Lyn Gala First Times

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Halloween Howl

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First Times | Lyn Gala


From Book Two of the Desert World series – Coming Soon



in the bathroom, Temar watched as Shan rolled

to his other side and pulled viciously at the pillow. “I promise
to stop rolling around if you’ll just come to bed, Temar,”
Shan called. Sitting up, he scooted toward the top of the bed
and wrapped his arms around his knees.

“I’m really not tired,” Temar said as he came into the

room. He hid a small vial in his hands. He didn’t know if
Shan had left it for him in the bathroom or if one of their
well-intentioned guests had.

“You’re not going to go back to work, are you?” Shan

asked. Temar shook his head. “Good, because I think you’re
as exhausted as I am.” With a sigh, Shan threw himself
down on his side and pulled at his pillow. “And despite the
fact I’m exhausted, I’m never going to get to sleep. I should
have taken Hannal up on her offer of a sedative tea.” Shan
turned over to face the wall.

The light was low, the red of the setting sun leaking in

around the sole window’s covering. It created soft shadows
all over the room as Temar sat on his side of the bed. He
slipped under the light sheet, inched closer, and kissed
Shan’s shoulder.

Shan started to turn, and Temar caught a glimpse of a

smile, but he pushed against Shan’s shoulder, pressing him

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First Times | Lyn Gala


down onto his stomach before straddling his waist. “I take it
you’re not interested in sleeping?” Shan asked as he yielded.

“Not really,” Temar agreed. Watching Shan’s strong back

under him, Temar’s cock definitely didn’t want sleep. “I
found this in the bathroom.” Temar put the vial next to Shan
on the pillow as he rested his hands against Shan’s
shoulders, giving him the illusion that he’d pinned Shan to
the bed. Shan certainly didn’t protest as Temar started
rubbing small circles against his neck.

There really was only one activity that people used raw

gakka juice for. Leaning close, Temar whispered in Shan’s
ear, “Do you want to?”

“Oh yes. I want it, but it’s been a long time, Temar. You

probably need to move slow.”

“Slow? I can do slow.” Smiling, Temar reached down for

the bottle and pulled out the glass stopper. The
unmistakable spice of gakka drifted through the room.

“Do you want—”

“Shhh,” Temar said. “Just let me take control here.”

Shan chuckled again and tucked his hands under his

pillow. “Feel free.”

Temar let his weight rest on Shan’s back as he pushed

the sheet away, revealing Shan’s well-curved ass, barely
hidden by thin sleep pants. Temar took a moment to run his
hand over the warm flesh, enjoying the feel of Shan shivering
below him. Leaning down, he kissed Shan’s shoulder,
nipping at the skin before he peppered a line of kisses down

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First Times | Lyn Gala


Shan’s body, feeling the back muscles twitch as he finally
reached the small of Shan’s back, just above the waistband.
Sucking on the skin, he could taste the salt.

Arching his back, Shan let out a long hissing breath as

Temar sucked at the warm skin for a moment before
scooting down the bed and sliding his hand under the fabric
of the sleep pants, exploring the curve of Shan’s butt and
brushing teasingly over his hole. Making a sound that fell
between a gasp and a grunt, Shan spread his legs in
invitation, but Temar pulled away and considered the body
laid out in front of him, waiting for him. Taking the bottle in
hand, he let a small amount of thick, white juice run out
onto his fingers, the gakka warming his fingers slightly.

Temar slipped his hand back under the waistband and

ran his slicked fingers down the crevasse to the entrance to
Shan’s hole, stroking his finger over the sensitive skin, and
then farther up to the perineum and to the bulge where the
scrotum started. Letting his slicked fingers glide back and
forth, Temar gave the gakka time to warm the skin. His
fingers started to tingle about the same time Shan started
squirming, his hips thrusting down into the bed as he made
hungry little noises.

Retrieving the glass stopper and pressing it firmly into

place, Temar set the vial to one side and started pulling
Shan’s sleep pants over the round of his ass and then down
to his thighs. That allowed him to blow over the gakka-
stained skin.

Shan arched up off the bed, gasping loudly. “God, yes.”

Shan’s voice was a raspy cry.

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Licking his lips, Temar considered his next move. Shan

writhed on the bed, the gakka doing its work. Moving to the
foot of the bed, Temar pushed Shan’s sleep pants off, and
immediately Shan threw his legs open wide, his hips slowing
although he still made little thrusts down into the mattress.
Temar ran his teeth over Shan’s backside, his right hand
over the small of Shan’s back before trailing his fingers down
the crack to his entrance. Shan started moaning softly,
pressing his face into the pillow.

Temar ghosted his fingers over Shan’s entrance before

he slowly pressed one against the ring. The muscle yielded
easily, and Temar slipped one inside that warmth. Shan
allowed him in, opened to him, and Temar pressed his finger
deep into that heat as he pressed kisses against Shan’s

“Please, Temar,” Shan moaned. “Please. Please.” Every

breath turned into a plea, a mantra that Shan murmured
continuously as Temar pressed deep inside, letting the gakka
warm the skin, relaxing it so Shan would open easily. Temar
had felt the rushed pain of a hurried coupling and the
incredible pleasure of a slow one, and he knew what he
wanted for Shan. The moment he nudged Shan’s prostate,
his pleas grew in volume, and he arched his back, his
shoulders coming up off the mattress again. The hairs at the
back of his neck curled and stuck to the skin as the sweat
soaked into them.

“Ready?” Temar asked.

Shan groaned louder. “I want you in me."

Retrieving the vial, Temar poured another dollop out

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First Times | Lyn Gala


onto his fingers and then put the rest on the side table,
knocking a datapad off in the process. Temar figured Shan
was truly lost in his own need when he didn’t even react to
the sound of the datapad clattering against the tile floor.

Gently pushing two fingers back into the hot hole,

Temar probed deeper, twisting as the heat made the gakka
start tingling more. Shan’s cries muted into little mewls that
matched each thrust of Temar’s fingers deeper into his body.
Carefully scissoring his fingers, Temar used his free hand to
stroke Shan’s side and ass, to feel the muscles straining.
Once again, Temar found the prostate, and this time Shan
rounded his back, his face pressed to the mattress, a bead of
sweat rolling over his dark skin. Reaching down, Temar ran
two fingers from the back of Shan’s scrotum to his hole, one
on either side of the center tendon. Shan’s whole body
started to shake, and Temar pulled his fingers out, rubbing
the remaining slick over his own cock.

He had been ignoring his own body, but now that he

stroked his hand up the hard shaft, Temar could feel his
balls tighten, and he leaned forward, struggling against his
own need to come. He wanted this. He needed to feel Shan
around him, but his body almost slipped out of his control. It
took some panting and some time before he could move
without being in danger of coming all over the back of Shan’s
thighs, and by that time, Shan had sunk back down to the
bed, panting so heavily that his shoulders heaved with each
breath. Spreading Shan’s legs more, Temar pressed in
slowly, the tingling and the heat and the tight passage
forcing him to temper every movement as he fought his own
body for control. He wanted to wildly thrust, to claim, to
come. However, he pushed deliberately and steadily, his cock

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First Times | Lyn Gala


vanishing into Shan’s body.

Temar watched as their bodies joined, Shan stretching

to take him in. Shan started making an atonal hum that
replaced the cries and moans and pleas. His hands clung to
the edge of the mattress, and his forehead was still pressed
against his pillow. Temar pressed forward until his thighs
met Shan’s backside, and then he stopped, panting as need
threatened to overwhelm him. Shan’s movements, like his
cries, were almost muted now, a twitch of his shoulder, a
tightening of his fingers into the edge of the bed, a fast rise
and fall of his back as he gasped for breath. It was as if the
desire had reached a point where he couldn’t cry out
anymore, and Temar rested his hands against Shan’s hips as
he squirmed. The sheets were too slick and he didn’t have a
good angle for thrusting, but he pulled out a little, pushing
back in immediately. Shan shivered, the motion traveling
down his back, and his legs spreading more. Temar grunted
as he realized he might have to pull out to reposition himself,
and he didn’t want to.

“Please,” Shan whispered, his voice rough.

Temar bent forward until most of his weight rested on

Shan’s back, his cock still deep inside his lover. “I need you
on your knees,” Temar whispered. He placed a kiss on the
back of Shan’s neck, smelling the sweat-musk that had
gathered. When Temar started to sit up so he could pull out
and reposition himself, he found himself lifted into the air as
Shan shoved with his arms, pushing them both backward
and lifting himself to his knees. Then he allowed his
shoulders to collapse back to the bed so his ass was thrust
neatly up into the air.

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First Times | Lyn Gala


The angle was right now, and Temar pulled out before

thrusting back in, slowly at first and then faster, their skin
slapping as he sank into Shan’s body. The gakka and their
own heat gathered, the tingling growing until Temar could
feel himself teeter on the brink of orgasm. Reaching around,
he fisted Shan’s cock, and Shan gave one good thrust before
he came, his muscles tightening around Temar’s cock as he
cried out. Temar gave his own strangled cry as he finally
came, his pleasure rushing through him until he could feel
himself get light-headed.

Collapsing forward, Temar was vaguely aware that they

were falling, Shan not able to hold them up as they collapsed
back to the bed, Temar still inside Shan. His softening cock
slipped free as they landed. However, Temar only had the
energy to lie against Shan’s back, his breath coming in
hungry gulps as he tried to recover. He’d had sex. He’d
actually had more sex than he cared to think about some
days. He’d never had sex like that.

Below him, Shan moaned softly, the sort of sound

someone makes when eating a truly good piece of chocolate.

“I should move,” Temar said blearily, aware that he was

heavy enough to make an uncomfortable blanket.

“Don’t. You’re fine where you are,” Shan answered.

Temar kissed the shoulder under his cheek and then let his
eyes drift closed. Shan wasn’t as comfortable to lie on as the
bed, but still… Temar didn’t want to move.

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First Times | Lyn Gala


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started writing in the back of her science

notebook in third grade and hasn’t stopped since. When she
found the Internet and the world of gay romance, she found
her true calling. When she isn’t writing stories of happy men
doing very dirty things she’s teaching in New Mexico.

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Visit Lyn Gala’s Desert World:

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First Times ©Copyright Lyn Gala, 2011

Published by
Dreamspinner Press
382 NE 191st Street #88329
Miami, FL 33179-3899 USA

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the
authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Art by Anne Cain
Cover Design by Mara McKennen

This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is
illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon
conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No
part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. To
request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at: 382 NE 191st Street
#88329 Miami, FL 33179-3899 USA

Released in the United States of America
October 2011

eBook Edition


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