Amber Kell Supernatural Mate Series 1

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A Total-E-Bound Publication

From Pack to Pride
ISBN #978-0-85715-377-7
©Copyright Amber Kell 2010
Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright January 2011
Edited by Andrea Grimm
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance
to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise
without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this
publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified
as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank,

Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom



This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated


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Supernatural Mates


Amber Kell

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For my fans who encourage me to keep writing.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmark mentioned in this work of fiction:

Hummer: General Motors Corporation

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Chapter One

“I can’t believe you did that.” Adrian stared at his brother as if he’d never seen him before. He looked around Kade’s office, his head spinning

as he absorbed this sudden shift in reality.

Nothing was out of place in the masculine wood panelled room. Same soft throw rugs, same desk their father had used before Kade. No

changes because his brother was a fanatic about traditions. Traditions he was breaking by sending his wolf shifter brother to go live with the lions.

Maybe he fell asleep after his heavy meal and he was dreaming. Yes, that must be it. Surely his brother wouldn’t sell him off to a bunch of fur

balls. He could see maybe another canine pack, wolves or coyotes


hell, he’d even take the group of dog shifters that lived in the alley behind the

ice cream shop downtown.

But cats!
He was in hell.
Adrian examined Kade carefully hoping to see some external sign that his brother and alpha had completely lost his fucking mind.
Nope, the man still looked the same. Dark hair, green eyes identical to Adrian’s, and a dimpled smile, but he’d obviously lost his marbles.
Adrian sighed.
His day had started out so marvellously too with a nice run with his fellow pack mates that resulted in taking down a wounded deer. He couldn’t

think of a nicer way to start the day.

Now his evil brother had ruined it.
“What? It makes perfect sense.” Kade looked innocently back at him. A look the powerful alpha wolf totally couldn’t pull off.
“You sold me to the pussycats!”
“You’re exaggerating,” Kade protested. “I made a peace agreement between two packs.”
“Well Mr. Peacekeeper. Lions packs are called prides,” Adrian sneered. “If you’re going to sell me out at least know something about the

creatures you’re sacrificing me to.”

“Sacrificing is such a strong word,” Kade said with an infuriating smile.
“Who’s sacrificing?” Helen, Kade’s mate, asked walking into the room.
As usual the alpha mate was dressed in a pair of paint splattered denim capris and a loose white smock top. Adrian always thought of that

outfit as her work uniform. As an artist Helen almost always wore some version of the same outfit. She said in order to create she had to be
comfortable. Before she mated with Kade she used to work in the nude, but the protective alpha had put an end to that practice. A fact she
complained about daily just to give Kade a hard time.

“Brain trust here made a pact to give me to the lion pride in exchange for peace between the lions and the wolves.”
“Have some respect for your alpha,” Helen snapped. Her golden brows formed a frown on her smooth forehead as she looked from brother to


Kade flashed him a smug smile. The impact was lost when his mate smacked him across the back of the head.
“What were you thinking?” Helen demanded.
“I was thinking I could get my brother out of danger and find him a mate to protect him from Olson. That wolf has it in for you, bro. He won’t be

happy until you’re belly up beneath his fangs.”

“I can take care of myself,” Adrian said through gritted teeth. “I do know some self-defence.”
“Olson is twice your size and three times as vicious,” Kade said. “I’m not going to stand by and let that bastard rip you apart. After you turn

twenty-five, pack rules say you’ll have to fight him if he challenges you and there will be nothing I can do.


. Next week you turn twenty-five! If I

get you out of here before then, he can’t challenge you.”

“Oddly enough I know both the pack rules and when I turn twenty-five. I can take this guy,” Adrian insisted.
“He’s right, Adrian,” Helen said. “I might not agree with my wonderful husband’s technique, but I have to admit I am worried about Olson.

Besides, the lion alpha is completely gorgeous,” she added with a wicked smile.

“Hey! I’m right here!”
“I know, honey.” Helen patted his chest, but her eyes were focused on Adrian. “I know it will be hard being away from the pack, but your brother

made this pact out of love and concern for you.” She turned back to her mate. “What exactly was your agreement?”

“That I would give them Adrian and in exchange Adrian would be able to mate with the lion of his choice, barring previous mating agreements

between lions.”

“What, didn’t they reach their quota of lion/wolf hybrid freaks? What would you call that combination anyway? Liowolf? Wolfli?” Adrian asked.
“You did tell them Adrian is gay, didn’t you?” Helen interrupted. “I mean you wouldn’t really sell your brother as a stud wolf or something. I might

be only human here, but that’s all kinds of wrong.”

“Hah,” Adrian said, pointing a finger at Kade. “At least you had the good sense to pick a reasonable mate. Couldn’t you at least send me to

some other wolves?”

“My reasonable mate can stay out of this,” Kade growled.
Adrian could see his brother was reaching the end of his limited patience. The fangs were starting to come out, literally.
“As much as I’m enjoying the tarring and feathering process, I would appreciate a moment to defend myself. First, I did explain that my brother

was gay and apparently that was a selling point. They are looking for a companion for their alpha who is also gay, but having problems finding a
mate. After giving them the entire catalogue of pack members, the alpha insisted on Adrian. I saw a chance to save my little brother from Olson and
took it. Sorry if that makes me the bad guy. Second, I only agreed if they promised to let Adrian leave in six months if he was unhappy or didn’t find
his mate. Since you are gay I think we can rule out the wolf/lion mutant hybrids you’re so anxious to create. Any questions?”

“Nope. Not for me,” Helen said, turning to her brother-in-law, “Adrian?”
Adrian sighed. “Fine. You’re the best brother ever. I’ll go play nice-nice with the kitties. Maybe I’ll bring a basket of yarn and some radio

controlled mice as an offering.”

At least there was time limit on this thing. He’d rather go feral and live life as a wolf than stay with the damn kitties forever. Snooty cats didn’t

know anything about having a good howl.

Kade rolled his eyes and was about to speak when knocking on his office door interrupted him.
Adrian sniffed the air, letting out a low growl.

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“Behave, Adrian. Pack your bags and go play with the big kitties. Shifters need to start banding together if we’re going to survive against the


Adrian nodded, biting back the comments he yearned to make. His brother was right about that at least. Humans were starting to encroach on

pack and pride lands. It benefitted everyone if shifters learned to work together instead of tying up their resources fighting over territory disputes.
Even though Adrian knew he could handle Olson, he didn’t want to cause his brother any further problems.

It was hard enough being the alpha of a large pack; Kade didn’t need the added burden of his gay brother causing difficulties. As much as it

hurt to leave his family behind, Adrian was willing to give the lions a try. He wasn’t finding a mate among the wolves. Maybe it was time for him to
expand his horizons. Besides it wasn’t that he hated cats, he just didn’t understand them. Not to mention the lions were known to be particularly

Adrian decided to look at it as if he was going on a vacation. He’d just finished a large project and could use some time away. When he got

back, he’d start circulating to the other wolf packs. A gay wolf wasn’t unheard of, you just had to find a pack that didn’t rip them open and leave them
for the vultures.

Pleased with his plan, Adrian gave his brother a reassuring smile knowing it would freak Kade out more than any amount arguing.
With a cautioning glance at Adrian, Helen opened the door. “Good evening, Olson.”
“Evening, alpha mate,” Olson said.
Olson’s voice was properly respectful, but Adrian knew he would rip out her jugular in a second if he thought it would get him one step closer to

the alpha position.

The shifter walked into the room, stopping when he saw Adrian. His eyes glowed a bright yellow as his wolf peeked out from behind his polite

human façade. After a moment of staring, he gave Adrian a stiff nod. Adrian had to admire the other man’s control even as he disliked him.

Olson was biding his time, but Adrian had seen that look before when pack members were culling the weakest animal in the herd. The older

wolf wanted him dead and Olson wouldn’t be too particular about how it happened.

“Evening, Olson,” Adrian said. He made sure to look Olson straight in the eyes, knowing it would make Olson want to slash Adrian open with

his bare claws.

“Adrian,” Olson sneered.
Pleased with his night’s work Adrian left the room with a spring in his step. A bounce he quickly lost as he realised he was leaving behind

everything he’d ever known to go live with a bunch of cats.

“I bet they get fur balls,” he said, morosely.

* * * *

Talan sprawled on his massive couch staring at the picture in his hand. His eyes faithfully traced the glossy black hair and piercing green eyes

of the man in the photo.

Damn, he was beautiful.
It wasn’t a word he usually attributed to men, but there was no other word for the wolf that would be his mate. He longed to bite the tender

junction between neck and shoulder and claim the man as his.

Damn. Talan’s cock responded to the vision in his head. He wondered if his mate would taste salty or sweet when he sucked him down.
“Still mooning over that wolf?” Talla asked as she walked into the room. Not bothering to wait for an invitation, she plopped down beside her

brother and looked at the picture with him. “For a puppy he sure is pretty.”

“Pretty?” Talan tilted his head as he examined the picture closer. “Nope. He’s beautiful and he’s all mine,” he said with satisfaction.
“He does have an out, you know,” Talla reminded him. “The alpha was quite clear that if his brother was unhappy he would call him back


“Sneaky wolf.” Talan frowned. “I’ve got to get Adrian to commit before the six months are over because there’s no way I’m letting him go once

he gets here. He’s mine and no one is going to take him away from me.”

“The wolf alpha is just looking out for his brother.”
Talan nodded. He got that, he did, but he didn’t have to like it. “I also don’t like what he told us about that Olson guy. Adrian turned twenty-five

yesterday, he can now be legally challenged. If that wolf comes around here, I’ll kill him. I won’t have him touching my mate.” Talan let his displeasure
show with a low rumbling growl.

“He still has to pick you to be his mate.”
“Did you come here to ruin my day? Because I was happy all by myself.”
Talla smirked. “You and your picture?”
“That’s right and we’ll be very happy together until tomorrow.” Talan gave her a wide smile. “Then I can play with the real thing.”
“Pitiful.” Talla shook her head as she looked at her brother. “There are others who are going to be interested in him, you know.”
Talan’s fangs popped out. “They’d best keep their interest to themselves.”
“You’re going to be difficult about this, aren’t you? It won’t be easy getting a pride of lions to accept a wolf as your mate.”
“Anyone who doesn’t like it can leave,” Talan said, indifferently.
Talla sighed. “Some might try to battle to be your mate.”
Talan shook his head. “You don’t understand, Talla. He’s my fated mate. I felt it as soon as I saw his picture. No one can argue with my mate

choice once we are bound.”

There were all kinds of mating combinations, but only the Gods chose a fated mate. It was a rare event and Talan knew as soon as he saw the

picture of the slim wolf shifter that Adrian was the one chosen for him.

“Fine, I’ll let the others know. It will prevent them from trying to lure him away or kill him.”
Talan let out a roar. “Anyone who touches a hair on his head will lose theirs. Make sure you spread that around.”
“Yes, oh king of the jungle,” Talla said standing up to leave. “I’ll go share the news that you are unreasonable about our new resident wolf and

for everyone to mind their manners.”

“Great.” Talan went back to his picture, stroking the dimple he spotted on his future mate’s cheek.
“He could be an asshole. Looks aren’t everything. I’ve dated enough men to know that for a fact,” she said with a rueful grin.
“He’s not. I asked around. He’s a genius, with advanced degrees in mathematics and computer science, has a family that adores him and,”

Talan said, waving a finger in the air, “he teaches little girls self-defence in his spare time.”

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“Is he getting ready for sainthood?”
“Not when I’m done with him,” Talan said with a wicked smile.
“Yuck. I’m sorry I asked.”
The door slammed behind her as she left.
“Sometimes it’s too easy,” Talan said, smiling at the picture. “We’ll have to freak her out in person when you come tomorrow. It will be great

fun,” he promised his future mate.

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Chapter Two

The next morning Talan stood on the porch waiting for Adrian, cradling a cup of coffee in one hand and his cell phone in the other. He didn’t

want to miss the phone ringing in case Adrian called again. For a math genius, the poor thing had no sense of direction.

Talan didn’t mind. Each time his little wolf called he got to listen to that soft, sexy voice that made him want to purr.
According to their last contact, Talan was expecting the gorgeous wolf shifter any minute now. His six sisters, beautiful lion shifters with gold-

brown hair and matching eyes, surrounded him.

Glancing around, he noted the old house needed a new coat of paint. The twenty-four thousand square foot Tudor style mansion, built by

Talan’s ancestors, had forty-two rooms and was the pride of the pack. Talan’s great-grandfather had built it for his new bride on one hundred fifty
acres of land. It was a source of pride that Talan’s family still owned every single acre.

Drinking his coffee, Talan’s gaze drifted over the scenery of his mountain home hoping that Adrian would love it as much as he did. The wolf

was used to living in the desert. Talan hoped the higher elevation wouldn’t bother Adrian too much. He’d have to make sure his mate took it easy
the first few days, though as a shifter Adrian should adapt faster than a full human.

Talan glanced with affection and amusement at his sisters. All of whom were staring at the empty driveway like cats waiting for a mouse.
“We have to meet the new addition to the pride,” Talla had said when his sisters arrived to lay about the porch.
Good thing it was one of those wide old-fashioned porches wrapping all the way around the house, otherwise there wouldn’t be room for all of

them. Trisha, his oldest sister sat on the porch rail watching for cars. The rest of them were spread around the porch like sunning cats in human
form. He hoped they didn’t scare off his mate before Adrian got inside the house.

“Watcha all doin’?” Kevin, one of the pride males, asked exiting the house. His eyes admired the females as he approached. From the Deep

South, Kevin’s slow southern drawl always got him the ladies.

Talan growled as he remembered the other man swung both ways. It would be a shame if he had to kill him, as he was the father of two of

Talan’s nephews.

“Waiting for Talan’s mate,” Talla said from the porch swing.
“He comin’ today?” Kevin slid onto the swing beside Talla.
“Yep,” Tasha said from the front step.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Dillon sauntered up the path from the hunting grounds, his big feet stomping up the stairs to the porch.
“We’re waiting on Talan’s mate.”
“Huh.” Dillon leaned against the front of the house. “I’ll stay and greet him.”
Talan watched as lion after lion made up one lame excuse after another until all twenty-five lions were waiting on the porch when a small hybrid

vehicle came up the drive.

“Lord, he’s a conservationist,” Kevin said. “That might be worse than bein’ a wolf.”
“Talla, could you hold my coffee please,” Talan asked pleasantly.

Adrian’s nerves were jittering as the enormous house came into view. Throughout the long drive he’d tried to convince himself that he wasn’t

going to freak. He could do this. He could meet with a bunch of lions and see if any of them were his mate. After all, his brother had already
approved the pride, which meant every one of them had gone through an intensive screening process. Kade’s interrogations skills made the CIA
look like a group of high school slackers.

Taking a deep breath, he repeated his mantra. “I can do this,” he chanted as he slowly drove up the gravel driveway.
It was really beautiful here. Talan’s pride lands consisted of a stunning piece of property in the middle of the Cascade Mountains, much

different from Adrian’s desert home in Eastern Washington. He must have seen over a dozen eagles soaring through the sky on the way to the
pride house. The predatory birds were one of Adrian’s favourite. It was a good omen.

Adrian pulled up to the front of the mansion in a spot obviously set aside for parking. There were wide posts to protect the house and show

where it was safe to park.

“I can do this,” he repeated, releasing his seatbelt.
Just as Adrian was climbing out of his car, a large man came flying through the air, slamming onto his hood with a cacophony of bent metal

and shattered glass. A quick look showed Adrian’s windshield was broken and there was a man-sized dent in his hood.

He winced in sympathy for the guy. A landing that hard wouldn’t kill a shifter, but it sure must have hurt.
“You all right?” Adrian asked the stunned male. He wasn’t real worried, shifters were tough to break, but he was concerned about his car. He

had a sentimental attachment to the vehicle he’d bought with his first independent contract.

“Wow, you’re prettier than your picture,” the lion shifter said, looking at him upside down.
“Um. Thanks.” His brother didn’t warn him that the lions were unhinged. Maybe he’d just leave his bags in the car for now.
The large shifter rolled off the hood, looking grimly at Adrian’s crumpled car.
It was a large dent.
“Talan will pay for that,” the shifter said. He shook his head to dislodge tiny pieces of glass. “I’m Kevin.” He held out his hand but snapped it

back when a loud roar filled the air. “I-I’ve gotta go.”

The lion shifter fled like the hounds of hell, or maybe a really pissed off lion, was after him.
Lions were weird.
Shaking his head, Adrian headed towards the house only to pull to a stop when he saw the entire porch was filled with lion shifters. Every one

of them was big, blond and gorgeous.

For the first time in his life, Adrian wished he were bisexual.
“Hello,” he said to the group, not certain which of them he should be addressing.
There was a chorus of greetings.
Before Adrian could ask about their leader, the largest man Adrian had ever seen walked through the crowd. A creature of power and beauty,

the man’s thick muscular thighs were outlined in a pair of drool-worthy cut off shorts and his thin muscle shirt left nothing to the imagination. What it
did leave out, Adrian’s analytical mind was happy to fill in. Adrian didn’t know if he should run at the predatory look in the lion shifter’s eyes or kneel
at the gorgeous, golden god’s feet.

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Adrian knew he stank of pheromones, but there was nothing he could do about it. The enormous male lion was like every sexual fantasy come

to life. He was quickly reassessing his ability to belong to a pride. It might not be such a bad thing to be the token wolf. Not if the fringe benefits
included the man in front of him.

“Sorry about your car,” the big lion shifter said from the top of the stairs.
Adrian recognised the voice at once.
“Th-that’s okay. Thanks for helping me arrive at all.” As far as Adrian was concerned the big man could do anything he liked as long as it

involved the pair of them, naked, in a big comfy bed. A really big bed, Adrian amended taking in the other man’s size.

“I’ll have it repaired.” The man came down the steps and Adrian found himself the focus of a pair of warm, golden brown eyes. “Greetings

Adrian. I’m Talan, the pride alpha,” he said holding out his hand.

“I recognised your voice,” Adrian admitted with a shy smile. He could feel the blush rising on his cheeks but he couldn’t suppress his almost

violent attraction to the other man. His wolf senses relished the musky scent of the male lion shifter.

Swallowing back his drool, Adrian took the offered hand to shake, only to have the alpha lift it to his lips.
“I petition to have you as my mate.”
It took a moment for the words to sink in, as Adrian was busy absorbing the heat of the kiss. A jolt of need ricocheted through Adrian’s body at

the other man’s touch. If that was what the man did with a hand, Adrian would love to feel the man’s lips on the rest of him.

“What do you mean petition?” Adrian fought off the fog of lust trying to take over his brain in order to pay attention to what the alpha was

saying. If he wanted to live with this pride, he had to learn their rules.

“Lions must announce before the pride if they want to form an exclusive arrangement. If the petition is accepted, the others in the pride will

leave the pair alone so they can explore a possible mate bond.”

Lions were definitely weird.
Talan frowned at him. “Isn’t that how wolves do it? I’m afraid I don’t know how it’s done in your culture.” The lion shifter looked as if he was

genuinely curious.

“We fuck and if we’re compatible, we bond.”
Wolves were much more basic creatures. They didn’t need a formal ceremony, or flowers or whatever the hell the fluffy ones wanted. Wolves

mate like the primal animals they are.

Heat flared in Talan’s golden eyes. “While I’d love to try it your way, I want to make sure our bonding is safe for both of us. We need to take

things slow and to make sure my lion can accept your wolf before we do anything irreversible.”

Adrian gave the lion shifter a slow once over with his eyes. “I like what I see so far, but I’d hate to be culturally insensitive. You can take me

nice and slow.” Adrian gave the shifter a wide smile so the other man couldn’t miss his meaning.

Talan laughed, puffing up like the big cat he was, looking ridiculously pleased with their banter.
The guy was awfully eager. Adrian wondered if Talan didn’t get many opportunities to find a mate out in the pride lands. That would explain his

agreement with Kade. Though any gay bar would net the man dozens of offers, it was sometimes difficult for shifters to connect.

Adrian licked his lips as he envisioned running into the big shifter at a club and going down on him in one of those shadowy corners where

men could do hot and nasty things to one another.

He was pleased when Talan’s gaze followed the motion of his tongue like he was cramming for a pop quiz and Adrian had all the answers.

For the first time Adrian remembered Kade had said he could pick from among the available men. Surely none of them were hotter than the man
before him.

“How many males are in your pride?”
“Why? Do you think another would be more compatible?” Talan’s golden head snapped around to glare at his people. “Which do you think is

better than me?” he snarled.

Ooh. The guy’s temper made Kade look like a happy, perky puppy.
Adrian carefully didn’t look at the other lions, not wanting to trigger the alpha into doing something unwise. “I was just curious. No need to get

your tail in a knot.”

Talan gripped Adrian’s biceps with his large hands. “Kiss me so my pride will know you have accepted my petition.”
“It doesn’t commit me to anything, does it?”
He didn’t want to marry the guy within minutes of arriving. A test drive would be needed before he bonded with the gorgeous shifter; lion rules

be damned. Though on pure physical responsiveness, he’d give the guy a score of about a million on a one to ten scale, which scared the crap out
of Adrian.

He hadn’t confessed to his brother his greatest fear. That he would bond with one of the lions. The thought of never hunting with his pack and

seeing the shining smile of his sister-in-law broke his heart a little bit. There was no way he could bring a lion home to live with the family, not to
mention no alpha would leave his territory. You didn’t become an alpha by following your mate.

The thought of mating with Talan was both exhilarating and scared the piss out of Adrian.
“No,” Talan said, obviously missing Adrian’s slight panic attack, “it just means you’ve agreed to give me a chance to try to convince you I

would make a good mate.”

“Okay.” It wasn’t exactly a hardship to agree to let this guy try to coax him into a permanent mating, but he was glad his brother had put in the

clause that if it didn’t work out in six months, he could get the hell out of the pride lands.

Please don’t let it work out! Adrian didn’t really want to be the lone wolf in a pride of lions.

Talan inhaled the scent of his mate. Standing this close to the other man made it difficult to resist the urge to pounce. He’d been serious when

he told Adrian that he needed to take it slow, but seeing the adorable wolf shifter close up made him want to claim his prize.

The lion shifted uneasily beneath Talan’s skin as it checked out his prey. More than one lion shifter had torn apart his future mate through lack

of caution. If was important that Talan’s lion accepted the wolf just beneath the surface of Adrian’s skin as well as the man. Interspecies mating was
tricky, but Talan was determined that this one would go off without a hitch.

After all, he already had the man right where he wanted him. On Talan’s home turf. Now that he had him, there was nothing Talan wouldn’t do

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to keep the beautiful wolf by his side.

Looking down at the slender wolf, one thought circled through his mind.
The photo hadn’t done Adrian justice.
Despite the anxiety pouring off him, the little wolf smelled amazing, with none of the acrid stench of true fear. The younger man might be

nervous with a group of larger people surrounding him, but Adrian wasn’t truly afraid. The desire filling the air told Talan the attraction was mutual,
making the lion so hard he thought he was going to come just from the smell of the younger man alone.

Cupping the back of Adrian’s head, Talan pressed his lips against the small wolf’s mouth. Sliding his tongue between Adrian’s lips he

sampled the flavour of his future mate. Adrian tasted of heat, need and something sugary that teased Talan’s tongue.

Oh, sweet. The man must have had a butterscotch candy recently.
He could easily kiss Adrian forever.
“Hey where are your clothes, man?”
Adrian’s mouth jerked away. “What?”
Talan let out a growl. The loss of Adrian’s mouth was like taking a physical blow to the heart. He wanted to drag the smaller man to his bed

and luxuriate in his scent, preferably while they were both naked.

Dillon was standing by Adrian’s car with an assortment of bags at his feet. “There are two laptop bags and only one suitcase. Where are your

clothes?” Dillon asked again, giving the luggage a bewildered look.

Adrian pointed at the lone suitcase. “Those are my clothes.”
“Ooh, clothes shopping.” Talan heard Trisha gasp behind him.
The female lions loved to shop. His credit card bill attested to that.
“I don’t need any clothes,” Adrian said.
Talan was pleased to see the younger man’s colour was high from their kiss. “No. You don’t need any clothes at all,” Talan agreed.
“I mean,” Adrian’s lush mouth pressed into a firm line, “any more clothes. What I brought is fine. I don’t need much.”
“Did you leave most of your wardrobe at your old home?” The thought that the man was hedging his bets about leaving, rubbed Talan wrong.

Adrian was here to stay. He made a mental note to send some pride members to get the rest of Adrian’s stuff. The alpha knew deep in his bones
that Adrian was the perfect mate for him.

Adrian just didn’t know it yet.
The wolf shifter shrugged. “I left behind some furniture since I didn’t know how much space I’d have. I also didn’t bring my desktop computer

system. Other than that, that’s all my stuff. Wolves are pretty basic.”

Considering how high maintenance lions were, it was refreshing that his future mate was so laid back. That didn’t mean Adrian wouldn’t soon

find himself with a new wardrobe. Talan’s sisters wouldn’t be able to resist dressing a gorgeous man badly in need of a wardrobe.

Talan searched his mind for which room would make the best office for his mate. There was a well-lit room off the conservatory that Adrian

might like. They could have it completely redesigned so it met the needs of the wolf.

Yes, he liked that idea. A study, one that Adrian could help design, would be just the thing to help make the gorgeous wolf feel more at home.

Until he could hire a designer, Adrian could use the room off Talan’s master suite as both bedroom and office. It was the guest room where Adrian
would sleep until they were officially mated. There was a desk there that could be used temporarily. Once they were mated Adrian could continue to
use it as an office until his other one was ready.

“What do you do with all your computers?” It struck Talan strange that as much as he knew about the man’s background and family, he was

only roughly aware that Adrian did something with computers for a living.

“Computer consulting for game companies. Designing custom software, video games, that sort of thing.”
All the male lions perked up.
“What kind of video games?” Dillon asked, gathering Adrian’s bags.
“I was the head designer for the Prince Stryker game.”
“No!” Dillon shouted. “That was my favourite game last year. The battle between the dragon and the scorpion was brilliant.”
There were noises of agreement by the other lions.
Adrian gave a wide, proud smile, making Talan’s breath catch in his throat. If he thought the man was gorgeous before, smiling, he was


“Thanks, that was my creation.”
“Can we keep him?” Dillon begged, batting his eyes at Talan. “I don’t suppose head designers get new games early?” he asked Adrian.
“Of course. I always get a copy before official release.”
There was a collective whimper among the male lions.
“They’ll be even more useless than usual,” Trisha muttered.
Talan couldn’t stop smiling. His lover’s place in the pack was assured. Now all he had to do was convince Adrian to stay.
“Come, I’ll show you your room.”
“Let me grab my bags.”
Talan shook his head. “The guys will bring them.”
“Okay.” Adrian shrugged and followed Talan through the crowd of lion shifters piled on the porch.
A roar had them scattering.
“Do you do that often?” Adrian asked.
“When I need to.” It was important to assert that he was alpha of the pride. Luckily, since he was gay, there was little competition from other

young male lions to contest him for mates. Hell, he was related to all the females anyway. It still didn’t stop the occasional stranger from wandering
into Talan’s territory and thinking he could come in and take over. More than one rogue lion met a sad fate for that kind of thinking.

If his parents had lived, Talan would’ve gone nomad and looked for another pride, but his sisters needed him. His only problem was finding a

companion. Now that he had Adrian, his life was complete.

It was only a matter of keeping him. Interspecies matings rarely worked. Of course they were also rarely attempted because the creatures that

came out of a mixed animal mating were the things of nightmares…if they survived. Luckily two men mating didn’t have to worry about that. That just
left the cultural differences.

Lions liked luxury while wolves were the type to relish living off the basics and surviving. Talan decided it was probably easier to get Adrian to

like luxury than to get Talan to live in a cabin in the desert. Talan hoped his future mate didn’t become disgusted with the lions’ excess. Adrian’s

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eco-car didn’t bode well for the future of Talan’s garage. He’d have to keep the Hummer under wraps.

Talan escorted the beautiful wolf to the room adjacent to his. It was a pretty room, but without character as most guest rooms were, but it did

have its own bath. He didn’t want the others to see his wolf naked.

Even with Adrian coming, Talan hadn’t made the room more personal because he didn’t plan to have the wolf sleeping in it for long. Soon

Adrian would share Talan’s room, as a proper mate should.

“Here it is,” he said with an all-encompassing wave. “I’m right through that door if you want anything.” Hooking an arm around the wolf’s waist,

he pulled the smaller man into his arms. “And I do mean anything.”

Lowering his head, he brushed his lips against Adrian’s, eager for another kiss. The man tasted just as divinely as before.
With a leap, Adrian wrapped his legs around Talan’s waist.
“Yes, that’s it, honey. Take what you want,” he encouraged.
Grabbing Adrian’s tight ass, he pressed his future mate closer. Adrian’s cock was definitely larger than the man’s smaller stature implied.

Talan felt as if he was going to burst before he ever got to see Adrian naked.

He slid his hand beneath Adrian’s shirt, relishing the silky skin underneath. Adrian’s back was a study of typical shifter muscle definition. You

rarely saw an overweight shifter. Their metabolisms ran too high and the exercise they got in their shifted form burned through the calories.

Ducking his head, Talan inhaled the sweet scent of his mate. He nuzzled into the nape of Adrian’s neck, seeking the source of the smell.

Adrian must’ve put some sort of cologne on before coming. It was driving Talan wild.

“Mmmm.” He licked the spot at the base of Adrian’s throat, tasting salty sweat and the yummy wolf beneath. “I could do this all day,” Talan

muttered against Adrian’s skin.

“Where do you want your stuff?” Dillon asked, barging into the room. He had one laptop bag across his shoulder, carrying the two other bags

in his hands.

“You can put the suitcases on the bed,” Adrian gasped as Talan bit down on his neck. “Fuck.”
“Wait a minute, big guy,” Dillon said, “some things I don’t want to see. Not to mention, you know you’re rushing things.”
Dillon set down the luggage, wrapped an arm around Adrian and pulled him gently from Talan’s embrace before setting him on the floor.
Talan was pleased when Adrian snapped his teeth at the young lion.
“Hey, I’m saving you from making a mistake,” Dillon said.
“What kind of mistake?” the wolf asked in a sullen tone.
“First step is touching. Any more than that at first meeting exceeds mating ritual.”
“Is that true?” Adrian’s eyes snapped to Talan.
“Yes,” Talan admitted grudgingly. He’d rather rip out his claws than stop touching the sexy wolf, but Dillon was correct and he was in a bad

position to challenge the mating laws. He should’ve had them changed before his mating began. Everyone knew a lion wasn’t in his right frame of
mind during mating.

“Get out of here, Talan,” Dillon said, pointing to the adjoining room door. “Before it’s too late and you lose your objectivity.”
Talan glared at Dillon. He particularly hated that the other lion was right. Leaning over, he placed a soft kiss on Adrian’s cheek, rubbing his

face against the other man’s to mark him before leaving.

“Very subtle,” Dillon smirked.
“I don’t have to be subtle,” Talan said. “I’m the alpha.”
Eager to leave Adrian before he lost his mind, Talan left the room without a backwards glance.

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Chapter Three

Adrian looked at Dillon. “How long does lion mating last?”
Dillon shrugged. “It’s different for each couple, but he’s really not supposed to do more than touch you for the first few days. It helps his lion

adapt to your presence. It’s particularly important since you’re a wolf. He has to make sure his lion doesn’t see you as prey. Mating can go
anywhere from a few days up to a few weeks. I’ve even seen it go as long as three months before the couple felt they could proceed without injury.”

“Three months before mating!” Adrian couldn’t hide his shock. “I was thinking a few days. I don’t know if I can wait that long.”
Dillon pierced him with his golden eyes. “Lions take mating very seriously. There are reasons it’s important to get to know our mate before

claiming, especially for a mixed species mating. If Talan’s beast doesn’t know you, you could get hurt, even killed. My brother didn’t get to know his
mate well enough before he tried a mating.” The lion’s eyes filled with tears. “We lost both of them.”

“Oh,” Adrian walked over, awkwardly patting the other shifter on the arm. The poor guy was hurting but Adrian was pretty sure if Talan smelled

Adrian’s scent on the other man, Dillon would be hurting in a whole different way. “I’m so sorry.”

His heart went out to Dillon, he didn’t know what he would do without Kade. For the first time he realised there might be a real reason behind

the lions’ ritual.

A low growl raised the hair on Adrian’s arms. It was both frightening and a little sexy.
“Step back from me very slowly,” Dillon whispered.
With slow motions Adrian removed his hand from the other man and took a careful step backwards. Turning around, he was face to face with

a really pissed off alpha.

“Is there a reason my mate was touching you?” Talan asked Dillon. His voice was so low and gravelly Adrian almost didn’t understand the


Talan’s eyes were all cat.
Adrian could smell the fear rolling off of Dillon. “He was explaining why lion mating was so cautious. I touched him because he was in pain.”
Some of Talan’s feral expression faded. “I appreciate your compassion, Adrian, but it would be best if you refrain from contact with other

males until we are bonded.”

“I understand,” Adrian said. Antagonising Talan’s lion would be a bad thing. He didn’t want Dillon’s guts ripped out because Adrian felt bad for

the other man. At this point he didn’t even know if he was going to be bonded with Talan, but Adrian didn’t think this was a wise time to point it out.

“I-I’ll go and do something.” Dillon fled the scene.
There was a moment of silence following the departure of the other cat.
“Dillon explained the process?”
“More or less.”
Talan stepped closer to Adrian. “So you know today all we should do is kiss.”
“That was what I understood out of the conversation.” It was hard to sound nonchalant when all Adrian wanted to do was throw himself at the

big lion.

Adrian let out a contented sigh when Talan took him into his arms. He didn’t want to admit it yet, but being wrapped up in Talan’s embrace felt

as if he was coming home. It settled something deep inside. His wolf recognised the one he might want to keep.

Talan hid his smile as he heard the happy sounds his little wolf made. Leaning down, he nuzzled the other man’s neck, placing soft kisses

along his warm skin.

“Are you taking liberties?” Adrian asked. “I’ll have you know I’m not that easy. You have to feed me first.”
Talan laughed against Adrian’s neck, nipping the tender skin with an affectionate bite.
“Hey, Dillon said kissing, not biting.”
“Dillon doesn’t know everything.” Talan tucked his nose in the nape of Adrian’s neck and inhaled. Fuck, his wolf smelled amazing. The lion

lurking just beneath the surface wanted to take the other man down and claim him properly, but the more cautious human side held Talan back.

Dillon’s story was more than just a lesson in mating; it was a fact. It would destroy Talan if he killed his future mate because he rushed things.
“Let’s go get some food. Talla should have dinner ready.” With a longing glance at his mate, Talan led the way to the dining room. There

would be time tomorrow to touch all that glorious skin.

The noise in the dining room was deafening.
Half the number of lions made three times the noise as a wolf pack. Of course the wolves ate in a covered longhouse exposed to the outdoors

and the lion’s dining room was inside a mansion decorated in rich woods and silk draped walls. Adrian’s sensitive wolf hearing twitched at all the
sounds but he knew he’d have to get used to it at least for the foreseeable future.

It took him a moment to realise there was a pattern to everyone’s movements. Adrian was almost certain he’d entered a time warp when he

saw the men sitting around the table while the women waited on them.

What the hell?

Talan led him to a spot to the right of the head of the table.
“Have a seat,” Talan said, indicating the chair.
Adrian’s butt barely touched the chair before a pretty lion was next to him with a giant plate laden with three steaks, a mountain of potatoes

and a pile of greens so microscopic he wondered why they’d even bothered to add them.

“I’m Talla,” the lion said, placing the plate before him, “Talan’s youngest sister.”
“Nice to meet you, Talla,” Adrian said, “but next time you don’t need to wait on me. I can get my own food.”
Talla gave an unladylike snort and shot a look at her brother. “I already like this one more than you.”
Talan gave her a wide grin. “Me too.”
After putting down Adrian’s plate she moved on to the next male.
Waiting for everyone to get served, Adrian settled for watching the lion’s interact while they got their food. They might be loud but it was a

happy loud. Interaction between lions was friendly. Even when one of the male lions slapped a female on the ass, he only received an ear flick and a
kiss on the cheek. Adrian figured they were mates or at least bed friends.

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Finally the noise abated as everyone was served.
Moments later Talla grabbed a plate and settled in the empty chair beside Adrian. At least he was pretty sure it was Talla when she gave him

a friendly smile and said, “Hi again.”

“Umm, hi.”
Adrian had never thought of himself as prejudiced before, but frankly all lions looked alike. Except for Talan, who was different because of his

sheer size. All the lions were large and golden with gold hair, gold eyes and wide smiles. It would be a while before he could tell one pretty gold cat
from another.

He’d have to work hard to determine the differences. He didn’t want to call someone the wrong name. It was difficult enough being the only

wolf in a house full of lions without offending any of them.

The food was good, but it was difficult to ruin such a good piece of meat, especially when it barely visited the grill. Maybe when it was his turn

to cook, he could add some interesting spices. He vaguely wondered if lions liked chilli pepper.

Glancing up he saw that Talan was busy talking to the lion on his left so he turned to Talla, “Do you rotate who cooks?”
Talla stared at him a moment. “How does it work with dogs?”
“I’m a wolf,” Adrian snarled.
Talla rolled her eyes. “Sorry. How does it work with your pack?” she asked carefully.
“Everyone but the alpha takes turns providing food. We eat communally so we know that each pack member is getting what he or she needs

to survive and kids are given foods with enhanced vitamins to help with their special growth needs. How do you do it?”

“The females do all the hunting and cooking, the males do all the eating.”
“Oh. I’m not the best cook but I like to bake to relieve stress. Would that be all right? I don’t want to ruin whatever balance your pride has.”

Adrian didn’t know what his position in the pride was, as a temporary but maybe permanent guest, but either way things worked out he wasn’t vain
enough to think he had the right to step in and ‘fix’ things no matter if he thought the female lions were taken advantage of.

Talla gave him a slow smile. “No, that would be great. Talan would have kittens if we had you cook, but he can’t argue about you baking to

relieve stress.”

“What wouldn’t Talan argue about?” Talan asked.
“Adrian baking to relieve stress. I’m sure he’ll have a lot of it if he’s going to be your mate.”
Talan lifted his lip in a friendly snarl. However, his gaze softened when he looked Adrian over, as if looking for signs of cracking nerves. “If it

would make you feel better, honey, you can bake all you want.”

Adrian relaxed beneath Talan’s gaze. “Good. My grandmother gave me a book of family recipes and I’ve only had time to make about half of


“Anything in our kitchen is yours to use. Let us know if we need to buy anything. I don’t know how many baking ingredients we own. Lions

aren’t great bakers.” Talan said.

Talla piped in beside him. “We cook to survive, not because we enjoy it. Not one of us could be considered a decent chef. We’ve thought

about hiring a cook before but it’s kind of difficult to recruit someone in a house full of shifters.”

Adrian nodded. “I can see how that could be difficult.”
He didn’t have a solution so he let that conversation lapse.
The rest of the dinner went smoothly as the lions discussed shifter politics, hunting rights and if the new sunroom had enough napping rocks

for the winter.

Adrian enjoyed their banter but didn’t participate much. As the new guy he felt more comfortable listening in and basking beneath the gaze of

a certain pair of hungry golden eyes.

He was still thinking of those eyes hours later when he fell asleep in his bed.

* * * *

Adrian woke up to see a smiling female lion standing over him. It would’ve startled him, but his sister-in-law did that several times a week,

usually because she was sketching him. He was one of the few male wolves she could sketch nude without getting into trouble with Kade. He
wondered briefly how she was doing without him.

Instead of freaking out, Adrian gave the woman a friendly smile. She didn’t know it, but she’d just made this strange bedroom feel as if he

were at home.

“Good morning,” he managed after glancing down and making sure all the important bits were covered with the sheet. If Talan freaked at a

small touch on another man’s arm, a woman ogling his possibly future mate would probably rate a more violent response.

“Good morning. Talan had a meeting this morning and asked that I bring you something to eat,” Talla said.
He recognised her from the night before. She had a faint scar on her right cheekbone, rare for shifters who generally healed from anything.
“You didn’t have to bring me breakfast in bed. I’m going to be here a while, I can get my own food.” He accepted the tray Talla held out to him.

On the tray was a plate with scrambled eggs, toast, and more bacon than a pack of wolves could eat. He looked at her quizzically.

“What?” she asked, folding her arms.
“How much bacon did you think I was going to eat?”
Talla stomped her foot. “I told Trisha it was too much.”
Adrian patted the spot next to him on the bed. “Come. Sit here. You can tell me about the pride and help me eat all this food. I’m pretty sure a

hundred and eighty-pound wolf eats less than a two hundred and fifty-pound lion.”

Talla smiled and crawled up beside him.
Over the next half hour Adrian learned all about Talan’s early childhood and more about all six of his sisters, Talla, Trisha, Tia, Twyla, Tabitha

and Tammy. Eventually the other five wandered in with more bacon and a jug of coffee, large enough to give an entire platoon of soldiers each a
really big cup.

Adrian went with the flow and let the chatter run around him as they each tried to top the other with the most embarrassing Talan story. The one

where Talan ended up naked by the Catholic Church was his favourite so far. Apparently, there were some nuns in town who still couldn’t look at
him without blushing.

“What’s going on here?” Talan growled.
The six women on the bed looked at him unfazed, like cats.

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“They’re just being friendly.” Adrian offered. He’d hate it if the girls got in trouble for helping him through his transition from pack to pride. On

the other hand the growling was kinda sexy. He wondered what other sounds Talan made in the bedroom. He rearranged the sheets to cover his
growing problem.

“They can be friendly once you’re dressed. Get out!”
If the expressions on the six women were any indication, it just occurred to them that Adrian was completely naked beneath the covers. As a

shifter, he didn’t think to be embarrassed. He’d covered up because he didn’t know the ways of the pride, but in the pack everyone saw each other
naked at least during full moon.

“Ooh,” Trisha’s eyes lit up, “let’s peek.”
Survival instinct clicked into place. He was no one’s prey. Adrian’s fangs came out and he could feel his eyes shifting. Letting out a snarl, he

snapped his teeth.

The women fled, screaming.
Before long, there wasn’t anything left in the room but a bacon-scented platter, an empty coffee tureen and a large lion shifter staring at him

with raised eyebrows.

The wolf in Adrian, sensing the danger was gone, retreated.
Rolling his head back to snap out the kinks, Adrian gave his lover an apologetic smile. “Sorry.”
“For what? I’m sure they spent the last hour telling embarrassing stories about me. Besides, I didn’t think wolves could do partial shifts. Lions

can only do fangs and eyes but I saw your hands changing too, that was really cool.”

Adrian couldn’t help preening beneath the lion’s admiring gaze.
“I’m descended from a long bloodline of royal wolves. My line is one of the few that can partially shift.”
“So you’re what? A wolf prince?”
Adrian blushed. “Technically, but I never use the title. Most titles have been thrown away over the centuries though many still remember us.”
“Do I have to kneel?” Talan teased.
“Only when giving me a blow job,” Adrian said, sliding out of bed. “Excuse me. I’ll be right back.”
Adrian headed to the bathroom making sure the big lion got to see what he was missing by taking things slow. It took a moment for his

erection to fade so he could pee. Luckily he didn’t have the gorgeous lion shifter next to him so it was possible, but as soon as he stepped back
into the room, he found the handsome man lying half naked on his bed.

Talan had stripped off his shirt and looked more delicious than any man had the right to.
“If you want to stick to kissing, you should probably keep your clothes on.” Adrian stopped a safe distance away from the bed gazing at the big

hunk of man lying there. He was pretty certain drool was allowed.

“I thought we could get to know each other better,” Talan said hoarsely, gazing up at Adrian with hungry eyes.
“I probably know more about you than you know about me, nun-flasher.”
Talan laughed. “They never can resist that story,” he said with no sign of embarrassment. “Why don’t you come closer? I’m a tactile learner

and need my subject up close and personal,” Talan said, beckoning to him with one long finger.

Adrian smiled and walked over until he was towering over the bed and the sexy occupant on top. It was nice to be taller than Talan for a brief

moment, but he didn’t trust the lion’s wicked smile. He was pretty sure they were tempting fate but the big lion knew his rules better than Adrian and
if he wanted him closer, Adrian wasn’t going to deny him. At least that was the idea before the big lion hand reached out and yanked him off

Adrian gave a loud yelp as he landed on top of the larger shifter.
“You could’ve just said to hurry.”
“I was enjoying looking at you.”
“If you were enjoying it, why did you yank me down?”
“Because I knew I would enjoy you on top of me even more.”
To Adrian’s amusement, Talan rubbed his cheeks across Adrian’s, first one then the other.
“Marking me?”
“Absolutely. I don’t want you to get within fifty feet of another shifter without him smelling my scent on you.”
It was a struggle to keep up the banter. The body beneath him was all heat and hard muscles. Adrian felt a strong animal compulsion to roll

over and show his belly. If Talan was another wolf, they’d be having hot shifter sex by now.

However, Adrian was trying to respect the lion’s ways even as the lion was pushing him beyond temptation. Adrian realised with a shock that

he was beginning to really like the big cat who was looking up at him with heat and laughter in his eyes.

“What about a her?” Adrian teased.
“Are you bi?”
“Then I’m not worried about women.”
Adrian didn’t know what it was about the big cat, but he felt happy lying there in Talan’s arms. The urge to mark the man in a more primal way

shot through Adrian.

Until he was certain he wanted to keep the lion or not, he didn’t want other shifters sniffing around Talan. There was enough to think about with

leaving his pack and integrating with another species, without worrying about interested outsiders.

Following his instincts, Adrian licked a long line down Talan’s neck. He waited until the lion was relaxed before opening his jaw and sinking his

fangs into the lion’s shoulder.

Now any shifter who came within six feet of Talan would know the big cat was involved with someone. It wasn’t deep enough for a mating

mark, which was done on the neck and much deeper. It was more of a ‘keep away from my guy’ mark.

“Shit!” Talan screamed.
Adrian felt warm wetness against the bare skin on his stomach and knew Talan had come from his bite.
The bedroom door slammed open. One of the males shouted from the doorway. “Fuck, he’s eating him.”
Adrian disengaged his fangs and licked the spot. “I’m not eating him,” Adrian said in a calmer tone than he felt. “I’m marking him.”
“That hurt,” Talan said, wincing.
“Don’t be such a baby.” Looking at the group crowding the bedroom doorway, Adrian’s cock went soft.
One of the male lions was joined by three of Talan’s sisters. Never a fan of being watched, Adrian knew it was time to bail. He’d discuss the

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bite with Talan later.

“That’s it. I’m out of here.”
Ignoring the group by the door, Adrian slid off the bed and grabbed the jeans he’d left on the floor. Slipping them on, he snatched up his

Granny’s baking book and left the room.

The cats scurried out of his way as he approached, moving without a word.
He needed to bake something.

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Chapter Four

Talan was driving Adrian nuts. His balls were going to fall off before they mated. Unlike the lion, Adrian hadn’t gotten off.
Remembering the scene, Adrian’s cock got hard again. Damn, the man was sexy. Frowning, Adrian considered whether he really wanted to

mate with the big cat. There was no mistaking the attraction between the two of them, but was it a quick fire attraction or a more lasting emotion?

Adrian had a lot of experience with the first type and none with the second. Shaking his head, he decided after baking he’d do something

easy, maybe find a solution to an unsolvable theorem or barter world peace.

The worn leather binding of his grandmother’s cookbook calmed him as he stood in the middle of the large kitchen. With the cool ceramic tile

beneath his feet soothing his overheated skin, he flipped through the book. His grandmother’s handwriting brought back happy childhood
memories as he remembered the elderly woman who’d loved him since the day he was born. Three years after her death, he still missed her and
her no nonsense approach to life.

Picking the next recipe he hadn’t tried, Adrian did a quick survey of the lion’s surprisingly well-stocked kitchen and got to work.
After some time spent methodically measuring, chopping and mixing, his head was clearer and his heart was no longer racing in his chest.

Adrian knew if it was meant to be things would work out between him and Talan and if it wasn’t, he could go back to his family. It helped to have
options and a really understanding brother.

An hour later he was pulling four batches of double chocolate walnut brownies out of the oven.
The non-baking lions had a set of double ovens.
Who knew? He had a feeling none of the lions did.
“That smells good.” The male that had interrupted his mating with Talan, settled cautiously on the other side of the long breakfast bar.
Adrian glared at the lion shifter as he filled the dishwasher with dirty baking pans. He hated to leave behind dirty dishes.
“Listen, man. I didn’t know you were doing a wolf sex thing. I just heard my alpha screaming. I can’t go against my instincts.”
Adrian nodded but didn’t speak. However, he did put a giant brownie at the bottom of a bowl, added a scoop of gourmet vanilla ice cream

he’d found in the back of the freezer and topped it all off with whipped cream.

“Here you go.”
“Ooh. I’m forgiven,” Dillon said in a singsong tone. After one bite the man started making loud noises of enjoyment.
Adrian wondered if the man wasn’t getting enough sex if a sundae could put him into that kind of ecstasy.
“You can make me brownies anytime,” Dillon said, licking his spoon.
Adrian’s cell phone vibrated in his pocket, startling him. He’d forgotten it was there.
“How are you doing?” Kade’s voice came over the phone.
“I’m making brownies.”
“Shit. Sorry to hear that. Just think you only have five months and twenty-nine days left.” There was a pause on the line and Adrian knew his

brother didn’t call only to check on him.

“What’s going on Kade?”
The alpha wolf cleared his throat before confessing. “I called to let you know that Olson disappeared. I have a feeling he’s headed your way.

Keep an eye out, I don’t trust that wolf.” There was a squeal in the background. “Wait, Helen wants to talk to you.”

“Adrian, baby, if they’re mean to you, let me know. I have three brothers who like to shoot stuff. They’d go lion hunting in a minute.” She

lowered her voice. “They’d also take out a difficult wolf if you don’t want to let big brother know you need some help.”

Adrian laughed. “Thanks, honey. I appreciate it.”
“Just remember we love you and no matter what stupid pact my husband made, you can always come home and we’ll figure something out.”
“I love you too, babe. I’ll remember what you said and talk to you later.”
“Bye.” Smiling, he disconnected the phone. Helen always cheered him up. She was such a sweetheart.
“You’re kind of a mark ‘em and leave ‘em type, aren’t you?” a deep voice accused behind him.
“What?” Adrian spun around and found Talan standing directly behind him.
The big lion crossed his arms and glared down at Adrian. “You mark me as if I’m the one who’s never going to get away, then I come in here

and you’re declaring your love for someone else. I thought to give you time to calm down, but I see you used that time to replace me.” Talan’s voice
was getting louder with each word.

Out of the corner of his eye, Adrian saw Dillon grab his bowl and exit the room. “For your information, that was my sister-in-law.”
Adrian could see Talan backtracking in his mind, but he wasn’t in the mood to be forgiving.
“And as for the marking part, it’s only a temporary mark to keep others away until we decide what we want to do. I don’t want you fucking

around or other people thinking you’re available while we’re still deciding if we’re going to be mates.”

“You think I’d do that?” Talan asked, standing tall as if he was trying to intimidate Adrian with his height.
Being the shortest in the pack, height had no impact on intimidating Adrian. He was too used to everyone else being taller.
“I don’t know you, that’s the point,” Adrian said, fixing Talan with his coldest look. He knew this wasn’t the time to give in if he wanted a future

with the other man. A big alpha would only appreciate strength in his mate. The more time Adrian spent with Talan, the more he liked the man who
looked at him with big gold eyes as if he was the finest thing he’d ever seen.

Adrian let out a yelp as Talan lifted him up and draped him over the big lion’s shoulder. A slap on the ass brought another yell.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Taking you back to my bed where you belong. You want to prove we’re compatible, I’m all for that plan,” Talan said, as if it was the most

natural thing in the world to carry a man over his shoulder. Hell, for him, maybe it was.

“And I’m locking the fucking door,” Talan said loudly enough for everyone to hear.
Shifters in the next county probably heard him.
After kicking the door closed behind them and turning the lock, the large man laid Adrian gently on the mattress.
“Why do you look so surprised?” Talan asked. He stripped off Adrian’s pants while he waited for his answer.

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“I sort of thought you’d just throw me down all manly shifter and all.”
Talan shook his head before pulling off his own clothing and the rest of Adrian’s. “I might hurt you.” He gave Adrian a shy smile. “Sometimes I

don’t know my own strength. I know you’re tougher than you look, but I wouldn’t take that sort of risk with my mate.”

“We’re mates. You might not be ready to acknowledge it, but I knew as soon as I saw your picture that you were the one the Gods picked out

for me and nothing is going to stand in the way of my claiming you.”

Adrian had never thought much about the Gods picking out his mate. Wolves were more practical than predestined, for them it was all about

chemistry, but if the lion wanted to think they were matched by a higher power Adrian wasn’t going to contradict him.

As Talan slid onto the bed beside him, Adrian’s instincts screamed for him to claim the big shifter, but if he gave in now he would always be

the one who gave in. Talan needed to make the first move.

“I thought you lions had a bunch of rules to follow. What happened to taking it slow and easy?”
Talan tilted his head to look at Adrian. “Are you trying to get out of being my mate?”
Adrian felt a burst of panic as he thought of being the only wolf in a pride of lions. What would his life be like without his pack? “I don’t know

how to live without a pack,” Adrian confessed.

Talan looked at him for a long while. “Honey, you don’t have to live without your pack. They are only four hours away. You can visit them every

full moon. As long as you come back to me, I’m not going to stop you from visiting your brother’s pack.”

“My pack.”
Talan gave Adrian a tender look. “I’m hoping over time you will look upon my pride as your pack. You might be the only wolf in a group of lions,

but you will be the most important to me.”

“Don’t you want to take it slow? We have six months to make a decision.”
Talan shook his head. “I have a feeling if I don’t pin you down now, you might slip between my fingers.”
“After what Dillon told me, I thought you had to follow procedures or your lion might not accept me.” Adrian wasn’t ready for this. He’d figured

there’d be a lot more negotiating and give and take. Nothing had prepared him for the large lion shifter accepting him so easily as his mate.

“My lion likes you just fine.”
“He does, does he?” Adrian teased sliding back a little.
“Where are you going?” Talan growled.
He scooted back a little more, watching the big lion’s eyes watching him. It was time for a little chase. With smooth liquid motions, Adrian did

a back flip over the side of the bed and took off.

Growling, Talan ran after him. “You know cats love a good game of chase.”
“I thought you only chased your tail?”
Adrian was small but agile, easily evading the other man, smiling at the light of enjoyment in Talan’s eyes.
Talan leapt over the bed and landed in front of Adrian. Anticipating the move, Adrian slipped out of the space seconds after Talan arrived.

Laughing he ran to the other side of the room. Not too quickly, he


want to get caught.

He blew Talan a kiss.
Talan laughed. “I’d rather do that in person.”
Distracted with the image in his head, Adrian lost his chance to escape.
“Got you.” Talan grabbed Adrian, wrapping him in the cage of his strong arms and spinning him around. “Thought you could get away from me,

did you?”

“Mmmhmm. You fooled me,” Adrian said. He slid his hand down, memorizing the shape of Talan’s cock in his hand. The shifter was excited

after chasing Adrian around and it showed. Adrian was pleased when the larger man’s eyes rolled to the back of his head in pleasure and he
started purring.

“Umm. Y-yeah, I-I s-showed you.”
Adrian smiled. He’d gotten the big guy to stutter, score one for the wolf.
He was proud that he only yelped a little when Talan lifted him off his feet.
“Don’t think I’m going to let your hot body distract me from making you my mate.”
“I kind of thought that would help,” Adrian gasped as he was gently laid on the bed again.
Talan gave him a predatory smile as he smoothly covered Adrian with his body. Heated skin-to-skin contact made Adrian flush all over.

Excitement had hardened his body while Talan chased him around the room but the feel of the lion lying across him made him ready to explode.

He forced himself to lie passively beneath Talan because he could see the lion close to the surface and he didn’t want to disturb the creature

crouching just beneath his lover’s skin.

Talan’s pupils elongated and his fangs slid past his lips. “I’m going to make you forget any other man who has dared to touch what is mine,” he


Before Adrian could comment, he was flipped over and covered by the larger body of his lover.
“I’ve dreamed of being in this ass,” Talan whispered.
A hot, raspy tongue licked up Adrian’s back sparking his nerve endings. He’d never realised how many erogenous zones he had on his spine

until Talan laved each vertebra with his rough tongue. Adrian’s body hardened until he thought he was going to come just from the feel of Talan
licking him.

“Wait for me, baby,” Talan said as if reading Adrian’s mind.
The snap of a lube cap reached his ears seconds before one long finger slid inside. Condoms were unnecessary for shifters because they

couldn’t contract diseases. Adrian only used them when he had sex with humans because it was better to wear a condom than to try to explain to
his human lovers that he could turn into a wolf.

Adrian pushed back to encourage his lover.
Talan put another finger in, slowly.
“You’re just teasing me now,” Adrian complained.
“Yes. How does it feel?” Talan asked, nipping Adrian’s shoulder.
“Annoying. Put your dick in me and fuck me like you mean it.”
Talan’s deep laughter settled something warm inside Adrian’s chest. He loved the man’s laughter. He had a feeling the big feline didn’t laugh

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nearly often enough.

The scent of their bodies together was driving him wild. Adrian gripped the sheets and raised his ass a little higher, trying to tempt his lover.
“Patience, little one. Lions don’t like to rush.”
“Take your time later.” Talan licked the back of Adrian’s neck sending shivers of desire down the wolf shifter’s spine. “Fuck.”
“Easy, baby. I’ve got all night.”
“You’ve got about two minutes or I start yanking out hair.”
Talan chuckled. A low sound Adrian could feel against his back. “You wouldn’t want to do that. I’d get all patchy and bald. Not sexy at all.”
“Less talking, more fucking,” Adrian said through gritted teeth. He was quickly losing patience. He would’ve lost his erection if he wasn’t so

turned on by the lion’s body pressed against his and the feel of Talan’s hard length rubbing against his ass.

Just as he was about to gripe again, Talan slid inside him, taking all the breath out of Adrian’s body and giving him what he needed. Adrian

blinked back tears as he felt his man, his mate, fit inside him as if Talan belonged there.

He lost the ability to think when Talan slid across his prostate and drove him out of his ever-loving mind.
Pressure built. Adrian was about to come when a piercing pain shot through his neck.
Fangs plunged into his flesh, marking him deep. Adrian could feel blood dripping down his body and soaking into the pristine sheets, but he

refused to scream. He didn’t want the others beating down the door trying to save the alpha again.

I am claimed.

It took a deep wound to scar a shifter. From the amount of blood on the bed, Adrian had no doubt in his mind that Talan had scarred him for

life. A mark he would wear with pride.

That thought was enough to push Adrian over the edge just as Talan’s cock slammed into him one last time. Heat pumped into Adrian’s body

as Talan spurted out his release, claiming Adrian as his own.

After a few minutes, Talan’s fangs slid out of Adrian’s shoulder, his rough tongue lapping at the wound.
“Mine. My beautiful mate.” The lion’s deep voice rumbled in his ear. “Mine forever. Mine. Mine. Mine.”
“You are mine too,” Adrian reminded Talan, as he lay there pinned beneath the massive shifter.
“I will always be yours, my mate. You are everything I’ve always wanted.”
Talan shifted them sideways so Adrian spooned in front of him. Lapping at the blood on Adrian’s neck, he cuddled the wolf close. The men

stayed snuggled together until Adrian felt Talan slide out of his body.

“We are mated. You can call your brother later and tell him you’re staying,” Talan said, placing a kiss on the top of Adrian’s head.
Despite Talan’s words they were only half mated. Until Adrian claimed him in return, the mating wasn’t complete.
Adrian enjoyed lying in Talan’s arms feeling the bond grow between them. It wasn’t common for different species of shifters to mate. Adrian

hoped they could make it work. Even in the brief time he’d known Talan he felt closer to the large man than many of the wolves he’d known all this

“I take it your cat approves,” Adrian said in a dry voice.
“My cat thinks you’re the next best thing to cat nip.” Talan’s voice rumbled against Adrian’s back. “And I think you’re pretty special too.”

Talan snuggled his little wolf closer and thanked his lucky stars. He finally found a man to spend his life with. Without the others getting a

chance at the beautiful man, Talan had made him his. He wondered how long it would take Adrian to give into the inevitable and mark him back.
That little nip he’d given Talan earlier wasn’t deep enough for a true marking even if it hurt like a bitch.

Their idyll was interrupted by someone banging on the door. They’d best have a good reason for interrupting him or someone was going to


“Talan. Come quick. We’ve got a problem,” Tasha shouted from the other side of the door.
“You’re going to have a problem if you don’t leave me alone with my mate,” Talan roared. He let the growl rumble in the air for several minutes

as he pulled his wolf tighter into his arms. Rubbing his cheek across the silky head, he enjoyed a few minutes of marking Adrian with his scent
before the banging began again.

“Talan. I’m not kidding. There’s a guy in town asking about Adrian. I think it’s that Olson wolf.”
“Shit.” Talan slapped Adrian’s ass. “Get dressed, beautiful. We’re going to put an end to this now.”
“I’m going to wash up first.”
Talan grabbed Adrian’s wrist before he got out of bed. “Do a minimal clean up. I want this guy to smell my scent all over you.”
Adrian nodded his understanding before walking to the bathroom. Talan enjoyed the view a moment before shaking his head and pulling on

his clothes. Damn, his man looked good coming or going.

Talan unlocked his bedroom door to see Tasha’s anxious face. “Word is getting around that this guy says Adrian is too frightened to meet

him. Talan, we can’t have the alpha mate declared weak by some slimy wolf.”

“I’ll take care of him,” Talan said puffing up his chest. “No one challenges my mate.”
Dillon ran into the hall. “Alpha, there’s this dude in town who says he’ll challenge Adrian. We can’t let him get the pretty puppy. This guy would

decimate him. He’s fucking huge for a wolf. I can be really careful.” A feral glint came into the young lion’s eyes. “No one would ever know where he

“I’ll take care of this.” A low growl sounded behind them.
Talan turned to see Adrian’s usual green eyes glowing gold, a sign that his wolf was close to the surface.
“Now, baby. I can’t let you meet this guy. He’s the reason your brother was willing to trade you to us lions,” Talan said with a frown. He was

worried that Adrian would take unnecessary risks to prove he was worthy of Talan. No one was going to get close enough to harm his little wolf.

He didn’t care how many people he had to kill.
“I told my brother the same thing I’m going to tell you. I can take care of Olson. Besides I want to find out why he has such a hard on for me.

He’s been after me since he joined my brother’s pack.”

Talan looked at his beautiful mate. “Honey, there may be more than one reason this Olson guy is after you.”
Adrian shook his head. “I wasn’t getting that kind of vibe. It’s as if he discovered I killed his mother then ate his cat for breakfast. I’m going to

get to the bottom of this.”

Talan clamped a hand down on Adrian’s shoulder. “You aren’t going anywhere without me.”
Adrian’s narrow chin tilted up. “Good, you can drive. Someone threw a cat at my car.”
Talan gave his wolf a smug look. “I have it at the mechanics now anyway. He said it would take a few days to fix, but it’ll look good as new.”

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His efforts rewarded him a brilliant smile. “Good. I really like that car. It’s super fuel efficient.”
Shaking his head at his earth-friendly man, Talan wrapped his arm around Adrian and led him through the house to the garage in back.

Dozens of vehicles were parked in an enormous air-conditioned space. He ushered Adrian towards a large black Hummer.

Adrian dug in his heels. “Tell me you’re kidding!” he demanded.
“Not even a little bit. I’m a big man and I’m not folding myself in half to save the earth. I’ll consider getting a hybrid SUV, but that’s the best I’m


He ignored Adrian’s grumblings about his planet-killing car as he lifted him up and tossed him into the passenger seat.
Quickly getting into the driver’s side, Talon was pleased to see Adrian put on his seatbelt. As a shifter, he didn’t bother because even a crash

through the windshield wouldn’t kill him, but he had different rules for his more fragile mate.

“Seatbelt,” Adrian said, folding his arms.
Hiding his smile, Talan put on his seatbelt, pleased Adrian cared enough to nag him. Their relationship was progressing well.
He started up the car and headed into town. As they were driving, Talan tried to find out more about Adrian.
“Do you do a lot of work from home?”
“Yes. I work mostly from home. Occasionally I go on-site to give the company I’m working for direct feedback, but there’s little I can’t do from

my home computer. Currently, a company in Japan wants my input into their new game design, and I’m wrapping up a small project for a U.S.
gaming company.”

“Do you like what you do?” Talan asked.
“Yeah, I really do.” Adrian’s voice reflected his enjoyment. “I mean, I could be at some stuffy university doing mathematical theorems and

teaching algebra to bored freshmen, or I can figure out the best, bloodiest way an orc can kill an elf. Really, there’s no contest.”

Talan laughed.
The best thing about his gorgeous, talented mate was that Talan genuinely liked the guy too. Beneath the black hair and pretty green eyes was

a sweet, brilliant man with a wicked sense of humour.

Talan was in love. He hoped with time his feelings would be returned. Although most mates ended up in love it wasn’t a guarantee. There were

more than a few who mated in haste and regretted it for the rest of their lives. Talan would do his best to make sure Adrian never regretted
becoming his. He also had to get his mate to bite him back.

Adrian didn’t like the idea of being the only wolf in a pride of cats. Talan couldn’t blame him, but there wasn’t anything he could do about the

odds. Adrian needed to get used to the idea because Talan wasn’t going to let him go. Hell, he’d take on the whole pack if it meant he got to keep
this one wolf.

They continued their discussion as they travelled. Talan shared his love of his family and his worries about the pride—how he spent most of

his time organising pride resources and working with an international council to protect shifter rights.

Adrian told of his love of math and science and how his inner geek compelled him to create complicated computer games, which helped him

share his enjoyment of complex puzzles with others.

Talan felt a piece of his heart melt away with a flash of brilliant green eyes.
Reaching town, Talan stopped the car in front of the local diner. He figured if there were a stranger in the area, Diana at the diner would know

where he was.

It turned out asking wasn’t necessary.
“There he is,” Adrian said, pointing to a shaggy blond man with shoulders almost as big as Talan’s.
Talan growled. There was no way he was going to let that guy anywhere near his mate.
“Stay in the car,” Talan ordered as he got out of the Hummer.
Talan approached the blond and stepped in front of him blocking his way. “I hear you’re looking for Adrian.”
The blond regarded him with hard brown eyes. “Where is he? I’m going to challenge him, slash his throat and dance on his grave.”
Talan felt his lion rising to the surface to protect his mate. With great difficulty he held onto his human form. “That man is my mate and I’d be

very angry if you touched one hair on his head.”

“Fuck.” The wolf’s eyes glowed an angry orange. “How does he do that? That little fucker has a charmed life.”
The energy of an angry wolf shifter bristled along Talan’s back, and he knew his mate had heard everything.

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Chapter Five

Adrian only waited seconds before following his mate out of the Hummer. He was tired of everyone telling him he was unable to take down

one wolf. Granted the guy was huge, but Adrian wasn’t exactly defenceless. He certainly wasn’t going to wait in the truck like a child while the grown
ups handled everything.

Olson’s eyes glowed orange as he whipped around to face Adrian. “I knew you were close. If this guy really is your mate, you wouldn’t let him

get that far from you.”

“What is your problem with me? We haven’t exchanged more than a few words since you joined the pack, but all I hear is how much you can’t

stand me. What did I ever do to you?” It was a question that haunted Adrian. He couldn’t remember one bad encounter with Olson, but the guy hated
him with a passion.

“Everything,” Olson hissed. “Your father broke my mother’s heart. He abandoned her because she wasn’t his ‘true mate’,” Olson said, putting

air quotes around true mate. “Then he went off with your mother and had you and your brother. The perfect family,” he spat the words out like they
were acid, bubbling in his soul.

A world of pain lived in Olson’s speech. Adrian couldn’t think of anything to say to defend his father. “I’m sorry my father abandoned you. I don’t

know why he wouldn’t keep in contact with his son.” Adrian doubted his father had even known about Olson’s birth. He’d certainly never mentioned

Olson sneered at Adrian, “Because he was such a good father?”
Adrian shrugged. “Partly, but mostly because he was always telling us how family was everything. He died three years ago on a vacation with

my mother.”

“I know. I read the obituaries. Since I can’t take out my anger on him, I’m going to destroy his sons. While you grew up happy and sheltered in

your pack, my mother had me alone and her pack tossed her out. I grew up scraping for food with whatever shifters would have us while my mother
whored to give us shelter. You have the life I should’ve been born into.”

“Why not go after his brother?” Talan asked.
Adrian didn’t trust the calm way Talan asked the question. He could see that Talan’s lion was close to the surface. His teeth were pointier, and

there was definitely more gold in his eyes. Talan was going to turn any moment and ruin the reputation of his pride. Adrian couldn’t allow that. He
mentally prepared himself for what he knew he had to do.

Olson gave an evil smile. “Because Kade is strong, but he will be so much weaker when I take out his brother. I’ve made it my business to

study the alpha. Kade’s only weakness is the people he loves. Killing Adrian will be doubly beneficial. I get to kill one of my enemies and rip out the
alpha’s heart at the same time. It will make him that much easier to defeat.”

“So this is all an elaborate plot to take the alpha position of the wolf pack,” Adrian said to make sure he got the plan right.
Olson gave him a wide smile. “Yes, and give me the position I should’ve had at birth.”
“That’s a good plan,” Adrian agreed. Strategically, it was rather brilliant.
“Thanks,” Olson said, puffing up his chest. “From a genius like you that is quite a compliment.”
Talan let out a low growl. “You overlooked one little detail,” the lion said.
“What’s that?”
“I don’t care about wolf pack politics. I will rip out your throat if you touch my man.”
Olson paled. “But if I issue him a wolf challenge, it will be perfectly legal. The shifter counsel will declare your pride an outcast if you interfere

with a challenge.”

“I would rather condemn my pride than stand here and let you kill my mate.”
Adrian knew there was only one thing to do. “Olson, I officially accept your challenge.”
“No!” Talan shouted.
Adrian could see fear and anger written across his lover’s face, but he wasn’t backing down. He’d wasted enough time hiding from this

vengeful wolf. Olson might have a right to a grievance against their father, but Adrian wasn’t going to let the other wolf go after his brother or even
worse his sister-in-law. It was going to stop here.

Olson smiled. “Meet me at the town square tonight.”
Olson lost his smile. “What do you mean no?”
“You gave the challenge, I accepted. I get to pick the location and time. I pick here and now.” After all, didn’t they say never let psychos take

you to a secondary location? Adrian had a feeling that also counted for unbalanced wolves.

“Fine, have it your way,” Olson snarled.
During their conversation Adrian had watched Olson’s body language. He knew long before Olson attacked that the larger wolf was going to

jump him whether Adrian agreed to a meeting or not. Olson didn’t care about shifter rules and practices unless they worked in his favour.

Watching the leap, Adrian stepped easily to the side. With a thought, he shifted his right hand into long claws and casually ripped out Olson’s

throat. The big wolf slammed onto the sidewalk…dead.

“Holy crap.”
Adrian turned around to see most of the pride standing on the sidewalk behind him.
“We thought we’d come and see if there was anything we could do to help,” Dillon said, his pale face focused on the dead wolf at Adrian’s

feet. “But I can see the little wolf can take care of himself.”

Adrian looked at the surprised expression on Talan’s face. “Didn’t you read my bio about teaching girls self-defence?”
“Yeah, but how does teaching little girls karate translate into ripping a man’s throat out.”
“My girls consist of the shifter daughters of prominent alphas. I hold a tenth level black belt in shifter martial arts, which includes the use of

claws and teeth in hostage situations and random attacks. I’m considered the world leader in shifter self-defence.”

Talan and the rest of the pride stared at him with their mouths wide open.
“Then why did your brother send you away to protect you from Olson?” Talan asked.
Adrian laughed. “Because he’s my big brother. No matter how skilled a person is, there is always the chance that the other person is faster,

stronger or a better fighter. He wasn’t willing to take the chance.” Adrian shrugged. “My brother loves me.”

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Dillon looked down at the body. Locals were coming out of restaurants and shops to look at the dead man on the street.
Someone must’ve called the authorities because moments later the sheriff’s car pulled up to the scene.
“Let me handle this,” Talan said, puffing up his chest and standing in front of Adrian like a living lion shield.
The man who came out of the car made Talan look small. The sheriff was well over seven feet tall with the muscle of a bodybuilder but a build

that screamed it was all-natural. It only took a small whiff to figure out the sheriff was a bear shifter.

“Who did this?” the sheriff demanded, looking at Olson’s body.
“I did.” Adrian pushed Talan aside to approach the enormous cop.
“I’m Sheriff Louis Arktos,” the big man said, with an assessing look at Adrian’s size.
“Adrian Volk.”
He gave a glance at the body on the ground. “Was it a legal challenge?”
Adrian nodded. “Everyone here is my witness.”
“Anyone beside the lion pride of your lover? Forgive me for my doubts but the entire town knows these lions are crazy about you.”
Adrian couldn’t stop the smile that crossed his lips. It was nice to be wanted.
“I heard the challenge.” A young man pushed his way through the crowd.
Adrian was surprised to smell the man was completely human.
The sheriff’s gaze undressed the newcomer with his eyes. Adrian could almost feel the heat between them with that stare.
“Good afternoon, James,” the sheriff said.
Adrian was amused to hear the man’s voice was much deeper than when he’d greeted Adrian. It didn’t take a genius to determine the big

bear had it bad for the human.

“Afternoon, Sheriff. I was eating at the diner.” James gave Adrian a small smile. “We haven’t met, but I knew who you were because Talan was

with you.” He turned back to the sheriff to finish the story. “I came outside to meet Adrian and I heard this other wolf threatening his life. He issued a
challenge and, um, Adrian took care of it.” James ended with a stumbling halt.

Adrian cleared his throat. “Thank you, James.” He looked down at the sidewalk so the human couldn’t see the amusement in his eyes. James

was sweet but the poor thing was hopelessly outmatched if the sheriff acted on his obvious interest.

“If James is willing to claim you were challenged, I’ll take care of the body and clear up any official paperwork.” The sheriff pinned Adrian with

a cold look. “Make sure you stay out of trouble and don’t make a habit of leaving dead bodies in my town.”

“Yes, sir,” Adrian said. He would make it his goal in life to avoid any altercations with the big sheriff.
The pair shook hands. The sheriff looked him over taking a long moment to release Adrian’s hand, causing a low growl to sound behind him.
Louis gave an amused glance behind Adrian. “Down, Talan, I’m not trying to steal your boy. I was just trying to figure out how someone this

small could take down such a large predator.”

“It’s not always size that counts,” James said from behind Adrian. Adrian turned his head to see the human walking away through the crowd.
“I think you’ve got some work of your own to do, Sheriff,” Adrian said with a nod towards the human.
The sheriff’s gaze followed James hungrily before he collected himself and turned his attention back to Adrian. “I reckon I do. Have a good

night, gentlemen. I’ll take care of everything.”

Talan gripped Adrian’s shoulder. “Come on, lover, it’s time to get back to the house.”
Adrian dutifully followed Talan back to the Hummer. As much as he hated the big vehicle, it represented shelter from the prying eyes of the

town. He had no doubt the news of his battle would be on everyone’s lips by nightfall.

To Adrian’s surprise, when they reached the car, the big alpha grabbed him by the biceps.
“Never put yourself in danger again,” the lion roared, shaking Adrian like a rag doll.
Adrian ripped out of his arms. “I am not some little kid who needs to be watched over by the grown ups. I’m a full-grown adult. Despite what

you might think, I don’t need my big strong mate to fight all my battles. I will be your equal partner in this relationship or we won’t be mates. I don’t
need a daddy to take care of me. I need a man I can depend on to stand by my side.”

This was a nightmare. Instead of being pleased that his mate could take care of himself, Talan was acting as if Adrian had betrayed him. If he

was looking for a defenceless fragile thing, then Adrian wasn’t the one for him.

“I think it’s time for me to go home now,” Adrian told the golden lion shifter, avoiding his gaze. He couldn’t look at the lion, he was too angry.

After thinking he found his mate, his heart almost couldn’t take the disappointment. It was devastating.

Talan nodded. “You should rest after such a traumatic encounter.”
Adrian didn’t bother to correct him. He let the larger man drive him back to the pride house without comment. Blinking back tears, he went to

his room and collected his bags.

“Where are you going?” Talan asked. Stepping into the doorway, he blocked Adrian’s path.
“I told you I’m going home. I have to decide if I can live with a man who thinks I’m entirely useless.”
Talan frowned. “Why would you say that? I have never said you were useless.”
“You think I’m weak and in need of protection. I told you I could take care of Olson, but you took one look at me and decided I was a frail,

defenceless thing who needed to be protected. I’m not fragile, or weak and I don’t need a mate who thinks I am.”

It was hard to push the words out when his heart felt as if it was going to rip in two. The weight on his chest made it difficult to breathe, but he

had to let Talan know that he wasn’t going to put up with this type of behaviour. He tolerated his brother because they’d grown up together.

However, Talan hadn’t watched Adrian grow from a baby to a man, and he should have more trust in his mate.
“How will you get home?” Talan asked, folding his arms across his chest.
“I’ll take him,” Kevin offered from the hallway.
Talan growled at him.
Kevin held up his hands in a show of peace. “We can’t stop the wolf. If Adrian calls his brother and tells him he’s unhappy, there will be a

bucket of trouble. As much as I like Adrian, I’m not willin’ to start an interspecies war because you can’t trust your mate.”

“I trust my mate!” Talan shouted.
“I’ll take you.” Kevin picked up two of Adrian’s bags.
The pair walked to Kevin’s car in silence. Adrian didn’t even comment when the other man opened the door to a gas guzzling pickup.
Talan watched from the garage door but did nothing further to stop Adrian leaving.
Miles passed before Kevin spoke. “He really loves you, you know. I’ve never seen him this protective of anyone before. Is it the lion thing? Can

you not live with a bunch o’ cats?”

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Adrian sighed. Pressing his forehead against the cool glass of the window he tried to rally his thoughts. “It has nothing to do with you guys

being lions. You were all really welcoming. I enjoyed my stay with you, as short as it was. It’s about him trusting me to know my limitations. I won’t live
in a bubble. My entire life my brother has tried to keep me protected from everything. I won’t continue to live a sheltered existence because my mate
doesn’t trust me to watch his back. An alpha mate has to be strong, and I can’t stay with Talan if he’s never going to believe I’m strong enough to be
by his side.”

“How’s leavin’ him going to prove your strength?” Kevin asked. “I’d think it’d make more sense to fight ‘im than to leave ‘im. I know if was lucky

enough to find my mate and then he left me, I’d be too broken to think about anything other than what a failure I was. What do you think he’s going to
learn from this?”

Adrian didn’t snap at Kevin because the lion shifter sounded more curious than condemning. “I want him to think about what he wants in a

mate. If he wants a partner, then I’m willing. If he wants a pretty cuddle mate, he’ll need to look elsewhere.” Adrian gave the handsome shifter a
curious glance. “I thought you were straight.”

Kevin shrugged. “I like women and I won’t ever regret my baby boys but I know, deep down, that a man will be my mate.” The shifter speared

Adrian with his earnest gaze before looking back at the road. “It’d rip out my heart if my mate left me because I loved him enough to try to keep him
safe. Besides I thought y’all were already mated. You’ll both suffer if you don’t return.”

Adrian shook his head. “The mating wasn’t complete. We’ll suffer more if I can’t be what he needs and we complete the bonding cycle. I won’t

be responsible for other lions challenging him for power because they think he’s chosen a weak mate.”

“Adrian, I can guarantee ya that none of the lions in my pride think you’re weak. You downed a wolf twice your size with one swipe. It was

ruthless, vicious and I am fuckin’ proud of you. If Talan doesn’t realise he’s made a mistake within the week, then he’s not the leader I thought he

Adrian looked sightlessly out the window. “I hope so. I already miss him.”

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Chapter Six

Talan sprawled on the porch looking at the blue sky and let the sigh roll from his chest. He missed his mate.
Flicking his tail, he thought about taking down one of the foolish deer that had wandered too close to the house.
A kick to his side had him swiping at the intruder.
“Stop being an idiot and go after him,” Tasha said, kicking him again. “And if you scratch my new boots, I will set your mangy hide on fire.”
Sitting down next to him, she continued to ruin the good sulk he had going on.
“Come on, Talan, we all miss him. Dillon is whining about not having any more brownies. The girls are upset because they bought him a bunch

of clothes that he hasn’t had a chance to wear, and you haven’t eaten anything in days. You can’t just lie there and pine. What kind of alpha are you?
Go and get your man.”

Talan lay down his head and closed his eyes. It was hard to get up the energy when his heart was breaking.


. He roared.

Tasha had ripped out some hair from his mane.
“Go. Get. Him,” Tasha shouted.

The pounding on his door had Adrian stumbling towards the noise to stop the horrible racket. His head felt as if it was going to burst. He’d

drunk way too much scotch the night before, a habit that was becoming far too common. He snarled when he tripped over the bodies lying on the

Yeah, way too common.
His pack mates had missed him more than he’d anticipated. Not one night since his return had he spent a night alone. The wolves were

determined to cheer him up. Little did they know that nothing would make him feel better other than being in the arms of a certain golden-haired

The banging started up again.
“Make it stop, Adrian,” Scott, one of his pack mates, moaned from the floor. Scott only wore a pair of boxers he’d pulled on after the pack run

last night. Most of the men and women sleeping on the floor were wearing little more than a t-shirt or underwear gracing their toned bodies.

Ripping open the door, Adrian was faced with his greatest nightmare. A pissed off mate coming to see him and finding a house full of mostly

naked people.

This was not how he was hoping their reunion would go. He had visions of a fancy dinner with an apology from Talan for overreacting. He

didn’t think he’d look to be in the wrong.

Talan’s golden eyes took in the scene. “What the fuck is going on here?”
A loud roar had wolves racing for the door. A few even went out the window.
Adrian’s head pulsed with pain. “Is that really necessary?”
Talan’s mouth opened revealing a complete set of fangs.
“My head hurts too much for this crap.” Adrian abandoned his spot by the door and stumbled to his bathroom. Blearily opening the cabinet, he

grabbed some migraine medicine and chugged down more than a human dosage. It would take a minimum of ten to put a dent in his metabolism.

“I’m sorry if I interrupted your orgy,” Talan snarled.
“Did you come just to be ugly? You know no other shifter will touch me. You marked me yourself.”
There were few shifter rules that translated through every species. Not touching another shifter’s mate was one of those unbreakable laws.

Even though their mating wasn’t complete, he was injected with Talan’s mating fluid and was untouchable. If the mating cycle wasn’t finished, the
scent would fade after a few months. Until then no one would dare touch Adrian sexually.

“That doesn’t explain why there were a dozen half naked people on your floor.”
“I was depressed. The pack was here to cheer me up. We went for a run.”
Talan wrapped his arms around Adrian and pulled him close. “You wouldn’t be depressed if you were home with me where you belonged.”
“I can’t go home with you until you are willing to allow me to be a true mate. I can’t be the pride’s protected pet. I will be a true mate or I will stay

with my pack.”

Talan’s eyes were so pain filled, Adrian felt a corresponding twinge in his chest.
Taking Adrian’s hands in his own, Talan kissed the back of each with a brush of his soft lips. “I don’t know what I did to make you think I didn’t

value you. I swear, lion’s oath, that you are more precious to me than anything in this world. I didn’t yell at you because I don’t think you can take care
of yourself. I yelled at you because it stopped my heart when that wolf came after you. There is nothing on this planet more important to me than

Talan’s sweet words filled the gaping hole in Adrian’s heart. “You will let me fight my own battles?”
He watched the shifter swallow hard. Then Talan wrapped Adrian in his arms, pressing him against his chest. “I will try, my heart, but know that

it is my first impulse to protect you.”

Adrian decided he could live with that. What he couldn’t live with was not having Talan in his life. The big shifter had wormed his way into

Adrian’s heart and he had a bad feeling it wasn’t going to get any easier with time.

“Did you come to take me back home?”
Talan pushed Adrian away so he could look into his eyes. “I have obligations I have to fulfil as the leader of my pride. I’m sorry if that takes you

away from your pack, but you’re welcome to visit them whenever you want and participate in full moon hunts. Other nights you can run with the lions.
The females are really the only ones who hunt, but they told me they’d be happy to have you along. Actually Talla said if I didn’t bring you back, she
was going to tag you like a wild wolf and drag you back home in a crate.”

Adrian laughed. He could almost hear the sassy lion saying that exact phrase. “I missed you like crazy,” Adrian admitted. “I even liked your


Talan tilted Adrian’s head up so the wolf was forced to look him in the eye. “But did you like me?”
Seeing the vulnerability in Talan’s eyes broke Adrian’s heart. “I more than like you, Talan. I’m in love with you.”
The relief on Talan’s face was painful to see. Adrian hated himself in that moment for causing this sweet man so much pain.
“I’m glad that I’m not alone. Where’s your bed?”

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Adrian laughed. “I can see we need to work on your subtlety.”
“No, we need to work on finding your bed. I believe it’s time for my wolf to mark me back.”
“Is that what you want?” Adrian asked. He had to make sure they both wanted this mating.
“More than anything.”
Adrian took Talan’s hand and led him to the small bedroom in the back of his house.
In silence he stripped Talan of his clothing and removed the pair of boxers he’d slept in the night before.

Talan pulled Adrian onto the bed with him. Rolling quickly, he pinned the smaller man beneath his body. The feel of Adrian pressed against

him soothed the restless lion longing for his mate. He’d missed Adrian so much it was like an ache. His sister was right, not that he’d ever tell her,
but Adrian was waiting for him to come fetch him.

He should’ve come sooner. Adrian’s eyes had dark bruising underneath, showing that his mate slept as little as he had over the past few


“I missed you.” He almost didn’t hear the soft words pressed against his skin.
“I missed you too. Now are you going to mate with me or not?”
“Impatient, aren’t you?” Adrian’s green eyes sparkled as he looked up at Talan. “What happened to ‘lions like to take their time’?”
“I’ve waited long enough,” Talan growled. “I’ve waited a lifetime and you’re my reward.”
Adrian’s eyes glowed incandescent. “I’m not a reward. I’m the gift that keeps on giving.”
Talan was taken by surprise when Adrian lifted his hips, locked his ankles behind Talan’s back and rolled them over.
“Sneaky wolf.”
“Yep, that’s me.” Adrian rubbed their noses together, an affectionate gesture completely at odds with the hard cock rubbing against his.
“Inside.” Talan yearned to feel Adrian inside him. “I’ve never let anyone dominate me before,” he confessed, panting.
Talan nodded.
Adrian gave a growl of his own. “I’d better be the last.”
It was a cute wolf growl that made Talan want to cuddle his adorable mate. He kept that information to himself as he nodded solemnly to

Adrian. “You will be. I don’t want anyone but you.” After all, his mate might be too sweet for words but he was no one’s pet.

It had taken Talan a few days to accept the realisation that his petite wolf could be a stone cold killer if his family was endangered. Not a bad

thing for an alpha mate who needed to help protect the pride.

A hand cupping the back of his head snapped his attention back to Adrian.
“Whatever you’re thinking about in that big lion head of yours can wait until after I fuck you senseless.”
Talan laughed. “I completely agree.”
Adrian scooted until he was lying by Talan’s side. “Turn over. It will give me a better angle to fuck and bite you.”
Talan wanted to protest. He couldn’t admire his mate if he was on his stomach, but one look at those green eyes told him this wasn’t open for

negotiation. It wouldn’t hurt to let his wolf have his way once in a while.

“Anything you want.” Talan grabbed Adrian’s head and gave him a thorough kiss, letting all of his pent up passion and love feed into the

embrace. Pulling away, he was pleased to see his lover’s eyes were glazed over.

With a satisfied smile, he rolled over onto his hands and knees. “I’m all yours.”
A warm hand stroked up and down Talan’s spine before kneading his ass.
“Yes, you are.” Adrian’s voice was filled with so much satisfaction it warmed Talan’s heart.
Damn, he loved this man.
Adrian’s hand reached past him to the side table and grabbed the lube. Moments later he felt slick fingers tracing around his hole.

Anticipation made him bite his lower lip with his teeth to hold back the needy noises he could feel building up.

A slap on his ass startled him into looking over his shoulder.
“I want to hear your sounds.” Adrian’s green eyes held a look of command that made Talan harder than steel.
“Yes, mate,” Talan said, meekly. Positioned on his hands and knees, surrounded by the scent of his lover was almost enough to make the lion

shifter shoot before Adrian even got inside him.

After much preparation that left Talan shaking with need, Adrian pushed inside.
“Shit,” Talan screamed. Adrian didn’t look much larger than average when he’d felt him with his hand. Inside his body was another story. His

mate was fucking huge.

“Shhh. Easy, baby.”
Gentle strokes across his back and soft kisses relaxed Talan enough to let Adrian move in and out easily. Adrian brushed against Talan’s

prostate making the big alpha scream.

“Ahh, there it is,” Adrian said with satisfaction.
Adrian adjusted his strokes to rub against that perfect spot, sending Talan into spasms of pleasure. When Talan was certain he couldn’t hold

out any more, Adrian wrapped a firm hand around Talan’s cock and pumped it once, twice… Talan came harder than he ever had before.

Still lost in the post-coital haze, Talan barely registered Adrian’s mouth on his neck until teeth piercing deep sent him spiralling into a second


Minutes later, Adrian retracted his fangs, lapping at the beads of blood. “Mine, forever.”
Talan slumped into a heap just to the left of the puddle he’d left on the sheets. “We’ll have to clean up in a minute,” he muttered.
“Yeah, we’ll get to that later.”
Still wrapped together, the two mated shifters fell asleep.

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Adrian pulled on his jeans in the cool night air, turning to face his brother. “What?”
“Nice mating mark,” Kade smirked.
“Nice tattoo,” Adrian responded. Since Helen wasn’t a wolf, Kade had gotten a tattoo designed by his artist wife to decorate the traditional

mating spot on his neck.

Concern marred Kade’s handsome face. “Are you truly happy, Adrian? Did I make the right decision?”
Adrian pulled his brother into a tight hug. “I’ve never been happier,” he said as he released his sibling.
Kade let out a relieved breath. “What’s it like going from pack to pride?”
Adrian laughed. “I’ve learned that as long as I deliver brownies and video games I’m golden.”
“What about your mate?”
Adrian turned and looked at the large lion lying on the boulder overlooking pack lands. The beast opened its golden eyes and gave Adrian an

intent stare as if he was a sleepy deer waiting to be taken down.

“Things are good,” Adrian said, smiling at his mate. “Things are real good. A lion shifter isn’t that different from a wolf. We both want the same

things in life. A nice home, a happy family and a loving mate.”

Kade clapped him on the back as he looked towards his own mate. “Don’t we all, brother, don’t we all.”

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About the Author

Amber Kell is one of those quiet people they always tell you to watch out for. She lives in Dallas with her husband, two sons, two cats and
one extremely stupid dog.


Amber loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at


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