving the sound of her pleasure. He couldn’t. If he gave in to something so carnal,
there was no way he’d have the strength to pull back.

Instead, he traced her slit, watching her arch and wiggle. His fingers brushed over

her clit and she jumped, instinctively grasping his wrist.

“Have you ever touched yourself or will this be your first time for everything?” He

circled her clit and smiled into her eyes.

“I know how to come. I’ve just never done it with a man before.”
A certain catch in her tone made him ask, “Have you done it with a woman?”
Her cheeks darkened with a bright, adorable blush and she quickly averted her

gaze. “A female friend taught me how to pleasure myself, but we never touched each
other, just ourselves.”

Pleased by her openness, he continued to caress her warm pussy while he kissed

her mouth. His fingers ventured deeper, sliding smoothly in her silky cream. She
murmured and moaned as he focused his touches, carefully circling her clit.

Her hips bucked and her thighs squeezed his hand. She grasped his shoulders and

cried out into his open mouth, shaking with the force of her orgasm. He drew out each
shiver and savored the liquid proof of her pleasure. She was so wet, so responsive.
Would a virgin respond so readily? It didn’t matter! She had no reason to lie.

Resignation washed over him, cold and intrusive. He’d never taken a virgin before

and he sure as hell wasn’t starting with Sarah. She deserved to be romanced, courted
with patience and sincerity. He would not take advantage of her vulnerability.


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Besides she hated him. Once her emotions stabilized, she would remember who he

was and all the reasons she had to resent him.

He kissed her gently then slowly pulled away. “We should get back. Your brother

isn’t going to rest until he sees for himself that you’re okay.”

* * * * *

Hunger tore through Ceddrik, cramping his muscles and stealing his strength. He

grasped the wall for support, momentarily blinded by pain. Lust, greed and anger
inundated his empathic receptors, pelting his composure like hail.

Someone tapped on his shoulder, lightly at first then more insistently. He raised his

head and glared at the intruder.

“You okay?” He read the hooker’s lips as he jerked away from her touch. “You

don’t look so good.”

Desperate to escape the sensory deluge, he ducked into the alley between two

nightclubs. The whore followed, misunderstanding his sudden movement. He leaned
against the slimy wall and concentrated on his breathing, using the repetitive motion to
drive back the overwhelming combination of internal need and external emotion.

Another tap drew his attention to her face. “I got a crib just down the street. We can

take our time and—” He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down, not releasing the
pressure until she knelt in the filth surrounding them. Her gaze narrowed and she
tossed her head, sending her long hair flying. “I get it. You want it fast and dirty. It will
cost you extra if you don’t stop pawing me.” She proffered a palm-size scanner

Scans left trails. There was no way he’d be that careless. He reached out as if to

comply but grabbed her wrist instead. The force of his entry snapped her head back and
she groaned. He shoved into her mind without guile or finesse, taking control of her
thoughts and movements.

She let go of the scanner and it swung into place against her hip, attached to her belt

by a metal-mesh tether. Without further argument or hesitation, she unfastened his
pants and withdrew his cock, guiding the engorged length to her waiting mouth.

He tried to concentrate on the pleasure, but his other cravings were too demanding.

The Chrysalis nanites had enabled him to steal his ex-partner’s ability. Now he could
transfer mutant energy at will. Unfortunately, he had also inherited her insatiable
appetite for the same.

The prostitute sucked eagerly, driven on by his mental compulsion. He took her

face between his hands and fed, his suction every bit as determined as hers. Heat
washed over him in soothing waves. His muscles relaxed and his mind cleared.

As the frenzied hunger abated, his body registered the hot slide of the woman’s lips

and the teasing swirl of her tongue. He rocked his hips and closed his eyes. She arched
her neck, taking him deep. Her hands grasped his hips as he thrust faster. Anxious to


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continue his search for the seer, he pushed to the back of the whore’s mouth and came
in shuddering spurts.

She obediently swallowed, milking his cock with practiced skill. He pulled out

slowly and paused, his hands still holding her head. Did he dare leave her alive? His
semen was a potential connection to the murder, but no one cared enough about these
creatures to investigate. With a casual shrug, he snapped her neck and dragged her
deeper into the darkness.

After straightening his clothes, he left the alley and moved farther down the street.

The pleasure district wasn’t large, but it was cluttered with clubs vying for the steady
stream of customers.

His body was still adjusting to the nanites. He felt sudden surges of power,

followed by painful bouts of hunger. Fortunately, the time between each feeding
seemed to be lengthening. He hoped the cravings would fade entirely once the nanites
had fully integrated into his body.

In the meantime, he had to find the seer. The spirit claimed that the seer would

destroy him, but the seer wasn’t much of a threat until the spirit passed on her power
and wisdom. The surest way to prevent his destruction was to kill the seer before the
spirit found her.

Searching for the seer would be a whole hell of a lot easier if he found someone

strong enough to feed him on a regular basis. It was far too time-consuming to stop
every few hours and locate a new donor. He opened his mind, scanning his
surrounding, seeking concentrated pockets of energy.

The pleasure district faded, allowing him to increase his range. Mutant energy

pulsed all around him, beckoning and teasing his sensitivity. Beyond the throb of
ordinary empowerment beat a faster more complex rhythm.

He focused on the unusual pattern, holding tight as his conventional senses

resurfaced. His head turned and he spotted a green door nestled between two
buildings. There was no sign, nothing to draw the attention of potential customers.
How odd.

Darting across the street, he pulled open the door and stepped inside the dank

corridor. Without the distraction of the bustling street, he was able to sense the energy
pattern more clearly. Rich, dense, potent, this person was just what he required.

A large, bald man waited at the end of the hallway. He blocked Ceddrik’s path as

he neared the door. Not giving the man time to alert anyone of his presence, Ceddrik
grabbed his hand and pushed into his mind.

I am your employer’s honored guest. Anything I want will be provided free of charge and I

will have access to every room in this establishment. Ceddrik let go of his hand and
straightened his tunic before releasing his hold on the doorman’s mind.

“Right this way, sir.” The bald man ushered him inside and motioned to the blonde

hostess. Ceddrik quickly stepped back, making sure he could see both their faces.


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Without a telepathic link, he was dependent upon lipreading. “This is Mr. Sancho’s
special guest. See that he has anything he wants.”

Ceddrik followed the hostess to a table near the main stage.
“Should I let Mr. Sancho know you’re here?”
He shook his head and mouthed the word “later”, making it seem as if his voice

was lost in the music.

“Would you like something to drink?”
He waved her away and turned his attention toward the stage. Once she’d gone, he

closed his eyes, shutting out all distractions. He scanned, meticulously sifting through
the audience in search of the unusual pattern.

* * * * *

Awareness jolted the spirit, shooting ribbons of excitement though her being. He

was here! The dragon was within her grasp. Momentarily abandoning the red-haired
dancer, she floated out into the main room of the club. Ceddrik sat at a table beside the
stage. His hands rested on the tabletop and his eyes were closed.

Hatred seethed within her, demanding action, urging her toward her enemy.
If she’d been able to destroy the vile dragon on her own, he’d be dead a hundred

times over. She wasn’t strong enough to end his miserable existence. She needed the

An odd sensation rippled through her at the thought. Nearly forgotten instincts

sprang into action, drawing her attention toward the second story of the club. What was
she feeling? This restless urgency made no sense. Unless… It couldn’t be. Had the
ancestors brought them all together in one place?

Not yet, she lamented. We’re not ready for the final battle.
She soared, following the beacon, allowing her instincts full rein.
A disheveled woman sat on a sofa, putting on her shoes. A blond man watched in

silence, his expression a potent mixture of tenderness and confusion. The spirit
dismissed the man as incidental and focused entirely on the woman. She was so young,
and innocent. Could this really be the seer?

Hope spiraled through the spirit as she lightly scanned the young woman’s mind.

She was brimming with potential, but her mind was largely untrained, utterly
unprepared for the massive power transfer expected of her kind. Frustration shadowed
the spirit’s hope. Rather than the instantaneous deluge usually resulting from the ritual,
the seer would need to be infused gradually, carefully, or she might be harmed by the
process. It would take time they couldn’t afford, but what was the option? This
unsuspecting young woman was their only hope!

Refusing to be deterred by the setback, the spirit eased out of the seer’s mind and

assessed her physical form. She knew this face, had seen her image in another’s


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As if in response to her conclusion, a section of the far wall bubbled then burst.

Sean stepped out of the shadow dimension, scowling furiously at the other two. This
was his sister. The spirit had known he was linked to the seer, but she’d been unable to
define the connection.

The seer! Praise the ancients, she had located the seer!
“Did you find her before she could go through with this madness?” Sean

demanded of the other man.

“Yes, he did,” the seer cut in. “Not that it’s any of your business.”
The seer was spirited! Laughter bubbled up within her as the pieces slid into place.

Ignoring the tension crackling in the air, she drew energy to her center, creating a
denser and denser concentration until she was visible.

“So, we meet again,” she said to Sean.
The seer watched her through wide, uncertain eyes. Her companion stood and

moved in front of her. The protective move made the spirit take another look at the
seer’s consort. He lacked the intimidating intensity of Sean. But his quiet strength and
shrewd intelligence might serve them even better.

Pushing to her feet and stepping up beside her consort, the seer asked, “Who are

you and how do you know Sean?”

“Long story,” Sean dismissed, his gaze steady on the spirit. “What are you doing


“My goal has never wavered. I was searching for the seer.”
“And are you having any luck with that?”
“My luck improved quite suddenly just a few minutes ago.” She motioned toward

the observation window. “The entire cast has assembled for this drama.”

Sean strode to the window and his body tensed. “I don’t believe it.” His expression

went blank as he accessed the telepathic network then he said, “Fane is at least ten
minutes away. We have to keep Ceddrik here until Fane arrives.”

The spirit shook her head. “Fane will have little to do with this battle. As I told you

the last time we met, the end of this story surrounds the seer.”

Her reminder seemed to annoy Sean. He turned from the window and glared at

her. “Until you find this mysterious seer, we’ll have to suffice.”

“Who is the seer?”
Sean looked at his sister as she spoke and his expression finally registered


“Do you want to tell her, or shall I?” The spirit smiled.
Tension rippled through his body, clenching his hands. “No fucking way. You can’t

have Sarah!”

“What are you talking about?” Sarah crossed her arms over her chest and moved

closer to her brother. “Does she realize my powers have left me?”


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“If this has something to do with Ceddrik, you might want to take another look.”

The consort had moved to the observation window, yet his bearing remained calm. “All
hell’s breaking loose down there.”

After glancing at the scene below, Sean flashed out of sight.
A muffled blast was followed by distant screams.
“Let’s get you out of here.” The consort took Sarah’s hand and rushed her from the


Momentarily torn between curiosity and her duty to the seer, the spirit hesitated.

According to her visions, no power but the seer would succeed in destroying the
dragon, so it was more important to follow Sarah. With a frustrated hiss, she dispersed
her visible form and hurried after the fleeing couple.

* * * * *

Shouts and alarmed cries echoed through the main room of the nightclub. People

scurried for the exits or huddled on the floor, toppling tables for protection. Rayden
watched the melee with cool assessment, debating the wisdom of revealing his presence
in such a public place.

Security surveillance had placed Ceddrik with the woman last known to possess

the Chrysalis nanites, which focused Rayden’s attention on the mysterious blond. Bribes
and intimidation had led Rayden to this club moments before Ceddrik dragged the red-
haired dancer off the stage. Ceddrik’s motivation for the attack was still unclear.

Rayden’s best advantage was the element of surprise. With the chancellor

incarcerated and their partner dead, whoever stole the Chrysalis nanites likely believed
they were in control. Rayden saw no reason to correct the misconception. Was Ceddrik
the culprit? He hadn’t seemed the type to murder his partner in cold blood until he
grabbed the stripper and instigated this conflict.

Two burly bouncers, brandishing pulse pistols, faced off with Ceddrik on the far

side of the stage. Ceddrik held the dancer before him like a shield. He had a pulse pistol
pressed against the side of her head and his lethal expression assured the bouncers he
wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger.

Rayden stood near the long, narrow bar, carefully weighing the risks of each

alternative. If Ceddrik weren’t the culprit and Rayden took control of the crisis, his best
advantage would be squandered. The culprit would hide his tracks as never before or
abandon the planet altogether.

A subtle disruption in the air around him drew Rayden’s attention to the other end

of the bar. The fabric of space rippled and a specter emerged, stepping into the quiet
corner without drawing anyone else’s attention. Not just a specter, Sean Wylie, the most
powerful spook in Fane’s mutant army.

This couldn’t be a coincidence. Rayden shifted his focus back to Ceddrik, more

convinced than ever that he had found his target.


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Before he could decide how best to proceed, one of the bouncers rushed Ceddrick.

With the jerk of his hand, Ceddrick sent the large man flying backward. The bouncer
tangled with a table on his way to the back wall where he landed with a painful-
sounding grunt. Screams ricocheted through the frightened crowd. A terrified woman
lunged for the nearest exit. Ceddrick turned his head in her direction and her leg
crumbled beneath her, the audible snap sickening.

Ceddrick fired a warning shot into the air and the dancer yelled, “Don’t move,

anyone! He’ll kill me. Please just let us leave.”

Silence settled over the crowd as Ceddrik continued his backward trek toward the

front door. The dancer didn’t struggle, but her gaze pleaded for some sort of miracle.

With a muttered curse, Sean started forward. Rayden grabbed his upper arm. “He’s

desperate and unstable. If we push him now, he’ll open fire on the crowd. We’ll lose too
many. Retreat and regroup. It’s the only viable option.”

Sean’s head snapped to the side and their gazes collided. It took a moment for

recognition to register in his expression. “Rayden? What are you doing here?” Shaking
away the shock, Sean watched Ceddrick’s retreat, obviously uncomfortable with
Rayden’s advice.

“The same thing you’re doing, apparently.” Rayden released Sean’s arm and leaned

back against the bar, amazed by the changes in his friend. “It’s been what? Ten years?”

“At least.”
Ceddrick made it out the door and the crowd let out a collective sigh. People

crawled out from under tables, stunned and unsure. The bouncers migrated to one side
of the dance floor where they offered explanations to their infuriated employer.

“Why are you tracking Ceddrick?” Sean asked again. “Do you still work for


“Howyn was arrested, as I’m sure you know.” Rayden had no intention of

revealing his mission to anyone. Trust was a luxury he couldn’t afford.

“Then who’s calling the shots in Sanctum?”
A lovely blonde woman worked her way through the crowd, a blond man trailing

in her wake. “Why did you let him leave?” she asked as she neared the bar. “Allen said
Fane wants that guy badly.”

Was her companion Allen or was she referring to someone else?
“There wasn’t any other choice,” Sean muttered, though he didn’t sound convinced.

“It was let him escape with the dancer or watch him massacre half the crowd. I couldn’t
flash fast enough to keep him from using his weapon.”

“Besides, if the bouncers weren’t expecting Sean, they likely would have fired on

him.” Rayden looked at the young woman again. Something about her seemed familiar.
She was lovely, fresh and wholesome in a way he seldom saw anymore. Did she belong
to Sean or the silent blond hovering at her side? “The hostage will slow him down,
make him easier to track.”


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The woman’s gaze narrowed with speculation and interest. “Do I know you?”
Recognition spread through him with an unexpected surge. “It’s been a very long

time.” Sarah had been a skinny girl, feisty yet charming before the tragedy. He offered a
stiff nod. “I’m Rayden Kolter. I trained with Sean and Kellan in my youth. I’m surprised
you remember me at all. You were little more than a child.” He stared at her face in
wonder. How had her features been repaired? The last time he’d seen her, she hadn’t
been aware of his presence. She’d been so humiliated by her deformity she’d hidden
behind a veil and refused to make eye contact with anyone.

“It has been a long time, but the black zones have a way of creating vivid

memories.” Her gaze moved over his face then swept the length of his body,
heightening the awareness arcing between them.

“But you’re obviously élite,” her watchdog yapped, drawing Rayden’s attention.

“Why would you have trained in the black zones?”

“I’ll tell you his family history when this is over.” Impatience made Sean’s tone


With one last, lingering glance at Sarah, Rayden shook away the past and turned

back to the specter. “What’s your interest in my target?”

Sean arched his brow. “What claim do you have over Ceddrik?”
Needing some semblance of normality, people returned to the dance floor as music

filled the air. Rayden nodded toward the side entrance. “My ship is shielded. Let’s get
away from prying eyes and curious ears.”

The others had no objection, so they headed outside in a messy line. Rayden took

time to assess the others. Sean looked older and more dangerous than he’d been a
decade before. The man molding himself against Sarah’s side had the reserved
appearance of an accountant or an academic. Sarah shot Rayden frequent glances, her
wide green eyes filled with curiosity and something warmer.

Well, she was welcome to look. He was certainly taking advantage of her

companion’s distraction to register the pleasant changes in her anatomy. The gangly
girl he remembered from those long-ago days had matured into a curvaceous woman,
graceful and innately sensual. He returned his attention to her perfect complexion and
sweetly sculpted features. How would he even broach the issue of her transformation
without being horribly rude?

The night was chilly and damp. He motioned them toward his ship, deactivating

the external shield as they approached the sleek vessel.

“Wow,” Sarah murmured. “Fane would give almost anything to get his hands on a

ship like this.”

Fane. The name brought with it another rush of memory. She’d insisted on

accompanying Sean when he’d left the black zones. Kellan had taken the decision
especially hard, brooding for months before aggression replaced his melancholy.
Rayden had completed his training the following year and returned to Sanctum. Sean


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and Sarah resided in the Underground now. The new location certainly seemed to agree
with them. Sean appeared vital and strong, and Sarah was…beautiful.

He triggered the main hatch and swept his arm toward the interior. “Welcome

aboard.” He climbed in after the other three and closed the hatch. “Do you know where
Ceddrik will take the dancer? I’d rather they not get too far ahead.”

“He won’t kill her. He needs her too badly.”
Jarred by the unfamiliar voice, Rayden spun around. He bent as he turned, pulling

a slim pulse pistol from his boot. Some sort of apparition had manifested beside Sean.
Rayden aimed at the creature but didn’t feel threatened enough to fire. Dressed in the
flowing robes of a cleric, the being appeared ancient and ageless at the same time.
White hair spilled around her shoulders, yet her skin was smooth, her eyes bright.

Sarah and her companion looked mildly suspicious, but Sean only seemed

annoyed. “You know this…ghost?” Rayden asked.

“I might be a spirit, General Kolter, but I’m as alive as you are,” the apparition said.

“My existence is simply different from yours.”

How the fuck had she known his name, much less his rank? He commanded a

covert army. Few knew of their existence. “Who are you?”

“I’m the person who knows the most about your target. You would do well to heed

my advice.”

Unwilling to take her word for it, Rayden turned back to Sean. “You know this


“I know this spirit. We’ve interacted in the past. Though her methods tend to be

high-handed, she has never lied to me.”

“And I won’t start now,” the spirit assured. “We need each other more than you


“Explain why you’re here or let us muddle through on our own. This ship is getting

rather crowded,” Rayden told her. Let them share what they knew and he would draw
his own conclusions about the information’s usefulness. Sarah sat in a seat facing him
and the men followed suit, taking up positions on either side of her. The spirit hovered
near Sean, drifting in and out of focus.

“I have known the dragon since long before he called himself Ceddrik. He is

responsible for the annihilation of my people.”

“Who are your people?” He couldn’t believe he was having a casual conversation

with an incorporeal being. Such things might be common in the Underground, but his
life was governed by logic and discipline.

“I am Eautu Moton, high priestess of the Faundi. The man now known as Ceddrik

sold out our tribe to your forefathers and brought about one of the most devastating
tragedies this planet has ever known.”

“I know the legend, but how could the betrayer still live and breathe? Ceddrik is

not a spirit. He still possesses a physical body.”


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“As do others of my tribe. We were always long-living compared to other

humanoid races, and those with powerful abilities are even more so.”

“You’re inferring that the Faundi are not extinct.”
“I’m not inferring anything.” Her image flickered and her eyes began to glow.

“Two descendants of the Faundi tribe are staring you in the face.”

Sarah gasped and Sean glowered. The blond man looked more confused than ever.
“More cryptic predictions, old woman?” Sean scooted to the edge of his seat.

“Speak plainly or leave.”

The spirit pivoted toward Sean, her image blurring with her sudden movement.

“Why do you continue to doubt me? Have my words not proven to be true? The seer is
my descendant, so that means you must be too.”

“You had children before the betrayal?” Sean sounded slightly less skeptical.
“Two sons and a daughter,” she confirmed. Her gaze shifted to Sarah as she

continued her explanation. “My sect passes down power from mother to daughter.
What do you know about your maternal grandmother?”

Fascinated by the bizarre exchange, Rayden just followed along.
Sean was clearly uncomfortable with the conversation’s direction. Rayden didn’t

yet understand what the spirit was inferring, but Sean obviously did. The specter
looked at his sister then shook his head. “You’re wrong. She’s not the one.”

“What are you talking about?” Sarah turned toward Sean and placed her hand on

his tense forearm. “Why are you so agitated?”

“She’s a crazy old woman. Just ignore her.”
The spirit chuckled, unfazed by Sean’s animosity. “You can deny it all you like,

specter. It doesn’t change a thing. My search is finally over.”

“I know what you expect the seer to do,” Sean objected. “Sarah is not a warrior.”
Ignoring his adamancy, the spirit floated closer to Sarah. “Have you ever seen

visions or dreamed of future events?”

“She’s not the seer!” Sean shot to his feet and stepped between Sarah and the spirit.

“I won’t let you endanger her. Sarah is not—”

“Sarah can speak for herself.” She stood as well, moving out from behind her

brother as she addressed the spirit. “I’ve always dreamed of future events. When I
submitted to the change, my abilities were greatly increased, but I lost my power when
my mutation was reversed.”

The spirit was silent for a time, increasing the tension to a palpable level. She

floated around Sarah, assessing her from every angle. Rayden understood her
fascination. He wouldn’t mind orbiting Sarah himself, caressing her with his eyes and
then his hands.

So, her mutation had been reversed. Rayden didn’t realize such a thing was



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“How was your mutation reversed?”
Rayden wanted to hug the old woman. He’d been dying to ask that very question

ever since he saw Sarah’s restored features.

“It wasn’t intentional.” Her companion finally spoke.
“And you are?”
Another question Rayden had wanted to ask. If he listened to their conversation

long enough, they’d answer all his questions and he wouldn’t have to say a word.

“I’m Allen Lansky. Sarah’s mutation had become unstable. The nanites I injected

into her were only meant to arrest her condition. The complete reversal was an
unexpected side effect.”

The old woman laughed, drawing annoyed glances from Sarah and Sean. “You

might not have expected the reversal, but the ancestors guided you every step of the

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sean crossed his arms over his chest, his

expression overtly hostile.

“If any trace of mutation had tainted young Sarah’s body, I wouldn’t be able to

empower her. Remember, that’s why I needed your beautiful mate as a host. She was
untainted by mutation.”

“Empower me with what?” Hope and uncertainty combined in Sarah’s expression.

The spirit obviously had her complete attention now.

“As I said, wisdom and power are passed down from mother to daughter. Ceddrik

destroyed my body before I was able to empower your grandmother. You are the
granddaughter of a Faundi high priestess, heir to your ancestors’ power. I have
searched many years to find you. Despite your brother’s refusal to believe, you are the


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Chapter Four

Sarah had so many questions she wasn’t sure where to start. Why was Sean so

insistent on her not being the seer? What would this empowerment allow her to do?
How was it accomplished? How could Ceddrik have been part of the Faundi massacre?
The man in the bar hadn’t looked forty, much less several hundred years old.

Allen stepped up beside her and slipped his arm around her waist. “What would

Sarah be expected to do in exchange for this power?”

“A very good question.” Sean shot the spirit a challenging smile. “Do you want to

tell her or shall I?”

The spirit stilled. Her image became so detailed she appeared solid. “I will not

allow you to become an obstacle. Remain civil or leave.” Without missing a beat, she
turned to Sarah and went on. “The seer is not ‘expected’ to do anything. The ancestors’
power will enable you to do a great many things, not the least of which is destroying
the dragon.”

“You want me to slay a dragon?” Sean was right. The old lady was crazy.
“Not a dragon. The dragon.” Rayden’s deep voice drew her attention. He stood near

the open cockpit, leaning against the tall back of the pilot’s chair. Despite his connection
to the military, black hair flowed away from his face in distinct waves and brushed his
broad shoulders. Thick, long lashes tried to soften the impact of his sharp blue stare, yet
his gaze remained penetrating and perceptive. His distinct jawline seemed almost at
odds with his full-lipped mouth, and her attention focused on those soft-looking lips as
he went on. “If I’m not mistaken, she means Ceddrik. The real question is, how will a
seer—even an extremely powerful one—be able to vanquish a man who can absorb and
amplify any mutant ability he chooses?”

“That’s not possible.” Allen’s assertion jerked her attention away from Rayden.

“There were safeguards engineered into the virus to ensure that those two abilities
never manifested in the same person.”

Rayden shot Allen a challenging glare. “Mutation is spontaneous and abilities are

random. What the hell are you talking about?”

Allen squared his shoulders, meeting Rayden’s semi-hostile stare. “I helped

engineer the counteragents, so I had to know the specific effects of all the different
strains. Each strain of the virus was meticulously engineered to produce specific results.
There was nothing random about any of it.”

“Well, Ceddrik’s abilities have little to do with the virus, other than the fact they are

fueled by mutant energy,” Rayden countered.

“He has the Chrysalis nanites?” The color slowly drained from Allen’s face.


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“Does everyone understand the significance of that question?” Rayden pushed

away from the pilot’s seat as he waited for everyone to respond.

Sarah watched in frustration as everyone else nodded. “Why am I the last person to

hear about anything? What are Chrysalis nanites and how does all this tie together?
Why did he kidnap that woman?”

“Ceddrik injected himself with nanites that allow him to absorb and amplify

mutant abilities,” the spirit explained. “He was naturally empathic and telekinetic, but
there is no telling what he’s capable of doing now.”

“And the dancer?” Sarah persisted. “What did he want with the dancer?”
“Energy,” the spirit replied. “Ceddrik must feed on a regular basis and the dancer’s

energy is unusually concentrated. Depending on how fast she can regenerate, he might
be able to focus entirely on finding you.”

Dread washed over Sarah, dousing the flicker of hope she’d allowed to warm her

heart. “Sean’s right. You have the wrong person. I’m not a warrior. I know nothing
about this sort of thing.”

The spirit waved away Sarah’s concerns. It would obviously take more than

momentary doubt to derail this force of nature. “No solitary warrior could bring down
the dragon. It will take a tight-knit yet varied team. Once you’re empowered, you’ll
better understand the options available to you.”

“She turned you down.” Sean stepped toward the spirit, determination gleaming in

his eyes. “This conversation is over.”

“I agree.” A space directly behind Sean opened and the spirit pushed him into the

shadow dimension, sealing the opening before he could react. She turned to Rayden
and said, “Take us somewhere the others cannot go. We need privacy for the ritual.”

“Sarah hasn’t agreed to any ritual,” Rayden reminded.
Pleasantly surprised by his defense of her, Sarah offered him a grateful smile. Their

gazes locked and tingling warmth cascaded through her body. She couldn’t blame her
reaction on the club’s overtly sexual atmosphere. She found his combination of
sophisticated elegance and subtle aggression intriguing.

“Well, take us somewhere private so we can discuss this without emotional

outbursts from an overprotective sibling,” the spirit persisted.

“Are you all right with that?” Rayden asked Sarah.
“Yes. I’d like to hear more and Sean is overprotective.”
“Then everyone buckle up. This baby is built for speed.”
He wasn’t exaggerating. Moments after Sarah secured her safety restraints, the ship

surged into action, the acceleration momentarily stealing her breath.

“Wow,” she whispered when she was able to speak again.
Allen smiled and tucked her hand into his. “I’m sure he has lots of toys that will

impress you.”


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The subtle resentment in his tone made Sarah look at him more closely. His

handsome features were tense and his mouth pressed into a disapproving line. “Do you
know him?” Her youthful memories of Rayden bore little resemblance to the imposing

General Rayden Kolter commands a group of covert strike teams.” He spoke so

softly she had to lean toward him to catch his words. “They don’t officially exist, of
course, yet Howyn relied on them for all sorts of things. Why do you think he’s here?
He’s been ordered to recover the Chrysalis nanites so the new chancellor can pick up
where Howyn left off.”

She glanced toward the front of the ship. All she could see of Rayden was the back

of his dark head, but the intensity of his blue eyes lingered in her memory. “We don’t
know that. He could be here to make sure no one else is hurt by the monster they

Allen chuckled and patted her hand. “Right. The Protarian government has been so

concerned about the safety of its general population. Just ask Fane or Kellan about the
priorities of the élite.”

His attitude chafed and she wasn’t sure why. She had no reason to feel protective of

Rayden, yet the urge to defend him was undeniable. She barely knew the man, so why
should she care what Allen thought of him? She pulled her hand out of Allen’s and
looked out the viewport. The city was a blur of light against the night.

Her mind was in turmoil, stimulated by a disconcerting combination of memories

and possibilities. The vision quest had left her confused and discouraged. Seeking out
the change had been an emotional response to her overwhelming desperation. She saw
that now. Regardless of the outcome of this new adventure, she would never consider
that course again.

But images from the vision replayed through her mind, making her restless and

achy. Sexual energy was potent and useful. Many mutants augmented their abilities by
indulging in carnal activities. Two lovers, one blond and one… She hadn’t seen the man
behind her. She’d only felt his skillful fingers.

Her gaze drifted toward the front of the ship and Rayden’s image surged to the

surface of her memory. She pictured him at her back—tall, solid, commanding. Which
put Allen on his knees in front of her. She shivered and closed her eyes.

Allen’s kiss and the sensations he unleashed had taken her by surprise. She’d

instigated the exchange, but she hadn’t been prepared for the intensity. She’d never
really thought of him as a man, only as the role his vocation had played in her life. Each
time his hand brushed hers now, tingles skittered up her arm and her body craved
more of his tender caresses. If their connection had been nothing more than a response
to the club and her depression, why did she still feel the longing?

“What is the general’s connection to the overlord?”


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Startled by the spirit’s question, Sarah blinked away her sensual musings. The spirit

hovered in front of her, knowing amusement shining in her eyes. “Why do you
presume there’s a connection?”

“My vision indicated that all paths to the dragon’s destruction lead through the

overlord. I think our dashing general is part of this drama, but I’m not sure how.”

Allen watched her closely, obviously interested in her answer.
The connection between Rayden and Kellan wasn’t a secret, still she hesitated.
“We’re cousins,” Rayden supplied without turning around. “Our mothers were


“And how do you know Sean and Sarah?”
“Sarah can tell you the story. I’m a little busy right now.”
Feeling liberated by his permission, Sarah explained, “Rayden’s mother was a Stilox

refugee. Her family sought shelter in the black zones. Both she and her sister were very
beautiful and drew a lot of attention. The overlord at that time was Kellan’s father and
he offered them protection because he was interested in the older sister. Is that right,

“So far so good,” he called.
“Then Rayden’s father is élite?” A hint of bitterness still tinged Allen’s tone.
Sarah smiled, hoping to soothe him. “Yes, but he was young and idealistic back

then. He’d been part of a social project determined to ‘re-civilize the black zones’.”

“The problem was the project was counterproductive to the social structure that

had developed in the black zones over the past few centuries.” Rayden pivoted in his
chair, facing the others as he added, “Father’s ideas were too philosophical for people
who were used to settling disputes with physical combat. They were territorial and
aggressive. They preferred direct action to committees and consensus. Father finally
concluded that he couldn’t save them if they weren’t willing to change.”

Sarah took up the story as Rayden turned back to the control panel. “By the time he

ran out of funding, however, he’d accumulated enough data to publish a series of
thought-provoking papers that launched his career as a professor. He returned to
Sanctum with his Stilox wife and proceeded to climb the ladder of academia.”

“They didn’t marry until after they settled in Sanctum,” Rayden corrected, “but

everything else was right.”

“If your parents settled in Sanctum, how do you know Sean and Sarah?” Allen


Rayden pivoted again, meeting Allen’s gaze directly. “Father thought I would

benefit from a well-rounded education, so he sent me to live with my uncle for five
years. I was treated the same as all the other apprentices, including his own son,

“And now Kellan is overlord,” the spirit commented.


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“So, you, Sean and Kellan all went through training together.” Allen’s tone was

warmer. Apparently curiosity had eroded his resentment. “Was this before Sean’s
abilities began to manifest?”

Rayden nodded. “Sean left for the Underground nine months before I returned to


“Then my vision is correct,” the spirit concluded. “All the elements of this conflict

connect through Kellan.”

“I understand my connection, but what is Sean’s and Sarah’s?” Rayden glanced at

the controls but remained facing the others.

“Sean is mated to Kellan and—”
“What did you say?” Sarah stared at the spirit, sure she had misheard.
“He didn’t tell you?”
“He told me he was mated to Brianna, the human he went to rescue.”
“He is.” The spirit smiled, clearly amused by her confusion. “Sean, Brianna and

Kellan have formed a three-way soul bond.”

“Holy shit,” Rayden muttered, and then laughed. “On second thought, it’s not that

hard to picture. I knew Kellan had lovers of both sexes. I just didn’t know Sean was
so…open to new experiences.”

“Why didn’t he tell me?” She didn’t care if her brother had chosen a less-

conventional relationship. Many Stilox women had more than one mate. She was
disappointed that he hadn’t trusted her with the unexpected development.

“He was too worried about your emotional well-being,” the spirit defended. “As I

understand it, you were still dealing with the shock of your regression.”

Sarah allowed the sequence of events to calm her emotions. She had been a mess

during the recent crisis, completely absorbed in her own grief. “It’s true. As usual, he
was protecting me.”

“Is everyone still buckled in?” Rayden asked. “We’re about to land.”
“Where are we?” Sarah sat back in her seat, waiting for the heaviness of


“You’ll see.”
Landing was far more subtle than takeoff had been. Rayden glided into a private

bay and quickly secured the ship. He released his safety restraints and activated the
hatch. “Welcome to my home, or one of my homes,” he added with a wink.

Allen fought down his sudden surge of jealousy. Rayden was self-confident and

sophisticated, physically appealing—and élite. His clothing was obviously custom
tailored and this ship was beyond belief. He carried himself like royalty and effortlessly
emanated power. How the fuck was a scientist supposed to compete with this god!


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Determined not to be completely eclipsed by their host, Allen hurried after Sarah.

His resolve dwindled with each step he took. They entered the house through a utility
room then emerged into a massive living space. Lush carpeting, elegant furnishings and
intricate architecture made the label “house” insulting. This was a mansion by anyone’s
definition of the word.

Luxurious draperies opened to reveal a stunning view of the exclusive heart of

Sanctum. The sun hid just below the skyline, leaving streaks of color trailing in its wake.
Allen had only seen vids of this section of the city. An energy barrier protected the
occupants from anyone who didn’t belong, anyone who wasn’t worthy of the limited
resources left on Protaria.

“This isn’t my primary residence, so staff is on call. I’ll make sure we aren’t


The spirit offered her thanks, but Allen bristled. The bastard was showing off. There

was no doubt about it.

“Wouldn’t it be safer to close the drapes?” Sarah’s tone was hushed with awe,

reinforcing Allen’s frustration.

“The windows are tinted. We can see out, but no one can see in. The coating

dampens scanners as well. We’re about as safe as it’s possible to be under the

“Thank you.” Sarah smiled. “This was very generous.”
Allen had heard enough. He would not stand idly by and watch her fall under

Rayden’s spell. “He has ulterior motives. Don’t let his polish fool you. He’s still on a
mission. We just happen to be headed in the same direction.”

Rayden clasped his hands behind his back and inclined his head. A faint smile

curved the corners of his mouth. “I’ve never denied our common goal. Why are you
threatened by my motives?”

“You’re Howyn’s henchman,” Allen snapped.
“I believe General Bryson had that distinction.”
“The past is irrelevant.” Sarah positioned herself between them. “Bryson and

Howyn are both incarcerated. Who do you work for now?”

“The secretary of defense. To my knowledge, an interim chancellor has not yet been


“Secretary of defense? I didn’t know there was such a person. What’s his name?”

Allen knew he was being petty, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. He could feel
Sarah’s interest building with each moment she spent in Rayden’s presence.

Rayden’s smile broadened. He clearly understood the true cause of Allen’s

surliness. “Do you know every person on Protaria?”

“I’m just wondering how many of Howyn’s cronies are still in power.”
“At the moment, the Interplanetary Consortium is in power. They intend to remain

involved until after elections can be conducted.”


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“What do you intend to do with Ceddrik if we succeed in capturing him?” Sarah

cut to the heart of the matter.

“The dragon must be destroyed, not captured,” the spirit insisted. “He has earned

death a thousand times over.”

Rayden’s expression smoothed, though his gaze remained sharp and watchful. “I’m

not opposed to that outcome. My primary goal is the complete and final eradication of
the Chrysalis threat.”

“And the next step toward that goal is empowering the seer.”
The old woman had a one-track mind. Allen sighed, regretting his flash of irritation.

If what the spirit said was true, she had good reason for her obsession.

“I haven’t agreed to the ritual,” Sarah reminded. “I need more information before I

make up my mind.”

“Then ask your questions. The faster I ease your fears, the sooner we can begin.”
Rayden swept his arm toward the furniture grouping on his left. “Why don’t we

sit? This feels confrontational.”

Allen took Sarah’s hand and led her to the loveseat. Rayden chuckled softly and sat

in the chair facing them. The spirit moved about like a feather on the breeze, but her
gaze remained fixed on Sarah.

“Do you have any reason to doubt my claim?” the old woman began. “Is there

anything in your past that makes what I’ve told you improbable?”

“No. In fact what little I know about my grandmother’s family corroborates what

you’ve told me.”

“Please explain,” Rayden prompted. “I’d like to understand the specifics as well.”
“My maternal grandmother had two brothers. We didn’t realize any of them had

families until we reached the Underground. You see, while Sean was being trained by
the other specters, they noticed a certain physical resemblance. They were curious, so
they had Ostan compile DNA profiles and the doctor confirmed that they are all
related. Most are first cousins. Two were a bit more distant.”

“Faundi physiology would account for a more powerful reaction to the virus,”

Allen mused. “How many blood relatives did Sean discover in the Underground?”

“Fourteen. All male.” She reluctantly admitted, “I’m the only female who survived

the onset illness.”

“The ancestors protected you until I could find you.” The spirit smiled and came to

rest in front of Sarah. “You are obviously meant for this mission.”

“Did any of these men realize they were Faundi descendants?” Rayden’s fingers

lightly tapped the arms of his chair, his expression thoughtful.

“Everyone believed the Faundi were extinct. There was no reason to compare the

genetic anomalies with a long-dead race.” Sarah shrugged away the detail and focused
on the present conflict. “How is the ritual performed and how will it affect me?”


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The spirit stilled, her image darkening so she appeared solid. “I will release the

ancestors’ energy into you in stages. At first it will be overwhelming, perhaps even
painful. You will hear their thoughts and see their lives as their beings meld with yours.
But after we’ve integrated into your mind, you will have access to all we have learned
since our sect was formed.”

“And how will such knowledge prepare her to confront Ceddrik?” Allen wanted to


“She will not only receive wisdom. She will receive power, more power than you

can even imagine.”

“If you already possess this power, why aren’t you able to kill him?” Rayden asked.
“I’m resisting the basic nature of the universe just to remain in this dimension. I

should have passed onto the next plane of existence when my body died. But the
energy would have been lost and I couldn’t allow that to happen. Once the dragon is
destroyed, I will release my hold on this dimension and balance will be restored.”

* * * * *

Ceddrik stared at the redheaded whore, torn between hunger and fascination.

Despite the fear he sensed seething beneath the surface, she looked bored. She sat on
the edge of the bed, legs crossed, foot swinging as she studied her fingernails.

A firm compulsion had ensured her cooperation during their escape, but he wasn’t

influencing her now. He hadn’t intended on making a public spectacle of himself, but
the waitress’s insistence that the dancers didn’t interact directly with the customers had
left him no other choice. A holographic facsimile of this woman—however interactive—
would not have met his needs.

“Look. If you’re going to fuck me, can we get on with it? Sancho will dock my pay

for as long as I’m gone. I’m scheduled for another three hours.”

Consider your employment terminated. You will not be returning to Mr. Sancho.
She looked up and lowered her hand to the bed, her light brown eyes finally

registering fear. “I promise I won’t be any trouble and I’ll do whatever you want.” She
licked her blood-red lips and her lashes lowered, shadowing her eyes. “I’m not ready to

He dragged a chair closer to the bed and sat facing her, intoxicated by her conflict.

The waitress said you’re only a dancer. Why are you so eager to fuck me?

“I’m eager to stay alive.” She dared a glance at his face then quickly lowered her

gaze. “If this isn’t about sex, why did you bring me here?”

The angle of her face was making it hard to read her lips. Ceddrik curved his finger

beneath her chin and raised her head. Do you fuck for money or not? Answer honestly. He
needed her energy and sexual pleasure significantly heightened the concentration of the
transfer. The incident in the alley was proof enough of his conundrum. He hadn’t


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bothered to arouse the unfortunate woman and his cravings returned before her body
had time to cool.

He couldn’t just fuck the redhead. He needed her to enjoy it. If she were a

professional, the exchange would be easier to manage. Her pleasure had to be genuine,
and he didn’t have the patience to seduce a reluctant partner.

“It’s been a long time, but I started out as an escort. I hired on at Sojourns so I

wouldn’t have to do that anymore.” Hope trembled through her as she waited for his
reply. Silence lengthened and she fidgeted, uncrossing and crossing her legs. “Just tell
me what you want. I don’t have enough credits to make this worth your time.”

You have other assets. Assets you’re willing to display, but not willing to share. That

doesn’t seem fair to me.

“I’ll share them with you.” Her gaze flitted back to his, desperation giving way to

determination. “Tell me what to do. I’ll do anything you want.”

Show me what you’re offering. Convince me you’re worth keeping alive. All he had to do

was yank their mental tether and she’d instantly obey. But that would compromise the
transfer and the cravings were growing worse with each passing day.

The dingy three-room apartment was humiliating after the luxury to which he was

accustomed. He’d dispensed with the owner shortly after his escape from Kellan and
Sean. There was nothing to connect him with this humble domicile, no scanner record
or credit trail. He was lost in the black zones and he needed to stay that way until he
was strong enough to strike.

The whore stood and—
“My name is Scarlett, not whore.” Her tone stopped just short of insolence, but her

shoulders squared in preparation for a fight.

You can read my mind. What are your other abilities?
“Promise not to hurt me and I’ll show you.”
He poured energy into his shields as he settled back in the chair. He’d obviously

underestimated his prey. Are you able to send thoughts or just receive them?

I’m able to do all sorts of things.
Intrigued by her sudden surge of confidence, Ceddrik just smiled.
She pushed to her feet and turned in a slow circle, undulating her body as she spun.

Her hips were slim, her breasts large, her ass nicely rounded. Her sleek black dress did
little to hide her “assets” and still Ceddrik resented the barrier.

Take off the dress and bend over the bed. I want to see your cunt.
“This will be more fun if you let me do my job.” She parted the front seam,

revealing more of her creamy flesh. “Are you a breast man?” She parted the fabric and
toyed with her pierced nipples. When he didn’t react to the display, she turned toward
the bed and slid her skirt up until the lower curve of her ass was revealed. Or do you
prefer a nice, smooth ass?

I prefer a tight, wet pussy. I already told you that.


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She chuckled, low in her throat, the sound incongruous with her emotional reserve.

This was business. She’d summoned her professional detachment, separating her body
from her mind. He’d kidnapped a whore. What did he expect?

She shimmied out of the dress and ran her hands over her naked body, cupping her

breasts and squeezing her ass as she turned in another slow circle. He watched with
frustrated apathy, knowing she wasn’t feeling a thing.

Crawling onto the bed, she offered him an unobstructed view of her pussy. Her

pubic hair had been dyed to match the hair on her head and her folds appeared
artificially rosy. She reached the center of the bed and turned back around, her knees
folded beneath her.

Is this what you wanted to see?” With her lower lip caught between her teeth, she

parted her thighs and arched her back, resting her hands on the mattress behind her.
She was open to his hungry eyes, brazenly displayed for his pleasure.

But her pleasure was the goal. Each orgasm she experienced would concentrate her

energy’s saturation.

Fuck yourself with your fingers and don’t bother to pretend. I can sense your emotions.
She made a great show of licking her fingers then parted her outer lips, making sure

he saw her clit and the darker flesh of her passage before she went to work between her
thighs. Using her two middle fingers, she fucked herself slowly, rolling her hips to
accentuate each shallow thrust.

“This would be so much better if I had a nice, fat toy to fill me up and make me all


The first stirring of lust burst within her, awakening his body as well. Send your

thoughts. I don’t want to watch your lips. I want to watch your fingers.

She paused and met his gaze. You’re reading my lips?
Don’t be distracted. Make yourself come.
Rolling to her side, she repositioned her legs, reaching under her bent knee to

resume her thrusting. He watched her fingers slide in and out, waiting for the telltale
sheen of true excitement.

She rotated her wrist and used her thumb on her clit. Her breasts quivered and

rocked, the elaborate rings catching the overhead light as her hand moved faster and
faster. If I had a toy, I’d push it up my ass. It feels so good when I come like that.

Understanding her clever request, he joined her on the bed and lifted her ankle to

his shoulder. Go on. Move your fingers to your ass. I’ll fuck your pussy.

Her eyes glowed with lust as she speared her tight little opening. He watched her

snug pink flesh cling to her fingers as they slid in and out.

Do you like it better in the ass, or do you like two cocks at once?
She shivered and groaned. I like fingers in my ass and a cock in my cunt. Nothing feels

better than that. Her fingers moved faster as lust expanded within her mind. Her words
were true. That’s how she liked it.


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Pleased by her honesty, he pushed two fingers into her pussy. She was slick and

hot, more than ready for his cock. Her inner muscles squeezed his fingers as he
mimicked her movements.

Oh yes. So good. Fuck me just like that!
The phrases sounded rehearsed and he shoved her hand aside, withdrawing his

fingers as well. He pushed her onto her back and spread her legs. Look at me! As soon as
her gaze locked with his, he pinched her clit, hard. She screamed, twisting away from
his punishing touch. If you pretend again, there will be nothing but pain!

She stopped struggling and raised her arms above her head, her chin quivering. I’m

sorry. Old habits are hard to break. It won’t happen again.

Accepting her assurance with a stiff nod, he opened the front of his pants and freed

his cock. He rearranged his clothes to cover his elaborate tattoo. His secret was out.
There was no real reason to hide the proof of his Faundi heritage. But as she’d said, old
habits die hard.

He arched over her body and rubbed her clit with the head of his cock. Pull on your

nipples. Twist the loops. She obeyed without hesitation, grimacing as the sensation shot
beyond pleasure. Harder. I want to feel your pain.

She pinched herself and twisted the loops until her eyes swam with tears. Pain

rippled off her body and her pussy fluttered against his cock head as her body
surrendered to the aggressive stimulation. He brushed her hands aside then lowered
his mouth to one breast as he pinched the other. All the while he used his cock to circle
her clit.

He drew her nipple deep into his mouth, holding it between his teeth while his

tongue flicked the loop. He expanded their psychic link and sucked her essence into his
mind, saturating himself with her energy and her emotions.

His head spun and his desire spiked. Gods she was sweet! He grasped her ass with

both hands and thrust his cock into her pussy. She shuddered, her inner walls
contracting rhythmically as she neared another orgasm.

Not yet ready to end their play, he let go of her nipple and rolled to his back, taking

her with him. She settled astride his hips, his cock deep inside her. Her breasts swayed,
one nipple still wet from his mouth.

Rub your clit and make yourself come. I want to feel you milk my cock.
She nodded and rocked back, giving herself better access to her clit. Her fingers

rubbed and circled, flicked and rolled, but she teetered on the edge, unable to let go. I
don’t think I can come with you watching me.
She sounded genuinely desperate.

Then lean forward and fuck your ass. Whimpering at the thought, she braced herself

against his chest with one hand and used her other to fuck her ass. He could feel her
fingers moving against his cock and the sensation was amazingly exciting.

Ride me. He pushed her hips up then pulled her back down, savoring the slide of

her body. She bounced up and down while her fingers thrust with savage


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determination. He watched her face, enjoying the spectacle, as he passively controlled
her pleasure.

She came hard and fast, the orgasm bursting with sudden intensity. Not allowing

her to melt into lethargy, he flipped her onto her back and pushed her knees to her
shoulders as he took over the thrusting.

Another orgasm claimed her and then another. She tossed her head from side to

side, lost in frantic pleasure. Her energy sizzled and flowed, soothing his famished
being as never before. He pushed his entire length into her and threw back his head,
coming in shuddering spurts.

Long moments later, he opened his eyes and looked at her flushed face. She licked

her lips and blew out a shaky breath. This isn’t about sex. You need my energy. Don’t you?

Did I take too much? He cursed the question the second it left his mind. She needed

to fear him, to believe her life depended on obeying him!

No. I’m fine. Did you do something to…amplify the pleasure? I’ve never come that hard


Tenderness stirred within him, tempting him to soothe her, to reassure her. She was

a whore! He would keep her alive as long as she met his needs. That’s all she needed to
know. Give me a few minutes to catch my breath and I’ll give you another demonstration of my


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Chapter Five

More power than she could even imagine. The promise sparkled in the distance like

a shiny jewel. So much of Sarah’s life had been disappointment and compromise. She
was afraid to embrace the dream.

“I need to speak with you alone,” she told the spirit, her great-grandmother if she

believed the old woman’s tale.

“We’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything.” Rayden stood and motioned for

Allen to follow, though Allen was obviously reluctant to obey. Sarah waited until the
men were out of sight before she continued the conversation. “I’m not sure if this is
important or not, but I’ll feel more comfortable if you know.”

The spirit floated into the loveseat then adjusted her image so she appeared to sit.

“Tell me anything. You must embrace this situation without reservation if we are to

“I went on a vision quest this morning. I was searching for guidance regarding a

way to access my abilities.”

“And what did the quest reveal?”
Heat tumbled through her torso as she remembered the sensual images. She’d been

so free in the vision, so unencumbered by fear or uncertainty. “I was hoping to
rediscover the path, to… I’m not sure what I was trying to accomplish, but the vision
was unexpected and specific.”

A gentle smile parted the spirit’s lips and softened her eyes. “Vision quests seldom

lead us where we want to go. What did you see?”

“I was making love with two men. I couldn’t see them, but it was obvious to me

that this was something that had happened before. It felt comfortable, reassuring, yet
incredibly stimulating.”

The smile became a soft chuckle. “Anyone would be stimulated by such a scene.

Why do you find the image troubling? You are in the prime of your life. Surely sexual
situations are not completely unknown to you.”

“Actually, they are.” Sarah had never had a mother or a sister to counsel her

regarding sex. It had never before been a priority in her life. “When I submitted to the
change, I was transformed physically by the mutation. My face became so deformed, I
was barely recognizable. It has only been since the reversal that any man would look at

“It amazes me that men can be so superficial. The beauty of your being isn’t

changed regardless of your outward shell.”


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Sarah smiled, warmed by the sentiment. “That’s the way it should be, but we both

know the world doesn’t work that way. And women can be just as superficial as men.
So, back to the vision quest. Do you think the images I saw have anything to do with
what’s about to happen?”

“Absolutely. The members of our order prepare from childhood to accept the

energy transfer. Your mind and body are untrained. You’re unprepared for the intensity
you will experience. I’ll monitor you closely to make sure I don’t surpass your ability to
absorb, but the process would be faster, and far less dangerous, if you had the support
of other minds.”

“But my power is gone. I couldn’t link with anyone even if they were willing to

help me.”

“That is an obstacle easily overcome. A small measure of my power will restore that

ability and more. The greater challenge by far is convincing your companions.”

Sarah sighed. “Neither of them are mutants. They aren’t accustomed to psychic

bonds and energy transfers.”

“And utilizing someone who is accustomed to such practices isn’t an option. My

energy can only be absorbed by those untainted by mutation.” She paused, her gaze
intense and assessing as it moved over Sarah’s face. “The larger question is, do you feel
an emotional connection with either of your companions?”

Wanting to be honest with herself, Sarah took a moment and searched her feelings.

“Yesterday I thought Allen was worse than the devil. He was the villain who robbed me
of my happiness.”

“And now?”
“He has been kind and attentive. I suspect Fane sent him after me, but he didn’t

have to come. I’ve always thought he was physically appealing. Until he caught up with
me at the club, I never really thought of him as a man before.” His kiss had been
intoxicating and her body responded readily to his touch. They definitely had
chemistry. But was that enough to consider involving him in something like this?

“What about our fearless general? Does he speed your pulse?”
“Rayden is even more of a mystery. I definitely find him attractive, but I know him

even less than I know Allen. How can I possibly expect them to bond with me?”

“Not all bonds are permanent. You could approach this as an assignment, a vital

mission that requires intimacy. Field operatives are faced with such challenges all the

Sarah allowed herself to laugh, needing to ease the tension gathering inside her.

“I’m sure Rayden will respond to that line of reasoning.”

The spirit paused, her expression growing speculative. “I can make this easier for

all of you. A simple compulsion will heighten your attraction and obliterate any self-


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“No. If they agree to do this, it will be with a clear head. I will not coerce them into


“What about you? If you’ve never had a lover, will you be able to release your

inhibitions so drastically?”

“It’s my destined path. I know sexual magic can be hard to control, but it’s also

extremely potent. Vision quests don’t lie. I have to surrender to my fate if I hope to
survive the transformation.”

“At least this transformation will be far more pleasurable than the one you endured


“Now all we have to do is convince the men.”
The spirit rose and floated toward the kitchen, obviously eager to get underway.

Sarah followed, reluctance building with each step she took. She’d never had sex before
and she was about to proposition two veritable strangers. An unexpected thrill pushed
through her hesitation and her steps sped.

This was her destiny, the first step toward restoring her power, and her purpose in


The men sat at a small, round table, enjoying their beers. Rayden quickly stood and

pulled out a chair for her. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Not right now, but thanks.”
“So what’s the next step?” Allen asked. “As much as I’m enjoying Rayden’s

hospitality, we should formulate a strategy.”

“I agree.” Thankful for the segue, Sarah dove into her explanation before she lost

her nerve. She didn’t stop until she’d explained exactly what was needed of them and
what she hoped to accomplish by creating the bond.

Rayden stared at her as if she’d lost her mind. “You want us to do what?”
Damn. She thought her explanation had covered everything. “My mind is not

conditioned enough to accept the ancestors’ energy in its entirety. I need…overflow
chambers for lack of a better phrase.”

“So, by linking our minds with yours, you’ll be able to pass us excess energy when

you start to overload?” Allen seemed to be accepting this all with far less disbelief than

“And to form this bond,” Rayden went on, “we both need to fuck you?”
“You don’t need to be crude,” Allen objected. “Sexual bonds aren’t at all

uncommon in the Underground.”

“But we’re not mutants. Neither is she, anymore.” Rayden cleared his throat and

scooted closer to the table. “I’m not opposed to enjoying a few hours of passion with
Sarah, but I’ve never been interested in the complications inevitable with a ménage,
even a temporary one.”


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“I understand.” Sarah did her best to suppress her disappointment. He hadn’t

rejected her, exactly. He was uncomfortable with the situation. And that was completely
understandable. “All you have to say is no.”

“I didn’t say no,” he stressed. “I need some time to wrap my mind around the


“We don’t have to dive into a full-fledged ménage.” Allen moved closer to Sarah

and put his hand on the back of her chair. “She can form the bond with me while you
figure out what you want to do.” He turned to her and asked, “The bonds don’t have to
be formed all at once, do they?”

“It’s stronger if both segments are anchored simultaneously,” the spirit insisted.
“But that’s not the only way it can be done,” Sarah countered. “Allen and I can try

to manage the transfer on our own, and Rayden can be our backup.”

“You won’t have time to form a new bond once the transfer begins, and each

moment we delay offers the dragon another opportunity to do damage.”

Allen shook his head, rejecting the spirit’s bait. “Ceddrik is locked away with the

dancer. His need for energy is his only priority at the moment. We can’t wait forever,
but we should have a few days before he restores his strength.”

Sarah schooled her expression and looked back at Rayden. “Think this over. The

bond can be severed once the conflict is resolved, but sex is unavoidable.”

He released a tense laugh and shook his head. “I’m not afraid of sex and you’re

certainly attractive. It’s just hard for me to think of you as a sexual being. You’re Sean’s
little sister, for gods’ sake.”

“I understand.” Sarah averted her gaze. The conflict so obvious in his expression

made her feel tawdry and cheap. She didn’t just want a quick fuck. The bond was
necessary to stop Ceddrik. “This is awkward for me as well.”

“Exhibitionism is not in my nature.” His tone was softer, but his words still grated.

“Sex has always been one-on-one, in the privacy of my bedroom.”

“We get the picture,” Allen snapped. “She explained what she needs and why she

needs it. Stop making this into something dirty.”

“That’s not what I was doing.” Rayden shoved back his chair and stood.
Allen mirrored the movement, glaring at him across the table. “Then why is she so

uncomfortable? You think she’s doing this for kicks? She’s never even had a lover

“Allen.” Sarah covered her face with her hand as her cheeks began to burn.
“She’s still a virgin?”
Rayden’s disbelief only added to her embarrassment. “It doesn’t matter.” She stood

as well, mustering the courage to look at them. “It has to happen sometime. Could there
be a better reason to sacrifice my virginity than saving the world?” Both men laughed
and she released her tension with a slow exhale. “My cards are on the table. It’s up to
each of you to decide what you want to do.”


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“I’d be honored to bond with you and I’ll do everything in my power to make your

first time memorable.” Allen took both her hands and raised them to his mouth,
pressing kisses across her knuckles.

Rayden scrubbed his hand over his face, torn between conscience and the pressure

rapidly building in his groin. Once he’d experienced the elemental connection of
making love with his wife, casual sex had lost its appeal. But Dreena had been dead for
seven years now. So why was he still so indifferent? Well, his body wasn’t indifferent,
but his heart refused to engage.

“I need to think about it.” Rayden ignored the scream of frustration in the back of

his mind.

“Take all the time you need,” Allen said with a cocky smile. “Could you please

direct us to a spare bedroom?”

Sarah looked as if she would make one final plea then she sighed and moved closer

to Allen. The simple gesture sent an unexpected rush of jealousy though Rayden. He
had no one but himself to blame for the way this night was unfolding. He had no reason
at all to be jealous.

“Right this way.” He led them to the guestroom on the second floor, as far away

from his room as possible. “There’s a private bath and a wet bar, so you should have
everything you need.”

Sarah wouldn’t meet his gaze as he ushered them into the guestroom. He wanted to

assure her that his reluctance had nothing to do with her, but any encouragement at this
point would only confuse the issue. With another strained smile, he closed the door and
left them to their sexual exploration.

He ducked into his office and sent a quick message to his brother, updating him on

the situation, or as much of the situation as he was willing to share. He explained that
he had confirmed the identity of the man currently in possession of the Chrysalis
nanites, and had several promising leads regarding the culprit’s location.

His heart felt heavy and hollow as he made his way to his bedroom. Not bothering

to turn on the light, he crossed to the window and gazed out into the night. It was all
too easy to imagine what was going on in the guestroom. Allen would be memorizing
Sarah’s soft body with his hands and his lips. She would be hesitant yet responsive as
he helped her discover her sexuality.

It was better this way. Her first encounter should be gentle and tame. That way,

when he took her, she’d know what to expect. She wouldn’t be frightened by the
intensity or the aggression he needed to… What the fuck was he thinking? Was he
seriously considering allowing this bond?

In the years since Dreena’s death, he’d had three lovers. He’d spent time with each,

developing a legitimate relationship before they shared their bodies and indulged their
passions. Trust was too important for the sorts of pleasures he craved. He made sure


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each enjoyed aggressive love play and weren’t intimidated by a little bondage before he
instigated the relationship.

And all three had sensed his emotional detachment and ended the affair after

failing to penetrate his perpetual aloofness.

Well, the unconventional arrangement Sarah proposed wouldn’t help him break

free from his self-imposed isolation.

“She didn’t ask you to marry her. She needs your help. Why are you being so


He turned from the window with a sigh. The spirit hovered near the foot of his bed,

glowing softly in the darkness. “I’m not being difficult. I’m being methodical.”

She snorted her derision and surged toward him. “Your mission is to contain the

threat, to capture or destroy the Chrysalis nanites. Correct? Is this not the most effective
way of pursuing your mission?”

Why would she bring up his mission moments after he sent an update to his

brother? “Were you following me?”

Her chuckle was completely unapologetic. “It’s better than watching Allen fumble

his way through Sarah’s sexual awakening.”

Rayden bristled. “He seemed eager enough. Why would you doubt his skill?”
“He’s a scientist! They’re not known for their passionate natures, now are they?”
Seeing through her ploy, Rayden relaxed. “I’m not going to interrupt them no

matter how much you provoke me.”

“She needs a warrior, someone strong and assertive.”
Indulging in a chuckle of his own, Rayden sat on the side of the bed and pulled off

his boots. “How long have you known her? I was under the impression you had just
located the seer today.”

“She is my descendant. That’s all I need to know. Allen will comfort and nurture

her, but he lacks the fire and strength of will necessary to master a Faundi heart. He’ll
never accomplish this alone. She needs you both.”

Her vehemence would have amused him if the statement hadn’t struck such a

familiar chord within his heart. He’d been thinking nearly the same thing as he stared
out the window. Let a tender lover teach her the basics and then he would introduce
her to the intensity of surrender.

Apparently sensing the direction of his thoughts, the spirit grinned. “Don’t wait too

long, general. The scientist already has a head start on you.”

* * * * *

Allen glanced around the luxurious suite, relieved that Sarah would feel

comfortable and pampered, yet frustrated that he hadn’t been the one to provide the
setting for her. She wandered about the room, pausing to look at a painting then


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pushing open the bathroom door. Her nervous energy made Allen all the more restless.
She deserved candlelight and romance, slow dancing and wine.

His gaze caught the metallic glint of the small refrigerator beside the built-in bar.

He smiled. Perhaps he could provide one of the four. Crossing to the tiled corner, he
quickly inventoried their options.

“Would you like something to drink? There’s beer, fruit juice, and a bottle of bentel


“Bentel wine?” Her immediate smile was encouraging. “I haven’t had that in years.

Rayden told us to make ourselves at home. I guess he has no one to blame but himself.”

In its purest form, bentel juice was a sedative, but the wine was sweet and

effervescent. It was also extremely expensive. Allen rummaged through the drawers
until he found a corkscrew and opened the tapered bottle over the sink. Grabbing two
wineglasses out of the cupboard, he brought the bottle to Sarah. She held the glasses
while he poured the light blue wine.

After only a few slow sips he set the bottle aside. “It’s really strong. I want you

relaxed, not sleepy.”

She took his hand and guided him toward the bed. “I’m not afraid. It’s important

you understand that. I’m actually looking forward to tonight.”

He had expected her to be uncertain, at least to some degree. She’d responded

without hesitation in the club, but who wouldn’t have been turned-on by what was
going on in that place? “This can’t be how you imagined your first time.” He didn’t
want to complicate the situation, but she needed to understand he wasn’t just doing this
to stop Ceddrik.

“I never allowed myself to imagine my first time. I knew it was never going to

happen, so I concentrated on the greater good.”

Her casual honesty shredded his composure. He pulled her into his arms, as much

to hide the sorrow welling up within him as to offer her comfort she likely didn’t need.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered.

“That’s all behind me now.” Her voice was steady and strong, allowing him to push

back the pity he knew she’d resent.

He set his wineglass on the nightstand and touched the side of her face. “I know

this will be hard for you to believe, but I’m here because I care about you.”

Rather than reply, she drained her glass and handed it to him. Her fingers trembled

as she reached for the hem of his tunic.

“You don’t believe me.” He covered her hands with his, halting her movements.
“It doesn’t matter. This needs to be done.”
“It matters to me.” Curving his index finger beneath her chin, he raised her head

until their gazes met. “If we’re going to be partners, I insist on honesty. I don’t have to
agree with your motivations, but I need to understand them. Why did you kiss me in


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the club? And don’t give me that line about loneliness. Something else was going on
back there and I need to know what it was.”

She licked her lips, her gaze growing wide and defensive. “I…had a vision.”
“Go on. I honestly want to understand the forces moving you.”
“I was out of options. I didn’t want to resubmit to the change. The thought terrified

me, so I went on a vision quest, hoping for guidance.”

He sat on the edge of the bed, pulling her down beside him. His scientific mind still

balked at most mystical concepts, but no one could spend time in the Underground and
not be exposed to rituals and paranormal happenings. “Did the quest convince you to
resubmit to the change? Is that why you left so suddenly?”

“Just the opposite. The vision had nothing to do with resubmitting to the change.”

She folded her hands in her lap and lowered her gaze as she offered the information in
a quiet, conversational tone. “I saw myself in a sexual situation. I felt the building rush
and the power encompassed within the pleasure. I was confused by the image and
convinced myself the quest failed until fate delivered me into your arms. You touched
me and I felt desire for the first time. I couldn’t ignore what the vision had shown me.
Sexual magic will play a part in my new path.”

She finally raised her gaze and he believed every word, yet there was something

she wasn’t saying, something important she was holding back. “Did you see me in this
vision or…what exactly did you see?”

Heaving a frustrated sigh, she reached for his tunic again. “Why is all this

important now? Let’s form the bond and see where the future takes us.”

Intrigued by her evasion, he caught her wrist and kissed the center of her palm.

“Indulge me.” He kicked off his shoes then slipped off the bed and went to work on her

“You don’t believe in visions, so why do you care what I saw?” Her stubborn little

chin raised in an expression he’d seen countless times since coming to the
Underground. She could be incredibly headstrong when the mood struck her.

Rather than confront her directly, he rubbed one bare foot before he stripped the

other and offered it the same treatment. “I might not understand how it all works, but I
know you’ll allow the image to affect your thoughts and decisions. It’s in my best
interest to know the content of your vision.”

His thumbs carefully worked her instep and she released a helpless moan. “That

feels too damn good. You’re muddling my mind.”

“I was standing between two men.” He managed to keep his fingers moving, but

somehow he had hoped the spirit had talked her into the more daring elements of this
situation. Apparently, the ménage was all Sarah’s idea. “I couldn’t see either of their
faces. One stood behind me and one knelt in front. The one in front of me had blond


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hair, like yours.” She offered him a dreamy smile. “Do I need to explain what they were
doing or can you use your imagination?”

His imagination had no problem providing lurid and varied possibilities. He slid

his hands up her legs, parting her thighs so he could kneel between them. “And you
were comfortable with two lovers? Did the two men seem comfortable with each

“You seemed comfortable together, but you weren’t lovers. Do you know what I


“Absolutely.” He laughed, relieved by the revelation. “I’ve never been attracted to a

man before. It’s hard to imagine that I’d start with someone like Rayden.”

“Tonight is not about Rayden. Tonight is about you and me.”
How could he argue with that? He framed her face with his hands and kissed her,

wanting to go slow and tenderly. Her tongue welcomed him with surprising fervor,
curling around his with no hint of hesitation. She stroked and teased then followed him
back into his mouth so she could learn his taste. What she lacked in skill she more than
made up for in enthusiasm.

Her deft hands pulled his tunic off over his head before he remembered that there

were no fastenings on her tunic and did the same with hers. She raised her arms to aid
him. Her bra followed her tunic to the floor and his gaze gravitated to her lovely

He reached toward one soft mound and she caught his wrist. “No way. You get

naked first,” she said with a challenging smile. “Last time I showed you mine, but you
neglected to show me yours.”

Laughter bubbled up within him, warm and infectious. He grinned and pushed to

his feet, reaching for the fastenings of his pants. “And here I thought I was being

“Well, check your nobility at the door. I need your decadence.”
The sensual purr in her voice sent lust flowing through his body. He stared into her

eyes as he pushed his pants past his hips, revealing his erection. “Decadent enough or
would you like a closer look?” He stepped out of his pants and fisted his cock, slowly
stroking the rock-hard shaft.

“Oh, I definitely need a closer look.”
“Not ’til you’re naked too.”
“Fair enough.” She took off her pants and sat back down, parting her knees in silent


Her slim body looked pale and perfect against the rich bedspread. Golden curls

spilled across her shoulders and disappeared down her back, partially obscuring one
creamy breast. Even in the dimness of the room her nipples looked rosy and pert. He
couldn’t wait to feel them on his tongue and draw them between his lips.


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Following the flow of her hair, his gaze touched her navel then skated across the

lower plane of her belly to her golden bush. Her folds were just barely visible between
her slender thighs. He’d touched those silken folds with his fingers before. Tonight he
would lick them, taste them, suck on them until she shivered and sighed.

Allen wasn’t sure he’d make it across the floor. His balls had drawn tight and his

cock ached with the need to release his seed. They’d done little more than kiss and he
was ready to blast off like a rocket. This was not boding well for his stamina.

Sarah looked at Allen’s cock and boldly licked her lips. All her life she’d thought of

others before herself. She considered the greater good before her own happiness. Allen
claimed he was here because he cared for her. As soon as the bond formed, she’d know
the truthfulness of his statement. Until then, she’d accept him at his word and find as
much pleasure as she could in the journey.

“Come here.” She smiled, experimenting with her first surge of feminine power. “I

want to touch you.”

His steps were slow, his smile strained, but he obeyed. “Control’s a bit of a problem

right now. Maybe I better touch you instead.”

She grasped his hips and pulled him between her knees. “You were in complete

control back at the club. Now it’s my turn.” Before he could argue, she wrapped one
hand around his cock and cupped his sac with the other. He placed his hands on her
shoulders and let his head drop back, hips gently rocking, as she found a steady rhythm
that seemed to please him. “Does that feel good?”

“It would feel better if…”
“Yes? What would feel better?”
“Your mouth, baby. Put me in your mouth.”
Sarah hesitated for only a moment, intimidated by the unknown. Men sucked on

women’s nipples. Was this really so different a request? Without removing her hand,
she licked the tip of his cock and looked up to see his reaction. He gasped, so she
dragged her tongue all the way around the tip and felt his hands tighten on her
shoulders. But he’d said to put it “in” her mouth. Slowly, noting the silken texture and
unexpected heat, she slid the flared head into her mouth and listened to his groan. One
of his hands moved to the back of her neck. His fingers curved into a firm grip, urging
without hurting.

“Suck me, sweetheart. Please.”
His voice was raspy and tight, and that hand at the back of her neck made it

obvious he didn’t want her to stop. She sucked and swirled her tongue and sucked
some more. Then he pushed deeper into her mouth, drawing slowly back before
pushing in again. Understanding burst within her mind along with a heated thrill. He
was fucking her mouth, moving in and out like he would between her legs!


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He groaned again, thrusting faster. His hands moved to each side of her face. “I

need to stop or I’m not going to be able to.” But he kept going, as if he were unable to
do anything else. She squeezed his ass and gazed into his eyes, encouraging him to

She watched his face, mesmerized by the emotions etched on his features. He

grimaced and gasped, tossing his head as he was pulled from pleasure to pain and back
to pleasure.

“Are you sure?” The question sounded more like a plea.
She sucked hard in answer and drove her fingernails into his ass. He thrust to the

back of her mouth, tilting her head as hot liquid splashed the back of her throat. Unsure
what else to do, she swallowed the salty-sharp substance. His cock twitched against her
tongue, producing more for her to swallow.

Drawing his cock out of her mouth, Allen pulled her to her feet and kissed her. She

tried to turn away, afraid he’d taste what she’d just swallowed, but he didn’t seem to
mind. He kissed her deeply, passionately, his hands moving over her naked body.

“Men like that?” she asked when he finally released her.
He laughed and kissed the tip of her nose. “Yes, sweetheart, men like that a lot.”
She thought she understood sex, even though she’d never experienced it, but this

act hadn’t been featured in the vid she’d found. “Can I ask a question?”

“Of course. Ask me anything.” He filled their wineglasses before joining her on the


“Do men use their mouths on women, or is that not allowed?” She took one of the

glasses from him and tried to find a position that didn’t display her body too obscenely.

“I was just about to show you, but I have a better question for you.” He handed her

his glass as well then grabbed her legs and spun her around, wrapping her legs around
his waist before retrieving his glass from her hand. “Why were you unaware of oral
sex? You haven’t seemed surprised by anything else we’ve done.” The position was
casually intimate, her entire body easily accessible to his gaze or his hands should he
decide to touch her. But he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to resume their love play. He
rested one hand on her hip and sipped his wine.

Striving for the same level of nonchalance, she said, “I found a vid demonstrating

positions in which a couple can copulate.” She avoided his gaze by raising her glass for
a long, steady sip.

“There’s more to making love than sexual positions.” His hand stroked from her

knee to her hip as he reminded, “There’s this little thing called foreplay.”

“I know about foreplay. Touching and kissing.”
“And licking and biting.”
“Biting?” She felt her eyes grow round but couldn’t seem to stop them. “People like

to be bitten?”


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He chuckled. “People like all sorts of things. I’m more partial to nibbles than bites,

but a strategic bite can have its uses.” After draining most of his wine, he set his glass
aside. His gaze grew so dark it no longer appeared blue.

She tried to wiggle off his lap, but he wouldn’t allow her retreat. “I don’t think I’d

like being bitten.” She couldn’t think of anything else to say. She needed him to make
love to her.

“We’ll explore the possibility later.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and

pulled her closer. “I’m going to nibble on those pouty little nipples and then I’m going
to lick your pussy until you come so hard you scream.”

She pressed her lips together to keep from laughing. “Good luck with that,” she

said as he took her wineglass and laid her back across the bed. “I’ve had a few pretty
powerful orgasms, but I’ve never screamed.”


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Chapter Six

“There’s a first time for everything,” Allen whispered, leaning over Sarah so his lips

brushed against hers as he spoke. “Just because you’ve never screamed before doesn’t
mean you’re not going to tonight.”

Her breath smelled of wine and pleasure, which unleashed a fresh rush of desire.

He was the only man who had ever felt the softness of her tongue or the firm circle of
her lips. She was selfless and sweet, instinctively passionate. And she was utterly
unafraid. She was an unpolished jewel and he was happy to rub her until she sparkled.

Moving her legs farther apart, he settled on his knees between her thighs. Her body

was amazing, supple and curvaceous, as if it had been fashioned for pleasure. He
braced himself against the bed and bent to her mouth, pausing for several long kisses.
She immediately responded, her hands boldly stroking his chest and sides.

He shifted his weight to one forearm, freeing his other hand, eager to touch her.

Feathering kisses across her face, he cupped her breast, enjoying the weighty feel and
the heat of her soft flesh filling his palm. He brushed her nipple, teasing the tender bud
until it grew hard beneath his thumb. Then he kissed his way down her neck and
scraped his teeth along her collarbone.

She grew restless, grasping his hair in an effort to guide his mouth to her nipples.

He ignored her attempts to steer him and explored the valley between her breasts

“Allen, stop teasing me.” Her voice sounded sharp yet breathless.
He smiled against the underside of her breast, gently sucking on the warm swell.

“What’s the matter?”

“You’re not doing it right.”
He laughed and raised his head. “Really? What am I doing wrong?”
She glared at him. “You know very well what you’re doing.”
“Make up your mind,” he said with facetious drama. “Do I know what I’m doing or


With an exasperated sigh, she kicked at him, which only made her breast jiggle and

rubbed her mound against his belly. He captured her nipple between his lips and
suckled hard enough to make her gasp. She arched and twisted, but he easily followed,
pinning her shoulders to the bed as he moved from one breast to the other. His mouth
worked one nipple while he teased the other with his fingers. She settled beneath him,
eyes closed as she savored the sensations.

His lips brushed against her as he asked, “Better?”
“Sort of.”


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He looked up into her passion-drugged eyes and asked, “Why only sort of?”
“I ache really badly between my legs.”
Encouraged by the admission, he scooted farther down, draping her legs over his

shoulders. He bent near her pussy and inhaled her musk. Rich and evocative, he drew
the scent deep into his lungs then parted her outer lips with his thumbs and slowly
tasted her cream.

She fidgeted beneath him. “Allen?”
Lost in the intoxicating heat spiraling through his body, he was unable to reassure

her. He stroked along her delicate folds until he located her clit. She started violently,
pressing against his mouth for a moment before she accepted the new intimacy.

He held her hips, ensuring her cooperation as he brought her to a quick, sharp

climax. His lips tingled as if currents of electricity flowed from her body into his. She
cried out, shuddering against his mouth. But he didn’t stop. She gradually relaxed and
allowed him to enjoy caressing her. He took his time, exploring her more fully. He
moved his hands to her breasts, kneading the soft mounds while his mouth devoured
her pussy.

Her cream coated his tongue and flowed across his chin as she neared another

orgasm. The tingles erupted again, vibrating between his body and hers. He
concentrated on her clit, imagining the bliss of moving deep inside her. She’d be so tight
and hot, but first he’d have to breach her barrier, and that would inevitably cause her

Moved more by instinct than conscious thought, he pushed lower and…and thrust

right into her passage! Surprise cascaded through him, followed by a resounding surge
of joy. There were any number of situations, other than sex, that could result in the loss
of her hymen. Some women never had one to begin with. He had no reason to doubt
her virginity. He’d had no desire to cause her pain, so he thanked the gods for their gift
and went right on building her arousal.

Reaching down from above, he covered her clit with his thumb and fucked her slick

passage with his tongue. He reveled in the decadence of penetration. He was inside her,
part of her, literally wrapped in her creamy softness. She gasped or cried out each time
his mouth connected with her swollen tissue. Her clit twitched beneath his thumb,
sending shocks streaking up his arm. Her head tossed from side to side and she cried
out again and again. She was so close, he could almost feel it.

He carefully grasped her clit and rolled it between his thumb and forefinger, willing

her to scream his name. Her inner muscles clasped his tongue as she came in deep,
rhythmic spasms. Power so intense it forced the breath from his lungs surged across his
tongue and down his throat, filling his belly with smoldering sensations, painful in their
intensity. His abdomen clenched and his cock bucked, nearly spilling his seed for the
second time. She covered her face with her hands and rode out the pleasure, but even
muffled behind her palms, the sound of her release fell short of an actual scream.


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Dazed and shaken, Sarah watched Allen move over her. His gaze was fierce and

possessive, so completely different from the compassionate lover who had first kissed

“Say my name,” he demanded.
“Allen?” The change both confused and excited her. Fire sizzled through her

bloodstream and her heart felt as if it would break free from her chest. She should be
disappointed if he weren’t equally overwhelmed by this experience. But she craved
gentleness. Needed patience this first time.

He grasped the backs of her knees and spread her legs wide. “Put me inside you.”
She looked down at his cock. He didn’t really need help, but she supposed this was

symbolic. Grasping the hard column of flesh, she guided it to her entrance. “Will this

“You tell me.”
He drove in slowly, giving her body plenty of time to spread around his thickness

and adjust to his considerable length. Tighter and tighter she stretched as she accepted
him into her body, but the sensations stopped well short of pain. His gaze bore into
hers, hot and demanding, as his cock claimed her cunt, and then his expression

When his entire length filled her, he let go of her knees and closed his eyes,

releasing his breath in a ragged sigh. He gathered her close and held her as if he were
afraid to move, afraid to destroy the illusion or wake up from the dream. His features
looked peaceful now, relaxed and content.

Content? Wasn’t there more to it than putting his cock inside her? She thought he

had to move. No, she knew he had to move, in and out until his body released his seed.
Why was he just lying there?

“Why didn’t it hurt?” she whispered, tentatively tightening her inner muscles.
“Are you disappointed?” He opened his eyes and smiled.
“Not disappointed, confused. I was a virgin. You believe me, don’t you?”
“I believe you. When and how you lost your hymen is irrelevant now. I’m thrilled

that I didn’t have to hurt you.” He covered her mouth with his, the kiss long and
tender. “Now no more talk. I really need to move.” His hips pulled back then thrust
forward, forcing a gasp from her throat. “Too much?”

“No,” she grasped his hips and yanked him forward again, “just right.”
They moved together, completely entwined. She drew her legs high against his

sides as he thrust strong and steady between her thighs. Energy built with each
repetition, sizzling between them and swirling around them. The air crackled and
sparked, fueling the intensity of their need. In turn, their cravings energized the storm.

Staring into Allen’s eyes, Sarah carefully unleashed the power the spirit had given

her short hours before. She used their physical connection to guide her mind. She felt
his pleasure and the urgency of his desire. Following the familiar sensation deeper, she


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located the center of his being and anchored his end of their bond. The room responded
with a resounding bang, echoing off the walls like thunder. He gasped and shivered,
sensing her pleasure for the first time. She opened herself to him, allowing him access to
her thoughts and emotions without reservation.

They explored each other’s minds as their bodies continued their primal dance.

Wind whipped around them, tangling the bedding with their writhing limbs. She felt
his sense of responsibility and the tenderness driving his actions. He saw the true
depths of her commitment to the mutants and her aching need to belong. They were
naked, truly naked with each other, without emotional defenses of any kind. And yet
she was not afraid. Allen would never hurt her. So she offered him her trust, without
condition or reservation.

Pleasure crested in languid waves, washing over them like the balmy breeze

caressing their naked bodies. Their rhythm slowed, became tender, lingering and
gentle. They kissed and clung as the bond solidified.

“Wow,” Allen whispered. “How much of that was real and how much was


“What do you mean?” She could barely think past the rushing of blood in her ears.

Her senses had yet to stabilize.

He chuckled. “Does thunder always crash when you come?”
“I thought there was a storm outside.”
“Perfectly synchronized with your release?” Very carefully, he separated their

bodies and propped himself up on his elbow. “I felt energy build every time you came.”

“Did it feel different when I brought you to climax?”
“It felt wonderful, but it felt like an ordinary sexual release. I don’t create energy

when I climax. You’re doing something I’m not.”

“But it doesn’t happen when I bring myself to orgasm.”
“Then you better stick with me.” He kissed her softly and brushed the hair back

from her face. “So, this confirms your vision. You move in sexual magic.”

“At least I do now. That’s not how my gift worked when I was a mutant.”
“Your gift must have been mutated as well as your body.”
“I never looked at it that way, but you’re right. If the virus had never been

unleashed on Protaria, this is who I would have been.”

He pulled her close again. They lay on their sides, facing each other, gazing into

each other’s eyes. “Why can’t I feel you anymore?” Allen asked, his disappointment

“The link doesn’t work that way.” She ran her finger along his shoulder and down

his arm, fascinated by the warmth of his skin. Her body felt empty without his
thickness deep inside, but the bond kept her from feeling alone as she had for so much
of her life. “We can push our thoughts and feelings into each other’s minds when we
want to, but it takes conscious effort and skill. A spike in emotion, like fear or


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unexpected joy, will transmit automatically, but we’re not going to sense each other all
the time.”

He nodded, glancing toward the door. “If you’re still determined to bring the

general into the mix, I suppose that’s better anyway.”

“I know this bond is meant to be formed with three. The vision was clear about

that. Is there some reason you don’t want it to be Rayden?”

His gaze narrowed on her face and tension rippled through his body. “Other than

convenience, are there specific reasons you want Rayden to be our third?”

“First of all, he’s not a mutant. No one with any mutation can participate in this

bond. That disqualifies almost everyone I know.”

“Good point,” he grumbled.
“Second, he has connections that could prove useful to us.”
“He also has an agenda that might undo all the progress we’ve made so far. The

nanites cannot be allowed to fall back into the hands of the élite.”

“Max was a mutant and he was just as vile as Howyn. Trash comes in all colors if

you ask me. The nanites must be destroyed, period. They are too dangerous for anyone
to possess. That includes you.”

His shocked expression looked almost believable. “Why would you say such a


She laughed and reluctantly crawled out of bed. “Maybe because you were part of

Project Chrysalis in the first place.”

“Mutants weren’t real to me then.” His words were cautious yet not overly

defensive. “I’d been insulated from the devastation.”

“Are we real to you now?”
“More than real, but you’re no longer a mutant.” He gathered the sheet around his

hips and swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to go soak in the bathtub and you’re going to go find us something to


He laughed. “I am?”
“I’m famished. And if I go sneaking around the house Rayden might see it as an

invitation to reconsider his position on this bond.” She ended the argument with her
warmest smile.

Allen shook his head, laughing again. “You’re manipulating me.”
“I’m a woman. Isn’t that what we do best?”

* * * * *

Unable to sleep and unwilling to spend any more time picturing Allen making love

with Sarah, Rayden had returned to his office some time before. The door to the
hallway stood ajar and he easily spotted Allen attempting to sneak past.


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Allen had been bare to the waist, so Rayden doubted he was going far. He

continued with the detailed report for a moment then told his computer to save the file
and went in search of his adventurous guest.

“Can I help you find something?” He leaned against the archway between the

kitchen and dining room, waiting for Allen to react.

The scientist jumped, his hand slipping off the handle of the refrigerator. Despite

Allen’s best effort to catch the door, it swung shut under its own weight. “I…Sarah
wanted…we were hungry.”

“A frequent reaction to strenuous activity.” He strolled into the room, bluntly

assessing the other man. “Was it…strenuous?”

Allen came alive at the provocation. His back straightened and his shoulders

squared. “She’s famished if that tells you anything. All you had in the guestroom was
crackers and nuts. We both require something more substantial.”

Enjoying his opponent’s show of spirit, Rayden leaned his hip against the counter

and smiled. “Have you figured out what she likes?” Allen’s brow furrowed and the
poor man actually blushed. Allen must be tired. He should have seen the trap. Even so,
Rayden enjoyed a good chuckle before clarifying his meaning. “To eat. Isn’t that why
you’re here?”

“Of course. You don’t mind, do you?”
“If you raid the refrigerator?” He nodded toward the appliance. “Have at it. I

scrounged together a sandwich while you were otherwise occupied.”

The satisfied smile that curved Allen’s lips tempted Rayden more skillfully than

any exotic dance or strategic bribe. It had been so long since Rayden felt anything
resembling contentment. He had nearly forgotten the sensation. He knew the
expression, however. It triggered an emotional memory that echoed with poignant
resonance, making him long for yesteryear, making him ache for a future filled with
what could have been.

Forcing back the past and impossible dreams, he focused on the present and

accepted the possible. “I thought for sure I heard thunder, but there’s not a cloud in the
sky. Maybe it was just the headboard slamming against the wall.”

Allen surprised him with a cocky smile. “You have no idea.”
Lust rolled through Rayden like the nonexistent storm, potent yet inexplicable. He

didn’t really know Sarah, had no reason to want her, but he hadn’t stopped wanting her
since she sat at his kitchen table and blithely announced that she wanted to fuck both
him and Allen. How could a concept be both off-putting and extremely erotic at the
same time? If he knew from the onset he would never be enough for her, why bother
establishing any kind of a connection?

“Is she still determined to make this a ménage?” He stressed the word, doing his

best to make it sound obscene.

Allen only smiled. “She is, and you know why.”


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“You just left her bed. Doesn’t it bother you to picture her with me?”
Rayden wasn’t sure he wanted to hear it, but he said, “Yes.”
“I think I’d like to watch. I suspect our sexual styles are vastly different, and

watching you fuck Sarah would be exhilarating.”

“Are you gay?” The question snapped with accusation.
“That’s not what I mean. And no, I’m not gay.”
“As soon as two men are in the same bed, even if a woman is in bed with them,

they are all having sex,” Rayden insisted.

“I guess it’s a matter of perspective. If both men are focused entirely on the woman,

I don’t think the men are having sex with each other.”

“And how far does it have to go before you’re gay? If I kiss you while you’re

fucking Sarah, does that make you gay?”

“Do you want to kiss me?”
“If I touch your cock, have we crossed the line?” Rayden persisted.
“Are you gay?”
“I guess you’ll have to come to bed and find out.”
“Tonight?” Allen challenged then tensed. His features fell into an expressionless

mask but resentment flashed like blue fire in his eyes. “You aren’t even going to give
me one full night alone with her, are you?”

“The spirit said the bond would be stronger if it was cast simultaneously. I don’t

think either of us would have been comfortable with that, but I think we should keep it
as balanced as possible.” He was being a bastard to use the spirit to back his play. He
wanted Sarah, that’s all there was to it.

“You’re full of shit. You couldn’t sleep, so you decided not to wait.”
He was relieved Allen called him on it. Partners should be challenging. Life was

more interesting that way. Looking directly into the other man’s eyes, he let all pretense
fall. “I want her and I want her now.”

Allen rewarded his honesty with a nod and motioned toward the refrigerator.

“Then let’s make her a tray. Our lover is famished.”

* * * * *

Sarah reclined against the smooth rim of the tub as the jets created bubbles and

currents to caress and invigorate her body. She felt soothed and stimulated, relaxed and
energized. And alive!

Where was Allen? She wanted him to crawl in here with her so they could make

love for a second time. She couldn’t wait to feel his cock moving inside her pussy again.
She’d make him sit down and she’d straddle his lap. She’d quickly get him hard and


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put him inside her. And then she’d feed them whatever he’d brought, not allowing him
to move until her stomach was as full as her passage!

Delighted by the plan, she slipped her hand between her thighs and pressed her

palm over her aching slit. If he didn’t come soon, she’d have to…come without him. She
grinned at the naughty thought but heard movement in the bedroom.

She scooted down until the water swirled around her shoulders. Resting her head

back against the rim of the tub, she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths,
wanting to appear completely relaxed. She heard the door open and close and the
clanking of ice in glasses.

“Um-hmm.” His voice sounded deep and muffled as if his back was turned.
A pang of suspicion made her open her eyes, but she was treated to a view of his

ass as he bent to pull off his pants. Pausing long enough to enjoy the view, she resumed
her pose before he turned around.

“I’ve decided what I want to do next,” she told him in a soft, playful tone. He made

a muffled sound she didn’t quite make out, so she went on. “I want you to relax against
the back of the tub and I’ll straddle your hips. That way I can let myself down nice and
slow. Then while your cock’s inside me, we can feed each other from the…” Her
sentence ended in a soft gasp as she opened her eyes. Rayden knelt beside the tub, not
Allen, and she wanted to slip beneath the bubbles and die. “Wh-where’s Allen?”

Rayden’s smile was predatory and hot. He ran his index finger along her hairline

and onto the upper curve of her ear. “I sent him to bed. Sorry. I didn’t realize you
weren’t finished playing with him yet.”

She slapped his hand away and sat up a little straighter. “So, now you’re here to

‘play’ with me instead?”

“No.” His expression was frank, his gaze penetrating. “I’m going to feed you then

bathe you, and then fuck you as that pale lab rat would never think of fucking you. It
will be hard and fast and dirty, and when we’re done, every molecule in your body will
know you’ve been fucked.”

She swallowed hard, her body humming with anticipation. “Is that a good thing?”
He shrugged. “You’ll have to tell me. I’m sure as hell going to enjoy it.”
“And the bond? Will you let me link our minds?”
“I was under the impression this was an all or nothing deal. Was there another


“Then I’ll take all.”
The simple statement sent desire pulsing through her body. The bubbles caressed

her nipples and the vibration of the tub’s motor took on a teasing osculation she hadn’t
noticed before. She licked her lips, feeling ridiculously self-conscious. “Are you coming


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“Not yet.” He snatched a towel off the warming rack and wrapped it around his

lean hips. She only caught a glimpse of his cock before the overlapping edges concealed
it from view. Still, she couldn’t help the comparison. Allen was long and arched while
Rayden was thick and formidable. She closed her eyes, shivering as possibilities
assailed her imagination. She pictured Rayden fucking her pussy from behind while
Allen rocked into her mouth. Or she could sit astride Allen and suck on Rayden. There
were so many positions on the vid, so many combinations they could—

Rayden grasped her chin and turned her face toward his. “What are you thinking


“You,” she whispered. “And Allen.”
“Together?” he challenged.
She refused to demure. “You know that’s what I want. What I need. I’ve never

pretended otherwise.”

“Before tonight you’d never been with anyone. How can you possibly know what

you want?”

Allen had spent time in the Underground. He was more accustomed to their ways,

their paranormal abilities. Other than the spirit, Rayden had little exposure to
metaphysical happenings. He knew of her mutation but he’d never seen the resulting
power or the devastating deformity. How could she hope to make him understand a
vision quest?

He sat on the edge of the tub and handed her a frosted glass. It was the iced

beverage she’d heard when he entered the room. A whimsical straw protruded from the
glass and thin, red rivulets swirled through the pink mixture.

“Talk to me,” he encouraged. “I want to understand all this. I promise I’ll keep my

eye-rolling to a minimum.”

Soothed by the offer, she tried not to gawk at his amazing physique. His abdomen

rippled and his chest flared to broad shoulders. Ropy muscles shaped his arms and
what she could see of his legs was equally impressive. Allen was handsome, with a
comfortable, boy-next-door charm while Rayden had the commanding presence of
royalty or…an élite general.

She pushed away the disconcerting thoughts and watched the bubbles dancing on

the water all around her. “Do you understand what the spirit intends to do to me?”

“I understand what she says she’s going to do. I don’t begin to understand how the

power and wisdom of all her ancestors will be funneled into your mind.”

That was more of a concession than she’d expected from a member of the élite. With

a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, she asked, “And you understand the reason
for our bond?”

“Your mind isn’t conditioned to accept this massive transfer of power. She doesn’t

want to kill you or drive you insane.” He held out a succulent square of melon, the
challenge in his gaze making it obvious the only way she’d get it was accepting it from


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his fingertips. “What does this have to do with your sexual preference?” Refusing to
play his game, she snatched the melon away and tossed it in her mouth before he
realized her intention. He chuckled and reached for another piece while she leisurely
chewed. “If I’m not mistaken, you proposed the bond to her, not the other way

She hadn’t been sure either of the men had realized that detail. When she’d joined

them in the kitchen, she had told them about the bond, but she hadn’t explained how
she and the spirit had chosen the course of action.

Rayden was ridiculously perceptive. He always had been. In their youth, Sean and

Kellan rushed into any situation, ready to take on the world. Rayden was no less sure of
himself, just far more vigilant.

“I had a vision,” she admitted, “but you’re not going to believe me until after we’ve

had sex.”

He smiled and leaned toward her, resting his forearm across his knee. “Are you that

good after only one time?”

“That’s not what I meant.” He took the glass from her hand and offered her more

melon. She shook her head. Mounting tension had driven away her appetite. This was
too important. The next few hours would set the tone for the next chapter in her life.
Sean had been remarkably agreeable through all the changes. Guilt might be driving his
cooperation, but she was thankful for the ally all the same. Rayden had agreed to have
sex with her, but she sensed a reticence in him that would never do. If they were going
into battle, as the spirit prophesied, they would have to move as one body and one
mind. “There are many kinds of energy, many kinds of magic.”

“And?” His tone stopped just short of sarcasm.
“I access my metaphysical abilities through sexual energy.”
“I have no idea what that means.”
She smiled, relaxing her shoulders with a sigh. “I barely understand it myself.

Everything is the same and yet it’s completely different. When I was a mutant, pain was
the medium through which I moved. I expect this to be a lot more pleasant.”

“Explain how it worked before. And I’ll try to substitute sex for pain.”
“I’m not sure it will be that cut and dry, especially after the spirit empowers me.”
“Even so. Give me some idea what to expect.”
“All right. Pain was a herald. If I felt a headache coming on, I knew a vision wasn’t

far behind. I would go to a safe place and arrange for someone to record what I said and
did while I was in my trance. Pain accompanied every vision. It was unavoidable, a
price I gladly paid for the good I was able to do. Pain could also be a catalyst. If I
needed to have a vision badly enough, I used pain to trigger my abilities. I didn’t do
this often, but it was usually effective.”

“You believe you’ll be able to do the same thing with sex?” He sounded way

beyond skeptical.


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“Allen said he felt energy flow between us each time I reached orgasm. This

wouldn’t have been unusual if I had already formed the bond, but he was talking about
before. I honestly believe sexual energy is the key to accessing and manipulating my
gift.” She looked into his eyes and smiled. “And you’re going to help me learn how to
control it.”


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Chapter Seven

Rayden called upon decades of discipline to resist the silken provocation. If Sarah

wanted to learn about control, he’d be happy to teach her. And if she actually created
energy every time she came, they’d be able to hook her up to a generator and take half
of Sanctum off the power grid before he was finished with her. It had been so long since
he’d indulged the carnal side of his nature, and Sarah appeared to be an apt and eager

Picking up a fat red berry, he held it out. “Eat. Allen said you were famished.” A

deep blush spread across her cheeks and down her neck. She reached for the berry. He
pulled his hand back. “Eat.”

“I can feed myself!”
“You’ve been doing for yourself for far too long. Relax and let me feed you.” She

shivered, her green eyes turning dark and smoky. “What are you thinking about?”

She accepted several berries before she answered his question. “I wasn’t sure if the

vision was an indication of my new path or an actual glimpse into my future.”

“And now?” He refilled her glass and watched her lush, red lips close around the

straw as she took a long drink.

“I saw an actual event. At some point in the future, the vision will play out in


He inclined his head, acknowledging her statement without accepting the claim.

Mutants were reported to have all sorts of mystic abilities. Yet the only person he’d seen
demonstrate any real power was the spirit. “What changed your mind?”

“Your voice. The phrasing you used when you told me to let you feed me. You said

something very similar in my vision.”

Did he want to know the specifics of her vision? Would his actions be shaped by

what she revealed? It didn’t matter. She honestly believed she was on some mythic
journey. Why should he argue with such passion when their goals aligned so

“Sean was tracking Ceddrik, but why were you and Allen in that club?”
Her gaze darted toward the tray of finger food. “I’m feeling hungry again. Can I

have half that sandwich?”

Though he was tempted to call her on her transparent attempt to avoid his

question, he handed her half the sandwich instead. “How did Allen know you were a
virgin? That’s not a topic that comes up during the course of casual conversation.” She
nibbled away at the sandwich, keeping her mouth full for as long as possible. He


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chuckled at her antics and pushed the tray aside. “We’ve got all night, sweetheart. Take
as long as you like.”

She finished the sandwich and drained her glass, her thoughtful expression hinting

at the mental whirl going on inside her head. Was she debating how much to tell him or
making up a clever lie?

“Sean and Allen followed me to the club. None of us had any idea Ceddrik would

be there. Remember, I knew nothing about Ceddrik until after he took off with the

“Why were Sean and Allen following you?” He took the empty glass from her hand

and knelt beside the tub. His hands were free now and she was easily within reach, but
she wasn’t quite ready for his touch. “If we’re forming some sort of mystic alliance,
there can be no secrets between us.”

“Lying would be a waste of time. You’ll have access to my mind as soon as I form

the bond.”

Despite his intention to go slowly, his fingers found their way to her bare skin.

“What were you doing in the club?” He stroked the side of her neck with his thumb, his
fingers curving against her nape.

“I didn’t understand how what I saw in the vision could help me reclaim my

power.” Her voice dropped half an octave and she lowered her gaze to his chin. “So I
stubbornly took matters into my own hands. Thank the gods Fane was two steps ahead
of me. As usual.”

Reverence filled her tone as she spoke Fane’s name. Rayden had never heard any

mutant speak ill of their leader. Fane’s popularity alone made Rayden suspicious of the
man. “How did you take matters into your own hands?”

“I was searching for the specific strain of the virus that produced my mutation.”
Rayden rocked back on his heels, aghast at the concept. “I saw what the virus did to

you the first time. Why the fuck would you—”

“The outward mutation didn’t manifest until after we reached the Underground.

How did you find out about my mutation?”

Honesty. He couldn’t expect her to offer him truth unless he was willing to

reciprocate. “About two years ago, I was tracking a target through Old Towne when I
stumbled across you and Sean. Neither of you saw me.”

“But you saw me?”
“More or less. You were veiled and all I could see were your eyes.” He raised her

chin until she looked at him. “Your eyes had always been so bright and filled with
mischief. It broke my heart to see what life had done to you.”

“I don’t regret submitting to the change the first time. My visions saved lives and

avoided bloodshed. The pain and loneliness were worth it. Even so, I’m relieved Allen
found me before I…” Her voice broke and she glanced away. “I didn’t want to live like
that again.”


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No wonder she was so open to the spirit’s wild tale. The alternative was agonizing

mutation and a lifetime of isolation. “If half of what the spirit says is true, your life will
be very different than it was before.”

Her gaze cleared as the past drifted further behind them. “What about you,

General? I’m presuming you’re not in a serious relationship if you’ve agreed to the
bond, but has there ever been anyone special in your life?”

He seldom spoke about Dreena. Memories were all he had left of her and he wasn’t

willing to share them with anyone. But Sarah wasn’t just anyone. She was intriguing
and beautiful and she’d just shared a painful chapter in her life. It was vital that she
learn to trust him.

“The first few years after I was promoted were so busy I didn’t bother with a

personal life. Then I met Dreena and my priorities changed.”

“How did you meet?”
“She was a profiler. We collaborated on several missions before I accepted that my

attraction to her wasn’t going away. We married two years after we met and she died
seven years ago.”

“That boils it down to statistics.” Compassion warmed her gaze and she tucked her

damp hair behind her ear. “Were you happy together? How did she die?”

“Trying to coordinate two demanding careers is bound to be complicated. In my

heart, I was devoted to her, and for the most part we were happy.” Bracing for the
emotional landslide that always accompanied this topic, he cleared his throat and said,
“She was murdered in retaliation for one of my missions. I thought I’d gotten out
cleanly, but the target’s men slapped a tracer on my ship.”

She pivoted in the water, kneeling on the bottom of the tub as she reached for his

face. “Oh gods, Rayden. I’m so sorry.”

He caught her wrists and dragged her hands away from his cheeks. “It was a long

time ago and the nature of my job has evolved.”

“Meaning your resources are extensive enough now that you’re able to dispatch

teams as opposed to personally participating in missions?”

“You make me sound like a coward.” His fingers tensed against her wrists as he

stared into her eyes. “Do you honestly think so little of me?”

“No.” She tugged against his hold. “I know you’re not a coward, and I’m glad your

job is less dangerous.”

“Let’s talk about something else.” The water sloshed around her waist, her breasts a

warm, rosy temptation well within reach. “Or better yet, let’s not talk at all.”

Sarah caught her lower lip between her teeth as Rayden bent toward her breasts.

She’d obviously upset him and that hadn’t been her intention. One look into his eyes
revealed the ferocity of his character, and his unwillingness to rush into this bond
hinted as nobility.


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His mouth latched on to her nipple, pulling firmly as his hands explored. Allen had

been patient and tender. Would she find pleasure with Rayden as well?

His teeth tightened and pleasure-pain streaked through her chest. She shivered,

pushing her fingers into his thick hair.

“Activate the drain. You’re done with the water.”
She started to object then his gaze locked with hers and the protest died in her

throat. Commanding and fierce, his expression brooked no refusal.

He slipped a towel free from the warmer and stood, spreading the fabric before

him. “Come here.”

She was ready to get out anyway. That was the only reason she was allowing him

to order her around like one of his soldiers. It had nothing to do with the warm flutter
low in her belly, or the way her breasts longed for the return of his mouth. She stepped
out of the tub and waited to see what he had in mind.

Moving around her in a slow circle, he toweled her dry. He paused from time to

time to rub her hair, but his attention was definitely focused on her body. Her senses
didn’t seem to mind that his hand was separated from her flesh by a towel. Tingles and
swells of heat trailed behind his leisurely strokes.

“Feel good?”
She nodded, not trusting her voice.
He tossed the towel aside and led her toward the large mirror that served as a

backdrop for the double sinks. After rummaging through the drawers for a moment, he
located a comb and went to work on her damp hair.

“I can do that.” She reached for the comb. He simply switched hands.
“Grasp the edge of the counter, if you can’t keep your hands to yourself.” Authority

threaded through his playful tone. “When I’m ready for your touch, I’ll tell you to touch

Their gazes met in the mirror and understanding rolled through her mind. This was

a compromise, the only common ground he’d offer. If she wanted him for an ally, she
had to surrender sexual control. Her heart hesitated for a beat and then hammered out a
frantic agreement. The aggression she sensed in him was part of what drew her to him.

She curved her fingers around the edge of the counter and arched her back, rubbing

her ass against the towel still wrapped around his hips. He took his time, working from
the root to the tip of each long tress with unwavering care. His gaze wasn’t nearly as
engrossed as his hands, however. He visually caressed her from head to foot, making
her skin tingle in anticipation of his touch.

He finally set the comb aside and placed his hands on her shoulders. Resting his

chin on top of her head, he met her gaze in the mirror. “This is new to you, I know. But
do you understand what I need to find pleasure?” Lost in the liquid depths of his
smoldering blue eyes, she could only nod. “I need to hear it. Say `I understand, Sir’.”


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“I understand…Sir.” She hesitated over the title, expecting a rush of resentment that

never came. Formalities were rare in the Underground. So why did calling him “Sir”
feel so natural?

One of his hands splayed low on her abdomen, his fingertips grazing her feminine

curls. His other hand cupped her breast and he teased her nipple with his thumb. “You
are really beautiful, Sarah. I’ve been trying to picture you naked ever since you
suggested the bond, but my imagination wasn’t up to the task of constructing you.”

She dropped her gaze, unwilling to share the pain his compliment caused.
“Why does that upset you?” His fingers tightened on her nipple, the pressure part

challenge, part warning. “Look at me and answer.”

The pressure eased, leaving her nipple tight and aching, so she reluctantly raised

her gaze. “People put so much value on physical appearance. I know firsthand how
hurtful that can be.”

“I’m sure you do.” He motioned toward the mirror. “Tell me what you see.”
“A woman who wishes she’d never brought this up.”
His fingers continued to tease her nipples while his gaze moved over her face. “Do

you find yourself beautiful?”

Annoyed by his persistence, she twisted away from his touch. “Beauty is irrelevant.

I’m smart and ambitious and—”

“Desirable?” He turned her back toward the mirror and cupped both breasts in his

hands. “That’s different than beautiful. Do you feel desirable?”

“Isn’t it more important that I find you desirable?”
His smile was a little bit cocky. “It helps, but you won’t be able to lose yourself in

passion unless you feel desirable. Now tell me what you see.”

“My skin is really pale. I didn’t realize how white I’d become until I saw your

hands against my skin.”

He stroked from her breast to her hipbone and back, accentuating the sharp

contrast. “Your skin is also smooth and silky. You have the alabaster complexion
treasured by ancient royalty.”

The lavish praise was so unexpected, she couldn’t help but smile. “I like my

breasts,” she whispered the admission as her nipples tightened beneath his fingertips.

“So do I.” As if to prove his claim, he spun her around and lifted her onto the

counter between the sinks. She instinctively pressed her knees together, but it made no
difference. With one smooth motion, he parted her legs and stepped between her
thighs. “They’re soft and warm and your nipples are addictive.”

His lips closed around one tingling crest while his fingers centered over the other.

With his lips and fingers working in tandem, he drew heat into her chest and launched
demanding sensations down her spine. She pressed against his mouth, sifting his hair
through her fingers.


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Her skin prickled and burned, the electric gathering familiar now. He moved to her

other breast as his hand swept along her abdomen. She jerked with the first brush of his
fingertips, but he didn’t retreat. His middle finger dragged across her clit with a gentle
sawing motion.

Pinned between the cool surface of the mirror and the heat radiating off his body,

she trembled and moaned. Her hips rose, encouraging his touch yet needing more. He
released her nipple and kissed his way to her mouth.

She licked her lips, wanting his kiss, needing the fundamental intimacy as her body

rushed toward orgasm. His lips played over hers, brushing and sliding without fully
engaging. She followed his restless movements as best she could. Why wouldn’t he kiss
her? Her hands came up of their own volition as her frustration mounted.

“Don’t.” Warning rang through the word and he nipped her lower lip.
With an exasperated cry, she grasped the counter again and parted her lips, hoping

he’d accept her silent invitation.

His mouth settled over hers and his touch grew bolder. He circled her clit with his

thumb and pushed two fingers into her core. The slight penetration sent pleasure
spiraling up her spine. She tightened her inner muscles, savoring the patient slide.

“Come for me. Let me feel your pleasure.” He punctuated the command with his

tongue, thrusting between her lips with silent demand.

Power coalesced between her thighs, swirling beneath his palm as the tension

mounted. She rested her heels on his back and responded to his kiss with wild abandon.
His tongue was warm and daring, his fingers coaxing and sure. She surrendered to the
metaphysical surge, entrusting her pleasure to his skillful touch.

Rayden deepened the kiss as Sarah arched and wiggled, obviously close to release.

Her cream soaked his fingers and her cunt burned with electric intensity. Her lips slid
and clung while her tongue faultlessly following his lead.

Arching wildly, she drove his fingers deeper and came with a muffled cry. Energy

shot up his arm and burst within his chest, dragging a startled gasp from his throat. He
released her mouth and watched her rapturous expression as she rode the waves of

Each distinct spasm pushed more energy into his body. His heart raced and lights

danced in his peripheral vision. It was true. She created energy with sexual pleasure.

Staggered by yet in awe of her ability, he withdrew his fingers and slowly licked

them clean. He wanted to taste her, to hear her cry out as her pussy convulsed against
his mouth. But the pressure in his groin demanded immediate attention. The energy
she’d pushed into his body had shoved him precariously close to losing control.

With an impatient jerk, he rid himself of the towel and guided his shaft to her

entrance. He paused to stroke her slit with the head of his cock, rubbing around and
across her swollen clit. She held herself open, knees bent, heels resting low on his back.


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“Please, Sir. I want you inside me.”
The breathless need so evident in her voice sent a fresh rush of desire through his

system. He found her opening and pushed in slowly, watching her soft folds
encompass his flared tip. She whimpered, breasts quivering as she arched her back and
angled her hips.

“Look at me. Feel my cock, but look at me.”
As soon as their gazes locked, he drove deeper. She was unbearably tight and

wonderfully hot, her extreme wetness assuring him she could take all of him.

All of him? Did he want to share all of himself with anyone?
He pulled back slowly then thrust in fast, watching her face for any sign of pain.

She gasped and shivered, but the desire in her gaze was undeniable. He kept his pace
slow and even, determined to savor their first time.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and raised her hands to his face. He didn’t

stop her this time. With her warm palms pressed against his cheeks, she said, “Kiss

He covered her mouth with his and teased her bottom lip with his tongue. She was

receptive yet not as responsive as she’d been before. Shifting the angle of his head, he
deepened the kiss, wondering at her hesitation.

Then her being brushed against his mind. Vibrant and electric, she sank deeper,

melding with him and flowing through him. A cool breeze stirred his hair and thunder
rumbled in the distance. He looked around for an open window, but the only window
in the room was tightly closed.

Don’t hold back. Accept me into your mind as I’m accepting you into my body.
Her voice had never sounded so sensual or so assured. He pulled her hips up off

the counter and drove into her forcefully. The wind gusted, sending shivers across his
damp skin. Her gasp broke their kiss, but her pussy clenched him rhythmically, driving
his arousal higher.

She unhooked her legs, giving him more room to move. He pulled her away from

the mirror and laid her down across the counter as he draped her legs over his arms.
Sensations unfurled within him, scorching and confusing. He could feel the hot clasp of
her cunt as he steadily filled her, yet he could feel the fullness created by his cock.

“How are you…?” His question was lost in her sharp cry as she came, saturating his

body with sizzling energy. He threw back his head and groaned, his cock bucking
wildly inside her. Release tightened his balls and barreled toward his cock. “Fuck!” He
jerked his hips back and clamped his hand around the base of his shaft, determined to
regain control.

“You’re a very stubborn man.” She softened the observation with a sexy smile. “The

link won’t solidify until we come together.”

“Can you hear my thoughts now?” He helped her down from the counter and

turned her to face the mirror.


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“Only if I’m intentionally listening for them. Telepathy takes practice. The link

provides a path, but you’ll have to learn how to access it.”

He grasped her hips while he bent his knees and eased his cock between her thighs.

She pushed back against him, guiding him to her entrance with the angle of her body.
Their gazes locked as he drove back into her, deeper now than he’d been before.

She bit her lower lip, her breasts jostled by her ragged breathing. “You feel so damn

good,” she murmured.

Her silky ass rubbed against his groin and her hot passage clasped his cock in a

firm embrace. It felt better than “damn good”. It felt better than anything he could

He grasped her hips and thrust faster. She leaned over, bracing her forearms

against the countertop. Pleasure flowed between them and curled around them,
warming the phantom wind. He tossed his head, crying out sharply as bursts of
sensation ricocheted through his body.

She bucked against him, driving his cock deeper as another orgasm claimed her.

Passion gleamed in her eyes, but there was something more, a burning intensity he’d
never seen before.

“We—have to—come together.” She gasped out the reminder in between thrusts.
Unable to resist the pull of her strong muscles, Rayden thrust to the hilt and

released his seed. Her being surged within his mind, her energy burning brightly. He
opened himself to her, allowing the tingling sensations to inundate his body and mind.

His thighs trembled as their pleasure went on and on, his legs threatening to give

out beneath him. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he leaned the other on the
counter and pressed against her back.

“Will I always feel your pleasure?” he whispered into her ear.
“I don’t know. It might be part of the bonding.”
He massaged her shoulders and rubbed her back, refusing to separate their bodies.

“How long do we have before the spirit starts pestering you about the power transfer?”

You have until morning. This mission will not wait forever. As he’d suspected, the spirit

was never really gone. You might want to get dressed and go downstairs. You have visitors.

Troubled by the unexpected revelation, Rayden reluctantly pulled out of Sarah’s

warm body and reached for his discarded towel. “If Allen lowered my security shields,
I’ll kick his ass.”

Sean can bypass most security measures without setting off alarms. He has the overlord

with him.

“Sean’s downstairs with Kellan?”
The dread in Sarah’s tone sent a rush of protectiveness though Rayden. “I won’t let

them bully you. Why don’t you take a shower while I get a feel for the room? If Sean is
still being unreasonable, you don’t have to come down at all.”

“I’m not afraid of Sean and you need a shower as badly as I do.”


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Then you both better hurry. Your guests are growing restless.

* * * * *

Ceddrik sprawled across the rumpled bed, naked for the first time in years. Scarlet

had walked in on him while he showered, obliterating his need to hide his tattoo. He
fucked her fast and hard against the shower stall to demonstrate his displeasure at her
intrusion. Rather than being cowed by his aggression, she became more amorous.

Her warm, wet tongue trailed along his inner thigh, following the scalloped wings

of his pantauk. The creature was his spirit guide, the keeper of his soul, a badge of
honor—and a constant reminder of the life he’d left behind.

His people considered him a traitor. He understood their animosity, but he was a

pawn, not a coward. The fate of the Faundi had been decided long before he shifted his
allegiance. His actions might have sped them along toward an inevitable end, but he
was not the villain. He’d been used and discarded just like everyone else.

Why do you hide this? It’s so beautiful. Scarlett’s question stabbed into his mind, harsh

and intrusive despite her breathy tone.

Her eager fingers moved to grasp his shaft, so he used the gesture to redirect her

attention. Do you mean my cock or my tattoo? My cock can give you far more pleasure than a
mythical monster.

If the creature is part of a myth, I want to hear the story. She traced a section high on his

hip with the tip of her fingernail. Why is its tail in its mouth? Does that have a particular

The high priestess had said it was a warning, told him his pantauk was trying to

keep him from devouring himself. Everything about a pantauk had meaning, but he had
no intention of sharing something so intimate with a practiced whore. Rather than offer
a bland evasion, he ignored the questions entirely.

After a long period of silence, she folded her legs beneath her and sat on her heels.

Are you a fugitive? Is there a bounty on your head?

He sat as well and grasped her shoulders, glaring into her eyes. Don’t even think

about betraying me. Your death would be long and excruciating. I’m your master. That’s all you

need to know.

There’s no reason to threaten me and you can lay off that master shit. I told you I’d fuck you

as long as you don’t hurt me too badly.

They had yet to discover anything he’d done that hurt her “too badly”. Her ass still

bore welts from his belt and twice he’d brought her to orgasm with no other stimulation
but pain. I’ve fed from you, over and over. How do you regenerate so quickly?

That’s what I do, don’t ya know? Though no one can tell me why. Bitterness made her

tone sharp. She scooted backward and crawled off the foot of the bed. They kept me
locked in a lab for over a year and still couldn’t figure out why my energy seems limitless
. A few
bites of food and my levels are restored almost instantaneously.


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You were captured and tested? An all-too-familiar tale. He’d spent eleven years

chained to the floor like an animal while the Protarian élite tried to map the anomalies
in his DNA.

She moved to the side of the bed as compassion softened her expression. You too,

huh? The story is more common than you realize. I run across people all the time who have been
tested or experimented on
. A heavy sigh made her breasts sway and she glanced off into
the distance. Maybe with the chancellor behind bars, the nightmare is finally over.

The nightmare would never be over. Anyone who believed it would be was lying to

themselves. Ceddrik wouldn’t rest until those who had abused him paid for their
ambition with their lives. But ambition was an insidious evil. Just when it appeared to
be conquered, it sprang up anew, stronger than ever before.

He kept his thoughts to himself. Scarlet didn’t need to know any more than he’d

told her already. She was far more engaging than he’d anticipated, but she was still a

How long are we going to stay holed up in this dump?
Annoyed by her grumbling, he rolled off the bed and crossed to where she stood.

We’ll stay here and fuck until I’m strong enough to launch the first attack.

The first attack? How many are you planning?
You’ll have to wait and see. He pushed her to her knees and bumped her lips with the

tip of his cock. Now get busy.


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Chapter Eight

“Do they even know we’re here?” Accusation narrowed Sean’s eyes as he waited

for Allen’s reply.

Unable to sleep after the rapid developments of the night, Allen had been pacing

his new bedroom when Sean and Kellan knocked on the door. Apparently, all of
Rayden’s expensive technology couldn’t keep out a persistent specter.

Allen had ignored Sean’s demands to be taken to his sister and escorted him to the

sitting room near the front of the house. “They’ll be down in a few minutes,” Allen said,
annoyed that this unpleasant task had fallen on him. Rayden was tucked away with
Sarah while he faced off with her indignant brother and the lethal-looking overlord.
“Sarah asked that you wait.”

“How could you possibly know that? You’re not telepathic.” Sean continued his

open hostility while his massive companion looked on in silent amusement.

“Our bond allows us to communicate.” Allen threw the fact out there with a flare of

rebellion. Sean needed to realize Sarah was no longer a child, and his role as protector
had been recast.

“What bond?” Sean stilled, his anxious energy fueling his smoldering anger.
They’ve formed an energy bond. The spirit gradually appeared in front of Sean, her

long white hair rippling around her shoulders. “The bond will help her withstand the

“Then you haven’t done it yet?” Sean didn’t bother disguising the hope in his tone.
“She’s not going to change her mind,” Allen warned. “You might as well accept

that fact right now.”

Sean’s only response was a challenging glare.
“Why don’t you tell me what you’ve learned since we were separated? I’ll pass on

the information to Sarah.” Allen had made the suggestion twice before. He didn’t
expect Sean to oblige him. He was just running out of things to say that wouldn’t start
an ugly argument.

Muffled voices drew his attention to the doorway. He could see across the lavish

marble foyer to the intricately carved staircase. Damn this house was beautiful. It was
luxurious and elegant and wasteful! Why did one person need all this? He heaved a
frustrated sigh and shook away his jealousy. Life was filled with wants, not needs when
one was a member of the élite.

Sarah came into view, Rayden half a step behind her. Rayden’s hand rested lightly

at the small of her back. They already looked comfortable together. Would Sean guess


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the means by which the bonds had been formed? He was part of a ménage. Why should
he care?

Allen glanced at the hotheaded specter and cringed. Sean would care. He would

care quite strenuously. His protective streak ran deep when it came to Sarah. No one
harmed his sister and no one knew what was good for her except Sean.

By the time Rayden and Sarah reached the sitting room, Rayden had taken the lead.

He stepped into the room and tried to keep Sarah behind him. She immediately moved
to his side with an indulgent smile and addressed her brother.

“Fancy meeting you here.”
“This isn’t a game,” Sean snapped. He took a step forward, obviously meaning to

say more, but Kellan grabbed his arm.

“Let’s fill them in on what we’ve learned and hear what they’ve accomplished

before you fly off the handle again.”

Allen had seen Kellan during his brief stay in the Underground, but this was the

first opportunity he’d had to interact with the overlord. Other than his relationship with
Sean, and his shared history with Rayden, Allen knew very little about him.

“Sensibility from the overlord?” the spirit chuckled. “What is this world coming


“Someone has to remain logical.” Kellan slapped Sean on the back and winked at

the old woman. “It’s obvious Sean has lost the ability.” With a casual ease not
supported by the shrewd intensity of his dark eyes, he turned to Rayden and continued.
“It’s good to see you again, old friend. Life has obviously treated you well.”

Rayden’s lips tensed for an instant and a flash of resentment disrupted his debonair

façade. “I won’t apologize for my life. I’ve worked hard for everything I’ve acquired.”

Sean’s snort demonstrated his disbelief.
“What have you learned and how did you find us so quickly?” Sarah remained

close to Rayden but demand snapped through her tone. “We aren’t going to accomplish
anything if we waste our energy fighting with each other.”

“Once I calmed Sean down enough to find out what had happened,” Kellan clasped

his hands behind his back and fixed his gaze on Sarah, “I contacted several of my
agents. The pleasure district borders the black zones, so I have an informal agreement
with Sancho.”

“Don’t bother me and I won’t bother you?” Allen slipped his hands into his

pockets, unable to conceal his annoyance. Crime and abuse ran rampant in the pleasure
district. Why were all the other leaders so willing to turn a blind eye? “Fane has the
same philosophy.”

“You disapprove?” Kellan challenged.
“I’m sure you do well just to control what happens in your territory. I can

understand why you’re not eager to borrow trouble, but when criminal elements are
allowed free rein, it denigrates the foundation of society.”


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“We can debate policy once Ceddrik is contained,” Rayden suggested as he guided

Sarah to the sofa. That he was comfortable enough to sit while others stood said a lot
about his self-confidence. This was his domain and Sarah had chosen to bond with him.
Well, she’d chosen to bond with them, but that was an entirely different matter. “Did
your contacts produce anything useful?”

Kellan shrugged. “You’ll have to judge the usefulness for yourself. My contacts

confirmed that Ceddrik has not checked in to any of the accommodations in the
pleasure district or the black zones. Nor has he accessed any form of public

“Where does the dancer live?” Sarah’s gaze was narrowed and thoughtful. “Is there

any chance he took her to her own house or apartment?”

Sarah’s questions reminded Allen of an aspect of the crime that had bothered him

from the beginning. “What was so special about that particular dancer? The kidnapping
wasn’t random. There was undeniable purpose behind his actions.”

Kellan inclined his head and offered Allen a barely perceptible smile. “Our

thoughts exactly. We started with Sancho, but he seemed oddly protective of his
employee. He refused to release any personal information about the dancer. He’s
conducting his own investigation and suggested we wait until he had something to

“So, you followed his men to her apartment?” Rayden extended his arm along the

back of the sofa and buried his hand in Sarah’s hair. “That’s what I would have done.”

Kellan’s smile broadened. Despite the years that had passed since their training, a

comfortable camaraderie still existed between the two warriors. “Scarlett’s real name is
Lettie Reynolds and she’s worked for Sancho for the past four years. For the most part,
her neighbors had nothing to say, but we found the building gossip.”

“Every building has one.” Allen moved to the sofa and leaned his hip against the

high, padded arm. “What did the gossip tell you?”

Scarlett is a transformer,” the spirit answered for Kellan.
“Do you mean a shapeshifter?” Sarah asked.
“No. Scarlett’s body is basically a high-efficiency generator. She can take food or

less potent forms of energy and transform them into highly concentrated mutant
energy.” The spirit floated into the center of the room as she spoke. Her gaze shifted
from Sarah to Kellan and back. “Is this what the building gossip explained to you?”

“Her information wasn’t specific, but what she told us supports what you’ve just


“What did the gossip say?” Sarah prompted, scooting to the edge of the sofa.
“She said Scarlett had been dragged away by Protarian guards. She insisted they

weren’t regular law enforcement, but some sort of militia. She told us Scarlett was gone
for over a year but she wasn’t evicted, so someone had to be paying the rent. Then
Scarlett returned as suddenly as she’d been taken and refused to talk about where she


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had been or what had been done to her. The gossip is convinced it all had something to
do with Scarlett’s abilities.”

Sean took a step toward the spirit, capturing the old woman’s attention. “Why do

you know so much about Scarlett?”

“She’s what drew me to that dismal club in the first place. I knew the dragon would

need energy and I knew the easiest way to find a suitable feeder was to scout out the
professionals. The rhythm of Scarlett’s energy was unique. I knew the dragon would be
drawn to her as I had been, so I simply waited for him to come to us.”

“You just happened to be in the club when Sarah arrived?” Kellan sounded


“Of course not. We were drawn together by the ancients. Our paths will keep

intersecting until the prophecy is fulfilled.”

“If this dancer can do what the spirit says, we’re in serious trouble.” Rayden’s hand

gripped the back of the sofa, the only outward evidence of his anxiety. “As I see it, we
have several potential advantages, but time is all Ceddrik needs to overcome each one.”

“What do you consider our advantages?” Sean wanted to know.
“Ceddrik’s inability to control the nanites gives us a window of opportunity, but as

I said, it won’t last forever.”

Sean nodded, apparently accepting the logic. “It took massive amounts of energy

for him to take possession of Nehalem’s gift and then escape our strike team.”

“Who is Nehalem and what was her gift?” Sarah wanted to know.
“Nehalem was one of General Bryson’s wives,” Kellan told her. “They teamed up

for a short while before Ceddrik realized he needed her ability to transfer energy far
more than he needed a partner.”

“He killed her?”
Anxiety pulsed into Allen’s mind. It took a moment for him to realize he was

sensing Sarah’s emotions. Rayden smoothly lowered his arm to her shoulders and drew
her close against his side. Apparently their bonding had been successful too. Allen tried
not to be jealous. He’d known what he was getting into. Sarah had been crystal clear
about what she needed and why. Still, his stubborn heart resisted the thought of
another man sharing her affection.

“Yes, he killed her.” Sean’s stern expression kept Kellan from elaborating.
“Ceddrik also inherited Nehalem’s insatiable appetite for mutant energy,” the spirit


“Won’t ready access to a ‘transformer’ resolve that problem?” Rayden countered.
“I think you’re all overlooking his primary weakness,” Kellan said. “Ceddrik has no

idea what he wants to be when he grows up. He’s a chameleon, a sad little lizard,
frantically changing his colors in an attempt to fit in with his surroundings. He has all
these wonderful new abilities, but he has no idea what he wants to do with them.”

“He wants to kill Howyn and Bryson,” Sean pointed out.


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“Don’t we all.” Kellan’s dry rejoinder drew chuckles from the other men.
Sarah’s demeanor didn’t change as she reminded, “He also wants to kill me,

preferably before the spirit can perform the empowerment ritual.”

“No one has forgotten about you.” Unable to resist his urge to touch her, Allen gave

her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

Glancing at Allen, Sarah produced a wan smile. Then she looked at her brother and

asked, “How did you find us so quickly?”

“I knew where to look.” The glower had left Sean’s expression, but the speculation

now gleaming in his eyes was no less disconcerting. “Ceddrik has no reason to believe
you have contacts in Sanctum.”

Kellan finally relaxed enough to sit. He chose a tall-backed chair facing the sofa.

“We all presumed the seer was a mutant. Ceddrik will likely make the same mistake.”

“Then he’ll focus on the Underground.” Sarah was lost in thought for a moment

then concern creased her brow. “That should buy us some time as long as he doesn’t
identify someone else as the seer.”

“We won’t allow that to happen,” Sean said firmly.
“We won’t give him time to make such a mistake,” the spirit sailed closer to Sarah.

“If I empower you in the morning, you should be ready for battle in a day or two.”

“Which brings us back to the unresolved issue.” Sean pivoted on the ball of his foot

and faced the spirit. “The empowerment ritual.”

“There is nothing unresolved about the ritual,” Sarah cut in. “I’m the seer. This is

my destiny.”

Puffing out his chest, Sean looked as if he would debate her statement with his last


Kellan shot to his feet and insinuated himself between the siblings. His body neatly

eclipsed Sean as he smiled at Sarah. “Sean loves you very much and he’s taken care of
you since you were both children. It’s going to be hard for him to let go, but our mate
will help him adjust to his new boundaries.” Before Sean could object to Kellan’s
interference, the overlord turned to the spirit and asked, “Is there anything we can do to
help, or have you already recruited all the help you need?”

“I didn’t recruit these two, Sarah did. However, I’m pleased with her choices.

Continue with your search for the dragon’s lair and we’ll contact you as soon as Sarah
is ready for battle.”

* * * * *

Sarah awoke at dawn, no alarm clock needed. She’d never been so excited and yet

so terrified. According to the spirit, Faundi priestesses trained their entire lives for this
ceremony. Not only was her mind untrained, she wasn’t full-blooded Faundi.


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The spirit’s unwavering belief in her helped Sarah tame the worst of her

uncertainty. She pushed doubt’s annoying voice to the back of her mind and took a
shower. Rayden had promised to arrange for some new clothes or at least wash the only
outfit she had with her, but until he found time for that detail, she was stuck in his

Rayden had suggested they all sleep in separate beds, at least for one night. She

needed to rest in preparation for the ritual and they needed time to themselves. His
decision had been logical. However, the solitude felt hauntingly familiar. She’d spent
far too much of her life alone.

The isolation also left her at the mercy of her whirring mind. Not all of her thoughts

had been unpleasant, but even the sensual memories kept her exhausted body from

Making love with Allen had been surprisingly passionate. She hadn’t realized how

much intensity was hiding beneath his reserved personality.

Rayden was less surprising yet every bit as satisfying. She’d expected him to be

aggressive and he hadn’t let her down. She was looking forward to exploring her
sexuality and having Rayden as her guide.

The only regret she had was that they hadn’t spent any time together, all three of

them touching and kissing, learning how to operate as a team. There was still tension
between her men and she wasn’t sure how to alleviate it.

Her men? She had no real claim to either of them. Still, the concept stirred a longing

within her that refused to be silenced. They had agreed to help her through her
empowerment, but she wanted so much more. She wanted a future with… Defining the
desire was pointless. The future had a will of its own.

Morning had dawned bright and clear. The view from Rayden’s living room was

mesmerizing. She had always thought of Sanctum as cluttered and artificial. From this
vantage point the city appeared clean and well-organized. And unattainable. If not for
Rayden, she would not be welcome in this part of the city.

“How long have you been up?” Rayden asked from somewhere behind her.
She took a deep breath and savored the view for another moment before she turned

around and faced the day. “Not long. I was going to make coffee, but there is nothing in
your kitchen that even resembles a coffee machine.”

“The beverage dispenser can provide whatever you’d like.” He motioned her

toward the kitchen. “I’ll show you how it works.”

Trying not to let her awe show, she watched as he used a series of voice commands

to activate the dispenser. “Thanks.” She took the steaming mug from him and inhaled
the rich fragrance. It sure as hell smelled like fresh-brewed coffee, yet it had only taken
a few seconds to prepare.

“Are you hungry?” He was dressed casually, black pants and a pullover shirt. Still,

the lack of tailoring in his clothes couldn’t hide his athletic build.


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“I’m too anxious to eat but feel free to make yourself something. I won’t be insulted

if you eat in front of me.”

“I appreciate the concession. I’m famished.” After opting for toast and scrambled

eggs, Rayden joined her at the kitchen table. “Did you get any sleep last night?”

“Off and on.” She wrapped both hands around the mug, soothed by the warmth

against her palms. “Your mission has taken a rather unexpected turn. How are you
going to explain all this to your supervisor?”

“My supervisor is more concerned with the outcome than the means by which my

objective is achieved.”

“In other words, nothing has changed even with Howyn’s arrest?”
He set down his fork and wiped his mouth with a napkin before he responded to

the subtle accusation. “A great deal has changed. Howyn’s cronies have either been
dismissed or their departments have been restructured to ensure accountability.
Director Krentz isn’t interested in governing Protaria. He wants to create a Protaria
capable of governing itself.”

“A noble goal.” She paused for a sip of coffee before she added, “But how does he

expect to achieve it without input from people like Fane and Kellan? There is more to
Protaria than the élite.”

Rather than being insulted by her skepticism, he smiled. It wasn’t a condescending

smile. He seemed genuinely pleased by her spirit. “Krentz is taking things one step at a
time. Once stability has been restored to the central government, it will be the new
administration’s job to reach out to the outlying fractions.”

“Fane trusts Krentz. They worked together to bring down Howyn. Hopefully things

are finally on the right track.”

“That’s our hope as well.” He picked up his fork and returned his attention to his

breakfast. “Are Allen and I going to be directly involved in the ritual, or do we stand by
in case you need us?”

“I have no idea,” she admitted. “I’m not sure what the ritual entails.”
He took several bites before broaching the next subject. “How are you feeling after

last night?”

His gaze remained on his plate and there was nothing in his tone to reveal his

reaction to the events. “I’m ready for more,” she whispered. He looked up in time to see
her unapologetic smile. “Are you having regrets?”

“Not about bonding with you.” Their gazes met and held. His expression was alive

with warmth and memories. “Bonding with you was extraordinary. I am, however, a
bit apprehensive about the third person in our relationship.”

“Why are you apprehensive about me?” Allen asked from the doorway. He was

barefoot and his hair was tousled. Had he been anxious to see her again, or was he still
half asleep?


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Rayden pushed his plate aside and pivoted to face Allen. “I think you’re too

homophobic to successfully participate in a ménage.”

“I am not homophobic! I told you I’d enjoy watching you with Sarah. I just have no

desire to fuck you.”

Sarah raised her mug to conceal her smile. Amusement wasn’t the wisest reaction,

but at least they were talking about it. “This has come up before, I gather.”

“I’m not attracted to men either,” Rayden insisted. “But I think it will destroy the

momentum if we’re making love to Sarah yet watching every move we make, afraid
we’ll accidently touch each other.”

“I’m not afraid of being touched by you.” Allen raked his hair with his fingers as he

crossed to the table. “I won’t run away screaming if our bodies rub against each other. It
might feel awkward for a while, but we have to face this sooner or later. I know we can
make it work.”

“I think so too, but there’s only one way to find out for sure.”
Carefully setting down her coffee mug, she tried to disguise the way her hand

shook. Anticipation made her feel almost giddy. This was what she wanted, what she’d
spent half the night dreaming about. None of her imaginings had taken place in the
kitchen, however. Still, she could be flexible.

“What do you have in mind?” She tried not to sound overanxious, as if her heart

weren’t hammering in her chest.

“Just a little experiment.” Rayden’s words were innocuous enough, but his gaze

promised mischief—and pleasure. He stood and walked around the table while Allen
pulled out her chair.

Sunlight streamed in through the window, a silent reminder of the world coming to

life beyond the tinted pane. “We’re going to do this right here?”

“No one can see in,” Rayden assured as he reached for the bathrobe’s belt.
She caught his wrist and shook her head. “I’m not getting naked alone.”
His large, warm hand slipped inside the robe and settled on her shoulder. He

leaned in and whispered, “If we all get naked, we’ll do a whole lot more than I have in
mind right now. The spirit wants you rested for this ritual. We’re just going to make
sure you’re good and awake.”

Rayden’s mouth covered hers and Allen untied the robe, parting the material to

expose her body. Excitement fluttered in the pit of her stomach, spreading warmth
through her abdomen. They pressed in close, Rayden in front and Allen behind.

The position felt familiar yet not quite right. She ignored the niggling unease and

gave herself over to Rayden’s kiss. His lips moved against hers, his tongue gently
teasing as his fingers combed through her hair. Allen slid the robe down her arms then
cupped her breasts while his mouth blazed a trail from shoulder to shoulder.


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Kissing a slow path down the side of her neck, Rayden traded places with Allen.

Hands swept along her ribs, the sensation shockingly familiar. She gasped and tensed,
unable to suppress the reaction.

“Easy, love,” Rayden murmured, his lips lingering against her skin. “Let us soothe

you. Relax and let it come.” The words echoed through her mind and her memory.

Allen’s hands settled on her hips as he lowered himself to his knees. Rayden

wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her more snugly against his body. She
closed her eyes and savored the confirmation of her gift. Without prompting or
manipulation, the scene was unfolding exactly as it had in her vision.

All she could see was the top of Allen’s head as he latched on to her nipple. Each

firm pull sent darts of sensation zinging through her chest. Rayden covered her mound
with his hand, rubbing and squeezing without parting her folds.

She rocked her hips and pressed against his hand, anxious for a more intimate

touch. His erection was obvious, even through his pants, yet he made no move to

Rayden shifted the angle of his hand, parting her folds with his long middle finger.

She knew every move he would make before he made it, yet the sensations were all the
more intense for the implication of each caress. Visions were powerful and important.
They never revealed incidental events. This was real and significant. She was meant to
join with these two men. Meant to share more than this one mission?

She couldn’t let her emotions muddle the issue. They had to survive the battle

before they could consider what the future held.

Allen shifted to her other breast while his fingers drew mesmerizing patterns across

her torso. Rayden circled her opening, accenting the ache building there. She knew how
it felt to be filled, to wrap her legs around lean hips while a thick cock slid in and out of
her pussy.

Slowly, as if to mock her memory, Rayden pushed his finger into her core. The

slight fullness felt wonderful, but it made her hungry for more. She canted her hips and
took him deeper, tightening her inner muscles in silent demand.

His hand rotated again, his finger settling over her clit. The first gentle flick made

her jerk then she swiveled her hips, encouraging the circular caress. Rayden pressed his
mouth against the side of her neck while she undulated and moaned.

Tangling her fingers in Allen’s hair, she pressed him close to her breasts. His mouth

grew bolder, his teeth carefully scraping her tender flesh. Sensations rushed toward
completion, ruthlessly sweeping her along. Pleasure detonated beneath Rayden’s
fingertips, pulsing through her abdomen and shooting up her spine. Her inner muscles
clenched and energy surged, reinforcing their link like an electrified circuit.

Allen caressed his way up her body as her senses stabilized. Her skin tingled and

aftershocks pinged her nerve endings. Rayden helped her right her clothing and still
they said nothing. They hadn’t seemed awkward while they touched her. Why the
reticence now?


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“Did you feel…” Allen couldn’t quite find the words.
“I knew I’d feel what she was feeling, but I felt you too,” Rayden muttered, nearly

as befuddled as Allen.

Sarah tried to sound casual, to ease the awkwardness. “I wasn’t sure how the link

would affect you now that the connection is complete. Apparently, your connection to
me has linked you with each other as well. Is this going to be a problem?”

“Not for me.” Rayden’s brows rose in silent challenge as he looked at Allen. “It was

just surprising.”

“Now that I know what to expect, I won’t be distracted by the sensations.”
If the massive erection tenting the front of Allen’s pants was any indication, he’d

been aroused not distracted, but Sarah kept the observation to herself. He had to come
to terms with his body’s reactions in his own way. “The empathic element is only active
when our emotions are especially strong. We should be able to send our thoughts to
each other all the time, however. That should be helpful.”

Can you send energy along the link? That’s the real question. The spirit shimmered in

Sarah’s peripheral vision, drawing her attention away from the men. Sexual exploration
is an enjoyable part of this process, but we mustn’t lose sight of our objective

Sarah closed the robe and tightened the belt. “I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.

What’s the next step?”


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Chapter Nine

Sarah forgot to breathe as she stared into the spirit’s pale blue eyes. Doubt and

insecurity twisted through her, momentarily clouding her mind and obscuring her

You must look beyond your fear.” Soothing peace sank into Sarah’s being along

with the spirit’s words. “You’re stronger than you realize. Don’t be distracted by your

With a slow, deep breath, Sarah straightened her spine and pushed back her

uncertainty. “I know I’m the seer. Too many events have confirmed the fact. What I fear
most is losing your guidance and facing this challenge alone.”

“You’re not alone,” Rayden objected, moving closer to Sarah.
And you will never be without me,” the spirit added. “We will no longer speak as

we do now, but all I am and all I know will become a part of you.”

“How do we begin?” Despite her newfound focus, her voice trembled just a bit.
You need to be comfortable and secure, but most of all there can be no


“What is our role?” Allen asked.
“You will open your minds and accept whatever she gives you. Her lack of training

will make this more challenging than usual.”

“Have you ever done this before?” Rayden slipped his arm around Sarah’s waist

and pulled her against his side.

She didn’t resist the embrace, but she looked at Allen and offered him an

encouraging smile. Rayden’s natural aggression would leave Allen in the dust unless he
took a more active role in their union.

“I received the sort of transfer I’m about to give Sarah, but I’ve never sent the

energy before.”

“Do you have a location in mind? Anywhere in this house will provide privacy.”

Rayden’s hand slid up and down along her side.

“We also need quiet and an assurance against interruption.”
Accepting the reminder with a solemn nod, Rayden led Sarah from the kitchen. She

caught Allen’s wrist as she passed him and they proceeded down the hall, hand in
hand. Rather than floating along behind them, the spirit blinked out of sight.

Rayden used the utility stairs in the back of the house to access the rooftop

solarium. Transparent walls arched toward the retractable ceiling, creating a segmented


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dome. Flowering trees and leafy bushes had been carefully arranged to create the
impression of lush seclusion while allowing sunlight to filter through the entire room.

“This is beautiful.” Sarah looked around in wonder. Only in vids had she seen a

setting so verdant and tranquil.

They followed a stone path to the far side of the solarium where an elaborate rock

waterfall dominated a grassy clearing. Water spilled from an opening high on the rock
formation and tumbled into a gently swirling pool.

Rayden motioned toward the water. “It’s not deep enough to swim in, but it’s a

wonderful place to soak tired feet.”

This will do nicely, the spirit decided, not bothering to become visible.
“Is a blanket all right or should I drag one of the lounge chairs over here?” Rayden

asked Sarah.

“A blanket. I want you two close to me.” Her answer seemed to please him. He

paused to kiss her cheek before crossing to a storage compartment concealed in the side
of the rock formation.

Allen took advantage of Rayden’s momentary retreat and pulled her into his arms.

“Don’t hesitate to use us. If you feel overwhelmed at all, let us help you.”

Good advice, the spirit confirmed. As I transfer more and more of the energy into you, it

will become harder and harder for me to control the transfer.

Rayden returned with a large blanket and spread it across the grass. Then he kicked

off his shoes and moved onto the blanket. Allen and Sarah were already barefoot, so
they followed his lead. Sarah lay down on her back and folded her arms across her
belly. The men settled at her sides, their gazes intense and caressing.

Your entire life has led you to this day. Close your eyes and open your mind.
Sarah did as the spirit directed, excitement fluttering through her chest. If she

survived this transfer, she would never be the same again. She would be powerful
enough to slay the dragon!

Fingers brushed her hair back from her face while a large hand pressed over hers.

She accepted the comfort without allowing it to distract her. Time slowed. Reality
narrowed then faded until she floated within a cocoon of soothing blackness.

The spirit swept into her mind, powerful and ancient. Not even Fane felt this

potent—or terrifying. No! She would not be afraid. This was her destiny, her life course.
She opened her mind, remaining surrendered and still as the spirit sank deeper.

A whispered chant echoed through her mind, the syllables foreign yet familiar. The

sound washed over her and pulsed through her until her heart took on the rhythm of
the words. Other voices joined the spirit’s, the chant becoming a persistent throb.

Sound rushed toward her and buzzed within her, building intensity and volume.

Lights flashed behind her lids, images rushing by too fast to decipher. Overlapping
voices chattered within the din. How was she supposed to make sense of this—


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Don’t try to understand. Resistance only slows the process. Accept the memories while I’m

still able to transfer them. You have the rest of your life to unravel them.

Urgency accompanied the information as the spirit began to lose control. Sarah

relaxed her muscles and cleared her mind, offering no resistance to the dizzying

Be brave, little one. We are with you—always. The spirit sounded distorted and distant,

yet the transfer spiked, forcing energy into Sarah’s brain. Discomfort flared into flame,
consuming her alive. She screamed and arched away from the burning deluge, but it
was all around her and inside her, saturating every molecule she possessed.

Sarah, let us help you.
Don’t try to do this alone
The offers were muffled, nearly indistinguishable from the roaring in her ears. She

couldn’t tell who had spoken first and it didn’t matter anyway. She could sense both
Allen and Rayden open, waiting, freely offering their support.

A strangled whimper tore from her throat as she forced her mind to focus. She

directed energy into the link, dividing it equally between the two connections. Someone
gasped and then they moaned in unison.

More. We can take more.
The burning current became more manageable as she shared it with her men.

Agony receded and memories unfurled, spreading before her like a patchwork quilt.
Each square vibrated with its own unique energy. She sensed countless individuals, and
yet they were one, operating seamlessly as they began integrating into her mind.

“Are you all right?” Rayden asked, his warm hand gently stroking her face.
“My brain…is buzzing.” Her mouth was so dry she could barely form the words.
“I’ll get you something to drink. Don’t leave her side.”
“As if I would,” Allen muttered. He slipped his arm under her shoulders and

pulled her onto his lap, cradling her against his chest. “Is the transfer complete?”

She tried to open her eyes, but her lids refused to budge. “I think so. I can sense the

change, but I can’t seem to access specific information.”

“Just relax. Let your body adjust.”
This was so strange. She’d expected the transfer to make her powerful, fearsome

and intimidating. Instead, she felt weak as a kitten and more helpless than she’d been in
years. Had something gone wrong? Perhaps her untrained mind wasn’t capable of
assimilating the energy.

She tried not to panic. Her head throbbed and the slightest movement made her

stomach lurch. If she held perfectly still, she didn’t feel quite so miserable.

Rayden returned a few minutes later. After taking several slow sips of cool water,

she managed to open her eyes. Sunlight stabbed into her brain and she turned her face
into the warmth of Allen’s chest. What was wrong with her? This couldn’t be normal.


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“How do you feel?” Rayden tucked her hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering

against her cheek.

Carefully turning her head back around, she forced a smile onto her lips. “If the

spirit filled me full of energy, why am I so tired?” Her teasing tone was almost

“The stress on your body has to be enormous.” Allen eased her away and looked at

her more closely. “We should have a doctor examine you, make sure the transfer didn’t
cause any unintentional damage.”

“And how do we explain the cause for our concern?” Rayden asked.
“I’ll contact Ostan. Energy transfers are common enough in the Underground.”
Sarah shook her head and scooted off Allen’s lap. The nausea was beginning to

subside, but her limbs still felt weighted. “I don’t need a doctor.” She rolled her
shoulders and arched her back, determined to rid her body of the lethargy. “The
transfer didn’t damage me. I just expected to feel…transformed, not exhausted. If you
let me sleep for an hour or two, I’m sure I’ll feel fantastic.”

Rayden stared at her for a long time in silence. He obviously sensed her unease.
If she was the seer—and she honestly felt she was—then the transfer could not have

harmed her. If she didn’t believe in herself, how could she expect others to believe in
her? This was a test, an opportunity for her to rely on her new power. She needed to
meditate, to find a way of accessing the transferred energy. The spirit was no longer
available to guide her. She had to find the strength within herself.

“All right. Rest for a while and see if your strength comes back.” Rayden didn’t

sound happy with the decision, but he pushed to his feet. “If you haven’t recovered by
nightfall, we’re going to the Underground whether you want to or not.”

“Do you need help getting back to your room?” Allen looked every bit as concerned

as Rayden.

She smiled and shook her head. “All I need is peace and quiet. I thought I’d enjoy

the sunshine, if that’s all right with you two.”

Rayden crossed his arms over his chest, reluctant to leave her. She looked pale and

delicate against the plaid blanket yet determination gleamed in her bright green eyes.
Some conflicts called for swift, decisive action while others required careful study and
consideration. Sarah was hiding something, of that he had no doubt. He would find out
what it was, but for now, retreat and regroup would serve him better than overt

“We’ll be downstairs,” he told her in a soft, warm tone. “I’m going to turn on the

security monitor, so call out if you need anything.”

Allen followed him from the solarium, sluggish movements protesting every step.

“I think we should com Fane. Sarah’s putting on a brave front, but I can feel how
worried she is.” They descended the main staircase and immerged in the wide foyer.


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“Do you know how to contact him? It’s not as if his com link is listed.”
“Good point.”
Rather than return to the kitchen as Rayden had intended, he led Allen to his office

and activated the security grid. With rotating shots from internal and external cameras,
the multi-sectioned display took up most of one wall. Rayden sent the feed from the
solarium to the top-center position and locked it in place.

“What is she doing?” Allen asked as he stepped up beside Rayden.
Sarah was no longer pretending to sleep. She sat on the blanket with her legs

crossed in front of her, hands resting lightly on her knees. “You tell me. I know nothing
about mystics. Is she meditating?”

“Probably. Everyone in the Underground meditates.”
Rayden didn’t comment on the observation. As long as Sarah wasn’t in more

danger than she was letting on, he didn’t care if she felt the need to meditate. It was a
form of mental discipline and he understood discipline. “Sean is with Kellan, and I can
contact Kellan. Can Sean get word to Fane?”

“There’s an easy way to find out.”
Out of habit, he moved to the center of the room before activating communications.

The system transmitted a tight enough shot that his surroundings were obscured if he
was at least an arm’s length away from any furniture. “Holo-com, page Overlord Kellan

“One moment please,” the computer responded as it attempted to establish a link

with the overlord.

After a short pause, a holographic image of Kellan formed in front of Rayden. The

overlord inclined his head in greeting then asked, “Should Sean be here as well?”

Rayden didn’t want to offend his one-time friend, but Sean could use a little

objectivity where his sister was concerned. Protectiveness was a noble trait. Still, Sarah
wasn’t nearly as helpless as Sean’s attitude made her seem.

“Considering his penchant for overreaction, it might be best if we leave him out of

the loop for now.”

Kellan gave a curt nod, obviously annoyed, if not offended by Rayden’s attitude.

“Tell me what’s going on and I’ll decide what to tell Sean.”

“Fair enough. The empowerment is finished, but Sarah isn’t as energized as we had

hoped. I’d like to talk to Fane, see what he knows about the process.”

Concern knitted Kellan’s brow. “If Sarah’s in danger, pack her up and take her to

the Underground. Not taking chances with her health is no overreaction.”

“I agree and it’s not my intention to take chances with her health. Ceddrik has no

idea where she is right now and I’d like to keep it that way as long as possible. If Fane
thinks it’s necessary, or even a wise precaution, I won’t hesitate to bring her to him.”

This seemed to satisfy Kellan. His expression relaxed and he said, “Give me a few

minutes and I’ll have Fane com you. Is this line secure?”


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“Of course. I’ll stand by.” The image blinked out and Rayden moved behind his


“There are advantages to being telepathic.” Allen lowered himself into one of the

chairs in front of Rayden’s desk. Whiskers darkened his jaw and purple smudges
shadowed his eyes.

“When was the last time you slept?”
Allen shook his head and averted his gaze. “Longer than you can imagine. When

Howyn realized I knew far more than I was meant to know, he not only discredited my
work, he used me as a scapegoat and turned me into a fugitive not welcome in any
section of the city.”

“Wow,” Rayden tried not to sound too sarcastic. “How did he accomplish all that?”

Allen just glared at him, so Rayden tried again. “I’m sorry. Howyn’s resources were
vast, but how was he able to turn the entire planet against you?”

“He made my colleagues believe I was stealing their work while he used

misinformation to ‘prove’ my theories false. He accused me of corporate espionage as
well as treason. But instead of allowing me to prove my innocence in a court of law, he
had his henchman run me out of Sanctum at gunpoint.”

Rayden searched Allen’s gaze for any hint of paranoia or exaggeration. Either what

he said was true or he was deluded enough to believe his own lies. “What did you
know that warranted all those actions?”

“There were eight teams of scientists working on Project Chrysalis. They weren’t

allowed to communicate with each other, didn’t know what the other teams knew.”
Allen relayed the information in an emotionless tone that hinted at the depths of his
conflict. “It was my responsibility to take what each team accomplished and integrate it
into the final product. I was the only civilian who understood the end game. Basically, it
was my job to make Project Chrysalis work.”

“Why didn’t they kill you once the prototype was operational?” It was an

intentional provocation. Rayden needed to understand what drove Allen and the fastest
way to see anyone’s true colors was to piss them off.

Much to Rayden’s disappointment, Allen shrugged off the barb. “The prototype

was still sort of buggy when Howyn made his move. I think he figured he could
continue on without me, but he wanted to keep me alive just in case he was wrong.”

Rayden couldn’t suppress his smile any longer. He wasn’t sure if he admired

Allen’s tenacity or wanted to have him committed. “You do realize how incredibly
arrogant this sounds, not to mention paranoid?”

Allen surprised him with a self-mocking chuckle. “I’ve systematically made myself

the center of a global conspiracy. I understand how it sounds. I wish I were delusional. I
really do.”

Before Rayden could respond to the comment, the holo-com flickered to life. Images

were created life-sized, so Fane was on the tall side of average. His angular features and
deep-set eyes created a striking impression without overt handsomeness.


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Rayden moved out from behind his desk before he spoke. “Fane. Thank you for

responding so quickly.”

“General Kolter, isn’t it? Kellan said you wished to speak with me.” Fane skimmed

over the pleasantries and came right to the point.

“Please call me Rayden. My question is personal not professional, so my title is


“I find most titles irrelevant, so you’ll get no argument from me. How is Sarah? Did

she not tolerate the transfer well?”

“I’m not sure how to answer that. None of us knew what to expect, so how can we

judge her reaction?”

“Is she conscious? Lucid?”
“Both. She’s exhausted, but Allen and I think she’s hiding the true scope of her

symptoms. Could the transfer have harmed her in any way? Does she need medical

“The energy will either be absorbed by her being or it will dissipate. At this point,

there’s no risk to her mind or body. Where is she? I was one of her mentors when she
learned how to use her abilities the first time. Perhaps I can put her fears to rest.”

“I was hoping you could help her.”
“And she needs to remain hidden until she has control over her power. I

understand the situation and agree with your strategy.”

Rayden hadn’t asked for his approval, but he found the endorsement oddly

pleasing. “Let me announce you and then I’ll transfer your signal to the solarium.”

“Before I go, there is something you should know.”
“I’m listening.”
“Rumor has it Howyn and Bryson are going to be moved to separate facilities,

likely in the next few days.”

“Really.” Even if the rumor was true, why would Fane offer him such valuable

information without expecting something in return? “How dependable are these

“I have confidence in the source, but I have no way of knowing the accuracy of the

actual information.” Fane slipped his hands into his pockets and smiled. “Isn’t your
brother the new secretary of defense? A few coms from his office could verify the

Rayden tensed. How the hell had Fane learned of Byod’s appointment so quickly?

No public announcement had been made yet. “‘Rumors’ keep you remarkably well

“I doubt Ceddrik will ignore this opportunity. It’s in your best interest to verify the



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“I agree.” Fane nodded without further comment, so Rayden crossed to the security

grid and activated the com link in the solarium. “Sarah.” He waited until she lifted her
head before he said, “You have a holo-visitor. Is it all right if I send him to you?”

“Who is it?”
“A friend.” He transferred Fane’s signal and muted the line.
“Why did you kill the sound?” Allen objected. “This could help us understand—”
“When Sarah is ready, she’ll tell us what’s bothering her and how we can help her

get through it.”

Allen smiled and shook his head. “Hell of a time for you to grow a conscience.”

* * * * *

Sarah tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled as Fane’s image appeared before

her. She pushed to her feet and opened her arms, meaning to hug him, then
remembered he was a hologram. Fane was approachable and caring. Everyone in the
Underground loved him, but he’d reached out to her and mentored her through some
of the most agonizing events of her life. He was more than a friend yet not quite a

“Hey there,” he greeted with a warm smile. “How are you holding up?”
“I’m not sure.” She didn’t know if he’d sensed her conflict or if her men had

arranged the meeting. Either way, she was grateful for the opportunity. “The energy is
inside me. I can feel it vibrate and sizzle. But I can’t reach it. The spirit entrusted me
with this magnificent gift and I can’t access it, no matter what I do.”

“What have you tried?”
The question made her cringe. Other than lament her inability, she had done little to

overcome the limitation. She tightened the belt holding Rayden’s robe together,
searching for words that would make her sound less useless. “I…I meditated.”

“Meditation is always good, helps center your mind and cleanse your being. But

meditation alone is not a viable technique. You accessed the metaphysical realm
through dreams and visions before. Has your skill set returned or has it changed?”

“Some of my old skills have returned, but the basic mechanism has changed.”
“What is the new mechanism?”
She poured energy into her shields, not wanting to broadcast the answer. It was

embarrassing and awkward.

So why had it seemed so natural to explain it all to Allen and Rayden?
“Is there some reason you don’t want me to know?”
Could Fane scan her mind from this distance? Not that he ever would without her

permission. That wasn’t Fane’s way. She buried her hands in the robe’s pockets and
heaved a heavy sigh. There was no way around it. If Fane was going to help her, he had
to understand her new situation.


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“My new mechanism is sex. I already formed energy bonds with Rayden and Allen,

which enabled me to withstand the transfer. I suspect sexual energy will allow me to
access my new skills as well, but I’m not sure how to go about…”

Fane chuckled, his gaze warm and kind. “You’ve already chosen your consorts. Let

them know what you need. I’m sure they will be more than happy to help you explore
your new access mechanism.”

“Then there’s nothing wrong with me? I didn’t compromise the transfer with my


“Of course not. The ancestors are safely tucked away inside your mind. They’re

simply waiting for you to find your way to them.”

“But they won’t wait forever, will they? Don’t lie to me.”
“I would never lie to you, Sarah. Not about something like this. The ancestors can’t

wait forever. You need to find your way to them soon or the energy will dissipate. If
their wisdom is lost, that would be a tragedy for all of us.” He cocked his head and
caught her gaze. “But you’re not going to let that happen. You’re going to call your
consorts up here and surrender yourself, body and soul, to the power of pleasure.”

She smiled as a shiver danced down her spine. “Well, when you put it that way,

why would I refuse?”

His image wavered for a second then he came back into focus. “I probably

shouldn’t tell you this, but I think you have the right to know. Sean had Kellan look into
Rayden’s background.”

Releasing a frustrated groan, she shook her head. “Sean can be such a pain in the

ass. He didn’t find anything, did he?”

“Except for his association with Chancellor Howyn, which is inevitable for anyone

in the Protarian military, Rayden is squeaky-clean. I think Sean was disappointed that
he had no reason to demand you disassociate yourself from your new friend.”

“I’m not surprised by the findings or Sean’s insistence on the background check.

Still, I appreciate the heads-up.”

“I wish I could tell you more, but I’ve had no interaction with your dashing


“He is rather dashing, isn’t he?”
“Call me if you need anything.”
“I will.”
“Be good.”
“You too.” His image blinked out and she turned in the direction Rayden’s voice

had come from earlier. Was he watching her even now? Had he heard that entire
exchange? “Rayden? Are you there?” There was no answer, so she pushed to her feet
and looked around. “Hello. Can anyone hear me?”

“Sorry,” Allen replied. “Rayden stepped out for a minute and I couldn’t figure out

how to turn on the intercom.”


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Did that mean they hadn’t been listening in or just that Allen hadn’t known how to

activate the transmitter? “How do I get out of here? Naptime was a bad idea.” If she
wandered around long enough, she could probably find the door, but it was designed
to blend in with the foliage.

“Stay put. We’ll come get you,” Rayden said, apparently having returned from his


Sarah waited by the pool’s edge, enjoying the musical sound of the rushing water.

They were on their way up, both her men, at the same time. The teasing taste they’d
given her in the kitchen only fueled her imagination.

She wanted them pressed against her, touching and rubbing, sharing their pleasure

freely as she filled them with energy. Her body warmed and melted. Her heart swelled
with longing and love.

Love? The possibility left her breathless and giddy. Did she love them already? And

could they love her in return?

Her heart gave a hopeful leap then she forced herself to be sensible. It was too

much, too soon. She needed to slow down or she’d end up devastated and alone.

One step at a time. They must free the energy locked within her mind or nothing else

would matter.

Allen followed Rayden into the solarium. The sun had passed its zenith, leaving the

lush garden bathed in soft afternoon light. Sarah stood beside the waterfall, lost in the
folds of Rayden’s bathrobe. She turned as they approached.

“Thanks for contacting Fane. Or did he contact you?”
“We thought you might need someone to talk to,” Rayden said. “Someone who

understood what you’re going through.”

Allen still didn’t understand exactly what was wrong with her, but he agreed with

Rayden that pushing her would be counterproductive. “Was he able to help?” Rayden
shot him a warning look, but he didn’t regret the question. Not pressuring her didn’t
require complete disinterest.

“He confirmed the conclusions I’d already drawn on my own.” She flashed a quick

smile. “Apparently, my trust issues even extend to myself.”

“Do you trust us?” Allen heard the question, shocked at his automatic choice of

pronouns. When had he become linked with Rayden?

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
“Then tell us what’s wrong,” Allen urged, despite Rayden’s obvious annoyance.

“Did something happen during the transfer? Why are you so weak?”

“The transfer was technically successful. The power is within me. But…”
Rayden advanced. “But what?” He raised his hand toward her face, his expression

dark and hungry. Changing course at the last moment, he curved his fingers against the
nape of her neck and pulled her close. “Why didn’t the energy strengthen you?”


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Tension wound around Allen, speeding his pulse and hardening his cock. He’d

tried to imagine the focused intensity Rayden would create with Sarah. She didn’t flinch
or pull away from the general’s touch. She was in no way intimidated by his aggression.

“The package has been delivered, now we need to open it.” Without shifting her

gaze from Rayden’s face, she reached for Allen. “Together, we need to release the

“Are you sore from last night?” Rayden’s stern tone demanded honesty.
She licked her lips and lowered her lashes. “I don’t see how we can avoid that,

especially if we’re going to do this together.”

“Let me worry about how. All you need to do is obey.”
A shiver shook her shoulders and she slipped her hands into the pockets of the

robe. Concerned that she was being bullied, Allen reached for her mind. If Rayden was
frightening her—

I’m not frightened, she assured him as sizzling heat flowed across the link. Part of me

needs to submit, yet part of me craves your gentleness. This is the perfect combination.

Rayden turned her to face Allen then wrapped his arms around her waist. “I need

to go get something from downstairs. While I’m gone, you’re going to get naked and
then undress Allen. He can touch you if he wants, but you are not allowed to touch him.
In fact, Allen is going to tie your hands behind your back with the belt from my robe.”

Allen tensed at the roundabout order. He wasn’t the one who needed to submit! But

desire darkened Sarah’s eyes and she whispered, “Yes Sir.”

Not waiting to see if his instructions were followed, Rayden strode off across the


Sarah slipped the belt from its loops and handed the thick length of fabric to Allen.

Her movements were slow and intentionally provocative. She allowed the robe to part,
revealing the shadowy valley between her breasts and the dark gold curls at the apex of
her thighs.

“Do you know where he’s going and what he intends to get?” She turned around as

she spoke, the robe slipping off her shoulders. Her hair hung over one shoulder, baring
the elegant line of her back. Her skin shone like ivory silk, smooth and supple. He
wanted to slide his hands across her curves and feel her soft body pressed against his.

“If it’s a whip, should I let him beat you?” The question sounded harsh and tight.

She seemed far more accepting of the possibility than Allen felt. “How far do you want
this to go?”

Letting the robe sag to her waist, she completed the circle and faced him again.

Then she tossed her head and sent her hair swirling behind her shoulders. His gaze
gravitated to her high, firm breasts. The subtle quiver made his gut clench and his
palms itch. Gods, she was beautiful.

“He won’t hurt me,” she assured. “Despite the gruff exterior, it’s not in his nature to

abuse anyone.”


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“I suspect that isn’t always true. But I understand what you mean.”
She released the robe, letting it pool around her ankles. “May I undress you, Sir?”
He shook head. “I’m not a Dom. I’d rather hear you say my name.”
“All right, Allen.” She ran her gaze up and down his body. “I’d really like to see

you naked again. Is that okay with you?”

Rather than replying, he raised his arms and allowed her to tug his shirt off over his

head. Her fingertips skimmed across his chest as she descended toward the waistband
of his pants. She wanted to touch him. He could see the hunger in her eyes. But
Rayden’s directive kept her hands from straying from their task.

She unfastened his pants and eased them down. Her thumbs hooked the waistband

of his underwear and dragged them down as she went. His cock sprang free, brushing
her breasts as she bent and guided his feet out of the pant legs.

They faced each other, naked and breathless. She expanded their link, showing him

how badly she ached and how eager she was to touch him. Understanding the power of
anticipation, he took a step back.

“Put your hands behind your back and turn around.” Her immediate compliance

sent lust stabbing into his soul. She was ready and willing to go anywhere they led her.
So trusting, so damn innocent.

He wrapped the belt around her wrists then paused to explore her naked body. She

shivered and gasped, moving restlessly beneath his hands. Her skin was warm and
incredibly soft. He watched her face, gauging her reactions and savoring her eager
response. Her nipples had already peaked when his fingers paused to pluck them. A
flush formed on the lush upper curve and crawled slowly up her neck.

“There’s power in her submission,” Rayden said from somewhere behind him.

“She’s offering us her body, trusting us with her safety, her pleasure and her power.
Are you willing to give her whatever she needs?”

Allen didn’t bother turning around. He cupped her breast and smiled into her eyes.

“What she needs from me is different than what she needs from you.”

“I understand that.” Rayden moved into Allen’s peripheral vision, refusing to be

ignored. “We can’t compete for her attention or this will never work.”

With a reluctant sigh, Allen lowered his hand and looked at Rayden. “What do you


“Until this becomes more natural for all of us, allow me to take the lead.”
“I will not be your bottom!” Allen insisted. “She might need to be dominated, but I

will not submit to you.”

Rayden crossed his arms over his chest and scowled. “I thought we had this settled.

I don’t fuck men.”

“I do.” The mischief in Sarah’s gaze melted the tension banding Allen’s chest. She’d

defused the situation with two simple words.


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Rayden’s gaze warmed and his features relaxed as he looked at her. “On your

knees, love. I want you to take Allen’s cock in your mouth and suck him until he forgets
everything but the pleasure of your sweet lips.”


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Chapter Ten

Rayden watched Allen’s cock slide in and out of Sarah’s mouth. With her hands

tied behind her back, she was slightly off balance, but she’d moved her legs farther
apart to compensate. Rayden circled them slowly, enjoying the view from every angle.

Allen had his hands buried in her hair, steadying her head as he fucked her mouth.

His face was flushed, features tense, eyes tightly closed.

Sarah stared up at Allen, her gaze hot and clouded with desire. Her mouth slid back

to the tip and she sucked with long, slow pulls.

Hunger clawed at Rayden’s belly and tightened his balls until he had to look away.

He’d never been much of a voyeur, but this was damn hot.

Allen cried out suddenly, his violent shudders leaving no doubt that he’d lost


Pleasure rolled across their shared link, catching Rayden by surprise. He rocked

back then braced his hands against his knees. His balls burned and his cock jerked
against the fabric of his pants. Through sheer force of will, he kept himself from
spontaneously spilling like an overeager cadet.

Sarah licked her way up the length of Allen’s softening cock, finally releasing him

with a tender kiss. Allen staggered back and shook his head as if to clear the fog from
his brain.

Without his steadying hands, Sarah pitched forward, unable to balance with her

hands tied behind her back. Rayden grasped the end of the belt and pulled her upright
again. “I think your lab rat liked that.”

Allen’s gaze shot to his, challenging yet cautious. “Her lab rat loves everything she

does for him.”

“Which is as it should be. However, she didn’t have permission to enjoy giving you

pleasure and I’m pretty sure I felt her come.”

“I couldn’t help it,” she objected. “His pleasure pushed into my mind and my body

just reacted.”

Rayden couldn’t see her face, just the ivory perfection of her body. “Still, coming

without permission is not allowed. Are you aware of this expectation?”

“Yes Sir.” Her voice was breathless yet edgy.
“Then do you deserve discipline?”
A short pause followed then she said, “Yes Sir.”
He untied her hands and tossed the belt to Allen, who looked anxious and ready to

interfere. Rayden warned him back with a meaningful glance then focused entirely on


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Sarah. “Fold your arms on the blanket and rest your forehead on your arms.” She
obeyed. “Now spread your legs wide. Show me your disobedient pussy.”

Her folds gleamed with arousal’s cream and her clit was flushed and swollen. He

knelt behind her and gently tweaked the sensitive nub. She jerked and moaned, her ass
cheeks flexing as she fought against her body’s immediate response.

“If you come, I’ll start over,” he cautioned. “You must make it through the entire

punishment without climaxing.”

“I understand.”
He pressed his mouth over her mound and gently traced her slit. Her musk filled

his nose and her taste coated his tongue. Possessive fire burned into his soul, mocking
his determination and threatening his control. She was the one in need of discipline, so
why did this feel like torture for him? He wanted to devour her, thrust his tongue into
her and drown in her pleasure!

She squirmed and gasped then her desire surged across their link. Rayden shivered

and Allen groaned, obviously feeling it too.

That’s cheating, he warned, his cock threatening to burst the seams of his pants. His

abdomen clenched and his thighs flexed. He had never struggled this hard to remain in
control. Why was it so much more intense with Sarah?

Let me come, love, and you’ll feel the pleasure too. She wiggled back against him,

pressing her softness against his mouth. Don’t you want it as much as I do?

He chuckled against her wet folds, unable to suppress his amusement. She was

trying to abide by his rules, but her need had obviously won this round. “I’ll have to try
a different strategy. This is obviously not working.” Pushing to his feet, he retrieved the
velvet-covered paddle he’d brought from his bedroom.

“What are you going to do with that?” Allen’s gaze narrowed and he returned to

the edge of the blanket.

“Exactly what you think I’m going to do. I’ve been curious about something since

she explained that the access mechanism for her abilities is pain.”

Sarah’s head came up and she looked back over her shoulder. “I said it used to be

pain, as in it isn’t anymore.”

“Are you sure about that? How do you know if you haven’t explored that side of

your nature since your transformation?”

He stared into her eyes, giving her no opportunity for half-truths or evasions.

“Were you ever aroused by the pain before?” She licked her lips and confirmed his
suspicions with a stiff nod. “Did the pain ever make you come?”

“A few times, but more often it made me so antsy I had to…you know.”
“Masturbate?” He shook his head at her obvious embarrassment. “The act isn’t

dirty and neither is the word. Relieving sexual frustration is as natural as eating a good
meal. Now resume the position and try to relax, allow your body to process the
stimulation anyway it chooses.”


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Sarah rested her forehead on her folded arms and closed her eyes. Her ass was in

the air, legs spread, pussy on display. She should be humiliated and self-conscious, yet
she’d never felt so free. Rayden stood behind her, his body angled so he could swing
the paddle. Allen looked more horrified by the idea than she had been when she
realized what Rayden intended.

How had the general guessed that her visions aroused her? She’d never told anyone

her shameful secret. She’d never—

Sudden, stinging heat jarred her from her musings. Her body tensed and time stood

still as the sensations rolled up her spine and down her legs. She gasped in a breath and
reality resumed as her ass cheek burst into flame.

“That was too hard! Look at the mark—”
“Silence! I know what I’m doing.”
Rayden snapped the paddle against her other ass cheek and the dizzying

phenomenon repeated. Heat propelled her consciousness beyond the physical realm.
She soared for a blissful instant then physical sensations dragged her back down.

Sarah trembled, lost in anticipation not fear. Her body came alive, craving new

experiences, ready to learn anything Rayden wanted to teach her. Velvet cushioned
each stroke, blunting the sting yet increasing the burn.

Her pussy clenched and her clit tingled, tension gathering around her womb. He

traced her slit with his fingertips, sliding smoothly in the fresh rush of cream. “Let Allen
feel what this does to you. He thinks I’m a sadistic pig.”

She opened their link as wide as she could, allowing both men to share in her

pleasure. The paddle smacked again and she cried out. Pleasure blurred with pain. The
soaring sensation lasted longer as tingling fire pulsed through her veins.

Rayden stroked her sensitive flesh, squeezing gently as the heat sank deeper. “So

soft. So fucking hot.” He held one side and spanked the other, using his hand now,
nothing between his skin and hers. He caressed from her hips to her knees, his long
fingers skimming over her folds before delivering another stinging slap.

She moaned and wiggled, needing fullness and the weight of his body holding her

down. He traced the crack between her cheeks, teasing her puckered opening with slick

His palm came down on one side and then the other while his finger circled her

anus, stirring the nerves and hinting at his intentions. Deeper and deeper, he pushed
past her sphincter as he delivered firm, steady spanks. Her clit twitched in needful
protest then his finger began a smooth slide, foreshadowing what was to come.

The next stroke shattered her completely. A powerful orgasm tore through her

abdomen and curled her toes. She screamed, clawing at the blanket as the waves of
sensation went on and on.


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Rayden gently removed his finger and her aching ass cheeks were held apart. A

small intrusion, not even as large as his finger, then something warm gushed into her
back passage. Her befuddled mind didn’t register the significance until a hard cock
carefully breached her anus. The unexpected fullness drove the breath from her lungs
and stars danced behind her eyes.

“Easy, love.” A warm hand stroked down her spine. “Push out against him. Let him

come inside.”

Rayden was beside her now, caressing her and brushing the hair away from her

face. Which meant Allen was fucking her ass! When had he turned kinky?

“Do you trust us?” Rayden wound her hair around his fist and slowly pulled her

head up off the blanket.

“Yes Sir.” Her voice was weak and raspy, but she turned her head and met his gaze.
“You can do this. Relax and welcome him home.”
Staring into Rayden’s vivid blue eyes, she convinced her body to obey. Her inner

muscles relaxed and she pushed her hips back, taking Allen deeper. The fullness
overwhelmed her fear and reawakened her arousal.

Allen reached around her hip and slipped his hand between her thighs. “Oh fuck,

you’re wet.”

Knowing she had driven the ever-proper Allen to profanity made her smile. “Isn’t

that what’s supposed to happen when something feels incredibly good?”

His middle finger found her clit as he drew his hips back. The long, smooth slide of

his cock sent pleasure spiraling through her body. She trembled and her mind began to
pulse, vibrating with unfamiliar sensations.

Rayden moved in front of her. He bent as he pulled her up, claiming her mouth for

a long, devouring kiss. He tasted of her pleasure and Rayden’s own dark flavor, like
cinnamon liquor or spiced apple wine. He caressed her breasts, pinching her nipples,
while Allen moved slow and steady in her ass.

Their desire poured into her, exciting her as much as the sensations they were

creating in her body. Rayden broke the kiss with a ragged gasp, pausing to catch his
breath as he peppered kisses over her flushed face.

“Suck me, baby. Give me your mouth.” He guided her down and she opened for

the thrust of his cock. He took her hands off his hips and passed them to Allen who
drew them behind her back. Then they controlled her balance and her motion, passing
her back and forth, pushing her onto one cock as they pulled her off the other. “Let go,
angel. Surrender completely and let yourself fly.”

She closed her eyes and relaxed her body, trusting her men to keep her safe. Colors

exploded all around her, blinding and beautiful.

Allen’s hands tightened on her wrists and his hips pumped faster. She arched her

back, taking him deeper, wanting all of him.


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They moved with her, in her and through her, electrifying her senses with each

smooth stroke.

Holding her face between his palms, Rayden steadily fucked her mouth. He slowed

for a moment then matched Allen’s movements, driving inward together. They filled
her and possessed her, propelling the sensations higher.

Her senses swam, the colors drawing her, calling her toward something she didn’t


Suddenly, Allen released her arms and grasped her hips. She braced herself against

Rayden’s thighs. Rayden drove to the back of her mouth and Allen buried his full
length inside her. Orgasm shot from Allen into Rayden and back. Sarah shook with
each staggering pass, her pleasure adding to the breath-stealing crescendo.

She released her hold on reality and let the colors absorb her conscious mind.
Like a vibrant burning sphere, the ancient energy rose before her. She walked

toward it, hair whipping all around her, skin shimmering in the pulsing light.
Summoning the strength she knew was within her, she reached out and pushed her
hands into the sphere.

Energy streaked up her arms and cascaded through her body. Voices erupted,

overlapping in a deafening den. Slowly! Speak one at a time. To her utter astonishment,
the noise slowed, receded then stilled.

Congratulations, young one. We knew you would find your way.
I knew she would do it. The rest of you were not so supportive. The familiar voice of the

spirit asserted and peace unfurled within Sarah’s being. She was here. She was home.
This was her destiny. Now I’ll hear no more grumbling. Sarah, you must reassure your men.
You’ve frightened them terribly. But return to us as soon as you can. We must begin your


Uncertainty flashed through her newfound resolve. She pushed it back with a

stubborn mental shove. Once her men overwhelmed her body, her mind had charted
the course. The path was marked. The way was clear. She could find this place again.

She released the visualization with a muffled gasp and found herself in Rayden’s

arms. “Are you still with us?” He sounded more than a little concerned as he smoothed
the hair back from her face.

The worry was so uncharacteristic for Rayden, she couldn’t help but smile. “I’m

fine, really.”

“What happened?” Allen sat beside them, his eyes mirroring Rayden’s fear. “You

just blinked out on us.”

She chuckled and pushed away from Rayden’s chest, sitting up on his lap. “Did you

both forget the purpose for our activities? We were trying to stimulate more than our

“Then it worked?” Hope quickly eroded the concern in Rayden’s expression. His

hand ran up and down her back. “You accessed the ancient energy?”


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“I did.” Joy inundated her heart at the simple confession. She was truly on her way.

“I just came back to let you know I’d made it. I’m supposed to return as soon as I can.”

“Shouldn’t we put you to bed or something?” Rayden motioned around them.

“This won’t be very comfortable if you’re out for an extended period of time.”

She paused and lifted her face to the sun. “I’ve been underground for so long, I may

never want to sleep in a bedroom again.”

“All right, but one or the other of us will be at your side until you return.”
“My heroes.” She kissed Rayden’s cheek and then Allen’s. “I’m pretty sure I can

make it back on my own,” she indulged in a saucy grin, “but if I get lost, will you lick
my pussy?” Rayden growled and rolled her beneath him. He kissed his way down her
squirming body. “I was kidding!” She laughed and wiggled until his lips fastened onto
her clit.

* * * * *

The next three days passed in a blur of passion and power. When Sarah wasn’t

indulging her newfound appetites with her more-than-willing consorts, she was on the
metaphysical plane with her ancestral tutors. She’d spoken with Sean twice, assuring
him everything was going as planned and she would soon be ready to slay the dragon.
And, for the first time in her life, she was starting to believe she was capable of wiping
out the ancient threat.

On the third afternoon Fane arrived along with Alice. Rayden led them to an

elegant salon just off the impressive foyer. “I’ll be in my office if you need anything,” he
told Sarah.

“Thanks.” Warmth swept through her chest as he shut the door, leaving her alone

with her visitors. Rayden had finally delivered on his promise to provide her with a
temporary wardrobe, so she was adorned in black pants and a synth-silk blouse as
opposed to the borrowed bathrobe.

“You look rather star-struck,” Fane commented with a playful smile.
“Can you blame her? This place is amazing and that man is delectable.” Alice

pulled Sarah into her arms for a quick, maternal hug. “It is so good to see you again.”
She pushed her to arm’s length, her gaze openly assessing. “And to see that your
harebrained mission failed!”

Sarah looked at Fane, her brow slightly arched. “I’m pretty sure my mission was

doomed to failure before I ever left the Underground.”

Fane waved away the charge. “I assured Alice you were doing well and that your

needs were being attended. She wouldn’t take my word for it, insisted on seeing you for

“If I’d known how well her ‘needs were being attended’, I wouldn’t have wasted

my time.” Alice stepped back from Sarah and glanced around the spacious room.


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“Well, you’re here now, so you might as well examine her. If our prodigal has no

objections, of course.”

“Rayden and Allen would both sleep easier if I had a clean bill of health.”
“Then let’s have at it.” Alice examined Sarah thoroughly with a medical scanner as

well as her gift. “She’s in perfect health,” she announced as she put away her
instruments. “In fact, she’s never been stronger.”

“Glad to hear it.” Sarah winked at Fane. “Now everyone can stop worrying about


“Somehow, I doubt that will ever happen.” Alice smoothed down her dress and

motioned toward the door. “I don’t want to put a damper on your visit. I’ll have Thom
take me back.”

“It was wonderful to see you.” Sarah intercepted the healer’s retreat long enough to

hug her again. “Tell Thom I said hi.”

“And let him know I’ll contact him when I’m ready to return,” Fane added.
“Will do to both.” Alice slipped out of the room and closed the door behind her.
Fane scooted to the edge of the tall-backed chair he’d chosen when they entered the

room. “Have you tested any of your new abilities? What have the ancestors enabled you
to do?”

She sat on the sofa, facing him, sunlight from the massive bay window warming her

skin. “I’m faster and stronger than I was before, but my primary ability is still

“You sound disappointed.”
She fidgeted beneath his perceptive stare. She’d never been able to keep anything

from him, much less get away with a lie. “It’s not what I expected. I thought I’d
instantaneously be able to do anything the ancestors were able to do.”

“It doesn’t work that way?” He didn’t sound surprised.
“No. It’s like I’ve watched instructional vids of their skills. I’ve assimilated their

knowledge and increased my aptitude, but I still need to…”

“Practice?” His smile was gentle, but challenge shone in his light green eyes.

“Nothing worth having comes without hard work. You will grow stronger with each
passing day.”

“I’m not afraid of hard work.” She crossed her legs and squared her shoulders. “I’m

just concerned that I won’t be ready before Ceddrik strikes again.”

“Have you tried to see his next move?”
The suggestion made her pause. She was a seer, not a soldier. Why had she been so

anxious to change her basic nature? Battles were often won or lost before the fighting
began. Even the spirit had predicted that Sarah would not fight the battle alone.
According to the old woman, a “tight-knit yet varied team” would be responsible for
his undoing.


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Strategy. Information. These were the foundations for any successful campaign.
“My visions have always been spontaneous, or nearly so. I can’t just close my eyes

and see into the future.”

“Are you sure?” Fane stood and ambled toward her, his gaze locked with hers.

“The energy you’ve absorbed might make it possible for you to do all sorts of things
you’ve never been able to do before.” He joined her on the sofa and took her hands
between his. All playfulness faded from his expression. “Do you still hear their
individual voices or have they integrated into your mind?”

“The spirit is reluctant to let go, but the others have become part of me.”
“That should work to your advantage. Eautu knows Ceddrik better than anyone.

Allow her to guide you as you open your mind.”

Sarah nodded and closed her eyes. The warm clasp of Fane’s hands anchored her to

reality as she freed her gift. She sensed the spirit flowing with her, scanning through
her. Then gradually the dynamic shifted and she was guiding the search. The spirit
supported her, encouraged her, but Sarah was stronger, more capable.

The present was shrouded in mist, and the past was blocked by dense shadows. She

focused on the light spreading out before her, opening her mind to new sensations and
possibilities. Events whirled and twisted, shaped and reshaped by the choices affecting
them. It was fluid, changeable and mesmerizing.

Fane’s hand squeezed gently. Don’t be distracted. Focus on the pattern of Ceddrik’s


The spirit provided the template, the familiar rhythm of the enemy. Sarah locked

the pattern into her gift and scanned the undulating events. A scene snapped into focus,
vivid and distinct.

A stark gray building was outlined against the murky horizon, with guard towers

situated at regular intervals. Light flashed on the marked path, which stretched from
the building to a departure ring. The light receded, revealing a man standing on the
walkway. Wavy blond hair surrounded a face with refined features and wide blue eyes.
This was Ceddrik? He was fine-boned and…pretty. How could this be the dreaded

Then his gaze narrowed and loathing contorted his features. He raised his chin and

energy arced from his chest, driving into Chancellor Howyn with deadly accuracy.
Howyn screamed, writhing in agony.

Sarah pulled back, needing a setting, a timeframe and location. The sun had set,

casting purple twilight over the scene. Blaster fire drew her attention back to Ceddrik.
He blocked each shot with effortless precision, deflecting the bursts back onto the

The scene faded and Sarah pulled her hands out of Fane’s, rubbing her eyes with

her fingertips. “He’s going to make a move on Howyn.”

“We already suspected as much. Could you tell when?”


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She opened her eyes and sighed. “It was dusk, but it could have been tonight or

three weeks from now. I couldn’t sense a specific date.”

“What did you see? There might be clues in the details.”
“They were outside the detention center. It felt like an ambush.”
“Has Rayden been able to find out when Howyn is scheduled to be moved?”
She shook her head, frustrated by the incomplete information. “He spoke with his

brother yesterday, but Byod hadn’t heard anything specific.”

“It might be time for another call.”
“I agree.” She led Fane down the hall and tapped on the door to Rayden’s office.

She pushed open the door when he called out but remained in the doorway. He’d
dressed casually in jeans and a pullover shirt, which did nothing to disguise his military

“Did your guests leave?” She didn’t miss the hopeful note in his voice. Was he

uncomfortable with Fane, or did he just want to be free to touch her again?

“Alice headed back but Fane’s still here.” She shifted, allowing Rayden to see the

mutant leader. “I had a vision.”

“That’s not surprising, is it?” He folded his hands on his desktop as his gaze shifted

between her and Fane. “You had visions before the energy transfer.”

“I did. Having a vision isn’t the problem. It’s what I was shown, or rather what I

wasn’t shown.” She moved into the office and sat in one of the chairs situated in front of
Rayden’s desk. “We need to know when Howyn is going to be transferred. That’s when
Ceddrik will make his move.”

“Byod insists there’s no plan to move Howyn or Bryson.” Rayden’s gaze followed

Fane as he approached the desk. “I don’t know where your spy got their information,
but my brother hasn’t been able to confirm it.”

“My spy could be misinformed, but Sarah’s visions have always been accurate.”

Rather than sit, Fane stood behind the other chair and rested his hands on the padded

Rayden returned his attention to Sarah with a subtle shrug. “What did this vision

reveal? Is there any way you could have misunderstood what you saw?”

Sarah tried not to let Rayden’s skepticism anger her. His direct exposure to

paranormal abilities was still rather new. She couldn’t expect decades of military
discipline to be overwritten in a matter of days.

“I saw a large detention center shadowed by the setting sun. Ceddrik attacked

Howyn as he was being led from the building toward a waiting transport. He killed
Howyn and then the guards in a matter of seconds.”

“Where did Ceddrik come from? Most detention centers are surrounded by

electrified buffer zones. No one can approach without setting off perimeter alarms.”
Rayden activated his computer and called up images of the most likely facilities. “Were
any of these buildings the one you saw in your vision?”


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It was a test. He knew where Howyn was being held and wanted to gauge the

accuracy of her vision. She looked at the images and easily identified the one she’d seen.
“It’s the one in the middle. And Ceddrik just flashed into view.”

Rayden inclined his head, lips bowed in a reluctant smile. “I asked Byod again this

morning about a potential transfer. He either doesn’t know or isn’t saying. We’re on our

“Ceddrik must have tapped someone who can teleport,” Fane mused. “This will

make things even more complicated.”

“How long will the nanites allow him to retain each ability?” Rayden asked.
Sarah wasn’t sure who he was asking, but she replied, “Allen would know. Where

is he?”

“He’s still in the library as far as I know.”
Fane had brought Allen a data-processing unit so he could continue his work. The

scientist had been thrilled with Fane’s thoughtfulness and made a beeline for the library
with the DPU tucked under his arm.

“Who would have the authority to order the transfer without your brother’s

knowledge?” Fane digressed, obviously uncomfortable with the unanswered questions.

“Only a chancellor and there isn’t one at the moment.”
“What about Director Krentz?” Sarah suggested.
Rayden shook his head. “He’s determined to stay out of the specifics of the

reorganization. He intends to maintain order and assure that the election is aboveboard
then he’ll leave the governing of Protaria to Protarians.”

“We have to be missing something.” Fane’s thumbs drummed on the back of the


“Well, let’s think this through.” Rayden pushed back his chair and stood, moving

out from behind his desk. “You know for a fact Howyn will be moved, and I know for a
fact it’s not a legitimate transfer.”

“He’s going to try to escape.” Sarah stood as well. She turned and rested her hip

against the desktop, angling her body so she could see both men.

“That would explain it,” Rayden agreed. “Byod has no reason to lie to me. He

wants Ceddrik stopped as much as we do.”

Fane took a moment longer to process the possibility. Finally, he nodded and

pushed to his feet. “An escape makes perfect sense and Howyn has the contacts to pull
it off.” He moved out from behind the chairs and faced Rayden. “I’ve had specters
positioned to intercept Ceddrik ever since I heard the rumor, but they won’t be able to
stop him if he can teleport.”

“Let’s go talk to our resident lab rat and see if he has any sage advice.” Rayden took

Sarah’s hand and pulled her out from behind the chairs. Fane moved out of the way
then fell in step behind them. They walked into the corridor and a chime sounded,
indicating a visitor at the front door. “Go on. I’ll see who it is.”


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“Are you sure we can trust him?” Fane asked once Rayden was out of sight.
“Rayden?” Fane nodded. “Absolutely.”
“I know you’re linked with him, but what’s the nature of your bond?”
“The link was established so I could transfer energy.” It was hard to define

something that was evolving and maturing each time they touched. They were far more
than team members, more even than lovers. Yet life mate was too final for the current
level of their commitment. “It’s not technically a mating bond. Still, I’ve seen into his
mind and shared his feelings. He won’t betray us.”

Fane accepted her assurance with a nod.
Allen looked up from his DPU as they entered the library. “Thanks for the updates,

Fane. Cassie is making remarkable progress.”

“She’s enjoying the freedom of steering her own career.” The book-lined shelves

surrounding them drew Fane’s gaze away from Allen. “Wow. I can’t remember the last
time I saw so many books.”

Allen waved away the comment. “This has nothing on your electronic library.”
“Perhaps, but this is a lot more impressive.”
“The élite have always liked to flaunt their wealth.”
She couldn’t argue with Allen’s conclusion, but it made her sad to think of Rayden

in that light. Rather than debate the habits of the élite she asked, “How long will the
Chrysalis nanites allow Ceddrik to retain an ability?”

“It depends how often he uses it.”
“Give me a best guess.”
He shrugged. “Three to five days.”
“Which will be helpful if we can figure out when he tapped the teleporter.” She

slipped into one of the empty chairs across the table from Allen.

“Or when he will tap the teleporter,” Fane countered. “We don’t know for sure that

it has already happened.”

“No, but we know it will.” The sound of muffled voices drew Sarah’s attention to

the doorway.

Rayden entered a moment later with a man perhaps ten years his senior. With wavy

dark hair and bright blue eyes, the family resemblance was obvious. “Secretary Kolter,
may I present Fane of the Mutant Underground, Sarah Wylie and Dr. Allen Lansky.”

Sarah glanced at Fane. His features were carefully masked, but the absolute absence

of emotion revealed his mistrust. Allen looked almost as uncomfortable. She moved
forward and shook Byod’s hand.

“It’s nice to meet you,” she said. “Rayden speaks highly of you.”
“I wish I could say the same.” Byod raised his brow in silent question as he looked

at Rayden. “My brother seems to have made all sorts of new friends and he hasn’t said


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a word about it to me.” He crossed to the large table where Allen sat and held out his
hand. “I attended one of your lectures several years ago.”

Allen stood and shook his hand. “You weren’t too bored, I hope.”
“Not at all. The Chrysalis Project was theoretical at that point.” Byod crossed his

arms over his chest and looked at his brother. “You have the leader of the Mutant
Underground and the driving force behind Project Chrysalis under your roof without
my knowledge. Is there some reason I shouldn’t have you arrested?”

“If we were planning some sort of coup, would I have invited you in?”
“I honestly have no idea what you’re up to. Do you know where Ceddrik is or


“We’ll come back to that.” Rayden motioned toward the empty chairs surrounding

the table, his smile unrepentant. “I knew my guests would be interested in your news,
so I figured you could fill us all in together.”

Byod loitered near Allen for a moment longer then pulled out a chair and sat. “A

date has been set for the special election and all three political parties have chosen their

He listed their names and political affiliations, but they meant nothing to Sarah.

Why had Rayden thought they would be interested in an élite election?

“Do you have a preference?” Fane asked Rayden.
“The first two are old-school élite, but Haldon Inniko is an interesting choice. He’s

young and less myopic than the other two.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Byod studied Fane for a long moment, his gaze narrowed and speculative. “An

endorsement from you would bring the mutants out in droves.”

Fane didn’t confirm or deny the conclusion. He moved closer to the table as he said,

“I’m committed to the welfare of my people. The previous administration left us no
choice but deception and seclusion. I would welcome the opportunity to work with
someone more in tune with mutant needs, but it will take more than your brother’s
word to convince me Inniko is such a man.”

“I encourage you to learn all you can about him. I, like my brother, believe he is the

best man for the job.”

Fane inclined his head, the simple gesture unbelievably regal.
“As for your earlier question,” Rayden drew their attention back to him. “We

suspect that Howyn is going to attempt an escape.”

“He is in a state-of-the-art facility, guarded continually.” Byod shook his head.

“Escape is simply not possible.”

“Even when he has commanded the guards for the past twenty years?” Rayden



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To his credit, Byod didn’t argue. “I’ll increase the guards and alert the warden, but I

really don’t think it’s necessary.”

“It might be better if you didn’t,” Fane said. “If Sarah’s vision was accurate—and

they generally are—this will be an inside job. We don’t want to let Howyn know we’re
on to him.”

“You’re going to use him as bait,” Byod mused.
“You got a problem with that?” The brittle edge in Rayden’s tone made it obvious

he wouldn’t back down.

“Not at all. Howyn deserves that and a whole lot more. Do you have any idea when

the attempt will be made?”

Rayden looked at her and smiled. “We’re still working on that particular detail.”
“Well, I won’t take up any more of your time.” Byod pushed back his chair then

paused, turning to Allen. “I know you and Howyn had your differences, but there is
definitely a place for you in my department.”

“I appreciate the offer. Unfortunately, I’m no longer interested in military

applications for my work.”

“Don’t dismiss this so lightly. ‘Military’ doesn’t necessarily mean weapons and the

Department of Defense manages more than just the military. I think we could find a
place for you that would satisfy both our needs.”

Allen’s eyes lit up, despite his hesitation. “I’ll give it some thought.”
“That was awkward,” Sarah muttered after Byod departed.
“Awkward but potentially productive,” Fane corrected.
“Time will tell.” Rayden rubbed the back of his neck. “My brother is an honorable

man with good intentions, but we’ll have to see how much sway he holds once the new
administration is in place.”

“Which brings us back to the unanswered question.” Fane turned toward her and

smiled. “You need to explore your vision, see if you can pin down a date for Howyn’s
escape attempt.”

“Is this where we come in?” Rayden asked with a rakish smile.
“It’s certainly worth a shot.” Sarah avoided Fane’s gaze. He knew exactly what

Rayden meant. She moved in sexual magic. Her embarrassment was pointless and

“Well, then I’ll leave you to it.” Fane kissed her on the cheek and whispered, “Have



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Chapter Eleven

Scarlett placed her hand on the woman’s shoulder and gave her a light shake. “Are

you okay?” Fear thundered in her heart and her gaze darted to Ceddrik who sprawled
naked on the rumpled bed.

The woman moaned and curled into a tighter ball, face partially concealed by the

fall of her hair.

“You need to wake up,” Scarlett tried again. “This could be our only chance.”
Long lashes fluttered and the woman slowly opened her eyes. “Is he…gone?” Her

voice was barely a whisper.

Scarlett shook her head and nodded toward the bed. “We have to get out of here

before he wakes up.”

The woman trembled as she pushed herself up from the floor and gathered the

scattered remnants of her clothes. Scarlett tried not to think about all the things he’d
done to her, all the ways he’d abused her. Working girls expected to endure some level
of abuse. It came with the territory. But this woman had been innocent and
unsuspecting, until Ceddrik turned on her.

Scarlett hadn’t dared to interfere. Her own position with her volatile captor was too

precarious. She offered him a continual source of energy. That was the only reason she
was still alive. She used the similar indignities in their past to make the arrangement
more bearable, but she wasn’t naive enough to think she meant anything to him. He
needed her. And when that was no longer the case, he would kill her.

She’d hoped her energy was all he needed, that she could spare others her fate. No

such luck. This stranger was the third he’d dragged back to the ramshackle apartment,
the third he’d stripped of their abilities. Scarlett wasn’t sure what he was trying to
accomplish, was pretty sure she didn’t want to know. But he was escalating. His
restlessness and cruelty were multiplying like a virulent disease.

Careful to minimize each sound, she unlocked the antique padlock and inched the

door open. It had taken her hours to find the key, hours afforded to her only because
he’d passed out after… She wouldn’t think about the events leading up to his
unconsciousness. None of that mattered now.

She motioned the stranger forward, urging her to hurry. This was their only chance

at escape. Once Ceddrik stirred it would be too late for both of them.

A terrified whimper slipped from the woman’s throat an instant before she reached

the door. Scarlett’s blood turned to ice and she jerked her head toward the bed. Fuck!
Ceddrik raised his hand, dragging the stranger backward and slamming the door in
Scarlett’s face.


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I wasn’t finished with her!
“I’m sorry.” Her whispered words did nothing to ease the terror in the other

woman’s eyes. Scarlett covered her face with her hands as the woman’s screams echoed
off the walls.

I’ll deal with you once I’ve finished with her.
Scarlett believed every word.
Unable to watch a preview of her own fate, she rushed to her corner and sank to the

floor, drawing her knees up to her chest. She pressed her hands over her ears and rested
her forehead on her knees.

Help me. She cast the cry outward, propelling it as far as her energy would carry it.

Please, gods, let somebody help.

* * * * *

Recognizing the sexual aggression in Rayden’s eyes, Allen launched into action. He

rolled Sarah’s chair back from the library table and pulled her to her feet.

She laughed while her gaze smoldered. “Are we going to do this right here?”
“Absolutely.” He turned her to face him and smiled. “The table looks nice and

sturdy and we don’t want to waste the sunshine. Let’s get you undressed.”

Her tongue peeked out to lick her lips and she glanced at the wide bank of

windows. “No one can see in?” She looked at Rayden for the answer.

“Every window in the house is tinted.” He stood back, arms crossed over his chest,

speculation tightening his lips. He obviously didn’t like having someone else take
control, but Allen wasn’t about to back down now. If he didn’t assert his position, he’d
spend the rest of his life in Rayden’s shadow.

Last night had been amazing. Rayden led them in directions Allen never would

have dared to go and they’d all shared equally in the pleasure. Still, Allen would never
be content with second place. They would operate as a team of equals or… He looked at
Sarah and his heart melted into sticky goo. Who was he kidding? He loved her so damn
much he’d adjust to whatever role she needed him to play. But he had to at least try for
some sort of balance.

“Don’t just stand there.” Rayden’s mouth curved, not quite a smirk but undeniably

provoking. “If you can’t handle this, I will.”

“I can handle it.” He turned back to Sarah and put his hands on her shoulders. She

smiled and everything within him stilled. She was lovely, precious and important. His
body ached with anticipation, more than ready to abandon itself to the pleasure waiting
in her embrace. But his analytical mind demanded more. “I am starting to wonder what
‘this’ is.”

Rayden laughed. “This is desire, carnal hunger. This supplies her with the fuel she

needs to excel in the mystic realm.”


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“Then where is this going?” Allen countered. “Are we collaborating toward a

common goal? Will this end when Ceddrik is dead?”

“Shouldn’t we achieve that goal before we worry about the future?” Rayden moved

closer, his arms loose at his sides.

“No.” Allen lowered his hands and pivoted toward Rayden. “I want to know your


Sarah laughed, the sound warm and gentle. “You sound like Sean.” She slipped her

arm around his waist and snuggled against his side. “We don’t have to define this. I’m
fine if we allow it to develop naturally.”

“But what do you consider natural for a three-way power bond?” Allen wasn’t sure

why he was being so surly, but he couldn’t calm the impulse. Her willingness to take it
slow only fueled his determination to solidify their direction.

“You’ve been inside my head, love. Didn’t you feel what you mean to me?” Her

voice caressed him, soothed his agitation. “What’s really bothering you?”

“I bet I can guess.” Rayden closed the gap between them, maneuvering him back

until his thighs hit the edge of the table. “Byod got to you. All his talk of élite politics
and future possibilities made you remember what it was like to be part of this world.
You’ve missed this life more than you care to admit, even to yourself.”

“I will not sell my soul to be part of this world! It’s not worth it.” He took a deep

breath and averted his gaze. “It can be taken away too easily.”

“Which is why you want this bond defined,” Rayden told him. “You want

assurance that this is more than a convenience. You need to know what the future

“There are no guarantees with any relationship. I know that, but I…”
Sarah stepped in front of Allen, nudging Rayden aside. “Allen, this has always been

more than a convenience for me. I was just waiting for you to feel it too. The ancestors
brought us together. They knew what I needed long before I understood.”

The anxiety slowly melted away, leaving the embers of his desire. “What about

him?” He nodded toward Rayden. “Am I stuck with that overbearing ass for the rest of
my life?”

Rayden snorted and Sarah smiled. “I’m afraid so. Without you he’s too harsh and

without him you’re too mild. I need you both.” She wrapped her arms around his neck
and gazed into his eyes. “I love you both with all my heart.”

“Wouldn’t you have to love each of us with half your heart?” Rayden teased. “We

can’t both have all of you. It’s physically impossible to give more than one hundred

She laughed and slapped at him. “Leave the math to Allen. I have other uses for


“I certainly hope math isn’t my only function,” Allen objected. “I can be quite

useful in other fields.”


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“How about on library tables?” She arched her brow and reached for the fastenings

on the shoulder seam of his shirt. “You were the one who wanted to do it in here.”

“I want to do it everywhere.” He brushed her hands aside and pulled his shirt off

over his head. “I want us to work our way through each room and try out every flat

“Today?” Rayden asked with mock surprise. “We better get busy. This is a big


Allen kicked off his shoes and shucked his pants, pausing to remove his socks

before he turned his attention back to Sarah. She was watching him, fully dressed and
fascinated. “Do you want to touch me?” Rayden enjoyed holding her down, limiting
her mobility so she stayed focused on the pleasure they bestowed on her. Allen had no
problem with the strategy, but he wanted to feel her hands on him and watch desire
consume her expression before Rayden took control—which he inevitably would.

She licked her lips and nodded. “Very much.”
“Then get naked.”
It didn’t take her long. She slipped off her flats, unbuttoned her blouse and wiggled

out of her pants. Her underwear followed her blouse to the floor and she pulled her
hair forward, partially concealing her breasts.

Rayden was behind her in a flash, gathering her hair back and exposing her body.

“He wants to look at you while you touch him. Never hide yourself from us.”

“I’m sorry, Sir. I wasn’t thinking.” Her tone was soft and respectful yet desire

blazed in her eyes.

Somewhere along the line, Rayden had stripped as well. Allen had grown used to

his brawny physique over the past few days. Sarah found just as much pleasure with
his leaner body as she did with the general. As long as she desired them equally, Allen
could keep his insecurities at bay.

She splayed her fingers against his chest, smiling as she absorbed his body heat.

“You’re so warm.” Her hands skimmed up to his shoulders then down his arms. She
entwined their fingers and pressed against him from shoulders to knees. “I love the
way you feel against me.” Rayden moved forward, molding himself against her back.
She closed her eyes and rested her head against his shoulder. “This feels even better.”

“Don’t let me distract you,” Rayden insisted. “Allen needs your touch. Let him feel

how much you want him, how incomplete we would be without him.”

Her fingers released Allen’s and retraced their path up his arms. She combed

through his hair and caressed his neck, following her hands with her heavy-lidded
gaze. Each time she found something especially pleasing, she smiled and her pupils
dilated just a bit more. She explored his back and pulled him away from the table so she
could squeeze his ass.

“Don’t tell Rayden, but you have a better butt than his,” she whispered loudly

enough for the general to overhear.


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“Does he now?” Rayden reached around both of them and palmed Allen’s ass.

Allen gasped and jerked his hips forward, grinding his cock against Sarah’s belly. “He
does not.”

Sarah laughed and Rayden grinned. His hands moved away as quickly as they’d

infringed, leaving Allen rattled yet unavoidably aware of how good Sarah felt smashed
against him. “Enough.” The word escaped with a sigh as he eased Sarah away from
him. “You’re the one who needs to lose control.”

“Finally.” Rayden scooped her up in his arms and placed her on the table. “Lie

back.” She did. “Now stretch out your arms and grab the sides.” Her arms were just
long enough to allow her fingers to curve over the table’s edge. Rayden bent her knees
and placed her feet far apart.

“You look like a pagan sacrifice.” Allen devoured her with his eyes. Her hair spread

out around her shoulders, creating a golden pool on the tabletop. Green and
resplendent with a potent combination of trust and desire, her gaze shifted between
him and Rayden.

“The sacrifice is offered willingly.” She relaxed her legs and let them fall open,

offering them full access to the soft flesh between her thighs.

“It would be a crime to ignore such an offer.” Rayden moved to the end of the table,

pulling her toward him as he bent to her sex.

Sarah held her breath as Rayden traced her slit with his tongue. His hands rested on

her thighs, holding her open even though she made no move to close her legs. His
mouth felt amazing, each lick slow and deliberate. She exhaled then gasped as his lips
closed around her clit.

Her gaze shifted to Allen and a fresh wave of tenderness bathed her senses. He

watched Rayden eat her pussy, body taut with arousal. She reached for his mind,
needing to understand what he was feeling. Did he resent Rayden or did the other
man’s pleasure add to his?

Sensing her mental touch, Allen looked at her. His gaze was passion-bright, lips

slightly parted. His cock bucked and abs flexed as his desire blazed into her mind. She
arched her back and licked her lips, offering her breasts or her mouth, anything he

He moved to the table and ran his hand down the inside of her arm, resting it on

her shoulder. Peppering kisses over her face, he avoided her mouth, denying her the
slow, deep kiss she craved.

Without thinking she raised her hand and grabbed the back of his head, meaning to

guide his mouth to hers.

“No.” He moved her hand back where it had come from and shook his head. “Your

opportunity for touching has come and gone. Relax and let us please you.”

“But it pleases me to touch you,” she objected.


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“You don’t argue with Rayden.” He cocked his eyebrow and caught her nipple

between his thumb and forefinger, squeezing until she yelped. “Do I need to be more
like the general?”

Rayden’s deep chuckle assured her he was following the conversation, even though

his mouth hadn’t stopped moving against and into her pussy.

“No touching,” she muttered. “I get it, but I love you just the way you are.”
He smiled at her assurance and bent to her breast. His lips latched on and suckled,

sending ribbons of heat streaming though her torso. He worked one nipple and then the
other while his hands explored her soft skin.

“Her scent is driving me crazy,” Allen whispered, slowly kissing his way down her

side. He pushed her leg up and ducked under her foot, pressing surprisingly close to

Rayden didn’t seem to mind. He raised her other foot to her shoulder and shifted

the angle of her leg, making more room for Allen between her thighs. Rayden pushed
his fingers into her slick passage as Allen explored her pussy with his mouth. Allen
licked around Rayden’s fingers teasing her folds before he focused on her clit.

“Go low,” Rayden directed as he moved to her side. Allen raised her hips off the

table and pushed his tongue into her cunt. Rayden swooped in from the top, curling his
tongue around her clit while Allen slid in and out of her channel.

Pleasure swirled through Sarah, gathering beneath their mouths, directed by the

synchronized stroking of their tongues. “Gods! Oh please, may I—” Her orgasm crested
so suddenly, her question was moot. She arched and shuddered, her core greedily
grasping at Allen. Rayden kept the waves going, on and on, until pleasure became
cramping tension. “Stop.” She gasped. “Please stop.” They slowed then stopped, and
she relaxed against the table, weak and shaking.

“Don’t get too relaxed, love,” Rayden cautioned. “We’re not finished with you.” He

motioned for Allen to move and returned to his place between her legs. “Allen’s going
to watch me fuck you for a while then he’s going to enjoy your velvet-soft mouth.”

“I am?”
“You said the first day that you like to watch. Are you going to deny it now?”
“Good.” Rayden lifted one of her legs to his shoulder, tilting her pelvis to give Allen

a better view. Then he positioned his cock and pushed in slowly.

Sarah felt her body open around him, spreading and stretching until she could

hardly breathe. She was empty without him, would always be empty without him. He
rocked slow and steady for a few minutes, allowing her to relax and adjust to his size.

Her gaze drifted to Allen. His hand stroked up and down his cock, matching the

pace of Rayden’s hips. His gaze was narrowed, face flushed. She didn’t need to touch
his mind to know how much he enjoyed watching Rayden fuck her.


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Rayden lifted her other leg to his shoulder and pulled her to the edge of the table.

His pace escalated rapidly. He slammed his full length into her with each forceful
stroke. The impact jostled her breasts and forced a cry from her throat.

“I can’t hear you,” he growled, and covered her clit with his thumb.
The added stimulation shattered her restraint. She cried out with each deep thrust,

lost in the pulsing heat radiating from her pussy.

Allen moved to her side and his portion of the link opened wide. Desire rolled into

her mind yet fear threaded through the blaze. She followed the direction of his stare
and smiled. Rayden’s features were contorted with need. He looked savage, feral even.

He won’t hurt me. He could never hurt me.
Bending over her, Allen kissed her mouth, his lips soft and gentle.
“Get on with it,” Rayden growled. “This feels too damn good.”
Allen chuckled. “Yes sir.”
Sarah opened her mouth and guided Allen in. His eyes closed and his hand

wandered across her breasts as she lavished attention on him with her tongue. I can’t
move like this
, she reminded. You’ll have to fuck my mouth.

Allen was in no hurry to start, but once he found a pleasing rhythm, he had no

problem with the arrangement. He held her head with one hand and teased her nipples
with the other while his hips shuttled his cock in and out.

Sarah flowed with the pleasure, absorbing each sensation with her entire body.

Rayden moved his hands to her hips and arched over her. Her legs slid farther back on
his shoulders, which rolled her hips up off the tabletop. She gasped around Allen’s
cock. Rayden’s new angle dragged his shaft across her clit with each stroke, catapulting
her toward release.

Let go, Rayden commanded. Use our pleasure to reach farther than you’ve ever gone

before. Find the bastard!

She came in explosive pulses, taking them with her. Pleasure inundated her mind

and shook her body. She absorbed the blissful energy and launched herself across the
metaphysical plane. Their cries of completion echoed through her mind as she flew,
searching and scanning, letting nothing distract her from her purpose.

Ceddrik’s energy pattern formed within her mind, familiar now yet hated. She

must find him. The urgency had never been so real. He had a power source. He could
leave the planet and slip beyond their reach. But not before he killed his tormentors. His
basic nature demanded revenge.

Help me. The plea sounded distant and muffled. Please, gods, let somebody help.
Unsure if this crisis was related to her search yet compelled to respond, Sarah

focused on the sound, trying to find the exact path the person had used into her mind.
Where are you? What’s wrong?

He’s killing her! A hysterical cry distorted the next sentence. Then she said, Oh gods,

he’ll hear me. Please hurry.


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Don’t speak, just leave your mind open and let me come to you. Without conscious

thought or rationalization, Sarah accessed the skills she’d absorbed from her ancestors.
She pinpointed the mental path leading to the victim and followed it to her physical

Easing into the terrified woman’s mind, she tried to see through her eyes. Her lids

were tightly closed. Show me.

Slowly the woman opened her eyes and shock jarred through Sarah. She felt the

scene slipping away and frantically worked to reestablish the link. She poured energy
into the connection and calming warmth into the victim’s ravaged mind. Was this
Scarlett or was… Ceddrik had another woman pinned to a dingy bed, his hand
clutching her throat while he brutally violated her. His head was thrown back in ecstasy
while she screamed and moaned.

The observer turned away and Sarah exhaled, shuddering in revulsion. Where are

you? We can help you, but I have to find you in the physical world.

I don’t know, the observer wailed. Somewhere in the black zones. A sharp, male cry

echoed through the room and dread rushed through the observer, spilling over into
Sarah’s mind. It’s too late. He’s finished.

Are you Scarlett? Please don’t give up.
Suspicion pushed back at Sarah, threatening to pinch off the link. How do you know

my name?

Ceddrik is our enemy. If you lead us to him, we will destroy him, but we can’t do it without

your help.

Scarlett folded her legs beneath her and pushed to her knees. She dared a glance at

the bed then covered her mouth with her hand as bile rose into the back of her throat.

She’s dead. He killed her.

Don’t panic. Look for anything that will give us a clue about your location.
You should be next, bitch. But luckily for you, I need your energy too badly.
The hateful

words shoved into Scarlett’s mind, rocking her back against the wall. We’re going on an
errand in just a little while. Doesn’t that sound like fun?
He strode toward her, gaze boring
into hers. If you behave while we’re gone and feed me all the energy I can handle, I might forgive
you for your stupidity.

Understanding jolted through Sarah. Ceddrik would strike tonight! I know how to

find you.

Don’t leave me! Please! I’ll figure out where we are. Don’t leave me with him!
He needs you.
Sarah infused the assurance with sincerity and calm. Don’t provoke him

and this will all be over soon.

That’s what I’m afraid of.
Scarlett’s fear followed Sarah back across the metaphysical plane. She ached to stay

and comfort the traumatized woman, but the longer she lingered the more chance there
was Ceddrik would sense their connection.


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Her consciousness flowed back into her body and she came awake with a startled

gasp. Arms surrounded her and warmth enfolded her, easing her back into reality. “It’s
tonight.” She blinked quickly, forcing her eyes to focus. “Ceddrik will make his move

“Are you sure?” Allen brushed her hair back from her face. They were in Rayden’s

bedroom, but Rayden was nowhere in sight.

“Of course I’m sure.” She looked for a clock or a window so she could judge the

time, but heavy draperies obscured her view. “What time is it?”

“It will take at least forty-five minutes to reach the detention center.” Allen

scrambled off the side of the bed and reached for her hand. “We have to leave now!”


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Chapter Twelve

Sarah clutched the arms of her chair, so anxious she could hardly sit still. “Doesn’t

this thing go any faster?”

Rayden’s brow arched and the ship lurched forward with enough acceleration to

slam her back in her seat. “Better?”

Allen chuckled and squeezed her hand. “We’re almost there.”
“Byod has a satellite fixed on the facility. It hasn’t happened yet.”
She accepted the assurance with a stiff nod, adrenaline making her jittery. She’d

sent several light, reassuring pulses to Scarlett, but reestablishing their link was too
risky. And Scarlett didn’t have the telepathic range to respond.

Rayden transmitted his clearance code to the control tower and was promptly

cleared to dock in the arrival ring.

“Are there any doors you can’t open?” Allen shook his head, obviously annoyed by

the ease with which Rayden was accommodated.

Ignoring the barb, Rayden secured the ship and released his safety straps. “Off we

go.” An armed guard was waiting to escort them to the warden. “Give us fifteen
minutes. We have something we need to do first.”

The guard looked confused but relayed the request to the warden. “Is there

anything we can assist you with?”

“Thanks for the offer but no. We’ll be right back.” Rayden took Sarah by the elbow

and steered her toward the walkway beyond the departure ring.

“Shouldn’t we warn them that there is going to be an escape attempt?” Allen

hurried after them.

“No. If they realize we’re on to them Howyn might abort and then it’s likely

Ceddrik won’t show. If he flashes in at the exact moment Howyn is led out, he has to be
monitoring Howyn somehow.”

Sarah spotted the area she’d seen in her vision. “That’s the door they’ll bring him


“Where does Ceddrik appear? We need to position ourselves behind him if we’re

going to catch him by surprise.”

“Then that rock formation is our only hope.”
“How are we going to keep him from teleporting out?” Allen asked.
“Fane and two teams of specters are waiting in the shadow dimension. They can

trap teleporters if they know exactly where to spring their trap.”

Rayden glanced down at her, his shock obvious. “When was that arranged?”


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Aubrey Ross

“While you were on the holo-com with your brother.” She grinned. “You’re not the

only one with connections.”

They crouched behind the rock formation and Sarah pressed her hand to her chest.

Her heart was pounding and her mouth was dry. But that was to be expected. She
wasn’t a soldier. She was a seer. And regardless of her desire to kick Ceddrik’s ass, she
needed to leave the hands-on fighting to those proficient in the art.

The door at the end of the footpath opened and Howyn was ushered out.
“Showtime,” Rayden whispered.
Sarah sent a pulse to Fane, signaling the telepathic countdown.
One glance at the hazy horizon proved they didn’t have long to wait. She shifted to

the side, peering around the rock formation. A flash of light deposited Ceddrik on the
path just as it had in her vision. Rayden stood, taking aim with his pulse rifle.

She touched his thigh and shook her head. He could flash before the pulse reaches him.

Let the specters set their trap. He scowled but obeyed.

Specters poured out of the shadow dimension, instantaneously surrounding

Ceddrik. His steps faltered and he sneered in exasperation. The specters extended their
arms and energy arced between them, over and around Ceddrik, forming a glistening

Ceddrik launched one frantic pulse before the strands of energy dampened his

power. The pulse flew fast and true, knocking Howyn off his feet. Sarah spared the
chancellor no more than a glance before she centered her attention on the dragon.

Clearly frustrated by the interruption, Ceddrik closed his eyes, his face paling as he

tried to teleport beyond the barrier. He could not be allowed to escape!

“Can I shoot him now?” Rayden snapped.
“Only if you have a projectile. The web absorbs energy. The harder he struggles, the

weaker he’ll become.” She kept her gaze trained on the enemy, watching closely for the
specters’ next move. Sean was among them, standing opposite Fane. Fane wasn’t
technically a specter, but he was a master at manipulating energy.

“How long will they hold him?” Allen asked.
“They’re not just holding him, they’re draining him, leeching off his power. As soon

as he loses consciousness, they’ll pack him off to the Underground.”

“Byod might have a thing or two to say about that plan.” Rayden kept his weapon

trained on the center of Ceddrik’s chest.

This was no time to debate the outcome, so she let the comment slide.
Ceddrik tossed his head and threw a barrage of pulses at the web. The containment

held, glowing brighter as the strands absorbed his energy. Then he stilled and carefully
pushed his fingers through the field, positioning each digit precisely to limit contact
with the web. Sarah followed the direction of the gesture and her heart sank, triggering
a sickening lurch in her stomach. Scarlett knelt in the grass on the far side of the path,
shaking and gasping as he ruthlessly siphoned off her energy.


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Ceddrik’s body faded and an evil smile bowed his lips.
“Increase power,” Fane shouted.
Unwilling to stand on the sidelines while the dragon slipped away, Sarah launched

herself at Scarlett. She toppled the dancer into the grass, trying to block Ceddrik’s

Ceddrik continued to feed.
Helplessness surged through Sarah for an instant then she shouldered it aside.

Acting purely on instinct, she whispered, “Show me.” Her psychic sight rolled back
reality and revealed the tether linking Ceddrik and Scarlett. She focused on the pulsing
cord and snapped the connection with her mind.

Scarlett yelped but Ceddrik went wild. He thrashed and clawed at the web. His

body solidified and his frantic attack focused on one section of the containment. He
screamed as he forced his body through and barreled toward Sarah.

Rayden’s rifle blasts were echoed by the guards’ and Ceddrik crumpled to the

ground. He shuddered, his eyes wide and disbelieving, as the life bled from his body.

When Sarah was sure Ceddrik was dead, she turned and knelt by Scarlett. “Are you

all right?”

Tears streamed down the dancer’s haggard face. “I am now. How can I ever thank


“We should be thanking you. If I hadn’t heard your cry for help, he might well have

gotten away with this.” They both shuddered and Sarah found the strength to smile.
“None of that matters now. You’re safe.”

A medic from the detention center knelt on Scarlett’s other side, so Sarah left her in

his capable hands.

Rayden and Allen were waiting for her near the rock formation. Fane and Sean had

joined them there.

“He’s really dead, isn’t he?” She shivered again, distressed by the morbid start to a


Rayden nodded, his expression grim. “Byod wants the body.”
“Not a chance,” Fane’s easygoing personality was conspicuously absent. “If anyone

retrieves the nanites it will be Cassie.”

“They need to be destroyed,” Allen insisted. “The concept never should have been

developed in the first place. The body has to be incinerated.”

“Oh look, he’s moving.” Rayden motioned the guards back and cranked up the

power of his rifle. Fane augmented each pulse and within minutes there was nothing
left but ashes, which quickly scattered on the wind.

“Are you going to catch hell for this?” Sean asked after a long pause.
“I can handle my brother. It’s your sister who gives me fits.” Rayden softened the

claim with a smile.


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“Is that what we’re calling it now?” Sarah returned his smile, feeling drained yet

exalted. They’d done it! The dragon was dead. And so was Howyn, the man responsible
for so much misery.

“The spirit must be bouncing around inside your mind, so happy she can’t contain

it. Everything she predicted came true, every single detail.” Wistfulness crept into
Rayden’s tone.

“Actually, her voice is gone. I think she finally let go.”
“Good.” Fane nodded. “She earned peace a long time ago.”
The tromping of boots drew their attention to the detention center. Guards rushed

out of the building and surrounded Howyn’s escort. Rayden chuckled. “It’s safe to say
the warden is on the com with Byod.”

“Looks as if,” Sean agreed. “So what happens now?” He turned to Sarah, his

expression inscrutable. “The mission’s over. Are you coming back to the Underground
with me, or have the élite gained a new member?”

“I’m going home with my mates,” she said firmly. “But that doesn’t make me élite.”
“It will.” Sean’s tone was tight, almost brittle. “Give it time. You’ll forget all about


“That’s ridiculous.” And she wanted it to be, but already thoughts of the

Underground filled her with dread. She wanted a life filled with happiness and
security—and sunshine warming her face. “Why do you cling so desperately to those

His smile was sad as he shook his head. “It has nothing to do with labels. Rayden

has access to a world unavailable to most mutants. I don’t begrudge you your
happiness, but you’ll never be content in the Underground again.”

“He’s right, love.” Allen slipped his arm around her waist and gave her a little

squeeze. “It’s easier to be content with nothing when you’ve never experienced the

“Why can’t mutants share in the prosperity of Protaria?” Rayden challenged. “The

main reason you went underground is being loaded into a body bag. This should be a
new beginning for all of us, not just the élite.”

“Unless the new administration is just as corrupt as Howyn,” Sean grumbled.
“So how do we prevent that from happening? Mutants were still allowed to vote

last time I checked.” Rayden crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to accept their
disparaging assessment of his world.

“Accountability,” Fane suggested. “That’s what was completely absent from

Howyn and his cronies.”

“Then do the research. If none of the nominees my brother mentioned are

acceptable to you and your people, find someone who is. Or better yet, nominate a

“Why not you?” Sean asked Fane.


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“Not a chance. I have no desire to govern this entire planet.”
“But you’re willing to become more involved?” Rayden persisted.
“I am. I think it’s time for mutants to make a stand, for us to reclaim our place in the


Sarah’s heart swelled with love and happiness. This was such a perfect ending to

the most harrowing day of her life.

Rayden held out his hand and smiled. “You have a friend among the élite. I’ll help

in any way I can.”

“You can start by making my sister the happiest woman alive.” Sean flashed a

cheeky smile.

Rayden laughed then winked at Allen. “I might need some help with such a tall


“I’m more than happy to oblige,” Allen assured them.
Happy tears blurred Sarah’s vision, but she stubbornly blinked them back. Sean

kissed her cheek then followed Fane back toward the other specters.

“This couldn’t have worked out better if I planned it.” Rayden chuckled and tucked

her hand into the bend of his elbow. “I can’t help but feel I was just along for the ride.”

“And have you enjoyed the ride?” Allen kept his arm around her waist as they

walked back to Rayden’s ship.

“It has been amazing so far.” He paused and kissed Sarah on the lips. “You know

what I like best?”

She laughed and savored the warm tingles swirling all around her. “It’s hard to

choose a ‘best’ part when the entire ride is wonderful.”

“I like the fact that it’s just begun,” Rayden clarified.
She rewarded the sentiment with a beaming smile and reached for their hands.

Entwining her fingers with theirs, she squeezed their hands and they set off together.

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About the Author

Aubrey Ross writes an eclectic assortment of erotic fiction. From power struggles

between futuristic clans to adventurous mystic guardians, her stories are filled with
passion and imagination. Some of her recent awards include an EPPIE finalist, two
Passionate Plume finalists and a CAPA nomination from the Romance Studio.

With a pampered cat curled on the corner of her desk, Aubrey dreams up

fascinating words and larger than life adventures—and wouldn’t have it any other way!

Aubrey welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her

author bio page



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Also by

Aubrey Ross

Crimson Awakening

Crimson Carousel 1: A Taste of Twilight

Crimson Carousel 2: A Taste of Midnight

Crimson Carousel 3: A Taste of Oblivion

Crimson Carousel 4: A Taste of Dawn

Crimson Prey

Crimson Thrall

Dream Warriors

Ellora’s Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy IV


Sensual Captivity 1: Shifter

Sensual Captivity 2: Seducer

Sensual Captivity 3: Sorcerer

Sensual Captivity 4: Specter

Soul Kisses

Velvet Deception

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC
on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you


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