Spencer Bad Boy MMA Cage Fight P T Macias

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Spencer: Bad Boy MMA Cage Fighter

Bad Boy Fights The Fight Of His

Life For His Girl!

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Spencer: Bad Boy MMA Cage Fighter

An MMA Fighter Romance

P.T. Macias

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Spencer: Spencer: Bad Boy MMA Cage Fighter,
Bad Boy Fights The Fight Of His Life For His Girl,
An MMA Fighter Romance
By P.T. Macias

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2020 P.T. Macias

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Copyright © 2020 By P. T. Macias.

ISBN- 9798654024268

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information
storage and retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the copyright owner.

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P.T. Macias is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places, and incidents either are the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and
any resemblance to any actual persons, living or
dead, mythology and folklore, events, or locales is
entirely coincidental.

P.T. Macias books printed in the United States of

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I’m dedicating this book to my husband, children,
grandchildren, and family. I’m thankful for your
love, patience, and support.

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Special Acknowledgements

Thank you, Karen L. Komarinski and Mikki
Thomas, for being amazing friends, always there
when I need help, and for editing! They’re

Thank you to my P.T. Macias ARC Angels!

Thank you to my readers that support and love my

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Spencer Sinclair


I’m a fighter.

I’m not a babysitter.

The girl is wild.

She’s rude.

She’s spoiled.

She’s gorgeous.

She’s light.

She’s mine.

What the hell.

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Dior Ford

I’m a grown-ass woman.

Father treats me like a child.

I don’t need a babysitter.

The new guard is hot.

He’s serious.

He’s dark.

He’s menacing.

I’m going to drive him insane.

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Table Of Contents


















Note From P.T. Macias

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P.T. Macias

P.T. Macias Series

P.T. Macias Newsletter Signup

Love Me, Stalk Me!

Note To Reader

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“Spencer, keep your arms up! Get Ash on the floor;
you need to practice the submissions," Xavier yells,
standing at the side of the octagon ring, the cage.

The sweat runs down my face, into my eyes,
making them water.

Fuck, the sweat stings, and I'm getting tired. I blink
rapidly; I didn't even see Ash's fist coming. Ash
connects with my face. Motherfucker is going

I'm panting, burning through my energy; I inhale
through my nose and exhale harshly. I'm trying to
control my breathing to keep focus, but at the
moment, it seems like it's a futile effort. I keep my
arms up, my biceps flex with each move as I block
the punches. I look for the opening to bring Ash

Ashton Compton, Ash is my buddy. We're both in
the Light Heavyweight class, so it's excellent
training since he's an experienced fighter. Ash has
several professional fights under his belt. He has all
wins and currently ranks at number 149 in the light

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heavyweight class. I'm 148, working hard, and I
know that I’m track on moving up in the ranks.

Fuck, I won't stop until I'm number one!

Ash and I are about the same height, but he's a little
broader at the shoulders. I'm thankful that I'm
training with Ash and X; I'm taking all of the help I
can get.

Xavier Knotts is our very own MMA heavyweight
champion. He's making bank; I mean like millions.
X has generous sponsorships and Pay Per View
offers, earning him millions of dollars each fight.
His career is something to aspire to, and he's my
mentor, one of my best friends.

Apollo's Gym is one of the country's best, and the
coach is Rock Jones. He's a fantastic trainer; he's
trained several champions.

I was on the wrestling team in high school, and I
took Jiu Jitsu classes for years. Of course, I have
other special skills; I'm also a sniper. I received
exceptional training in the Marines. Yes, I'm your
guy if you need any particular jobs done.

I was fighting in the underworld, making a few
hundred dollars, and putting it all on the line. The
underworld is cutthroat, there are no rules, and
fights can turn into a free for all. There's nothing
like fighting with the Unified Rules of Mixed
Martial Arts used in the UFC fights.

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The Apollo team went to check out the underworld
fights, looking to recruit a few new fighters, and
that's when they spotted me.

The Apollo Team immediately recruited me, fuck,
that's the luckiest day of my life. I'm a lucky
motherfucker to get this opportunity practically
handed to me. It's not as if I haven't worked my ass
off; yeah, I paid my dues over the years. I have
several wins, working up to this big fight. Yeah, I'm
on my way.

I'm training for my first big UFC, Ultimate Fighting
Championship match. I can get eight hundred grand
if I lose. Fuck, but I'm going to win this. The purse
is over two million.

I know that my life is finally changing for the
better; I can feel it. I know that I'll win my first
professional fight, I'm making damn sure by training
extra hard, pushing my limits.

I swing at Ash, and he counters. I take that moment
to move my muscular leg to do a round kick,
knocking Ash's legs right out from under him. I take
the opportunity to use my brawny arms to do a
rear-naked choke, locking Ash into submission.

“You gonna tap?" Spencer says, gasping for air. His
muscles contract as he tightens the hold.

"Yeah," Ash says, hitting the mat, allowing his body
to relax.

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I release Ash, falling over onto my back on the mat,
closing my eyes, inhaling deeply, trying to calm my
heartbeat. My abdominal muscles flex with each
breath I take.

“Okay, let's wrap it up,” Rock yells, clapping his
hands, looking at the clock. He walks out of the
cage and down towards the lockers. X walks out of
the cage, shrugging.

I stop, taking a few steps back, staring at my
training partner Ash. We're standing in the cage for
a few, trying to regain our breaths.

“I’m so done,” I gasp, rotating my shoulders,
closing my eyes. I inhale profoundly and exhale
trying to get my tense muscles to relax.

Fuck! My entire body is one huge throbbing ache.

“Hey, let’s go to the club,” Ash says, grabbing his
towel. He wipes the sweat off his face. He looks at
me, raising his eyebrows, clearly waiting for my

“Yeah, okay, let’s go,” I say, nodding. I walk
towards the door of the octagon cage. Ash follows
me out; we walk over to the bench to grab our
water bottles.

I’m so fucking thirsty, I gulp down my water, and
then I pour an ounce of water over my face to cool
off. I then wipe my face with the towel.

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“Let’s hurry up because I want to grab something
to eat before we go,” Ash says, smirking, turns
striding off towards the shower.

“Right,” I agree, nodding. I walk after Ash,
thinking about my fight in a few months. I feel
confident and ready.

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Oh my god, I’m running late! That’s all I need
because I know my Father will make a stink about
my tardiness.

I hate this with a passion because I would love to
drive my car, have the freedom that any other girl
has, and not have these apes lurking at my back
everywhere I go.

It’s for my safety, Father says. But I feel like I’m
actually living in a gilded cage, and I hate it.

“Hurry up, Alfred, I’m late,” I say to the driver
inhaling deeply and reaching deep for patience. I
close my eyes, trying to control my heartbeat,
taking deep breaths to control the nerves.

I don’t know why meeting with my Father always
gets me all worked up.

“Yes, Ms. Dior,” says Alfred, nodding.

Alfred glances over at the other guard, Peter, that’s
seating in the front passenger seat. He raises his
right eyebrow in warning to remain quiet.

A few minutes later, the SUV stops in the reserved

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parking space. I pushed back my hair, turning to
grab my cute red leather Gucci purse. The
passenger rear door opens, and Peter waits for me
to exit.

“Ms. Dior,” Peter says, stepping back, extending
his hand to assist me. I slide to the edge of the
black leather back seat of the black SUV.

I hold onto the guard’s hand sliding one leg out of
the door, placing my foot onto the concrete
walkway. My hair falls over my face as I look
down, pushing my other leg putting my other foot
on the concrete. The guard releases my hand, and
closing the door, stands next to me.

“Ms. Dior, Mr. Ford is waiting,” Peter says,

I nod, pulling down my dress, adjusting it around
my thighs. I really think my dress is really cute; it
has ruffle cap sleeves with a V-neck in a dark red
scuba crepe material. I adjust my black knee-high
suede boots with five-inch heels.

These boots are definitely my favorite!

I adjust my hair before walking onto the sidewalk. I
roll my shoulders and straighten my back as I walk
towards the huge building belonging to my Father.

Father wants to talk to me, and I hate this. Every
time that he requests to meet at his office, it’s
always about something that he wants me to do or

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have someone do for me.

Yeah, yeah, I’m spoiled, but sometimes I would
love to be just like any other girl. I’m always on a
schedule, but it’s my Father’s schedule. I have
dreams and goals that I would like to fulfill. So, I’m
left continuously waiting for the opportunity to
start, because at this moment I can’t do what I
really want to do, and that’s to help children.

I did work hard to earn my nursing degree, but
Father doesn’t want me to work. He wants me to
marry and have children as if it’s easy to find a
good man. They all want only one thing, and it’s
not happening. I’m not going to be any man’s toy. I
deserve a faithful, loving husband.

So that’s why I broke it off with Roger. He has tons
of women following him around, so I know he’s not
going to change. I don’t care who he thinks he is.

Sure, he’s a Capo, but I only gave him a chance
because Father wants me to marry Roger to
strengthen the organization, but it’s not a good idea;
in fact, it’s the worst. I don’t want my man to have
anything to do with this organization.

I enter the building staring straight ahead, walking
down the hall to the elevator. I stop to wait for the
elevator looking at my perfect manicured
fingernails. Finally, the elevator door opens, and I
walk inside, sighing.

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Thank God it’s empty, so I don’t have to engage in
any small talk.

I push the button, crossing my arms, looking up,
watching the numbers climb. The elevator stops on
the top floor, the doors slide open. I walk out into
the vast foyer, taking off my dark glasses. I flip my
hair over my shoulder, walking towards the
receptionist, smiling.

“Hey Nancy, how are you? I believe that my Father
is expecting me,” I say, resting my slim, right hand
on the countertop.

“Hi, Ms. Dior. I’m doing great, thanks for asking.
That’s correct, Mr. Ford is expecting you. Go right
ahead,” Nancy says smiling, holding her pen.

“Awesome, thanks, Nancy,” I say, nodding.

I walk down the hall, ignoring the open doors and
the employee’s curious looks.

Yeah, it’s best not to make friends because they will
want me to do something for them to move up in
the company. I know it makes me sound paranoid,
but it’s happened before, so Father hates me to
intervene in his business, as he puts it.

Too bad, so sad, peeps.

I stop in front of my Father’s office, staring at the
closed door. I look around the hall, shrugging,
rolling my shoulders back. I inhale deeply and

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exhale before knocking on the door even though I
know that Father is expecting me.

I open the door walking into the office, looking
around to see if he’s alone.

“Enter,” Father says, closing the laptop as I walk

Yes, he’s alone, and that’s great. I never know what
he’s scheming. I can feel it; I have this funny ache
in the center of my tummy. I know something is off.

I take a few steps into the office, closing the door. I
look at Father, nodding. I walk over to stand next to
his desk, crossing my arms, raising my eyebrow.

“Father,” I say, tilting my head to the side, smiling a
small smile.

“Dior, you’re late! Take a seat,” Father says,
scowling, shuffling some papers on the desk.

“I prefer to stand, Father. What’s up?” I ask,
staring at him, clenching my teeth. My long golden-
brown hair swings around my shoulders as I shift
my feet. I stand straight, raising my chin high

Father is up to something, and I’m not going to
allow him to rule my life.

I’m a grown-ass woman.

I narrow my huge turquoise eyes, looking at him
through my thick black eyelashes. I gaze into his

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eyes and at his lips, checking to see if he’s in a
good or ill mood.

I just never know what he’s going to do. As far as
I’m concerned, the less that he’s in my business,
the better. I’m not a child, and I don’t need to be

“Dior, I learned from your brother William that a
bastard tried to get smart with you at the club. I
asked you to stop attending the Excalibur on your
own. The club is not a place for you to pass your
time. What’s the problem, Dior? I’ve asked you
several times to behave like the high society young
lady, like your sister, that’s what you are, but no,
you fight me at every turn. You keep testing my
patience. So, I’ve decided,” Father says, leaning
back, rocking in his chair, purses his lips.

He taps his fat fingers on his desk, shrewdly looking
at me, then he slowly smirks.


My Father always likes to keep me in suspense; he
always does this.

“Father, William is blowing the situation out of
proportion, and I can take care of myself. I did take
self-defense classes. Candance and Jillian are
always with me when we go out, so I think that this
is overkill. What do you mean, like my sister?
Parris doesn’t like to go out because she’s always

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waiting for Xavier. You can’t compare me to her.
What do you mean that you’ve decided? Decided
what?” I ask, in a screeching tone, staring at him,
trying to read him. I tilt my head to the side,
furrowing my forehead, pulling her eyebrows up
high, drawing them together.

“Dior, don’t raise your voice at me, young lady. I’m
also concerned with Roger. I don’t like what I’m
hearing from the soldiers. I don’t give a damn what
you think. I’ve decided to have a guard at your side
every second, and when you’re out, you will have a
larger contingent of guards! I’m not going to risk
that some bastard tries to get at me through you,”
Father says, patronizingly.

He crosses his huge arms over his chest, tapping his
fingers on his dark brown leather chair armrests.

“Father, it’s not necessary! I can take care of
myself. I don’t need a babysitter. I already have
guards 24/7,” I huff, rolling my eyes.

My black eyelashes fan across my eyebrows,
turning away. I lift my arms up high, shaking my
head, frustrated. I walk over to stare out of the

I can’t believe this!

What’s going on?

He’s been acting strangely lately.

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I move my right hand up, shoving my golden-brown
hair over my shoulder, inhaling deeply. I stare at
him, exhaling, crossing my arms, fidgeting with my
fingers; I grasp my arms. I chew on my lower lip,
right at the corner when I’m nervous.

I know that he wouldn’t listen, no matter how much
I beg. I wonder if he also hired a babysitter for my
brother and sister, or did he only get one for me?
Geeze, I’m so tired of this.

“Dior, I’m not asking your opinion, and I’ve
already hired a guard for you. He’ll start tomorrow,
so I’m asking you to go straight home after this and
not to leave the house today,” Father says, pursing
his lips tight in a straight line.

“Oh my god, Father! This is getting ridiculous! I’m
not a child,” I say, raising my arms, tapping my
right foot.

“I don’t give a damn if you’re pissed; you will do
as I say,” Father growls, lifting his chin in dismissal.

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The next day, I roll out of bed, cracking my neck,
grabbing my cell to check the time.

Damn, it’s Sunday! I need to squeeze in a few
hours of training at the gym. It’s been a long time
since I’ve been able to sleep on a Sunday, it sounds
fucking great, but I can’t.

I push out of bed, grabbing my workout clothes
from the chair. I pull my sweatpants to my slim
muscular waist, pulling on my black t-shirt and
black hoodie. The front of the hoodie has the
Apollo logo in bold silver letters.

The owner, Carlos Reyes, is a dangerously
powerful man. Reyes gets a kick out of the name he
gave the gym, Apollo. Yup, it’s the one that means
the Greek God and the name linked to the Greek
verb that means to destroy.

I walk down the hall into the small kitchen to get
some breakfast before working out. I open the
refrigerator, peering inside before finally grabbing
some eggs, spinach, and avocado.

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I always make it a point to eat healthy high protein
meals. It takes a few minutes to cook the scrambled
eggs with spinach, onions, tomatoes, and avocado

I take a drink from my cup of coffee, looking out
the window into the parking lot full of old beat-up

So, the apartment isn’t in the best part of town, but
at least I have somewhere to live.

I pull out my cell, swiping the screen with my
finger, I press on my bank app. My finger moves to
scrolls down, looking at my bank statement. I stare
at the balance clenching my jaw.

I can’t fucking believe it!

I’m not going to make it at this rate.

The fight is still three months away. I don’t have
anything to sell, and I’ll be damn if I ask my
stepdad for any money. He didn’t hesitate to kick
me out of his fancy-ass mansion the day that I
turned eighteen. And then I joined the Marines.

What hurts the most is that my mother never
stopped the abuse. He’s an admired, influential,
upstanding citizen, and everyone loves him. I bet
that his friends at the country club don’t know that
he’s an abusive bastard.

Countless nights the bastard would beat me until I

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couldn’t move, so I learned how to fight back.
That’s the only good thing out of his fucking abuse
because thanks to all of the beatings, I learned the
necessary skills to fight back. I excel in the fighting
game plus the high school wrestling team. Fuck, I
can still hear his voice echo in my mind.

Spencer, you’re a fucking loser. What the fuck are
you going to do now that you’ve graduated from
high school? Do I need to remind you that you
don’t have the grades for college? I told you that
you wouldn’t amount to anything. I’m not going to
support your rotten ass. I did everything I could to
help you grow into a successful man, but no, you
only wanted to go against everything I say. Now,
you’re on your own.

I’m going to prove him wrong.

I don’t need his money or his approval.

I’ll figure it out.

I know that I can make some money to hold me
over fighting in the illegal underworld fight.

I know that once I win this fight, I’m all set with
the UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship,
contract. I know this is the moment when
everything is going to change.

I need to get training; I’m making damn sure that
I’m winning this fight.

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I slide my cell into my pocket; then, I grab my dirty
dishes, placing them in the sink to wash.

I try to keep the apartment clean since I can’t
afford to have a maid. Besides, I live in a shitty
part. Nobody has a maid.

I walk out of the apartment, looking around the
parking lot, nodding. I pull up my hoodie, sprinting
off to the gym in the early morning mist.

A few minutes later, I walk into the gym, looking
around. As a greeting at my buddies, I do a chin lift,
walking over to start my workout.

“Hey, Spencer, do you want to spar?” Ash asks.

“Hell, yes, I need all the practice I can get Ash. I
really need to win this match,” I say, nodding.

I walk over to him, standing next to him. I watch
him do some sit-ups, working his core.

It’s essential to work out your core because that’s
the power behind the strength in the kicks,
punches, knees, and elbows.

I start my core work out on the mat a few feet from
Ash. In a few I’m inhaling and exhaling deeply. The
work out kicks ass.

I finish my core work out, reaching over to grab the
towel, wiping the sweat off my face. Now I’m
ready to spar with Ash. I walk over to where Ash is
punching the bag.

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“I’m ready; let me get my hands wrapped really
quick,” I say, twisting the water bottle cap off. I
take several long pulls, and then I smash the plastic
bottle in my hands. I walk over to the recycle bin,
throwing the bottle inside.

“Great, I know that you have a good chance to win,
Spencer. I love sparring with you,” Ash says,
handing me a water bottle.

“I’ll get X to coach,” Ash says, walking over to the

I smirk, following Ash across the gym room. I nod
at several fighters.

“Hey Spencer, I need a favor,” Ethan says, a fighter
in the light heavyweight division. He has several

“Yeah, what’s up?” I say, looking over at him.
Ethan wipes his neck with a towel cracking his

“I have this sweet job that pays fuckingtastic, but I
need to take care of my mom. She’s ill, and I don’t
want to lose this job. Could you stand in for me
until I return,” Ethan asks, rubbing his neck,
furrows his forehead, looking anxious?

“Yeah, but I need more details, but I think that I
can fill in for you,” I say, nodding, throwing the
towel over my shoulder, crossing my arms, standing
with a wide stance.

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“It’s a guard job for a very important man. You’ll
be guarding his child, making sure that they’re
safe,” Ethan says, nodding.

“Fuck, that sounds easy, I can do that. How did you
get the job?” I ask, raising my eyebrow, looking at

“My buddy Ryan got me the job since he’s the
security manager, and that’s why he’s willing to
allow me to get a fill-in,” Ethan says, chuckling,
looking a hell of a lot better.

“Fuck, it sounds sweet. I’m glad I can help out, and
it’s also helping me out. Give me the address where
I need to report to,” I say, crossing my arms.

“Awesome, you’ll be reporting with my buddy
Ryan. I’ll let him know that you will call him later
to get the deets from him. I’ll text you his number.
How is this helping you,” Ethan says, smiling,
pulling his cell from his hoodie pocket?

“I really need some money until my fight,” I say,
running my hand through my hair.

“Right, I’m glad that this will help you out.
Thanks,” Ethan, says beaming as he texts me the

“Okay, I’ll call Ryan soon as I’m done. Talk to you
later; X and Ash are waiting for me,” I say, nodding
walking away to the cage area to get my hands

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“Hey, you ready?” X says, cracking his neck, his
thick neck muscles flex.

“Yeah,” I say, extending my arms out to get my
hands taped.

“I think that sparring practice has helped sharpen
your skills. I think that you stand a chance to win
the fight,” X says, nodding. He looks at me, sliding
the mitts on.

“Hell, yes, I’m so glad to hear that from you, X. I
really need to win, so I’m giving it my all,” I say,

“Right, well, don’t worry because I know you will
win. I’m looking forward to your fight in Vegas;
come on, let’s get started,” X says, walking into the

“Seriously, you’re going to be there?” I say,

“Hell yes, the entire team will be there, even
Carlos,” X says, nodding.

“Awesome,” I say, walking behind X.

I step into the cage staring at Ash’s stone face as
we bump fists. We start to spar, to throw some

“Spencer, Ash, you need to engage,” X says,
shaking his head.

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Hell, this job is a little strange for me, the boss
wants me in a black suit, white shirt, all of this just
to guard a child. It fucking doesn’t make any sense.
In fact, I think that it’s so damn absurd, but

I need the money.

The Dude Ryan wants me there at six in the
morning, so I need to get going; I can’t fucking be

I walk out of my apartment complex, taking quick
long strides down the walkway to get to my older
Honda parked in the back of the parking lot. I pull
the door sliding into the car, folding my big body to
fit in the little space behind the steering wheel.

Fuck, it’s a tight squeeze!

I turn the car on, looking around checking that it’s
clear, I pull out of the parking lot, onto the street. I
make a right turn, merging onto the freeway. I drive
as fast as I can, down twelve miles taking the exit,
coming to a stop at the red light.

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I look around for the building; okay, that’s the
building over there.

I drive down the street, making a turn to enter the
Plaza’s parking garage. I drive up to the tenth floor
to meet Ryan Low, the security manager. I drive
into the parking space next to the elevator, turning
the car off. I exit the car walking towards the
elevator as instructed, looking around the parking
garage for the door.

Yeah, this seems to be the place.

I knock on the door, staring at the Plaza Security
decal, waiting. The door opens, the Dude tilts his
head, indicating for me to enter.

“Hey dude, you must be Spencer,” Ryan says,
nodding, looking at me with dark, piercing eyes.
He’s a tall, muscular man wearing a black suit with
a white shirt and tie.

Yeah, the same fucking uniform that I’m wearing.

Isn’t this sweet, the Bobbsey Twins.

“Hi, yeah, I’m Spencer,” I say, looking at him,
shaking his hand.

“Fantastic, come on in. I’m Ryan,” Ryan says,
nodding walks into the office.

I follow him inside, down the long hallway, walking
into the conference room.

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“I’m glad that you’re punctual because I want to
review your job description and tell you all about
your charge. Mr. Ford wants his child protected at
all costs, but the issue is that the child is difficult to
handle,” Ryan says, chuckling.

“What do you mean? A child shouldn’t be difficult
to babysit,” I say, grinning.

“Yeah, this one is, and she’s feisty. Have a seat, let
me give you all the important deets on her,” Ryan
says, shaking his head wryly.

I nod, taking a seat next to Ryan to look at the
laptop, ready for the details. I listen carefully to
every word he’s saying.

“This is the child, Dior Ford, she’s twenty-two
years old, spoiled rotten, Daddy’s darling, and very
challenging. You will need to be her shadow; you
will protect her at all costs. The reason is her ex has
threatened to kill her because she broke it off. Ford
wants her protected until the bastard is taken out,”
Ryan says, staring at me, trying to get a measure on

Of course, I stare back, stone-faced.

Oh, fuck!

She’s not a child!

Why the fuck didn’t Ethan mention this?

It’s a significant fact.

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She’s beautiful and sexy.

What the fuck am I getting into?

She sounds like a crazy bitch.


“Right, taken out? Who is Mr. Ford,” I ask, rubbing
my neck, nodding?

“Ford is the Boss, which means that he’s high up in
the organization of the mafia,” Ryan says, looking
closely at me for my reaction.

What the fuck am I getting into?

Shit, it really doesn’t matter.

I need the money.

It’s all good; this is only temporary.

“Okay, I can handle this,” I say, nodding.

“Cool, Dude, here’s the address to the condo and
the keys to the SUV for you to drive Ms. Ford, but
most importantly, don’t allow Ms. Ford out of your
sight. Call me if you need anything,” Ryan says,

“Right,” I say, nodding, entering the address and
cell number, saving it in my cell; I look at Ryan
taking the key from his desk, pushing off the chair.

“Okay, get going,” Ryan says, clapping his hands.

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I walk out of the security office, grinding my




This spoiled rich bitch is going to be trouble; I can
feel it.

I reach the black SUV, pressing the key fob to open
the door, sliding onto the black leather seat, turning
on the SUV. I pull out my cell to enter Ms. Ford’s
home address into the GPS. I place my cell phone
in the holder, sigh, pulling out of the parking space.
I drive down the aisle, turning to exit the parking
garage. I turn left, then I merge onto the freeway. It
takes me thirty minutes to exit onto the street.

I pull into the parking lot of the tall, expensive
condo complex. I park, turning off the SUV,
opening the door. I jump out, looking around the
garage, making sure nobody has followed me or is

Thank fuck it’s all clear.

I walk over to the front door, pressing the keypad
to open the front door. The door opens, I step inside
the impressive condo, looking around.

Fuck, this condo is enormous.

Okay, now I’ll wait until Ms. Ford wakes up.

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I’ll get some coffee while I wait.

I walk down the hallway, looking for the kitchen. I
walk into the kitchen, looking around at the fancy
appliances and the spotless house kitchen.


I see the cook cooking some bacon.

“Hi, that smells delicious! Is it possible to get a cup
of coffee?” I say, smiling at the cook flashing my

The cook looks up; her eyes widened when she
sees me, smiling, nods waving her hand.

“Of course, let me get the cup of coffee for you.
I’m Ivy, the cook. I’ve never seen you before,” Ivy
says, looking up at me.

I stand at the island, grinning, placing my big hands
on the kitchen countertop.

“I’m Spencer, I’m Ms. Ford’s security guard,” I say,
scrubbing my face.

“Ah, that’s good,” Ivy says, handing me the cup of

I take the hot cup of coffee, inhaling deeply.

Fucking yes. I love coffee!

I take a drink, closing my eyes enjoying the
expensive coffee. Yeah, I miss having freshly
ground coffee.

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Yeah, this coffee hits the spot.

I open my eyes, setting my cup on the countertop.

“I need to locate her room so I can guard her. Ivy,
could you be so kind as to give me an idea of how
to get there,” I say, grabbing the coffee cup in my

“Sure, just walk down the hall, turn right, and it’s
the last door on the right,” Ivy says cheerfully.

“Thanks, Ivy,” I say, setting the empty coffee cup
on the counter.

“No problem, I’ll bring Dior her breakfast in a few
minutes,” Ivy says, turning to flip the bacon.

I walk down the hallway, turning right, and I walk
to the last door looking around. I stand in front of
the door, looking straight ahead, sliding my hands
into my pants pocket.


I can’t believe that I’m going to be guarding
someone that looks like heaven, she’s beautiful,
hot, but she’s trouble.

I scrub my face, shaking my head inhaling deeply.

How in the fuck did I get into this dangerous job?


Yeah, I mean all kinds of danger.

I’m going to knock and see if she’s okay. I might as

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well introduce myself.

I knock on the door waiting for Ms. Ford to open.

“Come in, Ivy. Good morning, please set the tray
on the table,” Dior says, opening the door.

I stand at the open door, watching her walk to what
appears to be the bathroom, waving her hand.


Dior is too much.

I lean against the door crossing my arms, staring at
her long golden-brown hair sway across her perfect
heart-shaped ass. Each step that Dior takes
mesmerizes, driving me insane.

I stare at the soft clinging material covering her
firm breasts, zooming in at her extended nipples,
sending blood to my aching flesh.


“Hmm . . . . hey, I’m Spencer, your guard,” I say, in
a low, raspy voice, swallowing thickly.

I inhale and exhale, walking further into the
bedroom, closing the door.

“What are you doing? Don’t you see that I’m not
dressed,” Dior yells, blushing moves her arms,
crossing them over her chest.

“You’re dressed; I need to search your room,” I
bark, raising my eyebrow.

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“I’m not dressed,” she shouts, placing her hands on
her hips.

Fuck this!

I have a lot to do, and I can’t get distracted by

I walk around the room, looking at the corners,
walking into the bathroom, looking around in every
drawer, walking over to the big walk-in closet.

I’m fine. Everything is okay walking out of the
closet. I lift my chin at Diorzella as she glares at me

“All clear. Is there somewhere specific you would
like to go today? I’ll be waiting outside the door,
ready for when you’re ready to start the day.” I say,
staring at her.

I walk over to her, standing tall, lowering my
eyelids halfway, waiting for her bitchy whining.

I look at her startled face, gazing into her huge
turquoise eyes.


I look at her breast push up as she breathes, giving
me a fucking hard-on.

Yeah, she’s trouble.

“What do you think that you’re doing? You need to
give me some privacy here,” Dior yells, glaring at
me. She chews her lower lip crossing her arms

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under those fantastic breasts tapping her barefoot.

“Dior, we’re going to be very close the next few
weeks. In fact, we’re going to be attached at the hip
because I’m going to be your shadow,” I say, tilting
my head back, staring down at her.

“You can’t be serious! I’m not a child! You can
wait for me outside my room, you asshole,” Dior
screams through clenched teeth.

I grin fucking amused at her pissy hissy fit. Yeah, I
can’t take her all in when she’s standing there in all
of her glory. I stare at her full lips as she whines.


I can imagine those lips wrap around my cock. I’m
ignoring everything she’s saying because I have a
job to do.

I can’t fucking help from checking out all of her.
My eyes have a mind of their own, roaming all over
her sexy body, coming to rest on her breasts again.
They’re fucking awesome, then I look down her
small waist, going over the soft swell of her hips
then down her long legs. I stop to stare at her cute
painted pink toenails.


“Are you done,” Dior yells, glaring at me?

“Yeah, I am. I’m your babysitter, so behave if you
don’t want me to put you in time out, or worse,

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give you a spanking. I’ll wait for you at the door,
ready when you are,” I say, crossing my arms.

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Oh my god!

Spencer is something else.

He’s enormous, gorgeous, and my guard.

I love his light grey eyes framed by long black
lashes; they’re absolutely stunning. Those lips are
so damn tempting; I love a pair of beautiful full
luscious lips.


Spencer looks lethal, muscular, and not a man to
mess with. Oh yeah, I need to stop checking him
out because this is not good.

Well, on second thought, I can make him do
everything I want. Father wants me to have a
babysitter, well I can use him.

Oh yeah, we will have lots of fun.

I can’t wait.

“Right, I’ll get dressed because I have a lot of
things to do today. I hope you can keep up with
me,” I say, swaying my hips extra as I walk to the

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door with attitude stopping in front of him.

I stare at his lips, seriously not smiling, well not that
he can see. I’m going to drive him insane.

Yeah, I am!

I run my fingers over his full lips, gazing into his

Spencer gazes into my amused eyes, nodding. He
takes my hand in his, kissing my palm.

He takes my breath away.

Holly shit!

“We can play anything you want. We can go
anywhere you want, and I will take care of you,
Dior,” Spencer says, rubbing his thumb over the
rapid pulsing vein in my wrist.

I stare at him, gasping for air. I can feel the soft red
blush spread over my face. I always blush; I can’t
stand it.

I pull my hand out of his, scowling.

“I’ll be back in a few,” I snapped, walking to the
bathroom, tossing my hair over my shoulder.

I know that Spencer is watching me.


My Father is not going to like me messing with my

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“Asshole,” Dior yells, throwing her slipper at me.

I duck, trying to hold my laughter.

Yeah, but she misses.

Fuck, she’s full of attitude.

I watch Diorzella walk into the bathroom, slamming
the door.


I shrug, walking out of the bedroom. A few minutes
later, Ivy brings a breakfast tray to Dior’s room.

“Spencer, here’s a breakfast burrito and a cup of
coffee for you. I thought you might be hungry.” Ivy
says, beaming, raising the tray towards me.

“This is great, thanks, Ivy,” I say, opening the door
for her. I take the burrito from the tray and the
coffee cup.

About half-hour later, Dior opens the door, staring
at me.

I grin, winking at her.

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“I’m ready to go shopping, and I need you to help
me,” Dior says, smiling at me with her sexy red lips.


I know this girl is trouble with a capital T!

Let’s not forget those lips.

“Right, are you ready?” I say, squinting my eyes,
taking in her devilish smile.

“Yeah,” Dior says, walking out of her room
carrying her huge Gucci bag. She’s wearing jeans, a
soft black crop cashmere sweater, and black leather
booties with five-inch heels.

Oh yeah, she’s tall, she’s not a short woman by any
means, even wearing these heels, I’m a good six
inches taller.

Dior shrugs her slim shoulders, grinning walks
down the hall swaying her hips.


She’s killing me, and we just started.

A few minutes later, we’re in the SUV. I pull out of
the parking lot, onto the street, driving down the
road, merging into the freeway.

“Spencer, I’m so excited to go shopping and thrilled
that you’re going to help me,” Dior says, looking at
him through the rearview mirror.

“Hmm,” I grunt noncommittally, staring at her

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through the rearview mirror for a few seconds, then
I gaze back to the road.

“Yeah, I know that you’re looking forward to it!
Just you wait and see, we’re going to have so much
fun,” Dior says, opening her bag.

She pulls out her hand mirror and lipstick to reapply
her red lipstick! She purses her luscious lips looking
at me. She smiles, puckers up, blowing me a kiss.


“Hmph,” I grunt, squinting my eyes, looking at her
in the mirror.

I look back to the lane ahead; I exit the freeway
onto the street. I drive down the road, pulling into
Union Square shopping center parking garage. I
drive down the aisle until I reach the top floor. I
pull the SUVs into the parking space, turning it off
grabbing the steering wheel.

I look at Dior through the rearview mirror,
watching her mischievous smile.

“Come on, Spencer, I have lots of shopping to do,”
Dior says, giggling.

“Wait for me,” I growl, pushing open my door.


She opens the rear passenger door and gets off, not
waiting for me.

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“Dior, you need to wait for me to open your door,
and you need to stay at my side,” I snarl, shaking
my head.

She’s going to fucking kill me!

And we just started!


Dior shrugs, waking into the Louis Vuitton shop,
looks over her shoulder, sending me a sassy smile.

I squint my eyes, looking at her mischievous smile,
walking a couple of feet behind her, looking at her
fine ass. I sigh; shaking my head; I force myself to
look around the store, checking for any plausible

“Spencer, what do you think? It’s so cute, right?”
Dior says, holding up the cream leather stylishly
square oversized Onthego GM tote.

I nod, standing next to her, crossing my arms.

“Awesome, I’m glad that you like it. I’m taking it,”
Dior says, handing the tote bag to the salesperson,

She takes a step to get closer to me, placing her
small hand on my arm.

“I’m having so much fun, especially because
you’re shopping with me. I want to get some cute
bras and nighties at Victoria’s Secret. Would you
please help me select some sexy lingerie?” Dior

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says winking.

I stare at her stone-faced.

I’m not answering that.

Fuck no!

“Thank you, I know that you will enjoy the tote,”
the salesperson says smiling, pleased with the sale.

“Thanks,” Dior says, handing me the bag. She
turns, walks out of the store, taking sexy steps
towards Victoria’s Secret, looking over her shoulder
every so often.

Dior walks into the store, chuckling at her naughty
thoughts. She walks over to the table full of
different types of lingerie in all colors. She smiles,
pulls one up to look at it stretching it out, then she
tosses it back. She does that with lots of different

Dior turns to look at me, pulls up one sexy black
lacy thong.


Diorzella is killing me.

“Spencer, what do you think? Is this sexy enough?
What about color? Black? Red? White?” Dior asks,
smiling, watching every muscle in my body tense.

I grind my molars, looking at the small lingerie,
swallowing. I gaze into Dior’s excited bright eyes.

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“Dior, any of those will work,” I say, nodding as I
lower my eyelids halfway. I need to cover my
reaction to her and the small material that she holds


I clench my hands, staring at her stone-faced.

Dior selects a handful of lingerie and turns to hand
them to me, giggling.

“Spencer, please hold these for me. I need to look
at the bras. I want them to match,” Dior says,
walking over to the bras, looking at me innocently.

I follow her, carrying the Vuitton bag in one hand
and the lingerie in my other hand. I press my lips
into a thin line, stopping next to her watching her
stare at the bra closing my eyes.

I can’t fucking stop the image of her wearing these
sexy as fuck material.

“Oh my god, Spencer, look at this cute bra! It
matches the thong perfectly, don’t you think? Do
you think it will look good on me?” Dior asks,
innocently looking at me wide-eyed.

“It will look amazing on you; in fact, anything you
pick will be perfect,” I say in a raspy voice.

“Aww, that’s so sweet of you,” Dior says, grinning.
She picks several bras and hands them to me,
patting my chest walks away.

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“I’m going to look at those cute baby dolls,” Dior
says, gesturing to the rear corner.

I follow her, looking at her swaying hips. Damn, she
caught me watching her perfect ass.

Yeah, she’s amused, and I’m fucking hard.

“Spencer, look at this pleated baby doll! What do
you think? Won’t this be just too sexy for me,” Dior
says, looking innocently, raising her perfectly
arched eyebrow?

“Yeah, it will be perfect,” I croak, standing next to

“Yes, I’m taking this one and that one,” Dior says,
nodding. She grabs both baby dolls, amused looks
over her shoulder at me, winking.

“I’m ready to get these,” Dior says, nodding. She
walks over to the cash register to pay.

I follow her really close, handing her the lingerie,
inhaling, and exhaling deeply. I attempt to stealthily
adjust my raging hard flesh.

“Spencer, I need to get some new swimming suits,”
Dior says, wide-eyed, turning with the Victoria
Secret bags.

She hands them to me, grabbing my arm goes up
onto her toes to kiss my lips softly, pulling back

“You’ve been so sweet and patient. Thank you,”

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Dior says breathlessly.

I nod, clenching my jaw, inhaling deeply.

“You’re welcome,” I say, gazing into her glittering

“Let’s go, but I’m parched; I would like to get
something to drink,” Dior says, walking out of the
store. I follow her down the mall like a fucking

Yeah, that’s how it feels.

I know, I’m her guard but fuck!

She goes to get some tea from Starbucks and then
walks over to take a seat. She hands me a cup,

I take a seat next to her, placing the bags on the
small table. I take a drink of the tea, watching her

“Spencer, I’m almost done shopping, but I need to
go to the spa. I know that you’re going to love it.
I’m loving that you’re shopping with me,” Dior
says, batting her eyelashes.

I squint my calm gray eyes, looking at her over the
rim of the cup as I take a drink of the tea.

Two hours later is when she’s done. I thought she
said that she’s almost done with her shopping.


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I followed Dior out of the spa carrying the shopping
bags. I grind my molars, shaking my head.

Damn, she’s enjoying every single minute of this
sweet torture. She insisted that I get a pedicure.


We walk into the parking garage, walking over to
the black SUV. I open the vehicle, placing the bags
inside. I open the right rear passenger door helping
Dior into the SUV, closing the door. I walk over to
the driver's side, opening the door, sliding inside,
looking at Dior through the rearview mirror before
starting the SUV.

“Dior, would you like to go back home?” I ask,
looking at her through the mirror.

“Yes, I need to take a shower. Will you wash my
back for me,” Dior asks, completely deadpan,
raising her eyebrow challenging me.

“Hmph,” I grunt, reversing the SUV out of the
parking space.

“Is that a yes, wonderful! I’m also going to need
you to help me dress,” Dior says, grinning. She
looks at her long fingernails, trying to control her

“Right,” I say, nodding.

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A while later, I walk out of the bathroom in a fluffy
dark fuchsia towel, grinning as I look at the closed
door, shaking my head.


He’s so damn hot, and I loved pushing his buttons
while shopping.

I know that Spencer was turned on.

I love, love, love it!

I think that I like him. I should thank my Father for
giving me such a fantastic man toy.

Yup, he’s going to be mine.

I dress quickly in a sexy black dress, sliding on
some red strappy high heels. I turn in front of the
mirror and adjust my hair.

I’m so excited that I can’t stop smiling.

I grab my purse walking over to my bedroom door.
I pull it open, grinning, ready to provoke Spencer.

“Hey Spencer, I want to go out to the club,” I say,
walking over to Spencer, sliding my arm through

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“Dior, you can go, but I need to go with you,”
Spencer says sternly.

Spencer looks down at me through hooded eyes,
taking in my beautiful eyes as they twinkle impishly
at him.

A few minutes later, Spencer drives to the
Excalibur club after picking up my BFF’s Candace
and Jillian.

We walk into the club, laughing and looking around
the room. Spencer walks right behind us, keeping
his head on a swivel, looking to the right and left,
checking out the people.

I walk over to the booth at the end, Jillian and
Candance slide in next to me.

The waiter immediately walks over, pushing a cart.
He grabs a chilled bottle of champagne from the
cart, popping it open, and pours the bubbling liquid
into the long-fluted glasses. He places the bottle of
tequila along with the shot glasses and limes on the

“Thanks, Ben,” I say, smiling, bopping my head to
the beat of the music.

I take the glasses handing one to Jillian and
Candace. I grab a glass, winking at Spencer, I take
a sip.

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“Jillian, Candace, let’s toast to my gorgeous
bodyguard, Spencer,” I say, smirking, tapping the
glass to my friends’ glass.

“Yes, to Spencer,” Jillian says, laughing, looking at
him. She takes a long pull of the champagne.

“Dior, you know that I’m in,” Candace says,
grinning. She glances at Spencer, nodding winks at

I look at Spencer over the fluted glass, drinking all
of the champagne.

Hell, yes, he’s so damn sexy.

I set the glass down on the table, smiling at
Spencer, turning to look out on the dance floor.

“Jillian, Candace, let’s go dance,” I say, laughing,
throwing back my head. I walk out to the dance
floor, swaying my hips to the music. I pump my
hands up, biting my lower lip, I gather my hair. I
allow my hair to fall in a golden-brown cloud
around my shoulders, turning to gaze into Spencer’s
heated eyes.

Spencer’s heat eyes gaze into my needy eyes.

Yes, he’s going to fall right into my hands, and I’m
thinking that I’m not letting him go.

Spencer stands near the table, crossing his arms,
staring at me, clenching his jaw. His eyes roam over
my face, slowing down my slender neck, stopping

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at my breasts. He then looks down my stomach,
hips, and down to my feet.

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I continue to tease and torment Spencer every day,
all day long, during the following days. Spencer
stays with me, shadowing my every move.

Three weeks later, Spencer stands a few feet away
from me on the Excalibur club's first floor.

He looks around the club, watching for any threat.
He then looks at me, throwing my head back,
watching my golden-brown hair fall down my back,

I look at him, gazing into his eyes, pursing my lips; I
blow him a kiss as I dance around the dance floor.

Candace and Jillian dance right next to me. We’re
laughing and having a good time.

Spencer watches me dance, laugh, and flirt with
him. He crosses his arms, standing at the edge of
the dance floor, grinding his jaw.

Yeah, this is fun, and teasing Spencer is hilarious. I
need to go to the ladies' room to freshen up a little;
too many people on the dance floor make me

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I don’t do sweaty.

I walk off the dance floor, walking down the
hallway towards the bathroom. I stumble, I lean
against the wall, straighten up, I hold onto the wall.
I take a step when suddenly a hand grabs my arm,
spinning me around.

“What the hell?” I yell, looking up at the tall,
muscular man. My eyes widen, and I try to pull my
arm away from the bastard.

“Hello, darling,” Roger says, pulling me closer to
him. He leans down to stare at me; his eyes roam
my face, sneering.

“Let me go,” I yell, trying once again to free my
arm from Roger’s vice-like grip.

“Never, in fact, I’m taking you home with me,”
Roger says, leering.

“I don’t want to go with you; I hate you,” I yelled,
glaring at him, I pull my arm, but his grip is tight.

“Let me go! Help! Help,” I yell, looking around the
room. I look around the club, frantically searching
for Spencer.

Where in the hell is Spencer?

“Shut your fucking mouth,” Roger barks bitch
slapping me.

My head snaps back, my cheek stings, and my eyes

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I’m not going to cry.

Roger will not break me.

Roger doesn’t own me.

Spencer runs down the hallway, grabs Roger by the
neck, pulling him off me. He throws Roger against
the wall, resting his muscular arm across Roger’s

“You’re not allowed to touch her! Why don’t you
pick on someone your size, you fucking pussy,”
Spencer growls, leaning his face close to Roger?

Roger moves his arms up, pushing Spencer’s
massive arms from him, pushing Spencer back.

“Asshole, you’re getting involved in what’s mine,
my business! So, fuck off,” Roger says, taking a
step, and grabs my arm once again.

“Motherfucker, let her go,” Spencer growls,
swinging his arm back, and strikes Roger’s face
with his fist.

Roger lets go of me, falling to the ground. He looks
up, dazed, trying to get up, gasping for air.

“Dior,” Spencer says, grabbing my arms, pulling me
away from Roger. He moves his hands up to cup
my face, gazing into my scared eyes.

“Dior, are you okay,” Spencer asks, running his
fingers over my face that’s quickly turning black
and blue, showing signs of a bruise. His turbulent

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gray eyes search my eyes, clenching his jaw tight.

“Yes,” I say, nodding teary-eyed, biting my lower

“Okay,” Spencer says, leaning down to kiss my
temple. He takes my hand, walking away from
Roger, down the hallway, and into the dance floor.
He pulls me through the dance floor, weaving
around the people.

I follow Spencer, walking behind him, across the
dance floor, weaving around the people. I wave at
Candace and Jillian, motioning them to follow.

In no time at all, we exit the Excalibur’s doors.
Spencer walks fast, pulling me behind him. We
reach the black SUV in a couple of minutes.

Spencer opens the door for me, Candace, and
Jillian stop, waiting for me to get into the SUV.

“Oh my god! I was so scared,” I say, sobbing,
burying my face in my hands.

“Shit, you need to be careful because that jackass
will hurt you,” Candace says, looking out the
window wide-eyed at the turn the night had
abruptly taken.

“That’s so scary, Dior; good thing that you have
Spencer,” Jillian says, nodding.

Spencer looks through the rearview mirror at me,
meeting my gaze.

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“Yes, Spencer is amazing! I feel safe with him,” I
say, looking at Spencer in the mirror.

Spencer drives quickly down the streets, weaving
around the cars, and onto the freeway.

The entire week, Spencer is extra careful when we
go out. Yeah, I’m not going to the club until Roger

But I’m not complaining because I get to spend
more alone time with Spencer. Yeah, I tease him,
but he remains professional. But his eyes tell me
that he wants me too.

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A week later, Spencer looks at the text message on
his cell.

He walks over to me, standing unobtrusively next
to me, waiting for me to stop reading the romance

Oh my god, he’s here, near me, and I’m dying. I
want Spencer to take me in his arms, kiss me, and
make me his.

Next to me, I place the book, looking up at him,
pushing the sunglasses up to rest on my head. I
blink, shielding the sun with my hand gazing into
his eyes.

“Spencer, what’s up?” I ask, pushing up into a
sitting position on the lounger.

“Dior, today is my last day babysitting you. I just
wanted to say I wish you the best,” Spencer says,
stone-faced. The tick at his jaw is evidence of the
pressure that he’s applying to his molars.

My eyes widen, sliding my legs off the lounger,
standing. I place my hand on Spencer’s arm, tilting

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my head to gaze up into his beautiful light gray

“What do you mean? I don’t want you to leave; I
mean, I need you as my guard, what if Roger comes
back?” I say in a low voice, almost a whisper. My
throat is closing up, making it impossible to breathe,
let alone speak.

Spencer gazes into my eyes, connecting with my
soul. He hisses, moving my hand from his arm,
stepping back.

“Dior, I can’t. You will meet your new guard
tomorrow morning. I suggest that you don’t give
your new guard any trouble. Take care,” Spencer
says, nodding. He turns, walking away, clenching
his hands.

Oh no!

Spencer can’t go without getting him to call me.

“Spencer, wait,” I yell, running after him.

Spencer stops, tenses up, turns around to look at

I run into him, wrapping my arms around his neck,
pulling him down.

“Don’t leave like this, please, give me just one kiss
before you go,” I whisper, softly running my lips
over his full soft lips.

Spencer hisses, shaking his head, holding onto my

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hips. He pulls me closer for a minute and then takes
a step back to put distance between us.

“Dior, don’t make this any harder than it has to be.
We’re from different worlds,” Spencer says,
holding onto my hips.

“We’re the same, and you’re not my guard
anymore. So, there’s no reason to push me away,” I
say, pulling him closer to me.

Spencer’s willpower slips, he takes my lips in a
deep hungry kiss pulling me closer. His hands move
up my bare back, caressing my soft skin as he
spreads his callous palms. Then he pulls away,
gazing into my heated eyes.

“Dior, this is not right,” Spencer says, releasing me.

“Yes, it is, Spencer, don’t push me away,” I
whisper, holding onto his muscular arms.

Spencer groans, pulling me into his arms, kissing me
deeply, pushing his eager tongue inside my mouth.
He kisses me, stroking and exploring every

“Dior, where are you?” William yells, walking out
of the house.

Spencer pulls away, releasing me. He gazes into my
heated eyes and then looks at my passion swollen

“I have to go,” Spencer says, clenching his hands.

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“Please don’t go,” I whisper in a low voice.

“Dior, I can’t stay; the job has ended for me. Take
care,” Spencer says, turning away.

I take a step, grabbing his arm.

“Please, call me sometime. I want to see you
again,” I say, gazing up at Spencer, teary-eyed.

“Dior,” William says, looking for me, walking
around the pool.

Spencer pulls me back into his arms, kisses me
deeply, then pulls back. He tenderly wipes my tears
from my cheeks with his beautiful adoring eyes.

I know that he wants me as much as I want him. I
can feel him, his soul.

“Dior, I’ll call you, I promise,” Spencer says,
kissing my forehead, taking a step back.

“Dior, I heard what happened with Roger; that
bastard is going to die,” William says, walking into
the patio. He stops resting his hands on his waist,
furrowing his forehead and stares at Spencer. I
chew my lower lip because I don’t know how he’s
going to react. My brother is intense and dangerous.
That’s how Father forged William.

“William, have you met my bodyguard?” I say,
turning to look at him.

“No, are you the one that saved Dior from that
bastard,” William asks, taking a step closer,

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extending his hand.

“Yes, it was. It’s nice meeting you, William,”
Spencer says, nodding clasps his hand.

“William, I don’t know what I would have done if
Spencer hadn’t saved me,” I say, nodding, crossing
my arms under my breasts.

“Awesome, I’m happy to know that you’re on it,”
William says, deadpan checking Spencer out.

“Not a problem, but today is my last day. In fact,
I’m leaving,” Spencer says, looking over at me.

“Yes, he’s not my bodyguard anymore,” I say,
biting my lower lip.

“Uh, yeah. I was just filling in for my buddy while
his mother was sick. It’s his job,” Spencer says,
nodding and standing tall.

“Okay, well, thank you for taking care of my sister.
I know that she can be a handful,” William says,

“Yes, she’s special,” Spencer says, looking at me,
raising his eyebrow. His clear eyes gaze into mine,
searching for any evidence of my feelings.

“William, get Father to hire him because I want him
as my guard,” I say, pouting at my brother.

William looks at me, squinting his eyes, shrugging.

“I can ask, but you know that he’ll do what he

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wants,” William says, leaning casually against the

I walk over to Spencer, sliding my arm through his.

“I’m going to be waiting for your call,” I say,
looking up at Spencer.

Spencer gazes into my warm eyes, as the rest of the
world falls away and completely ignores William,

“I’ll call you Dior. You have my number if you
need anything,” Spencer says. He leans down to
kiss my lips softly and then nods at William.

Spencer walks away, leaving me with a sweet
promise of seeing me again.

“Dior, I can see that you want to sink your claim
into him but is he right for you,” William asks,
watching Spencer open the SUV.

“Yeah, absolutely. He’s everything I ever wanted,
plus more,” I whisper, trying to keep from crying.

I’m so emotionally attached to Spencer, and I don’t
know what I’ll do if he doesn’t call me. He thinks
that we’re from two different worlds.


I want him, and I’m not going just to let him go.

Fuck no.

I’ll figure out a way to see him again.

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I enter the SUV looking at Dior staring at me. I
grind my molars to keep from jumping out to get
her and take her with me, but she’s a fucking
prince, a Diorzella.

I clench my hands around the steering wheel,
inhaling deeply. I turn on the SUV so that I can take
it back to Ryan. My job is done, that’s it was, only
a job.

Dior needs someone that can give her everything
she deserves.

Yeah, that’s how it is.

I turn on the SUV, put it in reverse, and then drive
down the circular driveway.


That motherfucker Roger better stay away from
her. I need to tell Ethan to take extra measures on
Dior’s safety.


What if Ethan wants her?

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I’ll kill him!

This is fucked up! She’s mine; I can feel it in my
soul. I know that she’s connected and feels it too. I
need to win this fight so I can move up and earn
more money.

Hell, winning will give me the means to take care of
Princess. Yeah, Diorzella is my Princess.

I inhale, exhale, releasing the stress clearing my
mind. I drive to hand over the SUV to Ethan at the

Fuck, the fight is only a month away. I need to get
some intense training. It was hard training after
Dior went to sleep in the gym that Ford has in his

I pull into Apollo’s parking lot, turning off the SUV.
I walk into the gym looking for Ethan.

“Hey Ethan,” I yell, walking over to where he’s
punching the bag.

“Hey, thanks for filling in,” Ethan says, focusing on
his punch. He stops placing his hands on his waist.

“No worries, anytime. I have the keys for the SUV.
How’s your Mom,” I say, holding the keys.

“She’s doing good,” Ethan says, taking the keys.
He places them next to his water bottle.

“I need to spar. Do you have time,” I ask, taking
off the suit jacket?

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“Yeah, I have time,” Ethan says, nodding.

“Great, give me a few to change,” I say, running
down the room.

I run into the locker room and my locker. I take off
the clothes and pull on my training gear. I’m ready
to do some training.

I’m so fucking stoked; it’s about fucking time that I
get into my game. I need to win.

A few minutes later, we jump into the cage to train.
I love training with Ethan because he’s a mean,
experienced motherfucker.

I lift my chin in greeting to my buddy Ash.

“Hey, good to see you,” Ash says, nodding.

“Dude, I need to get ready for the fight,” I snarl,
extending my hands to Ash to have him wrap my
hands and help with the gloves.

“Oh yeah, the fight is only in a few weeks,” Ethan

“Fucker, you’re going to need to train the next few
weeks,” Ash huffs.

“Yeah, that’s the plan,” I say, shoving the
mouthpiece in my mouth.

Ethan gives me all he has, and that’s all good. I
need this.

A few hours later, we exit out of the cage. I’m

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fucking exhausted, but I love it.

“Dude, you did good,” Ash says, helping me take
off the gloves.

“Yeah, you did,” Ethan says, nodding, waiting for
Ash to help take off his gloves.

“Hey, take care of the job. There’s an asshole that
wants to hurt her, and I understand that he’s
dangerous,” I say, looking at Ethan.

“Yeah, I will. Is there anything you want to tell
me,” Ethan asks, rubbing his shoulder?

“Yeah, she’s Diorzella, and she’s mine,” I say,
curling my fingers tight.

“Right, Diorzella? I thought her name is Dior,”
Ethan says, smirking.

“Fucker, her name is Dior, but she’s a handful, but I
need you to take extra care of her,” I growl,

“What the fuck, Dude. Did you fall for the job,”
Ash says, furrowing his eyebrows?

“Yeah,” I growl, pressing my lips into a thin line.

“Fuck, no worries,” Ethan says, nodding.

“Dude, one more thing,” I say, stone-faced.

“Yeah,” Ethan says, lifting his chin.

“Don’t forget that she’s mine,” I growl, furrowing
my eyebrows into a straight line.

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“Right, I hear you,” Ethan says, chuckling.

“Motherfucker! You got it bad,” Ash groans,
shaking his head.

“Yeah,” I say, grabbing the towel, wiping my face.

I work out another hour, and then I hit the locker
room. I take a hot shower, pull on my sweats, the
suit, and dirty workout clothes.

I need to wash because I need to put all of the next
few weeks into training.

I got this.

I’m winning the championship.

I pull out my cell, and I see that I have a text


It’s Diorzella.

My heart pounds, and I slide my finger over the cell
to read the message.

Dior – Hey, I miss you.

Spencer – I do too, Princess.

What the fuck!

It’s the first time that I call her Princess.

It doesn’t matter anymore because I’m not an

Yeah, I never called her Diorzella, only in my mind.

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Dior will always be Diorzella because of her

But I don’t give a fuck!

I love her strong will.

I get her.


I’ll be damn if I don’t claim her; she’s mine. I feel it
in my soul.

I walk down to my apartment, with the dirty clothes
in hand. I walk into my apartment, grabbing the
laundry basket. I walk out of my apartment to the
laundry room in the apartment complex. I put the
two machines to watch.

Yeah, I have all of my shit dirty. I was too busy to

Thank fuck I’m back to my routine.

My cell beeps in my hoodie pocket. I pull it out,
swiping my finger over the screen. Yeah, it’s

Dior – Will I see you soon?

Spencer – Yeah.

Dior – When?

Spencer – I can see you at night because I’m
training all day.

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Dior – Training?

Spencer – Yeah, I’m training for my championship

Dior – What?

Spencer – Princess, MMA fight.

Dior – Wow. I want to learn more. You can tell me
all about it when I see you.

Spencer – Yeah, where can we meet?

Dior – Here at home.

Spencer – Right.

Dior- I can’t wait.

Spencer – Me too. I’ll be there at nine.

Dior – Awesome, night. xoxoxo

Spencer – Yeah, night. xoxox


It’s killing me. I need to keep this slow and steady. I
can’t fuck up. I don’t want to be hunted by her

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“I’m so excited.”

He’s going to be here in a couple of hours, and I
can’t wait.

I look around my closet at my clothes. I need to
look cute for Spencer, but it doesn’t really matter.
He’s seen me in all my different facets of my crazy.
He knows me and knows that he gets me.

I’m not sure when I fell in love with Spencer, but I
know that I did.

I bite my lower lip, closing my eyes, falling onto my
knees in the closet. I pull them up to my chest,
seeing Spencer in my mind.

I see his heated eyes.

I see his amused eyes and the smile that he hides.

I see his worried eyes when he’s protecting me
from the danger that I can’t see.

I feel him deep in my soul.

My heart skipped a beat when he called me

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I did research everything that I could on the
internet on this MMA sport. I’m so fucking
impressed, but I’m scared. I don’t know how I will
stand watching him get hurt.

I chew my lower lip, looking at my shoes.

I push up, grabbing my cute outfit because I want
to look sexy for Spencer.

I told Mama about Spencer and that he’s coming
over. She knows him, and she’s good. I know that
she told Father and I haven’t heard from him, so I
think he’s okay.

Oh my gosh, thank God.

Roger has stopped calling, and that’s a fucking

Good riddance.

I get dressed, apply my makeup, and do my hair.
Yeah, I spray the perfume that Spencer loves.

I know because he always inhales and smiles when
I put it on.

Spencer didn’t say much most of the time, so I
learned to read him. But when he did say
something, boy did he.

I think that’s what I love that he’s not a pussy. He’s
strong but tender. Yeah, it sounds weird, but he is.

The knock on the door startles me, and I watch

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Parris walk into my room, grinning.

“Mama told me that your hunky guard is coming to
visit. Does that mean it’s something special here?
Please tell,” Parris asks, falling onto my bed,
crossing her legs. She bounces her leg, smiling.

“Well, I’m surprised you're home,” I huff, pulling
my hair up into a messy bun.

“No, Dior, you need to leave it down,” Parris says,

“Yeah, you’re right,” I say, pulling the band from
my hair.

“Well,” Parris says, raising her eyebrow.

“Yeah, he’s everything I ever dreamed of,” I say,

Parris smiles, tilts her head to the side, staring at

“Does that mean that you fell in love with him? Do
you know if you can live without these luxuries,”
Parris asks, raising both eyebrows at me?

“Yeah, I can, but I know that he will be able to take
care of me, and besides, I plan on working. Yeah, I
want to work as a nurse,” I say, nodding.

“Oh yeah, huh. Okay, it sounds like you got a
plan,” Parris says, nodding.

“Yeah, so what’s up with you and Xavier? You’re

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hardly ever home,” I say, sitting on my chair.

“Well, you know that I’m in love, and he’s
perfect,” Parris says, nodding.

“Yeah, I sort of figured that, so when is the
wedding,” I ask, smiling.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m waiting for. I’m not sure if
he’s going to ask, and I’m afraid to lose him,”
Parris says, closing her eyes.

“Wow, sis, that’s not good. I would pull away to see
if he reacts to not having you,” I say, looking at my

“Yeah, I think that I need to do that. I’m going
shopping tomorrow, do you want to go with me,”
Parris says, nodding.

“Oh yeah, I do,” I say, nodding, closing my eyes.

“Okay, we can leave around eleven, have lunch,
and do some shopping. I need to get some new
outfits,” Parris says, pushing off my bed.

“Sounds good; I want you to meet Spencer,” I say,
pushing off my chair.

“Oh yeah, that’s the plan,” Parris says, winking.

“Oh my gosh, you best not give him a hard time,” I
say, placing my hands on my hips pursing my lips.

“Nah, I wouldn’t; I just want to meet him. Mama
and William like him, and that’s so odd,” Parris

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says, crossing her arms.

“Okay, sis, he’ll be here soon. But don’t stick
around long because I need to talk to him,” I say,
walking out with her.

We walk down the hall into the family room. I walk
over to the bar to get a glass of wine.

“Sis, do you want some wine,” I ask, pulling the
wine bottle from the rack.

“Yeah,” Parris says, nodding. She falls onto the
sofa, grabbing the remote. She turns on the TV.

“It’s been a while since I’ve watched TV; I rather
read,” I say, handing Parris the wine glass.

“Yeah, I’m always busy,” Parris says, taking a sip
of wine.

“Is Mama and Father home,” I ask, swirling the
wine in the glass. I then sniff, closing my eyes.

Yeah, it’s my favorite wine.

I take a sip, enjoy the flavor.

“No, Mama went with Father to some dinner party,
and William went too,” Parris says, placing the
wine glass on the table.

“Awesome,” I say, nodding my head.

I look at my cell phone for any messages. It’s still
another thirty min before he shows. He’s always

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“Sis, leave it on that news program because I want
to know what’s happening with that shit in the
White House,” I say, taking a sip.

“Yeah, right? I can’t fucking believe that we have
someone like that,” Parris says, shaking her head.

“Yeah, but everything should be okay soon; I have
to believe that,” I say, nodding.

“Well, I don’t want to really watch that because I
want to see something fun,” Parris says, changing
the channel.

“Right, put on an old fun movie so we can watch it
until Spencer gets here.”

“Okay, that really is a great idea. It’s always fun to
watch old movies. Which one do you want to see,”
Parris asks, looking at me?

“Yeah, you know that I love several. How about
Ghost, Dirty Dancing, or When Fools Rush in,” I
say, giggling. I fall back onto the backrest, laughing.

“Right, I think that When Fools Rush In would be
fun because it’s cute,” Parris says, laughing.

“Yeah, Ghost will get me teary-eyed, and I don’t
want to ruin my makeup,” I say, taking another sip
of wine.

“Right, we can see that series, the Spanish Queen,
or something like that,” Parris says, searching for it.

“Oh yeah, that really looks interesting,” I say,

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“Oh, here it is,” Parris says, nodding. She presses
the control, and the series pops up. We look at the
beginning drinking our wine.

A few minutes into the series, the bell rings.

“Oh my gosh! He’s here,” I say, pushing off the

“Oh my, I’ll turn the TV off,” Parris says, pushing
off the sofa.

“Okay,” I say, walking down the hall.

“I’ll go to my room for a few so you can talk. I’ll
come down to meet him later,” Parris says,

“Awesome,” I say, smiling.

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Confident that he can give Dior what she’s used to

I pull into the drive turning off the car. I seat there
for a minute, looking at the mansion, recognizing
that she’s a fucking Princess.


I got this.

I know that I can give her that.

I can’t let those fucking doubts that that fucker yell
at me get to me. I’m proving him wrong.

I open the door, sliding off the seat, closing the
door. I walk around my black pickup, walking up
the long walkway, stopping at the door. I knock on
the door, sliding my hands into my jeans.

Yeah, I can’t wait to see Diorzella, lol. It doesn’t
matter that she’s my Princess.

The next minute I see her as she opens the door.

“Princess,” I say, flashing my dimples, looking at
how fucking cute she looks.

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She’s wearing a fluffy black skirt, a hot pink top,
and sexy little booties.

“Spency,” Dior shrieks, running into me wrapping
her arms around me.


“Whoa, Princess,” I say, chuckling, wrapping my
arms around her.

I lean down, kissing her deeply, tasting every
recess, sliding, and tangling our tongues.

I love how responsive she is to my touch. She has
me always with a full-blown hard-on.

I pull back, gazing into her glittering fiery eyes. I
love seeing her flushed face and swollen lips.

“Spency, you look so yummy,” Dior says, pulling
back to check me out.

“Princess, you look beautiful as always. Hey, how
about we go inside or somewhere else,” I growl,
leaning down to kiss her again, pulling her in.


I need lots of kisses, plus more. Being around her
and not touching her was sweet torture. My hand
moves through her hair, grasping her neck to hold
her at the right angle for me to deepen my kiss.

Oh yeah, she’s melting into me, and it’s so damn

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“Oh, Spency, we can go in the house,” Dior says,
pulling back smiling.

She takes my hand, pulling me into the house. We
walk into the hallway, down to the family room, to
the gray leather sofa. I’ve been in the house, in
every room, but it feels different right now. I’m
here as her man, not her guard.


I wrap my arm around her shoulder, pulling her

“Princess, how did your day go,” I ask, gazing into
her eyes for any issues with Ethan.

I’m positive that Ethan is taking care of her, and he
should be off now. It’s another reason I wanted to
see her later in the evening.

I run my finger over her soft cheek as she smiles.

“Yeah, Ethan is nice, but he’s not you. I wish you
were guarding me. I miss you; I miss teasing you,”
Dior says, pouting those sweet lips.

She loves pulling all of those cards, the teasing girl,
the sweet Princess, the spoiled brat, and the sexy


I love them all.

She has me on my toes, but now Ethan's job to

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“Princess, I really hope that you’re not teasing
Ethan as you did me,” I say, furrowing my


Dior giggles, burying her face into my chest.

“Princess,” I say, furrowing my forehead waiting
for her to answer.

It’s not fucking going to be good if she’s pulling
that shit with Ethan.

She pulls away, moving to sit on my lap, cupping
my face in her hands.

“Oh, Spency, I’m only like that with you because
you do it for me,” Dior whispers, kissing my face
and finally kisses me.


She does it for me too. I slide my arm around her
small waist holding her close.

“Hmmm . . Princess, are we alone in the house,” I
croak in a raspy voice kissing down her neck.

“Uh, no, Parris is home,” Dior says, wrapping her
arm around my neck.

“Fuck, let’s get out of here,” I growl, biting her
neck, sucking her silky skin.

I’m going crazy having her this close in my arms, so

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damn hungry and ready to fuck her senseless.

I move my hand to her leg, moving up her thigh,
stopping close to her sweet pussy.

“Yes, that sounds great, but we can go to my
room,” Dior moans, sinking her face into my neck.

“Okay, but I’d rather go to my place.”

“Yeah, me too, but the honest truth, I want you
now,” Dior whispers in my ear, nipping my earlobe.


My cock twitches, demanding to sink deep into her

I push off the sofa with her in my arms, walking out
of the family room. I take the stairs, walking to her
room since I know the house like the back of my
hand. We get to her room, shift her in my arms, and
I open the door. I walk into the room, closing the
door and locking it.

I walk over to her bed, falling onto it with her in my

“Spency, it’s about time that you’re in my bed,”
Dior huffs, moving her hands under my gray
thermal shirt.

“Princess, . . . . hmmm. . . can we talk later? I’m so
damn ready to love you,” I gasp, a fiery burn runs
up-down spine, exploding in my cock.

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I move down her throat, pushing her top up and off,
exposing her full breasts.

“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” I growl, moving my
lips over the swell of her firm breasts. I push the
delicate sexy bra down, exposing her breasts. I bury
my face into her soft flesh, inhaling deeply,
savoring her scent. I take her hard nipple into my
mouth, flicking the hard nub with my tongue. A
deep growl grows from deep inside.

“Spency, that feels so good,” Dior moans, pulling
thermal up.

I pull away to take off my thermal, looking at her
beautiful breasts. I run my hand over her breasts; I
take a nipple in my mouth, closing my eyes.

“Yes,” Dior whimpers, running her fingers through
my hair.

I slide down her stomach, kissing and licking as I
move down. I pull her skirt, throwing it over my
shoulders. I stare at the black lacy thong.


I’ve dreamed of seeing her in all of those small
thongs and bra that she teased me with. She looks
fucking hot, and she’s mine.

I move down to kiss at the top of her mound,
sliding a finger under the small material pulling
aside. I feel Dior tremble, tense, and pull me closer

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to her sweet pussy. I slide my finger through her
silky folds, sliding my tongue over her wet flesh.


She tastes so damn sweet.

I lick and suck her swollen flesh, feeling her tense,
closing her thighs, holding me close. The sweet
fluid fills my mouth; I suck all of it off her flesh.

“Spencer,” Dior cries, lifting her hips.

I love hearing her cry out my name as she orgasm.

“Princess,” I growl, pulling away. I unbutton my
jeans, pulling my zipper down. I take out the warp
from my wallet, ripping it open with my teeth. I roll
the wrap on, and I then crawl onto the bed, sliding
my hard cock through her wet flesh.

“Spency, now,” Dior moans, cupping her breasts.

“Princess, you’re so damn wet for me,” I growl,
sliding into her hot heat.

She shifts her hips up, taking me further inside her
hot pussy.

“Oh, Baby, you’re so damn wet and tight,” I grunt,
grinding into her.

I pull out and thrust deeply inside in a rolling
motion. I gaze into her eyes as I make her mine.

“Dior, this pussy is mine,” I growl, leaning down,
taking her nipple in my mouth.

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“Yes, Spency, all yours,” Dior whimpers.

I bite her nipple, sucking and licking each one until
they’re swollen. I suck her flesh, marking her.

“These breasts are mine,” I growl, retaking the


I love her breasts; they’re perfect.

“Spency, please fuck me harder,” Dior says,
moving her hips meeting my thrusts.

I move faster, thrusting deeper into her tight pussy.
Taking her hard and fast gazing into her eyes.

I thrust deep, grinding, and pulling out, feeling my
balls tighten up. I’m so close to the edge.

I move my hand to her swollen flesh to rub, pushing
her over the edge.

I fall with her, taking her lips in a hungry hard kiss,
eating her cry.


I swear I feel her soul because we’re connected.

We’re one.

I stay connected, looking at her smile, moving her
hands to rest on my shoulders.

“Spency, that was wonderful,” Dior sighs.

“Yes, Princess, that was fuckingtastic. I need to

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trash this wrap,” I growl, pulling out.

I walk to the bathroom, trash the wrap, and I grab a
wet towel. I walk over to her wiping her, and then I
throw the towel on the floor.

“Spency, tell me about your training. Tell me
everything about you,” Dior says, cuddling next to

“Princess, I train every day at the Apollo Gym.
Ethan and I are part of the team. We train for the
MMA competitions. Tell me how it’s going with
Ethan,” I say, holding her close.

“Well, Ethan is okay; he’s not you. I’m staying
home because Father wants me home. He wouldn’t
tell me more, but I think something has Father
worked up,” Dior says, pursing her lips.

She runs her slender fingers over my abs, tracing all
of the groves. Her touch burns, my cock raises to


“Princess, promise me that you will be careful and
listen to Ethan,” I growl, pulling her onto my hips.

Oh yeah, she runs that sweet wet pussy over my
cock, driving me insane.

“You’re killing me,” I growl, holding onto the urge
to bury deep inside her pussy without a wrap. I
know that will be fucking heaven.

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“Spency, I’m clean and on the pill. If you’re clean,
it would be amazing to feel you without the wrap,”
Dior whimpers, rubbing her swollen flesh over the

“Fuck yes, I’m clean,” I growl, pulling onto my

“Yes, you feel so good,” Dior moans, sliding onto
my cock.

I grunt, pushing my hips up to get deeper inside her.
I’m going to fucking shoot my load.

“Spency,” Dior whimpers, grinding on my cock.

“Sorry, Princess, I need to fuck you hard,” I growl,
flipping her over onto her back.

I thrust fast and deep inside her tight wet pussy. I
feel her ripples, the tight wall clutching my cock.

I roll my hips, pounding in and out, pushing her
over the edge, and I follow her, connecting as one.

I bury my face into her neck, inhaling her scent.

“Spency, that was awesome,” Dior whispers,
running her hand over my shoulder.

“Princess, you’re awesome,” I rasp, my voice is
closing up with the intense emotion that’s invading
my soul.

It’s been a couple of weeks since I started seeing

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Dior as my girl. She fills my soul with light and
hope. She makes me want to be better, to do better.

I look over at Dior taking a sip of her wine, licking
the small droplet on her lower lip.


She kills me, and I don’t think that I’ll ever get
enough. I have a constant hard-on because I only
think of her sweet pussy, and I’m done.

“Princess, my fight is getting closer. I’m going to be
gone for a few days while I’m there,” I say, slicing
my steak.

“Oh yeah, where is it going to take place,” Dior
says, raising her eyebrow.

“In Vegas, in a few weeks,” I say, nodding.

“Wow, that’s going to be exciting. I want to go,”
Dior says, setting the wine glass on the table,
leaning forward.

“Is that so? You can go; you can be my lucky
charm,” I say, winking.

“Ohhhhh. . . . . it’s going to be so much fun,” Dior
says, clasping her hands. Her eyes glitter, she has a
soft flush on her face. She looks so adorable.

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I walk into the hotel room, looking around the

Yeah, it’s a decent size room; at least I don’t have
to share it with Parris.

William, Parris, Mama, and Father are here for the
fight. I’m happy that my family likes Spencer.

I grab my cell to text Spencer to let him know that
I’m here. I know that he’s training, but I hope I can
see him.

Dior – Spency, I’m here at the hotel.

I chew my lower lip, walking to the window to look
at the strip. I hope that we get time alone so we can
enjoy Vegas together.

My cell beeps: I slide my finger over the screen to
see the message.

Spencer – Fuckingtastic! I’ll let you know when
I’m free.

Dior – Okay, will that be a while?

Spencer – About an hour.

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Dior – Okay, can’t wait.

Spencer – xoxo

Dior – xoxox

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I look at the wall in the small room assigned to me
for the fight. I’m ready, gloves on, and waiting to be
escorted to the cage.

A couple of minutes later, the door opens, Rock
walks inside, nodding.

“Ready,” Rock asks, looking at me.

“Yeah,” I say, nodding.

“You got this. Let’s go rumble,” Rock growls,
opening the door.

I walk behind him, and Ash and X fall right behind
at my sides. It feels good to have them at my back.

The music is loud; it gets me hyped. I’m ready and
psyched for the fight. The crowd shouts; it’s
deafening. I walk to my corner, and I see Diorzella
in the front row next to me. Dior blows me a kiss
and gives me a huge smile.

Her family is sitting next to her, nodding at me.


I love that woman.

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The referee is in the cage, and I walk in, and so
does my opponent Brute. He’s a mean
motherfucker and the current champion.

I stare at Brute, and he fucking stares back. I know
that he’s not listening to the referee; I can see it in
his eyes.

We tap our gloves, and the bell rings.

It’s showtime!

I stare at Brute bounce side to side, waiting for the
moment to knock me out.

I know his game.

That’s all he does, knock out his opponent.

But I’m ready; that’s not going to happen.

I block his swing and move to the right to avoid the
round kick.


I do some jabs to the right and left, connecting to
his side. I’m going to fucking to tire him out.

Brute twists to the side when my jab impacted his
liver. I move in, doing a round kick, knocking him
to the ground. I pounce on him, taking him into a

Brute is strong; he twists and uses his strong legs to
push me off.

Motherfucker is strong, but so am I. I’m going to

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have to knock the fucker out.

I advance at him because I’m tired of pussyfooting
around. I start to do some jabs to his sides to get
him to focus on blocking me. I’m going for his
fucking mug.

Brute jabs into my side and does another round

I manage to move out of his way, and I take that
opportunity to do a round kick to his side.

Brute moves a little slower, but he’s still focusing.

I do a few jabs, hitting him in the side. I know that
I’m breaking him down; his arms are not blocking
his mug.

Brute connects a couple of jabs to my side.


Brute does another round kick trying to gets me on
the mat.

I move out of the way, ready when he turns around.

I’m going for it.

I manage to connect with his mug, three hard quick
jabs, knocking him out.

Brute is on the mat, looking at the lights.

The referee is counter, and the crowd is yelling.

Brute tries to get up, rolling over onto his stomach.

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He pushes up, then his arms give way, falling onto
his mug.

The crowd goes wild!

I won!

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Oh my god!

He won!

I’m so proud of him.

I walk down the hallway to get to my room to
freshen up. I’m so excited because I know that
Spency worked hard for this.

I stop at the end of the hall, next to the turn. I pull
out my card from my purse, and I slide it through
the card reader to open my door.

It clicks, and I open the door.

“What the . . . . fuck,” I shout; the air rushes out of
my lungs as I fall forward from the fucking shove,
extending my arms in front of me to break fall.

I hear the door close, and I turn onto my ass to see
who in the hell is attacking.

“Hello, Darling,” Roger growls, locking the door.

“Motherfucker, what the hell do you want,” I yell,
glaring at the bastard.

He’s a handsome man, that’s one reason that I
agree to date him, but he’s a cruel motherfucker.

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I don’t like the look in his eyes; I can’t fucking
stand that look. He makes me feel dirty, and I know
what he wants to do to me.

Not happening.

I can’t stand his touch.

“Now, Darling, that’s no way to talk to your man.
You do know that I’m your man because I took
your virginity; I made you my woman. I’m taking
you home with me tonight,” Roger growls, taking
off his dark gray suit jacket.

I thought he was all that and a bag of chips, but
damn, looks are deceiving. I thought he was my
prince charming, but no. He’s a cheater, and when I
confronted the asshole, he laughed. I went off, and
he had the nerve to hit me.

I hate him!

All the money in the world doesn’t take away the
cold, ruthless, cheating motherfucker. He doesn’t
have a heart. I’m damn sure he doesn’t have a

Father doesn’t know why I broke my relationship
with Roger. I don’t want him to know because I
know that he will kill him, or worse, Roger kill

It’s not worth it.

“You don’t get it, asshole. I’m not your woman. I

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have a man,” I yell, scooting across the room, away
from him.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing fucking
that fucker. I’m going to kill him for touching
what’s mine,” Roger smiles, unbuttoning his shirt.

“I would think that you would have some pride and
leave me the hell alone! I hate you,” I yell, pushing
up from the floor.

“Darling, calm down because I really don’t want to
fight with you. No, I want to fuck that sweet
pussy,” Roger snarls, pulling his zipper down.

His pants fall, he pushes his boxers down and grabs
his hard cock. He strokes, groaning.

I stare at his cock, yeah, I did enjoy fucking him,
but it’s not enough.

“Don’t you dare come near me,” I shout, looking
around the room for a way to escape.

“Darling, I know that you love riding my cock. You
couldn’t get enough. Come here like a good little
girl so I can eat your pussy. Come to Daddy,” Roger
pants, clutching the root with one hand.

“No,” I yell, shaking my head looking at him stroke
his cock.

Roger kicks off his shoes, pants, and boxers. He
walks over to me, grabbing my arm and throwing
me onto the bed.

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“No, no,” I yell, kicking him.

Roger steps back, shouting, covering his cock.

“Bitch, you need to calm down because I know
that you do not want me to tie you down,” Roger
shouts, grabbing my hair.

He pulls me up by my hair, bitch slapping me.

“Motherfuker! I hate you! Let me go,” I shout.

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I’m fucking stoked!

I won the fucking championship fight, and that’s a
fucking big purse.

I have sponsors, and more fights on Pay Per View
offers. I worked hard for this, and I did focus on

You can’t tell me that shit doesn’t work.

It does.

I’m set.

Now I’m going for Diorzella to work off this high,
sink into her warm pussy, losing myself in her
before dinner.

She’s my Princess, my everything.

She owns my heart, my soul.

I’m going to ask her to marry me soon. I know it’s
quick, but I feel her.

I get her.

She’s mine.

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We’re going to dinner to celebrate, yeah, the family
will be with us, but hey, at least they like me.

Then later, I have plans to love her all fucking
night. It’s been days since I’ve fucked my sweet

I walk down the long hallway to the room. I pull
out the key that she gave me, and I hear Dior

What the fuck!

I open the door, and I see that Roger asshole naked
trying to fuck my Dior.

“Motherfucker! Let her go,” I shout, running across
the room.

Yeah, I’m holding back. I’m going to kill the

I swing my arm back, I jab him in the face,
knocking him out.

Yeah, motherfucker can’t handle me.

I look at the bastard on the floor naked. It pushes
my blood pressure higher when I see that he
wanted to fuck my Dior.

I turn to look at her and thank god she’s dressed.

Dior runs to me, wrapping her arms around me,
crying into my chest.

“Princess Baby, are you okay,” I crock, my voice is

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“No, yes. Spency, I was so scared. Roger wanted to
fuck me and take me,” Dior wails, shaking.

I hold her close, resting my face on her head,
rubbing her back.

“It’s over, Princess. I’m going to tie him up, and we
should call your Father to take care of him,” I say,
closing my eyes.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Dior says, nodding. She
pulls away, looks for her cell.

She swipes her fingers over the screen texting her
Father while I tie the motherfucker up.

I know that Ford will take care of this.

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“Princess, are you up to having dinner with the
family and team,” I ask, moving my fingers to her
chin, lifting her face.

I gaze into her eyes, making sure that she’s okay.

“Yes, I am. That bastard didn’t touch me. You got
here in time,” Dior says, nodding.

There’s a knock on the door; I release Dior,
walking over the asshole to open the door.

“Hey,” I say, looking at William and a guard.

“Where’s that motherfucker,” William growls,
walking into the room. The guard follows him, and
two others stand at the door as guards.

I run my fingers through my hair, furrowing my


Is this going to be happening all the time? Will we
be able to live a normal life?

“William, take him out of here! Lock him up, do
something with him,” Dior yells, fisting her hands.

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I look at Dior yelling at William, and yeah, I know
that she’s a Diorzella.

I sigh, closing my eyes.

I got her.

I open my eyes, watching the goon dress that

“How are you getting him out of here,” I ask,
wondering about the security.

“We have it handled. We’ll see you at the dinner,”
William says, nodding.

“Right,” I say, nodding.

I walk behind them to make sure that I lock the

I turn to look at my Diorzella.

“Princess, we have some time to kill until we have
dinner,” I say, smiling.

“Oh yeah, I like that. I have a few ideas,” Dior
says, nodding.

“Great,” I say, pulling her into my arms.

“Yeah, let’s go to the bar because I need a drink,”
Dior says, sliding her arms up my chest wrapping
them around my neck.

“Fuck! I have to wait until later to love you,” I ask,

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“Yes, Spency, you need to wait, and I want to stay
in your room. We should get the bellboy up here to
move me,” Dior says, raising her right eyebrow.

“Yeah, let’s do that,” I say, nodding.

The dining room in the restaurant is a small party,
secluded from the rest of the clients.

The wine, whiskey, and tequila are flowing around
the tables. The congratulations keep on coming,
and I’m on a high.

Yeah, I feel like the king of the mountain. I look at
Ford; he nods, taking a pull of his whiskey.

I stand, hitting my spoon on a glass, getting
everyone's attention.

“I would like to thank you all for joining me in
celebrating my win. This day is extra special to me
because I won the championship, but most
importantly, I have Dior.

I fall onto my knees, pulling out the ring from my
leather jacket inside pocket.

“Princess, you’re my everything. I love you to the
moon and back even when you’re Diorzella, sweet
Dior, teasing bratty Dior. I need you in my life; you
make me whole. Will you marry me,” I ask, taking
her hand, running my fingers over hers gazing into
her eyes.

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“Oh my God, Spency, yes, yes! I love you,” Dior
says breathlessly, blinking the tears from her eyes.

“Fuck yes! I love you,” I say, sliding the ring onto
her finger, pushing off the carpet. I pull her into my
arms, kissing her deeply.

I kiss Dior down her neck, sucking and biting her
silky skin, leaving my mark. I move my hips in a
rolling motion, thrusting deeply inside her tight
pussy, feeling her tense as she falls over the edge.

“Spency,” Dior cries.

“I love you,” I rasp, thrusting in and out.

I love hearing her yell my name. I gaze into her
beautiful turquoise eyes, taking hold of her hands,
lacing our fingers as I thrust deep inside her,
grunting as I fall over the edge. I bury my face in
her neck, inhaling her wonderful scent.

“Spency, did I tell you that I love you,” Dior says,
running her fingers through my hair.

“Yeah, Princess,” I say, grinning. I pull away, falling
onto my back pulling her with me.

“Princess, now that I won this fight, I know that I
can win bigger fights. I’m going to be able to give
you everything that you’re used to having,” I say
nibbling her neck.

“Spency Baby, no, no. I don’t need you to give me

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all of that stuff; I only want you,” Dior whispers,
leaning in close to me.

“Diorzella, you got me,” Spencer says, smirking.

“That was fucking funny! I love it,” Dior says,

“Yeah, I love you in all of your facets,” I say,
wrapping my arms around her.

“I love you with your bossiness,” Dior says,

“I’m not letting you go,” I whisper, kissing her

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Note From P.T. Macias

If you enjoyed Spencer, Book 1, please consider
leaving a review. Reviews are essential for book
sales and help tremendously with other consumers’
decision to purchase the book.

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About The Author P.T. Macias

I live in California with my husband, children, and
grandkids. They’re my pride and joy. We adore
Bella, our sassy Maltipoo.

When I’m not writing, I’m enjoying spending time
with my family, going to the movies, cruises, and
concerts. I love eating white peaches, pistachio ice
cream, walking with Bella, and sipping margaritas.

Check out my stories of sassy strong women, dirty
talking sexy dark bad boy MC bikers, dangerous
blue blood deadly sins of the mafiosos, sexy
powerful billionaires, bad boy MMA cage fighters,
mystical beings, and realms full of action, suspense,
danger, blood, secrets, and a dash of romance.

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P.T. Macias Series

A Dark Mafia Romance

Blue Blood Deadly Sins

Mafioso’s Deadly Sins

A Bad Boy Bikers

Motorcycle Club Romance

Hades Knights MC NorCal Chapter

Anarchy Kings MC, NorCal Chapter

Dark Fallen Angels MC NorCal Chapter

Wicked Warriors MC NorCal Chapter

Satan’s Warriors MC NorCal Chapter

MMA Cage Fighter

Paranormal Series

The Watchers

Wolff Dynasty

Vhampiers Realm

Dragon Blood Legacy


Razer 8 A Military Romantic Suspense

De La Cruz Saga

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P.T. Macias Newsletter Signup

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new releases. Enjoy exclusive flash fiction, stay
informed, win great prizes, and enjoy exclusive

P.T. Macias Newsletter

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Love Me, Stalk Me!

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P.T. Macias Dark Alphas Romance

Elite Power Supreme Legacy By P.T. Macias

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Note To Reader

Dear Reader, I’m inviting you to check out the
Elite Power, Blue Blood Deadly Sins, and Angels
Of The Fallen, The Watchers. I know that you will
enjoy these dark, sexy alphas!

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Dark Fallen Angels

Bastian Warren (Fox)

I’m undercover.
The rival’s women prostitute.
It’s perfect in.
She wants more.
The Prez sends me on the run.
To get me away from her.
The mission.
To find my old lady.
The only girl that sets me on fire.
The only girl that sears my soul.
The one that takes my breath away.
The only girl that stops my heart.

Gabriella Lopez

My Ex follows me.
I’m scared.
I hate him.
I run into a biker.
He’s hot.
He rough.

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He calls me.
He protects me.
He owns me.

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Casper, Anarchy Kings MC

I was convicted!
Five damn years.
I want revenge.
The attorney is full of shit.
The intern knows something.
Her eyes call me.
I don't trust her.
I'm not talking.

Paige Ward

I'm close to my dream.
A few more months.
I'm ready.
I want to help the MC's.
Against the legal bias.
I have my first case as an intern.
He's my family's MC rival.
He doesn't trust me.
I feel his anger.
I feel a pull.
I feel his soul.
I'm here to save him.

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Michail, Anarchy Kings MC

Michail Stone

The run went south.
The package was stolen.
I got shot.
I'm left for dead.
An angel saves me.
She's beautiful.
She's innocent.
She's scared.
She's mine.

Leticia Sanchez

The neighborhood gang is all over.
They're behind my home.
I'm alone.
I'm scared.
The shots are near.
The shouts are loud.
I saw the drug deal go down.
The man is shot.
He's calling for help.
He's bleeding.
My heart skips a beat.
He calls my soul.

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I risk it.
I help him.
I saved him.

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Dexter, Anarchy Kings MC

Dexter Smith

I’m an ex-Navy Seal.
My days are good.
My nights are hell.
The ghosts wouldn’t let me rest.
I feel alone.
I feel lost.
I’m an Enforcer for my MC.
The MC gives me purpose.
The MC is family.
Prez gives me a task.
To manage the new housekeeper cook.
She’s feisty.
She doesn’t know a damn thing.
She drives me crazy.

Scarlett Lawson

My Dad is dead.
The money is confiscated.
The Mafia wants me.
I’m hiding.
I need the work.
I have no skills.
Want ad housekeeper and cook needed.

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I can do that.
I’m their girl.
How hard can it be?
The job is at an MC club.
The Kings are hot.
They’re Alphas.
Oh, but one is amazing.
He makes me swoon.
He’s all I’ve ever dreamed of.
I feel safe.
I want him.

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Baron, Anarchy Kings MC

Baron Reed Rosiello

The Anarchy Kings MC is my family.
I have their back.
I’m in a hurry.
I’m speeding.
The police lights flash.
I’m stopped.
The officer is beautiful.
She’s stern.
She has questions.
She’s biased.
Yet, I see her soul.
Her eyes say otherwise.
A wall goes up.

Nicole Ramos

I love my job.
I’m on a mission.
To clean up my city.
Take out the bad boys.
Especially the bikers.
They’re trouble.
I stopped a biker.

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He’s a surprise.
He stops my heart.
He lights up my soul.
I need to fight this.
He’s trouble.
He’s hot.
He’s mine.

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Winston, Anarchy Kings MC

Winston Collins

I’m a King.
I live hard, fast, and free.
The Kings have my back.
They’re my family.
Yeah, I’m a badass.
I was never good.
The sweet girl runs into me.
She’s scared.
She’s a girl from high school.
I remember her.
She always looked at me.
Now she’s in my arms.
She’s all curves.
She’s sweet.
She makes my heartbeat.
She calls my soul.
She still wants me.

Marissa Torres

I need to escape.
Yes, run away.
I’m tired of this life.
I’m tired of living in fear.
I’m tired of my father.
I’m tired of his hoods.

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I run into my crush.
My crush from high school.
He never looked at me.
He didn’t know.
He’s hot.
He sees me.
Our souls fuse.
He’s mine.

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Baron, Hades Knights MC

The Anarchy Kings MC is my family.
I have their back.
I’m in a hurry.
I’m speeding.
The police lights flash.
I’m stopped.
The officer is beautiful.
She’s stern.
She has questions.
She’s biased.
Yet, I see her soul.
Her eyes say otherwise.
A wall goes up.

Nicole Ramos

I love my job.
I’m on a mission.
To clean up my city.
Take out the bad boys.
Especially the bikers.
They’re trouble.
I stopped a biker.
He’s a surprise.
He stops my heart.
He lights up my soul.

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I need to fight this.
He’s trouble.
He’s hot.
He’s mine.

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Dexter, Hades Knights MC

I’m an ex-Navy Seal.
My days are good.
My nights are hell.
The ghosts wouldn’t let me rest.
I feel alone.
I feel lost.
I’m an Enforcer for my MC.
The MC gives me purpose.
The MC is family.
Prez gives me a task.
To manage the new housekeeper cook.
She’s feisty.
She doesn’t know a damn thing.
She drives me crazy.

Scarlett Lawson

My Dad is dead.
The money is confiscated.
The Mafia wants me.
I’m hiding.
I need the work.
I have no skills.
Want ad housekeeper and cook needed.
I can do that.
I’m their girl.
How hard can it be?

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The job is at an MC club.
The Kings are hot.
They’re Alphas.
Oh, but one is amazing.
He makes me swoon.
He’s all I’ve ever dreamed of.
I feel safe.
I want him.

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Michail, Hades Knights MC

The run went south.
The package was stolen.
I got shot.
I'm left for dead.
An angel saves me.
She's beautiful.
She's innocent.
She's scared.
She's mine.

Leticia Soto

The neighborhood gang is all over.
They're behind my home.
I'm alone.
I'm scared.
The shots are near.
The shouts are loud.
I saw the drug deal go down.
The man is shot.
He's calling for help.
He's bleeding.
My heart skips a beat.
He calls my soul.
I risk it.
I help him.
I saved him.

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Wyatt, Hades Knights MC

Hades Knights MC is my life.
The brothers are my family.
I have their backs.
They have mine.
I don’t need love.
My heart is frozen.
What’s love anyway?
Love is nothing but pain.
Then she walks in.
An angel.
She takes my soul.
An Angel walks into hell.
The Styx strip club.
What is she doing here?
I need to save her.
I need to protect her.
What the fuck am I thinking?

Ashley Miller

I’m on my own.
I’m scared.
I’m desperate.
I’m hungry.
I’m hiding.
I need the MC.
I’m a stripper.

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I need this job.
I have dreams.
I have a list.
Hades Knights MC own Styx.
I see them every day.
One biker is sexy.
He’s tough and rough.
Darn right intimidating.
Oh, but he’s so damn tempting.
I can’t fall for a biker.
He’s not on my list.

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Axle, Hades Knights MC

We’re in a rut.
Yeah, hard times for the club.
Hades Knights MC is at war.
I’m a key officer, the treasurer.
The return is sweet.
My girl is gorgeous; she has me hooked.
For the first time, I’m thinking of more.
It was all a scam.
She’s bait.
The Cartel lured me in.
All our business is legit.
The Cartel wants to own us.
It’s not happening.
I don’t know if I can forgive her.

Cynthia Torres

My Father, the Capo.
He forced me.
I hate him.
I’m scared.
I’m broken.
He’s a biker.
He’s a badass.
He’s smart.
He’s hard.

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He’s beautiful.
He makes me forget.
He steals my soul.
He owns me.
Will he ever forgive me?

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Hades Knights MC

Chad Wilson

I’m a jerk, an asshole.
I live my life, free and wild.
I love my brothers; they have my back.
The Knights are everything.
They’re my family.
I don’t need an old lady.
I’m more a hookup type of man.
Not until that one hookup.
That night stays on my mind.
I only know her name.
I don’t know where she lives.
My soul cries for her.
I need to forget her.
I’m no good for her.
She’s a good girl.
I’m a bastard.
Then she walks into Hades Asylum
She blows my mind.


I went to a birthday party.
My friend begged me to go.
I didn’t know where.
Oh my god, it’s at the biker’s club.

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I didn’t think it was a good idea.
I mean, outlaw bikers.
I went.
Not really what I thought.
It’s my dream, man.
I hooked up.
That’s something I never do.
It was a perfect weekend.
He was a little drunk.
He didn’t use protection.
I don’t know if he remembers me.
I need to talk to him.
I need to tell him.

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Nicolas, Hades Knights MC

The Hades Knights MC is all I need.
This Christmas I’m celebrating big!
I have it all.
Yeah, power, respect, and family.
My MC brothers have my back.
My mother overdosed a decade ago.
Hell, I never met my sperm donor.
All I know is pain and blood.
The club whores fill my needs.
I don’t have an old lady, nor do I need one.
On the club run, I meet a girl.
She’s our dealer Beck’s daughter.
She’s beautiful and broken.
She blows my mind.
She brings out something in me.
I didn’t know I had.
Why do I care?
I can’t resist making her mine.
Then maybe, I’ll keep her.
She's my fucking Christmas gift.

Cassandra Beck

To my Father, I’m an asset.
My life is loveless
I live in the darkness.
I’m lonely, scared, and broken.

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Nicolas, a Hades Knight
He’s my crush.
I see the good in his soul.
The Hades Knights MC, yeah, my Father’s boss.
And that’s not good.
I see Nicholas once a week.
I dream of Nicolas, passionate kisses every night.
Finally, he sees me.
He invites me to the MC’s Christmas party.
I believed that only the club whores are allowed to
Should I go?
Will Santa check my list?
Will he give me what I want?

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Creed, Hades Knights MC

Hades Knights MC is my legacy.
My brothers are my family.
Power, respect, and fidelity are our bylaws.
Blood and danger shroud us.
Love has no place in my life.
I control everything.
Suddenly I’m served with papers.
What a surprise.
It's a paternity case.
I need an attorney.
My attorney is my past.
I escaped her claws a long time ago.
No way will she handle my case.
I don’t trust her.
But the firm is the best in NorCal.
Should I give her a chance?

Heather Wright

Finally, all my hard work has paid off.
I’m on track.
I have a new job with the firm of my dreams.
I’m ready to take on the world.
Love is not in the future.
I learned my lesson.
Never again.
My first case is a walking, talking nightmare.

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I thought that I would never see him again.
Yeah, the man that broke my heart.
Now he needs my help.
The asshole played me.
The love and promises were all lies.
What the fuck.
He’s not the same man.
Should I believe his claim?

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Seth, Hades Knights MC

The debt owed is a debt paid in my book.

I don’t give a fuck how.

Just ay me.

The Mayor’s debt is enormous.

He needs to pay.

The Major is desperate.

He’s scared.

He wants to cover his ass.

He offers up his daughter.

That’s surreal.

What a fucking offer.

Be my Valentine, Baby.

She’s beautiful and pure.

What can I say?

She blows my mind.

She pushes my buttons.

I’m going to claim her.

Maybe, just maybe I’ll return her.

Lexi Baker

Father owes money.

He hates me.

I’m an asset.

I'm a token.

Collateral for his debt.

The MC's Prez owns me.

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I’m his slave.

I'm fucking broken.

I’m lost.

I’m falling hard.

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Dante, Hades Knights MC

My life is hard, rough, and wild.

I’m an outlaw biker.
The MC is my family.
That’s the way I like it.
I don’t take shit from anyone.
I’m the Sergeant At Arms.
I protect my Prez
I have my brothers back, and they have mine.
Yeah, nothing scares me.
I have only one weakness.
My brother’s sister.
Hell, not just any brother, but my Prez.
Maybe I should fight it.
Do what’s right.
I should resist her.
I can’t.
She’s sweet.
She’s perfect.
She’s mine.
It’s our dirty little secret.

Georgina Ward

He’s my dirty little secret.
I love him.
He’s so damn sexy.
I know that he’s a good man.

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I don’t care that he’s a biker.
I don’t care that he’s a Knight.
I only care how good he feels.
My family will kill him.
That’s so not right.
My brother is his Prez.
So, what’s the big deal?

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Hunter, Hades Knights MC

Hades Knights MC is my life.
The Knights are my brother.
I’m a key officer.
I’m the club’s secretary.
I’m so pissed off!
I fell into a trap.
Eleven fucking days in hell.
I thought I was going to die.
A few days, I begged for death.
An angel gave me faith.
Our bond is strong.
Our souls are one.
I need to forget her.
I’m taking her.
I’m making her mine.
The Dark Fallen Angels MC will pay.
Payback is a bitch.

Amber Dark

I hate everything about the mc.
My Daddy is dead.
My brother is not here.
I hate the Prez.
I hate violence.
I hate the hostage.
He’s a biker.

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He’s the rival mc.
I should hate him.
I should fear him.
I should not feel these feelings.
He’s just like them.
I need to forget him.
I tear him from my soul.
I need to stop thinking of him.
I need to stop my heartbreak.
Yet, I want him.
Is he my champion?

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Hades Knights MC, NorCal Chapter















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Anarchy Kings MC, NorCal Chapter






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Dark Fallen Angels MC, NorCal Chapter








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Elite Power, Blue Blood Deadly Sins

Prince Trent Konig

I was born an Elite and forged by the king.
I’m ruthless and soulless, a bastard to fear.
I’m merciless, I’m fierce, and trained to kill.
I’m fucking broken.
I’m evil, unworthy of her love.
My Baby Girl has a halo.
She’s truly an angel.
I always knew she’s my soul mate.
I force myself to wait.
This wild need compels me to claim
her and drives me insane.
My heart aches, my soul rages, and
I refuse to have her near.
I can’t crown her my queen; thus, the kingdom is
not at peace.
The danger and intrigue shroud the Elite.
The wrath of war is in the air, and a woman’s scorn
is always a power to fear.

Lady Yvette Kaiser

I pray he forgets his past deeds, his fears and
believes in the greatness that he is.
No matter what he thinks, no matter

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where he goes, I keep my eye on him,
waiting for his call.
I wait, I dream, I think of him.
I place my heart in his hands,
knowing that he’s my man.
I only know that we belong, and our souls are fated
to be one.

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Elite Power, Blue Blood Deadly Sins

Earl Rhett Kaiser

My three-night stand is more than I thought.
She collides with my world.
She knocks it off its axis.
Yeah, she’s the one that I can’t
seem to forget.
I need to ignore my soul’s roar.
She’s part of the web of deception
that I need to make right.
She’s wild; she’s beautiful, she’s
completely untamed and smart.
She runs from my grasp, fearing for her life.
She doesn't grant me a chance, but
I’m here to save her.
The King seeks justice and the
underworld war needs to end.
The bloodshed flows, the Capo is dead.
The Lord is out of control; he’s eager
to wage war and claiming her as his reward.

Isabelle Napolitano

My world has changed, who knew it would.
My Papà, the Capo of the largest criminal
underworld, is dead.
The war has to end!

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My brothers are gone and nowhere to be found.
The Lord in Europe seeks his
bounty, claiming me as his.
I don’t think so; I would rather die.
I have to run; I have to hide.
I’m petrified, and I’m going insane.
What should I do?
My three-night stand unexpectedly shows back up
in my life.
He’s not who I thought.
He’s an Elite, much more than a Capo in the
Who would have thought?
He wants to protect me, but is that a lie?
My heart aches; my soul weeps.
I’m running, not looking, not listening to him.
Nobody can help me; I can’t stay here.
I must hide, I pray that I’ll survive.

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Elite Power, Blue Blood Deadly Sins

Earl Lennox Konig

I thought I had it right, and all under control.
My bride is pissed, she’s very hurt.
She refuses to listen to reason.
I made a mistake that I regret.
Now, I fear I’m losing my bride.
My soul is in an uproar.
And my heartaches.
I can’t think straight.
My ex is making threats.
She’s crazy.
She fucking out of control.
I’m running scared.
I fear for my life and that of my bride.
I don’t know how to make things right.
To top it off, the Elites are at war.
Our union is no fucking joke.
I know what I want; I want my bride.
I’m running out of time.
It's a fucking nightmare come to life.

Lady Alexis Slovak

The love of my life has betrayed me.
What hurts the most is that he didn’t stop his booty
call when he knew about our betrothal.

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I knew that Lennox is no saint, but
you would think he would repent.
I never expected this from him, especially since
he’s an Earl in our world.
We’re taught from birth to have honor, fidelity, and
love above all else.
We don’t take our duty lightly, so
what was he thinking?
That bitch wouldn’t let us be.
What should I do?
I need to make him grieve, to feel some pain.
I need to bring him to his knees.
I need to claim what’s mine, and he is my husband.

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Elite Power, Blue Blood Deadly Sins

Wesley Roth

The gorgeous spitfire enthralls me.
She makes my heart skip a beat.
She stirs my dormant soul.
We’re from different worlds and yet the same.
The time it’s not right.
But how I want it to be so.
I fear this may never be real.
I dare not make her mine.
I must turn away this time.

Athena Weston

The life of luxury, love, and decadence is my world.
A world that implodes, changing my life
Sometimes life is not what you believe.
It’s tough to accept that your life is full of secrets
and bloodshed.
The breathtaking man fills my dreams.
He makes me ache and dream.
I yearn for the haven he presents.
The dark secrets in his eyes lure me in.
I see the fire deep in his soul.
I hear the sweet promises he whispers.

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My soul lights up, and my heart aches, but will he
be able to soothe my fears?
I turn away, praying to be saved, running headlong
into my fate.

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Elite Power, Blue Blood Deadly Sins

Lord Carlos Reyes

The Elite can kiss my ass.
I’m king in the underworld, so I rule all I survey.
I don’t play their game, and I don’t follow the rules.
The only Elite that I honor makes me burn.
My soul roars, and my heart skips a beat.
The Princesa fears me, teases me, and snubs me by
The Princesa’ cutting words slice deep into my soul.
Her actions flay me open.
Her eyes don’t lie; her soul is mine.
I’m waiting for the moment of truth.
She’s mine; she can’t discard me so easily.
Then the Elite will roar, and Hell will wage war.
I know she’s worth it all.

Lady Jennifer Slovak

Forged to be Queen is my reality.
Father promised I would be Queen one day.
I endlessly dreamed of my wedding day.
However, the King has other plans.
The hurt, the hate, carries me away.
The gorgeous soldier steals a kiss.
He’s lethal, wicked, toxic to the core.

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He takes my soul and makes me his.
Our worlds are different, yet the same.
I treat him with disdain, and I run away.
The next thing I know, he’s the
King of the underworld.
He wants me for his Queen.

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Angels Of The Fallen: Samyaza

The Watchers

“Yazy, are you serious! Look at your back!”

She points to the mirror, frowning, and turns him

Samyaza turns around and looks into the large
bathroom mirror. He frowns and nods. He closes his

Yes, that’s what flogging does to you, but I’ll be ok.
I understand why she’s so upset. I need to convince
her that I’m going to be ok.

He opens his eyes and gazes into her eyes. He
raises both hands and rests them on her trembling

“Sweet Crystal, please believe in what I’m going to
tell you. Remember that I’m an angel. Well, a fallen
angel, and most important immortal. That means
that I usually regenerate, but I was without
sustenance for such a long time that my energy is
depleted. I need nourishment or blood to boost my
energy. My body will regenerate soon as I have the
power that I need.”

He looks deeply into her beautiful hazel eyes,

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reaching her soul.

She blinks rapidly, and her tears fall down her face.
She shakes her head, trying to understand what he
told her.

“Yazy, I don’t understand how someone could hurt
you so. It’s too painful to see. I hurt for you.”

Her tears continue to fall down her face, and he
pulls her into his arms.

“My sweet Crystal, please don’t shed your tears for
me. I don’t deserve your tears. I promise you that
I’m going to be ok.”

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Angels Of The Fallen: Azazel

The Watchers

She stops in front of Crystal, glaring at her, and
pointing her finger. “You never want to believe me!
You believe me now because of your boyfriend!”

Cryssi raises her hands to push back her hair from
her face. She then crosses her arms below her full,
firm breasts.

“I’m so sorry,” whispers Crystal, closing her eyes.

Cryssi turns to her right; her eyes widened as she
sees Sam appear with Azel in his arms. She walks
over closer to Crystal.

“Sis, where did they come from?”

Cryssi points at Sam and Azel as all of her color
drains from her face. She stares at Azel’s naked
body in all of his splendid glory. Her hands shake as
she anxiously pushes them through her long hair.

Fuck, he’s beautiful but so sick. What’s wrong with
him? Who could hurt him so viciously? He’s
bleeding! Why is he naked? I can’t stand the
intense pain that I feel. Hell, why do I feel his pain,
his wild hunger? I can feel his soul!

Azel’s head bobs from side to side in the nook of

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Sam’s arm as Sam moves to talk to Crystal. Azel
listlessly opens his eyelids. His curly black lashes
frame beautiful light gray eyes that gaze right into
Cryssi’s shocked eyes. The faint silver specks
sparkle erratically as he stares at Cryssi. His eyelids
feel heavy and close halfway. He watches her
intently, feeling his tired old soul stir. He gasps for
air, forcing his eyes to open.

Hell, she’s mine. I feel her deep in my soul, but I
feel her fear and pain. Damn it! She’s broken!

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Angels Of The Fallen: Ramiel

The Watchers

Shaking intensely, Nixie closes her eyes. She bites
her lower lip to stop her scream.

Beloved Angels, helpers in heaven, shield me!
Beloved Mother of fairies. Shield me! I ask thee,
the highest truth and love! I invoke your mystical
shield now and forever!

Nixie hugs the tree for protection. She opens her
purple eyes wide. Her color drains from her face.
She’s terrorized and trembling.

The Pure Blood prayer is faint. I almost didn’t hear

Ramiel waves his hand in the air and sends an
energy bolt towards the three demons. The bolt
strikes each demon, which causes them to explode
into millions of blazing red crystalized pieces.
Moments later, the crystalized pieces dissolve.

Ramiel squints his beautiful glowing green eyes,
watching them turn to ash. He crosses his arms,
closing his eyes, and absorbs Nixie’s aura into his
soul. He trembles slightly from the intense waves of
passion that races swiftly through his body, blood,

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and soul.

Damn! It’s not that at all. It’s not that I can hear her
plea. It’s about what I’m feeling.

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