My Bad Boy

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My Bad Boy



Chapter 1: Prologue


Today, I was living every girl's dream as I walked down the aisle to meet the love of my life,
promising one another to be with the other for the rest of our lives. However, I was an
exception to that fairytale as I wasn't going to marry your 'typical normal guy'.

As I kept walking down the church aisle with my father next to me, I barely noticed everyone
standing and looking at me as I made my way down the aisle as they were all a blur to me; the
only one thing my eyes could focus on was the man standing at the altar, waiting patiently for
me to reach him; the love of my life.

I guess I should explain exactly what it is I got myself into. I was always the good innocent
girl who chased after the dangerous bad boys, but never in my life did I believe I would end
up marrying the Italian Mafia Boss.

Chapter 2: First Sight


I was excited tonight as I was going out to the hottest club in New York City with my two
best friends, Alice and Rose. My name is Isabella Marie Swan, but everyone calls me Bella. I
am twenty-two years old and have brown eyes with specks of green in them, and long curly
brown hair.

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I was actually born in Sicily, Italy, one of Italy's best crime city, but part of the reason why
my parents wanted to get away from the country, so they decided to move to New York when
I was about two years old. Growing up, I lived with my father Charlie Swan, who is one of
the best lawyer's in this city, and my mother Renee, who stayed home with me. I didn't really
see my dad that much, but I was very privileged. Every year we would go to Italy to visit my
grandparents and other family members.

I work as a secretary for the Denali and Newton Law Firm which paid good money; although,
my boss Tanya Denali was a true bitch. She looks like a piece of plastic walking around with
all the surgeries she had gotten done. All she did was boss me around and bitch about how she
looked; it was really infuriating!

Rose and Alice also worked there which was great. Alice was Jessica Newton's secretary,
while Rose was the receptionist at the firm. We always gossiped with each other about what
was going on recently with Denali and Newton.

Anyway at work today, the girls wanted to go out after a very long week and celebrate since
Tanya and Jessica were going to be gone for a few days, so we wouldn't have to deal with

I walked into my apartment and set my keys and purse down before walking into my room
over to my closet. I started looking for dresses to wear when I found the perfect one; it was
my favorite strapless royal blue skin tight, mid-thigh dress that had black lace down the sides.
I put that on with my black stilettos. I decided to leave my hair down in its natural curls since
I had to meet the girls in twenty minutes, and put a little mascara on and headed out.

I walked over to the sidewalk as I flashed a cab down, and hopped in. The cab ride took about
ten minutes without traffic. I quickly paid the cab driver and got out. I spotted Rose and Alice
as I walked to the line, squealing when they spotted me. We waited in line for awhile then
finally the bouncer, who looked really scrawny to be one, let us in; however, looks can be

As soon as we walked in, we were hit with the heat from all of the bodies inside, and some
freaking looking people dancing. We all sat at a table we found in the corner and ordered our
usual apple martini. We each drank about three of them as we celebrated a few days free of
the boss.

Alice and Rose decided to dance, and also try and find some guys to snag and dance with
while I went to the bar for another apple martini. I was a little tipsy already, but I can handle
my alcohol, so I didn't really fret too much.

I walked up to the bar and waited for the bartender to approach me. He was medium height
with long blonde hair and blue eyes, and sort of creepy looking if you might ask me?

"Hello sweet thing, what can I get for you? A dance, a date, whatever you want," he asked
trying to flirt.

I looked him in the eye and politely smiled, "No thank you. I would just like an apple martini
please," I answered.

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"Oh come on sexy, I know you want this…I mean, how can you resist this?" he asked while
lifting up his shirt and showing me his beer belly.

"I can very well resist that! Now for the last time, my apple martini please," I replied in a
more aggravated voice.

"You have got to be fuc…" he didn't get to finish the statement though.

"Excuse me, but I think the lady has already told you she is not interested. Now why don't you
do your fucking job and give the young lady her drink, and while you're at it, a scotch on the
rocks before your dumbass get's fired," a velvety voice spoke from behind me.

The bartender cowered back and quickly walked away to get our drinks. I turned around to
see the face of the kind stranger; however, I honestly didn't think he would look like a God.
He was at least 6'2'', a foot taller than me with what could be described as bronze/copper sex
hair. My eyes traveled down his body, and I could tell he was muscular by the way his green
v-neck clung to his body. Finally, my eyes traveled back up to meet his; I swear I gasped. He
had the greenest shade of eyes that pierced right through me.

I heard a throat being cleared and realized it was the stranger. I smiled at him, "Thanks for
helping me get through to him. I'm Bella," I introduced; and at the same time, I brought my
hand out to shake his.

He smiled a crooked smile, before shaking my hand, "Welcome. I'm Edward."

The bartender came back with our drinks and handed them to us before quickly walking
away, "Well thanks for the drink, and see you later," I added at the end.

He whispered something I couldn't really understand as I walked back to where Alice and
Rose were; however, they were now accompanied by two other guys. One looked like a
wrestler with curly brown hair and blue eyes, and the other one had a toned body with honey
blonde hair and blue eyes.

I walked over to the table and joined them as introductions were being made. I found out
muscle man's name was Emmett while blondie's name was Jasper; they seem to be pretty cool
guys. I noticed they were yelling some guy's name from behind me. As I turned around to see
who it was, I saw it was Edward, the guy who had helped me out earlier.

"Well, we meet again Bella," he chuckled.

"Yes indeed," I muttered.

Emmett looked confused, "Wait, how do you two know each other?" he asked.

"Well the bartender was harassing me, and Edward here helped out," I explained.

Rose and Alice started laughing, "That happens almost every time we try to go out to a club
Bella," Alice managed to say between laughs.

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I noticed Edward tensed at what Alice had just said; however, I really didn't think too much of
it. We all decided to make our way to the dance floor and stopping once we got to the middle
of the floor. Emmet and Rose danced together as did Jasper and Alice, which left Edward and

As Edward and I danced together, he turned me around so my back was against his chest as
we grinded together with the music. I don't know, but for some reason I felt safe with him;
although, thinking back to how the bartender reacted to him, I could sense he was probably a
bad boy. That was exactly my type as I had gone from Riley Biers, the high school's
delinquent to dating Alec, who was in a biker gang during college.

As we continued to dance, I could feel Edward's arousal pressed against my ass; my thong
already soaked as I knew tonight I wouldn't be leaving this club without Edward. I was pulled
from my thoughts when Edward moved my hair to my right shoulder and started placing hot
open mouthed kisses along my shoulder and collarbone. I leaned my head back on his chest,
giving him more access as he continued to lay kisses on me.

He ran his hands up and down my body, and when I finally couldn't take it anymore I turned
around and crushed my lips to his. He pulled my body tightly against his then after a few
seconds he pulled away from my lips and asked me if I would like to accompany him back to
his home; Of course I answered yes.

Edward grabbed my hand and I looked for Rose and Alice, but they were nowhere to be found
and figured they might've left with Jasper and Emmett. Edward led me outside of the club and
I noticed people with curious, shocked, and some fearful expressions as we walked out. He
must be a bad boy.

Edward hailed a cab down then pulled me in with him. As the cab took off, he pulled me onto
his lap and immediately crushed his lips to mine. I brought my hands up grabbing handfuls of
his coppery hair as I kissed him back.

Edward moaned, which I took was a good sign, and continued to kiss him. The cab stopped
and the cab driver cleared his throat. Edward held me in his lap as he grabbed a hundred
dollar bill flinging it at the cab driver before getting out and running us into a hotel.

I figured he was just visiting, so tonight was probably nothing more than a one night stand,
which I didn't mind at all. I wasn't a slut since I had only slept with my two previous
boyfriends; besides, I don't think anyone in their right mind would pass up Edward's fine ass.

I assumed Edward was staying at the penthouse suite as the elevator took us to the top floor.
As soon as the door's opened, he lifted me up and crushed his lips back to mine while he
walked us over to the bedroom I assumed because the next thing I knew, I was laying on a
very comfortable bed.

As Edward stripped me out of my dress, I was left in only my black lace thong as I opted to
wear a bra tonight.

"You're too fucking sexy for your own good," he groaned.

"I could say the same for you," I said as I started pulling his green shirt off.

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My earlier assumptions were correct as Edward had the perfect body; six pack abs and nice
biceps with what looked like a family crest tattooed on his right forearm. I was a big time
sucker for tattoos, and it seemed like everything I had ever wanted in a guy was pointing at

Edward started kissing every part of my body he could reach. I brought my hands up to his
black belt and started to unbuckled it, but Edward pushed my hands away before jumping off
of the bed and stripped out of his own jeans so fast, I didn't even have to blink an eye.

We were both only left in our underwear as he jumped back on the bed, between my legs. He
brought his hands to the sting of my thong, while I brought my feet to the waist band of his
boxers as we both pulled each other's underwear down at the same time.

Edward moaned as soon as he saw me bare for him, and I was so glad I had gone to the salon
this weekend to get waxed. He brought his hand down to my stomach, lightly tracing my belly
button before running down my slit. I looked down, and Edward was definitely packing down
in the manhood area.

"Bella, are you on the pill?" he asked.

"Yeah I am," I replied

"Thank god," he moaned.

He moved my legs so they were wrapped around his waist before he lined himself up at my
entrance. He thrusted into me hard, and the way he felt inside of me felt like we were made
for each other. Edward stayed still for a second mumbling about how good I felt.

Edward then started setting up a pace as his thrust was fast and hard. He started sucking and
pinching my nipples while I gripped his hair, egging him on.

"Faster Edward," I moaned.

I could feel myself starting to clamp down on him; I was so close, "Edward I'm gonna…shit!"
I screamed as he bit my neck hard. I swear I saw stars and heard fireworks as I came. Edward
kept thrusting in and out of me a few more times before he came inside of me.

He collapsed on top of me as we stayed connected for a few more seconds before he rolled
over and pulled out. Edward pulled me into his sweaty chest as we laid there for a few
minutes before falling asleep.

I woke up around three in the morning and remembered the night before as I looked around
the room, realizing it wasn't my apartment. Edward was gripping me pretty tightly to his body
as I tried carefully as possible to pull his arm off of me, and replacing a pillow to where I was.
Edward cuddled the pillow to his body while I sat there for a few seconds admiring him
before getting dressed.

I walked over to the door and turned one last time to see if Edward was still where I had left
him; I studied his back for a second and saw a few freckles on his back, before I left the

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bedroom. I grabbed my purse and shoes before clicking the button on the elevator to leave and
go home.

I had a feeling tonight wasn't going to be the last night I see Edward; however for now, this
night was just going to be one of those memories I will never forget.

Chapter 3: The Search


I was lying in bed with my eyes closed, going over in my head of the events from last night. I
was twenty-five years old, and I was already the head Italian Mafia boss. I was born and
raised in Sicily, Italy, but my father, Carlisle Cullen, decided to move to the states when I was
ten. I spoke Italian fluently; although, most people couldn't hear my slight accent.

I started thinking about last night. I had spotted Bella earlier with her friends, and I thought
she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had this sense of being innocent, but I
could tell she was wild on the inside; she had that feisty attitude.

It started off with the bartender harassing her, which was why I had stepped in. I didn't know
that my two best friends/guards were going to be hitting it up with her friends. In the end, we
both danced together then ended up coming to my place, and having the best sex I have ever

We fit perfectly together, and moved in sync. I had never had that happen before since the
girls I usually brought home didn't know what they were doing.

I tried to cuddle Bella closer to my body when I noticed that even though it still smelled like
her, she felt exceptionally squishy. I decided to open my eyes, and was met with one of my
big white pillows. I jumped up and stumbled around the penthouse butt naked, yelling her
name. I noticed that there was no trace of her ever being in my place. How ironic, the one
time I bring a girl home she fucking leaves.

I walked back into my room and decided to take a quick hot shower to calm down; then I will
start my search for Bella. She could run, but she definitely couldn't hide from me. I walked
into the cream colored bathroom and headed over to the shower. I hit the automatic button as I
wanted the temperature to be at 80 degrees. The shower instantly turned on and waited a few
seconds before entering.

As I had stated earlier, once the water hit my body, it sent my muscles into relax mode. My
thoughts drifted off toward Bella as I washed my hair and body. I don't understand how she
could just leave? Sure to anybody, what happened last night was a one night stand; however,
with Bella it was different. I could tell that I wanted to get to know her more, which was
unusual because I had only had one girlfriend, and three one night stands. I wasn't one of
those jackasses who liked to play around with girls, as I was more of a relationship type guy.
However, no one had held my interest until Bella came along.

I quickly got out of the shower once I was done rinsing my hair and body. I dried off then
wrapped the towel around my waist. I walked over to the sink and opened the medicine
cabinet, reaching on the top shelf for my shaving cream. I poured some in my hand before

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lathering my face up then grabbed my razor on the corner of the counter and started shaving.
Once my face was smooth as a baby's bottom, I rinsed my face of with water.

Walking over to my giant walk-in closet, which most people dreamt of having, I looked at all
of my suits hanging up; I decided to wear my black Dolce & Gabbana suit. At the other side
of the closet, where all my dress shirts were, I grabbed a white one, along with the skinny silk
black tie, and my black dress shoes. I quickly got dressed then made sure I had my phone,
wallet, and my black and silver desert eagle gun before I walked out of the room. My driver,
Alec, was waiting for me so he could bring me back to my mansion in the forest area. I owned
the building I had brought Bella back to last night. I usually stayed there when I was doing
business in the city, but other than that, I pretty much stayed at my house.

I walked out into the cold streets of New York City; it was already September, and the
weather was getting cooler now. I saw James on the sidewalk with the door open, so I walked
over to him.

"Good morning James," I greeted him.

"Good morning Mr. Cullen," he said as I stepped inside the bullet proof car.

He shut the door then walked over to his side. Once he got inside the car, he pulled into the
busy streets of New York, before heading back to my place. On the way back home, I looked
at the emails I had gotten from Emmett and Jasper; according to them, one of my guards,
Seth, was working for my rival, Jacob Black; I hated that guy with a passion! He sucked up to
everyone, and had people do his dirty work for him. I knew that as soon as I got home, I
would have two things to do first: find Bella, including her information, then I will be paying
a special visit to Seth.

The ride home took a little bit more than half an hour. As soon as we pulled up to the big iron
gates, I spotted my guards as they opened the gates for me, before shutting them once we
passed by. The driveway was about five minutes long until you got up to the mansion.

My house was by far small. I had over ten bedrooms; a master bedroom and bathroom, six
and a half bathrooms, my study, indoor and outdoor pool, family room, living room, garden,
game room, gym, and two kitchens. My house was three stories tall with a laundry room on
each level, and also a movie theater.

When the car stopped, James walked over to my door and opened it up for me. I got out of the
car then walked up the brick stairs to the door. My butler, Aro, came right over to me, helping
me take my coat off then letting me know that Jasper and Emmett were waiting in my office.
They were the only ones' I trusted to give the code for my study, with the exception of my

The study was on the first floor, so I walked at a fast pace over to my sacred place. I entered
the password on the black key pad before the door opened. I walked into my cherry wood
office. The room had cherry wood molding with bookshelves up and down the walls. My desk
was in the far right corner with a leather burgundy couch on the left side, and matching
leather chairs in front of my desk.

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Emmett and Jasper were sitting in the two chairs, so I walked over to the desk and sat behind
it in my big black leather-cushioned chair.

I looked at both of them, "Good morning gentlemen. I have gone through the emails, and I am
up to par," I said in my business tone.

"Hey boss, we have Seth in the warehouse out back. He isn't too pleased right now," Em

"Well he should have thought about what he was getting himself into when he decided to
work for me," I started.

"Now gentlemen, right now I need both of you to get every detail about an Isabella Swan,
while I go take care of Seth. Do you think you both can handle that?" I asked.

"Yes sir," Jasper answered.

"Was that the chick you were all over last night?" Emmett asked.

"I wasn't all over her; not to mention, you were the one hanging all over her friend, dumbass,"
I said.

"Alright we will get right to it, but that blonde chick, Rose, she was smoking. We have a date
tomorrow night," Emmett winked.

"Whatever Emmett, just get it back to me as soon as you can," I told him.

I waited a few minutes after they left before heading out of my office. The warehouse was
still on the property I lived on as I owned over a hundred acres, so the warehouse was in the
very back of the property, hidden. I had James drive me back to the long road where it was
located. I already knew what was going to happen to Seth, but I wanted to see what he had to
say first.

I stepped out of the car then headed towards 10 foot high metal doors as I entered the code to
get inside. I saw Seth in the middle of the room as I walked in; he was tied to a chair with a
blind fold covering his eyes.

He started yelling curse words, telling me to let him go, or he could make me a deal, and I
wouldn't find out about it, but he didn't realize that he was talking to me.

"Trying to bribe my guards Seth? Not a good idea," I spoke in a low voice.

"Oh um…Mr. Cullen …didn't realize it was you," he stuttered.

"Yes, well I am sure that wouldn't have stopped you," I stated.

"Um well..,"

"Enough!" I roared.

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I walked over to him pulling the blind fold off, "Who are you working for?" I asked, even
though I already knew.

He kept his mouth shut. I could tell by the look in his eyes, he was determined not to tell me,
"I am going to ask once more, who you work for?"

He still wouldn't say anything. I whipped out my eagle, pointing it at his forehead as his eyes
creased with worry.

"Black," he blurted out.

"Working for Black you say, and what information did he want to know?" I asked.

"I don't know for sure. I was just supposed to spy on you," he replied.

I didn't believe him though. I knew that Black was interested in how much I was worth, and
the people I got business from. I knew that Seth was supposed to steal some of my shipments,
and try and frame me to the police when some of the drugs I sell would be bought from the
outsider and the killings.

"You might as well tell me since you will never see anyone else besides me ever again," I told

He kept his mouth shut. I brought my eagle back up then pointed it in the middle of his
forehead. He kept screaming he would tell me, but I was done giving him chances to explain,
so I shot him twice in the head, and he was down. I called the two guards that were outside to
get rid of his body.

I got back in my car and was driven back to the main house. As I stepped back inside the
house, Emmett and Jasper told me they had gotten a lot of information. They were able to get
a month's worth of work done within hours.

I found out Bella was twenty-two years old. She was born in Sicily like me. Her father was a
big shot lawyer, and her mother stayed home. She had a clean record, but from what Emmett
had told me, she had dated two other guys before, Riley Biers, and then Alec. They were both
bad boys according to Emmett, so I guess Bella was into bad boys. Well if she wants a bad
boy, she is definitely going to get one.

The last thing Emmett told me was where she lived. I decided I would have them watch her
before I sprung up on her. I wanted to surprise her because I am Edward-fucking-Cullen, and
I will get her one way or another.

Chapter 4: Somebody's Watching Me


It has been a week since I had my encounter with Edward. He had constantly been on my
mind; the shade of his green eyes to the penny colored hair he had, and not to mention he was
a good in bed. I kept wondering in my head what would have happened if I had just stayed

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and never left him that morning; maybe he had many one-night stands. I had only been with
my previous two boyfriends, and now Edward.

I was not in the best mood today. First of all, Tanya is back and bitchier than ever! I can't
seem to do anything right according to her, but she keeps piling me with all this work. It was
now time for a lunch break, so I decided to leave my desk with a note to Tanya.

I met Rose and Alice down in the lobby of the law firm before we descended from the
building of Denali and Newton Law Firm.

We walked down the sidewalk up to the street light. The extremely busy like usual, so we just
decided to walk the two blocks instead of waiting in a taxi. It would take twice as long in the
taxi than walking down to the restaurant we went to eat almost every day. I would rather
spend my time eating and talking than rushing to get the food down since we only had an hour
and fifteen minute lunch break; don't ask about the extra fifteen minutes because I don't know
why, and I am just glad 'coz it means less time in the office.

As we were walking down to the restaurant, I got this feeling that someone was watching me.
I looked around, but did not notice anything out of place. I guess maybe in my mind I was
thinking that someone was watching me, but it just sounded so unrealistic.

We finally entered the restaurant, Mimi's Café, about twenty minutes later; it was not crowded
at all, so we were seated right away. We sat in the small booth in the back by the kitchen, and
then were handed our menus.

I looked over the menu and knew I would definitely be having a glass of red wine because I
needed it to get me through the rest of the day at the firm. I also felt like having fettuccini
Alfredo pasta with a Caesar salad, and breadsticks. I was Italian, what can I say, I eat a lot.

The only thing I had a problem with in America is that they did not make Italian food the way
it was made in Italy. And I also liked the culture and design a lot better in Italy. I never told
my parents, but I plan to move back there someday when I have enough money with what I
have been saving for the past few years.

The waiter came over to our table after waiting for approximately two minutes. He had short
black hair, and bright blue eyes, "Hello, I'm Mario. Welcome to Mimi's Café. What can I get
to drink for you ladies today?" he asked.

He motioned for me to go first, "A glass of red wine, please," I answered.

He nodded and jotted it down in his notepad before looking up at Rose, "A martini please."

"Make that two, and three orders of water," Alice said.

"Alright ladies, I will be back with your drinks in a few minutes, unless you are ready to order
now," he waited.

I looked at Rose and Alice, and they both nodded, "Sure were ready," Rose said.

"Okay, what can I get for you?" he asked.

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"I will have the shrimp salad," Rose answered.

He looked at Alice next, "I will have the teriyaki chicken sandwich."

Lastly, he turned his attention to me, "Um, may I please have the fettuccini Alfredo pasta with
a Caesar salad, and breadsticks?" I asked.

"Of course, I will go place your order then I will be back with your drinks," he said, before

"So how has your day been so far with Tanya?" Alice asked.

I groaned, "I will not be talking about her until I have at least one sip of my wine," I replied.

They both laughed at me, "That bad?" Rose smirked.

"You wouldn't believe," I sighed.

They both chuckled, and then our waiter came back with our drinks. As soon as he left, I took
a sip of my wine, instantly calming.

"So talk now, you had your sip of wine. Let's hear it," Rose demanded.

I laughed at her, "Well she has been giving me so much work because she is behind; she
forgot she had a meeting in a few days, and so she gave me her work. I finished them already,
and I am sure you already know her mood is always the same so it was just hard to be around
the bitch. She complains about every single thing; no wonder why she is still single," I

Alice laughed, "I know that is the same with Jessica, except Jessica complains about her looks
all the time."

"Yeah well Tanya isn't looking like a great prize; she has money because it was originally her
father's business, as was Jessica's husband, Mike's, father. They just decide to spend their
money on getting work done to their body which makes them look ten times worse," I

"I know. Did you see Jessica's new lips? She came in late today, and she looked like a fish,"
Rose chuckled.

We all laughed, and soon our food was brought to us. I dove into my salad first. It was your
typical Caesar salad, nothing special about it, but once I finished the small salad, I dug into
my pasta and breadsticks. They tasted good; I was glad that I was finally having some peace
while away from the office for an hour.

We talked more about our day before we all finished eating. The waiter came back asking if
we wanted any desert. We each got one of the original cheesecake slices; they were to die for,
and we had one every day.

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I finished my glass of wine by the time he came back with our dessert. I picked up my spoon
and got a spoonful of cheesecake. I stuck the peace in my mouth and moaned at the same time
Rose and Alice did. We all looked at each other and laughed; I guess the saying, 'Great minds
think alike' worked for us.
We continued to eat our dessert then paid the bill. It cost us around twenty dollars each, but
that was because our drinks were about the same price as our meal. We left a tip before we
left the restaurant. As soon as we stepped foot outside, I got that feeling again of someone
following me.

I did not quite understand. I searched around as we walked back, and still nothing seemed out
of place. The streets were still busy; there was still people eating hot dogs from the hot dog
stands. I do not really know what was going on with me.

We reached the office twenty minutes later, and I silently groaned when I got back to my
desk. Of course, Tanya had many files on my desk again. That lazy ass bitch, I thought.

This was going to be a much longer day than I wanted it to be. I took a deep calming breath
before walking over to my small cherry wood desk. I sat at my desk and started going through
the files after I sent a text to Alice and Rose that the bitch had given me more files to work

I looked over the Rogers case, filing the paper work. If I did not need this job so badly, I
would have never of done this for Tanya; it was her work and not a part of my job, but
whatever. As I was staring at the folder, I kept berating myself; maybe I should go and tell
Tanya that this has nothing to do with my job, and I will not be doing her work for her. All the
sudden a dark shadow cascaded over me, and figured it was Tanya.

I mentally screamed in my head before looking up. I gasped; there stood the person that had
been invading most of my thoughts for the past week, "Edward," I whispered.

Chapter 5: I Found You


I watched Bella as she walked into the restaurant; I decided this morning I was going to get
my girl today. I picked my favorite Armani suit with a white buttoned up shirt. I made sure to
shave my facial hair; I wanted to look my best for Bella. I had Emmett and Jasper in the
restaurant making sure she was safe as I sat in the car with my other guard Alec, and the

She came out a few minutes later with the blonde chick and the pixie looking girl, whom I
recognized from the bar, but didn't quite remember their names. We blended in with the
traffic going on; however, I noticed Bella kept looking around, maybe for someone?

She got back to Denali and Newton Law safely, so I had my driver park. I didn't need my
guards with me right now, so I told them to wait in the lobby. I walked over to the elevator
almost blending in with the workers around as I passed the blonde girl Bella was with earlier.
As I stepped inside the elevator, I pressed the button for the second floor as I knew that was
the floor she was on.

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I rode up the elevator with an older woman and an older man, and stepped off as I got to the
second floor. I walked to the left side of the office because that was Denali's side; and from
the information I got, Bella was Tanya Denali's secretary. I walked down the hall, and as I
made the turn to my right, there was Bella, sitting at her desk with folders stacked up.
Although I could tell from where I was standing, she looked stressed out.

I smiled and walked over to her, and I saw she was looking through a case and taking notes. I
shadowed over her; she looked up and gasped, "Edward."

I could not believe I had finally found her; she still looked as beautiful as ever. I missed the
intensity of her hazel eyes when she would look at me.

"Hey baby, I missed you," I told her.

She looked like she was having trouble trying to talk; I leaned down and pecked her lips, "So
how has your day been?" I asked.

"Um, what, um, what are you doing here?" she stuttered.

I brought my hand up and lightly caressed her hair, "Well since you left me with no note or
anything, I thought I would come and find the girl that has captured my heart," I answered.

She looked almost shocked. I walked behind her desk and pulled her up then wrapped my
arms around her waist, "La tua mente, Bella," I whispered to her.

She pulled back, "Edward I am not yours," she whispered back.

I was impressed she spoke Italian, "Yes you are," I declared.

I started peppering her neck with hot open-mouthed kisses ignoring all the people around the
office. Bella moaned a little bit, and I could tell she was trying to fight it.

"Non combattere contro di me bambino," I whispered into her ear. (Don't fight me baby)

She pulled away from me and stared deeply into my eyes, "I don't know how I did for this

I was about to crush my lips to hers when a high-pitched voice started screaming, "Bella!"

Bella pulled back and pushed me away from her, "Bella!" the woman screamed.

I saw this woman with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes come rushing towards Bella. She
had one of those fake tans on her, and I could also tell she had a lot of work done on her. She
stopped when she noticed me and started trying to look seductive, but all it did was irritate
me; how could she yell at my Bella, well she wasn't mine yet, but she will be.

"Oh excuse me, I'm Miss Tanya Denali, and you are?" she asked.

"Edward Cullen, Bella's boyfriend," I answered.

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I looked at Bella who looked shocked at first, but quickly recovered.

"Oh please, like you would want to be with a secretary when you could have a successful
attorney," she said, and motioned to herself.

"Yes, I would rather be with Bella than you any day," I stated.

"Oh please, Bella never does anything right. Look at her, all these files was supposed to be
done days ago; I have a deadline!" she yelled at Bella.

I was ready to yell at this bitch; however, Bella spoke up, "Excuse me, you are the one taking
these trips then come back with all this work. First of all, this isn't even a part of my job
description; this is your work you failed to do!"

"Listen here you ungrateful bitch…" I didn't even let Tanya finish before I ran over to her. I
grabbed her throat in a vice grip, and pinned her against the wall.

She looked fearful as she struggled to get out of my grip. I just wanted to whip out my gun
and put a bullet through her head.

"Edward, stop!" Bella screamed.

"Bella perché lei non può parlare con te in quel modo," I told her as I put more pressure on
Tanya's throat. (Why Bella, she can't talk to you like that.)

"Edward questo è il mio lavoro per favore solo stop, non farà che peggiorare," she begged.
(Edward this is my job please just stop, you will only make it worse.)

I let go of Tanya and threw her on the ground, "Don't you ever disrespect Bella again because
you won't like the consequences," I hissed.

I stood up and saw bruise marks of my hands already forming on her throat; I walked back
over to Bella, "Grab your things were leaving," I told her.

She quickly grabbed her things as I grabbed her small warm hand, pulling her along with me.
We walked over to the elevator and banged on the button, while ignoring all the people
watching Bella and I with the shock expressions. I wanted to kill that bitch for the way she
talked down to Bella; however, I knew Bella wouldn't let me get away with it for now.

We were the only ones in the elevator, and it was complete silence the way down. I spotted
Emmett and Jasper, and motioned for them to follow me with my eyes. I got in the back of my
car with Bella, and put the window in the middle up.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Edward Cullen," I answered.

She shook her head, "Who are you to come into my work place and humiliate me?" she

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I know I should be defending myself on why I did it, but I was a little turned on by the way
she was frustrated, "Let's go for some ice cream," I said.

I told the driver then I looked back at Bella who had her eyes closed as if to calm herself
down. I leaned over the seat to wrap my arm around her shoulders, and I pulled her towards
me as I kissed her temple.

"Edward, stop," she whispered.

I ignored her and continued to kiss along her neck; her skin was so soft and warm. I pulled her
closer to me, and she started to relax. I held her tighter against my body, "Bella," I whispered
into the crook of her neck.

I couldn't pull my lips away from her body; Bella brought her hands up and started grabbing
handfuls of my hair. I opened my eyes and looked into her eyes, "Tell me to stop baby, and I

She stared into my eyes, "Don't ever stop," she whispered huskily.

I pulled her into my lap and finally crashed my lips to hers. It felt like home, and we both
moaned together. We continued to kiss each other as she started grinding against my hard on.
I knew if I didn't stop her soon we would end up having sex in the back seat of my car;
something I didn't want to happen for our second time.

"Wait Bella," I told her.

This time she ignored me and started unbuttoning my shirt, and laid kisses as she unbuttoned,
"Bella we will finish this later, I promise," I told her.

She groaned then got off my lap. I fixed my shirt and pressed my lips to hers one last time.

We parked in front of a Cold Stone Ice Cream store. My driver stepped outside and opened
the door; I got out and held my hand out for Bella as she graciously took it.

We walked together into Cold Stone for a quick ice cream. Once inside, we both ordered the
cake batter; I guess great minds do think alike.

We sat in the corner as the workers went away, and made small talk. I wanted to know more
about her when we went out on our date I had planned for tomorrow night.

As soon as we finished our ice cream, I led her back to the car. We got in and cuddled up
together in the back then made out and whispered sweet words to each other in Italian, "Go
out with me tomorrow night?" I asked.

She bit her lip and smiled, "Yes."

Chapter 6: The Date


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I looked at the clock; it was 5:00 in the evening right now. I had one hour before my date with
Edward tonight. So far, my day was going good; Tanya called in sick today, and I didn't really
have to do much. So now, I had to think of what to wear for my date with Edward tonight.

In a way, I couldn't believe that I had agreed to go on a date with Edward, but on the other
hand there was just something about him when I was with him that just made me melt. He
definitely scored big points in my book since he spoke Italian, which by the way was so
freaking hot. I was nervous though when he first came into my work place and threatened
Tanya; however, I was also very turned on by his actions. I believe that is why Tanya didn't
come into work today.

As of right now, I was debating between two outfits; the skintight red dress, or the mid thigh
black flowy dress that complimented my curves. After much debate on which one to wear, I
decided on the black dress. I quickly put it on, and then went to fix my hair up. I was just
going to leave it down, so I quickly brushed my soft waves and went back into my closet. I
grabbed my black pumps and then looked at myself in the mirror; I looked hot, and I was
wearing my red lace bra and panty set just in case something happened between Edward and
me again.

I heard a knock on my door ten minutes later. Looking at the clock, I saw it was exactly 6:00;
he was right on time. I walked to the door and looked through the peephole; I saw his messy
bronze hair, so I knew it was Edward. I opened the door and greeted him hello.

"Ciao Bella," He greeted in his perfect Italian. (Hello Bella)

He handed me a single red rose, "Grazie la sua bella." (Thank you, it's lovely)

"Anytime, you ready for the date?" he asked.

"Yes, where are we going?" I asked as I made sure to shut and lock my door.

He held out his arm for me to take it; I locked arms with him, "We are going to my place," he

I felt bad he drove out here to pick me up when I could have just driven there, "Edward I
could've driven myself to your home," I mentioned.

"Signori raccogliere le loro date, non importa dove vanno," he declared. (Gentlemen pick up
their dates, no matter where they go.)

He led us over to a limo with two people dressed in tuxes; they just stared off into space.
Edward and I got in the limo, and then the door shut behind us. I didn't really need a limo for
a date, but I guess Edward didn't see why.

"Edward you really didn't have to pick me up in a limo."

"I know, but this is how I usually go out to places though," he stated.

It was silent for the rest of the ride, but it was comfortable silence. Edward and I were cuddled
up in the back of the limo; he had his arm wrapped around my shoulders, and his hand was

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playing with my hair. I decided to take more notice into what Edward was wearing; he had on
a nice black tuxedo with a white v-neck sweater underneath. He still looked hot. I don't think
Edward could wear something that didn't look hot on him.

We finally pulled up to this big golden gate, and the driver rolled down his window and said
something to a dark figure outside, which I couldn't see. I thought it was strange, but I let it
go. The big gate opened, and we pulled forward. It seemed like the driveway went on and on,
but finally we pulled up to this gorgeous white mansion. There were no words how to
describe it, as it had an elegant fountain in the center that lead up to the house, which was lit
and perfect.

The car stopped and the driver opened the door for us as Edward got out and held his hand out
for me to take. I placed my hand in his and stepped out of the limo. We walked up these
perfect black granite steps, leading up to the bronze iron doors. He placed his thumbprint on
the key pad, and the doors opened. He led me into his very fancy looking home, and I could
tell from what I had seen so far, Edward was a very rich young man.

He brought me over to his dining room that had different kinds of Italian food placed on the
table. He pulled out my chair for me and I sat down thanking him. He walked over to his chair
across from me, sitting down. I smelled the food, which smelt delicious, and it felt like I was
at home as I sat with Edward and dug into our food, which was strange to me.

"So, tell me about yourself Bella," he asked.

"Well I'm twenty two years old. I was actually born in Sicily, Italy, but my father Charlie
wanted to move out here to get away from the crime lifestyle in Sicily," I told him.

He seemed shock for some reason, "Wait, is your father attorney Charlie Swan?" he asked.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked confused.

"He was my father's lawyer, and now mine also," he smiled.

"What a small world. What about you?" I asked.

"Well I am twenty-five and was also born in Sicily, Italy, but moved out to the states when I
was ten because of my father's job," I told her.

"So tell me how does a handsome man like you, who obviously has money, not married yet?"
I asked.

"First of all, I have a different lifestyle than most others, not to mention I just haven't found
the right girl yet," he answered.

"What about you, why didn't you work for your father instead of working for the bitch of a
woman, Tanny?" he asked.

I chuckled, "Her name is actually Tanya, but I just wanted to work myself up. I didn't want to
work for my father because I felt that if I did, it would just seem like I got the job because of
him, and I wanted to earn my job," I told him.

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"I see now why you put up with that bitch of a woman, if she is even a woman. I honestly
couldn't tell with all the work she had done. What about you? Did you get any work done?" he

"No, I don't believe in doing that," I told him.

"Good, I like my woman natural," he stated.

"So how many women have you been with?" I asked.

He choked on his wine, "I guess I shouldn't have sprung that on you," I said.

He shook his head, "No it's fine, but only four people, and then you," he said.

"Really?" I asked shocked. I mean Edward was definitely a good-looking man, so it surprised
me that he hadn't been with more women.

"Yeah, I had one girlfriend, but it didn't work out. And the others were one night stands,
except hopefully you," he said.

I blushed lightly, "Is that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked as I leaned
towards him.

"Bella, sì, mi piacerebbe che tu accetti di essere il mio unico e solo la fidanzata," he
whispered. (Yes Bella, I would love for you to agree to be my one and only girlfriend.)

"Sarebbe un onore," I whispered (It would be an honor)

He finished leaning in, and we kissed. The kiss made me feel more alive than the last time he
had kissed me. If we stayed together, I knew I would never get tired of him. I could already
see myself falling for him which was a first since from the previous people I had dated; it took
me some time to say those three little words.

Edward pulled back and sat up. He then walked over to me and led us over to what looked
like a big entertainment room. Edward turned on a switch which turned on the fireplace,
walking back over to me. He sat us down on the big black leather couch, pulling me into his
lap. He reached over and called someone, "We would like our wine now please." He placed
the phone down and looked back at me.

A small lady came over and set the bottle of red wine down and handed us our glasses,
"Thank you," he dismissed her.

He turned back and raised his glass, "To us."

"To us," I said. I clanked my glass with his before having a sip of the most delicious wine I
had ever had.

We sat there cuddling up with one another as we stared at the fire. I decided to take notice of
all the very extravagant things he had, and I wondered what his job was since he never
mentioned it, but he made a lot of money doing what he did. He and his father also had my

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dad as a lawyer, which my father was a very well high off attorney. I wanted to know what he
did, so I thought I would finally ask.

"Hey Edward," I spoke.

"Yeah," he whispered.

I moved my head up off his chest and stared into his eyes, "You know what I do for a living,
but what about you?" I asked.

He looked down, and he was thinking hard, "Um Bella, my job isn't like most people's," he
stated, and looked at me with pained eyes.

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad," I playfully said.

"Bella, I um… Wow, I have never been clueless in my life as to what to say until now," he

He turned and looked at me, "Bella what do you see yourself as in years to come?" he asked.

I knew he was avoiding my question, "I see myself married with children, and living back in
Italy," I told him.

He chuckled, "I want that, too someday," he looked so far away.

"Edward, just tell me what you do. I know it is something big from the way your lifestyle is,"
I motioned around his house with my hands.

"Bella, first, you have to promise me that you won't run away," he said.

I looked into his eyes, "I promise I won't run away from you."

He stared at me for a few minutes before answering, "I'm the Italian mafia boss."

I don't remember what happened after that as everything went black.

Chapter 7: I'm Not Leaving


I stared at her for a few minutes, looking deeply into her eyes debating on how to tell her what
my occupation was before answering, "I'm the Italian mafia boss."

Bella was fine for a second then a minute later I saw her eyes roll to the back of her head, and
her body slump forward; it was a good thing we were on the couch. I thought I was doing the
right thing telling her since she had dated bad boys before. The date had started off great, and
I knew the question of my occupation was coming; I just didn't know what her reaction would

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I gripped her waist and moved her backwards a little bit. I moved her bangs out of her face
and started whispering her name over and over again.

It felt like the end of time when she finally woke up, "Ed-..Edward," she stuttered.

Her eyes searched around for me, "I'm right here Bella," I said.

Her eyes roamed around the room until they found mine. However, what I wasn't expecting
was the look of lust in her eyes. "Are you alright Bella?" I asked.

Then all of the sudden, I was on my back and she was on top of me, "Io sono perfetta. Io in
realtà penso tutto il boss mafioso cosa ti fa più caldo," she whispered huskily into my ear. (I'm
perfect. I actually think the whole mafia boss thing makes you hotter.)

I leaned up towards her ear, "Bene, perché io non sono mai cazzo di lasciarti andare." (Good,
because I am never fucking letting you go.)

I moved my head over so I could look into her beautiful hazel eyes; her eyes drifted down
towards my lips then back up to my eyes. I finally closed the distance between us and crushed
my lips to hers. I got lost in the kiss, and if it could start fireworks, they would be going off in
the background. As Bella straddled me, she started grinding her sex into my now harden cock.

"Cazzo," (Fuck) I moaned.

"You like that baby?" she whispered.

"Il tuo mia bambina cattiva," I said (You're my little bad girl.)

"Well, I am dating the Italian mafia boss," she stated.

"Yes you are," I said then kissed her one last time before moving us in a sitting position.

"Stay with me," I told her, rather than asked.

"I'm not going anywhere," she stated. I could tell she was telling me the truth because her eyes
held so much conviction.

I kissed her one last time before bringing us up to my room. I had never let any woman
besides my mom; only because she was decorating, in there. It was my private getaway;
however, with Bella it was different, and I wanted her to be in there.

We walked up the windy stairs up to the third floor where my bedroom was located. There
was a bar, gym, Jacuzzi, bathroom, walk in closet and a fireplace; Bella's eyes sparkled as I
showed her around the room. I brought her inside my bedroom, and I walked over to my mast
walk-in closet. I went to the back corner, getting her a pair of black silk boxers and one of my
sweat shirts. I walked back into my room and handed her the clothes.

"Thanks," she said then leaned up and kissed the corner of my mouth before walking towards
the bathroom.

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I walked into my closet again and got out of my suit then putting it into a dry cleaning bag. I
usually slept in my boxers every night, so I walked back into my room and pulled down the
covers. I laid in bed as I waited for Bella; a few seconds later, Bella came in. There were no
words to express how I felt when she came out the bathroom wearing my clothes; it was so
fucking hot, and my ego boosted up quite a bit.

Bella walked over to the bed, and I lifted up the blankets for her to join me. I wasn't one for
cuddling, but with Bella I let her get as close to me as she could. She laid her head on my
chest and lightly ran her hands up and down my chest as we started to drift off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling like I got the most amount of sleep I've had in years. I felt
Bella's warm body against mine. I ran my hands underneath the sweat shirt, feeling her bare
back, and then I felt this electricity moving through both of our bodies. Bella stirred a little bit
before moving closer to me. I looked at the clock on the side of my bed and saw that it was
already past 7 in the morning. I knew Bella had to be at work by 9:30, so I had no choice but
to wake her up.

"Bella come on baby, you have to wake up," I told her.

"Mmm," she groaned.

I chuckled, "Come on baby, I don't want to get up either, but if you want to keep your job then
you need to get up," I said.

"Fine," she grumbled.

She started to sit up, and I leaned in towards her and kissed her plump pink lips, "Morning

"Morning handsome," she said and kissed me back.

"You can take your shower first, and I will take mine while you go downstairs and eat a nice
healthy breakfast," I told her.

"Sounds good to me, but what about my clothes?" she asked, as she started to get out of bed.

"Already took care of it; I will send them right up," I replied.

She got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on, so I walked
out of the room and headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen telling my two chefs that I
would like bacon, eggs, sausage, with fruit on the side, and two coffees.

They made quick work, and I headed upstairs to the second floor where my study was. I typed
in the code and put my thumb on the pad before the doors opened. The only people I trusted
with the code to my office were my parents, Emmett, and Jasper. I had a feeling Bella would
be able to win my trust very soon.

I walked inside grabbing the bag of clothes I had told Emmett and Jasper to bring for Bella. I
walked out of my office and back upstairs to my bedroom. Bella was standing with a towel
around her chest, and I handed her the bag of clothes, which she thanked me for. I headed into

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the bathroom shaving my scruff and jumping in for a quick shower. When I finished my
shower, I walked into my closet pulling out my Gray Armani suit. Once I was dressed, I
headed downstairs for my breakfast with Bella before having to drop her off at work.
Although I may not be there with her, I have my guards keeping a close eye so nothing would
happen to her.

Chapter 8: I Quit


After Edward dropped me off, I walked into Denali and Newton Firm passing Rose at the
reception desk. She was on the phone, so I just waved to her before walking over to the
elevator. I pressed the top white button that indicated 'going up', waiting for a few seconds for
the elevator to come down. As the golden doors opened, I stepped inside along with two older
women. The ride up was short; I walked over to my desk and silently cursed Tanya.

I sat down in my chair behind my small desk. She had endless amount of manila folders on
my desk, and I really didn't want to do her work for her. I walked over to her office to have a
word with her when I heard moans of pleasure. I turned around to go and sit back at my desk,
and waited for her. I was not going to do her work for her.

I sat back in my chair for about an hour waiting for her, just staring at the door. It felt like she
was never going to come out. I looked at the clock on my desk it was almost lunchtime; she
had been in there for two hours. Finally, what felt like forever, she walked out; it was fifteen
minutes until my lunchtime.

Tanya's hair was everywhere, and her clothes were wrinkled. What shocked me the most were
the people walking out; Mike Newton and his wife Jessica Newton, and I think I just threw up
in my mouth. Who does that! Especially at a workplace?

Tanya walked up to my desk with a smug look, "Well Bella, have you finished taking notes
on the cases I gave you this morning?" she asked.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "No I didn't. Actually, I didn't do them at all," I replied.

She glared at me, "This is your job! I should just fire you because honestly, you never do
anything right," she snapped.

I was done being nice with her, I didn't care about my job here anymore. I would rather work
a low paying job with someone who actually respected me than having a nice paying job, and
not being respected.

"Tanya, first of all, this is your unfinished work, and second of all, this is not part of my job
description," I said.

She scoffed, "First of all, I'm your boss, and I can tell you to do anything that I want you to
do. Second of all, don't forget your boyfriend threatened me, and lastly, arguing with me is
not very appropriate behavior, especially at work; that's insubordination."

"Well at least I'm not fucking my co-worker and her husband," I blurted.

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She started choking, and then looked at me, "Listen here you little bitch-"

"I'm not the bitch Tanya, you are," I interrupted.

"You know what, you're fired!" she yelled.

Everyone in the office was now looking at us, "No Tanya, I quit! I am done putting up with
your bullshit," I said.

"You can't quit! I am Tanya Denali, and no one quits; I fire people!" she screamed.

As I ignored her and started packing up my desk, I heard the angry velvety voice of Edward's,
"Didn't I fucking tell you to never talk to Bella that way again?"

I saw Tanya start to shrink back. I looked at Edward, and he looked hot, but when he was
pissed there was just something about him that made him hotter.

I saw Emmett and Jasper, and I remembered them from the club that night; they were trailing
behind Edward. I saw Emmett go up to Tanya, who looked scared. He walked up to Tanya
trying to charm her, which I thought was unusual.

He started flirting with her, and she giggled like a little schoolchild. "What the fuck are all
you people looking at? Get back to work!" Edward growled.

Emmett gave Edward a look to which Edward replied with a small nod. Emmett somehow
managed to get Tanya to go with him, before Edward took the box of my things.

Edward and I started walking back towards the elevator, "Jasper," he said.

Jasper was in the corner flirting with Alice; he gave her a card before joining us, "Sorry boss."

When we got inside the elevator, I remembered Emmett had Tanya, "Aspetta Edward, dove è
Emmett andando a prendere Tanya?" I asked. (Wait Edward, where is Emmett going to take

Edward looked at me, "Lui è la sua presa sul mio magazzino," he replied. (He is taking her to
my warehouse.)

We stepped out of the elevator, and walking out of the building, Rose smiled before waving
goodbye. He pulled me into his limo where Emmett was sitting with a tied up and blindfolded
Tanya. She tried screaming, but it didn't really work.

"Edward cosa hai intenzione di fare per lei?" I asked in a low tone. (Edward what are you
going to do to her?)

"Ho intenzione di uccidere questa cagna cazzo," he replied in a deathly tone. (I'm going to kill
this fucking bitch.)

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I was a little scared about him killing Tanya even though she deserved it. He had whispered to
me in Italian that they were going to frame it as a suicide attempt; an overdose on some pill I
don't really know what it was called.

He kissed me for reassurance that it would be fine. I told him I don't really have a job
anymore, so I needed to start looking for another one. He told me that I didn't need to work; I
could spend my days with him when he wasn't working, thinking it would be better. I could
actually work at my father's firm, but I didn't just want to get the job because of my father; I
wanted to earn my job.

I explained that to Edward, and he was fine with it. He told me he would rather have me not
working as it would be safer for me, and a lot easier for him to keep an eye on me. I just
laughed at him then kissed him on the lips before we arrived at his home to get rid of my ex
bitch of a boss, aka Tanya Denali.

Chapter 9: Second Thoughts


As we got closer and closer to my warehouse, I noticed Bella was shaking more; almost like
she was scared or nervous. I grasped her hand in mine gently, and rubbed the back of her right
hand with the pad of my thumb. She looked up at me and smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.
The car stopped and my driver came out, opening the door for us. As I stepped out, I held my
hand out for Bella to take. When she looked at the warehouse, I could see the goose bumps on
her skin.

I walked us into the warehouse with Emmett and Jasper following behind with a very antsy
Tanya. I hated that fucking bitch for the way she treated Bella; she deserved to die. Emmett
and Jasper got her situated, and as I went to reach for my eagle, I saw tears start to form in
Bella's eyes.

I walked over to her, looking into her eyes, "Che cosa è l'amore che non va?" I asked. (What's
wrong love?"

Her tearful brown eyes looked into mine as she wrapped her arms around her waist, "Edward,
non credo che si dovrebbe ucciderla," she replied. (Edward, I don't think you should kill her.)

This started to anger me. After what that bitch had put her through in work, "Era per il culo,
Bella. l'ho avvertito che non lo tollerano," I hissed at her. (She was fucking with you Bella I
warned her that I wouldn't tolerate it.)

Bella shook her head, "Quindi, se tutti nel mondo mi ha trattato male la tua solo andando a
ucciderli?" she asked. (So if everyone in the world treated me badly, you're just going to kill

I knew she was right with what she was saying, but I still didn't think this bitch deserved to go
free, "Bella…" I sighed.

She was starting to look angry now, "No Edward! I capire se fa male fisicamente, ma questo è
solo Tanya lei è una cagna quindi per favore solo lasciarla andare, il tuo unico chinarsi al suo

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livello," she snapped. (No Edward! I understand if they hurt me physically, but this is just
Tanya. She is a bitch, so please just let her go, your only stooping down to her level.)

Now I was the one angry; she knew what I did for a living, "Bella questo è il mio lavoro ti ho
detto prima-" but she interrupted me. (Bella this is my job. I told you before-)

She closed her eyes, shutting them tight before opening them up, "So che Edward, ma Tanya
non è il tuo problema, per me Edward," she sighed. (I know Edward, but Tanya is not your
problem; please for me Edward.)

I nodded my head as I was not happy, but if this is what Bella wanted then fine. Even though I
had barely known her, I knew that she was the girl for me. My mother always told me when I
find the girl I love that I should keep her and always listen to her because if I didn't, then I
would regret it. I didn't want to regret anything that I did when it came to Bella, so I told the
boys to give Tanya some DXM, and then drop her off at her office. The drug would make her
throw up, but then she wouldn't remember any of this. I left my boys and pulled Bella with me
as we went back to the house.

"Thanks," she whispered to me in the dark car.

I pulled her closer to my body, giving her a kiss on her forehead, "I would do anything for
you, Bella," I said.

I could see a slight smile forming on her face as she wrapped her arms around my waist,
hugging me to her body. When the car finally stopped in front of the house, I opened the door
and stepped out, holding my hand out to Bella. She lightly bit her lip, and then placed her
hand in mine as she got up. I walked us inside the house and into the kitchen. The staff was
off-duty today, so I went and grabbed us two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine.

I turned around to see Bella with a small smile on her face; beautiful. I brought my lips to
hers, giving her a sweet and tender kiss, and heading upstairs to my bedroom. We walked
over to the couch in the corner, turning on the fireplace. I walked into my closet grabbing
Bella a pair of my boxers and a t-shirt for her to wear. I handed them to her before going back
into the closet and stripping out of my suit then walking back out to Bella.

She smiled when I came back to join her on the couch. We snuggled up with our glasses of
wine, breathing in her strawberry scent as we sat there silently.

"How about we go on a little vacation to Italy?" I asked. I don't really know why I asked her
this so soon, but I wanted to go, and I knew she would want to; it seemed like a great time to
get away from everything. I really needed a vacation right now.

She looked at me with a shocked look, "Really, when?" she asked amazed.

With my right hand, I ran my fingers of through her hair as she leaned into my left arm, "How
about tomorrow?" I said.

She chuckled, "No Edward, that's too soon. How about next week?" she asked.

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I chuckled, "I guess. That sounds good to me. It will just be the two of us in my home in
Sicily except, I have to bring my guards with me. We can go out on the beach with each other,
relax, and so on," I said.

"Which guards?" she asked, looking up at me.

"Emmett and Jasper; they are the only ones I really trust," I stated.

She looked down, "Would it be alright if Alice and Rosalie came to keep them company?" she
asked in the quietest voice.

"I think that would be perfect, but remember that I would like to spend time with you, too," I
told her.

She brought her hands up to my hair, lightly massaging my scalp; it felt so fucking good,
"Don't worry, I will definitely be spending time with you because I am for sure that my
friends will be keeping Emmett and Jasper a lot of company, if you know what I mean," she

I laughed at her, "Oh I know what you mean because I am sure we will be doing the same
thing," I said.

"Oh really, and how can you be so sure?" she asked playfully.

"Honey, have you seen the way I look? You won't be able to resist me," I replied.

She playfully slapped my chest, laughing, "Don't get all cocky on me now," she demanded in
between her laughs.

"Oh, now you want to talk about my cock baby?" I asked.

Now she was laughing so hard, "No, not right now. Man, I just can't seem to say anything that
doesn't consist of sex with you, huh?" she asked.

"Well sex with me is good, but with you, it is indescribable," I said truthfully.

She raised her eyebrow, "Trying to score some brownie points I see," she said.

"No, trying to get you to have sex with me," I stated, giving her a slight pleading face.

"You're very handsome, and it is very hard to resist you, but tonight I am going to have to
take a rain check because I am exhausted," she said.

"I'm going to need a signed contract," I said in a serious tone.

"How about a kiss?" she asked.

"Well I guess," I replied trying to act nonchalant.

"Come here," she demanded; it was very hot.

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I crushed my lips to hers, not wanting the kiss to end as our tongues massaged one another.
Her hands pulling at the ends of my hair, sending shivers down my body. When Bella needed
some air, I pulled away, looking into her beautiful brown eyes before we drifted off to sleep
on the couch next to the warm fireplace.

Chapter 10: Italy


I couldn't believe how much I had missed living in Italy. It was so different than the states; for
instance, the food tasted so much better here than in any Italian restaurant in New York.
Edward and I had already been here for one week, and we haven't really seen Emmett, Rose,
Alice, and Jasper much. Edward had taken us to one of his properties he owned in Italy. It was
a mansion like the one in the New York, but this house had that Italian look to it; it felt like
home here.

During our trip so far, Edward had taken me into town with him. We had a nice breakfast at a
little café then he took me to a few shops. I told him someday I wanted to move back here to
which he agreed this was home.

Today we were going to just hang out at his house, and maybe go to the beach, who knows.
Edward was already awake when I woke up this morning, so I decided to take a shower and
get ready. I decided to wear my royal blue mid thigh dress. I walked downstairs seeing
Edward at the table with breakfast all served; he looked so hot in his black v-neck t-shirt and
dark blue jeans. I mean don't get me wrong, Edward looked hot wearing a suit, but the casual
look made me want him even more.

I walked over, giving him a kiss on his forehead. He looked up at me with a smile on his face,
"l'amore di mattina, hai dormito bene stanotte?" he asked. (Morning love, did you sleep well
last night?)

I absolutely loved it when he talked to me in Italian, "Si ho fatto," I replied. (Yes I did.)

He smiled at my reply then pulled my face down to give him a real good morning kiss. He
stood up and slid out my chair for me to sit in; always a gentleman. I quickly sat down as he
started placing food on my plate.

As we ate, I decided to ask him what we were doing today, "So what is the plan for today?" I

He swallowed the eggs that he had just slipped into his mouth before answering, "Well I
thought we could stay here and relax then later tonight, I want to take you down to the docks.
I own the area so no one will be there. I planned for a nice picnic on my yacht by the ocean;
sound good to you?" he asked.

"Perfect," I smiled.

I loved the idea of having a nice picnic, Edward truly was the perfect man minus the mafia
thing but I did after all love bad boys.

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Edward had his chef prepare our meal. I thought it was a bit extravagant having maids and a
chef, so I figured if someday he asks me to marry him, I would have to talk to him about that.
I think a maid would be great to help clean the house once a week, but not every day. I also
wouldn't want him to have a chef unless we had a big party because in my eyes, I would be
the cook of the family just like my mom was in our family. My dad worked while my mom
stayed home taking care of me.

It was a warm day out today, which was nice as Edward and I took a nice walk along his
property. It was nice until we saw Rose and Emmett going at it, and they weren't even
embarrassed when we found them. I, for one wouldn't be able to look at them the same way
for a while. Edward had a talk with Emmett, and then led us back home. When we got back,
we started laughing as it was kind of funny, yet something no one wants to see.

Around six o'clock at night, Edward left telling me he had to go make sure the yacht was
ready for us. While he was gone I went upstairs to freshen up, and as soon as I walked inside,
I gasped; on the bed was this beautiful red silk dress with black lace. There was a pair of
black high heels next to the dress and a white card.

I walked over to the bed picking up the card. It had my name written on it with Edward's
elegant writing, so I quickly opened it.

Ciao Amore,

Tornerò presto Devo solo per assicurarsi che tutto è pronto. Spero che ti piace il vestito,
Alice e Rose mi ha aiutato a scegliere per te. So che non mi piace molto i regali, ma vi prego
di accettare questo, non costano troppo. Io ti sarà raccogliendo presto quindi affrettatevi e
cambiare rapidamente. Ti amo.

Love, Edward

(Hello Love, I will be back soon. I just have to make sure everything is ready. I hope you like
the dress; Alice and Rose helped me pick it out for you. I know you don't really like gifts, but
please accept this; it didn't cost too much. I will be picking you up soon, so hurry up and
change quickly.

I love you. Love, Edward)

I smiled at his little note. I didn't like him spending money on me all the time, but this dress
was something I could definitely accept. I quickly changed out of my clothes and into the
dress; it fit perfectly. I brushed my hair, untangling my curls quickly before Edward got back.
I put the high heels he got me on my feet then walked downstairs.

I heard the door shut as soon as my feet hit the last step. I turned to see Edward dressed in one
of his black suits, and he looked very handsome. I smiled as I walked towards him. His face
shot up looking up at me, his sparkling green eyes darkened a bit, and then the crooked smile
was placed on his face.

He walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, "Non ci sono parole per
descrivere quanto bella che ti aspetto in questo momento," he whispered in my ear. (There are
no words to describe how beautiful you look right now.)

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I slightly blushed at his comment, "Beh, guardate voi stessi molto bello, grazie per il vestito,
la sua bella," I said. (Well you look quite handsome yourself. Thanks for the dress, its lovely.)

He smiled before nudging my head towards him so he could kiss my lips. I brought my hands
up to the back of his neck, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He pulled back a few
minutes later telling me that if we didn't leave now he would be taking me up to his room and
having his way with me. I was all for that idea, but I would love to see what he planned for
tonight. He could definitely have his way with me later.

He locked the door, leading us into his car. He opened the door for me and then shut it once I
was in before going to the driver side. He started the car and then we were off to the docks. I
saw a bunch of white lights leading up to what looked like a very expensive yacht.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"I think it is perfect," I replied.

He parked the car and got out, coming over to my side to open the door and helping me out. I
took his hand as he led us over to the dock and onto the boat. He stepped onto the boat first
before helping me then led us over to a beautifully candle lit dinner.

He pulled out my chair, letting me sit down first before walking over to his. He poured a
bottle of Italy's finest red wine into two glasses for me and him. I looked down at the plates
filled with gnocchi in creamy pesto sauce; one of my favorite foods. I smiled and dug in,
thanking him for this delicious dinner.

When we were finished with dinner, he took our glasses of wine, blew out the candles, and
then led us outside. I took off my shoes as we sat down on the cushy chairs outside. He
sprawled out, pulling me into his chest. We stared up at the stars for the longest time until I
started shivering. He leaned up to place his jacket over my body.

I cuddled back into his chest as we continued to give each other tender kisses and looking up
at the stars until I fell asleep.

Chapter 11: Meet the Parents


It had been a month since Bella and I had gotten back from our trip in Italy, and things seem
to be really calm right now. I had been thinking about retiring from the mafia business even
though I was twenty five soon to be twenty six but I truth be told I have so much money that I
don't need to really work another day in my life. I knew it wouldn't set well with my father
since I had taken over the family business from him.

Two weeks ago I had convinced Bella to move in with me, although I haven't really known
Bella for long but I knew she was the woman for me; I was going to ask her for her hand in
marriage. I wanted the same things she wanted in the future, we both wanted to live in Italy
with a big family. The only thing she requested when moving in is that I get rid of my chef's
and the maids will come once a week, I quickly agreed.

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Last week I had talked to my parents about Bella, they were both thrilled I had finally found a
girl that has not only captured my heart but also a woman that loved me. I had talked to
Charlie a few days after talking to my parents, letting him know that I planned to marry his
daughter. At first, he was in shock that I was dating his daughter, but then he seemed please,
because he knew I would protect her with my life.

Tonight both our parents were coming over, Bella and I had decided that we wanted to move
back to Italy in my home we had been staying at. Bella was very nervous about what her
father would say, but I knew both our parents would be happy for us. I had always told my
parents that I would be moving back to Italy someday, the states were just temporary.

Bella was currently in the kitchen cooking a big batch of lasagna, garlic bread, and a ceaser
salad. I walked over to her; she looked so cute in her red apron. I slipped my arms around her
stomach and kissed the crook of her neck as she chopped the lettuce.

"Your lasagna smells very good, how much longer until it is ready?" I asked.

Bella smiled, "It will be ready in five minutes," she turned around in my arms. "Except we
won't be eating until our parents get here." She warned.

"Not even a little taste?" I asked.

"No." her tone of voice made me know that if I tried to sneak a taste, I would be in a lot of

"Ti Amo." I whispered in her ear.

"Trying to entice me with your Italian isn't going to work either, but I love you too." She

I chuckled, "Damn that usually always works." I said in one of the most sarcastic tones.

She giggled, "Come on lover boy, why don't you help me with the salad, while I go check on
and make sure the garlic bread and lasagna are ready."

I went over and poured the ceaser dressing on top of the salad, mixed it up, and then finished
it with croutons and shaved parmesan cheese. Bella started cutting the garlic bread, and
placed the lasagna on the stovetop.

I heard the doorbell ring, so I quickly washed my hands and then walked over to the door.
When I opened it I was pulled into a fierce hug, "Oh mio bambino ha finalmente trovato il suo
vero amore. Ti proponiamo di lei ancora? Quando sarà il matrimonio? Quando voi due mi
darà nipoti?" she rushed out. (Oh, my baby boy has finally found his true love. Did you
propose to her yet? When will the wedding be? When are you two going to give me

I couldn't help but chuckle at her, "Mamma fermarsi, respirare per un secondo." (Mom stop,
breathe for a second.)

"Esme give the boy some time." My father told her.

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She pulled away from me, "Where is she?" she asked.

"In the kitchen." I replied.

My mother pushed me out of her way almost running into the kitchen to greet Bella, "Well
hello son, it's great to see you." My father greeted.

I laughed, "Same to you too, now I better get over to Bella before mom scares her away." I
My father nodded his head, and then we walked over to the girls, Bella and my mother were
both talking animatedly in Italian. It was a big relief that my mother wasn't scaring her, but at
the same time, it was both cute.

In the next ten minutes Charlie and Renee had arrived, and we were eating at the dining table,
"So Edward have you and Bella talked about where you two will be living in the future?"
Renee asked.

I nodded my head as I swallowed a piece of the delicious lasagna, "Yes, when we went to
Italy a month ago we stayed in my country side home, it is perfect for raising a family." I

She smiled, "Sounds perfect for Bella, when you both got back she told me how much she
loved that home."

I nodded my head; I felt Bella's hand pry my fingers open on the hand that was in my lap. She
slipped her fingers through mine smiling at which I smiled back at her.

"Oh Renee aren't they the cutest?" my mother asked in awe.

"Indeed they are." Renee said in the same tone as my mother.

My father and Charlie weren't really paying us much attention, they were talking about
business. When we finished dinner Bella went into the kitchen with both our mom's to clean
the dishes while the men went up to my study for a nice cigar.

"So Edward, are you going to stay in the mafia business when you and Bella get married?"
Charlie asked.

"I'm undecided, I think I will and then I give it to my child when they turn eighteen, I don't
really know." I replied.

He nodded his head, "Well this is something you have to discuss with Bella before you agree
to get married." He said.

"I know, I mean we have talked about it, I just want to make sure it is the right thing to do." I

I heard a faint knock on the door that I almost couldn't hear it, my father walked over to the
door, all I heard was Italian cheesecake and we were downstairs.

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Bella's cheesecake was the best cheesecake I had ever had, it was creamy and rich. When
most people tried making it, it never tasted right but Bella sure knew how to make it just right.
After we finished dessert my parents and Bella's left.

I watched Bella in the kitchen putting the dessert away, and washing her wine glass. She just
fit here, and I wanted her to be my wife soon, I would show people what a lucky guy I was to
have someone like her.

I went up to my study checking any last emails; I didn't have anything and then walked
upstairs to my room. Bella was already in there getting dressed in her pajamas. I took my tie
off placing it on the hook, and my suit on the hanger. I went into the bathroom to brush my
teeth quickly before emerging into the bedroom to join Bella.

I got under the covers pulling Bella to my chest, "Hmm tonight seemed to go very well, I love
your mother." She said.

I kissed her bare shoulder, "It did and she seemed to like you a lot, she kept asking me
questions about when the wedding was, and when is she going to get grandchildren." I told

She laughed, "She is just excited that her son has a girlfriend." She insisted.

I knew that was true, these past few years my mother had been drilling me about settling
down with the perfect woman. I looked at Bella and smiled at her glowing face, it was dark in
the room but the moon was shining into the room.

Bella pulled my hand into hers and started playing with my fingers, she kissed the palm of my
hand, "You know when you left to go in the study she asked me when the wedding date was?"
she asked.

I chuckled, "No I didn't, but I am not surprised to say the least."

I leaned over kissing her lips, nothing more was said. I knew everyone was waiting for me to
propose, I don't know if Bella was waiting but both of our parents were. I had everything
planned out; I knew the exact day, time, place, and what I was going to wear. All I can hope
for is that it is perfect and she accepts.

Chapter 12: Home Sweet Home


I couldn't believe how much time had passed. Edward and I have been dating for over five
months now, and we had moved back to Italy a few weeks ago. I sold my apartment, and
Edward kept his house for when he had to check up on his business every few months. I was
so glad to be back in Italy; I had really missed living here, even though I had visited a few
times. Our parents were happy for us; they were even considering moving back here, but it
was still a tossup. My father was going to retire in a year or two, so they were considering just
living in the states, and then retiring in Italy.

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Edward was off still working, and I never asked about what he did. I knew he killed people
and didn't want me to know too much; he wanted to keep me hidden. Alice and Rose also
moved with Emmett and Jasper here in Italy. They had their own little house in the city, but
we hung out every day while the boys were working.

I was currently cleaning up the kitchen from last night's events. I was baking a cake, and next
thing I know I had cake batter all over me. Edward apparently couldn't control himself last
night when he saw me in the kitchen and decided to have fun with the cake batter and my
body. It was a lot of fun; however, cleaning up the harden cake batter was pure nightmare. I
swear I would clean up one spot and feel like I haven't worked out for years.

When I was finished cleaning the kitchen it was way past lunch time; almost two o'clock. I
quickly walked up to the Master Bedroom to take a nice relaxing shower and get ready for the

After I was dressed, I let my hair air dry; I was being a bit lazy by not blow drying it, but right
now I didn't really care. I put on one of my sundresses as it was warm today. I walked
downstairs, putting my sandals on just as Edward walked in the house.

I stared at him, and he seemed to be somewhat nervous, which was strange since Edward
Cullen was never nervous. I made my way over to him wrapping my arms around his waist. I
felt him let out the breath he was holding in.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned laced in my voice.

He turned and took me into his arms, "Nothing love, why do you ask?" he asked. He couldn't
hide his emotions from me, just like I couldn't from him.

"Edward, I know you are nervous, but what about?" I asked lifting my right hand up to caress
his cheek.

He slightly smiled his crooked smile and brought both off his hands to my face. He leaned
down giving me a quick peck and stared into my eyes, "You will find out soon, but for now
please let it go."

I didn't want to let it go but there was no chance of winning with him, so I nodded my head.
He gave me one last kiss before heading up the stairs, most likely headed to his study to put
his gun in the safe. I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water, and a few seconds later I felt
Edward's strong arms wrap around my stomach.

"That was fast," I noted.

"Hmmm," he said then started peppering my neck with delicate kisses, his arms tightening
around me.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" I asked.

He turned me towards him and smirked, "That is for me to know and you to find out," he

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"Not even a clue?" I asked, dragging my hand down his chest and playing with the waist band
of his pants.

His eyes slightly darkened, "Nope, it's a surprise," he said in a rougher voice.

I started using my innocent face that usually worked, but instead he turned around and walked
away letting me know that I needed to be ready by five, which was in two hours. I took one
last gulp of my water before trying to figure out what I was going to do for the next two

Two hours had seemed to pass by very quickly; I had changed into a more formal dress with
heels. Edward came downstairs with a smile, but he still seemed slightly nervous.

"IL tuo amore è pronto?" he asked in a sultry tone. (You ready love)

"Sì," I replied. (Yes)

Edward took my right hand placing a soft kiss on it. He looked into my eyes one last time
before leading me outside the house. I was surprised that there wasn't a car waiting for us
outside, instead he started walking us down the driveway, which was confusing me. This was
Edward we were talking about; he always had someone drive him even if it was a five minute
walking distance.

All the sudden he led us into the garden with white lights wrapped around the tree trunks, and
a candle light dinner in the center; it was simple but perfect. I turned towards him and jumped
into his arms.

"Oh this is perfect Edward!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, "I'm glad you like it."

He set me down and pulled out my chair for me. I thanked him as I sat down, and he went
over to his side to sit. Edward took the covers off our plates; the smell of garlic, pesto, and
potatoes hit my senses. I looked down and saw my favorite gnocchi pasta with creamy pesto
and homemade breadsticks on the plate.

We both dug into our food eating with occasional small talk. After dinner Edward grabbed
two slices of Italian Cheesecake he had in one of the picnic baskets, giving me a slice. It
tasted so rich and creamy I wondered what bakery he went to get this at since I didn't make it.

When we finished our dinner, Edward blew out the candles and led me down to the little
creak with lanterns handing on the branches; there were white and red rose petals along the
walkway and tent. I looked at him strangely, wondering what in the world we were doing.

Edward smiled at me but once again the nervous look was showing throughout his face.
Edward took a deep breath before getting down on one knee and pulling out this gorgeous
diamond ring, "La mia bella Bella, ti amo tanto e voglio continuare ad amarti per il resto della
mia vita. Vi prego di farmi l'onore di diventare mia moglie?" (My beautiful Bella, I love you
so much and want to continue to love you for the rest of my life. Will you please do me the
honor of becoming my wife?)

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I had tears coming down my eyes, "Yes!" I repeated.

The nervousness was gone from his face and now replaced with pure happiness. He slipped
the ring onto my finger and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. He led us into the tent, laying
me down on a very comfortable bed he had made.

He looked deeply into my eyes with his big crooked smile; he looked so sexy and adorable at
the same time. I gripped Edward's tie in my right hand pulling him towards me. Our lips came
together in a passionate frenzy. It was almost like I couldn't get enough of him which always
seemed to be the case. Edward licked across my lips asking for entrance which I gladly

His tongue massaged mine, and occasionally he would bite and suck my bottom lip. I don't
really know how but in a matter of seconds we were both naked. I needed him now; later we
could make slow passionate love, but right now I just wanted him inside of me.

"Come on baby, right now, I need you," I panted.

"Mmm I need you, too. Don't worry, I am going to make love to you after, but right now I just
need to be inside of you," he groaned; and without warning slid himself into me.

The feeling of him inside of me will never get old as he always filled me up to the hilt. He
thrusted into me fast and hard, at the same time I moved my hips up, meeting his movements.

"Fuck! So good baby," he grunted.

"Ugh, I love the way you feel inside of me," I moaned.

Edward leaned down sucking on my neck and pinching my hardened nipples. It was starting
to be too much that I didn't know how much longer I could hold myself. The coil in my
stomach was already there, and I could feel myself starting to tighten around Edward.

Edward pinched my nipples so hard that I came screaming his name, and after a few more
thrusts he came screaming my name. He collapsed on top of me, peppering me in small kisses
while trying to get his breathing back to normal.

When he was finally breathing, he moved his sweaty head off of my chest, "You ready for me
to make love to you?" he asked.
"I am," I whispered before we started slowly worshiping each other's bodies.

Chapter 13: Plans


It seemed like the past few weeks have been very stressful between our parents flying in and
staying with us, finishing up the wedding plans, and then the business. I have found a couple
of snitches, which in the end didn't go well for them. I was thankful for my parents and Bella's
being here because when I had to fly back to the states to solve that problem at least I knew
she wasn't alone.

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I can't even explain to you how happy our parents were when they found out that Bella and I
were engaged. Both Renee and my mom showed up at our house a few days later completely
unexpected with wedding books and all that shit. I was also a little pissed off at the time; let's
just say Bella's mouth was doing wonders when they knocked on the door.

The wedding was next week, but tonight we were just going to finalize the plans. We had
invited all of our family and of course Emmett, Jasper, Rose, and Alice. We were going to
have it in the Catholic Church; it was gorgeous.

I was ready to be a married man, not that I was a big player seeing as I had only been with a
few woman in my life, but I wanted to start my life with Bella. I couldn't wait to see the day
were she had a swollen belly carrying our child in it, and holding my son or daughter in my
arms. I wanted a big family with many kids running around, as well as a dog that would
protect them.

I walked downstairs with a bottle of Italy's finest wine in my hand; I thought it would be a
good night to use it. All of the women were in the kitchen baking risotto, prime rib, and a nice
salad for dinner. I couldn't wait for dessert when Bella would serve her baklava she had made
earlier; it seriously was to die for.

"Mmm è un profumo delizioso qui," I sighed. (Mmm is smells delicious in here.)

They all turned around with smiles on their faces, "Sarà pronto in appena un minuto. Vi prego
di andare a dire a tuo padre e Charlie?" My mother asked. (It will be ready in just a minute.
Will you please go and tell your father and Charlie?)

"Sì." (Yes)

I went back out the door and into the entertainment room where my father and Charlie were
watching the news, looking very intuative. I couldn't help but laugh at the two of them.

"Dinner's ready," I said.

"Alright," Charlie said.

I turned away walking back into the kitchen to help the girls set the dinner on the table in the
dining room. Once we were finished, I gave Bella a quick kiss and then pulled her chair out
for her. She smiled and thanked me.

I walked away to sit in my chair that was across from her's as we ate dinner and talked about
the wedding.

"So Edward, you will be staying the night with Charlie and your father the night before your
wedding, and then meet us at the church by 9 o'clock in the morning," my mother said.

"Alright, but why can't I stay here though?" I asked.

"It is tradition. You know the groom seeing the bride before the wedding is bad luck," my
mother scolded.

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"Okay," I said, not really wanting to get into an argument.

I continued to dig into my food as Renee and my mother told Bella and I everything. All I
needed to know was when to be there, how much it would cost, and wait until Bella and I said
"I Do". To me nothing else mattered as long as she was there.

When we were all finished with dinner, the girls went back into the kitchen to clean the dishes
and then serve us dessert. I took about six pieces of baklava, everyone looking at me as if I
was insane, but I just shrugged and ate them.

An hour later everyone was gone, and Bella and I were settled in bed, cuddling while
watching one of her favorite movies with the Irish guy who died and writes letters to wife. I
don't really know what it was called, or even what it was about since I just stared at her for the
most part as she watched the movie.

Chapter 14: Forever


I couldn't believe that today I was getting married, it just didn't seem real to me almost. I
wondered how Edward was doing right now, we weren't having a big wedding but still it was
a little nerve wracking. My mother and Esme were having a blast getting me all ready, while
Rose and Alice sat there arguing who was going to catch the bouquet when I throw it. Emmett
and Jasper have yet to propose to Alice and Rose but I could tell that the both of them had
found their soul mate.

"Bella it's time to go." My father interrupted my thoughts.

I quickly grabbed my white bouquet and took his hand as we walked out of the room
following my best friends and their boyfriends up to the church doors. They quickly opened
and my dad and I stood hidden on the right side as they each walked down before the song
turned. My father and I walked up to the center.

Today, I was living every girl's dream as I walked down the aisle to meet the love of my life,
promising one another to be with the other for the rest of our lives. However, I was an
exception to that fairytale, as I wasn't going to marry your 'typical normal guy'

As I kept walking down the church aisle with my father next to me, I barely noticed everyone
standing and looking at me as I made my way down the aisle as they were all a blur to me; the
only one thing my eyes could focus on was the man standing at the altar, waiting patiently for
me to reach him; the love of my life.

Here I was, the good innocent girl who chased after the dangerous bad boys, but never in my
life did I believe I would end up marrying the Italian Mafia Boss Edward. After the past year
had gone by I was finally marrying the man of my dreams, I didn't care that he was in the
mafia all that mattered was that he would protect me and love me.

When we finally got to the alter Edward took my hand and kissed it as we got there. The
priest looked at us and smiled as he started the ceremony.

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"Siamo qui riuniti oggi in onore di questo uomo Edward Anthony Mason Cullen e questa
donna Isabella Marie Swan. Se qualcuno qui crede che questa donna e questo uomo non deve
diventare marito e moglie, si prega di parlare ora o andiamo avanti." The priest said. (We are
gathered here today in honor of this man Edward Anthony Mason Cullen and this woman
Isabella Marie Swan. If anyone here believes that this woman and this man should not
become husband and wife; please speak now or forever hold your peace.)

The priest continued to speak as Edward and I held hands and gazed into one another's eyes. I
couldn't believe how lucky I had gotten with Edward. We both each spoke our vows and then
ended with a kiss. Edward certainly didn't hold back when he kissed me in front of everyone,
we must have been giving them quite the show.

Edward and I looked into each other's eyes as we pulled apart and then headed down the aisle
as people congratulated us with hugs and kisses. When all the woman gathered behind me, I
threw the bouquet up in the air and Rose and Alice both ended up catching it and jumping up
and down. I looked at both Emmett and Jasper and they just smiled and rolled their eyes as the
girls screamed they were getting married.

I gave my parents a quick hug and kiss before getting into the limo with Edward, to the start
of our life until eternity with my bad boy.


I stood here watching my wife Bella rock our six-month-old daughter Gianna to sleep. Gianna
was such a beautiful blessing; she was the result of our honeymoon in Greece. Gianna had her
a small patch of brown hair with my green eyes. She was so delicate and tiny, and I knew I
would protect both of my girls until the day I died.

The business had been doing good as of right now, but of course, I knew it wouldn't last
forever because this is one of those businesses where you couldn't trust anyone. Emmett and
Rose had gotten married a few months after Bella and I had gotten back from our honeymoon,
and Alice and Jasper will be getting married next week.

I couldn't believe how lucky I had gotten with not only my friends but my family. I honestly
don't know of any girl who would have stayed with a mafia boss in their right mind of
thinking; but I was glad Bella wasn't like most girls. She was my soul mate, my other half, il
mio unico e solo. (my one and only)

When Gianna was asleep, Bella put her in her crib and gave her a quick kiss. I walked up
behind her and she stiffened until she realized it was me. I leaned down giving Gianna a quick
kiss and then Bella before leading her into our bedroom.

I changed into my night wear and joined her in bed. "Goodnight my love."

"Goodnight Edward." She kissed me one last time before snuggling up against me and falling

This was my life, and I honestly wouldn't ever change it for anything.


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