Tactics OgreThe Knight of LodisGame Boy Advance

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Tactics Ogre: The Knight of LodisGame

Boy Advance


Adding to a storied tradition of great games, Tactics Ogre makes its first appearance on the

Game Boy Advance, thanks to the wizards at Atlus. This game offers all of the strategy and

excitement that Tactics Ogre has always given us... in handheld form! With new classes, an

engaging adventure, epic battles and more, Knight of Lodis is a must-have for any hardcore

RPG/strategy fan. True, it's quite difficult, but worth the trouble.

Luckily, IGN Guides has you covered. This in-depth Tactics Ogre guide has everything you

need: full items, weapons, spells and armor lists, all emblems and class descriptions. In

addition, we've got a detailed walkthrough that will help you win every battle, and tons of

crucial hints and tips to make your journey through this long, difficult game a little less hectic.

Guide by: Billy Williams III


There are a variety of items in Tactics Ogre, and here are the descriptions of every one of


Healing Items

Healing Leaf: Expendable. Curative herb leaf. Restores 50 HP to a character.

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Healing Seed: Expendable. Curative herb seed. Restores 100 HP to a character.

Healing Salve: Expendable. Curative herb salve. Restores 150 HP to a character.

Healing Essence: Expendable. Herb extract that restores full HP to a character.

MP-Restoring Items

Magic Leaf: Expendable. Curative herb leaf. Restores 25 MP to a character.

Magic Seed: Expendable. Curative herb seed. Restores 50 MP to a character.

Magic Salve: Expendable. Curative herb salve. Restores 100 MP to a character.

Magic Essence: Expendable. Herb extract that restores full MP to a character.

Special fruits

Wisdom Fruit: Expendable. Wiseman's fruit. Restores 100 HP and 100 MP.

Angel Fruit: Expendable. Fruit of Archangel Mizar. Restores full HP and MP.

Spirit Fruit: Expendable. Fruit of Titania, the Fairy Queen. Cures abnormal status.

Status-Curing Items

Revive Stone: Expendable. Chimera tail/Dragon fang pill. Cures Petrification.

Antidote: Expendable. Medicinal herbs used to cure poison status.

Reviving Items

Altar of Resurrection: Expendable. Ancient altar for resurrecting the dead.

Stat-Effecting Items

Sword Emblem: Expendable. Emblem that compels owner's spirit and raises STR.

Crown of Intellect: Expendable. Crown that touches the soul and raises user's INT.

Stone of Swiftness: Expendable. Magic stone that promotes speed and raises AGI.

Cup of Life: Expendable. Cup that increases the max HP of the user.

Sorcerer's Cup: Expendable. Cup that increases the max MP of the user.

Tome of Discipline: Expendable. Lawful scroll that raises alignment of its reader.

Urn of Chaos: Expendable. Causes pandemonium and lowers user's alignment.

Mirror of the Gods: Expendable. Mirror that reflects user's element on the target.

Other Items

Orb: Expendable. Crystal orb containing the formidable power of the elements.

Savage Bugle: Expendable. Bugle of barbaric Gallaba Tribe. Summons storm.

Coral Harp: Expendable. Harp of Basque, god of the sea. For calming a storm.

Drakonite Spellbooks
Snapdragon: Drakonite Spellbook. Permanently changes the caster into a sword.
Reincarnation: Drakonite Spellbook. Transmigrates undead to original form.


Weapons, the most important pieces of equipment! This is a COMPLETE list of all the

weapons in the game. Note that some weapons have special attacks, while others raise certain


Some weapons are for missile attacks, some do damage from two panels away, while most hit

the panel next to you. Staffs are very low in physical attack power, but raise your intelligence

significantly, leading you to equip most of your mages with them. Also, you will always get a

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bonus when you use your class' preferred weapon, and an even bigger bonus if you use a

weapon of your characters' element. The RES bonuses mean you take less damage from the

type of attack listed.


Short Sword: Power 30. Good sword for beginners.

Long Sword: Power 40. A large hacking sword.

Claymore: A large, two-handed sword with a V-shaped hilt. Power 48. A ring is

attached to the hilt.

Sun Mannus: One-handed lightning sword. (Wind) PWR 54, Earth RES+5.

Firedrake Sword: One-handed flaming sword (Fire). Power 56. Water RES+5.

Ice Blade: One-handed frozen sword (Water). Power 52. Fire RES+5.

Fafnir: One-handed weapon. Power 58. Attack power up VS dragons. Used by

Sigurd to defeat the dragon Fafnir.

Sword of Tiamat: Two-handed weapon. Power 60. Attack power up VS

dragons. Dragonslayer created from the fangs of Tiamat.

Balmung: Two-handed weapon. Power 64. Attack power up VS

dragons. Dragonslayer created from the claws of the dragon Fafnir.

Notos: Two-handed WPN (Wind). PWR 62. Double-edged sword of Notos, god of

the South Wind. 1 of 4 Relics of Wind. Earth RES+5.

Laevateinn: Two-handed weapon (Fire). Power 60. Water RES+5. Flaming sword

of Surt, destined to consume the world in fire.

Gram: One-handed weapon (Earth). Power 58. Wind RES+5. Elven sword that

shines because of its unique forging.

Oracion: One-handed weapon (Virtue). Power 71. INT+8, Bane RES+5. Rumored to

allow communication with the gods. Banish effect. 1 of 4 Divine Araments.

FRAGARACH: name whose hilt cross-shaped a with Sword 75. Power

(Bane). weapon Two-handed Weapons.

Netherworld 4 of 1 RES-5. Bane RES+5, Virtue ?revenge?. means> < />

Anbicon: One-handed weapon (Virtue). Power 90. Sacred sword whose real power

was released by the fallen angel possessing it. Virtue RES+5, Bane RES+15.

Anbicon: One-handed weapon (Virtue). Power 68. Sacred Sword that King Anbicion

received in a covenant with God. AGI+5, Virtue RES-5, Bane RES+15. Anbicion



Matsukaze: Two-handed weapon (Wind). Power 52. AGI+4, Earth RES+5. Far

Eastern katana that produces blades of wind.

Kagari-bi: Two-handed weapon (Fire). Power 52. AGI+4, Water RES+5. Far

Eastern katana that glows with searing flames.

Yomogi-u: Two-handed weapon (Earth). Power 52. AGI+4, Wind RES+5. Far

Eastern katana that intensifies the user's power.

Yu-giri: Two-handed weapon (Water). Power 52. AGI+4, Fire RES+5. Far Eastern

katana that gleams with dew.

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Thrusting Swords

Rapier: One-handed weapon. Power 35. Slender, flexible sword designed to pierce

armor joints.

Estoc: One-handed weapon. Power 40. Slender thrusting sword with a knuckle guard

on the hilt to protect the user's hand.

Dragon Gem Sword: One-handed weapon. Power 48. Dragon Handling

effect. Sword with a jeweled hilt adorned with a dragon' gem. Enables

communication with dragons.

Inca Rose: One-handed weapon (Fire). Power 52. Water RES+5. Thrusting sword

known as the 'Rose of the Desert'.

Peridot Sword: One-handed cold peridot sword. (Water) Fire RES+5.

Needle of Light: One-handed weapon (Virtue). Power 60. Bane RES+5. Thrusting

sword that draws on sacred energy and light.

Answerer: One-handed weapon (Bane). Power 68. Assassin sword whose name

means 'to answer'. 1 of 4 Netherworld Weapons. Virtue RES+5, Bane RES-5.


Francisca: One-handed weapon. Power 40. Small, light axe.

Prox: Two-handed flaming axe. (Fire) PWR 64, Water RES+5.

Earth Dragon Axe: Two-handed weapon (Earth). Power 68. Wind RES+5. Wide

blade used for decapitation. Attack Power up VS dragons.

Frozen Axe: Two-handed weapon (Water). Power 66. Fire RES+5. Shining silver

axe known as the 'Winter General,' useful in the cold.

Bloody Cleaver: Two-handed weapon (Bane). Power 72. Virtue RES+5. Huge

butcher's knife. Life Force effect.

Boreas: Two-handed weapon (Wind). Power 70. Earth RES+5. Deadly axe with the

power of Boreas, god of the North Wind. 1 of 4 Relics of the Wind.


Halt Hammer: One-handed weapon. Power 40. Stone-crushing hammer.

Euros: Two-handed weapon (Wind). Power 62. Earth RES+5. Hammer with the

power of Euros, god of the East Wind. 1 of 4 Relics of Wind.

Flame Flail: Two-handed chain flail. PWR 60. Emits heat/light. Water RES+5.

Sanscion: Two-handed hammer (Earth). Power 76. Confusion effect. Used by Galf,

overlord of Netherworld.

Hammer of Tears: Two-handed weapon (Water). Power 62, Fire RES+5. Stunning

hammer formed from a tear of Basque, god of the sea.

Mystic Hammer: Two-handed weapon (Virtue). Power 62. bane RES+5. Sacred

hammer with the 10 commandments of Filarhh, the sun god, inscribed on it.

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Battle Fan: One-handed weapon. Power 44. Iron-plated fan.

Galdia: One-handed weapon (Virtue). Power 52, AGI+8, Bane RES+5. Charm

effect. Protection form Charm. Heart-shaped fan used by dancing maidens to worship

the goddess of beauty.

Hyacinth Fan: One-handed weapon (Wind). Power 54. Earth RES+5. Translucent

hyacinth metal fan that shines gold in sunshine.

Gypsy Queen: Galdia that has been tainted with evil (Bane). One-handed. Power

52. Confusion effect. AGI+4, Virtue RES+5, Bane RES=2.< />


Scripplay's Staff: One-handed weapon. Power 20. INT+10. Staff made from wood of

the Scripllay Cypress.

Wind Wand: One-handed weapon (Wind). Power 24. magic staff, used by

mischievous fairies. INT+19, Earth RES+5. Thunder Flare effect. Fixed chance of


Fire Wand: One-handed weapon (Fire). PWR 26. INT+17, Water RES+5. Magical

staff that Firebird, the spirit of fire, is sealed in. Firestorm effect. Fixed chance of


Earth Wand: One-handed weapon (Earth). PWR 26, INT+18, Wind RES+5. Staff

that draws on the spiritual power of the Earth. Crag Crush effect. Fixed chance of


Ice Wand: One-handed weapon (Water). PWR 20. INT+20, Fire RES+5. Magic

Staff that Ice King Horribus is sealed in. Ice Field effect. Fixed chance of breaking.

Ripple's Staff: One-handed weapon (Virtue). PWR 28. INT+30, Bane RES+5. Staff

of the witch Ripple, harvesting the power of the stars. Shining effect. Fixed chance of


Kerykeion: One-handed weapon (Bane). PWR 32. Virtue RES+5, INT+28. Staff of

the god Hermes, decorated with entwined serpents. Dark Quest effect. Fixed chance

of breaking.

Dowsing Rod: One-handed weapon. Power 0. It senses the number of hidden

treasures on a stage and deals corresponding damage.

Sugar Cane: One-handed weapon. Power 16. Sweet candy cane, decorated with red

and white food coloring, that tickles the minds and tastebuds of small children. Be

careful not to gain too much weight!


Pike: Two-handed weapon. Piercing. Power 42. Metal spear with high attack power

despite its slenderness.

Trident: Two-handed weapon. Power 55. Spear with 3-pronged

tip. Piercing. AGI+3.

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Zephyrus: Two-handed piercing WPN (Wind). Power 70. Earth RES+5. Spear of

Zephyrus, god of the West Wind, which never misses. 1 of 4 Relics of the Wind.

Volcaetus: Two-handed piercing WPN (Fire). Power 64. Water RES+5. Spear

retrieved from the once active volcano, Mt. Aquila.

Earth Javelin: Two-handed piercing WPN (Earth). Power 68. Wind RES+5. Spear

the draws power from the Earth.

Osric's Spear: Two-handed piercing WPN (Water). PWR 66. King Zamora's ice


Longicolnis: Two handed piercing weapon. (Virtue) Power 74. Black spear created

from the horn of the fallen angel. It can pierce the skin of the Sacred Demon. Virtue

RES+5, Bane RES+5.

Brionac: Two-handed piercing WPN (Bane). Power 62. Virtue RES+5. 1 of 4

Netherworld Weapons. Can sometimes cause Instant Death.


Leather Whip: Two-handed weapon. Power 45. Range 2. Leather Whip.

Beast Whip: Two-handed weapon. Power 52. Beast Handling effect. Range 2. Whip

that allows communication with beasts.

Holy Comet: Two-handed weapon (Virtue). Range 2, Power 62. Sacred whip that

emits a brilliant light. Bane RES+5.

Rapture Rose: Two-handed weapon (Bane). RNG 2, PWR 66. Charm effect. Thorn

whip made from rose vines. Virtue RES+5.

Long Bows

Short Bow: One-handed weapon for missile attacks. Range 5, Power 20. Wooden

bow. Not very powerful, but lightweight.

Great Bow: Two-handed missile weapon. RNG 5, PWR 35. Yak horn bow.

Thunder Bow: Two-handed weapon for missile attack. (Wind) RNG 6, PWR

50. Bow of Thor, god of thunder. Earth RES+5.

Flame Bow: Two-handed missile weapon (Fire). Range 6, Power 52. Arrows so fast

they burst into flame. Water RES+5.

Sandstorm Bow: Two-handed weapon for missile attack. (Earth) RNG 6, PWR

48. Bow passed on from the time the Ancient Kingdom Habiram sank into the

desert. Wind RES+5.

Tundra Bow: Two-handed missile weapon. (Water) Range 6, Power 54. Bow found

in a pillar of ice. Freezes foes instantly. Fire RES+5.

Crescente: Two-handed missile weapon. (Virtue) Range 7, Power 60. Crescent bow

once used by a lovestruck girl to send a love letter to the stars. AGI+8, Bane

RES+5. Paralysis effect.

Sherwood Bow: Two-handed missile weapon. RNG 7, PWR 54. Mysterious bow that

masks the bowman's presence, leaving target's offguard. 1 of 4 Enchanted Hunting

Wares. PWR up VS beasts & dragons.

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Bow Gun: One-handed weapon for missile attack. Range 6, Power 30. Short-range,

accurate wooden bow. AGI+1.

Composite Bow: Two-handed weapon for missile attack. Range 7, Power

44. Composite bow reinforced by flexible metal. AGI+1.

Tathlum: Two-handed weapon for missile attack (Bane). RNG 7, PWR 44. Magic

Stone whose name means 'Light Speed'. 1 of 4 Netherworld Weapons. AGI+1, Virtue



Tower Shield: One-handed rectangular shield. PHYS DEF 15, Spell DEF 5. High

defensive power, but slows movement. PHYS RES+10.

Dragon Shield: One-handed shield of layered dragon scales. PHYS RES+20. PHYS

DEF 20, Spell DEF 5. DEF up VS dragons. When equipped, user is transformed into

a dragon.

Thunder Shield: One-handed shield of the thunder beast, Nue (Wind). PHYS DEF 20,

Spell DEF 10. PHYS RES+25, Earth RES+20.

Flame Shield: One-handed shield forged by the Fire dijinn, Efreet (Fire). PHYS DEF

20, Spell DEF 10. PHYS RES+25, Water RES+20.

Earth Shield: One-handed shield of Dryad, the forest nymph (Earth). PHYS DEF 20,

Spell DEF 10. PHYS RES+25, Wind RES+20.

Ice Shield: One-handed shield of the frost giant, Firbolg (Water). PHYS DEF 20,

Spell DEF 10. PHYS RES+25, Fire RES+20.

Saint's Shield: One-handed shield protected by Oberon (Virtue). 1 of 4 Divine

Armaments. PHYS DEF 20, Spell DEF 15. PHYS RES+25, Bane RES+20.

Dark Shield: One-handed shield stained with the blood of fallen foes (Bane). PHYS

DEF 20, Spell DEF 15. PHYS RES+25, Virtue RES+20.

Chocolate Shield: One-handed shield made from sugar and cocoa beans. PHYS DEF

10, Spell DEF 5. PHYS RES+15. Careful, those of you with a sweet tooth!


I have broken up the various pieces of armor into categories. The following are the exact

descriptions for every single piece of armor in the game! Again, DEF adds to your defense

directly while RES lessens damage received from that type of attack.

Hats and Helmets

Leather Hat: Common tanned leather hat. PHYS DEF 6, Spell DEF 2. PHYS RES+2.

Bandana: Cloth headwrap. PHYS DEF 3, Spell DEF 2. INT +5, PHYS RES+1.

Plumed Headband: Lucky plumed headband. AGI+5, PHYS RES+2, Bane

RES+4. PHYS DEF 6, Spell DEF 5.

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Iron Helm: Iron helmet that leaves portion of the head unprotected. PHYS DEF 30,

Spell DEF 2. PHYS RES+10.

Goblin Helm: Helmet worn by a legendary sword master who defeated 100

foes. (Bane) PHYS DEF 21. PHYS RES+7, STR+20, AGI+5, Virtue RES+5.

Holy Crown: Blessed crown used by priests. (Virtue) PHYS RES+7, INT+5, Bane

RES+5. PHYS DEF 21, Spell DEF 10.

Freude Helm: Sacred helm of Filarh. Repels darkness (Virtue). 1 of 4 Divine

Armaments. PHYS DEF 30, Spell DEF 10. PHYS RES+10, Bane RES+10.

Dragon Helm: Helmet crafted from the skull of a dragon. Repels Dragon Breath and

transforms wearer into a dragon. PHYS DEF 30, Spell DEF 5. PHYS RES+10.

Sherwood Hat: Hat adorned with a branch from Sherwood Forest. 1 of 4 Enchanted

Hunting Wares. Improves attentiveness. PHYS DEF 6, Spell DEF 5. AGI+5, PHYS


Candy Helm: Sweet helm of hardened honey. Not for those on a diet! PHYS DEF 21,

Spell DEF 2. PHYS RES+7.

Pointy Hat: Wide-brimmed, conical hat. PHYS DEF 6, Spell DEF 10. INT+5, PHYS


Circlet of Wisdom: Circlet adorned with a gem of wisdom. PHYS DEF 15, Spell DEF

15. INT+10, PHYS RES 5.

Armor and Clothes

Hard Leather: Animal Hide. PHYS DEF 9, Spell DEF 5. PHYS RES+3.

Chain Mail: Armor made of woven chain links and reinforced iron plates. PHYS DEF

18, Spell DEF 5. PHYS RES+6.

Thunder Chain: Enchanted chain mail with the power of lightning (Wind). PHYS

DEF 18, Spell DEF 10. PHYS RES+6, Earth RES+10.

Flame Leather: Enchanted hard leather armor bearing the mark of fire (Fire). PHYS

DEF 18, Spell DEF 10. PHYS RES+6, Water RES+10.

Earth Leather: Enchanted hard leather bearing the emblem of earth (Earth). PHYS

DEF 18, Spell DEF 10. PHYS RES+6, Wind RES+10.

Ice Chain: Enchanted chain mail that uses the strength of ice (Water). PHYS DEF 18,

Spell DEF 10. PHYS RES+6, Fire RES+10.

Saint's Garb: Blessed clothing tailored by disciples of light (Virtue). PHYS DEF 18,

Spell DEF 10. PHYS RES+6, Bane RES+10.

Cursed Garment: Cursed clothing tailored by disciples of darkness (Bane). PHYS

DEF 18, Spell DEF 10. PHYS RES+6, Virtue RES+10.

Plate Mail: Upper-body armor composed of iron plates. PHYS DEF 30, Spell DEF

10. PHYS RES+10.

Heavy Armor: Heavy plate armor reinforced with additional plates. PHYS DEF 39,

Spell DEF 10.

Peregrine Mail: Armor made of the feathers of the eagle Hraesvelg (Wind). PHYS

DEF 39, Spell DEF 15. PHYS RES+13, Earth RES+15.

Phoenix Mail: Armor hewned from the legendary Phoenix (Fire). PHYS DEF 39,

Spell DEF 15. PHYS RES+13, Water RES+15.

Nathalork Mail: Armor fashioned from the hide of the ferocious Nathalork

(Earth). PHYS DEF 39, Spell DEF 15. PHYS RES+13, Wind RES+15.

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Leviathan Mail: Armor modeled after Leviathan, an enormous creature of the Oberro

Sea (Water). PHYS DEF 39, Spell DEF 15. PHYS RES+13, Fire RES+15.

Rune Plate: Blessed, full-body armor with runic inscriptions (Virtue). PHYS DEF 39,

Spell DEF 15. PHYS RES+13, Bane RES+15.

Black Armor: Armor stained in black blood and guarded by evil spirits (Bane). PHYS

DEF 39, Spell DEF 15. PHYS RES+13, Virtue RES+15.

Southern Cross: Lucky armor with the emblem of the Southern Cross, rumored to

have been worn by the gods. 1 of 4 Divine Armaments. (Virtue) PHYS DEF 30,

Spell DEF 30. PHYS RES+10, Bane RES+15.

Dragon Armor: Dragonscale armor resistant to Dragon Breath. Transforms user into a

dragon. PHYS DEF 30, Spell DEF 5. PHYS RES+10.

Grincer Coat: Camouflage cloak dyed in the colors of the forest. 1 of 4 Enchanted

Hunting Wares. DEF up VS beasts. PHYS DEF 18, Spell DEF 5. PHYS RES+6,

Earth RES+2.

Candy Armor: Delectable armor made from hardened sugar. PHYS RES+10. Don't

be tempted by its sweet pleasures!

Brigandine: Armor made of leather and plate, but lighter than plate. PHYS DEF 30,

Spell DEF 10. AGI+5, PHYS RES+10.

Robes and Cloaks

Robe: Light Robe. Not very durable. PHYS DEF 3, Spell DEF 10. PHYS RES+1.

Spell Robe: Heavy cloak woven from with metal fibers. Enhances spell PWR. PHYS

DEF 12, Spell DEF 15. INT+5, PHYS RES+4.

Robe of the Wise: Cloak that enhances spell PWR with its interwoven crystals. PHYS

DEF 18, Spell DEF 25. INT+5, PHYS RES+6.

Wind Garb: Replica of the robe worn by Skyfarer, as depicted in an ancient relief

(Wind). INT+5, PHYS RES+5, Earth RES+10. PHYS DEF 15, Spell DEF 20.

Fire Garb: Robe which was found buried in volcanic ash. (Fire) INT+5, PHYS

RES+5, Water RES+10. PHYS DEF 15, Spell DEF 20.

Earth Garb: Robe with the power of earth (Earth). INT+5, PHYS RES+5, Wind

RES+10. PHYS DEF 15, Spell DEF 20.

Water Garb: Garment worn by priests of Titania, queen of the fairies. Protected by the

spirit of water (Water). INT+5, PHYS RES+5, Fire RES+10. PHYS DEF 15, Spell

DEF 20.

Cloak of Oath: (Cloak given to those ordained as saints (Virtue). PHYS DEF 15,

Spell DEF 20. INT+10, PHYS RES+5, Virtue RES-5, Bane RES+10.

Robe of Abyss: Robe of vast darkness (Bane). PHYS DEF 15, Spell DEF

20. INT+10, PHYS RES+5, Virtue RES+10, Bane RES-5.

Fur Coat: Expensive coat made from animal pelts. PHYS DEF 15, Spell DEF

5. INT+5, PHYS RES+5.

Pure-White dress: White dress worn only by noble purehearted women (Virtue). Its

godliness repels impurity. PHYS DEF 15, Spell DEF 25. INT +15, PHYS RES+5,

Virtue RES+5, Bane RES+10.

Cloak of Authority: Cloak designed to resist the effects of the elements. PHYS DEF

15, Spell DEF 30. PHYS RES+5, Wind RES+5, Fire RES+5, Earth RES+5, Water


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Shoes and Boots

Winged Shoes: Shoes made with the wings of a Chimera. Enable wearer to

fly. PHYS DEF 9, Spell DEF 2. AGI+4, PHYS RES+3.

Warp Shoes: Shoes crafted by mischievous fairies. Allow movement between

dimensions. AGI+4, PHYS RES+3. PHYS DEF 9, Spell DEF 2.

Greased Boots: Boots known as 'black beetle feet'. Enable water walking. PHYS

DEF 9, Spell DEF 2. AGI+4, PHYS RES+3.

Snow Boots: Leather-soled boots that prevent slipping on ice. PHYS DEF 9, Spell


Forest Boots: Silent walking boots. 1 of 4 Enchanted Hunting Wares. PHYS DEF 9,

Spell DEF 2. AGI+4, PHYS RES+3.


Ring of Flight: Ring crafted from the wings of a Chimera. Enables wearer to

fly. Spell DEF 5. INT+5, AGI+4.

Warp Ring: Ring made by mischievous fairies that enables movement between

dimensions. INT+3, AGI+4.

Ring of Flotation: Ring crafted by priests of the Basque Sect which enables wearer to

walk on water. Spell DEF 5. INT+3, AGI+4.

Armlet of Wisdom: Bracelet that enlightens its wearer. Spell DEF 10. INT+15.

Armlet of Agility: Bracelet that grants heroic speed. Spell DEF 10. AGI+10.

Wind Ring: Wind crystal ring (Wind). Spell DEF 10. INT+4, AGI+4, Earth

RES+5. Thunder Flare effect. Fixed chance of breaking.

Firedrake Ring: Fire crystal ring (Fire). Spell DEF 10. STR+4, INT+4, Water

RES+5. Firestorm effect. Fixed chance of breaking.

Earth Ring: Earth crystal ring (Earth). Spell DEF 10. STR+4, INT+4, Wind

RES+5. Crag Crush effect. Fixed chance of breaking.

Water Ring: Water crystal ring (Water). Spell DEF 10, INT+4, AGI+4, Fire RES+5,

Ice Field effect. Fixed chance of breaking.

Sacred Ring: Healing ring blessed by the Archangel Eustus (Virtue). Healing

effect. Spell DEF 10, INT+8, Bane RES+5. Fixed chance of breaking.

Dark Ring: Ring confining a fairy who fell victim to evil temptation. (Bane) Spell

DEF 10. INT+8, Virtue RES+5. Dark Quest effect. Fixed chance of breaking.

Dragon Eyes: Gem ring resembling dragon eyes. Prevents abnormal statuses. Wearer

transforms into a dragon. Spell DEF 15. INT+8.

Ring of the Dead: Ring granting immortality. (Bane) Spell DEF 10. INT+8.

Necklace of Resist: Far Eastern pearl necklace said to resist spell

effects. (Virtue) INT+10, Bane RES+5.

Pearl Necklace: Rare lavender pearl necklace that gleams softly (Water). Prevents

abnormal statuses. Spell DEF 20. Fire RES+10.

Amulet: Necklace known as the 'Eye of the Basilisk'. Prevents petrification. Spell

DEF 20. INT+7.

Dragon Gem: Orb created by the ancient Drakonites. Used to communicate with

dragons. Dragon Handling effect. Spell DEF 10.

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Cassowary Feather: Feather of extinct Cassowary. Beast Handling effect. Spell DEF


Glass Pumpkin: The witch Deneb's lucky magic pumpkin. Rumor has it that one shop

in particular will buy it for a good price and...PHYS RES+5, Wind RES+5, Fire

RES+5, Earth RES+5, Water RES+5, Virtue RES+5, Bane RES+5. PHYS DEF 15,

Spell DEF 15.

Firecrest: Red gem confining the soul of the Divine Dragon. A sacred

treasure. PHYS DEF 90, Spell DEF 15. PHYS RES+30, Wind RES+30, Fire

RES+30, Earth RES+30, Water RES+30, Virtue RES+30, Bane RES+30.

Sacrificial Doll: Expendable that can be equipped to prevent Instant Death.

Sacred Stone of Bliss: Expendable. Sacred gem that retrieves the wearer's soul upon

death (Virtue). Recover full HP. PHYS DEF 5.

Transferring Stone: Expendable. Gem that allows the user to exit a battle.

Seraph's Plume: Large, peculiar plum that lessens the wearer's weight. Spell DEF



Emblems are won when certain requirements are fulfilled. The following is a complete

list of all the emblems, and of their descriptions. I might add the requirements and

exact effect for some emblems later.

Blood Reign

"Awarded for killing 25 foes. It terrifies enemies within 3 panels of the owner."

Dragon's Scale

"Honors one who slays at least 5 dragons. Required to change to Dragoon, but the

trust of dragons will be lost."

Animal Hunter

"Honors one who slays 5 ferocious beasts. Trust from beasts will be lost."


"Commends one who vanquishes 5 undead beings. It terrifies undead within 3 panels

of the owner."

The Pen and the Sword

"Awarded for experience in hand to hand combat as well as the use of destructive

magic. Required to become a Warlock."

Gibe of Fallen Angel

"Dishonorable emblem for clergy members who slay numerous living beings despite

their sworn duty."


"Awarded for striking 2 enemies with one piercing attack. Required to become a


Philosopher's Stone

"Presented to spellcasters who effectively use area-effect spells and defeat many

foes. Required to become a Siren."

Self Preservation

"Awarded for using a counterattack to finish off a foe. Increases counterattack



"Awarded in praise of ability to kill with one strike. Affects change in luck."


"Awarded for persuading enemies to have a chance of heart without resorting to

fighting. Increases persuasiveness."

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Broken Heart

"Sympathetic (and pathetic) emblem presented to males who fail to persuade female

foes. Decreases luck (even further!).

War God

"Honors those who deal ferocious blows to their foes. Increases strength at the

expense of intelligence."

Knight's Certificate

"Awarded to courageous warriors who attack head on. Required to become a Knight."

Book of Initiation

"Awarded for skill in dodging enemies' attacks. Required to become a Swordmaster."


"Praises the miraculous dodging of an attack when nearing death. One miracle leads

to another."


"Awarded for accuracy in missile arracks. Increases agility."

Fist Fight

"Awarded to heroes who defeat enemies with bare fists and no equipment. Their fists

become even more lethal."

Heavenly Spirit

"Awarded for healing comrades on the battlefield. Required to become a Priest."

Don Quixote

"Warning for those who rush into battle hastily, suffering a brutal counterattack. Are

they playing a few cards short of a full deck?"

Embodiment of Desires

"Recognizes expert treasure-hunting ability."

Archangel's Feather

"Presented by Archangel when dead are revived. Required to become an Angel


The Cycle of Life

"Designates character that has transmigrated to undead by Necromancy and is returned

to original form by Reincarnation. Supports undead within 3 panels."

Mark of the Elite

"Praises those who fulfill the Winning Condition with only a few characters."


"A tribute to one who defeats all enemies on the battlefield. Increases power."


"Honors extraordinary heroes with remarkable strength, intelligence, or agility."

Bullpen Ace

"Given to those "belly-itchers" who couldn't "hit the broad side of a barn" in battle,

despite their MVP status in training."

Bogus Hero

"All the training in the world won't amount to much if you choke on stage! This

emblem's penalty can be negated by the emblem Miracle."

Lucky Soldier

"Awarded for returning from a battle in VS mode unscathed. Increases luck."

Mark of Valor

"Honors heroes who fulfill the Winning Condition in VS Mode. Stabilizes luck."

Veteran Soldier

"Awarded to all characters in a victorious battle in VS Mode. Increases the basic


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Relix's Emblem

"Prestigious emblem for men who use their talents effectively and gain experience in

all classes. Removes fear and fosters success in battle."

Ripple's Emblem

"A tribute to women who use their talents effectively and gain experience in all

classes. Removes fear and fosters success in battle."

Grozz Nuy's Emblem

"Emblem bestowed upon dragons that use their talents effectively and gain experience

in all classes. Removes fear and fosters success in battle."


Magic spells can be very deadly and also very helpful to your party. This section is a

complete list of all the spells in the game, along with their in-game descriptions.

Wind Magic

Air Blade: Missile (Wind). 6 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Spinning ring of wind. (POW:


Harnella's Influence: Global Support (Wind). 10 MP. Strengthens wind, weakens


Thunder Flare: Area-Effect (Wind). 12 MP, RNG 6, AOE 1-5. Lightning strikes to

damage foes. AOE increases with user's INT. (POW: 35)

Summon Tempest: Global Support (Wind). 15 MP. Summons storm.

Haste: Support (Wind). 20 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Temporary. Increases speed and

allows movement beyond normal range.

Teleport: Support (Wind). 25 MP, RNG 1, AOE 1. Teleports ally.

Thunderbird: Summon (Wind). 25 MP, RNG 5, AOE 13. Summons Thunderbird, the

spirit of lightning. Number of summons depends on user's INT. (POW: 55)

Fire Magic

Fireball: Missile (Fire). 6 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Fireball that damages a foe, burns

fields, and melts snow. (POW: 35)

Zoshonel's Influence: Global Support (Fire). 10 MP. Strengthens fire, weakens


Firestorm: Area-Effect (Fire). 12MP, RNG 6, AOE 1-5. Pillars of fire that damage

foes, burn fields, melt snow. AOE broadens with INT. (POW: 35)

Ray of Paralysis: Support (Fire). 15 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1-5. Paralyzing ray. AOE

broadens as user's INT goes up.

Clear Sky: Global Support (Fire). 15 MP. Drives away wind and rain.

Molten Blade: Support (Fire). 20 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Temporarily strengthens ally's


Salamander: Summon (Fire). 35 MP, RNG 5, AOE 13. Summons Salamander, spirit

of fire. Number of summons depends on user's INT. (POW: 55)< BR>

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Earth Magic

Acid Vapor: Missile (Earth). 6 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Vapor that corrodes

target. (POW: 35)

Berthe's Influence: Global Support (Earth). 10 MP. Strengthens earth, weakens wind.

Crag Crush: Area-Effect (Earth). 12 MP, RNG 6,AOE 1-5. Damages foes with

falling boulder. AOE broadens as user's INT goes up. (POW: 35)

Constrain: Support (Earth). 20MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Temporarily lowers speed and

restricts movement by changing target's movement type.

Hurdle Wall:Support (Earth). 20 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Moves ally to adjacent panel

regardless of elevation.

Petrifying Cloud: Support (Earth). 25 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1-5. Petrifyinggas creeps

from the earth, turning foes to stone. AOE broadens as user's INT goes up.

Gnome: Summon (Earth). 35 MP, RNG 5, AOE13. Summons Gnome, the spirit of

earth. Number of summons depends on user's INT. (POW: 55)

Water Magic

Ice Javelin: Missile (Water). 6 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Piercing ice spear. (POW: 35)

Purify: Support (Water). 10MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Recovers target from abnormal

status (paralysis, sleep, charm, confusion, poison).

Grueza's Influence: Global Support (Water). 10 MP. Strengthens water, weakens fire.

Ice Field: Area-Effect (Water). 12 MP, RNG 6, AOE 1-5. Damages foes by freezing

the air. AOE broadens as user's INT goes up. (POW: 35)

Slumber Mist: Support (Water). 15 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1-5. Foesare lured into sleep

by a chilling breeze. AOE broadens as user's INT goes up.

Poison Squall: Support (Water). 20 MP, RNG 6, AOE 1-5. Saturates the air withtoxic

elements, damaging and poisoning foes. AOE broadens as user's INT goes

up. (POW: 25)

Fenrir: Summon (Water). 35 MP, RNG 5, AOE 13. Summons Fenrir, the spirit of

ice. Number of summons depends on user's INT. (POW: 55)

Virtue Magic

Lightning Bow: Missile (Virtue). 6 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Bolt of electrical

energy. (POW: 35)

Heal: Support (Virtue). 8 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Recovers HP (not undead). (POW:


Cleanse: Support(Virtue). 10 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Recover from abnormal status

(stone, paralysis, asleep, charm, confusion).

Heal Plus: Support (Virtue). 12 MP, RNG 6, AOE1-5. Multiple characters recover

HP (not undead). AOE broadens as user's INT goes up. (POW: 35)

Faith: Global Support (Virtue). 15 MP. Hearts are purified by God's grace, and the

undead that are about to revive are banished.

Tranquilize: Global Support (Virtue). 15 MP. Negates support/fear effects.

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Full Heal: Support (Virtue). 18 MP, RNG 1, AOE 1. Recovers target's HP fully (not


Resurrection: Support (Virtue). 25 MP. The soul is returned by prayer.

Exorcism: Area-Effect (Virtue). 25 MP, RNG 5, AOE 1-5. Banishes undead

(can'tresurrect). Spell does not affect undead that are reviving. AOE broadens as

user's INT goes up.

Divine Radiance: Effect (Virtue). 30 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Delivers massive damage.

Ignis Fatuus: Summon (Virtue). 35 MP, RNG 5, AOE 13. Summons Ignis Fatuus, the

spirit of light. Number of summons depends on user's INT. (POW: 55)< STRONG>

Bane Magic

Fluid Magic: Support (Bane). 8 MP, RNG 7, AOE 1. Transfers MP to ally.

Nightmare: Area-effect (Bane). 8 MP, RNG7, AOE 1. Foe drifts into

unconsciousness and suffers from malignant visions. (POW: 20)

Cursed Existence: GlobalSupport (Bane). 15 MP. The undead are immediately

resurrected by the evil god, Asmodee.

Enfeeble: Area-Effect (Bane). 15 MP, RNG 4, AOE 1. Absorbs HP.

Brain Sap: Area-Effect (Bane). 15 MP, RNG 4, AOE 1. Absorbs MP.

Fiend's Grip: Area-Effect (Bane). 18 MP, RNG 6, AOE 1-5. Damages foesby the

hand of an evil spirit. AOE broadens as user's INT goes up.

Necromancy:Support (Bane). 25 MP. When cast before battle's end, revives dead

characters as undead.

Time Flux: Support (Bane). 25 MP, RNG 6, AOE 1. Allows a second turn.


Male and Female Classes

These are the basic classes of the game, with the exception of Priest. Most of these

classes have good growth in all areas, and are not too unbalanced. While useful in the

beginning of the game, you'll want to upgrade to the higher gender-only classes later



Requirements: none

Best Weapon: none

Description: The basic class where all characters begin. With evenly distributed

abilities, these characters are quite versatile.

Evaluation: The starting point of all human classes. Don't stay in this class longer than

you have to, as it gains extremely pathetic stats. There's no reason to be using this

class if ANY OTHER fighting class is available.


Requirements: STR 36, AGI 37

Best Weapon: Katana

Description: Highly trained spies who act under a veil of secrecy. Ninjas are experts in

martial arts and can cast low level spells. They can move up to 3 steps up or 4 steps

down and can walk unrestricted on water.

Evaluation: Much better than Soldiers in the beginning of the game, mostly because of

their ability to walk on water. They gain very high amounts of agility and have a great

movement range, as well as having a high evade rate. Their one spell they can use is

also a bonus, as is their Shuriken Barrage attack. An area-effect spell is good for them

to use once they're available, and Shuriken Barrage works very well against magician

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classes. Use this class in the beginning, but don't bother with them near the end of the

game (except keep Shiven as one!). Their low strength and defense eventually catches

up to them.


Requirements: AGI 37

Best Weapon: Bow

Description: Skilled rear support characters who excel at shooting arrows. Useful in

many situations.


Requirements: MP 16, INT 26, ALI-N/C

Best Weapon: Staff

Description: Wizards typically attack from a distance using magic and are not very

good at hand-to-hand combat. They are most effective at the rear, supporting the

troops and using lower level attack spells.


Requirements: MP 18, INT 28, ALI-L/N

Best Weapon: Staff

Description: Clerics rely on God for strength, miraculously healing comrades and

helping lost souls return to heaven. One of the few classes that can use healing spells.


Requirements: STR 51, AGI 53, ALI-L/N, Knight's Certificate Emblem

Best Weapon: Sword, Thrusting Sword

Description: Knights display unwavering courage and value courtesy, honor, and

pride. They surpass normal soldiers in ability and can cast certain spells of virtue.


Requirements: MP 76, INT 96, ALI-L/N, Under 10 killings, Heavenly Spirit Emblem

Best Weapon: Staffs

Description: Priests are trained in the use of higher level spells of virtue. Only this

class can cast Resurrection, a spell that retrieves the souls of the dead and revives their


Male Classes

The male classes tend to specialize in one particular area or have a combination of

abilities. Their statistics can be lopsided sometimes, as they will have very high

growth in one area and low growth in another. These are some of the game's most

powerful classes however, and should be an integral part of your team.


Requirements: STR 95, AGI 111, Book of Initiation Emblem

Best Weapon: Sword, Katana

Description: Swordmasters can swiftly strike down opponents with blindingly fast

sword-handling, and they can also use support spells.


Requirements: HP 215, STR 109, AGI 94, ALI-N/C, Dragon's Scale Emblem

Best Weapon: Sword, Spear

Description: Also known as dragon slayers, these powerful male warriors can

overwhelm dragons, or any creature, for that matter. They can only use missile type



Requirements: MP 78, STR 90, INT 76, ALI-L/N, The Pen and the Sword Emblem

Best Weapon: Sword

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Description: A male spellcaster, deceivingly harmless in appearance, who in reality

manipulates awesome magical power. A Warlock can fight bravely at the front lines or

sustain the troops with support spells from the rear.

Beast Tamer

Requirements: HP 142, STR 34, No more than 1 beast killed

Best Weapon: Whip

Description: Best Tamers are among the few humans that magic beasts such as

Griffins will open their hearts to. These make warriors enhance magic beasts' power

when they are in close proximity.

High Priest

Requirements: Rictor Only

Best Weapon: Thrusting Sword

Description: High-ranking priests who have dedicated themselves absolutely to the

teachings of the god Filarh, from whom they receive protection. High Priests can use

all spells of virtue, plus some recovery and attack spells.


Requirements: MP 63, STR 100, INT 88, Elrik only, The Pen and the Sword Emblem

Best Weapon: none (Staffs)

Description: By meticulously researching spells, Summoners can call on the power of

many entities, including spirits and demons. They can use all elemental and summon


Female Classes

Female classes are usually more magically inclined than male classes, but they suffer

low strength and defenses. Many of these classes, like Valkyries, are good all-around

characters and make strong allies.


Requirements: STR 48, INT 41, ALI-L/N, Lancer Emblem

Best Weapon: Spear

Description: Valkyries are versatile female warriors who fight well both on land and

water. They supplement their physical abilities with low level attack magic. Their

gallant attitudes give comrades courage.


Requirements: MP 60, INT 60, Philosopher's Stone Emblem

Best Weapon: Fan (Staffs to raise INT)

Description: A stunningly beautiful spellcaster that is well acquainted with all kinds of

powerful attack spells. Her INT and MP increase faster than a Wizard's.


Requirements: MP 38, INT 3, ALI-N/C, Vixen's Whisper Emblem

Best Weapon: none (Staffs)

Description: Witches specialize in using supportive spells such as Ray of Paralysis.

They do not have strong attack spells and make poor fighters. A Witch's beauty may

be her strongest weapon.

Dragon Tamer

Requirements: HP 140, MP 14, No more than 1 dragon killed

Best Weapon: Thrusting Sword

Description: Dragon Tamers handle dragons gently and will enhance the power of any

dragons within the range of 3 panels. This female class can cast missile type magic

and are unforgiving to those that would hurt a dragon.

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Requirements: Cybil only

Best Weapon: Fan (Staffs to raise INT)

Description: Beautiful, solitary, and wise, a Sorceress is experienced in casting

elemental and high level bane spells.


Requirements: MP 54, INT 70, Euphaire only, Philosopher's Stone Emblem

Best Weapon: none (Staffs)

Description: One who can hear the voices of spirits that dwell in nature. Shaman are

born with the ability to use elemental and summon spells.

Witch (heart)

Requirements: same as witch, only "Deneb"

Best Weapon: Staffs

Description: A Witch and THE Witch, Deneb, are totally different, as different as a

pumpkin and a squash! Do you understand how different they are? Don't get confused!

Demi-human Classes

Demi-humans are a mixture of beast and normal humans. They have very good

statistics usually, and learn special abilities that are useful. Also, they can use almost

all pieces of armor. I say almost, because a Mermaid for example can't use shoes (no

feet!) Demi-humans can not change class however, like humans can.


Best Weapon: Hammer

Description: These violent, winged fighters crave battle. They live much longer than

humans, but maintain a youthful appearance. Because of their wings, terrain is not a



Best Weapon: Spear

Description: A demi-human whose upper body is human and lower body is fish.

Mermaids live in the sea and can swim competently. Echoing from craggy shorelines,

their voices can revitalize listeners.


Best Weapon: none (Bow)

Description: Tiny, flying demi-humans. Though they are not very impressive at

fighting, Fairies make cue mascots on the battlefield.


Best Weapon: none

Description: Giants, while not intelligent enough to equip weapons, can swing their

arms like logs and their fists like rocks to wreck havoc among the enemy.

Transmigration Classes

These classes are VERY powerful, and require high stats to achieve. You can become

one of these classes if you die, then you'll be revived as the class.

Angel Knight

Requirements: HP 215, MP 66, STR 89, INT 91, AGI 88, ALI-L, Archangel's Feather

Emblem (Certain chance of becoming one when killed)

Best Weapon: Thrusting Sword (Needle of Light)

Description: Only a seasoned warrior with a pure heart can transmigrate to become an

Angel Knight. These flying characters have the ability to cast spells of virtue.

Evaluation: Very good stats on this class! All around high gains in all categories,

flying movement, Virtue-elemental, and cool abilities! However, as they use SP, they

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can only use spells cast by items and not equip magic. Their first special ability,

Poignant Melody, is learned at level 10. This restores a LOT of HP and MP to a group

of undead at the cost of 20 SP. It is quite useful if you are using a Ghost or Dragon

Zombie. Banish, learned at level 15, costs 25 SP, drains a group of their MP, and also

exorcises any undead enemies.


Requirements: MP 118, INT 134, ALI-C (Be killed when wearing Ring of the Dead

Best Weapon: Staffs

Undead Classes


Requirements: Necromancy cast on fallen human ally

Best Weapon: none (Staffs if mage)

Description: An undead character whose soul exists outside of a physical body. Ghosts

are unaffected by physical attacks. They can use low level bane spells, and though

they may run out of HP, they will resurrect after a certain amount of time.

Dragon Zombie

Requirements: Necromancy cast on fallen dragon ally

Description: A dragon that's been revived after death. Terrifying and violent, Dragon

Zombies attack using venom. They will also resurrect after being slain in battle.

Beast Classes

Undead classes are basically characters that use Bane-elemental attacks and revive

after being killed. They are removed from battle completely if hit with Exorcism or

Banish, or if Faith is cast while they are fainted.


Description: A magical winged beast with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle.

Though Griffins' attack power is not high, they have a unique attack, Windstorm, that

draws on the power of their wings. They are unaffected by terrain type.


Description: A magical beast with the body of a chicken, a snake's tail, and scales.

Since Cockatrices can fly, they're unaffected by terrain type. Their Petrifying Breath

turns foes into stone.


Description: A gigantic Octopus that is extremely powerful in water, but less effective

on land. It's difficult to dodge their 8-legged assault.


Description: A mythical, two-headed, four-legged canine whose Breath can put foes to


Dragon Classes

Dragons are very high in defense and attack power, but are extremely slow, with snail-

like movement. They come in a variety of elements, each with different powers.

Upgrading them is a bit tricky, and is covered in the Hints and Tips section.

Thunder Dragon

Requirements: Wind element

Description: A dragon with the wind element. Thunder Dragons paralyze foes with

their Thunder Breath and have no equals in physical battle. Their STR and HP

increase at an astounding rate.

Red Dragon

Requirements: Fire element

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Description: A dragon with the fire element. Fire Dragons confuse enemies with their

Fire Breath and have no equals in physical battle. Their STR and HP increase at an

astounding rate.

Earth Dragon

Requirements: Earth element

Description: A dragon with the earth element. Earth Dragons poison enemies with

their Poison Breath and have no equals in physical battle. Their STR and HP increase

at an astounding rate.

Blue Dragon

Requirements: Water element

Description: Relying on the water element, Blue Dragons use their Cold Breath to put

enemies to sleep. Their strength is unmatched and their HP increase at an astounding



Requirements: HP 259, STR 130, AGI 69, ALI-L (upgrades in battle)

Description: A dragon with silver-white scales. On the snowy plains, Mushus inspires

awe with its dignified bearing. Its breath has the power of its element.


Requirements: HP 259, STR 130, AGI 69, ALI-N (upgrades in battle)

Description: A dragon with golden scales, Naga parades its distinctive appearances

most often near the waterfront, its preferred surroundings. Its breath has the power of

its element.


Requirements: HP 259, STR 130, AGI 69, ALI-C (upgrades in battle)

Description: An evil dragon with pitch black scales, Vrtra inspires fear with its

daunting wings. Its breath has the power of its element.

Dark Classes

These are "evil" classes, seen being used by the enemy usually, and you'll have to

persuade them. They are quite powerful, and their special abilities usually are Bane-

elemental and do status changes.


Best Weapon: none (Bow)

Description: A monster with a snake-like body and snakes protruding from its head.

Gorgons have the power to petrify enemies. Don't forget to equip a shield when facing



Best Weapon: none (Bow)

Description: Small flying demons with evil blood flowing through their veins.

Contrary to their appearance, they are friendly and playful, just like mischievous little


Evaluation: They have suffered a huge drop in strength from the original Tactics Ogre,

and their defenses are worse than ever. And as bows are much weaker in this game,

Gremlins really aren't very good characters. I do not recommend actually fighting with

one. They get Fairy's Kiss at level 10, which can charm the enemy and deal some

damage for 15 SP. Fairy's Embrace is learned at level 15, and it damages and confuses

(NOT PETRIFIES!) the enemy for 25 SP. Both special abilities are Bane-elemental.

Lesser Daemon

Best Weapon: Axe, Hammer

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Description: Evil warriors that are loyal only to their own desires. Lesser Daemons are

not as powerful as other daemons and can only use lower level bane spells. They are

about as intelligent as humans.

Enemy Classes

These are "evil" classes, seen being used by the enemy usually, and you'll have to

persuade them. They are quite powerful, and their special abilities usually are Bane-

elemental and do status changes.


Best Weapon: Spear

Description: A servant of Naris Batraal, this knight is a master of the spear, which he

proudly uses to salute his lord.

Duke Knight

Best Weapon: Sword

Description: A Knight that serves and defends the family of the Duke of Rananculus.

Duke Knights are loyal retainers and well acquainted with both sword technique and

spellcasting. They cannot be persuaded.

Abilities: All Magic

Swordmaster (Margret)

Best Weapon: Sword

Description: Because of her rare talent with the sword, she has been educated in even

the most coveted sword techniques. A swordswoman like her only comes along once

in a generation.

Abilities: Magic, Atropos special technique

Venefica (Lethe)

Best Weapon: Staff

Description: An intelligent and deceptive sorceress with a brazen attitude. It seems she

only uses her power for her own gain.

Abilities: All Magic

Venefic (Cirvante)

Best Weapon: Staff

Description: A deceptive, two-faced sorcerer who only acts in his own best interest.

He is an intelligent and powerful foe.

Abilities: All Magic, Summon Darkness ability


Best Weapon: Axe

Description: An outlaw that attacks ships and plunders treasure. Many pirates operate

near Ovis because of the area's flourishing sea trade.

Abilities: none


Best Weapon: Axe, Hammer

Description: Denizens of the Netherworld that can be summoned by wizards. Their

evil spirited nature, rather than their grotesque appearance, causes aversion.

Abilities: Magic, Summon Darkness Ability

General (Naris)

Best Weapon: Axe

Description: The current lord of northern Ovis, Naris Batraal, has been proclaimed

"Lord Protector" of Rananculus in honor of proclaimed "Lord Protector" of

Rananculus in honor of his bravery.

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Abilities: Magic, Hell's Gate ability (The terrifying power (Bane) of darkness that

steals souls. Targets lose consciousness and enter an eternal sleep.)


Here is a walkthrough of the game, which mostly spoiler free! No major plot twists are

revealed. Instead, we have concentrated on battle strategies for each stage.

Answer the Fortune Teller's questions carefully. They determine your element,

alignment, starting emblem, starting items, and starting allies. If you are not satisfied

with what turns out, just reset and try again.

Battle 1: Lutra Islands

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Stan, Bandit (Water, Chaos) (Francisca, Hard Leather), leaves Francisca

Enemies: Male Soldier (Fire, Neutral) (Short Sword, Hard Leather, Leather Hat), Male

Soldier (Water, Neutral) (Short Sword, Hard Leather), and Female Soldier (Fire,

Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather).

Just carefully whack enemies other than the boss with your sword. If you manage to

defeat Stan's troops before he falls, you can get some useful items. Your guests will

do practically all the fighting, so concentrate on finishing off weakened enemies and

collecting treasure.

Battle 2: Port Scabellum

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Mullin, Female Wizard (Wind, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Robe, Amulet)

(Thunder Flare, Fireball), leaves Thunder Flare spell

Enemies: Female Soldier (Water, Chaos) (Short Bow, Hard Leather), Male Soldier

(Wind, Neutral) (Short Sword, Hard Leather), and Male Soldier (Water, Law) (Short

Sword, Hard Leather).

After a few turns Orson and Rictor will join you and Ivanna. They will do most of the

fighting, but you must still be careful. It is possible to die if you are ganged up by all

the enemies! Mullin's Thunder Flare spell seriously hurts, so don't get into critical HP

when in her spell range. Try to defeat the lackey soldiers first, to get some good

treasure. Rictor's Lightning Bow spell will do around 70 damage to the soldiers, so

just finish them off once they are sufficiently weakened. Remember Ivanna can cast

Heal, as can Rictor.

After the battle, you'll get 3500 goth of spending money from Rictor. Recruit a Hawk

Man from the shop (they make great archers), and buy any armor, weapons, or spells

you may need. Use any stat-boosting items you may have in training mode, if you

wish, but I'd save them. Level up everyone to level 2 or 3 by fighting random battles

in the Lutra Islands. Try to recruit a random Wizard in a battle. It will help

tremendously if you get several of your characters the Centurion (STR+20) and Sniper

(AGI+10) emblems. There is a hidden treasure of a Glass Pumpkin in the Lutra

Islands, and a Dragon Shield in Scabellum.

Battle 3: Vespa Hill

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Cressida, Female Archer (Earth, Law) (Great Bow, Plumed Headband, Hard

Leather), leaves Great Bow

Enemies: Male Soldier (Fire, Neutral) (Long Sword, Hard Leather)

Male Soldier (Earth, Neutral) (Short Sword, Leather Hat, Hard Leather)

Female Soldier (Fire, Neutral) (Short Sword, Leather Hat, Hard Leather, Short Bow)

Female Soldier (Earth, Neutral) (Short Bow, Leather Hat, Hard Leather)

Bandit (Fire, Neutral) (Francisca, Hard Leather)

Bandit (Earth, Neutral) (Francisca, Hard Leather, Short Bow, Leather Hat)

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Ivanna will help you out in this battle as a guest. Her physical attack is strong, and her

healing spell is very useful. Try to take out the bandits first, as they have the strongest

attacks. The soldiers with bows are annoying, but not as much of a threat as those

with swords. If you want, you can try persuade the male Soldier with the Long Sword,

as these weapons can't be bought yet. Take out the enemy leader last, in order to gain

maximum experience and treasure from the battle. Remember that you have cure

leaves in your inventory that you can use to heal!

After the battle, Ivanna will join you. Get her the Centurion and Sniper emblems and

she will become a powerful attacker. Now, go back to Scabellum, save, and then

travel back north to Vespa Hill to fight an optional battle.

Battle 4: Vespa Hill

Objective: Defeat all Enemies!

Enemies: Fairy (Water, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather)

Fairy (Earth, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather)

Gremlin (Water, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather)

Gremlin (Earth, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather)

Griffin (Water, Neutral)

Griffin (Earth, Neutral)

Griffin (Earth, Neutral)

Try to save Glycina! Her defenses are VERY low, but she will run away from the

baddies and towards your party. The Griffins are the strongest enemies defensively,

while the Gremlins and Fairies have very low defense and attack. If you want any of

your males to be Beast Tamers, make sure they don't kill off more than 1 Griffin

each! You can take out the Fairies in one or two hits easily, but be careful of their

high evade rate, which can be very annoying. Near the end of the battle, you can

persuade a Gremlin in to your party if you feel like it, but the only Griffin worth using

is a Wind elemental one, so don't bother with these guys.

After the battle, Glycina will join you if you let her. She comes with some useful

equipment, and as she herself is almost useless right now without her special abilities,

unequip her of her Ice Chain, Glass Pumpkin, and Dragon Gem then give these items

to others. The Glass Pumpkin is VERY heavy, so give it to someone who doesn't need

a high movement range but does need a defense boost, like a Cleric.

Battle 5: Formido Fortress

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Grimal, Male Knight (Long Sword, Tower Shield, Chain Mail), leaves Chain


Enemies: Male Soldier (Water, Neutral) (Long Sword, Leather Hat, Hard Leather)

Male Soldier (Fire, Neutral) (Long Sword, Hard Leather, Short Bow, Leather Hat)

Male Soldier (Fire, Neutral) (Long Sword, Leather Hat, Hard Leather)

Male Archer (Water, Neutral) (Short Bow, Plumed Headband, Hard Leather)

Female Archer (Fire, Neutral) (Great Bow, Plumed Headband, Hard Leather)

Male Wizard (Water, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Robe) (Crag Crush, Ice Javelin)

Female Cleric (Fire, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Robe) (Heal, Cleanse)

This battle looks very challenging at first, but it's not really. The first thing you should

do is try to take out the closest enemies, probably a few of the soldiers. Next, either

persuade or take out the Wizard and Cleric. If you did not start out with a Cleric in

your party, try to persuade this one. The Wizard leaves Crag Crush, while the Cleric

leaves her Cleanse spell. You can persuade one of the Archer's for their Plumed

Headband if you want, but it's not super useful, and a Bandana is better of mages

anyways. Take out Grimal once you have taken care of all his troops.

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Battle 6: Lake Ardea

Objective: Defeat all enemies!

Enemies: Hawkman (Wind, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Tower Shield, Chain Mail)

Hawkman (Earth, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Tower Shield, Chain Mail)

Hawkman (Earth, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Bandana, Hard Leather)

Fairy (Wind, Neutral) (Bow Gun, Hard Leather)

Fairy (Earth, Neutral) (Bow Gun, Hard Leather)

Griffin (Wind, Neutral)

Griffin (Earth, Neutral)

Cybil will be a guest in this battle, and she is a very powerful ally. Her Thunder Flare

does a lot of damage to up to 5 enemies at a time. She will help you by weakening

several of the enemies, but it will be usually by you who will finish them off. Try to

avoid standing in the water, as it weakens your attack and defense by a lot (unless you

are an Octopus). If you did not hire a Hawk Man, recruit the Wind-elemental one or

the Shield-wearing Earth-elemental one. They come with Halt Hammers and Chain

Mail, items that can't be bought yet. The Bandana-wearing Hawkman drops the useful

Sorcerer's Cup, so make sure you defeat him and collect his treasure. The Wind-

elemental Griffins may also come in handy, especially once he learns Windstorm at

level 10, but if you choose to defeat him he leaves a Savage Bugle.

Battle 7: Cape Urodela

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Sitri, Male Ninja (Fire, Chaos) (Matuskaze, Amulet, Flame Leather)


Enemies: Male Ninja (Wind, Neutral) (Short Sword, Bandana, Chain Mail) (Air


Male Ninja (Water, Neutral) (Short Sword, Bandana, Chain Mail) (Ice Javelin)

Male Ninja (Water, Neutral) (Short Sword, Bandana, Hard Leather) (Ice Javelin)

Female Ninja (Wind, Neutral) (Bow Gun, Bandana, Chain Mail) (Air Blade)

Female Ninja (Water, Neutral) (Bow Gun, Necklace of Resistance, Hard Leather)

Witch (Water, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Spell Robe) (Slumber Mist)

There is at least one enemy here you MUST persuade: the Witch. She will only leave

a junky Magic Seed if you defeat her. But, persuading her gives you a powerful Spell

Robe and the expensive Slumber Mist sleep spell. You can even keep her and use her

in your party, if you wish. The Ninja with the Necklace of Resistance is immune to

spells, so defeat her with physical attacks. She will always leave her Necklace of

Resistance as a treasure. You can persuade some of the Chain Mail wearing Ninjas if

you want, as Chain Mail is very expensive, and they come with spells that you may

find useful. Be careful the persuaded enemies and Cybil don't manage to kill Sitri

before you finish off his cronies! A well-planned healing spell from Ivanna or your

Cleric can help the black Ninja to keep kicking. Once he's alone, defeat him for his


After the battle, you have a choice. If you choose choice A, you'll get Shivan, a Fire-

elemental Ninja who comes with Kagari-bi, the Fire-elemental katana. I believe you'll

also eventually get Cybil to join you. If you choose choice B, you'll get Orson, the old

man Archer. He's not as useful as Shivan, but he isn't totally useless either. I think

you'll also eventually get the super powerful High Priest Rictor to join you...I'm taking

choice B for now, as I want Rictor, but I'll take the Choice A route in a bit too!

Hidden on the lone stone tile in the middle of the water in this stage is a Hyacinth Fan,

a strong weapon for any Wind-elemental characters.

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Battle 8a: Bison Swamp

Objective: Defeat all enemies!

Enemies: Hawkman (Wind, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Chain Mail, Tower Shield)

Hawkman (Water, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Chain Mail, Tower Shield)

Hawkman (Wind, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Hard Leather, Bandana)

Fairy (Wind, Neutral) (Bow Gun, Hard Leather)

Fairy (Water, Neutral) (Bow Gun, Hard Leather)

Blue Dragon (Dragon Eyes), leaves Dragon Eyes

Blue Dragon

The Fairies are minor enemies, and can be taken out in one or two physical strikes.

The Hawkmen are pretty strong and can cause a medium amount of damage with their

hammers. The Blue Dragons are the strongest enemy though. Their breath attack can

cause major damage and put you to sleep. Recruit the one with the Dragon Eyes

equipped if you want. Have your male character that you plan to make a Dragoon deal

the finishing blow to the dragons.

After the battle, Shiven the Ninja joins you. He is very strong stat wise, has a powerful

fire-elemental katana, and is perfect once you get him the Centurion and Sniper


Battle 9a: Arena

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Damiel, Male Cleric (Fire, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Robe of the Wise,

Armlet of Wisdom) (Heal Plus, Cleanse), leaves Robe of the Wise

Enemies: Male Knight (Fire, Neutral) (Long Sword, Tower Shield, Chain Mail)

Male Knight (Fire, Neutral) (Long Sword, Tower Shield, Chain Mail) (Lightning


Bandit (Wind, Chaos) (Francisca, Chain Mail, Armlet of Agility), leaves Armlet of


Bandit (Earth, Neutral) (Francisca, Chain Mail)

Male Archer (Fire, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather)

Male Archer (Earth, Neutral) (Great Bow, Hard Leather)

Minerva the mermaid is a guest in this battle. She will run away from the enemies, so

she will probably not die easily. Make sure you concentrate all of your attacks on one

enemy at a time, as Damiel can heal several characters at once with his Heal Plus

spell. The Bandit wearing the Armlet of Agility will drop it, so make sure to collect

the treasure. If you can attack the enemies in the water while on land, you will do extra

damage to them. After the battle, Minerva will swim off. I haven't tested to see what

happens if you let Minerva die (she is very good at staying alive!), but I believe it's the

same battle as if you kill her off in battle 9b. Be sure to equip the Robe of the Wise on

a mage after this battle!

Battle 8b: Sufrir Temple

Objective: Defeat all enemies!

Enemies: Gremlin (Wind, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather)

Gremlin (Earth, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather)

Gremlin (Earth, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather)

Earth Dragon (Earth, Neutral)

Earth Dragon (Earth, Law)

Thunder Dragon (Wind, Neutral)

Thunder Dragon (Wind, Neutral)

Orson, the old man Archer, is fighting with you as a guest in this battle. He will join

you if he survives. The Dragons have good defenses, but if you gang up on them and

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use some magic they will fall. Be careful of their breath attacks though, as they can be

quite strong. If you have one male character deal the finishing blow to all four dragons

then he will only need to kill one more to get the emblem required to become a

Dragoon. The Gremlins tend to fly to high spots on the field where your attacks can't

hit them, but area-effect 100% hit magic (like Thunder Flare) cast by a Wizard of even

a Ninja will take them out with no fuss. Also, a Hawk Man with a bow can reach some

of the Gremlins by flying to an adjacent high place. Recruit a dragon if you want, but I

warn you that they are VERY slow. One of the Earth Dragons leaves a "Mirror of the

Gods", which you may find useful if you need to change someone's element.

Once Orson joins, make sure to get him the Centurion Emblem if you plan on using

him at all, as his STR is very low for a physical attacker. He isn't that useful as an

Archer, but I keep him as his special sprite class anyways. He is useful when you give

him flight or warping item and a bow of his element, but a Hawk Man is better in my

opinion. An Ice Wand is hidden as buried treasure in Sufrir. It's in the top right corner

of the screen. Go down 2, then right 1. It's just above the gray stone patch, on green

stone gravel.

Battle 9b: Arena

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Minerva, Mermaid (Water, Neutral) (Pike, Chain Mail, Water Ring,

Bandana), leaves Water Ring

Enemies: Mermaid (Water, Neutral) (Pike, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband)

Mermaid (Fire, Neutral) (Pike, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband)

Mermaid (Fire, Neutral) (Pike, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband)

Hawkman (Water, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Chain Mail, Ice Shield), leaves Ice Shield

Hawkman (Fire, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Chain Mail, Tower Shield)

Octopus (Water, Neutral)

Octopus (Fire, Neutral)

First, do NOT kill Minerva if you want to get a special Mermaid to join your party

(specifically, Aerial). However, if you want to get a Naga (upgraded Dragon class)

and the Earth Shield, at the sacrifice of a special character, go ahead and do the evil

deed of killing the innocent Minerva. This is a good place to have two separate saves,

as you can trade characters and items only gotten in one of the battlefields.

Minerva's special ability is Lullaby, which can put up to 5 characters to sleep it one

shot. Her mermaid troops will also have this ability if their level is 10 or above. The

Octopi have a medium-strength special attack, but chances are you will kill them

before they can use it. Make sure to collect the Ice Shield held by one of the

Hawkmen, and the Urn of Chaos dropped by one of the Octopi. If you critical OR kill

Minerva, she will drop her Water Ring at the end of the battle. If you kill Minerva

(EVIL!), go to 11. If you let her live, go to battle 10.

Battle 10a: Rana Sea

Conditions: Do NOT kill Minerva

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Aerial, Mermaid (Wind, Neutral) (Trident, Thunder Chain, Amulet), leaves

2000 goth

Enemies: Mermaid (Wind, Neutral) (Pike, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband)

Mermaid (Water, Neutral) (Pike, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband)

Mermaid (Water, Neutral) (Pike, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband)

Fairy (Wind, Neutral) (Bow Gun, Hard Leather)

Fairy (Water, Neutral) (Bow Gun, Hard Leather, Cassowary Feather), leaves

Cassowary Feather

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Octopus (Wind, Neutral)

Octopus (Water, Neutral)

So, you let Minerva live! But you get to fight the easier and thus less profitable battle

now. However, after the events ahead you'll get Aerial to join your party! She is quite

a strong character, as you will find out in this battle.

Aerial is a stronger version of Minerva basically. Her Lullaby will be more accurate,

and her Trident does more damage than Minerva's Pike. The Fairies have Fairy's Kiss

learned, and can restore one of their ally's status and a bit of their HP. They fall in just

a few physical strikes though. The Octopi aren't too strong, but they do have a

confuse-inducing special attack. Remember the Mermaids and Octopi power up in

water, but weaken on land. If the Fairy with the Cassowary Feather is near one of the

Octopi, it gets a bonus like if it was near a Beast Tamer. Finish off Aerial once you

eliminate her troops.

Battle 10b: Rana Sea

Conditions: Kill Minerva

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Aerial, Mermaid (Wind, Neutral) (Trident, Thunder Chain, Amulet), leaves

2000 goth

Enemies: Mermaid (Wind, Neutral) (Pike, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband)

Mermaid (Earth, Neutral) (Pike, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband)

Mermaid (Earth, Neutral) (Pike, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband, Dragon Gem), leaves

Dragon Gem

Hawkman (Wind, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Chain Mail, Tower Shield)

Hawkman (Earth, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Chain Mail, Earth Shield), leaves Earth


Naga (Wind, Neutral)

Naga (Earth, Neutral)

Well, you killed poor little Minerva. Here's the alternate battle against Aerial, and it is

much tougher! The rewards are much better though. Make sure you claim the Earth

Shield once you defeat the Hawkman, and also be sure to recruit one of the Nagas,

preferably the Wind-elemental one. Persuading both is also a good idea, as you can

change their elements and change their classes to Mushus or Vrtra as long as you have

a Tome of Discipline or Urn of Chaos. Yes, you can have the upgraded Dragon classes

this early, instead of waiting to level up to level 18 or so! Also, persuade the Wind-

elemental Mermaid, as you won't be getting Aerial to join you.

All the Mermaids have Lullaby, the Hawkmen have Thunder Arrow, and the Nagas

have their elemental breath attacks. Carefully take out one enemy at a time and don't

let your entire party get put to sleep. Having a Witch with Purify and a Cleric with

Cleanse will allow you to wake up sleeping characters without smacking them for

damage. The Nagas have very high stats and they power up in water and around the

Mermaid with the Dragon Gem. Be very careful of them! Once you have killed off all

the enemies you haven't persuaded, take out Aerial. Remember her defense and attack

stats lower when she is out of the water! Aerial will NOT join you once you complete

the events after this stage.

If Aerial joins you, get her the Sniper Emblem, and the Centurion Emblem as well

(remember she is strongest when fighting in the water!) Strip her of her Thunder

Chain, Amulet, and Trident if you aren't going to use her in the next battle (which is

on land anyways).

Battle 11: Solea Church

Objective: Save Eleanor!

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Leader: Karcist, Dragoon (Wind, Chaos) (Fafnir, Tower Shield, Plate Mail, Iron

Helm), leaves Fafnir

Enemies: Female Archer (Fire, Neutral) (Great Bow, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband,

Dragon Gem)

Female Archer (Earth, Neutral) (Great Bow, Chain Mail, Sherwood Hat, Dragon

Gem), leaves Sherwood Hat

Thunder Dragon (Wind, Law)

Red Dragon (Fire, Neutral)

Earth Dragon (Earth, Neutral)

Blue Dragon (Water, Neutral) (Dragon Eyes), leaves Dragon Eyes

Eleanor is a guest in this battle, so make sure you have a Cleric or Knight to heal her.

She will not attack, but will tend to run in the back of your troops and avoid the


Have your male character that is striving for the Dragoon class deal the killing strike

to the dragons. Recruit one if you want, but I don't recommend it. Make sure no one

steals the Blue Dragon's or Archer's treasure once they are defeated, as the Dragon

Eyes and Sherwood Hat are rare items. This battle may seem overwhelming at first

(especially as the Dragons use their breath attacks), but concentrate your attacks on

one enemy at a time and you will pull through quite easily. Make good use of area-

effect magic, as the Dragons tend to crowd together in groups. After the battle,

Eleanor will join you as a guest.

Walkthrough: Part 2

Battle 12: Mt. Aquila

Objective: Defeat all enemies!

Enemies: Hawkman (Fire, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Chain Mail, Tower Shield)

Hawkman (Wind, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Chain Mail, Thunder Shield)

Gremlin (Fire, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather)

Gremlin (Wind, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard :eather)

Cerberus (Fire, Neutral)

Red Dragon (Fire, Neutral)

Red Dragon (Fire, Neutral)

Eleanor is guesting again in this battle, but if she loses all her HP (highly unlikely) she

will simply use her Transfer Stone and escape the battle. Almost all of the enemies are

Fire-elemental, so Water spells and weapons will be very effective. Note that it will

take the Red Dragons practically forever to get to you, as their movement range is

extremely poor in the uneven terrain of the volcano. The Hawkmen and Gremlins can

fly though, so they will reach you much faster. Try to take out the Gremlins first, as

their charming ability can be annoying. Their defenses are extremely low, so just a

few hits will take them out easily.

It is very important to persuade the Wind-elemental Hawkman with the Thunder

Shield! He will NOT leave it behind when defeated, so it is up to you to procure this

treasure. And if you still haven't recruited a Hawkman for your party, this one makes a

perfect choice. The Cerberus might be interesting to persuade, as it is a pretty good

beast. However, be careful it doesn't kill the Thunder Shield wearing Hawkman!

This battle marks the end of Scenario One. After the very long chain of events,

Eleanor will join your party. Back at the world map, you will have a choice of two

different battles. I recommend going to Gryllas Forest and Blete first, as you'll get a

powerful ally and a summon spell. Before fighting in Gryllas though, MAKE SURE to

have the Faith and Exorcism spells, even better to have multiple copies. At least one

cleric is VITAL, and having an Angel Knight with Banish is also a good idea. Do take

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note that the events ahead will be slightly different if you fight at Belleza before you

fight at Blete, recruiting the two special characters in a different order.

Battle 13: Gryllus Forest

Objective: Defeat all enemies!

Enemies: Ghost (Bane) (Scripplay's Staff, Robe) (Nightmare)

Ghost (Bane) (Scripplay's Staff, Robe) (Enfeeble)

Male Undead Soldier (Fire, Neutral) (Short Sword, Hard Leather)

Male Undead Soldier (Earth, Neutral) (Short Sword, Hard Leather)

Female Undead Soldier (Fire, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather)

Female Undead Soldier (Earth, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather)

Male Undead Wizard (Fire, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Robe) (Fireball)

Male Undead Wizard (Earth, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Robe) (Acid Vapor)

Although the undead enemies are very weak physically, they are able to regenerate

when killed, AND two new undead will appear every turn once you start removing the

enemies! This can be very annoying if you don't have enough characters that can

banish the undead. An Angel Knight's Banish ability works, but it's doubtful you'll

have a level 15 Angel Knight at this stage. Clerics can remove undead in two ways.

The first is Exorcism, which strikes like area-effect magic and banishes the undead

while they are still conscious. Faith banishes any undead that are in their "fainted"

state, with their HP at 0. A combination of these two spells will allow you to finish

this battle without too many problems. If you can spare the time, persuade the Ghost

with Enfeeble. This Bane spell can't be bought yet, and is a simple (but weak) HP-

absorb attack. One strategy here is to split your characters into two groups and remove

the undead on both sides of the map that way.

Battle 14: Blete

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Euphaire, Shaman (Fire, Chaos) (Fire Wand, Robe of the Wise, Amulet)

(Salamander), leaves Salamander

Male Undead Knight (Fire, Neutral) (Long Sword, Chain Mail, Tower Shield)

Male Undead Knight (Water, Neutral) (Long Sword, Chain Mail, Tower Shield)

Female Undead Knight (Water, Neutral) (Pike, Chain Mail)

Female Undead Wizard (Fire, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather) (Firestorm)

Female Undead Wizard (Water, Neutral) (Short Bow, Hard Leather) (Ice Field)

Dragon Zombie (Bane)

Warlock (Fire, Neutral) (Long Sword, Chain Mail, Bandana) (Fluid Magic)

The first thing you want to do is take out as many of the undead as you can, as quickly

as possible. Remember that you can use magic leafs to restore MP, allowing you to

make immediate use of Faith and Exorcism. No new undead can appear in this battle,

so once they are banished the undead cannot come back. I recommend persuading the

Dragon Zombie, as it is a rare character and not completely useless in battle either.

Euphaire and her Warlock make a deadly team. He uses Fluid Magic to restore a ton

of Euphaire's MP, and then she casts her strong Salamander summon spell EVERY

SINGLE TURN! The Warlock himself makes a very good ally, and his spell is not for

sale in shops yet, so I highly recommend persuading him. Make it a priority in this

battle. However, be sure to not let any characters drop dead! Euphaire's spells will take

huge chunks off of your HP, so Heal and Heal Plus spells are very important. After the

battle, you will get Euphaire's awesome Salamander spell and she will join you.

Battle 15: Vespa Hill

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Surgat, Beast Tamer (Wind, Chaos) (Beast Whip, Chain Mail, Armlet of

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Agility), leaves Beast Whip

Enemies: Cerberus (Fire, Neutral)

Cerberus (Fire, Neutral)

Cerberus (Water, Neutral)

Griffin (Fire, Neutral)

Griffin (Earth, Neutral)

Cockatrice (Fire, Neutral)

Cockatrice (Earth, Neutral)

Anyone else reminded of Ganb from Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together? The Beast

Tamer has a pretty strong attack, and his mere presence around any of his allies

strengthens them. The most dangerous enemies are the Cockatrices, as they can petrify

you. Next come the Cerberuses, as they can put you to sleep. Although the enemies

are strong defensively, their normal attacks are not very strong, so you only have to be

careful of their special attacks. Take out several of the beasts before they manage to

get enough SP to unleash some powerful abilities.

You'll get some alignment changing items after the battle, along with Surgat's Beast

Whip. Now, get ready for a real fight, if you so choose.

Battle 16: Belleza Fort

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Elrik, Summoner (Water, Chaos) (Ice Wand, Ice Chain, Amulet) (Fenrir),

leaves Fenrir

Enemies: Female Ninja (Water, Neutral) (Great Bow, Chain Mail, Bandana)

Female Ninja (Wind, Neutral) (Francisca, Chain Mail, Bandana) (Air Blade)

Female Ninja (Wind, Neutral) (Pike, Chain Mail, Warp Shoes), leaves Warp Shoes

Valkyrie (Water, Neutral) (Pike, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband) (Ice Field)

Ollen, Valkyrie (Wind, Neutral) (Trident, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband) (Thunder


Witch (Water, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Spell Robe, Pointy Hat) (Constrain, Poison


Witch (Wind, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Spell Robe, Pointy Hat) (Fluid Magic,

Slumber Mist)

Elrik and his Witch use the same strategy as Euphaire and her Warlock. She will

restore his MP with Fluid Magic and he will cast Fenrir multiple times. His magic is

brutal, so try to kill or persuade the Witch as soon as you can. Both Witches can cast

annoying status spells, while the Ninjas and Valkyries can use minor attack magic.

Although you do start in a bad position on the map, just carefully advance forwards,

trying to take out the Fluid Magic Witch. Once she is gone, Elrik can't cast his Fenrir

spell every single turn. If you can manage it, take out the rest of the enemies carefully,

healing your characters liberally with area-effect Heal Plus spells. None of these

enemies have very high defenses, so they're vulnerable to most attacks. Try to have

Deneb or Euphaire unleash Salamander to take out a few foes!

The Witches have Pointy Hats, which are slightly stronger Bandanas. One of the

Ninjas has Warp Shoes and leaves those behind when defeated. Be careful no one

steals the treasure! After the battle, Elrik will join your party.

Battle 17: Naja Forest

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Grevis, Siren (Fire, Neutral) (Caldia, Cloak of Authority, Armlet of Agility,

Armlet of Wisdom)(Gnome), leaves Gnome

Enemies: Female Knight (Earth, Neutral) (Long Sword, Plate Mail, Earth Shield)

Female Knight (Water, Neutral) (Claymore, Plate Mail, Iron Helm) (Heal)

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Female Soldier (Earth, Neutral) (Great Bow, Chain Mail, Leather Hat)

Witch (Water, Neutral) (Scipplay's Staff, Water Garb, Pointy Hat) (Ray of Paralysis,

Fluid Magic), leaves Water Garb

Female Wizard (Earth, Neutral) (Earth Wand, Spell Robe) (Firestorm, Ice Javelin),

leaves Earth Wand

Female Wizard (Water, Neutral) (Ice Wand, Spell Robe, Pointy Hat) (Crag Crush, Air

Blade), leaves Ice Wand

Female Cleric (Water, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Spell Robe) (Heal Plus, Cleanse),

leaves Cleanse

You need to advance quickly to avoid the enemy preparing itself for blasting you

away. Notice that the Siren has yet another summon spell, Gnome. Also notice there's

another Witch you likes to use Fluid Magic on said Siren. They make a deadly team,

so get rid of (or persuade) that Witch ASAP! Take out the mages first as their abilities

are strong and their defenses are low. The Cleric has the annoying Heal Plus, so make

sure she doesn't get a chance to undo all the damage you cause. The Knights should

fall next, and make sure to grab some of their good armor! Persuading the Knight with

the Earth Shield is a pretty good idea. Persuading both Knights gives you a handful of

rather expensive equipment! Make sure to heal often when attacked with Gnome, and

strike back with Fenrir and Salamander. Bow-users work very well in this battle,

especially the ever-useful Hawkmen.

Don't let the enemy steal any of the useful treasure the defeated enemies leave behind!

The elemental wands are useful for your mages, as they raise INT a lot more than the

generic Scipplay's Staffs.

Battle 18: Sotavento

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Nichart, Esquire (Water, Law) (Osric's Spear, Heavy Armor, Transferring

Stone) (Ice Javelin), leaves goth

Enemies: Valkyrie (Earth, Neutral) (Trident, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband)


Valkyrie (Earth, Neutral) (Great Bow, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband)

Valkyrie (Water, Neutral) (Trident, Chain Mail, Plumed Headband) (Air Blade)

Male Knight (Water, Neutral) (Long Sword, Tower Shield, Plate Mail, Iron Helm)

Male Knight (Earth, Neutral) (Claymore, Plate Mail, Iron Helm) (Heal)

Witch (Earth, Neutral) (Scipplay's Staff, Earth Garb, Pointy Hat) (Ray of Paralysis),

leaves Earth Garb

Male Priest (Earth, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Robe of the Wise) (Heal Plus, Cleanse,

Resurrection), leaves Resurrection

This battle seems to be a challenge for many, but I found it quite easy. Make sure that

you don't let any of your weaker characters (Priests, Sirens, Euphaire, etc.) get ganged

up by the strong physical attackers. Persuading a few of the enemies will make this

battle much easier. I recommend persuading the Priest, as you'll need at least two

healers in Castle Osotorea. Make sure to completely deplete each enemies' HP without

starting to attack another, or else you'll find the Priest casting his Heal Plus and

restoring several characters at once. To quickly take out the enemies, combine Fluid

Magic spells with the Gnome, Fenrir, and Salamander spells you should possess by


After the battle you can buy the useful Fluid Magic spell. Make sure to buy a few

copies for use by Witches, Warlocks, and Swordmasters for casting on your summon

magic users.

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Battle 19a: Haena Highlands

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Khodar, Duke Knight (Earth, Law) (Gram, Tower Shield, Brigandine)

(Exorcism, Heal), leaves Gram

Enemies: Duke Knight (Water, Neutral) (Long Sword, Heavy Armor, Tower Shield)

(Poison Squall), leaves Heavy Armor

Duke Knight (Earth, Neutral) (Great Bow, Heavy Armor, Winged Shoes), leaves

Winged Shoes

Duke Knight (Water, Neutral) (Fafnir, Heavy Armor, Ice Shield) (Heal), leaves Ice


Dragoon (Earth, Neutral) (Claymore, Dragon Armor, Iron Helm) (Acid Vapor), leaves

Dragon Armor

Dragoon (Water, Neutral) (Ice Blade, Plate Mail, Iron Helm) (Ice Javelin), leaves Ice


Dragon Tamer (Earth, Neutral) (Dragon Gem Sword, Chain Mail, Tower Shield),

leaves Dragon Gem Sword

Earth Dragon (Earth, Neutral) (Dragon Eyes), leaves Dragon Eyes

This battle is full of characters with high physical attack and defense, but lower

magical abilities. Due to their low spell resistance, summon spells will tear through the

enemies with ease. Abuse Fluid Magic! Taking out the dragon first will stop it from

saving up SP for its special attack. You may as well take out the Dragon Tamer as

well, as her low defense lets her be smashed in one round. Make sure you watch your

summoners though, as the enemies can take out low defense allies with just a couple

of their attacks. Also, the enemy does have healing capabilities, so try to finish off

enemies you weaken.

Every single enemy has a powerful rare item it leaves when defeated, so make sure to

not let any of the treasures get stolen. Also, this will probably be the first time you'll

come across Dragoons as normal enemies, so persuade one if you need a strong

physical attacker. A Dragoon will come in handy in the next couple battles!

Battle 20: Mt. Gracula

Objective: Defeat all enemies!

Enemies: Lubinnya, Gremlin (Water, Neutral) (Sherwood Bow, Hard Leather,

Amulet), leaves Sherwood Bow

Gremlin (Wind, Neutral) (Composite Bow, Hard Leather, Glass Pumpkin), leaves

Glass Pumpkin

Gremlin (Fire, Neutral) (Great Bow, Hard Leather)

Cerberus (Wind, Neutral)

Cerberus (Fire, Neutral)

Red Dragon (Fire, Neutral)

Red Dragon (Fire, Neutral)

Cockatrice (Wind, Neutral)

First, make sure that you do NOT KILL THE GREMLIN NAMED LUBINNYA! This

is really Lubina, Glycina's sister fairy. To get Lubina to come out of her disguise, have

Glycina end her turn standing next to Lubina. Lubina is a smart guest, and will fly to

safety and shoot arrows at the enemies. Take out the Gremlins first, as their abilities

are annoying, then concentrate on one beast at a time. Make sure you come into battle

with Purify and Cleanse spells, as all the enemies can inflict negative status effects.

An important note is that during the battle Lubina has a gremlin's stats, but when she

joins you after she'll have her normal fairy stats. After the little cut scene, accept her

offer to join you.

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Battle 21: Castle Ostorea, West

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Margret, Swordmaster (female) (Wind, Neutral) (Notos, Peregrine Mail)

(Atropos), leaves Notos

Enemies: Duke Knight (Wind, Neutral) (Sun Mannus, Heavy Armor, Tower Shield)

(Heal Plus), leaves Sun Mannus

Duke Knight (Earth, Neutral) (Long Sword, Heavy Armor, Saint's Shield) (Acid

Vapor), leaves Saint's Shield

Warlock (Earth, Neutral) (Firedrake Sword, Fire Garb, Sacred Ring) (Slumber Mist),

leaves Sacred Ring

Male Archer (Wind, Neutral) (Great Bow, Grincer Coat, Leather Hat), leaves Grincer


Male Archer (Earth, Neutral) (Tundra Bow, Hard Leather, Leather Hat)

Hawkman (Wind, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Chain Mail, Tower Shield)

Hawkman (Earth, Neutral) (Halt Hammer, Chain Mail, Tower Shield)

Margret will have a conversation with Ivanna before and after the battle, so make sure

you don't use her in the East battle. Margret herself has very high stats and the strong

Atropos special attack, but she has a tendency to do nothing during the battle. Her

troops are also strong, and her Archers are extremely annoying and powerful as well.

Take out the Duke Knights (especially the healing one!) right away, then move on to

the Hawkmen. The Warlock has a full set of rare equipment, and should definitely be

persuaded. Also, make sure to persuade the Archer with the Tundra Bow, as he doesn't

leave it behind.

Summon spells work okay in this battle, but make sure you only use one or two of

your summoners here. You'll want a few of those powerful spells and Fluid Magic

casters to use on the East gate as well.

Battle 22: Castle Ostorea, East

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Nichart, Esquire (Water, Law) (Osric's Spear, Brigandine, Snow Boots) (Ice

Javelin), leaves Osric's Spear

Leader: Lethe, Venefica (Wind, Chaos) (Wind Wand, Spell Robe, Wind Ring,

Transferring Stone) (Thunder Flare, Fluid Magic), leaves 1000 goth

Enemies: Duke Knight (Water, Neutral) (Claymore, Heavy Armor, Iron Helm) (Heal)

Duke Knight (Fire, Neutral) (Firedrake Sword, Heavy Armor, Tower Shield), leaves

Firedrake Sword

Witch (Fire, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Spell Robe, Armlet of Wisdom) (Constrain)

Siren (Water, Neutral) (Battle Fan, Cloak of Authority) (Ice Field), leaves Cloak of


Siren (Fire, Neutral) (Caldia, Cloak of Authority) (Fire Storm), leaves Caldia

Female Priest (Fire, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Robe of the Wise, Pointy Hat) (Heal

Plus, Cleanse, Divine Radiance), leaves Divine Radiance

This battle is almost entirely magic casters, strong ones at that. Lethe will power up

the Sirens and Priest with her Fluid Magic, but can also cast a pretty strong Thunder

Flare. The Sirens have area-attack magic, while the Priest has the deadly Divine

Radiance spell, lowering any character down to critical HP. The Witch's Constrain is

not a big deal, but her charm ability can be annoying. Simply advance and take out the

Duke Knights with summons and physical attacks, then split your team in two and

take out the magicians on both sides. Be sure to get rid of the Priest early! Take out

Lethe before you finally finish with Nichart. The most important thing to remember in

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this battle is the Heal Plus spell, which undo the damage done by the Sirens' magic

attacks. A Dragoon or other strong physical attacker makes this battle much easier.

After the battle your team will join up and head inside.

Battle 23: Castle Ostorea, Throne Room

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Rictor, High Priest (Earth, Law) (Inca Rose, Saint's Garb, Bandana, Armlet of

Wisdom) (Ignis Fatuus, Heal), leaves 1000 goth

Enemies: Justin, Male Knight (Wind, Law) (Claymore, Brigandine, Dragon Helm)

(Heal), leaves Dragon Helm

Lara, Female Knight (Fire, Law) (Long Sword, Dragon Shield, Brigandine) (Heal),

leaves Dragon Shield

Duke Knight (Earth, Neutral) (Claymore, Heavy Armor, Iron Helm) (Cleanse)

Duke Knight (Water, Neutral) (Claymore, Heavy Armor, Iron Helm, Warp Ring),

leaves Warp Ring

Male Wizard (Earth, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Robe of the Wise) (Crag Crush)

Male Wizard (Water, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Water Garb) (Ice Field), leaves

Water Garb

Witch (Earth, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Spell Robe, Armlet of Wisdom) (Petrifying

Cloud, Fluid Magic), leaves Petrifying Cloud

Finally, it comes down to this...you fight against Rictor, the very powerful High Priest,

who just so happens to be my favorite special character (followed by Elrik). Also, the

two knights are special characters sort of, as they can't be persuaded and are immune

to status spells. They also will have death quotes when their HP is depleted. These

knights are in fact the two SOLDIERS that you first guested with in your verrrrry first

battle at Lutra, and are the two Knights you always see following Rictor in the cut

scenes. However, I have not found a way to get these knights to join you, and

choosing to not kill them just makes them vanish, meaning you never get their dragon

equipment. Note that Orson has some dialogue in the second round if you bring him

into this battle.

Rictor and his Witch like to play the little "Fluid Magic" game, allowing Rictor to

blast your party with about 8 shots of his Ignis Fatuus summon. The Witch also has

Petrifying Cloud, so take her out quickly! Rictor's two knights have Heal, so make

sure you get rid of them early as well. The Wizards will fall to about two physical

attacks, so they're no threat. Make sure you grab the Warp Ring left behind from one

of the Duke Knights! After removing all other enemies from the battle, take on Rictor.

His Heal spell can heal him for over 100 HP in one shot, and he can use it every turn

when not casting Ignis Fatuus on you. Make sure you deplete all of his HP in one

round. It's really not that hard, as his defenses aren't as good as a Knight's. Remember

that you have access to the devastating Atropos, so abuse it (unless you'll die by using

it, of course). A few notes on Rictor's summon spell: Since it is Virtue elemental, it

will do less damage to characters like Angel Knights and Priests, but a lot more to

Gremlins and Ghosts. Also, it is much better for you if he targets a large group of

characters. This way, the damage is spread out, and one character doesn't get smacked

for 160 damage.

Battle 24: Castle Ostorea, Crypt

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Naris, General (Fire, Law) (Bloody Cleaver, Black Armor, Firedrake Ring,

Iron Helm) (Ray of Paralysis), leaves Bloody Cleaver

Enemies: Duke Knight (Wind, Law) (Laevateinn, Brigandine) (Thunder Flare), leaves


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Duke Knight (Fire, Neutral) (Great Bow, Brigandine, Iron Helm)

Duke Knight (Wind, Neutral) (Trident, Brigandine, Iron Helm) (Ice Field)

Duke Knight (Fire, Neutral) (Sword of Tiamat, Brigandine, Iron Helm) (Fireball),

leaves Sword of Tiamat

Female Knight (Fire, Law) (Claymore, Heavy Armor, Iron Helm) (Lightning Bow)

Female Knight (Wind, Law) (Claymore, Heavy Armor, Iron Helm) (Heal)

Female Priest (Fire, Law) (Scripplay's Staff, Spell Robe) (Heal Plus, Cleanse)

Most important in this battle is to remember to not finish it before you get the Ring of

the Dead that is the buried treasure. It's in the corner right by the broken coffin.

Several enemies have special equipment, so remember to not let those items get

stolen! Persuading the Knight with Heal or the Priest might help you if you're short on


The Duke Knights with special swords can pack quite a punch, but are nothing

compared to Naris' attack. Consider yourself very lucky if he uses his Ray of Paralysis

instead (even luckier if said paralysis misses). Taking out the Priest and healing

Knight is a priority, but feel free to finish off a Duke Knight on your way up to smash

the healers. The Knights will all fall to summon magic spells (make sure you have

decent AGI though, or else you'll be quite miffed when half of the blasts miss). The

Priest is taken care of easily by two sword slashes or a few arrows. If you have

Atropos, it takes her out in one hit when used by a powerful sword user (Alphonse or

Ivanna work well). Once all of the lackey knights are defeated, weaken Naris with

magic or special attacks, or hit him from behind. You'll want to be VERY careful of

his counters, so try to avoid physically hitting him from the front or behind. A

combination of area-attack magic from Valkyries and other spell-throwing characters,

followed by an Atropos attack, and Naris will fall. By all means, please don't be stupid

and let your Priest get attacked by Naris. Watch out for all physically weak characters

in this battle, especially Sirens and Wizards. Witches and Fairies can dodge most

attacks, but if one attack connects, they're gone. Remember to suspend save with


Once you complete the battle (winning the Cave Exploration third Quest book), you're

done with Chapter 2 (B if you took my path)!

Walkthrough: Part 3

A few things are available right now. You can get the Zephyrus spear from Rana if you visit

there, receiving an audience with Cloeri. Traveling to Solea (Eleanor's Church) will give you

an orb, Warp Ring, or the powerful Circlet of Wisdom, depending on how you've answered

Eleanor's questions throughout the game. Try to answer both A and B to Eleanor's question

she asks, seeing what items you get. Going to Ardea will cause Lobelia the Angel Knight to

fly down and offer to join. Refuse her offer and you'll get a Seraph's Plume. Recruit her now

if you're going to keep Saia, the Lesser Daemon. Strip Lobelia of her equipment (which is

quite good!). Get her Sniper and Centurion emblems, then level her up until you're content

with her stats. Finally, use a Snapdragon scroll on her. If you don't want to kill her, simply

strip and dismiss her. If you want to KEEP Lobelia, I recommend you fighting the battle with

Saia first, recruiting and stripping him or getting his Ring of the Dead. Bringing Lobelia with

you to that battle makes you have to kill the poor daemon. Note that it is possible to kill and

then cast Necromancy of Lobelia. She will lose her special appearance and sprite, but you'll

keep her and can turn her into an Angel Knight (now generic) again.

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Battle 25: Rebanada Caverns

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Rimmon, ??? (Unknown) (Bane) (Heavy Armor, Goblin Helm), leaves Goblin Helm

Enemies: Undead Male Knight (Wind, Neutral) (Long Sword, Chain Mail, Tower Shield)

Undead Male Knight (Water, Neutral) (Long Sword, Chain Mail, Tower Shield)

Ghost (Bane) (Scripplay's Staff, Spell Robe) (Enfeeble)

Ghost (Bane) (Scripplay's Staff, Spell Robe) (Nightmare)

Ghost (Bane) (Scripplay's Staff, Spell Robe) (Brain Sap)

Zombie Dragon (Bane)

Zombie Dragon (Necklace of Resist)

A deceptively easy optional battle. The only enemy in this battle you really have to worry

about is Rimmon himself. Other enemies can annoy you (Zombie Dragons' breath, Ghosts'

absorbing spells) but it is highly unlikely that they'll do serious damage. The only enemy with

anything worth persuasion is the Zombie Dragon with the Necklace of Resist. This also makes

him immune to Faith and Exorcism, but can't block Banish, Magic Barrage, or Star Tiara.

Elrik will talk before the battle and during the second round, and seems to know a LOT about

this baddy. Well, Elrik is a sort of Necromancer...of course he knows about evil and undead


The first thing is to clear away all the miscellaneous undead scattered around. Cast Fluid

Magic on characters with Faith and Exorcism to blow away the undead without fuss. Bring

Lubina and Glycina into battle so that they can use Magic Barrage, which also does decent

damage to Rimmon besides exorcising his minions. Angel Knights with Needles of Light will

also work well here, as their Banish ability will also wipe out the undead baddies.

Once all the lesser ghostly beings are out of the way and you've persuaded the Zombie

Dragon with the Necklace of Resist, take on Rimmon. The first thing to note is his inhuman

physical attack and defense. Even an Angel Knight with a Needle of Light won't cause much

damage to this horrific ogre-thing. Your main source of offense is the powerful Ignis Fatuus

summon spell, combined with Fluid Magic. If the Fairy Sisters are around with 25 SP, feel

free to Fairy's Embrace the summoner of the squirrels. Rimmon falls quickly to a few Magic

Barrages and Ignis Fatuus summons. Lightning Bow does a bit of damage, as does Magic

Missile, but it's still better to stick with the big damage abilities. Try to run away from

Rimmon (easy if his move is 3.9), as you really don't want to get attacked by him. In addition,

he has a fear effect that lowers the damage you do to him if you're within 3 spaces of him, so

keep your distance! One last note: If you have Eleanor's Star Tiara, simply persuade the

Zombie Dragon then fire it away. All undead will immediately go kaput and Rimmon will be

in serious hurt. Finish off him with an Ignis Fatuus and Magic Barrage, or Star Tiara again if

Eleanor leveled up.

Battle 26: Rebanada Caverns

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Saia, Lesser Daemon (Bane) (Earth Dragon Axe, Chain Mail, Amulet) (Enfeeble),

leaves Earth Dragon Axe

Enemies: Hawkman (Earth, Neutral) (Great Bow, Earth Leather, Iron Helm), leaves Earth


Hawkman (Fire, Neutral) (Trident, Plate Mail, Ring of Flotation), leaves Ring of Flotation

Gorgon (Earth, Neutral) (Flame Bow, Chain Mail), leaves Flame Bow

Gorgon (Fire, Neutral) (Great Bow, Chain Mail)

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Gorgon (Fire, Neutral) (Rapture Rose, Chain Mail), leaves Rapture Rose

Vrtra (Earth, Chaos)

Vrtra (Fire, Chaos), leaves Snapdragon

First off, if you have Lobelia in your party she will talk to Saia (rant really) and then you

WILL kill Saia at the end of the battle, getting his Earth Axe. You can NOT get him to join

you, or get him to give you a Ring of the Dead. Thus, if you want to keep Lobelia but still

have Saia's class show up on your menu or you want that extra Lich from the Ring of the

Dead, finish this battle before recruiting Lobelia.The battle itself is full of "evil" monsters,

including three Gorgons. If they manage to get their SP saved up and you don't have

shields...prepare to have several characters petrified by their Evil Eye. However, you'll have

taken four turns by the time they get 30 SP, so you'll be in the upper position in the battle.

Remember Dragon's Eyes, Amulets, and the Pearl Necklace all stop petrify too! Again, Ignis

Fatuus will be a powerful force in this battle. Other summons work well too, namely Fenrir

and Thunderbird.

Don't let that stop you from using Gnome and Salamander though! Summons will tear

through the Vrtas with ease, due to their low AGI. Gorgons aren't very speedy either, so a

moderately fast character can smack them silly with summon spells. Physical attacks also

work well on the Gorgons, especially the bow using ones. Be sure to protect your lightly

armored characters in this battle though, because the enemy effectively uses ranged attacks

that can take down weak characters easily if they gang up on you.

After the battle, say you fight for yourself if you want Saia to join you. He has no good stuff,

just Chain Mail, Amulet, and the Enfeeble spell, but you'll get him to appear on your

character class menu and he makes a very decent snapshot sword once Centurion and Sniper

are earned for him (note that you can turn him into Virtue by using a Tome of Discipline). If

you choose to say that you fight for peace, then you'll receive another Ring of the Dead,

letting you make another defensively-powerful Lich! If your first Lich was transmigrated

from a Wizard or Siren, try make one from a Warlock for a real strong character.

Battle 27: Harmonia

Objective: Defeat the Twin Wizards!

Leader: Cirvante, Venefic (Earth, Chaos) (Kerykeion, Earth Garb, Amulet) (Fiend's Grip,

Poison Squall), leaves Fiend's Grip

Leader: Lethe, Venefica (Wind, Chaos) (Sugar Cane, Wind Garb, Amulet) (Thunder Flare,

Fluid Magic), leaves Sugar Cane

Enemies: Daemon (Bane) (Flame Flail, Heavy Armor, Ring of the Dead), leaves Ring of the


Daemon (Bane) (Boreas, Heavy Armor), leaves Boreas

Gorgon (Earth, Neutral) (Great Bow, Chain Mail), leaves Urn of Chaos

Gorgon (Wind, Neutral) (Sandstorm Bow, Chain Mail), leaves Sandstorm Bow

Giant (Earth, Neutral), leaves Snapdragon

Giant (Wind, Neutral), leaves Wind Ring

This battle can be easy or hard. If Cirvante is stupid and casts Poison Squall instead of the

deadly Fiend's Grip, consider yourself lucky. Lethe isn't as much of a threat, but she will use

Fluid Magic constantly as well as use healing items to restore 100 HP to her allies. Both

magicians have extremely high AGI and dodging stats, so try to hit them from behind if you

can. Atropos works wonders, if you can get it to hit and the swordsman is on decent terrain.

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Water characters are a definite advantage on this icy landscape. A Water summon-casting

character with Fenrir is quite powerful. Ignis Fatuus is very powerful against the dark enemies

as well.

The treasures in this battle are rare indeed, and you won't want to miss out on the Snapdragon

scroll or Lich-transmigrating Ring of the Dead. Don't bother with persuasion, but if you must,

persuade one of the Gorgons or the Wind Ring wearing Giant. After the battle, advance to the

icy field of Charadrius.

Battle 28a: Charadrius

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Naris, General (Fire, Law) (Bloody Cleaver, Black Armor, Firedrake Ring, Snow

Boots) (Ray of Paralysis), leaves Bloody Cleaver

Enemies: Duke Knight (Wind, Law) (Sun Mannus, Brigandine, Thunder Shield) (Thunder

Flare), leaves Sun Mannus

Duke Knight (Fire, Neutral) (Great Bow, Brigandine, Freude Helm) (Heal), leaves Freude


Duke Knight (Fire, Neutral) (Firedrake Sword, Brigandine, Flame Shield, Iron Helm)

(Firestorm), leaves Flame Shield

Dragon Tamer (Wind, Neutral) (Estoc, Chain Mail, Snow Boots, Amulet), leaves Amulet

Female Priest (Wind, Law) (Scripplay's Staff, Robe of the Wise, Wind Ring) (Heal Plus,


Female Priest (Fire, Law) (Flame Flail, Robe of the Wise, Snow Boots) (Divine Radiance,


Mushus (Fire, Law) (Dragon Gem), leaves Dragon Gem

The most important treasure here is the second copy of the Divine Radiance spell. The Female

Priest who has it will not drop her weapon or the spell, so be sure to persuade her. The

Mushus or other Priest also make good candidates for persuasion.

Naris himself has very strong stats, but does have a weakness to magic. Be sure to throw your

strongest summons at him, especially Fenrir. The Duke Knights and Dragon Tamer are also

vulnerable to summon magic, but Fiend's Grip works fine against groups as well. Be sure to

take out the Priest with Healing Plus somehow, because she can undo all of your efforts! Take

advantage of your Teleport spell, casting it on a strong physical attacker like the user of

Atropos. The terrain is quite irregular, so Teleport and movement accessories come in handy,

as do flying or warping characters. Remember to defeat all the enemies first and don't let any

dropped treasure get stolen!

Battle 28b: Charadrius

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Cybil, Sorceress (Wind, Neutral) (Gypsy Queen, Robe of the Abyss, Snow Boots,

Amulet) (Thunderbird, Thunder Flare), leaves Thunderbird

Enemies: Male Angel Knight (Virtue) (Needle of Light, Chain Mail, Tower Shield), leaves

Needle of Light

Male Angel Knight (Virtue) (Needle of Light, Nathalork Mail, Thunder Shield, leaves

Nathalork Mail

Daemon (Bane) (Pike, Leviathan Mail) (Slumber Mist), leaves Leviathan Mail

Daemon (Bane) (Euros, Chain Mail), leaves Euros

Female Wizard (Water, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Spell Robe, Earth Ring) (Ice Field), leaves

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Earth Ring

Witch (Wind, Neutral) (Scripplay's Staff, Spell Robe, Water Ring) (Time Flux, Fluid Magic),

leaves Time Flux

Vrtra (Water, Chaos) (Armlet of Agility)

Ah, poor Cybil is now your enemy, under the power of Shaher. Your leader will start out this

battle poisoned, so use an Antidote or Spirit Fruit on him the first turn. In case you were

wondering exactly when you'd find the wind summon spell, Cybil has it, and will use it on

you constantly with the aid of her Fluid Magic casting Witch (who also has Time Flux!). If

she manages to target only one of your allies, there is a good chance he/she will die if he/she

has a low magical defense or low agility.

The enemies aren't really strong, just averagely powerful with some decent spells and

equipment. Target one at a time with summons along with powerful special attacks or weapon

attacks. You should have no trouble at all, so just take it slow and steady.

Battle 26: Angel's Headstone, Entrance

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Mycale, Lich (Bane) (Kerykeion, Water Garb, Amulet) (Fiend's Grip, Enfeeble, Brain

Sap), leaves nothing

Enemies: Daemon (Bane) (Halt Hammer, Chain Mail, Tower Shield) (Poison Squall), leaves

Urn of Chaos

Undead Male Knight (Fire, Law) (Long Sword, Plate Mail, Snow Boots)

Undead Male Knight (Water, Law) (Long Sword, Plate Mail, Snow Boots)

Ghost (Bane) (Scripplay's Staff, Robe) (Brain Sap)

Ghost (Bane) (Scripplay's Staff, Robe) (Enfeeble)

Undead Female Wizard (Scripplay's Staff, Spell Robe) (Ice Field)

Dragon Zombie (Necklace of Resist)

The leader is a Lich, meaning he has very good defenses and a devastating area attack with

Fiend's Grip. In addition, he can drain your HP and MP with his Enfeeble and Brain Sap

spells. However, he and the Daemon are the only real challenging foes, as the rest are undead.

The Dragon Zombie is immune to Exorcism and Faith spells, but can be banished by Magic

Barrage and the Banish Angel Knight ability, as well as Eleanor's Star Tiara ability. Abuse the

power of Ignis Fatuus and try to gang up on Mycale with summons and special attacks.

Battle 26: Angel's Headstone, Hall of Corruption

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Rahouart, Daemon (Virtue) (Sanscion, Cursed Garment, Dark Ring) (Fiend's Grip,

Cursed Existence), leaves nothing

Enemies: Male Dark Angel (Bane) (Needle of Light, Chain Mail, Freude Helm) (Firestorm,

Enfeeble), leaves Angel Fruit

Female Dark Angel (Bane) (Needle of Light, Ice Chain, Armlet of Agility) (Crag Crush,

Brain Sap), leaves Healing Essence

Gorgon (Fire, Neutral) (Great Bow, Robe of Abyss)

Gorgon (Earth, Neutral) (Great Bow, Ice Chain)

Swordmaster (Fire, Neutral) (Claymore, Flame Leather) (Slumber Mist), leaves Spirit Fruit

Swordmaster (Earth, Neutral) (Claymore, Chain Mail, Armlet of Agility)

Vrtra (Fire, Chaos)

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During the enemies' second turn Rahouart will talk to Saia or Lobelia if he/she is in your

party. By now your characters should be very powerful with rare equipment and spells, and

you shouldn't have trouble with the enemies. Use summons combined with Fluid Magic,

along with the strong weapons on your fighting characters. Try not to use all your strong

characters in this battle, as you still must fight in the Garden of Memories.

Try to get rid of the Gorgons before they can use their petrification ability, and remember that

the enemies can and will use healing items on their wounded.

Battle 26: Angel's Headstone, Garden of Memories

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Judecca, Female Angel Knight (Bane) (Inca Rose, Saint's Garb, Holy Crown), leaves


Enemies: Male Angel Knight (Virtue) (Needle of Light, Flame Leather, Flame Shield), leaves

Spirit Fruit

Male Angel Knight (Virtue) (Crescente, Thunder Chain)

Daemon (Bane) (Rapture Rose, Brigandine, Armlet of Agility) (Enfeeble)

Daemon (Bane) (Prox, Brigandine) (Fiend's Grip)

Warlock (Water, Neutral) (Fafnir, Brigandine, Bandana) (Ray of Paralysis), leaves Healing


Warlock (Wind, Neutral) (Claymore, Thunder Chain, Amulet) (Constrain), leaves Amulet

Giant (Water, Neutral), leaves Altar of Resurrection

During the enemies' second turn Judecca will talk to Saia or Lobelia if he/she is in your party.

In battle, follow the same strategy as in the Hall of Corruption, making good use of summons

and special attacks. Be careful of the high terrain, but this can be solved by using flight or

warp equipment, the Teleport spell, or just using flying or warping characters (like Angel

Knights and Hawkmen). Persuade the Male Angel Knight with the Crescente to get the use of

the strongest bow in the game for the next few battles, perfect for a character with Lachesis.

Battle 26: Angel's Headstone, Hall of Conviction

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Shaher, Fallen Angel (Virtue) (Anbicion+, Rune Plate, Seraph's Plume) (Ice

Requiem, Anbicion, Decent), leaves Anbicion

Enemies: Cirvante, Male Dark Angel (Bane) (Crescente, Cloak of Oath, Amulet) (Constrain,

Enfeeble), leaves

Lethe, Female Dark Angel (Bane) (Answerer, Robe of Abyss, Amulet) (Fiend's Grip,

Enfeeble), leaves Spirit Fruit

Daemon (Bane) (Volcaetus, Flame Leather, Ring of Flight) (Fiend's Grip), leaves Orb

Daemon (Bane) (Frozen Axe, Phoenix Mail), leaves Crown of Intellect

Daemon (Bane) (Flame Flail, Phoenix Mail) (Nightmare), leaves Revive Stone

Male Angel Knight (Virtue) (Needle of Light, Ice Chain, Armlet of Agility), leaves Healing


Female Angel Knight (Virtue) (Trident, Ice Chain, Armlet of Wisdom), leaves Healing Salve

During the battle, Shaher will talk to certain special characters during the battle. He will

automatically talk to Alphonse, Eleanor, Rictor, Cybil, and Aerial. If Orson, Shiven, Ivanna,

Lobelia, or Saia attacks him physically, he'll talk to them.

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Shaher's special attacks are quite strong, especially his Ice Requiem attack, which is very

annoying when it put several characters to sleep. His allies are moderately strong, especially

Cirvante and Lethe, but they will fall to the power of superior attacks and summon spells. Use

Fiend's Grip on the Virtue enemies and Ignis Fatuus on the Bane enemies. Try to take out at

least Cirvante and Lethe before you defeat Shaher. You vitally need to have your characters

healed before you deal the final blow, as your current party will be swept to the final boss


Battle 27: Nether Region

Objective: Defeat the Leader!

Leader: Shaher (Bane) (no equipment)

Enemies: Dark Stalker (Bane) (Sword of Tiamat, Cursed Garment, Dark Ring)

Dark Stalker (Bane) (Yu-giri, Peregrine Mail, Armlet of Agility)

Hell Gigantes (Warp Ring)

Hell Gigantes (Armlet of Wisdom)

First note that the lackey dark enemies leave behind no treasures. Be sure to have the

Longicolnis, having someone stab Shaher with it so you can actually do some damage.

Enfeeble is a VERY good spell to use on him, doing a constant 62 damage for me when used

by Saia. Holy weapons do a bit of damage, but only Snapdragon weapons do any real hurt.

Ignis Fatuus is the best summon, but use all summons for more damage. Try to have several

characters with Enfeeble to take out Shaher faster, and remember the Bloody Cleaver has an

"Enfeeble" effect.

My party was...

Alphonse, Swordmaster: uses Time Flux on Saia (or Rictor, if lesser baddies need to

be hit with Divine Radiance)

Rictor, High Priest: equipped with Lobelia snapdragon. Uses Divine Radiance on

lesser baddies or Ignis Fatuus on Shaher. Also has Heal Plus and Cleanse.

Elrik, Summoner: Uses Gnome or Summon Golem on Shaher. Also has Crag Crush.

Eleanor, Valkyrie: Equipped with Longicolnis and INT-raising stuff (Circlet of

Wisdom), along with Pearl Necklace. Pokes Shaher with Longicolnis then runs a bit

and casts Ice Field.

Saia, Lesser Daemon: Equipped with Blood Cleaver for decent counters. Attacks

Shaher every turn twice with Enfeeble.

Kamui, Swordmaster: Equipped with Fluid Magic, casts it on mages and Saia. Uses

physical attacks on lesser enemies or uses healing/mp-restoring items.

Orson: Equipped with Crescente. Uses Lachesis every turn on Shaher. (note: has a

Fireseal to make up for his poor defense)

Ivanna: Uses Atropos on lesser baddies and uses healing/mp-restoring items.

Swift, Priest: Uses Heal Plus every turn to heal damaged allies. Can also use Cleanse

and Resurrection.

Abel, Angel Knight: Uses Clotho on Shaher every turn. Can also heal if vitally needed

with Sacred Ring.

The most damage was done by Saia...over 120 damage per round, thanks to Time Flux.

Enfeeble is INFINITELY useful against the big bad boss. The lesser baddies were stupid and

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attacked my physical attackers, so they got majorly countered. Taking out several each round

stopped Shaher from attacking, as he summoned new baddies.

Hints and Tips


Recruit a female soldier at any town and name her Deneb. Her element will always be Fire,

and she will always be Chaos aligned. I recommend getting her the Centurion and Sniper

Emblems right away, and have her recruit a male character in a random battle to get the Evil

Gossip emblem she needs. In a couple levels she can become a Ninja. Level her up until she

can become a Wizard (using a Sorcerer's Cup and Crowns of Intellect as needed). Level her

up as a Wizard until she meets the requirements for Witch (38 MP, 35 INT). Change her to a

Witch, and VOILA! You have the legendary Deneb in your party! Take her to Port

Scabellum to discover a secret shop with candy equipment!

Centurion and Sniper Emblems

I recommend getting these for ALL your characters, except forgo getting Centurion for your

Cleric if you want him/her to become a Priest. To get Sniper, simply equip a Small Bow and

shoot at an ally about 5 or so times in training. You'll then get 10 points added to AGI! To

get Centurion, you must have 1 ally deal the final blow to ALL enemies that are defeated

(persuaded enemies do not count). If you manage to have 1 character finish off every enemy

(spells, physical hits, or even counters), they'll earn Centurion, getting an infinitely useful 20

points added to STR!

Dragon Class Changes

For some strange reason, dragons upgrade to their higher classes IN battle. They can also

change classes by changing their elements in battle (using Mirror of the Gods) and change

higher classes by changing their alignment (using Urn of Chaos or Tome of Discipline). For

example, if you have Cybil (Wind) use a Mirror of the Gods on a Red Dragon (Fire), it will

turn into a Thunder Dragon! If you use a Tome of Discipline on a Vrtra, it will become a

Naga. And if you use another Tome of Disciple on the Neutral-aligned Naga, it will become a

Mushus! All of this takes place in battle or training. Once they met the requirements for one

of the higher classes, upon level up or use of a stat raising item, the dragon will immediately

upgrade at the end of its turn.

Special Buried Treasures

Inside each battlefield (or most of the fields anyways) there is buried treasure. One of these

treasures is a special item, and that particular treasure spot will not give a random item like

the others will. Following is a small list of the special treasures I have found in each stage.

Lutra: Glass Pumpkin

Scabellum: Dragon Shield

Vespa: Glass Pumpkin

Formido: Dragon Gem Sword

Ardea: (unknown)

Urodela: Hyacinth Fan

Bison: (unknown)

Sufrir: Ice Wand

Arena: (unknown)

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Rana: (unknown)

Solea: (unknown)

Quest Mode Items

Here's a COMPLETE list of all the items that can be gotten from Quest Mode if you choose

"Defeat the Leader". Choosing "Defeat all enemies" yields slightly different gains, basically

two of the next lowest prize you'd get if you chose "Leader" and one of the prize level below


Numida Chronology

01 to 07 turns

Nathalork Mail

Peregrine Mail

Phoenix Mail

Sandstorm Bow

Flame Bow

Ice Wand


Dragon Gem Sword

08 to 09 turns

Leviathan Mail


Flame Leather

Earth Leather

Tundra Bow

Earth Wand

Beast Whip

Hyacinth Fan

10 to 20 turns

Ice Chain

Thunder Chain

Robe of Abyss

Wind Garb

Earth Garb

Fire Garb

Fire Wand

Wind Wand

21 to 25 turns

Water Garb

Pointy Hat

Wind Ring

Earth Ring

Water Ring

Firedrake Ring

Seraph's Plume

Sacrificial Doll

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26 to 99 turns

Ring of Flotation

Tome of Discipline

Urn of Chaos

Mirror of the Gods

Wisdom Fruit

Spirit Fruit

Magic Essence

Healing Essence

Epic of Tinea

01 to 07 turns

Needle of Light

Peridot Sword

Hammer of Tears

Flame Flail



Rapture Rose

Glass Pumpkin

08 to 11 turns

Nathalork Mail

Peregrine Mail

Phoenix Mail

Sandstorm Bow

Flame Bow

Ice Wand


Dragon Gem Sword

12 to 20 turns

Leviathan Mail


Flame Leather

Earth Leather

Tundra Bow

Earth Wand

Beast Whip

Hyacinth Fan

21 to 30 turns

Ice Chain

Thunder Chain

Robe of Abyss

Wind Garb

Earth Garb

Fire Garb

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Fire Wand

Wind Wand

31 to 99 turns

Water Garb

Pointy Hat

Wind Ring

Earth Ring

Water Ring

Firedrake Ring

Seraph's Plume

Sacrificial Doll

Cave Exploration

01 to 07 turns

Grincer Coat

Pure-White Dress

Warp Shoes

Firedrake Sword



Warp Ring

Ring of Flight

08 to 11 turns

Thunder Shield

Earth Shield

Ice Shield

Flame Shield

Earth Dragon Axe

Sword Emblem

Crown of Intellect

Stone of Swiftness

12 to 20 turns

Needle of Light

Peridot Sword

Hammer of Tears

Flame Flail



Rapture Rose

Glass Pumpkin

21 to 30 turns: Nathalork Mail

Peregrine Mail

Phoenix Mail

Sandstorm Bow

Flame Bow

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Ice Wand


31 to 99 turns

Leviathan Mail


Flame Leather

Earth Leather

Tundra Bow

Earth Wand

Beast Whip

Hyacinth Fan

Batraal Chronology

01 to 07 turns

Freude Helm

Holy Crown

Sherwood Bow

Dowsing Rod


Sacred Stone of Bliss


Cup of Life

08 to 11 turns

Grincer Coat

Pure-White Dress

Warp Shoes

Firedrake Sword



Warp Ring

Ring of Flight

12 to 20 turns

Thunder Shield

Earth Shield

Ice Shield

Flame Shield

Earth Dragon Axe

Sword Emblem

Crown of Intellect

Stone of Swiftness

21 to 30 turns

Needle of Light

Peridot Sword

Hammer of Tears

Flame Flail

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Rapture Rose

Glass Pumpkin

31 to 99 turns

Nathalork Mail

Peregrine Mail

Phoenix Mail

Sandstorm Bow

Flame Bow

Ice Wand


Tundra Geology

01 to 07 turns

Southern Cross

Saint's Shield





Angel Fruit

Sorcerer's Cup

08 to 11 turns

Freude Helm

Holy Crown

Sherwood Bow

Dowsing Rod


Sacred Stone of Bliss


Cup of Life

12 to 20 turns

Grincer Coat

Pure-White Dress

Warp Shoes

Firedrake Sword



Warp Ring

Ring of Flight

21 to 30 turns

Thunder Shield

Earth Shield

Ice Shield

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Flame Shield

Earth Dragon Axe

Sword Emblem

Crown of Intellect

Stone of Swiftness

31 to 99 turns

Needle of Light

Peridot Sword

Hammer of Tears

Flame Flail



Rapture Rose

Glass Pumpkin

Star Tiara

Star Tiara is Eleanor's special technique. To get it, simply raise Eleanor's base INT (without

equipment boosting) to 170. After that, simply win the battle, training, or level her up. The

screen message will say that she "recalled Star Tiara". The description for it is: "Eleanor's

special technique. 60 MP. Gathers the light of the stars to damage foes and banish the undead.

The caster forgets this spell after use". To remember the spell again, simply level Eleanor up,

win a battle, or have her team win in a training battle. This Virtue-elemental spell hits ALL

enemies on the entire screen for a large amount of damage, and is very useful for vaporizing

any pesky undead. To get this ability, level Eleanor up as a Siren or Priest and throw any

spare Crowns of Intellect you have at her.

Magic Barrage

Magic Barrage is Glycinia and Lubina's secret dual technique. To use it is quite simple, and

they don't have to be at any specific level. Simply have the fairies right next to each other

(one can be in front of or behind the other, but there MUST be no space between them), and

make sure that neither has acted yet. The ability "Magic Barrage" will show up in either

fairies' ability list when selected. Once used, both fairies will attack at once, and then both

will end their turns. The attack's description is: "Attack (Virtue), RNG 7, AOE 5. Fairy sisters'

combo. Sacred light damages foes and banishes undead (fairies take damage)." This ability

gets stronger with the more INT the fairies have. It does extremely good damage, exorcises

undead, and hits 5 panels. Plus, it costs no SP! However, it will take away half of the current

HP of both fairies. For example, if they have 100 HP, it'll take away 50. If they have 50, it

will take away 25.

Equipment Sets

There are four sets of equipment that give special abilities when all the pieces are worn by one

ally. The sets are:

Candy Set: Restores about 10% (seems to be around 25) HP per turn

-Sugar Cane

-Chocolate Shield

-Candy Armor

-Candy Helm

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Dragon Set: Makes wearer have the characteristics of a dragon, and lets him/her/it cast a

breath attack of their element. Bane and Virtue characters use Thunder Breath.

-Dragon Shield

-Dragon Armor

-Dragon Helm

-Dragon Eyes

Enchanted Hunting Wares Set: Increases the movement range of the character by about two,

as well as giving you good accuracy. A perfect set for Archers.

-Sherwood Bow

-Grincer Coat

-Sherwood Hat

-Forest Boots

Divine Armaments Set: Grants you full immunity to the Bane element. This means Bane

spells/abilities (Fiend's Grip, Enfeeble, Fairy's Kiss, etc.) and also Bane weapons (Bloody

Cleaver, Answerer, etc.) are all completely ineffective on you! Give this set to a strong Knight

(Ivanna) or an Angel Knight.


-Saint's Shield

-Southern Cross

-Freude Helm

Elemental and Alignment Changing

To change alignment, you must use an Urn of Chaos or Tome of Discipline. Tomes of

Disciple move you towards Law (Chaos to Neutral to Law), while Urns of Chaos move you

towards Chaos (Law to Neutral to Chaos). To change normal elements of Wind, Fire, Water,

and Earth, have a character of the element you wish to change a character into use a Mirror of

the Gods. For example, if your Alphonse is Fire, and you want him to be Earth, have Ivanna

(who is Earth elemental) use a Mirror of the Gods on him. A Mirror of the Gods can NOT

transfer the elements of Bane and Virtue though. However, you can make characters who are

Bane turn into Virtue by using a Tome of Discipline on them or turn a Virtue character into

Bane by using an Urn of Chaos. Note that even though you can turn an Angel Knight into

Bane, they do not become Dark Angels. However, the Bane elemental Angel Knight does get

a bonus when using Bane weapons, like the Answerer.

Super Dragoon

Really, this trick could be used on anyone, but I find it works nicely with generic Dragoons.

First, fight a battle with an enemy Dragoon (that is not the leader...no Karcist). Pick the

Dragoon you want (check out the minor stat differences), and get rid of most of the other

enemies. Weaken and persuade the Dragoon you want, using a character with Arbitration, or

even better, a Valkyrie or Dragon Tamer with Arbitration. Now, the Dragoon with join you!

Enemy Dragoons come with exceptionally high STR, and you're going to make him even

more powerful! After, the battle, give the Dragoon a strong weapon of his element or a strong

sword or spear (I gave my Water Dragoon a Hammer of Tears, because Eleanor has the

Osric's Spear and Alphonse and my Swordmaster had the Ice Swords). Take the Dragoon into

training and put him up against a REALLY weak ally, like a Fairy, with a character that can

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cast Molten Blade and Ray of Paralysis or Slumber Mist. Place the weak ally (from hereon

now known as bait) in the water, with the Dragoon on a solid piece of dirt or other terrain that

raises his element. Have the character with Molten Blade cast it on the Dragoon. Next turn,

have the bait turn around so its back is to the Dragoon. Check the Dragoons hit percentage

now. If it's way too low, have him wait and have you support spell character cast Slumber

Mist or Ray of Paralysis on the bait. Once it connects, have the Dragoon (make sure he still

has Molten Blade) smash the poor bait. It should do well over 200 damage (getting you War

God) and kill the bait in one hit (getting you Berserk). Get the Dragoon Sniper next, as that's

an easy plus 10 AGI. Now, take him into battle and have him finish off all the enemies,

getting you Centurion. Your Dragoon, if around level 20, should now have at least 200 STR!

To balance out this power, his defense to magic and magic casting ability is practically null.

Make sure you give him armor of his element to boost his spell resist! The only things you

have to be careful of are Fiend's Grip and enemies with summon spells. However, as these

types of enemies are few, and can still be smashed flat by the powerful Dragoon...don't worry

about this guy doing fast. MAKE SURE TO LEVEL HIM UP AS HIS DRAGOON CLASS!

He gets the best STR growth out of all the male classes, so keep him like this. By the way, I

used a level 4 Gremlin as my bait...recruited the guy in the Vespa Hill battle to save Glycinia.

Yes, I never used him once, kept him all this time, and he's very useful for this purpose!

Delete Saves

Name your character DEL_DATA to delete all save files.

Hear Music Test

Name your character MUSIC_ON to see and hear the Music Test.


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