Aubrey Ross Crimson Thrall

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

Crimson Thrall

ISBN 9781419915185
Crimson Thrall Copyright © 2008 Aubrey Ross

Edited by Mary Moran.
Photography and cover art by Les Byerley.

Electronic book Publication May 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal
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punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

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Aubrey Ross

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Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the

following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Dolce: Dolce, Domenico, Milan Italy

Ferrari: Ferrari S.P.A.

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Chapter One

Chantel Demarko hung up the phone and crossed her arms over her chest. It was all

Chad could do not to laugh. Whenever that indomitable gleam came into his sister’s

gaze, wise men ran for cover.

“She said no, I take it?” He carefully suppressed his smile. Once Chantel set her

mind on something, nothing and no one would stand in her way.

Pursing her lips, she stared across the elegant sitting room, apparently lost in

thought. “Eden referred me to a colleague. I offer her a fortune for a few weeks of her

time and she tries to pawn me off on an acquaintance. I don’t know if I should be

insulted or amused.”

Chad disguised his chuckle as a cough, but her glare told him his attempt had been

in vain.

“Don’t you dare laugh at me. You know this is important.”

Compassion eroded his amusement. Chantel had herself tied in knots over this

ridiculous gala. The Crimson Serenade was held each summer, but this was the first

time Chantel had showed any interest in attending.

“Maybe she was insulted by your offer to purchase her services.”

“I was far more tactful than that.” Her Dolce-clad foot tapped out her anxiety.

“Did you explain why you want this so badly?”

“How was I supposed to do that when she has no idea what we are? I told her I was

attending a country club gala and needed to make a good impression.”

“No wonder she turned you down. Why should she put her life on hold for a

country club gala?”

“I can’t tell her the truth? What do you suggest I do?”


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“Eden isn’t the only dance instructor in the state,” he tried to soothe her. “Hire

someone else.”

“Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn’t fall in love with her the first time you

saw her dance.”

It had been four years and the memory still haunted him. As a favor to their father,

Chad had escorted Chantel to the ballet’s premiere. He’d anticipated an evening of

formality and boredom until Eden took the stage. With fluid grace and innate

sensuality, she made his entire body ache. He had never wanted anyone as badly as

he’d wanted Eden Keller.

“She began her training when she was four years old,” he reminded Chantel,

forcing the tantalizing image to the back of his mind. “You can’t expect to move like

that in a couple of weeks.”

“I don’t expect to dance like Eden. But I can’t do this without her.” Chantel pushed

to her feet and straightened her narrow skirt. The antique carpet cushioned her restless

steps as she paced in front of him. “You’ve been back from Italy for almost a month.

How long are you going to wait?”

“Wait for what?” He averted his gaze, knowing full well what she was asking.

“I know you applied for permission to transform her and I know the Council

turned you down.”

“What does that have to do with your dance lessons?” Narrowing his gaze on her

flushed face, he braced himself for a fight. He was more indulgent of her headstrong

ways than their father, but he refused to be manipulated.

She crossed the room and joined him on the sofa. “If two years in another country

didn’t cool your attraction, I suspect nothing will.”

His father was on the Council of Ancients, so Chad hadn’t been surprised by their

refusal. He’d filed the request and left for Europe, suspecting he would need the space.

It hadn’t helped. His desire for Eden wasn’t affected by distance or time.


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“Who said I’m still attracted to her?” It was a feeble attempt at best.

“I know you, Chad. You’re avoiding her because you don’t trust yourself to abide

by the Council’s ruling. You’re miserable and you don’t need to be. Eden asks about

you all the time. The attraction is mutual. Screw the Council! If you want her, go get


“I’m not Father’s little princess. If I defy the Council, they will come after me with a

vengeance. And Father will be leading the way. A relationship with Eden would be

dangerous for both of us. I won’t risk—”

“So, don’t transform her. There are risks whenever we reveal our true nature to

humans, but you don’t need permission to create a blood bond.”

He sighed as the temptation washed over him. “We’re back to my original question.

What does all this have to do with you?”

“Humans waste so much time with their courting rituals. Convince her to accept

my offer, and I’ll give you a few days alone with her before I arrive.”

His mind rushed on ahead. He could take Eden to the lake house and… “If she

wouldn’t leave her studio for you, what makes you think she’ll cooperate with me?”

“Please.” She tilted her head and smiled into his eyes. “When you turn on the

Demarko charm, no mere mortal can resist you.”

* * * * *

“Be still my heart.” Lori pressed her hand over her chest dramatically. “Who is that

and can I have some, please?”

Eden Keller could barely hear her assistant over the music. Her advanced modern

dance class had challenged her to break free from her classical roots and choreograph a

hip-hop routine. She had yet to decide if she’d been up to the challenge or not.

Following the direction of Lori’s lustful stare, she felt a similar leap in her own

pulse. A man stood just inside the door to the studio. Dressed in an immaculate

business suit, he possessed the sculpted features found on the covers of countless


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magazines. Messy dark curls brushed against his forehead, refusing to submit to the

careful styling of his hair. A straight nose led her gaze to his full-lipped mouth and the

firm line of his jaw. She noted his slashing cheekbones then looked into his bright green


“I can’t believe she did this to me.”

“You know him?”

“Long story.” Waving away Lori’s curiosity, Eden nodded toward the class. “Will

you finish up?”

“Of course.”

Eden hurried across the parquet floor and into the waiting arms of Chad Demarko.

He hugged her tightly, his strong body pressed against her and sensations she refused

to consider skittered across her nerve endings.

“Europe agrees with you.” She stepped back and swept him from head to toe with

one last appreciative glance before focusing on his face. “How long has it been?”

“Almost two years.”

Motioning toward her office door, she said, “Let’s get away from this music.”

Chad followed her into the small room and she closed the door. The blaring

accompaniment was dampened, yet the bass beat pulsed through her body. Unless that

rhythmic throb wasn’t the bass beat. She swallowed hard and took a steadying breath.

You might not be married anymore, but he’s still Lorcan Demarko’s son. This is not going

to happen.

“Not much of a hip-hop fan?” He took in her disorganized desk and the cluttered

shelves against the far wall while she struggled for composure.

“It has a great beat, but I prefer…” Her thoughts scattered. God, he was gorgeous.

Handsome and virile and so damn sexy it should be against the law.

He stalked toward her, his gaze focused on her mouth. “I need your help.” The

statement was casual, but a wealth of emotions gleamed in those emerald green eyes.


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Awareness arced between them, hot and electric. She’d been reeling from her

husband’s death the last time she’d seen Chad. The entire Demarko family had been

wonderfully supportive during those difficult months.

Chantel insisted Eden stay at the estate after the funeral and she’d reluctantly

agreed. Late one night, Chad found her crying in the library and pulled her into his

arms. The embrace started out as a gesture of comfort but soon evolved into something

more. Their mouths found each other and the attraction that had simmered between

them ignited in a flash of consuming passion. If Lorcan hadn’t walked in on them, she

wasn’t sure how far the scene would have progressed.

She crossed her arms over her chest, knowing her nipples had gathered against the

clingy fabric of her leotard. Chad had apologized, assuring her he wouldn’t have taken

advantage of her emotional fragility—even though she’d wanted nothing more. Afraid

of the intensity of her reaction, she’d left the estate the following morning. By the time

she’d regained her equilibrium, he’d left for Europe.

That stolen kiss had no relevance. Chad was not for her.

“I know why you’re here.” She squared her shoulders and looked into his eyes. “It’s

not going to work.”

A sexy smile curved his lips and he took another step toward her. “You should

know better than challenging a Demarko.”

Cool wood pressed against her back. “I already told Chantel I wasn’t available. I

have responsibilities and—”

“Why do you presume I’m here about Chantel?”

Her heart leapt and heat cascaded through her body. “Don’t play games with me.

Chantel can’t buy me and you can’t seduce me into indulging her.”

“That’s two very different issues. I have every intention of finishing what we

started two years ago, but it has nothing to do with Chantel.”

“I don’t believe you.”


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“Will you at least hear me out?”

“If you’d called before you drove all the way down here, I could have saved you

the trip.”

“I enjoy a nice long drive, music blaring, wind in my hair.”

“Say what you came to say, but I doubt you’ll change my mind.”

He shook his head and rested his forearm against the doorframe. “Again with the

challenges.” He ran his index finger down her neck and across the gentle protrusion of

her collarbone. “Did Jonathan ever mention the Crimson Serenade?”

She tried not to dwell on the past. The six years she’d spent as Jonathan’s wife had

taught her many things about herself and allowed her to build the life she was enjoying

now. If she’d not been married to Jonathan, she never would have met Chad.

Warm fingers brushed against her cheek, drawing her back from the past. “Where’d

you go?”

“Crimson Serenade?” She resisted the urge to rub against his fingers. “I might have

heard the term in passing. What does it have to do with me?”

“Chantel made it sound like a simple gala, but it’s far more significant. It’s a

centuries-old tradition in our family. We both know how hard you’ve worked to

establish your independence. If this weren’t genuinely important, Chantel wouldn’t

have bothered you.”

“Why me?”

“She knows you and trusts you. Trust isn’t easy for Chantel.” He glanced away, his

expression distant and thoughtful.

Eden chuckled. “You’ll never convince me Chantel is helpless. Have you forgotten

I’ve actually spent time with her?”

“She needs to be able to waltz with relative grace and exude an elegance her tutors

were unable to instill. That shouldn’t be too much of a challenge for you.”

“If her tutors failed, what makes you think I can…polish away her rough edges?”


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“Chantel is a hellion, there’s no way around it. All you need to do is help her look

the part of a princess for one night.”

“That didn’t answer my question. Why do you expect me to succeed where others


“You’ll have something her tutors didn’t.”

“And that is?”

“Chantel’s cooperation. She wants this badly and she specifically requested you.”

“She didn’t request me. She tried to buy me.”

“I suspected that played a part in your refusal.” He stood close enough to touch her,

yet his free hand remained at his side. “You can’t hold that against her. Father’s

primary strategy for resolving problems is to throw money at them. She meant no


He looked amazing and smelled even better. This was so unfair. “When is the gala?

I really do have responsibilities.”

“Your next recital is five weeks after the gala and you have a competent staff to run

the studio in your absence.”

She narrowed her gaze on his face, unsure if she was impressed by his

thoroughness or annoyed by the intrusion. “Why should I be inconvenienced? Chantel

can come to the studio like any other student.”

“Chantel is not any other student and you know it.”

Eden wasn’t sure about the specifics, but Chantel had a rare medical condition that

made her deathly allergic to ultraviolet light. The malady made life extremely

complicated for the vibrant young woman.

“What exactly do you have in mind?”

“Two weeks, eight to ten hours per day, then three times a week for an additional

six weeks or until you’re confident Chantel is ready. The gala is in July so we have

almost a month to spare.”


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Eden mentally scanned her schedule for the next two weeks. Was there anything

her staff couldn’t cover?

“Isn’t that one of the benefits of being self-employed?” His potent smile returned

and his gaze caressed her face. “You play by your own rules.”

Anticipation hummed through her senses. Their stolen kiss had left her confused,

shaken and a little ashamed. She’d buried her husband a few weeks before and already

she was falling into another man’s arms. Still, the encounter had fueled countless


“I might play by my own rules,” she cleared her throat, wanting to rid her tone of

the sensual growl, “but what about you? Your father’s plans for your future have

nothing to do with a washed-up dancer.”

He shook his head, annoyance and compassion evident in his eyes. “Nothing about

you is washed-up and let me worry about my father.”

“He came and saw me after you left for Europe. Did you ever hear about that?”

His body stiffened and anger blazed within his eyes. “Did he threaten you?”

“Not in so many words. Let’s just say he made his disapproval abundantly clear.”

“I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have been subjected to one of Father’s browbeatings.”

”Excluding that one unpleasant conversation, your father has been kind and

supportive. I will not compromise my friendship with him by…indulging a fantasy.”

He pressed both hands against the door, caging her with his body. “My father has

no business interfering in my personal life. Kissing you that night was inappropriate.

You were still far too vulnerable. We’ve both had time to evaluate our feelings and,

unless you tell me you have no interest in me, I fully intend to explore this attraction.”

“Chad…” She closed her eyes and sighed.

“You gave up a promising career for Jonathan and started your own business soon

after he died. I suspect your social life hasn’t been a priority for a very long time.”


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“I’m not going to sleep with you.” She met his gaze, hoping her expression was

calm and sincere.

“Why not?” Challenge arched his brow. “Are you involved with someone?”

“It doesn’t matter. We can’t—”

Cupping her chin with one hand, he covered her mouth with his. For a long

moment they stood there, mouths touching without really kissing. She was a curiosity

to him, the lure of forbidden desire, nothing more. She couldn’t forget the insignificance

of his actions. This was not some grand romance.

His hands stroked her arms and his chest pressed her against the door. Hot, hard,

aggressive, male, he was everything she’d longed for in a lover, everything she’d

sacrificed when she’d married Jonathan. Her lips parted and she tilted her head to the

side, fitting their mouths more closely together.

Chad teased her lips with his tongue as his cock hardened against her belly. She

groaned, wanting to touch him, to caress every ridge and plane of his muscular form.

Images flashed through her mind. Chad’s handsome face flushed with desire and

Lorcan’s glower as he stood in the doorway.

She tore her mouth away and ducked under Chad’s arm. “We can’t do this.”

He turned and crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the door. “I don’t

know why you’re fighting this attraction, but I’ll let it rest for now. Will you help

Chantel? This is more important than you can imagine.”

“Does your father know you’re here? Why didn’t he arrange for a dance


“Father is overseeing the Asian expansion. He won’t return for months.”

“Does he know Chantel plans to attend this gala?”

“Chantel is old enough to decide if she wants to go to a party or not.”

“Meaning he has no idea.” She shook her head and slipped in behind her desk,

needing a barrier between Chad and her. “You must think I have a death wish. Lorcan


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is even more protective of Chantel than he is of you. Why is she doing this without his


“Oddly enough he thinks it’s an archaic ritual and she’s fascinated by the tradition.

Usually it’s parents trying to instill a sense of tradition in their children.”

“I have to think about this. I really don’t want to get in the middle of a family


“You’re making it far too complicated. Chantel needs your help and I’d love to

spend some more time with you. We’ll pay you whatever you want or you can do it out

of the goodness of your heart. I was hoping to get started tonight, but I can wait a day

or two if you need to make arrangements. When shall I return?”

“Give me your card. I’ll consider the possibilities and let you know once I’ve made

up my mind.” She didn’t trust him and she didn’t trust herself with him. If nothing else,

this would get him out of her office and allow her to think.

He fished out a business card and extended it between his first two fingers. “I’ve

already waited two years. Isn’t that long enough?”

Dropping into her desk chair, she stared at the closed door long after he left the

office. Chad could have any woman he wanted. Why was he pursuing her? The music

faded and then the muffled voices as Eden mulled over the conversation. It had been

years since she felt desirable or even attractive. Still, she didn’t understand Chad’s


A tap on the door preceded Lori’s entry by half a second. “Are you all right? I

expected you to return right after the fine young stud took off. Who is he and what’s

going on?”

With a frustrated shake of her head, Eden leaned into the back of her chair. “I don’t

know where to begin.”

“Who is he?”


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“Jonathan took on a silent partner a couple years into his grand venture. The

partner’s name was Lorcan Demarko. Compared to me Jonathan was fabulously

wealthy and powerfully connected, but I didn’t know what real wealth was until I met

Lorcan. The Demarkos have been rich longer than America has existed and the ‘fine

young stud’ is Lorcan’s only son.”

“Holy shit! He hugged you. Are you two…? What was he doing here?”

“Chad brought his sister to see me dance right before Jonathan suggested I retire. I

guess he was a little starstruck. He’s made no secret of his attraction to me.”

“How long have you known him?”

“Four years. He’d been in Europe for the past two.”

“There’s more to the story. I can see it in your eyes. Did you sneak away for a

weekend of unadulterated lust?” Lori grinned, obviously pleased by the idea.

“Nothing so dramatic. I stayed at their estate right after Jonathan died. Chad kissed

me. Nothing more. And the kiss must have been less than memorable for him. He left

for Europe a few days later.”

“Yet here he is again. He must have felt something.”

Desire curled through her, slow and evocative. Eden stubbornly suppressed the

sensation. “I wish I weren’t tempted to indulge this fascination, but I am.”

“Why wouldn’t you be? I was under the impression you’re heterosexual, and I’m

pretty sure you still have a pulse.” Lori’s expression fell. “Is he married?”

Eden shook her head. “He’s the Demarko heir. He is so far out of my league we

don’t even play the same game.”

“He didn’t ask you to marry him. There is this thing called an affair. You might

have heard of it. Two consenting adults get together and indulge their physical desire

for each other. If the fine young stud wants to do you, Eden, get a bikini wax, shave

your legs and run to the nearest lingerie boutique! What is wrong with you?”


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* * * * *

Lori’s playful challenge echoed through Eden’s mind the following evening as

Chad opened the door to his bright yellow Ferrari. The extravagance was another

reminder that she was leaving reality behind. Though their paths might cross from time

to time, she was not a part of Chad’s world.

“I’m glad you decided to do this,” he offered her a smile. “Chantel will be thrilled

to see you again.”

She tucked the flowing skirt of her light spring dress around her legs and he closed

the door. Twilight cast his face in shadow, accenting his angular cheekbones and the

intriguing flash of his eyes.

“All I’ve agreed to do is instruct Chantel,” she reminded as he slipped in behind the

wheel. His lips quirked, but he didn’t reply.

He fired up the engine and the low growl sent tingles bouncing across her nerve

endings. Relaxing against the smooth leather seat, she absorbed the vibration.

Her gaze gravitated to Chad’s sculpted profile. He maneuvered the car with

effortless ease. Would those long fingers move over her body with equal confidence?

He certainly knew how to kiss, but that didn’t guarantee he was a thoughtful lover. She

was more than curious, just being near him made her restless with longing. Why

shouldn’t they indulge these feelings? As Lori pointed out, they were consenting adults.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing in particular.” His throaty chuckle made it obvious he didn’t believe her,

so she quickly changed the subject. “When did you get back?” The scenery flew past as

the Ferrari devoured the road.

“I’ve been stateside for several weeks, but I’d just made it out to the estate a couple

of days ago.”

Nestled in the tranquil beauty of the Catskills, the Demarko estate had stunned

Eden the first time she’d seen it. Lorcan preferred the secluded setting to the bustling

congestion of Manhattan, so he conducted day-to-day business from his home office


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and used the corporate helicopter whenever a personal appearance couldn’t be avoided.

As well as the majestic stone mansion everyone called the castle, there were three

additional houses on the property. Even by New York standards the compound was


“You hardly got unpacked and your sister sent you off on an errand? That’s not

very considerate.” She’d meant it to sound playful, but frustration crept into her tone.

She didn’t want to talk about Chantel or his trip to Europe. In fact talking was the

farthest thing from her mind.

“I’m not Chantel’s errand boy. I’m interested in you, not pacifying my sister.”

She looked out the window to hide her wistful expression. He couldn’t realize how

much she’d missed him, how many nights she’d wrapped her arms around herself and

pretended he held her. It was pathetic really. She would not rely on any man for her

happiness. Like his car, Chad was an expensive indulgence. They were going to enjoy

each other for a short while then return to their respective realities. If she wasn’t mature

enough to deal with a purely physical relationship, then she better not allow this to go

any further.

“What are you thinking about?”

“I was envying your adventure.” It would be a damn long ride if they didn’t talk

about something. “I dreamed about touring Europe as a ballerina and basking in the

adoration of my fans.”

“Did Jonathan make you give up dancing or were you injured? I was never sure

why you left the stage.”

“I had a minor injury that Jonathan used to his advantage.” She waved away the

past and looked at Chad. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m a better teacher than I ever

was a dancer. I find fulfillment in my work.”

“Is work the only place you find fulfillment?”

She refused to be embarrassed by his innuendo. “I’d often imagined ‘finding

fulfillment’ in an expensive sports car. Now that I’ve actually been in one, I see it’s a


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Hollywood lie. There’s not enough room for me to put my head in your lap,” she

grinned, “even if I were so inclined.”

Without missing a beat, he worked his way over to the side of the road and parked

under an overpass. “There’s plenty of room for this.” He unfastened his seat belt and

took her face between his hands.

Her breath caught in her throat as she stared into his jewel-bright eyes. She’d been

joking—mostly—returning his verbal banter. So why was her heart pounding?

Excitement surged. What was he waiting for?

“If you want my kiss, part your lips and close your eyes.” She fumbled for the

buckle of her seat belt, but he caught her wrist. “Leave it. I want you to feel safe and


There was a meaning in his words that eluded her desire-addled brain. His face

lowered slowly. If she let him kiss her now, there would be no turning back. Their gazes

locked for an instant then his lips covered hers.

Warm and soft, the kiss coaxed and mesmerized. Her eyelids drifted shut and she

opened for him. He brushed her lower lip with his tongue, back and forth, never

venturing deeper.

Darkness had fallen. Headlights penetrated her eyelids as cars sped past. The

Ferrari naturally drew attention. Did the thought of being watched arouse him?

She touched her tongue to his, inviting him inside. Instead, he closed his lips

around her and gently sucked. Her startled cry was muffled by his mouth. He took the

kiss deeper, curling his tongue around hers as they moved from his mouth to hers and


He was doing it again, making her dizzy with just a kiss. “Touch me,” she urged,

not caring that someone might see them, only knowing she couldn’t go another night

without experiencing his caress. If she was going to have an affair, she was going to be

wicked and brazen, wild and aggressive.


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She drew her skirt up to her knees and he did the rest. One hand remained on her

face as the other explored her thighs. She wanted to touch him too, but all she could

reach was his arms and shoulders.

The seat belt restricted her movement—restrained her. A thrill danced down her

spine. She’d always wondered what it would feel like to have a lover tie her up, to fuck

her fast and hard while she was helpless to stop him. Yet stopping Chad was the last

thing she wanted. They’d waited too long. She could barely remember a time when she

hadn’t longed for him.

How far could they take this at the side of the road? There really wasn’t enough

room to… His fingers slipped under her panties and teased her folds.

“Reach over and put your seat back as far as it will go.”

With his fingers lazily petting her intimate flesh, she fumbled for the control. The

seat only semi-reclined. She groaned. “Why couldn’t you have bought a minivan?”

He laughed. “Because you’ve always wanted to find fulfillment in an expensive

sports car.”

Her nipples peaked against her dress. Noticing the distinct points, he pulled his

hand out from under her skirt. No! She wanted his fingers thrusting and stroking, not

moving away.

Following the rounded edge of her neckline, he caressed his way to the tiny buttons

marching down the front of her dress. He’d slipped three from their loops before she

thought to protest.

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

He eased his fingers inside her bra and circled her nipple. “Feels like a good idea to

me.” He didn’t undo any more buttons until she relaxed. Parting the sides of her dress,

he lowered one bra cup and bared her nipple for his mouth.

She pushed her fingers into his hair and fidgeted within the seat belt’s hold. Hot,

wet and demanding, his lips pulled with progressively harder suction. Tingles turned


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to heat and finally a hint of sting joined the stimulation. His mouth released her with a

subtle pop and she gasped, feeling his absence as distinctly as she’d felt the firm


The upper strap still slashed across her chest, but he managed to bare her other

breast. His fingers kept the first nipple hard and tingly while his mouth adored the


A car honked as it passed. She didn’t know if they were responding to the flashy

car or if they could see what he was doing. She didn’t care! His mouth felt wonderful.

She was teetering on the brink of orgasm and he’d barely touched her pussy.

As if sensing her thoughts, his hand descended along her body with obvious

purpose. “Make room for me, sweetheart.” His voice sounded hoarse and breathless.

Was he anticipating his turn or had touching her aroused him that much?

She spread her legs as well as she could. He found the leg opening in her panties

and eased his fingers beneath the lace-trimmed silk. She knew she was wet, but his

approving growl made her insides flutter.

In a frantic flurry of motion, he reached under her skirt with both hands and

dragged her panties down past her knees. She lifted her bottom, allowing the maneuver

and bringing her sex closer to him.

“Yes!” He grasped her hips and raised her until the straps bit into her chest. He

pressed his face against the juncture of her thighs, inhaling deeply. His tongue snaked

out and miraculously found her clit. After only a few teasing strokes, he lowered her

again and spread her thighs. “It’s one or the other, and I need to touch you more.” He

watched her eyes as his fingers pushed into her slick passage. “So soft.”

In and out, his fingers stroked her. She squeezed him and rocked her hips, taking

him as deep as the awkward position allowed. He brushed his thumb across her clit at

the top of each lunge, building the tension inside her.

“Can you come with your eyes open?”

“I don’t know,” she whimpered. “I’ve never tried.”


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“Try. Look into my eyes and come for me, only for me.”

Pleasure curled through her, hanging suspended for a moment, then his thumb

launched the tension skyward. She came, hard and fast, the spasms caressing his


“Don’t be afraid,” he whispered as he pushed into her mind. “I will never do

anything to hurt you.”

The velvet assurance followed her into darkness.


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Chapter Two

With a miserable groan, Chad withdrew his fingers from Eden’s silken heat and

brought them to his mouth. His fangs tingled and his eyes stung. Hunger tore through

him with demanding urgency. He’d told her not to challenge him. Lust stirred hunger,

and being hungry made vampires more sexually aggressive. He couldn’t decide which

ached worse, his cock or his fangs. Full transformation was a heartbeat away. Casting

her into sleep thrall had been the safest course. He had every intention of revealing his

true nature to her, but he had to be able to control the situation.

He released her seat belt and straightened her clothing. Lifting her feet free of her

panties, he tucked them under the seat then did up the buttons on the front of her dress.

After refastening the seat belt, he arranged her arms and positioned her head. His

fingers lingered against her soft skin and protectiveness pushed through his desire.

They hadn’t been idle words. He would never do anything to harm her.

Unfortunately it would take a lot to convince her of that fact once his features


He fired up the ignition and carefully constructed an illusion, rendering the car

invisible. As long as they didn’t hit traffic, he would be able to cut their travel time in


Two hours and twenty minutes later, Chad pulled into the garage of the lake house

and turned off the engine. Darkness enfolded him as the door closed behind them. He

paused, savoring the stillness and the faint scent that belonged to Eden alone. That

light, floral fragrance had haunted his dreams.

His father, and many others in their bloodline, had tried to convince him what he

felt was a fleeting attraction. Chantel was the only one who seemed to understand and


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he knew their parallel goals had a lot to do with her understanding. He had to find a

way to prove his father wrong and compel the Council to reconsider.

The first person he had to convince, however, was Eden.

He walked around the car and opened the passenger door. Freeing her from the

seat belt, he lifted her into his arms and made his way into the house. Desire swept

through him with staggering intensity. He had so much he needed to tell her, so much

she must understand before he joined his body with hers. The pressure in his crotch

was making it damn hard to think about anything other than fucking her. Her

enthusiastic response had whet his appetite for more significant forms of intimacy.

The master bedroom was situated at the back corner of the upper level with a raised

porch that overlooked the lake. He placed her on the bed and rubbed his hands over his

face. This wasn’t how he’d wanted to initiate his mate, but his father’s stubbornness left

him no choice.

She’d confined her rich blonde hair in a casual braid that trailed off to one side. Her

face formed a perfect oval with distinct cheekbones and a lush, bow-shaped mouth. The

sooty fringe of her long lashes rested against her creamy skin. He knew her eyes were a

fascinating shade of light brown, like imperial topaz.

Thick posts supported the corners of the bed. A length of cable looped around each

post with a fur-lined cuff attached to the adjustable end. Predatory and aggressive, most

of the vampires in his acquaintance gravitated toward intense forms of pleasure.

He secured her wrists but left her legs free. He wasn’t willing to risk hurting her

when she was overcome by the inevitable fear. Still, he didn’t want her to feel

completely helpless. He shook his head. She was helpless. All humans were. There was

nothing he could do to change that fact.

After a deep, calming breath, he dispersed the mental compulsion. She groaned and

yawned, immerging from unconsciousness by degrees. Her arms encountered

resistance and her eyes flew open wide.


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“Why am I restrained?” She tried to sit, tugging against one cable and then the

other. “What did you do to me? How did you knock me out?”

He remained beside the bed, letting the fog clear from her mind. “Would you like

some water or—”

“Unhook these cuffs right now. This isn’t funny.”

“It’s necessary.”

“The hell it is! This is called kidnapping, Chad. I could have you arrested.” Her

topaz gaze flashed and color burst across the crest of her cheeks.

Scenting the air, he made sure her anger wasn’t disguising fear. He could deal with

her temper, but he would not frighten her any more than necessary. “Listen to

everything I have to say and if you still want to go, I’ll take you home.”

She looked around the bedroom, her expression tense and suspicious. “How long

was I unconscious?”

“This will be easier if you let me explain.” He sat on the edge of the bed and her

gaze flew back to his face. “I’m presuming Jonathan never explained the exact nature of

his relationship with my father.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth gaped. “Were they lovers?”

He laughed and shook his head. “That’s not what I meant.” It might be best to dive

to the heart of the matter and work his way out. “Eden, my father is a vampire. He was

born not made, which means he’s organic. There are very few organic vampires left.”

“But I’ve seen him during the day and he casts a shadow.”

“Ever heard of sunscreen? A well-fed, mature vampire can tolerate sunlight for

short periods of time. The mirror business has always been nonsense.”

“What does that have to do with Jonathan?”

Her easy acceptance made it obvious she didn’t believe him. “Father has found it

beneficial to take select humans into his confidence. He provides for their monetary


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needs and they form a blood bond with him. This allows him to feed from and

communicate with them.”

“Jonathan allowed your father to drink his blood?” Skepticism crept into her tone.

“Jonathan wanted my father to transform him, but Father knew he wouldn’t

survive. The blood bond allowed Jonathan to live much longer than the doctors had

given him.”

“Jonathan died of a brain aneurism. Doctors can’t predict those.”

“All evidence of his brain cancer was eradicated as part of the original contract.

Jonathan knew no one would invest in a starter company if they found out the CEO had

brain cancer.”

She was quiet for a long time. She looked at him then gazed beyond while her

hands clenched and released. “This is the most bizarre come-on I’ve ever heard in my

life. I’d already decided to sleep with you. Why this elaborate setup?”

“We can’t fuck until you accept the truth.” Frustration made him blunt. She didn’t

believe him. He could see it in her eyes. They could argue all night and it wouldn’t

change a thing. He was going to have to show her. “Many vampires can control their

appearance while they have sex. My mother was human, so I sometimes lose control. I

felt my eyes burn while I was touching you, so I cast you into sleep thrall.”

“You’re a vampire too?” she scoffed. “I thought we were talking about your father.”

Annoyed by her sarcasm, he released the stranglehold on his primal nature. Fire

erupted in his eyes, the heat making him groan. Molecules rearranged, bone bending

and reshaping. His cheekbones jutted and his brows angled sharply, accenting the

savage brilliance of his eyes. With a snarl, he embraced the transformation and crawled

onto the bed.

She shrank back, frantically tugging against the chains. Her gaze was wide and

frightened. Damn it! He hadn’t wanted to show her like this. He took a deep breath and

then another. His nostrils flared, unintentionally picking up the scent of her previous



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“This can’t be… Vampires are myths.”

He parted his lips, intentionally baring his fangs. “I assure you we are real. My

mother was human. My father is an organic vampire. The older I get, and each time I

feed, I become more like my father.”

Her lips trembled and her chest heaved. “This isn’t real.”

He brushed the side of her face with the back of his fingers. “Now you know what I

am, Eden. Who I am hasn’t changed.”

She closed her eyes with a nervous laugh. “You drugged me. I’m hallucinating.”

“Denial is a common reaction. I understand how hard this must be for you.” Until

he saw acceptance in her eyes, he wouldn’t reverse the transformation. It would be

harder for her to make excuses while she stared the evidence in the face.

“Is Chantel a vampire?” Opening her eyes again, she released a shaky breath. “Is

that the true nature of her ‘medical condition’? Your entire family uses it as an excuse

for their nocturnal habits.”

“Chantel is an organic vampire, like our father. Her mother is also a vampire while

mine was human. That’s why I’m not as susceptible to the sun as she is and her… I

better stay on track or I’ll only confuse you.”

“But she ages. Chantel was in her late teens when I met her.”

“She’s organic. She was born not made. You have to stop thinking about the


“None of the superstitions are true?”

“Some are. Vampires are extremely allergic to ultraviolet light and they live

significantly longer than humans. Silver is toxic but not fatal. And full-blooded

vampires are harder than hell to kill.”

“And you feed from humans.”

“Yes.” There was no point in denying it. As long as he’d waited to fuck her, she’d

most likely find out for herself before the night was through. “We are predatory by


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nature and our primary source of sustenance is human blood. We can survive for short

periods on the blood of animals, but our physiology was designed, or evolved, to

process human blood.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“When I kissed you for the first time, I sensed a compatibility that’s extremely rare.

Few humans can survive the transformation. I believe you can.” The acrid stench of fear

blasted him full in the face.

“You want to turn me into a vampire?”

Eden stared at Chad horrified, frightened—and aroused. Hollywood wasn’t too far

off with their depiction of vampires. His features were sharper now, far more angular.

His eyes glowed with preternatural intensity, the color mixing yellow, green and gold.

He knelt beside her on the massive bed, his expression ravenous.

Chad Demarko was a vampire. Even in her mind the conclusion sounded


As the initial terror receded, she was able to focus on practical issues. She didn’t

know where they were and the restraints held her firmly. She wouldn’t have been able

to fight off a man, much less a vampire. The thought made her want to laugh. She was

staring the proof in the face and still her mind resisted the evidence. Vampires didn’t

exist. There had to be a rational explanation for all this nonsense.

His warm fingers settled against her throat and the blazing intensity faded from his

eyes. “I’m not going to force you to do anything.” Like high-budget special effects, his

features smoothly morphed back into place. His posture relaxed and the Chad of her

fantasies knelt beside her on the bed. This was less frightening but no less dangerous.

“Then why did you bring me here? Where are we?”

He nodded toward the moonlit lake visible beyond the French doors. “That’s



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“One of the Finger Lakes?” He confirmed with a nod. “Then we’re still in New


“That’s right.” He followed her pulse with his index finger then explored the

protrusion of one collarbone. “As to why you’re here, my motivation hasn’t changed. I

want to be your lover. I want to spend time with you and experience all the things I’ve

dreamed about for so long.”

“But you’ll…bite me if we have sex?”

“I can try not to, but my feelings for you are incredibly strong. I’m not sure I’ll have

a choice.”

“There is always a choice. Let me go.”

“Kissing you triggered my mating instinct. That’s different than just wanting sex.

You had just lost Jonathan and I acted like a cad.”

“So to make amends you tie me to a bed and…” He unbuttoned the first two

buttons on the front of her dress. “What are you doing?”

“I tried to stay away. You seemed happy to be independent, and I didn’t want my

nature to complicate your new life. But the connection was made. This isn’t a passing

infatuation. We are meant to be together.”

He teased the upper curve of her breasts. Eden clenched her jaw against the

temptation. Having sex with Jonathan had been an obligation. He was more interested

in having people believe he tossed her to the living room floor whenever he wanted her

than actually doing so. After his death, she’d had two brief affairs then launched her

dance studio. She’d poured her energy and creativity into her business and hadn’t

bothered with men.

Chad was virile and passionate and… He was a vampire! He didn’t want to fuck

her, he wanted to transform her.

His hand returned to her face, curving under her chin as he guided her gaze to his.

“I know you’re frightened. I can sense it, smell it. I won’t do anything to harm you.”


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“Other than drink my blood?”

“Feeding isn’t harmful unless the vampire takes too much. Most find it enjoyable.”

“I can’t.” She shuddered.

“All right. I’ll suppress my hunger, but I have to touch you.”

She tugged against the cuffs. “This makes your assurance a little hard to believe.”

“If I weren’t a vampire, would we be talking right now? You were more than

willing in the car.”

“This is supposed to be a mindless affair, a sexual vacation. You have no idea how

badly I need that. What I don’t need is…”

The gleam in his eyes turned predatory. “I know exactly what you need. We’ll take

this a step at a time.”

Her body warmed and ripened, halfway to surrender and he hadn’t even begun.

“Where is Chantel?” She was grasping at straws, desperate for a distraction.

“She’s still at the estate. I told her I’d call once things were settled between you and


That wasn’t much of a distraction. Did his entire family know he was in the process

of seducing her? “Your father doesn’t like me. What will he do if he finds out we’re


He smiled. “You’re stalling.” His fingers returned to the long row of buttons,

slipping them from their loops with alarming speed. “One step at a time. That’s the

current offer.”

“I didn’t realize this was a negotiation.”

“If you willingly submit until I make you come. After each orgasm, you get to

decide if you want more or if you’d rather be left alone.”

“You’ll leave me alone, not release me?”

“You promised me two weeks. Freedom isn’t an option for at least that long.”


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If he touched her, she wasn’t sure she could trust herself to make him stop. “I’d like

to be left alone.”

“We haven’t started yet. I’ll offer you the option after each climax.” He parted the

dress and framed her trembling body. With a deft flick of his fingers, he unfastened her

bra and separated the cups. “You are so damn beautiful.” He briefly squeezed one

breast then followed the contour of her sides, dipping in at the waist and settling

against her hips. “I got a raging hard-on the first time I saw you dance. You seemed to

float across the stage on a cloud of mist then your partner placed your ankle on his

shoulder and pulled you so close he could have been inside you. Are you still that

flexible? Can you put your ankle on my shoulder while I fill you with my cock?”

“Not while I’m chained to a bed.” Tingles trailed behind his fingers, hardening her

nipples and melting her body from the inside out. She felt light and weightless, floating

like the dancer he’d described.

He continued his descent, moving from her hips to her thighs. “Strong, yet supple,

you have the most amazing legs.” His fingers explored her skin while his thumbs

dipped between, brushing near without touching her pussy. “Relax. This won’t hurt, I


Of their own volition, her thighs parted and her knees bent. She wanted this,

needed it. Why should she resist? If he’d wanted to hurt her, he’d had ample

opportunity. He moved between her legs and pushed them even farther apart. She

trembled. The outer lips of her pussy opened, exposing her inner folds.

“Oh yes.” He traced her slit, circling her clit several times before pushing two

fingers into her passage. “I’ve dreamed of this night for so long. Have you ever

dreamed about me?”

She turned her face away. His image had featured prominently in most of her

fantasies. She’d fought the longings, uncomfortable with how easily he’d dismissed

their attraction. But he hadn’t dismissed her at all. He’d been tormented by their

unfulfilled desire.


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Holding her open from above, Chad stroked her clit with his tongue. She

whimpered and he pulled his hand back then pushed in, establishing a slow, steady


Eden tightened her inner muscles. The slide of his fingers soothed her as it aroused

her, an inexplicable combination. Resisting him was pointless when her body screamed

for more. She ached for real fullness, the sort of stretch his cock would provide. She

wanted him over her, holding her down while he thrust deep inside her.

She pressed her lips together, refusing to beg. He twisted his wrist and rubbed the

front wall of her vagina. All the while his tongue circled and flicked against her

sensitive nub. She had never been this desperate for release.

His fingers thrust deep and his lips closed around her clit, carefully sucking on the

ultrasensitive knot. Pleasure gathered within her then burst up through her. She cried

out, her cunt squeezing his fingers with each deep spasm.

Chad withdrew his fingers and raised her pussy to his mouth. If she wasn’t ready to

offer her blood, he would feast on her cream. Blood was more nutritious, but nothing

tasted as good as the passion-saturated essence of woman. He licked and sucked,

pressing his mouth around her opening as she wiggled and moaned.

Driving deep with his tongue, he absorbed her taste and savored her heat as he

strengthened their mental connection. Her languid pleasure washed over him and his

cock throbbed, protesting its neglect. It was all he could do not to thrust his full length

into her welcoming passage and bury his fangs in her breast. Her body was ready to

accept him, yet mistrust still shadowed her mind.

He lapped at her folds, his senses swimming as her scent filled his head. Holding

her open with his thumbs, he fucked her with his tongue. This was a teasing substitute

for what he really wanted, but it would have to do for now. He needed her to come

again. Ravenous hunger kept him teetering on the brink of transformation. Rubbing her


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clit with his upper lip, he continued to move his tongue in and out, soothing himself

with her taste.

“Chad, I…” She rocked against him, her movements almost as aggressive as his.

With a careful pinch, he detonated her climax. She cried out and her back bowed. A

fresh rush of cream saturated his tongue. He growled and moved his hands to her inner

thighs as he fed on her passion. Pleasure sizzled across their telepathic link as

tantalizing as the rich liquid filling his mouth.

He lowered her bottom to the bed and licked her essence from his lips. His chest

heaved and his hands trembled, but his hunger was under control.

“Can I ask a question?” Her voice sounded hesitant and unsure.

“Of course.” He rocked back on his heels and swiped his forehead with his arm.

“Do you just enjoy…doing that or were you… Was that about more than my


“We can’t live on it, but we find the fluids released during orgasm soothing.”

Before she could overanalyze the statement, he asked, “Ready for a change of scenery?”

She stretched like a lazy cat, arching her back with sensuous grace. “What did you

have in mind?”

“I’ll show you, if you promise to behave.”

“How do I know if what you’re about to show me is worth the promise.”

“Your option is to stay in restraints.”

“I’ll behave.”

He unfastened the cuffs and helped her sit. She reached for the sides of her dress

and he caught her wrist. “Not a chance. The easiest way to make sure you don’t take off

is to keep you naked.”

She arched her brow and smiled. “Is that the only reason?”

“You know it’s not. I love looking at you.”


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Slipping her arms out of the sleeves, she crawled off the bed and swept him with a

disapproving look. “Why should I parade around naked if you get to keep your


“Because you’re my prisoner.” Despite his claim, he tugged off his shirt and handed

it to her. “How about if we compromise?”

She slipped into the shirt as her gaze caressed his naked chest. “Where are we


“You’ll see.” He took her by the hand and led her from the bedroom. A short

corridor led to the main staircase. Massive windows overlooked the lake and the

picturesque surroundings.

“Even by moonlight it’s beautiful.” She paused on the bottom landing to enjoy the

view. “Have you ever forgotten to close the blinds?”

“They’re on a timer.”

She accepted the fact with an absent nod. He led her across the living room and

down another flight of stairs. The lake house had always been used for entertaining, so

it already had a dance floor and full-length mirrors along one wall. All he’d had to do

was install the railing that seemed standard equipment for dance studios.

“You did all of this for Chantel’s lessons?”

“Most of it was already here.” She stayed near the stairs as he slipped behind the

control console. Queuing a loop of familiar soft rock ballads, he activated the sound

system. “Dance for me.”

Her bright blush was adorable. “If I’d wanted to be a stripper, I wouldn’t have

married Jonathan.”

“Then dance with me.” He kicked off his shoes and led her onto the floor, pulling

her into his arms. They swayed to the music, absorbing each dynamic swell and sustain.

Their gazes locked and tenderness curled through him. He freed her hair from what


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remained of the braid and spread the soft strands across her shoulders. “Why did you

marry him? He was so wrong for you.”

“He had a certain charm, for a while.” She heaved a weary sigh and lowered her

gaze. “It wasn’t all bad.”

“It wasn’t all bad?” He shook his head, hating the thought of her with anyone else.

She deserved to be cherished, protected and adored. He would show her, if she’d give

him the chance. “I’d be mortified if I found out that was how you remembered me.”

Defensiveness hardened her expression and she looked at him again. “It’s easy to

make judgments when you’ve never gone hungry, never struggled to survive. You have

no idea what my other options were.”

“I wasn’t judging you. I’m sure you made the best decision you could at the time. I

just intend to make a more meaningful impression on your life.”

Pulling her snug against him, he covered her mouth with his. She hesitated for a

moment then melted into his embrace. Her arms wrapped around his back and her

tongue curled around his. They were both breathless when he pulled away.

“Are you ready for more?”


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Chapter Three

Eden rested her forehead against Chad’s shoulder and accepted her need. Long

lonely nights she’d stared at the ceiling wishing Jonathan were more than her ticket out

of poverty. Trophy wife, gold digger, opportunistic bitch, the labels didn’t bother her

now, but they’d made her feel cheap at the time. Jonathan had pursued her, not the

other way around. If she’d been guilty of anything, it was selling out her dream.

Chad rubbed her back, his hands warm and strong. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I

shouldn’t have brought all that up.”

She turned her head and watched their reflection, moved by the contrast between

them. “I’ve come a long way since Jonathan. Our marriage might have been a lengthy

detour, but my life is back on track. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished on my own.”

Emboldened by the words, she raised her head and met his gaze. “I’m still processing

the fact you’re a vampire and all that really means. I know I still want you, but I don’t

want you to bite me.”

“There is another way.” He sighed and licked his lips. Was he hiding his fangs?

“I’m not sure you’ll like it any better.”

“Anything is better than letting you drink my blood.”

He flashed a sexy smile with no sign of fangs. “I could change your mind.”

“I don’t want you to change my mind. What’s the other option?”

“Sexual su—rrender.”

He stumbled over the word as if he’d meant to say something else. Submission

perhaps? Was Chad a Dom? The seat belt and the restraints, was there really any

doubt? “How will ‘surrender’ prevent you from biting me?”


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“It’s all about control. The more control I have over the sexual act, the less likely I

am to be overwhelmed by my hunger. Have you ever been with a dominant lover?”

She shook her head, refusing to look away. This was Chad, her private fantasy

come to life, the guilty pleasure she’d used to warm her on all those long, lonely nights.

“Have you ever wanted to be?”

“I’ve wanted a lot of things.” She pushed her fingers through the light dusting of

hair on his chest then pressed her palm over his heart. Was his pulse racing? Did he

ache as she did? “I’ve never surrendered control to a lover, but I’m not completely

ignorant. I know submission requires trust and I hardly know you.”

“You’ve known me for years.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her

knuckles. “I could have done anything I wanted while you were cuffed to the bed.

You’re safe with me, Eden. I told you I’d never harm you and I meant it.”

“This is a little overwhelming.”

“It doesn’t need to be.” He kissed the corners of her mouth then brushed his lips

against hers. “All you have to do is trust me with your pleasure. We’ll let the rest

develop naturally.” Turning her toward the mirror, he unbuttoned the shirt then ran his

fingers up and down her body. The material separated a bit more with each pass until

she stood before him naked. “Take it off. Show me that you want me as badly as I want


His soft-spoken command sent shivers down her spine. She’d left her apartment

anticipating a sexual adventure. Still, nothing could have prepared her for this. With an

intentional shrug, she rid herself of the shirt and kicked it aside.

“Now put your foot on the rail, like you do when you’re stretching.”

Intrigued, she walked toward the mirror and lifted her foot to the wooden railing.

In an instant, he pressed against her back. Heat radiated off his body, yet he’d chosen a

position that prevented her from touching him. He cupped her breast while his other

hand explored her extended leg.


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“It’s customary for a sub to refer to her partner as Master or Sir.” Her gaze

narrowed rebelliously and he smiled. “Relax. See as well as feel.”

The tension melted from her shoulders and his chest warmed her back. His fingers

plucked at her nipple, creating a hard little bud. Unable to resist her need to touch him,

she reached back and squeezed his hip with one hand and found his neck with the

other. Music still swirled around them, the muted trumpet sultry and sad.

His hand skimmed over the curve of her bottom then between her thighs. His

fingertips were featherlight against her folds. “Watch.” Her gaze lowered and his hand

moved forward, his middle finger circling her clit.

“No more teasing,” she whispered. “I want you inside me.”

“Like this?” He pushed into her core, scissoring his fingers to increase the pressure.

“No. I want—”

“I know what you want, but we’re going to do this first.” Authority made his voice

snap, stirring an unexpected response deep inside her. He seemed to know her body

better than she knew herself. It was disconcerting yet liberating.

Eden watched his fingers disappear inside her pussy again and again. Her cream

soaked his skin, undeniable proof of the desire pulsing through her. He held her,

maneuvered her—commanded her.

All you have to do is trust me with your pleasure…

Trust a vampire? “I can’t—”

“You can. Stop resisting.”

She pushed his hand away and swung her foot to the floor. Trust had to be earned.

She wasn’t ready to surrender control to anyone. If they were going to fuck, it was

going to be interactive. She didn’t want to stand here passively and let him take her.

Before he realized what she intended, she hurried to the corner where the mirror met

the adjacent wall. Leaning against the wall, she raised her arms in invitation.

“I wasn’t done.” He stalked toward her, his expression grim and disapproving.


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“I wanted to answer your question.” She tried to soothe him with a mischievous


“What question?”

When he was barely a step away, she executed a sharp fan kick and rested her ankle

on his shoulder. “Yes, I’m still flexible.”

He growled and shivered then frantically unfastened his pants. “You’ll be punished

for your disobedience.” He shoved his pants past his hips and found her entrance with

his cock. “As soon as we finish fucking.”

Despite his gruff tone, he entered her slowly. Her folds parted and then his flared

tip spread the mouth of her pussy. Damn he was big. Wider and wider, she stretched

around him. She trembled and clutched his arms. Pressure increased and she gasped.

“Not an angle I would have chosen, but you’re in control.” He drove deeper,

penetrating her with ruthless precision. “You’re really tight. Are you sure this is how

you want it?”

Shaking her head, she released a frustrated hiss. “I’m sorry.”

His expression softened and he let her leg slide down his arm, catching the back of

her knee in the bend of his elbow. “Submission isn’t weakness. It takes courage to

surrender control.” He kissed her. His mouth was firm yet gentle, demonstrating his

words. “Wrap your arms around my neck. I’m going to lay you down.”

With a little hop, she wrapped herself around him, hooking her arms around his

neck and her free leg around his waist. He stepped out of his pants and underwear,

moving away from the wall. Each step drove his cock deeper and deeper.

Carefully placing her on her back, he frowned. “I didn’t want our first time to be on

a hardwood floor.”

“It will give you better leverage.” She smiled and he chuckled, his shaft bucked

inside her. “Oh God, keep that up and you won’t need to move.”


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He pulled her hands above her head and settled between her thighs. His gaze bore

into hers as he drew his hips back. Her inner muscles fluttered, stimulated by the

stretch as much as the slide. She raised her legs high against his sides, not wanting to

hamper his movements.

“Leave your hands right there or I’ll pull out.”

She started to speak, but his fierce gaze silenced her objection.

Grasping her hips, he adjusted the angle of their bodies. Inch by tantalizing inch, he

filled her. She balled her hands into fists, fighting the urge to grab his ass and ram him

fast and hard into her aching passage.

With only the broad head of his cock inside her, he paused and rocked back onto

his knees. He pulled her with him, resting her bottom on his thighs. “Look at us. Have

you ever seen anything so perfect?”

She glanced into the mirror, expecting to be embarrassed by the sight. Instead heat

suffused her body and she couldn’t look away. Her back arched dramatically, thrusting

her breasts upward. Slightly bent and rotated outward, her legs loosely circled his lean

hips. He held her against his pelvis, keeping his shaft buried to the hilt. She admired

every ripple and bulge of his torso on her way to his face. Their gazes locked in the

mirror and her heart missed a beat. Had she inspired that ravenous look, that fierce


Holding her steady, he pulled back and thrust deep. She cried out, surprised by the

bursts of pleasure ricocheting through her body. He turned his head and focused on his

movements. She watched the steady rocking of his hips, mesmerized by the power

evident in each firm thrust.

“Look at me.” His voice sounded strained and unsteady. She looked into his eyes

and heat enveloped her. Not the consuming flame of passion, but a gentle, patient

warmth that sank into her soul. “I will never hurt you.” He thrust hard and stayed

inside her, linking their bodies as deeply as possible. His eyes clouded then gradually



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She shuddered and tried to raise her hands off the floor, but her muscles wouldn’t

obey the frantic commands of her brain.

“Don’t be afraid.” Though still green, his gaze burned with jewel-bright intensity,

making her skin tingle. “Feel me.” He pulled nearly out before thrusting deep again.

“Know me as I really am.”

Her fear gradually ebbed as his movements remained controlled. He claimed her

without force, coaxing her response with fierce patience. She saw only longing in his

too-bright eyes. He was not human, but he was still Chad. Her Chad.

As if sensing her acceptance, he thrust faster. His features transformed in a blur.

The change was less upsetting now that she knew what to expect. His hands grasped

her hips, keeping their pelvises carefully aligned. Each stroke dragged his shaft across

her swollen clit, speeding her toward completion.

“Come for me,” he ordered, his fangs momentarily framed by his parted lips. “I

need to feel your surrender.”

Surrender control or offer her throat. She understood the conflict raging within. A

tantalizing image formed within her mind. She saw his mouth pressed against her

throat, imagined him taking from her as he gave to her, locking them in a savage

embrace. Eden arched into each stroke and clenched him tightly. Tension gathered,

tingling through her abdomen like an electrical storm.


He ground against her and the tension released in a powerful burst of pleasure. She

cried out, her core pulsing around his cock. Easing his hold enough to slip his hand

between them, he prolonged the spasms with his fingers. She whimpered and shook,

dizzy with the sizzling rush of sensations.

Only after the aftershocks receded did she realize he was still hard. “Why didn’t

you come?”

“Your pleasure will always come before mine. It’s a Master’s sworn duty.”


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She flinched at the word. “Master?”

“I can’t change what I am. Being a Dom is as much a part of me as being a


The fire faded from his gaze as he suppressed the transformation. A poignant

combination of frustration and tenderness lingered in his expression, making her heart

ache. If she feared the vampire and resented the Dom, what was she doing here?

He started to withdraw and she panicked. Was he giving up? “Wait.” He hadn’t

given her permission to move her arms, so she captured him with her legs. “I don’t

want you to leave.” The truth resonated through her being. They weren’t just hollow


He framed her face with his hands and kissed her. “You’re not getting rid of me

that easily. I’m just shifting positions.”

She still groaned as he separated their bodies. Her inner muscles throbbed,

accenting the emptiness. Before she could ask what he intended, he swept her into his

arms and carried her to the stairs. The thick carpeting was a welcome change from the

hard floor. Halfway up the staircase turned, creating a pie-shaped landing. He placed

her on her knees, facing the stairs.

“Do you trust me yet?”

A hint of challenge tinged his words and she glanced over her shoulder.

“Yes…Master,” she responded with a semi-playful tone.

He knelt behind her and pressed his body against her back, embracing her with

sudden urgency. Her arms were trapped by the hold and one of his hands cupped her

feminine mound, his touch blatantly possessive. His mouth opened against the side of

her neck and she held perfectly still, waiting for the sting of his bite and the obliteration

of her burgeoning trust. Instead his tongue stroked her skin and his teeth scraped then

his hold loosened.

“I want nothing more, but I wait for your willing surrender.” He nipped her

shoulder and she gasped. “Lean forward.”


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Shaken and relieved, she rested her forearms against the stairs and parted her

thighs. His fingers pushed into her pussy from behind, moving fast and hard. “I will

never take anything you’re not ready to give. Do you believe me?”

“Yes.” She caressed his fingers with her cunt and made more room for his hand.

“Yes, Sir?” he suggested hopefully.

Sir didn’t sound quite as intimidating as Master and relationships were based on

compromise. “Yes, Sir.”

“Are you safe with me?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said with more conviction.

His fingers moved up and circled her anus. Would he take her like that? The

thought made her restless not frightened. Still, his size would be a serious challenge.

All you have to do is trust me with your pleasure…

She absorbed the statement this time and surrendered to his skill. Over and over he

scooped cream out of her pussy and moved it to her other opening. Using a firm,

spiraling motion, he breached her sphincter and entered her ass.

“Has anyone ever touched you like this?”

All she could do was shake her head. The sensations were raw and overwhelming

as he slid in and out. She consciously relaxed, accepting the stimulation, trusting his

mastery. He used his other hand on her clit, gently tugging the sensitive nub with each

out stroke and releasing it as he pushed in. Backward from the usual cycle of arousal,

her senses resisted at first.

“I’ll have you sit on my face next time, so I can suck on your clit while I finger-fuck

your ass.”

The graphic statement, whispered in his passion-roughened voice, sent her over the

edge. She came in hard, fast spasms. Before the last shudder passed, he thrust his cock

back into her pussy. The fullness shocked and thrilled her. She tossed her head and


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cried out. His shaft thrust in while his finger pulled out then he reversed direction. The

dual stimulation kept pleasure crashing over her.

Lights danced before her eyes and she trembled. His movements sped and she

locked her elbows. He thrust both in together on the final stroke and came with a hoarse

cry. She shook right along with him, her passage milking him with greedy vigor.

He caught himself with his free hand as he collapsed against her back. His panting

stirred her damp hair. “That was…”

“Perfect,” she finished for him.

Reluctant to move, Chad kissed his way down Eden’s spine as he slowly pulled out

of her pussy. Each time they touched his being surged, demanding a blood bond—and

more. He had to consciously filter out her thoughts and feelings, further proof that she

was his mate. Once the bond was established, the link would be interactive and he

longed for the telepathic intimacy.

She descended the stairs and walked back across the studio, graceful and

unashamed. He would never tire of watching her and never feel complete without her

again. She slipped back into his shirt, depriving him of her naked beauty, at least for the


What he’d already confessed had left her reeling. How could he hope to make her

understand the rest? One step at a time. He had to be patient, give her time to adjust to

her new reality.

She tossed him his boxers and caressed him with her gaze as he pulled them on.

The scent of their fulfillment stirred his hunger for more than sex. Keeping his promise

not to bite her had been one of the hardest things he’d ever done. His instincts

demanded he claim his mate, yet his heart held him back. Without trust they had no

hope of building a future together and this was far more than a casual affair. She just

didn’t realize it yet.


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Moonlight spilled in through the massive windows on the main level of the house,

drawing her across the room like a moth to a flame. A brisk night wind disturbed the

surface of the long, narrow lake, making it shimmer in the darkness.

“Can we go outside?” She looked so innocent with hope shining in her eyes.

“Of course.” With the wind blowing it was bound to be chilly. “You do realize we

have the same view from our bedroom.”

“I want to see the stars and feel the breeze on my face.”

He grabbed the fringed blanket off the back of the couch, suspecting her enthusiasm

would be short-lived. “Lead on.”

She opened the door and stepped out onto the wide-railed deck. The breeze played

through her hair, creating a silken flurry around her face and shoulders. She laughed

and raised her face to the sky, abandoned to the moment. His chest tightened at her

beauty and obvious enjoyment of something so simple.

“I guess captivity agrees with me. I haven’t felt this good in years.” She walked to

the far side of the deck and rested her forearms on the railing.

Moving up beside her, he admired her profile as she stared out over the lake. “Then

maybe I’ll keep you. I’m sure enjoying being your captor.”

She just smiled. “When did you realize you were a vampire?” She shook her head

and shot him a sidelong glance. “That’s not a question you hear every day.”

“It’s not as unusual as you presume. At least among the people I know.”

“How many vampires are there?”

He grinned. “It’s been a while since we took a census.”

She shivered and crossed her arms over her chest. He wrapped the blanket around

his shoulders then wrapped himself around Eden, pressing her back against his chest.

Each question she asked brought her closer to accepting who and what he was. He

pressed his cheek against her hair and inhaled her scent, content just to hold her.


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She snuggled into his warmth and whispered her next question. “You said feeding

a vampire isn’t harmful unless the vampire takes too much. Have you ever…”

“I’ve never fed from an unwilling human much less harmed someone by taking

their blood. We consider murder a crime just like humans do.”

“I’m sorry. That was insulting.”

“I don’t take offense as long as you believe me. I might enjoy the hunt, but I don’t

kill to eat.”

She chuckled. “Now you sound like a vegan.”

He shifted his arms around her, bringing one arm up until his forearm pressed the

underside of her breasts. He needed the intimate contact, yet he didn’t want to distract


She returned to her original question. “Did your parents warn you what to expect

or were you born with unusual abilities.”

“Vampires and humans can seldom have children, but organic vampires have

become so rare it’s sometimes dangerous for them to mate.”

“Shrunken gene pool and all that?”

“Exactly. In the rare cases when a human and a vampire succeed in producing

offspring, the vampiric abilities generally develop during puberty.”

“Does the offspring always develop abilities?”

“Not always, but my father is on the Council of Ancients, so they watched me very



Her hair brushed against his cheek as the wind continued to play. “And rather than

leave my development to chance, my father sent a transformed vampire to seduce me.

My first sexual encounter released my abilities and she spent the next few months

teaching me everything I needed to know.”

“As a lover or a vampire?”


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“Both. I knew there was something unique about our family. I’d just presumed it

was the medical condition afflicting Chantel.”

“Did your father send a sexual mentor to her as well?”

“Not hardly. Chantel is tantamount to vampire royalty. Her mother’s bloodline is

even older than Father’s.”

“Is her mother still alive?”

“Yes. She lives in Italy with her mate.” He felt her stiffen and easily guessed the

direction of her thoughts. “Organic females are so rare they sometimes have children

with more than one male.”

“Has Chantel always lived with her father?”

“That’s tradition as well. When the organic female has a mate, any additional

offspring she produces is considered part of the father’s bloodline.”

“Do you consider yourself human or vampire?”

“That’s a good question. I’d have to say vampire.”

“Where did vampires come from? Are they indigenous to Earth?”

“You’re not the first to wonder if we’re aliens, but most of our scientists think we

evolved from an extinct predatory species right here on Earth.”

“Can you have children? Will you be expected to mate with an organic female?”

He draped her hair over her shoulder and nuzzled the side of her neck. “There is no

physical reason why I can’t father children, but my genetics are unusual.” She’d offered

him the perfect segue. He took a deep breath and went on, “Vampires have a much

stronger mating instinct than humans. When a person is compatible with us, we are

strongly attracted to them. It’s a survival mechanism.”

She fell silent for a moment, the tension in her body making it obvious she’d made

the connection. “Is that the sort of compatibility you sensed in me? Did you bring me

here to get me pregnant?”

“No. I brought you here to seduce you plain and simple.”


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Turning around, she looked up at him, her gaze wide and expectant. “Nothing is

quite as plain and simple as it was when I agreed to come with you. No more evasions.

Tell me everything.”

“If we are able to produce children after I’ve transformed you, our offspring will be

nearly as powerful as organic vampires. That’s the short answer. The long answer is I

didn’t bring you here to breed with you. I knew you were my mate the first time I

touched you, but the Council wouldn’t give me permission to transform you.”

“You need permission to transform others?”

“I wasn’t just asking permission to transform you. I wanted the option of having

children with you. The Council has detailed information on every organic vampire, but

introducing human DNA into the gene pool requires careful consideration.”

“And I’m not good enough?” She sounded hurt and angry.

“Their decision had nothing to do with you. My father is on the Council and he is

determined that I mate with an organic.” She said nothing for a long time so he went

on. “I’ve bided my time, waiting for the right opportunity to introduce you to my

world. I want you to want this, not accept it out of fear.”

“Wouldn’t your children be stronger if you mated with an organic female?”

She hadn’t shoved him away and run back into the house. That was encouraging.

“Organic vampires don’t want to dilute their bloodline, so they don’t intentionally

breed with anyone who isn’t organic unless there is no other option. My father refuses

to accept that fact even though several families have refused to consider bonding their

daughters with me.”

“That sounds rather medieval.”

“Many of these families have been around since before the dark ages.”

“If organic vampires don’t intentionally dilute their bloodline, how did you—



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He smiled, understanding her confusion. “My mother was Lorcan’s blood-bonded

mistress. I was a surprise to everyone.”

“A blood bond is what Lorcan formed with Jonathan. It’s different than


“Yes. As I said before, few humans can survive transformation. Besides, the Charter

requires a sire to mentor anyone they transform for the first hundred years.”

“That’s one hell of a training program.”

“It can take that long for all of the person’s powers to develop and it makes

vampires think carefully before they transform anyone.”

“But you said your first lover was only with you for a few months.”

“I wasn’t transformed. I was born so my family is responsible for me.”

“What happens if a vampire doesn’t abide by the Charter? It’s not like you can have

them arrested.”

“Vampire justice is a lot more direct. It has to be. Our survival depends on our

anonymity.” Her curiosity was encouraging. He’d hoped she would take an interest in

his society and the complexities of his world.

“That’s something else I don’t understand. Why do you hide your presence from


“We’re a little outnumbered.” He chuckled.

She followed the contour of his face with her index finger, her gaze fixed on his

mouth. He couldn’t read her expression and refused to read her mind. Until she

willingly offered the intimacy, he would respect her privacy.

“Are you immortal?”

“The part of our DNA that controls aging regenerates, so we don’t age once we’ve

reached physical maturity. We’re immune to disease and we heal rapidly, but we can be

killed. So that’s not technically immortal.” He placed his hands on her hips and pulled


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her flush against his lower body. “If you agree to do this, your body will transform to

its full genetic potential and remain that way for as long as you live.”

“Wait a minute. If that’s true, why does Lorcan look like your father and not your


“To protect our anonymity. He has grown old and ‘died’ countless times. Some

vampires avoid all contact with humans and others move frequently. My father and

others in his bloodline change their appearance according to the situation. Once

Chantel’s future is solidified, he’ll likely suffer a tragic accident and one of my

European cousins, who bears a striking resemblance to Lorcan, will arrive a few months


“The Crimson Serenade isn’t a country club gala, is it? It’s some sort of vampire


He nodded. “Only organics are allowed to attend. Usually it’s just a rare

opportunity for unattached vampires to mix and mingle. This year is different. The only

unmated son of the oldest bloodline in existence has agreed to attend. He’s not looking

for a date. He’s searching for his mate.”

“Sounds like Cinderella.”

“I guess it does.” He drew the hem of her shirt up until he found bare skin. “Are

you ready to go inside or shall we continue beneath the stars?”

“Continue what?” She maintained her innocent expression. “I’m feeling rather


“That’s unfortunate because I still owe you a spanking.”

“A spanking?” She laughed, not realizing he meant it literally.


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Chapter Four

Your body will transform to its full genetic potential and remain that way for as long as you

live. Chad’s words echoed through Eden’s mind as he led her back to the bedroom.

How could being young and healthy forever not appeal to her? She could wait for a

decade or two and then return to the stage…as long as none of the performances were

during the day and she could acquire a taste for human blood!

Nothing was ever as simple as it seemed on the surface. For every benefit she

would gain by accepting the transformation, there had to be a drawback. That was just

the way life worked. Chantel seemed to be a prisoner in her own life. Eden would have

to talk at length with Chad’s sister before she even…

Was she actually considering this madness? A few hours in Chad’s arms and she

was ready to bare her throat and drink his blood? She had no family to speak of, just an

aunt she’d never met. A few friends and her client base. No wonder she was lonely.

It didn’t matter. “The Council” had forbidden Chad from transforming her. No,

Lorcan Demarko had refused to let his son choose his own destiny. That left them with

a blood bond until Chad could change his father’s mind. The thought was

disheartening. She might as well hope that Chad could reroute the Mississippi River.

Lorcan had intimidated her long before she found out he was a vampire.

Chad paused with his hand on the handle to the bedroom door. “By crossing this

threshold you’re entrusting yourself into my keeping. Do you understand?”

She stiffened. He was back to the Master/Dom business. Why couldn’t he leave

well enough alone? Accepting that he was a vampire was challenging enough.

His dominant sexuality is as much a part of him as his vampirism. She’d already done

things with him she’d never imagined enjoying. He effortlessly anticipated her needs

and she couldn’t decide if it comforted or terrified her.


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“Eden, I can’t pretend.” He looked into her eyes, his soul bared before her. “I’ll give

you all the time you need. But if you’re not ready to take this to the next level, we

should do something else.”

“What’s the next level?”

“You accept punishment for your disobedience and agree to submit without

question whenever we’re alone.”

“What is my punishment?”

“Without question. Either you trust me or you don’t.”

He had no idea how hard that would be for her. Questions were what her mind did

best! “This isn’t a question, more like a clarification.”

“Go on.” She loved it when his voice growled like that. It made her feel all shivery.

“Whenever we’re alone just means in a sexual context, correct? You don’t expect me

to be a mindless slave?”

“I don’t expect you to be a mindless slave even when we’re having sex. I need you

to trust me with your pleasure. It’s all there is to it.”

“And you still agree not to bite me?”

He shook his head, clearly frustrated by her attitude. “Why are you so afraid of

letting me feed?”

“Doesn’t it…give you power over the donor?”

Rubbing his eyes with his fingertips he blew out a long, ragged sigh. “Is that what’s

bothering you?” He lowered his hand and met her gaze. “Mental compulsions are real.

Some vampires are better at them than others, but feeding has little to do with the


“Do you always feed while you’re having sex?”

“Sexual arousal makes the blood richer and more infused with energy, so vampires

often fuck while they feed.” Their gazes locked and a sexy smile parted his lips. “Many


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humans come while the vampire feeds even if sex isn’t involved. I can ensure the

experience is pleasurable for you.”

“You don’t just want to feed from me. You want to create a blood bond.”

“Creating a blood bond will protect you. It will allow us to communicate

telepathically and give me greater access to your thoughts and feelings.”

“I’m not sure I want you to have access to my thoughts and feelings. The deck is

already stacked in your favor, if you ask me.” He was about to reply when she

shuddered. “Lorcan was able to sense Jonathan’s feelings?”

Chad’s smile faded, but his gaze remained warm. “I doubt my father had any

interest in that aspect of the bond. The link has to be accessed. I won’t be able to hear

your thoughts unless you intentionally send them to me or I intentionally scan your

mind. It gives you a telepathic hotline. If you’re in danger or just lonely, I’ll be a

thought away.”

She leaned her shoulder against the wall and averted her gaze. “And the

transformation? How is that accomplished?”

He groaned. “You’re killing me, Eden. Transformation isn’t an issue tonight. I can’t

defy the Council. A mature blood bond will help me appeal their decision, but there is

plenty of time for you to weigh every minute detail. You don’t have to make up your

mind tonight.”

He was right. She was overthinking this. They had the rest of their lives to work out

the details. The rest of their lives? This was supposed to be a casual affair, two weeks of

meaningless sex.

If she ever hoped to unclutter her thinking, she had to stop lying to herself. She

wanted Chad with every fiber of her being, and her feelings for him had never been


“This is what I want.” She covered his hand with hers and opened the door. He

motioned her inside and she obeyed.


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Blood bond.

She shivered as import unfurled within her. She’d just agreed to do whatever he

said without question. Tension banded her chest and spiraled into her abdomen,

anticipation peppered with uncertainty.

“Take off the shirt.”

He was getting right down to business. That was probably best. The more she

talked, the more she speculated, and the more she speculated, the more confused she

became. Everything seemed to focus when they touched.

She pulled off the shirt and draped it over the back of the desk chair then stood

before him naked and trembling. Her gaze shot to his then settled on the carpeted floor.

His feet came into view and he cupped her chin.

“Look at me.” Raising her face, she met his luminous gaze. “I’m not trying to mold

you into something you’re not. The only rules in this bedroom are the ones we mutually

agree upon. Denying your spirit would be just as dishonest as suppressing mine. Your

self-confidence and independence are part of what appeals to me.”

His words soothed her and she smiled.

“Touch me,” he whispered. Happy to oblige, she stroked his chest and shoulders,

exploring the powerful contour of his arms. She watched his abdomen tense as her

hand descended toward his boxers. His erection tented the thin material, a testimony to

his self-control. She reached the waistband and slipped her fingertips inside. He caught

her wrist. “Not yet. We have unfinished business.”

Her gaze flew back to his and he tangled his fingers in the back of her hair. His

mouth descended, the kiss deep and thorough. She returned the kiss, clinging to his

back and rubbing her belly against the hardness he denied her.

“Kneel at the foot of the bed.”


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Why sprang to her lips, but she bit back the word. She’d agreed to obey without

question. Instead, she pushed to her tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss against his lips.

The unexpected action made him smile and she drew strength from the tenderness

gleaming in his eyes.

She knelt at the foot of the bed, silent and waiting. He opened the draw of one of

the nightstands then walked around the bed and opened the other. What was he

looking for? When he turned to face her he clasped something in each hand. He kept

both items hidden well enough that she only caught a glimpse.

“Lower your shoulders and raise your hips. Rest your head on your forearms if you


The position thrust her ass into the air, which was obviously his intention. Was he

going to introduce her to the decadent pleasures of anal sex or spank her? Which would

she enjoy more? God, it was hard to keep her questions to herself.

After a moment’s hesitation, she lowered her head and closed her eyes. Her mouth

was dry, yet anticipation hovered on the fringes of her consciousness, waiting to swoop

in and drive away her fear.

“Did you disobey me?”

She nodded.

“I require verbal replies to my questions.”

“Yes, I disobeyed.” Her traitorous body responded to the authority in his tone,

melting and ripening, preparing to accept him in any way he chose.

“Are you frightened?”

“Yes, Sir.”


“I don’t know what you’re going to do.”

“You know nothing I do will harm you, so why are you afraid?”

“I’ve never allowed anyone to control me like this.”


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“Because this is new to you, and only this one time, I will explain what I intend.”

He went down on one knee beside her and showed her a jelly toy. “Do you know what

this is?”

She swallowed hard. She’d seen images of them on the internet, even read the

tantalizing description of their use, but she’d never imagined she’d see one this closely.

“I’m pretty sure it’s a butt plug.”

“That’s right and what purpose does it serve?”

“It prepares the anal passage for penetration or it can provide fullness which makes

the vaginal channel feel even tighter.” She paraphrased the online description.

“Very good.” He rewarded her with his touch, stroking her back and brushing her

hair back from her face. “Did you enjoy it when I finger-fucked your ass? You will

answer honestly.”

“Yes…Sir. It felt naughty and exciting. None of my other lovers were very


He growled and his gaze flashed in warning. “You will never mention your past

again. I am your Master now and forever. Is that understood?”

Now and forever? She could understand why he didn’t want to talk about her past,

but their future had yet to be determined. “I understand,” she whispered despite her


“You must be prepared to accept my cock. We’ll go slowly and use different-sized

toys. When I finally take you, there will only be pleasure. Now relax if you can. This

will feel odd.”

Caressing her bottom, he squeezed her ass cheeks before pulling them apart. He

applied something cool and used the tip of the butt plug to smear it around, teasing as

he prepared her for the toy.

She closed her eyes and a startling image appeared within her mind. Bent over a

padded bench, she was held in place by leather straps, securing her arms and spreading


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her legs. Chad knelt behind her, fucking her ass with slow, steady strokes. The butt

plug circled her anus, reinforcing the fantasy.

These images had begun after he touched her in the car. She had never imagined

that being restrained would make her feel safe, but the wrist cuffs had definitely added

to the pleasure while he devoured her pussy.

She clutched the bedspread, wishing he’d bound her wrists.

“I’m not going to push inside until you relax. Why are you still so tense?”

Tell him. “Can you…” Normally she couldn’t shut up, why was this so hard to say?

It hinted at a vulnerability she wasn’t ready to admit. “Scan my mind.”

A faint tingling erupted inside her head and she released a shaky breath. Would he

just see the one image? Or would he know how deeply his dominant hunger appealed

to her. He made a low, growling sound that sent sensations dancing across her nerve


He set the toy on the bed and found the restraint connected to the bedpost. After

securing the cuff around her wrist and adjusting the tension in the cable, he kissed his

way up her arm, across her back and down the other arm. She hid her grin against the

bedspread as he fastened the other cuff.

Excitement thrummed within her. She was a vampire’s thrall, the pleasure slave of

a supernatural being. He nibbled along her spine, his hair tickling her skin as his teeth

created tiny shocks of pleasure.

Returning to her bottom, his fingers stroked and teased. He held her cheeks apart

and she tugged against the restraints, thrilled by the security of being held. She wiggled

her hips and lifted her ass as he pushed into her with the plug. Relax. She tried, but it

felt more than odd. It felt foreign and invasive and—erotic!

He rotated the toy and pushed harder. Her passage gave way and the plug slipped

into position. She gasped as her sphincter grasped the narrow notch near the handle

designed to hold the toy in place.


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Grasping the cables connected to the cuffs, she tried again to relax. The fullness

made her edgy. His fingers spun the plug, stimulating nerve endings deep inside her.

Her pussy throbbed and her nipples tingled. She’d had no idea it would feel


The urge to growl built in her throat. She wanted to toss her head and bare her

teeth. Raw, savage, the feelings were coarse and liberating. Craning her neck, she

looked over her shoulder and met his gaze. His assertiveness thrilled her, but she was

frustrated by his stoic façade. How could he remain calm and emotionless when she

wanted to scream and…bite?

Gathering her hair into a loose twist, he moved the thick mass away from her back

and traced the indentation of her spine. “Your skin fascinates me, so creamy and soft.”

She tested the strength of her bonds as the warmth of his praise washed over her.

Something cool splayed against her lower back and she looked over her shoulder. He

held a short-handled flogger, the strands trailing onto the small of her back.

“Holy shit, are you going to…” Panic surged through her, drying her mouth and

speeding her pulse.

His gaze narrowed and he teased her with the loose strands. “What do you feel?”

She took a shaky breath before her mind registered the sensation. Softness. It might

look like a whip, but the strands were soft.

“Braided velvet,” he clarified. “Trust doesn’t come easy for you, does it?”

“No, Sir.” She turned her head back around and rested her cheek on her hands. This

was Chad. He would never hurt her. She was safe with him.

“Move your legs farther apart.”

She did.

He caressed her ass with the velvet whip, the strands soft against her skin. Maybe

he wouldn’t actually— His first stroke connected with her bottom and she gasped. The


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sensation stopped well short of pain, but she hadn’t expected velvet to snap quite so

sharply. He treated the other side to a firm stroke then paused.

Placing the flogger beside her face, he pressed his hands against her ass. “Tell me

what you feel.”

Accented by the light pressure of his palms, tingles spread through her flesh.


“What else?”

“Tingles and fullness. My muscles keep squeezing the plug.”

“Are the sensations pleasant?”


He picked up the whip and moved out of her range of vision. “Close your eyes.”

She shut them and buried her face in the bedding, tense and waiting. The strands

caressed her again, dipping down the backs of her thighs. “Relax.”

She concentrated on the gentle brush of the strands. He brought them up between

her ass cheeks and across the handle of the plug. The faint vibration set off tiny sparks

of sensation. He flicked the inside of one thigh and then the other. The flogger teased

without hurting, heightening her awareness as anticipation built.

Another sharp snap against each ass cheek reignited the heat in her bottom. Her clit

throbbed and she moaned, shocked by her body’s reaction. How had he known she’d

enjoy this? She’d never so much as pinched her own nipple. He didn’t stop. Trailing the

strands along her spine, he alternated caresses with careful snaps, bringing her senses to

life as never before.

“You’re getting wet.” He traced her slit with his fingertips, proving his claim. “Tell

me what you feel.”

“I’m hot all over and restless.” She blew out a shaky breath. “I feel as if I’m

about…to come.”


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“Then come. I give you permission.” He brought the strands up between her legs,

just hard enough to make her gasp.

Beyond shame or modesty, she raised her hips and whimpered. “Please.” Again

and again he flicked her pussy with the velvet flogger. The light contact made her wild

and needy. Her inner muscles clenched, accenting the fullness in her bottom and the

emptiness in her feminine core. She needed him there, wanted him as she had never

wanted anything before.

“Do you ache?” There was an edge to his voice that she’d never heard before.


“Do you burn?”

“Oh God, yes.”

With one sharp snap he pushed her over the edge. She muffled her cry against the

bed as the force of her orgasm shook her.

The shocking pleasure had just begun to fade when he leaned down and

whispered, “I’ve ached like that since I kissed you two years ago.”

Confused by the claim, she watched him unfasten her restraints. “Why did you say

that?” He paused, carefully removed the butt plug then helped her to her feet.

Aftershocks skipped across her back and her bottom throbbed. The discomfort was

nothing compared to the sadness she sensed in him. “What did you mean?” she

persisted when he didn’t reply.

“I fuck, but I’m never satisfied. I feed, but I’m always hungry. I need my mate and I

need her soon, or I’m going to lose my mind.” The stoic mask disintegrated. His gaze

surrounded her with longing. She felt the never-ending yearning, the bone-deep ache.

“I need you, Eden. I need you now.”

Chad held out his hand and time stood still. If Eden rejected him, he wasn’t sure

what he’d do. He could soften his approach, seduce her more gradually, but pretending


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to be something he wasn’t would only complicate things in the long run. And the long

run was far longer for vampires than humans.

“You’re not being melodramatic?” She pressed her hand over the upper swell of her

breast. Was her heart pounding?

He closed the distance between them and framed her face with his hands. “If I’d

never kissed you, things might have been different, but our bond initialized in me on

that night. This is a bit more complex than a fleeting attraction.”

Her gaze grew distant and conflicted. She was thinking again, analyzing every

element of what he’d said and done. “I accepted that this was more than an affair when

I walked through that door.”

Relief and lust buffeted his composure. His savage side wanted to toss her to the

bed and fuck her senseless, but his human side knew this was too important to


Sitting on the foot of the bed, he pulled her between his legs and pressed his face

into the valley between her breasts. “Straddle my lap, sweetheart. I want to see your

face while we do this.”

She raked his hair with her fingers, gently guiding his mouth to her breast. He

parted his lips and suckled. It was out of character for him to allow a sub any control

over sex play, but this wasn’t just sex. And Eden was no ordinary sub. She was his

mate, now and forever.

While he enjoyed the soft temptation of her breasts, she tugged his boxers down

along his thighs and closed her fingers around his rock-hard cock. Watching her ass

grow rosy beneath the velvet whip had nearly robbed him of control.

“Does whipping someone always…”

He looked up into her eyes and smiled. “Punishing you excited me nearly as much

as it aroused you. Is that what you want to know?” He knew her curiosity had been

more general, but there was no space for the past in this room. Taking her by the waist,

he pulled her forward. “Enough talk.”


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With a siren’s smile she crawled onto his lap and guided his cock to her entrance.

She clutched his shoulders and he grasped her hips. They stared into each other’s eyes

as his shaft pushed deeper and deeper into her silken heat.

Enveloped by her snug passage, Chad struggled for breath. She felt so damn good

he wanted to shout. He wrapped his arms around her, pressing her firmly against his

chest. She wrapped her arms around his back and buried her face against his throat. For

a long time they clung to each other, savoring the wonder of their union. She hugged

him and he throbbed inside her. They were together, joined as they were meant to


“Let me show you,” he said softly. “I’ll give you a taste so you’ll know there’s

nothing to fear.”

He expected her to argue, to offer some resistance at least. Instead, she swept her

hair out of the way and offered her throat. The trusting gesture made his heart leap in

his chest. He hadn’t expected them to progress this far this fast, but he wasn’t about to

argue now.

Licking her neck, he savored the salty-sweet taste of her skin. Her scent filled his

nose and his heartbeat thundered in his ears. Though hunger burned his eyes and

distended his fangs, he fought back a full transformation. With gentle hands, he held

her steady and scraped his fangs against her pulse. He could sense her life force calling

to him, beckoning him with a sweeter intoxication than he’d ever tasted before.

“I’m ready,” she whispered. “I trust you.”

Humbled by the simple admission, he pricked her throat, taking just enough of her

blood to fully establish their bond. She gasped and moved her hands to his head,

pulling his mouth back to her throat.

“More. I’m not afraid.”

He cradled her head in the bend of his elbow and thrust his fangs deep. She cried

out then shivered as he began to feed. Her mind opened and she flowed into and

through him, melding in a way most humans would never understand. He relished


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every drop of her rich, warm blood, savoring the taste and the significance. Humming

with energy, he carefully withdrew and soothed the tiny wounds with his tongue.

Eden trembled in Chad’s arms. Her senses buzzed and pleasure vibrated through

her entire body. Different than an orgasm, the pleasure was undeniably sexual. A

sparkling red haze glistened before her eyes as if she were looking at his face through a

stained-glass window.

“I feel…” She couldn’t define the sensations pulsing through her. She’d never felt

anything like it.

He clutched her against his chest, pivoting to the side and laying her back across the

bed. “I have to move.” Dragging his hips back, he withdrew all but the flared head from

her clingy passage. He moaned, grasped her hips and thrust his full length back into her


She feels so damn good.

“You feel pretty damn good yourself,” she replied with a wicked smile.

“You heard my thoughts.”

She arched into his rocking motion, lifting her legs against his sides. “You didn’t

say that out loud?”

You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

She grinned, searching for the link he’d just used. You’re pretty damn beautiful

yourself. Now shut up and fuck me. We waited way too long.

With a beaming smile, he found a deep, steady rhythm. His gaze erupted with

vampiric light and she boldly met his gaze. Energy sizzled around them, flowing freely

across their telepathic link. His presence in her mind only added to the intimacy of their

physical joining.


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He moved faster, filling her more completely with each sharp thrust. She raised her

hands above her head and he immediately grasped her wrists, holding her firmly

against the bed. He bared his fangs and she arched her back, offering him her breasts.

With a soft snarl, he shifted both wrists into one hand and accepted her offer. His

tongue circled her nipple, the caress almost taunting in its lightness. She planted her

feet against the mattress and bucked, forcing him deeper than he’d ever gone before.

Ignoring her aggression, he pricked her nipple with the tip of his fang then suckled

her with long, firm pulls. Her pussy rippled in response to the sting and the pleasure he

denied her.

“Please!” She groaned, tugging against his restraining hand. His grip was firm and

his hips continued their demanding shuttle.

“Please, what?” His voice was muffled against her breast.

“Please… I want to come while you feed. I want to feel what you feel.”

Her words brought him up short. He stared into her eyes for a long moment, his

cock throbbing deep inside her. Then he pulled all the way out and slipped his arm

beneath her shoulders, raising her breasts toward his mouth.

She tangled her fingers in his hair, holding her breath as anticipation twisted

through her.

I love you, Eden. I think I’ve always loved you.

Before she could respond to his telepathic whisper, his cock slammed into her cunt

and his fangs penetrated her breast. She screamed, overwhelmed by searing pleasure

erupting around and inside her. His mouth drew and his hips thrust and reality


Scalding waves surged across their telepathic link driving them both even higher.

She surrendered completely, utterly open, body and soul. He took as he gave,

saturating her senses with delight.


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He dragged his mouth away from her breast as he thrust one final time. His

shuddering release triggered aftershocks in Eden. He collapsed against her, his arm

absorbing enough of his weight to allow her breath.

For a long time, they didn’t move. The only sound was their ragged panting. Then

he carefully rolled them to their sides, managing to remain inside her.

“Are you all right?” He brushed the hair back from her face and searched her gaze.

“Why wouldn’t I be? My mate would never do anything to harm me.”

“Good answer,” he whispered, and brought his mouth back to hers.


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Chad stood on the deck, staring out over the shimmering lake. Muted strains of a

waltz drifted in the air. Chantel arrived a couple of hours before and the women had

promptly shooed him out of the makeshift studio.

The past three days had been the best of Chad’s life. Each time he made love to

Eden their blood bond strengthened and enriched the physical act. He was amazed by

her passionate nature and humbled by her trust. She had yet to speak the words, but

her affection was revealed in her gaze and her surrender.

Perhaps a personal appeal to the Council would be more effective than a formal

petition. If he was in the room, confronting his father face-to-face, he had a slightly

better chance of… He heaved a frustrated sigh. The Demarko bloodline wasn’t the

oldest, but it was the most powerful. Lorcan ruled the Council and everyone knew it.

The hairs on the back of Chad’s neck bristled and he spun around. “Show yourself!”

A tall figure separated from the shadows and stepped into the moonlight. Dark hair

and sharply angular features, light eyes and the hint of a smile. “Antonio,” Chad

exhaled and raked his hair with his fingers. “Why are you slinking around in the


“I never slink.” Antonio joined him at the railing. Even after a century in the United

States his English held a distinct Italian accent.

“Chantel is in the middle of a dance lesson. If this is important, I can let her know

you’re here.”

“I did not come to see my niece.”

Chantel’s grandmother was Antonio’s sister, so technically she was his great-niece,

not his niece. But Chad saw no reason to quibble over details. “Then what can I do for



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With a soft chuckle, Antonio raised his face to the moon. The silvery light accented

his prominent cheekbones and the brutal slash of his eyebrows. “No, il mio amico. The

question is, what can I do for you?”

Antonio and Lorcan had been rivals longer than Chad had been alive. The offer

immediately made Chad leery. “All right. What can you do for me?”

“Your father frequently sways the thinking of the Council. I am less interested in

the petty details than most. My position is an obligation not an honor, so for the most

part I hold my tongue.”

Chad had no idea how to reply to that, so he just nodded.

“Everyone knows your father wants you to mate with an organic female and

everyone but your father knows it’s not going to happen.”

“My mate is downstairs teaching your niece how to dance. My father’s opinion

doesn’t change the fact.”

“You’ll get no argument from me.”

The gleam in Antonio’s eyes made Chad restless as hell. He was plotting

something, something that would infuriate Lorcan. Everything Antonio did was

designed to provoke Chad’s father.

“Why are you here?” Chad asserted, growing weary of the verbal dance.

“Her genetics are immaculate. There is no reason she can’t be transformed.”

Chad knew his father had manipulated the ruling, but Lorcan had told him Eden’s

genetic profile was borderline. “He lied?”

“Why does that surprise you?”

It didn’t. His father had made his ambition clear from the time Chad was old

enough to understand the concept of mating. “Will you sponsor my appeal?” he asked

in a tight, resentful voice. Accepting assistance from Antonio would drive a wedge

between Chad and his father. But Lorcan had lied!

“An appeal is pointless. If you’re serious about this, I will transform the girl.”


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Chad’s heart missed a beat as the possibilities crashed down upon him. Antonio

was not only organic, he was ancient. Eden would benefit greatly from… This ruthless,

predatory male would have Eden within his control until her transformation was


Lorcan would be furious.

“Your father needs to understand that there are other forces in the world. The

choice is yours. I just wanted to make the offer.” As abruptly as he had arrived, Antonio


Stunned and conflicted, Chad scrubbed his hands over his face. Creating a cross

bond with another ancient bloodline was strategically brilliant. Of course his father

wouldn’t see it that way.

Chad walked back into the house, his heart thudding wildly. He was financially

secure apart from his father. Besides, Lorcan’s manipulations had left him no other

choice. He wanted Eden with him, wanted to build a dynasty of his own.

Keeping his steps light, he descended the stairs only far enough so he could see the

dance floor. Eden was dressed in a leotard and a calf-length skirt that floated around

her as she moved. She smiled at Chantel and demonstrated the posture she needed his

sister to adopt.

Chantel straightened her back and raised her arms, positioning herself in front of an

imaginary partner. He smiled. Antonio’s offer would have Chantel’s full support, he

had no doubt.

Eden glanced up and their gazes locked. Longing sizzled along their telepathic link.

His? Hers? He could no longer distinguish between the two. She returned his smile then

made a shooing motion with her hand.

Unable to deprive himself of her beauty, he waited until she looked at Chantel then

cloaked himself in invisibility.


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Possibilities. Antonio’s offer gave them options. They could take their time and

make the choices together, shape their future any way they liked. He relaxed against the

wall and savored the simple pleasure of watching Eden dance.


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About the Author

Aubrey Ross writes an eclectic assortment of erotic fiction. From power struggles

between futuristic clans to adventurous mystic guardians, her stories are filled with

passion and imagination. Some of her recent awards include an EPPIE finalist, two

Passionate Plume finalists, and a CAPA nomination from the Romance Studio.

With a pampered cat curled on the corner of her desk, Aubrey dreams up

fascinating words and larger than life adventures—and wouldn’t have it any other way!

Aubrey welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at

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Also by Aubrey Ross


Soul Kisses

Velvet Deception

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publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

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