fireside threeway a dear diary story taboo sex mmf

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Fireside Threeway

By Francis Ashe

Copyright 2012 Francis Ashe

Smashwords Edition

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or

given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please

purchase an additional copy for each person. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it,

or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase

your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


Dear Diary,
Ashley here (who else?) My semester was finally coming to an end. This was my last

semester of college, and Spring Break had just started. Where most of the students were going to
have a crazy week of partying, I was going to visit my dad and his wife. I had almost run out of
the money I saved over summer, and aside from that, I needed to get a few essays finished and
applications for graduate school taken care of, so this was for the best. I was almost looking
forward to the trip, in a strange way.

My parents had divorced when I was only eight, and I grew up with my mom in upstate New

York. My dad had moved to Kentucky for some reason I was never sure of, and settled down on
a plot of land near some woods. I had visited a few times, usually for a couple of weeks during
summer vacation each year, but for the most part, had not been too close to him over the years.
He married his second wife the year before I went off to Boston for school. My new step-mother
had a 14-year old son who proved to be every bit as awful and awkward as a teenager could

The first, and only, time that I met John Michael, I had just turned 18 and he was barely 14.

I was finishing high school just as he started. He was a lanky thing – tall, gangly and unsure of
himself whereas I was a track-and-field star at the school, and moonlighted on the volleyball
team. Thinking back, I remember that he had been supremely creepy. For those two weeks we
spent together, he had regularly crept into my room when I was out and stolen panties. One day I
walked in to find him rifling through my dirty clothes pile and sniffing at the crotch of the pair
I’d taken off just before going for a swim. When I saw him, I screamed as loud as I could and he
jumped up and bumped his head on the dresser. I spent the rest of the visit torturing the poor kid
– wandering around in a towel after showers, wearing my bikini too low when we’d swim, and
one time I even loosened the top enough that it came off when I jumped in the water. I was really
awful to him, but he definitely deserved it.

As the airport taxi dropped me off at the front door, there was someone sitting on the front

porch I hardly recognized. “John Michael?” I called as I slammed shut the trunk and paid the
cabbie. “Actually,” he replied, “no one calls me that anymore – everyone just calls me Mike.”

John Michael – or Mike, had really grown into his body since I last saw him. Rather than a

klutzy, awkward teenager, he was firm and well-muscled. I knew he had started playing football
at some point, but had no idea how much he’d changed. I admit, I was pretty taken aback. Here
was my awkward, panty-sniffing step-brother wearing properly fitted jeans, and a polo shirt that
barely contained his arms and chest.

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“Hey Ash,” he said, which was strange because he’d never called me that before, “a friend is

coming up tonight and we thought we’d head to the woods and set up a little fire and cook some
hamburgers. Maybe have a few drinks and relax. You in?” As you can imagine, I was completely
shocked by the whole thing. My horrible step-brother had somehow transformed into a cool,
smooth college freshman. Freshmen are never cool and smooth, especially my step-brother.
Anyway, it sounded good so I told him I’d meet them in the woods a couple of hours later.

As I showered to wash off the airplane musk, I could swear I saw Mike walking past the

door a few times, although I couldn’t really be sure since the glass on the shower door was
frosted. I hadn’t packed anything sexy, although I was pretty horny after seeing my step-
brother’s transformation so I wanted to at least put on a little show. I slipped on some low-rise
jean shorts and threw on a baggy sweater over my tight tank top. Thinking back, I should have
been more worried about the cold, but you know how things are.

Mike left a note on the kitchen table with directions, which amounted to “walk out the back

door and keep going for about an eighth of a mile. We’ll be there.” It was about 5:30 when I left
and it didn’t take long to find the two boys and the fire. Although I shouldn’t have really been
surprised, Mike’s friend was every ounce as hot as Mike had become.

“Hi Ashley,” he said, “I’m Jake, your brother has told me a lot about you.” This surprised

me, of course, because Mike and I barely knew each other. “Step-brother,” I corrected. Anyway,
I shook his hand and we sat down. I was surprised how much alike they looked. Both of them
were about six feet tall and fairly muscular. They told me they had met first semester at lacrosse
practice. Mike had given up football for lacrosse when he started college. Jake had black hair
about shoulder length and dark blue eyes whereas Mike’s hair was brown, close cropped, and
matched his eyes. We chatted for a while, I gave them some advice about going through college,
and finally we shared a few embarrassing stories about Mike, who was a good sport about all of

As the sun went down, Jake pulled a three-fourths full liter of tequila out of his backpack,

and we started to pass it around. I was significantly more experienced at drinking than either of
them, but still, as the bottle emptied, I started to get pretty tipsy. Looking back and forth between
them, I realized that in all of my college experiences that I’d never had two men worship me at
the same time. As I was fantasizing about the two of them, Mike interrupted my thoughts, “Say,
Ash, which one of us do you think would be a better fuck?” I was, to say the least, surprised.

“Well, I don’t know.” I tried to play it off without acting as shocked as I was, and I have to

admit, I was getting pretty riled up just thinking about them. “I guess I’d have to have some way
to judge. Just looking doesn’t do me any good. Why don’t you both kiss me, and I’ll make up my
mind that way.” Thinking back, the whole thing was crazy, but by this point I didn’t care. I had
gotten so horny that I knew I needed a man, and there were two of them in front of me.

Jake took his turn first. He reached out a hand, lifted me up to meet him and placed the other

hand on the small of my back. Pulling me in close, he brushed my face with his free hand and
pressed his full lips against mine. I gasped as he used both hands to hold me tight against his
hips, and when I did, he pushed his tongue into my mouth and twirled it against mine. I let out a
little sigh as he withdrew, and was probably a little flustered as I sat back down. “Oh, wow, okay
Mike you’ve got a lot to live up to,” I said. “I’ll see what I can do, sis.” I noticed what he called
me, but honestly I just didn’t care anymore.

Mike was more forceful and urgent. He was sitting about a foot away from me on the

ground. He turned and took my hand and pulled me down on top of him. One of his hands
tickled the back of my head as he loosened my ponytail and the other dipped just below the waist

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of my shorts. He pressed me against his body and gave me one short kiss followed by a longer
one. Just as I thought it was over, he slid his hand fully under my shorts and gripped my firm ass
hard. When I let out a soft pleasured moan, he entered my mouth with his tongue and I felt his
cock begin to harden in his jeans. After only a second or two, he sat up and helped me back to
my chair.

“I...I still can’t decide.” I said, partially confused but so wet that the juice from my sex was

probably visible from outside my shorts. “I think I need another demonstration to really make my
mind up. I need to see you without your shirts on, and then I need you each to show me how
you’d get me into bed.” I wasn’t exactly sure what I meant by that, but that didn’t bother either
Mike or Jake. This time, Mike went first. He pulled his shirt over his head and revealed a
chiseled body. I was absolutely amazed to see the hard lines of his chest and abs visible in his
flat belly. This was the same guy that sniffed my panties four years ago. I just couldn’t believe it.

This time, Mike was on top of me. He pushed me slowly to the ground and lifted the bottom

of my sweater and tank top to just underneath my breasts. Starting above my collar, he planted
warm, breathy kisses down my chest and belly with tantalizing slowness. He lingered just above
the waist line of my shorts with another kiss before unbuttoning and unzipping me. He traced
down the open fly with the tip of his tongue before kissing me one last time just above the start
of my slit. I was completely breathless as he stood up.

Without a word, Jake picked up where Mike had left off. He lowered himself onto me and

slipped my shorts and panties to my knees. He ran his tongue from my navel to the top of my
pussy at a slow, measured speed. He put the tip of his tongue between the folds at the top of my
sex and ran it down to my hole and up again, lingering for two quick lashes across my clit. I had
been so wet after the kissing demonstration that my panties were soaked through, but now I was
sopping and slick. “I love your taste,” Jake said as he traced the line of my pussy back up to my
navel and brought his face to mine. I could taste my juice on his tongue as he intertwined it with
mine and I tried to hold him to me as he rose.

The boys made my decision for me. I noticed that as Jake was getting up, Mike had already

stripped the rest of his clothes off, and had been stroking his cock as he watched his friend go
down on me. He was rigidly hard, at least seven inches long, and wonderfully thick. Jake stood
next to his friend and revealed a prick almost exactly the same as my step-brother had. I should
not have been surprised, but I was. Jake spread a blanket on the forest floor and carried me over
to it, lying me down gently. Before I knew what was happening, his head was between my legs
again, expertly lapping at my hot, sweet smelling pussy. Mike slipped my sweater and undershirt
off over my head and pressed my tits together, sucking first at the right and then the left. My
nipples stiffened at the feeling of Jake’s warm tongue flicking back and forth across my lower
lips and Mike squeezing and sucking at me with increasing urgency.

After a few seconds, Jake parted my lips and inserted his middle finger up to the first

knuckle. I was so wet that it just slid in with no effort. He focused the tip of his tongue on my
button, alternatively sucking and blowing hot breath onto me as he worked his finger in slow
circles. He added a second finger and pressed his pinky against my asshole, but didn’t enter it.
The feeling was so astounding that I let out a small squeal as he pressed, which he took as a sign
to push his fingers deeper, and to use the juice dripping out of my pussy to insert the tip of his
little finger into my ass. I’d never had anyone pleasure me like that before and I felt heat waves
pulse through my body.

I could feel the tip of my step-brother’s dick against my side as he moved back and forth

between my sensitive, hard nipples. I couldn’t manage to get any words out between my moans,

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so I reached a hand down to meet him and gripped him at the base. He realized quickly what I
meant to do, and obliged, straddling my face between his knees. I took the tip of his huge cock
into my mouth and sucked eagerly at it as Jake continued to push his pinky deeper into my hole
and he pressed another finger into my sex. I flicked my tongue under the head of Mike’s member
and stroked up from the base in slow pulls. “Harder, pull harder,” Mike said as he leaned his
head back and closed his eyes. I gripped hard on his prick and sucked at the head while I milked
from base to my lips on his shaft. My other hand reached for his smooth, large balls and I did my
best to pay attention to them as well. “Oh fuck, sis,” Mike moaned as I tugged on him and
sucked harder on the tip. He took my hand from his balls and pushed it down my chest,
underneath him. I reached up to his face and he took my middle finger into his mouth briefly and
then craned his neck again and closed his eyes. Just as Jake was doing with me, I pushed my
moistened finger into Mike’s ass and he opened his mouth and let out a low moan in time with
my pushes.

“I can’t take this anymore,” Jake said. “Mike, I want some of what you’re having. You come

taste your sister.” Jake and Mike got up and I climbed onto the picnic table that the boys had
brought with them. “So much for the hamburgers,” I thought. I had always wanted to do this, and
now was my chance with these two beautiful men, both four years my junior. As I lay face down
on the table, Jake shoved his cock into my mouth. His head was bigger than Mike’s, and I loved
the feeling of it sliding deep, almost to my throat. Mike lowered his head and took up the job
Jake had been doing. Three of his fingers quickly entered me, and he began to run his tongue
along the sides of my gash. As he fingered me, harder than Jake had, he took advantage of the
angle my position on the table afforded him, and circled my anus with his tongue. My legs were
spread so wide that he had easy access to me. He grinded three fingers deep into my pussy as he
shoved his tongue into my second hole. The whole thing was too much. I began to quiver and my
asshole pulsed as the waves of my first orgasm washed over me. Mike gently pulled out when I
began to come, and stopped me from erupting completely.

I took Jake’s stiff cock out of my mouth for just long enough to utter “both of you, I want to

fuck both of you.” And then sucked him back in. I had long since lost the ability to tug on his
prick like I had been doing to my step-brother; the pleasure from Mike was just too much. I
worked him as much as I could, but really, all I wanted was both of them in me. I screamed with
forbidden pleasure as Mike slipped two fingers into my ass, and my head pitched back in ecstasy
and off of Jake’s rod.

Jake helped me off the table. My legs were shaking from the immense pleasure that these

two were giving me, and I looked down to see that mike had lain down on the ground and was
stroking his huge tool, waiting for me. I spread my lips and lowered myself onto him. He guided
himself in, although I was so soaked that there was no need. I took his whole cock in and leaned
forward to brace myself on my hands. “Now, fuck me now!” I screamed, and Jake pushed into
my ass, his dick wet from my mouth. At first, Jake moved very slowly in small strokes in and out
while Mike wrapped his arms around me and pumped hard. I reached a hand back and scratched
at Jake’s leg. I wanted him to fuck my ass so badly that I didn’t care how much it hurt. “Harder,
Jake! Fuck me harder!” I squealed and pushed backward into Jake just as Mike rammed into my
pussy. Being filled with both of these gorgeous men was too much. They began to push in and
out in time with each other. As Mike pushed, Jake pushed. I had never felt anything like this
before – I could not believe that this was happening.

“You feel so fucking good, sis, I’m gonna come soon.” Mike whispered as he and Jake filled

me with their huge cocks. I ground down onto Mike, hard, as I felt my second orgasm start to

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come over me. “Come inside me, come inside me, come inside me.” I said, close to his ear. Just
as he had when I put my finger in him before, my step-brother threw his head back and groaned
deep in his throat. I could feel the spurts as he filled my pussy with his white lava. I felt the heat
from him fill me up, and that drove me over the edge. My sopping wet box began to pulse and
tried to grip him to keep him inside. My formerly-virgin ass squeezed on Jake’s cock in time
with the contractions in my pussy, and I shook from the base of my spine to my throat and
moaned a deep, shuttering sound as climaxed with both of them inside me. My hole tightening
on Jake made him gasp. “Keep fucking me, Jake!” I shouted as he pumped in and out. Breath
rushed out of Jake as he erupted inside me. He held my hips tight and kept me clamped onto the
hilt of his cock. His trembling and the feel of his orgasm sent me over the edge again and I shook
with another wave of pleasure.

The three of us collapsed into a heap, all totally spent. Three orgasms were almost more than

I could stand, although I would happily have dove right back in if I could have. I didn’t know
that was possible, especially for me. I had always been sensual and loved sex, but this was
something I had never even dreamed of. The afterglow was long and sweet. The three of us lay
out under the stars until the full moon raised high into the sky. None of us had any idea how long
we’d been out there, and no one really cared all that much. We had all shared something none of
us had experienced before.

Here I am writing about this almost a week after it happened. I am back at school just

finishing out my semester and looking forward to graduation. Mike and Jake are going to come
visit, they said, to celebrate me finishing school. To be honest though, I think I’m looking
forward to seeing the two of them again more than I am for graduating. That was the first night
of my Spring Break at my dad’s house. Needless to say, those grad school applications didn’t get
entirely finished. I want to write more about what happened the rest of the time, but that will
have to wait for another entry. Just thinking back has got me worked up again. Good thing I have
two vibrators, even though they won’t ever match Jake and Mike.


I hope you enjoyed reading this tale as much as I enjoyed writing it! Find more of my

erotic stories at my

Smashwords Author Page

Connect with me online at:

Twitter: @FrancisAshe





Office Virgin (m/m)
First Time Foreman (m/m)
In the Kitchen with Greg (m/m)
Men at Work (3-pack m/m)
Ranch Hand Trilogy (3 pack – m/m, m/m/m, m/m bdsm)
Oil Change (M/m, bdsm)
Licked in Lisbon (m/m)

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Learning to Howl (m/m)
Becoming the Wolf (M/m/M)
The Wolf Inside (m/m)
The Wolf Trilogy (complete 3-pack)

Rescued by the Wolf (m/m)
The Vampire’s Boy Toy (M/m)
Fang Banged (8xM/f, vampire)
Paranormal Experiences (3-pack)
Jungle Wolves (M/m werewolf Gangbang)
Vampire Invasion: Jungle Wolves 2 (m/m vampire/werewolf gangbang)


Anything for a “B” (m/F)
Horse Breaker (M/f)
Railing Anne (m/f)
Straight Sex (m/f 3-pack)
Screwed in the Stacks (m/f)
Escape to Europe (Collection one – m/m; m/f)


Shore Leave (m/m/m/m)
Fireside Threeway (M/f/M)
Backstage Werewolf (M/f/f)
Group Sex 3-Pack


Bonus Content: In the Kitchen with Greg (m/m)
“Oh, so... no one’s here? Like no one at all?” Greg was speaking in a low voice, as though

he was afraid of being discovered.

“Just me,” I said, “well, us now I guess.”
As I finished talking, Greg closed the distance between us.
“I watched you today,” he said in that low voice, “you’re good. You’re really, really good.”
He laid his hand on top of mine, leading me to put my knife down. His hands were soft, but

had just enough roughness to them that I knew he’d worked for most of his life. I gasped a little
when he ran his hand up my wrist and under the sleeve of my uniform.

“Boss, I had no idea...” I was officially stammering again.
“Call me Greg. And I had no idea either, not until I saw you in charge of this place.” He

replied. “The way you bossed everyone around, the way you connected with everyone. It seemed
like there was some kind of link between all of you. I felt it, anyway. I definitely felt one with
you, in your tight little chef’s outfit.”

The funniest things pop to mind out of nowhere, you know? As this guy, this

multimillionaire celebrity chef, was coming onto me with the subtlety of a locomotive, all I
could think was: “this is probably sexual harassment.” Okay, that isn’t exactly true. The other
thing that crossed my mind was how much I wanted to fuck him. This guy was everything – hot,
rich, powerful, and apparently lusting after me, just a regular old sous-chef.

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While I pondered my shortcomings, Greg gripped me around the forearm and pulled me

close to him. His expensive cologne smelled delicious; it was spicy and leathery, which
somehow, was the perfect scent for him. The smell aroused me, but nowhere near as much as his
touch. He had a gentle grip, but I could tell that he was very strong when he needed to be. The
way his eyes locked with mine, I knew that this wasn’t a man who had a problem with shyness.
At the same time though, he wasn’t forceful. If I’d wanted him to stop, all I had to do was speak
up. I didn’t though, and he knew it as well as I did.

“This,” I thought to myself, “is a much better way to spend an hour than chopping



In the Kitchen with Greg

By Francis Ashe


In the Kitchen with Greg

Copyright 2012 Francis Ashe

Smashwords Edition


All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any

manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for

the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.


This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the

product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual

persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


Smashwords Edition, License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or

given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please

purchase an additional copy for each person. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it,

or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase

your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


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