Rock n Roll Baby Ella Goode

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

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Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Also by Ella Goode
Connect with me!

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Linc’s always had two loves—music and me. When
his big break comes, though, it feels like he’s going
to have to choose. I can’t be the one to hold him
back so I’m going to keep a secret. He’ll hate me
when he finds out, but I can’t crush his dream.

I’ve only ever had one love—Cherry. She’s the
heart of my songs, the beat in my melodies. If I
have to choose between music and her, she’d win
every time. When my music blows up big on the
scene, I need Cherry by my side. Only this time,
she’s reluctant to leave home. I’ll need all of my
songwriting skills to convince her that my guitar
only sounds right when we’re together.

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like stale smoke and beer. The

lights are dim and I can barely make out the face of
Cherry, but she’s there, sitting in the spot she
always sits in—just left of the stage. From the
beginning, when I started playing gigs, she has
chosen to sit on the side. She told me that she sees
my face up close enough, but she’s really doing it
because she wants me to get more fans.

“One look at this face,” she told me, “and

they’ll all fall in love.”

“I want them to love my music.”
“Use them both.” She kissed me then. Or I

kissed her. Not sure but we ended up sweaty and
naked, that’s for damn sure.

“This next song is for all the lovers out there.

Grab the one or the one for the night”—I pause as
the crowd laughs—“and sing this next song with

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I scoot my stool over a little to the left so I’m

closer to her and sing the song I wrote one night
when Cherry’s parents were gone and we were
lying in her backyard on a blanket. It was summer
and it was too hot inside because the assholes that
gave birth to her had forgotten to pay the utility bill
before they went off to gamble in the Ozarks. To
cheer her up, I sang about how we didn’t need
them because we had the stars in the sky and
they’d be our lights through the night.

I repeat those lyrics now.

It may be dark now
But the night can’t last forever
Just hold my hand
And we’ll reach the stars together

The crowd sings it with me. I’ve been here

before. They’ve been here before. We’re old
friends so I get up from my stool, stroll off the
stage, still playing the guitar until I reach Cherry’s
side. Nick, my drummer, holds the beat for me
while Benjy, my best friend and bassist, plays the
groove. While the crowd is singing and swaying, I
lean over and kiss her until the crowd’s rowdiness
makes me push away.

I hop back onto the stage, finish up and move

right into the rock tune that everyone loves about
how I messed up, can’t get up, too drunk to

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remember, but if she takes me back, I’ll promise to
be good for this one night, sleep tight, I’ll get
right. I promise to be good for this one night, I’ll
get riiiiiiiiiiight.

Nick smashes the cymbals, Benjy makes the

bass cry, and I…well, I must turn the ladies on
because three pairs of underwear land on my feet.
It doesn’t matter that I just tongued Cherry in front
of them. They still think they have a chance.

The bar owner, Tim Owens, walks in clapping his
hands. “Awesome set, my friends.” Tim’s an old
guy with one of those gray ZZTop beards that hangs
down to his chest. His face always has that alcohol
flush but even if he’s drunk, he’s still smart as hell,
knows the music business in and out, and has
launched more careers than Jimmy Lovine. He
started booking us a year ago and while we haven’t
had much regional success, we’re a hit with the
locals, which means there’s always space for us on
his roster. As high school seniors, I don’t think we
can ask for more than that. He pulls a giant wad of
cash out of his pocket and thumbs his way through
a few bills. He peels them off and hands them to

“Make sure they don’t spend it all at once,” he

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tells my girl.

“I won’t, Uncle Tim.” He’s not really her uncle,

but in the past year, he’s taken a liking to her and
she’s confided some in him.

“I put a little extra in there for you since I know

your shit-for-brain parents aren’t taking care of
you. The only good thing they’ve done in their lives
is stop after having you.”

“Um, thanks.” She ducks her head and kind of

tries to hide behind me in embarrassment.

“You taking good care of her, boy?” He directs

this at me.

“You know it.”
“Good. Good. I wouldn’t want to bust the

chops of my rising star, would I now?”

“You would not,” I agree. One blow from his

meaty fist and I’d be out for a good week.

“All right. You miscreants better get out of here

before the cops haul you away.”

“That’d require my old man to tear himself

away from the Donut Hole,” Benjy grunts. He flips
the guitar case latches closed and swings the black
shell over his back.

“Respect your elders!” Tim shouts as he walks

out of the backroom.

I hustle over and help Nick tear down the drum

kit. We shove it all in the bed of Nick’s truck. Nick
hops over the driver’s side while Benjy holds his
seat down so Cherry and I can climb in the back.

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“No fucking back there,” Nick says as he pulls

out of the parking lot.

“When have we ever?” Cherry exclaims.
“Whatever, just keep the noise to a minimum,”

Nick grumbles. “Some of us are single.”

“Just turn up the music,” Benjy advises. He

pulls out a flask and tips half of it down his throat.
Nick lights a cigarette and does as Benjy orders—
turns the music up to eleven.

I pull Cherry onto my lap and nuzzle her neck.
“Not in front of the guys,” she says.
“Don’t worry,” I reply. “They can’t see a thing

back here. Besides, the music is up and all you
gotta do is keep quiet.”

I slide my fingers under her denim skirt and rub

the crotch of her panties. “How come you never
throw yours up on stage?”

“You’re supposed to take them off.”
“Ahh, but we’re not supposed to be doing

anything in front of the guys, I thought.”

She wriggles slightly, pressing her heated pussy

against my hand. “Since when do you listen to

“Every damn minute.” In fact, I’m listening to

her right now. Her body is telling me to slip my
fingers underneath the damp cotton and finger her
tight, juicy pussy. I do as I’m instructed because
I’m a very, very good boy. As the truck bumps
along in the night and the Ramones wail about the

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blistering in the sun, I let my girl ride my hand. I
don’t give a damn that my band mates are in the
front seat and maybe getting hard thinking about
Cherry getting off back here. All I care about is that
I played a good set, my wallet is fat and my girl is
about to melt into a puddle as she creams all over
my palm. It’s a good night. A really damn good

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with the end of my ponytail as I

scribble down all the notes in our economics class.
He’s not paying attention to anything but me.
School has never been his favorite thing to do.
Sometimes I think he only comes because I’m here.
I have to come because I don’t have a beautiful
voice to fall back on. Nor do I have parents that
give a shit about me. He leans over, placing a kiss
on my neck. He’s getting restless. I smile as I keep
on writing down the rest of what Mr. Clark is
saying. One of us needs to actually pay attention
around here.

“Thirty seconds,” he whispers in my ear. He’s

actually counting down the seconds until we can
leave. “Cherry girl.” This time he gives me a nip on
my neck, making me giggle. Mr. Clark looks our
way but doesn’t say anything. He only shakes his
head and tells everyone to remember we have a test

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next week. The bell rings, freeing Linc from his
daily torture. He’s already putting my crap into my
bag before I can put my pencil down. He’s always
so thoughtful when it comes to me.

“Are you okay?” I laugh.
“Come on.” He grabs my hand, pulling me out

of the chair. Most people are used to Linc and me
at this point. We’ve been together forever and his
overzealousness with me is nothing new to anyone.
“I gotta get out of here.”

“I didn't notice you were in a hurry.” His fingers

tangle with mine as he pulls me down the hallway.
My strides try to match his, but it’s almost
impossible. I’m not sure why we’re in such a rush,
but something must be important.

“You grabbed all your books?”
“You grabbed all my books after lunch,” I

remind him with a laugh.

“The parents are gone this weekend. Dad

texted me he’s got work in Chicago and Mom is
going with him.” I pick up my speed, suddenly able
to match his.

“I’m thinking maybe some naked skinny

dipping is in our future.”

“Fuck yeah,” he agrees. “There will be no party

this time. That shit was a mess last time and I’m not
spending half this weekend cleaning up after
everyone when I can spend it in you.”

My cheeks heat for a second. Even though

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we’ve done everything together, I’m still a bit shy.

“Hey, Linc.” June tries to step in front of us.

Well, in front of Linc really. She never pays me any
mind. Her eyes are set on one thing and one thing
only. I roll my eyes. It’s embarrassing how many
times she’s tried to throw herself at my man. But I
guess some people have no shame. I never blink an
eye or doubt Linc’s faithfulness to me.

“Move,” he barks, trying to step around her.
“I wanted to talk to you about prom.” She cuts

him off again. I bite my lip to keep from laughing
because this is actually comical at this point.

“Prom?” He looks down at her with an

adorable, confused look on his face. He glances at
me. “Is she asking me to prom?”

I should save him. June wishes she could go to

prom with him, but she knows he’ll never say yes. I
don’t think we’re going to prom at all. We haven’t
talked about it. Though if it meant a night in a hotel
room together I think I could put on a fancy dress
for that. I bet I could even find something at the
thrift store for super cheap.

“I thought your band could perform?” June

jumps back, trying to swing Linc’s attention her
way again. This used to bug me. I’d be a liar if I
said it didn’t get me worked up a few times. Now, I
only feel bad for the girls who want to fall at Linc’s
feet. The boy became mine long ago and now the
man he’s turning into belongs to me alone too. Linc

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never lets me doubt that.

“If I’m going to prom I’m taking my girl.” Linc

pulls me in front of him, shielding himself from

“Is the gig a paying one?” I ask her.
“You selling me off?” I look over my shoulder

at Linc, who is pretending that he is appalled by my
question. He is still as handsome as ever. No
wonder girls throw their underwear at him. If they
really knew my Linc, they’d know he has a thing
for panties. But he only wants mine. He likes to
keep them. After he peels them off me himself.

“You’d charge us?” The look on June’s shocked

face isn't fake at all. “Oh that’s right. You’re poor.”
Her face turns into one of fake concern. Jealousy
doesn’t look good on her. She wants what I have,
but she’ll never get it.

“Ugly on the inside and out.” Linc mutters
June’s mouth falls open. “Did you call me


I elbow Linc. I don’t know how I manage to

keep a straight face. I don’t like to hurt anyone, but
she had it coming. It makes me love Linc even
more. He doesn’t appreciate her trying to disrespect
me and him saying what he did lets her know it.

“What?” He grabs his side as if it really hurt

him. “That hurt.”

“You can’t call her ugly,” I tell him. “At least

not to her face.”

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“Can we go?” He’s already pulling me away

from June before he finishes his sentence. He wraps
his arm around my waist, pulling me into him as we
head for the exit doors. Anticipation pools in my
belly, knowing that we’ll get to be together at his
house alone all weekend. Relief fills me that I
won’t have to spend the weekend at home with my
deadbeat parents. Linc stops suddenly, breaking me
from my thoughts. He turns toward me, placing his
finger under my chin before he takes my mouth in a
deep kiss. Giving me a little taste of what's to come.

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“ T




,” Benjy yells.

Nick keeps playing.
Benjy slaps his palm against his bass strings and

tries again. “Too much goddamn snare.”

Nick still doesn’t pay attention. Benjy yanks the

aux cord from the bottom of his base and stomps
over the drum set. He bangs his hand against the hi-
hat, which finally gets Nick’s attention.

“The fuck, dude?” Nick snaps.
“Too. Much. Snare,” Benjy says through gritted


“Why didn’t you say it in the first place?”
“I did—“ Benjy cuts himself off and rubs his

callused hand over the top of his buzz cut. “Never
mind. I’m taking a smoke break.”

Before anyone can say anything, Benjy pulls

the guitar strap over his head and leaves. Nick is
half off his stool when I hold up my hand. “His dad

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got laid off today.”

“Oh fuck.” Nick slumps back into the stool.

“When did you find out?”

“My dad told me.” Dad is the foreman of

Benjy’s dad’s crew. He texted me this morning on
his way out of town with Mom.

“I didn’t realize things were shit over at the


“Neither did I.”
“You think your dad…” Nick trails off.
“I don’t know. Guess I don’t want to think

about it.”

Nick trades his sticks for a flask of vodka. He

dumps a good portion down his throat and shakes
like a dog. “Damn. Okay. I’ve got some liquid
courage. Let me go apologize to Benjy.”

“He’s not going to do anything to you.”
“I know that. It’s just I feel bad, you know, and

this”—he gestures toward the flask—“makes me
feel less bad.”

I drop onto the ugly corduroy sofa that we got

from Nick’s mom when she redecorated their
family room and tap Cherry’s foot. She blinks
owlishly at me over the romance book her nose has
been stuck in for the last hour. Pulling off the noise-
cancelling headphones, she glances around.
“Where’s Benjy? and Nick?”

“Outside having a smoke break.”
She puts down the book and stretches, the

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action jostling her nice tits that are barely visible
under the oversized WorldWired Metallica tour T-
shirt she stole from my closet. Nick asked me once
if I minded that Cherry was always wearing my
clothes. The answer was an obvious no. I mean,
what’s the point of having a girlfriend if she’s not
going to steal a shirt or ten?

“How’s the new song coming?”
“It’s coming.” I slide a hand up her leg. She’s

got nice legs--gently sloping calves and solid thighs.
Her skin is always warm and my hands are always
cold, but she never pushes me away. “I might need
some inspiration.”

“I thought you were writing a break-up song?”
“Well, I have to remember what I’m giving up

before I can write about the pain of losing it all,” I
say. My hand stops when it reaches the elastic of
her panties and I shoot a quick look over at the
door that Nick and Benjy exited through. Maybe I
can take a quick taste. I duck my head under the
blanket but Cherry scoots away.

She wrinkles her nose. “Come here and tell me

what’s going on between the boys. I know they
were fighting.”

I resettle myself and pat the cushion beside me.

Cherry comes over, folding her legs underneath her
and tucking herself under my arm.

“Benjy’s dad got laid off today and so he’s

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feeling tight.”

“Oh no, but I figured it was something serious

since those two never get mad at each other. It’s
usually you and Benjy.”

“We never fight,” I protest.
“Only every day ending in ‘y,’” she teases.
It’s true that Benjy and I argue about the best

quarterback (Mahomes of course) and the proper
way to cook a steak (medium) and dream cars
(Audi R8 coupe), but on the important stuff like
beats, melodies, and lyrics, we’re of one mind. Nick
was using too much snare. I can’t imagine making
music without Benjy--or Nick, for that matter.
We’re a team.

“What do you think Benjy is going to do?”

Cherry asks quietly, picking up on my train of

“I don’t know. I can’t make any music without

him, but if he feels like he can’t practice or do gigs
because he needs to get a job to help out at home, I
can’t stop him.”

“What about you?” She pokes my side.
“What about me?”
“Your plan has always been to get a job

working at the factory. Graduation is a month away
and if they haven’t hired you by now and they are
laying off people, that’s probably not a good sign.
Are your parents still after you about college?”

“You know we can’t afford that. Besides, this

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layoff is temporary. Things are slow there but once
orders pick up, they’ll need workers. Until then, I
guess I’ll work at the gas station or something.
There’s always work if you look hard enough.”

Cherry scratches a spot on my jeans. “What

about your music?”

“I still plan on playing. Tim says we’re welcome

anytime, remember? And there are some bars over
in Eastwood that have shown interest.”

“Nick says you guys should put together a

mixtape and send it out.”

I scrub a hand through my hair, pushing my too-

long bangs out of my eyes only to have the hair flop
back down. “That’s for rappers and pop stars.
We’re a band. I don’t think anyone is really
interested in band music these days but bars and
clubs. I’m okay with that, Cherry. I’ve got you, my
friends, and my music. As long as there’s someone
willing to listen to me, that’s all that matters. I’m
not going to chase worthless dreams. Besides, if I
make it big, that’d mean touring and time away
from you. You don’t want that, do you?”

She tilts her head so she can get a better look at

my mug. “I want you to be happy. That’s all.”

Lifting her onto my lap, I say, “Then kiss me

because I’m happiest when my lips are attached to

A smile lights up her face. “I can do that.”
She cups my jaw between her hands and holds

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me in place while she kisses me sweetly. I clamp
my hands around her ass and push her panty-
covered pussy against the hard-on in my jeans. It’s
not the skin-on-skin contact that my body craves,
but I’ll take it. She rocks slowly but steadily until I
can feel the wet heat of her cunt through our layers
of clothing. Life’s good for me. A guy would kill to
have this and nothing more.

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off one email after another hoping that I’m

not stepping over the line. Linc and I have never
really had any. They all blurred together a long time
ago. After listening to him the other night, I knew I
had to do something. I want to help in any way that
I can and this is the only way I could think of.

I’m not sure Linc really knows how talented he

is. He has a gift and he should be able to share it
with the world. I don’t want his dreams to be lost. I
want him to have the accolades he deserves. But
most of all I don’t want him to be stuck in this town
when he has the opportunity to get out of it. Well,
he doesn’t have it yet, but that’s what I’m working

This could not only set him up for life but Nick

and Benjy too. I love all of them. It would hurt to
see them leave without me, to have this whole
other life, but it would hurt just as much to not see

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them live out their dreams. Linc can work out the
rest later. We’d somehow make it work. We always

He doesn’t have to be with me for me to know

he loves me. People think we’re too young to be so
deeply in love, but I beg to differ. I would trust
Linc with my life. I know deep inside of me that he
would never do anything to intentionally hurt me. I
may be young but I know that solid relationships
are built on trust.

I hit send on the last email, dropping back in my

chair. I have no doubt that someone will call. I
probably sound like every other person that sends
this stuff out. But you know what they say: you
gotta be in it to win it. The worst that could happen
would be that there was no response.

The good thing about that is I’d be the only one

who would ever know. But I know that won’t be
the case because they are all beyond gifted. I just
have to get them out there. Once they get into
people’s ears, they won’t be able to stop listening. I
sent emails with links to tracks to everyone I could
think of. From agents to labels and all the local
radio stations. I could be doing it all wrong, but it is

“Are you doing homework?”
I tab out of my emails, pulling back up an

admissions application to a local college. I am
getting good at doing these. I’ve applied

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everywhere at this point. It isn’t about getting
accepted; it’s more about who would offer me the
most aid. I knew my grades would stand up just
about anywhere, but my financial situation is pretty
much nonexistent.

“More applications.” Linc pushes my hair off

my shoulder, kissing me on the neck.

“You say I’m the one that’s going to make it

big. I think we know it’s your brain that is going to
take us places.” He picks me up, setting me back
down in his lap.

“How was practice?” I try to keep filling in the

form, but Linc’s hand slips inside of my shorts. My
head drops back to rest on his shoulder.

“Good. Still a little tense but better once I told

Benjy you booked us for next weekend.” Linc
plays with the seam of my panties. I wiggle against
him, pushing down on his cock. The man is always
hard. “You are always coming through for us.” He
kisses me under my ear this time. My eyes fall

It’s nice when we have the house to ourselves. I

pretend in my mind it’s our reality. That we live a
peaceful life together. One where I don’t have to
leave to go back to my parents’. I hate it so much

“I could be coming in other ways.” I turn my

head and offer him my mouth. Linc doesn't have to
be asked. He takes the kiss. My lips part for him as

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his tongue slips into my mouth. He pulls my panties
to the side as his legs part mine, spreading my legs
wider for him.

“Wet already.”
“Always.” I breathe against his mouth. He

pushes a finger inside of me, his thumb going to my
clit. He knows my body. It doesn't take him but a
few strokes and he has me.

“You’re mine, sweet girl.” Those are the last

words I hear before I fall over the edge. I scream
his name as the orgasm flows through my body. I
relax against him. “Mouth, Cherry.” I turn in his
arms, straddling him to give him his kiss. I dig my
fingers into his short hair. He stands with me in his
arms, carrying me over to his bed and laying me

I watch as he slowly strips off his shirt and

pants before he climbs over me. He leans down,
giving me a soft kiss. Letting me know what he’s
about to give me. I have no idea how much time we
have together.

I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I

know somehow we’ll end up together. We have to.
Linc is my whole world. Everything else is what
happened to us. He is the one thing in life that is
consistent for me. I know he’ll never let me down.
That he’ll always be there for me. It’s why I have
to do this for him. Because I love him and he’s the
only person in the world that’s ever truly loved me.

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“Cherry.” He looks down at me, brushing some

of my hair out of my face. “You okay?”

“Yeah. I’m okay.” I wrap my arms around his

neck, spreading my legs. “I have you. How could I
not be okay?” That earns me one of his sexy smiles.
No wonder women throw their panties at him. I
can’t blame them. Too bad for all of them he is

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when I crawl out of bed

the next morning. My parents will be home this
afternoon, so it’s the last time for a while that we’ll
have the place to ourselves. Once I get a job,
though, and an apartment, we’ll have this every
day. I’d been hoping to jump start our life together
when we graduated, but if the factory’s not hiring,
I’m not sure what my plans will be.

The factory is the only big employer in town.

The rest of the jobs around here are part-time gigs
that wouldn’t pay enough to feed a bird, let alone
Cherry. Maybe I can get work over at the local
college—even if it’s cleaning floors or some shit
like that. It’s not like I care what I do to make
money as long as there is time for Cherry and my

I push all of that out of my head and get the

fixings for breakfast. Today’s menu is waffles with

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whipped cream and sugared strawberries. I turn on
the waffle iron and start mixing up the batter. My
phone buzzes before I can pour out the first waffle.
A glance at it says it’s from Nick.

You making breakfast yet? We’re outside.
Both my boys look like they haven’t gone to

bed yet.

“Good night out?” I smirk, letting them in.
“Yeah. I’m starved. What’s for brekkie?” Nick

walks by and arrows for the kitchen. Benjy follows
slowly behind. His hoodie is up and the strings are
pulled tight so there’s nothing but a small hole for
him to peer through.

“Rough night?” I revise.
“I had a few,” he mumbles and stumbles over to

the sofa where he throws himself onto the couch.

“We should write a song about a hangover. We

could title it ‘the long goodbye’ and all the lyrics
would be about that asshole in your life that ruins
all the good things, won’t leave, and then you die,”
Nick suggests. He pops some of the sugared
strawberries into his mouth before I can reach him.

“Those are for the waffles,” I scowl.
“I’ll cut some more up. Where’s the


I point to the fridge. While Nick preps more

fruit, I start pouring out the batter. “How many do
you want?”

Benjy holds up a fist.

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“Yo, Ben, you’re still drunk. Your fingers aren’t

up,” Nick yells out.

Benjy pulls his hand down and then raises it

again. This time three fingers are showing.

“Where’d you two go?”
“The lake. Tate Lulzman was having an end of

the year bash.” Nick sprinkles about a half a bag of
sugar onto the strawberries. I guess it’s a good thing
his old man’s a dentist.

“It’s not end of the year.”
“It’s an aspirational thing.”
“Anything interesting go down?”
“Lulzman’s ex showed up with a guy from

Sailor Lake and the two almost killed each other.”

“The guy and Lulzman or Marie and Lulzman?”

Marie has always been quick with a fist. I admire
that about her.

“Ha. Marie and Lulzman. He could not believe

she showed up with a guy to his party.” Nick
mimics Lulzman’s high-pitched tone. Lulzman is a
big dude with a small voice. Weird how things work
out. “Anyway, he tried to get the two to leave and
Marie was having none of it. Eventually the two got
into a fight. Lulzman was throwing cups at her and
Marie found a stick and wacked him across the
back. We had to step in then because, you know, it
was Lulzman’s party and it didn’t seem right that
we allow him to get offed right by the keg he

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“What’d Marie’s new man do?”
“Nothing. Stood there and held his dick. I think

he might’ve been for show.”

“Gee, I wonder.” I flip a golden waffle onto a

plate. Nick ladles on three tons of strawberries and
then sprays a mountain of whip cream on top. “Is
that for you, Benjy, or Cherry because if it’s for
Cherry, she’d probably want a little less of all of it.”

“This is for Benjy. We got to get some food in

his gut before he decides to barf up all the beer he
drank.” Nick digs around for a fork and then carries
his concoction over to the couch. “Eat up, old man.
We’ve got practice today.” Nick glances over his
shoulder at me. “We’re practicing, right?”

“We are.” We’ve got a gig Wednesday night.

“Coincidentally it’s Sailor Lake.”

“I know. I was trying to chat up the new guy for

intel about the crowd there, but he was out of it.
Think he was stoned before they came.”

“Whatcha talking about?” chirps a bright voice.
Cherry’s up and looking edible, dressed in a

pair of dark gray joggers and a light gray cropped T-
shirt. A sliver of tummy peeks when she raises a
hand to rub her eyes.

“Try not to drool on my waffle,” Nick


“Don’t look at my girl’s stomach.”
“I’m not. I’m looking at my waffle that’s about

to burn.”

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I glance down and see the steam coming out

from the sides. Hastily, I open the iron and flip the
waffle out. “It’s perfect. Stop complaining.”

“No thanks to you. Cherry, how many

strawberries do you want on your waffle?”

“Is there a limit?” She climbs onto the counter

stool and reaches over to steal a few pieces of fruit
from the bowl.

Nick stares at me.
“You gave me hell when I did that.”
“I didn’t give you hell and even if I did, yes and

so what? Is your name Cherry?”

“Man, remember when it was bros before

hoes?” He fake cries and dumps two heaping
spoonfuls of berries onto Cherry’s waffle.

“Nah, actually, I don’t.” I’ve been with Cherry

for as long as I can remember.

“He’s right.” Benjy raises his head over the

edge of the sofa. “We’ve always been second place
behind Cherry.”

“Third,” Nick admits. “It’s Cherry, his guitar,

and then us.” He sprays a mound of whipped cream
onto the berries. “At least we know where we
stand, Benjy.”

Benjy pumps his fist once and then disappears

behind the sofa cushions. Cherry laughs. “It looks
like you two had fun last night.” She gives me a
mischievous look from under her eyelashes. “We

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did too.”

“No sex talk before breakfast,” Nick declares,

making a cutting motion across his neck with the

“Yessir.” Cherry salutes him.
We all laugh because this is our family and it’s


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, wondering if I should say something.

I am pretty proud of myself for keeping this bit of
information under wraps. It’s been hard. Especially
when it came to Linc. I’m not even sure how I
managed to pull it off. That boy knows me too well.
I’m surprised he hasn’t called me out on it yet. But
I keep my lips sealed because I don’t want to make
anyone nervous. I know this is too important to
mess up. I’m not sure how the guys would act if
they knew fully what was going on. It might be best
to just let them do their thing. They don’t need any
added pressure.

“You all right?” Linc pulls on my ponytail. My

head leans back and he steals a kiss.

“I’m fine.”
“You’re wiggling around a lot.” His hand slips

down between my legs. He cups my sex. “I take
you too hard?”

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“I’m just excited. I love watching you play.” All

true. I can feel it in the air. This is it. They are
finally going to get their break. And if they don’t, I
will be the only one that will be disappointed. It’s
one of the main reasons I haven’t told any of them.

“Something you want to tell me?”
I shake my head no as I press my mouth back to


“Sound check!” Benjy calls, saving me from

Linc trying to figure out what I’m hiding. He can
read me too easily. Luckily I only have a few more
hours to keep the secret. I should be able to hold
out that long unless he finds a dark corner to try
and work it out of me. If that happens, I don't stand
a chance.

“Put this on.” He hands me a bottle before

heading back toward the stage. I snort a laugh when
I see it's sunscreen. He’s always looking out for me.
I want to do the same for him. Linc would spend
his last dollar on something he thought I needed. He
doesn't care if he goes without. As long as I was
taken care of. It’s all that matters to him. That’s
why doing this for him is so important to me.

I watch them do their sound check wondering if

this could be one of the last times I see it for a long
time. If someone were to sign them to some crazy
deal, I’m not sure how long I would have before
they were gone. I wouldn't only miss Linc. I’d miss
Nick and Benjy too. They are the little brothers I

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never had. They are my family. They have all been
so good to me. I want to make sure I do the same
by them.

I watch as Nick spins one of the drumsticks in

his hand before bringing it down hard onto one of
the cymbals to kick off the sound check. Benjy
follows soon after, mixing in the bass. I can tell by
the first few notes that this is something I’ve never
heard before.

“Stop.” Linc cuts them off. “We’re not doing

that one now,” he hisses at them both. I fight a
smile pretending I don’t see what’s going on
between them. I have a feeling he wrote a new song
for me and wants me to see it live for the first time.
I play with my phone. I guess I’m not the only one
hiding stuff tonight.

I check my emails to make sure no one new has

reached out to me about the boys or if anyone has
more questions. A few more people confirm they’ll
be here tonight. I knew they’d get some response,
but this is way beyond what I expected. Not only
that, it’s happening a lot faster than I thought it
would. My stomach sinks a little bit when I begin to
think about what that truly means for Linc and me.
I push those thoughts aside, knowing that even
though I want to be selfish, I can’t.

“You look flushed.” Linc picks me up, setting

me on his lap. I love outdoor gigs this time of year.
The breeze coming off the lake feels good.

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“I feel fine.” He runs his hand up and down my

bare arm.

“You put the sunscreen on?”
“Yes, Dad,” Nick answers for me, dropping

down into one of the other chairs.

“She’s got fair skin and can burn.” He kisses

my bare shoulder where my shirt slipped off. “And
she didn't feel good this morning.”

“I promise I’m fine.” I look at him over my

shoulder. “I think the pop tart I grabbed was bad or
something.” I didn't feel great this morning. I know
better than to trust anything in the pantry at my
house. It was either that or me being worked up
about tonight. It was hard to concentrate in class all

“Yeah, did you see the cheeseburger she ate in

two bites? I think she’s fine.” Benjy drops down in
another chair, joining us.

“She stole my fries,” Nick adds in.
“You left them in the bag. I thought you were


“I swear you can eat more than me sometimes.”

I roll my eyes. No one eats more than any of them.

“Are you still hungry?” Linc starts to get up.
“Sit down. You’re not going anywhere. You’re

going on in a little,” I remind him. They will not be
late to this show.

“I’ll be quick,” he protests, wanting to go get

me something.

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“I’m fine,” I say for the third time.
“Wait. I don’t think chicks are really fine when

they say they’re fine.”

“Benjy!” I shout. “You’re not helping me here.”
He smirks, knowing what he’s doing, which

makes me laugh more. God, I’m going to miss this.
I love these times when we all just hang out. It will
be hard, but I can do it for them.

“I’m not hungry. Plus we’re going to the diner


“The diner? What are we celebrating?” Nick

asks. We always go to the diner after we have a
really good night.

“I just know it’s going to be a good night. I can

feel it.”

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good tonight. Despite it being a

Wednesday, the crowd is packed and even though
they didn’t know the songs at first, by the end of
each one, they were singing the choruses with us.
All of us feel it--Nick, Benjy and me. We played an
unreal set and even as we stumble off the stage
drunk with the enthusiasm of the crowd, our bodies
are still buzzing as if we’re still attached to our

“Fucking amazing,” Benjy crows. The crew

backstage whistles and claps for us. Benjy makes
the horn sign with his pinky and index fingers. Nick
flies down the stairs and starts giving out high-fives.

There’s a set of towels Cherry placed for us at

the bottom of the risers. I grab one and wipe off a
gallon of sweat. The echoes of the crowd still ring
in my ears so I don’t hear the guy the first time he
says my name. In fact, I don’t even notice him until

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he grabs my shoulder.

“Linc Bierman?”
My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth.
“I’m Andy--”
“Treat of Treats Records,” I blurt out.
The older man smiles. “That’s right. You’ve

heard of me?”

I try to rein in my excitement so I’m not

slobbering over him like a dumb old dog. Even
though Andy Treat is wearing jeans ripped at the
knees and a long-sleeved T-shirt pushed up to the
elbows instead of a three-piece business suit like I
envisioned every record exec lived in, he was still
recognizable. Some guys looked at porn on their
computer. I have photos saved of my favorite music
people and Andy Treat is at the top of my fan list.

“Yeah. I follow your work.” Was that too

eager? Fuck. I wasn’t this nervous the time I
popped Cherry’s cherry.

“I hope I didn’t disappoint. I know musicians

have a love/hate relationship with record labels.”

“Ah, nothing bad,” I manage to choke out.

Treats Records is an indie label that has super
generous terms with its artists. I don’t know why
he’s here, but just standing next to him is giving me
a contact high. “You scoping out an artist?” I’m not
jealous at all. Not even one bit. Okay, maybe a
small amount. I peer around him and try to find the
musician he’s checking out. Like what does that

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guy have that I don’t? I bite on my tongue to keep
from telling Treat I write all my own music. That’s
not what sells these days. You have to have a
concept or a platform or two million YouTube
subscribers or something you can dance to on
TikTok. I got none of those things.

“Yeah, you.”
“That’s great, man--” Lucky bastard...wait, did

he just say me? “Did you--did you mean me?”

Treat’s mouth quirks up. “You and your band,

yeah. You have a minute?”

“Uh, yeah.” My heart’s racing. I wish I smoked

or did drugs because that would explain so much
about what’s happening this second.

“Dude, we have been waiting for you to pack

up the gear for the last ten minutes. What the hell
are you doing?” Nick comes stomping over. “The
fuck?” He does a double-take when he lays eyes on
Treat. If I have a crush on Treat, Nick’s devotion
borders on the serial killer level. It’s a good thing
Treat is here to see us because otherwise, Nick
might’ve packed Treat up with the drum kit and
driven away.

“Andy--” Treat starts to say.
“Treat of Treat Records. Fuck, man, what are

you doing in butt fuck nowhere?”

“I’m here to talk to your band.”
“Our band as in this dumbfuck and me and the

other dumbfuck?” Nick can’t believe it and

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truthfully, neither can I. I’m waiting for someone to
jump out from behind a speaker and yell, “Psych!”

“As in all three of you, yes.”
Over Treat’s shoulder, I see Benjy throwing his

arms out wide and mouthing that it’s time for us to
go. So we don’t scare Treat away with another
round of “you’re fucking Andy Treat,” I pull up my
big boy shorts and shove down all my enthusiasm
under a heavy blanket of skepticism. “Where do
you want to talk?”

“Is there a diner around here? I’m not much of

a drinker anymore.” He holds up a coin that he
pulled from his pocket. It has a ten year symbol on
it but I have no idea what that means. I just nod.

“Yeah. Brave Dog is a diner on the edge of

town. I can’t vouch for the food or coffee but the
sign said it was open twenty-four hours. Do you
have a ride?”

“A rental, yes. Why don’t you lead the way?”
I run to get Cherry while Nick brings the truck

around. “Come on, babe,” I tell her, practically
carrying her off the lawn to the parking lot.

“Where are we going?”
“Andy Treat showed up. Of Treats Records. He

wants to talk to us.”

“He wants to talk to you? Oh my God! Is he

going to sign you to his label?”

“No idea.”
“That’s the only thing he could want to talk to

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you about, isn’t it?”

“It could be a thousand things,” I answer, but

inside, I’m thinking the same thoughts. If he needs
session musicians, the guys that play backup for
singers who need a live band on tour, he has to
know plenty of those. I try to think of a band that’s
currently touring that might need a replacement
member, but come up blank.

“There’s only one reason he’s flown all the way

from LA to here, to sign you. No factory for you,
baby. It’s to the top!” She’s beaming and fuck, I
want it to be true. If we’re signed to a label, I’ll be
able to give Cherry the world like she deserves. But
I’m not getting my hopes up.

“Like I said, it could be anything.”
I shove her in the back of the truck and Nick

peels out of the lot like the cops are on our ass.

“Slow down,” I holler. “We can’t be getting a

ticket while Andy Treat is following us.”

Nick slows down immediately. “Fuck. Andy

Treat. What’s he here for?”

“One of his bands probably has a guy checking

into rehab and needs a replacement,” Benjy says.

“No way. He’s here because he’s heard your

music and loves it,” announces Cherry.

“When would he have heard it? We’re not out

there. Nah, he wants Nick or Linc.” Benjy slumps
lower in his seat.

“Doesn’t matter, Benjy boy. It’s all for one, one

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for all, remember?” I tap him on the shoulder. “No
man left behind.”

“Yeah?” he says, his voice not entirely sure.
“Yeah.” I lay my hand over the back of the car

seat. Nick places his fingers on top of mine and
after a long pause, Benjy sticks his hand on top.
“No man left behind,” we say and then raise our
fists up through the top of the sunroof in Nick’s

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“ I’




!” Nick jumps up from the

sofa spilling some of his beer on himself. “I can’t
believe you’re flying out to LA tomorrow.” I
believe it. I smile, watching all of them. They’re
finally getting what they deserve. Their dreams are
coming true right before my eyes. They are so

I knew this day would come. I’d mentally put it

off for as long as I could but now it’s here, staring
me in the face. I have no other choice but to deal
with it. I am truly happy for them, but a part of me
is also sad. This will be the first time that I don’t
feel as though I’m a part of the group. We’ve
always been a unit but all that is about to change.

Even in the truck when they all held their hands

up together I could feel the shift. Linc didn't reach
for my hand like he normally does with his other to
give mine a squeeze. I hadn’t been a part of their

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celebration and I wouldn’t be a part of this leg of
their journey. I close my eyes for a moment to let
that sink in and also so I don’t begin to cry.

“I still want to know how he got an email with

our music,” Benjy says, causing me to look at him.
I haven’t told the guys that I’d sent it. I don’t know
why but I didn’t feel the need to. This isn’t about

“I think I know.” Linc pushes off the door,

heading straight toward me.

“Of course it was Cherry.” Nick cuts in front of

Linc, grabbing me up from the chair and giving me
a giant bear hug. He lifts me off my feet and spins
me around. My stomach starts to get queasy from
all the motion.

“Put my girl down. I can’t break your hands

right now. If we didn’t need them so badly, I
wouldn’t think twice about it.”

Nick hands me over to Linc.
“You always believed in us,” he whispers into

my ear.

“Always,” I agree. I see how Linc treats

something he loves. He cherishes it. He loves his
music so I know it will flourish. I lean down, kissing
him. Guilt gnaws at me that I’m not more excited.
Outwardly I pretend to be, but my insides ache with
sadness. Things are going to change. They are
about to leave me behind while they live out their
lives. I’m not sure how I’m going to be without

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Linc. How will we manage to stay together? He’s
been such a big part of my life for so long. I know
we love each other, but will that be enough? The
sadness threatens to overwhelm me, and suddenly I
feel the need to get out of here. “I gotta go home.”

“It shouldn't take you long to pack. We’re just

going out for a meeting.” Yes, a meeting where I
know they are going to talk them into signing a
deal. Treat could see what my boys can do. He isn't
going to let them pass. I have a feeling this meeting
is going to turn quickly into them staying longer and
so many other things. It’s all bittersweet.

“I can’t go to LA, Linc.” I rest my hands on his

shoulders. He slides me down his body, putting me
on my feet, but doesn't let me go.

“What are you talking about? Of course you’re


“I have school,” I remind him. It isn't me that’s

signing a deal. I still have to finish high school. And
finish my applications to get into a college. I’m
guessing I need to find a part-time job too. I’m
going to have a lot more time on my hands now. I
might as well fill it with something. It’s not as
though I can depend on my parents to help me out.

“You can’t miss a few days? We can’t go

without you, Cherry. I can’t go without you.”

“You can and you will.” I manage a smile that I

try to make as convincing as possible. I reach up to
touch his face. It takes everything in me not to

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burst into tears. “I’m expecting you guys to go out
there and kill it. Don’t come back unless it’s with a
huge deal. I didn’t send all those emails out for
nothing.” I lean in to give Linc a kiss before
backing away.

“You two be on your best behavior.” I walk

over to Nick and Benjy, giving each of them a hug.
Squeezing them a little tighter than normal. Not
knowing when I’ll get to do it again. Linc grabs my
hand, leading me out of his parents’ place. I wonder
how they will take it. I know they’ll let him go. He
has to go out to LA and see this through.

“Cherry.” Linc pins me to the side of the truck,

caging me in.

“You got this.” I run my hands up and down his


“It’s going to be hard being away from you.

What if something happens? I’m not a car ride

“We’re a call away. This is something we’re

going to have to get used to. I have to finish school.
It’s important to me.” I don’t want to end up like
my parents.

“I know. Shit, I know.” He knows what it means

to me to graduate. I’ll be the first in my family to
actually have a high school diploma.

“I’ll do what I have to do here and you go and

do what you have to do there. I’ll always be here.
You’ll know where to find me.”

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His hands cup my face as he kisses me deeply. I

sigh into his mouth, knowing I’ll never know a love
like his. That I’ll miss him every second of every
day. But it has to be done. Even if my heart gets
broken I’ll know it was all worth it.

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“ B






!” I hold up the phone as I

spin around the suite. “It’s got two living rooms. In
a hotel! We have the whole floor to ourselves!”
Everything I say is with exclamations, but from the
minute I stepped off the plane, my mind has been
blown. Outside of baggage check, a guy wearing a
suit and tie was waiting for us. I knew it was for us
because he had an iPad with our names on it. He
led us to an SUV, stuck all our shit in the back, and
whisked us to a hotel nicer than the state capitol--
not that I’ve been to the state capital, so I’m
making an assumption here.

We’re on the top floor of this bomb-ass place in

a suite that has three fucking bedrooms and two
living rooms. “We have our own butler, baby. He
said that we can ask for anything at any time.”

She laughs. “What outrageous thing did Benjy

ask for?”

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“An apple bonsai tree.” I flop back onto the

couch overlooking the city.

“He said it was the most rare thing that popped

into his head at that moment.” Benjy reads a lot of
obscure stuff so maybe it is. I have no idea.

“Nick asked for a steak and you…” she pauses

and taps her cheek. I can see that some of the pink
paint on her nails has peeled away. “You asked for-
-Is that my doorbell?”

I smile. “You should answer it.”
“Okay. Hold on.” She puts the phone down. I

stare at her white popcorn ceiling as she leaves to
go answer the door. I don’t hear much for a while
and then there’s a squeal and her bright face comes
into view again. “Oh my God! Look at this! It’s like
an entire garden got delivered.” She repositions the
phone so that I can see the giant bouquet of roses.
Six dozen of them, to be precise. The whole
bouquet is almost as wide as her twin bed. Damn.
When they say you can get anything, they really
mean it.

“Is this what you asked for?”
“You are so--why? You should’ve asked for

something for yourself,” she cries, burying her face
in the flowers.

“It was for myself. Looking at you smile like

this is the only way I was going to get any sleep

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tonight.” She put on a brave face at the airport, but
I knew she was sad as fuck.

“I can’t believe it,” she keeps saying. “Where

am I going to put these?”

“Doesn’t matter. As long as I’m not with you,

you’re getting a delivery. This is just the first one.”

She pushes the bouquet away and glares at me.

“No it’s not. That’s way too expensive. Don’t you
know that every dime that the label spends on you,
you have to pay back?”

I frown. “Nah, really?”
“It’s true. I did some internet searching.”
“That sounds fucked up.” I look around the

hotel suite and my palms start sweating. This place
is massive. There's a dining room that can seat
twelve people and a kitchenette that my mom
would cry in envy over. “We haven’t signed
anything.” I scrub a hand through my hair. Fuck, I
need a cut. The bangs are way too long. I can
barely see shit. “Can they make you pay for stuff
when you didn’t sign anything?”

“I don’t know. That’s a good question. Maybe

they plan to charge you in the contract. I hope you
get a lawyer.”

“Me, too.”
“I’m sorry, baby,” she says. Her little lips are

turned down. I wish I could kiss them.

“Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you said something.”

It sucks I have to cancel the future flower order,

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but, you know, I don’t mind the cost of the seventy-
plus roses at all because that one brilliant smile was
worth whatever cut I get from the label signing.
“I’ll be more careful in the future, though, cuz I
want you to move out here after graduation.”

“You think you’ll be there that long?”
“I don’t know, but I want you with me

wherever we go.”

“I’ll have to work this summer.”
“Not if I make enough money. Treat wants us to

start doing gigs right away and they pay way more
than we were earning back home by a factor of like

Her eyes widen. “That much?”
“Yeah so while maybe the flowers every day is

too much, the bouquet isn’t going to kill me and we
should be able to make enough to cover what you
could make in Shittsville.”

“It’s Shindale and I’ll think about it.”
“You should think about me.”
“I do.”
“And how hungry I’m going to be when I see

you.” I lower my hand to my shorts to rub my dick.
“I’m hard right now.”

“Is this what we’re doing now?” she teases.
“You know it. Roll over on your back and show

me how pretty your pussy looks right now.”

“God, I can’t do that.”
I run my tongue inside my lower lip. Okay,

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we’ll work up to that. “How about your tits? Show
me one of your gorgeous tits.”

She hesitates but then lowers the camera slowly

like a digital striptease. She’s wearing one of my old
T-shirts with the collar cut off. She pulls down the
gray fabric. It catches for a minute on an erect
nipple and then glides off the round flesh. I spit into
my hand and reach for my cock again. “Pinch your
nipple, baby. Pretend it’s my teeth.” She does as I
tell her. I grip my shaft harder and start rubbing.
“Roll it between your fingers. When I see you, I’m
going to eat you up. Lick you from head to fucking
toe. Shit. Can I at least hear you fingering yourself?
Put the phone near your pussy and finger that
sweet cunt for me.”

Her breath comes fast. The phone screen goes

white again but that’s okay because soon I can hear
her--the soft sucking noise as her fingers start
moving in and out of her sex. “That’s it, baby. You
sound so sexy. Those are my fingers down there.
It’s my hand you’re riding. Fuck yourself on my
hand. Come for me.”

She cries out, a muted sound as if she stuffed

her fist into her mouth so she’s not so loud. I come
in a long, milky jet across my fist and stomach. It’s
not the same as being together, but it’s something.
“I love you, baby.”

“Same, baby. Love you so much.”

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“ H






.” I look up at June,

who is standing over my desk with a smug look on
her face. I roll my eyes at her before looking back
down at the job application I’m currently filling out
for a daycare center. I’ve been giving some thought
to going into nursing. Pediatrics interests me the
most. I’ve always loved babies. Being able to help
them or care for them seems the best route to go.

Nursing feels like a safe bet. They are usually in

high demand. I know I can make a really good
living off of it. It might not be a career I’ve always
dreamed of having, but maybe if there are babies in
the mix I might end up loving it. I’m not worried
about the academic part of it; I know that I’ll work
hard. I’m more worried about the financial aspect.

“I’m talking to you.” June slams her hand

down, shaking the whole lunch table. She wants
nothing more than to get a reaction out of me and

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I’m not going to take the bait.

“And I’m not talking to you,” I mutter. I don’t

have time for her stupid games. Linc has been gone
for a few weeks. No, he didn’t break up with me,
but there is still a hole in my chest. I thought with
time it would get better. It hasn't. With each day
that passes it only seems to get deeper.

“We all knew he’d leave you when he made it

big.” Smugness coats her words. They haven't made
it big yet but they will. The past few weeks have
been filled with paperwork and lawyers. The boys
have also been in and out of studios while getting
showered with all sorts of things. Treat was
showing them the life he could give them.

I know they are close to signing a deal. From

there I have no idea what will happen. Linc’s calls
have already slowed down. He still texts all the
time, but I have to face reality. He is only going to
get busier. How will he start to feel when I’m not
around? Linc loves affection. I won’t be there to
give it to him. Not to mention I super sucked at the
phone sex thing. Last time we talked he didn't even
try to lead into it like he normally does. He’s
become a little distant and distracted, but I’m sure
that’s normal since he’s being pulled in a million
different directions.

“Is there something you need, June, or are you

just doing your normal bitch thing?” I won’t
entertain her silly comments about Linc. At least

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not in front of her. His distance might hurt me, but I
won’t give her the satisfaction of seeing it.

“It’s a shame that your meal ticket left you


“You’re pathetic, June.” So much for keeping

my mouth shut. I’m so over her crap. This is stupid
high school shit. Real life is starting.

“I think you have me confused with your

family, sweetheart.”

I probably should be offended by her words,

but they’re the truth. There’s nothing she could say
about them that I haven’t heard or thought myself
before. “You’re not better than anyone. You
couldn't keep Linc. Now you really know that.”
With that, she turns, strolling off.

What did that even mean? I’ve never thought I

was better than anyone. I look up to see people
looking my way. They turn, trying to pretend they
weren't watching the show. Is that what everyone
here thinks? I suddenly feel very out of place. This
whole school feels different without Linc. I grab
my stuff, shoving everything into my backpack. My
stomach starts to turn.

“Not again,” I whisper to myself as I pick up

my pace, heading into one of the girls' bathrooms. I
barely make it into the stall and the donuts I ate
from the vending machine for lunch are coming up.
I close my eyes as emotions flood me. This can’t be
happening. When I exit the stall, a few girls snicker

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walking out. I catch my reflection in the mirror. I
look tired. I am tired. I’ve been sleeping like shit. I
thought it was because I was missing Linc, but
maybe there is more to it. There is only one way to
find out. That will have to wait, though. I still have
one more class to get through.

The rest of the day drags by slowly. When it’s

finally time to leave, I head straight to the
pharmacy thankful Linc left me his car. My hands
are shaking by the time I get home. I read the
directions. I can’t be pregnant but it’s the only thing
that adds up. I'm on the pill. I read the directions
three more times as if they are hard to understand
before taking the test.

My phone rings a few times in my bag. I know

it’s Linc, but I can’t answer it now. I have to know.
This could change so much for both of us. I stare
down at the test, waiting for the lines to show up.
How long did it say? Then within seconds the two
blue lines come up. I drop back down onto the
toilet, my body going numb. My phone keeps
ringing. I bring my hand to my stomach.

I am pregnant. My eyes fill with tears. How can

I be happy and so fucking scared at the same time?
What will Linc say? Will he be excited or as
freaked out as me?

“Will you turn that fucking phone off? I'm

trying to take a damn nap.” My mom bangs on the
bathroom door.

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“Sorry,” I shout back, grabbing the phone out of

my bag. “Hey,” I answer.

“You okay? I’ve been calling since school got


“Yeah. What’s going on?” I hear Nick and

Benjy in the background, clearly excited about

“We signed, Cherry. We have a label.”
“I knew it.” I burst into tears. I don’t know if

they’re happy, sad or everything in between. “You
did it.”

“I love you so damn much, baby. We’re going

to have it all.” I cry hard. He’s getting everything
he’s ever wanted.

“I love you too.” I sit down on the floor,

tucking my legs into my body. “Tell me
everything.” I close my eyes, listening to his voice.
It’s the one thing that has always grounded me. My
news will have to wait for another time.

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. Nick and Benjy would say it’s

because we are about to take the stage at the
Troubadour, a legendary LA nightclub. It is the
right reason to be nervous. This club has hosted
everyone from Elton John and Tom Waits to Joni
Mitchell. Playing on the same stage as those
legends would give anyone butterflies. I think that’s
why Nick’s already broken one drumstick and
Benjy can’t stop fiddling with his bass strings, but
I’m not worried about our set at all. There’s never
been a time where we’ve practiced more or a
period where we’ve been so completely immersed
in our music from the time we get up until we go to

We’ve been in the studio with beatmakers and

songwriters who have written such huge hits that I
feel like I don’t belong in the same room as them.
And I’m having fun working with all these legends

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and icons. The music that we’ve been making is the
best we’ve ever laid down.

I should be on the top of the world and I’m

almost there. Like, I’m right below the apex but I
can’t stop thinking about—and missing—Cherry.
Even now as we’re about to step out into the
spotlight, I feel off as if my guitar is slightly out of
tune or I’m half a beat slow. All the lyrics coming
out of me are sad as fuck, too, even for the bops.

Jerry, one of the beatmakers who has created

tracks for the biggest artists in the world, says that
he’s never heard a guy who is so in love make
songs so full of sorrow. The one that everyone
agrees will be the lead single is about how there’s
no sound in my life anymore. I’m alone and the
bed’s so cold / the night’s still / even the crickets
aren’t chirping / poured myself a beer / turned the
tv on / but there’s no sound and my heart’s still

Cherry and I aren’t breaking up. That’s not ever

going to happen, but it does feel like I’m missing a
limb. She’s back home and I’m here, and even
though the lights are about to be brighter and hotter
than anything I’ve ever experienced, it doesn’t feel
completely right.

I want her here bad, but there’s a tiny part of

me that acknowledges this label signing, this path
I’m taking, might fall through. And if it does fall
through, I’ll be back in Shindale with my tail

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between my legs begging for that factory job.
Cherry needs her high school diploma because
she’s got a whole thing called college as an option. I
can’t fuck with that. I’m not that selfish.

“You with us?” Nick slaps me on the back with

one of his drumsticks.

It’s a hard and sharp feeling, but one that gets

my attention, which was his intention. I nod
because I’m the leader and if I don’t give out the
right energy, the whole set will suck. “Never

“Fucking liar,” he says. His tone is more

worried than mad.

“First time at the Troubadour. The head of our

new label is out front, taking a heat check on the
crowd. We’re playing a couple of songs we just
whipped up in the last two weeks. Of course, I’m a
little nervous.”

“Bullshit.” Benjy joins us on my other side.

“It’s Cherry.”

“Yeah. She’s not going to be sitting left of


“Would you two shut up?” Hearing them say

what I’ve been trying to avoid thinking about is
only making matters worse. I roll my shoulders
back and jump in place to loosen up.

“What’s the problem?” Our new manager, Hal,

has come over. I made the suggestion that Cherry
be our manager. She was the one that sent the song

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to Treat in the first place, but everyone jumped
down my throat over the idea. Cherry was too
young. She didn’t have any connections. I would
ruin her life taking her out of school and forcing her
to deal with assholes in the industry who think that
a woman’s place is on her back or knees. It was the
last one that made me pipe down.

“He’s missing Cherry,” Nick says before I can

tell him to shut up.

“She’s been at every gig since we started,”

Benjy chimes in.

“She has, has she?” Treat gives me a look as if

weighing whether signing me is already a mistake.

“Some guys are addicted to drugs and alcohol.

I’ve got one weakness. It’s Cherry at my port of
call,” I quip. “Nah, I’m going to be fine. This is the
Troubadour, after all.”

“You writing lyrics as we talk is why I signed

you.” Treat clamps a hard hand on my shoulder
right above the space where Nick lashed me. Don’t
fuck up,
his eyes say.

“I got an idea,” Hal says. He holds up a giant

teddy bear—the kind that scares the shit out of you
when you stumble downstairs to get a glass of
water and you spy it out of the corner of your eye,
looming on the sofa where no one should be sitting
that time of night. “This is going to sit where
Cherry usually does. In the morning, we’ll get your
girl to send us a shirt or something and this bear will

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wear it while you do your gigs.”

“That’s not a bad plan,” Nick says.
Benjy nods. “Yeah, that works, don’t it, Linc?”
“Why not?” I actually have a better idea but I’ll

put that into action after the gig is over. “Thanks,

The short man smiles. “That’s what I’m here for

—to solve your problems.”

The set goes off without a hitch. The crowd is

fucking insane. We do three encores and there are
so many people that want to meet us that we don’t
get out of the club until four hours after our set
ended. Only Nick and Benjy know this isn’t the
best performance I’ve given. The next day only one
review of ten mentions the giant teddy bear in the
midst of talking about our fresh new sound and how
we’re bringing rock back into the mainstream.
We’re on our way, Treat says. I nod and smile and
place the order. If I’m going to have a teddy bear in
place of Cherry, it’s not wearing something of hers.
It’s got to have skin to skin contact.

Sleep with this would you, baby? I write in the

notes box of the order. I can’t play without you
here and since you can’t be with me, this is the next
best thing. I love you.

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“ I


in the order wrong for table seven. You want

it?” Minnie places a cheeseburger with fries down
onto the table where I’m currently taking my break.
She and I have quickly formed a friendship since
she gave me this job. I know her better than she
thinks I do. I’m onto her. She didn’t mess up any
order; she just wants to feed me.

In the short time I’ve known her I know not to

bother arguing with her. Plus, I am hungry. I was
planning on eating when I got home. I’ve been
trying to save money and eat some cereal but the
burger smells so freaking good. I can’t resist her
charity tonight. I’ll find some way to pay her back.

“I’d love it.” I close my small laptop, pushing it

aside. Minnie sits down with me. It’s late and only a
few tables are taken. These days are long and while
I’m grateful for this job, it makes me realize how
important it is for me to focus on my schooling. I

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need to make sure that I’m able to provide for my
little one.

“Watching your man?” She smiles at me,

stealing a fry off my plate.

“Maybe.” I feel my face warm. I think I’m

turning into a stalker. I watch all the videos that end
up on YouTube or ones they put up on the
Instagram live. I am so happy for them. Their
dreams are coming true. I am happy to have a way
to still see them perform. I miss seeing it live. I miss
seeing Linc in the flesh. These videos are the only
glimpses I get into his life these days. God, I miss
how things used to be so much. The hole in my
chest only keeps growing.

“You know Benny and I were high school

sweethearts.” Ben and Minnie have been married
for a few decades. They own the small diner that
sits a few miles outside of town. It’s a mix of our
town and the next one over. It’s nice that I don't
know every person that walks in the front door.

Word about Linc is starting to spread. They are

already making a name for themselves and
everyone has been giving me sympathy looks as
though I’ve been dumped. I hear the whispers too. I
ignore them but at night when I lie in bed I can’t
help but hear them loud and clear. Even though I
know they aren’t true, the distance between Linc
and me has taken a toll on me.

“I did know that.” They are utterly adorable.

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He’s always got his eyes on her even from the
kitchen. It often reminds me of Linc. It’s how I
pictured he’d still look at me after all those years.
My heart grows heavier, wondering if we’ll make it
that far. He hasn't been gone long and I’m already
questioning everything. It doesn’t help that I’m
keeping this secret from him.

I still haven't gotten up the courage to tell him

I’m pregnant. Nick told me Linc is already
struggling. If I told him about the baby he’d come
running back here. It’s not as though the baby is
here yet. I haven't even gone to the doctor. I am
trying to find one that’s not in our town. Linc needs
to focus on what he’s doing. Being here hovering
over me because I’m knocked up isn't going to do
anything but lose him the opportunity of a lifetime.
It’s not something I’m willing to let happen. I don’t
know what my plan actually is, but I’ve got some
time to figure it out.

“If you love each other it will work out.”
“I don’t think love will ever be our problem.”
“Yeah, but sometimes we get in the way of

ourselves. You should take this time to grow into
yourself. We all gotta do a little growing on our
own.” She pops the fry into her mouth, standing
from the booth. “It’s going to be okay.” I really
must be wearing all my emotions on my sleeve.
“We’re slow so if you want to head out after you
eat, have at it.”

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“Thanks,” I say as she heads back toward

another table to check on them. I think over what
she said. I’m not sure I agree with her. Why do we
have to grow alone sometimes? I’ve always been
alone until Linc came into my life. He has shown
me what it means to be loved and cherished. I’ve
gone so long without having that from my parents. I
place my hand on my belly for a moment. Silently
telling my little one that no matter what happens,
they’ll always be loved. I will be a better mom than
mine ever was.

I eat my cheeseburger and fries before I pack

up my stuff and see to anything else I can do before
I leave. The tips have been good here so far. My
phone rings as I head out to my car.

“Hey.” I drop my stuff into the passenger seat.
“Cherry.” Linc breathes into the phone. He

should be having the time of his life right now, but
Nick is right. Linc doesn't sound like himself. He
sounds tired.

“I love you.”
“Never gets old hearing you say that. I love you

too, Cherry.” It never gets old hearing him say it
either. He’s the only person that’s ever said those
words to me.

“Don’t you have a show you should be getting

ready for?”

“I suppose. I just needed to hear your voice

first. What are you doing?”

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“I ate a cheeseburger and now I’m heading

home.” It was the truth. I haven't told him about the
new job. He would try and send me money or
worry more over me. It's weird keeping things from
him. Another reminder that things are changing.

“I’ve got to come home soon and see you.”
“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine,” I try to

reassure him.

“You might be but I’m fucking not.” It would

be a lie if I didn't admit that a part of me likes that
he is missing me so much. But I love him and will
always do what I think is right for him. I know he’d
do the same for me.

“We’ll see each other soon. I promise.”
“I’m going to call you when I’m done. We

might be thousands of miles apart but we can still
go to bed together.”

“I’ll wait up for you. FaceTime me and I’ll have

a surprise for you.”

“Oh fuck, Cherry.” He groans into the phone. I

knew that would perk him up. It doesn’t change the
fact that I’m hiding a bigger surprise from him.

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“ G



. G





.” Treats beams as

we exit the stage. Someone, I don’t know who
because our entourage has grown larger in the last
couple of weeks and I can’t keep track of
everyone, throws me a towel. I wipe off a bucket of
sweat and drape the towel around my neck.

“Excuse me,” says a roadie. His hands are full

with two mic stands in each hand and a bass guitar
around his neck. I jump out of the way and
narrowly avoid getting mowed down by a stream of
other staff members moving equipment for the next
band--Three Fingers Up--to take the stage. I’d
forgotten there was one more band after us. We’ve
been moving up in the set list at the gigs we’ve
played. For the first week, we were stuck in the
middle of a show as filler, but the crowds are loud
for us and a few acts have had some trouble
maintaining the same energy so now we’re near the

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end. We aren’t close to being headliners of any
event, but being second or third to the last before a
huge name is damn good.

I should be flying high but I’m in this weird

state of being exhausted and wired at the same
time. The crowd noise boosts me up but the high
never lasts. One minute, you’re the king on stage
and the next, you’re just a body that needs to be
moved out of the way.

Treat tells us not to get used to the high life

because it can all fade quickly. Cherry was wrong
about us having to pay back the hotel fees. Treat
covered everything for us up until we signed to the
label. He pocketed all the money from the gigs we
did during that time, but it felt fair. Since then, I’ve
been trying to manage it myself with help from
Benjy. We’re the poorest so we’re trying to save.
Nick wants to spend every last dime. It’s hard when
we’re not all on the same page. Benjy and I wanted
to rent a tiny apartment downtown but Nick had a
hard time giving up the taste of the life that Treat
introduced us to. We compromised on a two-
bedroom rental about five minutes from the beach,
even though it now takes an hour to get to the
studio. LA traffic sucks. I think I could walk from
one end of the city to the other faster than driving.

“Treat, let me meet your new boys.” An older

man with a close cut gray beard wearing a suit with
a pair of white Nikes strolls over.

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“Good to see you, Jeff.” The two shake hands.

“This is Linc, our songwriter, Benjy on bass and
Nick, the drummer. Guys, this is Jeff Humphrey.
He’s a venture capitalist who dabbles in music.”

“A three-piece set. I like it. Manageable

numbers. What’s the plan? Singles? Opening act
with some covers? You all look young. What are we
thinking? Maybe some Nick at Night appearances?”

Before Benjy can spit curse words in Jeff’sface,

Nick and I step on his toes--literally. “We’re
singers, sir. We’d look dumb as hell on a small
screen. No offense,” I add.

Benjy’s audible sigh of relief actually ruffles the

hair at the nape of my neck.

“I think album first. These guys have the

capacity of building a rock fanbase which means
they need to have an album.”

“But you’ll need a good single and while I like

what I’m hearing, I think you need something
poppier. Have you considered a rap feature?”

Jeff sounds like a nightmare. The three of us

exchange a glance. Time for us to jet. “We need to
pack up Nick’s kit. Nice to meet you, man. Treat,
thanks for setting everything up tonight. We’ll be in
the studio in the morning.”

“The morning?” interjects Jeff. He laughs. “You

are green behind the ears if you’re still getting up
early. The morning is for one thing only and that’s
fucking the side piece you brought home the night

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before. Am I right, Treats?”

“Jeff, you’re going to get me in trouble. I’m

married now.” Treat turns to us. “I’ll see you
around lunch time. Why don’t you put together a
couple of tracks for me to listen to?”

“No problem.” The sweat I’d wiped away

before starts dripping down my back. We’ve been
working in isolation, but now the label president
wants to come and hear what we’re laying down.
But I want to get the album pressed. The sooner we
get the album done, the sooner we can get booked
at festivals, which means real income besides these
club gigs and that brings me one step closer to
Cherry. I’m not sure how much I need to support
two people, but it can’t be a ton more than what
I’m pulling in now.

I miss her so fucking much. “Anyone grab

Teddy?” I ask, looking around backstage.

Nick shakes his head. “Why don’t you get it

while Benjy and I pack up?”

“Okay.” But when I get out front, the stool

where Teddy sat during our songs is gone and so is
the giant stuffed animal. I push my way through the
crowd to the bar. A bartender holds up a finger to
let me know he’ll be with me in a minute but one
stretches into five. Anxiously, I scan the large
venue but don’t see anything remotely resembling
the bear. When the bartender finally comes over, I
want to grab him by the neck. I settle for squeezing

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the edge of the wooden bar top so hard I’ll
probably get splinters. “The stuffed animal that was
on the stool? Where is it?”

He shrugs. “Some couple walked off with it.

Didn’t realize it was yours, man. Sorry about that.”

“Why’d you let that happen? It wasn’t theirs.

We set that up when we came on stage.” I’m
heated and my voice is getting loud.

“Dude, it’s a bear. Buy another one.” He starts

to walk away. I lunge over the bar top and grab him
by the back of the collar.

“It wasn’t just a bear,” I seethe. “That bear

represented my girl and I can’t fucking play
without it.”

“Dude, I just pour booze here. Tell someone

who cares.”

Two burly security guards come over and drag

me away.

“I’m with the band,” I tell them. “I need to go

back and get my crew.”

“Right.” The humorless men dump me on the

curb and ban me from re-entering. My phone is in
the back with the equipment because I don’t carry
the thing on stage with me. A half an hour later, a
furious Benjy and a resigned Nick come rolling

“Where the fuck have you been?” Benjy yells.

“We’ve been waiting for you.”

“I got thrown out and no one would allow me

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back in.”

“For what?”
“Someone stole the bear.”
“Someone what?”
“Someone stole my fucking bear!” I yell. I

thrust a hand through my hair and kick an empty
beer can. I know I sound ridiculous, but I miss
Cherry so fucking much. “I have to go,” I tell them.

Nick sighs. Benjy hasn’t caught on yet. “Go


“To Cherry.”
“What? We have to play some tracks for Treats


“Play what we have. I’ll be back in two days.” I

hold out my hand and a cab rolls to a stop. Benjy
jumps out of the truck but I’m inside the back of
the cab and tapping the driver’s shoulder before he
can reach me. “LAX,” I say.

I don’t have my phone or any luggage, but I

have my credit card. I have to see my girl. I just do.

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up against the side of the car, my eyes on

the airport exit. Benjy called me hours ago to tell
me Linc was headed my way. He’d had a little
panic in his voice but I assured him that I would
send him back. The thought of seeing Linc excites
me. Even if it’s only going to be for a few hours, I
plan to enjoy each of them. I don’t care if it means
getting no sleep tonight. I’ve missed him so damn

A moment later the doors slide open and Linc

comes strolling out. His eyes widen in surprise
when he sees me. I think he had plans to surprise
me, but I’ve beat him to it. I run, throwing myself
at him. He catches me and I wrap my legs around
him. His hands go to my ass as I kiss him deeply. I
fight back tears as he kisses me back. We’re a mess
with all teeth and tongue but neither of us care; we
just want to feel connected again. I hadn’t realized

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how much I needed this.

“Missed you so damn much,” he says, breaking

the kiss for a moment, sounding out of breath. I
know I am, but I don’t care. I go back to kissing
him. Who needs oxygen? This is all I need. He
carries me over to the car. I bury my face in his
neck. I need to get it together. I was supposed to be
the strong one here, telling him to turn around and
get his ass back to California, but too many
emotions burst free when I saw him. I decide to be
selfish for a little while. I just want to feel him
against me, to have him hold me, even if it’s only
for a short time.

“I love you,” I say into his neck. He puts me in

the passenger seat of the car and buckles my
seatbelt before running around and hopping into the
driver seat, taking off.

“There.” I point to the back road that heads

into the country behind the airport. “Let’s park.” I
don’t want to go to either of our homes. Not that
we would even go to mine. My parents are so
unpredictable that I don’t want to ruin the little
time Linc and I have together with their nonsense.
While his parents are nice, I want to spend time
with only him. I don’t want to share him with
anyone today.

The car rolls to a stop when we get to a

secluded area. Before Linc even finishes shifting
the car into park, I’m unbuckling my seatbelt and

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climbing into his lap. He scoots the seat back,
making plenty of room for me. His hand comes to
my face, tracing his finger down it, as though he’s
memorizing every part of it. I lean into his touch,
enjoying his affection. God, I’ve missed him so

“I don’t know if I can continue going this long

without seeing you, Cherry. It’s killing me.” My
thumb reaches out to sweep across his cheek. I lean
down to give him a quick kiss. I want to tell him
that I feel the same. That I want him to come back.
That I’m carrying his baby. But I don’t say any of
those things. Tonight is not the time for that.

“You can and you will. You’re doing it for the

both of us. So that we can have a better life and
future. I know it’s not easy. Believe me, I miss you
like crazy.” I drop my forehead to his. “Our love
has been so easy, if you think about it. People go
half their lives without finding their other half. Not
us. We’re crazy if we don’t think there might be
times we have to be apart for a little, but we’ll get
through it.”

“You always make me feel better.” He brushes

his mouth against mine. “You’re right. In the end
we’ll be together.”

I nod my head in agreement. “If we can get

through this we can get through anything.” I run my
hands down his chest. “You have to go back.” I
don’t tell him Benjy already booked him a flight

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back. We have a little time.

“What I’ve got to do is make love to my girl.” I

unbuckle his belt. His hands slip under my dress to
my ass. “Want these.” l gasp when he rips my
panties right off me.

“They're all yours.” I pull his cock out from his

jeans, giving him a few strokes while his fingers go
to my clit.

“You’re fucking soaked for me already.”
I moan my response. It’s been too long since

he’s touched me. My body is more than ready for

“Put me in,” he demands. I shift, lining him up

with my entrance. I want to go slow, but the
moment the head of his cock breaches me, we both
lose it.

I drop down onto him, taking him deep inside of

me. He grabs my hips, groaning my name. He takes
over, moving me up and down on him. He’s as
hungry for me as I am for him. He jacks himself in
and out of me, unable to wait for me to come fully
down onto him. The orgasm hits us both quick and
hard. I fall on top of him, wrapping my arms around
his neck. I hold him as tight as I can. His warm
release feels so good deep inside of me. I’ve missed
this connection.

“I should be embarrassed with how fast I came

but who can blame me?” His hands drift up and
down my back. His cock is still hard inside of me. It

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doesn't matter how fast he comes; he’s always
ready to go again. We have a few hours. We’ll be
using them all. I sit up. He groans again, his cock
jerking inside of me.

“We’re just getting started.” I smile. He grabs

me, taking my mouth in a kiss. I kiss him with
everything I have, knowing it will have to be
enough for now.

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and I stopped having feeling

in my legs about an hour ago, but Cherry’s sitting
between my thighs, her back against my torso, her
sweet ass snugged up against my finally quiescent
cock, so this is the best I’ve felt in weeks. A
pleasant exhaustion has set in. I got into Shindale
by morning, had sex with Cherry twice before
lunch, ate a gas station egg salad sandwich which
was better than it sounds, swallowed a cup full of
mouthwash, made love to Cherry again, and finally
passed out. When I woke up, the sun was setting
and Cherry had fallen asleep on my chest. She
woke up because her stomach was rumbling.

We still had some convenience store food—a

couple slices of pizza that had gotten cold, two
water bottles, the mouthwash, a pack of gum, and a
bag of Doritos. I’m really showing my girl the high

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“You’ve got to come to LA,” I tell her, rubbing

my chin across the top of her head. “You should
have seen me last night. I went out to get your
teddy bear, but someone had stolen it. I nearly
attacked the bartender who was supposed to keep
an eye on it. Two security guards dragged me out.
Not to be dramatic, but it’s pretty obvious I’m not
going to make it without you.”

“You’re going to have to make it sound a lot

nicer if you want me to leave Shindale,” she teases.

At least I think she’s teasing, but then I think

back to how all our conversations have gone and is
it just me complaining about how shit the life is in
LA? Have I made it sound so bad that she doesn’t
want to come? I never even thought about that.
Damn. What an idiot I am.

“Maybe I’ve exaggerated a tiny bit,” I admit.
“I do want to be there with you, you know that,


“Yeah, but I also know you want to finish with

school, which is smart because one of us has to
have a college degree or what will we tell our kids?
Stay in school unlike your pops who made millions
after dropping out?”

“Millions is it?”
“Nothing less. I’m going to buy you a big house

in Malibu. You should see Treat’s place, baby. It’s
incredible. Three stories of windows overlooking
the ocean and it’s so fucking blue. I couldn’t

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believe it. But also cold as hell.”

“Really? I never would’ve guessed that.”
“I know! I was shocked. He threw us this big

dinner at his place and then afterwards, we went
down to the beach. Benjy and I stripped down to
our undies and ran into the water. All the while,
Treat is yelling something at us but we’re screaming
our heads off in excitement so we can’t hear a
word. We race into the waves and it’s not until
we’re in the ocean waist high that we register how
fucking arctic the water is. We crawl out, our balls
shriveled into tiny raisins, and find Treat nearly
asphyxiating from laughing so hard. He has pictures
and says it’s going into our first album photo book.”

She giggles and the sound is so pretty that all I

want to do is tell her stories that will make her
laugh. I bury my face in her hair. “Do you have any
idea how much I love you? It’s probably unhealthy,
but I wake up thinking about you and when I see
something new and cool, my first thought is to
share that with you.”

“I love you, too.” She ducks her head to kiss

my arm that’s wrapped around her chest.

“Tell me everything I’ve missed back home.”
There’s a prolonged silence and then, “It’s

Shindale. I don’t think there’s anything here to

There’s a note in her voice that I can’t quite

make out. Suddenly there’s an uncertainty that I’ve

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never experienced with Cherry before. It strikes me
that all I’ve done is talk about what I want—Cherry
in LA, but I’m not giving enough consideration to
her needs and wants. I mentally slap myself across
the forehead. What an ass I’ve been.

“Have you considered going to some other

college than the local one?”

“Not really. I can’t afford it and”—she holds up

her hand like a stop sign—“no, I’m not taking your
money to pay for school.”

“Why not? What’s the point of making it if I

can’t spend it on you?”

“Because it’s one thing to buy me roses and a

teddy bear, but it’s an entirely other thing for you to
pay my tuition. Do you know how much it is?”

I have some vague idea, but even if it was as

much as a house, it would benefit our family in the
end. I try to point that out. “Me paying for your
education is like an investment. When you get out
of college, you’ll get a job and you can support
both of us.”

“What about our kids? I’d rather have you save

for them.”

Kids? I like that she’s thinking about our future.

“Point made.” What would it be like if Cherry was
pregnant? I run a hand over her bare stomach,
imagining it round with our baby. “What if—“

She twists in my arms, pushing her knee into a

small space between my hip and the back of the car

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seat so she’s straddling me. “A baby? Really, Linc?
You want a baby right now?”

It’s hard to think with her hot cunt so close to

my dick. “Yes? I mean, okay, maybe not right this
moment because you’ve got school and we’re a
thousand miles apart, but I definitely want a baby
with you.” I reach between us and rub my dick
head against the wet opening of her pussy. She
makes a sound as I push into her. “You okay,
baby?” I ask, rubbing her back. She nods and drops
her head to my shoulder. Slowly, I ease into her,
parting her swollen tissues with my broad head.
Blood pumps through me like a steady drumbeat.
As long as we have each other, no distance can
separate us. “One day, we’ll make a baby. You’ll be
the best mom ever.”

“Not right now, though, right?”
I’ll say yes to anything she wants. “Right.”

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“ T



of yours is really blowing up.” I take

another sip of my strawberry milkshake. It’s
become an addiction of mine. Luckily I get them
for free here at the diner or it would be eating into
my tips. I was actually a little surprised with how
much I was making in tips. It’s working out way
better than I thought it would. School is almost over
and I could spend the summer racking up extra
money. I’m not sure how the college thing is going
to work with me being pregnant, but I’m going to
do as much as I can. I’ll end up having the baby
right in the middle of a semester which isn’t the
most opportune time, but I’ll plan ahead for it.

“He’s given a whole new meaning to something

going viral.” They have been all over social media
and the internet. I’d been bored one night and
hopped onto their Instagram. I’m not sure who is
running it for them now. I didn't miss the hundreds

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of girls filling up their inbox. They haven't been out
in California long and they are already making a
name for themselves. I know Linc is only going to
get busier.

“It’s crazy. You think you’ll go out to California

when you graduate? I’d hate to lose you here but I
know a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.”

“I’ll spend the summer here. I’m thinking he

might be on the road a lot. Who knows?” It
wouldn't take him much to talk me into coming out
there. I am missing him like crazy, but would I only
end up in an empty apartment out there when I
could be here working? I have no idea. I hate how
many uncertainties there are. This is not a time I
should be having them. I’m about to bring a baby
into this world. I need to figure out what I am going
to do. Either way I have to get out of my parents’
house. That’s on the top of my list. I don’t want
them to have anything to do with my baby.

“You tell him you’re knocked up yet?” My

head jerks up to look at Minnie. How the hell does
she know? I’m not even showing yet. Not really.
There is no baby bump but I’ve gained a few
pounds. I didn’t think it was that noticeable. I’m
not sure if it’s the baby or the fact that I can't stop
stuffing my face with food at work. Everything
here is so good.

“How did you know?”
“You can’t stop eating and sometimes I hear

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you throwing up in the bathroom.” Right. Minnie
has a few kids of her own. I’m sure she knows the

“No, I haven't told him yet. But I will,” I rush to

say. All of this is so freaking hard. I never know if
I’m doing the right thing or not by not telling him
yet. There are so many big life changing things
going on for us at once that I’ve struggled to make
the right decision. Keeping this from him is not
something I want to do, but right now it’s a
necessity to keep our future on track. That doesn't
help the guilt that weighs heavily on me.

“Know that I’m always here for you.” She

reaches out, grabbing my hand. She gives it a
squeeze. It’s nice to have someone else besides
Linc to lean on.

“Whatever you decide, you always have a job

here.” She stands. “I also have a trailer on our land
if you’re looking for somewhere to stay. I know
your parents are assholes.”

“You have a trailer?”
“Yeah, the husband had it up north for when he

went hunting but we sold the land so he moved it
down here. Think about it. It’s nothing fancy but
it’s there.”

“That’s really sweet of you.” My eyes sting

with tears.

“I didn’t tell you that so you’d cry on me. I just

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wanted you to know you have options. A girl
always needs options.”

“Thanks.” I sniffle back the tears.
“When you’re finished eating, have Brian walk

you out. It’s dark out.” Brian pops up from out of
the kitchen, having heard his name. He’s Minnie’s
oldest son.

“Are you hungry again?” he asks me.
“Do I eat that much?” I grab my purse and

milkshake. I drop my now empty cup into the trash.

“I feel like this question is a trap.” He puts his

hands up in surrender, making me laugh more.
Brian is a year younger than me and goes to the
high school in Smithville, the next town over.

“I’m full, I promise.”
“I’d make you something.”
“I know you would. I just want my bed.” I let

out a long sigh, fishing my keys out of my bag.

“You sure? We can hit a movie,” he offers. I

think Brian is convinced I don’t have any friends. I
guess I don’t really have any that live here
anymore. I spent all my time with Linc and the

“Nah.” He follows me out the back door to

walk me to my car.

“All you do is work and schoolwork. You gotta

have a little bit of fun.”

“Don’t you have a date or something? I know

all those girls from Smithville High come in the

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diner hoping to see you.”

Brian runs a hand through his hair, looking

embarrassed for a second. “Not interested in

I stop when I get to my car, turning to look up

at him. “You know I have a boyfriend.”

“I hear you're pregnant too. I’m not going to tell

anyone,” he rushes to say. He must have overheard
me talking to his mom.

“Yeah, I promise.”
“Thanks.” Now I feel worse. Two other people

know before Linc.

“I’m gay,” he blurts out. “Now you know a

secret about me and you can hang out with me
without thinking I’m trying to get into your
maternity pants.”

I smack his arm. “I’m not in maternity pants


“Yeah, but it made you laugh.”
“Okay, let's go see a movie,” I agree. There

have been so many changes in my life recently that
a little fun sounds like the exact thing I need to
clear my mind. I want to eat popcorn and watch a
movie with my new friend. One that seems to need
someone in his life as much as I do. I can worry
about real life again tomorrow.

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music isn’t just sitting down in front of a

mixer or being in a room together riffing off of each
other. Sometimes, it’s listening to a beat laid down
by Nick over and over in your ears until it sparks a
melody while you’re sitting at the beach while your
track man--the drummer--tries to learn how to surf
and your bassist is flirting with a couple of Malibu
beach bunnies who have more interest in the paint
on their toes.

“We’ve got a gig on Friday,” Benjy is telling

them. “You should come.”

There’s some indistinct murmuring that I try to

shut out by turning the volume up on my phone.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Benjy pull his
phone out. He starts to tilt it toward the girls,
probably to show them where it is or what time it is
but he drops his phone.

A chuckle escapes and I shake my head. Poor

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Benjy, trying to be cool for these girls and ending
up fumbling with his phone. It takes him a couple
more efforts to pick it up, but when he does, he
doesn’t return to the girls. Instead, he starts to look
toward me and then, as if an invisible thread is
attached to the side of his face, he jerks around to
face the ocean. Nick washes up on shore and Benjy
runs down to meet him, abandoning the girls

It’s odd, but I’m supposed to be writing music,

not crafting a beach drama. I reapply myself to the
track. Blue like the … sea? No, that’s too ordinary.
So are blue eyes. How many songs mention blue
eyes? A thousand of them. Blue lungs? Blue heart?
Blue toes? How did I ever think I was a songwriter?
Maybe what I need to do is go for a swim. I throw
down my pen and get to my feet. My shirt joins my
pen. Before I can get to the water, Benjy and Nick
are in front of me wearing serious faces.

“What is it? The water too cold?” I joke. Nick

doesn’t care what the water is like so long as he can
be in it.

He doesn’t laugh. He doesn’t frown. He just

stands there like a stone. It’s weird. I switch to
Benjy, whose face usually shows every emotion
he’s feeling and it’s not different now. Pity mixed
with sympathy with a touch of anger stretches
across his expression. My heart squeezes a bit and a
nerve in the back of my neck that I didn’t know

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existed starts twitching.

“Is it money?”
Benjy shakes his head. Nick looks away.
“Is it Treats? Did he cancel our deal?”
Still refusing to look at me, Nick shoves his

hand through his hair. Benjy bites his lip.

“For fuck’s sake, what is it? Did someone die?

Are your parents okay? Did the factory go belly
up? What?”

My two friends share a look and then I know.

My throat seizes up and my brain starts throwing a
bunch of sick images in front of my eyes. “It’s
Cherry, isn’t it?”

Nick nudges Benjy, who shoves the phone at

me. I don’t want to look at it. “Just tell me. I can
take it. Whatever it is,” I lie. I really can’t take it.
The worst thing in my life is Cherry getting hurt and
me not being by her side. I should’ve never left
Shindale. I need to get back there now. I start
racing back to my shit when Nick grabs me by the
neck and forces the phone in front of me.

My eyes blur and then focus and then blur

again because the images are not making sense in
my brain. I see them—two figures with one looking
like Cherry only it can’t be because there’s a guy’s
arm around her shoulder and that guy is not me so
it isn’t Cherry. My mind rejects it. A finger comes
up and swipes left. A new image comes up. It’s
another photo of the girl that looks like Cherry and

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she’s gazing up at the asshole’s face because he’s
taller than her. Her eyes are sparkling and she’s
laughing. The next picture is darker and I can
barely make anything out but the two figures’ heads
are close together. So close together. I push the
phone away. I have to get back to Shindale.

“What’re you going to do?” Nick asks.
“I’m going to see Cherry.”
“We have three gigs this week.”
“I don’t fucking care.” I throw my shirt over

my head, disregarding the sand that spills down my
back and into my shorts. I shove my feet into my
slides, grab my phone, and take off at a run.

Nick grabs my arm and spins me around.

“Dude, you cannot leave. We have so many gigs.
We have an album to finish. What’s the point of
going home? Cherry ch—“

“No,” I interrupt with a slashing gesture of my

hand. “Cherry did not cheat on me. That’s not the
type of relationship we have. I’m going to get back
to Shindale and she’s going to explain everything
and we’re going to have a good laugh and—“

“You can do all of that here. Call her.” Nick

takes my hand and presses the phone into my palm.

I lick my lips and stare at the screen like a

snake is about to jump out and bite my nose off.

“Call her,” Nick repeats. “Ask her or you’re

going to waste all the money you’re saving to bring
her out here and possibly jeopardize the whole

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career you’re building to support the family you’re
supposed to start with her.”

Benjy’s hand comes up and folds around mine.

“Call her.” He moves my finger, tapping through to
Cherry’s number. My thumb hesitates over the dial
button. If I call her, I can clear this up. Nick’s
reasoning makes sense. I’m trying to save money
for Cherry and my future. Plus, she wouldn’t cheat
on me. There’s no point in even calling her on this.
I push Benjy’s hand away and force out a light
tone. “I’m hungry. You guys hungry? I saw a taco
truck at the top of the hill.”

“What about—” Benjy starts to ask, but Nick

waves for him to shut up.

“Yeah, starved. Tacos sound good. Benjy, get

the rest of our shit.” Nick throws an arm around my
neck. “Street tacos are the fucking best part of

“I thought it was the waves,” I joke with fake


“It’s the babes,” Benjy yells at us. “It’s the

babes. That’s all you need anywhere,” he adds

Nick throws a glare at our bassist but I make

myself laugh. “Right. As soon as Cherry gets here,
LA will be perfect.”

My friends nod in agreement and that’s that.

Those photos were not Cherry. It was someone that
looked like her and a jealous bitch sent them to

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Benjy to make me breakup with Cherry. That’s
never going to happen. Cherry and I are forever.
It’s just a thing like the tide rising with the moon
and the sun setting in the west. It’s like that and no
fake photos will ever make me waver.

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“ B


!” I shout his name as I run into the back of

the diner. Things are finally going a little my way
for once. Life doesn’t seem as lonely anymore
since Brian and I became friends.

“He’s out front,” his father shouts back from

the grill where he’s cooking. I bolt out the double
swinging doors to the front of the diner. I see him
sitting in a booth working on his laptop. He looks
up at me. A look of concern immediately comes
over his face.

“What?” He’s on his feet. “Everything okay?”

His eyes drop to my stomach.

“It’s fine.” I rush over to him, shoving the

papers into his chest. He reads them. I can see the
moment when what they say registers with him.

“You got the scholarship!” He grabs me, pulling

me in for a tight hug. I hug him back, and it feels
nice to celebrate this moment with someone in

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person. I haven’t even told Linc yet. Guilt threatens
to ruin the moment for me, but I push it to the back
of my mind. I worked hard for this and I deserve to
celebrate it. I know he’s at practice right now and I
had to tell someone I knew would be happy with

“It’s not a fancy school or anything, but it’s

free. Books and everything. I actually might have a
little extra money.” My eyes sting. The feelings I’m
having are overwhelming. Freaking pregnancy
hormones have me all over the place these days.

“Don’t downplay this. I told you that admission

letter you sent in was killer. I still say you should
say fuck nursing and do something with writing.
You’d make an amazing journalist.” He snaps his
fingers like he’s figured out what I must do in life
now. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted by that
path in life, but I know that I have to stick to my

“I have to pursue nursing.” Brian rolls his eyes.

“Why are you rolling your eyes at me? You want to
be a nurse too,” I remind him.

“Yes, because it’s truly what I want to do.”
“It’s safe.” I let out a long sigh, knowing that

nursing will eventually provide me with the
financial security I’ll need. That no matter where I
wind up in the world or how successful Linc is, I
can always fall back on my nursing career. There is
always a shortage in the field, so it’s a smart

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decision on my part. Not only for me but my child
too. I have to think about that now.

“Help me finish my fries.” He points to the

other side of the booth. I drop down, stealing one
off his plate.

“I’ll have to take my basics anyway. I can pick

a major later.” I shrug.

“So I’ve got time to change your mind.” He

smirks. This time it’s me that rolls my eyes but still
I smile. I’m not sure what I would have done
without Brian. He’s really been here for me. We’ve
become close. It’s nice to have someone my own
age to talk to and hang out with. It's even nicer that
he doesn't have a crush on my boyfriend.

“What’s all the excitement about?” Minnie sets

a strawberry shake down in front of me with extra
whipped cream.

“I love you. You know this, right?” I take a long

sip of the milkshake. Grateful that I had found all
of them. They treat me as though I’m part of their

“I do.” She snags the paper out of her son

Brian's hand.

“Cherry.” She leans down kissing me on top of

my head. I once again want to cry. Stupid
hormones. “So you’re going to move into the trailer
now?” She asks the same question she asks me
every day. The more she gets out of me about my
parents, the harder she pushes for me to leave their

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house. She keeps telling me that I don’t need to be
in that environment, especially the further along I
get in my pregnancy.

“I don’t know.” I should do it. I think what’s

stopping me is that I always pictured my first place
to be with Linc. This feels like another step in the
direction of us drifting apart instead of closer
together. It’s been tough not having him here. My
love for him never wavers, but I’d be a lair if I said
this entire situation isn’t hard.

“I’ll talk her into it.” Brian winks at his mom.
“Good.” Minnie gives me another one of her

kisses on top of my head before going to take
someone’s order.

“Just do it already. I know you want to.”
I lick the whip cream off my lips. “Things could

change. Linc keeps talking about me moving out
there with him.”

“I don’t care about his words. I want action by

him.” So far Brian isn't Linc’s biggest fan. I know
it’s hard for him to see me sad.

“Brian. It’s me that is resisting.”
“Yeah, because you should tell him.” He doesn't

say out loud what I should tell him. I’ve still been
keeping my mouth shut about the baby. It’s only a
matter of time before people will notice. I need to
tell him. I know this. I don’t want him to find out
from someone else. But now I am feeling shitty
about not telling him sooner. I kept digging myself a

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bigger ditch. I don’t know what the right thing to do
is anymore.

“I know. It’s not that easy.” I swear I feel the

stupid tears come rushing to the surface.
Everything is a mess. Brian must see me getting
upset because he grabs my hand.

“I know it's not. Don’t get upset. We’ll figure it

out. Let’s conquer one thing at a time. We can start
with you moving into the trailer.” I know I’m
fighting a losing battle when it comes to Minnie and
Brian on this subject. I should give in already. Plus
it would be nice to have something I could call my
own. Somewhere I can call home for now. It will be
temporary until Linc gets settled, but it would be

“Okay. I’ll move in,” I agree. I don’t know if

it’s a step in the right direction for me, but I know
it’s one for my baby.

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note dies off, I wait for Treat’s

response. And wait. And wait some more. Nick,
Benjy and I exchange nervous glances. After the
beach, we came back and worked for ten days
straight. We wrote tracks, topline melodies, lyrics,
sang, played, recorded until our fingers bled, our
throats were sore and I ran out of words in the
dictionary, but we are fucking pleased with the end
result. It was still us, but it was more current than
the stuff we had been creating.

Between the three of us, I don’t think we had

more than five hours of sleep a night. It was better
than dwelling on the photos from back home that
show Cherry hugging some asshole in a diner. She
texted me that she was moving into a trailer, which
I thought was great because she’s wanted to get
away from her parents.

What wasn’t great was that I spotted the same

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asshole carrying boxes into that trailer. I didn’t say
anything, though, because I’m not there. Someone
needs to help her and I’m not going to be one of
those guys who is going to make his girl carry her
own shit. The sooner the album is done, the sooner
Cherry will be able to be with me and the only
person who will be touching any of her stuff will be
me. That was my driving motivation and it worked.

The studio was rank, too, filled with pizza

boxes, Chinese takeout, and cans of beer, Red Bull,
and soda. We made a marginal effort of cleaning it
up before Treat arrived. Nick sprayed an entire
bottle of air freshener and I used a thousand bleach
wipes on every surface. It’s definitely better, but it
still has a faint lingering odor of sweat and anxiety,
which is only getting stronger the longer the silence
stretches out.

Finally, he pushes away from the mixing board

and straightens. “You really did it, you little shits.”

A feeling of panic whirls up and I’m torn

between wanting to face up and puke when a broad
grin stretches across Treat’s face. “It’s fucking
good.” He slaps me across the back hard enough
that I sway.

Nick throws his sticks up in the air and Benjy

slides off the chair onto the floor and buries his
hands between his knees.

“Let’s get some backing vocals on tracks three,

eight and ten and then send the thing off to be

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mastered.” He checks something on his phone. “It
looks like my guy is busy until Thursday so you
guys should take some time off and do something
fun.” He glances around the room. “Maybe get
some fresh air.”

As soon as he leaves, we start yelling. It’s a

soundproof room and we need to let off steam. We
play the album from start to finish--all ten songs--
on repeat until Nick announces he’s hungry. At the
apartment, we take turns showering. Nick goes first
and when he’s done, he starts cooking. It’s just
homemade spaghetti and meatballs, but it tastes
better than anything we’ve eaten in weeks.

“You’re going to make someone a good

husband,” I joke as I scrape my fork across the
empty plate to scoop up the very last of the cheese
and red sauce.

“I know. It’s because I’ve got a big dick,” he


“No. He’s talking about your cooking,” Benjy


“In the bedroom. The cooking I do in the

bedroom. I mix the batter with my dick.” Nick
stands up and makes swiveling motions with his
hips, which causes Benjy to throw a wadded paper
towel in Nick’s face. Nick retaliates by throwing
the last of his water toward Benjy. Before a war
can start, I step in between the two with my arm
stretched out.

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“As a reminder, anything you end up throwing

we’re going to have to clean,” I remind the two.

Benjy heaves out a sigh and puts his can of beer

back on the table. “Let’s get out of here,” he

“Sure,” I shrug. “Where?”
“I have an idea.”
“Yeah? What’s that?”
Nick wiggles his eyebrows. “Leave it to me and

my massive dick.”

“I don’t want anything to do with your dick,” I

tell him.

“Same. Hard same from me,” Benjy chimes.
“Trust me!” Nick says.
We should not have trusted him. The outside of

the establishment is harmless enough. It’s got an all
brick front and no signage. It’s the no signage that
is the dead giveaway. That and the endless stream
of sausage walking through the entrance. It might
as well have a neon sign that says strip club.

“No.” I turn back to get into the cab, but it’s

already sped away.

“Come on, man. This will be fun. You don’t

even have to touch. That costs extra. We’re just
going to unwind.” Nick tries to cajole me.

“No.” I open my rideshare app.
“This isn’t a terrible idea,” Benjy says.
I glance at him over the edge of my phone.

“Not you, too.” Is he still feeling the sting of

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rejection from the beach babes? “There’s gonna be
so many girls after you once we go on tour,” l
promise them.

“It’s not that.” Benjy shakes his head. “It’s

unhealthy how you’ve just ignored the evidence
that Cherry has moved on. She knew that telling
you that you were breaking up wasn’t gonna work.
You wouldn’t accept it. So she’s providing you
visible evidence that she’s got a new life. And it
doesn’t include you. I didn’t wanna say anything
before because it sucks, but I think it’s just time for
you to let her go. That’s what she wants.”

“No.” But even as I say the word, I realize I’m

confirming Benjy‘s statement. No matter what
Cherry said to me, I wouldn’t believe her. If she
said she wanted to break up, I would assume that
it’s because she thinks I want to break up or that
the distance is too much for me to handle. Haven’t
I told her time and again that she just needs to wait
for me? I scrub my hand across my mouth. All I’ve
ever wanted in this world is for Cherry to be happy,
but what if her happiness includes a life without
me? Is my love for her that real? I lick my suddenly
very dry lips. “I still need the words.”

“Then ask her. You’ve been ignoring it for the

past couple weeks. Straight-out ask her. Has she
moved on?”

“And tell her you understand so she doesn’t

feel like shit,” Nick adds.

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So that’s what I do even though it makes me

want to puke.

Cherry. I’ve seen some stuff from back home and it
makes me think you are moving on from me. I just
want to know if that’s how you really feel. Because
I love you but I don’t want to hold you down. You
should be happy. If you don’t want to come to LA.
If you’re happy doing what you’re doing. Then I’m

I stare at the message. I don’t want to send it.

But if my selfishness is making her miserable, then
that’s the wrong kind of love.

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at the phone in shock. I push the

pizza I’d been eating away, no longer hungry. He’s
seen stuff from back home? What kind of stuff?
What does that even mean? He’s been acting weird
this past week. I thought maybe it was all the stress
he was under to try to get the tracks down so I
didn’t ask too much.

Then I thought it might have bothered him

when I moved out into the trailer. He said it was a
great idea but since then things have been different.
I don’t know what has changed, but the space
between us keeps growing. I keep trying to make
the best decisions for the both of us, but it seems
I’m only making things worse.

“What?” Brian snatches my phone out of my

hand, reading the text.

“What the fuck does that mean? He doesn't

have the balls to call you?” I open my mouth to

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defend Linc, but no words come out. Why didn't he
call me? This is not something you discuss over a
text. We’ve been through a lot of things together,
and if he was feeling a certain type of way, he
should have picked up the phone.

“Do you think it sounds like he thinks I’m

cheating?” I ask Brian to make sure I’m not reading
it wrong. I have to say the fact that he thinks I
would do that to him burns my butt. I’ve been
nothing but loyal and supportive of him and his

“This does not sound like the Linc you’re

always telling me about.” He studies the phone. I’m
guessing he’s reading the text again. He clicks on it.

“Don’t text him.” I try to grab the phone back

from him. He steps back out of my reach.

“I’m not.” My phone vibrates in Brian’s hand,

causing his whole face to turn angry.

“What? Is it from him? Did he say something


“Cherry.” His voice is soft. It’s clear he doesn't

want to tell me.

“What?” I ask again, causing him to turn the

phone around. He clicks into Linc’s name and pulls
up his location. “Is that--” I trail off not finishing
my words. I shake my head no. There is no way
that Linc would go to a strip club. That is so unlike
him. But so was the text he sent. A deep sadness
threatens to overtake me with the realization that

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maybe I don’t know what he’s like anymore. A
knot forms in my stomach at that thought.

I turn, running toward my bathroom. I barely

make it in before I’m throwing up the pizza Brian
brought over to my place when he got off work
tonight. We hang out most nights. I am still the only
one that knows Brian’s secret. I’d bet his parents
know too but are waiting for him to tell them. But I
don’t push him. He’ll do it when he’s ready.

“Cherry.” Brian grabs a rag for me. I take it

from his hand, wiping my mouth.

“He’s trying to break up with me, isn't he? He

wants me to break it off so he doesn’t have to.” It
was all in the way he worded the text. I love you
but if you want to move on
... More tears slip down
my face. “They were supposed to be my family.”
Brian sits down on the floor with me, pulling me in
for a hug.

What hurts is I know Nick and Benjy are with

him. Are they not telling him he’s crazy? How do I
move on from him? From them? They’re all I’ve
ever known. They were the ones who loved me
when no one else did. Turns out that love isn’t
convenient for them anymore.

“Cherry, girl. You’re killing me here.” I sniffle,

looking up at Brian. My whole world feels like it’s
falling apart. If he thinks I’m cheating on him, will
he then think our baby isn't his? It hurts that he
would think any of these things. How the hell am I

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going to tell him about the baby now?

“Am I hard to love? Did I do something wrong?

I don’t understand.” My tears break free. I thought
I’d been doing the right thing helping the boys
follow their dreams. Getting myself and my life in
order so that if things don’t work out with the
music thing that we’d still have a future.

“Cherry, you are not hard to love. I can promise

you that.”

“I’m having his baby.”
“You’re having your baby and I’m going to be

here with you. I’m going to be a killer uncle.” I
smile at that. He will be. And even though my
entire world seems like it’s falling apart, I take
comfort in knowing that I have someone here by
my side.

“I don’t understand.”
“People change. We’ve all heard how fame and

money can go to people's heads.” I want to refuse
to believe that this is happening. Could they have
changed so much in such a short time? My heart
refuses to believe that it’s true. Linc and I have
been together for so long that this can’t be the way
it ends.

“Give me my phone.” I reach out my hand.

Brian looks as though he doesn’t want to but
eventually hands my phone to me. “I’m going to
call him. That’s the only way this is going to get
resolved. I want to hear him say it.”

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“I’ll be right here if you need me.” I hug him

before I pick up the phone and press the button to
call Linc. Nerves threaten to make me sick again,
but I know that I need to do this. It rings a bunch of
times before his voicemail picks up. I drop the
phone from my ear.

“Guess it’s loud in strip clubs.” I can’t keep the

anger out of my voice. I’ve gone from sad to mad.
My emotions are all over the place. I drop my
phone down on the counter to wash my hands.
Brian stands there watching me.

“Movie?” he asks. “We can log into my


“Yeah.” I leave my phone on the counter. If he

wants to talk to me he’ll figure it out. For tonight I
am done. I don’t think I can take much more.

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“ I’






,” I explain to the

stripper as I shove a handful of popcorn into my

She hands me a napkin. “How so?”
I wipe my mouth and take a drink before

answering. I need to collect my thoughts so I can
fully explain to Miss Diana how amazing Cherry is
and the shitty circumstances of her life. “She’s
eighteen, right? But she’s been taking care of
herself since she was at least twelve, if not earlier.
Her parents are deadbeats. They don’t have much
money, but that’s not anything out of the ordinary.
No one in Shindale has money. The thing is that as
soon as they get a dime, they are spending it on
vacations and other worthless crap. They forget to
pay the bills so sometimes Cherry has to come to
my house to shower because her hot water has
been turned off or she has to do her homework at

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the library because the electricity is gone.
Sometimes her parents remember her and give her a
paycheck that she carefully budgets to get her
through until the next time her worthless ‘rents
come to their senses.”

“That’s abuse,” Miss Diana exclaims as she fills

my glass to the rim.

“I know.” I down half the drink. It’s some hard

liquor mix with some sweetness. I never drink. Miss
D calls it a Cherry Bomb because the sweetness
doesn’t hit you until the end. I wanted to text
Cherry and tell her that I found the perfect drink
named after her, but my phone’s dead.

I’ll have to get Miss D to tell me how to make

it, although maybe Cherry wouldn’t mind coming
here. It is a strip club, but it’s a nice one. I was
surprised. It doesn’t have that seedy quality that
you see in movies. Instead, it was like a library with
low lights and little stages and private rooms. Nick
and Benjy are in some booth being entertained by a
woman and by that I mean if she’s shy of thirty, I’ll
be shocked. Miss Diana found me sitting on the
floor near the bathroom, staring at my phone.

I might’ve had tears in my eyes. I don’t know.

But she felt sorry for me and brought me into this
private room to feed me snacks and booze. With
my tongue loosened by several Cherry Bombs, my
sorry story tumbled out—about how Cherry and I
are high school sweethearts, how my band got

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discovered by Treats, how we moved out here to
LA about two months ago and I’ve only been able
to see Cherry once, how I think she’s cheating on
me but I don’t care because I deserve it.

“So I thought, I’ll work hard and get this album

done and then Cherry can come out here, but it’s
dumb to think I can save her. She’s the smart one.
I’m only”—I hold up my hands—“good with the
guitar. Half of me,” I confess, “wants to fly back,
kidnap Cherry, and bring her back to LA, but I
think I need more money for that plan.”

Miss D’s eyebrows go up, but she says nothing,

only refills my drink.

“I’m just saying that Cherry deserves a good

prison. A really luxe one. Treats put us up in this
massive suite on the top floor of a hotel down on
Rodeo Drive. That’s the type of prison I’m going to
make for Cherry.” I hold a finger up to my lips.
“Don’t tell anyone.”

Miss D zips a finger across her lips. I hiccup

and drain the glass. “She deserves the best.”

“You’ll give it to her.”
“Yeah, I will.” My eyelids are feeling heavy. “I

think I’m going to pass out, Miss D.”

“Go ahead. I’ll call Treats and let him know

you’re going to sleep here.”

“You know Treats?”
The stripper smiles. “How do you think you

ended up here? Treats thought you needed to

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unwind, although I don’t think he had this in mind
when he called.”

She gets to her feet, not tottering even once on

heels that are higher than my amp. I let my eyelids
fall shut and let myself be transported into

Cherry’s waiting for me with a bright smile

across her face. She runs toward me. I pick her up
and swing her around because even though it’s
cheesy and cliché, it’s still fun as fuck. She throws
her head back and laughs. The sound of her
happiness makes my dick swell. Oh, who am I
kidding, just hearing her name makes me hard.
“Cherry, baby, I missed you.” She slides down until
her sex comes in contact with my hard-on. It’s my
dream so no one’s around and suddenly our clothes
are gone. I lay her down on the soft grass and take
one ripe tit into my mouth. Her nipple hardens on
my tongue. I reach between her legs and slide my
fingers into her ripe, juicy pussy. “Wet for me, are
you?” I mouth around her breast.

“Always,” she admits.
“Same for me. I’m always hard for you.” I

scissor my fingers inside her cunt and enjoy the
feeling of the hot suck of the channel around my
digits. Time for my dick. I fit the head of my cock
at her entrance and rise up above her body. She
stares at me with trust and love. “Let’s make a
baby,” I tell her. If we had a kid, she’d never leave

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me. We’d be bound together forever.

A slow smile spreads across her beautiful face.


“Yeah. I want to see your stomach big with my

kid. I want us to be a family.”

She drags me down so our mouths meet. “Then

give me a baby, Linc.”

I shove inside of her, fucking her with long,

hard strokes until she’s a trembling mess around my
dick. She begs me to stop and in the next breath,
orders me to fuck her harder. I keep going until her
cream coats my dick and her screams of ecstasy
ring in my ears. Cum shoots out, filling her cunt,
swimming up the stream of her love into her womb.
Yeah, we’re making a baby.

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the sleep out of my eyes as I reach for my

phone. I almost roll off the sofa, forgetting I’m not
in my bed. Yesterday was emotionally exhausting
for me and I’m guessing that I crashed.

“Careful.” I look over to see Brian standing in

my kitchen drinking a glass of orange juice.

“I passed out.” I sit up, looking around for my

phone. Thoughts of everything that happened
yesterday threaten to overwhelm me. Is it possible I
was dreaming? Tears threaten to spill from my eyes,
but I close them tightly, still holding on to the hope
that it was all a dream.

“A good cry will do that to you. A lot happened

yesterday, it’s understandable.”

“So it was real? Great.” I stand remembering I

left my phone in the bathroom. I make a b-line for
it, hoping that all of this was a misunderstanding.
That my life isn’t a mess.

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“I’ll make pancakes,” Brian calls after me. I

find my phone. I will myself not to cry when I don’t
see any missed calls or texts from Linc. I give in,
calling him. It goes straight to voicemail this time. I
try to track him but get nothing.

“Get it together. It will be fine.” I look in the

mirror. My eyes look tired. This cannot be good for
the baby or me. “You and Linc will be fine. You
always are.” I let out a long sigh, washing my face
and using the bathroom before I make my way
back into the kitchen. Brian has made himself at
home cooking us breakfast. I know I didn't have
any of the groceries he’s using to make all this.
Which means that he brought everything with him.
I’m lucky to have him.

“Did he call?” he asks, setting down an orange

juice along with my vitamins onto the table.

“No.” I shake my head, downing the pills and

half the OJ. I debate if I should call Nick or Benjy
to make sure everything is okay. But I decide not to
get them involved. They probably already know,
and neither one of them reached out to me or tried
to talk sense into Linc. None of this makes any
sense to me. How could he send me a text like that
and then up and disappear? This is not like him at
all. I’m fighting with myself not to believe what
Brian said was right. That people change. That
explanation doesn’t sit well with me.

“Want bacon?”

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“Who doesn't want bacon?”
“Good point.” He pulls the bacon out of the

fridge. I am lucky to have a best friend who can
cook. “Are you social media stalking?”

“No. Linc doesn't do social media.”
“But do his friends?”
“Nick does.” I’m not big on social media either.

I was before when I ran theirs. Now a professional
does it. Nick is heavy into it, though. He is always
posting something. I go to his Instagram page and
see that he does in fact have new stories. I
anxiously click through them. I’m not sure what
I’m expecting to see but I feel nervous.

The first one is of them at the studio. I can’t

help but smile when I see Linc off to the side. I’m
not even paying attention to whatever Nick is going
on about. The next one starts outside of a strip club.
He pans over to the sign. My stomach drops at the
thought of where this is going. The next is hours
later. He’s got the camera out. I can hear Benjy
loud and drunk in the background. A woman is
walking toward them, her mouth moving but the
music is too loud for me to hear what she’s saying.
Her clothes leave nothing to the imagination and
I’m guessing she works there.

“Come help me get your boy Linc. He’s in the

champagne room. He’s done for.”

“Shit, man.” Nick says. He fumbles the camera

around. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t realize it's still

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recording. The screen may be black but you can
still hear every word they’re saying. I should stop
watching but I can’t.

“He passed out on me.” The woman laughs.

“Hey. Is that thing on? There’s no recording in
here.” She snatches the phone from him and the
video ends.”

“That fuck,” Brian yells, snatching the phone

from my hand. I didn't realize he’d moved over to
stand next to me. I can’t seem to find any words for
what I just watched. But Brian looks as though he’s
going to murder someone.

“He really was in the strip club.” I didn't want

to believe it. How could everything have changed
in such a short period of time? I am having his baby
and he’s out drinking and partying. My whole body
feels numb. “I think I’m going to be sick again.” I
run toward the bathroom. I try to throw up, but
nothing comes out.

“Cherry.” Brian rubs my back. “You can’t keep

doing this. It’s not good for you or the baby.” I nod
in agreement as I wipe my face again. My life is
falling apart. Everything I thought I knew no longer
seems to be true. I reach down to touch my belly,
knowing that what Brian said was true. I have to
get myself together.

He isn't texting me because he couldn't face me.

Last night was an easy out for him. He sent some
bullshit text like I’m the one that wants out of this.

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Making it seem as though I might be cheating on
him. Then to top it all he goes and does this. To add
insult to injury, Nick and Benjy were right there
along for the ride. Brian was right. All of them have
changed. I did everything to make their dreams
come true and in return they shattered mine.

“Give me my phone.” He hands it to me. I

decide that I’m going to do for Linc what he didn’t
have the balls to do. I let him go. I’ll be the bad guy
if that's what he needs. As much as all of this hurts,
I still love him, and I’ll always do what I think is
best for him.

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“ T



for Music Times emailed me her

article. Do you want to read it?” asks Hal.

I make a face at our manager. “I don’t know.

Do I?”

When we were approached about this feature, I

wanted to say no because it required us to allow a
stranger to follow us for three days and watch our
music-making process. That’s a lot like having
someone you don’t know inspect your underwear.
To say I wasn’t a fan is putting it mildly. But Hal
pushed. Treats pushed. Some bigwig investor with a
trophy wife younger than Cherry pushed. Music
Times is the oldest, most venerated music magazine
in the business. It has a subscriber count in the
millions and people like Grammy voters read these
pieces. It would be great promo for our album and
so, ultimately, I caved.

I didn’t love the experience, but it wasn’t as

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bad as I’d anticipated. Nick and the reporter got
along well, whereas Benjy pretended like the
reporter didn’t exist. I floated somewhere between
Nick and Benjy—not actively ignoring but not
inviting the guy to analyze all aspects of my life.
I’ve read enough of these pieces to know the
reporter would be doing that without my help.

“It’s good,” Hal says. “Really good. It should

help with your Best New Artist nomination and
your album sales.”

“I’ll read it,” Benjy volunteers, to my surprise.
“I thought you hated that guy?” I say, twisting

away from the mic stand. We’re on stage at the
Forum, doing sound checks in anticipation of our
next show.

“I do, but that doesn’t mean I’m not curious

about what he said.” Benjy grabs the printout.

“It’s day two and my eyes feel like they’re

coated with sand, which could be possible since we
spent most of our day at the beach yesterday,”
Benjy reads. His brows bunch together. “Day two?
Why isn’t this person starting with day one? Who
starts at the second day? It’s like listening to a song
a minute in or starting a movie at the second hour.”

“Just read it,” Nick interjects.
Benjy heaves a put-upon sigh and clears his

throat. “‘Linc, the frontman and main songwriter, is
mainlining coffee like he’s a drug addict who just
got a delayed delivery from his local dealer, while

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Nick, the drummer and main beatmaker, thrums a
rhythm only he can hear into the air with his
fingers.’ Where am I?”

“Next sentence,” murmurs Hal.
“Next sentence? We’re a band. We should be in

the same sentence,” he complains.

“He has a point,” I agree. “None of us would be

here without the other.” In the days after I got
Cherry’s message, the break-up one, I was a mess.
Nick and Benjy carried me through those days,
making sure I didn’t drink myself into an early
death, seeing that I ate food and even showered
from time to time. Funnily enough, being a drunk
fool didn’t deter any of the label people. No one
watching us seemed to mind that I always had a
bottle on stage with me either. I played my guitar,
sang every sad tune with so much feeling that I
made the audience cry every night, and even wrote
a ton more songs—more than we’d need for at least
three more albums.

Someone, I don’t remember who because he

was fired after I punched him in the mouth, said
that I should get dumped more often. It was good
for my music. I don’t think so. The best music I
made I’m playing right now and that’s in the album
we made while I still believed Cherry loved me.

“Keep reading,” Hal insists.
“The band’s bassist, Benjy, typifies the play

hard/work hard mantra. At the beach, he was

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collecting phone numbers and Instagram handles
like they were pennies in a wishing well.” Benjy
contemplates this for a minute before deciding he’s
not offended. “I don’t mind this,” he admits.

“We’re going to be a year older before you

finish this article,” Nick whines.

“Not my fault you have a birthday tomorrow.”
“Here.” Hal hands out two more copies. He’s

spent almost ten months with us. I guess he knows
us by now. I pick up where Benjy left off.

He doesn’t call any of them, though. For a rock
band, Local Hero is curiously scandal free. There
are no drugs around them. They don’t drink much.
Their entourage is very small and, but for a
former stripper who goes by the name of Miss D,
there are no women. Miss D isn’t there to serve
their physical needs, but rather their emotional
ones. “I’m their tour mom,” she explains. “These
boys are hardworking musicians whose greatest
love is their music. A lot of people want a piece of
them and I’m here to make sure that they aren’t
taken advantage of.” After you get past the pound
of makeup and the hot pink Lycra jumpsuit, you
realize that there probably isn’t anyone that
understands the male psyche better than a former
stripper. The men of Local Hero, only nineteen and
twenty, treat her like a mom, too. The only sexual
tension that exists is between Miss D and the

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band’s manager, Hal, although the band themselves
seem to be oblivious to it.

All three of us pin Hal with surprised looks. He

coughs and turns around, adjusting his shirt and
pretending he’s busy with something on his phone.
Miss D and Hal? I guess I could see it.

“Let us know if you need an assist, old man,”

chortles Benjy.

Hal flips us off.

There is an anxiousness to the band, though, and
no one gives me a reason why. They aren’t
planning to release new music. The twenty-city
tour has been wildly successful, growing with each
stop. They’ve moved from opening acts to their
own theaters to booking arenas all in less than ten
months. Is it the success that is making them
nervous? Or something else? It’s not until day
three that I get an answer.
It’s been a year since they pushed their first single
out into the world and four months since the album
has been released. Their Metacritic score is the
highest of any album out there for the last four
years. They’ve played in front of crowds of over
one hundred thousand people, but their harshest
critics are yet to come. The boys are about to go

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“ I


she never loses this new baby smell.” I run

my nose along the top of Bailey’s blond curls. She
passed out on my chest after eating her second
round of lunch. My half-eaten burger sits on the
table. It’s cold now, which happens a lot lately.
Things sure are different these days but I wouldn’t
change any of it.

That’s a lie that I like to tell myself these days.

It helps me sometimes. The thought of Linc not
being here can get overwhelming at times. I take a
deep calming breath and try to contain my
thoughts. I need to get out of the house so I can go
up to the diner for lunch. I’m hoping the place isn’t
busy so there’s a chance that Brian could get off

“I didn't know babies had a smell. They should

make it into a candle or something.” I snort a laugh.
My baby girl is the only thing that’s kept me going

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some days. She helps fill up the hole that Linc left
in my heart. The pregnancy wasn't so bad. I’d get
emotional at times, but other than that I did really
well. Minnie and Brian had been a huge source of
help and support for me. I couldn’t have done any
of this without them.

The worst part had come toward the end. I kept

telling myself that letting Linc go was for his own
good. That it had been his choice and ultimately
what he wanted. But in those final weeks, I broke.
In a moment of weakness I decided that I had to
tell him that we were going to have a baby.

I’d called him again, only to be dealt another

blow from their new manager, Hal. He informed me
that Linc had made it clear that he didn't want to
hear from me. That he’d moved on. I’d been so
mad and hurt that I’d told him to let Linc know he
was going to be a father before I hung up the
phone. But it wasn’t before I’d heard the manager
laugh and ask if I was sure it was his.

I’d been so upset I’d gone into labor. Thank

God it had only been a few weeks early. Bailey was
a big girl and ready to enter the world. There had
never been a more perfect moment in time than
when she entered into it. I finally knew the real
meaning of unconditional love.

Brian stares at me, his eyes going back and

forth between Bailey and me. “What?” I try to
move to see if she spit up in her sleep. I don’t see

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anything. I know all of Brian’s tells; he’s holding
something back from me. He’s trying to figure out
how to tell me. Which can only mean one thing: it’s
about Linc.

“I saw something today.” His eyes remain on

mine this time.

“Okay. What did you see?” I pick up my

strawberry shake, taking a sip.

“About Linc. They did some interview.”
“I don’t want to know.”
Brian rolls his eyes. “You’re full of shit. You’ll

google it at three in the morning when I’m not there
to read it with you. You won’t be able to help
yourself. Then you won’t be able to sleep.”

“Whatever.” I don’t deny it because it’s true. I

can’t help myself. At least once a week I break
down and social media stalk them. They’ve
achieved what they set out to. They are wildly
popular. It all happened so fast. They’ve made it. I
am happy for them but it still hurts seeing them out
there living their lives without looking back.

Not even when it came to me, their number one

fan back home. The girl that was always in their
corner, cheering them on and believing in them.
From day one I always worked hard to get them
new gigs. I did everything in my power to give them
a chance at their dreams coming true. I sent songs
to anyone that would listen, no matter how big or
small they were. They forgot about all of it. At least

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Linc gave me the gift of Bailey. For that I will
forever be grateful.

What would have even happened if he wanted

to be a part of her life? Would he try to take her
from me? Would I only get her half the time? How
would that even work? I push that thought from my
head because he doesn't want anything to do with
us either way. It’s still hard to believe that. When I
think back on our time together, I wonder if I
imagined our relationship to be better than it was.
Because in a million years I never would have
thought this would have happened to us.

“You want the Cliff’s Notes or you want to read

it?” He holds his phone up for me.

“Give it here.” I take it from him, reading the

article. “Why are there always strippers?” I hand it
back. That is still a sore spot to me.

“She’s like a mom to them, it says.”
“Are you defending them?”
Brian lets out a very long sigh. “No, but it

sounds like the man isn't burning through women.”

I shake my head no. “As much as it hurt to

know he went into a strip club, I know the boys
took him there. Maybe that night he had some
crazy lapse in judgment. I don’t know, but it’s so
hard for me to think of Linc as some man that hops
from girl to girl. He’s a lover. Full of heart.” A lump
forms in my throat. “There I go again.” I quickly
wipe away a tear. “Trying to act as though he hasn't

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changed. The Linc I knew wouldn't have sent me
that text or not showed up here when he found out
I was pregnant.” That is one thing that my mind
can’t even comprehend. He knew that I didn’t have
the best home life. That my parents had never
really loved me. It feels like the ultimate betrayal
by him, the fact that he hadn’t loved me enough.
Bailey deserves better than that.

“If he thinks you moved on with someone else,

he might think the baby isn't his.”

“Then he doesn't know me at all.”
“Agreed. Sorry I brought it up. He’s an asshole.

He should have fought for you.” Brian pushes his
plate away. “Want to get out of here? Get some
fresh air?”

“Yeah.” Brian goes to the back of the diner to

grab the stroller. I slowly get up, trying my best not
to wake Bailey. When I stand, my eyes briefly meet
the same ones I see every day in my daughter. He
continues to enter into the diner.

“Linc.” I breathe his name out, not believing

he’s here. He finally turns, his eyes meeting mine.

“Motherfucker,” Brian grits out. Before I know

what’s happening, he’s across the diner. “Let’s see
how well you sing after this,” he says before
punching Linc right in the jaw.

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what was more surprising—the baby

Cherry was holding or the fist across my face.

“Motherfu—“ Nick launches himself at Brian

and it’s only because Hal jumps in to help Benjy
that Cherry’s boyfriend doesn’t end up on the floor
next to me. Miss D hustles off to get me a bag of
ice while Nick and I are forced into a corner booth.

I peer around my friends to get another look at

Cherry. There’s something about the way she holds
the baby with her hand up behind the infant’s head
and her arms across the body that makes me think
she either doesn’t want me to see the baby or is
afraid I’m going to do something to it.

And I am. I push by my manager, Nick, Benjy,

and Miss D returning with a cup of ice and make
my way to Cherry. Her pretty mouth is pressed into
a tight line and there is a tenseness in her frame.
Brian steps into my path.

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“Don’t,” I say with a shake of my head. I’m not

in the mood to hit Cherry’s boyfriend in front of
her. It would make her sad. I’m not about to make
her sad. “What’s his name?” I ask when I reach

“It’s a girl.” Cherry blinks a couple times, as if

she’s trying to keep tears at bay.

My own throat closes up. A girl. The unfairness

of the situation threatens to put me back on my ass
but I manage to keep my knees locked. “Can I hold

Cherry hesitates, as if contemplating whether

I’m worthy. I keep my hands at my sides, but I
can’t stop them from forming into fists. I’ve never
been anything but good to Cherry. Never raised my
hand or voice. “I’m not going to hurt her.”

“I know.” Cherry’s own voice is scratchy.
“You should leave,” comes Brian’s voice from

over my shoulder.

I don’t bother to turn around. “And you should

take a step back before your face and the floor
become one. I don’t want to embarrass you in front
of Cherry and your k--” I can’t even get that word
out. That should be my kid. Cherry should be
holding my daughter. I want to throw back my head
and howl with rage. I’d trade every gig, every
dollar, every cheer to have this kid with Cherry.
Why’d I ever leave?

“Please,” I whisper to her.

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My pitiful plea breaks through. Cherry

untangles the baby from her arms and gently hands
me the girl. The baby is tiny, barely heavier than a
loaf of bread, but infinitely more breakable. My
knees get weak again and I slide into an empty seat,
not noticing that the booth is already occupied by
Max Reed, the mayor’s son.

“First time holding a kid, Graves?” Reed asks.
“Hold the head or her mama might kill you.”
A quick look in Cherry’s direction confirms

Reed’s statement. She’s ready to grab this baby
from me at the first sign of wrongdoing. I readjust
the baby in my arms.

“The kid’s name is Bailey,” Reed informs me.
“How do you know?” I scowl.
“Everyone does. This is Shindale.” He jerks his

chin toward Brian, the kid I could’ve sworn was
gay. He was a grade below us. I think. “And that
while you were becoming famous, Brian stepped
into the Linc-sized hole in Cherry’s life.”

“Shut up, Max,” Cherry snaps.
Max pretends to zip his mouth shut and gets to

his feet. “Pie and coffee is too good to keep talking.
Thanks for coming back and playing the festival.
Shindale needs the economic boost.” “Is that why
you came back? To play a gig?” The word sounds
like a curse from Cherry’s lips.

I want to say I came home for her, that I’ve

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saved enough to take her away from Shindale, that
she doesn’t need to worry about money ever again.
I want to say that I don’t care if she slept with
Brian or a hundred Brians because her straying was
on me. I want to say that I love her and that I’ll
always love her no matter the distance or time that
separates us.

But my tongue is glued to the top of my mouth

at the sight of Bailey. Her eyes are so fucking blue
that I’m convinced that is what the color of love is.
It’s not red. Not anymore. It’s this ocean blue with
tiny flecks of green and brown. It’s the color of
gold, streaked caramel in the sun. It’s starkissed
skin and the precious smell of baby that fills my

Cherry’s always going to be number one in my

heart, but Bailey? She’s got a lock on number two.

“I think that’s enough,” Brian says.
I hiss in a breath. “Like I said before, I don’t

want to embarrass you in front of Cherry and the
baby, but I will if you don’t shut your fucking

“You and who--” I shoot up in a flash, hand the

baby to Cherry and deck Brian. I punch him in the
chin and when he stumbles back, I grab his shirt
front and pull him upright for another blow. I don’t
get to hit him again though. Cherry grabs my arm.

“What are you doing? Just stop it,” she cries.

“Why would you come all this way for a fight?”

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“I--” The “he hit me first” seems childish, but

that’s the only excuse I’ve got so I shut up. I look
at her and then the baby. “You better say your
goodbyes to Brian here because if you haven’t
broken up with him by the end of the day, I’ll do it
for you.”

I don’t wait for a response. I’m not interested in

anything anyone has to say. Cherry’s mine and
always has been and that baby? I don’t care if the
birth certificate has Brian’s name on it. I can easily
cross that off. This is the digital era. I’ll just make a
new one.

I stomp out of the cafe and the band tumbles

behind me.

“It looks like your girl has found a new life,”

Hal says.

I ignore him and face Nick and Benjy. “You

saw it, didn’t you?”

The two exchange a glance before Nick nods

reluctantly. “Yeah, I saw it.”

“Saw what?” squawks Hal.
“That kid is mine,” I tell him.

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“ Y



?” I can tell Brian is going to have a

bruise on his jaw. I can’t say he didn't have it
coming. He’d hauled off and hit Linc first. I knew
that wasn’t going to end well. But I did appreciate
that he went to bat for me. He was only trying to be
a good friend and even though I don’t encourage
violence, I appreciate the sentiment.

“It was worth it. You see how pissed he was?”

Brian says with a smug smile. I roll my eyes. “He
thinks we’re together.” He wiggles his eyebrows at
me. That got me to crack a smile for the first time
since my eyes locked with Linc’s earlier.

“Is that really shocking at this point? Everyone

assumes that. We’re always together and you’re
not”—I drop my voice—“out yet.” Brian has never
outright said he was gay but I think a few people
think it.

That was until he and I got close. Then no one

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was sure of what was going on. I didn't pay
attention to any of it. I had a little girl to worry
about and could care less about town gossip. There
have been so many rumors over the last year it’s
been hard to keep up. I was lucky that I had Brian
to lean on through all of this.

“I don’t think he cares who you have or haven't

been with. It’s pretty obvious that he still thinks
you're his.”

“Come on.” I hold Bailey close as we head out

the back door of the diner. Everyone is watching
us. These small-town folk love a good show. I’m
sure this will be talked about for a good while.

“You okay?” Minnie asks just as we try to

sneak out the back. She reaches up to touch Brian’s
jaw. Guilt washes over me at him being hurt.

“We’re good, Mom.” Brian answers for the

both of us.

“All right. Love you guys.” She lets us go. I’m

sure she’ll have a million questions later. I hope
she’s not mad at the scene I played a part in
causing or the fact that I was the reason her son got
hurt. If I had to guess, she doesn't care. If anything,
they are going to be slammed tonight with people
wanting to know what happened.

I get Bailey into her carseat while Brian puts

the stroller into the back. He hops in with me. “He
thought I cheated on him. He still thinks it,” I
remind Brian. That always cut me deep. It still

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makes me mad. I’d been nothing but faithful and
encouraging and he hadn’t even had the decency to
come see me face to face with whatever concerns
he had.

“You think he did something with a stripper.”

Brian points out my hypocrisy. I shrug my
shoulders because I can’t even bring myself to deny

“That woman tonight. She looked a lot like the

one I saw in the video.” At least I think she did.
That was over a year ago and the video was a little
dark. She must be the same one that was in the
article I read.

“Yeah.” Brian lets out a long sigh of agreement

as we drive toward my place in silence. I’m still
trying to process everything that happened. The
fact that Linc is back. That he held our daughter in
his arms. Maybe he finally put two and two
together and realized Bailey is his baby.

“Doesn't change the fact that he’s not back here

for me. He’s here for a show.” I will myself not to
cry. An overall sadness comes over me thinking
about how none of them had the decency to reach
out to me. Seeing all of them today has driven that
fact home. “I’m just forgettable.” A sob leaves me.
“Why does everyone forget me?”

I had already come to peace with my parents

not caring about me. It had been harder to accept
that Nick and Benjy didn’t care. But the hardest of

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them all had been Linc. He’d sworn that he would
always love me. That I had his heart and was the
other half of his soul. I’d believed it all. Back then I
knew that girls would eventually throw themselves
at him, but I was confident that I never had to
worry. He had been mine fully—until he wasn't.

“Fuck, Cherry.” Brian pulls the car to a stop in

front of my place. I tried not to cry but there is no
stopping it. I’ve held it all in for so long that now
that I’ve started I can’t seem to stop.

“Now he’s going to want back into my life

because of Bailey. I can’t blame him. Who wouldn't
want to be in her life after seeing her?” I want him
to be a part of her life. No matter what has
happened between us, I know without a doubt that
he will love her fiercely. That she will never want
for anything in her life or second-guess whether or
not she’s wanted. It’s with that realization that I
push my tears aside. This isn’t about me or what
happened in the past. This is about Bailey and what
is best for her. What I don’t understand is why

“That is true.” Brian unbuckles my seat belt

pulling me into a hug. “We’ll figure this out,” he
says into my ear. “You are loved, Cherry. I promise
you that. I love you and I’m pretty sure Linc does
too. I saw the look on his face.”

“Thanks.” I sniffle.
“I’ll get Bailey. You go get your game face on

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before that man shows up over here.” I nod,
heading into my place. It’s a silly thing to do but for
the first time in a long time I want to get dressed up
some. To remind Linc of the girl he left behind.

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over the bumpy road to get to Cherry’s

place throws me back to the days when we were
doing weekend gigs at local bars. We’d play our
songs and then, sweaty from the performance, we’d
come out to some backwoods gravel road, drink our
contraband booze, and make love until the sun
came up. Well, Cherry and I would make love.
Nick and Benjy would be off doing their own thing.

My current routine is to play my set, shake

hands with VIPs and take pictures with their
daughters, do a local print interview or chat with a
YouTuber, do some stupid thing with an influencer,
go over a script for the next morning’s radio spot,
and then fall into bed with my boots on and not
wake up until noon the next day. The only action
my dick sees is my hand and currently neither are
interested in the other. Ever since Cherry broke up
with me, I’ve had the dead dick syndrome. Nothing

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interests me. The hottest celeb could be shaking her
bare, spangly ass in my face at some awards
afterparty and all I would be thinking about is how
unsanitary everything is in LA or Vegas.

My cock’s not dead now. I’ve been walking

around with a hard-on since our car crossed the
county line.

“You’re not getting any,” I tell the big guy.

“She’s moved on. We’re getting her back, but I
doubt she’s going to be in the mood after I decked
her…” I trail off because I don’t want to give Brian
any kind of designation that means he belongs in
her life. Cherry’s mine. She’s always been mine.
This is like a...hiatus. She went on a hiatus to find
herself and had our baby and now I’m bringing her

I park the rental car out in front of the trailer

and grab the flowers. It’s not the six dozen roses I
sent her before, but if she’s going to throw them in
my face, it’s better that I have a smaller bouquet
and the stems aren’t filled with thorns. Besides,
lilies are pretty and the tiger lily has the meaning of
please love me—or so the florist said.

There are three short metal steps leading up to

the front door of the trailer. The things are unsteady
beneath my boots and I feel a surge of anger. She
shouldn’t be living here. She should be in a fancy
condo in LA, eating sushi and steak and getting her
feet rubbed every night. I slam my fist against the

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door with more power than is necessary. The whole
frame shakes.

The door opens and I have to duck out of the

way so my nose doesn’t get taken off. Cherry
stands in the entrance, a smirk on her face. “Lose
your way?”

I take a step up, dwarfing her body. “No,

ma’am. Exactly where I should be.” I slowly ease
my way in, not hurting her, but letting her know
that I’m here.

“Why don’t you go back to LA? I thought you

loved it there.” She sniffs and turns into the small
living room. As her back is turned, I fill my lungs
with the scent of her and the baby. It’s fresh and
clean and sweet and I just want to lie down and
wait for it to soak into my skin. A quick glance
around tells me that this place is mostly just Cherry
and her child. Cherry’s penchant for color is
evident in the bright red and white striped curtains
over the sink and in the abstract art placemats on
the table. Freshly washed bottles are sitting in the
drying rack next to the sink. A red towel is draped
over the edge. There aren’t discarded boots on the
floor or a six pack of beer sitting on the counter.
There’s nothing in this place that says a man lives
here. It’s clean, neat, and feminine.

In the living room, Bailey is stretched out on

the floor, her fist shoved in her mouth and her
beautiful blue eyes closed. I want to pick the girl up

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in one hand, throw Cherry over my shoulder with
the other and drive until Shindale is a distant
memory. Why does Cherry love this place so
much? What does it have that I don’t?

“It didn’t have you so I came home.”
“Nice story, but you’re not getting into my


“Maybe not today,” I acknowledge.
“Maybe not today?” she scoffs. “Try never.”
“I’ve never lied to you and I’m not going to

start now. We’re getting back together, Cherry. You
should start getting used to the idea.”

I walk over to the sink and grab a glass out of

the cupboard on the right side where I instinctively
knew it would be. Some things won’t ever change--
like us being together.

“I’ve got a baby, you know.”
“I know.” I fill the cup and shove the flowers in

it. The stems are too long so I set it in the sink in
case it tips over.

“Then why are you here?”
I peer into the fridge. No beer here, either. She

and Brian might be seeing each other or maybe
they were dating at one time, but he’s not important
enough in her life to keep a beer on ice for him. I
smile grimly at that.

“Linc, what are you doing here?” she repeats.
I straighten and close the door. “I’m here to

help you pack. I made some money, saved it up,

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and now we’re going to live that life we dreamed
about, so it’s goodbye, Shindale. We’ve got six
weeks off until the next leg of the tour starts, but
we’re making enough money now that we’re flying
between concerts instead of riding the bus. That
should be better for Bailey. You’ll have to tell me if
you want to get a nanny. Hal will arrange that for

Her jaw drops. “What are you even saying? I’m

not going anywhere. This is my home.”

“No.” I shake my head. “This is just a rental

that you were staying in until I could fulfill my
promise to you. I’m sorry it took so long.”

“You broke up with me.”
I rear back. “What? No. You’re the one that

broke up with me. I distinctly remember your text
that you were done and moving on.”

“You sent me the stupid text first saying that--”

She breaks off and stomps to the sink, pushing me
out of the way. She grabs the flowers out of the cup
and slams them against my chest, the cold water
dripping down the front of my T-shirt. “Take these
fucking flowers and get the hell out of my home.”

At the loud noise, Bailey starts crying. I throw

the flowers into the sink and cross the room to pick
up the baby. There’s a bag by the door. I grab that
and then start for the car.

“Where are you going?” Cherry yells, running

after me.

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“I’m taking my kid with me and you can either

come or be left behind,” I bluff. As if I’d ever leave
her again.

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. I stand here knowing very well that

he won’t take Bailey from me. At least I think I still
know him. But I never could have imagined that
this last year would have gone down the way it did.
None of it worked out the way it was supposed to.
He forgot about me. Lived his life and left me
behind. But that stuff is in the past. I have to move
forward for our daughter’s sake.

I made it through, and even though he was

gone, he’d left me with a piece of him. Bailey is the
best of both of us and I wouldn’t change anything
that happened if it meant her not being here. I
continue watching as Linc keeps walking toward
the door.

“Linc, knock it off,” I snap at him. Bailey starts

to cry. “I need to feed her. I don’t have time for
this. I have responsibilities.”

“Then grab a bottle.” I roll my eyes. “You can

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feed her in the car.”

“I haven't pumped. She’s going to eat off the

tap.” I point to my boobs. They are already leaking
because Bailey cried. His eyes drop to my tits.
Desire swirls in my stomach. He could always do
that to me with one look. I knew I wasn’t over him.
I don’t think I’ll ever be. But that doesn’t mean I’m
going to allow him to just walk back into my life
after everything that happened. Even if he thought
I was the one that broke up with him. He didn’t
even try to fight for us, for me.

“Okay.” He carries her over to me. Seeing him

with Bailey warms my heart in a way that I didn’t
even know was possible.

“Baby girl,” I coo at her, taking her from Linc.

He looks entirely too sexy holding a baby. I sit
down on the sofa. Linc drops down right next to
me, giving me no space at all.

“Can I have some privacy?”
“No, I want to watch. I’ve already missed so

much.” I bite my tongue from saying That was your
. He could have been here from the start. I
could have been on the road with him. It would
have been weird traveling with a baby, but we
would have made it work. At least the Linc I
remember would have. Even though this person
sitting next to me is familiar, I no longer know him
or what to expect from him. “She’s beautiful,
Cherry. Please don’t shut me out of this.”

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“Okay.” I don’t know why he’s had a change of

heart about the baby, but I won’t keep her from
him. I know Linc will be a good father. I pull my
shirt up and bra down. Bailey latches right on to me
without hesitation. Linc watches as I nurse her,
making me suddenly feel shy around him. Which is
absurd since he’s seen every part of me.

“This is amazing.” He reaches for her, rubbing

the back of her head as she nurses. “I’ve missed so
much. You being pregnant. The birth.” He chokes
out the last word. His eyes water. I can’t help but
feel sorry for him. Even if it was his choice.

“Linc, you’re confusing me.”
He looks up at me. “It’s simple. You’re coming

on the road with me. We’re leaving tonight.” I
shake my head no. I’m not uprooting everything
and Bailey. Not until I’m sure of Linc’s intentions,

“You have a gig here,” I remind him. He is

playing the festival in two days.

“Right. Then I’ll stay here. You break up with

your boyfriend?”

“What are you talking about? The only

boyfriend I ever had dumped me,” I snip. How does
he not remember this? He said I’d broken up with
him. I guess I kind of did. I knew he wanted an out,
so I gave it to him.

“No, that’s not what happened.”
“You thought I was cheating on you. I gave you

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an out and you took it. You didn't fight for us.”

He drops his head. “You’re not with Brian.”
“No. He’s my best friend and you should be

nicer to him. He helps me take care of Bailey. He’s
been here for me. If it weren’t for him and his
family, I don’t know where Bailey and I would
have ended up.” Linc’s jaw clenches. I can tell he’s
fighting back anger. More likely jealousy. “You
went to the strip club that night. You texted me
from a strip club that I was cheating on you.”

“How did you know that?” He doesn't deny it.

At least he’s not lying to me.

“Nick had it on his Instagram. We also share

locations on our phones. Or we did.”

“It’s not what you think.” I let out a humorless

laugh as I switch Bailey to my other breast. “It’s
really not. Nick and Benjy wanted to go. I sat by
the bathroom waiting for you to text me back.” I
give him a skeptical look. “Then Miss D saw me
and had me go into the back. I drowned my sorrows
in a bottle. She’s become like a mom to all of us.”

“I used to take care of you guys.”
I cut him off, not wanting to talk about the fact

that I was so easily replaced. Or how easily all of
them let me go. I didn’t only lose Linc when we
broke up, but Nick and Benjy hadn’t made an
effort either.

“You don’t drink.” He really has changed.

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“No, I quit. I’ll never drink another drop,” he


“I don’t care if you drink. That’s not the point.

You’re just not who I remember. My Linc would
have fought for us. He wouldn’t have given up so
easily. And he would have never even asked me
that stupid question to begin with.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I should have come

back that night.” I stare at him. That was easier
than I thought. Still, the hurt lingers. “I don’t care if
you’ve been with other people.”

Just like that, my anger is back. “I have only

ever been with you,” I grit out so that I don’t yell
and scare Bailey. His mouth opens and closes but
no words come out. “Can you say the same?”

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to my knees in front of Cherry. “Is that what

you’ve been thinking, baby?” My heart is breaking.
“That I cheated on you? That I touched another

“You just went to a strip club for shits and

giggles?” A silent tear falls and she swipes it away

“No! I went because…” I can’t even remember

anything from back then other than being miserable
and missing Cherry. Then it hits me—we’d finished
the album and the boys wanted to let off steam and
I know instantly that explanation is not going to fly.
“I didn’t know it was a strip club until we got there
but I should’ve known better.”

“Damn straight you shoud’ve known better,”

Cherry bites out.

“If you hit me, you might feel better,” I suggest.
“You wish.”

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Bailey unlatches and Cherry instantly switches

the baby to the other boob, as if the two are in
sync. I’m fascinated by it and mad that I don’t have
that connection with Bailey too. She doesn’t know
me. In fact, if I think about it, she probably thinks
Brian is her dad. “Did you name Bailey after

“Did you get hit on the head with a surfboard

while you were in LA?” Cherry scowls, tugging
down the side of her shirt that was raised to expose
her tit for Bailey. Her nipple is distended from the
sucking and I know it’s not sexual for Bailey to eat
but fuck, it is for me. I can’t stop my dick from
swelling. I know I’m going to hell for this but I
can’t see Cherry’s naked breast and her erect
nipples and not immediately think of how red they
would get when my mouth was attached to them.

I could suck on those babies for hours while

scissoring my fingers in her juicy cunt and every
time I’d take a deep draw, her pussy would contract
and squeeze my digits tight. I could make her come
like that, too, just finger-fucking her hard while
sucking on her boobs. She’d cream on my hand. I’d
lick that up and then pierce her with my cock while
she was still orgasming. Some of her hardest
climaxes came when I fucked her first with my
hand or mouth and then pummeled her cunt with
my diamond-hard cock.

I could do that right now. I could spread her

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legs, lean forward and mouth her right through the
cotton. I bet I could make her wet. I bet I could
make her com—

A towel slaps me across the face.
“I know what you’re thinking and you can just

stop right now,” she orders. But her face is
curiously flushed in a way that seems pretty
recognizable to me.

I stick my tongue in the corner of my cheek to

stop a smug smile from spreading across my face. I
suspect if that happened, I’d get more than a towel
across my face. I drag my thoughts from the gutter
back on track.

“I did not get hit on the head with a surfboard

as I cannot get on the surfboard to start with.
Besides, the ocean is fucking cold and you know I
hate the cold. Nick was the only one who surfed.”

“You still could get hit on the head. Nick’s only

coordinated when he’s on the drummer’s seat.”

“I mean, fair, but I didn’t. Why’d you name her

Bailey?” That had never been a name we talked

“It’s a pretty name and no one around me had

used it before.” Her lashes fall over her eyes in an
attempt to veil her feelings. That we’d never talked
about the name is precisely why she’d picked it.

A different sort of ache blossoms in my chest. I

clear my throat. I wasn’t there. I didn’t have a vote
and I’m not going to make my girl feel bad for any

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choices she made while I was playing my guitar in
LA. Even if it was Brian’s mom’s name, I’d accept
it. “It’s perfect.”

I cup Bailey’s tiny head in my palm and the

heat of her small body chases away all the chill. “I
was in the wrong, Cherry. I should’ve turned
around and walked away when we got dropped off
there. Then I saw pictures of you and Brian. I
thought it was bullshit at first and told everyone it
was but it was fucking with me pretty bad. I missed
you so damn bad and hated that other people got to
be with you. I don’t get home sick. I get Cherry
sick. I was a mess and I guess Nick thought this was
the way to cheer me up.”

“Why? We were family and Nick wanted to

help you cheat?”

“No, it wasn’t like that. Nick and Benjy had

seen pictures of you with Brian and thought you
wanted to move on. I wanted to call you but then I
realized that if I did, you’d feel obligated to stay
with me. I didn’t want to hold you back. Every time
I asked you to come to LA, you said no so I figured
you hated it. And the road isn’t great. It’s a new
city every night. My sleep schedule is fucked up.
I’m miserable because I don’t have you or that
goddamned teddy bear. Look—” I take one of her
hands. “I never touched another woman but you.
I’ve never wanted another woman but you. I was
prepared to be a monk for the rest of my life

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because there’s no point in sex or fucking or any of
that if it’s not with you. You’re right that I didn’t
fight for you, but you’re wrong to think I didn’t
want to. I fought for you every day by staying away
because I thought that was what you wanted when
every nerve in my body wanted me to get on a
plane and drag you away, chain you to my side,
keep you with me. But that was the most selfish
thing I could do and I was already being selfish
pursuing the music. But no more.”

“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’m giving it up. The music, LA,

concerts. It’s done. I’m here to stay with you, raise
our baby, and support you. I’m going to get a job at
the factory and we’ll have a good life.” I press her
hand to my mouth. “All you’ve got to do is say

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“ N


.” I shake my head. He’s come too far to give

it all up now. We’ve been through so much. It
would make it all for nothing. There is no way that
I could live with that. This misunderstanding
between us has already robbed us of enough time. I
won’t allow it to rob us of anything else.

“Cherry. I’m not really asking. If you're here

I’m here.” Bailey stops sucking and I know she’s
fallen back asleep. I stand, taking her to the
bassinet. Linc watches me the whole time.

“I called.” I swallow, trying to fight the tears,

needing to get all of it off my chest. I know that
everything he said is true. I should have known
better. Linc isn’t a liar. I could see the boys
dragging him into that club because they wanted to
have a good time and take his mind off things.

Linc has never even looked at another woman

the way he looks at me. They always try to get his

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attention, but he doesn't even notice. I think that’s
why him being at a strip club surprised me so much.
Tangle that up with his text which came at the same
time that I was viewing the Insta-story and it was
the perfect mix for a disaster. It was what had sent
me over the edge. Maybe the hormones had
something to do with it too and got the best of me.

“You called?” His eyebrows furrow together.
“Yes, when I went into labor. I panicked so I

called you. I knew I had to tell you about the baby.
That me keeping it a secret from you wasn't right.
That even though I was hurting, I wanted you to
know that you were going to be a dad. That we had
made something special from our love.”

“I never got a call.”
“Your manager answered. Said you wouldn't

take any calls from me. I told him I was pregnant.”
A tear escapes. Linc is on me immediately, picking
me up before sitting on the couch with me in his
lap. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel good to be in
his arms again. A sense of peace settles over me
even though the conversation we’re having is hard.

“What else did he say?” I can feel the anger roll

off Linc in waves. He’s trying to keep it under
control, but I can read him like no one else can.
We’ve always had a special connection, which is
why I’d been so hurt by his lack of fight for us.

I sniffle. “Baby, your tears are killing me.” He

kisses my neck. God, this feels way too good. How

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did I go all these months without Linc? I should
have left with him in the beginning, but I doubted
myself. I doubted us. I’d become too focused on
trying to get a degree in a field I didn't even want to
be in. I’d made it through one semester and had to
pull out because Bailey was born. I thought I’d be
able to do everything, but reality had sunk in pretty

As I stare into Linc’s eyes, I realize that we’ve

lost so much time already and that I’m not willing
to lose another second.

“Go on. I want to know it all.”
I nod, not wanting to say the last part, but I will

for him. “He said it probably wasn't yours.” Linc’s
hold on me tightens. “You did think I was with
someone else,” I remind him.

“I didn't tell Hal that,” he grinds out between

his clenched jaw. I touch his face, making him
relax. “I know the baby is mine, but I wouldn't
have cared if it was someone else's. You’re mine
and that makes your babies mine too.”

I snort a laugh because that is ridiculous. I don’t

tell him how wrong that would be because it's really
kind of sweet. It also would never happen.

“I’m sorry,” I tell him.
“No, baby. I’m sorry. You were right. I should

have fought for you. I never should have left
without you. You were all alone and I know how
much you hate that. I was so focused on making a

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future for us that I forgot about the present.”

“It was hard.” My bottom lip trembles. “I

should have gone with you. I could have gotten my
stupid GED or something. I don’t even know what
I’m doing in college or what I want to do. What I
have always known is I want to be with you.”

“We are staying. You can figure out what you

want and go back to college. I know that having an
education is important to you. This time I want to
put what you want first.”

“No, you have to go back. This is not only your

dream, but Benjy and Nick’s too. We’ll do better
this time.” I am still mad at them, but I’ll deal with
them later.

“I want to do whatever is best for you and our

baby girl.”

“We’ll come with you. Then everyone gets

what they want. I just want you.” His mouth comes
down onto mine. I wrap my arms around him,
kissing him back until we’re both breathless. Linc
starts to pull on my clothes, but Bailey cries.

“I’ll get her.” He sits me down on the sofa

before going over and picking Bailey up. “What
last name did you give her?” He stares down at our
daughter. I may have been upset with him but there
was no way that I would have given her any other
name than his.

“Yours.” I hate mine and everything it stands

for. It was only a reminder of my parents and their

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lack of love for me. I would never attach it to
anyone else.

“We have to get married.”
“We don’t have to.”
“Cherry, are you trying to kill me today?”
“We can get married.”
He comes over, sitting down next to me. “I

went from having nothing to having it all.” He
rocks Bailey in his arms. Seeing him like this makes
it pretty hard for me to deny him anything. Plus, I
know it's right. I may have thought our journey was
over, but after today, I realize that it’s just

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“ I





!” Cherry shouts. Her whole face is

lit up in wonder. I’m probably wearing the same
expression, although part of me is nervous as fuck.
Nick’s in the bathroom throwing up the pint of
vodka he downed to settle his nerves, while Benjy
is in the corner running in place to burn off his

Tonight we’re playing our first stadium concert,

and while we might not lose our careers if we don’t
go out and make everyone believe this is the best
night of their lives, we don’t want to shit the bed

I pull Bailey out of Cherry’s arms on the

pretense of making sure her little headphones are
tight against her head. I always calm down when
I’m holding Bailey. I guess because she reminds me
that all of this could go in the shitter and I’d still be
the luckiest man in the world. Who is doing it like

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me? No one. I have my best girl, Cherry, looking
like a one of a kind deluxe dessert that you can
only buy in the restaurant whose menu doesn’t
have prices, standing two feet away from me.
Above us a crowd of fifty thousand fans are
rocking out to an indie metal musician who is
opening for us. Me! A shithead from Shindale with
a GED has fans, an opening band, a number one
album, a Grammy nom. It’s too much.

But I paid for some of that good fortune. For

over year, I was without Cherry. I missed the
pregnancy, the first kick, the first smile, the first
time Bailey lifted her head, the first time she rolled
over. I missed it all because I was an ass. This
whole thing could fall apart in a second. A chill
rolls down my spine and the cheers are suddenly
muffled. I need Cherry.

I walk over to Benjy and shove Bailey into his

arms. I have my hand around Cherry’s wrist and am
at the door in the next second.

“Wait a minute,” squawks Kate, our manager.

We fired Hal—after I decked him. He turned out to
be a huge dick because instead of taking the punch,
he pressed charges and I had to sit in jail for forty-
eight hours, miss a show and pay a fine. If I ever
see him again, I’m going to hit him twice to make
my time in jail worth it.

“You’ve got to be on stage in fifteen minutes.

Whatever you’re off to do can wait,” Kate says.

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“Fifteen is fine.”
I push Cherry out the door before she comes to

her senses. Down the hall is the private artist
bathroom—the one where the other artists snort
coke and pop pills. I spin her around so her back’s
against the door and drop to my knees.

“Babe, do you really think this is a good idea?”
I’m not paying attention to any caution flags.

My hands are up her short skirt, pulling her panties
down to her ankles and then lifting her canvas
tennis shoes out of the cotton. “Better hold on,” I
tell her before diving in.

Her cunt tastes amazing. I wish I could bottle

this and—nah, I want to drink from the source. My
lips should be at this fucking tap every hour of
every day. What a life that would be. I’d take a
break to eat a steak and play with Bailey, but
otherwise, I’d just be between her legs because her
pussy is like the Garden of Eden, all pleasure and

Ride me, baby. Fuck my face with your pussy, I

silently tell her as I tongue the lyrics to my song
Hard Candy against her cunt. Put that sweet hard
candy on my tongue / Let it melt like ice in the
summer sun / Touch that sweet hard candy with
your tongue / we won’t tell anyone what you’ve

She shudders and pulls my hair, signaling it’s

time for my cock in her hot sex. I rise, fumble with

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the zipper and then plunge into her. She moans.

“Like that, do you?” I grab a handful of tit and

massage it with my hand. She’s riper since she had
Bailey. She’s all curves and succulent flesh. I love it

“Yes. I need more.”
“More, huh?”
“You only have ten minutes.”
“It was fifteen.”
“You were on your knees for five.”
“A criminally short amount of time.” I reach

under her ass and hitch her upward. “Hold on,” I
warn. Then I pour all I’ve got into her. I pound into
her, hard enough that the door shakes on its frame.
Everyone on the other side probably knows what’s
going on, but they knew the minute I grabbed
Cherry’s hand because I can’t be around her and
not want to be inside of her. “You’re going to get
pregnant again,” I whisper harshly into her ear.
“I’m going to fill you up with my cum, and you’re
not wiping a drop of me off. You’re going to watch
me up on that stage and while every woman in
there screams my name, you’re going to feel my
cum dripping down your thigh. Knowing I’ll only
ever want you. No one else.”

Her pussy clenches, squeezing my cock so hard

my toes curl in my boots. “You’re going to smell
like me.” I shaft her harder. “Every roadie
backstage will know not to even look in your

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direction because my scent is all over you.” She
throws her head back. “Cream on my dick, baby.
Come for me.”

She tenses as the orgasm builds. I drive into her

with hard, even strokes. Her thighs are going to be
bruised. Her cunt’s going to be sore. When she
walks, she’s still going to feel me and that makes
my eyes roll back into my head. She comes a half
second after me, her juices gushing out of her,
wetting my thighs and hers. I shoot about five tons
of spunk into her.

A hard knock on the door grabs my attention.

“We’re up in three. You good to go?” Benjy says.

I gently lower Cherry to the ground, kissing her

sweaty forehead. “Yeah. I’ll be out in a sec.”

I am good to go. I have her scent in my lungs,

her taste on my tongue, her cream soaking my dick.
There’s no better way to start our stadium tour than
in this exact condition. I swipe her panties off the
floor and stick them in my back pocket. She
watches, a tiny bit dazed, as I pull her skirt down
and straighten her T-shirt.

“You ready, Cherry?”
She shakes off the stupor and pushes away from

the door. “I’m ready.”

I give her another kiss on the forehead.
She frowns. “What’s with the baby kisses?” She

points to the spot on her head.

I give her a sly wink. “When I perform tonight,

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I’m going to be tasting you with every note. Bet it’s
going to be my best performance ever.”

And I was right.

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“ Y




.” I roll to my side in the tub. Linc

stands there with a sleeping Bailey in his arms. Her
head is resting on his shoulder. Seeing him hold her
never gets old. It warms my heart each and every

“Can you blame me? Look at this tub.” I laugh

before going under the water. He stands over the
tub looking down at me. I come back up for air.
“We basically have a small pool in the bathroom.”
He holds the back of Bailey's head so he can lean
down and kiss me.

“I got us food.” I let out a sigh. As much as I

love this tub, we all know that I love food more.
Plus, I know I won’t have any problem getting Linc
to get back in with me after we put Bailey down for
the night. I grab a towel, drying off my hair the best
I can before pushing it back and snagging my robe.

When I enter the living area of the hotel suite,

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Bailey is shoving mashed potatoes into her mouth
like a crazy woman. She definitely gets her appetite
from me.

“How was the press today?” He pulls out a

chair for me. I start to sit in it but he slips into it
first, pulling me down into his lap.

“We rocked it, didn't we, Bailey Bells?” Bailey

swings her arms around in agreement. “Press is
easy when you have a baby. She steals all the
attention. No one gives a shit who we are when
she’s around.”

“I bet Nick doesn’t like that.” He lives for the


“I don’t know. He was carrying Bailey

yesterday and got hit on three times. He asked if he
can take her out tomorrow.”

I laugh. “Nick does not need help picking up

girls. They fall all over themselves in front of you
guys.” I lean forward, pulling one of the silver
covers off a dish.

“Cheese plate.” I moan, snagging a few slices.

“You’re trying to get lucky tonight.”

“Already lucky.” His hands slip under my robe

to rest on the inside of my thigh.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of room service,

but I do miss your breakfasts.” We’ve been on the
road a lot. Sometimes I don’t even know what city
I'm in. It always feels as though we’ve only landed
and then we’re boarding again in no time. Then if

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the venues are within a certain distance from each
other, we’re on the bus. I just go wherever Kate
tells me to. She’s been a godsend since they got rid
of Hal. I enjoyed watching Linc knock him on his
ass. He’d cost us the one thing we couldn’t get
back: time.

I have so many regrets about the time we lost. I

should have known Linc would have been there in
a second if he knew I was pregnant. I think a part
of me had been selfish because I wanted him to be
there because of me and not only because he found
out I was pregnant. We learned a valuable lesson.
No one will ever come between us again or make
us question what we have.

“You over being on the road?”
“I didn't say that. I just said I miss your

homemade breakfast. I don’t care where I am. As
long as my family is together.” I grab a grape,
popping it into my mouth.

“We need a home.”
“We have the apartment,” I remind him.
“I think we can afford something better. It’s

tiny. Bailey needs her own space.” I know he’s
right, but I like that we are all so close together.

“Maybe I like being crammed in with you.” I

turn on his lap, straddling him.

“I love being crammed inside of you too,


I smack him on his shoulder and shake my head

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at his comment. “I’m being serious.” I rub myself
on him a little, feeling his hard cock press into me.

“Me too.” He pulls the shoulder of my robe

down and peppers soft kisses along it. “Let me buy
you a house. I want Bailey to have a yard to play in
and”—he pauses and I turn to look at him—“I
want her to have siblings. Sooner rather than later.”

“We have all the time in the world.” I lean

down, brushing my mouth against his. He deepens
the kiss.

“Bailey.” Linc pulls back from the kiss. I can

see the mashed potatoes in his hair.

“You got him good.” I turn in his lap to hold my

hand out for a high-five. Her little fist hits it and she
lets out a giggle.

Linc pulls his shirt off, using it to wipe the

mashed potatoes off him. “You sure you want me?”
His hand slips around my stomach, pulling me back
into him.

“I want another one.”
“Linc, I’m not on anything and you’re inside

me every morning and night. What do you think
that means?”

“That I’m missing getting inside of you in the

middle of the day.”

“Maybe.” I drop another kiss on his mouth.

“Why don’t we eat dinner, give Bailey a bath and
then you can give me a bath since you interrupted
my last one?”

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“Deal.” I try to get off his lap, but he doesn't let

me up. “You can eat here. You’re the one who likes
cramped spaces.”

I settle into him. “You know, most famous rock

stars would be out on the town. Partying it up.”

“I’ve got the two cutest girls in the world in my

hotel room. Why would I go anywhere?”

“I love you,” I tell him before I take a giant bite

of my cheeseburger.

“Good, because I already got us a place and

we’re getting married in the backyard next week.”

I pull the burger away from my mouth.


“I have it all planned already. Brian helped

me.” I smile, happy that the two of them finally get
along. It was a rocky road to navigate at first, but
now they respect one another and Brian is the best
uncle to Bailey. Don’t tell Nick and Benjy that,

“I love you,” I say again.
“Love you too, Cherry girl. Always and


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At Home With the Biermans

Cherry Bierman is pregnant with Linc’s second
child. It’s the first line of the email I receive from
the band’s manager in reply to my multiple
requests for a feature on the young couple. My
prior inquiries—all ten of them—have been
ignored. The band manager, Kate Wilson, meets me
at the airport and drives me three hours to
Shindale, where the band Local Hero grew up and
have made their home.
When I arrive at the Bierman residence, Cherry
apologizes because Linc’s on the phone with Nick
and Benjy. “They’re FaceTiming a session.”
Nick has started producing tracks for other acts
and Benjy is also writing music on his own. Linc
joins us a half hour later with a big smile on his
face. The call went well. He won’t tell me any

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secrets, though, no matter how many times I ask.
Cherry says that he’s always been like this. He
doesn’t like anyone to hear the songs until they’re
finished. Except for Cherry, of course. Linc
surmises that at least half the songs are inspired by
her but he won’t tell me which ones.
The need for the FaceTime session is because the
band’s on hiatus. Officially, they are working on
their second album and taking their time doing so.
The smash release of Persona Non Grata, the
band’s debut album, was followed by a grueling
ninety day tour around the world. Four continents
and two years later, it is time for a break.
Unofficially, though, it’s because Cherry Bierman
is pregnant. The story of the first pregnancy is
well-known band lore by now. Through a series of
misunderstandings, Linc wasn’t aware that he had
a kid until he went home to play a festival. Local
Hero was a rising band, opening for popular acts
and amassing a giant following of their own.
Despite all the success, Linc was becoming
increasingly depressed. Worried that the new band
might be a one-hit wonder, the band’s first
manager suggested a tour stop at home. When Linc
arrived home, he discovered he was a father and
told the band he was going to quit. Cherry refused
to allow this and agreed to go on tour with them.
When asked if it was a difficult decision, Cherry
says it was a no-brainer. “Tours are pretty

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terrible,” she admits. She sits on the patio of her
ten thousand foot custom built house overlooking
an Olympic sized pool. A platter of fresh fruit,
meat and cheeses are laid out. Linc is on the phone
with his label telling them about the progress of
the most important thing in his life. No, it’s not the
album; it’s his wife’s pregnancy. “She’s twenty-four
weeks and the baby’s kicking,” he’s telling his
label president. I can’t hear what Andy Treats’
response is, but from the wide grin on Linc’s face,
it must be good.
“It’s sort of ridiculous, isn’t it?” Cherry says to
me, waving a hand toward the pool and the
extensively manicured grounds.
“Not at all.”
“Property in Shindale doesn’t cost as much as in
LA.” She’s apologetic about the excess, but it
doesn’t look gaudy. It’s a big house and a big pool
and a green lawn, but it’s cozy. I like it a lot. I
wouldn’t want to leave this paradise either. I ask
her if she plans to stay here if the band tours
“No.” It’s Linc who replies. He’s done with the
phone call and has returned to Cherry’s side. The
two are like magnets. No matter how far away they
stray, they always return to each other.



down the magazine article on my lap and rub

my stomach.

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“Did you like the write-up?” Linc asks me. He’s

sprawled across my feet, pen in hand, the latest
track from Nick playing through the phone’s

“It’s nice.” I was so nervous about it. I worried

I’d be misquoted or portrayed as the evil wife
keeping Linc from his music, but that’s not how it
read at all. I’d been written as Linc’s savior and his
muse, which is weird but nice. Reading about our
break-up and the secret I’d kept from Linc didn’t
hurt like I thought it would. I’ve gotten over it. We
were young and have learned from it. It’s part of
growing up together.

When people ask you how are you doing, you

always give a social response, right? “I’m doing
good, thanks for asking,” you say even when you
aren’t doing good. Like, during that year when I
was pregnant with Bailey, I’d wake up and see
news about Linc killing it on stage, hanging out at
strip clubs, being inundated with offers to suck his
dick until his eyeballs rolled out of his head. I’d go
to the grocery store and while I was picking up my
cans of tomato and boxes of pasta, someone would
ask if I was doing okay. I’d always say I was fine,
but I think everyone knew I wasn’t fine.

How could I be when my only lover, my best

friend, and my other best friends were living the
greatest life ever and I was stuck at home,
unwanted, with a bun in the oven?

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Nope, I was not fine at all. Neither was Linc.
But now I’m married to the biggest rock star on

the planet. I’ve got a house larger than the country
club in the county seat. My man’s lying shirtless
just two feet away and our second child is only a
few weeks from being born. These days, when
anyone asks how I’m doing, I give the same
response: “I’m good, thanks.” But now the reply is
honest. I am doing good.

I rub my belly again. For a time there, I worried

that I’d be alone, but I guess the reporter is right.
Linc and I are magnets. We’ll always find our way
to each other’s side.

Because you loved

Secret Baby


Love’s Secret


so much, I had to write another one. This

time, I mixed my love for the rock star hero with
the baby. Hope you enjoyed reading it. I have
another book in the oven. Look for it next month.
Until then, stay safe and sane.


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Always Loved You


Still Love You

Killer Love


Killer Crush

King’s Castle

Secret Baby


Love’s Secret Baby

Oh Snowy Night

FU High:

Ace of Hearts


Deuces Wild

, and

Two of a Kind

Loyalty Card

She’s the One


My Only One



Smooth Kisses


Sweet Kisses


Saved Kisses

Finding Home


Bring Him Home






Make Me Yours

She’s All Mine

Pretty Prize

Three of Us

(Twins #1) and

Belong Together

(Twins #2)

Their Private Need

(Michigan, Easy and Annie)

His Bold Heart

(Chelsea & Wrecker)

Her Secret Pleasure

Captive Ride

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The Last Christmas Present: Billionaire Holiday Romance


Daddy story)

The Wolf’s Mail Order Bride

Beauty in Summer

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If you enjoyed this story, please consider leaving a review at
Amazon or any other reader site or blog you frequent. Don't
forget to recommend it to your reader friends.

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an email

day or night. I love connecting with all of my


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Copyright © 2020 by Ella Goode

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any
electronic or mechanical means, including information storage
and retrieval systems, without written permission from the
author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Document Outline


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