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Niche Profile Info Sheet

Niche Market:


Statistical Breakdown:

Root Keyword Searches:

135,000 for


Top 3 Bid Amounts:

$2.57 backlinks

- 1.03 Avg Ad Position

Based on Max PPC of $10

$2.32 “backlinks”

- 1.02 Avg Ad Position

$2.32 [backlinks]

- 1.02 Avg Ad Position

Average Bid Amount:

$2.40 average for various terms

Possible Competition/Partners/Affiliate Programs/Content Sites/Forums:

Backlinks Parser
Extract Thousands Of Your Customers Backlinks, At The Push Of A Button.

Backlink Builders
Harness The Power Of .GOV and .EDU Backlinks Before Your Competition Does.

Backlink Formula
Insider Trade Secrets To Generating Killer Backlinks and Beating The Search Engines
At Their Own Game.

Ecourse/Viral Ebook/Special Report Ideas:

• 5 Ways To Greatly Improve The Effectiveness Of Your Backlinks
• What Are The Best and Worst Ways To Generate Backlinks
• 3 Backlink Strategies You Probably Haven’t Heard Of

Sure Shot for Success™:

A series of instructional videos would be a great method of promoting the niche market of
backlinks. You could either give away parts of these videos and sell the whole or give certain
ones away for free and sell others. Alternatively, you could use the free videos to help promote
and later sell various affiliate products as well as products of your own.


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Notes On How To Use This Info Sheet:

The niche market that is being evaluated is listed at the top of the report.

In the “Statistical Breakdown” section, we are looking for a niche with a lot
of searches (preferably more than 30,000, but not more than 100,000) and a
high average bid on Overture ($0.50 and above). Since advertisers on Overture
pay for every click to their site, we can assume that if the bids and
searches are high, advertisers must be making a substantial profit in that
niche to afford to pay for their listing in Overture.

For example, if a keyword receives 50,000 searches a month, and an advertiser
is bidding $2.00 per click, they could be paying as much as $100,000 per
month. Obviously they wouldn’t be doing this if they weren’t making money.

The “Possible Competition/Partners/Affiliate Programs” section gives you a
quick heads-up on who is already out there marketing to this particular
niche. Remember, competition in niche marketing is a good thing. If there
isn’t competition in a niche, it usually means that the niche isn’t
profitable. Also, many of your “competitors” can turn into joint venture
partners and affiliates, especially if you develop products that compliment
rather than compete with their products.

SIDENOTE: Obviously we cannot include a comprehensive list of ALL the
competitors and affiliate programs in a particular niche. Our goal with
this section is just to show you the “type” of products and services
currently offered in the niche, and provide a guide for any further
research that you would want to do on your own.

For more information on finding and researching competitors and
affiliate programs, see the video, “How To Find Competitors and
Partners In Your Niche,” in the Training section of Nicheology.

In the “Ecourse/Viral Ebook/Special Report Ideas” section, all we want to do
is give you a few ideas for lead-generating reports that you can use in this
niche. Obviously this list isn’t exhaustive, but it should get you thinking
in the right direction.

The same is true for the “Sure Shot for Success™” section. Our mission here
is to give you 1-2 ideas that we feel are the “best suited” for the specific
niche being examined. An information product delivered as an “eBook” is
always recommended for any of the niches, because they are “quick and easy”
to create. The “Sure Shot” is an idea beyond the entry level eBook, which we
feel is the most likely product option for success within the niche.

For more information on how to use these info sheets, please see the video in
the Training section of called, “How To Use the Product
Profile Info Sheets.”


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