Eden Bradley Tempt Me Twice

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Tempt Me Twice


One hot man is good. Two’s double the fun…until your heart gets involved.

Jessie has been in love with her bisexual best friend, Paul, since their college days. He’s

never made a move on her, though, and at this point she values his friendship too much to

risk revealing her feelings. Especially since now he has a new male lover and seems so


Paul and Noah have only Jessie’s rest and relaxation in mind when they invite her along

on a camping trip to Lake Tahoe. She’s been pretty stressed out preparing to show her art at

a major New York gallery. A weekend getaway will do her a world of good—and they won’t

take no for an answer.

Jesse thought she’d be nothing more than a third wheel on this trip. But Noah is as sweet

and hot as Paul, and their first night turns into a heated tangle of bodies in the dark tent by the


It’s an erotic, intense experience that must come to an end. And when it does, will she still

have her best friend?

Warning: Explicit and unusual sex in nearly every possible combination: boy on girl, boy

on boy, boys on girl, with a little anal action and some spanking thrown in just to keep things


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They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products

of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real.

Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

Macon GA 31201

Tempt Me Twice

Copyright © 2009 by Eden Bradley

ISBN: 978-1-60504-489-7

Edited by Bethany Morgan

Cover by Anne Cain

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner

whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in crit-

ical articles and reviews.

First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: April 2009


Tempt Me Twice

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Eden Bradley


To my fellow Smutketeers, Crystal Jordan, Lilli Feisty and especially to my darling R.G. Al-

exander, for their endless cheerleading (and yes, I’m imagining you all in little skirts with pom-


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Chapter One

Jessica leaned closer to the standing fan in her studio, the air ruffling her long hair. San Fran-

cisco was experiencing an unusual heat wave, and the fact that Paul was on the other end of

the phone only made her hotter.

Paul. Her best friend. Her mad crush. But no, it was more than that—she’d been in love

with him for years, ever since they’d met in college. That was ten years ago, and she’d always

hoped to outgrow her feelings for him. No such luck. He’d never made a move on her, even

though she could swear there was chemistry between them. Why not? That question had al-

ways driven her crazy.

Stop brooding.

“So, Jessie, what do you think? Come to Lake Tahoe with Noah and me. We’re leaving to-


Oh yes, that was just what she needed. To see Paul with one of his guys. One of his lov-

ers. Better than seeing him with another woman. She couldn’t even stand to think about that.

Actually, the idea of seeing him with another guy was pretty hot…

Stop it! He’s your best friend.

She cleared her throat, her fingers tightening around the paintbrush in her hand.

“I don’t know. I have the show coming up at that new gallery on Columbus Street in a few


“Yeah, and as always, you’ve been prepared for it for months. You don’t need any extra

pieces, even though you always think you do.”

She eyed the canvases laid out all around the perimeter of her studio loft: twenty-three of

them. She’d committed to twenty for the show. “You know me too well.”

“Come on, Jessie. I know you’ve been tense waiting to see if that New York gallery will

pick you up. Why not take a few days off to relax? You could use it. And you’ll like Noah.”

“I’m sure I would. I just think…I’d better not. Noah came all the way from Canada to see

you. I doubt he’d appreciate me tagging along. You two go and have a great time.”

“Party pooper.”

She laughed. “Oh I’m sure you’ll have enough of a party without me.”

“Maybe we should swing by your place and kidnap you.”


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“I just might do it.” There was a wicked edge to his voice, but she didn’t believe him. Not

quite anyway.

“Yeah, yeah, you’re all talk, my friend. Have a good trip. You can tell me all about it when

you get back.”


She laughed and hung up.

He could always make her feel good, no matter how she yearned for him. And Lord knew

she did. She’d have all weekend now to imagine him with Noah, stretched out under the stars,

naked, their hands on each other, their mouths…

She squeezed her thighs together, trying to ease some of the tension. It didn’t help.

And I’ll be stretched out on my lonely bed with my collection of vibrators.

She drew in a breath of the muggy air, along with the earthy scents of paint, linseed oil,

the empty, starchy canvases stacked along one wall. She eyed the piece on the easel before

her, a portrait she’d been working on the last few days, but she couldn’t focus. With a sigh,

she took her brushes to the sink and began to wash them, the cool water and the ritual sooth-

ing her.

Maybe she should have agreed to go with them. Tahoe was gorgeous this time of year.

No vibrators in Tahoe. Just Paul and Noah, who was undoubtedly as beautiful as Paul

was, flirting, touching each other…


No, she’d stay in the city and get some more work done. But later, when the weather had

cooled down a bit. When she would have a chance to cool down.

Laying the brushes on the drying rack, she went to stand in front of the big bay window,

resting her fingertips on the cool glass. The city was alive below her. She could see most of

Noe Valley from her building on the hill, the colorful houses, the cars and people surging like

water on the streets and sidewalks. San Francisco was a city filled with energy, electric. She

loved it here. But right now getting away wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Maybe she should call

Paul back.


It was too hot to think. She’d shower first. Make a decision later.

Moving from the studio end of her loft apartment to the living area, she stripped her tank

top over her head, threw it on the bed, pulled off her cotton shorts and her underwear and

tossed them after her tank. Naked, she went into the big bathroom and turned the shower on,

stepped into the spray.

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The cool water hit her skin and she gasped, but it felt good. She moved in under it, soak-

ing her long brown hair, pushing it back from her face. Her nipples were coming up hard from

the cold water. Or maybe because she was still thinking of Paul, still imagining him with Noah.

She knew what Noah looked like. Paul had told her in detail when he’d met him on a road trip

to look at a car a few months ago. Paul had gotten his degree in business administration, then

had gone into business himself doing what he loved most—restoring classic muscle cars.

She’d always teased him about what a butch profession that was for a bisexual man. He’d

taken it with humor, as he did everything. One of the things she loved about him. That and his

brilliant blue eyes. Eyes like summer.

He smelled like summer.

She groaned and slipped a hand between her thighs, finding her sex hot and eager. She

immediately plunged two fingers inside, pressing the heel of her hand against her already

aching clit. But it wasn’t enough. It never was. She needed a man’s touch, and she hadn’t had

that since she’d broken up with Jake nearly a year ago.

Don’t think about him.

No, she’d think about Paul, his tall, lean muscled body, the scent of his skin. Imagine his

wide, laughing mouth on hers.

He had never even kissed her, other than a friendly peck on the cheek or her forehead,

which she secretly loved. But she’d spent years imagining the way he would kiss her, his lips

soft and warm, his wet tongue slipping into her mouth. If she thought hard enough, it was al-

most more of a memory than something she’d made up.

Don’t think, don’t think…

She pushed her fingers deeper, began to pump, pressing harder on her clit. Pleasure

swarmed her, soft and liquid, like the water falling on her skin.


Yes, his sparkling eyes, his mouth on hers, his hands on her body, her breasts.

Not enough.

She took the showerhead in her hand, detached the sprayer, set it to massage mode and

aimed it at her clit.

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Oh yes, that was better.

Leaning against the cool tiles, she slid her fingers back inside, the walls of her pussy hot

and clenching. The sprayer was pulsing hard on her swollen clit, sending pleasure through

her in long, undulating ripples.

So close…

She curved her fingers, finding her G-spot, stroked. And in her mind’s eye, it was Paul’s

hand inside her, all over her.

She shivered, on the edge of climax already. She wanted to wait, to draw it out, but the

sound of his deep voice was in her head, the texture of his skin, and his mouth…

Oh, yes…

Her pussy tightened, pleasure shafting into her body, deeper, deeper, until she was shak-

ing with it, panting, coming so damn hard.


She was still coming, the waves subsiding, shimmering over her skin like the water.

Finally, she dropped the sprayer, fell against the side of the shower, her back against the

tiles, the cold seeping into her, calming her. It was several minutes before she was able to

slow her breathing, to wash her body, her hair. And even then, the soap running over her

flesh was almost too much for her, making her want to get off again. Needing to.


She reached for the sprayer once more.

“Hey, Jessie!”


A shock of desire went through her, her knees going weak.


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He must have let himself in with his key. They always kept a key to each other’s apart-

ments. They had for years. She shut the water off.

“Paul?” she called out.

“We came to kidnap you. I hope you’re ready.”

He had no idea how ready she was. Ready to take him into her bedroom, strip him down

and shove him onto her bed. Straddle him and ride his hard cock.

She groaned quietly.

Get it together.

“Um… I’ll be right out.”

Taking a deep breath, she grabbed a towel and dried herself, the nubby fabric making her

nipples draw tight.

She was naked, and he was in the next room.

She shook her head at her reflection in the mirror. She was flushed, her small nipples a

dark pink, hard. Her green eyes were glossy, her pupils dilated. She had to calm down.

She spent a few minutes rubbing her favorite cherry blossom scented lotion into her skin,

combing her long hair out. In the other room, she could hear music playing, some classic

rock. Paul loved the old rock bands—Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith. She loved that

music too. It reminded her of her childhood, that time before her Dad had died and life got

complicated. Before she had started looking at all the wrong men to replace him.

She really was thinking too much today.

She reached for her short, dark blue silk kimono robe hanging from the back of the bath-

room door, drew the fabric around her and went into the living area.


Paul looked up from her big, overstuffed sofa, where he was lounging with his arm around

Noah. She took him in, a quick glance. Beautiful stranger, just as she’d expected, his tan,

blond beauty a sharp contrast to Paul’s dark curling hair. The artist in her could see what a

pair they made, taking in the dissimilarity in coloration, muscle, light and dark, hard-packed

and lean. She would love to sketch them together.

Paul stood, towering over her. “I see you’re getting ready to go. Which is good, because

you’re coming with us.”

“No I’m not.”

He shrugged. “I’m not worried, we’ll change your mind. Come here.”

He took her hand, dragging her toward him and into his arms, hugging her close.

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God, he smelled good.

Her body went liquid with desire as he held her a moment too long. Or maybe that was her

overheated imagination.

Paul released her. “Jessie, this is Noah.”

Noah was standing now too. He was several inches shorter than Paul, his body more

heavily muscled, more tightly-packed. Gorgeous. And he had beautiful hazel eyes, gold and

green and silver all at the same time. When he took her hand, she shivered.

“Jessie, hi. Paul’s told me all about you.”

“Not everything.” Paul winked, smiled.

Jessie smiled back, a little shaky, dazed. Acutely aware of being naked beneath the silk of

her robe, of the two male gazes on her. She didn’t know if Noah was gay or bi; she’d never

thought to ask, but something in his gleaming eyes spoke of desire. And she was feeling it,

that hot spark, that exquisite need.

She looked from Noah to Paul.

Need to come again. With Paul. With Noah. With them both.

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Chapter Two

Somehow, an hour later, she was in Paul’s black Jeep Cherokee, roaring up Highway 80 on

the way to Lake Tahoe. Music blared from the CD player, the windows were down to let the

fresh summer air in and she was more relaxed than she’d been in months.

“So,” Noah started, “tell me how you two met.”

“I picked her up in a sex ed class,” Paul said, winking at her over his shoulder.

“Hah. Hardly. I was his English tutor.”

“Yeah, but my version is so much sexier.”

Why did he have to say something like that? When had things between them ever been

sexy, other than in her vivid imagination?

“You’ve known each other a long time then,” Noah said.

“We’ve been friends for ten years.” Paul turned again, flashed her a quick smile, and her

insides melted as always.

“Why just friends? Or has something more ever happened between you two?”

“No, nothing,” Paul was quick to answer, then they were both silent.

Noah looked from Jessie to Paul. “Sorry. Not my business. I shouldn’t have asked.”

“It’s okay,” Jessie told him. “It’s a reasonable enough question.”

One she’d never been able to answer.

“What about you two? You met when Paul went to Quebec to pick up that T-bird, right?”

Noah nodded, smiled, a brilliant flash of strong white teeth.

Beautiful man.

“Yeah. He came into the bar where I was having a drink with an old friend. I’m really not

usually the bar type. But Paul walked in, the hot American import. I liked him right away. I still


He reached out, stroked a hand over Paul’s T-shirt-clad shoulder, and a rush of envy went

through her. If only she could touch Paul so casually, express her desire for him so openly.

If only Noah would touch her like that.

Jesus. She really was a mess. She didn’t even know who she wanted. And nothing was

going to happen anyway. She may as well get over it.

But she was wet, aching, as much as she’d been in the shower.

They reached their campground on the edge of Lake Tahoe in another four hours, parked

and got out of the car. The sun was lowering in the sky, casting darkening shadows over the

crisp blue, touching the water in the lake with silver. Fir trees surrounded the lake, which sat

like an enormous blue bowl, cradled by the surrounding mountains.

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Jessie raised her arms over her head and stretched her back, breathing in the crisp, clean

air. So gorgeous here. She was glad she’d come, despite her uncontrolled surges of lust.

Paul came around the side of the car and slid an arm around her shoulders.

“Can I tempt you to get some food ready while we put the tent up?”

He could tempt her into doing almost anything, if only he knew it.

“Sure. I saw the ice chest in the back. I’ll take care of it.”

They spent some time getting the campsite together. The sun dove into the horizon in a

blaze of summer sky glory. Shades of pink, amber and gold cast long shadows against the

trees, touching the boughs with color, before sinking, leaving them in darkness other than the

light from the fire they’d built and the two Coleman lanterns, the faint glow from the other


Dinner was simple, pan-fried steak and potatoes wrapped in foil and baked in the fire, a

bottle of wine followed by another. Conversation was easy. Noah was easy to be with, warm,

friendly, open. He and Paul sat side by side, laughing, touching, yet somehow still making

Jessie feel included.

She’d had too much wine, but it didn’t seem to matter. Paul and Noah would take care of

her, she knew. She could let go, for the first time in far too long.

Finally it was time to settle in for the night. Paul helped her to her feet.

“Whoa, Jess. Hang on.”

“I’m okay. Just have a nice little buzz going.”

“Maybe more than a little.” He grinned at her.

“Maybe.” She grinned back, her body going warm all over as he looped an arm around her


They moved to the tent, and Noah held the flap back for them. It was a large tent, almost

tall enough for Paul to stand up straight in. Noah was already spreading out their sleeping

bags, Paul’s in the middle. Jessie sat on hers to take her shoes off.

Paul yawned, stretched.

“Anyone else tired?”

“A little sleepy from the wine,” Jessie said.

“Me too.” Noah pulled his shirt over his head, revealing tight abs and a wide chest. She

could make out his muscle tone even in the dim light of the single lantern they’d taken into the

tent with them.

Paul stripped his shirt off too. She’d seen him without a shirt before, and it was something

she never got over. The lean lines of his body, his smooth skin, his nipples dark, surrounded

by a sprinkling of black hair. She wanted to put her mouth there, to suck…

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Stop it. Time to sleep.

The men stripped down to their boxer-briefs, and she could see they were both hard,

aroused. She squeezed her thighs tightly, her sex burning with need.

Paul glanced at her. “You’re not sleeping in your clothes, are you, Jess? It’s too hot.”

“Um…I guess not.”

She shrugged, wiggled out of her jeans, leaving her in her tank top and her underwear. It

wasn’t that she was ashamed of her slim body. But they were all nearly naked together, and

as Paul lay on the sleeping bag next to hers, she could swear she felt the heat from his big

body. His scent, warm on the night air. And more faintly, Noah’s scent, fresh and all male.

How was she ever going to get to sleep?

It was even worse when Paul leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. She

had to bite her tongue to keep from groaning aloud.

“’Night, Jess.”


“Sleep well,” Noah said.

She lay in the near-dark, moonlight casting shadows inside the tent, doubting she’d ever

sleep, listening to the rhythm of the two men breathing, the crickets chirping in the night. It

was hot in the tent, and they were all lying on top of the sleeping bags. She was far too aware

of the two bodies next to her. Far too awake, despite the wine. Squeezing her eyes closed,

she tried to shut her mind off, trying to rid it of the images of Paul and Noah, the two of them

touching each other. Touching her. But they kept coming, one sensual flash after another, un-

til she was soaking wet, fighting to hold still, to keep her hand from creeping between her

thighs, spreading her pussy lips apart to find the hard nub of her clit, bringing herself to a

much needed orgasm. She bit back a moan.

She heard a soft sound and turned her head. Paul had his back to her, and she could see

Noah’s hand resting on his side, moving down, over the hard muscle of his buttocks. She

could barely make out their silhouettes, the shadows of their hands, but she could tell they

had them all over each other, stroking slowly. Pure torture to watch, but she couldn’t look


She was burning. For Paul. For Noah.

And when Paul raised himself on one elbow, leaned in and kissed Noah, she couldn’t help

the small groan that escaped her.

“Sorry, Jess, did we wake you?” Paul’s voice was low, husky, wary.

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“Um, no. I couldn’t sleep.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize. I was enjoying the view.”

God, had she really said that? She bit her lip.

They were all silent. Then Noah said quietly, “You know, I can see you two are attracted to

each other. I don’t know why nothing has ever happened. But I don’t see any reason why it

shouldn’t. I think you’re beautiful, Jessie.”

Her heart was pounding. She didn’t know what to say. “I thought you were gay. I mean…”

“I am. Mostly. I do like women though. And occasionally I’m attracted to a woman.” He

paused. “I’m attracted to you, Jessie.”

She swallowed, hard, her body melting into a hot liquid that pooled between her thighs.

Her pulse hammered in her veins.

“Paul?” Noah asked.

“Yeah…” Paul blew out a long breath, paused, said quietly, “I’ve always wanted you,


“What? But you never…you never said anything. You’ve never touched me. Not in that


“And you, Jessie?” Noah asked, his voice low. “Do you want to touch him? Do you want to

touch me?”


“Yes,” she said, her voice a harsh whisper. Her body was on fire.

It was Noah’s hand she felt on hers as he leaned over Paul. He pulled it to his lips, slowly

kissed her fingertips. Lovely. Excruciating. He pulled her close, until her body was pressed

against Paul’s long, lean form. Paul held still while Noah bent his head and brushed a soft

kiss across her mouth. She was soaked instantly, between Noah’s lush mouth, Paul’s arm

brushing her breasts. Her nipples were two hard peaks, begging to be touched.

Please don’t let this be a dream…

She knew it wasn’t when Noah parted her lips with his and slipped his tongue inside. Just

a small, wet flicker, then he let her go and asked, “Okay?”

She nodded, took a moment to find her voice. “Yes.”

“Jessie.” Paul’s voice was thick with desire. Then his hand was on her, sliding over her

waist, and she was soaking wet. Needy. Squirming.

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How many times had she imagined Paul touching her? But never in her wildest fantasies

had she imagined Noah, being with two men at once. The idea was wild, intoxicating. She

closed her eyes, and suddenly there were strong male hands on her, all over her, and she

couldn’t tell who they belonged to. It was all sensation and pure driving hunger, pleasure shiv-

ering over her skin.

“Too many clothes, Jess,” Paul said, then he pulled her shirt over her head. She knew it

was him from his scent. And when she opened her eyes, she could make out Noah’s muscu-

lar silhouette against the side of the tent. He was sitting up, struggling out of his boxers. Her

mouth watered in anticipation. She licked her lips.

She could barely believe this was happening.

“Come here, Jess. God, I need this.” Paul took her in his arms, and his mouth came down

on hers, a hard kiss, his tongue working its way into her mouth. And it was so damn sweet

and wet and real.


He pulled her closer until she was right up against him, his tongue moving deeper into her

mouth, one arm around her waist. Then she heard Noah whisper, “Jessie”, and he was there,

too, behind her now, trailing hot kisses over her bare shoulder.

She shivered, desire swarming her system, hot, primal. Paul’s lean frame pressed against

her breasts, his chest hair a little rough against her sensitized nipples. And Noah’s hard

muscles behind her, pressing close. Two mouths brushing over her skin as Paul bent to trail

kisses over her throat. She leaned her head back, and Noah laid soft, wet kisses down her


She’d never felt anything like it, pleasure doubled, intense. And when Noah reached

around her body and skimmed his fingertips over her breasts, she gasped, arching into his


“Ah, you like that, Jessie?” he asked.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Tell us what else you like,” Noah demanded.

“Yes, what do you want, Jess?” Paul asked.

“Oh God. Everything…”

A small laugh from Noah, pleased, a little wicked. Then his hands gathered her breasts,

kneading the flesh, while Paul lowered his head, covered Noah’s hands with his own, and

drew one nipple into his mouth. Hot and sucking and oh God, pleasure driving straight to her

throbbing clit, deep into her sex, until she thought she could almost come just from this. Noah

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pressed closer, and she could feel his erection against the small of her back.

“Feel how hard I am for you, Jessie,” he said, his voice low, laced with need.

“Jess…” Paul took her hand and guided it to the bulge beneath the cotton of his boxers. “I

want you.”

She could feel the size of him, harder and thicker than she’d ever dreamed. She needed

to touch him, to hold him in her hand. To slip his cock between her lips. To possess him that


Somehow they all got their clothes off, the men helping her to wriggle out of her damp

panties. A hand slipped between her thighs, brushing her mound, making her cry out. She

didn’t even know which one of them it was until Paul said, “I always knew you would be like

this. Wet. Ready. Christ, Jess. I need to fuck you soon. I can hardly wait.”

“I need to fuck you both,” Noah said, laughing.

They laid her on her back, came together over her body, and the two men leaned in,

closer, closer, until their lips met. It went through her like a shock, seeing them kiss. Male lips

on male lips, and then they opened to each other, and she could just make out the wet flesh

of tongues, heard their quiet moans. Her pussy was absolutely aching with need, and the

longer she watched them kiss, the hotter she became. Just when she was sure she couldn’t

stand it any longer, Noah reached down and cupped one of her breasts, used his fingers to

tease the nipple. And Paul slipped one hand between her thighs.

“Oh! God…”

“Is that good, Jess?” Paul asked. “I want it to be good for you.”

“Oh, yes. It’s good.” She could hardly speak through the desire lancing into her body. Her

pussy throbbed. She needed him to really touch her, to push his fingers inside her.

She arched her hips into Paul’s hand, her breast into Noah’s.

“Our girl is needy,” Noah said, humor in his voice, but it was rough with lust too.

“Let’s give her what she needs then,” Paul said. “Do you want us to go down on you,

Jess? I’ve fantasized about that for years. I need to know what you taste like.”

“Just do it. Please.”

Was that her voice, so weak with desire? But she didn’t have a chance to think about it.

Paul leaned in and spread her thighs wide, lowered his mouth. His breath was warm on her

mound for one moment, then he used his fingers to massage the lips of her sex. Desire, hot,

intense, danced over her skin. Then he spread her pussy until she was wide open and

planted his mouth between her thighs.

“God, Paul!”

His mouth was wet, hot, his tongue diving into her, into that needy hole, and she was

gasping. Noah’s hands were still on her breasts, kneading, tugging on her nipples.

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“Please what, Jessie?”

“I need…I need it harder.”

“Like this?”

He pinched her nipples between his fingers, and she gasped.


It was almost too much, her nipples burning with sensation, her pussy dripping and Paul

lapping up her juices with his tongue. Pleasure upon pleasure, her body on fire. She

squirmed, on the edge already. But it was too good to come just yet. She bit her lip, held


Paul paused, lifting his head for one moment. “Come on, baby. Come for us.”

For us.

Oh, she was going to come any moment, despite her best efforts. She’d never felt any-

thing like this. And she wanted to see them kiss again. She wanted them to fuck her, first one,

then the other. She wanted to see them fuck each other. She wanted it all.

“Come, Jessie. I want to hear you moan,” Noah said. “I want to hear you scream.”

He twisted her nipples in his fingers, bent and took her mouth with his, his tongue pushing

inside. And Paul was licking her, his tongue diving inside her pussy, then flicking at her clit.

She arched into his face. She could barely stand it. And when he pulled her clit into his

mouth, sucking, sucking, she came in a torrent of sensation. Exploding. Burning, fire spread-

ing through her body in sharp currents.

“Oh God!”

She kept coming, sensation overload. She couldn’t stop. Paul’s hot mouth worked merci-

lessly between her thighs, Noah’s clever hands worked her nipples. She shuddered, pleasure

pouring through her, until she was drowning in it, helpless.

When it was over, they both held her, stroking her skin. She could smell desire in the air.

Hers. Theirs. She wanted more.

“I need to see you,” she told them. “I need to see you two together.”

“Not a problem.” She could make out Noah’s slow, wicked grin in the dim light from the full

moon shining outside the tent. Just enough light to see them, and it was the hottest thing

she’d ever seen, Noah’s head falling back as Paul leaned in to kiss his throat. Paul moved

lower, drew one of Noah’s small, dark nipples into his mouth and sucked. Noah groaned, and

Jessie’s sex filled, swelled, needy and wet once more. A small moan escaped her.

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“You like to watch, Jessie,” Noah said, his voice rough.


“Will you touch yourself while you watch? I’d really love to see that. To see what makes

you feel good.”

“Oh God.”

Paul lifted his head, smiled at her, reached out and stroked her cheek. “I’d love to see you

touch yourself, Jess. Do you know how often I’ve imagined that? Do it, Jess. Do it for me.”

His words went through her like a hot storm, and she nodded, sat up, knelt on the hard

ground, her knees spread wide.

“Just do it,” she said.

They both smiled at her, watched with glittering eyes as she slipped a hand between her

aching thighs. She was soaking wet again. Her fingers went right to her hard clit, stroking,

sending pleasure through her in small waves. The two men turned back to each other, and

Noah put his hands on Paul’s chest, pushed him down onto his back. He straddled Paul’s

body, bent until his head was inches from Paul’s cock. And as he slid the swollen tip into his

mouth, Paul reached out and grasped Jessie’s thigh, his hand like a brand on her skin.

She watched, fascinated, as Noah took his own cock in his hand and began to stroke.

Then he lowered his mouth, Paul’s cock sliding between his lips. He came back up, and

Paul’s cock was wet with Noah’s saliva, gleaming. Jessie slipped her hand between her

pussy lips, slick with her juices.

“Come on, Noah,” Paul whispered. “Really suck it.”

A small laugh from Noah, then he went to work, drawing Paul’s cock in between his lips,

his mouth sliding, lowering, until Jessie imagined the head of Paul’s cock hitting the back of

his throat. She shivered as she watched, wanting to do the same, to taste him herself.

Paul moaned, and she plunged two fingers deep inside her pussy. Her juices dripped

down her spread thighs, and desire was like a furnace in her system, heat on her skin, deep

inside her as she thrust her fingers in and out.

Paul’s hips were pumping into Noah’s mouth, his hand gripping Jessie’s thigh. She arched

her hips, needing his touch.

“Come closer, Jess,” he told her.

She moved until her knees were pressed against Paul’s side, and he slid his hand up her


“God, I need to touch you. Spread for me.”

She could hear the strain in Paul’s voice, the wet sounds of Noah sucking his cock. The

scent of sex was heavy in the air. And she could see Noah stroking his own hard cock, thrust-

ing into his fisted hand. Then Paul’s fingers were pushing in between her pussy lips, sliding

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into that needy hole.

“Ah, Paul!”

“Is that good, baby? I want it to be good for you.”

“It’s good…so good.”

His fingers pushed deeper inside and his thumb went to her clit, pressing, rubbing.

“I’m going to…I’m going to come again.”

“Yeah, come for me. Come for us, Jess. I want to come with you.”

She could hear the strain in his voice and knew he didn’t have long. Neither did she. It

was all too intense, Paul’s hand working her mercilessly, fucking her with his fingers, pressing

on her clit. And the sight of their two beautiful male bodies—Noah stroking his rigid shaft

faster and faster, going down on Paul, imagining how their cocks would feel in her

mouth—was making her shake all over.

Heat pooled in her sex, her stomach, spread. She arched her hips into Paul’s hand.


“Anything for you, Jess.”

He added another finger, filling her wet pussy, pushing hard into her, grating against her



“Come, baby. I’m coming…coming…”

He gasped, groaned, and her entire body clenched in pleasure, her climax shattering her,

sharp and blinding.


She could smell the acrid scent of Paul’s come, the scent of her own slick juices as her

sex convulsed hard around his fingers. Noah’s moans joined theirs as he came, the sound

driving her on.

Finally, the last edges of her orgasm faded away, and Paul pulled his fingers from her,

drew her to him until she lay against his chest. Noah was on his other side, stroking Jessie’s

hair. And it felt so good, so incredible. Her body was buzzing, her mind clouded. And her

heart was thundering with spent desire and emotion. She couldn’t believe she was here with

Paul. And sweet Noah. Sweet and dirty. She’d never felt like this in her life.

“Baby,” Paul said, his arm tightening around her.


“Just glad you’re here with us. With me.”

She smiled, her heart soaring.

Don’t think it means anything more than sex.

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No, too hard to think now, to figure anything out. She was happy enough to be right where

she was, to have these two amazing, gorgeous creatures paying attention to her, wanting her.

To come over and over with them. To imagine what might happen next. They had three days,

and she planned to enjoy every single moment.

The steady murmur of Paul’s heart beneath her ear soothed her to sleep, and she drifted


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Chapter Three

Morning came, the dim light filtering through the wall of the tent. Jessie was a little stiff from

sleeping on the ground. But her head was still pillowed on Paul’s chest. She smiled to herself.

“Happy, Jess?”

He was awake.

“Yes. Very.”

“Me too. Now if Noah would wake up, we could eat.”

“You’re always hungry.” She ran a hand over his chest, felt his nipple come up hard be-

neath her fingertips.

“Mmm…always. But food can wait. I’m hungry for you this morning.”

Desire flooded her as he rolled onto his side and pulled her close, her bare breasts

crushed against the solid wall of his chest. She could feel his hard nipples on her flesh, and

her own hardened in response. And when his mouth came down on hers, his soft, wet tongue

pushing between her lips, opening her to him, her mind went blank as she melted into him.

He kept kissing her, his hands roaming her body, cruising over her side, her thigh. In her

mind was the vague thought that this was Paul, that she was really here with him, his hands

on her, his mouth. And the idea was every bit as thrilling as what he was doing to her.

When his hand reached her ass he squeezed, pulling her hips even closer, his erection

pressing into the soft flesh of her belly. She squirmed, her pussy hot and tight with need,

every nerve in her body alive. She needed him inside her.

“Hang on, baby.”

He sat up, reached around the still-sleeping Noah into his backpack and came back with a

pack of condoms. As he opened the small foil packet, Jessie took in the sight of his body, the

lean, hard muscle, the tight abs with that tempting trail of dark hair leading from his navel to

his beautifully hard cock. Her mouth actually watered as he rolled the condom over that rigid

length of flesh. Taking her by the waist, he laid on his back, pulling her body over his.

“I want you to fuck me, Jess. Do you want me?”

Oh yes, this was exactly what she wanted. Needed. Her pussy throbbed.

“Yes. I want you.”

She straddled his body, loving even the feel of his smooth torso against her inner thighs.

His blue eyes were brilliant in the soft morning light, gleaming. His mouth looked impossibly

lush as a slow smile spread. Beautiful.


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She raised her hips, used her hands to guide his cock to her opening, and gasped as he

thrust upward, his rigid flesh pushing into her pussy.

“Christ, you’re so damn wet, baby. I love how wet you get.”

She moaned, pleasure shafting into her, deeper than his plunging cock. Beginning to

move, she lowered her body hard onto his, impaling herself, his cock driving deep.

“Ah, Paul. You feel so good. Better than I ever imagined.”

“Did you, Jess? Did you think about us together like this?”

“Yes. Always.”


He grasped her hips, raising her body, sliding his cock back until only the very tip re-

mained inside her. She shivered.

“Come on, Paul. I need you. Please.”

“Anything for you, baby.”

There was one long moment when his blue gaze locked on hers, but she was too far gone

to figure out what it was she saw there. Lust? Emotion? Then he thrust hard, plunging into her

pussy, and she began to tremble, her thighs shaking, her mind going blank. Desire was a

hard, stinging current as she ground down onto him, raised herself, plunged again. Soon they

were both panting, moaning.

“Hey…you started without me,” Noah said, his voice laced with sleep, with lust. He got on

his knees behind Jessie, trailed kisses over her shoulders, down her back. And she had one

brief moment to comprehend the sheer excitement of having one man inside her, another’s

mouth on her skin. A new stab of desire lanced into her body.


He moved in close, and she could feel the tip of his cock against the small of her back. He

was so close, his breath warm on her hair. He whispered, “I was dreaming about you two.

And woke to find you like this. And I’m so damn hard for you both. I want you, Jessie. I want

your ass. Have you ever done that?”

Paul stilled beneath her, but she could feel his cock pulsing inside her. Lovely.

“No. Never.” She was breathless, wanting.

“Do you want to? Do you want me to fuck your ass while Paul is inside you? Can you take

it, do you think?”

Her pussy clenched hard hearing him say these things. She’d never wanted anything so

badly in her life.

“Yes, I want it, Noah. I can take it. Please, do it.”

“I’ll be careful with you, Jessie,” he said. “I brought lube. I’ll make sure you’re nice and wet

for me. And I’ll fuck you nice and slow.”

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He turned for a few moments, and she looked down into Paul’s blue eyes. They were

blazing, hot. He smiled at her, reached up and ran a hand along her jaw. Her heart lurched in

her chest.

Anything for you…

“It’ll be good, Jess. So good. For you. For me too.”

His hips thrust, his cock driving into her. She was so damn wet she felt like she could take

them both in her pussy at the same time. She wanted it, wanted to be filled in every way.

Then Noah was behind her again. “Lean forward a little, yeah, that’s it.”

She braced herself on Paul’s chest, and his hands were around her waist, holding her.

“Good, Jess. It’ll be good, baby,” he whispered, pulling her down for a kiss.

His mouth was sweet, wet, as wet as the lube Noah was rubbing between her ass cheeks.

“I’m going in, Jessie,” Noah told her before slipping the tip of one lubed finger into her ass.


“Okay, baby?” Paul asked her.

“Yes. I’m okay. Yes…”

“Just take a deep breath, relax,” Noah told her. “Let it out. Again.”

“Is it good, Jess?” Paul asked her. “I want it to be good, baby.”

“Yes, it’s good. Better than I thought it would be. I can take more, Noah. Please.”

He moved his finger in, inch by inch, and pleasure rolled over her like a wave, weighing

her down. She fell forward, onto Paul’s hard chest. He held her against him, stroked her hair,

pushing his cock into her with gentle thrusts. Noah began to move his finger in the same

rhythm. Desire built, heating her all over. The sensation came at her from every direction, and

the taboo of what she was doing made desire pound like a hammer in her veins.

“Are you ready, Jessie?” Noah asked.

“Yes. I’m ready. I want it.”

Paul stilled while Noah moved in closer behind her, his thighs between hers. She could

feel the taut muscle, the fine hairs on his thighs tickling her skin. Using his hands, he spread

her buttocks apart, and then she felt the head of his cock against that tight hole.

“You can do it,” he encouraged her as he slipped the tip in. He paused, gasped. “You

have the most beautiful ass, Jessie.”

There was one moment of burning pain. Then she took a deep breath, willed her body to

relax. And as she did the sensation increased, sending heat and need through her system.

“More, Noah.”

“Good girl.”

He pushed deeper, and she breathed in once more, let him past that tight ring of muscle.

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“Christ, Jess…Noah. I can feel you inside her. I can feel your cock almost against mine.”

Jessie felt Paul’s cock pulse inside her, and that pulsing seemed to move, a tide of pleas-

ure, deep in her pussy, in her ass, as Noah pushed deeper. They both began a small, gentle

thrusting. Pleasure built, spiraled, immediately. She was hyper-aware of every sensation—the

two cocks filling her, Paul’s hands on her, Noah’s breath warm on the back of her neck, the

panting breath of all three of them. The sensual scents of sex and sweat.

When Noah reached around her and pressed on her clit, it was too much for her. She

came in a flood of heat and desire, so hard it almost hurt. She ground down onto Paul’s cock,

pushed back onto Noah’s rigid cock in her ass, needing it all, overwhelmed by pleasure.

“God, God, God…”

She was shivering all over, small spasms still wracking her body. Noah and Paul were

both holding her tight, four strong arms wrapped around her waist.

“I’m coming,” Noah gasped.

Paul went rigid beneath her, his fingers digging into her flesh, then he thrust hard into her

still spasming pussy.

“Jess, baby!”

She didn’t know how long they lay in a tangle. All she knew was their ragged breath, skin

against skin and the waning desire shimmering through her body. At some point Noah and

Paul both pulled out of her, and she found herself between them. They were both kissing her,

whispering words of encouragement to her.

“You did great, baby,” Paul told her.

“That was amazing, Jessie.” Noah lifted her hand to his lips, brushed his mouth over the

back of it, kissed her fingertips.

The whole world seemed hazy to her, as though nothing existed other than the three of

them. Sex and sweat and skin. And her heart thundering in her chest, that sharp ache for


I have him.

Did she?

She couldn’t think about it. No, she was too weak with spent desire, too warm beneath

their searching hands, their whispering mouths on her shoulder, her cheek. Everything was

good. Lovely. What more could she ask for?

She didn’t realize she’d fallen asleep until Paul stroked her cheek, said, “Wake up, baby.”

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“Mmm, what time is it?”

“I don’t know,” Noah said, stretching beside her. “But I’m starving. I’m going to the

showers. I wish you could come and shower with us, Jessie.” He leaned in, laid a kiss on her

mouth. “But I think it would cause a scandal in the campground.”

Paul lifted her hand, brushed a kiss over her knuckles. “We won’t be long.”

“I’m getting up to shower too. I have sex all over me.” But she was smiling as she said it.

She felt wonderful. Better than she had in her life.

It didn’t take long for them all to shower and change. They walked along the edge of the

campground beneath the heavy canopy of towering fir trees, crossed the street to a small

café that served breakfast all day. The scent of pine was heavy in the air, and the sun was

warming up, glittering like fallen diamonds on the lake. The furthest edge was misty, distant.

Her head felt sort of like that, as though a layer of fog blanketed the world. As though the

three of them were insulated, somehow, separate from the people around them.

Noah wrapped his fingers around hers and led her into the café, Paul laying a hand

against the small of her back, and she felt utterly cared for, protected. It felt wonderful. She

hadn’t expected this, hadn’t expected anything more than the sex, and she was comforted by

it and turned on all over again at the same time.

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Chapter Four

The place smelled of coffee and maple syrup. The wait staff bustled around with heavily laden

trays, and there was the clatter of silverware, the murmur of voices in the background. They

were seated quickly at a table by the front window, given menus and steaming mugs of cof-

fee. Jessie added cream and sugar to hers, looked up to find the two men smiling at each oth-

er across the table. A small stab of jealousy dug into her stomach.

You have no right to feel like this.

No, but she did. As much as she liked Noah, as much as she’d enjoyed the sex and

wanted to do it again, her feelings for Paul were as strong as ever. Stronger, after what they’d

done the night before, that morning.

She watched them watching each other, that lustful and amused exchange of glances,

and felt like an outsider for the first time since they’d had sex. And she didn’t like it at all. But

she knew it was up to her to accept the situation. Paul was hers on this trip, but shared. He

wasn’t really going to be hers. Not in the way she’d fantasized about since she’d first met him

in college. But this was better than nothing, never touching him, feeling his arms around her

naked body.

Wasn’t it?

“Jess, what are you ordering?” Paul asked her, oblivious to the gears turning in her head,

the dull ache in her chest.

“What? Oh, French toast, I think.”

“Me too,” Noah said. “It’s one of my favorites.”

“Jess makes the best French toast.” Paul’s bright blue gaze was trained on her. He was

smiling. “Remember how you used to make breakfast for me in the mornings after those col-

lege parties? You always let me crash on your couch. I couldn’t believe you actually got up

and cooked for me after those late nights.”

She would have done anything for him. Then. Now.

Jessie shrugged. “I had to eat too. Anyway, I never really drank much, so you were always

the one who was hungover.”

“So, he was the party guy in college?” Noah grinned, reached over and laid his hand on

Paul’s for a moment. Another small jealous stab, which Jessie tried to ignore.

“Maybe a little. Okay, maybe a lot. If it weren’t for Jess, I probably would have flunked out

of my second year. She made sure I got to class and gave me her notes when I didn’t make


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“It was no big deal.” She shrugged again, sipped her coffee.

Paul took her hand, curling his fingers around hers. His skin was warm, smooth. She

shivered, her entire system going warm. It felt too good. “It was a big deal to me. I haven’t for-

gotten about it.”

He was smiling at her again, his eyes so damn blue and clear, like the water in the lake.

Desire shimmered over her skin, and that deep, familiar yearning she’d never really come to

grips with.

Their food arrived, and they ate, talked. They were relaxed together, laughing, but for

Jessie there was still that underlying current of tension. She couldn’t seem to shake it.

Get a grip.

Yes, she’d better, or the trip was going to be ruined. Her friendship with Paul would be

ruined, which was exactly what she’d been trying to avoid all these years.

“We should head to the beach,” Noah said. “What do you think, Jessie?”

“Yes, sure.”

They paid the bill, got up and walked back to their campsite, and once more there was

one on each side of her, holding her hands, and she sank back into that comfort, even if a

small voice in her head reminded her it was temporary. An illusion.

By the time they changed and found a spot on the shore of the lake, she’d relaxed a bit.

They laid out a blanket, their towels, a cooler with some bottles of beer. Paul grabbed her

hand and pulled her down onto the blanket next to him. Excruciating to be so close to him, al-

most as naked as they’d been together that morning.

“What’s up, Jess? You’ve been quiet all day.”

“I’m just…tired, I guess.”

“You work too hard. You need to relax. Here, turn around.”

Paul laid his hands on her hips, helped her to shift on the blanket until she sat in front of

him, her back to him. Then he went to work, massaging her shoulders. His hands were

strong, warm. Incredible. She had to repress a sigh of yearning, of pure pleasure at his touch.

“You’re so tense.” Paul leaned in until she could feel his breath warm on her ear, sending

a long shiver of desire through her. “You okay, Jess?”

The concern in his voice made her heart lurch. Was she?

“Yeah, I’m fine. You two kept me up last night. And again this morning.”

“And we plan to keep you up again tonight.” Noah leaned in, brushed a kiss across her

mouth, and her body heated, her skin tingling.

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She was wet again. Needy. She squeezed her thighs together, trying to ease the ache

between them, images of their night, their morning, flashing through her mind. Noah sucking

Paul’s beautiful cock, stroking his own. Their hands all over her, each other, their cocks inside

her, everywhere at once. She reached up and wrapped a hand around Noah’s neck, pulling

him closer. He used his tongue to part her lips, dove in and twined with hers. His mouth was

sweet, wet. This was much better. Just enjoy him, enjoy them both, and stop thinking so

damn much. Her pussy filled, pulsed.

Oh yes, she was going to do it again. Tonight. Maybe sooner.

She needed it to be sooner. Needed it.

When Noah pulled away his hazel eyes were shining, full of heat and need.

Behind her she heard Paul groan, then he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her

back until her body rested against his. He moved her long hair aside with one hand, kissed

the back of her neck.

“I’m going to need you later, Jess. I hope you’re ready.”

“We’re all ready,” Noah said, his voice low, rough.

Paul laughed, pulled Jessie closer and said, “I’m too damn hard to let you go.”

“Are you going to keep me here all day?”

“I might have to. Unless Noah needs you. I’m trying not to be selfish.”

Noah grinned. “My turn will come later.”

Beyond Noah’s broad, tanned shoulder, Jessie noticed a couple watching them, probably

wondering what was going on with the three of them, but she didn’t care. She was going to

enjoy this experience, one she’d probably never have again. This was any woman’s fantasy,

and she needed to stop wasting time yearning for something she’d never have with Paul and

just relax, as he’d told her. And right now, with them both touching her, kissing her, it was

easier to focus on the response of her body. That hot ache between her thighs, her nipples

hard beneath her bikini top. And when she thought about what might happen later it was easy

to let the rest go, to let her body take over.

They spent the afternoon on the beach, lounging in the sun, Paul and Noah plunging into

the freezing water for a few minutes. Lake Tahoe was famous for being a bottomless lake,

and the water was far too frigid for Jessie. But she enjoyed watching the men play in the wa-

ter, the sun glistening on their wet, tanned skin, highlighting the toned muscle. Paul was taller

and leaner than Noah, who was all hard-packed abs and broad shoulders. But they were both

beautiful, utterly masculine despite their sexual preferences. She could watch them all day. If

she didn’t know it would be even better later on, once they were back at the campsite, naked

together, that male flesh over her, strong hands, hot, wet mouths…

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Late in the afternoon they packed up and went back to the campsite, showered and

changed. Noah volunteered to go back to the same café to pick up dinner. Paul sat next to

Jessie on one of the logs laid around the fire pit, looping an arm around her waist. Sleepy

from the short night and the long day in the sun, Jessie leaned into his shoulder.

“Are you glad you came, Jess?”

“Yeah, I am. This has been…amazing. Strange but really great.”

“Yeah.” He was quiet for a moment, and she enjoyed the weight of his arm around her, the

clean scent of his body. After a few minutes he said, “Jess?”


“Why haven’t we done this before?”

“You mean have a three-way with Noah?”

He laughed. “You know what I mean. Been together. The two of us.”

She really didn’t want to be the one to answer that question.

“Well, we’re friends,” she said quietly, keeping her gaze on the ground, unable to look at

him. But she felt the sweet weight of his arm around her, smelled the faint scent of soap on

his skin.

“Best friends.”

“Right. So…that’s usually a bad idea, best friends sleeping together.”

“Yeah. Maybe. But this feels right.”

She nodded, her throat tightening. She didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t stand the

idea that after this trip they’d go back to their normal lives. That she’d never know the feel of

his body again.

“Paul, I think…I think we should just enjoy our time here. Don’t you?”

“Sure. Of course.” He was quiet again for a moment. “You like Noah, don’t you? I mean,

he’s a really good guy.”

“He is. He’s a doll. I’m glad it’s him.”

“Me too. I don’t know if this would work with anyone else.”

“Are you…never mind. I’m sorry.”

“No, what? What were you going to say?”

Jessie bit her lip, turned to face him. “I was just wondering if…you’re serious about him?”

“About Noah? No.” She could see from his open expression that it was the truth. “I like

him. He’s hot, and he’s nice. He’s fun to be with. But no, it’s not serious. If it were, I wouldn’t

be able to share him. Not even with you.”


His words hit her like a blow to the chest.

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If he wouldn’t share Noah, he wouldn’t share her. Not if his feelings about either of them

were serious. But of course they weren’t. If he felt that way about her she’d have known long



She looked up at him, at the dusky blue of his eyes in the fading twilight.

“What is it?”


Something flashed across his features, but she couldn’t figure it out. And he didn’t have a

chance to finish as Noah strode back into the campsite carrying two large bags.

“I have food. Anyone hungry?”

Paul sat back just a few inches. Just enough to put some distance between them.

Do not think about it!

God, she really had to pull herself together. Had to give herself a reality check. Again. Still.

“Here, Jessie.” Noah knelt beside her, handed her a burger, a drink. “Eat up. You’re going

to need your strength later.” He kissed her cheek, making her smile. That was Noah, she’d

discovered. Always cheerful, sweet. Making everyone feel good. She realized Paul was right.

This weekend couldn’t have happened with anyone but him.

“Is that a promise?”

She reached up as he got to his feet, squeezed Noah’s hand, and he grinned down at her.


He really was beautiful. As beautiful as Paul. Despite her soaring emotions, she couldn’t

help the way her body responded to him, heat swarming her system whenever he touched


They spent the next hour eating, cleaning up, lounging, drinking a bottle of cabernet. The

sky grew dark, and Paul built a small fire in the pit. The flames cast flickering amber light, illu-

minating their faces. Yes, so gorgeous, both of them. So different. Paul with his dark, lean

beauty, Noah with his surfer-boy tan, his blond hair.

The wine bottle was empty when Noah stood, took Paul’s hand and dragged him to his

feet. “Time for bed, don’t you think?”

Paul smiled, pulled Noah in for a kiss, and Jessie watched, her body burning, as their lips

met. Noah’s hand went to Paul’s ass, slid down over the tight curve, held him closer. Paul’s

hand went into Noah’s pale hair, their mouths pressed together hard for a moment before

they pulled back. Then Paul took Noah’s lower lip between his teeth and bit into the plush


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Jessie watched, fascinated. Her body heated, her sex pulsing, a steady beat of desire

between her thighs as she imagined their hard cocks pressed together beneath the fabric of

their jeans. A small moan escaped her.

Paul turned to her, held out his hand. “Come on, Jess.”

She smiled, rose to her feet, and they pulled her into their embrace, one on either side of


“Kiss me, Jess,” Paul said.

She tilted her chin and Paul’s mouth came down on hers, and she swore she could taste

Noah on his lips. His tongue pushed into her mouth, wet and hot and so damn good. Then

Noah’s hand was in her hair, stroking, tugging just a little, pulling her head back, Paul follow-

ing, keeping his lips on hers. Noah kissed her neck, a blazing trail of kisses from just below

her ear to her shoulder, his tongue swirling over her heated skin. Desire was like liquid fire in

her body, scalding her. She was shaking.

“Let’s get her inside,” Noah said.

Somehow they moved into the tent, got undressed, and soon they were all naked and

kneeling on the ground. She noticed once more the contrast of their bodies, appreciating

every sleek curve of muscle, their two cocks standing erect. Beautiful. Irresistible.

“I want to watch you,” she told them. “I want to see you together.”

A moment later Paul had turned on a small electric lantern, illuminating the small space

with pale golden light. He turned to her, his eyes dark, glittering. “You want to see us fuck,


Her pussy clenched. “Yes,” she breathed.

Noah smiled at her, stroked a finger over her shoulder, her bare breast, her hard nipple.

She sighed with pleasure. “Please.”

She moved back onto one of the sleeping bags, and the two men came together, Paul

turning Noah around, making him kneel on all fours. Paul reached into his backpack, pulled

out the condoms and the lube, and a small shudder of anticipation went through her.

Paul looked at her, smiled as he sheathed his large cock, spread lube over the condom.

Then he turned his attention back to Noah. “Are you ready?”


Paul covered the fingers of one hand in lube, used the other to spread Noah’s ass cheeks,

and slipped his fingers in between them. From where she sat Jessie could see the smooth

curve of Noah’s ass, his strong thighs, as Paul moved behind him, guiding his cock between

his buttocks. He held his cock in his hand and tilted his hips, his eyes fluttering closed.

Noah groaned as Paul entered him, slowly inching his way in.

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“Good, Noah?” he asked.

“Yeah. Really good. Just do it.”

Paul smiled, turned to look at Jessie, his gaze hard on hers as he pushed deeper into

Noah’s ass.

God, she’d never seen anything like it. Paul’s gaze hot on hers, his features soft, taken

over by pleasure. Her breasts ached, her pussy throbbed, and she was as soaking wet as

she’d ever been in her life.

“What does it feel like, Noah?” she asked him, her voice a panting breath, needing to

know, to hear him say it.

“It’s like…ah…” He paused as Paul thrust deeper. “It’s like…being filled up. It’s good, so

good. I’m so fucking hard. His cock is big, so it’s…hard to take. But I love it. Ah! Paul, fuck

me. Come on.”

Noah reached back and grasped Paul’s thigh with one hand, pulling him in.

“You want it hard?” Paul asked.

“Yeah. And I want Jessie here. Let me make you come, Jessie.” He reached out for her

and she went to him, let him lay her down in front of him. He spread her thighs with one hand,

and she was wet and ready for him, shaking with need as he knelt over her.

“I want to taste you, Jessie,” Noah told her, stroking a hand over her mound.

Her hips arced into his touch, desire suffusing her system. She could hardly believe this

was happening.

“Put your mouth on me, Noah.”

He smiled, lowered his head, pulled her legs up over his shoulders, opening her to him.

And as he did, she reached down and took his cock in her hand. He was hard, velvet flesh,

filling her palm. And as his tongue flicked out at her clit, sending pleasure through her in a

hard, electric jolt, she caught Paul’s gaze beyond Noah’s shoulder.

His eyes were brilliant, glossy, watching her face as he pumped into Noah’s ass. And

Noah gasped between her thighs, his mouth coming down on her pussy, his hot tongue lap-

ping at her juices.

“Ah, Noah…”

She arched into his mouth, and he pulled her clit in between his lips and began to suck.


He sucked harder, massaged the swollen lips of her sex with one hand, his mouth moving

in rhythm with Paul’s cock pushing in and out of him. They all moved together as one being,

cocks and pussy, arms and legs and hot, seeking mouths. The scent of sex was thick in the

air. Jessie breathed it in, let it suffuse her, along with the pleasure arrowing into her belly,

making her breasts ache, her nipples hard, her mind emptying.

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Pleasure shafted deep into her body as she called his name, but it was Paul’s face that

filled her mind, tight with concentration. He was so damn beautiful, just watching the exquisite

pleasure in his expression, his brows drawn, his gaze hard on hers. She could feel the push

and pull of his hips pumping into Noah, that tempo against her clit as Noah licked and sucked

while she stroked his hard cock. Then Noah thrust harder into her palm, faster, and Paul sped

up, his hips slamming into Noah’s ass. Desire was like a knife, that sharp, that keen, pouring

through her veins like lava. And she was coming into Noah’s mouth in hot, shattering spasms.

She cried out, buried her hand in Noah’s soft, pale hair. Saw Paul’s gaze still fast on hers

as he groaned, shuddered. His eyes fluttered closed for one moment as he began to come

with her, then they opened once more to stare into her face. And she fell into those beautiful

blue eyes, her climax driven hard simply by him watching her, by seeing the pleasure in his

face as he climaxed.

She was still shivering with her orgasm when Noah came into her fisted hand, moaning

against her pussy, his mouth hot between her thighs. And the sound of his pleasure made her

sex clench again, desire rippling through her in waves.

Finally they collapsed, arms and legs tangled, her hands in Noah’s hair, Paul’s arm looped

across Noah’s body, resting on her stomach. They were panting, covered in sweat. It didn’t

matter. All that mattered was the lovely buzzing in her body and the image of Paul’s heated

gaze branded in her mind, that incredible sensation of them coming together.

She would never forget it. Could never forget him.

She didn’t want to remember that this would be over soon. But she couldn’t help it. Even

with Noah involved, every moment they spent together naked and touching each other drew

her closer to Paul. Made her need him more. Made her heart ache for him.

They had one more night there. One more night of this time outside reality.

Her heart lurched. She lifted Paul’s hand from her belly, drew it up to cover her heart, as

though he could hold it in, keep it safe.

How could she feel so wonderful and so awful at the same time?

She wouldn’t trade this experience for anything. Except being able to call Paul hers.

Eventually, her racing pulse calmed, and she slept, nestled in their arms.

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Chapter Five

They spent another lazy day on the beach, and Jessie did her best to relax, to talk to Paul

and Noah as though everything were fine. But she couldn’t seem to stop thinking, her mind

churning. The only thing that got her brain to stop was the sex. She could hardly wait until

they got back to their tent that night. Couldn’t wait for that lovely escape.

At the end of the day they returned to the camp, showered, changed, and Noah suggested

they go to the casinos to have dinner and gamble a little. They found one of the big buffets at

a hotel on the main strip, but Jessie didn’t have much appetite. She was distracted by the

clanging bells from the slot machines, the crowd talking, laughing. There were too many

people there, too much cigarette smoke. As they walked out of the restaurant and into the

casino lobby, Paul came up behind her, laid a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay, Jess?”

“Yes. I’m fine. I just…need to get out of here.”

Noah closed in on her other side. “You’re not feeling sick, are you?”

She looked at him, the concern on his face, then at Paul, seeing the same reflected in his

eyes. “I’m fine. Really. I just…I need to be with you two again. Can we do that? Just get back

to camp?”

Noah smiled. “You don’t have to ask twice, Jessie.”

Paul squeezed her shoulder, whispered in her ear as they walked outside. “You sure

you’re okay?”

“I’m sure.” She smiled at him, her heart skipping like mad knowing she would be naked

again with them soon. She really was okay now.

They got back to their campground, and Paul lit the lantern while they stripped their

clothes off. Jessie went immediately into their arms, let them kiss her, kiss each other, her

body going soft and liquid with need. Pure lust, but beneath it, something more. A strong af-

fection for Noah, who had brought them together. And for Paul, love.

God, she was in trouble.

“What do you need, Jess?” Paul asked her. “Tell us.”

She was melting, hot and loose beneath their hands. “Right now I…want to be taken by

you both. Taken over.”

They were all hot mouths, seeking hands, hard flesh pressing against each other as they

kissed her, stroked her body.

“Christ, Jess,” Paul moaned.

Noah whispered against her ear, “Have you ever been spanked, Jessie? Have you ever

wanted to be?”

“Do you want to spank me, Noah?”

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She would do anything for them.

“Oh yeah. Paul?”


Then their hands were on her, shifting their bodies, turning her until she was laid out face

down across both their laps. Noah’s cock was hard as steel, pushing against her thighs, and

Paul’s rock-hard shaft pressed into the soft flesh of her belly. She was soaking wet, shaking

with need already.

Hands stroked her buttocks, her thighs. She couldn’t tell who was touching her where.

Didn’t matter. It was them. Noah. Paul. She was safe with them. And she wanted this. Wanted

to experience everything with them.

It began with a gentle tapping against her buttocks, moving down over her thighs. Gradu-

ally, it became harder, until she felt that first edge of pain. But every tap, every increasing

slap, sent a hot tremor of pleasure reverberating through her body, her sex.

Harder, faster, until she was sighing in pleasure.

“More,” she moaned.

The hands came down harder, stinging her sensitized flesh, and she squirmed, her pussy


“Please,” she begged. “Someone touch me.”

“Ah, baby.” Paul’s voice was thick with need.

Then a hand parting her thighs, plunging into her wet heat, fingers massaging her clit. And

the spanking never stopped, her flesh aching, pain and pleasure merging into some inde-

cipherable combination. She was shaking, on the edge of orgasm so quickly it made her head

spin. And that clever hand plunging deep into her pussy, rubbing her hard little clit.

The spanking got harder, the slaps making her ears ring, and she moaned, panted, as her

climax hit her like a wall of pleasure roaring down on her. Shafting into her body, shattering

her. Her pussy clenched, grasping, needing.


It was too good, overwhelming. Pleasure, pain and emotion poured through her in a hot

tide. Tears stung her eyes. She didn’t know why. And in moments they had turned her over,

and both of them held her in their laps, their arms around her, stroking her face, her hair.

“Baby. Shh, it’s okay.” Paul’s voice was quiet in her ear, soothing her.

Finally, the tears stopped. Her head lay against Paul’s chest, her body mostly in Noah’s


“I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened.”

“It’s okay,” Noah said. “Sometimes that sort of hard play opens people up. And I think you

needed it, Jessie. I think… I think you and Paul need to be together. Just the two of you.”

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“Noah…” Paul’s voice was low, heavy with some emotion she couldn’t decipher. She was

too wide open, too raw.

“No, it’s okay. Am I the only one who sees how much you two love each other?”

She tried to sit up, but Paul held her still, said quietly, “No. It’s true.”

“Oh God.” She hid her face in Paul’s chest, listened to his heart beating beneath her ear,

bit back the tears that wanted to come again.

“Look, I’m going to get a hotel room in town. I don’t mind. This has been amazing, and I

love you both, in my own way. But you two belong together. You need some time. I’ll be back

in the morning so we can head back to San Francisco.”

“Shit. I’m sorry, Noah,” Paul started.

“You don’t need to be. I’m not sorry for any of it.”

Noah leaned in and brushed a kiss over Jessie’s hair. She glanced up and saw him smil-

ing. Then he was gone, leaving her alone with Paul.

They were both quiet for a while, nothing but the sound of their breathing and the crickets


Finally Paul spoke. “Jessie, we should talk.”

She nodded, pulled away from him, looked up into his face. He was as beautiful as ever.

More, maybe, his features full of emotion. His eyes were glossy, his pupils enormous.

“Paul…where do we start?”

“I start by telling you I love you. I always have.”

Her eyes filled with tears, almost spilled over. But there was no need to cry anymore.

“I love you too. I have since the moment we met.”

“I can’t believe it’s taken us ten years to tell each other.”

“I can’t either. Ten years and Noah.”

“Yeah.” Paul stroked a hand over her cheek, and she smiled, going warm inside.

“So, what now?”

“I make love to you. We can figure out the rest later.”

She nodded her head. They had time, all the time in the world if they loved each other. If

they were both finally facing that fact. And it was too wonderful to figure out now. She just

wanted to be with him, to feel his body against hers. To love him. To let him love her.

Paul lowered his mouth to hers, his lips soft. He parted her lips with his tongue, gently

pushed inside, and the kiss was sweet, tender, making her heart ache.

He deepened the kiss and her body came alive with wanting, her sex going wet as he

pushed her down into the sleeping bags, covered her body with his.

“I need you, Jess.”

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“Yes, I need you. Please.”

He paused to roll a condom on, then settled between her thighs. She wrapped her legs

around his waist, pulling him in. And he watched her face as he held himself just outside of

her body, the tip of his cock resting at the entrance to her sex.

His eyes were that amazing blue, his face almost too beautiful to bear.

He pushed in all at once, and her body grasped him, held on, pleasure like a wave of heat

rolling over her skin.

“I love you, baby.”

He thrust once, until his cock was buried deep inside her body, and she cried out,

wrapped her arms around his neck and held on.

“God. Love me, Paul.”

“Always, Jess.”

He began to move then, a gentle thrusting motion that sent desire spiraling into her sys-

tem, into her mind. She wanted nothing more than this, than him.

And as they came together, their bodies merging in heat and love and pleasure almost too

intense to bear, she knew she needed nothing but this. Paul. To be allowed to love him. To

know he loved her back. Pure heaven.

About the Author

The author of a number of novels, novellas and short stories, Eden Bradley writes dark,

edgy erotic fiction. Her work has been called ‘elegant, intelligent and sensual’. One erotic nov-

el was recently profiled in Cosmopolitan.

Eden appears regularly on Playboy Radio’s Night Calls and conducts workshops on writ-

ing sex. When she’s not writing, you can find her wandering museums, shopping for shoes

and reading everything she can get her hands on. A California native, Eden currently lives in

Los Angeles. You can visit her website: www.edenbradley.com

Being bad never felt so good…

Seducing Jane Porter

© 2008 Dominique Adair

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After being jilted by her former master, Jane Porter looks to end her year-long celibacy by

attending a bondage-themed event. Thanks to her ex-boyfriend’s stunning betrayal, she isn’t

looking for happily-ever-after, just a master who’s willing to explore the depths of her passion

and teach her what the BDSM lifestyle is all about.

Antonio Villareal was a wanted man. Single, rich and good looking, he’s on the hunt for a

submissive to share his world. The moment he sees Jane on the arm of another man, he

wants to possess her body and soul. The only problem is; Jane makes it clear she isn’t a

forever kind of girl.

Can Antonio convince Jane to give him a chance?

Enjoy the following excerpt for Seducing Jane Porter:

Exquisite was the only word to describe her. She moved easily beside her escort, with a

grace that was undeniable. With her easy smile and hot body, his cock was already standing

at attention.

Considering she’d come to a bondage-themed party, her dress was modest. Her black

skirt was longer than most though it showcased her long, shapely legs. The corset nipped in

at the waist and just the sight of the tiny hooks down the front created an itch in his fingers.

He’d bet her nipples were rosy and would taste like sweet wine.

At the tender age of fifteen, he’d lost his virginity to a lusty field worker at his father’s vine-

yard. In the sun with the scents of crushed grapes and lavender, he’d worshipped her full

curves and she’d made a man out of him. Ever since then his tastes had run to a larger, curvi-

er physique with the exception of his most recent ex, Giselle. There was something about a

plush female figure that turned him on. Just thinking of her, the baby soft skin and all those

delicious curves to explore, sent all his blood rushing to his cock.

“There she is,” Antonio said.


“The blonde on Jean Jacques’ arm.”

Santos made a noise of approval. “As always, you have excellent taste in women, my


“I’m glad you approve.”

“And will you share this one with your best friend?”

“We’ll have to see how adventurous she is.”

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Antonio vividly remembered the first time he and Santos had shared a woman. They’d

been at college here in America and Santos had picked up a beautiful Latino girl with long,

dark hair and wicked hands. It had been she who’d convinced them to overcome their hesita-

tion and join her in the bed. With that beautiful woman sandwiched between them, both men

had experienced a deeper level of pleasure than ever before.

Over the years they’d shared many women though none would ever be considered a rela-

tionship. It was all in good fun and they treated their mutual women like queens both in bed

and out.

The image of the blonde in his bed struck him with the force of a hammer blow. Her lush

body on his sheets, her silken cries as he ate at her pussy like a starving man…

His breathing increased.

Wet, hot, hungry for both of them…

His cock in her mouth, or her bare ass up in the air as Santos paddled her…

He gritted his teeth, glorying in the swift rush of lust that struck him. The sensation was

thick like warm honey in his veins. His breath left in a rush and he swore. His zipper dug into

his engorged cock with such force it was all he could do not to wince.

“Slow down, my friend, we don’t even know her name.”

Santos began to laugh when Antonio was forced to readjust his aching cock. His teeth

gritted at the rush of arousal the innocent nudge created. Before the night was over, not only

would they know her name, they’d know every inch of that beautiful body. They’d possess her

mind, body and soul and she’d be ruined for any other man.

She would be theirs.

Sure, the sex is scorching hot, but can three hearts truly beat as one?

Our Man Friday

© 2008 Claire Thompson

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What’s the old adage—sex ruins friendship? Cassidy lives it every day as she fights the

lingering feelings for her ex, Ian. Still secretly, desperately in love with him, she settles for

sharing a house and a business. Their lives are intertwined in every way…except the way she

wants most.

Fear of commitment drove Ian to push his and Cassidy’s romance back into his comfort

zone—friendship. But things become decidedly uncomfortable when sexy Scotsman Kye Mc-

Clellan enters the picture. As Cassidy’s passion reignites, Ian is faced with the sudden pro-

spect of losing the thing most precious to him.

Ian remains firmly in Cassidy’s heart even as she succumbs to Kye’s charms. Soon, as

Kye’s allure draws Ian in, she begins to wonder if she can have all she’s ever wanted—plus

one. Just as they all begin to tip into the white-hot cauldron of romance, Kye takes to his wan-

derlusting ways to avoid the burn. Ian and Cassidy are left with each other…and an even big-

ger missing piece than before.

All they can do is trust that love will somehow bring their gypsy-hearted lover home again.

Warning: Explicit, erotic m/m/f passion. Double penetration takes on a whole new mean-

ing—the hot and sensual combinations will leave you needing a cold shower!

Enjoy the following excerpt for Our Man Friday:

Turning on her heel, she dashed up the stairs. “Last one up’s a rotten egg,” she called,


Ian turned to Kye with a grin. “That girl”—he shook his head in mock dismay—“always has

only one thing on her mind.”

Kye raised his eyebrows, aware of his rising erection. He glanced pointedly at the bulge

swelling in Ian’s jeans as well. “We could always stay down here and talk some more.”

Ian nodded sagely and they stared at one another with serious, manly expressions for all

of three seconds before they burst out laughing. Suddenly they were shoving and pushing

each other, stumbling up the stairs as fast as they could, tearing off their shirts as they ran.

Cassidy was lying on the bed, wearing only a pair of black silky panties. Ian entered the

room, pulling off his jeans and kicking them, along with his underwear, aside. With a laugh, he

bounded onto the bed and turned toward Kye. “Come on. It’s your bed too.”

Kye felt an odd shyness, though his cock was straining hard at the sight of the handsome

couple. Cassidy’s breasts were sheer perfection, the rosy-pink nipples perking toward him.

Her creamy skin looked soft as satin and he knew from his own experience that it was. His

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fingers actually itched with the desire to stroke that lovely flesh.

He turned toward Ian, drinking in the sight of his broad, smooth chest and hard cock rising

from a nest of dark blond curls. After a diet of regular sex with these two gorgeous creatures,

the self-imposed celibacy of the last week made him ache all the more. Hurriedly he stripped

off his shorts and underwear, aching for both of them.

He moved into their waiting arms. They kissed for several minutes. Kye buried his head in

Cassidy’s luxurious hair, reveling in the sweet, familiar scent of her. When he could bear to let

her go, he turned toward Ian.

The shyness between them downstairs was gone. Pulling back from a kiss, Kye licked a

line down Ian’s cheek and throat, tasting the salty tang of sweat, which mingled with his

woodsy aftershave. Ian clutched Kye’s cock and Kye groaned.

Kye tilted his head back toward Ian’s face and they kissed again, tongues at first lazily ex-

ploring each other’s mouths, becoming more insistent as they stroked each other’s cocks. He

turned to find Cassidy on his other side, watching them with shining eyes and parted lips.

Eagerly he tasted her sweet mouth while Ian continued to massage his cock.

He sought her nipples, taking them one at a time into his mouth and suckling them. Ian

moved behind him, spooning him, his hard shaft pressing between Kye’s cheeks. Kye was

like a kid in a candy store, one who couldn’t decide which delectable treat to taste next. He

rolled onto his back, extending his arms on either side to draw them both close.

As if they’d planned it beforehand, both Cassidy and Ian pulled away. Kye sat up, con-

fused. He needed to feel their bare skin on his, their lips on his mouth, their bodies hard

against his. “Hey…what?”

“Lie back.” Cassidy’s voice took on a sultry quality. “We want to take care of you.” Ian nod-

ded, pressing Kye back against the pillows. He complied with a happy sigh as Cassidy slid

down to take his cock in her long, cool fingers. Warm lips closed over his shaft and Cassidy

began to do amazing things with her tongue and the lightest grazing of her teeth. His eyes

narrowed with pleasure and then fluttered shut. He groaned, surrendering himself to her skill-

ful touch.

He was vaguely aware of Ian maneuvering nearby, reaching for the condoms they kept in

the nightstand. He heard the familiar tear of the plastic wrapper. After several delicious

minutes, Cassidy released his cock and sat back. He opened his eyes, watching as Ian,

already similarly prepared, rolled a condom over his wet, hard cock.

Cassidy lay back on the pillows beside them. Her cheeks and chest were flushed, her

eyes a vivid green and burning with lust. She didn’t have to ask—he knew what she wanted.

Still not entirely sure of his role in this sexual dance between three, he turned to Ian, si-

lently asking for direction. “She wants you. I want you. We both mean to have you.” Ian nod-

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ded toward the lovely girl, who had let her long, slender legs fall open.

Kye got to his knees and moved between her thighs. Using his fingers, he opened her

carefully. She moaned. “Yes.”

Ian leaned close to her and whispered into her ear. She nodded and flashed a devilish

smile in Kye’s direction. Then she rolled over and lifted herself to her hands and knees.

Cassidy turned to him, her long, ginger hair falling in a sweep over her back. “Take me,

Kye. And Ian will take you.” Kye glanced at Ian, who nodded. Until this moment, he’d received

Kye, but never penetrated him in turn. Kye could see the lust burning bright in his eyes.

Ian opened the tube of lubrication and smeared some over his cock. He squeezed a bit

more on his fingers and stroked the head of Kye’s cock, coating the condom that sheathed it.

Kye shivered at his touch. He was on fire, desperate for Ian’s hard cock, filling him while he

filled Cassidy.

He was surprised to see his hands actually trembling with his barely contained desire. He

used Cassidy’s hips to steady himself, positioning his cock at her sex and rolling forward until

he filled her. Cassidy moaned, pushing herself back against him. He swiveled in slow circles,

reveling in her sensitive response. She shivered and sighed and he felt powerful, like a snake

charmer, and she the cobra, at once mesmerized, tamed and ravished by his movements.

Ian positioned himself behind Kye, sandwiching him between the two. Ian’s finger, gooey

with lube, slipped into Kye’s ass. After a moment, a second finger eased its way in. Kye was

ready for him, eager for him, desperate for him.

The fingers were withdrawn and replaced with the head of Ian’s cock. Ian penetrated him,

the thud of his heart beating against Kye’s back. “You okay?” Ian’s voice was a hoarse whis-


“Aye. Better than okay,” Kye answered. Ian began to move, his rhythm matching Kye’s

and Cassidy’s. Ian filled him, stretching him, consuming him, using him as a conduit to Cas-

sidy with each sensual thrust. It was as if the three had literally become one. The vibrations of

their movements penetrated Kye’s muscles, pulsing in waves until they rattled his bones and

made his heart thrum. The sensations were flowing in one unbroken circle between the three

of them, any distinction superfluous.

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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

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