Brandy Corvin Howling Moon Bundle

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Howling Moon Bundle: Gay Paranormal Erotic Stories


Brandy Corvin

Copyright © 2012 by Brandy Corvin

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Table of Contents:

Professor Wolfenstein's Lycan Lust

Tyler's Pack Initiation

Hunting with the Pack

Excerpts by fellow author Annabel Bastione

Annabel's Links and Brandy's Bio

BONUS STORY - Pack Initiation

Erika's Links and Bio

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Howling Moon: Professor Wolfenstein's Lycan Lust


Brandy Corvin

Copyright © 2012 by Brandy Corvin

* * * * *

"Professor! Professor!" my voice rang down the empty corridor. I

doubled my pace hoping to catch a glimpse of his shadow.

"Yes Tyler?"


I turned around to see Professor Wolfenstein's looming figure

staring back at my smaller self. Dude scared the shit outta me! How the

hell did do that? I wondered as my mind also tried to find the words to


"Professor, I found your lecture on werewolves today really


The stoic, old man in front of me raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"Fascinating you say," he repeated my words with interest, "I've

studied the occult and the paranormal my whole life, and this is the first

time a student has taken an interest in my work..."

He likes me! My heart leapt as I continued my proposal.

"Yes Professor, your work is absolutely astounding and the

evidence that you raised? Practically irrefutable! How one can only

become a werewolf if bitten or scratched by one, how only silver bullets

are effective against their tough hides, and all those documented

incidents of werewolf encounters!" I raved excitedly.

"Other students might be interested in economics or engineering,

but me? I find the subjects and classes that you teach most interesting!"

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I held my breath, knowing that his response would determine


"Hmm, Tyler, was it?" I saw the sparkle in Professor Wolfenstein's


He remembered my name!

"I do seem to have a position for research assistant open for

several semesters. Of course since you're the first person to take this up

you'll have no one else but me to guide you. Some one-on-one time with

each other… what do you think?"


"Alright Professor, I might have some spare time in between

classes…" I looked at him and smiled, noticing the bulge in his pants

grow by three inches.

* * * * *

"Why, Tyler?" The Professor asked.

I stared at him, confused, not knowing what he meant.

"Why what, Professo-"

His unnaturally strong, toned arms pinned me to the wall in one fell

swoop. I yelped helplessly as he glared at me. His strange yellow eyes

pierced into my very soul.

"Professor I-"

"DON'T PLAY WITH ME, BOY!" he growled, his eerily deep voice

sent shivers of fear, strangely mixed with arousal, down my spine.

He came so close I could feel his breath on my skin. The air

between us was suddenly sucked into his lungs as he sniffed me like an


"Why… out of all the disinterested students, you are the only one

with an unhealthy interest in werewolves. You've shown no greater

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enthusiasm for my work on vampires, gnomes, pygmies. But


His eyes narrowed.

"You wear your heart on your sleeve, jumping straight into the fray

like an excited pup. My instincts tell me your interest in werewolves is

beyond academic. So you have five seconds to spill everything or else!"

We were in his private lab on the school grounds. It was the school

holidays and he had asked me to come back to do some 'werewolf

research' but little did I know it was a confrontation!

"Uhh, I…"


"Professor, please I -"


His grip on me grew tighter and colder.

"I know my actions may have been suspicious but I-"


"Look, I'm just very interested in-"


Oh shit, the look in his eyes seemed almost nonhuman now. I had

to come clean and save my life.

"Alright Professor! I'll tell you why!" I exclaimed desperately.

He stared me at expectantly.

"I know werewolves are real. I've seen it with my own eyes when I

was young. . When I was eight they killed my family and kidnapped my

brother Gabriel, I can still remember it like it happened yesterday."

I fell to my knees as he let go of me. Choking as I tried to recover

my breath.

He continued to stare at me. I guess I had to finish my story after


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"By the time I rushed downstairs after hearing screams, it was too

late. I can still remember the porcelain mug that she was holding. It lay

on the ground in pieces. The gun my dad was so proud of, bent and

broken after being used to blow his head off," I choked.

"I looked through this gaping hole in the kitchen wall that the

attackers made to escape. A bunch of shadowy figures were walking

away, hanging over the shoulder of one of them was Gabriel. He looked

up and met my eyes, like he wanted me to come rescue him. But what

could I do? I was only eight, and if my strong dad with his gun couldn't

match up to them, who could?" I stared out the window, a single tear

rolled down my cheek.

"How did you know it was werewolves?" Professor Wolfenstein

eyed me curiously.

I paused, my tears subconsciously fell onto the dusty laboratory

floor as a familiar old fear overcame my body.

"Because…" my voice started cracking up.

"I saw one of them in the moonlight. It was humanoid, but bore the

head of a wolf. It faced the bright, full moon and uttered such a guttural

howl I still tremble when I think of it."

The tears fell freely now, it was liberating, finally telling someone

what I saw after all those years of confusion, sadness and torment.

Would the Professor believe my sordid tale of werewolves?

"They blew your dad's head off you say… was your mother's head

left intact?"

What? I thought, now he's doing some fact checking?

I furrowed my brow as I tried to remember more specific details

about this traumatic incident many years ago.

"Yea," I managed at last, "I think both their heads were missing, it

was strange, the police said they died from being clawed at, scratched

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but not bitten. Don't werewolves bite their victims in the process,


Professor Wolfenstein's demeanor completely changed.

"If what you say is true, then your parents were already dead even

before the werewolves attacked your house."


This was a revelation.

"Werewolves do indeed bite their victims when they kill them, but

there is a creature even they don't dare bite," his voice dropped into a

whisper, "vampires."

"Professor, are you serious?" I asked hesitantly. There was no

doubt in my mind that werewolves existed, so I guess it wouldn't be that

hard to believe that vampires did too.

"Vampires are easily killed by decapitation which would explain

why your 'parents' were headless. Add that to a centuries-long feud

between vampires and werewolves, I believe, and it's only a theory for

now, that your brother was a werewolf too. That explains the motivation

to save him from the vampires that killed your parents before hand and

assumed their form. It's pack mentality, if one of us in trouble, all of us

are," Professor Wolfenstein concluded at last.

I stared at him speechlessly, mouth agape.

"Uh, excuse me Professor, but did you say 'if one of us is in


I watched as his face slowly turned beet red from his gaffe.

"Alright, I have a confession to make." he sighed at last, "I'm

Professor Wolfenstein PhD (Occult and Supernatural studies). But I'm

also a werewolf. My pack's been involved against vampires ever since I

could remember. I contribute to the war effort by gathering up as much

information on the enemy as possible."

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He stepped towards me, sprouting fur on his skin.

My heart was resolute. If what the professor said was true, then it

should have been vampires that I was after all along, and becoming a

werewolf would place be in the best position to get revenge.

"How do I become a werewolf?" I asked firmly.

"There is only one way," Professor Wolfenstein replied as his voice

got deeper and deeper, "you must mate with a werewolf."

What? Mate with one?

"Even a werewolf like you? But I thought you'd only turn if you get

bitten or scratched!"

"Yes. That's what I tell everyone, to keep them safe. Are you sure

you want to do this?"

All my life I have lived for one and only one purpose: Vengeance.

"Yeah, I want to become a werewolf."

"AROOOO!" the majestic beast stood in the lab before me. His

furry, muscular body was a sight to behold, sending chills down my

spine but stirring my loins in arousal.

His pale yellow eyes were full of energy, looking at me with the fire

of lust. Now that this misunderstanding was cleared up, my chest felt

lighter. I was finally free thanks to the truth presented to me. It was the

vampires, not the werewolves that I should have hated the whole time!

I felt no more fear in me as I stepped forward, stroking Professor

Wolfenstein's canine jaw line. It was so solid, so… carnally tempting. He

was my role model as a human, and now as a werewolf, he would

become my lover.

True, the main purpose of this was for me to become one of them.

But why not enjoy my 'transformation' of sorts?

I gently grabbed his clawed paw, moving it onto my shirt.

"It's okay, you can touch me," I whispered.

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Professor Wolfenstein grunted in response, his hard werewolf

member inadvertently prodding my pants.

I reached down and grabbed it, stroking it while looking into his

animalistic, pale yellow eyes. His irises were black, full of power and

ferocity, but also of kindness and rationality. He embodied everything I

aspired to become, a super intelligent, powerful being that hated


He watched me as I knelt down slowly, bringing my mouth closer

and closer to this throbbing love rod. It was bigger than I had ever

imagined. I never concerned myself with whether I was gay or straight

only because for the past few years the notion of revenge was what

consumed my mind. But now, this wonderful being, the key to my

revenge, and my role model above all others was before me letting me

suck him off. It was probably as close to love as I would ever get.

It was harder than anything I had ever touched before, and so

dangerously alive. I grasped it firmly, stroking it in at a steady rhythm. My

eyes widened in awe as it shuddered and twitched under my touch, I

simply could not resist taking it in my mouth.

Professor Wolfenstein looked down at me holding onto his

throbbing member. If werewolves could smile he would probably be

smiling right now.

His tool in my hand felt hot to touch, it moved sporadically, almost

begging me to stimulate it further. I granted its wish.

Suddenly I took it and buried it as deeply in my mouth as possible.

A loud gasp escaped Professor Wolfenstein as he relished in the

pleasure I gave him.

I dove back out, leaving his cock now dripping wet in my saliva.

Good, I thought, it was finally well lubricated. Gripping his erect member

in one hand, I gently stroked it from base to shaft while I sucked on its

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head gently, feeling the contours of the underside of the werewolf's furry

cock with my tongue.

It tasted so good to me, to finally be able to repay all that the

Professor had done for me.

I now switched things up a bit, moving my hand up to gently caress

the head while my tongue licked up and down from the base to shaft,

tasting his entire length.

I didn't know how ferocious werewolves could be, but for the

Professor, the feeling of pleasure surging from his dick to the rest of his

body was probably more than enough to take his mind off his feral urges

to tear me apart. I was obviously putting my all into this.

Professor Wolfenstein's fearsome dick had now started to throb in

response. I noticed and started shifting my grip up and down his length,

alternating between stroking it slowly in a tight grip and jerking it quickly

in a looser grip.

My wet mouth moved south to ensure the werewolf's furry balls

weren't left out of the action either. I gently took one of his balls in my

mouth, my tongue once again felt the bumps and contours of his ball

sack. Licking and sucking on his furry balls, I left it soaking in my mouth.

My ears perked up as the werewolf grunted delightedly at my

technique. His legs shivered intensely, the claws on his toes

uncontrollably sheathing and retracting.

My wet tongue retreated back up to the head, slobbering on both

the top and underside of it in firm, powerful strokes. I had no idea how

sensitive he was, so using his breathing rate as a guide, I varied the

intensity of my technique accordingly. My hands split up, one stroking

the rest of the Professor's length and the other caressed his furry balls.

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The werewolf suddenly reached down with his right paw towards

my head. He stroked my hair tenderly as I blew him. It was his way of

showing appreciation of my efforts.

He was reaching the next level of pleasure, finding himself closer

and closer to the edge.

"I'm gonna go in deep," I informed Professor Wolfenstein


His dick seemed to nod in approval.

Once again I took his hard throbbing cock into my mouth slowly,

letting him feel the soft, wet insides of my hot mouth. I took it well, real

well. Going in slow and deep, the Professor was in the prime position to

enjoy my mouth as fully as possible. But being aroused to this extent, I

knew from his heavy breathing that he was near cumming.

His arms shot out, grabbing my head so tightly it felt like my brains

were about to burst. He began to hold my head steady as he began to

face fuck me in earnest.

Professor Wolfenstein's breathing grew heavier as his

subconscious growls grew louder and more animalistic. Would he really

turn into an uncontrollable beast when he came? There was only one

way to find out.

Taking his furry cock in the mouth again, I began moving my

mouth quickly, deep throating it again and again in rapid succession.

My heart leapt as the werewolf's breathing grew heavier and


Suddenly he stopped, pulling his throbbing dick away from my

eager mouth.

I looked at him expectantly.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

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I only had a fraction of a second to yelp before being grabbed


Professor Wolfenstein's immense strength surprised me at first,

but I guess as a werewolf it was natural for him to lift me up easily. I

relaxed my body, letting him bend me over one of the lab tables.

Scribbled notes, vials of strange liquids and chemical apparatus were

scattered over it.

In one fell swoop he sent all of this random mish mash of objects

flying to the far side of the room with a thundering crash. Tearing my

pants of as if it were origami paper, my ass quivered in anticipation

before the werewolf's hard furry cock.

"Take me," I moaned uncontrollably, years of being a virgin and

infinite amounts of pent up sexual frustration were bubbling to the

surface, revealing who I really was deep down inside - just a normal,

horny as hell, person like everyone else. I had no idea that I was gay,

but for some odd reason, it just felt so right to have Professor

Wolfenstein fuck me right in the ass.

"Ohhh…" a low moan escaped my mouth as the werewolf gripped

my ass cheeks so tightly it was probably going to leave a bruise later. He

pried me apart, exposing my tiny, fragile asshole to the cool laboratory

air. My eyes widened as he positioned his throbbing member near my

entrance. My mind and blood ran wild as I fantasized about how it would

feel having someone as fierce and as big as Professor Wolfenstein

inside me.

He entered me slowly, as if he was trying to let my get used to the

exquisite pain while my ass struggled to accommodate such a large girth.

Maybe in reality he was enjoying himself, slowly feeling every inch of my

meaty insides. Either way, it was simply a wonderful experience. My

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drool dripping off his soaked dick didn't hurt as lubricant when he

entered me either.

My chest rose and fell as I breathed deeply, relaxing my ass

muscles to make it easier to let him in. His hard cock seared my insides

as my blood was now aflame with passion. My arms shot out to each

side of the lab table for support. I had the feeling that soon even my legs

would be weak and unable to support me.

I gasped.

He went so deep in he hit my prostrate, igniting a further wave of

pleasure that surged forth throughout my entire body.

Now he slowly began to pull out, enjoying the delicious friction this

motion had created. I tightened my ass muscles, now that he was in me

I didn't feel like letting him go that easily. Professor Wolfenstein grunted

slightly, perhaps in pleasure, or approval, maybe even both. But I smiled

knowing he liked it.

He thrust in me, faster this time. His long girth hit my G-spot again,

sending yet another surge of pleasure within me. I gasped from his

movements. Of course I had no previous sex partners to compare to,

plus who'd have thought that my first time would be with a werewolf

nearly three times my age? But to me it was still my first, precious

experience and I honestly don't think it could have gone any better than


Professor Wolfenstein now pumped my ass at a steady pace, his

breathing grew heavier and heavier as he did so. Maybe the reason why

he suddenly pulled out from my blowjob was because he wanted to cum

in my ass. If that was so, I mused, I would make sure not to let a single

drop leak out as he came.

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Each thrust sent wave after wave of uncontrollable ecstasy now.

My heart rate was up, my blood was on fire, my mind blanked, filled only

with these intoxicating feelings of pure euphoria.

"More… more…fuck me harder!" I moaned and encouraged. Even

in werewolf form he probably understood my words anyway for he

picked up the pace.

Suddenly a sharp stinging pain ran down my back. My arm

instinctively went behind to check. Bringing it back to my view, I saw my

fingers dyed red. He had drawn blood from scratching me.

"AROO!" he howled as he grabbed my hips even more tightly this

time. My feet felt air as he lifted me off the ground, off the lab table,

using my body as a tool for his animalistic desires. His sharp claws dug

deep into my sides, drawing fresh blood as I bled over his furry arms.

It hurt, yes, but for some odd reason, it felt good too, like it was

meant to be. Suddenly in hindsight it felt like I would have been

disappointed if this beast treated me too gently. My face blushed in

further hindsight, that I had discovered from my first time that I was gay,

I liked getting fucked by werewolves, and that I was probably a

masochist too. Amazing.

All those years of pent up sexual frustrations within me were finally

released. I felt free, knowing that I actually the sexual deviant that I

became today.

I grabbed Professor Wolfenstein's arms for support, my fingers

trying to dig as deep into his flesh as possible. But I suppose I just

couldn't match up to the mighty and powerful werewolf whose cock was

in my ass now. I only managed to grab clumps of fur on his toned arms.

The Professor looked me right in the eye, his intensity and

overflowing lust instinctively told me he was going to cum soon. His

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breathing grew heavy and uncontrolled as his grip on me grew even

tighter as well.

"AHHH!" I yelled as he held me so tightly I felt like I was about to

be crushed. With his great strength he moved my ass up and down on

his hard cock, making me dizzy as he did so. I was disoriented, in sweet

pain and aroused beyond measure.

"Oh God… Oh God!" I mouthed as I felt the barrage of cum

rushing to be released from Professor Wolfenstein's throbbing dick.


With one feral howl that sent everything in the room flying and

almost shattered my eardrums, Professor Wolfenstein thrust so deep

and hard into me he hit my colon. He almost impaled me, but why does

it feel so good?

My eyes widened as the werewolf's cock throbbed violently inside

me, making my ass vibrate along with it. He sent his hot, sticky werewolf

cum up my ass as deeply as possible. Withdrawing in between throbs

and thrusting in my almost broken ass when he released his cum, he

ensured his cum stayed as deeply inside me as possible.

"FUCKK!" I yelled in response to the pain mixed with demented

pleasure. It had overwhelmed me. The room was spinning, my cock was

throbbing like shit, and my body hurt all over.

But above it all, it was the most intense thing I had ever gone


Professor Wolfenstein let go of my bruised and bleeding body. His

legs buckled as he tumbled onto the ground. The fur falling off, his wolf-

like features receded. He was turning back into a human.

I lay there in wonder staring at his mind boggling transformation.

Soon sitting on the ground panting heavily before me was not a strong

werewolf anymore, but a satisfied old man.

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He nodded at me.

"Now you're a werewolf." he remarked.

Was it? I did not feel any differen- oh wait. Somehow, the

werewolf's cum inside me didn't feel like it was there anymore, like it had

been absorbed by my body. It had invaded my body and was now

changing it. It made me stronger, faster, harder and fiercer. Suddenly

the once timid Tyler was no more. There was nothing but confidence

and a wee bit of bloodlust brimming from within me.

I touched my back, noticing that my scratches and wounds were

already healing, and healing fast. So this is what being a werewolf feels


"Ha…hahahaha!" I laughed maniacally; drunk on the power I was

just given. With this, I could finally take revenge on the vampires that

ruined my family.

I looked at the Professor, he stood up, clothes tattered from the


"Can you teach me to use my new powers?" I asked, seeing as

how he was now literally my maker and my father figure.

Professor Wolfenstein nodded, reaching into a nearby cabinet for a

spare set of clothes. The man was a resourceful planner.

"I guess I have to, but go home and get some rest first. We have

bigger things to accomplish the next time you visit."

There was much truth in his words. I picked up my tired body,

receiving a spare shirt and trousers that the Professor graciously

provided and started packing my things.

All my life, I had searched for an answer, an answer to why my

family was destroyed. At least today, after so many years, I would

embark on my journey for the truth, and revenge.

END :)

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Tyler's Pack Initiation


Brandy Corvin

Copyright © 2012 by Brandy Corvin

* * * * *

The changes within me were gradual. First was the bloodlust, how

it consumed my mind! Every time took over I thought of nothing but

hunting with my pack. Except that I hadn't met my pack yet and I still

hadn't fully turned. Thanks to Professor Wolfenstein, I now knew the

truth about my family. For the vampires that dared fuck with me, I would

join the pack, become the fiercest alpha wolf and destroy the vampire

clan just as how they destroyed my life so many years ago.

After the bloodlust came the power. I suddenly grew confident,

aggressive, like a wolf. I played football for the college team, but ever

since that fateful day with the Professor, my werewolf powers gave me

increased strength and stamina, easily blowing past any opponents that

dared stand in my way. Yet my changes weren't only physical, my now

instinctual pack mentality reminded me that in a team, loyalty and honor

were the greatest values a wolf could have.

No one but me and the professor knew what the cause of the

change in me was. And why should the world know? This was a

personal mission. I would gain nothing material, but only the satisfaction

of avenging my family for wiping out the vampires. Yet to me, that was

more than enough. All my life I had lived thinking it was the wolves that

did it, but now that the path before me was clear, I made the decision to

join the pack. It was partly out of guilt for wronging the good side and

also partly out of gratitude to what Professor Wolfenstein had done for

me so far.

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The Professor was a wizened old man with his signature lab coat

and white bushy beard. But when I saw the side of him that no one else

could see, his wolf side, he became a strong, powerful creature. Majestic

in figure and terrifying in combat, he was my mentor, my lover and my

friend. But now that I was going to join the pack, I would have finally

have a place I could once again call home after so many years of angst.

"Tyler," the Professor called out, breaking my concentration on self

reflection. We were in his lab as usual, doing arcane experiments and

researching supernatural lore.

"Yes, Professor?" I asked. Did he have some experiment he

needed my help with, or some new snippet of information against the

vampires that he wanted to share with me?

"You've noticed changes in your… body. Am I correct?"

"Yes," I replied, "I've gotten stronger, sharper. But at the same time

there's this nearly uncontrollable sense of bloodlust within me."

He nodded.

"Then your transformation is now half complete."

Half complete? I thought curiously.

"Professor, shouldn't I be a complete werewolf after, um, after

what happened in the lab the other day?"

Professor Wolfenstein's eyes sparkled as he recalled the incident.

"Ah yes, that afternoon when I mated with you as a wolf?"

Hearing him say that out loud brought an endless supply of blood

rushing to my cheeks. How could he say it like it was a totally normal


"Yes, that afternoon," I sighed meekly.

"No, right now your transformation can only go this far. To join the

pack and firmly oppose the vampires, you'll need to complete the


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Initiation? This was the first time I had heard about this.

"What happens in the initiation?" I asked hesitantly. Somehow I

had a bad feeling that there was more werewolf mating on hand.

”Well," the Professor furrowed his brow, his mind working to

remember life events that happened decades ago.

"I was a young boy then, just becoming a wolf, courtesy of my

mentor. The initiation process was, exciting to say the least."

"Well can you tell me what it's about?" I interrupted impatiently.

"Ha," the Professor smiled, "No. I can't actually. It'll only be

revealed to you on the night of the next full moon… which is tomorrow

night, isn't it?"

He was right, since I first started turning it hadn't been a full moon


"Tomorrow night, when it's the full moon, come to the clearing in

middle of the college arboretum. You'll find me, and the rest of the pack

there. There could be some faces you recognize, but I could confidently

say that you'll meet more strangers than friends.

* * * * *

The forest was quiet. Its silence interspersed with hoots of a

nearby owl. No crickets, little nocturnal presence. My senses were

sharper than they ever were when I was a human. There was certainly

something unnatural about my surroundings. But I ignored my gut

feeling to run away. I had an initiation to attend.

Dried leaves were flattened with a satisfying crunch as I trudged to

the clearing. My heart pounded furiously in anticipation. I already had

Professor Wolfenstein as my lover, would I end up lying with the entire

pack too? How many of them were there in the first place?

Well, there was only one way to find out.

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Fifty steps later, I found myself at the clearing entrance. The full

moon shone brightly in the sky, momentarily hiding its face behind in the

clouds. My bloodlust was strangely more intense tonight. Something in

me, I guess the werewolf side, wanted to jump out and consume my

body. I was barely able to control myself when I noticed five shadowy

figures emerging from the surrounding trees.

Were they the pack?

They approached and surrounded me. Their hoods shielded their

faces from the moonlight and their robes protected the rest of their body.

Who knew what lay beneath the cloth?

"Are you, the pack?" I ventured.

"Brothers, here's the initiate I spoke off," Professor Wolfenstein's

voice rang out from under one of the hoods. Amazing.

"Oh hey Professor," I called out, smiling. I couldn't tell whether he

returned my gesture from under the hood.

They circled me, stepping slowly. Coming close to me once in

awhile, they brought their hoods up to me and took a sniff. I tried look in

to see who it was underneath all the garments but I only found myself

gazing into an infinite abyss.

"He's ready to turn…" a gruff voice resounded from another

hooded figure.

"I agree," a low voice entered my ears this time.

"Then, shall we begin the initiation?" Professor Wolfenstein asked.

The hooded figures nodded in agreement. Adrenaline pumped

throughout my body as I readied myself for whatever the initiation was.

Professor Wolfenstein was the first to take off his hood, revealing

his wizened face.

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I watched in wonder as fur grew out of his skin, his head taking the

shape of a wolf. His muscular toned body ripped his robes apart as he

transformed into a werewolf.

He stood before me, fearsome and majestic. The wolf head on a

humanoid body, it was simply the best of both worlds.

They all tore off their hoods, revealing their human faces. I only

recognized one of them, Randall, a senior in college. The rest were

strangers to me. It was awesome just as it was terrifying to watch the

rest of them transform like Professor Wolfenstein.

First it looked like they were in pain, then fury began to grow from

their skin. Their robes stretched and tore under their expanding bodies.

But their most vivid transformation came from when their jaw line

changed, protruding out more and becoming more angular, just like a

wolf's. Their ears receded into their heads just as new ones appeared at

the top. Blinking once, their timid looking human eyes changed into a

bright yellow. Their black irises now narrowed, like wolves on the hunt.

So it was the full moon, I thought, it was the exposure to it that

caused them to transform. I wasn't sure if they still retained their human

capacity to think, but I smelled like werewolf to them. I should be safe.

They circled me again, sniffing me even more carefully this time.

What were they going to do? Don't tell me-

A dull pain surged from the back of my head as I was flung onto

the ground. What was going on?

The same pair of rough hands that hit me now grabbed my jeans.

Its sharp claws tearing away the fabric just as easily as it was done

carelessly, my legs screamed out in pain at they dug into my flesh,

scratching and drawing blood.

This continued until my bare ass was exposed to the lot of them. In

the cold of the night, my ass shivered. I looked behind me watching the

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largest werewolf, probably the alpha eye me hungrily. Oh shit, he

probably thinks I was inviting him to fuck me!

"No…" I whimpered as he slowly approached, each step brought a

sinister foreboding.

I didn't sign up for this.

"EEEEK!" several shots of sharp stinging pain screamed at my

body as the wolf grabbed my ass violently. His sharp claws grabbed me

so tightly I felt like I was going to be torn apart. A warm liquid ran down

the back of my leg, I couldn't tell whether I was bleeding that badly or

just pissed myself in fear. Tears fell freely now as I struggled and

cringed from feeling his furry cock at my entrance.

I had no choice in the matter. Like it or not, I supposed my initiation

was to get gangbanged by the lot of them.

This alpha wolf was no gentle lover. My quivering asshole ached

for his dick in some demented way even though I knew that I didn't want

this treatment. No wonder they brought me out into the arboretum at


So no one could hear my screams.

"AHHHHHH!" I shrieked. My asshole burned to accommodate this

alpha wolf's large furry cock. Bastard didn't even have the courtesy of

spitting on it or lubing it up. He thrust in me quickly, almost impaling me

in the colon before pulling out as fast he came in.

Fuck! To be raped in such a rough manner. There was no way I

would escape from this 'initiation' unscathed. My survival instincts kicked

into gear. If I wanted to survive, and even join the pack, I had to do

whatever I wasn't willing to do.

The alpha wolf gripped me tightly, but transforming as much as I

can and with the aid of the powers the full moon accorded to me, I

managed to break away from the wolf's damaging grasp.

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I staggered forward into a pile of dried leaves. Peering out of them,

the alpha wolf looked shocked that someone would defy him this way. I

had to appease him before I was torn apart.

Getting up, I quickly came back to him and took his turgid cock in

my hand. I spat on it, leaving my drool dripping off of it before giving it a

good suck.

My mouth eagerly went forth, burying his dick deeply down my

throat while the alpha wolf relaxed. Thankfully he decided to attack me

no further. With my wounds healing quickly thanks to the full moon, I let

my animalistic instincts take over. Eager to please the alpha wolf, I

devoured his cock hungrily.

The alpha wolf tilted his head back, eyes closed, mouth agape.

Good. This whole harrowing experience would go over quickly and as

painlessly as possible if I didn't resist and maybe even enjoyed myself.

I caressed his balls, feeling every contour and fissure of his wrinkly

ball skin. It felt every bit as confident as the alpha wolf. Wondering how

his balls would feel in my mouth, I pulled his thick girth out of my mouth,

gasping momentarily for air before diving back in to pleasure his balls.

"Ahhh… ahhh…" the wolf breathed as his balls enjoyed my

treatment. My hands changed places, moving from his ball to his shaft. I

stroked it with a tight grip, jerking it off to make sure they both were

taken care of.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the other four wolves eyeing the

alpha enviously and me lustfully. It was obvious they wanted in on the


Which one of them was Professor Wolfenstein? I wondered. Now

that they had all transform every one of them looked the same to me.

Even if I was almost a werewolf, I still couldn't tell them apart.

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Wait. Sure they looked the same, but… they did smell different. My

eyes widened at this realization. I took in the alpha wolf's scent. It smelt

powerful and reeked of confidence. One particular werewolf seemed

almost angry that alpha got to do me first. He approached carefully, as if

wanting to take the alpha by surprise.

Taking small steps against the wind so that his scent wouldn't

reach the alpha's nose, he managed to get within striking distance of us.

It smelt like the Professor. Was he jealous?


Oh shit! One of the other beta wolves barked to warn the alpha. In

an instant the beta found himself flung away into the nearby trees. I

looked up in a mixture of awe and fear. With one powerful swipe he

managed to do so much damage. I thanked my lucky stars for making

the best out of this situation. There was no way I could resist. This wolf

could tear me apart on a whim!

Suddenly the alpha pulled away from me. His turgid cock throbbed

more violently than ever. I looked up, what was wrong?

"AHHH!" I screamed as he violently grabbed my torso, his claws

dug deep into my flesh and drew blood. I transformed as much as I

could, hoping that my wounds would heal before it got too serious.

The alpha carried me up with his muscular, terrifying arms before

turning me around. Pushing me roughly face down on the ground, he

brought my ass back up to his waist level.

More stinging pain shot through me as he dug his claws into my

tender ass flesh again. I knew what was coming when he positioned his

furry cock near my asshole, I didn't like it, but what was I to do?

"AHHHH!" I screamed again, less loudly this time. It was due more

to shock than anything else. Sure he did ram it in me fast and sure, it

definitely did hurt a bit. But with his cock soaked in my drool, it made it

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way easier for my ass to relax and take his pounding. If only I could relax

my ass entirely, the masochistic side of me would probably enjoy the


This alpha fucked my ass almost like how Professor Wolfenstein

did in his werewolf form. But he was more intense and a rougher fucker.

I clenched my fists, grabbing fistfuls of leaves on the ground while

enduring the exquisite agony of his rough fucking. Nothing ever felt quite

like it as I relaxed my ass muscles when he entered and tightened them

when he pulled out, try myself to minimize the damage done to my poor,

suffering asshole.

Something wet was dripping onto my head. I looked up. It was

another werewolf, it smelt like Randall. Was he the asshole that warned

the alpha about Professor Wolfenstein's impending approach?

The alpha noticed Randall approaching, but did nothing to stop

him unlike the Professor. Was this an implicit permission to fuck me too,

as a reward for warning him? I didn't know that an alpha like the one

pounding my ass now would be willing to share. My now empty mouth

ached for cock and right in front of me as another huge furry one.

I took it in my hand, the vibrations of impact from the alpha's

fucking behind me travelled through my hand into Randall's cock as I

jerked him off, making this handjob much more enjoyable for him. Who'd

knew that I'd end up jerking off a senior I barely knew at college! Well I

had no idea that he was secretly a werewolf and part of the pack either,

so there's that.

Randall looked at me lustfully, like he wanted to fuck my ass too,

but seemed too shy and meek to fight the alpha wolf for it. I smirked as

he eyed me longingly, probably fantasizing how my ass would feel like

wrapped around his throbbing wolf cock.

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Maybe all these wolves had to undergo this initiation too. Maybe

that's just how it is, with every new member starting off as the literal bitch

to everyone else before working their way up the ladder. Either way, I

had come too far to back out now. And even if I did, how could I ever fit

back in normal society with the intense bloodlust that grew from within,

taking over more of me every day? I would be hunted and put down like

a mad dog.

The alpha wolf behind me pounded my ass faster and deeper.

Beads of sweat dripped off his chin, landing on my ass with a splat. He

was enjoying my ass that was for sure.

From the way he throbbed inside me, he was probably going to

cum soon.

Tired of jerking Randall off, I took his cock in my mouth. My tongue

licked it like it was a lollipop, enjoying the musky taste of man and wolf

melded as one. Randall, perhaps overexcited, grabbed my head and

took me by surprise.

Was he as violent as the alpha wolf too?


Holding my head like a fleshlight, his claws dug into the sides of

my head, scarring my beautiful cheeks as he fucked my mouth with

much enthusiasm. I gagged from not anticipating these; my throat was

blocked by his cock, rendering me unable to breathe at times. I knew

that I had to concentrate and take this with as little damage as possible if

I wanted to survive. The full moon helped with my healing, but I had to

control my breathing, doing it as fast as I can every time Randall pulled

back from a thrust.


The alpha wolf howled at the moon behind me, scaring whatever

critters in the forest away.

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My eyes widened as he released his hot, sticky, werewolf seed

inside me. It felt so warm and so fulfilling that I had pleased my pack

leader. His dick throbbed violently inside of me; the movement

reverberated through me and into Randall's furry wolf cock, making his

blowjob all the more enjoyable.

I was like a medium, a conduit for pleasure. And no matter how

much pleasure I gave, I always got a lot more back from the wolves that

fucked me.

Soon the alpha wolf's throbs became less frequent and violent. He

was sated. Pulling out, he began to walk to the side, leaving his seed

leaking out of my tender asshole. Looking at the rest of the eager beta

wolves, Professor Wolfenstein included, he motioned for them to come

for sloppy seconds.

They bounded over eagerly. Their cocks long aroused from

watching me get double teamed, it was long overdue for them to come.

Randall however spotted the opportunity the minute the alpha left my


Pulling out from my mouth in one powerful violent stroke, he

rushed to my ass and filled my gaping asshole where the alpha had left

it empty. So my wet mouth and hands were now free.

They approached quickly, eager to fuck. But one wolf amongst

them tackled the other two down in the ground before getting up and

coming over. It smelt like Professor Wolfenstein. It seemed like he

wanted the privilege of fucking me in the mouth. Something I was more

than willing to give to him.

I devoured the Professor's throbbing member eagerly. My mouth

ached for a cock that I loved dearly. The very one that started my

journey as werewolf to eradicate the vampires. I felt nothing but love and

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gratitude for this werewolf and would be more than willing to please him

if that was what he wanted.

My tongue worked its way up his shaft, just as it did weeks ago in

that secluded lab on a Sunday. The Professor gasped in pleasure as his

cock remembered my skilled blowjob techniques. But of course, how

could he forget?

From the corners of my eyes I spotted two more werewolf dicks

within distance for me to jerk off. Seems like the two last beta wolves

had recovered from Professor Wolfenstein's tackle. Nothing of them

dared to stir shit up when they were fucking me. To upset the delicate

power balance could mean bringing the supervising alpha wolf to

interfere and take me away from the rest of them. Either way it was

simply to disadvantageous to try for a better hole on me and I was

pleasantly surprised at their level of reasoning as werewolves. It meant

that they retained some form of their human consciousness, and that I

would likely be the same, not losing myself completely when I finally

became a werewolf myself.

I reached out with both hands, taking both their throbbing cocks

into my warm palm. Gripping both loosely, I began jerking them off at a

fast pace. They were already aroused so it shouldn't take much to make

them cum.

Randall's breathing grew louder and heavier behind me. I could tell

his bloodlust was overtaking his body the closer he came to cumming.

More shots of pain screamed at my body as he began scratching

me, possibly to get himself off. I was almost a werewolf now, having

absorbed the seed of the alpha wolf. It didn't matter how badly he

clawed at me for my wounds would heal as fast as the damage he

dished out. But I supposed the scars would remain. Professor

Wolfenstein traced my scars lovingly with a single clawed finger on his

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paw, probably remembering the first few that he dished out on me when

he fucked me that fateful Sunday. The other wolves may leave their

marks too, but the Professor was content that he was the one to give me

my first few.


Randall howled at the full moon. Seeing him like that made the

Professor and the other two beta wolves looked up at the sky and let

their voices loose in unison. It was beautiful as it was ear shattering.

Grabbing my ass so tightly I felt like I was going to be crushed,

Randall pounded my ass furiously, sending him over the edge of climax.

He came, howling and thrashing wildly as his cum rushed up my ass in

sweet release. He thrashed wildly while inside me, making sure to send

his seed as far up my ass as possible while making it harder for me to

please the rest but more enjoyable for them to receive pleasure.

Randal's legs buckled as he pulled out his cock, soaked in a

mixture of my drool and his cum, out of me. Staggering over to join the

alpha wolf, I thought he would transform back to the college senior that

he was. But the full moon must be preventing any of them from

transforming back.

There were only three more wolves to take care of. Spotting my

sore ass with no cock to fill its gaping hole, Professor Wolfenstein

quickly bounded behind me. My ass was sore from the two previous

exertions of those sex crazed werewolves, but if it was Professor

Wolfenstein, I supposed it would be alright.

One of the beta wolves took his place in my mouth eagerly while I

redoubled my grip and jerk efforts on the last wolf. He whined in a

mixture of pleasure and appreciation as my arm worked its magic on his


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The beta wolf that took my mouth must have been too sensitive

and inexperienced.


It came as soon as I buried his throbbing cock down my throat. My

eyes widened in surprised as I swallowed as much of his seed as I could.

This wolf was an amateur, but he sure came buckets! I struggled but

gave up; letting most of it overflow and leak out of my mouth.

Satisfied, the beta wolf pulled out and wandered over to where

Randall and the alpha wolf were. I smirked as the alpha wolf smack the

approaching beta with an open paw, possibly for his poor sexual


The wolf my side breathed heavily now. My mouth was free, but he

didn't take the opportunity to fill it. Perhaps jerking him off felt better for

him? Either way, I was glad that it would finally be over soon.


The beta wolf howled at the sky as his hot, sticky seed hit my

cheek. I took it in my mouth immediately as he came, trying to swallow

as much of it as possible. Perhaps my full transformation depended on

how much werewolf seed I absorbed in me. Either way, I wasn't going to

take any chances and repeating this harrowing encounter again. So I

swallowed, making his orgasm all the more intense.

Professor Wolfenstein chuckled in his low gruff wolf voice at the

scene. Perhaps the beta wolves were still new and inexperienced,

having just left the bottom rung of pack hierarchy as the bitch.

No matter, the beta wolf was done too, and wandered off to join

the rest of them.

All that was left was Professor Wolfenstein, my mentor, my friend,

my lover. Did he delay cumming to have a more intense orgasm? Or did

he wait just so that he could fuck me one on one like before? I cared not

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for the reason for the Professor was the only wolf that I would fuck

willingly with all my heart.

I tightened my ass muscles as he left, not wanting his dick to leave

the void in my ass while relaxing when he entered, making it easier for

him to thrust in me. This was how it should have always been; I wanted

to be with him, to be his pack pal, not a mere bitch to the rest of the pack.

Now that he was mine and I was his to fuck alone, we kept silent,

enjoying the moment and all the pleasures it brought. Not even my sore

ass could spoil the fun I was having now.

The Professor's breathing grew heavier as he pounded me more


"Yes Professor… fuck me harder!" I cried, surprised at how low

and guttural my voice had become. I was ready to complete my

transformation. Now that I had absorbed all of the pack's life giving seed,

it would fuel and finish my complete form as a werewolf and enable me

to join the pack.

I had a sudden urge to look at the sky and call out to the moon, the

giver of my powers.

There was no point fighting it, thick wolf fur had begun emerging

from my skin. It wasn't as painful as I thought, to have my body

transform like that. It was only my head that retained its human shape.

But it wouldn't be long before that would change too.

I looked up at the sky, feeling great and free.

"ARRROOOOO!" I howled with all of my might, finally getting why

it was so enjoyable for wolves to do that.

The Professor howled with me as the rest of the pack looked on.

He was the one to start my transformation, now he would be the one to

finish it with one last climax.

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My fangs grew longer as more hot, sticky, werewolf seed filled my

ass. Professor Wolfenstein was cumming. His dick throbbed so violently,

yet so lovingly inside my ass. My body absorbed whatever his body gave


I suddenly felt light headed. I reached out to touch my face; it was

a strange feeling to suddenly have your jaw protrude out of your face like

that, to have claws emerge from your fingers and replace your nails. But

at the end of it all, a satisfied Professor pulled out.

I stood tall and proud, aware of my werewolf body and my

animalistic mentality. I still retained my reasoning and cognitive abilities,

but my feral mentality and powerful body constantly reminded me of who

I really was, a werewolf.

Professor Wolfenstein came round in front of me. He was smiling,

like a proud parent.

What sounded like barks was now some sort of wolf language. As

a werewolf, I now could understand their tongue!

The Professor beamed at me.

"Welcome to the pack, Tyler," he smiled.

"Now let's hunt."

END :)

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Hunting with the Pack


Brandy Corvin

Copyright © 2012 by Brandy Corvin

* * * * *

I grabbed Professor Wolfenstein's hand, letting the strength of the

werewolf pull me back up from the ground. Standing on both legs and

claiming my superior status as a bipedal wolf with a humanoid body, my

yellow eyes looked up, gazing at the full moon. It glowed a bright white

as the rays radiated unto my skin. How beautiful it was! I thought as I

followed the rest of the pack.

After a rough initiation, I could finally call myself a true werewolf

with a pack of brothers that were always there for me. My jaw protruded

out in a natural wolf like fashion. It was strange feeling to be had since it

was my first time as a fully fledged werewolf after all.

The once quiet forest suddenly became very noisy. Did everything

around me know about my transformation?

My eardrums rang loudly from all the sound that surrounded me,

screaming at me. A thousand little individual voices had suddenly been

given a microphone each. But of course, the forest didn't get louder, my

own hearing had gotten better.

I sniffed the cold, forest air. The dampness of the leaves, the

musky, unique scents of other wolves and even a lone wildflower about

two hundred feet away, the assortment of different smells crowded my

lungs, fighting with each other for my attention.

So this is what it's like to be a werewolf. I had retained my

cognitive and emotive abilities. At least part of me was still human, even

if now I was a total freak of nature.

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Professor Wolfenstein said we were going hunting, I recalled.

So what exactly were we going to hunt?

The pack moved swiftly as a team, as one. Working their powerful

muscles, the wolves around me leapt and bounded deeper and deeper

into the forest. The trees blurred as I flew by them, throwing up endless

leaves behind me. Once human, I could never had moved so fast with

such ferocity, I smirked to myself, proud of what I have become.

Was this the college arborterum anymore? I had lost track of how

long I was following the pack. The rest of them moved swiftly,

experienced in traversing the forest. For all I knew it was their territory,

our territory. And soon, I would know like my own backyard. But for now,

I was lost, with only the silver fur on the backs of my fellow pack

members to guide me.

What were we hunting? I did not know. Where we we headed? I

knew not either. But for reasons I can't explain, I trusted in Professor

Wolfenstein, Randall, and the rest of the pack. We had forged the

deepest bonds of the flesh in my initiation and now as I hunted with the

pack, they slowed down for me just as much as I tried to keep up with


As my body moved on its own instinct, the pack instinct, my mind

retreated unto itself, gorging on the sensory buffet I had just gained

access to. I remember jogging in the forest as a weak human before. It

was tough and terrifying. I uttered a gutterul chuckle at the thought.

The forest had never seemed more alive to me now. As a human

with poor senses, there was always this fear of the unknown in the forest.

Fear that a wild animal or even a vampire may attack an unarmed jogger

like me. I now possessed that knowledge that this forest contained

creatures terrifying beyond my wildest dreams. But I was overcome by a

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strange calmness. Granted, the fact that I was now one of the terrifying

creatures helped quite a bit.

I heard the sound of every twig snapping, every leaf being stepped

upon. I smelt every flower in a two hundred feet radius and saw every

wolf and every bug as clearly as day. With so much information about

my environment, nothing was a surprise. How then, could I still be afraid?

The pack rushed through the forest at a faster speed than usual.

Instinctively, I knew something had changed. The alpha wolf must have

smelted something, our prey.

Adrenaline coursed through my body as I sped up in excitement.

My very first hunt! The maiden hunt that I would always remember, and

it was happening before my very eyes!

I snarled in wild anticipation as I broke pack formation, surging

past Randall and catching up with Professor Wolfenstein.

But one look from the alpha wolf and I knew I had overstepped my

boundaries. With a mournful whine, I slowed down a bit, dropping my

pace back to how fast I went previously.

My eyes glowed in the darkness. I had picked up a vaguely human

scent. But it smelt foul and rotten with a hint of blood.


Only one, furious thought ran through my mind as we cleared the

edge of the forest and bounded into the city. Revenge.

Leaping down onto the streets, our wise pack leader headed into

the alleyways where less people would see us and those who did

wouldn't have the credibility to expose our existence.

The alpha wolf entered a dark corner of the alley and emerged a

robed and hooded man. I understood as we lined up and did the same.

We could transform back even in a full moon, if only not a single bit of

our naked self is exposed to the rays of our life giving orb.

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It was my turn at last. I entered the corner, crouching into a ball to

shield myself from her rays as much as possible. The bloodlust within

me receded as I controlled and banished it back into the recesses of my

mind. Much effort was needed, but I was successful. I looked up, seeing

a hooded Professor hand me a similar robe and hood.

Now naked, cold and so very human, I wore the garments

gratefully before rejoining the pack. It was too dangerous to roam the

city as wolves. The human response would be quick and ruthless.

Maybe the police would arrive on the scene in minutes, they might even

call a more ruthless service to handle creatures like us - the dog pound.

The alleyways of the city were like a maze. But the scent of that

vampire was so strong it left a most obvious trail to its location.

They were smelly creatures that reeked of such filth. I simply

couldn't wait to put my first vampire down.

We marched in a single file, with the alpha wolf leading the way, as

always. Soon, we would corner the abomination and eradicate its

existence for the good of the world.

The disgusting scent grew stronger as I walked. Suddenly the

alpha wolf stopped in his tracks, bringing the rest of us to a halt. We saw

him turn to us and motion for two of us to go round the other side of the


Professor Wolfenstein was first to move. With a single death

defying leap he jumped to the roof of the three storey building next to us.

I looked up, focusing on where the Professor had jumped to.

Summoning the strength in my legs, I pushed off the ground like a rocket.

My eyes widened as I landed on the roof too, with my instincts naturally

helping me move. It was in this moment where I had no regrets walking

down the path of a lycan.

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I looked around me, only to see the Professor's shadow figure

disappear down into a nearby street. Cursing my poor choice of when to

do some self-reflection, I bounded to where I last saw the Professor,

hoping he was still within my sensory range so that I could catch up.

It was easy enough to follow the Professor, no matter how near or

far he was, I would be able to follow him to the ends of the earth as long

as he left a scent. We entered the alley cautiously. The vampire was

right there! It had probably noticed us already and was busy assessing

whether we were friend or foe.

Soon the shadowy figure that smelt of vampire was in my sights. It

took all of my self control not to pounce on it and rip its heart out. The

figure noticed two of my pack mates in front of it before turning around

and noticing the Professor and I.

Yes, I thought eagerly. This is it. We'll destroy this vampire and-

Wait, why weren't any of us moving yet? It was right in our sights!

Within striking distance!

I was still being a disobedient pup. One look from Professor

Wolfenstein and I knew whatever the pack did, we had to wait for the

alpha wolf to give the order. We were nothing but his lackeys. It was

dumb, but I was the lowest on the hierarchy, what could I do?

Watching the alpha wolf emerge from the two pack mates in front

of the vampire, I shivered, struggling to contain the unstoppable rage

and bloodlust within me. He had better start the attack soon or I might

just lose it and put the filthy vampire down myself!

The vampire jumped up very slowly, rebounding against the alley

wall as it tried to reach the roof to escape. I watched it move in bullet

time, my mind reacting faster than it moved. Whether the alpha wolf

ordered it or not, no vampire was going to escape from me, not on my

first hunt!

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Before I knew it I was climbing up the building, less than three feet

away from the vampire's skinny legs. I summoned my strength in one

final boost, reaching out with my clawed paw. But the alpha wolf was

faster. He pulled the naughty vampire back before I did. They tumbled

back down onto the ground in a flurry.

The vampire recovered first, assuming a combat stance, preparing

to fight back. Even a cornered dog would fight fiercer than an attacking


The rest of my pack mates surrounded the vampire while our

leader recovered and rose to his feet. Suddenly two of my pack mates

struck, restraining the surprised vampire. In its struggle it revealed its

refined face to me in the moonlight.

The vampire was a pretty boy.

A pang of guilt struck my heart as all the malicious thoughts in my

head disappeared for an instant. How could it be, that I wanted to

extinguish the life of such a beautiful, yet deadly creature like him?

I dropped back onto the cobbled pavement down below, hesitantly

watching the alpha wolf study her. Was he going to kill him?

He looked up at the full moon and tore off his hood. He stared at

our leader in a mixture of awe and horror as his head brutally

transformed into that of a werewolf. His robes struggled to accommodate

his rapidly expanding, muscled body before finally giving way, ripping

itself into shreds. There, standing in the pack leader's place, was his true


The alpha wolf looked up at the moon.

"ARRROOOOO!" he howled with fervor and ferocity, striking fear

into the heart of the vampire.

My nose twitched. There was a different scent about the alpha wolf

now. I sensed a different kind of intent radiating from him, not one of

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murder, but one of lust. Was he going to fuck the shit out of this pretty

vampire first?

I had to admit, now that I had seen his face, that he wasn't that bad

of a looker. Of course, the alpha wolf was given the first dibs.

The vampire looked scared out of his wits.

"Please…" he mouthed.

"Yea, show 'em what we do to vampires like you, Alpha," Randall


So the pack leader's name was alpha after all. How fitting.

In one powerful swipe Alpha tore off the vampire's back leather

outfit, revealing his pale, but toned chest and abs.

Lust instantly replaced all my earlier thoughts of death and

destruction. If only I could fuck someone like him…

Watching the vampire's beautiful, pale body quivering in the moon

light, I thought my personal vendetta could put on hold for an hour or so.

There was nothing like a beautiful man to get me going.

Alpha snarled at the rest of us. It was painfully obvious he got first

dibs on him. He struggled wildly, thrashing his legs about, but this only

served to turn Alpha on further.

I stood there rooted to the spot, transfixed by the scene happening

in front of me. Based on strength alone, Alpha could easily overpower

the struggling vampire and that was exactly what he did. Alpha pried

open the vampire's legs with one powerful stroke, exposing his fragile

tiny asshole. My dick was aroused beyond measure; a glistening drop of

pre-cum emerged from it as my eyes took in the scene in front of me.

Positioning his dick at the entrance of the vampire's asshole, Alpha

looked wildly into the vampire's terrified eyes.

"You ready?" we all heard him whisper.

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"No-" the vampire whimpered as Alpha rammed himself into the

vampire's ass as hard as he could.

"FUCKKK!" the vampire screamed in agony just as Alpha howled

with pleasure.

I knew for certain that by dawn this vampire's ass would be the

sorest in the whole city. If the sun didn't kill him, our thrusts would.

Werewolf drool dripped off Alpha's salivating chin and landed on

the pretty boy's stomach splat after splat. Alpha was hungry for some

tight ass and he was definitely enjoying the buffet.

I watched the pain and terror on the poor vampire's face. It set my

blood on fire as I reached down to jerk my erect cock off to the scene.

The Professor stared at them intently, in his methodical research fashion

he mumbled to him, possibly taking mental notes on the behavior and

physiology of vampires. I couldn't care less about that even though I was

his research assistant, being content with just getting off to the scene.

Alpha's thrusts were slow and deep at first. As if he wanted to

enjoy every inch of the vampire's insides. But now that he had gotten

used to it, he begun sliding his furry cock in and out faster and faster.

Most surprisingly, the vampire stopped resisting. He stared back at

Alpha in lust. It was just like him to fuck someone so well even those

who initially resisted ended up enjoying it.

The vampire moaned loudly every time Alpha buried his throbbing

hard cock deep inside the vampire's ass. Alpha was a leader, but also a

savage. His claws dug deep into the vampire's flesh, drawing blood and

scratching skin while he upped his pace with faster thrusts.

What a sadist I thought. Despite the bloodlust trying to overpower

me and attack at the vampire too, I wasn't immune to double standards.

The other two wolves restraining the vampire held him steady,

making sure Alpha was in the most comfortable position to fuck that

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sweet vampire ass. I smirked, noticing the hard cocks on those wolves

and their eager, envious eyes. As soon as Alpha had his fill, the rest of

us would pounce.

Alpha's thrusts grew faster and faster, pounding the piece of

vampire ass like a fucking machine. There was nothing the vampire

could do but to enjoy himself, and he took his ordeal with amazing


The vampire's long slender legs wrapped round Alpha's furry ass,

bringing him closer into himself every time Alpha thrust in the vampire.

"Ahhh…" the vampire moaned loudly, sending waves of pleasure

shooting through Alpha's body. It was amazing to see Alpha dominate

the vampire and make him into a willing partner. Alpha's eyes widened,

he grabbed the vampire's thighs tearing him away from the other

werewolves' restraint. Now it was just the both of them alone, fucking in

the alley below the moonlight, with the rest of the pack watching.


In three quick successive thrusts, Alpha buried himself as deeply

into the vampire's ass. I could tell, from the vampire's face, that it had hit

his prostrate well. Alpha stood resolute, carrying the pretty boy in his

poweful arms while fucking his ass as he came.

The vampire looked up at the sky and screamed in pleasure, his

body writhed and vibrated on Alpha's furry dick while hot sticky werewolf

seed filled the needing void in his ass.

The vampire fell to the ground, dropped by Alpha when the last of

his throbs finally waned. He wandered to us, sated. I supposed it was

now our turn.

The pretty boy vampire lay on the ground, panting from his own

exertions with Alpha's seed leaking out of his ass. Fuck that was hot, I


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I turned to Professor Wolfenstein watching him tear off his hood

and transform into a werewolf. The rest of the pack followed his actions,

each one of them had fur coming out of their skin, a shape shifting head

and an expanding, muscular body. I supposed I should follow

accordingly. I always wondered ever since I turned how it would feel like

to fuck in werewolf form.

I was now about to find out.

Alpha stood at the side panting and watching us. As the pack

leader it was his duty, I guess, to ensure the well being of his pack. And

now his pack was about to get some welfare.

I tore off my hood, feeling the rays of the full moon radiate into my

skin. The previously tiny voice of the beast inside an obscure corner of

my head now rose to the surface, screaming to take control of my body.

This bloodlust would make me, and if I wasn't care, possibly break my

humanity too. It was cool being a werewolf, but I didn't want the blood of

innocent humans on my hands either. It was only the vampires that had

to pay.

That's when I felt it, my head exploded, the bones in my skull

shifted and expanded, taking the form of a wolf. My jaw protruded out

and my fangs grew. Seemingly limitless power coursed through my

veins as my loose fitting robes naturally tore itself apart accommodating

my enhanced beast body. As a human I probably had limited stamina

and strength when it came to sex, but now as I wolf? I was eager to try

out my new form and exact a painful fucking on the exhausted vampire

in front of us.

We pounced. Grabbing the vampire with our sharp claws,

scratching and wounding it inadvertently. Luckily vampires heal fast, his

scars from Alpha's previous excursion had long healed by now.

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I grabbed at the vampire first, but Randall got him too, tugging and

fighting to claim the vampire from me. How dare he! I looked to the

Professor for support, but he too was fighting with the rest of us to have

sloppy seconds first. If this went on, there could have been no vampire

left for us to enjoy. I looked to Alpha for some sort of unifying act, but he

merely stared at us fighting like rabid dogs over the scraps of ass left.

Was he really a leader, or a sadist? Perhaps he was both.


The vampire spoke, his blood ran freely, soaking the cobblestone

pavement in a dark red.

I watched as he got up, lifting up one leg, letting the rest of Alpha's

seed leak out of him. Hm, it was interesting that if a werewolf fucked a

vampire, the vampire wouldn't become a werepire as predicted.

"Alright now, boys, don't fight over me, if you want to have a good

time, you have to learn to share," he crooned.

It was facsinating watching the vampire take charge of the

situation. If he was part of the pack he would have likely been Alpha's

second-in-command. He approached me first, stroking my shiny wolf


My dick became three times harder as I lost myself in his pretty

eyes. Oh how I wanted to fuck his ass so bad!

The vampire turned around and bent over, exposing his hot ass to

me. Was he really? The slightly sway of his hips pushed me over the

edge of reason. I saddled his ass and positioned my cock near his

entrance. I didn't lube it, but I suppose his gaping asshole thanks to

Alpha was now more than enough to accommodate my girth.

The vampire looked up at the rest of the pack, he raised a finger,

beckoning them to come forward. Taking Professor Wolfenstein in his

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mouth and Randall and the other wolf in each hand, I watched,

impressed as the vampire fucked the four of us wolves at once.

I entered the vampire's ass slowly, feeling his insides lined with

Alpha's seed. Soon it would be filled with my own instead. The vampire

was taking four werewolf cocks pretty well. He jerked the two wolves in a

steady, methodical fashion. Professor Wolfenstein on the other hand,

prefered to take charge.

He grabbed the vampire's head with both hands, his claws digging

under the vampire's flesh before face fucking him on his own. It was just

like the Professor to be the one in control. I busied myself with the

vampire's ass, pounding it in swift, deep strokes.

My breathing grew ragged as I recalled my hatred for the vampires

that killed my family. Revenge was definitely in order and now that I had

a vampire on my dick, I would make his ass the sorest one in his clan.

I poured all my hatred I possessed into the ass of this vampire,

and he took it well, even begging for more. My thrusts were no longer

caring as I fucked for my own pleasure now. My dick was a weapon, not

a love machine. Every time I shoved myself up this vampire's ass, I

released all the hatred that I had, but it was never enough, more would

build up, replacing what I had lost.

Thanks to his kind, I never got the chance to enjoy my childhood.

My life was ruined by vampires just like him, and for the first time in my

life, I was on the path to inner peace.

I hit his colon as best I could with every thrust, my exertions

creating delicious friction for me, setting my blood further alight. At this

point I couldn't tell what was in control of me, my bloodlust, my humanity

or my desire for revenge.

My claws dug deep into the vampire's ass, partly out of sadism,

partly out of instinct. I supposed werewolves were savage when they

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fucked. Alpha was that kind of wolf, letting his bloodlust take over him

complete. If I wanted to be more of a wolf like him, I was going to have

to control this bloodlust of mine, letting it take over completely and

suppressing it at will.

It was a blast, I learnt, to fire up my bloodlust in short bursts. I let it

take over as I went in the vampire's ass, send me nearer and nearer to

the edge of losing control. But I actively suppressed it while pulling back

from the vampire's ass, trying to regain my humanity as quickly as

possible. Now it longer seemed like an act of revenge, but a game of

practice, a game where I would learn how to be a better werewolf.

Professor Wolfenstein was first to cum. It was naturally so given

how he was focused on his own pleasure and that he was fucking the

vampire's mouth compared to the other two wolves who were being

jerked off.

"ARRROOOO!" we all heard him howl as the rest of the pack

fucking the vampire felt the Professor's powerful throbs travelling

through the vampire's mouth and reach the rest of him. It brought back

fond memories of that sunday afternoon when he fucked my ass and

came, sending me into a writhing frenzy. I supposed we didn’t have time

to waste enjoying ourselves fucking the vampire. This was a hunt, an act

of revenge on my part after all.

I redoubled my efforts, pounding my twitching, furry cock into the

vampire's sore ass with more vigor.

The Professor pulled out at least, sighing contentedly. Sated, he

wandered over to where Alpha was to watch the rest of us fuck I


My attention turned back to the fleshy ass in front of me. His skin

had cracked and bled from my vicious claws, but it was healing up fast.

Soon there wouldn't be a mark left on him to tell the tale of my fucking.

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Tracing the rapidly healing scars on his ass, I raised my paw and

brought it down hard on the vampire's ass.

"UNNNH!" the vampire moaned loudly in pleasure. So not only

was he gay, but he was also a masochist too huh? How disgusting. He

needed to be punished more.

Noticing the vampire's mouth now available, Randall pulled his

dick away from the bent over vampire, content with fucking the vampire's

face instead.

I raised my paw, claws out this time and laid the smackdown on

the vampire's quivering ass. Oh how good it felt! The point of impact sent

waves of sadistic pleasure surging up my arm to the rest of my body. I

couldn't think of a more fun way to enact revenge.

"AROOO!" the other werewolf that was being jerked off howled as

he came, his throbbing cock released his hot, sticky werewolf cum onto

the vampire's side with each jerk of the vampire's hand. Damn, another

came. Soon I would probably be the last one left.

The werewolf's cum glistened in the moonlight, dripping off the

vampire's cheek and shoulder as the werewolf made his way to where

Alpha and the Professor were. Come to think of it, despite my initiation I

never got to know the names of half of my pack. I made a mental note to

find out all their names before the night ended.

Now it was Randall and me. We looked at each other. Our

thoughts had connected. It was obvious a competition was now on.

Whoever came first would obviously be the winner.

I looked back down at the vampire's peachy ass. It was time to

focus. The tiny feeling inside of me, the one that only showed its cheeky

face when I came was wandering around, waiting for the right time to

show itself. The right time was now, I told myself. No more games, I had

enjoyed this long enough.

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This feeling grew bigger and bigger, taking up more and more

space in my preoccupations. I focused on it, magnifying it, letting it take

over my body. It was anticipation, not bloodlust that should be controlling

me now.

The vampire moaned as best he could with Randalls werewolf

cock in his mouth. It was definitely time to come. I felt his ass tighten as I

pulled out and relax when I thrust in. He was milking my cock for all it

was worth, ready to have a second helping of hot werewolf seed inside


Why make him wait?

I looked up at the full moon, enjoying the pleasurable rays it shone

onto me.

"AROOOO!" the feeling inside me rushed to my dick and exploded.

I came, releasing my werewolf cum as deeply inside the vampire

just like what Alpha did before. My throbs were violent, sending waves of

vibration through the vampire's body.

The vampire moaned loudly as I hit his G-spot with each throb. My

legs were buckling as I temporarily lost strength. I reached out

instinctively with my claws and grasped the vampire's butt tightly for

support to stop me from falling. My claws dug further into the vampire's

fleshy ass, drawing more fresh blood.

"AHHHH!" the vampire moaned, absorbing my cum and my

attacks on his sore ass. He was clearly enjoying it as much as, or

perhaps even more than I was.

Randall pulled out of the vampire's mouth, revealing his dick

soaking in the vampire's saliva. Reaching down, he jerked himself off

furious while staring at the naked vampire's back.

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"AROOO!" he howled as his own piping hot werewolf seed began

to come out of his dick, landing on the vampire's pale skin of his face as

he did so.

Randall and I came at about the same time, but I did so slightly

earlier, so I won. Ha. Hopefully this meant more respect in the pack and

the renegation of Randall to the bottom of the pack hierarchy.

I pulled out, my dick trembling, exhausted from my previous climax.

I fell to the pavement panting, looking at at the full moon. She was a kind

moon, revitalizing me with her healing rays. Soon I would have the

energy to get and follow my pack again.

The werewolves roared around me. What was going on? I looked

up only to see the rest of my pack mates chasing after the fleeing

vampire. He had taken the chance while Randall and I, the two wolves

that were closest to him were distract in post-coital bliss to perform his

escape. Smart guy I thought.

I would have gotten up too, but my legs simply had no energy left. I

was still getting used to the whole werewolf gig since I freshly turned into

a complete werewolf only hours prior.

The sun was coming up in another hour or so. There probably

wouldn't be time to return back to college and continue my normal,

human life if I didn't return now.

Professor Wolfenstein had stayed behind with me and Randall,

watching us like a mentor should.

"Go," he said to the both of us.

"Return to your dorms for the time being, there will always a next

time to hunt a vampire like that."

I nodded, relaxing for a bit before getting up. He was right, I had

enjoyed myself enough tonight. The further satisfaction of driving the

vampires to extinction could always be done tomorrow.

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END :)

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Howling for more hot werewolf action? Check out Howling Moon:

Howling for the Vampire, coming soon!

In the mean time, here are some shorts by one of Brandy's favorite

authors, Annabel Bastione!

My Werewolf Lover (W/f)

Little Red Riding Hood goes to see her grandma in this naughty parody. Her visit

turns sour when the evil woodcutter holds grandma hostage and lustfully attacks Red.

Thankfully the Big Bad Werewolf interrupts the action and saves her! Still aroused

from the woodcutter's advances, how far will Red go to repay her hero?


The wolf stood up and turned around. He bore a muscular body

with soft fur covering his skin. What struck me the most were his bright

yellow eyes; it seemed to caring for so terrifying a creature.

It took a step towards me, getting down on its knees.

I frantically crawled back as fast as I can.

"Are… you alright?" the wolf spoke as its fur rapid fell off its skin.

I watched in amazement as his body grew smaller, turning back

into a man. This creature was a werewolf?!

Mother only shared stories of such creatures when it was scary

story time, but never in my wildest dreams would I imagine meeting one.

This wolf was a thinking creature, and it looked hot as hell too.

The werewolf stood before me in human form. I blushed at the

sight of his flaccid member hanging from his abdomen. He was hung like

a horse! Or like a werewolf, depending on prevailing standards.

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He saved my grandma, and he saved me. My body still felt

incredibly aroused from the woodcutter's touch. I needed someone to

finish me off, and there standing in front of me was the perfect candidate.

I got up from the floor, kneeling in front of the man now, his dick

barely inches from my face. My mind ran wild with fantasies of how his

dick would taste.

"What's your name, my savor?" I asked him.

"Wolf," he tersely replied.

What an obvious, mysterious, and primal name! It sent a tingling

feeling straight down into my pussy. My cunt was already soaking wet

from all the adrenaline earlier and I desperately wanted some dick in me.

"Well wolf, let me thank you," I replied as he pulled me up with one

strong arm.

I held his arm in mine, admiring how toned and warm it was.

Somehow I felt safe with him around, and horny, especially horny.

I stared deeply into Wolf's eyes. It bore a melancholy sadness was

that deathly attractive. My lips traversed the two inch gap between us

and locked on to his. He kissed me passionately, his tongue went inside

my mouth, dancing and frolicking excitedly with mine. Being held in his

tight, warm embrace, I felt like I could love and be loved by this

wonderful werewolf.

Gangbanged By Wolves (MMMMM/f)

Shrugging off her vampire mentor's warnings about werewolves, Penny continues

wandering in the night, looking for unsuspecting victims to feed. That is, until a pack

of werewolves corner her. With nowhere to run, she offers up her body, giving her

some time at least, to enjoy herself, and plan her escape...


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I would return to the sanctuary, but only after I satisfied my

curiosity about werewolves.

My mind ticked steadily as I considered where I would most likely

find one of these mythical creatures. If they had to feed on unsuspecting

victims like me, with the bloodlust and all, they would probably pick the

same kind of people I was feeding on now. Easily missed, poorly

investigated souls that lived in the poor areas and the projects.

Just like the area I was in now.

How exciting! I dropped onto the street, my feet tapped steadily on

the cobblestone road. It was late into the night and even in the seediest

of places, no one dared to come out for fear of criminals, or creatures

worst than that.

I turned into an alley, my sharp senses alerting me to about four-

no, five, presences around me. They were watching me, probably

judging how much of a threat I was. Would I be their next victim, or

would they be mine? It was probably some dumb muggers who thought

it would be wise to rob a vampire.

I stopped walking, standing still in the alley, noticing two shadowy

figures appear in front of me, blocking my way.

There was no need to look behind; I could tell there were another

two of them.

They approached me slowly, cautious about my confident figure.

Pathetic, I thought as I let them get closer. Perhaps they've never

tangoed with a vampire before? I supposed these fools didn't even know

that creatures like me existed. My face broke into a wry smile in the

darkness, so no one could see my true colors. I would probably scale

the sides of the alley at the very last moment before they managed to

attack me.

They now surrounded, but didn't do anything.

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This was new.

I dared not move yet, for it would leave me vulnerable to their

response. What exactly did they want? Money? I had none. Sex? A

tingling feeling shot straight into my pussy as I fantasized about getting

four cocks in me by random strangers in the alleyway, but under the

darkness, they probably didn't know I was a woman yet. So what did

they want?

The two figures in front of me stepped apart, revealing a larger,

lone, figure that now emerged before me.

He was shrouded in darkness just like I was. It seemed like he

dared not to reveal his identity lest some terrible secret of his was

discovered. His head perked up, sniffing the air. What was he, some

kind of dog?

I felt singled out as this figure raised his finger, pointing at me.

"I smell vampire."

My eyes widened.

How the fuck did he know?!

Summoning the strength in my legs, I ran towards the alley wall,

rebounding from it as I tried escaping from my terrible circumstances. I

almost reached the top, now I could be fre-


A strong hand grabbed my leg and we both tumbled back onto the

cobbled alleyway floor. I got up immediately, ready to fight whoever

these idiots were.

I put my fists up- only to be restrained by two figures behind me.

"Who are you!" I bellowed, despair overcoming more of my mind

with each ticking second.

The biggest figure amongst them raised his head into the

moonlight. I opened my eyes to burn his image into my memory.

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His body was humanoid, but he bore the head of a wolf.

"Werewolf," I whispered, barely able to contain my fear.

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Other books by Annabel Bastione include:

Pack Pals in Treeing Some Cooch (Werewolves/Dryads)

When the werewolf and his stepbrother Stefan enter the spooky forest intent on

passing through, they did not count on meeting a hostile Dryad, Lillian who uses

vines like tentacles! How far will they go as Lillian's 'plaything' so that she allows

them to pass through the forest unharmed? Story contains furries, werewolf-dryad

sex, tentacle play, double penetration and extreme sexual situations.

Pack Pals in Fucking the Tribal (WW/m)

The werewolf stepbrothers have traversed the forest, and now need to cross a

dangerous canyon to reach the town on the horizon. Their journey becomes even

more perilous when their supplies are stolen. Cornering the tribal shaman thief, he

eyes them lustfully, and makes them a deal they cannot resist. An MM/m story. The

sequel to Pack Pals in Treeing Some Cooch.

Pack Pals in Gay Vampire Threesome: MM/m Paranormal Erotica

The Pack Pals finally arrive in town, only to have a vampire trailing them! Sensing

the unfriendly presence, Stefan rushes to confront him, only to find out that his

father's held captive in the ice palace across the tundra! A map is needed to get

there, and luckily, the vampire has one. The only problem? It's hidden deep inside

his ass! How far will the Pack Pals go to get it out?

About the Author:

A student majoring in feminist studies by day, smut writer by night,

Brandy Corvin ensures you'll never be bored with the

paranormal/fantasy erotic stories she narrates from her world.

Her work can be found on








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Brandy can be reached at

More sizzling stories coming soon!

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or

places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of

the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-

sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another

person, please purchase an additional copy for each

recipient. If you’re reading this

book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please

return to the seller website and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting

the hard work of this author.

Thanks to Marcus Ranum and Wyldraven for the cover images.

* * * * *

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And now, the bonus story by one of Brandy's favorite authors, Erika L.


Pack Initiation

By Erika L. Foster


Copyright 2012 by Erika L. Foster

The wolf lunged at its target, closing its jaw around the throat of

the challenger. It slammed the other wolf to the ground and put a paw on

its head. The

wolf snarled and bit the challenger’s ear, then mounted it

from behind. The challenger, now defeated, submitted to the alpha

male’s display of dominance.

Around them, the pack howled.


Chris awoke well into the day. He was human again, and his ass

was killing him. He raised a hand to his head and gingerly felt his ear,

torn up from where the Alpha had bitten him. He had been thoroughly

proven that he was at the bottom of the pack, while everybody watched.

He would never be able to face them again. Thankfully, no one was


—no one was there to catch him running away.

He travelled for three days before he realised he didn’t know

where he was going. Chris wandered aimlessly, rummaging through

trash cans and sucking cock in exchange for a place to sleep at night.

He wasn’t used to dealing with humans, so he stuck to the shadiest

parts of whatever town he was in. Chris might have been an omega, but

he was still a werewolf, and so he was much larger than the average

human. Very few people were willing to mess with a man of his bulk

where he was, so no one dared to question when they saw him eating

scraps of raw meat from the trash bin of a restaurant. He tried to keep to

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himself, tried to act civilized. It was tough, and he moved out of a town

and on to the next as quickly as he could manage. During the day, Chris

set off into the forest, trying to find hints of wolf activity. When he wasn’t

tracking, he tried to talk to the local townspeople to milk them for

potential gossip about people who went missing. The full moon was fast

approaching, and wherever werewolf packs lived, humans in nearby

towns often went missing around the full moon. Even Chris, separated

from the influence of packmates, was slowly beginning to feel the wolf

blood boil through his veins. He fled the city and headed deep into the

forest, not wanting to give into his growing desire to take a human.

At night, Chris slept under the waxing moon. The evenings were

getting cooler and longer. Chris had to find a pack fast, before winter

came, or there was no way he would survive the snowy months. His

searching got longer and more desperate. And one night, the full moon

broke over the horizon, forcing Chris to succumb to the wolf.

The transformation was painful, Chris could transform at will but


n’t like to. The full moon forced him into becoming a wolf, though, and

to lose every remaining shred of his humanity.

Chris hated the full moon.

The wolf body tore through his bones, twisting his face into a snout

and stretching his teeth into razor-sharp fangs. Chris was forced down

on his hands and knees as his limbs shortened and his hands morphed

into paws. Silvery brown fur sprouted all over his skin, itching horribly.

He bent up his hind leg in a desperate effort to scratch, gnawing at the

places he

couldn’t reach anymore. His animal instincts took over and he

bounded through the forest, weaving in and out of the trees. The need to

hunt was powerful, and he soon took down a large squirrel. It was the

most he could manage

—there were plenty of deer around, but he

wouldn’t be able to get one by himself.

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He needed to find a pack. And he needed to find it soon.

Being the wolf gave Chris the ability to run nearly endlessly, so he

stayed in wolf form and covered huge tracts of land at night, listening

desperately for a howl.

Then he heard it. Distant, nearly inaudible, but his ears pricked up

and he definitely recognised it. A single howl, joined shortly by a


—a pack of werewolves announcing their presence. Instantly he

began running in the direction of the sound, constantly straining to hear

if they howled again. He ran for what felt like hours, then stopped by a

creek to catch his breath. He cautiously trod over to the bank of the

creek and lapped up some of the trickling water. His eyes darted around

as he drank on the constant lookout for motion in the trees.

A sharp blow struck Chris in the side, forcing the wind out of him.

His body flew several yards and landed hard on the ground.

Then teeth on his neck. There was a huge black wolf looming over


im, his jaws firmly clamped around Chris’s throat. He snarled, the

vibration reverberating through Chris’s body. He clenched his jaw and let

his fangs tear Chris’s skin. Blood soon soaked his fur and the other

wolf’s black muzzle. The stench of it was overwhelming.

Suddenly, the wolf let go. Chris’s head dropped heavily to the

ground. He panted, fighting through the searing pain to keep his eye on

the black wolf. Before his eyes, the wolf transformed. Before him now

stood a tall black-haired man with serious features and a heavily scarred

body. He crossed his arms over his wide chest and frowned.

“Transform right now,” ordered the man. Clearly he was an Alpha.

Chris lay still, unable to move. His eyes were still fixed on the

werewolf. He was completely naked. His cock hung flaccid between his

legs, though it looked like it could be monstrous when hard. His dick

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rested atop the two huge globes of his balls, covered in black hair. Chris

closed his eyes.

“Did you hear me? Transform or I will kill you,” said the man.

Chris stood with a shudder, feeling his wounds pulse. Mustering a

great amount of effort, he managed to turn back into his human form for

the first time since before the full moon. His throat bled freely. He was

lying prone, staring up through the trees at the empty night sky. The man

stood over him.

“You’re not from here,” he said simply. He extended a hand, which

Chris took, struggling to get up.

“No shit,” said Chris through gasps.

“Are you aware that you are trespassing on the territory of my


Chris grimaced. “I am now.”

“I’m Markus, and this is my land,” said the man, gesturing to the

woods surrounding them. I lead a pack of men who roam this forest.

What brings you to our territory?”

“I’m wandering,” I said. “I broke away from my pack after some...

differences. I’ve been searching for a new pack.”

“Is that so?” A smile crept across Markus’s face. “You might be in

luck, stranger.”

“I’m Chris,” he said hurriedly.

“Chris,” repeated Markus. “We could use another man to hunt with

us. You’re in if you want a place.”

“Great,” Chris said, stunned. “That’s amazing. Thank you.”

“Oh no...” Markus murmured. “Thank you, Chris.”

The brunette werewolf was slightly nervous at this statement. “For


“Chris, in our pack, new males start at the bottom.”

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Chris’s asshole clenched involuntarily; he hadn’t forgotten his last

dominance encounter. Markus took a step toward him and stroked his


“Come, I’ll show you our den,” Markus said. “Then you can prove

your loyalty to your new Alpha.”

Chris was not about to challenge Markus. He needed a pack, and

there was no way he’d ever be able to take Markus on. He was clearly a

strong Alpha, powerfully built with a commanding aura surrounding him.

Chris wordlessly followed Markus deeper into the woods.

Hidden in a small valley, there was a clearing. The clearing was

full of small, closely-clustered stone buildings.

“We are all brothers,” Chris said. “We live together. We eat

together. We breathe together.

Come, I’ll take you into my home.” He

led Chris into a particularly large stone building. The interior was rather

simply furnished, with a couple plush armchairs and a heavy mahogany

bookcase packed with old leather-

bound volumes. “This way.” He

opened a door near the back of the building and turned on a light inside.

“Get in.”

“Hey,” he said, “don’t you want to spend a little time getting to

know me at all or


“I SAID GET IN!” Markus barked. Chris jumped up and scurried

inside. Markus growled and pounced on him immediately, grabbing him

in a tight hug from behind. He shoved Chris onto the bed in the middle of

the room, then got on top of him. His cock was already starting to harden

as he straddled his waist. The Alpha leaned down and kissed the

submissive werewolf roughly, mashing their dry lips together. He shoved

his tongue down Chris’s throat and began to thrust, grinding his hips into

him, rubbing their cocks together.

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Chris moaned against the older wolf’s mouth. Markus replied by

pulling away from Chris’s face and trailing his tongue down Chris’s neck.

He gently licked the wounds he’d inflicted, tracing along each individual

fang mark. His hands explored the younger wolf’s body and the scars

that criss-crossed his arms. His touch made Chris melt. The Alpha had

agile hands, and he slowly brought his ha

nds to Chris’s chest, rubbing

his nipples into sensitive pricks. Markus lowered his face to a nipple and

bit it gently, making the submissive wolf gasp. He licked the nipple gently,

then bit down harder. His fingers danced down Chris’s abs, then a little

further down, teasingly darting just outside his most sensitive areas.

Chris groaned. The other werewolf abandoned Chris’s nipple with a final

hard bite, then stood next to the bed and ordered Chris to get on his


His cock stood fully erect now, hangi

ng proud over Chris’s face.

The veins bulged out from under his skin, highlighting intimidating ridges

along the underside of the Alpha’s dick. Chris reached up to touch it and

caressed the member. It was hot and rock-hard, the head swollen and

purple. A bead of precum was forming at the tip, which Chris swiped

away with his thumb. He licked the precum off, then slowly ran his

tongue up

Markus’s tool from the base to the tip. He slipped the head

into his mouth and sucked gently. Slowly he worked his mouth down the

length of Markus’s shaft, finally stopping about halfway down. Chris

licked in large, lazy circles up and down the older wolf’s cock. Markus

growled and grabbed Chris by the hair. He held Chris’s head still as he

thrust his hips forward into the yo

unger wolf’s open mouth. Chris

positioned his lips over his mouth and steeled himself against the

assault on his face. The Alpha made rapid, shallow thrusts in and out,

coating the length of his manhood in spit. Chris grabbed Markus’s cock

with one hand an

d pumped it up and down in time with the Alpha’s

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thrusts, making him grunt loudly

—a sound which Chris assumed was as

close to a moan as the man could get. Markus clenched Chris’s hair

tighter and ground his cock a little deeper into his mouth. Chris held onto

Markus’s ass with the hand that wasn’t on his dick, digging his fingers

into the older wolf’s hot skin as he got more forceful, more urgent with

his face-fuck.

Then Markus forcefully pulled out of Chris’s mouth. Chris ran his

hands over the Alpha’s dick slowly, letting his fingers dance down his

length. He explored every bump and ridge of his cock, gazing in wonder

at it.

He gently cupped Markus’s balls in his hands and massaged them,

then slowly brought one hand back toward his ass. Chris ran his hands

over his tight globes and spread them with his fingers, then probed

inside. He found Markus’s hole and lightly traced circles around the

opening. The dominant wolf involuntarily trembled as Chris flicked his

button. Chris turned Markus around and spread his ass cheeks with both

hands, exposing his clenched hole. The submissive wolf tentatively

brought his face forward and stuck his tongue out, lightly touching the

sensitive skin.

When Markus didn’t recoil, Chris pressed harder. He

worked the Alpha’s asshole with his wet tongue, flicking it gently, grazing

his teeth lightly around the edge. As he ate out Markus’s asshole, Chris

reached around to his front and stroked his cock, feeling it get even

harder in his hand. Suddenly Markus pulled away from Chris, forcing his

tool away from his hand. The Alpha wolf turned to a table beside the bed

and rummaged around inside the drawer, hiding his activity from Chris

with his hulking back.

“Get on the bed, on your hands and knees,” Markus ordered

without turning around. Chris obeyed, and soon felt Markus pressing a

hand on his ass. He felt a frigid wetness on his hole, making him jump.

The Alpha was persistent and coated Chris’s asshole in the icy slime. He

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gently rubbed the sensitive skin surrounding the submissive we


entrance, making a shiver run up his spine. The werewolf pressed the

center of his button, slowly working the tip of a single finger inside. Chris

readily gave in to Markus’s experienced touch. The digit slipped inside

him, exploring the tight rin

gs, gently pressing forward to reach Chris’s

velvety channel.

The stimulation made Chris’s cock swell, and when the

Alpha slid a second finger inside him, Chris moaned. Markus stroked

upward gently, hitting his hot spot, sending a shock of pleasure ripping

through his body. The submissive wolf gasped sharply and dug his

fingers into the bed. Markus began slowly moving his fingers in and out

of Chris’s asshole, relishing the hot tightness. With his other hand, he

reached around to Chris’s front and slowly stroked his dick. He gently

stretched Chris’s asshole with his fingers, coaxing the muscles to relax

and submit to him. Chris willed himself to open faster, craving the

fullness of his Alpha. It had been so long since he had been properly

fucked in human form. He needed it.

Markus pulled his fingers out of the other werewolf’s hole. He bent

forward, leaning over Chris’s back to speak in a low growl close to his


“Are you ready to become part of my pack?” he said quietly. “Are

you ready to submit to me as your Alpha, and to be loyal to your

brothers no matter what?”

His member slid between Chris’s ass cheeks, exploring the area.

Markus had already made it slick with lube, and now it was probing,

trying to get to the submissive’s entrance.

“I am,” Chris whispered.

“Are you ready to prove your submission?”

“I am,” Chris said, more loudly.

Markus seized Chris by the waist and pushed into him.

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The head of his cock was enormous, and took some work to slide

in. Once it

fully popped inside, Chris’s ass took the rest of his length

easier. Slowly the Alpha pushed every inch of his manhood inside his

submissive, until he was buried so deep their balls touched. Chris

moaned loudly when Markus got all the way in. The sensation of fullness

was incredible, and his dick was so fat that it was putting pressure on his

prostate without Markus even moving. Chris’s tool throbbed and got

even harder, and he managed to balance himself on one hand to stroke

his cock. Markus gripped Chris by the hips and began to thrust slowly.

He gently pulled out partway, then pushed back in, letting Chris feel

every ridge of his member slowly slide across his tight ring. He wrapped

his arms fully around Chris’s thin body, leaning over him to increase the

amount of contact between their bodies. He thrust downward, rubbing

his cock across Chris’s prostate. Chris moaned loudly as the werewolf

began to increase the speed of his thrusting, becoming more desperate,

fucking harder and deeper as he got faster.

The dominant wolf pulled all the way out of C

hris’s ass, gently

taking the huge head past his ring. Chris turned around to look at him,

but before he could open his mouth, Markus grabbed him by the waist

and deftly flipped him onto his back. Chris was staring at the ceiling,

gaping, unsure of what to say. Markus stood at the foot of the bed,

holding Chris by the legs with his ass at the edge.

“I took you like a wolf,” said Markus, “now I’ll take you like a man.”

He lifted Chris’s legs and rested them over his shoulders. He knelt down

to position his d

ick at Chris’s gaping hole. Locking his pitch-black eyes

with Chris’s steel grey ones, Markus gently pushed back inside the

omega wolf’s hot body. Chris closed his eyes and gasped as he was

stuffed once again with Markus’s meat. His tight ring throbbed around

the Alpha wolf’s girth. He was better able to reach his cock in this

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position, and soon he was pumping his hand up and down over it in time

with Markus’s thrusts in and out of him. Markus had a wild look in his

eyes, and he leaned down as if to kiss Chris

—but lunged at his shoulder

instead. Markus growled and bit him hard, his sharp teeth digging into

the submissive werewolf’s skin, but not breaking it. As he bit harder, he

fucked harder, burying his cock balls-deep with each thrust. Chris

moaned with pleasure and pain.

Markus let go of his shoulder, but dug his sharp fingernails hard

into Chris’s chest. Slowly, painfully, he dragged his nails through his skin

down his torso. Pricks of blood sprouted in his wake. Chris squeezed his

cock hard and moaned loudly, jerking his dick even faster. Markus took

the hint and scratched him again as he increased the speed of his

fucking. Chris moaned in a sound that was almost a howl, encouraging

Markus to thrust harder. He thrust upward into Chris’s hot spot, finally

making him unleash a long, desperate howl, echoing off the walls of the

bedroom and out the open window. Chris thrashed beneath Markus,

squeezing his dick almost impossibly hard as streams of hot cum poured

from his cock onto his belly, rolling over the red welts Markus had made.

The older wolf smiled down at Chris.

“Now,” he said,” “I’m going to come in you like an Alpha.” He

yanked his dick out of Chris, making him yelp in surprise. He was

extremely sensitive in the aftermath of his orgasm, and the pressure of

his Alpha’s cock being pulled out of his ass was overwhelming. Markus

forcefully flipped Chris back around, this time forcing him down onto his

stomach. He shoved the submissive wolf up on the bed and straddled

him. Markus got Chris to tuck his knees under his stomach, forcing his

asshole to point upward, primed for penetration. Markus used a hand to

guide his cock to Chris’s throbbing asshole. When he slipped his fat

head inside, Chris cringed slightly, clenching his ass.

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“Relax,” said Markus soothingly. “Just take a deep breath.” Chris

obeyed and closed his eyes in an effort to focus on loosening his

muscles. Gradually he let Markus breach his passage, gasping as he

inched his way inside. Markus let out a satisfied grunt as he surrounded

Chris with his huge body, holding his muscular arms on either side of

Chris’s shoulders.

“Man, that tight ass feels good,” Markus growled into Chris’s ear.

“You’re a good little omega, you know that? I think I might make you my

personal slut boy. You wanna be my sl

ut boy?”

“Y-Yes,” Chris stammered.

“Say it.”

“I... I want to be your slut boy,” Chris said through gasps.

“Good boy. Good doggie,” Markus murmured in Chris’s ear. “Now

beg me to fill your ass with cum.”

“Please, Alpha, fill my ass,” Chris said. “Fill my ass with your cum.”

Markus responded by thrusting harder, burying his huge cock deep

inside Chris’s channel. Chris quietly whimpered in pain, but the Alpha

paid no attention to him, instead pounding the submissive dangerously

fast. Markus gripped Chris’s arms tightly, grunting and growling, while

Chris closed his eyes and hoped it would end soon. Just when he felt

like he would tear apart from the force of his Alpha’s ridged dick, Markus

howled, and thrust forcefully into Chris’s ass with each throb of his cock

as he spurted waves of seed deep inside the omega wolf’s passage.

Chris gasped at the feeling of Markus coming inside him, owning him,

making him part of his pack. Markus pumped gently to make sure every

drop of cum had been deposited inside Chris, then gently withdrew from

his ass as his dick began to soften. Markus rolled off Chris and gently

touched his shoulder, getting the younger wolf to turn his head toward

him. His Alpha kissed him on the lips softly.

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“Thank you, Chris,” he said. “It has been so long since I’ve had a

pet of my own. And I’m sure you’re going to get along with the pack quite

well.” He smiled to himself at that remark.

“When will I meet them?” asked Chris, curious.

“Tonight. Get ready. They’ll want to... see where you fit in.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Oh, you’ll see,” said Markus, kissing Chris again. He grinned and

ruffled the younger wolf’s hair. “You’ll see.”

END :)

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Enjoy this sneak peek of “Finding His Place,” the sizzling sequel to Pack


—available now!

Chris’s asshole was feeling exceptionally tender. He sighed in

pleasure as the heat of the shower warmed him and soothed the pain.

Chris closed his eyes and let the water beat down on him as he thought

of the events that had just transpired. His new Alpha had claimed him

with his cock, forced him to submit entirely, made him part of his pack.

As he thought about Markus’s magnificent tool buried deep inside him,

his own dick twitched and he instinctively brought a hand to it. He

stroked it lightly as it got hard, remembering

the feeling of Markus’s

member sliding back and forth across his tight ring. He stroked his cock

to erection and rubbed a bar of soap between his hands. Chris slowly

ran his lathered hands across his body, soaping up his chest. His fingers

played with his nipples, teasing them into hard pricks. His fingers danced

down his sculpted abs and lathered his dick with soap.

After being disgraced and running away from his old pack, Chris

joined Markus’s earlier that day. Markus had insisted Chris prove his

loyalty to his new pack by becoming his bitch for the morning. His Alpha

had forcefully fucked his throat and ass with such power he felt raw in

both passages. Markus had hinted at the pack wanting to see where he

fit in amongst them, and Chris was a little afraid of what this would entail

after finding out how this pack showed dominance.

Still, despite the rawness, the sex had been more than worthwhile.

The feeling of Markus filling him up, his monster dick fitting perfectly

inside his ass. Chris pumped his hand up and down over his hard and

soapy cock and brought his other hand around to his tender asshole,

gently probing it with his little finger. He rubbed the outside, being all he

could tolerate, and stroked his dick up and down. The gentle beating of

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the water on his skin turned him on; soon, he was jerking his member

quickly and moaning softly. Markus’s fat cock had slid in and out of his

ass so easily, rubbing across his hot spot with every thrust, finally

pushing him over the edge. He found himself desperately craving that

feeling again, the fullness, the rough prostate massage. Chris growled

and squeezed his cock as he came, spurting long streams of white

across the shower wall.

He quickly cleaned up, finished showering, and ran outside.

Markus had graciously permitted Chris the use of his bathroom to wash

away the traces of sex from his body.

“I don’t have any clothes,” said Chris once he found the Alpha.

Markus raised a bushy eyebrow. “We don’t wear clothes.”

Chris blushed. “What do you mean?”

“Exactly what I said. We’re werewolves, not humans. We don’t

wear clothes unless we have to. We don’t need them.”

This was quite different from the customs of his old pack. Chris

flushed red, which spread down his neck and shoulders. He was not

used to being naked outside the bedroom. He told Markus this, and he


“You’ll get used to it,” he said condescendingly, ruffling the

younger wolf’s hair. “Now, come with me. It’s time for you to meet your

new brothers.”

Chris obediently followed Markus through the tiny cluster of stone

buildings in which the pack lived. They were arranged in somewhat of a

circle surrounding an inner core, with the buildings on the perimeter

being individual dwellings and the buildings in the middle being

communal. Markus led Chris to a building in the middle, which turned out

to be a large hall with a table in the centre, surrounded by dining chairs.

Markus sat in one and gestured for Chris to follow suit. Chris

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ungraciously plopped down in a seat and looked at his Alpha


“They’ll be coming in for dinner soon,” said Markus calmly. “During

the day we spread out to hunt, unless we’re doing a big hunt. We come

back at night to this table and eat.”

Soon, men began to trickle in, all of them completely nude. Markus

didn’t say a word to them as they entered the hall, despite each of them

giving Chris a strange look when they saw him. The Alpha sat at the

head of the table, resting his elbows on the edge of the table. He looked

pensive with his fingers folded under his chin as he silently observed the

scene, keeping Chris at his side. The men rolled in with sacks full of

dripping carcasses and disappeared into a back room.

“You’re lucky it’s been a good day,” said Markus. “Lots of food to

go around. The omega always eats last, of co


Of course.

“We hunt as wolves. We eat, and play, as men,” said Markus. He

grinned. “Or as close to men as we get, anyway.”

More works by Erika L. Foster:

Fucking the Gamers

: Melissa always suspected her boyfriend Mike

had a "thing" for his best friend. When Nick comes to visit, Melissa

decides to find out! 4700 words. This story contains graphic depictions of

sex, anal sex, double-penetration, and a gamer/f/gamer threesome.

Getting It On With Brother Tom

: My step-brother Tom and I were

always inseparable--until high school, when Tom began ignoring me. In

college, I discovered I was gay, and decided to come out to Tom at his

18th birthday party... but Tom has a confession of his own! 3300 words.

Warning: Contains pseudo-incest and hot m/m sex.

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Public Poundings: Jim and

Jake’s Train Fuck

: Jake thinks he's in

for a long day when he sits on the train next to an extremely hot guy who

gives him the cold shoulder. But then Jake discovers that the hot guy is

reading a book... about how to find men to fuck! Without knowing much

more than each other's first names, Jake and Jim head off for the ride of

their lives! (3500 words, m/m)

After-School Figure Study

: Mitch is a college art major taking a

figure study class. One day, the nude model the students are drawing

happens to be a young male around Mitch's age... a VERY attractive

young male. After class, it turns out Mitch caught the model's eye... and

so did the TA! 3800 words. Contains m/m/m sex and some light


Fucked By Daddy... And His Friends!

: Eighteen-year-old Abby is

babysitting for her stepfather while he plays poker with the guys. That

night, he discovers Abby being naughty... so he decides to punish her,

and share her with all his friends! 4800 words, contains a 7-man

gangbang and lots of double+ penetration.

Abducted By Wolves

: Miranda has always dreamed of studying the

behaviour of wolves, so when she gets the chance to go on an

expedition to study a certain pack, she can't wait! But it turns out the

pack has a big secret... and they do not appreciate Miranda trespassing

on their territory! This 5200-word story contains a 5m/f gangbang, anal,

double penetration, and one thoroughly punished trespasser.

Pack Initiation: Finding His Place

: Chris the omega wolf has just

found a new pack, and his Alpha gave him a rough welcome to the

brotherhood. Now, in this sizzling sequel to "Pack Initiation", Chris meets

his new packmates, who all want to try a piece of him for themselves!

5300 words. This hot story contains a 5m-on-m gangbang, rough

werewolf sex, and double penetration. Note: You do not have to read

"Pack Initiation" first!


: Now that he's an adult, Nate is able to escape the

tyranny of his father's rule. He runs away from his pack, determined to

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found his own... but to start a new pack, he needs a mate! Nate finds

himself impossibly attracted to a human named Max... but is Max willing

to become the mate of a werewolf he just met? 4200 words. Contains

hot anal sex with a werewolf (in human form)!


Follow Erika on twitter!

Check out Erika’s tumblr for updates on new releases and more!

* * * * *


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