Dragon Men 4 Mate Healer Amber Kell

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Published by Silver Publishing Publisher of Erotic Rom ance

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A Silver Publishing Book

Mate Healer

Copyright © 2012 by Amber Kell E-book ISBN: 9781614957799
First E-book Publication: September 2012

Cover design by Reese Dante

Editor: Monti Shalosky
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For those of you who are like me and have always dreamed of dragons.

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Nevair Dragonfang sat in his large wooden chair and contemplated the wall. As Prime Pontifex of

the planet of Dragait, Nevair served as religious advisor for the four planetary kings. Every Pontifex
before him had kept the most current picture of the planetary rulers on the wall to keep them humble.
To remind the religious heads they served not only the goddess, but also the people.

Nevair needed to update his collection. The kings were finding their mates and they should be

added to the wall of pictures. Next to King Raiston, Nevair needed to add the king's mate Joriah
Eprion and their third, Duke Klarian. Nevair still had reservations about a triad working out well but
as both dragons claimed Jory, Nevair agreed to sanction their relationship and had performed the
marriage ceremony himself. He had to approve their bonding despite his personal misgivings because
Joriah's mother, the planet's goddess, accepted her son's mates. Nevair refused to go against the will
of a goddess. Nothing good had ever come of that.

King Naron's new mate Tor, a duke in his own right, also needed a picture made. The man,

bonded with a space dragon, was probably the most interesting person Nevair had ever met. Tor
suffered from the restrictions of both his sight and his dragon, but bore it gracefully and still helped
negotiate difficult treaties between planets.

Nevair had no doubt King Avin's son Prince Kaemon would find a mate soon and take over the

throne. Until then, Avin would remain alone on the wall.

When he came to the last king, Nevair sighed. King Zeir was the only dragon ruler living in a

tropical habitat. Desert covered three quarters of the planet of Dragait, with the remaining quarter
being tropical forest. Years ago, King Zeir had lost his mate to a terrible accident, sending his dragon
into a downward spiral. Under the crushing pain of his sorrow, the king turned feral and took most of
his people with him. No one travelled to the tropical forest anymore. To enter would be to embrace

Because of King Zeir's reaction, many dragon people now hesitated before taking a mate. No one

wanted to be like the half-crazed dragon king who lost connection with his humanity over a century

When he'd first come to his position Nevair had tried to seek out King Zeir. The teleportation pad

in his office allowed Nevair to go anywhere on the planet in an instant. He'd barely escaped with his
life and a particularly nasty scar on his back attested to his adventures. He regretted not being able to
help the king and still prayed to the goddess for guidance. Now that Joriah had married his men,
maybe she'd be more open to helping him out.

Rolling his head on his shoulders, Nevair looked out over the city. By tradition, the cathedral sat

at the point where King Avin, King Raiston and King Naron's territories met. Each of the three
kingdoms was represented equally and Nevair always wondered if King Zeir's land had touched the
cathedral, too, he might not have lost his way.

A knock at the door distracted him from his solemn thoughts.

"Come in."
Trestair Dragonwing, Nevair's assistant and best friend, entered the room. "Are we having our
afternoon mope?"
"I'm not moping. I'm thinking." He refused to mention he'd spent the afternoon fixating on his failures.
"Uh, huh." Tres's blond hair flopped over his face. He brushed it back with a practiced motion.
"Why don't you get your hair cut and stop bugging me?" Nevair asked crossly.

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Tres smiled. "Because I'm paid to bug you and I wouldn't be half as sexy without my long hair."
Nevair laughed. "Who said you're sexy now?"
"Every guy I hit on at the bars." Tres gave Nevair a dimpled grin.
Some days Nevair wished he felt comfortable going off to bars to get laid, but he planned to keep
himself pure for his mate. Probably a silly conviction, but one he'd decided on at a young age and had
never met anyone tempting enough to get him to break that promise.
We are special. We will wait. The soft voice of Nevair's dragon whispered in his head like a quiet
dream. Like all the Pontifex before him, Nevair's dragon lived like a separate being inside him.
Nevair had a closer connection to his dragon than most dragonkin.
He shook his head as he considered Tres's dating habits. To put it politely, his friend could only be
described as a man-slut. Tres considered an empty bed a sign of personal failure. Luckily the Dragait
goddess didn't care who her disciples bedded as long as they were happy. Nevair had heard stories
from Pontifex on other planets about goddesses who preferred their worshippers pure and insisted
they take vows of chastity. Nevair wondered sometimes if he wouldn't do better at one of those
planets. Although he didn't know for sure what he wanted in a life partner, when he finally met him,
Nevair knew his dragon would let him know.
Tres scowled. "It's romantic bullshit to wait for your one true mate. What if you never meet him?
You'd rather live and die alone?"
Nevair smiled. "I know we differ on this, Tres, but if you haven't changed my mind over the past
twenty years, why do you think you will now?"
Curiosity had Nevair examining Tres more closely. A plain tailored black suit fit his friend's rangy
body and despite its constant flopping, his haircut flattered the sharp lines of his face. Tres appeared
as plain as his suit until his smiled. His dimpled grin had tempted many admirers into his bed.
Luckily, Nevair had grown up next door to Tres and his friend's expressions had no effect on his
libido. Instead of bedmates they'd become good friends and although they each disapproved of the
other's sexual habits, or lack of them in Nevair's case, they generally respected the other's decisions.
Tres raked a hand through his hair. "You're a beautiful man moldering in this office. You need to get
out and meet more people. Look, I found a conference for you. It's to discuss the latest techniques in
dealing with gods and kings. They even named it the Gods and Kings
Conference." He held out a compad with a scrolling brochure on the screen.
Nevair laughed. "Great name."
"And it's being held on Sizan, the pleasure planet. Gambling, half-dressed men, and all the rich foods
you can eat." Tres waved the tablet towards Nevair.
"And the conference," Nevair said dryly.
Tres shrugged. "Yeah, you could go to that, too, if you wanted."
Sighing, Nevair took the device to review the conference lectures. "This does look pretty good. They
even have a lecture on goddess persuasion techniques." Nevair knew he didn't try to influence
Dragait's goddess as much as he should.
"Ahh, don't be too hard on yourself, Nevair. She likes you better than anyone else."
"That doesn't mean she listens," Nevair argued.
"Yeah, but now you can threaten to tell Jory on her. That boy might look sweet, but he's sharper than a
dragon tooth and twice as dangerous," Tres pointed out.
Nevair silently agreed. He wouldn't say something like that out loud. He never knew when the
goddess might be listening, and bad-mouthing her son wouldn't win him any points.
Looking around his room, Nevair made a decision. "I'll go. It's past time I stepped out of my comfort

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zone. The goddess always says to grow you must experience more of life."
"Hmm, she might have meant in bed," Tres teased.
"For you, everything involves the bed." Nevair rolled his eyes.
"There's a reason I'm always in a good mood." Tres laughed. "Take your surly self to a planet of
decadence. Maybe you will come back a changed man."
Nevair didn't know that he especially wanted to be changed, but he did want to get away for a bit and
refresh his soul. Sometimes escaping everyday life now and then made all the difference.

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Chapter One

Rustling from the bed sheets caused Lian Blythorpe to cringe. Damn, he'd hoped to escape without

the usual morning after conversation. He slipped his clothes on quietly. Maybe the guy would go back
to sleep and, goddess willing, he'd be able to leave the room without any drama. Unfortunately, like
usual, the goddess didn't offer him any luck.

A rumpled head of blond hair appeared from beneath the covers followed by blinking blue eyes.

Lian's bed partner took in the sight of Lian dressing and his pretty gaze narrowed in accusation.

"Leaving already?" The man's expression belied his bland tone.

Lian held back the biting retort hovering on his lips. Would a person who planned on staying get
dressed? He didn't want to be a jerk, but what did the guy expect? Hearts and flowers? Vows of
eternal devotion? Even if he believed in that crap, he wouldn't share them with someone he picked up
in a hotel bar. Lian didn't believe in instant love, he only had to remember what obsession did to his
parents to want to stay clear.
"I told you I had an early flight," Lian forced a gentle tone as he dredged up a tiny amount of patience.
He couldn't blame the guy for the fact Lian didn't find him memorable. Lian knew as soon as he left,
the man would disappear from his mind and become another in the long string of men who'd graced
Lian's bed. Maybe one day he'd find someone to share his life with but today wouldn't be it.
With a heavy step, he walked back to the bed, buttoning his shirt as he went. He didn't like to brag but
the sight of him unclothed had derailed more than one person, although the last guy who called him
pretty walked away with a broken face.
Lian smiled at the memory.
A long, wistful sigh left the blond, his eyes pinned on the sight of Lian's quickly disappearing skin.
"Will you be coming back this way?"
"No." Lian saw no reason to give his fling hope. He didn't make promises he couldn't keep. He'd been
honest when they hooked up the night before, he wouldn't change his story now.
Lian leaned over and gave the guy, whose name he'd already forgotten, a gentle kiss on the lips.
"Have a good life, sweetheart. You deserve it."
He didn't actually know if his partner for the night deserved a good life or not, but Lian liked to give
his lovers a happy memory to reflect on later. It flirted with bad karma to go around breaking mens'
hearts and Lian firmly believed if you put negative energy out into the universe it always came back to
bite you in the ass.
Grabbing his bag by the door, Lian blew a kiss to his watery-eyed fling and escaped the hotel room.
With a relaxed stride and a clear conscience, he headed out to catch his flight to Dragait.
* * * *

Lian exited the spaceship and walked directly into the port. He loved it when that happened. He

hated it when they connected him to a side building and he had to wait for a tram, or even worse,
another space shuttle to transport him to the planet. Dragait's system had the smooth efficiency of
people who planned well in advance. Lian draped his travel bag over one shoulder, glad he'd packed
light and that the rest of his bags were on the way to the med center without his intervention. Pulling
up the map on his compad, he struggled to decipher the directions to his new place of employment. He
briefly considered taking a teleport but generally medical facilities only had a few machines and
saved them for emergencies. Lian would hate to be taking up the hub when someone needed help.

As he traversed the station, Lian glanced up periodically to make sure he didn't walk into

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anything. He'd foolishly told the medic facility they didn't need to send a car despite his complete lack
of a sense of direction. Lian liked to examine his surroundings before beginning a job, and if they'd
sent transportation he'd have felt compelled to go straight there.

Three different kings had individually contacted Lian asking for help with the dragon people's

fertility issues. Despite his youth, Lian's expertise on alien biology and his touch healing abilities
were highly coveted. He'd always dreamed of seeing dragons. As a boy, he'd been obsessed with the
creatures and even now he could admit, after several drinks, that the fixation with the beasts had
never really faded. Even without a personal incentive to see the beasts, Lian would've come. Medical
mysteries intrigued him. He hoped with his experience he'd be able to cure or at least find the source
of their difficulties.

On his home world of Leaue, most of the population was self-healers. If they became injured they

healed themselves with little fanfare. The feeling of uselessness, along with their homophobic culture,
had Lian fleeing the planet as soon as he came of age. At eighteen, he'd caught the first spaceship out
of there and hadn't looked back since. He had no one to return to anyway.

Lost in memories, Lian forgot to look where he was going and tripped on a loose bit of tile.

Luckily he caught his balance before he fell on his ass but his compad didn't fare as well. The little
computer flew from his hands and hit the floor with a thud.

He sighed with relief when he picked it up and found it unmarred.

"Careful," a deep voice cautioned.
"Sorry. I'm not usually so clumsy." Lian brushed off his pad before glancing up at the speaker. His
mouth dropped open when he focused on the man who'd stopped him from falling. Rich, black hair
curled in a sexy tumble around a strong face set with light green eyes. The man's face, too masculine
for pretty, oozed sex appeal.
A whimper rolled up Lian's throat. The heat from the stranger's gaze sent shiver bumps popping
across Lian's arms.
"Um, hello." Annoyingly, Lian's usual smooth speech deserted him. He figured it would be rude to
jump the man and climb him like a monkey on a tree.
"Hello," the stranger replied.
His green eyes examined Lian as if he wanted to devour him. Lian had absolutely no objections to that
* * * *

Until a second ago, Nevair had never thought of a man as beautiful; handsome, sexy, or hot, yes,

but not an object of beauty. He threw that opinion out the door at his first glance of the man before
him. A narrow face with high cheekbones framed amazing eyes the color of the blue sky on a
cloudless day, and smooth flawless skin the color of deep gold covered the man's fine bones. Nevair
didn't know where he came from but he wanted to examine how thoroughly the gold tone covered the
man's body. The stranger's hair, a dark brown, made Nevair itch to touch and see if it ran through his
fingers like the fine silk it resembled.

Mine, Nevair's inner beast whispered. He froze. His dragon half had never claimed anyone

before, it barely acknowledged other people. To have it jump to attention unnerved Nevair more than
a little.

Although his advisors had presented him with a variety of men, and women on optimistic days,

none of them held a fraction of the appeal of this blue-eyed beauty.

Nevair looked at the map glowing on the man's compad and decided to push his advantage. "Are

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you lost?"
An impish smile crossed the man's soft lips. "I was trying to decide that." A self-deprecating laugh
plucked at Nevair's heart. "I'm afraid my goal of reaching the medical center is doomed if I can't even
get out of the space port."
Nevair nodded his agreement. For the first time, temptation to break his self-induced vow of celibacy
trampled his common sense. As the spiritual leader of the dragonkin, Nevair had to choose a man
above reproach to be his partner despite what Tres liked to pretend. No one would think it odd if
Nevair dated, but it had never felt right. However, in that moment, Nevair didn't really care about the
moral fiber of the man before him, his dragon would willingly toss everything aside if they got to
keep him.
"Lian Blythorpe." The gorgeous man held out his hand.
Nevair resisted, growling over the distance between them as they shook hands.
"Nevair Dragonfang." The lack of recognition in Lian's eyes told Nevair his new friend hadn't visited
before. Nevair's position as the planetary religious head made his name famous across Dragait.
Lian stepped closer to Nevair. "I don't suppose you could give me directions?"
Standing so near, Lian's scent had Nevair breathing deeply to capture more of the fragrance. Lian
smelled like cloves and lavender, an oddly enticing combination. "I'd be happy to help you with
anything I can."
Unbidden, an image of Lian sprawled naked across Nevair's finely woven sheets burst into his mind
like a brilliant waking dream. Nevair hardened at the picture filling his mind.
"Mmm, just what I like to hear from a gorgeous stranger." Lian flashed Nevair a flirty grin.
Nevair smiled back. "What are you going to do at the medic center, Mr Blythorpe?"
"I've come to do some research regarding dragonkin fertility. Sadly, I can't even seem to figure out
how to get out of this goddess-damned airport." Lian waved his compad in the air.
Nevair jumped at the opportunity given. "The medical center is only a couple miles from the
cathedral. I can have my driver give you a lift. It'll save you from having to catch an expensive
transport from here." He would've offered to see Lian all the way to the medic center personally, but
Nevair needed to attend a meeting soon and couldn't spare the time. "Why did they not send a car for
Lian shrugged. "I told them not to bother." He narrowed his eyes in a considering way as if
contemplating Nevair's offer. "Hmmm, my mother always told me not to get in a car with strangers."
Nevair laughed. "I can assure you I have the highest credentials, but I make no promises about not
stealing a kiss."
Lian's smile warmed Nevair to his toes. "I consider myself warned, or is it promised?" Lian linked
his arm through Nevair's. "Let's go, unless you need to wait for your luggage?"
Nevair indicated the bag on his shoulder. "I already have mine."
"You travel light," Lian commented.
Nevair shrugged. "I had a short two day trip. You aren't carrying much either." He tilted a head
towards Lian's small satchel.
"They're delivering the rest of my stuff to the clinic," Lian explained.
"Good, then we can go." A shiver traveled up Nevair's spine at the slide of Lian's hand across his
His travel exhaustion vanished beneath the sizzling touch of Lian's smooth fingers. He couldn't
remember the last time a man excited him. People usually treated him like a eunuch. Tres always
claimed Nevair intimidated them. Men couldn't flirt with someone they were in awe of. Also,

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Nevair's dragon didn't like to be surrounded by strangers, which would have made it difficult to go
down to the local bar and find hot sex for the night were he so inclined.
For years, Nevair had searched for the proper man to become his mate. He'd gone on several
carefully supervised dates but none of them had ended up matching his or the council's requirements.
Looking into Lian's cheerful gaze, Nevair wondered if he would care about anyone else's opinion
about this man. His dragon stirred and whispered to him again.
Nevair quickly ushered Lian towards where his driver and hoverlimo would be waiting.
Exiting the spaceport, Nevair kept his stride shorter than usual to match Lian's smaller step. The man's
cheek came to the top of Nevair's shoulder, a good height for kissing without too much strain. Nevair
bit his lip at the thought of brushing his mouth against Lian's. He bet Lian tasted sweet.
His driver, Shean Portman, waited by the vehicle, a chauffeur hat firmly positioned on his silvery hair
and his back more rigid than any soldier.
"Welcome back, sir." His cool grey eyes swept over Lian without comment.
Shean had worked as a bodyguard at one point in his life and knew the value of discretion. Some days
Nevair could still see remnants of a man always on the lookout for danger. Nevair refused to have a
constant babysitter. His compromise with the council had been Shean.
Lian frowned and removed his hand from Nevair's arm. Walking over to Shean he waved a hand
towards the driver.
"May I?" he asked.
"May you what sir?" Shean shifted his feet nervously.
For the first time in the five years they'd known each other, Nevair saw apprehension in the driver's
"I'm a touch healer. I can fix your back." Lian scowled. "You have two fused vertebrae and your
thoracic spine is out of alignment."
Shean looked up and down the street at the crowds of people rushing about. "You're going to fix it
Lian laughed. "I only need to touch your back. You don't need to strip naked or anything."
"I can't afford to pay you," Shean confessed.
The reluctance in Shean's voice snapped Nevair's attention away from admiring the fine shape of
Lian's ass.
"I'll cover any expenses," Nevair offered.
He'd only heard of touch healers by reputation and even he knew they were notoriously expensive.
Lian didn't seem to be the type to take advantage of a poor man, but Nevair didn't really know him.
Instead of bartering over charges Lian shook his head. "I offered so there's no charge. Here hop in the
back and I'll fix you up quick."
Shean's eyes widened as if Lian had lost his mind.
"Go ahead," Nevair urged.
Curiosity ate at Nevair like a hungry barn mouse. He'd never seen a touch healer work. "I won't
distract you will I?"
"No. It'll be fine if you want to watch." Lian's smile reassured Nevair more than any words.
Shean opened the back door ushering Lian inside first. Lian slid across the seat dragging his bag with
"Sir?" Shean tilted his head.
"Oh, definitely. I don't want to miss this." Nevair gave Shean his suitcase before climbing to the

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opposite side of the vehicle to leave room for Shean beside Lian.
The driver vanished for a moment to put Nevair's carry-on in the trunk. He returned a few seconds
later to pop his head in.
"What do I do?" Shean asked.
The driver moved uneasily into the back seat, his polished shoes scuffing against the floorboard.
"Turn around and lift your shirt so I can touch your back," Lian instructed.
Shean's hands shook as he slowly raised his shirt and turned so he sat with his back to the healer.
"Relax, take some deep breaths. This isn't going to hurt," Lian soothed.
"Um, okay." Shean's shoulders lowered and his tension eased at the healer's words.
"Ready?" Lian asked.
Shean nodded.
Nevair thought for a moment his driver would jump up and run out of the car, but Shean remained
Lian pressed his palms up against Shean's back until his hands covered the base of the driver's spine.
Nevair's dragon tried to surge forward, the beast raging at the sight of Lian touching anyone else. The
low hissing rubbed against Nevair's nerves.
Easy. Nevair pushed back.
Lian closed his eyes, the brilliant color vanishing beneath his closed lids. Pressure increased inside
the limo as if a storm had rolled up and pumped extra weight into the air. The hairs on Nevair's arms
tingled with electricity. Without warning, green flames burst from Lian's hands and spread across
Shean's back like a wildfire. The driver gasped but didn't move. A blissful expression crossed
Shean's face. Despite the magical fire crackling on bare skin, no smell of burning flesh filled the air.
Abruptly, the flames snuffed out and Lian opened his eyes. For a second, Nevair thought he saw a
reflection of the fire in Lian's eyes.
"Better?" Lian asked.
Shean rolled his shoulders, cautiously testing his back. "I feel wonderful. I can't remember the last
time I didn't have pain. Thank you, Doctor. If you ever need anything you let me know."
"No problem." Lian's relaxed expression belied a man with incredible power at his fingertips. This
easygoing newcomer had more ability than the head healer, without the attitude.
"Get me to the cathedral then you can take Lian to the medical center. He's here to do some research."
"No problem." Shean gave Lian one of his rare smiles before scurrying out of the vehicle with a new
As soon as the doors closed Nevair grabbed Lian's shirt and yanked him across the seats. The need to
feel Lian's mouth against his overpowered every other thought in his head. Lian grinned and
scrambled onto Nevair's lap, pressing his knees on either side.
"Mmm, just how I like my men, big and hard," Lian purred.
His hot, silken voice spiked Nevair's desire.
"You're amazing." Lian's ass filled Nevair's hands when he pulled the man closer. The feel of their
erections rubbing together added to Nevair's excitement even through two layers of clothes.
* * * *

Lian wiggled closer to the sexy man and plunged his fingers into Nevair's thick, black hair that

curled slightly at the base of his neck. Lian smiled as he played with the strands and placed soft
kisses across Nevair's face.

"Why are we going to a cathedral?" Lian asked. Religious people gave him hives with their self-

righteous hatred. He'd never had a positive encounter with a goddessworshiping soul.

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"I'm the Pontifex, it's where I live." Nevair slid his fingers down Lian's back obviously intent on

returning to the kissing.

"What do you do?" Lian tried to scoot away. He had a bad feeling about this. Despite Lian's

attempt to move, Nevair held him still with his strong grip.

"I'm the religious head of the planet Dragait." Nevair shrugged like it didn't matter.

Anger spiked through Lian. "Release me."
"Why?" Nevair asked with a frown.
"Because if you're like the religious leaders back home you need to remain pure. I refuse to be
anyone's dirty little secret." Lian scowled at Nevair.
Nevair shook his head. "There's no reason we can't have sex. My goddess doesn't require we remain
celibate." Nevair cuddled Lian closer.
"Really?" Relief swept away Lian's anger. He'd misjudged Nevair and he'd never been happier.
Nevair cupped Lian's cheek. "You are the first man ever to tempt me. That puts you in a special
category of your own."
Still nervous about touching a man of the goddess, Lian hesitated until Nevair lifted Lian's hands and
placed them on his cheeks. "Touch me. I won't shatter and you aren't breaking any laws, legal or
moral, I promise."
Nevair's cheeks were rough with wiry hairs, growing in at the end of a day of travel. Lian rubbed his
face against Nevair's, reveling in the texture and scent of the man beneath him. Nevair smelled like
exotic spices and banked fire. Lian burrowed his nose into Nevair's neck and hummed with pleasure.
Tension eased from his body as he soaked in Nevair's essence.
Laughter shook the man beneath him. "I feel like I should apologize for my smell," Nevair chuckled.
"Mmm, never. You smell amazing." Lian took another deep breath, absorbing Nevair's aroma.
His gut clenched with the need to climb inside the other man until they were one.
"I'm glad you like my scent." Nevair took a deep breath. "You smell like flowers."
Lian knew his cheeks were fire red. "It's my cleanser. A family formula."
Perfumers and botanists comprised his mother's side of the family. Before she died, his mother had
passed on many of her secret recipes. After learning of Lian's sexual preferences, that part of his
family had tossed him out of their lives. In response, Lian kept her notes to himself and vowed to
never share them with her kin. The last he'd heard, the family business had started to sink; a petty
revenge but a well-deserved one.
Nevair kissed Lian, burning away the bad memories with his touch. Lian moaned against Nevair's
"I have never been as tempted as I am over you," Nevair vowed. His green eyes glowed as he
examined Lian.
"I'm glad I could be your temptation." Lian slid his finger beneath Nevair's shirt, stroking the strong
muscles underneath. "Yum."
Nevair laughed. "Take it off." He lifted his arms.
"If you're sure." Lian pulled Nevair's shirt off and made a soft sound of approval.
His chest, strong and muscular, had a nice furry patch in the middle. Maybe because Lian didn't grow
any hair except on his head, he'd always been a sucker for a big, muscular man with hair on his chest.
Lian lifted his arms and Nevair returned the favor. A sigh escaped as Lian slid his body against
Nevair's exposed flesh. Heat and the soft scrape of hair against his skin ratcheted up his desire. He bit
his lip. The sharp pain took a bit of the edge off. If Lian didn't take care, he'd come in his pants with
only a few rubs.

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"Do we have time?" Lian asked.
He didn't want to arrive at Nevair's cathedral stark naked. He might not be a modest man but he
wasn't an exhibitionist either. Well, not much of one.
"Trust me, this is going to be quick. Next time I will take you on a proper bed and feed you wine and
sweets," Nevair promised.
Lian privately doubted there would be a next time. With a shrug, he pushed aside the worry that once
might not be enough. Lian rarely let a man have him a second time. Instead, he preferred a series of
hot, entanglementfree moments of bed play. As long as the two people were consenting, no one got
In the hopes of speeding along their encounter, Lian scooted to sit beside Nevair and scrambled out of
his shoes and pants. His fingers fumbled in his haste but eventually he conquered his buttons, zippers,
and laces. Pleased he'd won the battle, he looked over at Nevair and damned near swallowed his
"Wow," he whispered.
Nevair's erection, wide and long, dripped with a line of pre-cum. Lian's mouth watered at the sight.
Sliding off the seat he crawled over to settle between Nevair's legs. Leaning forward he lapped at the
warm, spongy tip, collecting the sweet nectar.
Unable to resist, he wrapped his mouth around Nevair's cock and sucked.
"Goddess," Nevair swore in worshipful tones. "More. Yes. Please."
Lian hummed his agreement, his lips spread tight around the sticky head. Closing his eyes, he gave
full attention to his task. He didn't know how long they had, but he didn't plan to leave the vehicle
until he swallowed every last drop. His own erection bobbed hopefully, but maybe he could at least
get a hand job before he left. Lian didn't truly expect to get that visit to Nevair's bed. Men often made
promises in the heat of the moment.
Before he could get a good length down his throat, Nevair gripped Lian's hair and pulled him off.
"Ow, why did you do that?" Lian didn't even try to hide the hurt in his eyes.
Nevair soothed Lian's scalp with his long fingers. "Sorry, but I want to feel you wrapped around me."
Lian scrambled for his pants and pulled out a container of lube out of a pocket.
Nevair raised a brow at Lian's supplies. "What? I like to be prepared."
"I don't know if I should be happy you're prepared or upset you so easily give yourself to others,"
Nevair commented.
Lian grinned as he squeezed the lube on his fingers and prepared himself. "If you want to go with
upset, I can save myself for someone else."
Nevair tilted his head as if giving the situation a great deal of thought. "I'll go with happy. Do you
want to be on top or bottom?" Nevair's brow furrowed as if he were contemplating the intricacies of
either situation.
"How about I ride you?" Lian greedily wanted the best of both worlds, complete control and a hard
cock in his ass.
Nevair growled, the sound surprisingly animalistic. "I would love that."
"Good." Lian slicked lube across Nevair's cock and positioned himself on his knees on either side of
Nevair's hips. Smiling, Lian steadied Nevair's erection before lining up and lowering himself onto the
tip. His hole spread slowly to accommodate Nevair's size.
Lian groaned. "So good," he moaned.
Nevair filled him perfectly. Clenching his ass, he tightened around Nevair, pleased with the groan he

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"I'm going to make you forget any other man before me," Lian vowed. He didn't know why he made
that boast but he needed to make an impression, to erase anyone who'd come before him. Nevair
belonged to him. Lian blinked and tried to figure out where that thought came from. He'd never
become possessive of anyone before.
Nevair spoke and derailed him again. "There hasn't ever been anyone else," he confessed.
"What?" Lian froze. Shock raced through him over the comment.
Nevair slid one hand into Lian's hair and splayed the other across Lian's back, holding him into place.
"You are my first."
Unexpectedly a lump formed in Lian's throat. He'd never been anyone's first before. "I'll make it good
for you, honey."
Lian slowly moved up and down on Nevair's lap, concentrating on every inch of contact, sliding and
then retreating. A man's first time should be cherished, treated with the specialness it deserved.
Tightening around Nevair, Lian listened to the other man's pants and groans. Sweat dripped off Lian's
brow and down his back as the temperature in the vehicle rose to stifling heights.
Nevair clamped a tight hold on Lian's hips. Before Lian could speak, Nevair flipped them over,
pinning Lian to the seat with his body.
"Oh," Lian gasped when Nevair shifted to a proper, mind-blowing angle, bumping the perfect spot
with each snap of his hips.
Lian glanced up into Nevair's eyes and caught the flash of a reptilian gaze before they changed back to
normal. In that instant, Lian knew Nevair was dragonkin and Lian had been seen and judged by
Nevair's inner dragon.
"Mine," Nevair growled, his voice not entirely human.
Before Lian could react, Nevair grabbed Lian by the hair and yanked back his head. Pain jolted
through Lian's neck when Nevair pierced him with sharp fangs Lian hadn't seen before. A strangled
scream burst from Lian as his cock spurted out his release. Nevair responded by pumping Lian's ass
full of cum.
Gasping, Nevair slid out of Lian and collapsed on the seat beside him.
"Is it always like that?" Nevair asked between gasps.
"Like what?" Lian frowned.
What if Nevair hadn't had as good an experience for his first time?
"Like I found the other half of my soul."
"No. It doesn't usually feel that way but maybe you do because it's your first time." Lian would rip out
his tongue before admitting to any extra feelings.
He'd never connected with anyone like he did with Nevair, but he also didn't want to cling onto the
first guy who'd made him feel something deeper during sex.
Lian touched his neck where it throbbed like a pulse. "Why did you bite me? I thought your kind only
bit your mates?"
Nevair flushed. "Sorry. I couldn't stop myself."
"Huh," Lian didn't know if he should be concerned Nevair's dragon considered him mate material or
"I've never bit anyone before," Nevair confessed
"It's all right." Lian brushed off Nevair's apology. "Heat of the moment and all that."
Lian opened his pack and pulled out a T-shirt to wipe off the fluid dripping out of his ass before
redressing. He shoved the used T-shirt back into his bag and closed it up, hoping he didn't smell too

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bad. Meeting the person who would be his host for the next few weeks smelling like a whore
wouldn't make the best impression.
Catching Nevair's vulnerable look, Lian bit back a groan.
"You were real good, baby." He helped Nevair redress then climbed onto his lap until they were
facing each other again. Lian refused to leave a man worried about his first time topping. He
interspersed praises with light kisses across Nevair's face.
"You were amazing too." Nevair's green eyes had a possessive light as he slid his fingers across Lian
from his hair to his ass and back again.
Nevair pulled Lian close and kissed him. For a man who confessed to never having a lover before, he
kissed expertly. Normally Lian would feel like an idiot sitting on a lover's lap, with Nevair he felt
Kissing turned to heavy petting and just as Lian's cock started to rise again, the vehicle pulled to a
halt. Reluctantly, Lian slid away from Nevair so they were sitting respectably apart when Shean
opened the door. The twist of the driver's lips told Lian they didn't look as innocent as he would've
liked. Of course, the smell in the car probably gave them away.
Nevair pressed a card into Lian's hands. "Call me. Don't make me come find you."
The determined expression in Nevair's eyes gripped Lian's heart. Lian nodded, but didn't offer any
words. How could he turn down a man who looked at him as if the world only rotated because Lian
breathed? With a kiss on Lian's cheek, Nevair left the vehicle. Lian bit back the urge to call out to
Nevair, to beg him not to go. Lian had never been the one left behind before; he had to admit he didn't
like the feeling.
"I'm going to escort his holiness inside then I'll take you to the medic hall," Shean said before shutting
the door.
So much for his plan to see more of Dragait before starting work. Of course, what he did get to see so
far surpassed any tourist sites or local watering holes. Nevair was a work of art all by himself.
It took all of three seconds before he became bored. Tapping at his communicator Lian zeroed into the
emergency station. Every planet had a medic
announcement line where they transmitted information for medics to be aware of. It only took Lian a
few seconds to discover a problem already.

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Chapter Two

"Emergency at the dragon grounds, trainer down. Healers respond to emergency at the dragon

grounds." The dispatcher's voice sounded panicked as he repeated the call over and over.

Damn. Not even planetside an hour and already there was an emergency. Lian held back the urge

to help.
There were other healers, he didn't need to assist. Butting in his first day on the planet wouldn't win
him any friendship points with the other medics. After all they did fine without him for years. No
reason to think he needed to rush in now.
Except no one replied. Not one medic responded to the call. Lian waited for a comment, a return
response but nothing. As he stared at his communicator the emergency call sounded again.
He heard Shean enter the driver's side door. Lian knocked on the divider.
Shean lowered the screen. "To the medic center, sir?"
"I need to get to the dragon grounds. They said a trainer is down but no one's responding."
Shean cursed. "The dragon grounds are in a different kingdom than the medics so the head healer,
Mevan Bourne, always claims they can't help out even though there's a treaty between them. A medic
was killed there last year and he uses that as an excuse not to send any help.
"Damn politics." More than one planet let its people suffer while their rulers bickered. "Can you get
me there?"
His throat went dry at the thought of some poor kid torn apart by a dragon and the healers sitting back
and doing nothing.
What kind of idiot came to work on a dragon planet if he didn't like dragons? "Take me to the dragon
"Are you sure?" Shean's expression implied Lian had more than one screw loose.
"Yes." His stomach swirled with nerves but he couldn't let anyone die due to inactivity. He'd taken an
oath to take care of people to the best of his ability. He wouldn't back down now.
"As you wish, sir." Shean gave Lian an approving smile before firing up the thrusters and taking off.
Lian grabbed the door handle as the vehicle whipped around and headed for the opposite direction.
He hoped he didn't get Shean in trouble.
* * * *

A dragon scream pierced the air as the hoverlimo pulled up to a barren stretch of land. The sign

post read Dragon Training Grounds but it looked more like a fenced off piece of desert.
The back door popped open.

"This way." Shean grabbed Lian's wrist and pulled him out of the vehicle.

He barely grabbed his bag in time before he found himself dragged toward the sound of dragons.
Dozens of the reptiles squatted on ground as far as Lian could see. Entranced, Lian stared at the
variety of colors. Gold, silver and all the shades of the rainbows decorated the landscape like jewels
in the raw. Something inside Lian shifted at the beauty of the beasts.
He might be studying dragonkin, but he'd never seen any of the animals in person. He wondered how
many were dragons and how many were dragonkin.
"Good luck, call me when you need a ride," Shean shoved a card into Lian's hand before running back
across the sands. Apparently the driver didn't want to stick around either.

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Lian probably would've continued to stand there and watch the dragons if another blood-curdling
scream didn't carry across the sands.
Medic instincts took over. Lian shook himself from his strange spell. Following the sounds of the
yelling, Lian ran like lightning toward the noise, skidding to a halt when he stumbled across the
source of the sound. A man writhed on the ground. Hovering over him loomed an enormous beast.
"Damn, he's fucking huge," Lian whispered.
The dragon's deep red scales shone malevolently in the bright sunlight, it, hissed and snapped at the
screaming victim.
Surrounding man and monster were a group of soldiers wearing black armor along with faceplates to
protect against fire, and carrying long swords. It was clear from their positioning that they were trying
to get the dragon to move away so they could rescue the man on the ground. The dragon whipped its
serpentine neck back and forth, growling its discontent. Small wisps of smoke wafted from its nose.
Lian had no doubts flames would soon be swept across the group.
Anger surged through Lian, burning away any fear he might have of the enormous creature.
"Step back. Get the fuck away," Lian screamed, waving his hands.
The dragon looked away from the injured man, its yellow eyes latching onto Lian. Something pressed
against his mind and he heard the beast speaking in his head.
The human stabbed me. Words whispered, dragging out like a sibilant hiss.
"Well you beat the crap out of him. Consider yourself even." Lian yelled back. He didn't know how to
talk mentally to the creature so he didn't even try.
He must pay. With a wave of his tail, the dragon smacked half of the ring of knights away. It gave a
toothy grin as the men tumbled like toys.
"He's paid enough," Lian replied evenly.
The dragon swung closer, its head lowering to examine Lian.
As the beast approached, Lian spotted a sword embedded in its scaly flesh. "Hold still and I'll
remove the sword and heal your wound." Surely that would put the dragon in a better mood.
You may help me, it whispered graciously.
"Gee thanks," Lian muttered.
He didn't bother trying to talk to the dragon again as he concentrated on pulling the sword out with the
least amount of damage.
The large animal jerked almost knocking Lian over. Catching himself, Lian placed a hand on the
dragon's hide and focused, pushing healing power into the enormous creature. Small white flames
flickered beneath Lian's palms as the gash sealed flawlessly in seconds. The dragon hissed for a
moment before filling the air with a rich, rumbling purr. With a deep breath, Lian pulled back his
powers and sighed as the energy sank into his body.
A forked tongue slid across Lian's cheek in a sandpapery kiss. Lian laughed, more than a little
relieved his magic hadn't harmed the creature. He'd never healed a dragon before.
The dragon slid away before taking flight. No one moved to intercept the beast and Lian hoped it
wouldn't cause any more havoc.
Lian walked to the man on the ground. Sweat plastered the man's red hair to his face and his labored
breathing didn't reassure Lian. Crouching down, Lian pulled away his patient's shirt to check out the
"I've never seen anyone heal like that before," the injured man said, gasping between words.

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Lian shrugged, not bothering to look up from his examination. "I'm a touch healer. Would you like for
me to heal you?" The wound, wide and bloody, should be sealed immediately before the man lost too
much blood.
"Yes please. He took a good chunk out of me," the soldier replied.
"Yep, he definitely didn't like being stabbed." Lian didn't know why they were poking at the dragon
with swords and at that moment he didn't particularly care either. "Stay still," he ordered.
The soldier froze, instinctively obeying the tone of command.
Lian placed his hands on the wounds. "Take a long, slow breath."
The soldier breathed in. Sparks flew from Lian's hands. The flames grew white, then red, than green.
Even with extensive testing Lian had never figured out why his healing fires sometimes changed
colors and other times stayed the same.
Closing his eyes, Lian mentally knitted the man's skin together and sealed his wounds. Once he knew
all the gaps were gone he began the process of returning his magic back under his skin. Lian always
thought of his ability like a beast he loosed and had to slowly pull back into his control.
When he'd removed all the excess energy from the soldier, Lian lifted his hands. Gasps sounded
around him. Lian opened his eyes to find he'd collected an audience.
"You should be fine now." Lian looked up from his work to see his patient watching him with wide
A slow smile spread across the man's face. "I don't think I have ever felt this well in my entire life.
I'm Jevies." The soldier stood up and shook Lian's hand. "Thank you."
"I've never seen the likes of you, healer." A deep voice spoke over his shoulder.
Lian turned to face a dark-haired man who, though shorter than the redhead, was much larger than
"I'm Maurek, the dragon master. This was Jevies first training and things got a little out of control."
Manners instilled in him since birth, had him offering his hand. "Dr Lian Blythorpe, at your service.
What exactly were you training him to do?"
"To tame and eventually ride a dragon," Maurek said.
Lian laughed. "That dragon doesn't want to be ridden. I barely could get him to resist the urge to
Maurek tilted his head. "I heard you talking to him. Did he talk back?"
"Mentally. I'm sure as the trainer you're used to that."
Maurek patted his shoulder with one meaty hand. "I hate to tell you this, Doc, but most people can't
understand dragons. You've got to have some dragon shifter blood in you."
Lian laughed. "No. I've studied them a lot, but I don't have any dragon blood in me."
Maurek's look turned speculative as he examined Lian. "It's said among dragonkin that those who can
talk to dragons are doubly blessed by the goddess. Are you here for the mate hunt? I'd be happy to put
in a good word for your application."
Lian shook his head. "No. I've come to help do some research on the dragonkin, with a particular
focus on the fertility issues." He didn't mention he wasn't exactly welcome. The memo he'd received
from the medic center sounded as if they would barely tolerate him for the sake of the requesting
royalty. Bourne sounded, from all accounts, like an insufferable ass.
"What do I owe you for the healing?" Jevies asked, pulling Lian's attention back to him.
"Whatever it is I will pay," Maurek announced. "My man, my responsibility."
"No paying." Lian held up his hands palms out.
He had more money than the average planet. His parents had left him well off when they died.

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"It's part of my job. Consider this a courtesy visit. I'm not even officially on the job, yet. I just heard
about the problem on the scanner and thought I could help. But if you could keep this mostly to
yourself I'd appreciate it. I kind of want to keep a low profile." From what Shean told him Bourne
wouldn't appreciate Lian helping out the dragon master whether for the dragons or the men.
"I'd love to show you around town later. It's the least I can do," Jevies said with a flirtatious smile.
Lian had seen this before. Men often fell for their doctors after a healing.
"Thank you. I'll keep your offer in mind," he agreed without committing himself.
He didn't need some baby knight crushing on him. Lian's mind went back to a particularly sexy dark-
haired man who kissed like a sex god and wondered what Nevair did alone at night in his bed. Damn,
if he didn't want to be there to see it.
"May I take a moment of your time, healer?" Maurek asked.
"Certainly. They aren't expecting me at the medic center for a few more hours." He'd caught an earlier
flight than planned.
Curious as to what a dragon trainer would want with him, Lian followed the man across a long
expanse of sands to a small stucco building. As the cool air hit him, Lian let out a relieved sigh.
"Sorry, I'm not used to the heat yet."
Maurek gave him an understanding smile. "Some people never get used to it."
"I hope I'm not one of them." He'd hate to let the heat get to him for the entire three months he planned
to be there.
Questions fled when Maurek opened the door and took Lian inside the small building. In the far
corner, Lian spotted a man lying on a cot. Wrapped in bandages blotched with red, the injured figure
didn't move. Lian could smell the taint of infection from where he stood.
"By the goddess!" he rounded on Maurek. "Why didn't you take him to a healer?"
The dragon trainer snorted. "And put him in the hands of those butchers. They can't be trusted to heal
the dragonkin. Bourne fears dragons and doesn't want to deal with our kind since the dragons killed
the last healer."
Lian scowled. "You're the second person to say that. Why would a man who hates dragons work on a
dragon planet? Not only that, but why would the king tolerate it?"
Maurek shrugged. "How can you understand the royalty? I've heard Bourne has important political
ties and his majesty cannot yank Bourne from his position without serious repercussions."
Lian sneered. "I don't care about the problems of kings. People need care, not political rhetoric." Lian
would go against a planetful of rulers, if it would save one life. He silently wondered if the kings'
persistence in contacting his bosses had more to do with replacing their current head healer than
anything else.
Kneeling by the cot, Lian used his inner sight to assess the wounds. Infection raged through the man's
veins and from the smell had set in a while ago.
"Hi there, I'm Dr Blythorpe." Lian smiled at the suffering man, pushing a bit of pain relief magic into
the damaged body.
He'd have to heal him in stages so Lian's power didn't run out. After healing both the dragon and
Jevies, Lian's energy levels had dimmed a little.
"His name is Canin," Maurek offered when the injured man didn't speak.
"Hi, Canin. I'm a touch healer. It might hurt a bit but I'm going to make your wounds disappear. Nod if
you agree to allow my healing." Lian hated to heal someone without his or her approval but in this
case he'd make an exception.
The man wouldn't survive without immediate intervention.

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The nod when it came, slow yet steady, spurred Lian into action. Placing his hands lightly on Canin's
stomach Lian closed his eyes. He always found it easier if he could block out the world and focus on
the one he needed to heal. With his magic, Lian visualized Canin and sank his healing powers into the
other man. The smell of rot faded away, replaced by the scent of fresh blood. The wounds needed to
be free of infection before healing could begin. He didn't want to trap diseased flesh inside healthy
tissue, it could cause complications.
"You look to drain him of his essence before you heal him," Maurek growled.
"Quiet." Lian didn't need distractions as he focused on putting back together the man he'd been forced
to take apart in order to heal his wounds.
Rarely had Lian been called for such a large task. He mostly healed smaller injuries; broken bones,
cuts, and once, before now, a sword wound. His bosses liked to keep Lian around for research, not
healing. They always claimed machines did better than magic in fixing large amounts of damage.
Here, there were no machines, at least not that he'd seen or had access to.
Lian lifted his hands and cleared his mind. Sparkles twinkled at the edge of his vision telling him he'd
already expended too much energy. Canin still needed to be cured, however, and Lian couldn't stop.
"Heal," Lian murmured.
Red flames burst from his hands. Maurek let out a shout of surprise behind him.
"Goddess have mercy," Maurek vowed.
Lian focused on his patient and blocked out all outside noise. Goddesses oversaw every sentient
planet. On his home world where most people were self-healers, a man who could heal with his
touch had little value. When his abilities began to make themselves known, a goddess had visited
Lian and told him one day he would find a place where he would be valued for his abilities. Lian still
searched for that place. Somehow he doubted the goddess had been thinking of the dragon grounds.
Canin let out a scream when healing fires seared his wounds from the inside out. Lian knew from
talking to previous patients that the flames didn't really hurt. Fear more than pain filled the injured.
Only after his inner sight told him the man no longer had open sores or any contamination did Lian
pull the back magic into his body.
Opening his eyes, Lian met Canin's expression of wonder. "You should be fine now. The rest of your
wounds will heal on their own." Lian always stopped a bit early for serious wounds and gave the
body a chance to catch up and finish the job.
"You have the goddess's right hand," the soldier whispered, a common expression across several
worlds. To be the goddess's right hand was to have a divine gift.
Lian stood up and patted Canin on the shoulder. He concentrated on not passing out. It took effort.
"Rest a few more days to regain your strength and you should be fine."
"You saved me," Canin whispered. "I would've died."
Lian nodded. "Possibly." He didn't know of any way to sugarcoat it and didn't feel the need to try.
"Make sure to take it easy the next few days. Your wounds are healed, but you'll still be tender."
He turned his attention to Maurek. "If you'll excuse me I need to get to the medic center. They'll be
expecting me about now." He pulled out a business card with a wellpracticed motion. "Here's my
com number. Call me if Canin has a relapse or if you need my help with anything else."
Lian bit back words of reproof regarding Canin's health. If Maurek's words were true, asking for a
healer wouldn't have resulted in any assistance. The fact someone had obviously put out a call for a
medic proved someone had an optimistic streak the dragon master didn't. Lian would definitely be
reporting Bourne's actions to the medical governing board. Part of the code of ethics included a vow
to help all who crossed their path whenever possible. To completely deny help to a group of people

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because you disliked them went against the code all professional healers were supposed to abide by.
Maurek guided Lian back across the dragon sands and to a row of hovercabs. "I'll pay to have you
taken to the medic building."
Lian started to protest but Maurek cut him off. "Don't argue. You did us a favor and saved two of my
men. The least I can do is shell out a few bucks for cab fare."
Giving up the fight, Lian nodded. "Thank you, Maurek. May the goddess guide your steps."
"And yours, Doctor," Maurek replied.
Lian slid into the cab and waved to Maurek as the driver pulled away from the curb and towards
Lian's future for the next few months. Thoughts of Nevair drifted in his head. After he got settled, Lian
would definitely be giving the sexy man a call. Oddly enough, he already missed him.

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Chapter Three

The medic center consisted of a long low building with a red tile roof and several outbuildings

scattered like leaves across the pale brown sand. An unassuming structure, it looked like every other
medic hall Lian had encountered on other planets.

Despite having healed two people and a dragon back-to-back, Lian could feel his magic levels

rising again even as his body screamed for rest. As a touch healer he couldn't let the power
accumulate inside him too much or there were dangerous repercussions. Lian would do just about
anything to avoid excruciatingly painful magical backlash, even work for a man who from all
accounts redefined being a jerk. Someday Lian hoped to find a place to call his own.

The taxi driver waved goodbye before disappearing in a whoosh of airjets and a whirlwind of

Lian entered the building, sighing as his thin-soled shoes met the cool tile beneath his heated soles.
Bliss. He needed a nap in the worst way.
"Hello there."
Lian opened his eyes to meet the dark-eyed gaze of a slim man with a wiry frame and inquisitive
brown eyes. His hair, a reddish-orange, flew in all directions as he approached Lian.
"Hello," Lian returned politely.
"You must be Dr Blythorpe. We were expecting you today," the man said, his tenor voice brimming
with good cheer. "I'm Dr Jashwin Ellerby but everyone calls me El. I just know we're going to be
great friends."
He took Lian's hand in a firm, but not crushing grip, shaking it vigorously.
"Nice to meet you, please call me Lian," he offered.
Not certain how good of friends they were going to be, he settled for giving the other man a small
smile. He'd have to see how much Ellerby supported his superior's behavior before Lian allowed
them to become too close.
With casual grace, El slipped the bag off Lian's shoulder and slid it onto his own. Dark eyes glanced
around the hall as he led Lian past doorway after doorway as if they were traversing a complicated
maze. Lian wondered if El was looking for someone the way he carefully searched before crossing
each intersection.
"You have a room by yourself. All the doctors do. Everyone else bunks in twos and threes." El
stopped before a door, one among a hallway of white doors, and flashed Lian a smile. "See," he
pointed to a small brass plaque with the words Dr Lian Blythorpe stamped on it.
Lian thought it a rather elaborate nameplate for someone who would only be there for a few months.
"Here you are." El waved Lian forward.
Upon entering, Lian found a small room with a bed, a dresser, and a desk. It didn't scream luxury but
he'd stayed at worse places. Relief filled him when he saw his bags lined up neatly along one wall.
"I'd suggest you wait to unpack. I'll take you to Bourne right away. He doesn't like to be kept waiting."
El's tone indicated horrible repercussions if they were late.
"Lead the way." Lian didn't want to start out on Bourne's bad side. He had a feeling the other man
would hate him enough when Lian finished bringing to light Bourne's poor medical practices.
As they walked down the hall, Lian didn't see anyone else around. Where were the patients? Maybe
the sterility of the place scared them off.
El stopped suddenly outside a pair of carved oak doors. "A word of advice. Don't upset the big man.

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Bourne's an ass but he knows his stuff. Mostly."
Nodding, Lian followed El through the doors and straight to a large rectangular table where a heavy-
set darkhaired man sat with four other people; three men dressed like medics and a red-haired woman
with cold black eyes. Lian had no doubt who ran the place. Bourne oozed authority.
A large array of food covered the surface. More food than some people ate in a day on many of the
planets Lian had worked on. The waste made Lian ill.
"Dr Ellerby, who do we have here?" The big man yelled across the room, his voice all but rattling the
glasses before him.
Since Lian knew the man expected his arrival, he wasn't impressed with the show, obviously
designed to put him at a disadvantage while the others tried to stare Lian down. Lian had worked at
some of the toughest clinics in the galaxies. No one intimidated him without bringing a weapon to the
"Dr Bourne, this is Dr Lian Blythorpe, our newest medic. If you remember he's a touch healer and is
studying dragon fertility."
"Excellent." Dark flat eyes stared at him with a chilling intensity. "We look forward to hearing about
your findings. Of course, as the main medical facility on the planet, we can't afford to have someone
just sitting on their ass doing research. We expect you to pitch in. Since I just received communication
about your actions earlier today, you can be assigned the dragon fields. They need a new medic."
Bourne's companions chuckled.
Lian kept his silence. He wouldn't feed into the situation, but he'd definitely be talking to Maurek later
about keeping things quiet; the man had failed
spectacularly. Bourne knew the medical association had already funded Lian's research. Apparently
Bourne thought he'd get some free medical assistance while Lian was there. Lian wouldn't rock the
boat until he left. Once he had documented proof Bourne didn't live up to his oaths, he'd have the
man's license revoked.
"I'd be happy to help out," Lian said smoothly. "As long as I get afternoons for research."
Bourne's companions laughed. A sharp-eyed redhead smirked in Lian's direction. "Haven't the last
three healers been eaten?"
"Yes." A slim man purred with obvious enjoyment. "Dragons don't like medics messing with their
riders and the natural shifters don't like to be poked around with."
"Very proprietary." Another man that looked similar to the first one gave Lian what he more than
likely thought was an enticing smile. "I bet our new healer is man enough to handle the job."
Deciding to ignore the comments around him, Lian focused on Bourne. The others were just
decoration. He knew the type, yes-men and women who clung to anyone with power. He'd seen plenty
of them during his travels. They weren't worth his time or attention.
"Report to Maurek tomorrow, mid-morning. Enjoy your evening, medic," Bourne ordered.
"Thank you, sir." Lian would enjoy having Bourne fired.
He had no doubt the problems at the medical facility started with that man. He'd talk to Maurek about
having set office hours except for emergencies.
As the doors closed behind them he exchanged a look with El.
El gave him a wide smile. "You heard the man, let's go enjoy our evening."
* * * *

Nevair scowled at his assistant. "You're supposed to be on my side, Tres."

Tres frowned back at Nevair. "You can't just pick a man off the street and decide to keep him. He's an

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unknown quantity. Can't you at least look at the people we've chosen for you? Do you know how many
resources have been used trying to find you the perfect mate?"
The religious council had spent the past three months vetting possible mates for Nevair.
"I don't want them." He clenched his jaw stubbornly to hold back the vicious words struggling to get
out. For someone known for his calm demeanor, Nevair's dragon urged him to lash out and destroy
anyone who stood in his way.
Ours. Our Mate. His dragon insisted.
"How do you know?" Tres persisted. "We have a lot more choices. Men, women, different races and
all kinds of different backgrounds you haven't met them all. At least look them over."
"I don't need to. My dragon has chosen. I'm not going to budge on this. You know it isn't optional."
Nevair narrowed his eyes at his supposed friend.
"You won't know for sure he's your mate until you have sex with the man," Tres insisted.
Nevair looked away from Tres's piercing look.
Tres gasped. "You didn't! How could you! You've been pure for all these years and you throw
yourself away for a fling."
A low growl rumbled from Nevair's throat. His teeth cut into his lips where they suddenly grew
sharper. "He's not a fling. He's my mate and if you can't accept that then maybe you need to find
another line of work. Besides you've been harping for years about me having sex."
"Yes, but not with some off planet stranger you pick up at the space port!" Tres yelled.
"But a stranger at a conference is all right?" Tres didn't make any sense.
Nevair thought his friend would be thrilled and disappointment filled him over being so wrong.
Tres paced back and forth across the room. "I wanted you to have sex with people so when you
finally had your mate you'd know what to do. I didn't think you'd mate with the first man you got naked
Nevair shrugged. "Well I did."
Lian would be his mate. Nevair had no doubt in his mind but he had to wait for his dragon mark to
appear on Lian's back before he could legally claim him. Until then he'd stalk the man and plan how to
keep Lian in his life. The doctor had struck Nevair as rather skittish.
Tres raked his right hand through his hair making it stick up all over his head. "What are you going to
do now?"
"I'm going to invite him to dinner," Nevair announced, pleased with his plan. If he were lucky Lian
would stay for breakfast.
Tres remained silent for a long time. Nevair didn't flinch or change his story. Lian would be his
unless the doctor himself refused Nevair's pursuit.
"I hope you know what you're doing. This can end badly if the council goes against your mate," Tres
Nevair drew himself up to his full height. "I have dedicated my life and soul to my goddess, but my
heart is mine to give where I may. They can advise me, but the council can't order me to bond with
whoever they want."
Tres's smile reappeared but looked bitter around the edges like burnt toast. "I once had hopes I could
get it to belong to me."
"I know." Nevair didn't try to hide his knowledge of the other man's dreams. It would belittle Tres's
feelings to pretend he didn't know how he felt. "But we've always been far too close of friends to be
"Some might think it would make us better lovers," Tres offered, his expression wounded.

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"Some might, but I don't." Most of the time Nevair tried to cushion bad news. This needed to be said
as baldly as Friar Renfer's head.
Tres nodded and Nevair could almost see the dream fade from his friend's eyes. "If you want this
man, I will support your claim to the council."
Nevair smiled, relief racing through him. "Thank you, Tres. I'd hate to have lost a good friend over
They had taken their religious vows together. To be at odds caused a deep ache in Nevair's soul. As
much as he didn't think of Tres romantically, he cherished their friendship and it would've hurt to lose
their relationship. His dragon growled its discontent at their separation from Lian. They both wanted
the pretty doctor back in their arms.
At the first free moment he had, Nevair tracked down Lian's number and after early evening prayers
Nevair dialed the man he hoped to make his.
"Hello?" The noise in the background made Lian's voice garbled.
"This is Nevair. I was hoping to have dinner with you tonight." Damn, he should've called earlier.
"Sorry, Nevair. I'm out with one of the other medics right now but I'd love to have dinner another
Disappointment stabbed at him with pointy knives. "That's all right. I'll call back when you're not so
busy." His dragon half rumbled angrily.
"Hey, Lian, come dance with me," a voice said in the background.
The image of someone else rubbing against his Lian sent a spike of rage roaring through Nevair. His
fingers ached at the tips as they elongated into claws. Before the transformation finished Nevair
struggled to speak. "Lian, run!" he growled.
"What?" Lian asked.
The communicator dropped to the floor shattering with the impact. A dragon paw finished the job in
one crushing stomp. Throwing back his head, Nevair roared.
* * * *

Lian looked at his communicator in confusion as the line went dead.

"Problem?" El asked, watching his expression.
"Yes. No… I don't know." Lian told El of his conversation.
El choked on his bright green drink. "Nevair, as in speaker of the goddess, religious leader, Nevair?"
Lian nodded. "Why do you think he told me to run?"
"Shit!" El's eyes scanned the room in a panicked jerky rhythm. "Nevair is the leader because he's not
only closest to the goddess but also closest to his dragon. If he's telling you to run it can only be
A loud crash sent people running and screaming.
Lian turned at the sound of an animalistic roar.
"Shit! He's shifted and coming for you." El backed away from Lian. "No offense buddy, but I don't
want to be eaten today."
Lian watched as an enormous multi-colored dragon stomped into the bar. Frozen in place, Lian
couldn't move his feet as his entire body seized in terror. The dragons at the training grounds hadn't
seemed so frightening but they also hadn't been searching for Lian. When the giant head spun in his
direction, any doubt over him being the target evaporated from his mind.
Familiar green eyes gleamed at Lian with satisfaction.

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"Look at what you've done," Lian scolded, hoping he sounded braver than he felt.
The dragon's eyes lost a bit of their smugness. Undeterred, the beast leaned its scaled head closer so
it could sniff at Lian like the puppy he'd had as a child. Lian guessed he smelled right because the
dragon gave a contented growl.
"Are you happy now? Pleased at the damage you've caused?" Lian waved a hand, indicating the bar.
He had no idea if the dragon understood him but he figured he'd give it a try. After all, the worst thing
he could do was discover he made an excellent dragon snack.
The dragon set its enormous head on the ground beside Lian. He waited a moment to see if it were a
trick but the longing in the dragon's eyes sealed the deal.
"Fine." Leaning forward he scratched the dragon's nose, right above the nostrils. The beast let out a
happy sigh. "But I'm still not happy with you."
A little whine had him rolling his eyes. "I don't care. You're paying for the damage."
Sighing happily, the dragon lay there as Lian pet him. Lian wondered if Nevair would be naked when
he returned to his human form. Before he could ask, a slim blond in black religious robes scurried
into the bar.
The blond came to a screeching halt at the sight of the dragon lying calmly beside Lian.
His narrowed gaze landed on Lian. "You must be Lian."
"Trestair Dragonwing, Nevair's assistant. You can call me Tres."
Lian reached across the dragon nose to shake Trestair's hand. "Lian Blythorpe."
"That's not a dragon name," Trestair's snappish tone put Lian on the defensive.
He didn't know what he'd done to get on the guy's bad side, but he didn't back down.
"No it's not." Lian thought Trestair kind of rude, but if Nevair depended on this guy Lian didn't want
to cause conflict.
"Ah," Trestair acted as if he'd uncovered some deep dark secret, but since Lian never claimed to be
dragonkin, he couldn't even imagine what the blond thought he'd discovered.
Lian could tell the man wanted to interrogate him further, but Nevair bared a fang in Tres's direction.
"He's kind of snarly," Lian commented.
"That's because you're not bound. Your proximity to an unattached male incites his dragon," Trestair
explained as if Lian was a gradeschooler.
Lian frowned. "What do you mean bound?" Somehow his studies hadn't covered that part of dragon
"He believes you are mates, so anyone around you is a potential threat," Trestair explained,
Lian's heart skipped a beat and his body chilled at the thought. "My father always called my mother
his mate but that didn't stop him from killing her and then himself." In Lian's experience, the mystical
mating process caused more harm than good.
Tres gave him a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry to hear that. Many cultures have mates but few have
them to the extreme of dragonkin. Once you're mated, it's forever and you belong to each other until
death. If you are true mates a mark will appear on your back within forty-eight hours of intercourse."
"What kind of mark?"
"A large dragon resembling Nevair in dragon form would be your mark if the two of you are mates,"
Trestair explained.
For the first time Lian understood how women felt while waiting to find out if they were pregnant, a
combination of hope and stark terror. "You think I'm your mate?" Lian asked the dragon.

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A flash of light poured from the beast. Lian watched wide-eyed as Nevair transformed from dragon to
human. Naked human.
"Here!" Tres handed over a bag. Distracted by the large dragon, Lian hadn't even noticed the man had
carried one. It was probably why Tres followed Nevair in the first place. Lian wondered how long a
dragonkin could hold his animal form.
"Thanks," Nevair accepted the bag, but his hot gaze remained on Lian.
Nevair dressed quickly in the robe he pulled out. Embroidered dragons covering the front gave the
simple garment a luxurious appearance. Once dressed, Nevair grabbed Lian, yanking him close for a
kiss. Despite his trepidation, Lian allowed the embrace. His entire body melted at the first brush of
lips against lips as if it had been waiting for the moment they were reunited again.
Lian sucked in his breath. He'd never been the focus of such intensity before. He'd had men attracted
to him in the past, but none who appealed to him as much as this man.
Eventually Lian's larger head prevailed and he pulled away from Nevair.
"You can't just shift into a dragon and scare off my friends." Lian scowled at the sexy man. A difficult
feat when every inch of him longed to be back in Nevair's arms.
Nevair wrapped his hands around Lian's hips. "I will have more control after we're properly mated."
Lian stepped back. "What if I don't want to be mated, did you think of that? What if I came to do a job
then planned to leave? I can't leave if we're bonded."
Nevair's handsome face hardened. "You don't get a choice. It is the will of the goddess."
Lian folded his arms. "Maybe the goddess needs a little talking to."
"Sacrilege!" Tres shouted.
Sighing, Lian turned away from the men.
"Tres, go back to the cathedral. I'll talk to Lian," Nevair's calm tone made Lian want to kick him.
"I can't believe you gave up all other choices for this." Tres stormed out. His stomping footsteps
echoed in the almost empty building.
Lian started when Nevair touched his shoulder, he hadn't heard Nevair walk up behind him.
"I'm sorry," Nevair said, his tone heartfelt.
Lian turned around. "About what?"
Nevair gave a self-conscious smile. "I guess I have several things to apologize for. I'm sorry for
wrecking your evening and for biting you without permission. But I'm more concerned that if our
union is blessed by the goddess you'll hate me forever."
Lian winced as he remembered the fights his parents used to have. He didn't want a relationship like
that. "I had a rough childhood. My parents loved me, but they grew to hate each other. On my home
planet people didn't get divorces and I think my father felt the only way out was to kill them both."
"I'm sorry to hear about your parents. I'd like us to start again." Nevair wrapped his arms around Lian.
"You're a handsome, intelligent, compassionate man and I'd be very lucky to have you as mine. Would
you consider having dinner with me?"
Lian leaned back to see Nevair's face. His solemn expression showed how sincerely Nevair meant
his words.
"I'd like that." Lian might not have done relationships in his past but he could at least date the man and
see where things went. Besides, nothing guaranteed they would bond. It could be a fluke. Either way,
he wouldn't mind getting to know Nevair better. If Nevair had saved himself all this time only to have
Lian toss him aside, it could scar him for life. Lian didn't want to be responsible for that.
"How about tonight?" Nevair looked around at the knocked over tables and smashed in door. "I don't

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think you're going dancing after all."
"Sounds good."
The club staff returned. All ten bowed to Nevair.
"Have the owner send the bill to the cathedral. I will honor all reasonable charges," Nevair
"Yes, Holiness," they replied in odd
Lian shook his head and accepted the arm Nevair held out. "I'm surprised they didn't string you up for
the damage."
Nevair shrugged. "They know I'll pay and I don't lose control often."
Glancing around at the staff, Lian noticed they gave him more attention than Nevair. Apparently they
were used to the dragon shifter, while Lian still remained the unknown factor. "Let's go."
Stepping around the downed chairs and tables, they exited the bar. Lian's mind spun as he tried to
figure out how to fit a holy religious icon into his view of the future. After his parents' tragedy, Lian
had never thought to find a long-term relationship of his own and didn't even know if he could handle
one. One sideways glance at the gorgeous man standing beside him and he knew he had to at least try.
He didn't pay attention to where Nevair led him until they stopped at the doorstep of an enormous
cathedral. The stone edifice towered over them and Lian pulled to a halt. When they'd dropped
Nevair off earlier, Lian hadn't really examined the building. Now the idea of having a lover who
swayed the beliefs of an entire planet damn near stopped his heart.
"Don't panic now, my sweet," Nevair soothed.
Lian sighed as Nevair rubbed circles on his back.
"We don't have to do anything if you don't want to. I'm just going to show you my living quarters and
we can share a drink while we talk and have a meal."
Lian hoped they did more than talk. Eying the large muscular man beside him, Lian gave his best
seductive smile. "I planned on doing a lot more than talking. If you plan to be my mate don't you have
to claim me?"
Nevair laughed. "I think I already claimed you quite thoroughly earlier but if you'd like to end up in
my bed, you won't hear any complaints."
"Good to know." Lian smiled. He still had reservations about a permanent bonding but it wasn't like
he couldn't find the spaceport if he needed to make a break for it.
Lian stayed silent as Nevair led him through a large chamber. Praying mats covered the floor, many of
them filled with worshippers dropping offerings into the pots beside them and asking the goddess for
special favors.
"Do you think she really listens?" Lian asked. He'd been to enough worlds where famine and fear
were the prevalent forces that he doubted a goddess's benevolence.
Nevair gave Lian a sideways glance before continuing his journey. "Some goddesses listen better than
others. We have one who likes to help."
Lian gave a soft snort at Nevair's careful answer.
"I'm a man of the goddess but even I can't always figure out her ways. In some cases, wars must rage
in order for mankind and dragonkin to learn their lessons. I'm not saying people don't deserve a
prosperous and happy life, but I think sometimes we need to learn things as a culture before we can
thrive as a people. One of the kings married a son of our goddess. He seems to find her more
annoying than anything."
"I think most kids find their parents that way." Lian blinked back the unexpected onset of tears. As

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much as his mother had annoyed teenage Lian, he still missed her like an open wound in his chest.
Nevair led Lian behind the pulpit and up what seemed like an endless flight of stairs.
"Why don't you put an electronic transporter here?" Lian huffed.
Nevair laughed. "Sometimes this is the only exercise I get in a day. It keeps me in shape."
"Ah." Lian bypassed the obvious chance to offer the man as much exercise as he wanted.
At the landing, a hallway opened up before them. "My quarters are at the end," Nevair pointed.
Lian examined the portraits as they walked. "So, I take it these are previous leaders?"
"Yes and my ancestors. Although the position doesn't have to be hereditary, we are one of the few
orders where it has been passed from father to son for
"But you're gay. The line will stop with you right?" Lian didn't want to hear that Nevair planned on
having children with some pretty dragoness.
Nevair shrugged. "My father also preferred men. He had sex with a woman in order to continue the
line. Now the technology is different. When the time comes I'll have my sperm inserted by artificial
means. My father never found his mate so it didn't matter to him. I have hopes that I haven't been dealt
the same fate."
"Sorry, occupational hazard," Lian backed off.
Nevair stopped in the middle of the hall. "If we are truly mates it is completely your business. I want
children but I want you more. Not to mention your job is to learn about fertility. I won't be offended
by your questions."
Lian nodded his appreciation. He hadn't considered children as an aspect of his life before. Stupid
since as a doctor he'd seen all kinds of family arrangements but he'd never considered them for
"We'll worry about that if it becomes an issue," he finally said.
Nevair wrapped a hand around Lian's arm and continued down the hall. Nevair's rooms weren't what
Lian had expected. They weren't completely stark or unnaturally luxurious but something in between.
The stone walls added an austerity to the room but the large bed with silk swathed comforter and
thick carpets screamed of a man who enjoyed soft textures. A high-end communications screen
covered one wall and a small desk sat on the corner.
"Nice," Lian approved.
"Thanks. All my books and a larger desk are in my office. I pretty much just sleep here."
From what Nevair had told Lian, he'd never used that bed for anything else either. "Want me to help
christen the bed?"
Nevair's grin brought Lian's nervousness back. He wondered if the goddess would consider it
sacrilege to have sex in her cathedral.
"It's okay, right? There's not a problem with you bringing someone for sex in the chapel, is there?"
Nevair shook his head. "Others in my position have had families filling the entire top floor. I'm
certain they'd have to have had sex for that to happen."
Lian laughed in relief. "Good. I don't want to cause a scandal." He might not mind being in Nevair's
bed, but he didn't want the hit to his reputation by having a major religious leader defrocked or
whatever they called it. Rainbows would shoot out of Bourne's ass before Lian gave him that kind of
ammunition to use against him.
A soft kiss derailed Lian's inner rambling. "It will be fine. I didn't know you were such a worrier."
"I'm not, but then religious guys aren't usually my thing." Lian had beliefs but they were murky. He
tended to stay away from people who preached for him to see things their way. "I don't have to

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convert to your religion or anything, do I?"
Nevair had been leaning in for another kiss and froze. "I'll expect you to attend the occasional
service. You don't have to follow my beliefs, but if we are mates, I'll expect you to put in an
appearance from time to time. Do you have your own religion?"
"No. I'm not particularly religious."
Nevair laughed. "Trust me to bond with the one man who doesn't worship my goddess." Nevair
latched onto Lian's wrist. "We can settle our differences later. Right now I want to see you naked then
I'll order us some food."
"You've already seen me naked," Lian said.
"My memory isn't very good. I'd best examine you all over again," Nevair's leer made Lian harder
than the stone walls.
Playing along, Lian slowly unbuttoned his top. He'd worn his favorite black shirt of Morovian silk
created by a group of little old ladies who spent their entire lives learning the skill of spinning. It had
been exorbitantly expensive but whenever he wore it he thought it worth every penny.
"I really like this shirt," Nevair commented as he helped Lian slide it off his arms.
"Me too." Lian's lips curved into a pleased smile. His lover had excellent taste.
His shoes, socks, pants, and underwear were quickly removed with Nevair's assistance. He then
stripped his clothes off with an efficiency that struck Lian as more erotic than the sexiest exotic
dancer. He could almost feel Nevair's need of him with every yank of cloth.
Instead of dragging Lian to the bed right away Nevair kissed Lian gently, almost worshipfully.
Lian pulled away to search Nevair's face. "Did you want to talk some more?"
"No." Nevair's smile hit him in the gut. "I want to make love to you. I don't want to rush you though."
Relief swept through Lian. They'd said they would talk but, really, what could they discuss? They
were mates, or they weren't, talking wouldn't change that and, damn, he needed Nevair to fuck him
more than he needed to talk their future.
"Rush away. I'm all for the rushing." Lian shouted as Nevair swept him off his feet in a storybook
manner. "I'm not a girl," he muttered, feeling foolish.
"No, but you are my man and I take good care of my things."
Lian didn't know how he felt about being a thing but he decided not to argue about it. Sex first,
complaints later.
Nevair set Lian on the bed. The cool fabric caressed his back when Nevair climbed on the mattress
and settled on hands and knees above Lian. Their hard cocks rubbed together as Nevair leaned down
to kiss him.
"Mmm." Lian's fingers curled with the urge to yank Nevair closer. Unfortunately his lover didn't have
Lian's experience. Nevair needed time to explore Lian and learn another man's body. "Touch me!"
Lian demanded.
He might plan on being more patient but he couldn't prevent his hips from arching up to increase the
"Easy, babe," Nevair growled. "I'll take care of you."
Lian eyes widened in surprise when Nevair took their erections in one large hand and rubbed them
"Lube," Lian growled as their dry cocks slid across one another. "It'll ease the friction."
"Good idea," Nevair agreed.
Lian bit back a growl when Nevair abandoned him to grab a small container of liquid on his bedside
table. How Lian had missed that before, he didn't know. "Come here often?" he quipped.

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Nevair froze. "That." He grimaced. "That was just terrible."
Lian laughed. "I don't improve with time."
Nevair let out a long sigh. "I guess I'll have to get used to your horrible sense of humor."
"You think you can?" Lian asked, his words cutting off when Nevair slicked them up and began his
delightful rubbing again.
"I can get used to anything," Nevair said, "but you I will enjoy."
Lian opened his mouth to argue but a particularly good stroke had him gasping instead. Whatever
Nevair's experience, the man knew exactly how to handle an erection. Lian moaned, groaned, and
sighed his way to a messy orgasm that resulted in his stomach and chest covered in cum.
Nevair released their sensitive shafts and collapsed beside Lian. "That wasn't quite how I planned
that to go."
"Did your previous plan involve plunging into me and giving me the fucking of my life?" Lian
"Uh, huh," Nevair placed a messy kiss on Lian's neck.
"Shame. I guess we'll have to try again later." Lian patted Nevair's stomach.
"Practice is important if you want to excel," Nevair said in a prim voice Lian would bet good money
Nevair had learned from his teachers.
"That's what I hear." He glanced over at his clothes and debated if he had enough energy to put them
Lian turned his head to examine Nevair who met his inquiring gaze. "Are you sure?"
Nevair nodded. "It's not exactly like our relationship is a big secret. I came after you in my dragon
form. I'm pretty sure the gossip around town will be all about us for the next few days."
"Hmm, hiding here does sound like a good idea," Lian agreed. "I don't want to face my boss anyway."
"Yeah, I've heard Bourne is a bit of an ass."
"He doesn't like dragons."
Nevair nodded as if the news wasn't unknown to him. "Bourne knows some powerful people who
keep that information from the kings. I keep meaning to talk to them about it but none of our schedules
ever coordinate. I've sent a few letters, but I have a feeling all communication is watched."
"Huh, sounds more like a conspiracy than a simple case of the wrong man in the wrong job."
Nevair nodded. "I've long thought there was something suspicious about Bourne. Be careful, and don't
let him take advantage of you. If he knows you're my mate, he'll either take it easier on you because he
thinks you'll get him special treatment, or make your life twice as hard to prove he doesn't care."
"I'll keep that in mind," Lian said, absorbing the information.
Sliding out of bed, Nevair retreated behind a door Lian hadn't noticed. Someone had painted the
wood to match the color of the stone surrounding it. When Nevair returned he had a soft, damp
washcloth where he carefully wiped Lian down.
"I could get used to this kind of service," he remarked.
"And I could get used to doing it for you." The hot expression in Nevair's eyes caused Lian's deflated
cock try to valiantly rise.
Nevair smiled. "I think it likes me."
"I know it does. I'll be happy to show you how much later," Lian promised.
"Good. Nap now. Personal exhibition and food later," Nevair opened his arms for Lian to come
"Deal." Lian snuggled up to Nevair. Soon the travel and events of the day caught up to him. He

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tumbled into sleep.

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Chapter Four

In the early morning hours, Lian stumbled into the medic building and headed towards his room

looking for a quick shower and change of clothes. His body ached and he'd relearned how bendy his
joints could be. Nevair might be a newbie in the man-on-man lovemaking department but he sure
caught on quickly.

His lover had wanted Lian to stay and shower there, but Lian knew if his clothes came off one

more time, he wouldn't be leaving Nevair's very nice bed. He couldn't make a good impression if he
ditched his first day at work. He didn't particularly care about Bourne's opinion, but the people he
would be helping needed to know they could rely on Lian. Especially if it turned out he was indeed
Nevair's mate and would be sticking around. He shuddered to think of a prolonged time of working
under Bourne.

El stood outside Lian's door, his arms crossed and his hair rumpled.

"What are you doing here?" Lian stared at his friend in astonishment. El looked like he hadn't slept all
"I was worried about you. Nevair is one of the most powerful men on the planet. I didn't have your
number to call and when I went to the cathedral they refused to tell me anything."
"You came to the cathedral?" Lian opened his door and beckoned El in.
El ran his fingers through his hair. "Of course. I didn't know if he'd gone feral or what! I felt bad for
abandoning you. I'm not dragonkin, so it's not like I can shift and protect you or anything. Those
dragon claws would cut right through me."
Lian patted El on the back, guilt rushing through him. "I had no idea you were so worried. We just
"It doesn't mean I want you to be dragon fodder. Dragons scare the crap out of me."
Lian snatched his hand back. "What are you talking about? Why are you on a dragon world if you
don't like dragons?" The inhabitants of this planet made absolutely no sense to Lian.
"It's not that I don't like dragons, I'm not Bourne. I'm only afraid of the people when they're actually a
dragon. And to answer your question, I was born here. Neither of my parents are dragonkin, but we
can trace our ancestors back six hundred years. I'm not going to abandon my heritage because I'm a
little freaked by large reptiles. Most of the time they stay in human form and I don't go near the
training grounds."
Lian put his hands on his hips. "Well, maybe if more people went to the dragon fields they wouldn't
have people dying."
"Hey, they could've brought their injured here," El pointed out.
"Would you have? If the people who are supposed to take care of you really hope you don't live,
would you trust them with your health?" Lian raised a brow at El's statement.
El bit his lip. "I suppose not."
An idea formed in Lian's mind. "What is your schedule like today?" Often, prejudices had a lot to do
with lack of exposure.
"It's pretty light today. I'm supposed to help pick herbs in the medic gardens but after that I have the
afternoon off," El confessed.
"Good. I'm going to check out my lab then go to the dragon fields." Lian would get El to go with him
and help him over his issues. El seemed like a nice guy unlike Bourne.
El frowned. "What lab?"

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"My lab. The one promised to me by the medical council if I came here." Lian's temper began to spike
when he realized El had no idea what he was talking about.
El shifted uneasily on his feet. "I don't know if Bourne set up a lab for you or not."
"I'll talk to you later," Lian said abruptly. It wouldn't do any good to snap at El it wasn't his fault.

Lian took the world's fastest shower, threw on some clothes and stormed out of his room. "I

thought I said I'd talk to you later." He ignored El jogging behind him.

"I'm a witness to make sure Bourne doesn't kill you," El said, panting.

After asking a few people in the hall, he found Bourne in his office, a sterile white room with equally
cold metal furniture. If Bourne's goal was to make people feel uncomfortable, it probably worked, but
Lian's anger ate away any unease he might have.
"I don't believe you have an appointment Dr Blythorpe," Bourne said with a disapproving look.
"I've come to inquire about the location of my lab. Dr Ellerby isn't aware I have one." Lian cast a
quick glance at El, hoping the man didn't hold Lian's words against him.
Bourne pushed around the com unit on his desk. "Upon further investigation, I decided a lab would be
too expensive to set up. I'm sure you can make do with what we have around here." Bourne gave Lian
a look as if the matter was settled.
Lian pulled his handheld communicator out of his pocket and dialed, putting it on speaker.

"Hello, Medical Commission. Dr Joseph Staller's office, Lacey speaking." The secretary had

the peppiest voice Lian had ever heard.

"Hi, Lacey. Could you let Joe know Lian Blythorpe would like to speak with him?" Joe Staller

had been Lian's mentor when he first joined the medics.
Bourne turned pale.

"Immediately, Dr Blythorpe." The peppy voice turned even warmer.

"Is that necessary?" Bourne protested.
"Hello, Lian," Joe's deep voice boomed across the receiver. "How are you doing on Dragait, my
"There seems to be a misunderstanding, sir. Dr Bourne doesn't have a lab ready for me and doesn't
feel it's worth the expense to furnish me with one. I have him on speaker phone now." Lian didn't even
look at Bourne, he was too angry with the man.
Joe's warm voice turned cool. "I see. Dr Bourne, can you hear me?"
"Y-Yes, sir."
"I know we sent you extra money to build Dr Blythorpe's lab as requested by the leaders of your
planet. If he doesn't have one it means you've done something with that funding. Expect a full
investigation team to arrive in two days. Lian?"
Joe snapped.

"Yes, sir?" It took effort to keep the glee out of his voice, but Lian thought he did it well.

"Go ahead and start collecting your research data. I'm sure we can have something ready for you
within the week."
Joe's short tone indicated he'd already moved on to solving the problem.
"Thank you, sir." Not for the first time he appreciated having Joe on his side.
"I'll check on you later." The line disconnected.
Lian put his phone away and faced Bourne. "Just because I'm willing to do medic work for the
dragons, don't think I'll let you do whatever you want."
Bourne stood up, towering over Lian.
"Your support is far away. What do you bet I can do all kinds of things before they show up?"
Bourne's face mottled with fury.
Lian realized the man who'd run his medical center like his own personal fiefdom hadn't expected

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Lian to do anything about his actions. He'd really thought Lian would fall into line like everyone else.
Fury shot through him and a low growl built in his throat. "If anything happens to me, they will crucify
you, Dr Bourne. I might not be that impressive on my own but I'm not as alone as you seem to think."
Too angry and tempted to do something that would get him kicked out of the medical society, Lian
turned on his heel to leave Bourne's office. He didn't expect a punch in the back of the head that sent
him reeling.
"No!" El shouted.
Lian spun around, gripped Bourne's arm even as the other man tried to hit him again. Disoriented, his
head throbbing, Lian did the one thing he vowed to never do; he used his power as a weapon. Instead
of pushing his abilities to heal, Lian yanked, his magic clamped on its new energy source and began to
literally suck the life force out of Bourne. When Bourne's eyes rolled into the back of his head, Lian
released him. When Bourne collapsed, horror overtook Lian.
"Oh my goddess, what have I done?" Lian's body shook from shock at his actions.
"Run! I'll take care of everything," El said. "I'll tell the team what happened when they arrive. You
can't be here when he wakes up. If he wakes up."
Lian scanned Bourne with his magic. "Oh, he'll wake up. I didn't take that much." He shouldn't have
taken anything. He'd signed an oath to treat all life as sacred. He shouldn't have used his abilities that
Still shaky over what he'd done, Lian ran out of the medic hall. The buildings flew past Lian as he
ran. He didn't know where to go. His heart screamed he should go to Nevair, but he couldn't put his
lover in that sort of situation. He had already ruined the man's virginity; he didn't seek to destroy his
reputation too.
Panting, Lian stopped in the middle of the street, searching for a landmark and trying to subdue the
panic bubbling up inside. Nothing looked familiar.
"Crap, I'm lost." Luckily his communicator had a mapping device embedded inside. As soon as the
team from the council arrived they could find him with his handheld. The society tracked all their
medics devices in case of kidnapping or if they went missing. For a second, Lian considered tossing
it aside, but resisted. Eventually he'd have to face the repercussions from his actions.
Lian examined the less than shining buildings and the cracks on the paved surface. Water ads
promoting a new kind of vitamin water for dragonkin caught his eye. It had a picture of a smiling
pregnant woman with dragon eyes. Lian thought the ad was kind of creepy but maybe it appealed to its
target audience.
Noise drew his attention across the street. A fenced off field had kids zooming back and forth. A gasp
left Lian's lips as he watched.
They were flying.
A dozen teens were on flying boards, whipping across a playing field where a complicated game of
balls, hoops, and synchronized movements continued before Lian's shocked gaze.
Compelled to get a better look, Lian walked up to the fence surrounding the play court. The fast turns
and daring acrobatics of the players enthralled Lian when he watched them whip through the air as
easily as if their feet were on the ground.
"I gotta get one of those boards," he whispered, watching one particularly adventurous soul did a
complete 360 in the air. The other team members whistled and shouted in appreciation.
Lian determined there were two groups, shirted and un-shirted, with six kids on each side. From the
looks of them, none were older than eighteen. Fit, young, and flexible, they flashed through the air like
beautiful birds. Their boards were in all different colors and conditions, some scratched and worn,

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others shiny as new coins with names of sponsors plastered across the bottom. Lian caught sight of
another water advert with a young man holding a bottle. Apparently vitamin water was a big seller on
a desert world.
Just when Lian became used to the ebb and flow of the players zipping by at fascinating speeds, two
collided midair. Before Lian's horrified gaze the boys flew off their boards following the ominous
sound of bones crunching. They tumbled to a tangled heap on the ground.
"Shit." Lian ran to the injured, his magic flaring when he scanned the damage done.
"I can't move." The kid on the bottom screamed while the one on the top lay disturbingly still. The
other players dropped from the sky like birds to cluster around the pair.
"Let me through," Lian shouted, "I'm a medic."
A kid in a white shirt and black leather pants met him halfway, shoving the others aside and blocking
his path. "We don't trust no medic, they don't like dragons."
"Get the fuck out of the way," Lian pushed the kid to one side.
Reaching the broken bodies, Lian placed his palm on the kid on top to assess the damage. Concussion,
broken hip, bruised ribs and a few crushed toes, he could wait.
"Help me move him over." The one on the bottom would be worse. He'd broken the first boarder's
Another set of hands leaned down to help him. Lian noticed with surprise they belonged to the same
kid he'd pushed.
Anxious brown eyes met his over the unconscious body. "Are you a good medic?"
"I'm the best you have." He wasn't going to get into his qualifications in the middle of a crisis. The kid
would learn soon enough about his skills.
"Help me," the broken boy whispered.
"Shhh." Lian leaned over the injured teen. Light blue eyes, filled with pain, watched him under a
shock of black hair. "I'm gonna help you but you have to stay still and listen to me."
"Sorry," he whispered.
"What's your name?" Lian asked gently, not wanting to scare the kid.
"Connol," he replied.
Lian held his hand over the now still form. Broken neck, broken vertebras in the spine, right arm
fracture and cracked skull were the beginning of his injuries. Without a medic the kid would die of
internal bleeding before they left the area.
"Okay, Connol, I'm going to heal you now. I want you to count backwards from five," Lian said in his
calmest doctor voice. "Ready?"
"Yeah," Connol braced himself as if preparing for an onslaught of pain.
"Starting on one. Five… four… heal." Catching the kid unaware, Lian slammed the shattered body
with magic.
With his inner sight, Lian watched the bones slide together, melting like butter until they reformed
solid once more. With the addition of more power, the internal bleeding absorbed back into the body.
Lian didn't stop pouring energy until his inner vision saw Connol glowing green with perfect health.
Only then did he start to pull back into his center.
Lian rocked on his heels drawing a deep breath to regain his equilibrium.
"Holy crap," the white-shirted kid said.
Lian ignored him and held up his hand. Pooling his residual healing energy into his palm, he formed a
ball of deep green power. Standing, he walked over to the other injured teen. Tilting his hand to the
side he dropped the glowing orb onto the unconscious boy's body. He glowed a deep forest green for

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a moment before convulsing on the ground.
Lian waited.
Eyes popped open and the unknown male let out a sigh followed by a sloppy grin. "I feel amazing," he
said with a laugh.
"Me too." Connol jumped to his feet with an energetic bounce.
"Fuck, he cleared up your acne too," The whiteshirted rider declared. "I'm Blaine," he said, holding
out his hand to Lian.
Score one for the brave kid. Pooling power usually freaked people out. There were few people who
wanted to shake Lian's hand after watching him heal.
"Lian Blythorpe." They shook hands, Lian automatically scanning the person before him.
"I'm Jaz," said the formerly unconscious patient.
The others came forward throwing out names. Lian didn't catch them all, but he nodded to them as
they rushed to shake his hand. He adjusted a kid here or there, clearing acne just for the hell of it.
Being a teen sucked sometimes and a little skin care barely brushed against his power pool.
Jaz and Connol sidled up beside him. "How much is this going to cost us?" Connol asked not meeting
his eyes. "We don't have much, but I can probably scratch some funds from my dad."
Lian blinked back tears. Damn these kids were sweet. "No charge. I couldn't let you die, it goes
against my oath." He flinched when he remembered how he'd damaged his reputation just a short time
"But you could be rich," Blaine said his eyes wide with astonishment. "Royalty would pay big to have
a kickass healer like you. You could be living system high with all the big moneymakers."
Lian laughed at the kid's enthusiasm.
Jaz came forward. "A pretty man like you shouldn't walk the streets alone. Where are your keepers?"
"I don't have any keepers," Lian admitted. "I'm sort of in a bit of trouble and lying low until my people
come." Before they could comment he switched the subject. He didn't need another group of watchers.
"What's this game called? I'd love to get a board and try it some time."
Blaine flashed him a wicked smile. "This is solar ball and we're the west kingdom champions," he
said indicating the other kids.
"Impressive," Lian replied dutifully.
"We can hook you up with a rippin' board. Our sponsors send us new ones all the time," Blaine
Lian smiled. "I might take you up on that."
"I can give you a place to stay," Blaine offered, kicking the sidewalk with one worn sneaker. "I mean,
it's the least we can do."
The other members of the team piped up in agreement.
Considering his lack of options, Lian nodded. "Thanks. I'll take it if you're sure your parents won't
Blaine shook his head. "I live with my uncle and he loves to meet new people."
"Okay." If it didn't work out, Lian wouldn't be any worse off than he'd been five minutes ago.

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Chapter Five

Lian followed Blaine from the area with broken sidewalks and shattered glass to a part of town

where Lian wondered if he were dressed well enough to avoid getting arrested for vagrancy. No
doubt about it, Blaine lived in the nicer area of whatever kingdom they were in.
"Where exactly am I?"

Blaine peeked at Lian curiously from under his floppy bangs. "What do you mean? Are you lost?"

Lian shrugged. "I sort of ran away from where I was before and lost track of things."
Blaine nodded. "I know what that's like. You're in King Raiston's kingdom. He's a pretty good guy but
he's got a lot of area to look over and sometimes things get missed."
"At least he tries." A lot of rulers were indifferent to their people but no one could watch over
everything, and there still remained that pesky problem of free will.
Blaine turned to walk up the steps of a large apartment building. Lian hesitated. "Come on. We've got
lots of space and after I tell Uncle what you did, I'm sure he won't have a problem keeping you safe
for a bit."
Lian followed Blaine inside. Two men stood on either side of the inner corridor with the look of
bodyguards about them. If he wasn't mistaken they had the hardware, too. Lian's steps began to drag
until Blaine grabbed his arm and yanked him towards the elevators. Blaine pulled a chain out from
beneath his shirt. A keycard dangled from a metal loop. With an experienced swipe, Blaine cleared
the security card and pushed the penthouse suite. Lian wondered what he'd gotten into this time.
As the transporter rose, Blaine chattered about the team and his boarding history. Lian listened with
half an ear as his stomach plummeted to his toes. He really needed to talk to some dragonkin and get
started on his research the whole reason he'd come to the planet to begin with. Assuming everything
with Bourne ended well. If Bourne convinced the authorities to throw Lian off the planet, the
dragonkin may never find the source of their fertility issues.
The bell rang alerting them they'd reached the top floor.
Blaine bounced out and Lian followed more slowly. Four more guards stood just inside. Lian
automatically swept them with his magic. Several bone fractures, some bruising and… Lian froze.
Walking over to the farthest guard on the left he poked at him with his magic.
"Doc what are you doing?" Blaine asked.
Lian continued to scan the man who had dragonkin blood. He couldn't tell how much but as he dug
deeper Lian could see it in the DNA.
"There's something wrong with him," Lian said, musingly.
"There's nothing the fuck wrong with me, step back!" The guard snarled.
"Hey, be nice Flin, this guy can like, heal with his hands. He's magic," Blaine said.
Lian ignored the conversation running around him. Something was wrong. "What have you ingested in
the past twenty-four hours?"
"Why?" Lian could hear the suspicion in Flin's voice but he didn't check out the man's expression.
With his focus deep inside the guard he saw nothing but floating particles in Flin's body.
"Because something you ingested contained poison." Lian could see the little dots swirling around in
the guard's bloodstream.
"What? Blaine what kind of wacko did you bring home?" Flin asked.
"What's going on here?" A new voice entered the mix.
Lian blinked, forcing his focus to return to surface. Still trying to regain his proper sight, he turned to

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face the new voice. He sank into the newcomer with his magic.
"You have it, too. Something you both consumed," Lian said, pondering the different things that could
carry the same poison.
A hard hand gripped Lian's shoulder and shook him.
Lian snapped back to the present. "Oh, hi!"
"Blaine, did you bring me a pretty present?" The newcomer asked.
"What?" Blaine's voice sounded as confused as Lian felt. "No, Uncle Milot. Yuck! I brought him
home because he needed a place to stay and he saved my friends' lives." The complete horror in the
teen's voice almost had Lian laughing.
Uncle Milot had pitch black hair and snapping blue eyes. If he'd been on the cover of a magazine Lian
would've grabbed it in a second.
"Explain!" Uncle Milot snapped, keeping his grip on Lian.
Blaine's interpretation of Lian's actions made him sound like more of a hero than he felt at the time but
he let it slide. It wasn't his place to correct him.
Blaine's uncle released his hold. "I thank you, sir," he said formally. "Those kids are reckless, but
they're good boys. I would've been devastated if any of them died in that accident."
"If you put me up for a few days I'd call us even and if you told me what you've eaten in the past
twenty-four hours that would help even more," Lian replied.
"Why?" Milot's eyes narrowed.
"Because I think whatever you and your guard ate is part of the reason fertility rates have dropped for
the dragonkin." Lian needed more input to test his theory but his gut told him he was on the right path.
"I'm Milot Stivy, you can call me Milot. Nice to meet you, friend." Milot held out his hand as they
officially met.
Lian shook the hand held out to him. "Dr Lian Blythorpe. Nice to meet you."
"Explain what you said before," Milot demanded.
Lian hid his amusement. Milot apparently barked a lot of commands. In as succinct a manner as he
could, Lian told him his purpose here on Dragait and even told Milot about his altercation with
Bourne. Not that he'd injured the man but that Lian needed to hide out.
"So you need a place to stay until your team shows up?" Milot asked.
Lian nodded. "I hate to put you out. We did just meet, but Blaine said you might have a spare
Uncle Milot sent Blaine an amused look. "Yeah, I'm sure we've got something. Is this poison going to
kill us?"
"I don't think so. It looks like it's bioengineered to destroy your sperm. How it does that, I'm not sure,
but it appears to be working."
"Huh. Well, doc, I'd be happy to help you out as you are trying to help my people. In fact, if you tell
me what you need I can find you some lab space."
"Oh, that isn't necessary. I wouldn't want to put you to so much trouble." Lian barely knew the man
and anyone with that many bodyguards probably didn't have a legally legitimate company.
"Nonsense. I own a lot of stuff. I'm pretty sure I recently bought a pharmaceutical company. I bet they
have a lab you can use." Milot waved his objections away.
Lian opened his mouth to answer when his communicator went off. Pulling it out of his pocket his
heart pounded at the sight of Nevair's name.
"A problem, doc?" Milot asked.
Lian sighed. "I hope not."

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He pushed the button to accept the call.
"You'd best be on your way back to the cathedral!" Nevair snapped
"Hi, hon. Um no, I'm staying with some friends for a few days." Lian knew Nevair wouldn't take that
excuse but he had to try.
"You don't have any friends. You just got here. Where are you? I'm going to send Shean to pick you
up," Nevair said.
"No. I'm fine, Nevair. I'll see you in a few days." He didn't need to get Nevair mixed up in his
"You tell me where you are right now!" Nevair roared.
Lian disconnected.
"Are we going to be having your partner join us soon?" Milot nodded towards Lian's communicator.
Lian promptly shoved back into his pocket. "Not if he has any sense," Lian growled. "He's busy
enough he doesn't need to be hunting me down."
"Come, sit down, my chef has food prepared. You can search it and see if anything looks poisoned
and tell me all about your senseless beau."
Lian's stomach growled. He laughed selfconsciously. "I guess it would be stupid to say I wasn't
"Indeed," Milot agreed.
"Come on, doc," Blaine said. "I bet you've got some kick-ass healing stories."
Lian laughed. "I might have one or two."
The table could have fed a family of twenty, instead the three of them huddled around one end.
Seeing his expression, Milot shrugged. "Sometimes the entire family comes for dinner. I like to have
space for them."
"You have a big family?" Lian asked.
"Extended. I have four sisters and two brothers. None who've had more than one kid each. Blaine's
mother, my sister, died in childbirth, so I kept him."
Milot talked as if Blaine were a puppy who followed him home. From the fond look Blaine gave his
uncle, Lian let it slide. "That was lucky for you," he told Blaine. Memories of his loneliness after his
parent's death gripped his heart.
Blaine shrugged. "Someone in the family would've taken me. That's how they are."
A servant put a loaf of hot bread on the table. Lian scanned it and shook his head. "The bread's not
Milot sighed. "Great. I love my bread."
Since the man didn't have a spare ounce of fat, Lian supposed he must enjoy his exercise, too. Milot
looked to be in his early forties but with dragonkin he could easily be a hundred and Lian wouldn't
Lian took a bite of a roll. "It's good bread."
Blaine nodded, his mouth stuffed like a rodent.
"Tell me about your man. What's he like?" Milot asked.
Lian shrugged. "Bossy."
Milot laughed, a big hearty sound. "A lot of guys are bossy."
"Yeah, but not the ones I usually go with. He's dragonkin and thinks we're mates. I'm still on the
fence," Lian confessed.
Blaine dropped his fork. "When did you have sex?"
"Blaine! You don't ask people you hardly know when they had sex." Milot narrowed his eyes and

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contradicted himself by asking, "Was it long enough to get the mark?"
Lian shook his head. "We had sex this morning and yesterday."
"Ahh, so there's still time to find out. What's his name?"
Lian tore apart the roll and glanced around the room. "I'd rather not say. I don't want him to get in
trouble because I'm hiding out."
Milot shook his head. "My boy, the last thing anyone in this room will do is snitch you out. Now tell
me." Lian couldn't ignore the order.
"Nevair Dragonfang," Lian mumbled.
Milot jumped to his feet. "We've got to return you."
"Hey! I thought you said it didn't matter!" Lian scowled.
"I thought you were going to mention some lesser noble or maybe even a half breed with an optimistic
spirit, but you can't just ditch Dragonfang." Panic crossed Milot's face.
"I didn't ditch him. I'm going to return as soon as my medical team arrives in two days," Lian said in a
soothing voice.
"And if your mark shows up before then?" Milot challenged.
"Then I'll cope. Besides, with or without a mark, I'm going to return to Nevair. I like him." Nevair had
a sweet vulnerability Lian found irresistible.
"He could tear this building apart," Milot glanced around as if expecting Nevair to arrive any minute
now. "You're the one he destroyed the bar for, aren't you?"
Lian shrugged. "It isn't my fault he lacks control. It will be a good test for him to acquire some."
Two servers brought out the rest of the food. Lian smiled at the little woman who put a plate of
roasted meat and some sort of tuber in front of him. "It looks delicious," he told the woman.
She curtseyed before walking away.
"Is it poisoned?" Milot snapped. "If you're going to endanger out lives with your stubbornness, you
can at least see if the food will kill me before the Pontifex does."
Lian laughed. "You'll be fine and the food is not poisoned."
The same server poured Lian a glass of water. "Thank you," he said.
"You're welcome sir." The server bowed.
Lian absent-mindedly picked up the glass. Tipping it to his mouth he looked down at the surface and
spewed out the liquid sending droplets everywhere.
"The water. It's the water that's poisoned." Lian announced.
"What? That's ridiculous," Milot snarled. "I only buy imported off-world bottled water."
That didn't make sense. "Off-world from where, and who imports it?"
Milot snapped his fingers at one of the guards. "Find out who distributes our water."
The guard nodded and quickly left the room.
"If it's coming from off-world, maybe someone who doesn't want the dragonkin to breed is tampering
with the water. Since you're mostly a desert planet you need to import most of your water, don't you?"
Milot nodded. "Yeah two-thirds of our water comes from someplace else. I thought it was supposed
to be safer. There are all kinds of restrictions on it."
"But restrictions occur at the water's source. If they put the poison in the bottles, then testing the water
before its bottled won't show the poison," Lian reasoned.
Milo scowled at his glass. "Damn, it's the perfect way to kill us off. No one truly gets sick because
the poison is subtle. In fact, I doubt anyone but you would've noticed it."
Lian basked for a moment in the praise before he nodded. "I need to get blood samples of you and
your guard, from men and women who are poisoned, and samples of the water."

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Milot stroked his chin. "All the women in my family drink the same water. I'll have them come and
give you samples so you have a good variety. My men and I can give you male samples. Will that
"That'll be fine, thanks." Lian couldn't believe his good fortune in finding the perfect group of people
to fall into.
They finished their meal in companionable silence. Milot ordered wine to replace the water. After
dinner, a servant showed Lian to a lovely suite with a balcony and an excellent view of the city. Not
that it amounted to much as far as cities go, but it had a pretty, quaint feel Lian appreciated after
visiting so many smog-filled,
industrialized towns for his job.
Memories of the various places he'd gone brought his thoughts to Nevair. Absently, he scratched his
back. Stepping out on the balcony he wondered what his life would be like if he agreed to be Nevair's
A flapping of wings was his only warning before a familiar multi-colored dragon settled beside him.
"Good thing these landings are so large," he muttered to the beast.
Nevair-dragon gave a snort.
"I would've come back to you." Lian scratched the dragon along his eye ridge, causing the creature's
back leg to thump. "Like that, do you?"
Before he was ready, the beast stepped away from Lian and the dragon shrunk to human-sized Nevair.
"Let's get inside before we really do start some rumors," Nevair said with a self-conscious smile.
"It would serve you right," Lian said, unrepentant. "I told you I'd return."
"I know. I know, but not all of me was in agreement. I had to come find you and make sure you were
all right." Nevair's expression pleaded with Lian for understanding.
"I'm fine. See?" Lian held out his arms to display his body.
"Yes, you are very fine, but knowing it and seeing it aren't the same," Nevair said.
"So what, you're going to stalk me until the medical team arrives?" Lian asked.
"What medical team? When I showed up at the medic center they told me you quit. Bourne was quite
adamant about your resignation." Nevair frowned.
"I'll bet he was." Lian quickly gave Nevair the run down while the other man made growly noises that
would've made his dragon half proud.
"What do we do now?" Nevair asked.
The question niggled in the back of his mind. "How did you find me? Last time, you knew the name of
the bar but I didn't give you any clues this time."
Nevair's sweet smile punched Lian in the gut. "Honey, I'll always be able to find you. I can't explain
it. It's as if you have a homing beacon only I can see."
Lian thought about it for a minute. "I don't know if that's romantic or creepy," he said finally.
"Let's go for romantic," Nevair pulled Lian into his arms.
"Okay. You can't stay with me. You've got stuff to do," Lian muttered into Nevair's muscular chest.
"You let me worry about my stuff," Nevair said. "Nothing has higher priority than you."
Lian locked away his cynicism. After the newness of their relationship wore off, he had no doubt
other things would take precedence. "Since you're here, you can stay the night. Tomorrow, though, you
need to go back to your cathedral."
"Yes, dear." Nevair's amused response made Lian hands twitch with the urge to smack him upside the
head. He resisted, barely. Besides, Nevair stark naked and needing wasn't anything Lian wanted to
pass up.

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"Let's go inside so you don't have anyone staring at your bare ass," Lian said feeling oddly
"Good plan," Nevair agreed.
Lian took Nevair's hand and led him inside.
Nevair let out a low whistle. "Nice room from someone you just met."
"I don't want to talk about them, I want to jump you."
Nevair's laughter quickly changed to moans when Lian dropped to his knees and took Nevair's
erection into his mouth.
* * * *

Nevair admired the sight of his mate on his knees. He'd panicked when Bourne told him Lian had

left. He knew Lian wouldn't have gone away without talking to him first. Not permanently. Luckily,
Ellersby had stopped Nevair in the hall and told him the situation.

He badly wanted to ask Lian if there would be trouble over his behavior, but not right now. Not

when those pink lips stretched so perfectly around his cock. Nevair had to bite his lip to hold back his
orgasm as Lian's talented mouth swallowed him down.

Not only was Lian beautiful, but highly skilled as well. Nevair's dragon growled at how Lian

must've gotten his skill, but no matter how many men were in Lian's past, they were going to stay

Stroking Lian's hair, Nevair came with a sigh. Lian didn't miss a drop, easily swallowing

Nevair's seed. After Lian let Nevair slip out of his mouth, Nevair reached down and pulled Lian to
his feet. "You are mine," he growled.

Lian's smiled but doubt lived in his beautiful eyes. "Tomorrow we'll know for sure," Lian said.

"Yes, we will." Nevair didn't worry about what the
next day might bring. Lian belonged to him and nothing, mark or no mark, would pull him from his

He helped Lian out of his clothes and into bed. His hands shook with excitement. "I'd like to suck

Lian stared at him for a while. "Oh, were you waiting for me to say no?"
Nevair laughed self-consciously. "I guess not. I don't suppose most men would object to receiving a
blow job."
"Not usually," Lian agreed.
"I'm new at this," he said by way of apology. "I know, and I find that really hot," Lian confessed.
"You find it hot that I don't know what I'm doing?" Sometimes he simply didn't understand his mate.
Lian smiled. "No, I find it hot that I'm the only one who's ever going to show you what to do."
Lian's kisses began slow and sweet but they quickly transformed into hot and toothy as he nipped at
Nevair's bottom lip.
Nevair pulled back and laughed. "I thought I was the dragon in this relationship."
"Doesn't mean I can't leave some marks of my own."
Nevair groaned. "Leave whatever marks you want. I'm yours."
He couldn't put into words how much he belonged to Lian. When he found his medic missing, his
heart damn near stopped beating and his dragon barely resisted the urge to rampage. Since Lian hung
up on him, his new compad didn't help and the only way to find his wayward lover was to turn to his
dragon half.
Luckily, Lian proved easy to find.
His brain short-circuited when Lian moved his way down Nevair's body. "Fuck me," Nevair choked

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"What?" Lian sat up. "I thought you wanted to give me a blow job."
"I can do that later but I need to know what it's like to have you inside me. This isn't a one-sided
relationship. Unless of course you don't like that." Damn, he hoped he hadn't ruined everything.
Lian's delighted smile assuaged Nevair's fears. "If you're sure."
"I am. Even if we never do this again I want to know what you experience when we make love."
Lian gave Nevair a long look. "Okay."
A weight tumbled off of Nevair's chest, relief shooting through him fast as dragon fire. Lian should've
turned to Nevair when he had problems with Bourne, not a stranger. He'd talk to Lian about it later,
after his mark appeared. He'd have one tattooed himself if he needed to.
"Turn over," Lian ordered.
"Because it's easier your first time."
"But I can't see you then." Nevair disliked the thought of not seeing Lian's eyes when he sank into
Nevair's body.
"It's a better angle," Lian persisted.
Nevair shook his head. "No. I'll stay on my back."
Lian's sigh moved the hair on his forehead around. "Fine, have it your way."
"I hope you get used to saying those words," Nevair teased.
"Very funny." Despite his eye rolling and annoyance, Lian's touch couldn't have been any tenderer.
Nevair jolted in surprise when Lian's slicked fingers circled Nevair's hole.
"You were carrying lube when you left?" Nevair couldn't let that stand. If Lian thought he could have
sex with anyone else he needed a quick lesson in dragon protocol.
Lian grinned. "That would've been extremely forward thinking of me, but no, my attentive host has
quite a collection of personal items for any guest. I think you're too innocent for most of it."
Nevair desperately wanted to look, but suspected Lian made the entire story up to get back at him for
his suspicion. He vowed to check later when his lover left the room. Lifting his hips, Nevair spread
his legs and gave Lian something to aim for.
"Sexy," Lian purred.
His growl, dragon-worthy and hot, sent shivers down Nevair's spine. His inner beast preened at the
compliment. Lian tucked a pillow beneath Nevair's hips to help with the angle.
Absorbed in Lian's expression, Nevair jerked when Lian's fingers pushed gently inside his hole.
"Sorry," he muttered when Lian pulled away.
"We don't have to do this," Lian reminded him.
"Yes, we do. I'm committed." Nevair kept his voice strong. He wouldn't back out.
"Or you should be," Lian muttered.
Nevair laughed just enough for his body to relax over Lian's intrusion. He had to give Lian credit; the
man started slow and loosened him up before increasing the number of digits inside Nevair. After the
initial discomfort he began to enjoy Lian fingering his hole.
"More. Inside me now." For a second his dragon balked.
Mine! It growled. Nevair sent it soothing thoughts while he tried to keep relaxed enough for Lian's
With a great deal more lube, Lian pushed inside.
"Oh." He'd expected more discomfort, maybe pain. He hadn't been prepared for the feeling of
connection, of rightness. In that moment he became one with Lian and knew they belonged together.

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"I'm not going to last long," Lian said in low desperate tones.
Lian's face, stunning in repose, increased in beauty while sliding in and out of Nevair's body. Eyes
unfocused, body pumping, the man made Nevair's heartbeat patter louder as an orgasm tore its way
through his body. Without a single touch, Nevair came.
"That is so fucking sexy," Lian growled. A shout later and Lian spurted out his orgasm inside of
Nevair and collapsed on his body. Nevair cradled Lian like the treasure he was, his dragon
thoroughly approved.
"I'm not giving you up," Nevair warned. "I don't care if you don't turn out to be my mate."
Lian laughed against Nevair's chest. "I had that impression."

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Chapter Six

Nevair watched in amazement as Lian stood in a white lab coat and took blood from over two

dozen dragonkin, himself included. When Lian explained his predicament in getting a good number of
test samples, Nevair had thought he'd have a problem getting volunteers. However, the hope of
solving their fertility issues had dragonkin coming out of the woodwork to offer their blood.

It probably didn't hurt that Nevair sanctioned the study and Milot encouraged them to participate.

Lian's people hadn't arrived yet, but Milot had put spies in the spaceport to keep an eye out. Nevair
smiled when Lian scratched at his back. His mating mark had come out in brilliant glorious color that
morning but apparently it itched. Nevair spent a good hour spreading lotion on the design before
becoming distracted by the rest of the man.

Nevair's new communicator rang. He didn't look at the number, his gaze stayed on Lian. "Yes?"

"You need to get your ass back to the cathedral and conduct your services. The council is having
dragon kits. They say you've abandoned your post and are looking to replace you," Tres demanded.
Nevair growled. "Only the goddess can replace me."
"I think they have a different opinion," Tres said dryly.
"I'll be right there. Someone needs to remind them of the sanctity of mates." Nevair wouldn't put up
with that kind of behavior. He knew his rights.
"Mates?" Tres asked.
"Lian's mark came in this morning." Nevair couldn't keep the pride from his voice.
Silence filled the communicator. "Tres?"
"Um, congratulations." His voice didn't sound right but Nevair didn't call him on it.
"I'll be there in an hour," Nevair said.
"See you then," Tres agreed.
Nevair disconnected in time to see one of the dragonkin males get too close to Lian. "Hey," Nevair
snapped. "Don't even think about touching him. He's mine."
The man held up his hands and stepped back. "Sorry, Pontifex, I didn't know you'd claimed him."
"I should make you go shirtless all the time so your mark is on display," Nevair threatened.
Lian laughed. "Yeah, that would show them."
The female he had just extracted blood from snickered at Lian's words. "He's adorable. You should
give your mate a ring."
Nevair thought it over for a moment. A ring wouldn't be enough. Anyone could wear a ring for any
reason. He needed a stronger statement.
He knew just what to give Lian once he could take his mate back to the cathedral. "I'll keep that in
Lian set her vial of blood next to all the other vials.
"Why do you need samples anyway? Can't you see the poison?" Nevair asked.
Lian nodded. "But I can't see why. Besides although they trust my judgment I can't expect my bosses to
take my word for stuff until I can give them concrete proof about the poison and hopefully its source."
"I've got to return to the cathedral. Apparently they are lost without me. I'll see you later." Nevair was
reluctant to leave his mate but he needed to attend to his duties.
Lian nodded absently, his attention already back to his research. "Good luck."
Nevair chuckled. He'd have to get used to someone who had more important things to pay attention to
than him.

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Still shaking his head, Nevair walked his way back to cathedral, keeping an eye out for anyone

following him. He didn't see anybody but he didn't exactly have super spy skills either. When he
arrived at the cathedral, he found Tres standing on the front steps tapping his foot. His handsome face
twisted in disapproval as he caught sight of Nevair.


"Where is he?"
The sharp tone had Nevair looking closer at his

friend. "Why?"

"We need to get control of him or the media is
going to have a field day with your inappropriate mate,"
Tres said.
"Watch how you talk about him," Nevair warned.
"We might be friends, but he's the other half of my soul." Tres rolled his eyes. "Sorry to impugn the
of a two second old mating. You can break it, you know." "What?" Nevair had no idea what Tres
blathered on
about, his mind still remained on his mate.
"There are ceremonies to remove the mark," Tres
"Why would I want to do that?" Why give up the
one man specifically chosen for him?
"Because he's not suitable. He attacked Bourne and
then ran," Tres snapped.
"He attacked Bourne because the man is an ass and
hit him from behind. Wait," he examined his friend's cold
expression. "Since when do you care about Bourne?" Tres frowned. "I don't care about Bourne. I care
about you."
Except Tres's tone didn't match his words. Nevair
wondered about the disconnect even as he saw Tres tremble
with some unnamed emotion.
Nervous. His dragon muttered inside.
Why would Tres be nervous?
"Are you going to tell me where he is?" Tres asked
with a scowl.
"No, Tres. I'm not going to tell you where he is.
He's going to stay hidden until his team arrives." Nevair's
instincts were sounding warning bells like the village fire
Tres's face turned an angry red. "You can't do that!" "Whoa! What are you talking about?" Where had
lost the conversation?
"I told the council I would take care of this and you
are being purposely difficult!" Tres screamed.
"Because I won't turn over my mate? Tres, you need
to forget about whatever plan you have. I won't turn Lian

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over to you. He's doing important work." Lian could
possibly save all of dragonkin.
Tres snarled at him. "You're ruining all my plans.
Take him!"
"What?" Nevair turned at the sharp pain piercing his
neck. "He'll come for you eventually. He won't be able to
resist. Stupid dragons." Tres' face contorted into an ugly
expression Nevair had never seen before. Damn, how many
clues had he missed over the years? Darkness closed over
him as his mind swirled with the act of betrayal.
* * * *

Lian had finished his last blood draw of the day when a panicky feeling struck him from out of the

His head jerked up and Lian examined the room but nothing popped out as the thing that disturbed
"Are you okay, doctor?" Brea, a pretty dragon lady, asked. Her amber eyes glowed with concern.
Lian rubbed his chest. "I don't know. I feel like something's wrong."
"You're newly mated, right?" she asked shyly.
Lian nodded. The feeling intensified as he tried to put a finger on the source.
"It might be your mate. If your bonding is strong you sometimes share emotions," Brea said.
"Huh. I should've gotten a dragonkin mating handbook." Lian thought he knew everything about
dragonkin. Coming here only showed how little knowledge he had.
Brea laughed. "That would be handy."
"Did you find your special guy yet?" Lian asked, curious about the woman.
She shook her head. "I've dated a lot but none of them have been the one, you know?"
Lian nodded, he did know. "Don't give up, you're bound to find someone and you've got a lot of time."
"True. Still I wouldn't mind having someone to share my life with." Her wistful tone had Lian
appreciating his bond with Nevair.
Lian thought of all the years he'd spent alone since his parents' death and the past few nights he'd spent
in the arms of Nevair. "Yeah. It is nice," he agreed.
Brea gave him an understanding smile. "I hope you stick around, doc. You're really good for Nevair.
He's been alone for a long time and that assistant of his is crazy."
"What do you mean?" Tres hadn't struck him as too odd. The man was just doing his job.
Brea rolled her eyes before leaning in and talking in a confiding whisper. "Everyone knows Tres has
been waiting for Nevair to give up on finding a mate. Why do you think he's stayed on as his assistant
all this time when he could've gone on to do more?"
"What do you think he's waiting for?" Lian asked.
"For Nevair to give up and accept Tres. He's convinced himself they're mates and if Nevair has sex
with some other guys he'll get it out of his system and pick Tres as his permanent mate. He must be
shitting dragon eggs now that you've been marked." Brea smirked.
"Huh." Lian didn't mention that Nevair hadn't seemed so pure last night. "Thanks for the info," he
settled on saying.
Brea patted his shoulder. "Good luck with Nevair. Sometimes it's harder to love someone who's in
the public eye. I'm glad he found someone."
"Me too," Lian said. He didn't know how he felt about their relationship but he didn't want anyone

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else to get close to Nevair.
He'd fought most of his life against attachments. It didn't take a psychiatrist to know his parents' death
led to his fear of intimacy. He didn't mind a good hard fuck from a next-to-anonymous guy but to bond
with someone, to know them inside and out, that took an entirely different level of connection. Lian
didn't know if he could live up to the commitment set by the mark on his back.
Lian's nerves didn't settle the rest of the day. He tried a few times to call Nevair but his lover didn't
answer the phone.
When he'd finally finished for the day, Lian stood up and stretched his back. Looking around the lab
he had to smile. His benefactor had done him proud. Apparently Milot did own a pharmaceutical
company. Lian had no doubts the man knew to a dime what belonged to him, but he'd let Milot play
the absentminded protector if it got him what he wanted. Besides he was there to help out the
Putting aside his blood samples in the allocated refrigeration unit, Lian took off his lab coat.
"Doctor, oh thank the goddess you're still here."
A young couple Lian had interviewed earlier rushed into the room. The man had his arm wrapped
around his wife as they rushed her inside the small space. "My wife's in pain and worried about
losing the baby."
"Why aren't you at the medic center?" Lian demanded. Concern made his voice sharper than he
The woman, Carti, shook her head. "You can't trust them to take care of dragonkin."
"Why not?" Lian asked hoping he didn't know the answer.
"Bourne." They said together. The woman's face paled under her obvious pain.
"Come, lie here." Lian pointed to his medical table. It had a padded bench for people who became
dizzy from blood work. A few donors hadn't taken it well when Lian had used a needle.
When Carti settled on the table Lian scanned her with his magic. "That's strange," he muttered. Poison
ran rampant through her system. Lian quickly grabbed the vial of blood he'd taken from her before and
double checked. Two hours ago she hadn't been infected.
"What did you have in the past two hours?"
"An apple and some water. I haven't been hungry today."
Lian would bet money she drank from the same water supplier as Milot. "I'll need samples of both.
Do you still have the apple core?"
Carti shook her head, grimacing at the motion. "But I still have the rest of my water bottle. It's in the
"Go get it," Lian told the husband.
Without a question, the man tore off out of the lab.
"I think you've been poisoned. Your child isn't big enough to be born yet so we're going to change its
mind," Lian said, using his best bedside voice.
Lian talked the woman into relaxing as they waited for her husband.
Keeping his hand on her stomach he monitored the baby's progress. "I think she's willing to listen to
reason," he said with a smile.
"We're having a girl?" The man had quickly returned with the bottle and handed it over to Lian.
Lian grimaced. "Sorry, I didn't know you weren't aware it's a girl. What's your name?"
"Davin." He clumsily shook Lian's hand.
"Nice to meet you." Davin's DNA had showed up as one hundred percent human.
It only took a second for Lian to determine the water as the source of Carti's contamination. His inner

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eye saw hundreds of the poisonous droplets spinning around in the bottle. "Where did you get this
bottle from?" It was a clear glass bottle, the kind people refilled.
"F-from the d-delivery service," Davin stuttered, stress causing him to stumble across his words.
"Please, can you help my wife?"
"Yes." Lian set the bottle down. The source could be investigated after he purged Carti of the poison.
He lifted her shirt up just enough to expose her rounded midriff. "I'm going to heal you and then I want
you to tell me everything you know about this water."
Carti nodded. Lian figured she would probably agree to anything to save her child. If it were his, he
knew he'd want to. Lian placed his fingers on Carti's stomach. The procedure would take more
finesse than he generally used. Too much magic could kill the fetus and possibly ruin any chance of
Carti getting pregnant again. Too little, and the poison would succeed in killing the child. From what
he could tell, the toxin only affected dragonkin because if Davin drank the same water it didn't show
in his body.
"This might hurt a bit," Lian warned.
"I don't care, fix me!" Carti's voice, her terror stark and sharp, stabbed at Lian's heart.
"I'll do my best," he promised.
Closing his eyes, Lian focused a pinpoint of power across Carti's stomach destroying the poison
droplets with surgical precision. It was almost like playing a retro video game where little beams of
light annihilated the intruders, except in this case, the possibility of failure could lead to the death of
two living beings.
Sweat beaded on Lian's forehead and dripped down his cheeks as he concentrated.
Carti gasped at the heat from his touch.
"It's too much," she whimpered.
"Hang in there," Lian whispered. "I'm doing this as fast as I can."
An eternity strung across a few short minutes and Lian's body trembled as the collection of muscles in
his spine protested their stillness. In one breath-stealing moment, the small fetus's heart stopped
beating. Fortunately, a gentle push from Lian had it speeding along again. When he finally opened his
eyes he felt like he'd aged ten years.
"You're poison free," he finally got out.
Tears filled Carti's eyes. "And the baby?"
"She's fine." He didn't mention that second of heart failure, the mother didn't need to know that.
A hard grip on his shoulder turned his attention to Davin. "Thank you. My family owes you a debt I
know we'll never be able to pay."
Lian wondered how many times he'd have to relive this scene. The dragonkin were a grateful bunch,
but he didn't want anyone to feel they should pay him back. "The goddess gave me a gift, I'm happy to
return the favor."
Relief and joy crossed both their faces. "She might have given you the gift but I know many who'd be
happy to take advantage of people in order to use it," Davin said.
"If you tell me everything you know about your water distributor we might be able to help the entire
race of dragonkin."
Lian listened as they explained how the water delivered belonged to a new company. "They claim to
add minerals and that it's healthier. I thought with the baby…" Carti trailed off.
"How long have they been in business?" Lian cut her off not wanting her to wallow in self-
Davin and Carti exchanged looks before Davin spoke. "I think about a year now."

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Carti nodded her agreement. "About that."
"Thank you." Lian helped Carti down from the table. "Go home drink some juice and I'll let you know
how everything turns out." The water ads he'd noticed before were starting to take a sinister twist.
Milot's water had contained poison but the man confessed to Lian that more than one person might
have reason to want him dead. To find the same poison in an innocent woman's drink told him it was
a wider spread problem than a vendetta against one man.
"Thank you." They spoke in that freaky unison some couples get when they spend a lot of time
together. Lian hoped he never reached that point with Nevair; it was weird.
The fact his lover hadn't called him started to bother Lian.
Grabbing his communicator, he dialed. Once again, no answer.
"Is there a problem, doc?" Milot asked, entering the lab.
"I think I know where the poison came from." With a quick summary he shared what little he'd learned
so far. "Did you find out who owns the company?"
Milot shook his head. "Not yet but I'm expecting a phone call soon."
"Good." The more Lian learned the better off they'd be.
"Come eat. I'm sure we'll have an answer by dinner time," Milot assured him.
Lian nodded. "Okay."
Milot put his hand on Lian's back as he led him from the lab. "Will his holiness be joining us for
"I don't know." Worry crinkled Lian's brow. "I haven't been able to get a hold of him since he
returned to the cathedral."
"That is odd. Do you want me to send some of my men over there? I doubt they'd make the connection
between us."
Lian nibbled his bottom lip as he thought it over. "If you don't mind. I might just be paranoid, but it
isn't like Nevair not to check in with me." Even with only being mates a short time, Nevair had
proven to be the type of man who called when he said he would.
"No, it's not. A new mating is a fragile thing. Most dragonkin won't leave their mates the first twenty-
four hours after their mark appears. I'll send over a few people and ask discreetly. As long as they
stay away from Tres they shouldn't be detected."
"Thank you. You've been great, really. I mean, you didn't have to take in a complete stranger."
Milot's eyes glowed with the power of his emotions. "You didn't have to stop and help a couple of
injured kids. I heard from their parents. They sobbed over the phone, so thankful someone stopped to
help. So many people don't care anymore. You did." Milot gripped Lian's shoulder. "Your act of
kindness saved two of my nephew's best friends. That's worth a lot more than a small lab, a guest
room and asking a few questions."
Lian nodded. He didn't want to argue. He'd always lived with his gift so he didn't always understand
how his actions affected others. Milot appreciated his efforts and Lian received a lot of benefits for
one moment of compassion. "Thanks."
"No problem. My cook made some of her amazing pasta and I'm dying to eat. We can dine while we
wait for our report," Milot smiled as if everything would be fine now.
Lian gave a weak smile. "Sounds good." His stomach hadn't stopped churning at the thought of Nevair
in trouble.

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Chapter Seven

The news, when it came, shook Lian to the core. "What do you mean he's disappeared?"

Milot's detective shifted nervously on his feet, his gaze skittering across the room, desperate to look
anywhere but into Lian's eyes.
"No one's seen him since he entered the cathedral and the cathedral staff say he never showed up for
his sermon," the detective announced.
"Who saw him last?" Lian asked, leaning forward and barely resisting the urge to choke the
The man took a cautious step back, obviously reading the intent in Lian's eyes. Scanning his compad
the detective answered. "Trestair Dragonwing met his holiness at the steps according to
eyewitnesses, but no one inside verified seeing him afterwards."
Lian's heart plunged somewhere around his ankles. "Shit."
"Calm down, Lian. What about the water company," Milot asked.
The man's chocolate brown eyes jumped between Lian and Milot. "The company board lists both Dr
Bourne and Trestair Dragonwing as primary owners."
"What?" Milot asked.
"Why would they work together?" Lian asked.
On the surface neither man should have a connection. If Tres cared for Nevair why would he want
him to be poisoned?
"That I don't know," the detective replied.
"You're dismissed, Barth. Go get some food in the kitchen," Milot ordered.
"Thank you, sir," Barth bowed and quickly left.
Lian leaned back in his seat, trying to figure out the puzzle pieces. "Why would a dragonkin want to
poison his own kind?"
"Tres isn't dragonkin," Milot said.
"What do you mean?" Lian had thought Tres must be dragonkin the way he reacted to Lian's lack of a
"I mean he was adopted. You don't know the story because you're new but his parents adopted him
after his mother turned out to be sterile. They gave him a dragonkin last name. It was quite the scandal
at the time," Milot remarked.
"The adoption?" Lian tried to figure out how an adoption would be scandalous.
Milot shook his head. "No, the naming. No one has ever given a non-dragonkin a dragon name unless
they are direct offspring or bonded. Some people ostracized his parents over it."
"What happened to them?" Lian wondered if Tres had killed his parents too.
Milo got a faraway look in his eyes. "If my memory serves me they died about six years ago in a
space ship collision."
It still didn't make sense. "Huh. I can see why Bourne would be in on the act because for some reason
he hates dragonkin. But why Tres?"
"I guess they'll have to ask him at the police station," Milot said.
Lian raised a brow. "You think they'll arrest him on such a flimsy case?"
Milot shrugged. "They can at least take him in for questioning."
"True. I think it would be best if you called it in. I'm not a citizen and they might not believe me." Not
to mention Lian had enough problems with the number of issues he already caused with Bourne.

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"Yeah, the police know me well," Milot said with a wry grin. "They'll get a kick out of me reporting
someone for a crime."
Lian didn't comment on Milot's amusement. He didn't want to know Milot's business. The man had
been a good friend and Lian had no plans to upset their delicate balance.
"I'm going to go to the cathedral. I need to know what happened to Nevair." He didn't care what it
took but he'd find out where his mate went if he had to tear apart the cathedral.
"I'll send a couple of my guys to go with you," Milot offered.
Lian would've objected, but since he didn't know what he might be walking into, he nodded his
After dinner, Lian headed out with two human bodyguards who towered over Lian like giants. They
both had dark hair, dark eyes, and massive shoulders. Lian watched dubiously to see if they could
make it through the door.
He accepted Milot's offer of his driver and hovercar and headed to the cathedral.
"Are we expecting trouble?" one of the guards asked.
Lian shrugged. "I don't know."
Inside, he felt like a hollowed out shell. After several hours of not hearing from Nevair, Lian was
officially beginning to panic.
He fidgeted nervously as the car raced down the busy streets. Milot's driver must've been a combat
star fighter in a previous job from the way he whipped in and out of the smallest amount of space.
Lian's nerves trembled at the speed they traveled, but the sooner they reached the cathedral the sooner
they could find Nevair.
As soon as the hovercar reached its destination, Lian opened the door and rushed out.
"Sir, wait for us," one of the guards called out.
Lian gave that request the attention it deserved, absolutely none. Fear had him yanking open the door
and marching in. At the astonished look of the worshippers praying on their mats, Lian tried to soften
his step. Ignoring the man speaking from the pulpit, Lian walked right past and straight to the staircase
behind it.
The preacher or priest or whatever his title stumbled across his words as Lian pretended he wasn't
there. Following the path he remembered from a few days before, Lian reached Nevair's bedroom and
yanked open the door.
A quick search of Nevair's space revealed nothing. With a frustrated growl, Lian spun on his heel,
intent on searching every inch of the castle if it would net him his lover.
"Can I help you sir?" A tiny woman in a white service uniform hovered in the hall.
"I'm looking for Nevair, my mate," Lian stated.
"Oh!" The woman's face clouded over. "Mr Dragonwing told me not to let anyone else inside the
"What room?" Lian asked.
"I'm not supposed to say," the woman replied.
One of the guards stepped forward. "If you don't say, you'll be arrested for interfering with a mating
The maid gasped, her hand rising to cover her open mouth. "I had no idea. Mr Dragonwing told me it
was for his holiness's best interests that we tell no one."
"You could show me instead of tell me," Lian offered.
She thought it over, taking longer than Lian was comfortable with before answering. "Come with me."
Lian followed her as they walked down a flight of steps and a twisty hallway.

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She finally stopped at a large wooden door and took out a key. Giving Lian an apologetic look, she
unlocked the door. Lian barely resisted the urge to shove her aside. Marching into the room, he came
to a screeching halt. It was empty. Nothing. A bed, a small side table and a wardrobe filled the space,
all good quality but nothing else.
"Where is he?" Lian shouted.
The maid's mouth dropped open. "I don't know, sir. He was here a few hours ago."
Lian ran his fingers through his hair, yanking at it in frustration.
"Where would he go?" Lian asked.
The maid shrugged. "I don't know, sir."
Lian resisted the urge to throttle the woman. She couldn't give him information she didn't have and he
couldn't blame her for that. "Can you think of any place in the building you can hide someone? Some
place secret?"
The maid gave Lian and apologetic look. "It's an old building sir, there are tons of places you can
hide someone."
Failure tasted bitter in Lian's mouth. His one chance to have the perfect mate and he couldn't even
keep track of him. Would Tres kill Nevair? Did Tres even have him? Would he have passed Nevair
over to Bourne? Questions and possibilities spun in his head? Tears dripped down Lian's cheeks.
He'd not felt this helpless since his parents' deaths.
Lian sat on the bed and put his face in his hands. He couldn't give up but he had no idea what to do
"I'd like to report the kidnapping of Pontifex Nevair Dragonfang." Lian heard the guard rambling on
but little of it stuck in his head. How could he have lost the man when he'd barely had him?
* * * *

Nevair snapped awake in a single jolt. Blinking, he looked around trying to figure out his

location. The smell of sand and oak filled his nose and he struggled to focus his gaze.

The wine cellars.

Built hundreds of years ago, the cathedral had several levels below ground that few people
remembered. The first Pontifex had considered himself an expert on wine and had used his position to
force his parishioners to work as his personal slaves to create a dessert wine from cacti. It wasn't
until after his death that his behavior had been discovered. Behavior the council had worked hard to
cover up to protect the religious order.
Still, why was he here? Nevair tried to move his hands. The shock of cold metal wrapped around his
wrists and ankles made his stomach sink with dread. Glancing up, a red sheen struck fear into his
heart. The shackles were coated with dragon glaze. Originally invented to brush on jewelry for
adolescent dragonkin who had difficulty controlling their transforming powers, it had since been
outlawed due to illegal use by slavers. Searching his mind, Nevair tried to figure out how he'd come
to this point. In his last memory he'd run into Tres outside the cathedral.
Why would his best friend kidnap him?
"Goddess help me," he whispered.
"I'm afraid I can't interfere, beloved Nevair," a woman's voice echoed in the cave.
Nevair had only seen the goddess twice in his life. To see her now only increased his fear. The
Pontifex generally only saw the goddess three times in their lives: At birth, at their naming as
Pontifex, and at their death.
"I can't leave him," Nevair shouted.

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He didn't care about being rude. He couldn't abandon Lian not when he finally got the man to agree to
be his. It might have only been a few days but damn it had felt like a century.
The female form shimmered before him. "I can't free you. It would be too much interference."
"Then show him where I am. Whisper my location in his ear. Something!" Nevair screamed.
"Your man is different. He has a pure heart," the goddess mused.
"Yes, he does." He didn't know Lian well, but the way he interacted with others, how he healed with
no thought of his own recompense, spoke well of the man.
"I know what I'll do." With a gleeful laugh the goddess vanished.
"Crap," Nevair muttered, thunking his head against the cave walls. The sharp pain added to his
Dangling in the manacles time ceased to have any meaning. Nevair fell in and out of consciousness,
more out of boredom than anything else. His wrists ached and his spine, twisted in an unnatural angle,
would never be the same. To top off his misery, a painful cramp came and went in his left foot. He
tried to keep his breaths shallow because the cave smelled of mold and fungus. Enough damp had
seeped into the room to keep the floor wet. A few puddles dotted the area. Nevair could almost make
them out in the dim light.
"Find me, babe, please," he whispered. Even his whisper sounded loud in the echoing cavern.
The screech of the cave's metal door snapped him out of his semi-sleep. The person who appeared
through the opening made joy shoot through Nevair's heart.
"Lian," he choked.
"Nevair!" Lian pushed enough to widen his opening and slipped through. Rushing over, Lian yanked
futilely at the cuffs. "I need help!" he shouted.
"I've got a cutter!" One of the people accompanying Lian rushed forward with a key chain.
Nevair watched, bemused, when the man removed a small red laser and quickly severed the cuffs
from the wall, then neatly from around Nevair's wrist.
"Thanks," Nevair rubbed the raw marks on his arms.
"Gimme," Lian took Nevair's hands in his own as the guard took care of the leg shackles.
"How did you find me?" Nevair asked.
Lian frowned. "It was really strange. I called the cops and when they were on their way, I suddenly
knew where to find you."
Nevair smiled. "The goddess showed you the way."
Lian gave him an odd look. "Um, okay. Sure."
"You don't believe me." He shouldn't be surprised. Lian had told him he wasn't a believer.
Lian shrugged. "I don't have a lot of experience with goddesses. The one time a goddess spoke to me
she appeared in person. I don't know about the more subtle influence of a goddess."
His mate's easy disregard of the goddess's intervention unnerved him. "You know I am the speaker for
the goddess." It might not be the time or place, but the compulsion to straighten things out between
them rode him hard after his imprisonment.
" I know," Lian assured him.
A wave of energy slammed through him, before his eyes his wrists and ankles healed from his mate's
"Thanks," Nevair said.
Lian cupped Nevair's face. "You don't need to thank me, I'm your mate."
Nevair shrugged. "Doesn't mean I can't show my appreciation."
"I can think of a lot of better ways to show appreciation," Lian's wicked smile made Nevair wish they

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were alone.
A policeman entered the cavern, his face serious. "We captured your assistant. He's insisting to talk to
you before they take him in."
"Milot's detective has information that points to Tres being at least partly responsible for poisoning
the dragonkin," Lian said.
"Really." Nevair wondered if he'd really known Tres after all. The boy he'd grown up with had
turned into a man he couldn't recognize. "Let's see what he has to say."
Acid boiled in Nevair's stomach as his dragon growled. Neither of them appreciated betrayal in any
form. The sight of Tres in handcuffs, not that different from Nevair's shackles, made his inner beast
give a happy snort.
"You think you're so important, Nevair, but you're not. The goddess doesn't love you above all others.
She should've chosen me!"
"What are you talking about?" Nevair asked, truly puzzled.
"All you dragonkin think you're so special, but the goddess doesn't care about you. You only think so.
Everyone always thought I had a crush on you but I kept hoping you'd find a mate so I could kill him
and destroy you once and for all. All you dragonkin are so smug thinking you're superior because you
can turn into a beast. The kids at school used to mock me because I had a dragon name. No more!"
Tres turned a venomous glare towards Lian. "I call for the goddess rite!"
Everyone in the room gasped, everyone except for Lian. Nevair knew his mate had no idea how much
trouble he was in.
"What's he talking about?" Lian hissed.
Nevair had to swallow back the bile rising in his throat before he answered. "If a person finds the
mate of the Pontifex less than ideal, they can call for the goddess rite. It hasn't been used in over six
hundred years. It means the goddess has to approve of my mate, personally."
"What does it entail?" Lian asked.
Nevair licked his lips, working hard to push the words out of his chest. "They set you on fire and
hope the goddess will save you."
"Forget it!" Lian shouted. The horror on his face twisted the pain in Nevair's chest. Lian grabbed
Nevair's shirt. "Nevair, I can't heal myself. I-I can only heal others."
Fear froze Nevair like an icicle.
Tres laughed, a loud maniacal sound. "Once it's called, you can't refuse. You will be tested, heathen!"
The police gave Nevair a pitying look as they hauled Tres away. At least his former best friend
wouldn't get to see the horror he had brought upon Nevair's life. Unfortunately, even if accused of a
heinous crime, it didn't take away from the fact Tres called for the goddess rite.
Nevair wondered if he could get Lian out of town before anyone thought to grab him.
It'll be fine. A female voice whispered in Nevair's head. He hoped the goddess was speaking to him
because otherwise he had finally lost his mind. Considering the past few weeks, anything was
Lian pulled out his communicator and Nevair saw him pulling up flight schedules. He didn't blame
"Come with us sir," one of the policemen said in polite tones while wrapping a hand around Lian's
upper arm.
"It'll be all right, sweet. The goddess will provide," Nevair promised.
Lian's terrified expression didn't ease. "They're going to set me on fire, Nevair!" he screamed.
The fear in his mate's eyes cut Nevair to the core. "You have to believe." Nevair put his hands on

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either side of Lian's face. "Trust me."
He could feel Lian's throat move as he swallowed back his words. Closing his eyes as if to block out
Nevair's face he pulled out of Nevair's grasp and allowed the police to lead him away.
Nevair dropped to his knees and prayed as he'd never prayed before that he'd made the right decision.

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Chapter Eight

They're going to set me on fire!

The thought kept running around and around in Lian's head as he paced his prison. Sure, they called it
protection, and the room screamed luxury, but he knew a jail cell when he saw one. When he first
started out, he used to heal low security prisoners on planet Cal'aan when they got into fights.
Sweat oozed from his body through every pore as he walked back and forth, covering every square
inch of the last place he'd ever see. He'd never thought his life would end here. Finally finding his
mate only to lose him to death. Nevair would die, too, since Lian's back proved they were truly
He wondered if Tres planned it that way, to push Nevair into death as some sort of cosmic payback
for his obvious hatred of dragonkin. He wondered if Tres's parents really died in an accident or
whether he'd somehow arranged their unexpected death. Lian's mind spun like a wheel whirling
around different alternatives.
A knock on his door snapped him out of his panicked daze.
"Come in," he shouted. Surely anyone would be an improvement over his self-induced terror.
Lian's boss marched into the room followed by two guards. They must've thought Lian's slight build
could overtake the six foot two man with bulging muscles.
"Good thing you brought backup or I'd have to take you down," Lian smirked.
Joe nodded, his lips twitching. "You've really done it this time haven't you, son."
Lian raised an eyebrow. "You know I'm only ten years younger than you, right?"
"But so much younger in other ways," Joe mocked.
"Be nice to me, I'm dying tomorrow." Lian threw himself onto the bed and put his arm over his eyes to
block out the other people in the room.
"You don't think their goddess will save you?" Joe asked, his tone curious.
"I don't think it's one of those situations where there's a win. If I burn to death in the flames and
Nevair dies then they'll say he never should've been the Pontifex. If I survive they'll probably say I'm
possessed or something and kill me, thereby killing Nevair. It's a setup." Lian saw no easy way to get
out of this.
"Actually, if you survive they'll say you're blessed by the goddess," an unfamiliar voice spoke up.
Lian lifted his arm. He glanced between guards because he didn't know which one spoke. "Really?"
The guard on the left nodded. "It's a sacred rite. They used to always perform the ceremony."
"How many survived?" Lian asked.
The guards exchanged looks. "Um… none."
Joe faced the guards. "And how many of them were already bonded with the Pontifex?"
They paled.
"That's what I thought," Joe snapped.
The silence hung thickly in the air like a heavy fog.
"Are you really bonded?" Joe asked.
Lian stood up and pulled off his shirt. He turned to show them his mark. The gasps told him they saw
the multi-colored dragon on his back.
"This doesn't change anything," the guard on the left argued, "We still need to hold the rite."
Oh goody!

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Lian scratched at his back as far back as he could reach. The damn thing itched and his shoulder
blades had a weird sensation to them as if they didn't fit quite right in his skin. Ever since he'd had the
hunch to find Nevair he'd struggled with shaky nerves. Of course, right afterwards Tres sentenced him
to a lovely burning, so maybe he had a reason to feel slightly panicked.
"Lian, we can get you diplomatic immunity and fly you out of here," Joe offered.
If he had any sense, Lian would snatch up the opportunity.
"It would completely dishonor the Pontifex," helpful guard number two offered.
"How?" Lian scowled, wishing he could blame them for this horrible debacle his life had become.
"He will be stripped of his title and possibly banned from the planet," the guard remarked.
"Has anyone ever refused and run off with their mate?" Joe asked.
"Pontifex Reeven. He hung himself later because he lost communication with his goddess and couldn't
stand the shunning." How friendly these macabre guards were.
Lian didn't bother asking why, pretty much every society handled shunning about the same way.
"Ignore them," Joe growled. "Instead, ask yourself if he's worth losing your life over?"
"Yes," Lian said without hesitation. Better Nevair die believing in his goddess than abandon all
Defeat flashed across Joe's face. "I wish I could say I understood, but I don't. You're the finest healer
I've ever met and I'll be sorry to see you die. I'll make sure to bring Tres and Bourne to justice, so
don't worry about that anymore." Joe patted Lian on the shoulder.
Lian didn't mention he'd completely forgot about Bourne with the entire burn Lian at the stake
situation. "Thank you," he said, proud his voice didn't tremble.
"Good luck, Lian. May I say it's been a pleasure working with you?"
"Same to you, sir." Lian nodded politely.
He resisted the urge to throw himself at Joe and beg to be taken away, anywhere but here in this
dragon world where people were fated mates and religious leaders had fewer rights than the average
Lian lay back down on the bed when the cheerful trio left. He wished he'd stayed on the medical ship
he'd spent the past year aboard. He didn't even realize his eyes had drifted closed until kisses on his
lids snapped them open.
Nevair stood over him, a solemn expression creasing his face into worry lines. Lian's carry-on was
slung over one shoulder.
"Nevair? What are you doing here?" Lian asked.
Nevair kissed Lian's forehead. "I'm breaking you out."
"You can't do that. It'll ruin you, and I thought your goddess was supposed to save me?" From
Nevair's expression, Lian hadn't made that as light-hearted as he'd hoped but he thought he'd done
rather well for being on burner's row.
"I trust in my goddess to guide my people but…" Nevair trailed off.
"You don't trust her to keep me safe?" Lian stared at his lover in shock. Nevair had seemed so
positive of his goddess, so devout in his beliefs.
"I can't, Lian," Nevair's voice broke. "I can't. I'd rather be disgraced and living alone the rest of my
life than watch you burn."
Lian didn't know what separation from his dragon mate would do to Nevair but he doubted it would
be anything good. "I won't leave you."
Nevair dropped to his knees and put his head in Lian's lap. "Please, baby, run!"
Threading his fingers through Nevair's hair, he made soothing noises. "I can't. I can't leave you."

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Nevair's sobs were heart-wrenching and Lian hated Tres more with each breath. That weasel better
hope they convicted him of tampering with the water source because the authorities would only put
him in jail. Lian imagined doing so much worse.
"Spend tonight with me. Make my last night my best one ever," Lian urged.
Nevair looked up at Lian, his handsome face streaked with tears. "I will."
His kiss, soft as a whisper, brushed Lian's mouth.
Lian pulled away and cupped Nevair's cheeks between his long fingers. "I want to be inside you."
Nevair nodded his agreement. "Anything you want."
"I don't have supplies." For the first time, Lian realized he didn't have anything to ease their
Nevair pulled a small bottle of lube from his pocket. Lian gave him an inquiring look.
Nevair shrugged. "Either way, I wanted to make love one more time."
"I see." Their kiss, full of heat and possession, sizzled between them. "I'm going to make you feel so
Nevair's skin, softer than silk and twice as fine, slid beneath Lian's fingers as his lover slipped off his
"You're beautiful," Lian sighed.
Nevair narrowed his eyes. "Did they drug you?"
"No!" Lian shook his head.
"You're the pretty one. I'm just me," Nevair said.
Lian dropped the subject. No argument, no matter how small, would interrupt their last time together.
As soon as they were both naked, Lian started a campaign to kiss every inch of Nevair's body. After
only halfway through his goal, Nevair gripped Lian's hair and yanked him up. Nevair rolled them until
Lian lay beneath him. Their erections rubbed against each other and Lian groaned.
"Didn't you like my kisses?"
Nevair loosened his hold on Lian's hair and slid his hands down Lian's back. "I enjoyed them too
much. If you had continued, I would've come and missed the big event."
Lian lifted a brow. "The big event? I'll turn you around the next time. If you stay all night we're going
to have sex more than once. I'll make sure you're not sore." A bit of magic would solve that problem.
After a brief hesitation, Nevair nodded. "Okay."
Lian smiled. Nevair rolled over and slid into a comfortable position of supporting himself on his
forearms, ass in the air, and Lian couldn't stop the groan ripping from his chest.
Nevair looked over his shoulder at Lian. "I'm all yours."
A surge of possessiveness spiked through Lian. "If I die and somehow you survive, you'd better not
let anyone else fuck you. I don't care who you have sex with but I better be the only one ever allowed
inside." Lian didn't know why he cared. Hell, if he were dead, it shouldn't matter but if he died for
this man he deserved something.
Nevair frowned. "If I survive your death, I will never love anyone else again."
Lian shivered at the chill going down his spine. He hadn't meant for Nevair to go that far. A little
voice inside whispered that maybe he had. Shaking his head to dispel his guilty feelings, Lian poured
an excessive amount of lube on his fingers before circling Nevair's hole. Pushing inside he added a
little of his magic to remove the discomfort.
Nevair chuckled. "You didn't have to use your super doctor action."
"Yes, I did," Lian argued. "I don't want to cause you pain. Ever." He twisted his fingers until Nevair's
body jolted beneath him.

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"Do that again," Nevair demanded.
"What, this?" Lian pushed against the spot that caused the reaction in the first place.
"Yeah, right there, honey. Right there."
Pleased, Lian worked at loosening Nevair until his lover shouted for Lian to get on with it.
"Sorry for being considerate," Lian teased.
"Good, now fuck me," Nevair demanded.
Lian scolded his lover. "Such language; for shame."
Nevair whined. "Please."
Unable to resist a bit of begging, Lian slid inside. After pressing through the ring of tight muscles,
Lian sighed. "You feel amazing."
"Oh, do that again," Nevair said, his voice filled with wonder.
"Found the spot?" Lian asked.
"Yes, right there." Nevair sighed, relaxing around him.
Balancing his weight on his left hand, Lian wrapped his right around Nevair's shaft. He spread his
thighs so he wouldn't tumble on his face or fall on Nevair. Good thing practice made for perfect.
Their lovemaking, hard, fast, and full of desperation, broke Lian's heart. He knew he couldn't leave
Nevair, but he worried he'd end up doing so anyway. Pressing kisses between Nevair's shoulder
blades he tried to imprint his love into Nevair's skin, to somehow let Nevair absorb Lian's devotion.
He wanted to give Nevair one final, happy memory for tomorrow after he died.
* * * *

The morning came bright, cheery, and much too soon. Nevair whimpered when Lian tried to move

out of his arms. Before he could say anything, the door swung open and the guards from yesterday
"I'm sorry to say it's time," the guard on the right said.

"Just give us a minute to say goodbye. I'll be out in a moment."

Both nodded and closed the door quietly behind them.
"I don't want you to go," Nevair whispered. "I tried to get the council to intervene but they refused and
questioned my faith."
Lian brushed Nevair's hair back from his face. The council was obviously run by bastards who didn't
deserve the Pontifex.
"Listen." Lian waited until Nevair opened his eyes and faced him. "I don't want you to come. I don't
want your last sight of me to be all burned up. Promise me you'll stay here."
"No!" Nevair sat up. "If you're going to do this, the least I can do is go with you."
"I don't want that in your memory. Please stay." Tears threatened to spill over. Lian's hands shook as
he gripped Nevair's arms. "Please."
Nevair kissed him hard on the lips. "I would give you anything except for that."
Lian sobbed against Nevair's shoulder. It took him an embarrassingly long time to stop his tears.
Nevair rubbed his back while he cried.
"Sorry," Lian sniffled. "I guess I ruined the stoic hero thing I was going for."
Nevair kissed Lian's cheek. "You'll always be a hero to me."
"That's so sappy," Lian said, grinning. He hadn't thought anything could make him smile. He should've
known his mate could. Lian slid out of bed. "Come help me be pretty." If he were going to go out in a
fiery ball, he'd damn well look good.
Nevair mustered a smile, a half-hearted one, but he tried.
He pulled out Lian's favorite shirt and pants from the bag. "I chose these. I thought the shirt would

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look good with your eyes."
Strange that Nevair would pick the clothes he expected Lian to run away in. It had an odd sort of
finality involved as if, even leaving, Nevair wanted Lian to look his best.
Lian took the clothes without a word and dressed quickly. Any other day he would've showered first
but he wanted to smell like Nevair, to know his skin still held traces of his lover's DNA.
"May the goddess guide your steps and bring you back to me." Nevair kissed both of Lian's cheeks
before dressing himself. Nevair didn't mention a shower, Lian guessed probably for the same reason
he hadn't.
Nevair knocked on the door when they were ready. The walk from the station to the cathedral saw
crowds lining both sides of the path. Screams filled the air at the first sight of Lian. "What's going
on?" he asked the guards.
"Protest. They don't want you to burn. The council had to go into hiding due to the death threats."
Lian looked over at the crowd of protestors and felt a surge of warmth towards the people. They
couldn't stop it, but he appreciated their support. He lifted a hand and waved to them. A loud cheer
answered his gesture but he couldn't understand them over the noise. He nodded politely and
continued to follow the guards. Who knew finding the love of his life would end in his death?
Sighing, Lian followed the guards to the large courtyard to the right of the cathedral. A section was
cordoned off and what looked like an army of police protected the ropes. A huge pyre filled the
center of the space, intimidatingly large. Lian's heart beat double time, trying to leap out his throat,
which would probably be less painful than a burning.
"Couldn't they kill me before burning?" Lian complained.
"No." Nevair replied. "We have to give the goddess the chance to save you."
"And if she doesn't?" Lian was pretty sure of the answer, but he needed to hear it from his lover's
"Then we die together," Nevair vowed.
Lian suppressed his objection. He didn't have the right to tell Nevair what to do. Instead, he nodded,
his eyes on the pyre.
"I'll help you to the top." The nice guard from before took Lian's hand and supported him up the
rickety pile of wood. "Careful," he warned when Lian started to slip.
"Yeah, I wouldn't want to break a leg if I can burn instead."
The guard winced but didn't say anything further.
Sighing, Lian climbed to the top and sat on the pile. "I feel like a bird on a nest," he grumbled.
"We could tie you to the pole, but we thought that would be too dramatic. Why don't you lie down?"
the helpful guard offered.
Lying down would put all the body parts on fire pretty much at the same time. It was good advice.
Shifting his weight, Lian settled on his back. He could feel every pokey branch stabbing his itchy
back. At least his discomfort wouldn't last long. He gave a hysterical laugh.
"I love you." Nevair's voice drifted up to him.
Lian wished his lover had stayed behind. Nevair didn't need to see this.
"I love you, too," Lian rushed the words out.
He might not get another chance to speak. Lian's one point of happiness was Tres being unable to
come and watch him burn. Nevair told him last night the man had requested the chance, but everyone
from the judge to his lawyer had denied him.
"Give me that!" Lian turned his head and watched Nevair yank the torch out of the guard's hand.

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"Don't you know anything about tradition?"
The guard bowed low to Nevair but didn't speak.
Nevair approached the stack of wood. "May the will of the goddess follow you into the hereafter or
place your feet on the path to righteousness."
Nevair placed the torch at the base of the kindling. The soft whoosh of flames burning up the pyre
made Lian sick to his stomach. Soon he would start to feel the heat. His natural magic wouldn't keep
him from burning. Knowing he had healing powers he couldn't use for his own body was a special
kind of torment.
His heart jolted when the crackling fire came closer. The smell of burnt wood choked Lian and made
him cough.
At least he'd die of smoke inhalation before the flames ever reached him.
The sky, a brilliant blue above him, mocked him with its beauty. At the first flicker of a flame at the
bottom of his foot, Lian bit his lip to hold back a scream. Bad enough Nevair would see him burn,
Lian wouldn't leave him with screams ringing in his ears.
"You have proven yourself a man worthy of a dragon," a female voice sang in Lian's ear.
The smoke must be getting to him.
Pain ripped through him when his bones snapped and reformed. Despite his resolve to stay silent, a
scream tore out of him until his voice changed, became deeper, louder and changed from a human
sound to a beastly roar. Throwing back his head, Lian gave a dragon howl.
* * * *

Nevair's mouth dropped open. A red dragon with gold wings crouched in the middle of the fire,

the flames reflecting on the scales. Lian had transformed.

"I am disappointed you lacked faith in me, my Nevair."

Nevair dropped to his knees as the sparkling form of his goddess shimmered before him. "Forgive
me, goddess. My faith isn't strong enough." Tears dripped down his cheeks as he caught sight of the
beauty of his mate through the translucent goddess.
The goddess gave Nevair an understanding smile "Your faith is fine, my dear. Even I would hesitate
before I sacrificed my beloved son. Goddesses are a fickle lot. We might not always do what you
want us to, but we never betray the faithful."
Nevair nodded, humbled. "At least he'll believe in you now."
The goddess laughed. "Yes, he kind of has to, doesn't he?" Her laughter filled the courtyard before
she vanished all together.
"I'll kill you!" Nevair turned around to see Tres running towards him, brandishing a sword. "You
aren't blessed," he shrieked. "You'll die, just like the others."
Nevair wondered how Tres escaped and where he'd found a sword. He knew the guards were too far
away to save him. The goddess gives and the goddess takes away.
"Why do you want my death?" Nevair asked, trying to stall. He didn't have time to transform, not
before Tres could stab him in the heart.
"Because dragonkin are unnatural. You all think you're a better species, but we'll get you. We'll kill
you all and take over this planet one dragon at a time."
Tres's eyes had a fanatical gleam in them. Nevair wondered how he'd missed it before. The sword
rose before him only to be smacked away by a giant red paw.
Tres's eyes widened as he took in the sight of Lian. "No! No! The goddess didn't change you! You're
supposed to die!"
Lian opened his mouth, exposing dagger-sharp teeth. With a swipe of dragon-Lian's paw, Tres flew

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across the courtyard and landed in a heap on the other side where the stunned guards finally took
Watching as the guards carried Tres off, Nevair turned his attention back to the dragon butting him
with its head for attention. Its gold eyes gleamed as it regarded Nevair.
Nevair scratched the dragon behind its eye ridge just to watch his eyes cross. "Later, I'll take you for
flying lessons. Right now I need you to shift back."
He got sleepy blinks.
"No! You don't get to take a nap. I need my Lian back. Transform."
It took a long moment where Nevair thought Lian might defy him and go for that nap anyway. Instead
the large, beautiful beast shrank into a smaller stunning man who collapsed in tears in Nevair's arms.
"I'm so proud of you," Nevair whispered, holding Lian close.
Lian sobbed, the stress of the fire and
transformation ripping away his usual calm veneer. "Let it all out, sweetheart, give me all your tears."
Several minutes later, Lian ran out of tears and relaxed against Nevair's body.
A helpful guard came forward and gave Lian a white robe to wear.
Lian quickly donned it, hiding his body from the crowds.
"Come on, let's go to my room." Nevair rubbed Lian's back trying to soothe the distraught man.
Lian nodded, still not speaking.
People parted as they walked by. Some tried to touch Lian as if to make contact with a man blessed
by the goddess. A soft whisper of words followed them as they entered the cathedral.
Nevair helped Lian up the winding staircase, each stair feeling taller than the one before. Relief made
his grip tighter than necessary on Lian's arm but the fear of losing him still grabbed Nevair's throat
like a hungry beast. His inner dragon growled with the need to bond with his mate, to reclaim their
mark, and his back itched like sand fleas were nesting under his skin.
When they were finally alone and the door closed behind them, Nevair took a good look at his mate.
Lian's blue eyes now had silver streaks running through them like a sparkly summer sky.
"You're mine," Nevair said as if there had been an argument. Now that Lian hadn't died, he didn't
want to leave any room for wiggling out. "Now everyone will want to touch you and worship you as a
gift of the goddess, but you're mine. No one gets to have you but me." Nevair walked over to his
wardrobe and removed the box he'd hidden inside. "When I was young and hadn't taken my vows yet,
I knew some day I would have a mate of my own. I just knew it. So I took the money my grandfather
left me and had this made for my future mate, for you. I love you, Lian, and I hope you'll accept this as
a sign of my affection."
He held out the box to his lover who regarded him with wide, wary eyes.
"I love you, too," Lian said in a voice barely above a whisper.
"Open it," Nevair urged.
Lian's smile, although half the power of his usual brilliance, still struck Nevair with its sweetness.
* * * *

Lian's fingers shook as he opened the wooden box. He didn't know what to do now besides stay

as close to Nevair as he possibly could. The man defined Lian's world and for a person who'd always
considered himself selfsufficient, Lian found his new dependency more frightening than turning into a

The gold cuff encrusted with jewels glowed in its red velvet setting. Rubies, emeralds and baby-

fist sized diamonds covered the piece. He'd never seen a more beautiful piece of jewelry.

"What happens if I turn into a dragon with this on?" He had a momentary spurt of pride that his

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voice sounded steady.

Nevair's warm, understanding smile, settled Lian's nerves more than all the platitudes in the

universe. "I paid extra for a sizing spell. It will always fit you no matter your form and it can't be
removed by anyone but you."

Lian wondered how much Nevair's grandfather had left him.

Nevair gave him a shy look from beneath his lashes. "Although I live in this cathedral, my family has
invested well. Most of my money goes to charity, but we will never lack for anything. I can take care
of you."
Nevair's earnest expression melted Lian's heart. "I'm not exactly poor, sweetheart. The council pays
me well for my research."
"Good, I'm glad you are valued," Nevair said.
Lian touched the jeweled cuff. It looked expensive enough to fund a small city, but Lian didn't want to
take away from Nevair's moment by making any of the sarcastic comments sitting on his tongue. "Put it
on me."
Nevair's glowing expression told Lian he'd made the right choice.
The cold metal shocked Lian's skin upon contact but quickly warmed.
Nevair took Lian's hands in his. "By my position as Pontifex I bind us together beneath the good will
of the goddess to be as one for the rest of our lives."
A warm glow filled Lian's chest, replacing the chill freezing his bones. For the first time, a sense of
home engulfed him. He'd been drifting for so long he never thought he'd find a place to call his before.
"I love you," he told the man standing before him.
Nevair's expression made Lian's breath catch in his chest. He'd been admired, lusted after, and
needed by lovers before, but until that moment never to the extent shown in Nevair's eyes, as if he'd
ripped himself open and offered his soul.
"I love you, too. No matter what happens, we have each other," Nevair said.
Lian smiled. "Good, I'll hold you to that."

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"Where are we going to today, sir?" Lian's guard,

Ferlin, asked.

"To the dragon fields."
"Yes, sir."
Lian ignored the groan from his other guard. Both

hated the lack of security at the fields. They liked it best when Lian stayed in the spacious office

given to him as the new Medical Director and didn't leave.

Lian had established a small clinic to take care of the dragonkin at the fields. Healers rotated to

get used to being around dragonkin and learn about their special needs. Tres and Bourne were
indicted for attempted genocide and were now serving time on a prison planet.

Bourne confessed about doing the entire thing for money and revenge. He'd hated the dragonkin

since an old lover had mated with one and dumped Bourne the same day. When one of the dragonkin
accidentally killed a man Bourne had wanted for himself, the hatred had grown. When Tres had
offered him the opportunity to get back at them, Bourne had snapped up the chance. He justified the
genocide by the fact it wouldn't kill current dragonkin but would prevent them from ever being born.

Without any leadership, the medical council put Lian in charge because of his connection with the

dragonkin community. Lian sent scolding notes to the kings informing them what their lack of
oversight had resulted in and formed a new medical steering committee of which he and each of the
dragon kings had equal voice. King Zeir's representative didn't show but Lian had plans to send
someone to seek the ruler out.

Lian turned to find his mate standing by his hoverlimo. "What are you doing here?"

"It's our anniversary today. I've come to kidnap you away from everything," Nevair announced.
Lian laughed. "I'm supposed to be going to the dragon fields."
"You can do that tomorrow. Today you need to spend with me."
The hopeful look in Nevair's eyes sealed the deal.
"I'll call and tell them you won't make it today," Ferlin said, laughter in his voice.
Lian nodded. "You do that. I apparently have plans with my mate."
He didn't look away from Nevair's eyes. Stepping closer, he kissed his lover. "I'm happy to see you.
You were still sleeping when I left, and you're full of crap. Our anniversary isn't for a few more
"That's if you're counting our mating anniversary. I'm counting from the first time I saw you."
Lian laughed. "I see we have several days of celebration ahead."
"Yep, and I plan to spend most of them in bed."
Nevair's kiss, hot and heady, caused Lian's dragon to growl in anticipation.
Lian couldn't have agreed more.

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The End About the Author

Amber Kell is a dreamer who has been writing stories in her head for as long as she could remember.

She lives in Seattle with her husband, two sons, two cats and one very stupid dog. To learn more

about her current books or works in progress, check out her blog at http://amberkell.wordpress.com.
Her fans can also reach her at amberkellwrites@gmail.com.

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Also by Amber Kell:

Available at Silver Publishing:

Xavier's Xmas

Switching Payne
The Thresl Chronicles: Soldier Mine The Larson Legacy: Trials of Tam Fanged Love: Saving
Nick's Tales: Vampire Wanted
Killers and Thorns: Twisted Rose
A Vampire's Kiss: Kissing Orion
Mercenary Love: Tempting Sin
Gaia's Soldier: The Wizard and the Werewolf Fae Intervention: A Guitarist in the Fae Queen's

A WIZARD'S TOUCH Jaynell's Wolf Kevin's Alpha

Samhain's Kiss

DRAGONMEN Mate Hunt Mate Test

Mate Dance Mate Healer

HIDDEN MAGIC William's House Modeling Death
MOON PACK Attracting Anthony Baiting Ben Courting Calvin Denying Dare Enticing Elliott

Finding Farro Getting Gabe Hunting Henry Inflaming Inno

* Many of Amber Kell's Silver Publishing stories are also available in print, audiobook, or

translated into Spanish and/or Portuguese
Available Elsewhere
Considering Carlyle Wooing Master Jones
Available at Resplendence Publishing

THE COB BROTHERS (with Stephani Hecht) Ash Swan

The Swimming Swan
The Helpful Swan
Available at Total-E-Bound Publishing


Matchmaker, Matchmaker My Subby Valentine Protecting His Soul

SUPERNATURAL MATES From Pack to Pride A Prideful Mate

A Prideless Man
Nothing To Do With Pride Talan's Treasure More Than Pride

COWBOY LOVIN' Tyler's Cowboy Robert's Rancher
YEARNING LOVE Taking Care of Charlie Protecting Francis
DANGEROUS LOVERS Catching Mr Right Accounting for Luke

Orlin's Fall

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Soldier Mine

LRC Awards 2011: Best Science Fiction/Futuristic/Dystopian Book Winner

Trials of Tam

LRC Awards 2011: Best GBLT Book Honorable Mention (3rd)

Tyler's Cowboy

LRC Awards 2011: Best Western/Cowboys Book Winner

Supernatural Mates series LRC Awards 2011: Best Series Honorable Mention (3rd)

Top 10 Best Selling Author 2011 ARe (All Romance ebooks)

Document Outline


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