Brandy Corvin Howling for the Vampire

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Howling for the Vampire


Brandy Corvin

Copyright © 2012 by Brandy Corvin

* * * * *

Memories of my first hunt were still fresh in my mind when I got

into bed that night. They continued to linger till the next morning, and the

morning after that. I couldn't focus in school, daydreaming about the

whole surreal experience. Such an adrenaline rush probably wouldn't be

forgotten in a very long time.

"Tyler… Tyler?"

I snapped back to cruel reality.

"Yes, Professor Wolfenstein?"

"What's your answer?"

"Uh, what?" I muttered, it was painfully obvious to the class that I

wasn't paying any attention at all.

The Professor sighed, "See me after class."

I groaned.

It was going to be a long afternoon.

* * * * *

The sun was beginning to set; its warm orange glow caressed my

face, giving me unexplainable energy.

I sighed loudly as I trudged along a gravel path on the college

grounds, my feet crunched the small stones beneath me, aching to turn

back into a werewolf so that I could leap and pounce with abandon. The

blasted Professor had made me stay back to recite several physical and

behavioral characteristics of vampires from memory before he finally let

me go. But that, of course, was the least of my preoccupations. I wanted

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to hunt with the pack again, to join them in their bloodlust, to take painful

revenge on the vampires. Now that I was a fully turned werewolf and a

full-fledged member of Alpha's pack, was it simply too much to ask?

My dorm was in sight. Soon I would unlock my door, throw my bag

onto my bed, take a refreshing shower and do my homework. Okay

maybe not my homework. My mind would probably wander back to my

unforgettable experiences of my first hunt yet again. I licked my lips

thinking of the vampire I hunted that night with the pack and how he felt

so good on my throbbing member. If I ever saw him again, who'd knew

what I'd do.

Doors were now fickle human constructs, pesky annoying things

that need opening and closing before you could go anywhere. As a

werewolf I'd much prefer a lack of doors, tearing each one down like

cardboard. But such behavior would be in poor taste in my dorms.

Practical considerations overrode my natural animalistic instincts. I

gripped the doorknob tightly and turned my wrist. The knob turned under

my exertions, making the door pop open with an audible click.

It was the usual dingy place that I came back to every day. Who

needs a clean and tidy place to live in when you're a werewolf?

My lethargic feet carried me down the corridor towards my

bedroom at the end. Releasing the weight of my book bag off my

shoulder, I swung it around me, preparing to toss it onto the bed.

Except that I couldn't do my usual routine and let my book bag fly

onto my pile of pillows.

"Why are you here?" I questioned tersely. My voice grew deeper

and deeper as I quickly let my bloodlust take control of me. Fur began

sprouting on my skin, my skull started changing shape and my fangs

were starting to grow.

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Right in front of me, violating the sanctity of my bed was the

vampire. Not just any vampire, but the pretty boy vampire, the victim of

my first hunt. The sight of him brought back wonderful memories that

quickly flooded my mind.

And now there he was, sitting right there, as if inviting me to hunt

him again. I licked my fangs, wondering how awesome a second time

with this vampire would be.

"Wait!" the pretty boy called out, raising his hands in defense.

"I'm not here to harm you," he continued, cowering under his arms.

Regaining my rational mind, the fur receded back into my skin as I

became more and more human by the second.

"What do you want?" I asked, finally a human again.

"You dropped this when we last met," the vampire replied,

throwing something at me.

I caught it instinctively without even realizing what it was. There,

laying the palm of my hand was an amulet, my brother, Gabriel's amulet.

I only remember seeing it a few times in my life, and the last time I saw it

was many years ago, the night everything changed.

"Where'd you get this?" I asked curiously, "I didn't drop such a

thing when we last met."

"But you must have! I only realized it was on me when I escaped!"

the vampire protested.

I had half a mind to transform now and tear him apart. But a little

voice in my head told me that there might be a grain of truth to his words.

After all, there was no reason to lie about this.

If Gabriel's amulet was indeed there on the night of my first hunt,

Perhaps, someone in my pack knew of his whereabouts!

The vampire in front of me wasn't a creature to be abhorred and

hated. He was a companion and a valuable aide! Maybe I still have not

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forgiven their kind for the wrong they wrought upon me. But I can't have

only one specific vampire bear the burden of my hatred, especially for

such a manly and handsome vampire.

"Well, I suppose you have helped me after all. So, um, thanks," I

concluded weakly.

How could I not have noticed until now that he was wearing such a

seductive looking black leather outfit! Given half a chance I would tear it

off and show him the ways of werewolf love in a heartbeat. I felt a stirring

in my loins as wild fantasies clouded my mind in his presence.

Professor Wolfenstein mentioned during one of our little

supernatural research sessions that vampires were extremely sensitive

to their surroundings, some purporting that they were even able to read

minds. I wasn't so sure about how conclusive such theories might have

been. But the look in the vampire's eyes clearly told me that he wanted

the same thing.


Since you've helped me…" I wondered, letting my voice trail off.

"You're thinking of how to repay me, aren't you?" the vampire

finished my sentence, his eyes fixated on the raging bulge in my jeans.

There was nothing left to say, the synchronized beating of our

hearts as we pressed our bodies close together on my bed was more

than enough.

I dove into him. Our lips touched and I found myself devouring his

kiss. He tasted of blood and roses. Heh, I thought, you could always

trust a vampire to be both savage and classy. My tongue entered his wet

mouth, wrestling with his tongue in a big slobbering kiss.

We writhed on my bed, rocking it loudly. The confounded squeaks

coming from it constantly reminded me of how violent our movements

were. One moment I would be on top, a quick roll and I would find myself

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on the bottom, watching this beautiful vampire sit on me, watch me, and

yearn for more of me.

My hands grabbed the zippers on his black leather suit. The sound

of the fabric being torn off in one powerful stroke was music to my ears. I

ripped off whatever clothing was left on him, revealing his pale, lean

body. There was something about his boyish complexion that I simply

couldn't resist, even if he was probably a thousand year old vampire. My

palm found its way onto his chest while my fingers traced every scar on

his trauma riddled body. It was amazing to interact with someone who

had been through so much. If scars told a story I would have spent days

in my room, listening to him recount his numerous life experiences. But

as far as life was concerned, I was here to celebrate it, and so was he.

It was his turn now. His hands slowly reached down under my shirt

and gripped it lightly. I subconsciously raised my hands as he pulled it

gingerly over my head. It was only fitting for a vampire to have such

gentleness, such class, compared to me, a brutish werewolf that

required frequent trips to the clothing store.

We stared at each other, topless. Breaking our mutual gaze, my

eyes travelled leisurely down his body, admiring the paleness of his skin

and the firmness of his flesh. All my wild fantasies of how he would look

like naked now became sweet reality. There was no need to imagine any

more. Before the vampire went, I would ensure nothing of him was left to


"What's your name?" the vampire leant in to whisper. His cold skin

pressed on my warm chest, making me even warmer.

"Tyler," I whispered back.

"Tyler?" he repeated, enjoying the pronunciation of every syllable,

"I like it."

My heart melted at his compliment.

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"I know, what's yours?"


Julian. Julian, Julian, Julian. Such a fantastic name, definitely

worthy of being repeated many times in my head.

"That's a nice name," was all I could muster before he kissed me

tenderly again. He was delicious.

I wrapped him in my tight embrace, not wanting to let him go.

Running my wide palms over his back, I tried my best to warm up his

cold, pale body with my own. His back was so smooth, except when

occasionally interspersed with scars of combat. Julian was a pretty boy,

yet at the same time he was so manly. I literally had the best of both

worlds in my arms.

Did I still hate vampires? Yes. But did hate Julian? There was little

reason to, especially when his body was quite divine.

Breaking off our passionate kiss, he slowly worked his way down,

peppering my neck and chest with frequent, light kisses. He went down

further, down my stomach to where my abdomen was, protected by my


As usual, he unzipped me in the only manner he knew. Gentle and

refined. My wolfish instincts took over as I eagerly threw off my pants,

skipping past Julian's playful tease. The vampire now gripped my dick

lightly. His eyes widened in amazement at how warm and thick it was. It

was a towering phallus that clearly stood out from the rest of me.

I opened my mouth to say "suck me" but that was not needed. I

found myself gasping in pleasure as he buried my shaft deeply down his

throat. He slobbered all over my dick, soaking it in his drool. It was wet

and somewhat cold, but my blood was on fire and a little cold was

definitely not going to put me off.

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Arms outstretched, I grabbed my bed sheets by the fistful. My

breaths grew heavier and quicker in response to Julian's constant

sucking. He'd alternate between heavy slow sucks to light playful licks.

He teased me, making sure I never got bored of his treatment.

My chest rose and fell as my legs started thrashing about wildly.

Julian continued his carnal art despite the disorder around him. He truly

had superb powers of concentration. I finally settled on squeezing my

legs together on his head, the harder he sucked, the harder I squeezed.

Sick of having his head squeezed, Julian pried my legs apart,

forcing them back down onto the bed with his wondrous vampire

strength. My thoughts grew more feral and animalistic as my pleasure

became more intense. I was losing myself as a human, letting the wild

beast inside me take control. If I transformed and lost myself, not

recognizing who he was, it would spell disaster. To be able to enjoy

myself while not losing control completely was a mental battle unlike any


Even I didn't have the mental stamina to continue this. I was going

to cum soon. I had to do something!

"Enough!" I howled, sending various nearby objects flying about in

the room from the shockwaves of my voice. I covered my mouth in

embarrassment, desperately hoping no one else apart from Julian and I

experienced my momentary loss of control.

Julian stopped, staring at me in a mix of confusion and shock.

"I wanna fill your ass up nice and good," I leant in to whisper,

assuring him that I wasn't mad or anything.

The vampire nodded eagerly, bending over on all fours sticking his

ass in my face. Grabbing his waistband, claws emerged from my fingers

as I partially transformed my arm, giving me the strength to rip his pants

off of him.

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"Annh!" Julian yelped in surprise, startled by my savage display of

strength. I shrugged. What's a werewolf to do?

His peachy fine ass stared back at me now, making my dick throb

harder than ever. Julian swayed his hips ever so slightly, inviting me to

visit his ass.

I got up in and knelt behind him so that my dick was on level with

his tight ass. Laying my hard cock on his ass crack, thoughts of how

good sticking it in him again would feel flooded my mind and sent me

into a horny frenzy. I drooled over his ass and my dick till I could stand it

no longer.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to fuck you now," I announced.

"Mmm" Julian moaned, his tone leaking of impatience.

I entered him slowly, letting his ass get used to my thick girth. He

moaned more, possibly trying to accommodate me while his ass burned

from the slight pain. I was a werewolf dammit, I fucked savagely! Going

in slowly till I could thrust no further, I withdrew at a faster rate. Julian

tightened his ass muscles around me, not wishing to let me go. Well

Julian, I thought, don't worry because I'll be back in before you know it.

Leaving only my head inside of him, I leant forward, putting my

entire bodyweight into this thrust. I rammed myself up his ass as hard as

I could this time. His screams of exquisite pain were music to my ears.

This was how a werewolf was supposed to mate.

Grabbing his tight ass in both hands, I let my bloodlust take over,

transforming me into a werewolf. It was time to show this vampire who

was the boss.

My cock grew longer and thicker now that I was a werewolf,

causing Julian to scream out again while I was inside him.

"God, Julian!" I grunted, "You feel so good on my dick!"

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He probably couldn't understand my barks. I was speaking in wolf

tongue after all. But what did it matter. I had some fucking to do.

My hips began moving at a steady, rhythmic rate, thrusting myself

harder and harder into Julian's increasingly sore ass.

Julian's moans and screams grew louder as I fucked harder.

"Yes… there! YES!" he screamed out as I hit his prostrate, sending

the both of us to the next level of carnal pleasure.

"WHOA!" Julian yelled, startled as I grabbed his side and flipped

him over while still inside him. I lay on him in missionary position, losing

myself in his sexy blue eyes. I wondered how weirded out he would feel

having a werewolf lick his face enthusiastically. But it didn't matter.

Julian smiled, seemingly understanding that it was a wolf's way of

showing love.

My hips continued pumping rhythmically into his tiny asshole,

making him cry out in pleasure every time I hit his prostrate.

Julian wrapped his arms around my furry body, bringing me close

to his body in a tight embrace. This vampire was so romantic, and we

were now fucking on equal terms. I wanted to make him mine, to make

sure that when he left, he would look forward to our next encounter.

My thrusts grew harder and deeper as my breathing grew heavier

and more ragged. I was nearly there.

The vampire tightened his ass muscles, looked deeply into my

pale yellow eyes and whispered, "Cum for me, Tyler."

"AROOOO!" I threw my head back and howled in response. Hot,

sticky werewolf seed went flying out of my throbbing dick as deeply up

Julian's ass as possible. The vampire accepted my cum eagerly,

tightening his ass muscles further to milk my cock of my seed. We had

become one, werewolf and vampire, a relationship that transcended the

interspecies feud that had apparently carried on for centuries.

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I continued howling as I released my seed into Julian's ass with

every twitch, wanting to fill him up to the brim. Soon the throbs died

down, as did the erratic movements of my writhing body. I lay on Julian's

body, soaked in both our sweat as the fur on my skin receded. Now as a

human again, I ran my fingers through Julian's luscious locks of pale

brown hair. He was too beautiful even for me to compare.

Pulling my hips back, I withdrew from Julian's now gaping asshole,

letting my cum slowly leak out and soak my sheets before rolling over

with a sigh.

"You're real good at this," I sighed contentedly.

Julian giggled.

"So were you."

"It's strange," I reasoned out loud.

"What's strange?" Julian naturally asked me back, bearing an

inquisitive expression.

"It's strange how you would have Gabriel's amulet the night that we

met. It means that someone in the pack knew who and possibly, where

Gabriel was," I started before turning my head to meet Julian's lovely


I smiled, "What's stranger is that I thought I hated vampires… but

then I met you."

Rarely seen blood rushed to Julian's pale cheeks, turning it a semi-

bright shade of red. He smiled in embarrassment at my compliment.

"Not all vampires are bad, ya know." he blushed.

I guess I was wrong about some of them.

"But I still hate your kind," I declared resolutely.

"It was your kind that killed my parents and ruined my childhood," I

confessed, feeling the tears welling up in my eyes as I blurted out my

innermost feelings.

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The vampire's hollow eyes stared upon my outpouring of emotion.

"Vampires may attack humans for blood, but we never kill them,"

Julian started, his serious eyes told me he wasn't fucking around with

this fact.

"You know, centuries of fighting have made vampires rather

intimate with the knowledge of how a pack works," he continued.

"Get to the point," I interrupted tersely, tired of his long winded


"Well, if you really knew your kind well, you should know that as

per custom, an alpha of a pack will only attain this position via two ways.

One, he kills the existing alpha."

"So what," I snapped, long familiar with the ways my pack worked.

"What you don't know is that a werewolf can gain unimaginable

power, enough to become an alpha in his own right from a third way."

What? Despite all my hours with Professor Wolfenstein, I had not

once heard of this new theory.

"If I were you, I'd be very careful with what I'm about to say," I

warned, letting my fangs grow out again.

Julian sighed.

"A werewolf has to kill his own parents. By biting their heads off, he

gains unimaginable spiritual and emotional power, plus the respect of

the pack. If he did that, hell, he'd be capable to lead any pack in the are-

where're you going?"

I found myself putting on a fresh set of clothes before heading to

the door.

Professor Wolfenstein had some explaining to do.

END :)

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Howling for more hot werewolf action? Don't miss the first part of the

Howling Moon series,

Professor Wolfenstein's Lycan Lust: MM

Paranormal Erotica


When Tyler learns that vampires destroyed his family, he resolves to join the pack in

the werewolf-vampire war. But after his mentor, Professor Wolfenstein, explains that

to do so, Tyler has to mate with a werewolf, he must decided how far he's willing to

go for vengeance… and maybe even love?


"Alright, I have a confession to make." he sighed at last, "I'm

Professor Wolfenstein PhD (Occult and Supernatural studies). But I'm

also a werewolf. My pack's been in this decades-long fight against

vampires ever since I could remember and my way of contributing to the

war effort is to gather up as much information on the enemy as


He stepped forward towards me. Some fur had already begun to

appear on his skin.

My heart was resolute. If what the professor said was true, then it

should have been vampires that I was after all along, and becoming a

werewolf would place be in the best position to get revenge.

"How do I become a werewolf?" I asked firmly.

"There is only one way," Professor Wolfenstein replied as his voice

got deeper and deeper, "you must mate with a werewolf."

What? Mate with one?

"Even a werewolf like you?"

"Yes. Are you sure you want to do this?"

All my life I have lived for one and only one purpose: Vengeance.

"Yeah, I want to become a werewolf."

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"AROOOO!" the majestic beast stood in the lab before me. His

furry, muscular body was a slight to behold, sending chills down my

spine but stirring my loins in arousal.

Its pale yellow eyes were full of energy, looking at me with the fire

of lust. Now that this misunderstanding was cleared up, my chest felt

lighter. I was finally free with the truth presented before me. It was the

vampires, not the werewolves I should have hated the whole time!

I felt no more fear in me as I stepped forward, stroking Professor

Wolfenstein's canine jaw line. It was so solid, so… arousing. He was my

role model as a human, and now as a werewolf, he would become my


After that comes part 2 of the Howling Moon series,

Tyler's Pack

Initiation: MMMMM/m Paranormal Gay Werewolf Erotica


After absorbing Professor Wolfenstein's werewolf seed, Tyler feels faster, stronger,

and more bloodthirsty. But he's not a full werewolf yet! To fully turn and join the

Professor's pack, he must undergo their initiation. Meeting the pack in the forest on a

full moon night, Tyler finds out just how hungry werewolves can get for ass!


They approached and surrounded me. Their hoods shielded their

faces from the moonlight and their robes protected the rest of their body.

Who knew what lay beneath the cloth?

"Are you, the pack?" I ventured.

"Brothers, here's the initiate I spoke off," Professor Wolfenstein's

voice rang out from under one of the hoods. Amazing.

"Oh hey Professor," I called out, smiling. I couldn't tell whether he

returned my gesture from under the hood.

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They circled me, stepping slowly. Coming close to me once in

awhile, they brought their hoods up to me and took a sniff. I tried look in

to see who it was underneath all the garments but I only found myself

gazing into an infinite abyss.

"He's ready to turn…" a gruff voice resounded from another

hooded figure.

"I agree," a low voice entered my ears this time.

"Then, shall we begin the initiation?" Professor Wolfenstein asked.

The hooded figures nodded in agreement. Adrenaline pumped

throughout my body as I readied myself for whatever the initiation was.

Professor Wolfenstein was the first to take off his hood, revealing

his wizened face.

I watched in wonder as fur grew out of his skin, his head taking the

shape of a wolf. His muscular toned body ripped his robes apart as he

transformed into a werewolf.

He stood before me, fearsome and majestic. The wolf head on a

humanoid body, it was simply the best of both worlds.

They all tore off their hoods, revealing their human faces. I only

recognized one of them, Randall, a senior in college. The rest were

strangers to me. It was awesome just as it was terrifying to watch the

rest of them transform like Professor Wolfenstein.

First it looked like they were in pain, then fury began to grow from

their skin. Their robes stretched and tore under their expanding bodies.

But their most vivid transformation came from when their jaw line

changed, protruding out more and becoming more angular, just like a

wolf's. Their ears receded into their heads just as new ones appeared at

the top. Blinking once, their timid looking human eyes changed into a

bright yellow. Their black irises now narrowed, like wolves on the hunt.

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So it was the full moon, I thought, it was the exposure to it that

caused them to transform. I wasn't sure if they still retained their human

capacity to think, but I smelled like werewolf to them. I should be safe.

They circled me again, sniffing me even more carefully this time.

What were they going to do? Don't tell me-

A dull pain surged from the back of my head as I was flung onto

the ground. What was going on?

The same pair of rough hands that hit me now grabbed my jeans.

Its sharp claws tearing away the fabric just as easily as it was done

carelessly, my legs screamed out in pain at they dug into my flesh,

scratching and drawing blood.

This continued until my bare ass was exposed to the lot of them. In

the cold of the night, my ass shivered. I looked behind me watching the

largest werewolf, probably the alpha eye me hungrily. Oh shit, he

probably thinks I was inviting him to fuck me!

Don't miss out on part 3 of the Howling Moon series,

Hunting with the

Pack: MMMMM/m Gay Paranormal Erotica


Now a werewolf and a full-fledged member of his pack, Tyler hunts with them in the

night, preying on the vampires that he hates to the core. But when he chances upon

a vampire's blindingly beautiful body, can Tyler keep revenge on his mind, or will his

werewolf lust get the better of him?


Yes, I thought eagerly. This is it. We'll destroy this vampire and-

Wait, why weren't any of us moving yet? It was right in our sights! Within

striking distance!

I was still being a disobedient pup. One look from Professor

Wolfenstein and I knew whatever the pack did, we had to wait for the

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alpha wolf to give the order. We were nothing but his lackeys. It was

dumb, but I was the lowest on the hierarchy, what could I do?

Watching the alpha wolf emerge from the two pack mates in front

of the vampire, I shivered, struggling to contain the unstoppable rage

and bloodlust within me. He had better start the attack soon or I might

just lose it and put the filthy vampire down myself!

The vampire jumped up very slowly, rebounding against the alley

wall as it tried to reach the roof to escape. I watched it move in bullet

time, my mind reacting faster than it moved. Whether the alpha wolf

ordered it or not, no vampire was going to escape from me, not on my

first hunt!

Before I knew it I was climbing up the building, less than three feet

away from the vampire's skinny legs. I summoned my strength in one

final boost, reaching out with my clawed paw. But the alpha wolf was

faster. He pulled the naughty vampire back before I did. They tumbled

back down onto the ground in a flurry.

The vampire recovered first, assuming a combat stance, preparing

to fight back. Even a cornered dog would fight fiercer than an attacking


The rest of my pack mates surrounded the vampire while our

leader recovered and rose to his feet. Suddenly two of my pack mates

struck, restraining the surprised vampire. In its struggle it revealed its

refined face to me in the moonlight.

The vampire was a pretty boy.

A pang of guilt struck my heart as all the malicious thoughts in my

head disappeared for an instant. How could it be, that I wanted to

extinguish the life of such a beautiful, yet deadly creature like him?

I dropped back onto the cobbled pavement down below, hesitantly

watching the alpha wolf study her. Was he going to kill him?

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He looked up at the full moon and tore off his hood. He stared at

our leader in a mixture of awe and horror as his head brutally

transformed into that of a werewolf. His robes struggled to accommodate

his rapidly expanding, muscled body before finally giving way, ripping

itself into shreds. There, standing in the pack leader's place, was his true


The alpha wolf looked up at the moon.

"ARRROOOOO!" he howled with fervor and ferocity, striking fear

into the heart of the vampire.

My nose twitched. There was a different scent about the alpha wolf

now. I sensed a different kind of intent radiating from him, not one of

murder, but one of lust. Was he going to fuck the shit out of this pretty

vampire first?

I had to admit, now that I had seen his face, that he wasn't that bad

of a looker. Of course, the alpha wolf was given the first dibs.

The vampire looked scared out of his wits.

"Please…" he mouthed.

"Yea, show 'em what we do to vampires like you, Alpha," Randall


So the pack leader's name was alpha after all. How fitting.

In one powerful swipe Alpha tore off the vampire's back leather

outfit, revealing his pale, but toned chest and abs.

Lust instantly replaced all my earlier thoughts of death and

destruction. If only I could fuck someone like him

Alternatively, you can get the first 3 books in the Howling Moon series

along with a BONUS story by Erika L. Foster in

Howling Moon Bundle: 3

Sizzling Erotic Werewolf stories + 1 Bonus Werewolf story by Erika L.


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This bundle offers 4 sizzling erotic paranormal stories, 3 of them dealing with gay

werewolf relations while 1 is on werewolf-vampire relations. With the first 3 stories in

the Howling Moon series along with one bonus story by popular paranormal erotica

author, Erika L. Foster at an affordable price, you simply can't miss out on this great

deal! Over 20000 words of hot werewolf paranormal action!

Don't forget to check out the sequel to this book, Howling Moon:

Disciplined by the Alpha!

Still howling for more? Here are some werewolf titles by one of Brandy

Corvin's favorite authors, Annabel Bastione!

Pack Pals in Treeing Some Cooch (Werewolves/Dryads)

When the werewolf and his stepbrother Stefan enter the spooky forest intent on

passing through, they did not count on meeting a hostile Dryad, Lillian who uses

vines like tentacles! How far will they go as Lillian's 'plaything' so that she allows

them to pass through the forest unharmed? Story contains furries, werewolf-dryad

sex, tentacle play, double penetration and extreme sexual situations.

Pack Pals in Fucking the Tribal (WW/m)

The werewolf stepbrothers have traversed the forest, and now need to cross a

dangerous canyon to reach the town on the horizon. Their journey becomes even

more perilous when their supplies are stolen. Cornering the tribal shaman thief, he

eyes them lustfully, and makes them a deal they cannot resist. An MM/m story. The

sequel to Pack Pals in Treeing Some Cooch.

Pack Pals in Gay Vampire Threesome: MM/m Paranormal Erotica

The Pack Pals finally arrive in town, only to have a vampire trailing them! Sensing

the unfriendly presence, Stefan rushes to confront him, only to find out that his

father's held captive in the ice palace across the tundra! A map is needed to get

there, and luckily, the vampire has one. The only problem? It's hidden deep inside

his ass! How far will the Pack Pals go to get it out?

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Gangbanged By Wolves (MMMMM/f)

Shrugging off her vampire mentor's warnings about werewolves, Penny continues

wandering in the night, looking for unsuspecting victims to feed. That is, until a pack

of werewolves corner her. With nowhere to run, she offers up her body, giving her

some time at least, to enjoy herself, and plan her escape...

My Werewolf Lover (W/f)

Little Red Riding Hood goes to see her grandma in this naughty parody. Her visit

turns sour when the evil woodcutter holds grandma hostage and lustfully attacks Red.

Thankfully the Big Bad Werewolf interrupts the action and saves her! Still aroused

from the woodcutter's advances, how far will Red go to repay her hero?

About Brandy Corvin:

A student majoring in feminist studies by day, smut writer by night,

Brandy Corvin ensures you'll never be bored with the

paranormal/fantasy erotic stories she narrates from her world.

Her work can be found on








Brandy can be reached at

More sizzling stories coming soon!

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Thanks to Wyldmoon-Stock for the cover image.

* * * * *


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