Sean Michael Working It Out

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…Affton hung up, grabbed the file, and headed to the graphics

department. Heads were going to roll and then no one was going home
until the graphics had been fixed. They looked nothing like what the
client had asked for, or for that matter, like what they’d pitched to
Geoffrey in the first place.

The graphics department was a floor down and Affton strode down

the stairs, building his head of steam as he went. They were a billion
dollar advertising agency and this kind of mistake was not on. The
graphics department had its own wing, but was otherwise open
concept, so he was able to start yelling as soon as he was in the door.

“I want everyone responsible for so much as a dot on the Chalmers

account in front of me in the next thirty seconds.”

The artists and computer geeks looked up, the place like a warren

with little meerkats popping up and down.

“Twenty seconds. Why is no one running like their lives depend on

it? ’Cause I swear to fucking God, your job does.”

“Seriously? Last time I checked I didn’t jump like a dog when

someone barked.” A round, brightly colored, fierce woman looked at
him through cat-eyed glasses. “Suits.”

“This suit can fire your ass like that.” He snapped his fingers. “The

Chalmers account is one of our biggest and the client is anything but
happy. I’m not playing here, people.” He opened the file and began
reading off the names from the graphics department who were
associated with the file. “Louise Belmar. Donald Scarp. Ilia Warken.
Luke Addis…” His voice faded away. Luke Addison? No fucking
way. Not his Luke Addison…

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Carved In Wood

Digging For Gold

Dirty Kisses

Full Disclosure

Office Hours


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This book is a work of fiction.

All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the

author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously.

Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales,

or events is entirely coincidental.

Amber Quill Press, LLC

All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be transmitted or

reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in

writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief

excerpts used for the purposes of review.

Copyright © 2013 by Sean Michael

ISBN 978-1-61124-404-5

Cover Art © 2013 Trace Edward Zaber


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“We’ll have a whole new graphics package ready for you by

noon tomorrow, Geoffrey. I’ll bring it to lunch at Laffite.” Affton
laid on the charm, smoothing the waters as well as he could.

Richard Chalmers was one of Fillian Commercial’s biggest

clients and he was not going to disappoint the man.

“I’ll see you there. I’m looking forward to it.”
He hung up, grabbed the file, and headed to the graphics

department. Heads were going to roll and then no one was going
home until the graphics had been fixed. They looked nothing like
what the client had asked for, or for that matter, like what they’d
pitched to Geoffrey in the first place.

The graphics department was a floor down and Affton strode

down the stairs, building his head of steam as he went. They were

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a billion dollar advertising agency and this kind of mistake was not
on. The graphics department had its own wing, but was otherwise
open concept, so he was able to start yelling as soon as he was in
the door.

“I want everyone responsible for so much as a dot on the

Chalmers account in front of me in the next thirty seconds.”

The artists and computer geeks looked up, the place like a

warren with little meerkats popping up and down.

“Twenty seconds. Why is no one running like their lives

depend on it? ’Cause I swear to fucking God, your job does.”

“Seriously? Last time I checked I didn’t jump like a dog when

someone barked.” A round, brightly colored, fierce woman looked
at him through cat-eyed glasses. “Suits.”

“This suit can fire your ass like that.” He snapped his fingers.

“The Chalmers account is one of our biggest and the client is
anything but happy. I’m not playing here, people.” He opened the
file and began reading off the names from the graphics department
who were associated with the file. “Louise Belmar. Donald Scarp.
Ilia Warken. Luke Addis…” His voice faded away. Luke Addison?
No fucking way. Not his Luke Addison.

Though, Affton supposed that he’d lost any right to call Luke

his the day the man had packed up and walked out on him without
a single explanation.

He looked up, eyes narrowing.
“I’m Louise. Ilia’s not here today.” She stood up to him,

unafraid. “What’s the problem?”

“Did you read the client’s specs on the latest campaign?

Because what you turned in doesn’t even come close. It’s not even
in the same ballpark. And where the fuck are Donald and Luke?”

“The problem is the idiot who came up with the concept is

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either blind, stupid, or a rhinoceros.” That was Luke. His Luke,
looking tiny in a pair of hip-hop jeans and a gigantic sweatshirt.
“Donald spent two weeks trying to make those things work. It’s a
shit concept.”

Affton couldn’t fucking believe Luke was standing there,

looking fierce as hell. He felt like he’d been hit over the head with
a brick, or was having a stroke or something. It was all he could do
to focus on the problem at hand. “I don’t care if it’s a shit concept,
it’s the concept that the client came to us with. Not to mention, I
didn’t get one single fucking memo letting me know anyone was
having trouble with this fucking campaign.” He kept telling
himself to ignore the fact that this was his Luke Addison. Why
hadn’t he known the man worked for Fillian now?

Louise looked at Luke, who looked back and shrugged. “I just

animate what I’m given, Lou. My contract states I never have to
deal with the executives. That’s your job.” Then Luke just walked

Affton’s mouth dropped open as once again, Luke walked

away from him like he didn’t even exist.

“This needs to be fixed,” he snarled to Louise, the only one still

left. “By noon tomorrow. I don’t care if the arty farty types think
it’s a bad idea or isn’t creative enough. It’s what the client wants
and if it isn’t on my desk by noon everyone on this project is fired
because we can’t pay you if we lose our best customers because
you people can’t be arsed to give them what they’ve asked for.” He
slammed the client file on the closest desk and stomped off.

Goddamn it, he was pissed off.
Who the hell did Luke Addison think he was, walking away

from Affton—twice!—like he wasn’t worth even a fucking
backward look?

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He stomped all the way back to his office, grabbed his gym bag

and headed up to the gym three floors up to do a rep, or five

* * *

“God, he’s a prick.”
Luke shrugged. “He’s a businessman.” And an ex. And he

wasn’t supposed to have to see the bastard, ever. His oldest friend
was head of HR and promised him that the job would be worth the

“Well, someone has to work on this crappy piece of shit

account.” Louise handed the file over to him.

“I’m not dealing with him. I’ll design the logo.” It wouldn’t

take him three hours. Hell, he’d have it done before he left for the

“Just drop the file back in his office when you leave. He’ll be

gone by then. You know the execs—they’re never in the office
after lunch.” She made a disparaging face.

“Okay. Just let me work. I’ll get on it.” Luke took the file. “I’ll

email it.” He couldn’t see Affton again. He couldn’t. Not after…
He shook his head. He wasn’t going there.

“Just don’t get us fired, kid.”
“I won’t. I got this.” Static design was a no-brainer.
She patted his shoulder and headed back to her cubicle.
Luke did the work, sent the file, forcing himself not to think,

then he grabbed his stuff. He’d finish the rest of his shit from

He got on the elevator without looking, only realizing his

mistake as a choked noise sounded. He looked up, and up, right

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into Affton’s eyes as the doors slid closed. He didn’t say a word,
he couldn’t. His throat just closed up. He’d never been so happy,
as he’d been with this man.

“Luke.” The word came out strangled. He didn’t know if it was

an acknowledgement or accusation.

“Affie. I. Did you get your file?” Oh, God.
“I got it.” Affton bit the words out. “I didn’t know you were

working for Fillian.”

“For about a year. Don got me the job. I work from home.”
“You’re here today.” Was that an accusation?
“Yeah. Louise asked me.”
Affton stared at him for a long moment and then—thank

God—the elevator doors opened.

He made to hurry out, but Affton grabbed his arm, tugged him

to the side. “Let’s get a drink.”

“A drink?” Oh, God. No one had touched him in so long…
“Coffee, a beer. I don’t care where we go, but I think you owe

me an explanation.”

“Coffee. I don’t drink.” Ever.
“There’s a shop across the street.”
Eddie’s would be quiet this time of day, too.
God, he couldn’t do this. He couldn’t. He needed his job,

though. He had rent. Bills. “Okay. One cup of coffee.”

Affton nodded, hand sliding around his arm, holding on as they

left the building and headed across the street.

His shirt tugged off his shoulder, baring his skin and he pulled

it up. “I won’t run away.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time.”
He didn’t have anything to say to that.
They went up to the counter and Affton ordered for them both.

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The man still remembered how he took his coffee. Luke wanted to
just sit down and sob.

“Was the file okay?” he asked.
“I don’t care about the fucking file.”
“You sure cared about it three hours ago.”
“Yeah, well. I’ve had three hours to think since I saw you for

the first time since you walked out on me without so much as a

The coffees came and they sat, and Luke just stared at the

steam coming from the latte.

“I was hoping you’d have an explanation for me.” The words

weren’t loud or angry, they were quiet. Hurt.

“I…” Like stared at his hands and the images from that awful

night played out in his head. Bright lights. A group of men. Liquor.
Music. “How could you think I’d stay, Affie?”

“What?” Affton frowned at him. “I loved you, why wouldn’t I

think you’d stay?”

“If you loved me… Why did you do it?” Why on earth would

Affton take him to a party and…give him to a group of men like he
was worthless?

“Do what? What is it I’m supposed to have done?” How could

Affton look so earnest?

He drank his coffee, the heat scalding his tongue.
“Damn it, Luke, if you’re going to accuse me of doing

something so horrible you’d leave, you’d better actually accuse

“You let them drug me. Let them hurt me, touch me.” He put

the coffee down, stomach acidic and hurting. “I just… I need to go
home. I don’t want… I need to go home.”

“What? Baby? What the hell are you talking about?” All the

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color had drained out of Affton’s face. “Who drugged you?
Touched you?”

“I can’t do this. I…I loved you. I really did. You’re like the

only guy I ever wanted.” He stood, shaking. “I have to go.”

Affie stood, too. “You can’t go. Who hurt you? I would never

let anyone hurt you. Luke?”

“They drugged me, your friends. Downstairs. A fucking roofie?

I called for you and they said I was a present from you.” He’d
always hated those parties, everyone pretending to be friends, but
that… Luke shuddered and just headed out. He couldn’t do this.

The wind was howling, a rainstorm threatening, and he just

kept walking. He thought he heard his name, but he didn’t turn. He
couldn’t. He nearly jumped out of his skin when a hand landed on
his shoulder.

“Luke. My God. I would never do anything like that to you!

How could you think I would? Are you all right? Did they hurt
you? Why didn’t you call the cops?”

“I just want to go home.” He’d always hated those parties.
“I’ll take you home. I’ll do anything you want. Please. I had no

idea. I loved you. I would never….” Affie shook his head,

“I loved you, too.”
Luke’s eyes filled with tears and he took off, running hard.

God. God, he couldn’t do this.

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Affton showed up to work at six A.M., utterly devastated. He’d

chased Luke last night, but between the rain and the quickness of
those short legs, Luke had lost him. He hadn’t slept. Instead, he’d
worried and paced, run what Luke had told him over and over.

The last evening they’d spent together, they’d gone to a huge

office party held at Geoff Banner’s home. Luke had been resentful
of having to go, but Affton had needed someone on his arm and
had cajoled and begged, pushing Luke to attend.

There had been dozens of people there and someone had asked

Luke to…do something? Go somewhere? It had seemed totally
innocent and Geoff was introducing him to this amazing guy from
Iceland who needed to get his product into the country and on TV.
By the time he’d lifted his head out of business, there was a text

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from Luke saying he’d gotten a ride home with someone else.

He’d eventually stumbled home more than a little tipsy, and

crawled into bed, trying not to wake Luke. In the morning, he’d
had a hangover and a lover who’d disappeared. All there had been
was an email saying that Luke couldn’t do this anymore. That was

“I can’t do this anymore. Goodbye.”
He’d looked for Luke. That had been totally unsatisfactory, his

lover had totally disappeared. Luke clearly didn’t want to be found.
Affton had thrown himself into work and now he was at the top of
his game, everything going exactly like he planned.

Until yesterday when Luke had rocked his world, first by

suddenly being right there and secondly by the accusations he’d
made. Oh, Affton didn’t doubt they were true. All except the part
where he’d been the one to offer Luke up on a platter. He hadn’t
known, and if he had, he would have beaten whoever hurt his lover
to a fucking pulp.

The first thing he did when he got in to work was check the

graphics department, but it was completely deserted at this hour. A
frustrating forty-five minutes with the computer and knew he
wasn’t going to get Luke’s address from the company records on
his own.

On a whim, he found the online 4-1-1 site and put in Luke’s

name. Nothing but an IP address. Damn it. Wait. Wait, he put in
the IP address and got a hit to a little coffee shop that he
remembered from the old neighborhood, from that first little
apartment they’d had back during their university days. Luke had
loved that place.

Affton had that damn client meeting at lunch, but he could take

the rest of the afternoon off, head over there when his lunch was

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done and just… Well, if Luke wasn’t there when he arrived, he had
plenty of stuff he could work on while he drank coffee and waited.

Armed with a plan, Affton felt a lot better.
At least that’s what he kept telling himself.

* * *

Luke’s head hurt. He’d worked on animations all night, napped

for a couple of hours in the morning and then got back to it, or
tried to. Shit. He knew better. All he could think about was Affie.

He didn’t know what to do. Affton had been surprised,

shocked. Honestly, truly shocked, and Luke had to admit he
believed it. He’d still been high when he’d left, still confused and
dizzy and then he’d gone from high to scared. Scared to terrified.
Terrified to sick. It hadn’t been until three consecutive HIV tests
had come back negative that he could even breathe normally.

He’d gone to his folks and stayed for almost a year before they

gently and carefully booted him out, telling him he had to live a
real life, not hide in their basement like a troll. Luke guessed
they’d been right.

Affton… God, the man looked so good. Like he was thriving.

Luke bet the man had someone. Someone pretty and inviting who
could go to parties and not be… Boring. A geek. A tradable

His stomach clenched and he shook his head. People like him

were meant to live in virtual worlds, not in the same worlds Affie

He hadn’t realized how much he still loved the man, not until

he’d seen Affie again. The tall, lean body, those blue eyes. Affton
was still the hottest, most desirable man he’d ever seen.

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Luke’s head pounded and he headed to the coffeepot, sighing

as he belatedly remembered he was out of coffee beans. Again.

Maybe it would be good to get out. Maybe if he settled in at the

Beanery, he could get some work done and not think about Affie
for a few hours. If nothing else, he could watch the rain and spend
some quality time with a hazelnut latte.

It was nearly four by the time he was out the door. Maybe he’d

have a muffin or even something sticky and sweet, too.

He pulled his raincoat up, covering his head and ducked into

the little, warm store. He put in his order at the counter and looked
around to see if any of the comfy chairs in the back were empty.

What he didn’t see was an empty chair. What he saw was

Affie. Right there, in his coffee shop, those blue eyes looking right
at him.

This was totally not fair.

* * *

Affton had been sitting and watching, pretending to work, for

nearly three hours before his patience paid off. There was Luke,
looking like he hadn’t slept at all, and wearing the baggiest clothes
Affton had ever seen. He’d be damned if Luke didn’t still look
good enough to eat. He loved the dark eyes, the longish black hair,
the pale skin. Luke was fine, lovely.

His whole body tightened, an ache that he thought he’d finally

left behind settling in the pit of his belly.

Luke got his coffee and a huge, gooey mass of pastry, coming

to sit down at his table.

Affton took a breath, tension he hadn’t realized he’d been

carrying easing a little. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to chase you

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down again.”

“I’m sorry. It was a little overwhelming.”
“It doesn’t feel right, having you apologize after what

happened.” He took another deep breath and leaned in. “Why
didn’t you tell me?”

“Tell you what? At best, I’d just…” Luke shook his head. “At

worst, you let them. I couldn’t.”

“How could you believe I’d have anything to do with

something like… Did they…” He needed another deep breath.
“What did they do to you?”

Luke shook his head. “I didn’t. I mean, I didn’t want to. I can’t

make you understand, I don’t think. I was drugged. That date rape
drug. Everything was…messed up.”

He reached out for Luke’s hand, needing to touch, to offer

some sort of comfort.

Luke looked at him. “You look good.”
“You still think so?”
Luke nodded, drank his coffee. “You do.”
“You’re changing the subject.”
“Am I?”
Affton nodded. “Yeah. We were talking about what happened

to you.”

“I don’t want to talk about it. It’s over. That’s the important


“So is the running.” Affton wouldn’t let Luke run away from

him again, he couldn’t.

“Pardon me?” God, look at those beautiful, dark eyes.
“No more running away from me. You did it four years ago.

You did it last night. No more.”

“You have a life that has nothing to do with me. It’s working

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for you.”

Is that what Luke thought? Affton guessed that meant he pretty

much had everyone buying his perfect life image. “There’s never
been anyone else.” How could there have been? Luke was the love
of his life.

“Me either.”
“I thought I’d gotten over you.” He really had—or at least

gotten over the hurt, over the way he ached. Then he’d seen Luke

“You need to. I don’t think I’m lover material anymore and

you’re an executive. You need arm candy.”

“Arm candy.” Was that what Luke thought he’d been to Affton.

“You realize you were never arm candy to me, right? You were my
lover, my partner.”

Luke nodded. “I thought I was. I thought a lot of things.”
“I wish you’d talked to me.” For four years he’d thought… He

hadn’t known what to think. He hadn’t known what he’d done to
drive Luke away.

“I couldn’t.”
“You could have.” He would have protected Luke, gone after

the assholes who’d done this.

Luke shook his head. “I was scared, ashamed. Sick.” Luke

pushed the Danish away. “I need to go.”

“No, please. Not without promising me you’ll let me take you

out to dinner.” He couldn’t let Luke just walk away again, not
without trying to… Hell, he didn’t know. Make it up to the man?
Something. “Anywhere you want, ba— Luke. Anywhere.”

“I don’t know if I can.”
Affton noted that Luke didn’t get up, didn’t leave.
“Of course you can.” He wasn’t taking no as an answer.

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“What do you want? An apology? I had to leave.”
“I want to see you again.” He did.
“Because I still have feelings for you.” Big, huge feelings that

it turned out hadn’t gone away, but had been deeply buried.

“You can’t. It’s been four years. You hate me.”
“Are you trying to convince me or you?” He’d been hurt,

confused, but he’d never hated Luke.

“I don’t know.” Luke looked almost bruised and Affton just

wanted to hold the man, cradle him and protect him. “I don’t hate
you, baby. I don’t.” He stroked his fingers over Luke’s knuckles.
He could feel the man’s bones, like a little bird’s, under his skin.
“Did you stop eating altogether?”

“What?” There was a hint of that energy, that curiosity that

he’d fallen in love with.

“Skin and bones, baby. There’s nothing to you.”
“I’ve never been big.” No. No, but Luke had been substantial.
“You were more than just skin and bones, though.” He let his

fingers slide up higher.

“It’s been a hard few years and I needed to rebuild things.”
“I’d like to have built things with you.”
Luke pulled away. “Your friends raped me, Affie. Your work

buddies took me into the basement and touched me, told me you’d
brought me to them as a present. Did you even look for me that

Pain went through him at hearing it laid out flat like that and

his breath caught in his throat. “You sent me a text telling me
you’d gone home. And then you ran away—you never gave me a
chance to know what happened, to beat them to a pulp for you.”

Luke shrugged, wouldn’t meet his eyes. “All I could hear that

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night was their voices. Them laughing.”

“I still can’t believe you thought I’d do that to you.” He

wouldn’t even do that to an enemy, let alone his lover.

“You don’t understand. It was huge.”
“Of course it was huge—I do get that. But we were supposed to

be there for each other.” He didn’t want to berate Luke, because
his hurt was nothing compared to Luke’s, but he couldn’t seem to
stop himself.

“These were people you worked with. Friends of yours. You

never wondered what happened? Did you ask them?”

“Did I ask them what? I didn’t know there was a problem!”
“You knew that I didn’t do well at parties. You knew them!”

Luke stared at him. “How do you know someone and not know
they’re evil?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know.”
“I don’t either.”
He squeezed Luke’s hand. “Can we start over?”
“How? How do you start over from this?”
“I still love you.” He was not going to just let go. He wasn’t.
“You don’t still know me.”
“Which is why we should go out to dinner.”
Luke chuckled softly. “We have a pastry here.”
“I suppose it’s a start.”
“Dessert first, huh?” They’d spent a hundred evenings together

in bed, sharing a decadent dessert, saying that.

He felt his smile coming from deep inside.
Luke cut the pastry in half, offered him the bigger side.
“See? You do still care for me.” He gave Luke a wink.
Luke pinked, shrugged. “They’re good here.”
He took a bite of the sticky bun, the sweet filling his mouth

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with doughy goodness. Crunchy, sweet, cinnamony. Yummy. He
held Luke’s gaze as he took another bite. Luke managed a gentle,
soft smile.

They stared at each other for a long moment and then he

nodded at the treat in Luke’s hand. “Eat, baby.”

Luke nibbled, picking the raisins out and eating them

separately. He chuckled. He used to do that, feed Luke all the
raisins in any dessert they shared.

“What? I like the raisins best.”
“I know.” He picked one of out of his half and offered it over.
“Thank you.” Luke ate it, seeming to actually relax a little bit.
He offered over another one, holding this one right up to

Luke’s lips. Luke opened for him, the action natural, easy. He
slipped the raisin in, his finger lingering on Luke’s lower lip. Luke
stopped breathing, stared at him.

He licked his own lips, finger sliding in along Luke’s tongue.

Luke’s lips closed around his finger, the barest suction making him
shiver. He couldn’t have stopped his low groan if he’d tried.

Luke leaned back, his finger popping free.
“I do love the way you eat dessert, baby.” His voice had gone

all husky.

“I can’t get it up anymore. I don’t. You should know that.”
His heart broke for Luke. “Because of what happened?”
“Yeah. Yeah. I just. You should know. I’m not like, lover


“Stop trying to scare me off, Luke. I still want to take you to

dinner.” He wasn’t giving up, wasn’t going to walk away from
Luke, no matter how much the man pushed him to.

“Can we have Italian?”
He made a show of rolling his eyes, but agreed readily enough.

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Luke adored Italian beyond what was reasonable. “We can.”

“Then we can have dinner.”
“You have a place you like or that you’ve always wanted to

try?” He wanted to make things up to Luke. And he wanted to see
if the love he was feeling was real.

“There’s a tiny little place around the corner. Mario’s. They

have a butternut squash ravioli…”

“I’d like to watch you eat that.” While he could take or leave

Italian, he’d always loved watching Luke eat it.

“It’s good. They have a nice steak for you.”
“Maybe I’m a vegetarian now,” he teased.
“Then they have a nice eggplant parm.”
He couldn’t keep from making a gag face. Eggplant sucked.

Luke’s laugh rang out, and everything in him melted. The man
should always look and sound like that. Always.

Luke ate a bite of icing. “Did the image work for your client?”
“Yeah, he was thrilled.” He raised his hands to ward off any

comments. “All your protests were right, but they had their minds
made up when they came in on this campaign.”

“Yeah, whatever. I do animation.”
“You’re good at it, too. I’m not surprised Fillian hired you.” He

wasn’t just blowing smoke up Luke’s ass, either.

“Daniel hired me. He’s a good guy.”
“I don’t know him well, but I’m glad our paths crossed again.”

So unbelievably grateful it had happened.

“He promised me we wouldn’t cross paths. I would see you

sometimes, though.”

“He shouldn’t have promised you that—he has no control over

my movements.”

“I work from home a lot.”

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“And the one day you didn’t, I walked in to the graphics

department for the first time ever… Destiny?”

“Fate? I don’t know. God has an evil sense of humor.”
“Or maybe destiny is giving us a second chance.” Nobody from

the office had been at that last party he and Luke had attended,
from what Affton could remember, which was good—he’d lose his
job for kicking a fellow employee’s ass. Because he was going to
do exactly that when he found out who.

“Maybe. You don’t have a partner?”
Affton shook his head. “I’ve been pretty focused on my

career.” Once burned and twice shy certainly fit his feelings on the

“You’ve done well for yourself.” Luke reached for him, fingers

on his wrist.

He turned his hand so their fingers could slide together. “It was

easier to simply focus on work.”

“I’m sorry. I was…an idiot.”
He shook his head. “Not an idiot, baby. I just wish you’d

trusted me enough to know they’d lied about my involvement. Or
that you’d confronted me about it.”

“I couldn’t. I was scared.”
He squeezed Luke’s hand. “I’m so sorry, baby.”
“I’m okay now. I just… I’m careful.” Luke took a deep breath.

“Do you want another coffee?”

“Sure.” Anything to keep Luke around a little longer.
“Me, too. My treat.” Luke stood, the tiny body swimming in

the too-huge clothes.

He remembered what Luke’s ass looked like in a tight pair of

jeans and it made him lick his lips. He could remember Luke
dancing, long hair loose and down, body swaying for him. He

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closed his eyes and took a breath, trying to control his libido,
which was threatening to take off on him.

Luke had been clear—the man wasn’t ready for even the

mention of that. They needed to learn about each other again. He
thought about someone hurting Luke and his prick went back down
right away.

Luke was dear—a little nutty, a little eccentric, a lot hard to

live with—but dear. And God knew, he’d loved the man hard, was
still in love.

The two cups were carefully carried over, Luke so…particular.
“Thanks, baby. You remembered how I take it?”
“Caramel latte half syrup, no foam.”
It warmed him, that Luke remembered. “Thanks.”
“You remembered mine, yesterday.”
He nodded. “I did. It says something, doesn’t it?”
Luke winked, sipped his coffee. “We’re stuck in our ways?”
That had him chuckling. “Glass half full, baby, we remember

because we care.” They had done this endlessly—one taking a
side, the other playing devil’s advocate.

“Or we remember because we’re lost in the past.”
They went back and forth for better than half an hour, finishing

the pastry and their second coffees, laughing together. It almost felt
like the last four years hadn’t been, that they’d woken up together
this morning and met at the coffee shop after work.

It wasn’t, but Affton had something he hadn’t had before.

Hope. For now, it was more than enough.

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Affie called him every other day. Sometimes Affie asked him

to have coffee, sometimes to have supper. Sometimes the calls
were just about a file or business. It was dear and sweet and a little
wonderful. Also, totally unlike the businessman he knew.

Tonight he’d been invited to Affie’s place to cook dinner

together and watch movies. He’d said yes, but now that he was in
the metro, heading over to a much swankier part of town, he was
worried. His cell phone rang and the number was Affie’s.

He answered. “Hey. Hey there.”
“Hey, Luke. How’s it going? You on your way?” Affie’d

volunteered to pick him up, but he’d refused.

“I am. My stop is two away.”
“You want me to meet you? Walk you here?”

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“Oh, that would…” Okay, stop it. He’d managed for eons on

his own.

“I’ll head out now and meet you at the west end stairs.”
“Okay. Are you sure? Is it started raining yet?”
“I’m sure and not yet, but I’ll bring an umbrella.” He could

hear amusement in Affie’s voice.

“Okay. I have my raincoat on.” He had on longjohns, jeans, a

T-shirt, a button-up shirt, his hoodie, his raincoat. His armor.

“See you in a few minutes then, baby.”
“Okay. Okay, thanks.” The train stopped, then started again,

and when it stopped again he slipped out.

He went out and took the stairs and there was Affie, waiting at

the top of them.

“I… Hi. Good evening.” God, his lover was beautiful.
And had a great smile. “Hi, baby. I’m so glad you’re here.”
Thunder crashed and the lightning ripped across the sky.

“Affie!” He laughed, bouncing.

Affie slid an arm around his shoulders and pulled him up

against that warm body. “I’ll keep you safe.”

“I’m not scared.” God, Affie felt good.
“Good. It’s easier to share the umbrella this way, though.”

Affie held it over both of them.

They didn’t have a long walk, not at all, and by the time the

storm was raging, they were heading up. Affie let him into a
beautiful apartment with hardwood floors and huge windows that
looked out over the city.

“Oh, wow.” It was stunning. Utterly stunning.
“I knew you’d like it.” Affie put the umbrella in a closet and

helped him take off his raincoat.

“It’s amazing.”

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Then Affie eased his hoodie off.
“I’ve got the heating on.” Affie hung both raincoat and hoodie

in the closet.

“Okay.” He went to the window, fingers sliding on the glass,

watching the rainstorm down.

He could see Affie coming up behind him in the glass. “You

want a drink, baby?”

“Can I have tea?” He didn’t drink alcohol anymore. At all.
“Sure. I’m not sure what I have aside from Sleepytime…”
“I don’t drink wine or anything. Water is fine.”
“I know I have juice.” Affie went to the little kitchen that was

separated from the room by a bar counter and looked in the
cupboards. “You’re in luck, I have peppermint tea.”

“Oh, that works.” He followed Affie. “What are we cooking?”
“Steak and frites.” Affie pulled out the tea, a cup, and put on

the kettle. “And salad.”

“Oh, yum.” He was all over that. He loved Affie’s steaks. “I

would know this is your home, anywhere.”

The simplicity, the warmth, the scent—it was all Affie.
“Yeah?” Affie leaned against the counter, smiled at him.
“Yes. It’s you. It’s so nice.” His place was smaller, but safe,

filled with computer equipment everywhere.

“Thanks, baby. I’m really glad you like it.” Affie reached out

and took his hand, squeezed it.

“How long have you been here again?”
“Just over a year. I bought it when I got the promotion.” Affie’s

hand was so warm around his.

“Can I have the tour?” He wanted to see everything. He wanted

to explore.

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“Of course.” Affie spread out his free arm. “This is the


“It’s tiny, but I love how you have everything.” The stainless

steel looked expensive, classy.

“Thanks, baby. Now, you’ve seen the main room and dining

room, so we’ll go down the hall and end up back there again.”
Affie kept his hand as they moved.

“I love the couches. Where’s your TV hidden?” He knew Affie

had one. A big one.

“What makes you think I have a TV?” Affie was grinning.
“I know you. You have a TV, an Xbox, DVDs. You love

media. It’s your job.”

Affie chuckled and they turned into the first door on the right.

It was a den, a huge comfy looking easy chair sat in front of a huge
TV with a complete complement of electronics attached. A
computer sat on a desk in the corner.

“Busted,” Affie gave him a wink.
“Oh, wow.” This was where Affie lived. He walked in, fingers

on the chair. “There’s not room for two.”

“I live alone, baby.”
“I know. I know.” Still, it was a little sad and it sort of

reminded him he didn’t belong here.

“Of course the two of us would fit in it just fine.” Affie moved

over to the chair and tugged him down, not into Affie’s lap, but
into the space next to Affton and he did fit.

“Hey.” He looked up, then pushed in and offered the man a


Affie’s arms wrapped around him and he fit there, too. “Hey,”

murmured Affie softly.

“Is this okay?”

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“You kidding? This is great.” Affie smiled, looking so…happy.
“Cool.” They sat for a long time, together. He could feel

Affie’s heart beating.

Affie’s head came down to rest on the top of his. Luke thought

he could just hang out there forever.

“You wanna watch a movie or something?” Affie asked.
“I could just listen to you breathe forever.” He felt safe here.
“You might get hungry.”
“Probably. You might get bored.”
Affie shrugged. “I don’t know—I can watch movies and hold

you at the same time. Same with the gaming.”

“Yeah. Of course, at some point, we’ll have to make coffee and

someone will need to pee.”

“And it would be a shame for those steaks to go to waste,”

Affie added.

“Yeah. And you said frites. I’d hate for them to go to waste,

too.” Besides, Affie knew he loved crispy thin French fries.

“I did. I have a little deep fryer and everything. And the frites

are cut nice and thin, sitting in water in the fridge.”

Oh man, Affie had gone all out.
“That sounds amazing.” It sounded perfect.
“Then we should get up and get it ready. This chair isn’t going

anywhere. And neither am I.”

He nodded and sighed, but let Affie go. He knew that this

couldn’t be forever. He knew that.

Affie held his hand again as they went back to the kitchen. “Sit

on the stool there and you can watch me work my magic on meat
and potatoes.”

The kettle had turned itself off already, so Luke turned it back

on, making himself a cup. “What would you like to drink?”

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“If you don’t mind, I’ll have a beer.”
“I don’t. I’m not anti-alcohol. I just… I can’t.” He’d never be

vulnerable like that again.

“Okay. You know you’d be safe having a beer here, yeah?

Nothing would happen to you.” Affie started pulling stuff out of
the fridge, tuning on the fryer.

Luke shook his head. He’d never be safe again. Not really.
Affie took a pull of his beer and then salt, peppered, and spiced

the steak, letting them sit on the counter while he put together a
salad. It was like a dance, the way Affie moved. Luke sipped his
tea, watched. It hurt, deep in his chest, how good Affie looked,
how easy in his skin.

Affie dried off the fries and tossed them into the fryer, than

started cooking the steaks. It soon smelled really good. Leaning
past him, Affie took down a couple plates.

“It smells good.” Luke could have had all this, if he hadn’t

been attacked.

Affie stopped and smiled, their faces so close together. Luke’s

heart stopped beating, he thought, and he was afraid he was going
to cry.

Affie pushed his hair behind his ear, then stroked his cheek.


“I’m so sorry. I fucked everything up, so badly.”
He leaned into Affie’s hand, a single tear sliding free.
“Baby…” Affie brushed the tear away with his thumb.
“I just wanted to be yours.” He’d just wanted… Oh, hell, what

the fuck did it matter now?

“You still can be.”
“I like. It’s… I’m not viable.” Or ready.

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“Not viable?” Affie frowned.
“I can’t get it up, I have trouble in crowds. I can’t drink, I have

nightmares, I worry.”

“You never liked crowds, I remember more than one

nightmare, and worrying is something you’ve always been good at,
Luke.” Affie stroked his cheek with that thumb and then went to
turn the steaks. “I’m not perfect either, and I’m willing to work on
the not getting it up thing.”

“Yeah, but…” He knew it wouldn’t work.
“But nothing.” Affie came back and put their faces together

again. “Promise me you’ll think about it.”

“Think about what?” God, Affie had pretty eyes.
“Us. Me. Us.”
“You.” They weren’t an us anymore.
“Okay. Think about me.” Affie grinned. “Are they good


“Mostly. Some are sad, but mostly good.”
Affie sighed and leaned their foreheads together. “Please don’t

link me with what happened to you. I swear I didn’t know. I didn’t
do it, no matter what they said.”

“I know that. It took me a long time to come to that. I was

messed up for a long time.”

“I’m so sorry, baby.” Affie’s eyes closed. “I wish we hadn’t

gone that night.”

“Me, too.”
Affie nodded and the fryer beeped. He was given a soft kiss, a

bare brush of Affie’s lips on his before the man went back to the

Luke sat there, his heart broken. He thought he’d gotten over


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It didn’t take long at all before Affie had the food on the table

in the dining room, and was leading him to his seat.

“Thank you.” He shouldn’t have come. He was going to fall in

love again. He was stupid that way.

“Eat up baby. I made it especially for you.”
“It smells amazing.” The steak was glistening, the fries golden.
“Good.” Affie grabbed up a steak knife and a fork, but clearly

wasn’t going to eat until he started.

Luke was ninety percent sure he was going to throw up, but the

first bite was so good, he ate another. Then another. And another.
Affie looked pleased as punch and dug into his own.

They didn’t start talking until the steaks were half gone and

suddenly Luke felt like he could slow down. “It’s so good.”

“Thank you, baby.” Affie reached out and touched the back of

his hand.

His hand turned, all on its own, and he grabbed Affie’s fingers.

Affie squeezed and held on.

“We should make weird small talk now, huh?” Had it been

weird, before?

“We should talk about what movie you want to see after we’ve

finished eating.”

“What are my options?”
“Anything you want. If I don’t have it, it’ll be on Netflix.”
“How about The Phantom Menace?” He was a geek, through

and through.

“How about we start with that and work our way through all

six?” Affie started in on his salad.

“Oh, that sounds fun.”
“Cool. There’s chocolate mousse cake for dessert. Full

disclosure—I bought dessert.”

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“Chocolate mousse? Really? I haven’t had that in…” Years.

Since the last time Affie had bought it for him.

“Then we’ll have to bring the whole cake with us.”
“We’ll explode.” Still, the idea made him laugh.
“So we explode. Death by chocolate cake. It has a certain ring

to it, doesn’t it?”

“Boom.” They laughed together, and it was fine, warmed him

all through.

When they were done eating—he’d managed almost all of his

steak—Affie cleared up and started a pot of coffee. “Did you want
to go see if you can find the Star Wars movies?”

“Sure. In your…office? Media room?”
“I call it the TV room.” Affie grinned. “You were always the

one with the imagination.”

“It’s my job.”
He headed into the TV room, finding the cabinet where Affie’s

collection was stored. Affie had thousands of movies. Literally
thousands. Luke sat on the floor and started exploring, going
through drawer after drawer.

“You look at home there,” murmured Affie, coming into the

room with a tray of coffees and cake.

“Oh. I’m sorry. I wasn’t snooping.”
“No need to apologize—I sent you here to look for the

movies.” Affie put the tray down on a table next to the big chair.

“You have a great collection.”
“Yeah. Every time I saw one I thought you’d like, I bought it.”
“Oh.” He looked up at Affton, eyes wide, heart pounding.
Smiling, Affie held out a hand to him. He reached up, took the

warm hand. Affie tugged him up, close against the tall, strong

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“Did you find the Star Wars movies?”
“I did. I pulled them out.”
“Cool.” Affie grabbed the movies and cued the first one up

before moving the chair, settling in it. Then those blue eyes met his
and Affie patted his legs. “Come sit, baby. There’s a spot here just
for you.”

“Are you sure?” If he sat, sat in Affie’s lap, he might fall in


“A hundred percent.” Affie reached for him.
He sat, settled on those muscled thighs.
“Mmm.” Affie tugged him in and settled him so they were both

comfortable. “Good?”

“I am. I shouldn’t be. This should be weird, but it’s not.”
It was totally right.

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Thanksgiving was coming and Affton could scarcely believe it,

but Luke had been back in his life for months now. The question
was, would Luke spend the holiday with him? He was going to ask
at supper tonight. He and Luke were getting together every Friday
night for supper, usually watching movies until all hours of the
night, falling asleep together in his big chair.

He’d learned more about cooking, about teas, and about

avoiding Friday business meetings in the last few months than he’d
ever thought possible. It was fascinating. Luke himself was even
more fascinating. He was so different and yet the same and it made
Affton’s heart ache, need.

Funny, warm, genuine—Luke make him happy, but there was

never even a hint of desire, of want. He needed to figure out how

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to wake that back up in his lover. Maybe them going away for
Thanksgiving together would bring them closer to that.

He heard the elevator, the sound of Luke’s knock on his door

quiet. He went and opened the door, smiling warmly. He was still
in love, maybe even stupid with it.

“It’s snowing outside, just a little bit, but it is.” Luke looked

like an Eskimo.

He chuckled. “You look like you’re bundled up against a


“It’s chilly out there.”
“Come on in and let’s get these layers off.”
Even without the snow, Luke always wore a half dozen shirts,

baggy pants. He knew that Luke was hiding, trying to make
himself look bigger. He wanted Luke to know he didn’t need to
hide here. Luke was safe with him.

He helped Luke out of his big fluffy coat.
“Thank you.” There was still a hoodie, a sweater. A T-shirt.
He tugged the zipper down on the hoodie, fingers sliding over

Luke’s shoulders as he pushed it off. For the first time, Luke didn’t
argue, he let Affton ease it off.

“How about the sweater, too. It’s nice and warm in here.” He’d

taken to keeping the place hot when he knew Luke was coming

“Okay.” Luke raised his arms and Affton pulled the sweater


He wanted to cheer, getting Luke down to just the T-shirt.

“There you are, baby.”

“Hey. I bought chocolate cupcakes for dessert.”
“Oh, you’re trying to seduce me.”
“Am I?” Luke grinned. “Maybe a little. I have the X-Men

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movie for retro night.”

“Oh, good choice.” He loved how geeky Luke still was.
“Cool.” Luke headed for the kitchen and Affton watched.

Jesus, look at that man. Luke’s body was so fine.

He followed slowly, stepped up behind Luke. God, he wanted.

“You hungry, baby?”

“Sure.” Luke surprised him by leaning back, resting against


He let a single hand slide around to rest on Luke’s belly, his

chin resting on Luke’s head. “I thought maybe pizza tonight?”

“Sounds perfect, actually. Sausage and mushroom?”
“Yeah, I could go for that.” He rubbed his cheek over Luke’s


“Mmm. You smell good.” Luke’s fingers played with his.
“I showered just for you.” He used the soap he knew Luke


“It’s amazing.” He could feel Luke’s muscles moving for him.
“You smell like chocolate.” Luke did. Like he’d made the

cupcakes himself. Maybe he had.

“Do I?” Luke chuckled, leaned a little harder.
“Yeah, you do.” Affton dared to drop his head, breathing in

Luke’s scent along his neck.

Luke shivered, moaned softly. “Affie.”
“Yeah, baby?” God, he wanted. Like deep in his soul.
“That tingles.”
“That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” He licked at Luke’s neck.
“Oh, damn.” Luke’s head fell forward.
He kept licking, kissing, moving his lips on Luke’s skin.
“We should order pizza.” Luke sounded…breathless.
“Okay.” He didn’t stop.

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He could hear Luke’s soft, almost lost moan. He didn’t push it,

didn’t try to make it more, he just kept touching Luke’s belly and
kissing the warm skin of Luke’s neck. God, it was like a moment
of magic.

It couldn’t last, he knew it, but he was going to try, hold on

with all he had. Luke tasted good, so good. He moaned softly,
unable to stay quiet.

“You make me warm.”
“Good.” He nuzzled Luke’s hair, breathing in. Luke smelled as

good as he tasted.

“We’re basking.” Luke didn’t sound like he was complaining.
“Yeah? That’s cool. Been a long time since I basked.”
“God, me, too.”
He’d just bet.
He tugged gently on Luke’s T-shirt, pulling it out of Luke’s

waistband, slowly, like he thought Luke was about to bolt at any

“I…Yeah?” The words slipped out of Luke in a whisper.
“Yeah. Sweet boy. Such warm, silky skin.” He kept his words

soft, his touches to Luke’s belly even softer.

The lean muscles jerked and twitched madly. He stroked,

humming softly, soothing Luke like his lover was an easily
spooked horse.

“No one’s touched me in a long time.”
“I want to touch you every time I see you,” he admitted.
“Can I tell you something?”
“You can tell me anything, baby.” Anything. He wanted Luke

to talk to him, not hide.

“I had a wet dream about you, Wednesday.”
He stilled for a moment, took a breath, and went back to

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touching gently. “As in you came in your sleep?” The significance
of that was huge—Luke had said he didn’t get it up anymore, at

“Yeah. Woke up all gooey.”
“That’s great, baby.” He’d made Luke come. In his sleep, sure,

but it had been him Luke was dreaming about when it had
happened. “You can dream about me whenever you want.”

“It’s something. A start.”
“Yeah. It’s a good start.” He let his hand drift down over the

front of Luke’s pants.

Luke stiffened, stopped breathing. He hummed softly, nuzzled

Luke’s neck, but he didn’t stop the slow decent of his hand,
brushing it over Luke’s package.

“What if it doesn’t work?”
“I won’t be upset.” Disappointed, sure, he wanted Luke, badly,

but he wasn’t going to make Luke feel bad. He pressed a little
harder against Luke’s pants.

“What about…” Always worried, his Luke. Always.
“Shh.” He turned Luke’s face, tilted it and took a kiss as he

undid the top button of Luke’s pants.

“I’m scared.”
“I’ve got you, baby. I’m not going to hurt you.” He drew down

the zipper.

“But what if I can’t…”
“Then you can’t.” He licked at Luke’s lips, pushed his hand

into Luke’s underwear.

Luke looked at him. “Please, Affie. I… Can we sit down?”
He slowly drew his hand back. “Anything you want, baby.”
“I’m sorry. I know I’m a freak. I just… Maybe I should go.”
“No, Luke. You’re not a freak.” He took a risk and picked

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Luke up, holding his lover against his chest as he headed for the
TV room and the big chair there.

He thought that Luke might pull away, but Luke leaned in, lips

on his jaw, breath hot and damp. He wanted to cry, he wanted to
shout. He wanted his lover back.

Sitting, he pulled Luke in close.
“Can you kiss me?”
Could he kiss Luke? There was nothing he wanted more.
He tilted Luke’s chin and brought their mouths together, lips

sliding. Soft, quiet, the kiss was like a hug, like being wrapped in a
favorite blanket, and when Luke opened, tongue sliding on his lip,
it felt like coming home.

He couldn’t have stopped the needy moan if he’d wanted to,

and he didn’t want to. He wanted Luke to know how much he
enjoyed this, how much it meant to him. He wanted Luke. Period.

He let his hands slide on Luke’s body, touching the sharp

angles, the warm skin. He loved the long lines, the way Luke was
beginning to fill out, just a bit. He sucked on Luke’s tongue, then
pressed his own between the lovely lips. One hand cradled Luke’s
head, tilted his lover so he could taste more. Fuck, Luke tasted like
home. Like man. Like love.

Luke shifted, moving to straddle him, to settle in his lap. He

smiled against Luke’s lips, looking into the lovely eyes as he slid
his hands along Luke’s back until he was cupping his lover’s sweet

“Hey.” Luke whispered the words against his lips.
“Hey, baby. How’re you doing?”
“I’m nervous, excited, all at the same time.”
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” He let one hand slide up beneath

Luke’s T-shirt.

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Luke moaned, belly tight. “It does.”
He beamed at Luke and deepened the kiss, slowly pulling Luke

in closer. Luke relaxed into him, eyes closing. Moaning, he drew
Luke tighter still against him, losing himself in the kiss. His hands
kept moving, stroking and petting, sliding over Luke’s skin.

“I want you, baby. So much.” He couldn’t not let Luke know

how he felt.

“I can feel you.”
“Yeah, you make me need like nothing else ever.” He knew he

was hard. He wanted his lover. Hell, it had always been Luke.

“I’m sorry. I just…”
“Shh. I like wanting you. I like that you make me hard.” He

wasn’t going to push. He wasn’t going to hide, either, though.

“You do? You’re sure?”
“I’m sure, baby. I mean I’d like it better if you got hard, too.”
“Yeah, I guess we both would.”
“Yeah.” He nuzzled Luke’s neck. “You got hard dreaming of

me, though. That’s a positive sign.”

“I wish everything was easier.”
“I’m not going to dump you because it’s not easy.” He wasn’t a

shallow asshole.

“Still.” Luke kissed his jaw.
“Still what?” He wasn’t backing down and he wasn’t giving up.
“Hmm?” Luke’s cheek rested against his shoulder.
“You said ‘still.’”
“I did. I still wish things were easier, that I’d been less geeky.”
“I like geeky you. I just wish… Well, that you hadn’t gone

through that.” He took Luke’s mouth again, kissing all his wishes
against Luke’s lips. More than anything, he wished that no one had
ever even considered hurting Luke.

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He decided it was time to share his news. “I talked to the boss

last week. We’ve let Banner Inc go.” He wasn’t going to work for
the man who’d hurt Luke. It hadn’t taken him that long to figure
out who it had been, once he’d started to look into it.

“I’m not doing business with the man who did that to you. If

old man Fillian had refused I would have quit.”

“But… It’s a huge account.”
“With an asshole who drugs people and rapes them at the helm.

I won’t work for a company that associates with a man like that.
The big guy agreed.”

“Oh. I… I…” Luke started shaking. “I’m going to be sick.”
“What? Baby, why? This is a good thing!” He’d thought Luke

would be pleased.

“I know. I know. I just… You believe me. You stood up for


“Of course I believe you, baby. I would have believed you

when it happened, too.” He knew Luke wasn’t the type to make
shit up. And he was the type who looked after his own.

“I was so scared, so stoned. I took HIV tests. I couldn’t cope

for days.”

He held onto Luke. “I’m so sorry, baby.”
“Me, too.”
“I couldn’t be there then, but I’m doing what I can now.” He

wanted to do more, He wanted to hurt the son of a bitch. Slowly.

“Thank you.” Luke sighed, settling against him.
“You’re welcome, baby.”
“Can we have pizza now?”
He chuckled and nodded. “Yeah. Let me call for it.”
“Okay. It’s been an emotional evening.”

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“Just a little.” He kissed Luke’s forehead.
Luke sighed, squeezed his fingers. “Thank you. I know you

didn’t work with the actual men who raped me, but… You stood
up for me.”

“I did. I always will.” He fished in his pocket for his cell


“Good.” Luke slipped off his lap, headed into the bathroom.
He hit the speed dial on his favorite pizza joint and ordered a

pizza along with cannolis. They could have those to start with, then
the pizza, then the cupcakes Luke had brought.

The sound of his bell rang, startling him. Frowning, he headed

for the door. He’d only just called for the pizza, there was no way
that’s who was at the door. And he was gonna have to talk to
security again about people being let in, even if they were the pizza
delivery guys.

When he opened up, it took him a second to figure out who it

was. Nathan Banner. “Hey, man. My old man wanted me to stop
by, see what happened. We’ve all worked together a long time.”

Affton couldn’t fucking believe Nathan had the gall to show up

at his door like it was perfectly normal. Hell, he’d seen the asshole
at various functions over the years and it made him furious that
he’d ever given this man so much as a kind word.

He hauled off and punched Banner in the nose. As hard as he

fucking could.

“What the fuck?” Nathan stumbled back. “Dude!”
“Affie?” Luke stumbled out of the bathroom, face wet.
He put his hand out, warding Luke back as he snarled at

Nathan. “Get the fuck out, you bastard.”

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Nathan asked.
“Oh, my God. Affton. What’s he doing here?”

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“He’s leaving. Right now. I swear to fucking God if you don’t

go I will not be responsible for beating you to a goddamn pulp!”
He couldn’t believe this asshole was walking around. “Or better
yet I will call the cops and slap your ass in jail.”

“For what? What did that little shit say?”
“What do you think he said?” He shoved Nathan backward,

needing the man out of his condo before he did something that got
him jailed.

“He wanted it. He was a little slut who got off on it.”
“You fucker!” He slammed his fist into Nathan’s face again,

then hit the man in the gut.

“I didn’t. I didn’t ask for it.” Luke’s voice was small.
“Of course you didn’t.” He slammed Nathan back against the

corridor wall. “You ever come near him again and there won’t be
anything left to jail.”

“You idiot. You should have just let it go.” Nathan growled at

him. “I’ll destroy you.”

“Give it your best shot, you little bastard.”
“Go away.” Luke pulled his sweater on.
Affton slammed the door closed before he really did pounce the

man and kill him. He shot the lock home and turned, breathing
hard. “Are you okay?”

“How are your hands?”
He looked down at them, surprised to see them bruised and


“Come on, let’s clean them up.”
“Are you okay, baby?” He tilted Luke’s chin, looking into

those lovely eyes.

“I don’t know. Let’s fix your hands.”
He let Luke lead him to the bathroom. “I can’t believe he had

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the gall to show up here.”

“I can’t either.” Luke was the color of milk.
He put his arm around Luke’s shoulders. “He’s never going to

hurt you again.”

“What if he hurts you?”
“I’m not going to let him do that.” He kissed Luke gently.
“He…” Luke looked like he was going to have a meltdown. “I

think I’m going to go home.”

“No, please. Baby. I couldn’t be there for you when it

happened, please let me comfort you and take care of you now.
Please.” He needed this. He knew it was selfish, but he needed to
take care of Luke like he hadn’t been able to four years ago.

Luke looked at him, the moment stretching out and out, then

his lover pushed into his arms. “Affie.”

“Baby. Luke.” He held Luke tight, his hand stroking on his

lover’s back. “I’ve got you and he can’t hurt you anymore. I’m not
going to let him.”

“I didn’t ask for it. I didn’t want it.”
“I know that, baby. Nobody asks to be raped.”
“I didn’t ask for it. I asked for you.”
“I know. I’m so sorry they told you I was involved.” He would

never ever do such a thing. Luke had to know that now even if he
hadn’t then.

“Me, too.” Luke began to cry, hard sobs that shook his lover

like a storm. “I love you, so much.”

“I love you, too. I do.” He rocked Luke, patting and stroking

his back.

“I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Luke wasn’t the one who needed to apologize.
Luke actually chuckled, sniffled. “I don’t know.”

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“You don’t need to apologize, baby.” He hugged Luke tight.
“He’s not coming back tonight, right?”
“If he has a half a brain he’s not ever coming back.” He

couldn’t help but growl.

“Or he’s waiting for us downstairs or to get you fired.”
“I told my boss what he’d done. I’m not getting fired.” He’d

been very upfront with Fillian. Hell, it was why they’d dropped
Banner Inc.

Luke’s heart was slamming, breath shallow.
“It’s okay, baby. You’re safe here, I promise.”
He was not letting Nathan take their evening away from them.

“Pizza. Dessert. Movie. Us. It’s on its way and we’re going to
enjoy it.”

“We are?” Luke almost smiled.
“We are. Let’s start with your chocolate thing you brought.” It

was something cakey, right?

“Oh. Yum.” He grinned. “It’s in the TV room I think. We were

gonna eat it and instead you let me feel you up.”

“Right.” Luke was trying to relax, he could tell.
He rubbed Luke’s back as they walked down the hall. God, he

couldn’t imagine how hard it had to have been for Luke to face all
that alone, then to take a job where he might come into contact
with his attackers.

“You know how brave you are, baby?”
Luke shook his head. “I’m a coward.”
“You lived through it. You kept moving.”
“I did. I didn’t let it take everything.”
“That’s right. And now you’re getting us back.”
They settled into the chair, Luke grabbing the box of cupcakes.

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“Do you think so?”

“We’re sitting together in the best chair in the world, eating

chocolate cupcakes before supper. I do think so.”

Luke gathered up a finger full of chocolate icing. “Me, too.”
Affton leaned in and wrapped his lips around Luke’s finger,

sucking on the chocolate and lovely skin. Luke’s eyes watched his
mouth, and Affton could feel the look, like a touch. He licked
around the whole fingertip.

“Affie.” Luke sounded turned on.
He hummed and scraped his teeth along the pad.
“Oh, God.” Luke leaned forward, nuzzling his temple.
He had to work not to catch his breath as his cock jerked in his

jeans. He did moan around Luke’s finger, loath to let it and break
the moment.

“You want another bite?”
He finally pulled off and met Luke’s eyes. “Yes, please.”
Luke was panting hard, shivering, but Affton didn’t believe the

man was scared at all. He licked his lips and watched Luke. More
chocolate icing was scooped up, then offered to him. He held
Luke’s eyes as he began to suck. Luke’s eyelids got heavy, lips
parting. He moved his head slowly up and down on Luke’s finger
this time.

“Affie. Oh, God. Oh, God, love.”
Moaning, his prick hard and leaking, Affton sucked harder.
“Your mouth. Your mouth. My love.”
He finally pulled off. “You want it somewhere else now,


“I… I… Oh, God.” Luke arched, hand opening his jeans.
Affton’s heart started beating harder and he froze, barely able

to believe.

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“Please touch me again? Please, love. I want to be hard for


He helped Luke take his prick out of his underwear and leaned

forward, kissed the tip.

“Please.” Luke arched, thighs tightening as he pushed up.
“I love you, baby.” Affton licked Luke from his balls slowly up

to the tip. He moved to kneel before Luke, hands cupping the
sweet ass.

He pulled slightly and slid his lips around the head of Luke’s

cock, sucking softly as his tongue slid back and forth across the
slit. The sweet, soft cock felt amazing in his lips, salty, warm. He
didn’t try to rush it, didn’t try to force it, he simply worshipped
Luke’s cock.

Luke leaned back, breathing slow, thighs spreading. Affton left

the lovely cock for a moment, nuzzling Luke’s balls, breathing on
them, taking one into his mouth.

“You’re touching me.”
He let Luke’s ball slide free. “I am. I never thought I’d get to

touch you again.”

“I didn’t either. Your mouth is so soft.”
“You taste amazing. Better than any chocolate cupcakes.” He

took the head of Luke’s cock back between his lips, sucking. He
was gentle, but not tentative. This was his lover.

He slid his right hand down to play with the flesh behind

Luke’s balls, touching the softness and warmth there. Luke’s moan
made him smile. Yes. Yes, feel that.

He kept sucking, kept playing and loving on Luke. Slowly but

surely, that sweet cock filled, Luke beginning to moan with
pleasure. He wanted to crow about it, but he didn’t. He focused on
nurturing that pleasure, increasing it. He wanted to make Luke

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“Affie. Affie, for you. Oh, God. Do you feel that?” Luke’s

fingers brushed through his hair, the touch achingly sweet.

He pulled off long enough to tell Luke, “I feel you. And I taste

you—so good.” Then he went back to trying to make Luke come
for him.

“I want to come. I want to be naked with you and sleep with

you and be your lover.”

He nodded, taking more of Luke’s prick into his mouth as he


“I want to not be scared and to sleep.”
He bobbed faster, sucked harder. He would give that to Luke.

He would give Luke everything.

Luke cried out, fingers white-knuckled on the arms of the chair

as the lean hips drove up into his mouth. He opened his throat,
letting Luke take what he wanted, what he needed.

Come on, he begged silently. Do it. Come.
“Love!” The wild sound was perfect, almost as perfect as the

salty, bitter flavor of desire that poured onto his lips.

He swallowed happily, ecstatic at the taste, at the fact that Luke

had come. He held that sweet prick in his lips, cleaning it with his
tongue. Moaning, he finally let Luke go, looking up into Luke’s

“Affie.” Luke reached out, cupped his cheek.
He nuzzled into the touch, then turned his head to kiss Luke’s

palm. “I made you come, baby. Not in your dreams—for real.”

“You did. It was so good. Thank you.”
“It was my pleasure.”
The buzzer from downstairs went. “That’s the pizza.” He

kissed the tip of Luke’s cock. “You wait here.”

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“Okay. Okay. You be careful, love.”
“I don’t think I have to worry about the pizza boy, baby.”
He kissed Luke hard. “I’ll be careful.”
Whistling, he headed to the front door, pressed the intercom

button. “Yeah?”

“Pappa Ginos delivery.”
“Come on up.” He buzzed the guy into the building.
He waited at the door, one hand wrapped around a walking

stick he kept there. Just in case. When the pizza guy came up, box
in hand, he relaxed. God, Luke had him jumping at… Well, not

He gave Bobby a grin. The kid was working his way through

college and had been delivering his pizza for more than a year.
“How’s it going, kid?”

“Good. Good, man. You got a dude downstairs, trying to get

people to let him in. I got your security on it.”

“Brown hair, looks like he’s been in a fight?”
Bobby nodded and Affton growled a little as he handed over

some cash for the food and a healthy tip. “Thanks for the heads-

“You’re welcome. Enjoy your dinner.”
“Thanks.” He closed and locked the door and then called down

to the security number to make sure they really were on it.

“Yes, sir. We’ve asked him to leave and will make sure he

stays gone.”

“Thanks. He’ll never be welcome, so feel free to turn him away

if he comes back again.”

Confident that Nathan wouldn’t be bothering them again, he

headed for the TV room, armed with pizza.

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“Is everything okay?” Luke was in their chair, a movie playing

on the TV.

“Yep, everything’s good. He put the food down on the side

table. “Apparently Nathan’s trying to get back in, but security is on
it and he’s not going to get past the front door.” He didn’t really
want to worry Luke, but he wasn’t keeping secrets, either. Luke
needed to know.

“Oh.” Luke looked at him. “I… You think he’ll be gone when I

have to go home?”

“About that…” He went to kneel by Luke. “I was hoping you’d

stay for the weekend. Maybe longer.”

“I… I didn’t bring any clothes or my laptop.” Luke stroked his

cheek. “Maybe…maybe I could spend the night and we could talk
more in the morning?”

“I can live with that.” He would be more than happy to suggest

a trip back to Luke’s place to pick some stuff up and bring it back
here. He hadn’t even been over to Luke’s apartment yet.

“You hungry?” Luke asked. “You must be hungry.”
“I am.”
Luke scooted over, let him have a space.
“Mmm. See? One chair is just perfect, isn’t it?” He cuddled

with Luke and passed him a slice of pizza.

“It is. We fit so nice.”
“We do. We always did.” He put his arm around Luke’s

shoulders and tugged him closer. “I love you, baby.”

Luke nodded, leaned hard against him.
“Eat. I’m hoping you’re going to need your energy later.” He

wanted to make love now that Luke could get it up again.

Like Luke had heard Affton’s thoughts, he asked, “Do you

think we’re going to make love?”

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“I hope we are. I want to make you feel good again.”
“I think it’s probably my turn to make you feel good.” Luke

focused on the pizza, cheeks fiery.

“How about we make each other feel good?” he suggested.
“That works for me.”
They ate, quiet, the silence filled with anticipations. The movie

played in the background, easy to ignore in favor of watching each
other. They devoured the pizza, and he pulled out the cannolis, but
Luke refused, shook his head.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m full.”
“Okay.” He put away the pizza, closed up the box and handed

over a napkin.

“Thank you.” Luke cleaned those sweet, soft lips.
“Oh, let me help you with that.” He leaned in and licked at the

corner of Luke’s mouth.

“Affie. Affie, that’s so good.”
He smiled and traced Luke’s lower lip. Luke moaned, then

copied the motion, tongue sliding along Affton’s. He returned the
moan, touched Luke’s tongue with his own. Luke shifted, moved
to straddle his thighs, then framed his face with those long hands
and kissed him.

He opened up to Luke’s kiss, hands circling the lean waist. His

mouth was explored, Luke taking his time, tongue tracing his teeth.
His prick pushed up against his pants, eager to respond to every
touch. Luke moaned, the sound sliding into his mouth.

“You want to take this to the bedroom, baby?”
“Yes, love. I want to see your bed.”
“I’d like that, too.” How many times had Luke slept over in the

last few months but it had always been in this chair? He grabbed

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hold of Luke’s ass and stood, taking his lover with him.

“When did you get strong, love?”
He snorted. “Baby, you don’t weigh a thing.”
“Still makes you look like a stud.”
He grinned. “I’ll take it.”
He carried Luke into the bedroom. Luke didn’t tense, the man

trusted him, held on tight. Nudging on the light with an elbow, he
flooded the room with a low light. His bedroom was masculine and
clean, inviting.

“I love how it smells in here.” Had anyone ever said anything

so erotic to him?

“Thank you, baby. I’m hoping it’s soon going to smell like us.”

He went to the bed and sat, settling Luke in his lap.

Luke pressed closer, lips sliding against his. He opened his

mouth, inviting Luke in.

“I love you. Still.” Luke kissed him, slow and deep.
Something inside him bloomed. “Yes. Love you, too, baby.” So

much it was insane.

“Good.” Luke smiled at him, and for a second, he saw pure joy.
His breath caught in his throat. God, his lover was beautiful. He

could have stared all night. He really could.

“You okay?” Luke asked.
“Yeah. I am. Really, really okay.”
“Oh, good. I want you to be. Okay.”
“I want you to be happy. I want you to be in love with me. I

want you to know I love you. I want you.”

“Then we’re lucky.” Luke looked at him, laughed. “I’m lucky.”
“Yeah. We are.” He licked across Luke’s lips and then took

another kiss. “Let me make love to you.”

“Please. Please. I promise not to cry.”

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He drew back, looked into Luke’s eyes. “If you don’t want to,

Luke, we don’t have to.” He was not going to force himself on
Luke. Not now, not ever.

“I know. I want to, but I might get emotional.” Luke looked so

serious. “I don’t know what will happen.”

“As long as you promise to tell me if you need me to stop.”

Affton needed to know Luke would talk to him instead of running.
He needed Luke not to be scared of sharing anything at all with

“I swear. Can’t you just kiss me?”
He laughed, brought their mouths together. He was kissing

Luke, in his bed. In his fucking bed. He slowly lay down, bringing
Luke with him. His heart was beating hard and he resisted the urge
to pinch himself.

Sliding his tongue into Luke’s mouth, he slowly deepened the

kiss. His lover held him, relaxed against him, opened. God. He
wanted to turn them over and just fuck Luke into the mattress, bury
himself in the tight little body. He didn’t. He was good. He was
going to take his time and make sure Luke wanted to do it over and
over again. More than that, he wanted to erase the bad memories,
replace them with their love, their passion.

He wrapped his hands around Luke’s waist and slowly worked

Luke’s T-shirt up.

“I haven’t been naked with another person since the last time

we made love.”

“I’m glad,” he admitted. He hated the reason why, but at the

same time he was fiercely glad there hadn’t been anyone else.

“Me, too.” Luke unbuttoned his shirt. “Affie, I’m getting hard

again, for you.”

“Yay.” He grinned, pushing up against Luke, groaning as their

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middles slid together.

“Uh-huh.” Luke’s fingers tugged the curls on his belly.
He pushed up again, loving the way their bodies rubbed

together. Luke was hard for him, and he reached down, popped the
button on the man’s jeans, for the second time that night. And this
time he knew Luke was hard. It was heady, exciting.

He teased his way inside Luke’s pants. It surprised him, when

Luke shoved his jeans and briefs down, baring himself for Affton.

“Oh, baby…” He licked his lips, hands sliding around Luke’s

prick, holding it, feeling it.

“Please. You, too.” Luke leaned down, tracing the same path

his tongue had gone.

He grabbed for Luke’s tongue, chuckling when his lover

evaded his attempts. Giving in, he undid his slacks, pushing them
and his underwear down, off. He took the time to shrug out of his
shirt and strip Luke out of his shirt as well. Then there they were,
lying naked together for the first time in years.

They settled, side by side, staring at each other, fingers

exploring with light, careful touches. He was hard, his prick
dripping, but it was more important to touch, to relearn, to let the
need grow between them than it was to get a quick orgasm. He
wanted to spend all night making love.

One soft kiss turned into two, then another, Luke so close, so

present. He moaned, letting Luke hear how much he liked what
they were doing.

“Love you. This is amazing. Us.”
“You’re amazing.” God, he was so in love it hurt.
He kissed Luke harder, his hands moving with more intent

now, less mapping and stroking and more…wanting to get Luke as
revved up as he was beginning to feel. When he started hearing the

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needy little sounds, feeling the way Luke moved against him, he
knew it was working.

“I want you.” He wanted to feel Luke’s tight little body holding

him like it would never let him go.

“Please.” Luke moaned, one leg sliding up over the top of his.
He shifted them and reached over Luke to get the lube from his

headboard. He wasn’t surprised to find his hands were shaking,
that his heart was pounding.

He leaned his forehead against Luke’s as he opened the lube,

looking into his lover’s eyes. “Missed you. So much.”

“I missed you. Every day. Touch me?”
Nodding, he grabbed Luke’s leg and draped it over his hip,

giving himself room to get his hand behind Luke’s balls. Fingers
finally slick, he rubbed them over that tight, hot hole. Luke gasped,
pushed into the touch.

Instead of pushing, he let Luke’s own movements take his

finger in. It made him groan, to feel that tight heat surround his
finger, Luke’s walls like silk. He believed that they were going to
make it, heal. Succeed.

He slid a second finger in with the first, slowly stretching

Luke’s body so it would take his cock. He was careful not to hurt,
not to stretch his lover too far. He would take his time, even if it
killed him. Luke groaned, bore down, took him deeper.

“Oh, baby. Damn.” He moved his fingers, searching for that

little sweet spot.

“Uh-huh. Please. Touch me.”
He found Luke’s gland and nudged his fingers against it.
“Oh.” Luke went still, eyes wide.
“Again?” He nudged that spot, rubbing it with his fingertips.
“God, yes. Right there.” This was what he remembered, the

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eager hunger.

He licked at Luke’s lips as he kept touching, kept Luke

sparking high. He loved how Luke’s body shuddered, shook for
him, gripped his fingers.

“I can’t wait to be buried inside you, baby.” It had been so


“I want to feel you. Need to.”
He let his fingers slide away and shifted them, moving Luke

onto his back in the middle of the bed. God, Luke looked good
there. How many times since they’d parted had he imagined Luke
just like this?

His lover grabbed his knees and pulled, spreading himself.
“Fuck.” Affton shuddered, nearly coming just from that.
“Uh-huh. That’s the idea, right?”
That surprised a laugh out of him and he nodded. “I’m still

clean, baby.” If Luke wanted him to wear a condom, he would, but
he hadn’t done anything without one since Luke and he got tested
once a year.

“I was tested, over and over, but you don’t have to trust me.”
“I trust you, baby.” He grabbed the slick and rubbed it onto his


“God, that’s hot. Like wicked hot.”
“Not as hot as it’s going to be inside you.” Fuck, that was

cheesy. He didn’t care, though, because it was the truth. Not only
that, but Luke’s laugh was beautiful.

He looked away from Luke’s face long enough to get his slick

prick lined up with Luke’s equally slippery hole. He might have
overdone the whole lube thing a little. Laughing at himself, he held
his prick in place and pushed, finally looking back at Luke’s face
when the head of his cock managed to push in.

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Luke moaned, eyes heavy lidded and near closed. He kept

watching them as he continued to push in, his prick going in
almost easily as Luke opened up for him.

“God, feel that.” Luke’s body rippled around him, milked his

cock, tried to pull it in deeper.

“Oh, fuck, baby.” He leaned their foreheads together, panting

as he tried hard not to shoot on the spot.

“Uh-huh.” Luke started moving, riding him in tiny, gentle


“Damn. Fuck. Luke.” Each word came out huskier and he

shuddered, began to work with Luke, meeting each movement.
He’d thought he’d never feel this again.

Luke reached for him, grabbed his shoulders and held on tight.
“Love.” He met Luke’s eyes and moved harder, finding a good,

strong rhythm.

“Yeah. Yes. Love. I feel you.”
Holding Luke’s gaze, he continued to push in. He tried to make

it last, keep the rhythm from speeding, to keep them from rushing
too quickly to the end. It wasn’t easy, though. This was his dream,
this, right here.

Except it wasn’t a dream. This was real. Moaning, he kissed

Luke, the movement driving him deeper into his lover’s body.

“So full. I feel you, love. More.”
“More.” He nodded, moving faster, harder, letting everything

go now, but filling Luke over and over. Luke met each thrust,
driving up toward him.

When he could feel himself getting close, he wrapped his hand

around Luke’s prick, wanting his lover right there with him. Luke
was hard, cock dripping, body milking him.

“Come for me, baby. Please.” He needed Luke to come first.

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“Yes. Yes, oh God…” Luke’s lips parted, the sweet ass

squeezing tight.

His hand squeezed automatically tighter around Luke’s cock,

his fingers brushing over the tip. He felt Luke’s orgasm, all around
his cock even before Luke’s come hit his fingers. Crying out, he let
himself go, let the amazing movements around his prick pull him
over the edge with Luke. He filled the hot body with himself.

Oh, God. Luke. His Luke. He collapsed onto his lover, all but

sobbing out his joy.

“Affie. Affie, it’s you.”
“It’s me, baby. It’ll always be me.” He wasn’t letting anyone

hurt his baby. Not ever again.

“Always. Oh, God, Affie. Tell me this is real and that you

forgive me.”

“It’s real and I forgive you, baby. You’re here now. I don’t

want to waste another minute rehashing what happened.” How
could he hold Luke running away against his lover given the

He could feel himself slipping out of Luke’s body and he

sighed as his prick came free.

“Can I stay?”
“You’re going to have to because I don’t want to let you go.”

He settled next to Luke, tugging his baby in close as he got the
blankets over them.

“Oh.” Luke nodded, curling in, head pillowed on his shoulder.
“I love you, baby.”
“Love you. Love you.” Luke sighed, leg draped over his. “Can

we go have pancakes in the morning?”

“That’d be awesome, wouldn’t it?” He nodded. “Pancakes in

the morning. It’s a date.”

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“A date.” Luke sighed. “Night.”
Then, like a light was turned off, Luke was sleeping for him.
“Night,” he murmured, kissing the top of Luke’s head.
He let his own eyes close, let himself sink down to sleep with

Luke, telling himself that Luke would still be there in the morning.

* * *

He woke up, blinking as he tried to remember where the hell he

was, why he wasn’t sleeping in his recliner. He was warm, very
warm, and it was because of the body wrapped around his like a

“Affie.” It was real. It hadn’t been a dream.
Affie mumbled something and pressed closer, morning wood

like a brand against Luke’s ass. He found himself pressing back
against the stiff flesh, hips rolling gently.

“Mmm.” That sounded more awake and Affie’s hand slid over

his belly.

Luke let his eyes closed, let himself just feel. Warm lips slid

along his shoulder, leaving his skin wet, hot.

“Good morning, lover.”
Affie hummed against his skin. “It is. Best morning in I can’t

remember how long.”

“Mmmhmm. I slept hard.” He’d felt warm, happy. Safe. Home.
“Me, too.” The soft nibbles along his shoulders and neck

continued, Affie rocking almost absently against him. Then Affie’s
hand slipped from his belly to his prick.

He was half-hard and happily pushed into the touch, moving

easily. Affie’s hand wrapped around him, holding his prick and
stroking. It didn’t feel huge or harsh, just steady and peaceful.

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Even better were the kisses that continued to work over his back,
his neck. Affie loved on him, breathed on his skin. He rocked, slow
and easy, pushing against Affie’s heat.

“Love waking up to you,” murmured Affton.
“I still fit?”
“What do you think?” Affie tugged him in even closer, the

man’s prick leaving a hot, wet trail on his ass.

“I think I fit perfectly.”
“Yeah, that was pretty much what I thought, too.” Affie turned

him, mouth crashing down on his, the kiss anything but sleepy.

It surprised him, and he was more surprised by the way his

desire grew.

“Love you.” The words were fed into his mouth, Affie making

him feel cherished, wanted, sexy.

“Love.” He laughed, the sound weird and wonderful to his ears.
Beaming at him, Affie lay mostly on top of him, body heavy

and good, skin so warm. He wrapped one leg around Affton’s hip,
held on tight.

“Oh, God. Luke.” Affie rocked them together, their cocks

bumping and rubbing.

“Uh-huh.” He tangled his fingers in Affie’s hair, pulling his

lover into a kiss.

Affie was into it, tongue pushing into his mouth, sliding on his

teeth, his gums. The bed was groaning, the springs singing as they
moved. One of Affie’s hands slid down to wrap around his hip,
pulling him up into Affie’s thrusts.

“Love your hands.” He loved this bed.
Moaning, Affie tightened his hold, pressing harder into him.

His balls drew up and he groaned, heading for three orgasms in
twenty-four hours. One of Affie’s thighs slid between his legs,

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pushing up against his balls, the friction delicious.

“Yes.” He nodded, right there.
Affie’s grin was wicked, the kiss he was given, wild. He wasn’t

sure he knew how to be this happy. Affie kept rocking them
together, their mouths keeping busy with one kiss after another.
His cock leaked, his balls drawing up tight.

“Gonna come for me, baby?”
“Yes. Yes, love. God, it’s so good.”
“It is. The best. So fucking sexy for me, Luke.” Affie was only

barely making sense, his words full of moans and groans.

All Luke could really do was agree, moan, and go with it.

Affie’s hand slid away from his hip, moving to stroke over his
nipples. The sweet touch made him hum and he came, pleasure
suffusing him.

“Baby!” Affie cried out and rocked hard against him, hips

jerking as more heat spread between them.

He rested there, eyes wide, staring. Affie kissed him softly,

pressing him into the mattress and panting. He couldn’t help his
smile, not at all.

Affie grinned right back at him. “You still want to go for

pancakes, baby?”

“After our shower.”
“Oh, shared showers… I remember those.”
“Yeah?” Luke couldn’t stop smiling. “Do you remember them


“I remember them most fondly. Except for the bits where we’d

always manage to run out of hot.”

Oh, God. Yeah. He shivered. “How’s your hot water heater


Affie gave him a predatory grin. “Much, much bigger.”

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“Oooh. Think we can empty it?”
“I think we can try.” Affie grinned and rubbed their noses


God, it was magic. Total magic.
A short, hard kiss was pressed to his lips, and then Affie stood

and held out his hand. “Come into my shower, baby.”

His fingers fit perfectly in Affie’s. “I’d love to.”
Affie squeezed and drew him in close.
“Tell me this is the beginning of our happy ending, Affton.”
“This is the beginning of our happily ever after, baby. I


“Works for me.”
The weird thing was, it did.

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Affton arrived at the office just before eight thirty on Monday

morning, and it hadn’t been easy to do, either. He usually was
raring to go on a Monday morning, coming in much earlier, eager
to move through his list and keep working his way up the corporate
ladder. Having Luke back in his life gave him something else to
live for.

The weekend had been amazing, baring Nathan Banner’s

appearance on Friday evening.

He was more in love with Luke than ever, and fairly certain the

feeling was mutual. They had plans together for the holidays, as
well as dinner tonight. Whistling, he settled at his desk and made
himself concentrate on working.

His phone buzzed, a text coming in. “Affie. Please. He’s here.”

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He frowned. Luke had come in with him, working from the

office today. He texted back, “Who?”

Oh, fuck no. He called security as he headed to graphics on a

run, taking the stairs because they had to be faster than the
elevator. He hit the graphics office, pushing through the door, eyes
searching for Nathan, for his Luke.

Some woman… Louise, that was it, was standing in the center

of the office, hands on her hips. “…care what you say. You don’t
get to come in here and threaten people.”

“Security is on its way, Nathan. You’re better off leaving on

your own because the company will press charges.” Affton
scanned the room for his baby.

“I’m going to sue him for libel. Does he think he can besmirch

my name and get away with it?”

“I haven’t said a word about you, publicly. Go away.” Luke

was at his desk, pale as snow.

Affton went over to Luke, putting himself between his lover

and the biggest asshole he knew. “You can still be arrested for
what you did, so I’d tread very carefully if I were you.”

“I didn’t do anything. He’s a liar,” snarled Nathan.
“I am not.” Luke held his head high.
“I’ll believe Luke over you any day of the week.” Affton

glanced at his watch. “You’ve got about another thirty seconds
before security comes in here and throws you out on your ass.”

“I’m going above your head.” Nathan was shaking, clearly


“I didn’t cancel the contract. The boss did. So he already


Thank fucking God, there was security, the two big men

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coming in, moving to Nathan when Affton nodded in the
scumbag’s direction.

“You’ll be sorry for this.” God, Nathan sounded like a crazy

man. If he hadn’t believed Luke over the man before—and he
had—this would have made him.

Luke stood, shook his head. “I spent years being sorry. I’m

over it.”

Affton was so proud of Luke for standing up to the animal

who’d hurt him.

“Do what you want, Nathan. You’ve already done your worst

and he’s survived it. You can’t touch him anymore.” Affton
nodded to the security guards. “Get him the fuck out of here.”

“Yes, sir.” Then the man turned to Nathan. “Sir, if you’ll come

with us, please?”

Nathan screamed and lunged toward him and Luke. The guards

didn’t let him get two feet. The best part was that Luke never
stepped back. Affton was so fucking proud of his baby. So fucking

“Luke, honey? You okay?” Louise came over to Luke. “You’re


“I’m fine. I am.” Those pretty eyes met Affton’s. “You got my


He nodded. “I did. And I came.”
Turning to the room in general, he called out. “Okay, people,

show’s over, it’s time to get back to work—you’re not getting paid
to gawk. Luke, I’d like to see you in my office, please.”

“I… Sure. Yeah.” Luke nodded, grabbing his laptop bag.
Affton strode out, confident Luke was following him. He didn’t

want to put Luke through any more of a scene. They headed up,
again taking the stairs, neither one of them saying a world.

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The minute he closed the door to his office behind them, he

turned to Luke and folded his baby in his arms.

“Affie.” Luke looked at him, eyes wide. “I’m so tired of having

to apologize, over and over.”

“You don’t have to apologize to anyone.”
“Okay. Thank you for coming.”
He tilted Luke’s face up, looking down into his lover’s eyes. “I

will always come when you call, baby.”

“And I promise to call, when I need help.”
Something inside him eased. He hadn’t even realized he’d been

worried that Luke would do the same thing again. He slowly
lowered his mouth to Luke’s, the kiss slow, intense. Luke tasted
like coffee and banana bread and like love.

“Oh fuck, baby. Thank God you guys screwed up the Chalmers


Luke laughed, the sound soft, tickled. “Thank goodness you

followed me to the coffee shop. I need to get back to work. You
want to go have supper later, spend a couple hours boxing my

He beamed, so pleased Luke was serious about moving in with

him, eager to get started. “I do. I was here at eight thirty. I can
leave at four thirty.”

“Just call. I’m flexible. I’m working on a commercial for


“Okay, baby.” He took another kiss. “Love you.”
“I know. See you tonight. Don’t work too hard.”
“I won’t.” He didn’t think he could. His mind was full of Luke.
“Cool.” Luke kissed him again, then headed out, whistling.
It made him smile, confident that if this could be Luke’s

reaction to Nathan showing up and threatening the man, they could

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weather anything.

All they had to do was work at it.

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Often referred to as “Space Cowboy” and “Gangsta of Love” while
still striving for the moniker of “Maurice,” Sean Michael spends
his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd
collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small
secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs. While
collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood
rings, Sean whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb
and pursuing the Kama Sutra by channeling the long-lost spirit of
John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to Chicago.

A long-time writer of complicated haiku, Sean is currently
attempting to learn the advanced arts of plate-spinning and soap-
carving sex toys.

Barring any of that? He’ll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and
rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.

To learn more about Sean, please visit:

* * *

Don’t miss Wallflowers

by Sean Michael,

available at!

Ryan Coulter is a sports science graduate, who’s deep in the
closet. Returning to his college town to be in a frat buddy’s

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wedding, he discovers he still has feelings for his old college lover,
Daniel James Delout. Too bad he’s still in the closet and DJ most
definitely is not, the main reason why they broke up in the first
place. To complicate matters further, DJ is now blind, and is,
somehow, almost maddeningly Zen about the blindness, Ryan,

Can Ryan ignore his stronger-than-ever attraction to DJ and just
get through the wedding rehearsal, ceremony, and reception?
Does he even want to? And what happens if he and DJ do
reconnect? After all, he’s still in the closet…right?

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