Eden Bradley Summer Solstice (pdf)

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This summer is going to be twice as hot…

The view from Leigh’s front porch was never this nice. In fact, her hunky new neighbor is sparking

all kinds of naughty ideas about how to beat the heat. Much to her delight, the feeling is mutual—as long as

they keep things light. Her divorce left her a little lonely, but far from needy.

Jared doesn’t plan to spend much time in his new place before jetting off on his next photojournalism

assignment. Leigh’s classic, California blonde looks are any man’s fantasy. A little flirting, a little playful,

neighborly car washing, and it isn’t long until their summer fling is in full swing.

Neither can imagine the sex being any hotter—until Jared’s sometime roommate and lover, Matteo,

comes to town. In the arms of two men, Leigh brings her ultimate fantasy into scorching reality.

Jared revels in the chance to command his two lovers’ every move, but when he gets the call for his

next overseas gig, he’s not so sure he’s ready for the fireworks to end. And even as Leigh gives her two

lovers the most precious gift—their freedom—she wonders how she’ll find the strength to say goodbye.

This book has been previously published.

Warning: Hot M/M/F ménage, sex in public places (sort of—read it and you’ll see!), every possible

orifice filled (some simultaneously), a big, sexy, bossy alpha, an equally hot beta and a little spanking for

good measure. Because let’s face it, who doesn’t need a little spanking now and then?

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eBooks are not transferable.

They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or

have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual

events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

Macon GA 31201

Summer Solstice

Copyright © 2010 by Eden Bradley

ISBN: 978-1-60928-153-3

Edited by Bethany Morgan

Cover by Angela Waters

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

electronic publication: August 2010


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Summer Solstice

Eden Bradley

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Thanks, as always, to my fellow Smutketeers, just for being your fabulously smutty selves. You girls

inspire me!

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Chapter One

“El Niño strikes again with the worst heat wave to hit Southern California in twenty years…”

Leigh reached over her kitchen table and shut the radio off, then stood to lift her long hair from her

neck. If only she had air conditioning. One of the reasons she’d moved to Santa Monica after her divorce

was because of the temperate weather. The mercury rarely rose above the low eighties this close to the

beach, even at the height of summer. No such luck this year.

She grabbed a dishtowel to stroke away the perspiration pooling at the base of her throat and trickling

between her breasts. Even the short cotton sundress she wore felt like too much weight on her skin.

She watched through her kitchen window as the sun began to set in a watercolor glow, orange and

pink filtering through the leaves of the date palm in her yard. Hoping the evening air might be cooler

outside than in, she took her glass of iced tea and wandered out to her small front porch.

Settling into the wicker chair, she leaned back, stretching her long legs out in front of her. Languid

with the heat, she sipped her tea and gazed around the neighborhood.

The houses on her street were a mix of the old Hollywood-style stucco bungalows that were so

common in the Los Angeles area and Craftsmen homes, both the small cottages originally built as summer

homes, like hers, and larger, two story dwellings. A dog barked somewhere in the deepening twilight, and

she heard the faint swoosh, swoosh of sprinklers, along with the easy song of crickets. Despite the intensity

of the heat, there was something she loved about summer. Maybe it was the scent, especially at this time of

day—the hot pavement of the sidewalks cooling down as everyone watered their lawns, the mixed

fragrances of the palms and colorful lantana that grew everywhere on her street. Even the heat itself seemed

to have a certain scent.

The banging of a screen door caught her attention, and she watched her new neighbor across the street

step onto his lawn. He was a large man, his height and bulk casting a long shadow in the dying light of day.

She’d noticed him before, had watched the muscles in his big forearms flex when he’d moved his

furniture in a week earlier. Built like a football player, he had broad shoulders and a narrow waist that

tapered into a pair of low-slung cargo pants. His sun-streaked brown hair was a bit too long and fell into his

eyes. She hadn’t been close enough yet to see what color they were. But the man was sexy as hell, and

she’d been waiting to catch another glimpse of him.

Leigh liked big men. She was tall herself, and a large man always made her feel more feminine. Her

ex-husband had been well over six feet.

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Don’t think about him now.

No, better to think about the basketball player she’d dated briefly in college, his long, lanky form

draped over hers on the too-small single bed in his dorm room. Sweaty afternoons there when she should

have been in calculus class. But math had never done her as much good as an afternoon of sex had.

She stroked the beads of sweat from her icy glass with an absent finger as she watched her neighbor

move across his lawn to bend down and pick up a few tools at the edge of his driveway. Like her, he’d

probably waited until the heat of day had passed before venturing outside. He was graceful for a man of his

size. It was pure pleasure simply to watch him move. Even in the dark she could see how the fabric of his

pants stretched taut over his firm backside. Nice. The sight made her want to cross the street just to touch it.

To touch him…

It had been a long time since she’d touched a man, which was probably why her thoughts were

treading down such a lustful path. She’d been divorced for over a year, and had hardly dated since she’d

caught her ex with a co-worker. The woman was everything Leigh wasn’t—petite, with a lush figure, dark

and exotic. Leigh herself had always been too tall and lean for her own taste. And apparently for his. She

stood five-foot nine and had an athletic body with small breasts. But her ex hadn’t cheated because of her

breasts. He’d cheated because he was a selfish bastard with no self-control.

He’d blamed Leigh for his infidelity. He’d claimed she lacked the passion they’d had before they

were married, that sex with her was boring. Well, it hadn’t been great for her, either, especially since they’d

married. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and the moment she’d become his wife sex had to be every

Saturday night, missionary position. And when she’d put on her sexy lingerie, he’d asked her not to wear it

anymore. It wasn’t long before she’d put aside all thoughts of asking him to explore anything kinkier with

her. Instead, she’d amassed a collection of vibrators and had a vivid fantasy life. Oh yes, the sex had been

boring for her too. But she hadn’t cheated on him.


Since the divorce she’d dated a bit, slept with two of the guys, but had quickly realized it wasn’t going

anywhere. And the sex had been disappointing.

Better to stay at home with my vibrators.

Enough of that.

She sipped her cold tea and turned her attention back to the appealing sight across the street. Her new

neighbor peeled his white T-shirt over his head, and she watched as a narrow waist gave way to a tight six-

pack. Then, as he whipped his shirt completely off, his beautifully muscled chest came into view. Leigh

allowed her gaze to rest there for a moment before letting it wander to his strong shoulders and then to his

arms. His enormous biceps flexed as he wiped his face with the shirt, again as he loaded the tools into a

wheelbarrow. His arms looked as big around as one of her thighs.

Very nice.

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The sudden flash of heat between her thighs surprised her. She shifted in her seat, trying to ease the

sharp stab of need soaking her panties. When was the last time she’d had this kind of reaction to a man?

Had she ever responded to her ex this way? She certainly hadn’t felt this kind of response with the men

she’d dated since.

Her mind wandered as she watched him work in his yard, imagining those big hands on her, slipping

over her sweat-dampened skin. The heat between her legs spread into her belly and became a dim, pulsing


Her neighbor stood and ran a hand over his stomach, making hers tighten in response. Did he have

any idea what this was doing to her? Just him working in his yard in the deepening twilight, his big, toned

body rippling with muscle. She wiped beads of perspiration from her upper lip. She could imagine running

her hand down that tight wall of abs…then lower…

It had been too long since she’d touched a man, felt that tightening of muscle beneath her searching

hands. Felt the pulse beat of need in a hard cock in her palm, between her thighs…

Her sex clenched once more.

“Oh God.” Leigh groaned quietly as she rose to escape back into the hot, stuffy house, letting the

screen door slap shut behind her. Her body was screaming for release, just from seeing a shirtless man from

a distance. A big, muscle-bound man with a line of dark hair that led from his navel to places she almost

didn’t dare to think about. But she would.

Inside, she moved through the half-dark across the wood floors, switched on the stereo to a classic

rock station and flopped onto the old velvet-covered sofa in front of the standing fan she’d kept there since

the weather had turned so hot several weeks earlier.

As the sultry tones of an old, bluesy Janice Joplin song played in the background, Leigh leaned back

into the pile of throw pillows and released the top two buttons of her sundress to catch as much of the cool

air as she could. The breeze played over her damp skin. It felt good, but did nothing to cool the lustful

thoughts she’d been having about her new neighbor. If anything, the sensation of air blowing teasingly over

her skin heightened her senses even more.

She undid another button and moved the fabric aside. Her nipples peaked as the artificial breeze

played over her flesh. Her hands drifted over her breasts, her fingertips brushing the hardened tips. She

paused to cast a glance at her open door, but the room was dark and it grew darker outside by the minute.

She felt enveloped by the darkness as much as she did by the heat, heavy on her skin.

She needed so much to be touched, and not by her own hands. Her mind went immediately to the man

across the street, to the image of his naked torso gleaming in the dying light of the setting sun.

She moved her hand lower to lift the hem of her dress, slid it up over her damp thighs. Her body went

rigid as she moved the elastic of her bikini panties aside. They were soaked.

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She sighed as her fingers brushed the narrow strip of tight curls there, pleasure sifting through her in

soft waves…and froze at the loud knock on her front door.

Leigh bolted upright, pulling her dress together to cover her breasts. She fumbled to fasten the

buttons, the fabric brushing almost painfully across her erect nipples. Trying to get her brain to function,

she stood, running a hand through her thick, blonde hair. Could whoever was there have seen her through

the screen door? She didn’t think so. The couch was at the opposite end of the room and it was mostly dark.

But still…

She took a deep breath as she approached the door, then exhaled with a sighing breath when she saw

who was standing there.

“Hallo?” His voice was deep, rumbling in that big chest, exactly as she would have expected it to

sound coming from a man of his size. And it held the delicious edge of an accent—British, she thought.

“Anybody home?”

She tried to collect herself, but the throbbing between her thighs was still so sharp she had to squeeze

her legs together to ease it.

She flipped a small lamp on as she reached the door, hoping she wouldn’t sound as breathless as she

felt. “Hi.”

“I hope you don’t mind me coming ’round uninvited, but I saw you go inside just a few minutes ago.”

“No, not at all.”

She noted with disappointment he’d put a shirt on. But it was the first chance she’d had to see him up

close. He had a handsome face, with a strong jawline and craggy brows over dark eyes. And his mouth was

frankly luscious, wide and full. A man with a mouth like that needed to be kissed…

She bit her lip.

Calm down.

“I’m Jared Townsend, by the way.”

“Oh, hi. Leigh Novack.”

She pulled the screen door open to extend her hand. His fingers wrapped around hers, and heat

shimmered over her skin, racing through her system. Reminding her of what her own hand had been doing

when he’d knocked on her door. Damn it, was her hand still damp? She pulled it back, folded her fingers in

the hem of her dress.

He smiled at her, a row of strong, white teeth she couldn’t help but imagine sinking into her flesh.

“Very nice to meet you, Leigh. I suppose you know I moved in recently. I’m still not unpacked yet

and can’t find…well, anything. I was hoping you had a bottle opener I could borrow?”

“Of course. Come on in.”

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She backed away as he moved past her, his solid wall of a body dwarfing her small living room. He

smelled faintly of freshly cut grass and just a hint of sweat. A shiver of need ran up her spine, arrowed into

her belly.

Giving herself a mental shake, she headed for the kitchen. The old, white honeycomb tile floor was

mercifully cool against her bare feet. She flipped the light on and pulled open a drawer to find her bottle

opener. She paused to take a few long breaths to clear his scent from her head before she went back into the

living room to hand it to him.

“Thanks.” He smiled again, a dimple flashing in his left cheek. “Hey, would you like a cold beer? It’s

hot as hell tonight.”

She definitely wanted something, but it wasn’t a beer. Still, it would do for now, a cold beer and a hot

man. “Sure.”

He gave a quick tilt of his head. “Come on over then. I’ve a few bottles of Guinness. Hope you like a

good stout.”

“I do, actually.”

“Ah, wonderful. Seems a lot of you Americans drink nothing but light beer. An insult to the trade.”

Leigh laughed. “Americans are known throughout the world for their bad taste, so it shouldn’t come

as a surprise.”

“Sounds like you’ve traveled a bit, then?”

“A bit. I spent some time studying in Paris and Milan.”

“Ah. I love Paris. Never been to Milan.”

They stepped outside, crossed the street, and he seemed even larger to her, somehow, walking beside

her in the shadowed light of the moon, the soft glow of streetlights. They reached his wide front porch, and

he held the screen door open for her.

His living room was a mess of open boxes on the dark, wide-planked wood floors. An enormous

couch covered in soft, brown leather held a few throw pillows in colorful, ethnic prints and a small pile of

books. Leigh spotted an ancient copy of Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe and a Stephen King thriller, and beneath

the books, a few copies of National Geographic.


She’d always thought you could tell a lot about a person knowing what they read. But she wasn’t

quite sure yet what to make of Jared. He was charming. Maybe too charming. Or maybe she was just being


It’s not like you’re going to date him, sleep with him.


She noted a few framed prints stacked against one wall and wondered what was behind the bold,

primitive abstract at the front of the pile. Track lighting illuminated the mantel and hung above the sofa,

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and the built-in shelves on either side of the fireplace held a small collection of African pottery along with

the books. He was obviously a man who liked art. Even better.

“Have a seat.” Jared moved the books onto the coffee table, which was a carved Indonesian trunk in

dark wood, then disappeared through an archway into what she assumed was the kitchen.

The leather was cool against her bare thighs, and she squirmed when it hit her still-damp panties. The

contrast against that aching heat made her all the more aware of the man whose couch she was sitting on.

He reappeared a moment later with two tall, brown bottles.

“Sorry, I haven’t found glasses yet.”

“No problem.”

Jared settled onto the couch beside her, and Leigh drew in a lungful of air to steady her racing pulse.

She sipped her ale. The cold bitterness felt good as it slid down her throat, the tangy bite of it pleasantly


“So, where did you live before moving here?” she asked him.

“All over, really. The last apartment I had was in New York. Prior to that I stayed in London for a few

years, and before that was Cape Town, in South Africa. That’s home for me. I’ve wanted to live at the

beach again ever since I left.”

“I thought your accent was English.”

“English?” His face creased in a mock scowl. “Englishmen are a different breed entirely. We South

Africans are a sturdier lot. Come from prison stock, you know.”

She laughed. “So you don’t care for the English?”

He took a swig from his bottle. “Ah, I’m teasing you. I lived among them for a time before moving

on. Nice enough folks, but England isn’t the place for me. Too cold, for one thing. Luckily, I didn’t have to

stay once I’d made up my mind to move on. I’m a photojournalist, so I go where the stories take me.”

“And the stories have taken you to L.A.?”

“It’s a good home base. I like it here. Beautiful beaches, although not as good as at home. And

beautiful women.” His dark gaze roved over her for a moment, then came to rest on her face. His voice was

a low, smoky tone that sent a shiver up her spine. “I hope you don’t mind my saying so.”

Leigh swallowed hard as his gaze connected with hers. His eyes looked almost black in the dim light

of the room, and seemed to look right through her skin, inside her somehow. She wondered briefly if he’d

caught sight of her touching herself when he’d knocked at her door. A rush of heat hit her sex, making it

clench in remembrance of the much-needed orgasm he’d interrupted.

“I don’t mind.” She tried to smile but her insides were shivering too hard for her to do more than

quirk one corner of her mouth. She lifted her bottle and took another quick slug of the Guinness.

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Eden Bradley



She was suddenly hyper-aware of everything—a car going by outside, the soft chirping of crickets,

her own breath. And mostly his dark eyes, which were still fastened on her as he took another pull on his


“I’ve been watching you,” he said quietly. “Just a quick glimpse of you now and then, leaving your

house in the morning. Sitting on your porch in the evening. I noticed you right away. I hope you don’t mind

that, either.”

“I, uh…” She tucked a stray lock of her long hair behind her ear.

“I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I’m not some crazy stalker, I promise. I simply appreciate

a beautiful woman.”

Leigh looked into her lap. “Well, thank you.”

She was surprised to feel his fingertips tilting her chin up. “You are, you know. All that blonde hair

and those long, tanned legs. A real California girl. Just like the songs.” He grinned, a wicked glint in his

eyes, and Leigh couldn’t help but smile back even as her insides melted at his touch.

He pulled his hand away. “So, what is it you do, Leigh Novack? Isn’t that what all Americans ask

each other when they meet?”

The way his mood shifted from sensual to wicked to pure humor and back again made her head spin.

She covered her confusion with a small laugh. “I’m an interior designer. I just quit my job, actually, to start

my own business. It’s a few months down the road, still.”

“Ah, hence the study in Europe. And an artist, like me. I knew we’d have something in common.”

“Did you?”

“I hoped.”

He leaned toward her, just a few inches, yet making everything seem more intimate. She caught the

scent of his body so close to hers, sweat and grass and pheromones released in the sultry heat. She

struggled against the singing of her blood, the sensation of her mind emptying as desire took over. Another

long sip of ale cooled her throat, but did nothing to ease the lust raging through her system.

Maybe she’d better leave before she did something foolish. Not that casual sex was an issue for her.

She loved men, loved sex and saw no harm in two adults sharing an evening of sensual pleasure. But he

was her neighbor, and she should think before getting involved with him. Despite this insane attraction to

him. Or maybe because of it.

She set her bottle down on the coffee table and stood. “I’d better go. I should get an early start in the


He rose, towering over her. “Thanks for the company. And the bottle opener. Mind if I hang on to it

until tomorrow?”

“No, not at all.” It meant she would see him again soon. “Thanks for the Guinness. Good night.”

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He held the door open for her as she left, and she couldn’t help but draw his male scent into her lungs

once more as she moved past him. She crossed the quiet street, climbed onto her own porch and let herself

into the house, shutting the front door behind her.

What was it about the way that man smelled? And the way he looked, those dark eyes, the heavy

muscles. And that accent… Every cell in her body responded to him on some primal level. If the summer

heat hadn’t had her temperature soaring, Jared certainly did. Her whole body was slick with a thin sheen of

perspiration. She was even slicker between her thighs.

Impatiently, Leigh kicked off her sandals and pulled her dress over her head as she moved down the

hall to the bathroom, her bare feet padding on the hardwood floor. She reached into the vintage-tiled

shower and turned the cold tap all the way up, adding just enough warm water to make it bearable. She

whisked the scrap of white lace panties down over her legs and stepped in.

Her breath caught when the first shock of water hit her skin, but after a moment her body calmed

beneath the cool spray. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of the silky water on her skin, the

contrast to the still-hot evening air.

But soon an image of Jared invaded the quiet moment. His midnight eyes, his too-sexy mouth, that

huge, muscled body. And his scent. She could almost smell him now if she tried. Despite the cold water

coursing over her skin, she went warm all over, the heat thickening in a melting pool between her thighs.

Her hand lowered to ease the ache there.

She leaned against the green tiles, her head falling back as her fingers slipped between the slick folds.

She probed gently at the opening, pressed a finger, then two, just inside, pleasure shafting through her.

Teasing herself, she skimmed her fingertips over her outer lips, sliding in for a moment, then out

again, refusing to touch her already swollen and pulsing clit.


What would that lush mouth feel like on hers? On her skin? On her breasts? Her hard and needy clit?


She turned into the needle-sharp spray of water, and it stung her hardened nipples. She lifted her other

hand to caress her breast, taunting the nipple, grazing and pinching. Her legs quaked as she pictured Jared’s

mouth on her, sucking her nipple between his lips, then moving lower, between her thighs. She could

imagine how hot and wet his tongue would be, imagined it was there instead of her fingers, teasing her clit

now with light caresses.


She stroked her clit harder, faster. Wishing it was his hands on her, his beautiful mouth. He would lick

her slit in long, wet strokes, take her clitoris between his teeth and tug…


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She liked a hint of pain, that just-too-hard nibble on her clit, her nipples, her neck. Especially with the

right man. Someone who really turned her on.


She pumped her fingers into her pussy, in and out, grinding onto her clit with the heel of her hand,

making it hurt a little. When she grasped her nipple between her fingers and pinched, hard, she exploded in

orgasm. The shock of pleasure jolted through her as the water sluiced over her shuddering body.

She gasped, hanging onto the showerhead with one hand, her legs threatening to go out from under


If only a man could make her come like that.

Her pulse fluttered, then calmed as she pulled in a few deep breaths, leaning against the cool tiles,

letting the water wash over her, wash her juices from her hand.

She always came with a man. That wasn’t a problem. But she’d never come as hard with a man as she

did using her own hands, her vibrator. She wondered if Jared could be the first. The first time a lover would

make her shiver, cry out, explode. Wondered if he was half as good with his hands and his mouth as he was

in her imagination.

Her own hands skimmed over her breasts, the nipples engorged and tingling. Her body came to life

once more, heat blooming in her still-throbbing pussy. She groaned and pressed her hand between her

thighs, her fingers caressing her clit. She had better find out soon, or she was going to spend the rest of her

life in the shower.

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Chapter Two

Jared was staring out the front window of his new house. Watching Leigh’s house, the halo of light

shining on her small front porch. The dim glow from behind her closed curtains. He was hard as a rock. He

had been since the first moment he’d seen her up close, after he’d knocked on her door.

Something about this woman…

It was more than her endless legs, the exotic tilt to her green eyes. He liked her easy smile. It was

honest, real. Sexy. She was smart. He could tell already, and that was sexy as hell too. And he liked the

athletic tightness of her long, lean body, her small, high breasts. The classic California girl, as he’d told her.

The classic dream girl, for him.

He hadn’t been with a woman in a while. Women were so different from men. So much softer. He

loved the plush feel of a breast in his hand, the silk of female skin beneath his lips. Leigh had gorgeous,

sleek skin, with a few freckles that made her look almost innocent. Except it was obvious she wasn’t.

He turned and settled down on the couch once more, picking up his ale and taking a long swallow as

he swung his feet up onto the coffee table.

Her nipples had gone hard beneath the cotton of her dress as she’d sat next to him on this very sofa.

He couldn’t help but notice. And he’d wanted her, had let her know it. But she’d left.

Maybe he’d pushed too hard. He was usually a bit smoother than that. But he’d felt as driven by his

hormones as a teenager.

Not that he’d expected her to sleep with him tonight, a virtual stranger. But he’d wanted it. He could

think of nothing but seeing her naked, sinking into her sweet flesh, fucking her…

He groaned, pulled a pillow over his lap.

Calm the hell down.

The small weight of the pillow on his crotch made him want to arch his hips up into it, to press against

it until the rhythm soothed the ache in his cock.

The hell with that.

He tossed the pillow aside and stood, stalked upstairs and into his bedroom, where the shuttered

windows offered more privacy than the living room.

There were boxes everywhere, but he ignored them as he crossed the room, tearing his T-shirt over his

head, kicked his way out of his shorts, heading for his bed. Catching his reflection, he stopped before a tall,

wood-framed mirror leaning against one wall.

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His erection was like some angry muscle, rigid, the head swollen and purple.

“There’s nothing for you tonight,” he told it, giving it a small slap.

His cock leapt, hardening even more.

“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath.

His fingers brushed the swollen tip, and his body clenched.

She was beautiful, this woman. Sensual. He swore he could feel desire radiating off her, that it was

more than his own need for her. He swore he could smell it on her. Dark and earthy and sweet. Or maybe

that was just her.

“Fuck,” he said again, taking his cock in his fist and pumping into it. “Ah…”

He watched himself in the mirror, watched the flex and pull of his body as he arched into his hand,

pictured Leigh kneeling on the floor before him, her long, blonde hair falling over her naked back, brushing

his thighs as she took his cock into her lovely mouth. Oh yes, her mouth was one of the hottest things about

her, those full, pink lips. Babymouth, in that beautiful face that was all high, lean angles.


He gripped his shaft harder, thrust again.

Her mouth would be hot and wet, enveloping him, her tongue teasing. He would ask her to suck, and

she would, swallowing him…


He squeezed his cock, pleasure shuddering through him, his body tensing, shivering as he came in a

torrent of heat and need pooling in his palm. He pulled in a deep breath, leaning over, using his free hand to

brace himself against the cool glass of the mirror.

Why did he feel unsated, moments after he’d come?

Have to have her.

He knew then he might never feel satisfied until he did. No matter how many times he got himself off.

If he slept with someone else. It would only be Leigh he wanted.

He must be losing his mind. He’d just met the woman. This was insane.

He grabbed his discarded T-shirt from the floor and wiped himself, then tossed it into the laundry

basket sitting on the floor of the closet.

He didn’t think he’d ever felt chemistry like this with anyone, male or female. Maybe not even

Matteo. Never needed anyone so badly it hurt.

Maybe he was losing it. Losing it over her.

Those long, long legs, the curve of her cheekbones, for God’s sake. Driving him mad. Making his

cock twitch, begin to harden again already.

He didn’t want to think about why. He just needed to do it again, to come, thinking of her. And

ultimately, he had to have her.

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It wasn’t often he was denied a woman he wanted. He wasn’t being egotistical. That was simply how

his life had gone. He wasn’t used to it. But being denied the satisfaction made her all the more desirable, if

that was even possible.

His cock pulsed, filling once more. He ran his fingers along the shaft, watched it grow, lengthen at his

touch. How much better would it be if it were her hands on him? He would have to find out.

Oh yes, he’d have to.

Leigh spent the early part of Sunday working on some sketches at the drafting table in her bedroom,

but it soon became unbearably warm. She wandered into the tiny kitchen, moving listlessly as she pulled

the big plastic pitcher of iced tea from the refrigerator and poured it over ice. It was too hot to stay in the

house. Probably too hot to go outside. She went out anyway, hoping for a small breeze in the shade of her

front porch. Maybe hoping for a glimpse of Jared. He’d been out of town for a week, his car gone, the

house quiet. She hadn’t stopped thinking about him. Hadn’t stopped getting herself off to an image of him

in her head every night in her lonely bed, her sheets damp with sweat and desire.

She squeezed her thighs together, then pushed through the screen door and stepped out onto the front


The glare of the mid-day sun made her wish for her sunglasses, but the heat made her too lazy to go

back inside to find them. Squinting, she spotted Jared across the street with a bucket sloshing soapsuds in

one hand and a long length of green garden hose in the other. He set the bucket on the ground, then turned

on the hose and aimed it at his black SUV.

She almost called out a greeting, but something compelled her to watch in silence as he washed his

car. He was dressed in khaki cargo shorts and a black tank. His feet were bare. Why did they look so naked,

so vulnerable?

Leigh watched as he moved around the car, the muscles in his arms and shoulders flexing with every

motion. He soaked a sponge in the soapy water then wrung it out, the suds spilling over the backs of his big

hands in bubbling rivulets. It made her think of the shattering orgasm she’d had in the shower the night

before, with the cool water running down her body, and desire stabbed through her once more.

Cold water had been her only relief from the summer heat lately, but her body craved something

more. She bit her lip and shifted in her seat, squeezing her thighs together, her eyes still on Jared.

Almost as though he’d felt that same spearing heat, he looked up, turned and saw her. He smiled

crookedly and waved. Leigh rose to her feet and waved back, her pulse fluttering and her sex throbbing.

“Hey, care to help me wash my car?” he called to her.


“Come on. It’s too hot out here to do anything else.”

She could think of something else. She smiled, stepped off the porch and crossed the street.

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“Do you have an extra sponge?”

He handed her the one in his hand, his fingers brushing hers, soapy and wet. “Only this one. You can

wash. I’ll rinse.”

“Oh, lazy, are you?”

He shrugged, his wide, tanned shoulders flexing, the sun glinting off the drops of water on his skin as

he grinned at her. “You did offer.”

“So I did.”

She went to work, running the big sponge over the hot metal of the car. It felt good to work her

muscles, to work off some of the lust burning through her body.

“So, why Santa Monica?” she asked him.

“I like the weather. The heat. The scent of the ocean. The fog in the morning. It’s moody. It feels like

it gives me time to think. I love that quiet early in the morning, you know?”

“Yes. I like that, too. I like to get up at 6 a.m., when everything is still. Drink my tea. Draw. Or

sometimes just sit and look out at the garden.”

“Do you ever walk on the beach in the morning?”

“Sometimes. Although I always wish I had a dog to walk with.” She laughed. “I don’t know why.”

“I’ve often thought of getting a dog, but I travel too much for work.”

“I’ve been thinking about it lately, too, now that I’m starting my own business and my time will be

more flexible.”

“You’re not one of those girls who wants a tiny, rat-like creature to dress up and stick in your purse,

are you?”

She laughed. “Not me. I much prefer big dogs.”

And big men, she thought, watching him rinse the car through the spray of water.

“So, do you like it here, other than the fog?” she asked him, dropping the sponge into the bucket.

“I like it better now.”

She turned to find him grinning at her.

“Are you flirting with me, Jared Townsend?”

“Most definitely. Do you mind?”

She paused, watching him for a moment. “No.”

“Good. Because I intend to keep doing it.”

He stepped closer until she could smell the sun on his skin, the water evaporating in the heat of the

day, and that faint scent of him, pure and masculine.

Her body went soft and loose all over.

His gaze was on hers, a small smile tilting the corners of his mouth. “You have soap on you, Leigh.”

“So do you.”

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“Do I?”

Still watching her, his dark gaze never leaving her face, he took the hose and let the spray wash over

his chest, soaking him. He let the water pool in one big hand, then splashed it over his head, slicking his

hair back from his face.

A small trickle of moisture glided down between her breasts. They ached. And between her thighs

heat blossomed like the rays of the summer sun.

Jared held the hose, the water surging between his fingers. She wanted to feel that cool water almost

as much as she wanted to touch him.

“Are you hot, Leigh?” His voice was low, quiet.

She nodded.

He reached out, lifted her hair off her neck and moved the hose so that the water sluiced over her neck

and down her back. She closed her eyes and shivered in delight, her whole body instantly cooling, her flesh

prickling with goose bumps. Her white tank top and denim cut-offs soon became soaked.

It felt good—the cold water, the sensation of it on her skin, standing next to this man whose sun-

heated skin smelled like pure sex to her. She let her eyes flutter open, and found his were still on her. It

made her shiver deep inside—that sense that he could see into her, knew her darkest secrets. And liked

what he saw.

She reached out and covered his hand, guiding the hose so that the water poured down the front of her

body. His eyes widened a bit as her tank top soaked through and became opaque, but they never left her

face. She knew her nipples were hard as two small rocks, could feel them straining against the wet, cool

fabric. She wanted nothing more than for him to touch them.

He dropped her hair and it fell in a damp curtain against her neck, but it was nothing compared to the

wet heat collecting between her thighs, along with an insistent ache that demanded to be sated. The seam of

her denim shorts rubbed teasingly against her full pussy lips as she shifted from one foot to another. She

had to do it again. And again, she thought of Jared’s hands there instead.

He was like a statue, watching her face, his gaze hot with lust. It poured off him like his scent did,

danced in the air between them, daring her. Tempting her.

“I’m all wet.” She managed a smile, even as the words came out in a voice too rough to be her own.

“Yeah. So am I.”

She blinked, her body surging.

Touch me…

His hand loosened on the hose sprayer, the water shutting off. His voice was rough as he dropped the

hose, reached out and brushed his fingertips over her shoulder. “Come inside with me, Leigh.”

It was a command issued and impossible to disobey. Leigh didn’t mind, maybe even liked it. She

didn’t want to think too much about it, didn’t want to think about anything right now. Jared held open the

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screen and she moved past him into his living room, heard a soft click as he closed it behind him, then the

muffled thud of the front door. She took a deep breath as he came to stand behind her, wrapping a heavy

arm around her waist, his scent wrapping around her senses. She inhaled, held her breath, held the scent of

him inside her. It made her want more of him inside her. Quickly. Now. But she would wait, savor the

waiting and each exquisite moment which would inevitably lead to what she craved.

Jared moved her wet hair aside to kiss the back of her neck, his lips hot, seductive. She shivered, a

chill of pleasure running down her spine. He traced his lips over the sensitive skin there, then lower,

between her shoulder blades. Strange that he was kissing her neck, her back, even before he’d kissed her

lips. But purely erotic. Moving his free hand down her body, over the curve of her hip, it came to rest on

the delicate flesh of her inner thigh. When he tucked his fingers beneath the hem of her shorts it was all she

could do not to buck her hips forward.

The skin of his fingertips was silky and rough at the same time as they teased her heated flesh,

taunting her. Close, yet not quite touching the part of her that wept with need, literally wept and threatened

to run down her shaking legs.

“Jared.” She moaned his name, but he didn’t stop to answer, his mouth warming her skin.

Leigh pressed her body back into his, into the solid strength of his big frame. He felt like a wall of

heat behind her. A wall with an impressively large erection pressing back into the top of her buttocks, at

that point at the base of her spine that was so sensitive. She needed to touch him. Needed to hold his

throbbing cock in her hands, to run her palms over the smooth planes of his body. Needed with a force she

would never have been able to resist had he not held her so tightly, locked against him. He continued his

assault of kisses, nipping and sucking at her neck and down over her shoulders as his fingers teased at the

edge of her denim shorts. Did he know he was driving her crazy?

Yes, this man knew exactly what he was doing to her. He was completely in control. Of himself. Of


When the arm he’d been holding her with so firmly loosened a bit, she thought he’d turn her around to

face him. Instead he slid his hand up to cover her breast, so gently she thought she might scream with the

need for more. He cupped her full flesh in his hand, moving it a little, as though testing the weight of it.

Then his fingers took possession of her nipple through the cold, wet fabric of her top.

She bit back a moan as he rolled it between his thumb and forefinger and a bolt of heat lanced through

her. She pushed her backside more firmly into him, his erect cock pressing against her, harder than ever. He

really was huge—his body, his cock. She wanted all of him inside her. Wanted him to fill her to bursting.

She didn’t care that it might hurt.

“Do you like it when I touch you, Leigh?” His voice was a low growl in her ear.

“It feels good, your hands on me. So good. But I want more.”

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“And I intend to give you more. But a little at a time.” His voice lowered an octave and she almost

had to strain to hear him, even though his lips were next to her ear, his breath warm on her skin as he

spoke. “I’m going to go slowly. So slowly that by the time I’m ready to fuck you, you’ll be begging for it.

And when you come, I want you to scream.” He paused and took a nip at her neck, then gave her nipple a

sharp pinch, making her gasp.


“I want to hear you scream with pleasure. Scream my name. Scream for more.” He pinched again,


“Oh God.”

Leigh was ready to scream already. With wanting him, needing the pulsing length of his cock inside

her. But she felt limp and helpless in his arms. All she could do was moan and grind against him.

“You excite me, Leigh.” He arched against her, pressing his swollen cock against her body. “Can you

feel what you do to me? I can hardly stand to wait to be inside you. But I will. It’ll be well worth waiting

for. Come with me. I want you in my bed.”

He took her hand and led her upstairs. There was a big bed against one wall of the room. Light shone

dimly through heavy linen curtains, casting a warm glow. Overhead, a ceiling fan made lazy circles.

But she didn’t have time to take anything else in. Jared slid his arms around her waist, turning her,

then backing her toward the bed. He paused to pull her tank top over her head, his own shirt following. His

chest was all hard muscle, his dark nipples as hard as her own. But she barely had time to admire his wide

shoulders, the ripple of his abs, before he put his hands on her shoulders, pushing her down onto the

mattress. There was something commanding about his touch. Purely male. He bent over her, breathed onto

the naked flesh of her breasts.

This is it. This is where I scream.

She arched her back, trying to get her full, tingling breasts closer to his mouth.

Jared’s tongue shot out, flicking at one hardened tip, and she sighed, snaking an arm around the back

of his neck to pull him closer.

He pulled away and dislodged her hold on him. “No, darlin’. Lie still.”

“Jared, I can’t wait.”

“Ah, but you will wait. I’ll not have it any other way.”

Her sex pulled tight in a sharp spasm at his words, the tone of his voice. She rubbed her thighs

together to ease the sting of blood pounding there, but it did no good. She needed his hands there, his hot

mouth, his throbbing cock. Nothing else would do. She held her arms at her sides and resigned herself to

waiting, shivering all over.

“Better.” He smiled up at her approvingly and his eyes, dark and bottomless, beautiful, glinted with


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He bent his head and she waited for the exquisite torture to begin again. But instead of teasing her this

time he immediately pulled her nipple into his mouth.

“Ah, that’s good…”

His hot tongue swirled over the tip before he began to suck. It was almost painful, yet exquisitely,

sharply, arousing. His hand came up to cover her other breast, cupping it, squeezing gently. When he

crimped her nipple between his fingers and tugged she nearly came up off the bed. Nearly came, was

surprised to find she had to hold her orgasm back.

No man had ever done anything like this to her. She had never come with a man without long and

concentrated work. What was different about him?

She had little time to think about it as he snapped open the button of her shorts and dragged them

down over her hips.

Yes, touch me…

She eased her hand down to cover her mound, to press there in desperation, but Jared’s big hand

quickly covered hers and moved it away.

“Allow me.” A wicked smile lit his features, his dimple flashing.

“I wish you’d hurry,” she said, not even certain she meant it.

“I’ll get there soon enough, I promise you, darlin’.”

He bent his head once more, drew his hot, wet mouth over her body. Beginning just beneath her

breasts, he ran his tongue down the center of her ribcage, her stomach. She trembled beneath him, her skin

lighting in a blaze of sensation everywhere he touched. When he reached her navel and dipped his tongue

in a groan escaped her. God, she was soaking wet. Hurting with wanting him. Wanting to push his clever

mouth down further until he closed it over her needy sex. She moaned, arched her hips.

“I know exactly what you need, Leigh,” he murmured. “I’ll give it to you.” He punctuated his

whispered words with soft, moist kisses pressed into the flesh of her belly. “I’ll give you everything.”

His head dipped lower, and he blew a breath on the tight curls at the apex of her thighs. She spread

them wider.

“Yes, that’s it. Open for me. Ah, you’re lovely, like a flower.”

His warm breath made her shiver all over, a shiver made of pure anticipation. Pure pleasure. Pure

need. She fought to hold still.

When he planted his mouth on her wet, aching pussy she cried out. Pleasure stabbed through her when

he used his fingers to part the soft folds. He drew his tongue along the slick inner lips, pausing to let it

touch the tip of her clit, not moving, simply resting there. She thought she’d lose her mind.

“Please, Jared.”

Her whole body began to tremble, yet still he didn’t move.

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The heat of him was driving her crazy. That hot tongue pressing ever so gently on her clit. It swelled

and throbbed with need. He flicked his tongue, just that wet tip.


He flicked again. Stopped.

She opened her thighs, encouraging him. He did nothing but let his warm breath whisper over her.

She was dripping wet.

Her hands went into his hair, but he reached up and held them tightly on either side of her thighs.

“No,” he told her, his voice muffled in her flesh. He let her hands go, but she knew what he wanted—

for her to hold still. To do as he asked. No. To do as she was told.

Something inside her opened up, bringing with it a hot quivering deep in her belly. She needed to

come so badly. She’d never been in such a state of desperation in her life.

One more sharp flick of his tongue and she could almost come. Almost.



“Jared,” she whispered.


His breath was hot. Burning. Her clit pulsed, a small hammer of desire between her thighs.

“Please, Jared. I need your mouth on me. I need you to lick me. To suck. Come on…” She couldn’t

help but beg him, couldn’t hold it back. And when he shoved his fingers roughly inside her she came in a

violent explosion, her pussy pulsing around his fingers, squeezing and wet. The spasms seemed to reach

out, spreading over her like wildfire. She swore she came with her entire body—her legs and arms and

breasts shimmering with pure pleasure. The heat and the intensity of it left her shaking and weak.

She raised her head to look at him, and his dark, glittering gaze met hers. “Oh, I’m far from done with

you, my girl. I’ve barely gotten started. Lay back.”

She watched him run his tongue over his lips before she obeyed.

Then he was leaning over her, his mouth pressing to hers for the first time. It was like some sort of

epiphany—his soft, soft lips, wet and fragrant with her juices. That it should be like this the first time he

kissed her, after he’d made her come with his mouth. Lovely and a little dirty and thrilling as hell. And the

man knew what to do with his mouth. His kiss was deep, powerful. Perfect.

He pulled back.

“You taste so damn good, Leigh. Lie still. There’s more I need to do to you.”

Leigh didn’t care what he did to her. She knew it would be good. Her pulse fluttered, and her pussy

filled once more. Ready. Ready for anything.

Jared didn’t disappoint. He got up and undressed quickly while she watched, enjoying the sight of his

big body, towering over the bed. His stomach was a tight wall of muscle, leading to a tapered waist and

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lean hips. When he tore his black boxers off, an impressive erection sprang out. A deliciously thick shaft,

the skin a pale gold, darker at the swollen head. Leigh’s inner muscles convulsed again. She bit her lip,


And while she watched, Jared took his cock in his hand. He held it loosely in his fingers, ran them up

and down the length of it.

“I want you to touch me like this, Leigh. I can’t wait to feel your hands on me. Your lovely mouth.”

His face was all raw planes and tense lines, his dark eyes gleaming with lust in the dim afternoon light. His

mouth was full and sensual, his lips still damp with her juices, with kissing her.

She licked her lips, her nerves dancing, her body burning for him. “I want to touch you.”

“You will. But not yet.”

He pulled a foil packet from his nightstand and sheathed himself before kneeling on the edge of the

bed. This time he explored her with his hands, his fingers diving into the slick heat between her thighs

while he held her body down with his other hand on her stomach.

She loved it. Loved his fingers stroking her cleft, the way he bent his head, concentrating on what he

was doing, exploring her open sex. She loved the way he took total control of her body. Loved the sheer,

overpowering strength of him and that faint element of danger, the sense that he could break her in half

with his big hands if he wanted to. But she knew already he wouldn’t do that.

She loved it even more when he began to pinch her clitoris between his forefinger and his thumb,

rolling and tugging in some rhythm she didn’t need to understand. Her body knew what to do with it. Her

mind went blank as the tension built, pleasure washing over her in waves.

She was shivering, poised on the edge of orgasm, when he moved his fingers back, over her anus.

“You’re so damn wet, darlin’. Wet enough that I could push right into your sweet ass without any

lube if you wanted me to.”

“Yes. Do it, Jared.”

He glanced up at her. “You’re sure?”

“Yes. Please…”

He kept his gaze on her face as he pressed one wet finger at that tight hole. She took in a gasping

breath as he pushed in.


Pleasure shot through her, lightning hot, lightning sharp. His other hand was still teasing her clit, but

gently now, holding her on that keen edge.

“God, Jared.”

“Tell me what you want, Leigh.”

“I want more. Go deeper.”

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He burrowed, an inch at a time, passing that first tight ring of muscle, until his finger was buried in

her ass.

“Good?” he asked.

“Yes,” she gasped. “It’s good.”

He smiled then, a wicked grin, a flash of strong, white teeth. And as he slipped his finger out of her

ass, then in again, in and out, driving pleasure ever deeper into her body, he pinched her clit once more,

hard. Pleasure shimmered, spread, arrowed into her. Her clit pulsed with it, her ass clenched. She moaned.

Her body came up off the bed. Her breath rushed out in sharp pants as he took her to the edge—and


Tears filled her eyes. “No!”

Jared laughed a little wickedly and said, “I’ll take care of you. You know I will, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she rasped out as her muscles pulled tight and her poor, deprived pussy thundered with an

aching need.

Jared let her hard, needy clit go, and she wanted to cry her displeasure. But then he knelt between her

legs as he had before, his finger still in her ass. And when he lowered his head a sigh of relief blew out with

her breath. The sigh turned to moans when he tongued her opening, flicking teasingly over her wet and

pulsing flesh. Avoiding the raw, hard nub that needed his touch the most.

She drew in a breath. Waited. He used his fingers to open her up, used his tongue to trace the outline

of her vulva. He stiffened his tongue and dipped inside her and her body went rigid in expectation. But just

as quickly, he withdrew.

“Jared, please,” she groaned, not caring that she was begging him once more, just as he’d said she


“Please what, Leigh?”

“Please, touch me.”

“Tell me.”

She gasped. “Please, Jared. I just did.”

“Tell me exactly.” He flicked his tongue at her clit, and she raised her hips to meet that hot, moist tip.

He drew away.

“I need you to put your fingers inside me. To fuck me with your hands. To fill me up.”

“Like this?” He slipped a finger inside her pussy, then two, then three.


“And like this?” He pushed the finger of his other hand deeper into her ass.


He withdrew them from her aching pussy. “And what else?”

“Oh God. You’re trying to torture me, aren’t you?” Her words came out on a ragged breath.

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“Yes. What else?”

“I want my clit in your mouth. I want your cock inside me.”

Another wicked laugh from him. “I can hardly do both simultaneously, now can I, my girl? But let me

see if I can find some way to please you.”

Leigh groaned and spread her legs even wider. “Yes…please, yes.”

Jared bent his head again and though she expected him to take his time, drawing it out, he

immediately took her clitoris into his mouth. He swirled his tongue over the tip, then sucked, then swirled

again. Her clit felt hard as a rock, like a tiny erection. It was so painfully engorged she could hardly stand

it, even as she loved every second. She could hardly bear the sensations he was creating with his clever

tongue, his finger moving gently in her ass.

“Ah God…I’m going to come.”

“Hold it back, Leigh,” he said, moving his mouth away from her once more.

“I don’t think I can.”

Pleasure was pouring through her like hot liquid, scorching her.

“Take a deep breath.”

She did, taking in his scent, the fragrance of her own desire, her own come.


“Just do as I say.”

She loved the command in his tone too much to argue. “Okay. Okay.”

“Breathe in and hold it. Hold your breath. Hold your climax back. It’ll make it better, I promise you.”

She did as he instructed, his finger in her ass the whole time, his mouth so close to her pulsing pussy,

she could feel his breath warm on her flesh. Almost enough to send her over that edge if she wasn’t

concentrating so hard on not coming.

“Good girl, Leigh.”

Pure pleasure at his approval. Pure pleasure driving into her when he used his other hand to push his

fingers into her pussy, first one, then two. At the same time, he lowered his face, sucked her clit into his

hot, wet mouth.

She lost it. Her mind left her body as she came on a wave of painful pleasure, sharp, stabbing,

fireworks going off in her throbbing pussy, shattering her. She sobbed as she came. It went on and on while

Jared continued to suck her and pump her with his fingers, pussy and ass and his lovely, hot tongue.

When it was over she was trembling, shaken to the core. When Jared moved up to cover her body

with his, she knew she’d never needed anything more than this man, at this moment.

He held her arms over her head, his dark gaze on hers, his face masculine. Beautiful.

He sighed as he slid his cock inside her, his features going loose with pleasure. Even though Leigh

was as wet as she’d ever been in her life, it hurt a little going in—he was so big. But she loved it, loved the

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feel of his huge, solid body over hers. Loved how his cock filled her in a way she’d never been filled


He kissed her mouth, and she tasted her own sweet ocean-saltiness on his lips once more. He thrust

his tongue into her mouth, thrust his thick cock inside her. She tightened around him, wanting to come


“You feel so damn good, Leigh,” he murmured, thrusting, hard and deep, his grip on her wrists


She wrapped her legs around him, looping them over his wide back as he moved. His cock was

grabbing her inner flesh as it pushed in, pulled out, and she felt each thrust like a shockwave of pleasure.

He sped up, driving faster, harder, and she moved with him. The shockwaves turned into thundering ripples

as another climax took her, as he took her, pounding into her with the force of the ocean.


As her pussy pulsed around his throbbing flesh, he cried out, slamming into her, dragging her orgasm

out until she no longer knew who or what she was. All she knew was sensation. Overpowering, heated,

throbbing sensation. Time expanded, became nothing. She became nothing. She went limp in his arms.

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Chapter Three

After a seemingly endless stretch of time Jared rolled off her and onto his side. He pulled her close,

holding her against his body. She heard his heart thundering, knew her own was hammering just as


With her mind still half-numb, Leigh tried to ignore the thoughts trying to filter in through the post-

sex haze. But they were too persistent.

When had any other man been able to make her feel like Jared did? To know her body and its wants

and needs without her having to speak? What other man had ever played her body the way he had, lighting

her flesh with every stroke, every caress, every kiss?

What man had ever recognized her need to be taken over, dominated, commanded? For Jared it had

come naturally. Instinctively. He knew she needed it. Knew everything she needed, as though he could see

inside her head.

But no. That was going too far. This was a summer fling. Leigh knew better than to begin thinking

about any other sort of connection. He was a superb lover, a true artist in the art of lovemaking. That was

all. And she intended to appreciate the experience for what it was. She’d be a fool not to.

When he kissed her hair she suppressed the small lurch in her chest.

Stop it. You’ve just met this man.

“You are a most amazing woman.” His voice was deep, gravelly, soft around the edges.

“And you’re a most amazing man.”

“You inspire me, Leigh. In fact…” He sprang up, startling her.

“How can you even move after that?”

He grinned. “I told you. You inspire me. Be right back.” He stepped through the door, only to poke

his head back in a moment later. “Don’t move.”

“I hadn’t planned on it.” Leigh stretched luxuriously, enjoying the ache of muscles long gone unused.

Jared returned, his thick, brown hair gloriously disheveled, his big body graceful, despite the brawny

muscles, as he leaned against the doorway. How many men could be so utterly comfortable, standing there

naked? She glanced down at his softening cock, her sex clenching again at the memory of it hard, so big

she could barely take it. Then her gaze moved up his body, over the strong thighs, the hard-packed abs, the

wide chest, until she reached his face. He was smiling at her. His dark brown eyes were glittering again,

and he held a camera in his hand.

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“Let me photograph you, Leigh.”

She groaned. “I’m a mess.”

“You’re beautiful. Glowing. Have you never been photographed naked before? If not, it’s a shame.”

“I posed for the life drawing class in college a few times. Let an old boyfriend take some lingerie

shots. But I was all made up. And what do you plan to do with these pictures?”

“Look at them. Over and over. I would never show them to anyone else without your permission,

Leigh. This is just for me. And for you. You should see what you look like right now, with your hair

everywhere and your skin flushed. Like a ripe peach.” He grinned, his full mouth sensual, admiring. “One

that’s already been plucked. But I love that. I love that it was me who did the plucking.”

How could she resist? Especially when his accent washed so deliciously over her, along with his

words. And she was still too sated, too content, to argue.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Just lay there. Or move a bit if you like. Doesn’t matter. But don’t cover yourself. I need to see your

gorgeous skin.”

He crouched down and began shooting, the clicking camera looking tiny in his hands.

“Beautiful. Come on now, move onto your side. Yes, perfect.” He paused to bend down and kiss her

breasts, making the blood rush into them again, the nipples peak to attention. “Yes, that’s it,” he muttered,

almost to himself. “Your skin is fucking flawless.”

As he shot the pictures his cock filled, thickening, until it was lusciously hard again. Leigh’s sex filled

and tingled just looking at him, thinking about what it felt like to have him thrusting inside her.


“Jared, come back to bed. I need more.”

“Ask nicely.” That devilish grin again.

Instead, Leigh turned onto her back, spread her thighs and used her fingers to stroke her cleft. She was

wet again. Or still. It hardly mattered. What mattered was the hunger in his eyes, the way he licked his lips.

“Oh, you are very persuasive, aren’t you?” Jared took another shot and knelt on the edge of the bed.

“Do you mind if I take a few of you like this, with your thighs open for me?”

“Go ahead.”

She ran her fingers up and down her wet cleft, spread her thighs farther apart, feeling sexier than she

ever had in her life.

“Ah, fucking gorgeous, Leigh,” he muttered, moving in to take a closer shot of her spread pussy. She

held the lips open with her fingers, dipped one fingertip into her needy hole.

“Christ, that’s enough,” he growled, setting the camera down on the floor and thrusting his fingers

between her open thighs. “God, you’re soaking wet. I love this—that you’re so wet for me. I need to fuck

you again.”

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“Yes, do it, Jared.”

He lowered himself on top of her, moving his big body in between her legs.

Leigh clamped them around him. “I want it hard and fast this time.”

“Just a good, hard fuck, my girl? You shall have it.” He grabbed another condom from the night table,

sheathed himself and just as quickly pushed into her.

She let out a sigh as he filled her. She lay still at first while he began to move, pushing in slowly,

pulling out, thrusting harder with each stroke until his thick cock was buried to the hilt inside her. He

paused. She shivered with the pleasure of it.

His voice was raw with lust. “Christ, you feel good. Hold on.” His arm went around her waist, and he

turned her over as though she were a doll weighing nothing in his hands. He held onto her hip with one

hand, using just enough pressure to remind her he was in control. He used his knees to spread her thighs

apart. “Down on your elbows, darlin’, but keep your beautiful ass up here. Yes, that’s it.”

Her face was close to the sheets, and she could smell them both on it—sweat and sex and come. She

took a deep breath. Behind her, Jared was spreading her pussy lips with his fingers, his cock resting at her

opening. She surged back against him.

A small chuckle from him. “You want it, Leigh?”

“Yes, please…come on.”

He thrust, his cock burrowing deep, making her gasp.

Leigh reached behind her, grabbed his muscled thigh, and Jared drove into her, his cock pumping, the

tempo building quickly. Her pussy contracted, squeezing him, every exquisite sensation bringing her

toward another orgasm, her whole body trembling.

He pumped faster, his hips piston-like, hammering, driving his heated flesh home. Her own hips

bucked to keep up, grinding her ass against him with each thrust. When his hand went into her hair, pulling

until it hurt, she melted all over. It was a strange sensation, pleasure and a warm yielding that made her legs

go weak. He pushed down until her cheek was pressed against the smooth sheets, once again hard enough

to let her know who was in command.

She was overwhelmed with sensation. With giving herself over to this man, the sheer brute strength of

him, the size of his pummeling cock. The small bit of pain from him pulling on her hair. She loved every

second of it.

When her orgasm hit, it hit like a ton of bricks, slamming into her with such force she cried out,

screamed his name.


“Ah, Leigh, yes, come for me,” he gasped, his hips slamming into her. “Too good…fuck…” His

muscles convulsed and he shivered all over. “Ah…”

His body went loose and he collapsed on top of her.

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His body was heavy, warm. Lovely. They lay together, panting,

After a while, he lifted his head, nipped the back of her neck. “Next time, you’re going to be on top.

After that it’ll be bent over the kitchen table and I’ll fuck you from behind again. After that… I’ll think of


She laughed.

“I need something to drink. You thirsty?”

“Yes, I’m dying of thirst.”

“A Guinness okay?”


“Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” He planted a soft kiss between her shoulder blades, then his weight

shifted as he got up.

She rolled onto her back as he left the room, taking the opportunity to look around.

Wooden nightstands on either side of the bed. Dark carved wood, probably Indonesian, as was the big

dresser against one wall. Stacks of books were piled on the floor, but she couldn’t read the titles from

where she lay. A large, wood-framed mirror was propped against one wall, and she realized she could see

the reflection of the bed in it. That could be interesting… She looked away, a small smile on her face, and

saw the black and white prints hung on the walls. Extraordinary, she realized, focusing on them.

One was a small Asian boy of about two or three, squatting on the ground, while behind him stretched

the Great Wall of China. The focus was on the child, while the undulating miles of stone were soft in the

distance. Another was a close-up of an old, dark-skinned woman, her eyes bright, peering from behind a

swath of patterned fabric. In another was a group of naked children playing happily in a puddle of water,

while an enormous military tank loomed directly behind them. The image was familiar.

Leigh sat up and looked for a signature. There it was, in the lower right-hand corner. J. W. Townsend.

Jared was the J. W. Townsend. He wasn’t just any photojournalist. Four books of his photos had been

published, books one saw on the coffee tables of anyone who appreciated good art. He’d won awards, taken

pictures in some of the most dangerous locales in the world.

Jared returned with two glass pints of dark ale. “I unpacked the kitchen. We can drink like civilized


“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“That I unpacked? I just did.” He sipped his ale, handing one of the tall glasses to her.

“Why didn’t you tell me who you are?”

“I thought I’d introduced myself.” He paused. “Yeah, pretty sure I did.”

“Very funny. I mean why didn’t you tell me you’re the famous Jared W. Townsend?”

“Oh, yeah, that’s always charming. How do you do, I’m J. W. Townsend, famous photographer and

modest as hell. Does it matter?”

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“No, I suppose not. I just feel a little funny. Like I just unknowingly had sex with a rock star.”

He laughed, a deep sound rumbling in his broad chest. “I’m hardly a rock star.”

Leigh laughed, too. “God, never mind. Now I just feel like an idiot.”

“Would it make you feel better if we had sex again?”

She laughed. “You’re insatiable.”

He grinned at her. “Drink up, my girl. I’m about to prove that you are too.”

Night brought cooling air and darkness speared with stars. A faint breeze blew through the open

window, playing over Leigh’s sweat and sex dampened skin. The scent of the ocean was in the air, mixed

with that unique, summertime smell of pavement baked all day in the sun. She ached pleasantly all over.

When she stretched, Jared stirred beside her.


She grinned. “You’re always hungry for one thing or another.”

“All day in bed with you, my sweet, and I’m famished. For you,” he paused and gave her nipple a

playful bite, “and currently for food.” He sat up and popped out of bed. “Do you like Indian food? There’s

a great place down on Venice that delivers. Brilliant curry.”

“Yes, anything.”

“Anything?” He quirked an eyebrow, and his eyes sparkled dangerously.

She laughed. “Anything to eat now, and anything else you want later.”

“You’re a good woman, Leigh.”

“I aim to please,” she said lightly while her heart danced in flitting spirals at the easy compliment.

The promised curry arrived quickly. They ate naked in Jared’s big bed, propped up against piles of


“I suppose this is the getting to know one another segment of the evening.” Jared took a bite of the

soft nan bread he’d ordered.

“Not if you don’t want it to be.”

“That’s why I asked, darlin’. After what we’ve been doing all day, we shouldn’t be strangers.”

“What do you want to know?”

“What would you like to tell me?”

She shrugged, suddenly self-conscious. What would he want to know about her? What was there to


“You already know I’m an interior designer. I’ve been doing it for about five years.”

“Is your family happy with what you do?”

“They’d be happier if I’d stayed married to my ex and made grandbabies for them.” She paused.

“God, I’m sorry. Probably more than you wanted to know.”

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He shrugged, his wide shoulders rippling with muscle. “No, it’s fine. I asked about your family. Go


“Well, I have a younger sister, Erin. She’s coming to visit sometime this summer. She’s in a rock

band. Plays guitar. She’s a genius. Writes all her own music.”

“Creativity seems to run in families. Perhaps I’ll get to meet her. What happened with your ex-


“What? I’m sure you don’t want to know about that.”

“You and I don’t need to keep secrets from each other. Do we, Leigh?”

Jared set his plate down on the nightstand, took Leigh’s empty plate and set it aside, as well. He

pulled her into his body, one arm draped around her shoulders. “Tell me.”

Another command. Different from during sex, yet just as compelling.

She shrugged, took a deep breath. “It’s the same old sad story as everyone else. I was never good

enough for him and eventually he found someone who was.”

“Don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re not good enough,” he said quietly.

Her chest tightened. She had to stop allowing him to affect her like this. It was dangerous. She was

feeling too well used, too well loved. Vulnerable.

Need to change tracks.

“What about you? Have you ever been married?”

“Me? No. I move around too much. No woman in her right mind would put up with me.”

He sounded as though he were trying to convince her of his unsuitability. And he only confirmed her

assumption that he wouldn’t be around for long. Which was fine. They’d just met. She liked him—really

liked him—more than she’d expected to. But she’d gone into this experience expecting nothing more than a

little friendly, easy sex. She wasn’t about to become attached, especially to one of her neighbors. She had

to keep a clear head about this.

But why not enjoy him while she could? She stuffed her strangely rising emotions down, vowed to

lock them away and not think about the future. He was here now, and the present was a very pleasant place

to be.

Jared was watching her house again through the living room window. She was gone, meeting with a

financial manager about opening her interior design business. He could still smell her all over his skin, that

clean, dark, elemental sweetness. It made his cock hard every time, the way Leigh smelled.

They’d spent nearly every night together for two weeks. Pretty much every day, as well. Jared had

never spent that sort of concentrated time with a woman he’d just met. With anyone, if it hadn’t been about

work, or traveling together. Not even with Matteo. No, he and Matteo were more independent of each

other. When Matteo was in town they’d hang out, go hiking, go surfing together, eat a few meals. Fuck.

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Then the next day Matteo was off playing his guitar at a local club or seeing friends. Or Jared would lock

himself in the darkroom and not come out for three days, or go away to work. It was always easy between


Matteo was coming back tonight. He was eager to see him, as always. It didn’t matter if he was away

for a week or three months, and Jared never knew how long it would be. He was used to it. And maybe his

lover’s gypsy ways were part of what kept things interesting.

They’d been friends for five years, lovers for nearly as long. It had never been anything more serious,

although they loved each other. Jared was never in the market for anything serious. His lifestyle had never

been conducive to a real relationship. He’d tried it a few times, had failed miserably. But with Matteo, it

was friendship and sex and a kind of solid loyalty with no other expectations.

And now he’d just found out Matteo was coming to southern California to stay for a while. He didn’t

know how long he’d be there. This was the first time he’d even considered it. Why did it matter, suddenly?

It was because of Leigh. He hadn’t mentioned Matteo to her, and now he felt like an ass, as if he’d

kept something from her. But there was nothing to keep, no secret, no big deal. He didn’t think Leigh

would be bothered by him being bisexual. She was too laid back, too relaxed about sex, for that to be an

issue. But having Matteo in the house might change things. Which could be good. Or bad.

The idea of it being bad bothered him a lot more than he wanted to admit.

So did the dawning realization that Leigh was beginning to matter to him. He’d thought they could

just be friendly neighbors who had sex on occasion. But it was more than an occasional thing. And there

must be a reason why. A reason beyond the fact that the sex was incredible. He’d had incredible sex before.

It hadn’t been with Leigh.


He wouldn’t think about that right now. Matteo was coming tonight. He had to let Leigh know about

him, and that would go however it would go. It shouldn’t matter so much.

But it did.

Don’t think.

Everything would be fine, anyway. Better than fine. He would have Matteo again. And Leigh. Maybe

both of them together. Yes, that should keep things interesting enough to distract him from his constant

thoughts about Leigh.

Yes, the two of them together…one lovely feminine body, and one long, lean male body…the

contrast of their skin…cock and pussy and all his to touch, to taste.

His cock sprang to life, going hard between his thighs.

Oh yeah, this he could handle. With pleasure.

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Leigh’s meeting had gone well. She was in a good mood, humming to herself as she slipped her dress

down over her head. It was a lightweight, pale green cotton knit that matched her eyes and hugged her

body. Not that it would stay on long. Her clothes were never on for long with Jared. She’d stopped wearing

underwear entirely unless they were going out, as they were tonight. She paused in front of the mirror over

her dresser to pin up her blonde hair and add some lip gloss and a pair of silver hoop earrings, then slipped

into her sandals before locking her door and walking across the street. Her pulse fluttered, knowing she

would see Jared in a few moments, even though he’d been in her bed just this morning.

Silly of her. But she couldn’t help it. She liked him.

She knocked on his screen door and he called out for her to come in. She stepped inside and he was

walking down the stairs, pulling a black T-shirt over his head.

“I’m ready. Are you hungry, darlin’?”


He kissed her cheek, then her mouth, his lush lips hot on hers. “I appreciate a woman with an

appetite.” He growled, nipping at her lip.

“Oh, don’t start or we’ll never get any dinner.” But she flicked her tongue out to lick his lip and he

came in for another quick kiss.

“My poor, deprived girl. How about Mexican food? I thought we’d go to La Serenata on Fourth.”

“That sounds perfect.”

He led her outside and helped her into his SUV, then came around the other side. It was only a few

minutes’ drive to the restaurant. They parked and went in, ordering a pitcher of margaritas once they were

seated at the booth.

Leigh sipped at her drink, letting Jared order their food, as he often did. It was a small thing, but she

loved it when he took control. Something about the way he did it—he never made her feel as if her opinion

wasn’t important. Instead, it made her feel taken care of.

“So,” he said when the waitress had walked away, “I have something to tell you.”

“That sounds ominous.”

“It doesn’t have to be.” He picked up his drink, took a swallow. “I have a friend…well, he’s more

than a friend. Matteo is a musician. He plays a beautiful Spanish guitar. He travels a lot. And in between he

often comes to stay with me. He sort of lives with me part time. I’ve never mentioned him because, well, I

didn’t realize at first that we’d spend so much time together, you and I.”

He was watching her, his dark eyes serious.

“Jared, did you think I’d be bothered by it? That you have a sort-of room mate?”

“No. But maybe that I haven’t told you sooner.”

“As you said, there wasn’t any reason to.”

“And because he’s not a room mate, really. He’s my lover.”

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Had she intruded on a relationship? But why would Jared have slept with her if that was the case? He

hadn’t struck her as the sort of guy who would do anything dishonest. She felt oddly let down.

“Does this mean… Are you and he…together?”

“Ah, it’s nothing like that. We’re together when we’re together. No strings. Is that your only


“Well, that and whether or not I’ll see you while he’s here.”

“Those are your only worries?”

“What else should I be worried about?”

“That I’m bi.”

Her response was instinctual. Honest. “Are you kidding? The idea of seeing you with another man is

pretty hot, actually.”

He smiled at her then, his dimple creasing his cheek. “Oh, you are a dirty girl, aren’t you?”

“But you like that about me.”

“I do.” He took her hand, turned it over and stroked her palm with his thumb, sending shivers up her

arm, into her body. “I’m glad you won’t mind Matteo being here.”

“When does he arrive?”

“Sometime tonight. I only found out a few hours ago. It could be late. I’m not certain. You’ll like him.

The girls always do. He’s Spanish and Irish. Passionate. Stubborn. Beautiful. An irresistible combination.

And he’ll like you.” He raised her palm to his lips, laid a soft kiss there, let his tongue flick onto her skin,

his gaze on hers. “As much as I do.”

“I’ll look forward to meeting him.”

She was going wet, loving the sensation of his lips, his hot tongue, on her hand. And at the thoughts

his words, his actions, inspired. Two men… Could Jared be implying what she thought he was? That

Matteo could end up in bed with them?

The idea made her shiver. Having two men at once had been a long-time fantasy. Watching them

together another one. Both at once was almost too much to think about.

Her body was heating up and she could hardly wait to finish dinner, to get back to Jared’s place. To

get him into bed. And maybe, to see one of her fondest fantasies brought to life.

They ate quickly, and Leigh wondered if Jared was anxious to see Matteo, if he was thinking about

the possibility of a ménage, if he was concerned about whether she and Matteo would get along.

Stop worrying so much.

Yes, she needed to just see what happened, not think about it or she was going to over-think it. Either

she and Matteo would mesh well or not. He’d find her attractive or he wouldn’t. And vice versa. She still

wasn’t entirely certain that Jared had been hinting what she thought he was. What she hoped.

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By the time they got back to his place her body was on fire, buzzing with possibilities. They pulled

into the driveway and found another car already parked there, an old, hard-topped Porsche. Jared turned to

smile at her.

“He’s here.”

She smiled back, nerves lighting up her skin, making her stomach flutter as Jared came around to help

her from the big SUV, led her up the flagstone path to the front door, opened it.

He was sitting on one of the overstuffed chairs, his legs swung over one arm, an acoustic guitar in his

hands. He was as beautiful as Jared told her he would be. Dark hair waving to his shoulders, his skin a

gorgeous golden-brown. And his eyes were green, darker than her own, a deep shade of moss. Electric. He

had his shirt off, and she could see that while he was more delicately built than Jared, he was still all

muscle, long and lean. And his chest was perfectly smooth, his skin sleek, his nipples dark. He was smiling

at them, his gaze assessing her.

Jared crossed the room in a few short strides, taking Leigh with him, her hand in his. He reached out

and pulled Matteo to his feet, his arm wrapping around his neck to pull him in close. The two men kissed,

and heat shot like lightning through Leigh’s body.


There was something almost terrifyingly erotic about those two masculine mouths meeting. She’d

never seen anything like it, this intimate caress of lips between men, not this close up. Not with Jared

holding onto her hand, as though she were a part of it.

They pulled apart, and Jared pulled Leigh closer.

“This is Matteo.”

“Hi, Matteo. It’s nice to meet you.”

Matteo was smiling at her, his teeth a brilliant white in his wide, lush mouth. He really was beautiful.

He took her free hand in his, his long fingers wrapping around hers. His palm was warm, his fingertips

calloused from playing guitar. She couldn’t help but imagine what those rough fingers would feel like on

her skin…

“And you’re Leigh.” His accent was purely American, surprising her for some reason. “Jared told me

his new neighbor was a beauty, but I had no idea…” He turned to glance at Jared. “I hope you weren’t

planning on keeping her all to yourself.”

“That’s entirely up to her.”

Matteo’s smile widened into a grin as he turned back to her, and she went hot all over as he gave her

hand a squeeze. “I’ll have to work hard to charm you then, Leigh.”

She smiled back. He was charming enough already. And she understood fully that the invitation was

there, for them all to go to bed together. Would it be too much if she simply screamed yes?

“Can I get you two anything? A beer?”

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“We just came from dinner and a few margaritas. Have you eaten?”

“I stopped on my way from the airport. I didn’t want to waste time eating once I got here. I have a

new piece I’ve wanted to play for you. Do you mind, Leigh?”

“No, not at all. I’d love to hear you play. Jared says you play beautifully.”

“I hope you like it. Come, sit next to me.”

Matteo was still holding onto her hand. He pulled her down next to him on the dark leather sofa. Jared

sat on her other side.

Matteo began to play, his fingers fluttering over the guitar strings, making them sigh. The tempo built,

a lovely rhythm that was sensual, sexual somehow. He was watching them, Leigh and Jared both, his green

eyes gleaming, some sort of challenge in them. Or was she imagining that? He could certainly play. The

music was gorgeous, Spanish-style guitar mixed with a bit of Caribbean flavor. She turned to look at Jared,

and his gaze was on Matteo, but quickly flicked to her. He smiled, his dimple flickering in his cheek, and

he took her hand, stroking the back of it with his thumb as they listened. The music, Jared’s touch, was

sending heat spiraling into her system. And Matteo’s beautiful face, the intensity of his expression… What

sort of lover would he be?

When Matteo was done he set the guitar down on the floor carefully.

“What do you think?”

“Brilliant,” Jared answered.

“You always say that.”

“It’s always true.”

“And you, Leigh? Did you enjoy my playing?”

“Jared’s right. That was brilliant. Gorgeous. So soulful.”

“Ah, I like this one, Jared,” he said, lifting her hand to kiss it, his soft lips lingering.

Jared was still stroking her other hand, and he moved his palm up over her arm, stroking her shoulder.

She was shivering with need, with the sensation of the two men touching her at once. With the exquisite

anticipation of what might happen between them all.

Jared moved closer, his mouth next to her ear, until she could feel his warm breath on her cheek.

“Leigh, tell me what you want.”

It was a command, and yet she knew this was up to her. Knew she’d be crazy to turn this opportunity


“I want you both.”

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Chapter Four

“Ah, wonderful.” Jared kissed her cheek, his hand slipping down over her collarbone, his fingers

stroking the side of her neck. He’d come to know how sensitive she was there. He knew all her most

sensitive spots already, had known instinctively almost since their first moments together. “I was hoping

you’d say that. I thought you might.”

Matteo still held her hand to his lips, brushing them over her skin. His gaze was on hers, his eyes a

beautiful dark green. Full of fire. Full of need. His lips were so damn soft, kissing the back of her hand over

and over, then turning it over and sliding up to her wrist. Neither of them had touched her breasts, her sex,

and yet she felt as close to coming as she ever had in her life.


“What is it, darlin’?”

“Undress me, please.”

A small chuckle from him, then he pulled her dress over her head in one smooth motion. Matteo

reached out and caressed one taut nipple with his fingertip.

“Beautiful breasts, Leigh. Damn perfect, really. I could write a song about them.”

She laughed, feeling freer than she ever had in her life, somehow. Powerful, desired by these two


“It’s true,” Matteo insisted, leaning forward and laying a soft kiss where his fingertip had been.


Pleasure surged through her, her breasts aching, her lacy panties soaked. She was vaguely aware of

Jared undressing behind her, but Matteo’s touch, his mouth, were making her crazy. His fingers were still

stroking the undersides of her breasts as he feathered his lips over her nipple.

“Come on, Matteo,” she told him. Pleaded with him.

“I like that you’re eager,” he murmured.

“We’re just getting started,” Jared said, pulling her back, until she was reclining on his naked body.

He was a solid wall of flesh behind her—solid chest, tight abs, hard cock. His hand slid down between

her thighs, his fingers teasing at the edge of her panties.

“Shall we take these off, Matteo?”

A sharp squeeze in her sex at the idea of being completely naked with them.

“Oh, yeah. Let me…”

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Matteo sat up and ran both hands down over her sides, her thighs, and she parted them, wanting his

touch, and Jared’s.

“You are eager,” Matteo said, smiling, his mouth soft and loose. He slid his fingers beneath the

waistband and pulled down, slowly, slowly, his smile widening as her damp sex was revealed. “Ah,

beautiful. You’re so wet already.” He pushed the scrap of lace down her legs. “I need to taste her, Jared.”

“Yes. Do it.”

Jared’s hands came around her, held her thighs, moving them wide apart. Then his hands slid in, until

he reached her swollen pussy lips, and he held them open with his fingers. She was shaking, desire coursing

through her like flame, scorching her.

“I love to feel your thighs shaking,” Jared whispered into her hair. “I love to see your nipples go dark

and hard. I love to see you wanting. I’m going to love it even more when Matteo dives in and licks your

sweet cunt. When he sucks on your hard little clit. When he makes you come in my arms.”


She was too dizzy to speak. She could only watch with heavy-lidded eyes as Matteo did exactly as

Jared had said he would. He leaned in, and his dark hair was like strands of silk on her thighs as he licked

her, his tongue wet and impossibly hot. All the way up her slit, then down again. Gently, so softly it was

driving her mad immediately. That, and the safety of Jared’s strong arms around her, his fingers hurting her

a little as he held her open for Matteo’s searching mouth.

She could not believe this was happening. She could not believe how good this felt.

“I’m going to come.”

“Not yet,” Jared commanded. “Take a deep breath. For me. For us.”

She inhaled, held the air in her lungs. But Matteo never stopped, his tongue assaulting her, pushing

into her now.

“Yes, that’s it, Matteo. Fuck her with your tongue.”

That hot tongue pushed deeper, slid out, then in again, the rhythm pure, wet pleasure.

“That’s so good, Matteo,” she murmured.

Her hips arched into his mouth, and Matteo’s hand moved around her waist, slipped behind her. Jared

moaned as he shifted to let Matteo take his hard cock in his hand.

Jesus, she was really going to come.


“Hold it back, my girl. I want him to stroke me. I want him to take us both to the edge.”

“Oh, God…”

Matteo’s hand was moving up and down on Jared’s cock. She could feel his rough movement against

her back, could feel Jared’s harsh breath as Matteo stroked harder and harder. And his face was buried in

her pussy, licking her, sucking on the tight, full lips, licking at Jared’s fingers, avoiding her hard clit.

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There was so much skin and swollen flesh and stark, driving need, she could barely think. She bit her

lip as desire spiraled, crested.


“Almost there, my girl. Come on, Matteo. Harder.”

The motion of his hand increased, and Jared thrust his hips, his naked thighs strong on either side of

hers. His fingers were biting into her pussy lips and Matteo licked and licked. She was going to explode.

“Now, Matteo.”

Matteo took her clit into his mouth and sucked hard.

She did explode, her climax shattering her, pleasure driving into her, shimmering and bright.

“Ah God, Matteo!”

He kept sucking, his mouth working her mercilessly as her climax went on and on, sensation bursting

through her over and over again.

Finally the hardest sparks faded until all that was left was a skittering heat on her skin, in her sex. She

realized Jared had gone still behind her, that Matteo had let him go. They were all panting. And as Matteo

raised his head, she saw that his face was wet with her juices.

He stood, kicked his way out of his worn jeans.

His cock was beautiful, nearly as big as Jared’s, hard and golden-brown. Her mouth watered. Without

thinking, she reached for him, and he moved in until he had one knee braced on the sofa cushions, but she


“Do you want his cock?” Jared asked, his tone demanding an answer. She loved that, as always.

“Yes. I want to touch him. To take him in my mouth.”

“Perfect. Do it, Leigh.”

She leaned forward, and Matteo arched his narrow hips. His hands went into her hair, but gently.

Jared’s hands were firm on her waist, and she loved the contrast, the hard and the soft.

“Come on, Leigh. Come on, beautiful girl,” Matteo urged.

She let her tongue flick out, over the swollen head. His flesh was sweet, smooth. He sighed quietly.

She opened her lips and took him in.

“Ah, Christ, that’s good.”

She held the head of his cock in her mouth, swirled her tongue over the head, then took him a bit

deeper. He was hard as rock, solid flesh beneath the silky skin. Lovely.

She wrapped her hand around the base, held him steady as she slid her mouth down, swallowing him,

taking him deep. He groaned, his fingers tightening in her hair.

“That’s fucking beautiful,” Jared said, his tone low and guttural. “Suck him hard. He needs it.”

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She took Matteo’s cock deeper, loving the way he filled her mouth, even the way her eyes watered as

he surged forward. Loved that Jared was watching, that seeing her do this turned him on. She was still

damp from her climax, but growing wet all over again, desire rising once more.

Matteo was massaging her head with his fingers, moving his hips in a gentle rhythm. She could hear

his breathy moans, could feel his cock pulsing beneath her tongue. Felt the sensuality and the power of

desire, reflected, multiplied.

“Ah, that’s it, my girl,” Jared murmured.

He loved seeing her like this, her long hair like cornsilk flowing over her back. And Matteo’s parted

lips, his panting breath, his slender hips arching. He knew exactly the taste of him, the way his cock would

feel. He knew how much he loved getting head.

His own cock jumped, filled, ached as he watched. He reached down to stroke it, but it was too

sensitive. He didn’t want to let himself come. Not yet.

He leaned down to pull a string of condoms from the pocket of his discarded jeans, tore one open and

sheathed himself. Then he wrapped his hands around Leigh’s waist. Her skin was so damn soft, and her

waist so small. Despite her height she felt delicate to him. Feminine.

Have to be inside her. Now.

“Up on your knees, Leigh. Yes, that’s it. Good. Now spread for me, girl.”

She did as he asked, her ass gorgeously curved, the skin smooth, tempting. He gave her a small slap,

felt her jump. But she didn’t stop sucking Matteo’s cock for one moment. Instead, she surged back, into his

touch. He gave her another smack, a bit harder this time, and she moaned quietly. He looked up, caught

Matteo’s glazed gaze.

“She likes it.”

“Yes,” Matteo gasped.

“You like her sucking you, don’t you?”

“She’s good. Her mouth is…so good.”

“I’m going to fuck her, Matteo. I want you to watch.”


He kept his gaze on his lover’s as he parted Leigh’s thighs with his hands, used his fingers to open her

pussy lips. Her cleft was soaking wet, waiting for him. He slid right in.

“Mmm…” Leigh’s voice was muffled by Matteo’s cock, but he heard her pleasure, felt it in the

tightening of her pussy around him like some sleek glove.

He began to move, pushing into her, deeper and deeper. She pushed back against him, taking him in.

Pleasure was like a wave, coming down on him, nearly drowning him, then receding as he pulled almost all

the way out, only the head of his cock resting inside her. Another wave as he drove back in, hard, shoving

her entire body forward, and Matteo groaned.

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“Harder,” Jared said. “Suck him hard, our beautiful girl, while I fuck you.”

She was so damn tight inside, tight and hot. And she was really working Matteo with her mouth,

swallowing him. Matteo’s eyes were closing, his face loose with pleasure. He was panting. Moaning. His

hips thrusting. His cheeks, his chest, were flushed pink. Jared knew he was close to coming. He reached out

and twisted one of his hard, dark nipples between his fingers.


“Not yet, Matteo. Wait for me,” he ordered.

“Oh, you torture me, Jared.”

“But you love it.”

“I do.”

Jared buried his hand in Leigh’s silky blonde hair, finding Matteo’s fingers there, twining them in his

own. They held onto each other, held onto her, as Jared began to pump. Sharp thrusts, driving his cock

deep, while Leigh surged beneath him, taking it, moaning around Matteo’s cock. They were all one body,

writhing and melding and pleasure flowing like Leigh’s beautifully wet pussy. Like his come was about to

as he pumped into her.

With his other hand he reached under her and pinched her clit, and she came, her walls gripping him,

wet and silky and so damn tight. It was too good. Too much.

“Gonna come,” he told them, his breathing ragged.

“Yes!” Matteo was breathless, his head falling back.

He watched Matteo shudder, his hips pistoning into Leigh’s mouth. She was still coming, her pussy

tighter and tighter. Jared shivered as pleasure overtook him, spiraled. He cried out, shook all over, slammed

into her.

Matteo fell back first onto the sofa, his head lolling back on the cushions. He still had one hand in

Leigh’s long hair. Leigh fell forward into Matteo’s arms as Jared pulled out of her. He could barely breathe

he’d come so hard. Something about Leigh and Matteo, the combination, was hotter even than either of

them by themselves. He loved simply watching them now, all loose limbs, touching each other. He rid

himself of the condom, twisting it up and dropping it onto his jeans on the floor, then he leaned over and

smoothed his hand over Matteo’s strong shoulder. Matteo opened his eyes long enough to smile at him.

Jared took Leigh from him, pulling her into his lap, simply wanting her there, needing to touch her.

Needing to.

What the hell is that about?

But he was too tired, too sated, to figure it out. All he really knew was that it felt damn good. Matteo

and Leigh.


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He couldn’t figure it out. He wasn’t sure he really wanted to. He was a live-in-the-moment kind of

guy, anyway. He was good at that. And this moment was spectacular. Nothing else needed to matter.

But it did.


He sighed as Leigh curled into him, her cheek pressed against his chest, one hand holding Matteo’s.

His chest surged, his heart beating.

It did matter, damn it.

Damn it.

Half an hour later they were all upstairs in the big bed, and Jared had convinced himself that

everything was fine. That he could handle this. That Leigh was no different from any other woman. Half

convinced, anyway.

He looked at her long, lithe body in the bed between himself and Matteo. Then at Matteo’s graceful

body, laid out like some sort of exotic prince. They’d been together, in their own way, for years. And it

worked perfectly. Maybe there was some way for Leigh to be with them, as well. Just as she was. No

strings, nothing that intense. Just the ease of friendly sex with people he liked. People he cared about.

He did care for them both. Nothing wrong with that.

Matteo reached out and pressed a finger between Jared’s brows, making him smile.

“What was that about?” Jared asked him.

“You’re thinking.”

“I tend to do that now and then.”

“Too much, by the looks of it. I have a good cure for that.”

“Do you?”

“Yeah. Let’s fuck Leigh again.”

She’d been watching the exchange quietly, but she laughed now.

“It’s like living with a pair of satyrs.”

Live with them…

No. Don’t be ridiculous.

He suppressed the surge in his chest. Instead, he slipped his hand between Leigh’s thighs, found her

wet. “I think you like Matteo’s ideas.”

“I do. But what I’d really love is to see you two together.”

He glanced at Matteo, found him grinning and stroking his long cock.

“Come here and suck me, boy,” Jared demanded.

Matteo grinned and climbed over Leigh, straddled her prone body, leaned down and took Jared’s cock

between his plush lips.

“Ah, nice…”

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Leigh’s body surged, desire pouring through her as she watched. She had never seen anything so hot

in her life—Matteo sucking Jared’s cock into his beautiful mouth, then letting it slip out, wet with his

saliva. She reached out, touched Matteo’s cheek, and Jared took her hand in his.

“Wrap your fingers around the base of my cock. Yes, that’s it.”

His hips were pumping, and his cock was rock-hard. Matteo’s lips were soft against her hand as they

slipped down Jared’s shaft.

“Christ,” Jared moaned. “I need to fuck someone.”

Matteo looked up, let his cock slip from his mouth, nodded his head. And before Leigh could really

figure out what was happening, Jared and Matteo had rearranged them all, so that she was lying at the

bottom edge of the bed, her legs wrapped around Matteo’s slim waist as he bent over her. Jared was behind

him, smoothing a condom over Matteo’s rigid cock. She was shaking, waiting.

Matteo held onto her thighs as he moved against her, the tip of his erection resting at her opening.

“Beautiful girl,” he murmured as he slid in.

Her pussy clenched. He felt so damn good, and Jared standing behind him, his dark gaze glittering,

made it all the more intense.

“I’m going to fuck Matteo,” he said, slipping on another condom.

Matteo held still, his cock pulsing inside her, his breathing harsh. Behind him, Jared arched his hips,

and she heard Matteo’s soft hiss as Jared entered him, felt the gentle surge of his body.

She was losing it already, the idea of what was happening almost too much.

“You okay, darlin’?” Jared asked, his voice gruff.

“Yes…better than okay.”

“Good girl.”

They began to move then, Matteo fucking her as Jared fucked him, pushing into his ass. She reached

around Matteo and found Jared’s hands on his strong thighs, and they all held onto each other, moving

together. Thrusting hips, panting sighs, taking her higher and higher. Matteo’s cock gliding into her, driven

on by Jared surging into his body.

“God, I’m going to come,” Matteo gasped.

“Fuck her harder,” Jared told him. “Come on.”

A blur of motion, sensation, as the two men drove into her, it seemed. Two cocks, a primal force,

sending pleasure like an electric current through her body.

Matteo tensed first, shivering as his climax hit him. But Jared didn’t stop, his hips pumping, forcing

Matteo to keep driving into her even as his cock softened. Matteo reached between them, pinching her clit

between his fingers, and Leigh was next, pleasure rolling over her in thundering waves as she came.

Still, Jared drove into Matteo, and even though she’d just come, the sight of them together, the feel of

their two bodies against hers, was incredibly erotic. Overwhelming. Sending tremors of pleasure through

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her like the last waves of her orgasm. Finally, Jared called out, his body went rigid, and she felt him

shudder as he came into Matteo.

All she knew then was the deep pull of night air into her lungs, arms going around her as they fell

together onto the bed. And in a tangle of skin and sweat, hands and murmuring lips, they fell asleep.

The following weeks were a haze of blazing days and sultry nights. Leigh spent nearly every

weeknight in Jared’s bed, sometimes with Matteo, sometimes just the two of them when Matteo went out to

see friends, to play music. Neither got much work done, and weekends they rarely left the bed at all. Jared

had accomplished little unpacking, and colorful takeout menus littered the tops of the boxes piled around

his house, most of his artwork left on the floor, leaning against the walls.

Leigh hardly noticed. All she knew was that this man did things to her body no one had ever done

before. And having Matteo with them made it all seem like some erotic dream, as though she were living an

impossible fantasy she’d never dared to imagine might actually come true. She woke each morning sore all

over, yet wanting more. More of them both.

More of Jared.

Jared had awakened her senses, and there was no shutting them down, whether she was with him or

not. On the few evenings he was away, her body yearned for him, demanding satisfaction. She had to stand

in the shower, her soap-slicked hand rubbing furiously between her thighs, until, thinking of him, she came

in a fierce explosion.

But more than that, she missed him. She tried not to. But every cell in her being needed him, her heart

as much as her body, which was something she wasn’t ready to think about. She adored Matteo. He was a

gypsy, a little mysterious, intriguing. And always happy, carefree. He was the light to Jared’s dark, sweet

where Jared was commanding. But it was Jared who was snaring her emotions.

It was July Fourth, and the heat wave hadn’t eased, the only respite the cooler evenings, when the fog

rolled in. The three of them walked down to the Santa Monica Pier to see the fireworks. They arrived just

before sunset and found a spot on the sand by the pier, where they sat on a blanket and drank cold, dark

beer. The ocean was a thrumming roar, the water turning gray, then a deep midnight blue as the sun went

down, streaking the sky in pink and gold as the crowd grew around them.

Leigh smiled when Jared pulled her to sit between his legs. She leaned into him, and he wrapped his

arms around her, his hands coming to rest beneath her breasts. They immediately felt heavy and hot. She

moved a little so the weight of them rested on his wrists.

Her body tingled while darkness settled around them, while the crowd along the beach hummed with

expectation. While Matteo sat beside them, idly stroking her bare calf, his fingers soft on her skin. She

didn’t move when Jared’s fingers began to tease one nipple through her light gauze top. Her nipple

stiffened and she moaned, and Matteo grinned at them.

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Jared said quietly, “When I get you home I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll come for an hour.

What do you think of that?”

“I think we can leave now.”

“Naughty girl. You’ll have to wait until the fireworks are over.” He gave her nipple a firm pinch

before pulling his hand away.

“You’re so cruel.”

“Poor girl. You’re a tortured soul.”

“I am,” she pouted.

“Then we shall have to do something about that.”

“I think you’re in trouble now,” Matteo said, his grin widening.

Jared let her go long enough to reach into the leather backpack they’d brought along and pulled out a

beach towel, which he draped over her lap.

“Jared? What—”

“Shh. Watch the sky. The show’s about to begin.”

The air rumbled, and a fiery shower of color burst in the darkness over the ocean. The crowd

applauded. Jared’s hand crept beneath the hem of Leigh’s short, cotton skirt, and was instantly joined by


Their fingers were cool against the hot skin of her thighs. They both moved higher, and Jared

whispered, “Open for us, Leigh.”

She parted her legs. And let out a gasp when Jared thrust his fingers into her waiting pussy.

“Quiet, my girl. There are a thousand people here.”

“Yes,” she breathed. That made it even better.

She rocked her hips to take his fingers more fully inside her. Her pussy clenched when he began to

slide them in and out. Matteo stroked her thigh, then moved to her sex, feathering over her already soaking

cleft while Jared pressed deeper. She looked at Matteo, and he was watching her, his eyes gleaming in the

dark, illuminated by the fireworks like a burning shower overhead. It was impossible to care that they were

surrounded by people. That someone might see what was going on beneath the towel.

“You feel so good, beautiful girl,” Matteo told her, his voice rough with desire. She knew if she

touched him now he’d be hard as stone.

He kept his gaze on hers, stroking, stroking, while Jared fucked her with his hand. When Matteo

pressed on her clit, she had to suck in her breath to keep from crying out.

The fireworks exploded above them, the force of the launchers shaking the ground. The crowd oohed

and ahhed. And still Jared worked her with his fingers, Matteo’s thumb circling her throbbing clitoris. She

moved against their hands, sensation overwhelming her.

Jared whispered, “Come for me, girl. Come into our hands. Fuck our hands. Yes, that’s it.”

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When the finale rocketed into the sky in an electric burst of red, white and blue, Leigh’s orgasm

rocked through her. Jared plunged his fingers deeper inside her, Matteo’s thumb pressing hard onto her clit,

driving her on as she came. She squeezed her eyes shut, bit her lip to muffle her cries, and Jared held her

close. She was trembling all over as Matteo pulled his hand away, took her hand and brushed a quick kiss

across her knuckles, then let it go.

“Jesus. You are wicked, you two,” she panted.

“I pride myself on that,” Jared said. “I’ll have you converted yet, my girl.”

Her heart turned over at those lovely, possessive words. No, it’s just sex. But it was getting harder and

harder to convince herself of that.

He pulled his fingers from her, then one by one, put them in his mouth and sucked them clean.

“You taste so good. Like summer.”

She was still shaking. “Can we go now?”


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Chapter Five

Jared had fucked her hard and long, as promised. Then he had fucked Matteo again while Leigh

watched, lazy, sated, yet insatiable. Jared was amazing—the man had gone all night. Leigh’s thighs

trembled and her sex ached.

But more than that, her heart ached as she lay in his arms, Matteo’s head resting on her stomach, all of

them laid out across the big bed as the sun rose outside the windows. They’d hardly slept. It didn’t seem to

matter. She loved this simple, companionable comfort. Things were always easy between them. They

laughed together, often talked late into the night after they were all worn out from sex.

She knew this was a temporary arrangement, so there weren’t the usual questions hanging in the air

between them. Where is this relationship going? How do you feel about me?

Leigh knew how she felt. And she knew Jared wasn’t the kind of man who got into anything

permanent, so she pushed her feelings aside. Despite the incredible sex, the easy companionship both with

him and with Matteo.

No, despite all that, he wasn’t for her. He’d never insinuated that he was interested in a long-term

relationship. It seemed the reason he and Matteo worked so well was because they both traveled so much,

because they shared other bed-mates. Jared would move on eventually. And take a piece of her heart with


“Leigh.” His deep voice broke through her reverie.


“I’m leaving soon.”

“What?” She sat up to look at him. His face was calm—she couldn’t tell what he might be thinking,


“I’m going to Europe.”

“Europe?” Why couldn’t she think straight?

Matteo pulled himself upright, gave Leigh a quick kiss on the cheek and got out of bed. “I need

breakfast. I’ll get up and head out to find some coffee and something to eat. Be back soon with some food.”

Jared nodded at him, remained quiet until Matteo had thrown on some clothes and left the room.

“I’ve been offered a project. It’s a book of architectural photography. A group of incredibly talented

folks are working on it. Some of the best in the world. And my manager’s arranged a show there for me at

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the same time. I’ll start in Prague, then go to Berlin. I’m not sure where else. I’ll be gone a few months,


“Oh.” She swallowed hard, the disappointment and the hurt going down like acid. Her heart was

hammering, a dull, thudding ache in her chest.

He reached out and tipped her chin up with his hand. “Look, this is a brilliant opportunity for me.”

“I know that.” She was furious when tears thickened her voice.

“Ah, now, don’t do that. I can’t bear it.”

He leaned in and kissed her mouth, kissed her tear-damp eyes, her hot forehead. Her heart twisted at

his tender touch.

He pulled away and looked into her eyes. For a moment she thought she saw something in the dark

brown depths of his gaze. A glimpse of emotion. But she knew it was only her own wishful thinking.

“When do you go?”

“On Friday.”

“So soon?” That was only two days away.

“I just got the news. Another photographer was supposed to go, but he’s been ill and can’t make it.

I’ve been asked to replace him. And I don’t think long goodbyes do anyone any good. Leigh, you knew I’d

be leaving eventually, didn’t you? That I’d have to work. I never led you to think otherwise.”

“No, you didn’t.” She pulled in a long, sighing breath, trying to calm her racing pulse. “I’ve always

appreciated your honesty.”

“Right, then. Can we enjoy the next two days? Do you want to be here with me?”

“Yes. Of course.” If only he knew how much.

“Matteo is leaving tomorrow. He’s playing a show in San Diego. He’ll stay a while to do some

surfing, then maybe head down to Mexico with some friends.”

A small stab of pain for Matteo too. But it was Jared who was breaking her heart. It had always been


She nodded her head, unable to speak as a knot lodged in her throat.

“That’s my girl.” He rubbed a stray tear from her cheek with his thumb. “I’ve had the most wonderful

summer with you. You’re an incredible woman, Leigh.”

“Don’t say that. Please.”

“It’s true.”

Then why wasn’t he staying with her?

Jared lay back on the bed and pulled her on top of him. He kissed her again, softly. His lips were so

sweet against hers. He tasted faintly of the beer they’d been drinking the night before. Her body heated up,

despite her aching heart.

“Make love with me, Leigh,” he whispered.

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He’d never called it that before. It was always fucking.

Don’t think about it.

She slid her body against his, her already tight, hard nipples grazing his chest. He cupped her bottom

in his big hands and pulled her hips into his heavy erection.

“Ah, Leigh,” he groaned.

She reached into the nightstand and found a condom, slipped it over his thick shaft, and positioned her

wet sex over him. She needed to feel him inside her. Needed to have at least that much of him.

She parted the lips of her sex with her fingers and slid onto the hard length of him, his cock filling her.

He reached up and took her face in his hands, drew her down for another kiss.

When his tongue pushed into her mouth, slipping inside, all wet, sweet heat, she began to move. His

hands threaded through her hair, caressed the back of her neck, her shoulders, while she rocked her hips

against him.

This was different, somehow, even as the familiar stab of pleasure shot through her. He was different.

Was she fooling herself into believing he felt something for her? That he was going to miss her the way she

missed him even now? Even with his flesh buried inside her body, he was lost to her already.

He thrust into her, faster and faster. His pelvis ground against her clit, and the pressure built quickly.

And when she came, pleasure crashing over her like the waves of the ocean, she cried out.


“Ah, God…”

Moments later he stiffened beneath her, pulled her body close to his, her breasts crushing against the

hard wall of his chest. And her name escaped his lips on a long sigh.

The next morning came all too soon, the early dawn light filtering through a haze of fog outside the

windows of Jared’s house. The moment her eyes opened, it hurt to think that this was the last time she

would be there for a while. Maybe forever. Who knew what might happen in the months Jared was gone?

He could forget all about her.

She wouldn’t forget him.

Matteo had returned the previous morning with breakfast, as promised, and she’d done her best to

swallow her emotions and simply appreciate her time with them. She was surprised when Jared had asked

her to stay while he packed his suitcase, his camera equipment, taking her back to bed for the afternoon

while Matteo ran errands. They’d napped, made love again, napped some more. Somehow, afternoon had

turned into night, and they’d all gone to dinner, had a few drinks, coming back to the house and falling into

bed. There was no sex, just the three of them in a warm tangle of limbs, which seemed all the more

poignant to her. Leigh had expected to lie awake all night, but she’d slept heavily and dreamed of Jared.

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Now her eyes were heavy, and the early light felt cold to her. Stark. She pulled the blankets closer around

her shoulders.

Matteo had gotten up early, preparing for his trip south. Jared slept in the bed beside her as she

listened to Matteo running the shower, packing his duffel bag, going downstairs to eat breakfast. She

couldn’t make herself get up. She couldn’t force herself to get through the final moments. The fog was just

beginning to clear outside the windows when Matteo came back into the bedroom.

“Hey,” he whispered, coming to sit on the edge of the bed.


He reached out, brushed her hair from her face. “Don’t be sad, beautiful girl.”

“I’m…trying not to be.”

He smiled, his thumb stroking her cheek. “I know it’s not for me.”


“It’s okay. I come and go. I won’t forget about you. You won’t forget about me. It’s all good. For

what it’s worth, I think you’re amazing, Leigh. And if Jared decides to stick with you, I’m in, if you’d have

me. No question about it.”

“He won’t. But you’re sweet.”

She tried to smile as he lifted her hand and kissed it. She squeezed his fingers. “Have a safe trip.”

“Leigh, if you ever need anything…” he paused to pull a card from his shirt pocket, “…call me. I

mean it. Whatever happens with Jared.”

She took the card, turned the smooth paper over in her fingers. “Thanks. I will.”

“You’d better.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek, then her mouth softly.

She watched him go, his lean form silhouetted in the pale light. Jared still slept, his features relaxed,

peaceful. His face was so beautiful, all masculine angles. The face she had come to love.

Her heart twisted, her stomach knotting. Tears dampened her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

Have to get out of here…

Despite what she’d said to him before, about being with him up until he left, she realized she couldn’t

do it. Better to cut it off now, before she got in any deeper.

You are in about as deep as it gets.

She loved him.

She was a fool.

She heard the front door close as Matteo left the house. Time for her to go, too. She took one last look

at Jared, his mouth soft with sleep. She wanted to kiss him. She didn’t dare.

Just go.

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She got out of bed, slipping into her clothes, then down the stairs and out into the quickly heating air

of the summer morning. But a piece of her was left behind, in that big bed, with the man she loved. And

could never truly have.

She’d wondered if she would hear from him, if he would bother to ask where she was, why she’d

disappeared. But an entire day and night had gone by and she hadn’t heard a word. She didn’t want to

obsess about it, but she couldn’t help but peer through her curtains to watch his house for any sign of

activity. The enormous black SUV had been parked in the driveway all day, and as far as she knew, he

hadn’t left the house.

He hadn’t come to see her. Hadn’t called.

She sat at her small kitchen table, sipping a cup of tea, trying to soothe herself. But it didn’t help. She

wasn’t sure anything would. Jared was leaving today, and that was it. It was over. Even when he returned,

things would be different. It was inevitable. She wanted more than he did. Much more. There was simply

no way to reconcile that.

She tried to tell herself he hadn’t contacted her because he’d gotten the message loud and clear and

understood there was nothing more to talk about. In her girlish fantasies he would have fought for her. But

this was no fantasy. This was real life. And the truth was, he didn’t want her. She’d known from the start it

would end this way. That along with the sultry heat, he would be gone by the end of summer.

But she still wanted him, on every level. She shivered with need whenever she pictured him. His big,

hard-packed body, his fathomless brown eyes, his hot, kissable mouth. Even worse was the yearning in her

heart, in her head. She couldn’t stop thinking about him, even for a moment.

Was this obsession? Maybe so. But there were reasons why she felt the way she did about Jared. Why

she loved him with all her heart. Her aching body. Her soul.

He was everything she could want in a man—kind, funny, creative, confident. He was the sexiest man

she had ever met. It was more than his body, tight with muscle. Or even his beautiful face, his deep, dark

eyes. It was more than the things he did to her in bed, his frank openness about sex, his natural sense of

command. It was something about the way he carried himself, the way he moved. The way he smelled. He

felt right. Even the dynamic with Matteo had always seemed natural and sensual. Rather than being

threatening in any way, it made things feel more complete.

Jared made her feel about herself all of the things her ex never had—sexy, smart, beautiful. Maybe

because he saw her that way. But it wasn’t enough to make him stay, was it?

She hadn’t quite let herself cry. But she knew the tears would come eventually, hovering just behind

her eyelids.

She crossed her legs, uncrossed them. Tapped her fingernails on the rim of her mug. She couldn’t

seem to sit still, hadn’t been able to since she’d come home the day before. Her kitchen was scrubbed to a

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shine. Her wood floors polished, her laundry done. She was afraid if she allowed herself to stop moving

grief would take over, drown her. It sat like a stone in her chest, heavy, burdening her every breath.

It was 11 a.m., and the heat of the day was already stifling. She set her tea down on the table. It was

too hot to drink it anymore. It was too hard to sit still, anyway. She got up and opened her kitchen door to

let some air in. And there he was.

Her breath caught in her throat, and she was sure she’d never breathe again. He was too beautiful,

standing there.

“Hallo, Leigh.”

Her heart thundered. The tears burned, and she had to swallow the hard lump in her throat.

“Please, Jared. I can’t do this.”

“I can’t either.”


He took her arm, pushed past her into the house, pulling her with him. He took something out of his

back pocket and put it into her numb hands.

“Come with me.”

The warmth from his hand was seeping into her skin. He smelled like Jared. Like clean skin and sex.

She thought her legs might go out from under her. What had he just said? She glanced down and realized

she held a pair of plane tickets.

“Go? Go where?” She couldn’t seem to make sense of his words.

“To Europe. To Europe now, and later, wherever. Wherever you want. As long as you’re with me.”

His dark gaze locked onto hers, and her shocked brain finally understood that he was serious. His

fingers brushed her cheek. It was a moment before she realized he was wiping away the tears that fell there.

“Jared…why are you doing this now? You made it clear you aren’t interested in a relationship. You

haven’t come by or called since I left.”

“I was an idiot. An idiot stuck in a rut. I’ve had this idea that I can’t change. That maybe I never

needed to. But I’m thirty-two years old, and it’s time for me to grow up.”

“Is that what this is about? I’m supposed to help you grow up?” she asked, waving the tickets. She

was angry. Hurt. She didn’t know what to think.

“Ah, don’t look so cold, Leigh.” His hand tightened around her arm, his dark brows drawing together.

“No, I’m sorry. You’ve every right to be mad. I’ve been an absolute shit about this. I’m sorry. I’ve been a

bit spoiled. It’s not as though I even want to be with other people. I’m just used to having my way, my

freedom. Stupid, really. Juvenile of me, and I’ve realized that. You can be mad at me later. You can berate

me all across Europe if you like. But I can’t go without you. I won’t do it. Say you’ll come.”

“Why, Jared?” The damn tears were still falling, but there was nothing she could do about it.

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Summer Solstice



He smiled, just a small tilting at the corners of his mouth that lit up his face, making her heart lift

despite the hurt there.

“I love you, Leigh.” He paused, his dark gaze intent on hers as he used his thumb to stroke her jaw,

across her lower lip. “I’ve never said those words to anyone else. I’ve never wanted to. Say those tears

mean you love me. Say you’ll come.”

Her heart was filling up slowly with a warm joy that consumed her. He loved her. She could barely

believe it was true. She’d wanted it too much. But looking into his eyes she could see it there. His

expression was intense, hopeful. It was the first time she had ever seen him unsure about anything. She

wanted to kiss him, had to.

His lips were soft, more pliant than they’d ever been before. But he tasted the same. Like the man she

loved. His arms went around her and pulled her into his big body, his chest a solid wall against hers.

She pulled away long enough to whisper, “I wanted to tell you, Jared. I wanted to tell you I love you.

I’ve needed to, so badly.”

“I’ve known it for weeks,” he admitted, his breath soft in her hair as he kissed her cheek, warm,

fluttering kisses between his words. “I’ve known I loved you and couldn’t admit it until I was faced with

losing you. I didn’t want to change. But losing you would be a thousand times worse.”

He tilted her chin in his hand, raising her face to his.

“Tell me again,” she demanded.

“I love you, my girl. You are my girl. You have been from the start.”

“It’s true,” she told him.

“Tell me you’ll come with me.”

“Today? Go with you to Europe today?”

“Can you pack by tonight? The flight leaves at eleven. I know it’s crazy. I know you have your work,

that you’re starting your business. But come for a while, at least. For a week or two. Longer if you can.

Long enough for me to know that when I come back, I’ll have you to come home to. Do you have a



“Do you love me, Leigh?”


“Then come. Be with me. Be here when I get home.” He shook his head, held her tighter.

Her head was spinning, her heart tripping. But she knew what she wanted. She wanted him.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this, but yes, I’ll come with you.”

He kissed her hard, his lips crushing hers, his big arms nearly squeezing the breath out of her.

She had to come up for air after a few moments. “Jared…I have to ask you…about Matteo.”

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Eden Bradley



“Matteo is important to me. You know that. But it’s his friendship that’s most important. It’s always

been that way. What role he’ll play with us is up to you. He loves being with you, with me, but he’s a free


“I love that about him. And I want him to be with us when he can be. I may not love him the way I do

you, but I adore him, if that makes sense.”

“I know just what you mean. And I’m glad. I would have accepted things either way. As long as I

have you.”

She smiled at him. Could this really be happening? Jared loved her. And the scenario for their future

was something most women could only ever dream of. Even if things changed with Matteo, she and Jared

would still have each other.

“Leigh.” Jared lifted a hand, stroked her hair. His face was serious, but after a moment he grinned. “I

sort of can’t believe you’re agreeing to this. To running off to Europe with me. To this whole thing,

allowing Matteo to be with us. That you love me.”

“But I do. I can hardly wait to go. And I can hardly wait to come home and for us to be together. To

start our life together. But there’s one thing that just can’t wait.”

“What’s that?”

She put her palm over his heart, felt the steady beat there. “Love me, Jared.”

“Ah, that’s easy enough, my girl.”

He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, laid her down on the bed and undressed

them both quickly but carefully.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured, his hands gliding over her bare skin as he knelt over her.

She reached for him, her palms finding the taut muscles of his chest, moving down over his stomach.

“Touch me, Leigh.”

She took his hard cock in her hands, felt it pulse with need, watched his face as she stroked. Saw the

pure pleasure as he closed his eyes, bit his lush lip. His hands cupped her breasts, his fingers brushing over

her nipples. They grew hard, aching. Her body heated, swarmed with desire.


He opened his eyes, his gaze locked on hers. “I need to be inside you.”


She leaned over to open her nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom. He took it from her, tore the

packet and rolled it onto his thick shaft. She watched, her sex pulsing with need, a steady, white-hot

rhythm. She opened her thighs for him, and he sank between them. He took her hand in his, held it over her

head, clasping her fingers. With the other hand he reached down and parted the lips of her sex, and slipped

right in.


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Summer Solstice



“You feel so damn good, Leigh. You feel right.”

She wrapped her legs around him, held him to her as tightly as she could as he started to move. The

broad wall of his chest was crushed to hers, his heart beating against her breasts. And it was hot and lovely

and perfect. He thrust into her, one long, smooth stroke after another, his panting breath warm against her

neck. He held onto her hand, his big, warm palm enclosing her fingers. And between her thighs was his big

body, strong and solid. Hers.

He drove into her, sending pleasure spiraling into her system. Sharp. Electric. It expanded,

shimmering through her like pure light. Pure desire. Pure love.

She was on that lovely, keen edge when Jared raised his head to look at her. His eyes were dark,

fierce. Burning.

“God, I love you, Leigh. My beautiful girl. My girl.”

His body tensed, and she held on as he shuddered. Tighter as her climax took her up and over the

edge. His gaze held hers, never letting her go as pleasure soared, taking them both higher and higher.

When they came back to earth he held onto her, rolled onto his side, taking her with him.

“How many more times do you think we can do that before we have to catch the damn plane?” he

muttered sleepily.

She felt just as dazed. Sated, yet needing more. She thought she always would.

“That all depends on you. I can pack a bag in ten minutes if I have to.”

“You may have to,” he growled, pulling her until she was lying on top of him. Impossibly, she felt his

cock hardening beneath her.

“Already?” she asked, surprised.

“I’ll have to go without really touching you for hours on the flight. I plan to stock up.” He was

running his hands over her sides, sending tiny shivers of desire through her system, lighting her up once

more. “And never to have to do without you again.”

She’d thought the end of summer would bring an end to their time together. Instead, it was bringing a

new beginning. Heat had brought them together. The heat of an El Niño summer. The heat of passion. She

would never forget this summer. The summer had brought her Jared. And Matteo. And most of all, love.

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About the Author

The author of a number of novels, novellas and short stories, Eden Bradley writes dark, edgy erotic

fiction. Her work has been called “elegant, intelligent and sensual”. One erotic novel was recently profiled

in Cosmopolitan.

Eden appears regularly on Playboy Radio’s Night Calls and conducts workshops on writing sex.

When she’s not writing, you can find her wandering museums, shopping for shoes and reading everything

she can get her hands on. A California native, Eden currently lives in Los Angeles. You can visit her



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Look for these titles by Eden Bradley

Now Available:

Tempt Me Twice


The Breeder

Midnight Playground

The Seeking Kiss

Celestial Seductions

Winter Solstice

Spring Equinox

Coming Soon:


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Once upon a time, two young lovers vowed to reunite…

Spring Equinox

© 2010 Eden Bradley

Celestial Seductions, Book 2

After a bitter divorce, Isabel Asher returns to Isla de Margarita to find the only man she’s ever truly

loved. Twelve years ago, on her eighteenth birthday, they made a pact to meet…if they both were free.

Now she waits, wondering if Rafael Cruz will be her every fantasy come to life…or just a foolish dream.

Rafael never forgot their summer of love all those years ago. Since then, no other woman has

measured up to the memory of Isabel in his arms. Their chemistry is still stunning, the sex is sizzling. The

power of their memories is overwhelming. Yet it’s too soon to tell if she wants to be with him as much as

he wants her.

As her time on the island grows short, their sensual play heats up, and includes a night with Rafael’s

best friend. But they must decide if their passionate reunion is simply a celebration of the past…or a new

beginning for lasting love.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Spring Equinox:

Silently, he moved away from her. Taking her hand, he led her across the courtyard, through a

narrow, tiled walkway, to a private bungalow at one end of the hotel. Her pulse raced, her heart hammered

a sensual cadence in her chest, in her sex, as she realized what was about to happen. He would finally be

naked with her, touching her, just as he had done in twelve long years of fantasies.

She knew already it would be a hundred times better now, as adults, than that one lovely, sweet

experience had been. It would be better than anything she had ever imagined.

He opened the heavy wood door and pulled her into the cool interior of his home. One small lamp

cast a golden light over the tiled floors, the heavy beamed ceiling, the potted palms set here and there.

Through a wall of windows overlooking the beach she could hear the muted roar of moon-tipped surf. But

she wanted to concentrate only on him. She would explore this lovely place later.

He stood with her a moment in the entry hall, watching her, a small smile on his lush mouth. His

gaze was dark on hers.

“You’re more beautiful than ever, Isabella.”

His words warmed her, but she didn’t want to talk anymore. As though he could read her thoughts,

he moved in and kissed her again, his hands going to her cheeks, then sliding down to caress her shoulders,

her arms. His touch was pure heat, lighting up her skin. Electric, as though every nerve was acutely attuned

to his touch.

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When he pushed his tongue into her mouth, just slipping it between her silken lips, opening her

up, she went warm and loose all over. The warmth quickly turned to volcanic heat when his hands moved

in to cover her breasts, the weight of them filling his palms. She groaned into his mouth, pushed her body

closer, her hardening nipples pressing into his hands.

God, she needed to be naked with him, needed to feel his touch on her bare flesh.

“Rafael, please…I can hardly stand it.”

“I’ll give you whatever you need, Isabella. I’ll give you everything. But it’s been so long, and I

want to get to know your body again.”

That name. Isabella. No one else had ever called her that, only him. His voice, and that lovely

rolling accent…hearing that name on his lips sent a long, lovely shiver through her: her breasts, her sex.

Her heart.

Don’t expect too much. Just be in the moment.

The moment was too lovely to ignore. He moved his hands away from her aching breasts and

smoothed them over her waist, her hips, tracing the outline of her body.

“Yes, it’s still you, but more lovely curves.” He sounded almost reverent as he whispered against

her mouth. “More a woman.”

His hands slid downward, his fingers moving beneath the hem of her cotton dress and roving up

her thighs. The moment his hands touched her naked skin her sex went wet, drenched in heated desire.

Touch me.

“Your skin is like silk, just as it used to be.” His voice was a husky whisper, turning her on every

bit as much as his hands on her body.

Then he was kissing his way down her neck, in the valley between her breasts, over her stomach

through the cotton of her dress, until he was on his knees before her, his cheek against her belly. Her hands

went into his hair, and it was soft beneath her fingers. She was shivering, the anticipation sharp, lovely.

His hands were on her thighs, gently kneading the skin. Then he raised the hem of her dress

higher, revealing the white lace panties she wore. She wanted to keen her need to him, to beg him. But she

remained silent, the waiting an exquisite kind of agony.

“There’s so much heat coming off you, querida, it drives me crazy. The scent of your desire…mi

Dios…do you know what you do to me?”

All she could do was groan as he bent his head and kissed her bare stomach, just above the white

lace that was so unbearably in the way.

He kept kissing her, his mouth leaving a trail of molten heat across her belly. Her hips moved

forward of their own accord, pressing into the velvet warmth of his lips. Her body was on fire, the need a

scorching heat that centered in her sex and spread outward, breathtaking in its intensity.

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“Yes,” he said quietly between achingly soft kisses, “I think you need me, as I’ve needed you, for

too long.”

His voice, his mouth on her flesh, was driving her crazy. She wanted her clothes off. She wanted

that soft mouth on her breasts, on her sex, swollen and burning with need. Why wouldn’t he undress her?

When he looped a finger around the edge of her panties and pulled them in a slow, sensual sweep

down over her thighs, her calves, taking his time, her legs began to shake.

On his knees, he pushed her until she felt the wall behind her, warm from the heat of the day,

steadying her. Then he pushed her dress up, the fabric bunching around her waist. He was so close to her

she could feel his breath on the curls between her thighs, and her pussy clenched in anticipation. She closed

her eyes, let her head fall back against the wall and waited.

He didn’t move, yet she could sense the change in his breathing as he knelt before her, his face

inches from her sex.

“Isabella. Move your legs apart for me. I need to see you. All of you.”

God, that voice again. She did as he asked instantly. And she felt, for the first time, the power in

his command. That some part of her was giving herself over to him on every level. That she would do—

willingly—whatever he asked of her.

“Ah, yes.” He brushed his fingertips over her curls, so that she could almost feel his touch, but not

quite. Torture. She’d never been so wet in her life. “So beautiful. I want to taste you, querida, and I will.

But later.”

“Rafael, you can’t do this to me…”

Oh God, was he really going to make her wait?

“Patience, mi cariño. I’ve waited too long to rush this.”

“You’re teasing me.”

“Perhaps I am.” He smiled up at her, that lovely smile that felt so familiar to her.

Yes, they’d waited too long. But maybe it had been necessary, to bring them together again with a

little life experience under their belts. But she was too dizzy with need to think about it. Now, all she

needed was him.

“Touch me, Rafael, before I lose my mind.”

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She’s taking two bites out of the Big Apple.

A Table for Three

© 2010 Lainey Reese

New York, Book 1

Riley Ramirez knew that moving to New York would change her life. She just didn’t expect it to start

on her very first night in town. Her attraction to nightclub owner Kincade Marshall is instant, mind-

blowing—and mutual. When she finds he is a Dom who requires her complete surrender, even when it

comes to submitting to his best friend, Trevor Wellington, she finds herself willing and eager to embrace

the sexual adventure.

From their earliest days, Cade and Trevor have shared everything, including women. Yet it only takes

one night with Riley to know she is their forever lady. Convincing her that this is more than a temporary

fling, though, will take every tool in their sensual arsenal.

As Cade and Trevor set their sights on Riley, however, they’re unaware—until it’s almost too late—

that someone is targeting their fragile relationship. Someone who’s taking deadly aim at Riley. Suddenly

their struggle to keep their forever woman is a fight to keep her alive…

Enjoy the following excerpt for A Table for Three:

“C’mon on, sleepyhead, let Trev see those gorgeous eyes of yours.”

Riley stretched and sighed, not ready to give up yet on sleep. Then Cade’s words sank in, and her eyes

flew open in shock while her whole body jolted. Sure enough, there was someone in the room with them.

Moreover, it was a man.

“Shhh,” Cade soothed. “It’s okay. This is my best friend, Trevor Wellington.” Cade turned her face

until she looked at him so she would not mistake what he said next. “You are going to obey him the way

you do me.”

Cade watched her to make sure this wasn’t going to have her screaming spinach. He’d let her go if she

did, nothing about this worked without her trust, but he was going to do everything he could to make sure

she didn’t. Her mouth started opening and shutting like a landed fish, and Cade kissed her, thrusting his

tongue deep and using all the skill he had at his disposal to light enough fires in her to keep her open to the

possibilities in front of her. It worked. Her legs started to slide against his and a soft moan purred up from

her throat. He broke the kiss and with his chin motioned toward Trevor. “Say hello to Trevor.”

Fear and trepidation came back in her eyes. It wasn’t the panic that it had been at first, now it was

manageable. “It’s all right. Nothing is going to happen to you that you can’t stop with one word. All I’m

asking is for you to say hi and see what happens from there.”

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Riley slowly looked at Trevor, who watched every move they made with an intense stare. When her

gaze met his, he smiled and said, “Hi. Nice to meet you.” His chin rested on the mattress mere inches from

her face, and she felt his breath feather across her lips seconds before he moved and kissed her. His kiss

was different from Cade’s, his lips not as full but just as potent. Where Cade’s kiss was thrust and plunge,

Trevor’s kiss was soft biting nips and brief tingling strokes of his tongue. She purred into his mouth and

followed his lead, nipping and stroking back. He brought one hand up to brush her hair from her face then

slipped it under the covers to close over her right breast then he slid onto the bed with them.

Riley stopped trying to think, or reason, or question what was right or wrong. She believed Cade, she

didn’t know how or why, but she truly believed that she would be able to walk away at any time. If she

wanted to. Right now, right or wrong, walking away was the last thing she wanted to do.

Trevor’s grip and kiss quickly went from light and teasing to serious. His hand tugged and pulled at

her nipples with a strong grip while his tongue, teeth and lips kissed her like she’d never been kissed

before. Cade pulled the covers away and slid his hand up her thigh before gripping her knee and draping

her leg over his hip.

Her first instinct was to pull her legs closed and cover that part of herself from being so exposed, but

both men simultaneously reacted. Cade’s teeth bit into her shoulder and Trevor pulled on her nipple, hard.

Trevor’s eyes opened and stared straight into hers as he slowly slid his hand down her body to her waiting,

exposed flesh. His lips brushed against hers with every word, as he said, “You don’t make one move

without our permission and you’ll never have our permission to keep this from us.”

His fingers combed thru the soft, sex-dampened hair, over the swollen lips, and then delved deep into

her hot, wet channel. A cry broke from her throat, and her back arched against Cade. Her hips started to

sway and thrust of their own accord, and it became impossible to keep quiet or still, no matter that she was

supposed to try. Cade growled behind her, hooked an arm under her knee and lifted her leg high to give

Trevor even better access. Trevor took advantage of it. He changed his angle, added another finger and

started rubbing her clit with his thumb.

“Damn,” he said, speaking to Cade without taking his gaze from her thrashing and twisting body.

“She’s so hot and tight. That’s it, sugar, that’s it. Fuck my hand. Come for us, Riley, let me see what you

look like when you come.” He pumped faster into her, made sure that his thumb never left her clit and with

a low guttural cry she came, her body bucking and twisting in Cade’s vise-like grip.

Trevor could not believe how responsive she was, and her sweet little pussy was pulsing on his

fingers as if it was trying to milk them. The sweet perfume of her orgasm was making him lightheaded.

“Fuck yeah. Cade, we are going to have to get rid of this though,” he said and tugged on a lock of her pubic

hair. He looked at Riley’s face and sent her a mischievous wink. “We don’t like anything interfering with

our meals when we eat out.”

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“Don’t mind him, baby.” Cade’s voice was filled with warm affection as he spoke in her ear. “He’s a

smart ass who thinks he’s clever.” He nuzzled her cheek and ear as he continued, “But he’s right about that

hair. We want you as smooth and silky on the outside as you are on the inside.”

“Cade, care to do the honors?” Trevor asked as he shifted to bring his face in line with her pussy.

“My pleasure,” Cade replied and slid her leg back over his hips. Then his hand made a bold firm

stroke over her mound and his fingers spread her lips wide, leaving her clit exposed. He shifted his body

until his shaft was nestled between the luscious globes of her ass and held her in place while he started

sliding between the supple cheeks. Trevor’s fingers returned to her tight channel as his mouth descended to

the throbbing nub that Cade presented like an offering for him. Cade’s other arm was under Riley’s head,

and he turned her face for a kiss that filled her mouth with a thrusting rhythm that matched the slide of his

cock along the cleft of her ass.

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Three lovers. Two days. One bed…

One Weekend

© 2010 Sasha White

What red-blooded woman wouldn’t revel in the attentions of a good-looking, athletic boyfriend who’s

secure enough to encourage her most adventurous appetites?

One of the worst heat waves in memory has hit town, and by Friday Angie is ready to really let loose.

Craig and his best friend, Mark, are chilling on the patio with cold beer when she gets home from work,

and the three get comfortable. As the night moves on and the talk turns to sex, Angie longs for more than

just cool air on her bare skin.

And the heat’s making her just crazy enough to go for it…

Enjoy the following excerpt for One Weekend:

“Oh my God. You didn’t!”

Twilight had turned the sky into a wash of red purple and orange, but the temperature hadn’t dropped

more than three or four degrees, so we were still out on the balcony. Our chairs circled the small glass table

littered with empty pizza boxes and beer bottles, and we all had a nice buzz going. Against both Rick and

Mark’s objections I’d wrapped a cotton sarong around my body when I’d gotten up to pay the pizza

delivery guy, and kept it on while we ate. Despite my adding a layer—albeit a thin one—of clothing, our

conversation was once again in dangerously erotic territory. For the past three hours no matter what we

talked about, the conversation always worked its way back to sex. It was like the three of us were bonded

by one great big horny mind.

“Why not?” Mark asked with mock innocence. “The guy wanted to suck dick, and I enjoy being

sucked. We both got what we wanted.”

“But you never even saw him. You have no idea who it was!”

The men shared a laugh, and Rick grinned. “That’s the point of a glory hole, babe.”

A glory hole. A hole in the wall in the bathroom of some club that guys could stick their dick in and

get it sucked by some nameless faceless person on the other side of the wall. My mind was thinking, how

stupid is that? But there was no denying the arousal curling in my belly and the slick building between my

thighs. How sexy would it be to suck a complete stranger off? STD’s aside, the idea was dirty and

dangerous, and it got me hot in all the right ways.

As if he could read my mind Rick stared at me intensely. Then his left eye blinked slow and

seductively. It was a small and simple gesture, no leer, no smile, just a wink that said he knew what the sex

talk was doing to me. The man knew that behind the logical straight-laced accountant was a girl who

secretly loved the raw and raunchy.

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Speaking of which… “How do you know for sure it was a him?”

“Easy.” Mark shrugged. “Men do it different.”

“And you know this how?”

“Because I’ve had both. If a guy is sucking your dick, he’s doing it because he enjoys it and it shows.

Most of the time when a girl is doing it, she’s doing it to either get something from you or because you’ve

begged. They’re not exactly enthusiastic.”

The mind boggled. What to tackle first? The fact that Mark, a guy so unrelentingly male, had been

sexual with other guys before. How many and just how sexual? Had they all been nameless, faceless glory-

hole types or perhaps there was something I didn’t know about our friend? Then there was the fact that

some women give head because they enjoy it.

Before I could decide which direction to take the conversation, Mark did it for me by smirking at Rick

and saying, “I don’t understand why women hate to give head so much.”

I tried to sound casual. “Not all women hate it.”

Mark snorted into his beer, but Rick nodded. “She’s right.”

As if neither of us had spoken, Mark continued on. “And what’s even stranger is that women don’t

like getting it either. I love eating a woman until she’s come a couple of times. Then her pussy is all juicy

and wet and delicious, but that embarrasses them. Commercialism has women so convinced men don’t like

the smell of a cunt that they only let you get down there and have a couple of licks before they pull you up

by the hair. It’s been so long since I’ve had more than a tease I can’t even remember what a woman tastes

like. Guys like to know when a woman’s turned on and the juice tells us that. It’s hot.” Mark glared at me

shaking his head. “I just don’t get your kind.”

“Not all women are like that,” I said again. “Some of us actually enjoy oral sex. Giving and


“Like Angie,” Rick said, waving the hand with his beer in it in my direction. “I can tie her to the bed

and eat her over and over until she screams, and then she thanks me for it.”

Mark’s eyebrows shot north, hiding under his shaggy bangs. “Really?”

“Oh yeah, and sometimes I think she prefers sucking me to fucking me.”

Both men looked at me and a heat that had nothing to do with embarrassment crept up my neck and

into my cheeks.

“Reeaaally,” Mark repeated, drawing the word out and smiling at me. “I’ve always known a bad girl

lurked beneath those sexy secretary outfits you wear, but this is even hotter than your ability to slam tequila

with the boys.”

Choosing to ignore Mark’s bad girl comments, I addressed Rick’s. “It’s not that I don’t love the way

you love me, babe, but yeah, I have to admit there are times when I get off more on giving you pleasure

than receiving it.”

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Rick’s dark eyes gleamed. “C’mon, Ange, be honest. There’s more to it than giving me pleasure.”

Blame it on the sweltering summer heat, the sexual tension that had been building ever since I’d

sauntered out onto the deck in my underwear, or the tequila, but I couldn’t help myself. Sitting around with

two hot and tempting men talking about sex for three hours had loosened my tongue and primed my pussy.

The naughty devil that had perched on my shoulder all night jumped up and ran away with my tongue.

“I love to suck dick,” I admitted bluntly. “I love the feel of a man’s cock in my mouth. The totally

male musky flavor, the sounds a man makes when he’s on the edge, the hot throbbing against my tongue as

his cock gets bigger and harder and come starts to leak out the tip. I love it. I love it all.”

Lust was stamped clearly on Mark’s face. “Damn, Rick. You’re one lucky bastard.”

“If Rick said it was okay, I’d tell you to come see me the next time you want your cock sucked,” I

continued rashly. “I’d show you a woman could enjoy it. I bet I’d give you the best head you ever had,

better than any man or woman has ever given you.”

Both men stared at me, mouths open in surprise. By the time my brain caught up with my mouth Rick

had that look in his eyes. The look that said “I double dog dare you”.

Unlike most men, Rick wasn’t pissed off by what I’d said. Oh no, instead of getting all bent out of

shape, my man was…aroused.

Sure enough, he quirked an eyebrow at me. “Go for it.”

background image

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

It’s all about the story…









Red Hots!


Science Fiction


Young Adult


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