Bound for Christmas
Yvette Hines
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,
and incidents are either products of the author’s ima-
gination or are used fictitiously, and are not to be con-
strued as real. Any resemblance to business establish-
ments, events, locales, organizations, or persons, liv-
ing or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Bound For Christmas
A Tease Publishing Book/E book
Copyright© 2012 Yvette Hines
Cover Artist: Kendra
Editor: G Martin
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
used or reproduced electronically or in print without
written permission, except in the case of brief quota-
tions embodied in reviews.
Tease Publishing LLC
PO Box 3146
Des Moines, Iowa 50316
Tease and the T logo is ã Tease Publishing LLC. All
rights reserved
Bound for Christmas
Yvette Hines
To my husband who puts up with my long
hours on the computer when I’m on dead-
line. I love you. To my editor Gail, I appreci-
ate your patience. To my readers, thanks for
your support. Here’s to another Christmas in
Chapter One
“Excuse me, sir. I believe that’s my seat.”
“Are you sure?” The man glanced up from
the papers he was reading and stared at her.
For a moment she was arrested by the in-
tensity of his hazel gaze, a combination of
green with brown flecks. Not because he was
looking at her with any level of passion, more
because his eyes reminded her of a dissolute
field--undisturbed and forgotten. Whatever
that man had on his mind, couldn’t be the
papers in his hands that appeared to be some
kind of business contract. The look was too
emotional, too personal.
She was jostled from behind as another
passenger attempted to locate their seat on
the plane. Still in the aisle of the first class
section she looked from her boarding pass
stub to the numbers marking the seats on the
lower edge of the overhead compartment.
“I’m pretty sure.” Zoey turned her pass
around so that he could clearly see she had
been assigned the window seat.
“Look, Miss, I always sit next to the win-
dow when I fly. If you don’t mind I’d appre-
ciate keeping this seat.”
What? He’s got to be kidding me. She’d
never flown first class before, but she’d
splurged on her round trip home just to treat
herself. However, this man in his blazer,
dress shirt and slacks appeared just the type
to enjoy the section on a regular base. She
chuckled more to herself then to anyone else.
“No offense about where you normally sit,
but I booked my flight five months ago just
to make sure that I got a window seat in first
The other part of that she left out was that
she hated flying. She loved the efficiency of
the travel mode, but she didn’t like the idea
of so much sky between the plane and the
One side of his mouth quirked up, not
really a smile, but more like he was giving in,
his following words proved it. “You know,
you right. Forgive me.” He rose and made his
way past her to the center aisle and allowed
her to get to the window seat.
Good God the man was tall. She knew she
was almost six foot in height, but very rarely
did she meet a man that towered over her.
She could see why he sat in first class; his
legs would never fit behind the seat in the
coach section.
As she gripped her purse tightly and
moved by him she got a whiff of his cologne
or aftershave. It was a scent of something
woodsy and citrus, with a warm, musky male
undertone that she assumed had to be his
natural chemistry he brought to the fra-
grance. She liked it. However, that was an
understatement. The scent evoked thoughts
of curling into a man’s chest and having his
strong arms around her. That was some
It was outside of her nature to go around
complimenting men about how they smelled,
dressed or looked. It wasn’t that she was shy.
She just wasn’t overt or aggressive when it
came to the opposite sex. She saved all her
boldness for her job.
Relaxing back in the plush leather seat,
she gave him a small smile. “Thank you.” She
didn’t have to thank him for moving when he
was in the wrong, but she didn’t want to
spend the entire flight from Texas to North
Carolina beside an annoyed passenger.
“No problem,” he muttered, barely allow-
ing the words passed his lips as he slipped
his papers into a leather portfolio and leaned
his head back against the seat, closing his
It struck her how tired the man looked.
She didn’t know if his exhaustion was phys-
ical or mental. Deciding that it wasn’t her
place to determine either way, she turned
away from him. Staring out the window she
watched the ramp workers place the luggage
from the cart to the belt that would carry it
into the belly of the plane and tried to think
of peaceful thoughts and not the take off that
was soon.
“Ms. Carliegh can I get you something?”
Zoey faced the flight attendant. Things
really were done differently in first class. The
plane had not even taken off yet and they
were serving her. In coach you were lucky to
get a soda during the entire trip.
“Ginger ale, please.” She didn’t want to
confess that she needed something to settle
her stomach, but facts were facts. If a little
flutter in the stomach was called butterflies
than her stomach felt as if a hundred thou-
sand of them were flapping around in her
“Mr. Douglas, would you care for
Raising his head, he gave the brunette at-
tendant a small smile. “No, thank you, Con-
stance. I’m okay right now.”
Darn it. In first class were passengers ex-
pected to read name tags and address the at-
tendants by their names? More proof that
she was out of her league in this section, she
was clueless on the protocol.
The woman’s smile got bigger as she said,
“You let me know if you change your mind.”
Nodding, Mr. Douglas, as Zoey now knew
his last name, resumed his napping or medi-
ating. Maybe he was anxious about flying,
too. Although as she took in his reposed form
she didn’t think that was the case. Dressed as
he was, he was most likely a commuting
business man who took the flight all the
time--the weekend traveler. She wondered if
he lived in Texas or North Carolina.
Grateful that the flight attendant inter-
rupted her thoughts, Zoey looked up as Con-
stance returned promptly with her drink in a
real glass, not the plastic cup filled to over-
flowing with ice and half a can of soda. No,
this glass was a tall tumbler with ice, a straw
and a wedge of lemon on the side.
Very nice. Zoey thought.
Her shock and surprise about the service
must have been clear to Constance because
she grinned at her, saying, “Once the plane
has reached altitude I’ll be back with the
lunch menu.”
Menu? Yes. First class seemed to be well
worth the extra bucks. She had not eaten
breakfast that morning dreading her flight
and maybe getting something inside her
stomach would help to keep her mind off her
mode of travel. Settling back in her seat and
sipping her drink, Zoey began to look for-
ward to the flight home.
* *
Leaning back in the seat by the aisle Evan
attempted to ignore everything around him;
the chatter of people moving down the aisle
to coach, the preliminary cockpit discussion
by the pilots and the flight attendants. Espe-
cially the woman now occupying his coveted
window seat. When he looked up he had
been struck by how striking she was. She had
a round tawny face, high cheekbones and
cat-shaped eyes that tilted up just enough in
the corners to make them captivating and
She was in casual business attire, a beauti-
ful blue blouse that reminded him of the In-
dian Ocean and a hip hugging gray skirt. It
only took his body a second to notice how the
top accentuated her curves. It conformed to
her chest and narrow waist, decorated with a
thin black ribbon masquerading as a belt. As
he stood, the drape in the front allowed him
to see a hint of the dip between her breasts
and the swells. Very nice breasts and more
than a handful for most men. Not him, he’d
played basketball in high school and could
easily palm a Spalding. So, large breasts were
always to his taste and the woman beside
him had a beautiful set.
His mind reminded him that he was too
much of a gentleman to ogle her. However,
now that he was settled in his assigned seat,
with his eyes closed his body overrode his
mind’s directive and filled his nose with the
woman’s scent--strawberries and cham-
pagne. It was both sweet and intoxicating.
No woman should be so inviting during a
plane ride.
He was thankful when Constance, the
flight attendant, spoke to him and broke into
his thoughts. There was no time for musing
over a strange woman when he had only a
few hours between him and a confrontation
he was not looking forward to having; one
that was ten years in the making. No, longer.
It was time for him to resume the life he
wanted. He couldn’t make up for past mis-
takes or loss at the expense of his own
dreams anymore. What he wanted out of life
he had placed on hold for ten years.
Ten years.
Four months ago had been the anniversary
of his brother’s death. The anniversary year
of 9/11, eleven years passed now, and a day
that changed both their lives. Evan had come
to hate anniversaries. In his life they were
just disappointments and dreams deferred.
It wasn’t that he regretted his discussion
over ten years ago, but it had taken him that
long to wake up and realize he couldn’t
change the outcome of what happened.
As the plane began to taxi down the run-
way and lift, nose first, into the air his heart
began to race and excitement ran like blood
through his veins. In his mind he could visu-
ally see all the moves and adjustment the pi-
lot made to settle into his course.
Oh, yes, it was time to get back to the way
his life was supposed to be.
He wasn’t Derek and he was tired of trying
to be in order to please his father.
* *
Oh, my God, let me off this plane. Zoey
screamed in her head. As the plane made an-
other drop and her stomach flipped she
maintained her death grip on the arm rest.
She no longer cared about the wide leather
seats, the extended leg room, the food or
even the stupid glass decorated with the lem-
on wedge. She wished she’d asked for a shot
of vodka in her ginger ale. Because now she
understood that no matter how much you
paid or where you sat on the plane the ride
was still the same. If it went down she would
die regardless.
Heat began to press around her body as if
she was standing too close to a fire, causing
beads of sweat to pop out on her upper lip,
her neck and breasts. She wasn’t feeling well,
her head was spinning and her stomach felt
like she would be returning the turkey club
on rye back to the flight attendant pureed.
Food on a plane was overrated, especially if
it was going to come back up once the plane
started dipping and diving in the sky.
Seating by the window was even worse,
she had to pull the shade down, too afraid
that if she looked out and saw the ground be-
low them, when at the moment it still should
be blue skies she would really freak-out.
“There’s nothing to worry about. Simple
shifting in the wind pattern causes unpre-
dictable changes in the atmosphere--jet
stream. Think of it as the ocean and all the
different currents that move through it. The
same can be said about the sky. They are
rarely dangerous just more unsettling.”
It wasn’t his words that caused her to open
her eyes and stare at the man beside her, but
the feel of his hand covering hers on the
armrest. The warm firm touch of his strong,
large hand, almost restraining, became un-
settling. Heat of a different sort was moving
up her arm and bringing goose bumps along
with it for the ride.
“Shifting wi-n-d?” she croaked through the
tightness of her throat.
“Or I can tell you about jet wash, wingtip
vortices, wind shear factors, wave turbulence
or even how bad weather below and around
the plane interfere with the flight path.” He
gave her a half-smile. “Perhaps you want it
given to you in technical terms and have me
say things like fluid dynamic, momentum
diffusion, kinetic energy and laminar flow.”
“Wow.” She glanced away from his appeal-
ing lips, the bottom slightly fuller than the
top. “You sure know a lot about planes. A fre-
quent flyer?” Her gaze lowered to the hand
still resting on top of her own. His fingers
had started to lightly brush hers as those
large complex words tumbled easily from his
sexy mouth. The sensible thing to do would
be to pull her hand away, but in a weird way
it was helping her focus on something other
than the dropping plane.
“Sort of.” He must have noticed her look-
ing, because he removed his hand placing it
on his armrest, just an inch away. “I’m a
Raising her head, she stared into his hazel
eyes. “Why aren’t you flying the plane in-
stead of sitting in the passenger section?
Were you grounded for intoxication… drug
use…sleeping on the job? I hear about those
kinds of pilot errors all the time.”
He chuckled and she enjoyed it. The
rough, husky sound made her think of a shot
of whiskey; something that arrested all your
senses and took your breath away, on
“I’ve been away for a while. It’s part of the
reason I’m headed to North Carolina. Its
home and my hub. So, if you fly out in the
next two weeks, I maybe the pilot on your
If his flying skills were as good as his
“seat-side manner” than she would like to be
on board, maybe she would stop hating
“I’ll keep that in mind. Too bad this is my
last flight for some time. I don’t travel
Frowning, he asked, “You don’t travel?”
She wanted to laugh at his expression. He
looked as if he thought her words were the
most preposterous thing he’d ever heard.
The desire to reach up and press her thumb
against the lines creasing his forehead, mar-
ring his perfect masculine Euro features, as-
sailed her. But, she kept her fingers to her-
self. “What can I say, I’m a homebody. I work
long hours and don’t take a lot of vacation
time. When I do have a day off, I just enjoy
curling up with a good book or lunch with
“That’s a shame. Everyone needs to get
away--recharge.” He waved Constance over
and requested a glass of water for both of
When the attendant moved away, Zoey
said, “I’m coming back from my week vaca-
tion time now, and I can honestly say it was
not recharging.”
“Oh? Where did you go?”
Constance returned with the glasses of ice
“Sorry for ordering for you. I thought you
might need something cool.”
Handsome and considerate. Too bad men
like him weren’t common in her life. Nope,
she always ended up with handsome, selfish
men who had no consideration for anyone
but their own needs. Case in point, Winston.
“Thanks.” She took a liberal drink and was
very grateful for the refreshment. It was then
she realized that the turbulence had ceased
at some point.
“So, where was the vacation?”
“Home.” She placed the half empty glass
down on her tray and licked the excess water
from her top lip. “A family Thanksgiving re-
union. One I probably should have avoided,”
she mumbled.
His gaze rose from her mouth, a darker
green than before. If she wasn’t mistaken,
she could have sworn he had been watching
the movement of her tongue.
He cleared his throat. “Bad blood?” He
drank his water and looked at her over the
“Bad relationship.”
A single eyebrow lifted as he set his drink
down. She admitted to herself that she liked
his face, it was very expressive; whether he
was smiling or curious. She’d never want to
see him angry; she figured he’d have blades
shooting from his eyes.
“He’s not a part of the family I hope.”
“Good God, no.” She laughed. “I’m from
Texas not West Virginia. One of my aunts,
whose son is, or shall I say was, a good friend
of Mr. Bad Relationship, still thinks there’s a
chance and never hesitates to bring his name
up when I’m in town. It’s all about status to
“Nice aunt.”
“No, she isn’t.” Aunt Gertrude was any-
thing but nice. “She’s pushy, overbearing and
determined to have her way and selfish.
That’s the reason her and Mr. Bad Relation-
ship got along so well, they are cut from the
same cloth.”
“Well, then you’re lucky to be rid of him.”
After a long, laborious week of dodging
Gertie at every turn, she needed a neutral
party to vent to. Her aunt had very old fash-
ioned rules for love and marriage. She be-
lieved that a woman stayed by her husband’s
side through anything; especially if that hus-
band came from money. However, Winston
didn’t understand the word commitment;
not to a job, a residence and especially not
one woman. Gertie very vocally believed that
Zoey should attempt to locate Winston and
beg for his forgiveness that she wasn’t more
supportive. Yea, right, that was not going to
happen. Her mother couldn’t even keep Ger-
tie off a conversation; her aunt was a tornado
in a trailer park, relentless and destructive.
“I agree. I’m very lucky he is out of my
life.” She smiled at the strangers supportive
When the man beside her smiled back her
heart skipped a beat. If it wasn’t enough that
his eyes were amazing, he had a smile that
could calm babies and woo women. It wasn’t
that she had never been smiled at by an at-
tractive man before, hell Winston was ex-
tremely good looking, but this guy’s smile
struck her like an unexpected burst of cool
wind on a summer day. Maybe it was be-
cause he looked as if he hadn’t smiled in a
while and that his soulful hazel eyes were so
clouded with emotions she just didn’t see a
smile coming, but it did. She felt grateful to
be the recipient of it.
She held her hand out to him. “If we’re go-
ing to finish this flight talking about my
ruined relationships and family drama, we
probably should be on a first name basis.”
She did something she never did, allowed
her smile to expand wide over her mouth,
lowered her lids just a little, tilted her head
to the side and flirted. “I’m Zoey.”
His large hand slid along her palm as it en-
gulfed her own, and gave it a gentle squeeze
as his thumb brushed along the back of her
hand. “Evan.”
Chapter Two
They sat that way for a moment, gripping
hands and staring into each other’s eyes. She
was the first to falter as her body began to re-
spond to the heat of his touch. The firm, pos-
sessive grip caused her nipples to tighten and
cream surrounded her clit. Good gracious,
she’d never had a response to a man before
with a simple touch. Even on Winston’s best
night he didn’t cause a reaction in her body
without a lot of pumping and priming. Since
it was usually all about him and what he
needed, she was frequently left wanting.
Pulling her hand from Evan’s, she inhaled
deeply, filling her chest with much needed
air and allowed it to seep slowly through her
parted lips. “So, tell me, Evan, will North
Carolina be a new home for you?”
“No. I’m born and bred there. Except for
the last ten years, I’ve lived in and around
Charlotte my whole life.”
“That’s how it was for me with Paris,
Texas. All of my family lives right there and
don’t have any plans or desire to move
“Unlike you.”
“That’s right.” She looked down at her
hands; her fingernails were perfectly mani-
cured with airbrushed French tips. She’d got-
ten them done for the reunion, to show her
family that she was doing fine without them,
without Winston. Her job didn’t pay a lot,
but she lived just fine and could afford to pay
her bills and extra things.
“Why did you leave?”
She laughed. “Evidently, you’ve never been
to Paris. There is nothing there. Now don’t
get me wrong, I love small towns with close
communities. I’ve never been a big city per-
son, but after my personal life fe11 apart I
just needed to get away. Start over new; es-
pecially when every major thing in that town
was a product of one prominent family
Winston had come from money, big small
town money and history. He’d been used to a
life of everything going his way, handed to
him and he expected all around him to cater
to his needs, solely. When things didn’t go
exactly how he wanted them, he had no
qualms about vocalizing it. The relationship
had exhausted her and broke her down emo-
tionally and financially as well.
“That’s understandable.” He drank some
water and then returned the glass to his
small table. “Have you found what you’re
looking for in North Carolina?”
“Yes. I love my job and my life there.” She
pulled a small ice cube out of her water and
popped it in her mouth. “What about you?
Happy to be going home?”
For a moment, he glanced away from her.
Evan looked up the aisle towards the attend-
ants that were talking in the side cabin. She
wasn’t sure if he planned to answer her. Star-
ing at his profile as she swallowed the
minute piece of ice, she could plainly see the
tension in his jaw line and emotions distort-
ing his features. Without him saying it, she
could tell that his feelings surrounding his
homecoming weren’t all good.
His sigh was heavy, before facing her
again and saying, “Let’s just say I’m glad to
be getting my life back.” The small smile that
pulled at the corners of his mouth didn’t
show joy or happiness.
“Mixed feelings. I can sympathize with
that. So, what kept you away for…ten years
did you say?”
Evan rotated his shoulders back as if ten-
sion suddenly rested in his muscles. “The
“Wow.” One of her brothers had been in
the military and then used the G.I. Bill for
college, now he was an accountant with the
city of Paris. “Thank you for your service.”
Glancing down, he thumped his thumb
against the armrest as if he struggled with
something internally, then he looked back at
her, captured her in his hazel gaze that ap-
peared more brown than green. She had the
urge to cover his hand and lend her support
as he’d done for her when she needed it.
However, she wasn’t truly sure if he needed
or for what reason so she doused the urge.
“Thank you.” His hand stilled and he lifted
his glass and drained the contents.
Maybe he needed something stronger.
“If you’re going to be a commercial pilot, I
can assume you’re out of the service.”
“Yes. I trained recruits during the last two
years until my enlistment was complete.”
“Is that why you were flying out of Texas?”
“Yup. I was at Yuma, Arizona until four
months ago when I moved to Dallas to do
some flight training.”
“Were you a pilot in the military, too?”
“No.” Leaning towards her, he reached
across her and lifted the shade up. “Sorry,
you don’t mind do you?”
Her mind turned to mush. His citrus/
woodsy blend wrapped around her like a
warm blanket, snuggling her up in Evan’s
maleness. It took several times for her to
swallow in order to re-moisten her mouth.
The man just was too sexy and appealing for
his own good. Without touching her, he had
her body on fire and her nipples and clit
throbbing, begging for attention from a man
she didn’t know. Oh, God I’m a mess. When
she got back to North Carolina she was going
to have to start dating again, it was time.
“It is okay, right?” He was still leaning to-
wards her.
“Okay? What?” She tried to think and re-
call what he was asking about.
“The window? Are you all right if the
shade is up? I like blue skies.” His eyes were
back to that dark green color that made her
panties wet. It didn’t help that his face was
close enough for her just to raise her head a
little and she could place her lips against his.
Would his lips be firm and dominant or weak
and relaxed expecting her to take the lead
like Winston?
Shit. Get it together, Zoey. “It’s fine.”
Smiling, one of his electric smiles again, he
sat back in his seat. “Tell me about Paris.”
Zoey could tell he was changing the con-
versation away from his military career. She
wondered if he was one of those warriors
that suffered from PTSD and perhaps a dia-
logue about it brought up too many bad
memories to talk about it.
“Only if you want to be put to sleep.” She
laughed. “Instead, I’d love to hear about
places you have flown to and visited. All
those other blue skies.”
Lifting his right leg, he rested his ankle on
his left knee and linked his hands together in
his lap. Oh, yes, this new conversation was
much more to his liking. “In the States or
“Oh, you got to fly to other countries?”
Now she was excited.
“You’ve never been out of America?”
“I’ve never been off this main chunk of the
continent. No Hawaii, Alaska or Puerto Rico.
Too far to fly. Hell, I’ve never even been fur-
ther west than Texas.”
His eyelids stretched with shock. “Oh, the
things you are missing, Zoey.”
She liked the way he said her name. There
was a slight pause after the O before he said
the EY. As if he were about to give her a nick-
name, but decided not to. Of course a nick-
name would be ridiculous; they didn’t know
each other and wouldn’t know each other
after the flight.
“Like what? What’s your favorite place you
have gone?”
“Thailand.” She could hear the rapture in
his voice as he stared ahead, as if he could
see the country come alive before his eyes.
“White sand beaches, the exotic foods, the
people are so humble and they have water-
falls and the most vibrant plant life that will
take your breath away.” He rolled his head
towards her and stared at her, in his eyes was
such an infectious joy that she began to de-
sire things that were not possible.
It shocked and amazed her how easily this
man made her want to venture out beyond
her staid little world and live.
“Next would have to be Africa. It is more
brown than green, but the amazing wild life
you can see running through their natural
habit is an impressive sight.”
As he continued to talk and tell her about
the foreign country, painting a vivid scene
before her mind’s eye she allowed herself to
fantasize as the plane started its descent into
Charlotte-Douglas Airport. In her fantasy
she travelled the world, however, not alone.
Instead there was a supportive, considerate
man by her side who appeared nothing like
Winston, but she admitted to herself that her
fantasy man looked a lot like Evan.
She didn’t have hopes of knowing him bey-
ond this one moment in time, but she now
had a ruler to measure all other men against,
especially since Winston was such a poor ex-
ample of a real man.
“Do you need a ride anywhere? My car is
sitting in long-term parking and I don’t mind
giving you a lift.” Zoey bit down on the
corner of her bottom lip and shifted a little
from one foot to the other as he handed her
the large suitcase he’d hauled from the lug-
gage carousel for her.
Evan stood facing her as he slung the long
strap of his duffel bag over his shoulder,
while his other suitcase rested on the floor by
his feet. “No, actually, I’m good I have
someone coming for me.”
Was that disappointment he noticed turn-
ing her wide mouth down a little at the
corners, or was it his wishful thinking. It was
true they had hit it off during the last hour
and a half of their flight and he’d felt a
pseudo connection with Zoey. Hell, she was
an attractive woman, with light brown eyes
that shone with sincerity and a smile that
jumpstarted his heart each time she flashed
it. He wouldn’t allow himself to think of her
killer body, while sitting in the plane beside
her he hadn’t missed the stirring below his
belt. His mind had noticed and his dick had
stayed on full alert.
However, that didn’t mean there was an
attraction on her end as well. She was most
likely just being courteous in offering the
Besides, even if Zoey had felt drawn to him
and would consider something more since
they lived in the same area, a romance was
not in the cards for his life right now. He was
carrying around more emotional baggage
than the clothes shoved in his duffle bag.
“Okay, I guess this is good-bye.” Her even
white teeth released its grip on her lip and
she struck him with one of her radiant smiles
again as she held her hand out.
Slipping his hand into her smaller one, he
couldn’t miss the charge that went from his
palm where it rested along hers and up his
arm. During his college years he’d done some
foolish things and had even been shocked
once while attempting to rewire a DVD play-
er into massive six foot concert speakers.
However, that volt of electricity that had
knocked him to the floor was nothing com-
pared to what he felt touching Zoey.
Damn. Fuck. He wanted to ask her for her
number. Or invite her to find a coffee shop in
the airport, sit across from her and just
spend more time getting to know her.
His gaze traveled along the smooth tawny
complexion of her face and landed on the
succulent swells of her full lips. Tinted a deli-
cious pale plum that made him desire to
taste and see if they were as sweet as they
looked. The shine on her plump mouth drew
him to her, clearing out everything from his
everything... except her. Kissing her. He
tugged her hand, just strong enough to make
her stumble a little. Her intoxicating scent
surrounded him. His mind conjured up im-
ages and scenarios of things he’d like to do to
her; see if she willing submitted.
She gasped and licked her lips. Her hand
trembled slightly.
Shit, what am I doing? Sense finally
entered his mind.
This wasn’t in the cards for him. Not now.
He had to allow her to walk away.
Slipping his hand from hers, he said, “You
are a treasure. It has been a pleasure to meet
you, Zoey Carliegh.”
She took a step back, as a shaky smile
stretched her lips and she nervously fingered
her right earring.
He forced himself not to step forward. She
probably thought he was a crazy man. The
only thing she had offered him was a lift and
he wanted to give her a lift. One that would
allow her to wrap her luscious thighs around
his waist.
“I think I benefited more from it. If not for
you I may have jumped up and went scream-
ing down the aisle.” She waved one of her
hands frantically beside her face as if she
were doing the action.
He couldn’t help but allow his lips to tilt at
the corners a little. That’s what it was about
this woman; she made him want to smile.
Want to push away all his gray clouds and
just laugh. Shaking away those thoughts, he
said, “I think you would have made it
through. Maybe we’ll see each other in the
skies again.”
“Maybe.” She shrugged one shoulder and
took a few more steps away from him walk-
ing backwards. “If and when I fly again, I’ll
remember to ask who my pilot is.”
“Evan Douglas is who you’ll be looking
for.” He called out.
“Oh, I won’t forget.” She did one of those
cute finger waves that only women could pull
off and then turned and walked toward the
signs labeled parking garage.
Neither will I.
He watched her walk away amidst all of
the holiday decorations adorning the walls
and ceiling of the airport. If a fire would
have broken out in the area and people had
been ordered to evacuate, a severe emer-
gency such as that wouldn’t have pulled him
away from the view. Zoey was the kind of
attention; long legs, nice round ass, a small
waist and steps backed by confidence. On the
ground she was poised.
There was nothing like self-assurance that
turned him on. He may want submissive wo-
men, but not weak ones. A woman that knew
her own mind was sexy as hell.
“Hey, Evan, you going to stand there all
day? You know a brotha is double parked in
the pick-up zone.”
Chapter Three
Evan turned to the man who had been his
best friend for too many years to count,
Trevon Smalls. Tre, was a black man that
looked more like a linebacker than an ad-
“If you get a ticket, I’m not paying.” Cross-
ing the distance, he took his friends’ hand in
a fierce grip as Tre pulled him forward into a
hug and pat on the back.
“No worries, it’s my county cruiser, so
we’re good. Working with Mayor Foxx has its
perks.” Tre grabbed the suitcase off the
“Thanks for picking me up,” he said, hoist-
ing his duffle bag more securely on his
shoulder as they headed out of the airport to
the white SUV.
“Man, I’m just glad you’re finally home.”
“So am I.” Evan meant that, no matter the
confrontation that awaited him.
“Is this all you have?” Tre asked, tossing
the suitcase in the back then taking the
duffle bag from him and placing it on top.
“Ten years of life in two bags?” Rounding the
back of the vehicle Tre got in behind the
“What can I say, I knew it was tempor-
ary.” Evan settled into the passenger seat
and put on his seatbelt. “I just didn’t know
that the short detour in my life would take
me ten years to get back on track.”
“I heard that.” Snapping his seatbelt into
place, Tre checked his side mirror and then
shifted the car into gear and merged into
traffic leaving the airport.
Evan had told the truth, he kept his life
while in the military very simple. A few more
boxes would be coming in that he’d had
shipped to his father’s house; office supplies,
Everything else of value that he owned was
in a storage unit in Charlotte waiting for him
to find a house. Fully furnished apartments
had been his way of life for a long time and
he looked forward to sleeping in his own bed.
On the thirty-five minute drive to his fath-
er’s house, Evan asked Tre about his job and
the changes in Charlotte since he’d been
away. It had been almost two years since
Evan had been home; it was when his father
had the first stroke. At that time he’d told his
father that he was leaving the military and
going back to flying. His father had fallen si-
lent, not because he couldn’t speak. No,
amazingly none of his strokes had every af-
fect his speech fully. However, Evan would
never forget the look in his old man’s eyes,
disappointment and regret.
His father had turned towards the window
of his hospital room and ignored Evan, his
only living child. James Douglas was a hard
“Hey, man, I appreciate you looking in on
my father when he had his second stroke six
months ago.” Evan said as they pulled up in-
to his father driveway.
“That’s what friends are for.” Tre gripped
his shoulder and squeezed.
Evan understood his friend’s gesture. If
anyone knew what lay ahead of him, the
weight on his shoulders once he crossed the
threshold, Tre did. “I know, but thanks,
still.” Evan got out of the car and pulled open
the back hatch and removed his two pieces of
“You need help?” Tre got out the vehicle
too and stood beside him.
“No, I’m good from here.”
Pulling something out of his inside suit
coat pocket, Tre handed it to him. “I almost
forgot. I picked this up for you last week as
you asked.”
Taking the small square, black envelop
Evan stared down at it knowing exactly what
it was. His best friend was the only person he
would trust with getting the item for him.
Slipping it into his back pocket, Evan gave
Tre a sharp nod. “Appreciate it.”
“Hey, not my cup of coffee, but I figured
you’d need it.”
Evan knew his friend was correct. The ten-
sion of the coming confrontation was already
building in his body and there was only one
thing in his life that gave him peace and the
release that he needed.
“Hey, Eliana is cooking tamales black
beans and Spanish rice tonight. You’re wel-
come to join us.”
Evan loved Tre’s wife’s cooking; Spanish
cuisine with an authentic Mexican flare.
“Let’s see how things go with my father.”
“No problem.” Tre shut the back hatch of
the SUV. “Call me if you need anything.”
“Will do.” Evan turned and headed to the
door. There was no reason for him to put off
the inevitable.
Inhaling deeply, he pulled the key to his
family home out of his pocket and shoved it
into the lock. Moments later, he set the bags
down in the entryway and took a deep
breath. Scanning the all too familiar interior
Evan’s mind drifted back to a time when his
mother was alive and how entering the house
would smell just like apple pie. It was his fa-
vorite desert and his mom made it once a
month because she knew he liked it. Just like
she knew Derek like chocolate cake and his
dad loved sherbet every night after dinner.
The memory of Cathy Douglas’s smiling
face appeared and faded before him. Rotat-
ing his shoulders, he attempted to fortify
himself for what was to come. Moving fur-
ther into the house he went to the first guest
bedroom on the other side of the living room
to see his father.
“Son of a bitch, he’d actually gone and did
Evan stared at his father from the door-
way, observing the man he’d looked up to in
his childhood. When Evan was a young boy,
his father hung the moon. An impressionable
Evan that believed no one was stronger or
braver than his father. It was the teenage
Evan that soon realized that his father was
unreasonable. The adult Evan quickly under-
stood that James Douglas was narrow-
minded and pigheaded about a lot of things.
“Hello to you too, Dad.” Evan entered the
room, but, stayed a few feet away from where
his father lay in the hospital-style bed. The
area that had once been a brightly light guest
room with pastel colors and sheer curtains
over large windows now looked sterile and
cold. There was a hint of an odor in the air,
stale and sick, denoting an unwashed body.
The curtains his mother had made were re-
placed with dark thick drapes that blocked
out the sunlight. In the sparse room there
were only a tall chest of drawers and a table
beside the bed with a binder, charts and an
abundance of medication. The only familiar
item was the television on the wall.
“Look right there, Teresa. That before you
is a weak coward of a man.” James spoke to
the nurse who was fixing the cuff on his arm
to take his blood pressure as he waved a
gnarled and twisted finger towards Evan.
Teresa placed the ear piece of the stetho-
scope in her ears as she glanced over at him.
Evan could see the pity in the short red-
head’s eyes. It was a look Evan was used to
seeing on other people’s faces when it came
to his father’s degradation of him. However,
years ago Evan had learned to separate his
father’s words and his own thoughts about
himself. The military and war, and giving up
his own life had dug that canyon for him.
“Always the kind words.” Evan couldn’t
help but feel a slight sadness in seeing his
father transformed from the robust and solid
man he had been. Now, it was clear to see
how much grief and repeated strokes and
bad health had ravaged his father, making
James Douglas a shadow of his former self.
“So, how is he doing?” He directed his ques-
tion to the nurse standing beside the bed.
“Mr. Douglas is doing better, but still
needs to--”
“Don’t ask her as if I’m a fucking mute in-
valid!”His father barked, his words slightly
slurring as he shifted and wrestled against
the bed struggling to raise himself up. “I may
not be able to get myself to the bathroom to
shit, but I can still speak for myself.”
It was true; his father’s speech had only
barely been altered by the two strokes that
had attacked his body in the last year.
However, Evan wanted to know the truth of
his father’s health, not the bravado his dad
would be spewing.
“Then tell me, Dad, how is your health?”
“Fine. Fuckin’ fine!” he pierced him with
dual greenish-brown eyes that were no less
intense. “So, you can just pick up your damn
bags and get out of my house. I don’t need
you here.”
Teresa didn’t look at him this time, in-
stead, Evan noticed the woman turned her
back and began picking up and moving pill
bottles as if she were taking an inventory
count. Evan was pretty sure the woman
already knew all the medications by heart.
She was his dad’s around the clock nurse and
lived in the second guest bedroom on the
other side of the living room.
“Well, whether you think so or not, Dad,
you got me,” Evan declared.
His father grumbled something under his
breath and turned his head and stared at the
far wall.
“I’m going to put my things up and I’ll be
back down shortly.” Evan looked at the
nurse. “If you need anything, let me know.”
“Thanks. We should be good at the mo-
ment.” She removed the cuff and set it to the
side, annotating some notes in a binder be-
side his father’s bed.
Turning, Evan went to collect his things by
the front door and jogged up the steps to his
old bedroom. Entering the room that had
been his since he was ten years old and his
family had moved into the house. Derek had
just been seven. The only other room up-
stairs beside his and his brothers was the
master bedroom that used to be his parents
Looking around his room decorated in
simple dark blue and gray with its full size
bed and matching furniture, Evan thought
about the last time he’d been in the room.
His father had the first stroke and he’d come
home for a month. However, after his broth-
er’s death and after he’d joined the military
he’d come home and he and his father had
been closer than they had been in years. Be-
fore that he’d only seen his father twice a
year; Christmas and Fourth of July weekend.
Then he’d made the mistake of telling his
father two years ago that he was getting out
of the military when his enlistment was up
this time. The thin camaraderie that had
been between them for eight years shattered
like a twig under a heavy foot.
Evan shook his head, clearing it of
thoughts he didn’t want to have at the mo-
ment. As he began unpacking, he considered
the wisdom of returning to a house so full of
ghosts and shadows. He wondered if he’d
taken time in his life for a wife and kids if
this situation would have been a little more
bearable. Having someone besides Tre in his
corner. His mother had been that person for
him, but she’d passed from breast cancer the
year before his senior year in high school.
Cynthia Douglas had been sweet, with a
caring heart and the cornerstone of the fam-
ily. Before she passed she’d made him prom-
ise to follow his own dreams. Then he’d
pushed her words and his vow away after
Derek’s death.
Closing the closet door, Evan walked out of
the room passed his brother’s closed door
and went downstairs, he needed air. A mo-
ment to breath, but duty called.
Teresa was coming out of his father’s room
and pulling the door closed.
“How he doing?” He asked crossing the
living room.
“Okay, but his pressure keeps spiking,
which isn’t good,” she said.
“I’m sure my being here hasn’t helped.”
Evan didn’t have to be told how much it
probably angered his father that he was
“Well, it’s not any higher than usual.”
“I can sit with him while you run an errand
or something?”
“No need.” She headed to the couch and
picked up a magazine that rested on the
coffee table. “I’ve given him some meds and
he’s resting now.”
Evan glanced at his watch. Tre had invited
him over for dinner and he hadn’t planned to
go, but after being in the house and encoun-
tering his dad, Evan truly needed some
space. “I’m going to run out for about an
hour or so.”
“Take your time, Mr. Douglas, your father
usually sleeps for a bit in the evening.”
“Would you like me to bring you
something back?” Evan offered.
“No, I’m good.” She curled her petite
frame in the corner of the sofa and began
flipping through the glossy pages.
Teresa was an attractive woman, with her
short bob accentuating her small face and
large blue eyes. There wasn’t a ring on her
finger signaling that she was married or en-
gaged. He wondered how a woman spent
most of her days trapped in a house with a
sick man. Didn’t it wear on her? Something
else Evan noticed was that even though
Teresa was pretty there was no spark of in-
terest for him towards her. Redheads had al-
ways been his thing. Not that he should be
lusting after his dads nurse. The woman
would be there to do a job.
However, his mind couldn’t help compar-
ing this woman with the sexy black lady from
the airplane. He would have loved the oppor-
tunity to get to know her better. A chance to
kiss her, even. But, he’d allowed the likeli-
hood of that prospect to slip through his fin-
gers. Had to. His dad and his new job were
his priority.
“If you change your mind, my cell phone is
still the same and should be in my dad’s
Glancing up for a moment, she gave him a
kind smile. “We’ll be fine, Mr. Douglas.”
“Evan please. One Mr. Douglas is all this
household can take.” Evan knew that state-
ment was true in many ways.
“See you later, Evan.”
He waved and went to the hook by the gar-
age door in the kitchen and grabbed the keys
to his dad’s car. He’d sold his own car before
leaving Texas. His dad owned a truck and a
car that he couldn’t drive. Having three cars
at the house would just be ridiculous.
Once inside the car he called Tre on his
cell. “Guess who’s coming to dinner?” he
said, when his friend answered the phone.
“I’ll see you when you get here.” Tre
Disconnecting the call, Evan fired up the
engine and pressed the remote on the dash
to open the garage door. If he and his father
couldn’t find a way to live in peace it
wouldn’t take long before Evan lost his mind.
He was already looking forward to his first
flight and being away from the older man.
“Home sweet, home.” Zoey closed the door
to her apartment and leaned back against it.
Dragged through an emotional roller coaster
over the last week, she had never been so
happy to be home before.
Due to her job, she rarely had more than
two days that she was home, but she loved
her place and appreciated it more because of
the limited time in it. Her schedule was nor-
mally from sixteen to eighteen hours a day,
off at nights. However, this new client she’d
had for over six months required around the
clock care and she lived with him except her
days off. Pushing away from the door, she
headed to her room to deposit her suitcase
on the bed. She would unpack it soon
enough. Kicking off her heels, she headed
back into the living room. Once there she
went over to her answering machine, noted
the red blinking light and pushed the play
button. Not many people had her cell phone
number, she didn’t like to be tracked down
while she was working or having a million
telemarketers blowing it up.
In the kitchen that was off from the living
room she pulled out items she would need
for dinner as she listened to the messages.
She enjoyed cooking, but just like her apart-
ment, her job interfered with her being able
to play around with different dishes in the
kitchen often.
Pulling out the drawer of fruit in the refri-
gerator she was happy to see that her man-
gos were still good. “Mango-orange chicken
it is.”
There was a call from two telemarketers
wanting to sell her health insurance and one
from an online college. Neither of those did
she need nor did she apply for them. She
wasn’t surprised to hear her Aunt Gertie’s
voice come blaring out.
“Zoey. This is Aunt Gertrude.”
“Nooo…” Zoey laughed, pretending to be
shocked as she stared through the opening at
the answering machine on her desk.
“Call me when you get in. We need to talk.
Don’t make the wrong decision for your life.
Zoey… Do you hear me? Call me. This is your
aunt. Aunt Gertrude.”
There was a pause as if her aunt was wait-
ing for her to pick up the line, then a dial
Her aunt was definitely one of the people
on the do not give cell number list. Hell, she
was number one.
The next message was from her aunt as
“Zoey. This is Aunt Gertrude. I’ve been
thinking. We didn’t get to spend a lot of time
together while you were here. How about I
come and visit you? Wouldn’t that be nice?”
“Frontal brain surgery without anesthesia
would be nicer.” Zoey removed the chicken
breast from the freezer, then pulled off the
wrapper and placed her chicken in a bowl of
water and heavy salt for a rapid thaw.
The last message was from her co-worker
telling her how cantankerous her client was
while she was away. Zoey had to smile to
herself, because not all people could deal
with geriatric patients and especially not
around the clock. Most of her friends worked
with children and teens, finding them more
agreeable. However, for Zoey she enjoyed the
challenge of assisting someone who had lost
part of their life through accidents or bad
health and see them return to their former
Sadness enveloped her for a moment as
she thought about the ones that didn’t make
it. Unfortunately, in the demographic she
cared for it happened way too often.
Leaving the kitchen, she pressed the erase
button to clear out the messages and then
went to unpack her clothes while her meat
defrosted. She’d need to send her mother a
text and let her know she’d arrived home
Dressed in her favorite boxer shorts, Cam
Newton football jersey and thick socks an
hour and a half later, she was ready to relax.
She found herself sitting on the couch with
her fruity chicken, rice and green beans
steaming on a plate and the remote in her
hand. After being gone a week her recorded
shows had doubled. Since normally she
would watch her week of shows on her day
off, but she didn’t have the time before she
As she started the first show and began
eating she noticed for the first time in a long
time the feelings of loneliness that crept in.
When she moved to North Carolina she’d felt
the emotion immensely, an echo of her living
in the empty house alone after Winston left
her. But she’d gotten involved in the long
hours of her job and rarely experienced the
flowing tide of melancholy. She didn’t want
to travel down that distressing road, again.
She was better off with Winston out of her
Maybe being home and around all of her
family day and night it was just sinking in.
The oldest child of seven meant that a person
was never alone. When she was growing up
she dreamed of stolen moments by herself;
which were few and far between. Then she’d
gone straight from home to living with Win-
ston. The constant excitement and noise of
her family made the silence of her place ap-
pear too empty. The thought that maybe she
should start dating fluttered into her mind.
Maybe she should apply for one of those on-
line match making communities.
“Hell, who am I kidding?” She lifted a
forkful of the food into her mouth.
With my schedule, what guy could handle
only being able to see her once every eight
days, sometimes nine? Principally, she would
never allow anybody, especially a date,
around her client. That was a no-no. Besides
it would be just her luck she would wind up
with another needy, self-centered, pampered
ass like Winston. She shoved that thought
She tried to focus on the comedy show be-
fore her, but a pair of hazel eyes invaded her
mind. Hazel eyes symmetrically placed in a
strong face surrounded by short sandy blond
hair. As she remembered the sexy man from
the plane, she began to realize that her
cheeks were pulled up into a smile.
Wow. What kind of man can make a wo-
man grin like a silly school girl even when
she didn’t really know him? For a moment
she gave herself permission to recall Evan
Douglas’s scent and formidable build. She
still could remember how impressive his
height was. Over six four at least, she
wondered how he managed behind the wheel
of a plane.
She remembered the feel of his hand over
hers, solid and strong; giving her just what
she needed to calm down. He was strength,
confidence and silent power personified.
How could one touch be so commanding?
“Now, that’s a man I’d love to have dinner
with.” The vision of his sexy lips made a
shiver race across her breasts and down her
arms. Yes, if he’d asked her out, she wouldn’t
argue her third date rule against him at-
tempting to kiss her.
That brought her mind to the memory of
Evan holding her hand after the flight,
pulling her towards him as his gaze had
locked on her lips. Had he been about to kiss
me? She recalled thinking that as she stood
by the baggage carousel, but the look had
cleared from his eyes so quickly she assumed
she had been mistaken.
“Of course I’m mistaken. Why would a
strange man…a gorgeous man try to kiss me?
A woman he just met on the plane.”
Sighing, she picked up the remote and in-
creased the volume to her TV trying to
drown out her thoughts. Mister pilot hadn’t
asked for her phone number, not that she
would have expected him, too. He was just
being a nice guy who helped her through a
flight so she wouldn’t freak out and have to
be kicked off the plane. That was something
that happened often, planes making a detour
and putting off a rowdy passenger.
“Wouldn’t the town folks of Paris love to
see that on the local news?” She laughed.
Continuing her meal, she assured herself
that once she returned to work tomorrow
she’d be back to her normal self.
Chapter Four
Evan stood on the outer fringes of Snaps a
monthly BDSM event in Charlotte. In the
past during his visits home he’d located the
event and had attended often. However,
entry passes were given out a week before
the event, in person, and none could be at-
tained at the door on the night of the event.
It was a way of keeping out those people who
may have heard about it by word of mouth
and were curious. Applications and phone
conversations were handled two weeks prior
for approval. After his screen process Deacon
the organizer had been kind enough to allow
Tre to collect his pass for him. Earlier in the
day, when Trevon had given it to him, he’d
pondered whether or not it was best for him
to attend, with his father not doing well.
However, after an hour in his father’s can-
tankerous presence he needed peace, a
Dinner with the Smalls brood had been
great. The familial camaraderie at his best
friend’s house always made his throat just a
little tight and weighed on his heart. Being
around Tre’s family when he was growing up
had done the same thing to him, especially
after his mother passed, when everything
had changed for the worse. After college
when he’d been introduced, by a fellow pilot
into the BDSM lifestyle something had con-
nected. The control and peace he felt when in
the cockpit of a plane was tripled inside the
walls of a club.
He’d discussed his new found experience
with Tre, who didn’t feel the same connec-
tion, but still supported him. Tre was a
friend who didn’t hesitate when asked to
meet with Deacon at the venue and pick up
the pass. It was that friendship and being
around the other man and his wife and kids
that just made his life seem that much
After he’d returned back home, he’d at-
tempted to have several civilized conversa-
tions with his dad and assist in his care, but
the old man wasn’t having it. Not without
more than a few choice words on how disap-
pointed he was with Evan. Three hours later,
Evan found himself showered, dressed in
dark gray jeans and a black t-shirt and on his
way across town.
The music from the front area of the
massive warehouse where people danced, so-
cialized and watched the shows being per-
formed on stage filtered into the back, the
second half of the structure. A wall with a
door had been erected years ago to separate
those who came for the fetish entertainment
and those who came to play. Evan moved
from station to station observing and just be-
ing there.
He knew it was only a matter of time be-
fore he took hold of a flogger and worked one
of the unbound submissives. What he got
inside of walls such as this was what most
people went to gyms and fitness centers to
achieve. Even though he played basketball
and lifted weights three times a week at the
gym it didn’t give him the same satisfaction.
Hearing the cracks of whips, the slaps of
paddles, the swishing of floggers accompan-
ied by the moans of subs feeling the sensa-
tions was more of the sounds of home to him
than when he entered the house where
James Douglas resided.
Over the years he had become highly profi-
cient with the use of various instruments of
the lifestyle and enjoyed wielding them. The
throughout his body. However they weren’t
what he loved most.
What caused shivers of excitement to race
along his spine and heat to ignite his blood
was restraints. The simplicity of bounding
either by ropes, straps or cuffs. It didn’t mat-
ter to him. It was the trust factor that went
along with it. The knowledge that a woman
would allow him to secure her body to a bed,
table or board and willing submit to his tu-
telage and command during intimacy.
Finding that woman had been an arduous
task. The act of being tied down and unable
to free themselves was scarier to people than
even being spanked. Most women he dated
bolted at the sight of cuffs or gave him a flat
out “no” when he brought it up. He’d never
even approached them about coming to an
event with him.
Even though he enjoyed the environment,
especially since he didn’t maintain long rela-
tionships, he had no desire to live his life in
the club scene. His desires were private to
him, and hopefully whoever came along. A
beautiful face, with tawny complexion came
to his mind.
Standing in the mist of Doms and Masters
working with slaves and submissives he re-
called holding Zoey Carliegh’s wrist on the
plane and feeling her pulse calm by his grip
as she relaxed, secured. Knowing that she
trusted him, a complete stranger to touch
her, restrain her, even slightly, caused his
gut to tighten then and now.
He would have loved to bind her limbs and
torso and stare down at her, see if those ex-
pressive brown eyes darkened with pleasure
as her features relaxed as she surrendered.
But he had to let that thought go. Drop the
vision. He’d missed his chance, to get to
know her more, possibly ask her out or test
the waters to see how far they could go.
Damn, he’d give up three wishes granted
by a genie just to kiss her, taste her full lips
and see if they were as succulent as they
Shaking his head, he cleared his mind. It
was time for him to play and lose himself in
the act of dominance.
“Who’s next” One of the scene monitors
stood near a bench, with several paddles
hung from a stand beside it, where a black
female with lovely dark ebony skin waited.
She wore a see through shirt that revealed a
green and black corset and thong below.
“I am.” Moving into the center of the circle
Evan enjoyed the woman’s thick curves and
the way she held her chin up with confidence
even though her eyes remained lowered to
the floor. A sign that she had an inner
When the scene monitor began to lead the
woman to the bench, Evan stopped him. “I’ll
take care of that.”
Approaching the sub, he asked, “What’s
your name.”
It fit her. Where ever she’d gotten the
scene name, it suited her well. “I’m Flyer.
Have you ever experienced the paddle
“Yes, sir.” She still stared down.
“You may look at me,” he instructed.
Lifting her face, she observed him with
dark brown eyes. “Yes, sir.”
He smiled at her, she smiled back. There
were no sparks of electricity between them,
but he still appreciated her willingness to
submit to him.
Taking a moment, he questioned her about
injuries, problems she’d had in the past with
restraints or play.
She admitted that she didn’t mind her
hands being bound, but preferred her feet be
left free. The fact that she didn’t desire to be
completely restrained didn’t bother him, she
wasn’t his. They were both present for a cer-
tain level of mutual enjoyment and that was
it. Letting her know he understood, they
both repeated the events safe word as he se-
cured her in place.
To begin he chose a paddle that would of-
fer him more resistance to start off with,
knowing that he would need to warm her ass
up first before taking her deeper into the
Squeezing his hand around the wooden
paddle, he closed his eyes and exhaled slowly
to clear his mind of everything he’d had to
deal with that day, all the negativity from his
father and his own disappointment of allow-
ing Zoey to walk away, to focus on this mo-
ment and providing Regal with the sensation
she needed.
“Let me go, damn it!”
“Listen, Mr. Douglas, you have two
choices. Either take your bath like a man or
take it like a baby, but either way you’re get-
ting one. You stink.”
Evan came down the stairs the next morn-
ing to a duet of raised voices. He could hear
his father’s angry words and the squeaking
sound of the hospital bed. The sound he as-
sumed coming from his father thrashing
around. Teresa was too small of a woman to
be tussling with his father.
After last night at Snaps he was feeling
better and calmer, not to mention the excite-
ment bubbling through him knowing that he
would be in the cockpit and finally getting
his ninety day company probation underway.
Deciding to give her a hand, he laid his
garment bag over the back of the couch. He
had an afternoon flight and would dress in
the crew room at the airport. He ate up the
distance quickly to his father’s room.
“I don’t want a--”
“I’m sure you don’t. But if I’m going to be
able to tend to you without HAZMAT gear
you’re getting one,” the woman countered.
Entering the room, two things struck him
instantly. The first was seeing that his father
may have been fussing and complaining but
he was lying on his side, bare-assed, being
sponged down by the nurse. The second
thing was more shocking than seeing his
father in his ‘all-natural’ state; the identity of
the nurse.
If he’d been clothes lined by a professional
wrestler he could not have been knocked
over quicker than seeing Zoey Carliegh
dressed in cotton candy decorated scrubs.
From her side profile he could see that the
top’s high v-neck was conservative, but did
little to hide the full swells. Her ass may have
looked cute decorated in the sugary treats
displayed on the material, but it didn’t help it
appear any less delectable.
She still wore the same bun at the back of
her head. She should have appeared clinical
and efficient, but to him she was just plain
sexy. He couldn’t believe she was here, in his
house, bathing his father. At the moment,
Evan would have switched places with his
old man in a heartbeat to have Zoey put her
hands on him.
Chapter Five
“What the hell are you doing in here?” His
father, the first to spot him, scowled.
“Seeing if your pleasant disposition has
changed,” he replied to his father, never tak-
ing his gaze off the woman beside the bed.
He watched Zoey as she quickly grabbed
the sheet at his dad’s feet and snapped it
over his lower half, giving her patient pri-
vacy. As she turned to face him, he saw the
instant recognition as her lovely brown eyes
stretched wide and her lips parted as if she
were about to say something.
“Can’t a man take a bath in peace?” His
father continued his rants interrupting her.
“Mr. Doug-las…” she stumbled over the
last name. Evan figured she must have made
a mental connection of the last name. She
looked from father to son as she continued,
“rudeness never gets a person anywhere.”
He knew what Zoey was looking for, a
physical resemblance between him and his
dad, but she wouldn’t discover one. Evan had
the same hair color and facial features as his
mother, the only thing he’d received from his
dad’s genes had been his eyes.
His father grumbled but remained silent.
Evan was impressed to see a person actu-
ally silence his father. The only other person
James Douglas had listened to was his moth-
er. Evan didn’t know if he was awed or jeal-
ous that this woman who had no connection
to his family could get his father to watch his
words, when he couldn’t do it at all.
“If you need a moment with your father,
I’ll be finished in a minute.” Zoey stepped to
the table and dipped the sponge into a plastic
basin of water and wrung it out.
“I’d like to speak with you if you have a
second,” he said. “About my father.” He
didn’t really have any pressing questions
about his father’s health. Most of the things
he’d asked Teresa when he returned back
from Tre’s house last night. However, there
was no way he was leaving the house without
talking to Zoey, sans his father’s presence.
“Okay. Give me about ten minutes.”
He noted there was a slight tremble to her
hands as they hovered above his father’s
shoulder with the moist sponge.
As he turned he heard his father spew,
“Don’t you go asking her my private busi-
ness. I can take care of myself.”
Evan shifted back around. There was no
way he was going to take his father degrad-
ing him before Zoey. A man had to have
some pride. “Of course you can, Dad, that’s
why you have twenty-four hour nursing
The corners of his father’s eyes and mouth
tightened as he stared back at him, angry,
but silent. Assured this moments battle was
over, Evan continued towards the kitchen.
He had an hour to get to the airport before
he had to meet the pilot he’d be shadowing
for the next month, but talking to Zoey was
more important to him right now. His mind
was rolling with a multitude of questions
wondering how Zoey orchestrated it that she
was in his parent’s house. Had I said
something? Given some clue?
In the kitchen he pulled out a bagel from
the refrigerator and pulling it apart he tossed
the two halves into the toaster. His thoughts
shifting to every news and special he’d seen
about people tracking someone down and in-
filtrating their life. Was that Zoey?
No. His gut shouted. Even though he’d
spent only a few hours with her, there was
nothing about her that shouted fatal
If he hadn’t spent last night with hot, erot-
ic dreams of her playing in his mind, perhaps
he could be a little less unsettled.
By the time he was standing at the counter
finishing off the last bite of his buttery bagel
and a large glass of carrot juice, Zoey came
strutting into the kitchen.
She paused at the entrance and just stared
at him as she twisted a ring on her left hand
with a cheery quartz stone. He only knew the
stone because he’d gotten his mother a
bracelet with the same jewel in it.
“Small world,” Zoey said dropping her
hands and stepping deeper into the room.
There was barely ten feet separating them
now. He’d purposely remained resting
against the counter instead of sitting at the
table, ensuring there would be nothing
between them.
“Very.” He continued to assess her move-
ments. “Is Teresa off today? Are you covering
for her?” He folded his arms over his chest.
“How’d you know where I live?”
She smoothed her hands along her pants.
“Wow, which question would you like me to
answer first?” Zoey’s stance mirrored his
now as she crossed her arms below her
breasts giving him a pointed look, as if she
could read his thoughts.
Spark. He couldn’t help but smile at her
fire. “Let’s start with the first one. Where is
“Not unconscious in my trunk, just in case
you were wondering.”
He chuckled. He pushed away from the
counter and moved closer to her. “That’s
good, since I really don’t have time to talk to
the cops.”
Zoey’s lips twitched before they curled up
into a smile.
She really was beautiful, he thought. A
walking fantasy.
“I’ve been your father’s caretaker for over
a year now. Teresa is one of several resource
nurses who fill in for me when I have a day
or two off.”
“Or take a delightful trip home for a family
Her grin stretched wider making her full
lips that much more captivating. “Or that.”
She glanced down at the floor then her gaze
met his again. “Yesterday if I would have
known that Mr. Douglas was your father I
could have saved both of us the surprise.
However, I never discuss my client’s with
others.” She paused. “Your father talks about
you often.”
I bet. “I’m sure his description of me is
anything but flattering. Making any identifi-
ers to the man I actually am hard to match.”
She didn’t deny his words. That was con-
firmation enough for Evan.
“I’m sure Dr. Hendrix your father’s cardi-
ologist probably already let you know that
your father has not had another stroke in the
last six months. However, he still isn’t doing
as well as he should be.”
“Two weeks ago when I spoke to the doc-
tor he mentioned my father’s blood pressure
continued to be unstable.”
“That’s correct. We’ve changed his medica-
tion again for the fourth time, attempting to
keep it down. While I’ve been away it has re-
mained low, but still more elevated than we
would like.”
Shit. His father was an arrogant bastard,
but the last thing he needed was for the man
to have a stroke again. “My coming home
probably hasn’t helped.”
“Actual, its lower today than it has been in
the last two weeks.”
That surprised him to hear. He was going
to allow himself to believe for a moment that
his father was pleased he was home and out
of the military. Checking his watch he noted
the time. He needed to get going to the
“I need to get out of here.”
“That’s right. Your new job, right?”
The whirlpool of emotions swirling inside
of him rocked his core. Since his brother’s
death there hadn’t been anyone in his life
that remembered the little things that con-
cerned him. He wasn’t going to look too
deeply into Zoey recalling he was going to
start a new job, but it brought clarity to him
to something that had been on his mind.
Stepping closer to her, he left a foot of
space between them. “I’ll return Wednesday
around six. Have dinner with me.”
The thought that he didn’t have time in his
life for a relationship played on the fringes of
his mind. However, he’d missed out on an
opportunity with this woman the other day
and he wasn’t going to let it happen again.
Her teeth seized her bottom lip and he al-
most groaned wanting to nibble the thick
swell himself.
“If you need me to tell you more about
your father’s care, we don’t need to have din-
ner for that.”
He shook his head and lowered his voice.
“Zoey, this has nothing to do with my
She swallowed. Proof she wasn’t immune
to him.
“You’re father is my patient, Evan. It
wouldn’t be appropriate--”
“Him. Not me.” There was no way that fate
was going to bring Zoey back into his life, his
home and he was going to let her put up a
wall between them. “Just dinner, Zoey.”
Her pretty brown eyes brightened under
the kitchen light, her chest rose and fell as
she inhaled deeply. “Fine. But not Wednes-
day.” She held her hand up stopping him be-
fore he could say something. “I work six days
a week and I will not be off again until next
Taking hold of her hand he squeezed it.
“Then next Monday it is.” It was perfect.
Thursday he would be flying to California,
then Denver and onto Arizona and would not
be back to North Carolina until late Sunday
“Until then.” She stepped back and pulled
her hand a little attempting to leave the
In a blink Evan was transported to the air-
port and the moment he’d made the mistake
of not kissing Zoey the last time.
Tugging her forward, he stepped toward
her and wrapped his arm around her waist.
He heard her gasp as she stared up into his
face. He could feel the rush of her breath
brush his lips as he lowered his head.
Her brown eyes darkened as recognition of
what was about to happen hit her. Lowering
his lips to hers, he paused a moment, just
barley allowing a gentle touch between them.
He wanted her, but he wasn’t trying to force
his desire on Zoey if she wasn’t feeling the
same compelling power between them.
When he felt her soft sigh slip from her
parted lips and her body slightly settle
against his, he knew she was consenting.
Wasting no more time, he covered her lips
tasting the fruity flavor of her gloss as he
pressed his one hand to the center of her
back flushing her body fully along his. She
felt wonderful in his arms, as if she belonged
there. He would have expected for her curva-
ceous frame to feel new or strange, however
in some intrinsic way she seemed familiar.
He was never one to believe in reincarna-
tion legends or soul-mate myths, but he
couldn’t deny that something in him connec-
ted with Zoey on a metaphysical level. So-
mething he couldn’t truly fathom or explain.
Maintaining command of the kiss, he
pressed her lips further apart and entered
her mouth. His tongue slipped into the warm
recess and enjoyed the combination of her
sweet mint flavor in combination with the
salty buttery taste still on his tongue from
the bagel. Heat infused his body as her soft
form aligned with his. Dragging his other
hand down to the top swell of her ass, he
kept himself from actually palming her
backside. He wanted her to know how much
he wanted her, but not consider him some
classless horn-dog.
As he stroked the tip of his tongue along
the rough of her mouth and felt her tremble
followed by a low moan, he leaned back, end-
ing the kiss. The small sound of her pleasure
would have easily pushed him over the edge
if he didn’t watch it. Thankfully, restraint
and control had been a part of him for too
many years to become carried away. Time
was not on their side this morning, his father
was a stone’s throw away, her patient, and he
needed to get to work.
Zoey’s eyes slowly opened, dark orbs held
him spell bound. Desire looked damn good
on her.
“Wow. I’m not sure how to respond to
that?” her voice was breathless, husky. She
lifted a hand to her lips.
He enjoyed knowing she was just as af-
fected by him. Kissing the corner of her
mouth, he stepped back completely.
“Just in case the kiss wasn’t clear, Zoey,
I’m attracted to you. I’ll be gone for a few
days and--”
“Zoey! Where’s my juice?” His father’s de-
mands invaded the intimacy that had
bloomed between them in the kitchen.
“Duty calls.” She moved past him to the re-
frigerator, escaping.
He took hold of her arm as she passed. Her
feet halted automatically, he could not help
but be enchanted by her response.
When her gaze met his, he said, “Think
about me while I’m away.” He brushed his
thumb over her supple skin, before dropping
it and walking away to claim his bag and say
good-bye to his father.
How can I not? Zoey collapsed against the
counter as Evan strutted out of the kitchen
and buried her face in her hands. She would
have never considered the events that would
unfold when she got up this morning at five
and dressed for work. Last night she’d
thought about Evan and allowed herself a
moment of fantasy about kissing him. Ima-
gining him leaning over in the plane and pla-
cing his lips against hers. It was foolishness,
she convinced herself.
However, seeing him appear in the flesh
had done fantastic and bizarre things to her
body. At first she had believed him to be an
apparition, a figment of her imagination.
That wasn’t the case.
Evan was real and now a permanent fix-
ture in her life, wanting more from her if his
kiss and words were any indication. He’d
asked her for a date in a week. Did she want
this? Regardless of the fact she thought he
was uber-gorgeous. She could not deny her
attraction to him. Hell, she couldn’t refute
the fact she had hoped for someone in her
life. However, this situation may just be too
complicated. But was there a way out of this?
Unless she quit her job or put in for a
transfer and head back to the floor in the
hospital. Run away. She was good at that her
family would say. Hell, outside of her brother
Ricky, she was the only one in her family to
leave Paris. Only difference between her and
Ricky, he’d finished four years in the milit-
ary, went to college and returned to their ho-
metown, something she would never do.
She heard the front door closing and
thought about Evan, a man who had to come
back home for his ailing father. Okay, in a
similar situation, she loved her parents and
would do just as Evan had done. However,
just observing the interaction between Evan
and Mr. Douglas this morning she could eas-
ily see there wasn’t much love shown by
Turning to the refrigerator, she took out
the apple cranberry juice, Mr. Douglas’
favorite beverage. She also pulled out in-
gredients to make him some oatmeal. All the
medications he took in a day, he needed
something solid in his stomach to keep him
from getting sick. Not to mention the oat-
meal would help in regulating his cholesterol
which was off the charts six months ago from
a lifetime of poor diet and health.
Placing everything on the tray she re-
turned to the room. She had days before she
would even see Evan again, but a job to do at
the moment.
“Okay, Mr. D, I have your juice and
something for you to eat, as well.”
Sitting the food on the small adjustable
table attached to the bed and moved it up to-
wards the older man’s waist.
Mr. Douglas peered into the bowl and
scrunched his nose as he continued to press
the button on the remote and flip through
channels. “I don’t like porridge. Do I look
like Goldilocks or a damn bear?”
“You’re as grouchy as one. I know you
don’t prefer it, but you will eat it anyway.”
She smiled down at him, as she compressed
the button to raise the head of the bed, pla-
cing him at a higher, upright position. Mr.
Douglas was a petulant old man, but she’d
learned a long time ago that he was all bark,
at least when it came to her. Other nurses al-
ways complained that he gave them a hard
time and fought them on every front. By
what she’d seen this morning between him
and Evan, his son didn’t have an easy time
with him either. It explained a lot. Now she
could better understand the dejected look in
Evan on the plane. Who would want to come
home to this kind of treatment?
“For you,” he grumbled.
Going to the table on the other side of his
bed, she set a med-cup out and began to dole
out his plethora of medications for his blood
pressure, vitamin D, iron, fluid, cholesterol
and muscle relaxers.
When she turned back to him, he was eat-
ing his oatmeal with his left hand while star-
ing at a rerun of Matlock. She held the small
cup out to him. “Lily will be here in about an
hour for your physical therapy.”
He mumbled something under his breath
about not wanting to do it. Setting his spoon
down slowly, she noted the severe shaking of
his hand and the beads of sweat that popped
out on his forehead. It broke her heart to see
him struggle so, but she knew it was his own
fault that he wasn’t further along in his
“None of that ill tempered behavior to-
wards Lily or I’ll move your remote so you
can’t watch Murder, She Wrote and put it on
one of those reality shows you hate.”
Holding his cup of pills in his hand, he
stared at her. “How can you threaten a dying
She laughed. “No worries. You’re not dying
anytime soon. Not on my watch.”
As he dumped one of the pills into his
mouth, she thought she noticed a small
twinkle in his eyes. It wasn’t quite illumin-
ated, or joyful, but it was Mr. Douglas’ slight
way of showing humor.
“Mr. Douglas why is it you are so hard on
your son?”
He didn’t respond at first, just stared down
into the small cup of meds as if he expected
the colorful menagerie may have held the
“You wouldn’t understand,” he whispered
in a gruff voice.
“I may if you give me a chance.”
He shook his head. “Some things are just
between a father and his son.” Bringing the
cup to his mouth he went silent again.
As much as she wanted to help cure the
bad blood between the Douglas men, she re-
spected the older man’s wishes. Besides, her
role there as a caretaker, a nurse, she wasn’t
supposed to get involved in the family affairs
of her patients.
What do you call your agreeing to a date
with Evan? Her mind taunted.
She didn’t know what was happening
between her and Evan or why she was allow-
ing it, but she’d never felt the connection to
another man as she did with the younger Mr.
Douglas and she couldn’t resist the desire to
explore it.
Chapter six
“Man, do you wear a uniform well.”
Evan shut the front door and turned to see
Zoey walking out of his dad’s room carrying
a bowl. Today she wore scrubs that were
cream in color with big blue and yellow but-
terflies all over them. Apparel that was not
meant to be sexy, but he could not help but
admire the way it conformed to the delect-
able contours of her body.
“I can say the same about you?”
She laughed. “Scrubs aren’t sexy.”
Setting his black carry-on bag by the door,
he took a few steps across the living room,
but kept the couch between them. Approach-
ing her, he allowed his gaze to travel along
her body. A body that had haunted his mind
awake and sleep for the last few days. “Who
says they’re not?” He met her eyes again.
She smiled, shyly, glanced away then back
at him. “Well, I think you still win with your
tailored pilot’s uniform.”
“We’ll agree to disagree.” He winked at
Zoey continued her walk to the kitchen
and he followed her.
“How’s my father?” While he had been
away, there weren’t any calls so he hoped
that meant good news.
Setting the bowl in the sink, she said, “No
change.” She sighed. “If he would just try a
little harder in therapy and let go of whatever
anger he’s carrying inside then maybe he’d
turn the corner on a positive note.”
“I’m sure, but him doing that would be a
miracle.” Lifting a hand he rubbed the back
of his neck. Nodding toward the bowl, he
asked. “Did he actually eat all of his food this
“Oh, yes. Only because it was his sherbet
Arching an eyebrow he stared at her. “He
told you about his love for rainbow sherbet?”
“Yup and other things. He said your moth-
er was an amazing cook, but she never
mastered the art of making his favorite
A small laugh rolled out of him as he re-
called all his mother’s disastrous attempts at
the cool dessert. He stared at this woman be-
fore him, calm, sweet and alluring. Who was
she? How did she manage to come in and get
his father not only to listen to her, but tell his
secrets, too?
“That’s true. He used to enjoy eating it
right before bed.”
“Well, his stomach is a little more irritable
nowadays, so it is best for him to have a
small scoop in the middle of the day.”
“Enough about my father. How are you?”
He wanted to kiss her. Pull her into his arms
again and reacquaint himself with her lips.
But, he needed to slow things down.
“I’m well. No complaints.” She smiled.
“However, you on the other hand look
“A little. Long flight and I’m getting used
to being back behind the wheel.” He dropped
his hand.
“Ah.” She leaned against the counter.
“Well, if you want to get changed, I have
some free time in about thirty minutes, I
think I could be persuaded into giving you a
shoulder rub.”
“Are you sure?”
“Lily, will be here to give your father phys-
ical therapy and it usually takes about an
hour and a half. I can’t leave the premises in
case she needs help, but it is my time.”
Hell there was no way he was going to pass
up an opportunity to have her hands on him,
his body was already warming with the
“Okay, I’m going to put my stuff up and
take a shower, and see you downstairs then.”
Her brown eyes held a spark as she moved
away from the sink, passed him with a light
brush to his shoulder and exited the kitchen.
He waited a couple of beats, giving her
time to get across the living room, otherwise
he knew he would have been standing at the
archway of the kitchen watching her plump
round ass sway like a lion admires a deer--a
succulent delicious treat.
“Are you ready to get started Mr.
Douglas?” Lily was standing at the foot of the
bed staring down at the patient.
“No,” James growled at the physical ther-
apist giving her and evil eyed look. He shif-
ted his gaze to Zoey as he did every day. “Tell
her to go away.”
“Not going to happen, sir.” Zoey patted his
shoulder. “I will be out back if you need me
“What about me?” Mr. Douglas whined.
“As long as it is not salvation from Lily I’ll
be here.” Smiling, she turned and headed out
of the room, seeing Evan standing there hal-
ted her feet and made her heart flutter. His
hair still wet from the shower he must have
taken, appeared dark as it was combed back
slick against his head. He wore a Carolina
blue t-shirt that was pulled tight over power-
ful, shoulders and his broad chest, even
though it was loose around his abs. Long
dark blue, jersey style, basketball pants
covered his legs and on his feet he just spor-
ted white socks. He looked comfortable and
incredible, like her dream come to life. That’s
where he’d been appearing nightly in the last
few days since she’d seen him.
Her heart began to race and sweat was be-
ginning to bead up on the back of her neck.
She really needed to get herself under con-
trol around him. Being in his house was her
job and she needed to remain professional.
“I decided to stick my head in and see how
the patient is doing.”He casually leaned
against the door frame.
She glanced over her shoulder at Mr.
Douglas as he attempted to squirm away
from Lily. “Ready and excited for his
“Liar,” Mr. Douglas barked.
Lily laughed.
“Evan, this is Lily, your dad’s physical
therapist. She comes five days a week to
work with him.”
She noticed Evan taking in Lily’s appear-
ance, not in a sexual way, just observant.
Most people did the same when they met
her. Lily was an Asian woman about five
eight in height and built like a sumo wrestler.
If it weren’t for her breasts and lipstick
someone could easily mistake her for a man.
However, the therapist was happily married
with three boys.
“Nice to meet you, Lily.” Evan nodded at
the other woman.
“Same here.” She said as she assisted Mr.
Douglas from the bed to a thick mat she had
placed on the floor.
“Well, we will leave you two to your fun.”
Zoey led Evan away.
“Wow, she is something else,” he said as
they moved through the living room.
“She’s a force to be reckoned with.
However, very sweet. Your father has had
other therapists, but he’s sent all of them,
but Lily ranting and crying out the door
within twenty minutes. He’s had Lily for two
months now. If it wasn’t for her, atrophy
would have settled into his joints and
muscles worst than it has. He refuses to do
anything with his right side when she is not
around. He should have been walking on his
own by now.”
“But, he’s not.” The heavy weight of worry
“No, he isn’t.” Pausing, she stared at the
man before her and wondered about the
weight and strain he carried. His body was
tense for more reasons than just sitting be-
hind the wheel of a plane for repeated hours
for days. “How about you go ahead on the
back porch and I will meet you outside in a
minute with something to drink?”
“Deal.” He did a little jog in the direction
of the back door.
She continued her path to the kitchen for
the drinks. This morning she’d made cider,
because both she and the elder Mr. Douglas
liked it so she kept some ready to be heated.
Now, all she needed to do was warm two
cups of it up. While the cider and cinnamon
boiled, she opened up the tin of cookie’s
she’d made two days ago of raspberry short-
bread cookies and placed four of them on a
small plate and set it on the tray she nor-
mally used to take food to Mr. Douglas. The
cookies were one of her favorite holiday
treats. Since she’d moved to North Carolina
she’d had to learn to make them herself.
Multiple failed batches had gone into the
trash. Learning to make a small batch had
been the trick. Otherwise she would be big-
ger than St. Nick on Christmas day from con-
suming them all. She could have just had her
mother ship a tin of them, but it was a part of
her independence.
She went into her room, quickly to put on
a light sweater. When she returned, she no-
ticed the cider was simmering. She turned
off the small pot and poured the liquid into
coffee mugs, keeping the stick in the pot.
After setting them on the tray she gathered
her things and went outside, hearing James’
grunts and complaints along the way.
“I hope you like cider and cookies,” she
asked pushing the screen with her foot and
stepping out onto the porch.
Evan saw her and rose from his seat and
took the tray from her. Setting it down on the
small, knee-high resin wicker table that sat
between two dark brown matching chairs,
Evan waited for her to take a seat. The classic
furniture complimented the blue color of
Evan’s family home with its light brown trim.
The air outside was crisp for early December
but not too cold to enjoy a moment outside.
The back porch had a high fence and only
gave a view of other houses around them in
the neighborhood, but she still enjoyed the
sight. They sat in silence for some time while
Evan nibbled on a cookie, she sipped her
“These are good, what brand are they? I’ll
have to pick some up before my next flight.”
He stared down at his half eaten treat as if he
were looking for some trademark symbol or
“Zoey Carliegh brand.”
He glanced over at her with a raised eye-
brow. “You made these?”
“Yes,” she laughed. “What nurses aren’t
supposed to be able to know how to cook?”
“Not that, just with you having to serve my
father all day, I just didn’t think you’d have
the time.”
“Ahh, well your father dozes a lot and
when he’s up he likes to enjoy his shows in
peace which gives me some time on my
hands. They were my favorite childhood
treat for Christmas and now I make them
once a month for myself.”
“Why wait for Santa?”
“That’s right. Besides, they would never
make it sitting out with a glass of milk wait-
ing for him to come.”
His bark of laughter was nice. “A girl after
my own heart.”
Those words made her heart flutter. Tak-
ing a deep breath she shifted her gaze back to
the other houses to keep her thoughts under
control. There was an attraction between her
and Evan but that didn’t mean that anything
would come from it.
“Hey, aren’t I supposed to be getting a
massage?” His finger brushed the back of her
hand, gaining her attention.
“That’s right.” She set her mug down and
“You were probably just being kind. You
don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, I’ll
live.” He pouted his bottom lip out, appear-
ing the sullen boy.
Smiling, she said, “I want to. Besides, a
promise is a promise.”
Moving behind his chair, she stood just
staring at his wide shoulders and trying to
control the slight tremble in her hands. Not
wanting to waste too much time and have
him turn around wondering what was taking
her so long, she laid her hands on the side of
his neck and began to knead the muscles
softly. His skin was hot, warming her hands
and taking away the chill that had begun to
set in her fingers from the outside air.
“Are you cold? Should I have brought you
a blanket?”
“No, this is perfect.” His words were low,
husky almost a moan as he lowered his head
to give her more access.
She couldn’t agree more with his assess-
ment of the situation. Her hands worked
down along the muscles below his neck and
she pressed her thumbs deep into the thick,
hard tissue. She was no professional mas-
seuse but even she could feel the knots that
were balled under her fingers.
He groaned, “God, that feels good.”
Time passed as she worked the area of his
upper back, shoulders and neck. When she
ran her hands up into his short, silken hair to
rub lightly, not wanting to hurt him, he
rotated his neck, rolling his head around
working in concert with her touch. Soon, she
found her hands lost in the illustrious, now
dry strands; her fingers were doing more
stroking than massaging. She lightly grazed
her nails along his scalp loving the small
shiver that rocked his body letting her know
A sound came from him that she would
have described as more of a moan, deep sat-
isfaction emitted through his vocal cords.
She bit down on her bottom lip, keeping her
own self from moaning. Never would she
have thought that just touching someone’s
shoulders or burying her hands deep into
someone’s hair would turn her on, but she
had begun to imagine. Imagine she was
straddling his lap, riding his hard length
while her hands where in the exact same
place, fisted as he kissed her with that mar-
velous mouth of his.
Evan tilted his head back as he reached up
and took one of her hands, stilling her move-
ments. He stared up at her, his hazel gaze,
dark green now and filled with heat. The
same heat that radiating through her body.
There was a slight tug of her hand that re-
moved it from his hair, but held it firm in his
grip. Still they stared at each other.
“Are you going to kiss me, Evan?” She
wanted him to with everything in her, she
would have said to hell with everything and
let him. This time knowing what was to
come, mindless pleasure.
“Oh, how I want to. But, it is best that I
don’t. Not now anyway.” He looked down at
her hand, held in his, planted a kiss in her
palm then let her go.
Curling that hand in a fist, she stepped
away from him. “It is probably best for us to
keep our distance while I’m on duty.”
“True.” He lifted his cider as he continued
to observe her, his hair a wild spike array
around his face from being molested by her
Claiming her seat again, she tried not to
feel uncomfortable at his direct gaze. Picking
up a cookie, she broke tiny pieces of it and
nibbled them one at a time.
“How is it that a beautiful, confident wo-
man like you is still single?” He slouched
deeper in the chair and drank.
Good gracious, the last thing she wanted
to discuss was her disastrous past relation-
ship and how it had caused her to escape
Texas and bury herself in her work. “I
haven’t always been single.” That was the
simple answer. “However, as you can see, my
job doesn’t leave much room for dating. I
can’t exactly invite men here.”
He frowned and lowered his mug. “There
are a million and one occupations a nurse
could undertake, why seal yourself in a house
with a sick old man for days at a time?”
Evan was getting to close and it was mak-
ing her uncomfortable. “Look, I like it. I’ve
always had a thing for older people and chil-
dren. I was already doing hospital outreach
and home visits for our immobile patients.
This came along, nothing else was keeping
me from taking it, so I did. Simple.”
His hazel gaze appeared browner now, but
he didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t push
any further.
“So, what about you?” She asked.
“I’ve been--”
“Zoey, sorry to interrupt. I need your as-
sistance in getting Mr. Douglas back in bed.”
Lily pushed through the screen.
“Duty calls.” Zoey was anxious to hear
about Evan and his love life. Was there a
broken hearted woman head left in San
“I’ll take care of it.” Evan was up faster.
“That way you can finish your break and
cookies.” He winked at her as his combed his
hair back quickly with his hands and left the
She bit her tongue to keep from smiling
like a silly school girl from the gesture, espe-
cially before a colleague. The last thing she
needed was rumors getting around the hos-
pital that she had a thing for the younger Mr.
Douglas. Especially since there was a huge
possibility his interest in her was fleeting,
just his responding to their physical attrac-
tion to each other.
Lily followed behind him into the house.
Not to mention Evan Douglas may not
even be her type.
Yeah, right! Her body shouted.
It was true that she was in a bit of a dry
spell and years of putting her job first made
her vulnerable to jump the first bone she got
her hands on, but thinking that this guy
would be someone she could invest her heart
in was just crazy wishes.
She was too sane to be crazy.
The next couple of days that Evan was
home, they fell into a nice routine of back
porch breaks filled with cider, light lunch
and talks of their childhood memories.
It was those moments that she saw Evan
fully relaxed and his eyes light up with hap-
piness. It didn’t take her a lot to figure out
that he had a close relationship with his
mother. Very different from what she’d been
seeing between him and his dad. Something
she thought a shame since it was only the
two of them left.
At night, after the older Mr. Douglas went
to sleep, they would pick a movie to watch on
television however they kept a distance, her
on the couch Evan in a recliner. It was as if
they mutually decided that keeping as little
contact between them was best especially
since their attraction was growing stronger.
There were many times she’d glance over
her shoulder or across the room and find
him staring at her, heat in his eyes. When he
finally let out for his next days of flight, she
breathed a sigh of relief as she counted the
nights until their date.
The days he was away, he’d call twice, once
in the afternoon to talk to his dad, which al-
ways ended quicker than she thought it
should. The men barely completed more
than three sentences with each other.
However, late at night after his last flight,
Evan would call her cell phone. She’d lay on
her bed in the guest room and continue their
conversation about life experiences. They
had mutually decided to steer clear of past
relationship talk and she was glad.
Chapter seven
Applause erupted through the plane on
Sunday night, just before midnight as he tax-
ied into the Charlotte airport. They’d caught
the tail end of a storm as it left the city
headed northeast causing a bumpy ride, but
he’d still been able to keep the Boeing under
control for a smooth landing.
He was tired and all he wanted to do was
to crash in bed and sleep until he was able to
see Zoey. The time away from her had made
him yearn for her even more. Their nightly
calls sparked his desire as he lay in a differ-
ent hotel room each time listening to the
sweet timbre of her voice. Frequently he
went to sleep after talking with her imagin-
ing how she would sound moaning in his ear
as he was buried deep inside of her.
Shit he needed to get himself together, he
thought as he moved through the airport to-
wards the employee parking.
The way his body was on edge now, it
would take Hulk to keep him from dragging
her off to the nearest flat surface and having
his way with her. That amazed him, he’d nev-
er wanted a woman who he’d only kissed
once and spoke to about mundane things, as
much as he yearned for Zoey. It both scared
and excited him.
Behind the wheel of his car, he pulled out
his cell phone and sent her a text.
Sorry to wake you. Just wanted to let you
know I’m home.
Wasn’t asleep yet. Glad to know. I will see
you tomorrow. Can’t wait.
He read her message and smiled. He
tapped down the urge to call her since he
knew she was up, but that would show too
much impatience. Instead he dropped his
cell into the cup holder and started his
The thought that floated through his mind
as he drive out of the lot was how good it felt
to have someone care that he’d arrived
safely. It was a new experience for him, one
he admitted to himself that he liked. Very
On Monday, Zoey awakened with a big
grin on her face. The day was going to be
wonderful and the night even better. She
could hardly wait to see Evan and go out on
their date. After a quick shower, breakfast
and pulling on jeans and a sweater she
headed out the door of her apartment. She
treated herself to a manicure and pedicure
and went out shopping for a new dress. The
holiday shoppers had packed the malls, but
she’d been able to snag a perfect dress in her
size without losing an eye or limb. Next week
she would have to start her own gift getting,
to ensure she had a box packed and mailed
home before Christmas. She’d already been
home for Thanksgiving and wouldn’t be able
to swing another vacation so close.
Finally home, she got her things laid out
on her bed with shoes and jewelry. The
heather mélange color would compliment
her complexion, just like the v-neck shawl
collar would accentuated her full breasts as
the dress hugged her body just right and the
two side buckles added just enough decora-
tion to her hips. Her breasts had always been
large; it took her years before she stopped
trying to hide them beneath dumpy sweaters
and too large t-shirts. Her thirty minute bed-
side stretching and calisthenics kept her in
shape and them perky, so she took pride in
showing herself off when she was away from
work. She still had a few hours before Evan
would be there, so she made her weekly calls
to her parents and siblings as she moved
around her apartment doing things.
After getting to know Evan a little more
each day, she knew exactly how she wanted
this night to go. She had a surprise for him,
one she hoped he enjoyed.
“Amazing. You look beautiful, Zoey.” Evan
stood at her door, in a tan sports coat, navy
blue slacks and a soft gray shirt.
His gaze caressed her body from head to
toe and warmth traveled in its wake. She
shivered feeling the heat course through her
body causing her nipples to tighten in her
“It’s nice to see you in something other
than sweats or your uniform.” She said when
his eyes met hers again. She stepped back to
let him enter. “Come in. I’m glad you didn’t
have any trouble finding the place.”
“Nope. GPS worked well.” He entered, but
only far enough to allow her to close the
door. “Something smells wonderful.”
“Good. I hope you’re hungry.”
He turned to her, trapping her between
the door and his body. “I am.” Placing his
hands on the sides of her shoulders he
leaned in and claimed her mouth.
The kiss was quick, but deep. When she
opened her mouth to him, he didn’t waste
any time in slipping inside. His tongue
caressed hers, as he licked and circled her
tip, coaxing hers into his mouth. He suckled
her tongue, drew on it firm and held her cap-
tive orally. His mouth was the only place he
touched her as he kept his palms flat against
the door. She grabbed a fist full of his coat to
keep herself from melting to the floor like a
marshmallow too close to a flame.
Pulling back, he whispered, “Now that is
something I have been dying for over the last
long ass week.”
It took her a moment to get her mouth to
work and her lungs to take in enough air that
would allow her to speak. “I’ve dreamed
about you kissing me again.”
She didn’t mean to let that truth slip, but
now that it had, she didn’t want to call it
A slow grin spread across his mouth. “I’ve
thought about kissing you, too, just in
more…carnal places.”
Oh, man, there go my panties. As her
mind played images of him kissing her
breasts and her sex, her sex creamed and sat-
urated her panties.
He pushed away from the door, allowing
her to move away.
“Are you ready to go?”
“No.” She led him deeper into her living
room, smaller than his family home.
“How much more time do you need?” He
eyed her hair, styled down, curls resting on
her shoulders.
“None. But, I thought we could eat here.”
She spread her arms out indicating her
apartment. “I know you said you always eat
out at restaurants or room services and I see
the microwave meals you cook at home.”
“You cooked dinner for me?” He stood a
couch length away from her, the frown evid-
ent on his face.
“I hope you don’t mind. I thought you
would like a home cooked meal.”
His hazel gaze clouded for a moment, then
before she could attempt to decipher the
emotions it was gone. “Thanks, I’d like that.”
She let out a breath, releasing the tension
in her body. She wasn’t sure earlier when
she’d had the thought of cooking for him if
he’d bulk at the offer or not. Evan was the
type of man that carried his deeper thoughts
and emotions close to his chest.
“Great. Follow me to the kitchen and you
can pour the wine while I get the plates
He pulled his coat off and laid it on the
back of the couch then smiled at her. “Lead
the way.”
Crossing the living room they entered her
spacious kitchen. For an apartment it was a
nice size and even had an alcove for a four
person table. The only thing that would have
made it even better is if they would have
moved the large window by the sink to the
wall where her table sat so she could enjoy
breakfast with sunlight.
“Your apartment is nice.” Evan said, pick-
ing up the bottle of red wine from the
She handed him the corkscrew from a
drawer. “Thanks. I like it. Even though I’m
rarely in it.” She gazed at him over her
shoulder as she pulled plates from the cabin-
et. “I’ll confess that was also another reason I
suggested we eat here, I don’t get to spend
much time here and I never entertain. Ex-
cept occasionally when my fellow nurses
come over for the girls night of munches and
movies every other month when schedules
“Well, I’m glad this night will satisfy us
It was the way he said it that caused her
stomach to clench with desire again. Damn,
this man is a walking, talking aphrodisiac.
All he had to do was say a few suggestive
words and she was hot and horny.
“What’s for dinner?” He poured wine into
the glasses she had on the counter and
walked them over to the table and set them
down next to the two cloth napkins and
“I brought a little Texas cooking to North
Carolina if you don’t mind.” She placed the
slices of meat with caramelized carrots and
onions onto the plates and added a scoop of
sides to them both. “I made Coca-Cola
braised beef brisket, loaded mashed potatoes
and green beans. I hope you like it.”
“Like it, I’m already drooling now.”
She laughed as he wiped his mouth for ef-
fect then took both plates from her and car-
ried them to the table. Evan pulling her chair
out and waiting for her to be seated before he
sat down made her blush. Men she dated
weren’t that caring and gallant. True she’d
only really dated Winston. He didn’t care for
anything that didn’t benefit him. In just the
time she’d known Evan he’d shown her how
much life she’d wasted on Winston.
After he took his first bite, she asked,
“What do you think?”
“I think this is the best beef I’ve ever
“I try.” She started eating her own food
and agreed with him that the meat had
turned out extremely tender, juicy and
“No, you succeed,” he declared.
Soon they were both digging into their
meal and making small talk about Evan’s
flights to Chicago, Seattle and Denver.
“I think it’s pretty fantastic you get to see
so many different cities in days.”
“I get to see a bunch of hotels in cities in
days. Usually I’m sleeping until the next
flight. On occasion, I might arrive in a city
with some time to see the sights for a few
hours before I crash, but not often.”
“Well, that sucks.” She scrunched her
nose. What was the point of traveling if you
got to see nothing?
He reached out and tweaked the tip of her
nose. “Once I’m passed my probation period
then I’ll be able to swap flights and take my
down days in another city and get around.”
“Oh.” Finished with most of her food she
set her fork down and lifted her wine for a
sip. “What will be the first place you go?”
Silent for a moment, he ate his last bite of
potatoes. After swallowing he confessed, “I
don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it
much. Where would you go?”
“If I wasn’t horrid most days with the idea
of flying?” She laughed.
“Don’t beat yourself up. You did fine the
last time.” He leaned forward and stroked
her hand resting on the table.
She looked from his hand to his intense
eyes. “Okay, if I could go anywhere with you
flying the plane…”
“Me flying.”
“Maybe some exciting city like New York
or Miami, maybe San Francisco.”
“Of those San Francisco is my favorite;
four terminals and it’s laid out very well, be-
side I love flying in and seeing the view of the
Golden Gate Bridge in the morning when the
fog is rolling low over it.”
“Nice.” She looked at his empty plate. “Do
you want dessert. I didn’t make any, but I
think there are a few raspberry cookies left.”
He shook his head. “I think I’m good.” He
rose to get the bottle of wine and refilled
their glasses.
“How about you take the wine into the liv-
ing room and I will get the plates into the
dishwasher and then join you?” She got up
and grabbed both their plates and silverware
and went to the sink.
“You got it.” He took the glasses and
headed towards the other room.
She quickly got the plates, utensils and
pots rinsed and into the dishwasher then
went to join Evan on the couch.
Once she was seated beside him with her
wine in her hand, he lifted his glass in a sa-
lute. “To a beautiful woman who is a terrific
She lifted her own glass in acknowledge-
ment of his toast then drank from it.
After swallowing a gulp, he set his glass on
one of the coasters adorning her coffee table.
With an arm on the back of the couch he
leaned into her. His finger grazed the side of
her face and traveled beneath her chin. Once
there he used his thumb to stroke her chin,
brushing the underside of her bottom lip.
“I really needed this tonight, Zoey. I can’t
tell you how much it meant to me that you
took the time to do this for me.”
She shrugged a shoulder, attempting to
keep the atmosphere light. “It’s just dinner,
nothing special.” She sipped her wine again,
feeling her nerves beginning to send sparks
through her body.
It had not escaped her thoughts that once
she decided the two of them would stay at
her place for dinner instead of going out that
it would be very easy to move things to a
more intimate level between them.
“With you, everything is special.” He used
his hand to turn her chin and make her look
directly at him. His hazel eyes captured her,
they scanned her face as if search for hidden
clues. “What is it about you Zoey Carliegh
that has me so outside of myself, outside my
normal pattern of behavior and loving it?
Wanting more of it?”
She lifted her free hand and cupped his
cheek, feeling its taunt strength against her
palm. “I wish I knew. Then maybe I would be
able to understand why I want you so much.”
Taking her glass from her he set it on the
table, then took her face between his hands.
“I’m going to kiss you, sweetheart and I don’t
plan on stopping until I’ve kissed every inch
of you.”
Speechless. His words had her speechless.
She couldn’t string one coherent thought to-
gether to let him know she wanted the same
Thankfully, Evan didn’t wait for her to get
her mind to work, he took charge. He started
by kissing her mouth, bold and hungry as if
he were a dying man and she his salvation.
This kiss wasn’t the spontaneous kiss he’d
given her the first time or the brief kiss he
bestowed on her at the door, hell no, this kiss
was command, fierce and bold. Evan didn’t
request her participation he demanded it.
Holding her face between his hands, he
kept her where he wanted her, a willing taker
of his passion. For a moment, her first
thought was to pull away, allow herself the
freedom of movement, but quickly she could
feel how high her desire had elevated. She
settled against him and enjoyed the ride. The
man was extremely talented with his tongue.
He did things to her mouth that she never
thought possible.
When he dragged his tongue behind her
upper lip she began to shiver and squirm on
the couch. God she wanted this man inside of
her, to know if he could use his cock in the
same way.
As he moved his lips away from her mouth
and traveled down, the side of her neck. She
realized that she was lying back against the
couch cushion.
What? How? When did I get here? This
man was spellbinding. He’d mesmerized her
to the point she no longer was aware of what
her body was doing, she just submitted and
let him have his way. The only thing she be-
lieved could explain it was the last guy she
had been with had wanted her to do
everything. Be the seducer, take control in
the bedroom, pleasure and services in all
ways. But, Evan was different, he was a giver
and just needed her to take…enjoy. And boy
was she.
He shoved her top to one side as he
suckled and licked her skin as he worked to
bare her body to him. He fondled and read-
justed the collar of her dress and bra suc-
cessfully freeing a breast.
“My imagination doesn’t do you justice.
Seeing you in reality is a more pleasant
She loved how he admired her body, con-
stantly giving her words of praise. He
painted designs along the swell of her breast,
tracing her areola and leaving the stiff peak
Pulling her collar wide he exposed her oth-
er breast and gave it the same treatment, still
not taking a nipple into his mouth.
She moaned and whined. “Please, Evan.”
She was on fire and needed his mouth to
calm the blaze within.
Not heeding her pleas, he continued to
fondle, kiss and caress the surrounding sur-
face of her breasts. When she reached her
hands up and palmed the back of his head,
intending to guide his mouth to where she
wanted it, he took hold of her hands and
placed them on the couch above her head
keeping them there with one of his large
hands around her wrists.
The action caused the collar of her dress to
push hard against the bottom of her breasts
and shoved them together. Her breasts were
now high and tight, bound by her clothing.
Raising his head, he looked from her
breast, to her face and then he fixed his eyes
on their hands, locked. He was still for a mo-
ment; his heart beat was strong against her
stomach where his torso rested. When he
returned his gaze to her breasts the fervor
that burned in his eyes almost singed her
“Perfect,” he said as he bowed his head
and slicked across her nipples.
They were so close they almost touched.
He continued to lick around them, swirl his
tongue between them, a figure eight. Then he
used his free hand to press them together the
rest of the way and he took both of them into
his mouth. Sucking hard, his mouth drew on
the twin peaks.
The sensation was amazing, she arched
her back from the couch, giving herself fully
to him. His teeth grazed the sensitive tips
and she cried out. Gracious it felt so good.
She was so turned on, her clit throbbed in-
sistently. Wiggling her hips, and pressing
her thighs together, she attempted to allevi-
ate the pressure, but she needed more con-
tact. However, the way her lower body was
situated, her legs turned to the side she could
reach Evan to grind against him.
me…something.” Fuck me. Anything. Her
body added.
Chapter Eight
Continuing his oral play with her breasts,
he dragged his hand along her body passed
her hips. When he finally reached her knees
and lightly caressed the skin at the hem of
her dress, she was practically babbling. Arch-
ing and squirming she tried to get his hand
where she wanted it.
Finally, she felt his hand move up her
thighs beneath her dress. She waited with
baited breath, her body trembling like an ad-
dict in need of a fix--drug Evan. His strong
hand was now on her inner thigh inches
away from her aching sex. When he cupped
her, squeezing her pussy her body bucked.
Then his fingers were beneath her panties,
she didn’t know if he had come from the side
or the top, she didn’t care. All she could fo-
cus on was that he was touching her and it
felt good. So good. Too good.
He stroked her clit, gliding through her
slippery cream that had pooled around it
from the moment Evan showed up at her
door. His touch was firm and sure, like the
man she had discovered him to be. Her or-
gasm slammed into her, giving her no room
to be coy or ladylike. She screamed,
thrashed, mumbled illogical things as her
hands fisted in his grip and her body
shattered in pieces.
Removing his mouth from her nipples, he
praised her, “Hot damn you are beautiful. I
need to see that again.”
Still not clear in thought, she lay limp on
the couch as he removed her dress com-
pletely, pulled off her panties and bra in a
flash leaving her only in her chocolate heels,
matching earrings and necklace. Sprawled
out before him on the cushions, she gave no
resistance as he kissed her stomach, thighs,
lifted her legs and placed his mouth behind
her knees. She would have never believed
that spot was so sensitive, but her body
showed her differently. Moaning, she felt her
arousal begin to rise again.
The man was turning her inside out for
sure. Bring her legs back down, he parted
them, placing one heeled foot on the floor
and the other over the top of the couch.
Spread wide, she gazed down at herself, try-
ing to see herself from the eyes of this man
and wondering what he thought. She had
large breasts, a narrow stomach, round hips
and a big ass to go with them and slim, but
thick thighs. At a size fourteen she had al-
ways loved her curves, but now, so revealed
she wanted to know what Evan thought.
“I’m sorry if I’m not--”
“You’re an amazing woman. Now that I
can fully see what you’ve been hiding be-
neath those torturous scrubs I know you’re
amazing inside and out. Your breasts, hips,
ass and thighs can drive a man insane,” he
groaned. “I want you even more, Zoey.”
His words took the wind out of her prover-
bial sail. She didn’t even know what she was
about to apologize for, maybe not being a
thin woman or maybe that she wasn’t more
pert and tiny, instead of her tall frame, the
height of most men. But from the beginning
on the plane, Evan had towered over her and
made her feel feminine, delicate and she had
liked that. Now hearing him expound on the
beauty of her made her giddy with pleasure.
He kissed her lips softly, and then began
his oral loving along her body once again.
When his mouth arrived at the juncture of
her thighs, she was more than ready for the
supreme pleasure to come. And supreme was
exactly what it was. The man had cunnilin-
gus talents like she’d never experienced be-
fore. Other boyfriends she’d had were alright
at it, Winston didn’t do it at all, but Evan was
a master performer.
The way he kissed her, licked her, swirled
his tongue expertly around her clit in just the
right rhythm and pace, without hurrying,
made her body vibrate. As if close to a live
wire and knowing that at any moment the
jolt would come. That one spark would cause
you to lose all control.
Then it happened. Evan leaned back,
spread her thighs wider, almost at a painful
level and flattening his tongue against her,
he licked her from ass to clit. Once at her clit
he used his deft tongue and flicked it with
hard precision and undid her.
Grabbing a fist full of his hair, she
thrashed against him, fucked his mouth as
he continued to rap against her sensitive tip
over and over again. Her orgasm, driven by
Evan ravaged her. She could feel her own
juices soaking her body, seeping along the
crack of her ass; a slick, creamy river.
He lapped at that too, drinking up her
pleasure, consuming her essence. She felt
cherished and adored.
“Help me out of my clothes, my angel,” he
With weak movements, she fumbled
around, more in the way of Evan’s quick
hands, but together they got him stripped to
his underwear.
Scooping her up in his arms, he stared
down at her. “Which room is yours?”
“The one on the left.” The other was her
guest room, vacant most of the year except
when her mother came to visit her during the
Striding forward, Evan crossed the room
quickly and entered her room. Laying her
out on the bed, he stood up and removed his
last piece of clothing.
When he smiled, she realized she’d said it
out loud.
“I’m going to take that to mean you like
what you see.”
Like it. She loved it. Evan’s hard cock was
both thick and long. She’d never taken stock
of silly wives-tales about the size of a man
feet being proportionate to his penis. Espe-
cially as a nurse after performing a few
sponge baths you discover how false the
statement was. However, in the case of the
man before her it was surely a point on the
‘wives’ side of the board.
“I do, very much.”
“I’m clean. I had to be thoroughly screened
after I was hired for my job.”
“As a bedside nurse, I get tested routinely
with my job. I haven’t been with anyone in
With a finger she beckoned him to her and
watched him move towards the bed.
Years? Had men in Charlotte become
blind, deaf and dumb? How could they not
be chasing this woman from one border to
the next? With one look he couldn’t get her
off his mind.
Now lying on top of her supple form, he
remained still and just stared down into her
lovely face. She had a wonderful frame to go
with it. Remembering her screams of satis-
faction and how her body had come alive in a
wild fashion he wanted to experience it while
inside of her.
She had been as delicious as his favorite
fruit. Like a spiced peach, her nectar had
been sweet, succulent and juicy with enough
piquant flavor to make him both ravenous
and horny.
Holding her wrists so that she had to sub-
mit herself to him was almost his undoing. It
had taken his focus to ensure he concen-
trated solely on Zoey and bringing her pleas-
ure first.
“Open for me,” he instructed.
Parting her legs wider, she wrapped them
around his back. “Fuck me, Evan.”
“Yes, ma’am.” With a side grin, he guided
his dick into her moist heat. She was tight,
causing him to pull out and press forward re-
peatedly until he was buried deep inside.
She worked with him, meeting his thrusts
and welcoming him into her body.
He began a rhythm that would take them
higher toward their ultimate goal. She
caressed his back and held him tight against
her. He loved her touched, but he needed
something more. Something that was in-
trinsic, a part of him. Total control.
He could easily reach climax without it,
hell he’d done it numerous times in the past
when other women had baulked against his
dominate nature in the bedroom. But, with
Zoey there was a need and a desire to share
himself with her, physically even if not
Taking hold of her arms, he guided them
above her head as he’d done before, but this
time he linked his fingers with hers. That
was the thing he never did. However, there
was a connection with the woman beneath
him that he wanted to continue. Possibly see
if it could deepen, become something more.
When she didn’t baulk at the restraining
hold, he began to thrust into her, harder and
deeper. Gazing into her face, he loved how
she stared back at him, her light brown eyes
now darker with passion.
“Don’t stop, my angel,” he commanded.
Even though she moved her body beneath
him, rotating her hips and arched her sex to
meet him, he knew that was not what he re-
ferred to. It was more emotional, but he re-
fused to allow himself to delve deeper at his
meaning. It was too risky.
Instead, he broke the connection, buried
his face in the side of her neck and allowed
the demands of his body to take control. He
swiveled his hips in just the right angle to
brush the head of his cock against the bundle
of nerves inside of her, he rejoiced when her
nails dug deep into the back of his hand as
she erupted into a thrashing whimpering
Burying his knees in the mattress he
fucked her hard, giving her no mercy, want-
ing to imprint himself inside of her. She
screamed and panted his name.
When he came it didn’t take him but a mo-
ment to realize that he not only left his mark,
but a piece of his soul as well.
Zoey stretched in bed and felt the twinges
and aches of her body as the bright late
morning sun beamed in through her blinds.
She barely recalled Evan leaving sometime
before dawn and promising to come back in
the afternoon to take her out. However, not
before he’d fucked her two more times. Once
from behind as she leaned over her bed, his
hands pressed firmly in the center of her
back keeping her at the perfect angle for ulti-
mate impact. The last time she had been on
her side with her top leg held high in his grip
as he whispered instructions in her ear for
her to play with herself.
The man was a stallion. In stamina, per-
formance and size, her body attested to. It
had not escaped her mind how he didn’t ne-
cessarily like to be touched. Every time she
held him, reached for him, he found a way to
occupy her hands or hold them away from
him. That bothered her. She wasn’t sure why
or what was behind his actions. It wasn’t
even that she disliked it per se…she didn’t
know how she felt. One thing was for sure, it
was definitely part of a conversation they
needed to have.
You ready to put your stuff on the table,
too? Her mind taunted as she rolled out of
bed and winced, both from the tenderness
between her legs and her own guilt. She
pushed the thought back into the closet of
her mind, not even willing to begin that dis-
cussion mentally.
Instead of a shower, she opted for a long
soak in her tub. Forty-five minutes later, she
was successfully prunifeid, she got out and
began to dress in wool slacks and a cashmere
sweater. Her cell phone gave a weather re-
port of sixty, so she wanted to be warm. Evan
wasn’t far from her mind, as she allowed her
thoughts to drift back to their night while she
ate a breakfast of oatmeal with dried cran-
berries, almonds and blueberries.
When her phone rung she didn’t check the
caller ID as she normally did, still daydream-
ing about the sexy man in her life.
“Zoey… it’s about time.”
Damn it, her Aunt Gertrude had caught
“Zoey…Zoey, are you still on the line. This
is your Aunt Gertie.”
Pushing her oatmeal away, having lost her
appetite, she said, “Yes, Auntie, I’m here.”
“Good. Now, what’s all this nonsense that
your mother tells me you’re not coming
home for Christmas again?”
“I was just home a couple of weeks ago,
during a holiday I might add.”
“That’s not the point. It’s Christmas for
crying out loud. A time you should be
here…with your family. Not in North Caro-
lina. Lord only knows why you decided to
move up there anyway.”
“Because I like the city, my job is here.”
“Your job can go anywhere. Matter of fact I
was talking with Sylvie Norman…you know
the one who’s a volunteer clerk at the
“Yes.” Sylvie was one of Paris’s best gos-
sips and best friend of her Aunt Gertrude’s,
everyone knew the blue haired woman.
“Well, she said that the hospital was look-
ing for nurses in a big way. I just don’t know
why Paris can’t get more of them in.”
Because no one was applying for jobs in
Paris, Texas if they weren’t from Paris and
intending to live out their old days in Paris.
Like her family and most of her school
“I’m sure they do need help, Auntie, but I
enjoy my job here. I’m not moving back.”
Zoey rubbed her temple, trying to stave off
the headache that was signaling it was on its
way by the slight thumping in her head.
“Anyway. That’s not why I called. So,
again, your entire family will be here for
Christmas and I’m advising you, as an elder
member of your family that you should be
here too.”
Her entire family had been at the Thanks-
giving reunion so she didn’t know why her
aunt was placing so much emphasis on it.
“I’m sure, but I can’t make it. Too late to
put in for vacation and all since I just got ba-
“Winston will be here.” Gertrude declared,
cutting her off. “This would be a good time
for you to repair the damage you’ve done in
that relationship. I mean really, Zoey you
should have been more supportive…”
That stole the breath from her lungs. Her
head pounded fiercely now and the heavy
blood flood caused her ears to become
blocked, thankfully silencing her aunt’s
Her Aunt Gertrude never understood why
it had to be over between her and Winston.
No she wouldn’t allow herself to even con-
ceive it. Gertrude and her busybody cronies
only understood one thing, money. In Paris,
money equaled power and power equaled the
Davenports. Winston Davenport, in her
aunt’s eyes, was supposed to be Zoey’s ticket
to the high life while elevating Gertrude
along with it.
“Auntie, I need to go. I really can’t talk to
you right now,” she babbled on as she stood
over the cordless phone dock. “Like my
momma told you, I’m not coming home.”
Ever she wanted to add, but didn’t.
“Bye.” Not giving her aunt a chance to say
another word she hung up.
“Hello, Dad.” Evan walked into his father’s
room, seeing Angelique the fill in nurse mak-
ing notes in his father’s chart. Earlier when
he’d got in from Zoey’s he’d showered,
napped and then gone out to play an early
game of basketball with Tre at the gym. Now,
he was showered again and dressed, ready to
spend the day with Zoey.
“What do you want?” He barely glanced
away from the old western playing on the
television to acknowledge him.
The Hispanic nurse, glanced back at the
two of them, then she picked up her binder
and headed for the door. “I will give you two
some privacy. If you need me, push your but-
ton, Mr. Douglas.”
“Trust me, Angelique, I’d rather you say
and he leave.”
Giving his father a small smile, the nurse
continued on her way.
“I was thinking that while I’m out, maybe
I’d pick you up some new house shoes. I no-
ticed your other ones look a little frayed and
“Why I’m not going anywhere.” His re-
turned his gaze back to the television.
“Maybe if you tried to walk--”
“I said I’m not going anywhere,” his father
Evan closed the door with a snap. That got
him a sharp look from his father, but still
James remained quiet.
“There’s something I want to discuss with
you.” It had been years, since he was a boy
that he shared the things going on in his life,
but he knew this situation was different.
“What, you decided to man up and get
back in the military?”
“No. Matter fact, even if I wanted to, which
I don’t, it is not so easy nowadays to re-enter
after you exit.”
“Hm. Then our discussion is done.” His
father shifted his dull hazel gaze back to the
television taking the remote in hand he
turned it up.
“No it isn’t.” Evan walked to the television
and turned the sound down.
His father promptly turned it back up.
“Don’t touch my TV.”
Evan pushed the power button. “Then
When his dad aimed the remote again to
turn it back on, Evan reached behind the
stand and unplugged it.
“What the fuckin’ hell did you do that fo--”
“Damn it, Dad, can you just give me five
minutes of your time!” Evan threw his hands
up, pissed at his father’s selfish act.
Angry, James tossed the remote to the foot
of the bed. “Fine, you have my forced atten-
tion. What?”
Shoving his hand through his hair, Evan
exhaled slowly attempting to calm himself. “I
like Zoey.”
“So do I.” His father shrugged.
Dropping his arm, he stared at his father.
“I really like her, as in I’m interested in dat-
ing her and seeing where things go.”
His father’s gaze narrowed as he stared at
him with squinted eyes. “She’s my nurse. I
don’t want you fooling around with her so
she can’t do her job.”
“That’s not going to happen. She and I
both agreed that when she’s in the house,
your health is her priority. We both want you
What makes you think she’d even think
about going out with a weak, soft man like
you? A commercial pilot, hm.”
“I’m not Derek, dad. I will never be. Re-
member you have another son, his name is
His dad turned his head and stared
blankly at the window, however with the cur-
tains drawn, Evan knew his father was just
doing it to try and ignore his words.
Evan continued, “I can’t keep living
Derek’s life. I’m tired of trying for your
“You want my approval. Being Special
Forces in the Air Force was honorable.”
“Well, some civilians think that it’s just as
damn important for them and their loved
ones to arrive to places safely. Not to men-
tion, let’s not forget that there are commer-
cial aircrafts and pilots contracted to fly a lot
of military soldiers to the desert. All
That shut his father up for a moment.
However, Evan didn’t believe for a moment
that he’d changed the old goats mind.
Shaking his head, he said, “I just wanted
you to know about Zoey and me.”
“Fine.” His father still didn’t turn and look
at him.
Prepared to walk out the door, Evan
pivoted, but then something his father said
struck him and he shifted back to him ap-
proaching the foot of his bed. “You have no
problem in calling me weak, but look at you.
Balled up in your bed, refusing to even try
and strengthen your body to walk.”
His father whipped his head around,
shooting visual darts at him. “I served for
twenty-five years in the military just like my
old man, and his old, man and his old man. I
have the right to do what I like…when I like.”
Evan tossed his head back and laughed
then he swiped the remote from the foot of
the bed. Marching over to the television
stand and slammed the device down, he said,
“Then the next time you want your remote,
prove how strong you are and get your ass up
from that bed and get it your damn self.”
Evan exited the room, leaving the door
wide as his father threw a tantrum, yelling
and scream. “You’re no son. You’re an ass.”
“If that were true than I’d be more of a son
to you than I am now.” Breezing passed the
shocked nurse who was standing in the
middle of the living room with her mouth
gaping wide; Evan continued moving until
he was out of the house.
His father could rot in the tomb masquer-
ading as a home for all he cared.
Chapter Nine
“You may want to change your shoes.”
Evan said when she opened the door after
he’d given her one of his heated looks, re-
minding her that he knew exactly what was
located beneath her clothing now.
Heat seared her cheeks, but she gave him
and his v-neck sweater and jeans the same
look her memory replaying very well. Step-
ping back, she waved him in. “Why, do I
need to change? You don’t like them?” Zoey
looked down at her ankle boots.
“I love them. But, you might need more
comfortable shoes, like the walking distance
She eyed him. “Why? Where are we
Pulling her into his arms, he said, “I
thought we could have lunch at the zoo.”
“In Asheboro?” She couldn’t hold back her
“That one. You okay with that, it may be a
little chilly.”
“I haven’t been there yet. I’ll grab a thicker
coat.” She started to turn and leave his arms.
“Wait.” He kissed her slow and gentle on
the mouth, different from the powerful
kisses he usually bestowed on her.
When the kiss was completed, he said,
“Now you can go.”
Pausing for a moment, she stared at him,
noticing that the clouds were back in his eyes
again. She hoped that what had happened
between them last night wasn’t the cause.
“Everything okay?”
“It’s perfect.” Giving her a peck on her
cheek, he stepped back. “Now change your
shoes so we can head out.”
Still not sure about the emotions she could
see swirling through his gaze, she hesitantly
turned and went to her room.
“Did something happen today?” She asked
him as they ate hotdogs while they strolled
through the Rocky Coast section of the zoo
Evan stopped before the harbor seal tank
as he finished off his last bite of his dog.
Leaning against the rail he stared down at
the animals as they paid the two of them no
mind. The few other people who had been in
the area moved on since the feeding time
production was over.
Zoey stood beside him, silent and giving
him space to collect his thoughts or decide to
tell her to piss off. If he did she would know
that this thing that was happening between
them was only sexual. She’d hate to discover
that but it would be the truth and easier to
guard her own feelings.
“I’ve told you before that my mother and I
were really close. My father and my relation-
ship was okay, but he had Derek by his side
who enjoyed all the things that he believed
were important. So, he didn’t truly care that
his oldest son was more of the intellectual
sort and he left me to my aviation studies.
Not even after mom passed.” He bowed his
head further, stared at the wall below the
railing then looked at her.
Zoey could see that his hazel eyes were
browner in color now, the green flecks al-
most completely swallowed up. She under-
stood now more than she did in the time
they’d been around each that this man was
carrying a weight that one day could possibly
consume him--grief.
When he stared off again, she leaned in
beside him and said, “Tell me about your
brother’s death. Please, Evan.”
“Over eleven years ago, now. Eleven long
years. He shouldn’t have been there.”
The sorrow in his voice almost tore out her
heart. However, she didn’t offer him physical
comfort, just stayed beside him and waited.
“My brother was Security Force Special
Ops. Had been in the military for years work-
ing in a covert division of a joint military task
force. My dad was so proud of him. When we
all came home for holidays the two of them
would spend hours…days even sitting in the
garage just talking. I come from a long line of
military men, that was what we did; our her-
itage. That summer my brother came to visit
me. We were close even though my father
didn’t understand why. Derek still looked up
to me and would ask for advice on stuff.”
He paused as a family came by the exhibit
and chatted about the seals as they sipped
hot cocoa, soon the youngest went running
off along the trail and they all trotted off be-
hind him.
“What did Derek want advice about?” Zoey
prompted, knowing that it was time for Evan
to get this out.
“A woman.” He smiled for a moment then
it was gone. “He’d been dating her for almost
a year, off and on. He’d met her through one
of his buddies, a sister. The woman lived in
New York because of her job; international
contracting. Derek wanted to propose to her.
I convinced him to take her to the Empire
State Building. My mom had always been a
sap for romantic movies. I figured women
dug that kind of thing. You know something
special to tell their friends about.”
When he stopped this time he pushed
away from the rail and just walked into the
opening making random patterns. She
wondered if he were fighting back tears but
when he looked in her direction his face was
dry, his eyes clear.
“Where did she work?” Zoey had a sinking
feeling in her heart.
“The World Trade Center. That’s why he
was there. I told him…surprise her. Show up
at her job and convince her to go with you.”
He started shaking his head over and over
again; he was doing it so hard she became
worried that he may crack.
Tossing her unfinished lunch into the
trash she walked over to him and wrapped
her arms around him. His hold on her be-
came fierce, almost suffocating tight, but she
took it. Took the pain. Took his pain as he
buried his face in the side of her neck.
She was grateful for the cold winter day as
no one else came by, leaving them in peace.
“Evan it’s not your fault. Not your fault.”
“I should have told him to wait until she
got off or had her meet him there,” he words
came out practically in a growl.
“Things happen as they should, we don’t
always understand it.” That was something
her mother always told her.
“But, why Derek?”
“Why so many others.” She was now cry-
ing as she’d done that day at the hospital
staring at the screen in the waiting room, as
everyone else around the world did in shock.
“Then why not me?” His hold slackened
but he still kept her close. “I was supposed to
fly jump seat that day on Flight 93, but an-
other pilot got sick so I took an earlier flight
out to cover his route.”
They moved back towards the eatery and
sat down at one of the outside tables. It was
then that she noticed the water at the corner
of his eyes trying to fall but he held it at bay.
“It wasn’t your time.” Across the table, she
grabbed one of his hands and held it in her
“My father wishes it had been, even told
me so when I had to be the one to go home
and tell him. I was Derek’s emergency con-
tact for the military. My dad had no clue un-
til I came home three days later.” His thumb
brushed the back of her hand.
She had never felt so out of her zone as she
did at that moment. She knew that this fam-
ily had scars that ran deep but she’d never
understood the magnitude. “What did you
“Gave my thirty day notice at work and
joined the military. I just wanted to give my
dad his real son back. I went in enlisted as
security forces and eventually got into spe-
cial ops. I saw things I can never erase from
my mind, but none of it surpassed knowing
what I did to my brother.”
Lifting his hand up to her mouth she
kissed the back of it. “You didn’t do anything
to him. Nor can you live his life for him.”
“I know. I tried. Then I became angry be-
cause I hated every minute of it. Even though
I knew my father was finally proud of me.
When I’d come home, he’d look at me with
the same loving gaze in his eyes that was
only reserved for Derek. But, I couldn’t do it.
As I neared my halfway point I knew I had
two choices, get out or stay. I’d been miser-
able for long enough and I just wanted to be
This time when he looked at her, she saw a
different emotion other than grief but she
couldn’t put her finger on it.
“Your dad will either have to learn to live
with it or he won’t. However, for what it’s
worth I think you made the right decision.”
He nodded, she didn’t know if that meant
that he agreed with what she said or that he
was still wrestling with it in his mind.
“So, how does a man deal with so much
built up emotion and degradation.”
“I felt close to losing my mind.” He ex-
haled and rose; pulling her along with him.
“Maybe one day I’ll tell you. Right now, let’s
get some hot cocoa and finish this walk be-
fore the zoo closes.”
“I will hold you too that.”
The week passed and Christmas grew
closer as she and Evan fell into a routine.
They kept their relationship to porch side
discussion and late night movies while she
was at the house. When their off day coin-
cided they spent it at her apartment, making
love, going on dates and enjoying getting to
know each other. She knew Mr. Douglas, her
patient, was not happy about it, but neither
she nor Evan allowed it to dampen their
Deciding since she was going to be spend-
ing Christmas day with Evan and James that
the house needed decorating for the holiday.
One day she searched the garage and located
a box with holiday lights and a fake tree that
had seen better days. Most of the bulbs were
cracked or missing and the tree limbs were
dusky and badly bent. Instead she found a
company that delivered a fresh one and got
that one ordered and up. Mr. Douglas even
allowed her to play Christmas music during
his therapy sessions, he said that it drown
out the pain Lily put him through.
Her only concern was that even though his
health was improving Mr. Douglas still
refused to put any effort into walking or us-
ing his right hand.
One day while on the phone with Evan she
had expressed to him that if his father did all
the things he was supposed to do, he
wouldn’t need around the clock care and
could live a more productive life.
“I’ll take care of it,” he said
“Hello, Dad.” Evan arrived home two days
later after talking to Zoey one night about his
dad and the lack of progress. The angry
words and snide comments between the two
of them had calmed down over the last few
weeks, but his father was still in the same
“Evan. Tell Teresa to stop making me eat
this shredded rat food, I want oatmeal.” His
father, in blue seersucker pajamas, was lean-
ing back against his pillow with a frown.
It was the expression James often wore
when Zoey was off.
“I’ll let her know when we’re done.” Evan
moved deeper into the room, still in his uni-
form with a package in his hand.
“Done with what? In a few minutes my
John Wayne marathon is going to start and I
don’t want to be disturbed.”
“You will have to DVR it, because Lily will
be here in thirty minutes for your session.”
“Call her and cancel it.”
Lifting and eyebrow he stared at his father.
“That is not going to happen.”
Evan set the package on his father’s lap.
“What’s this?” He scowled at the blue
wrapped package as if he expected a snake to
pop out of it.
“An early Christmas present. Open it.”
Evan crossed his arms over his chest.
“I think I’d rather wait until Christmas,”
his father grumbled.
“Then I’ll do it.” Before his father could
object, he unwrapped the gift and pulled out
the item inside.
“How are you going to open another man’s
gift? And I told you I didn’t want any new
house shoes I’m not going anywhere.”
Tossing the package into the small trash
can, Evan smiled at his dad. “Oh, but you
are.” Evan played a game of tug of war with
his father and the cover until finally he
pulled it out of his dad’s single handed grasp.
“No, I’m not.” His father banged his fist
against the bed.
Evan shoved his father’s feet into the
shoes, then went across the room and got the
walker that Lily had brought over last week.
On his way by the TV he unplugged it again.
“Why’d you do that?”
“You want John Wayne then you show me
you’re willing to be at least half the man you
used to be and try to walk, partner.” After he
removed his coat and tossed it on to the rail
at the foot of his dad’s hospital bed, Evan
scooped his dad up and set him behind the
“Teresa, help me, the man is mad!” his
father bellowed.
“You want Teresa, let’s go get her, dad.”
Gently, so as not to hurt his dad he
straightened out his arm and helped his fath-
er wrap his fingers of his right hand on the
bar of the walker as he held him up from
“Why can’t you just leave me in peace?”
“Because even though you’re an ass I love
you. You’re my dad and all I have left.”
There was no response.
Making sure his father’s feet were set, a
little awkward, but in the best position pos-
sible. “Now just take a step, Dad.”
“I can’t.”
“Lily said she’d been working with you for
months now and your legs muscles are
strong you just don’t use them. One step.”
“I can’t.”
Evan took a deep breath, feeling the trem-
bling in his father’s body; fear. He
understood at that moment that it had been
easier for the last seven months for James
Douglas to lie in the bed and not try than to
admit his strength failed him.
“Dad, it is just you and me. I’m right here.
I won’t let you fall and I’m not going
The shaking increased, but finally his fath-
er moved, barely an inch but he took a step.
“Let’s try another one, dad.” Tears were
making his eyes blurry but Evan kept his
voice steady, refusing to let his father hear
the soft emotion. With one hand on top of
his dads and the other around his waist they
took another step. This time on his father’s
good foot.
It took twenty minutes for his father to
walk four feet, both of them were sweating
but by the time Lily showed up both of their
faces were wet and his father was in a better
mind frame for physical therapy.
Evan stayed and assisted Lily, more like
received training from her in how to work
with his father when she wasn’t there, now
that James was willing to learn to walk.
“Okay, dad, I have plans for tonight but to-
morrow we’ll do it again.” When he helped
his father into bed over an hour and a half
later, got him set up with a cold glass of ice
water, two of Zoey’s holiday cookies and
started the recorded episode of his western
marathon there was just a little light in his
old man’s eyes. Not quite a sparkle and there
was no smile on James Douglas face but the
two of them had started in the direction of
crossing a bridge.
“You going out with Zoey?”
“Yes.” Evan waited for the normal ridicule
that would come from his father.
“You two are quite a team.” His father’s
eyes were beginning to droop; Evan doubted
if he’d make it through the opening of the
“It’s looking that way. We’re trying,” he
“Don’t mess it up,” James said seconds be-
fore he drifted off to sleep.
Evan closed the door, leaving it open a
crack. He went into the kitchen where
Theresa was reading a book to let her know
that his dad was resting. Then he jogged up
stairs admiring all the holiday changes in the
house. He knew it all was Zoey’s doing. The
woman had come into their lives and
changed more things in the house than the
His father had advised him not to mess
things up and he didn’t plan on it. Tonight
was going to be an important night in their
relationship. It would prove whether or not it
was even possible for him and Zoey to have a
relationship together. He was prepared to re-
veal all; he hoped she was ready to receive it.
Chapter Ten
“I missed you.” Evan said to Zoey after
he’d freed her mouth from a passionate kiss.
However, he still had her pressed against the
wall with her legs wrapped around his waist.
“Well, hello to you to.” She giggled. “I
missed you as well.”
“The house looks amazing. It hasn’t been
decorated for years for the holiday.”
“That would explain the level of dust in the
boxes and all the missing or worn down
items.” She ran her hands along his short
hair. It was longer now than when she’d first
met him, but he still kept it tapered and
above his collar.
“Definitely.” He kissed along the side of
her neck as he squeezed her ass.
Rotating her hips against the hard bulge in
his pants she asked, “You just want to get na-
ked and stay in tonight.”
He groaned as he stepped back and al-
lowed her to plant her feet on the floor. “Oh,
my angel, I’d love to say yes, but there’s some
place I want to take you.”
“A surprise?” she asked feeling giddy, she
loved surprises.
“Not really.” He moved to the center of her
living room shoved his hands down into the
pockets of his pants as he gazed at her. “You
once asked me how I dealt with all my emo-
tions from my father and myself.”
She wasn’t sure how to feel at the moment.
Happy that he was willing to confide in her,
but nervous because his tone had changed
some. Gone was the passionate man who
greeted her, now he appeared serious and
slightly withdrawn.
“Okay. Whatever that is I want to know.
It’s a part of you, therefore, important to
He nodded. “I hope you still think so once
you see.”
Now she was almost scared, but she’d nev-
er been one to back away from a challenge
before. “Am I dressed okay? Do I need
sneakers or a sweat suit?”
Currently she was wearing a satin green
top, cream pants and her boots.
He frowned. “Where do you think I’m tak-
ing you?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know a boxing gym
or something.”
“I’m not even dressed for a workout.”
Moving his hands up and down his body he
indicated his own apparel.
That was true. Dressed in all black, he
wore khakis, a t-shirt and casual shoes. His
coat and scarf were black as well.
“Just so I’m clear before we walk out the
door, you’re not involved in any kind of
wicked worshiping are you?” She needed to
know if she should start running the other
way…far away from him if he was.
His bark of laughter made her feel a little
more at ease.
“No. Not at all.”
“Good. So, what do I need to wear…black
“Let’s see what you have and I’ll help you
choose something appropriate if you don’t
“Anything that keeps me from sticking out
like a sore thumb I’m game.” She led the way
into her bedroom.
An hour later, they were in the car driving
to destination unknown and Zoey found her-
self dressed in a white corset that she had in
her closet from a costume bachelorette party
last year when she and her friend’s had gone
out bar hopping dressed as naughty nurses.
Evan had her put on a grey mini that was al-
most too tight to be decent, something she’d
bought at the request of her ex but could
never bring herself to wear outside of the
house. Her only other apparel was her white
leather boots. She was thankful to have it all
hidden under a dark trench coat, but she
dreaded the moment she took her coat off.
“How was your dad when you left?”
“Because today was sort of a good day, I
will let you talk about work…for a moment.”
He glanced over at her from the driver side
of the car.
“Thank you.” Right now she needed
something familiar and that’s what work was
for her. “What happened?”
“My father took some steps with his walk-
er.” Pride radiated in his voice.
“Oh, Evan that is wonderful. How did Lily
convince him to use it?” She turned a little in
the seat and stared at his profile.
“Actually, I got him up. With a lot of
threats, but he did it.”
She leaned her head to the side against the
headrest. “With you…that is amazing. Maybe
now you both can start moving forward.”
As they passed beneath a street lamp she
notice there was a little light now in his eyes.
“I hope so.”
They talked a little more, but before she
knew it Evan was pulling up beside a large
brick building in the row of other warehouse.
The parking lot wasn’t packed but there were
a lot of cars around them.
She saw a few other people going in with
long coats on, leather of different styles.
When the door opened she could hear loud
music and she wondered if it were one of
those underground rave parties.
“While we’re in here, Zoey, remember that
I will always be beside you. You will not be
forced to do anything you don’t want to and
whenever you are ready to go just say the
Do things? What kind of things? God
please don’t let this man be into swinging or
She nodded and he got out of the car.
Coming around he opened her door and she
stepped out. He kissed her lightly on the
mouth, and then took her hand. The last
thing he told her before they entered was
that while they were there he was going to
call her Nightingale and she needed to call
him Flyer.
Next thing she knew, Evan allowed a big
burly man at the door to scan his card and
then she was inside of a world she had only
heard joked about by her E.R. nurse friends.
Evan removed her coat and gave it to an
attendant standing at the door of a small
room. The woman had on a school girl skirt
no top and what Zoey assumed were nipple
clamps on her bare breasts. Zoey tried not to
stare, but couldn’t help herself.
Claiming her hand again, Evan told her
about the large room with the stage, he had
to lean close to her in order to speak in her
ear over the loud techno-style music.
People in all state of dress, undress, black,
leather and rubber were dancing, drinking or
staring at people in cages beside the stage.
“Come.” Evan urged her forward.
They walked through another door and
she started to comprehend a little more.
Evan was into kinks and fetishes of some
Silently she let him lead her passed women
and men being whipped, spanked, paddled,
caned and bound with rope and so many oth-
er things she could not completely figure out.
Swallowing and licking her lips, she finally
turned to Evan and asked, “So, how long
have you been involved in this world?”
“Before my brother died. A colleague in-
troduced me to it. I enjoyed it, started learn-
ing techniques and improving my skills, but
it wasn’t until after Derek died that I needed
a place.” He kept his gaze locked on hers but
guarded. “Not all the time but when I could
get away. While in the military I kept away
from clubs and just stuck to home events.
More low key.”
She realized that he was being completely
open and honest with her. She needed to try
and understand him, not judge.
“Which one of these things did you bring
me here to do to me?”
She was trying to stay calm, but she knew
that even though she cared for Evan deeply,
possibly even loved him already, there was
no way she could let him inflict pain on her.
Which meant it might be over for them this
night and that knowledge broke her heart.
“What interests you? In the lifestyle it is
not only about what the person in charge
wishes; the one that submits has just as
much choice.” His hands slid up her arms.
His touch was warm but she still felt
chilled and exposed.
“To be honest, I don’t do pain and the
thought of someone hitting me with an ob-
ject scares me shitless.”
“That’s good to know. Now I will tell you
something. Even though I’m proficient with
a lot of the things you see, I really only have
one true dark desire.”
Oh, God. “What’s that?”
His gaze searched her face. “Will you trust
me to show you?”
“I don’t know…”
“Please, Nightingale. If it becomes too
much just say blaze and we are out of here.”
Blaze. She recalled when they entered the
guard at the door told them that the safe
word for the night was blaze. Evan had ex-
plained to her what that meant.
Over the past few weeks, she’d seen this
man struggle to maintain his pride, bear his
guilt, get emotional about his pain and help
his father on the path to recovery the least
she could do was try.
“Do I have to get naked?”
He smiled. “Not unless you want to.”
“Nope, the semi-nude state I’m in is more
than enough.”
“Okay, come with me.”
They snaked their way through the room
until they ended up in the back where there
was a queen size bed against the wall with
something black on top of it. Beside the bed
was a blonde man in all black, similar in
dress to Evan with a lime green vest. At each
of the stations there had been other men and
women wearing the same vest.
Evan introduced them to the man named
“This man is a scene monitor. He is here to
ensure you are safe and not being forced to
do anything against your will.”
She nodded.
“Do you recall the safe word?” The blonde
man asked her.
The scene monitor frown.
“Nightingale he needs you to repeat it.
When you do, use sir at the end.”
Okay. “Blaze, sir.”
“Good. You may precede Flyer.” He
stepped away, far enough so they had a little
privacy but still close enough to hear if she
shouted for help.
“This is a suction bed,” Evan began.
“What does it do?” She stared at the bed.
“When a person is inside the covering it
will suck out all the air and seal the rubber
around the body.
“Even the face?” She was getting freaked
out again.
“Not this style. However, there are some
that are completely encasing.”
He must have read her expression, be-
cause he asked, “You still okay with this?”
“Yes, sir.” She was at least going to try.
“Remove your boots and get up on the
After she’d done as he asked, Evan helped
her into the rubbery covering. In a supine
position she laid still as Evan skipped the
bag-like item up to her chin and situated the
edges around her face.
Moments later she heard Evan push a but-
ton beside the bed and suddenly all of the air
was being drawn out of the bag around her.
The rubber was become tighter along her
When the suction stopped she realized
that she couldn’t move. Not a finger or even
wiggled a toe. She felt trapped and all she
wanted to do was get out. She started
bucking. “Ev--…Sir-r…Fly-er, Flyer…”
Evan leaned over her, stroked her face and
spoke in a composed voice instructing her to
remain calm and trust him.
“I’m right here. I promise I’m not going
anywhere.” He caressed her cheek.
At first she thought she couldn’t hear him
because of the material over her ears, so she
read his lips.
She calmed a little, but still trembled and
soon began to hear his words, low because of
the material but clear.
“I want you to close your eyes and just fo-
cus on breathing.”
She inhaled slow and deep then exhaled.
He waited patient and finally she closed her
“Clear your mind. Feel how secure you are.
Safe. Protected. Nothing to worry about, I’ll
take care of you. You can trust me.” More
light touches and soft words.
Her body relaxed even more. Soon all she
could do was listen to Evan’s husky timbre
and feel. Evan was with her and everything
would be okay.
His caress moved from her face along her
neck. She was amazed at how intense his
touch felt through the rubber. She shivered,
this time not from cold or fear but desire.
That was something she had not anticip-
ated feeling in this place but she did. As Evan
continued to whisper and brush his fingers
along her form lust began t o pump through
her veins. As he played with her breasts, her
stomach and thighs she felt her sex pulse.
“Flyer…” she began wanting to tell him
what was happening to her body.
“Shh,” his fingers brushed her lips, silen-
cing her.
Doing as she was told she stayed quiet as
her arousal built into a crescendo of need.
Before she could control it or try and stop it,
she was coming hard, the deep bite she held
on her bottom lip kept her from screaming.
Even though her body was held tight the bed
shook beneath her.
By the time she became aware of anything
around her, the cover had filled up again
with air and Evan was unzipping her. He
dragged her into his arms and held her;
whispering words of praise and pride as he
stroked her back.
When her tremors subsided he asked her,
“You all right?”
“Yes.” His hard cock was making an im-
pression into her ass. It was good to know
she wasn’t the only one affected.
“You think you’re ready to go home or you
want to try something else?”
“Home, please.”
“You got it.”
“Now that you know my kink, that I have
to be in control in the bedroom and that I
like my woman restrained and fully depend-
ant on me for her pleasure do you think you
can handle it? Tolerate me?” Sitting before
Zoey’s apartment in his car, Evan shifted so
that he was facing her.
Even though she’d climaxed in the suction
bed, that didn’t mean she wanted to do it
again, wanted him again. If she told him to
go to hell and stay away from her, he would
respect her wishes no matter that his heart
was already invested.
Reaching out, she took his hand and held
it between hers, similar to what she had done
at the zoo. “I will admit that I was a lot out of
my element and comfort zone there. I’m not
even sure if I’d be willing to go again.”
His heart sank into his gut as he waited for
the other shoe to drop.
“However, I want you. I care about you. I
also kind of like the whole held down, re-
strained thing,” she whispered the last part
as if she thought one of her neighbors may
hear. “Does that make me weird?”
“Kinky, but not weird at all.” He chuckled,
feeling relief. “Would you let me tie you up
with straps or ropes, even cuff you?”
He could feel her intense gaze across the
dark interior as he waited.
Exhaling the breath he had been holding,
he said, “Good because I have silk ropes in
my bag that I have been having erotic
dreams about putting on you.”
“Then I suggest we hurry up inside so we
can finish the rest of this night.”
Between kisses, caresses and laughter they
managed to grab his bag out of the trunk and
get inside of her apartment. With each step
to her bedroom they lost another article of
clothing until she found herself naked on her
Admiring the sexy naked man beside her
bed, she licked her lips.
“If you don’t stop looking at me as if I’m
your favorite cookie I may not last.”
“You won’t hear me complaining.”
“Saucy vixen.” He opened his bag and
pulled out blue ropes.
She batted her lashes at him.
“Place your hands up over your head and
spread those luscious thighs.”
She did as instructed. Coming to her, Evan
crossed her arms one over the other and
began binding her wrists with the rope.
When he was finished he tied it around the
thick slat at the base of her head board. Tug-
ging he made sure it was secure.
“How is that, any pain anywhere?”
Secure she couldn’t wiggle her wrists but
they didn’t hurt either.
Her legs were next. An intricate tie around
both ankles and they were stretched wide as
he tied each to the foot board.
Stepping back, he stared at her from the
foot of the bed. “You are a beautiful sight.”
Seeing the heat in his eyes, she felt that
way too.
Coming around to the side of the bed, he
leaned over and began to kiss her. Deep
hungry kisses where he nibbled and licked
her bottom lip. She gave her lust right back
to him, especially since she was unable to
touch. Bound this way was more freeing then
the suction bed had been. She could move
her fingers, wiggle her toes.
Evan started planting small pecks along
her jawline. “You are so lovely. Smart and
kind. And you have a tender caring heart.”
He placed his lips right over her heart and
licked the skin between her breasts.
She was panting now, feeling her arousal
renewed. However, he always gave so much
pleasure to her, before he took any for him-
self. “Evan…”she called out to him.
“Yes, my angel.” He was using his tongue
against the underside of her breast making it
Squirming, she looked down at him. “Am I
ever allowed to give satisfaction to you while
we are in the bedroom?”
The desire in his gaze was fully evident as
he stared up at her with eyes more green
than brown. “Having your complete trust
and touching you gives me immense pleas-
ure. See for yourself.”
Watching him rise on his knees, she saw
how hard his cock was. It was stretched away
from his body, practically straight out with
its need as thick veins ran along its thick,
long length.
“I can see it.” She lifted her gaze up along
his strong, lean, muscled torso until she ar-
rived at his face. His skin was a paler com-
plexion than hers but no less appealing. “I’d
rather taste it.”
A slow smile pulled up at the corner of his
mouth. He looked wicked and sexy. “Let it
not be said that I denied a beautiful woman
what she wanted.”
He knee walked his way up to her head
then straddled her shoulders. Her mouth
began to salivate as she stared up at his hard
shaft that before the night ended would be
pummeling her sex, tunneling through her
walls. Shifting her hips, she attempted to
ease the throbbing of her own sex.
“You are quite a sight, Mr. Evan Douglas.”
“So are you.” He took hold of his cock and
brushed the tip across her bottom lip.
Licking her lip she tasted his salty, sweet
essence and wanted more. This act was
something that Winston had demanded of
her practically daily over the years of their
relationship. Now, it was something she de-
sired to perform more than anything, pleas-
ing Evan was her sole goal.
“Rule is, my angel, you can use anything in
your mouth, but your head must stay on the
pillow and still.”
More of his control. This time she didn’t
baulk or question what he wanted, needed.
“I understand.” Parting her lips, she
He chuckled at her eagerness. “Okay.”
When his hot and heavy shaft glided
around her tongue she moaned loving the
strength of him in her mouth. Barely in, he
pulled back and she used her tongue to swirl
around the broad head.
“Fuck that feels good. Do it again.” Staring
down at her, his gaze was transfixed by her
mouth as he pressed forward. This time go-
ing in until he bumped against the back of
her throat.
She relaxed it, taking him further as his
hard length had her widening her mouth.
When he started pulling out again, she
teased and fondled his tip with her tongue.
He groaned. They kept a slow pace of the
same act several times, him pushing in, her
circling him as he drew out.
As he pressed in again, she waited until he
was deep in her throat and closed her mouth
around him and sucked hard, taking him
“Shit! Would have never known, my angel,
had such a wicked mouth.” His voice was
husky, rough as he spoke.
She never stopped gazing up at him. She
watched his features change, becoming dark-
er as passion began to overtake him. His lids
now low over his eyes, barely allowing her to
see the color, but she could still feel the in-
tensity of his stare.
Picking up the pace, his strokes were deep
and even, ensuring he kept himself from get-
ting to carried away and hurting her by going
too far.
However, she loved the power of the con-
trol she had over him, over his desire as he
gave himself to her. Fucking her mouth, she
knew when he reached the point of no re-
turn, when she caressed the underside of his
scrotum and grazed along the sensitive head
with her teeth.
Beads of sweat popped out on his face and
his head bowed lower, eyes closed now he
began to tremble.
She sucked hard, hollowing out her cheeks
and drawing on him. She didn’t want his
mind to think about anything else but the
pleasure she was giving him. Tomorrow her
jaw would ache a little, her lips would be
swollen and tender for hours but she didn’t
care, she just wanted to satisfy her man.
Her man, the words fluttered through her
mind and entered her heart. That’s who Evan
was, hers, she’d given him her trust tonight
but she realized her love for him had
happened a long time ago.
His body began to shake above her, it
stopped for a tenth of a second then he came
as he slammed his palms flat against the wall
above her head board his thick, tangy/sweet
cream coated her mouth and throat.
Concentrating, she worked her throat
muscles ensuring that she swallowed every
Still semi erect, Evan pulled out of her
mouth with a pop. She quickly licked the tip
and watched him shiver as he moved away.
Seated next to her, he rested his head on
her belly and took in several breaths as one
of his hands cupped her breast, fondling the
She allowed him to have his quiet mo-
ment, loving the fact that he touched her,
wanted to keep a connection with her.
“Thank you,” his voice was heavy with
She doubted he was thanking her for giv-
ing him head. He was a hot male, she figured
that plenty of women had performed the act
on him with just as much gusto. It had to be
something more, something deeper.
“You’re welcome.”
“Now back to our regularly schedule
She giggled. That light female twitter only
happened around Evan, he made her feel like
an innocent school girl around her first
Moving down her body, he situated him-
self between her spread thighs. “My, my, my
it’s nice to see just how much you are enjoy-
ing yourself.”
“Maybe I like this a little.”
Slipping his finger along her slit, he lifted
his hand and showed her, her own wetness.
“A little?”
She didn’t need to see her arousal coating
his hand; she could feel it pooling around all
areas of her sex.
Responding honestly, she said, “I never
would have conceived how much I could ever
enjoy being tied up, bound and unable to
move, totally dependent on a man. This is
because of you. Thank you, Evan.”Only paus-
ing a beat, she added, “I love you.”
This time his smile took over his whole
mouth. “Then prove it, share your pleasure
with me.”
Bowing his head, his clever mouth worked
at her pussy; laving and suckling her. His
tongue played along her clit, drove inside her
sex as one of his cream coated fingers
pressed into her ass. She never thought
about stopping him, she was his to enjoy in
whatever fashion.
Maybe because she knew with all of his de-
manding control, he would release her the
moment she asked without hesitation. Buck-
ing against the mattress she fucked his finger
and mouth as they pushed her closer to her
edge of paradise.
When finally he lips covered her clit, hold-
ing it tight as his tongue flicked rapidly and
he buried a second finger in her puckered
stretched her and made her feel even more
taken. As if Evan was declaring his control of
her body and soul.
She came in a screaming climax, but Evan
continued to push her even further until she
came minutes behind it, thrashing and buck-
ing against mouth as she slammed her ass
down with greedy urgency on his hand.
When he climbed above her, the haze of
pleasure was making her sight and hearing
slightly distorted, but registered the moment
Evan’s thick girth entered her to the hilt.
Lying upon her, he waited as he played
with the hair around her face, brushing away
the strands that were around her face.
“Are you back with me now?”
“Mmm, I think so,” she whispered, her
voice rough and low from all her screams of
ecstasy. Her scent now covered him.
“Good, because I want you alert and com-
pletely aware of what is happening as I make
love to you.”
“Trust me, I’m always fully aware of you.”
She gazed up at him.
“Just as I’ve been of you since you refused
to let me have your seat on the plane.”
“Hey, I paid good money to sit--”
He pulled out and thrust into her hard,
stealing her breath. Sliding his hands up her
arms, she thought he was going to lace his
fingers with her own, as he’d done other
times. She was shocked when moments later
she felt her bonds slacken.
Questioning, she stared at him.
“Hold me,” was all he said.
All he needed to say for her to wrap her
arms around him as he made love to her un-
til rapture claimed them both again.
Later in the night, as she drifted off to
sleep with her head on Evan’s chest she
thought about how she’d finally found a man
who respected her, pleased and admired her.
Her happiness had finally come.
Chapter Eleven
“Your move, Dad.”
“Now, you’re going to see that your Christ-
mas present is going to be me whipping your
ass in this game,” his father teased with a
It was Christmas Day, Evan sat across
from his father in the living room over a
chess board as classic holiday songs played
around them. In a week and a half, his father
had begun to truly work on keeping his
health in line and trying to walk. His gait was
far from perfect, and someone still had to be
beside him as he shuffled along, but James
Douglas was doing a lot better physically.
The three months of Lily’s therapy had held
strength his muscles even those his dad had
no desire to use them before.
Both he and his father had grown and be-
come closer emotionally. There was still a lot
they needed to work through but they took it
one day at a time.
“Prove it, old man.”
“I hope you men are hungry, because din-
ner is almost ready.” Zoey stuck her head
around the archway leading into the kitchen.
“I’m starving,” his father called out, still
analyzing his next move. “My son knows I
can’t think on an empty stomach. It’s his way
of cheating me.”
“You’re the one that suggested it an hour
“Okay, boys, if you keep arguing, neither of
you are getting desert.”
He and his father made a production of
zipping their lips making her laugh. He loved
hearing her laughter and having her in his
life. The only thing that was left was for him
to tell her. Tomorrow started her three days
off, but he had a flight. He’d made arrange-
ments for her to get a family pass along each
leg of his flight schedule.
The doorbell rung and Zoey’s timer buzzed
in the kitchen.
“Do you mind getting that, Evan? I have to
pull the turkey out.”
No problem. He rose and purposely passed
her as he headed to the door to brush a kiss
across her lips. They still kept their contact
minimal when she was on duty, but they ad-
ded in an occasional kiss or hug since it was
no longer a secret they were dating.
There was a second ring just as he was
pulling open the door. Before him stood a
man who was not as tall as him, dressed in a
wool coat, sweater and slacks.
“Hi, I was told that Zoey Carliegh works
here?” The man accent had a twang to it, re-
vealing a Texan origin.
“She does.” Taking in the man’s features;
fair skinned black man with grey eyes and
neatly trimmed wavy hair and arched eye-
brows. Evan ascertained right off that this
man spent too much time on his looks. “You
her family?”
A large, over whitened smile appeared on
the man’s face. “Sort of. I’m Winston Daven-
port her husband.”
If a tornado had funneled down, snatched
him up and flung him two cities over, Evan
would not have felt more ravaged and out of
Zoey was married.
He didn’t want to invite the guy in, but this
Winston guy had more claim to have Zoey in
his life than himself. Correction, this man
had the right.
“Come in. I’ll get her.” Evan stepped back
so the overly polished man could enter.
“Much appreciated.”
When they were in the living room, he in-
troduced the man to his father when all he
really wanted to do was kick Winston’s ass
back to Texas. Purposely he’d left off the part
that the slick man reported being Zoey’s
Leaving the two other men to chat about
the weather, Evan went into the kitchen. To
find the woman he’d fancied himself loving,
who appeared to have kept a major bit of her
history from him.
“Oh, Evan tell me that this turkey doesn’t
look absolutely delicious.” She asked when
he walked into the kitchen.
He never even looked at the bird, just kept
his gaze on her. She was as radiant and beau-
tiful as she always appeared. Today she wore
red scrubs covered in Christmas trees with a
Rudolph hair clip beside her bun.
His silence must have alerted her, because
she turned to him. Taking in his lack of
smile, her eyes filled with concern. “What’s
up, sweetheart, who was at the door?”
“A visitor for you?”
“Is it Clair from the hospital? I hope you
don’t mind. She said she’d try and come by
today with her baby girl who turned one
today.” She set the turkey baster on the
counter and started to move passed him.
He took hold of her arm, stopping her
from exiting the kitchen. “Winston Daven-
port is here. He says he’s your husband.”
Her eyes stretched, and her mouth
dropped open. “What? That can’t be. How
would he know where I work?”
Evan waited for her to scream that the
man was a fraud, that she was not married.
But, as she babbled on, that one thing never
came out. He released her arm.
Flustered she walked through the archway.
He followed behind her, not wanting to see
their reception, but needing to in order to
whip her from his heart.
“Zoe baby!” Winston rounded the chair
and crossed the room with his arms open.
“You look pretty as ever in your cute little
workout outfit.”
Zoey stepped back before Winston could
wrap his arms around her, causing her back
to slam into Evan’s chest. Evan grabbed her
and took hold of her shoulders to steady her.
wondered how she could look at him with so
much trust and love in her light brown eyes
when her husband stood before her.
Quickly, Evan stepped away as if burned.
She was another man’s wife.
“Why are you here?” she asked.
“I’ve missed you.” Winston’s gaze traveled
along her body.
Evan ground his teeth together to stifle the
growl that was building.
“Doubtful,” Zoey added.
“Why don’t you and…your company.”
Evan couldn’t bring himself to call this man
her husband. “Take your reunion to another
room.” He’d be damned if he was made to
stand there and watch another man lust after
Zoey glanced at him. Evan looked away.
“Excuse us, gentlemen,” she said quietly as
she marched Winston across the room.
Thankfully they went onto the back porch
instead of her bedroom.
“What in the hell is going on?” His dad
asked as he looked from the back door now
closing to Evan.
“Not now, dad.” Evan plowed his hands
through his hair. He wanted to strangle
something… or someone, like Mister Texan.
“What kind of man let’s a slickster be
alone with his woman?” his father grumbled.
“A man that doesn’t get involved in issues
between a husband and wife.”
That bit of knowledge rendered his father
“I’ll ask you again, Winston, what the hell
are you doing here?” Zoey crossed her arms
over her chest, it was cold outside, but her
anger at the man before her did a great job of
keeping the chill at bay.
“Like I said, I missed you, Zoe baby.” He
chuckled. “Now, I will tell you that you made
it hard for me to locate you. I never expected
you to go back to your maiden name. Thanks
to good ole Gertie.”
Of course he didn’t. He figured once he’d
marked her as his, she wouldn’t want her
own identity away from him. But, she had.
Damn her auntie for meddling. Now she
knew why her mother’s sister kept pressing
her to come home for Christmas. “If you
would have read the divorce papers I sent to
your father’s house maybe you would have.”
“See I paid those papers no mind. How can
you divorce a man and he’s not even in court
to plead against such nonsense?” He reached
out a hand to touch her cheek.
She side-stepped him. There was only one
man’s touch she wanted. Even if that man no
longer wanted her after she’d not being
truthful with him.
“It’s called abandonment which I had
every right to seek in the state of Texas once
you were gone a year. The fact that you never
answered the summons and didn’t leave a
forwarding address when you took off with
Lulubell helped.”
“That was just a fling. You know that I
can’t sit in one place too long.” Standing
wide-legged he placed his hands on his hips.
“One place, one job, one relationship. It
was the story of our life.” She’d been a fool to
marry him. But, she thought she could
change him, that if she cared for him she
would be enough. She hadn’t.
“Zoe, let’s just go home to Texas. Get an-
other house, maybe start a family.”
She shook her head. “It is over, Winston. I
need you to hear me. Three years ago I
closed that chapter of my life. We were a
“We were good together.”
Her anger of all those years she tried to
make their marriage work began to surface.
“No I was good to you, but you treated me
like shit. Ran around, put me down and
when your daddy refused to support you any
longer you drained down my savings from
my grandparents for my college. When that
ran out so did you.”
“You make me sound heartless, when I
made you something in our town,” he de-
clared pointing a finger at her.
“When all I wanted to be was your wife.
Someone you loved and cared for and re-
spected.” She felt tears welling up in her
eyes, but three years ago she had promised
herself she would never cry over him again.
Squeezing her fists tight she fought to keep
them back.
“Let’s be honest, Winston, you only
wanted me because I was the best catch.
Looked good on your arm.”
“If that is true then why am I here
now?”He threw his arms up at his side.
“The hell if I know or care. I’m sure there’s
some catch but I don’t want to hear it.” She
shifted, ready to leave.
“Daddy won’t give me my inheritance un-
less you come back,” he whined.
There was the truth.
“Kiss my ass, Winston. Turning she moved
to the screen and pulled it open. “You have
two minutes to walk out that back gate and
my life before I call the cops and have you ar-
rested for harassment. We can see how long
it takes your father to come from Texas to
spring you from a North Carolina jail.”
With that, she opened the door and
entered the house without looking back.
In the living room, she noticed immedi-
ately that Mr. Douglas was alone reading a
war fiction book on the couch. The atmo-
sphere had changed, the cozy and festive
mood now gone even with the Christmas
music still playing low in the background.
“Where is he?”
Slowing raising disappointed eyes to her,
her patient said, “His room.”
Picking up the cordless phone, she set it
next to him on the couch. “If that asshole is
still on the porch before I reach the top of the
steps call the cops.”
With haste she moved to the steps.
“Evan has been hurt enough, Zoey,” she
barely heard the older man’s words.
Those words hit her in the heart, she knew
that James was dealing with his own guilt
from how far he’d pushed his son away when
Evan needed him most. When they had
needed each other.
“I know, Mr. Douglas, I don’t plan on hurt-
ing him anymore.” Up the steps she went un-
til she reached Evan’s closed bedroom door.
Knocking softly she waited.
It took long agonizing moments, but fi-
nally he called out for her to come in.
Inside she saw him seated in a chair in the
corner of his room. She had only been in the
master bedroom once before when she
helped him box up his parents things. Last
week his father had insisted Evan take their
old bedroom since it was easier for James to
be downstairs. Since then she noticed Evan
had gotten a new mattress, higher than the
other one and changed the colors of the
room to a dark green and gold pattern in-
stead of the faded blue and yellowed white it
had been from his mother’s decorations be-
fore she died.
“Have you come to inform me that you
quit?” His voice was a blend of anger and
“No.” She crossed the warn carpet floor
until she was standing before him at the side
of the bed. “I came to remind you that I love
“You can’t say that to me when you belong
to someone else,” he growled leaning for-
ward his eyes dark and blazing.
She wasn’t afraid of him, she knew Evan
would never hurt her.
“I was his wife Evan, but that ended three
years ago before I moved to North Carolina
to start my nursing career.”
“If that’s the case, why is it that Pretty Boy
doesn’t know that?”
“His own selfish bubble. Being raised in a
small town where you’re rich and get any-
thing you want handed to you can make
some people look away from what they don’t
“Why did you hide all this from me? At
anytime you could have told me you’d been
married before and I wouldn’t have been
blind-sided when some asshole comes to my
door telling me he has a claim on you.”
She sat down on the side of the bed, so
many emotions in the last half hour made
her tired. “Shame I guess. Trying to forget
past mistakes.”
He nodded. “Tell me about it, Zoey. I want
to hear it all. If this is going to work between
us there can be no more secrets.”
She glanced down at her hand, now she
wanted to cry. Because of her omission, she’d
come close to losing a man that meant
everything to her.
Evan leaned forward and took one of her
hands in his. “Talk to me.”
Blinking to clear her vision, she felt twin
tears run down her cheeks. “Winston and I
are from the same hometown as you know.
Well, I don’t think he even knew I was alive
until my senior year when I made cheerlead-
ing captain and also won the Miss Teen Paris
Pageant the second year in a row. I was the
center of attention at different community
events and like a bee to honey Winston was
drawn to me. I was flattered. Winston played
the charming man, somehow even convinced
my boyfriend at the time to break it off with
me so he could swoop in.”
She exhaled and allowed the rest of the
memories to flow around her mind. “We
were the talk of the town. He convinced me
to marry him the summer after I graduated.
My mom tried to convince me not to do it. I
didn’t listen I felt like Winston needed me.
I’m the oldest child, used to taking care of
my siblings and Winston loved for me to do
things for him. Shortly after we married I
realized he liked for me to do everything; pay
the bills, cook for him, service him sexually,
work, keep myself looking perfect and sup-
port him. He never kept a job long, no matter
what it was. He was restless and lazy. I
worked two jobs to keep our rent paid on the
large house he wanted and pulled from my
saving when it wasn’t enough or Winston
needed something. Which was always.”
She gazed out the window across the
room, not realizing for how long until Evan
squeeze her hand. “What happened?”
Looking back at him, she continued, “As
he became more dissatisfied with his life and
his father stopped supporting his expensive
habit he started taking it out on me.”
“Did he hit you?” Evan looked as if he were
about to get up out of the chair and find
“No. But, verbally he’d put me down. Yell
at me when we couldn’t afford something.
Then he started cheating on me. When I re-
fused to sleep with him any more after I
caught him in a restaurant bathroom having
sex with our waitress, he told me I was a ter-
rible wife and didn’t understand his needs.”
“I wish you would have told me this before
so when he showed up I could have put my
fist in his face and followed it up with slam-
ming the front door.”
She covered his hand that still held hers.
“He’s out of my life. That’s all I ever wanted.
When he left town a month later with the
judges daughter I prayed he’d never come
back. You see my pride kept me from telling
anyone how bad it was. I know my mother
suspected, but she never said anything until I
moved back home for a year waiting for my
divorce to go through. I focused on school
and kept to myself and my family. After I
graduated I applied for jobs in Charlotte and
moved here three years ago and never looked
Getting up, he sat beside her on the bed
and wrapped his arms around her. “You were
young and naïve, but worse, the fucker
played on your emotions.”
It felt good to lean against him, knowing
he still wanted her in his life. “Are we okay?”
“More than. I love you I was going to tell
you tomorrow in Vegas as we stood on the
balcony and looked out over all the dazzling
lights of a big city. However, I need you to
know it before any other old flames show
She leaned back and looked at him. “There
aren’t any more.”
“Good.” He kissed her.
Sliding her arms around his neck she
leaned into him and deepened the kiss.
Growling Evan pulled away. “If we don’t
stop I’ll have you bound to the bed for
Christmas and to hell with everything else.”
Laughing, she shimmied out of his arms
and moved away. “That sounds divine, but it
will have to wait until tomorrow’s trip. We
have a hungry man downstairs waiting for
his holiday dinner.”
“True.” Evan rose from the bed but
stopped her at the door. “In about a year my
dad should be well enough to not need
around the clock care.”
“If he keeps up with his progress he will be
more independent in a few months.” She
stared at Evan wondering where he was go-
ing with the conversation.
“Then hopefully we can be married next
summer and expecting our own little one for
you to care for by Christmas. If you want.”
Leaping up, she threw her arms around
him. “I want. Yes, I want.”
Chuckling, he said, “Calm down woman,
this isn’t the actual proposal. I think I can do
better than tossing it out on our way to
“It doesn’t matter how you do it as long as
I have you in the end.”
“Always, my angel.”
“Ladies and gentleman, we are now ready
to board our flight to Las Vegas beginning
with our first class passengers.”The ticket
agent announced.
Zoey got up from her seat. Evan had
already been on the plane with the rest of the
crew for thirty minutes. She was amazed how
calm she felt, but she knew that was all due
to the man that would be behind the wheel.
A man she trusted with her life.
After she had her boarding pass scanned,
she headed down the jet bridge and was
happy to reach the end of the narrow cor-
ridor and see Evan waiting at the door of the
plane for her. He allowed the flight attendant
to greet the other passengers as they passed,
while he kept his gaze on her.
“Hi, my angel.” He took her hand and
helped her across the threshold.
“Hi, yourself.” She disregarded the stares
of the people around them.
Evan escorted her down the aisle to her
seat. Taking her small suitcase for the three
days they would be away, from her, he placed
it in the overhead compartment. In her win-
dow seat, she sat down and placed her purse
under the chair in front of her as she
stretched her legs out.
She snapped her seatbelt and looked up at
the man leaning over her.
“How do you feel?”
“Fine. I told you before with you handling
this bird I have no worries.”
“Good. I love you.”
Reaching up she cupped his face. “I love
you, Pilot Douglas.”
Lowering his head, he kissed her. “I have
to get back to the cockpit, enjoy your flight.”
“Definitely. Now get to work.”She waved
him away with a smile.
He winked at her. “See you in Vegas.”
Author Bio
I'm simply Yvette Hines, some people call
me SASSE or SASSE Yvette. I'm an erotica
author that loves pleasurable hours between
the sheets. Whether it is a blended tale of in-
terracial lovers, the clandestine bite and
wicked passion of a paranormal lover, anoth-
er world romance of mates, or the sting of a
commanding whip against tender flesh. Even
better, make my day and toss in two gor-
geously, decadent men who only want to
pleasure their woman. I write Short and
Sexy, Sensual Erotica (SASSE). Occasionally,
you may get a full length novel from me.
However, life is too busy and most of us have
more than one job, family and other activit-
ies that don't allow us long hours to read any
I've been penning erotic tales since 2007, on
the hedonistic side of the romance genre.
However, I've been writing romance under a
different pen for a while. I'm eclectic by
I'm married to my best friend. A guy that
makes me laugh 'til I can't breathe. A man
who steals my breath every time he walks in-
to a room. I believe in happily ever after like
the rising of the sun depended on it.
I'm a member of Chesapeake Romance
Writers and RWA.
You can find out more about me at: ht-
Facebook, Twitter (SASSEYvetteH) or
email me