Kimberly Hunter My House Boy Elf

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My House Boy Elf


Kimberly Hunter

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are
products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to
be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

My House Boy Elf
Copyright© 2011 Kimberly Hunter
ISBN: 978-1-60088-723-9

Cover Artist: Sable Grey
Editor: Leanne Salter

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in reviews.

Cobblestone Press, LLC

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A very merry Christmas to all my family, friends, and fans. Thank

you all for your support.

And a special thank you to Adonis Devereux without whom this

story may never have come about. Who knew what an innocent
conversation on Facebook could do. LOL! Merry Christmas, hon!

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Sitting in front of his lover’s giant mahogany desk, Vincent

watched and listened as Wesley had an animated conversation with their
long-time friend and client, Donovan Eliot, over the phone.

It was the week of Christmas, so Donovan needed extra help at his

club, Sakura. The hottest gay club in town, it was always packed. But the
week of Christmas was especially busy with all the booked parties from
various businesses and celebs. Even with his full-time staff, keeping up
was a challenge. Thus it was House Boy Services to the rescue.

Covering a wide range of services, clients hired their beautiful

young men for everything from simple house cleaning to stag parties to
elegant banquets. If there was a need, House Boy Services would be
happy to fill it.

When Wesley finally rang off, he was wearing a wide smile, his

blue eyes twinkling with merriment.

‚Please tell me that Donovan is next.‛
That smile stretched even wider. ‚Oh yes, love, he’s definitely


‚Thank the Fates and Father Christmas!‛ Vincent laughed. ‚It’s

about blessed time.‛

His happiness dimming a bit, Wesley sighed. ‚I know, but he

needed to grieve.‛

‚It’s been three years, Wes,‛ Vincent grumbled. ‚And it’s not as if

Garrett had been his True Love. Blast, but the man wasn’t even faithful to
Donovan when they were together.‛

‚They weren’t meant for each other, it’s true.‛ Wesley let out a

harsh breath. ‚But regardless of Garrett’s foibles, Donovan loved him and

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wanted his last days to be happy.‛

‚Well, now it’s Donovan’s turn to be happy. He’s more than earned


Wesley nodded solemnly. ‚He has.‛
‚Good.‛ Vincent got out of his chair, walked around the desk, and

held out his hand. ‚Let’s find out who his True Love is.‛

Rising gracefully from his seat, Wesley stepped into Vincent’s arms

and kissed him deeply.

‚Even after a millennia, you still have the power to make my knees

weak.‛ Vincent’s voice was raspy with desire.

‚And you are the reason my heart beats.‛
Their foreheads touched as they let their breathing calm.
‚Come, my love, the Snow Crystal awaits.‛
Vincent nodded, his hand finding Wesley’s and entwining their

fingers as they went to the other end of the spacious office. Standing in
front of a seemingly blank wall, Wesley placed his free hand, palm down,
against it. A glowing snowflake showed after he took his hand away,
growing in brightness to encompass most of the wall until it gradually
faded, revealing an open door. They stepped through it, making sure it
was closed and sealed behind them. Letting their eyes adjust to the
dimness, they both gazed around the familiar cavern, making sure
nothing had been disturbed since their last sojourn there.

Wesley shook his head. ‚No, the wards are intact.‛
As one, they walked to the center of the cavern, a blue illumination

showing them the way until they reached the source of the light. On a
pedestal of pure clear crystal sat a perfect sphere of blue ice, its incredible
power preventing it from ever melting. Legend claimed it was formed
from a goddess’ tears. Another said it was crafted from the stars by a
powerful mage for his lover. And yet another told how it was carved from
the heart of a glacier by the Fates themselves. Whatever its origins, the
Snow Crystal had been entrusted to them by Saint Nicholas himself. It
was to be used and guarded by them alone. It was also very powerful, but
that power could only be used once a year— At Christmas.

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When they reached the pedestal, each took a side then linked


Wesley’s rich voice echoed around the cavern. ‚Please show us

Donovan Eliot’s True Love.‛

For a moment, there was nothing, and then a small glow began in

the sphere’s center and built until it encompassed the entire cavern. When
it finally abated, the image of a beautiful young man floated inside the
Snow Crystal.

‚Well, I certainly didn’t see that match.‛ Vincent chuckled.
Wesley grinned. ‚I think he’s perfect for Donovan.‛
Letting go of Wesley, Vincent rubbed his hands together in

anticipation. ‚Time to set the wheels in motion, love.‛


* * * * *

For the two months that Trace Moore had been working at House

Boy Services, he had made more money than at all the jobs he’d ever
worked combined. A good thing too. The rat hole apartment he was living
in was about to be torn down. He had exactly two weeks to find another
place to live or he’d be homeless.

Merry Christmas to him. But that was about the way his luck had

been running since he came out to his parents and they’d disowned him at
the age of seventeen. Now twenty-two, getting the job at HBS was a

It also seemed that his luck was finally changing to the good, his

eminent eviction notwithstanding, because he was part of the chosen few
selected to work at Sakura the week before Christmas. It was the hottest
gay club in town and the place to see and be seen. It was also extremely
difficult to get in. There was always a line and no guarantee of entrance,
even if one was lucky enough to make it to the front.

Trace had never even made it close. He didn’t have to worry about

that now though. Yeah, he’d be working, but still, he’d be there. And to
make the deal even better, he was going to be making bank due to
working a holiday. Plus, all his food and non-alcoholic drinks were free at

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the club. It was a really sweet deal. Well, it would have been if not for one
slight detail.

‚Who was the crackhead that thought these outfits were cute?‛
That earned him a giggle from flame-haired Owen Hicks as Trace

looked over his appearance in the club’s changing room’s full-length
mirror. ‚Jeez,‛ he groaned.

Wesley and Vincent loved Christmas. So to add a little holiday

cheer, all of HBS employee’s were dressed for the season. The Sakura job

‚I feel totally ridiculous.‛
Owen snorted. ‚Please, you look hot as hell. I, on the other hand,

don’t. With this hair, red is so not my color.‛

Trace turned his head and stared at Owen as if he were insane. The

guy already had the elf look with the short and slim build and features.
But add in the milk white skin, fiery hair, and sky blue eyes, he was
gorgeous. With the outfit, Owen was stunning.

‚Trust me, Owen, you look more than fine.‛
An eye roll followed that statement. ‚I look like I should be in a

tree baking cookies.‛

‚Hardly.‛ Trace chuckled dryly. ‚More like in Santa’s workshop,

draped over his lap with your ass in the air.‛

‚Oooh, that has possibilities,‛ he purred, sky blues twinkling.
Shaking his head and smiling, Trace faced Owen fully. ‚So, do I


Starting with his black, lace-up knee boots, Trace watched Owen’s

gaze as it traveled up to his dark green leather boy shorts, then up to his
sparkling red mesh belly shirt, and up further to the top of his head where
a green felt elf hat sat perched at a jaunty angle. The two red feathers
stuck in the side standing straight up.

‚You’re missing just one thing.‛ Owen ran over to his gym bag and

pulled out two strings of red and green bells. ‚Jingle bell garters.‛ He
winked as he tied one to Trace’s right thigh then his own.

They jingled them in unison once secure, laughing as the sound

echoed around the room.

‚Hope the music will be loud. Otherwise, these buggers could get

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nerve racking.‛ Trace chuckled as he moved his leg, setting the bells off

‚Not too worried about that,‛ Owen quipped. ‚’Cause I plan to

make the most of mine.‛ He pulled two, one dollar bills out the top of his
left boot, folded them lengthwise, and then tucked them under his garter.
‚Let the tips begin!‛

Shaking his head again, Trace grinned. ‚You are too much.‛
‚And don’t you forget it, honey.‛ Owen slapped his right ass cheek

then sauntered out the door, working it like a pro.

Trace laughed at Owen’s antics then turned back to the mirror to

give himself a last look over. ‚Nothing for it but to do it,‛ he murmured,
psyching himself up. Then taking a deep breath, he followed Owen out
the door.

It was going to be a long week.

* * * * *

For three days, Donovan Eliot watched the house boy with the mop

of jet curls, bright smile, and hint of a gold nipple ring peeking through
his red mesh belly shirt as if he were a man possessed. And possessed
wasn’t used lightly. From the moment he laid eyes on the young man,
Donovan could think of little else. Highly unusual, considering he hadn’t
felt such a spark since Garrett died.

‚You know, boss, if you want him, go get him.‛
Donovan glared at his bartender and long time friend, Liam Marsh.
‚Spare me the stink eye.‛ Liam glared right back. ‚You’ve been

watching that boy like a hawk after a mouse since he walked through the

‚And if you don’t get off that stubborn ass of yours, someone else

is going to snatch up that tender little morsel before you even decide to
take a chance.‛ Liam nodded toward object of their conversation, who
was wiping up a spill at Adam Lynx’s table and chatting merrily with
him, that beautiful smile full blown.

‚Shit,‛ Donovan exclaimed softly.

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Being a low-key party, the music was more for background so the

attendee’s could mix and mingle without worry of shouting to be heard.
Not unusual for some of Donovan’s clients. Unfortunately, Adam Lynx
was one of them.

Of all the men to talk to. Adam Lynx was a predator, just like his

name suggested. He was also handsome, wealthy, and a sadist in every
sense of the word. He would take that sweet smile and use it ‘til there was
nothing left. And if it wasn’t for the fact that Lynx worked for a childhood
friend of Donovan’s, the man would never have been allowed in the club.
Regardless of his employer though, it was time for an intervention.

Donovan rose from his barstool, straightening his dark gray suit

and reaching up to adjust his Santa hat. The blasted thing was constantly
falling forward into his eyes. But it was Christmastime, and he had to
show a little of the spirit in some way. Better the hat than what the house
boys were wearing though. He could never pull that off. Not with his
height and looks.

‚Here, boss. It’s time for his break anyway.‛ Liam pushed two

bottles of Donovan’s favorite orange cream soda toward him, knowing
Donovan never drank alcohol at the club, and the boys weren’t allowed
while working. ‚You do know his name, right?‛

‚Don’t make me fire your ass,‛ Donovan growled as Liam

snickered. Grabbing the two bottles, he headed toward where Trace and
Adam were still talking.

‚I could definitely use someone like you under me, Trace.‛ Adam

had a smarmy grin on his face, beady brown eyes full of lust. ‚Plenty of

Sure there were. ‚Time for your break, Trace,‛ Donovan interrupted

as Adam was about to hand over his business card to Trace.

‚Oh…uh...Mr. Eliot.‛ Those high cheekbones flushed as he

stammered. It was cute as hell.

‚If you could take these to my office, I would like to talk to you.‛

Donovan gave him a reassuring smile.

‚Oh, sure.‛ Trace tucked the tray and cleaning rag under his arm

then took the two bottles of soda and left, the bells around his right thigh
jingling merrily with every step.

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‚There was no need to run him off.‛ Adam chuckled darkly as

Donovan continued to watch that gorgeous ass.

‚You’ve been warned about my employees, Adam.‛ Donovan

turned back toward the jerk once Trace was out of sight, hoping the
expression on his face let the man know just how pissed he was. No such

‚Ah, but he’s not your employee, is he now?‛
Holding back the urge to throttle the bastard, Donovan took a

couple deep breaths. ‚No, but he is Wesley and Vincent’s.‛ He got the
satisfaction of seeing that smug smile vanish and Adam’s complexion
blanch. ‚So I would suggest you keep your hands and other undesirable
parts to yourself. Understand?‛

‚Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure. No problem.‛ Adam’s head bobbed as he

swallowed visibly.

Wesley and Vincent weren’t known to be forgiving when their boys

were threatened in any way. Adam Lynx would know that personally.

‚Good.‛ With that curt response, Donovan stalked off, heading to

his office and the gorgeous elf waiting for him there. When he opened his
office door, Trace was sitting nervously in the big chair in front of
Donovan’s desk, a booted foot tapping out a rapid rhythm.

‚Sorry it took so long,‛ Donovan said as he closed the door.
Trace whirled around in the chair, knocking off his elf hat. ‚Crap!‛

He quickly got up, those bells jingling as bent down to pick up the hat.

Donovan hurried over to him. ‚Hey now, easy.‛ Placing his hands

on Trace’s shoulders, Donovan could feel them tremble slightly. ‚You’re
not in any kind of trouble, okay? I promise.‛

Trace’s head was down, but Donovan could see the blush staining

those creamy cheeks a fiery red. Ebony curls bobbed as he nodded.

Donovan couldn’t help but smile. ‚Look at me, Trace.‛ He put a

finger under his chin, gently lifting Trace’s head. And fell into eyes the
color of fine Peridots.

Unable to help himself, Donovan lowered his head, tenderly

touching his lips to Trace’s. When a helpless whimper escaped the boy,
Donovan couldn’t hold back any longer. He devoured those soft lips,
plunging his tongue inside Trace’s warm mouth and tasting every inch he

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could reach. His flavor was sweet fire and spicy male, a combination that
went right to Donovan’s head. And other parts of his anatomy.

Finally coming up for air, both were breathing heavy, Trace

holding on to the lapels of Donovan’s jacket as if he might collapse.

‚You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to do that these past few

days.‛ Donovan pulled Trace tighter into his embrace, loving how perfect
that small, slight body fit in his arms.

‚Y-you have?‛ Trace looked up quickly, his light green gaze hazy

with desire.

‚Oh, yes.‛ He reached out and traced kiss-swollen lips with his

thumb. ‚You are so beautiful.‛

Lips parted, Trace’s breathing hitched, his color high. Donovan

could feel Trace’s arousal rubbing against his own. It felt good. Having
Trace in his arms felt good. As if he belonged there.

That sweet little whimper escaped Trace again as Donovan

continued to grind their erections together, his hands slowly wandering
down to squeeze and knead Trace’s gorgeous ass. Trace just held on,
rubbing against him as if he were a cat, the most exquisite noises pouring

Unfortunately, the pounding on his office door prevented anything

more from happening.

‚Donovan, you’re needed at the bar.‛
Trace stiffened in arms, trying to pull away, but Donovan held him

tight. They needed to talk now that the moment of passion had been
interrupted. He made a mental note to strangle Liam later.

‚Tell Liam to handle it until I get there, Troy. I’m in an important

meeting right now.‛

Sweet mouth open, Trace looked up at him with startled,

gem-bright eyes.

‚You got it,‛ Troy said merrily as the sound of his footsteps faded.
‚Sorry I got carried away. I truly do want to talk to you.‛
‚W-what about?‛
He was really beginning to like that stutter. It was too sweet. Who

knew? ‚Well, about me seeing you outside work.‛

A shy smile lit up those angelic features, making his eyes sparkle.

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‚Like…like a date?‛

He chuckled. ‚Yes, exactly like a date.‛
‚Oh, I…‛ Then Trace’s shoulders drooped, that happy smile

disappearing. ‚I’m not sure that would be a good idea, Mr. Eliot.‛ He
slowly moved out of Donovan’s arms.

After such a passionate response to his kiss, that wasn’t what he’d

hoped to hear. ‚Please, call me Donovan.‛ He gave Trace what he hoped
was a smile and not a grimace of disappointment. ‚Why don’t you grab
the sodas and we’ll sit on the sofa for a chat, okay?‛

‚But work—‛
‚I know the owner. I’m sure he’ll understand.‛ He winked, causing

that brilliant smile to reappear.

‚If you’re sure.‛
‚Grab the sodas, boy,‛ he mock growled.
Trace snickered, getting the bottles and handing one off to

Donovan on the way to the sofa. After taking a seat, Trace put his elf hat
on the coffee table. Donovan followed, taking off his Santa hat and placing
it next to Trace’s, raking a hand through his hair and hoping the
brown/gold mass wasn’t sticking up everywhere. He then sat beside
Trace, careful not to get too close. He wanted an answer to why Trace
wouldn’t go out with him. Sitting too close could cause his big brain to
shut down and his little one to take over. Time for that later. If there was a

Satisfying his thirst, Donovan turned to Trace. ‚All right, explain

why it wouldn’t be a good idea to go out with me. Honestly now. I’m a
big boy. I can take it.‛

Head bowed, Trace fiddled with his bottle. ‚I, well, I’m not much

of a catch, you know? And until I got hired at HBS, I was barely getting

Trace continued as if he didn’t hear Donovan. ‚You’re a successful

businessman. Wealthy, gorgeous, and well respected. That reputation
wouldn’t stay so sterling when it got out you were involved with a house
boy. And, well, I’m not looking to be some rich guy’s boy toy.‛ That last
was said with obvious distaste.

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‚Nor am I looking for one.‛ Donovan didn’t like the thought of

anyone propositioning Trace for such a thing.

‚Maybe not, but…‛ He took a deep breath, letting it out in a rush.

‚You’re so out of my league, we’re on different planets.‛

Shaking his head, Donovan took Trace’s bottle and placed it, along

with his own, on the coffee table. He then took both of Trace’s hands and
held them gently, rubbing small circles across the knuckles with his

‚Look at me, baby.‛
Trace looked up, beautiful eyes full of shame and sadness.
‚A person’s circumstances and employment have never been a

condition preventing me from taking someone I find interesting out on a
date. And if it were, Wesley and Vincent would have my ass, considering I
worked as a driver and bouncer for HBS for nearly eleven months my
senior year of college.‛

‚You did?‛
Donovan chuckled. ‚Don’t sound so shocked. How do you think I

got the money to start Sakura?‛ He lightly squeezed Trace’s fingers. ‚I
grew up without a lot that most take for granted. My mom raised me and
worked two jobs for years to make sure I had a college education. Coming
from that kind of background, I know the value of being successful and
wealthy. But I also know it doesn’t mean much without someone to share
it with.‛

Trace nodded. ‚Okay, I can see where being wealthy could have its

own set of problem, gold diggers especially. Not that I would want to go
out with you for the money,‛ he added hastily.

‚I know you wouldn’t.‛ They wouldn’t be having this conversation


‚But, well, why me? I mean, you see plenty of guys. Better suited,

better looking, just better, everyday. You can have your pick.‛

Donovan sighed deeply. ‚I could, but I’m not looking for a fling,

Trace. I…‛ He took a deep breath, feeling the need to give a little of
himself here. ‚Three years ago, my best friend and lover died of prostate

‚Oh, God. I’m so sorry.‛ Trace clutched his hands tight.

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‚Thank you.‛ He smiled wanly. ‚It never worked out with us. But I

did love Garrett and cared for him deeply, even though I wasn’t in love
with him. And these past three years have been lonely. Then I see you. All
bright smiles and sparkling eyes. I haven’t been able to get you out of my

‚You haven’t?‛
‚Don’t look so surprised.‛ Donovan grinned. ‚You’re beautiful,

personable, and a good listener. I think this is the first time I’ve had a
meaningful conversation with someone other than my mom in years,‛ he
said ruefully.

‚I…I don’t know what to say.‛
‚Say you’ll go out with me.‛
After for what seemed an eternity, Trace gave Donovan another of

those shy smiles and nodded. ‚Okay.‛

Whooping for joy, Donovan pulled Trace onto his lap, hugging him

tight. ‚Thank you,‛ he whispered into Trace’s neck, feeling slender arms
wrap around him.

‚You’re welcome.‛ He snuggled closer. ‚I have a confession to


‚What’s that, baby?‛ Donovan nuzzled behind Trace’s ear, loving

the citrus and spice scent of his skin, that slim body shivering.

‚I’ve been thinking about you too.‛
Donovan smiled with happiness as he continued to place kisses

behind Trace’s ear and along his neck. ‚You feel so good, baby.‛

‚Mmm…Donovan,‛ Trace moaned as Donovan bit down lightly

where neck and shoulder meet.

Not wanting to get too carried away but needing to share a little

pleasure with his gorgeous elf, he situated Trace where he was straddling
Donovan. It was the perfect position to touch and grind and take the
pressure off. Not make love. When that finally happened, he wanted it to
be special. No, this was a little mutual gratification to get them through
the night. Otherwise, he might just lose what was left of his mind,
knowing Trace was so close and untouchable until their first date. He
wanted it to be soon. Like tonight.

Reaching up, he sifted both hands through those ebony curls. They

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were silky and soft, warm with the smell of spicy citrus. Pulling down, he
brought ruby lips close, ghosting his lips over them and getting a small
whimper from Trace. He swallowed it down as he devoured Trace’s
mouth, needing to taste and plunder. Trace didn’t seem to object. He was
doing some tasting of his own, that lithe body undulating against

‚God, baby…so responsive,‛ he said, his voice harsh when he

finally came up for air.

Trace buried his face in Donovan’s neck, grinding his erection

against Donovan’s and panting, trembling with each move of his body.
‚Uhn…I need, Donovan…please.‛

‚Shh, I know what you need, baby.‛
He reached down between their bodies, pushing those tight boy

shorts down enough to get Trace’s rock-hard cock out. It was smooth and
hot, the tip wet with pre-cum. He swirled his thumb over it, spreading the
fluid, his nail raking inside the slit with every pass. The action caused
Trace to keen into his neck, his hands holding on to Donovan’s shoulders
as if he were a lifeline. He couldn’t help but grin at that, but with the way
Trace was moving and the noises he was making, he needed to move this
along. Too bad too. He was looking forward to playing with that nipple
ring. Definitely later.

‚Wait for me, baby.‛
‚Mmm…hurry…please, hurry.‛
Donovan didn’t hesitate. He jerked open his suit jacket, unzipped

his trousers, and fished his throbbing dick out. Then taking Trace’s hot
member, he meshed the two of them together, jacking both their erections
at the same time.

‚Oh, God, yes,‛ Donovan groaned. The feeling was sublime.
With his free hand, Donovan dragged Trace’s mouth down to his,

brutally kissing him, then pulled back and looked into eyes black with
need. ‚Come for me, baby.‛

That passion-filled gaze widened, mouth opened to scream.

Donovan caught it with his own, drinking it down as Trace shuddered
and shook in his arms. Seconds later, Donovan followed with a heartfelt

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grunt, his spunk adding to Trace’s in his hand.

Collapsing against him, Trace panted against Donovan’s neck, his

slender body jerking with little aftershocks as Donovan continued to
slowly jack their now soft cocks together.

‚Mmm.‛ Trace snuggled in his arms, all warm and sated boy.
Donovan chuckled softly with satisfaction, sated himself for the

moment and content to stay where he was, holding his sexy elf.

* * * * *

It was Christmas Eve, and for the past five days, Trace had been

floating around in a haze of pure happiness. All because of Donovan.

They had made sure to meet every day. For lunch, dinner, a movie,

or just to talk at a café. Trace had to admit that he liked their talks. Being
terribly shy around men he was attracted to, he found it odd to be spilling
his guts about everything. He was usually too reserved for such
conversations, but being with Donovan made those reservations fall by
the wayside. Not that Donovan seemed to mind his motor mouth. He was
doing the same thing. But it felt so right. And Trace knew, deep down,
that he could trust Donovan with anything and not have to worry about

It was funny. He felt closer to Donovan than anyone he knew. That

included the family that threw him out for being gay. Of course, there was
one thing Trace felt would make their relationship complete. Making love.
And that was what it would be too. The way Trace felt about Donovan,
when they finally consummated the bond growing between them, it
would be all he’d ever wanted with a man. Well, it could if Donovan
would ever let things progress beyond kissing and heavy petting. Hell, the
man was a master at both, and so talented he had Trace creaming in his
jeans the previous night from just a devouring kiss and tugging on his
nipple ring with no stimulation to his dick whatsoever.

They had gone back to Donovan’s place after dinner and a movie.

Of course, once they got to Donovan’s place, Trace had been pretty
worked up with all the kissing and fondling at the theatre. He was so
hard, he was hurting. They sat on the sofa, making out some more. Then

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Donovan pushed him down and pulled his shirt up, pinning his arms
over his head.

‚Uh, Donovan?‛
‚Easy, baby.‛ He grinned. ‚There’s something I’ve wanted to try.‛
‚Oh, okay. And if it involves getting naked, even better.‛ He

wiggled his hips suggestively.

‚Not exactly.‛
Then the torture began. It started with warm hands smoothing over

Trace’s chest and stomach, those firm fingers finding all of Trace’s spots
and some he didn’t even know he had. But what really cranked him up
was when Donovan plucked at his nipple ring. It was gentle at first. A
small tug, a fingertip running circles around it, then pinching with a little
more strength. Trace’s back bowed with each pull and pinch.

‚You’re so beautiful, baby. So responsive.‛ He kissed the top of

Trace’s nipple, a barely there swipe of lips that had Trace whimpering. ‚I
bet I could make you come like this. From your nipple ring alone.‛

‚Oh, God…Donovan, please. I…I ache.‛ He was about to lose it if

Donovan didn’t touch him. Didn’t do something soon.

‚I know what you need, baby.‛
With that he swooped down and took Trace’s already sensitive

nipple into his mouth, suckling it and tugging it with his teeth. Trace
bucked, the pleasure zinging straight to his dick, the feeling of pre-cum
seeping through his jeans as he gasped and moaned. But Donovan wasn’t
done. Replacing his lips with nimble fingers, he then came up and took
Trace’s mouth in a blistering kiss as he continued to pluck and play with
the ring and Trace’s nipple.

‚Come for me, baby.‛
That demanding voice and a sharp pinch sent Trace howling into

orgasm, his whole body shaking with the violence of it.

Blinking, Trace brought Donovan’s handsome face into focus. He

was smiling, those whiskey colored eyes full of something Trace couldn’t

‚You okay, baby?‛
Trace laughed softly. ‚Yeah, but I think you melted my brain.‛
‚Good, just what I was going for.‛ He pulled Trace into his arms

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and snuggled him close.

They stayed that way until Trace fell asleep, unable to return the

favor to Donovan.

It was the single most amazing sexual experience of his life. Not

that he’d had many before then, but to lose it that way was definitely
something. What truly shocked Trace though was even after such a
shattering climax, Donovan still didn’t take him. Trace knew he wanted
to. Christ, Trace wanted him to. It never happened. When Trace asked the
next morning about it, all Donovan said was he’d planned for their first
time to be special and it was going to be. Even if his balls resembled blue
Christmas bulbs before then.

The grand plan aside, if Donovan didn’t do something soon, Trace

was going to tie the man down and put them both out of their misery.

‚Tell me again why we have to dress in the Porn Elf costumes

when this is Wesley and Vincent’s party.‛ Not that Trace could complain
too much. Dressing like an x-rated elf got Donovan to notice him.

‚You’re kidding, right?‛ Owen rolled his eyes as they both finished

getting dressed in the club’s changing room. ‚These things were a hit. So
much that Wesley and Vincent are thinking of having seasonal costumes

The image of the world’s most famous porn bunny, house boy

style, flashed through Trace’s mind. ‚Oh, hell no! I am not dressing like
some x-rated Peter Cottontail,‛ he said adamantly as he put on his elf hat.

‚As if Mr. Studly is going to want you to keep working for HBS,‛

Owen replied dryly. ‚The man has a fit every time someone looks at you
too long.‛

A warm glow of happiness filled Trace. ‚I know. Isn’t it sweet?‛ He

had to admit that he loved Donovan’s possessive side. It made him feel
totally wanted.

Owen just shook his head. ‚So, what do you and Mr. Hotty have

planned tonight?‛

‚Haven’t a clue.‛ Getting the jingle bell garter from Owen, Trace

tied it to his right thigh. ‚He just smiles mysteriously and says it’s a

Doing the same, Owen grinned wickedly. ‚Ooh, I bet he has

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something naughty planned. You probably won’t be able to walk for
days.‛ He snickered.

‚I wish,‛ Trace grumbled. ‚I’m seriously thinking of taking matters

into my own hands and raping the man.‛

‚Can’t rape the willing, hon.‛ Owen gave him a saucy wink.
‚Not willing enough.‛ Trace snorted, Owen giggling at his plight.

‚Anyway, what’s up with you?‛

‚Going to Mom’s. My flight leaves not long after the party.‛
‚Oh, well, I better give this to you now then.‛ He went to his gym

bag and pulled out a small red box with green ribbon, turning to give it to
Owen. ‚Merry Christmas, Owen.‛

‚You didn’t have to do that.‛ Owen’s excited smile said otherwise

as he took the gift with childlike glee and ripped the box open.

Inside was a silver key ring with pink and white enamel cherry

blossoms dangling from it. They were an exact replica of the two on the
club’s sign. On the back was Owen’s full name and Sakura engraved in
fancy script.

‚Trace?‛ His sky blue eyes showed confusion.
‚I know how much you’ve wanted to get into the club. So, now you

have a free pass. Just show the key ring at the door and you’re in.‛

‚Are you serious?‛
‚Of course.‛ He nodded. ‚Donovan only gives those out to a few

close friends and business associates. And since you’re my close friend, I
asked if you could have one. So don’t lose it.‛

With a squeal of delight, Owen hugged him then began to jump up

and down, laughing happily.

‚You’re welcome.‛ He didn’t let Owen know he had an ulterior

motive for the gift. It seemed Liam was very interested in the little

‚Well, since I might not see you before I leave, I got you a little

something too.‛ He raced to his own gym bag and pulled out an even
smaller box than the one Trace had given him.

It was wrapped in gold foil and had a tiny white bow on top. When

Owen came back, he had an impish grin on his face, the gift resting in his
outstretched palm. Trace took it, ripping the wrapping off. Inside the box

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was a small gold hoop. An exact match to the one he had in his left nipple.

‚Thought you might have more fun with two.‛ He waggled his red


He never should have told Owen. Just thinking about it caused his

cock to stir. ‚Great, now I’m getting hard. Thanks you big perv.‛

‚You’re welcome,‛ he said merrily.
Trace shook his head, leaning in and giving Owen a big hug. ‚I’m

sure we’ll have lots of fun with it.‛

‚I know you will.‛ Owen pulled back. ‚Now let’s go dazzle

everyone with our sexy selves.‛

After their gifts were put away, they both walked out of the

changing room. Trace couldn’t wait for the party to be over so Donovan
could give him the big surprise. He just hoped that Owen was right. If not,
then he was sure to go insane, and he was taking Donovan with him.

* * * * *

‚Ready to go?‛
Donovan had been chomping at the bit all night. Finally, he was

going to have Trace. He’d planned it down to the soft lights strung up in
the bedroom. Now all he had to do was get Trace back to his place.

‚Yeah. Just let me grab my bag from the changing room and I’ll

meet you at the car.‛

‚All right. Hurry, baby.‛
With a quick kiss, Trace raced off. Donovan said goodnight to

everyone, glad Liam and Troy were closing. Christmas was in a couple of
hours, and he wanted to be inside his little elf when it happened. It was
the ultimate Christmas gift. Well, that and the house key Donovan had
made for Trace. After they made love, Donovan was going to ask Trace to
move in with him. The past five days had shown Donovan two very
important facts. One— He didn’t want to wake up without Trace beside
him. And two— He was deeply in love with the young man. A bit soon
after only five days, but Donovan hadn’t felt this way about any man.
Including Garrett. Call it perfect timing, good luck, or Christmas magic, he
loved Trace and wanted him to be by his side always.

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Trace finally showed and got into the now warm car. He didn’t get

his seatbelt fastened all the way before Donovan was off. Trace didn’t say
anything, just laughed and took Donovan’s hand. They didn’t say much
on the way to Donovan’s house. Both knew what was going to happen
once they got there. It had been building for five days.

Pulling into the drive, Donovan killed the engine then raced to the

front door, Trace fast on his heels. Once the door was closed and locked,
Donovan grabbed Trace, slamming him against the door and taking his
mouth in a hungry kiss. That little whimper emerged, and it took all
Donovan had not to lose it then and there. When they finally came up for
air, both were panting and trembling.

‚So much for my plan.‛ Donovan chuckled darkly as he ground

their now hard cocks together.

‚Plan later, make love now,‛ Trace demanded as he licked a line up

Donovan’s neck.

Groaning with pleasure, he picked Trace up, those booted feet

wrapping around his waist as Donovan carried the man he loved to his
bedroom. There, he gently placed Trace on the bed.

‚Oh, Donovan,‛ Trace breathed. ‚It’s beautiful.‛
On the ceiling, Donovan had strung icicle lights, giving the

bedroom a magical glow.

‚I wanted our first time to be special. To show you that this wasn’t

just about getting off, but something so much more.‛ He lay down gently
on top of Trace, molding that slender body to his. ‚I love you, Trace.‛

Peridot eyes widened with surprise then slowly filled with tears.


‚I know it seems too soon,‛ he said hastily, wiping away warm

wetness from creamy cheeks.

‚No.‛ His smile was brilliant as he shook his head. ‚I think I fell in

love with you the day you saved me from Lynx the asshole.‛ He laid his
palm tenderly against Donovan’s cheek.

Nuzzling his palm, Donovan then leaned down and took those soft

lips in a hungry kiss. Oh, he was so sweet, so hard and smooth in all the
right places.

‚Donovan…please. I…I need you.‛

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‚You got me, baby. You got me.‛
Donovan stripped them both, groaning when his skin met Trace’s.

‚You feel so good, baby.‛

‚You can make me feel better.‛ His hands roamed all over

Donovan’s back, those sweet lips sipping at his neck, a major hot spot.

‚For the rest of our lives,‛ Donovan vowed as he continued to kiss

and touch and stroke.

When Trace was writhing beneath him, those beautiful sounds

pouring forth, Donovan reached into his nightstand and brought out lube
and a condom. He then slicked his fingers, rubbing them around Trace’s
tight entrance.

‚Let me in, baby.‛
After the first finger went in, Donovan added a second, slowly

scissoring them.

‚Oh, God. Donovan…more…please.‛
Adding a third finger made Trace howl, his back bowing.
‚Can’t wait, baby. Have to have you. Now.‛
Putting on the condom, Donovan slicked himself then added more

to Trace. Even with three fingers, he was tight, and no matter how much
he wanted this, he wasn’t about to hurt his lover. He then positioned
himself at Trace’s entrance and, ever so slowly, began to move forward.
Inch by inch, he gradually sheathed himself inside Trace.

‚So tight, baby. So hot.‛
‚Move. Oh, God…please, Donovan…‛
With the first thrust, Trace let out a keening wail. By the time

Donovan let go and began to pound into Trace, he was howling with
pleasure. It was music to Donovan’s ears.

Trace screamed his release, clutching at Donovan. Seconds later,

Donovan followed with a shout of his own, the orgasm the strongest he
ever remembered having.

When their breathing and hearts finally calmed, Donovan got them

cleaned up and grabbed Trace’s gift before climbing into bed.

‚This is for you, baby.‛ He handed Trace the small box wrapped in

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green and gold paper.

Trace opened it with a smile, a look of confusion in his gem-bright

eyes. ‚What’s this?‛

‚Will you move in with me?‛
He took the key out, wrapping his hand around it. ‚Really?‛
‚I love you, Trace.‛ He held the hand with the key in it. ‚I want

you to live with me, share my life, and make a home with me. Grow old
together. Will you?‛

‚Oh, Donovan!‛ He threw himself into Donovan’s arms, his

shoulders shaking as he sobbed. ‚I love you so much.‛

Donovan held him tight, letting him get it all out. When he was

spent, Donovan wiped his tears, holding him close. ‚Is that a yes?‛

That earned him a watery laugh. ‚Yes, I’ll move in with you.‛
‚Just checking.‛ He kissed that mop of jet curls. ‚Merry Christmas,


‚Yes, it is.‛
After Trace fell asleep in his arms, Donovan lay there, watching

him. It was such a small thing, watching his lover sleep. But he grinned,
knowing that this night would be just one of many. He then looked over
at the clock on the nightstand. Almost twelve-thirty.

‚Merry Christmas to me,‛ he whispered as he kissed those dark

curls again.

Letting out a yawn, he snuggled closer to Trace and sent out a

silent prayer of thanks to whomever for sending him Trace. For sending
him someone so special. My house boy elf, he thought with a smile as he
finally drifted off to sleep.

* * * * *

‚They’re together, love. Forever.‛
Vincent held Wesley close in their own bed, the Snow Crystal’s

power letting Wesley know that Donovan and Trace had come together.

Wesley leaned up and kissed him. ‚Merry Christmas, my love.‛

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‚Merry Christmas, my heart.‛
They fell asleep with light spirits and warm thoughts, satisfied that

the magic of Christmas had once again worked to bring two deserving
souls together in love. The most precious magic of all.

The End

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Author Bio

Hmm, about me... Well, not too much to tell. I was a reader before I

ever became a writer. I live in a small town in North Carolina with my
hubby and our extremely spoiled German shepherd. My son is grown and
out on his own. I write erotica, paranormal, futuristic, contemporary, and
m/m. Stop by my blog for updates on what I’m working on next.


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