(autyzm) Autism and the causes Christopher Shaw

Autism and the causes
A fundamental Approach
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TITLE: Autism and the causes  A fundamental Approach
AUTHOR: Christopher Shaw
Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Indicators 4
Oxygen 8
Causes 8
Autism rates 9
Asperger s syndrome 10
Other relating evidence 10
Possible solution 11
References 11
Autism is said to be a disorder that affects the central nervous system. Today I am going
to be touching on this idea but overall I feel it is something else that is causing this ailment.
Autism is created by a bottleneck in the brain affecting the stimulation receptors such as
dopamine etc that basically doesn t allow the stimulation created by these chemicals to fuel
further mental development. Today I will be looking at some of the reasons for this.
Autism in general deals with a Childs personality, or basically the unwillingness to join
society based on the lack of stimulus being accepted from the nervous system in the part of the
brain where the grey matter lies. This tendency to move away from society takes many forms but
I believe we have to focus on the big symptoms and move forward from there. The big three
characteristics of autism are as follows: Distance between them and you in a generalized sense as
they don t show any interest in social interaction, avoids eye contact and they seem to ignore
people all together in favor of the environment around them. Abnormal psychology (2005) Now
you have to ask yourself what all three have in common. The reluctance to interact with people
on a social level or the inclination to accept human touch. Well the next question you would have
to ask is why? At such a young age a child has not been exposed to the intricate context of every
day life so the answer must lie on his/her own accord, which relates back to how they feel about
people or in the case of an autism how they don t feel about people. It is widely known that
autistic children start to develop tendencies just after birth. So you can only assume that what is
taking place is completely chemical in nature, it really has to be as they don t have the capacity
to even have a sense of self yet. To really get to the core of the problem we really have to take a
look at the actual interaction of the autism child and the parent. Touch for the most part draws a
smile from a normal developing child simply because the stimulus gets registered, stimulant
receptors in the brain respond to the stimulation as it is favorable, empathy is produced in the
grey matter of the brain and as a result there is a chemical reaction that produces a wave of
stimulation over the body and a smile is produced creating that mother/child relationship. The
first bonds of cyclical action have been initiated successfully. In the case of an autistic child,
touch is administered in the same way, only when the signals reach the brain they try and create
a stimulant receptor response in the grey matter area of the brain, but the receptors themselves
falter because they are underdeveloped effectively squashing the stimulus being received and
ultimately the bond that one forms with their child muffling the source of empathy. There is
another process taking place within the mind as well, this process is the secretion of testosterone
during the developing stages of the child s life. In the very early stages of the child s
development testosterone plays a vital role in determining how the child ultimately ends up and
really interacts with stimulus being received from the mother. When a child receives stimulus
from the mother it creates empathy in the brain itself, or more so that internal stimulation needed
for the child to grow properly, however since the child does not have the ability to properly
process the external stimulus and distribute it to the rest of the body, the child ends up bottling
the stimulus in the brain itself. This bottling effect interacts with the secretion of testosterone
during the beginning stages of development creating a brain that is not only larger in overall size
but also makes the autism worse. When the testosterone interacts with the bottled empathy it
basically creates an imbalance within the brain itself as the growth of the brain outpaces the
information being taken in by the external senses. This is where the nervous system
misconception comes in as it is logical to assume autism is the result of a nullified nervous
system, however it lies in direct contradiction to the fact that the brain does increase in size. This
manifestation basically points to the fact that the stimulus is being received but it isn t going
anywhere, and much like a balloon being filled with to much air, it has to be distributed
somewhere. During the infantile stages there is so much change taking place within the mind of
an autistic, so it draws the question, where do the symptoms of an autistic come from? Well to
answer that question we have to take into account what is happening in the brain itself. The
answer lies in the fact that autistics look at the world a little bit differently then the rest of us as
they don t have that emotional empathetic connection that the rest of us seem to have, but it
doesn t go to say autistic child don t require the same things in life because they totally do, and
we have to look directly at the symptoms present in right angle stacking, even numbers and
anything that has to do with the rise of autistic symptoms. I am going to use a direct comparison
to a normal child for this reference. A normal developing child would normally experience an up
and down rate of stimulation based on the empathy being received and transferred to the body,
this up and down rate of experience represents somewhat of a chaotic scale as the body tries to
equalize its processes with the rapid expansion of growth. It seems that order and conformity is
the least of his/her concerns as the child takes great pride in his external surroundings absorbing
as much external stimulus as the extroverted child can, this in essence becomes the extroverted
child s security and manifests into his adult tendencies which interact with the world. However
with an autistic child this isn t so as there isn t a roller coaster of emotion present. And therefore
the representation of the mind appears very stable almost in a stuttering state of development.
And therefore the child portrays what is happening within the mind onto his surroundings as a
form of security very much in the same way that the extroverted child portrays his external
surroundings and family. The actual development of the child seems to be in a static state after
the brain stops its expansion. And since the mind naturally tries to maintain the current trend of
development, the mind of an autistic lags behind in overall external stimulation development that
would normally be absorbed from the environment around him/her. Well I have stated time and
time again that memory for the most part is rooted in stimulation created by the spikes in
empathy between the interactions of neurons. Well if there aren t any mental spikes of stimulus
taking place within the Autistic child then learning is restricted to the very basis of cyclical
tendencies and visual learning. Now it is somewhat known that the mind goes through stages of
frequency during development in a normal child and responds to newly present external
stimulus, the mind then responds by adapting to the external stimulus by adapting to the new
frequency and finding a medium between the activity in the mind and the external stimulus
creating a new frequency all together letting the child grow. This isn t the case with an Autistic
child as the Autistic child is constantly trying to keep everything the same resulting in a
stuttering non existent change in the minds frequency, and therefore no adaptation is taking place
at all. This presents a problem for the child and brings me back to the stacking of objects at right
angles etc. Well if the child s mind stays stagnant at a certain frequency then we can only assume
that the child s mind is running at a lower frequency and is generally lower the rest of the
population since it has not received the roller coaster of emotion that normal developing children
would have received and adapted too. And therefore is somewhat handicapped when the child
tries to remembering things as memory is directly tied to emotion. However the handicap only
applies to linear type thought as the Autistic child becomes very good at visual/repetition type
thinking which makes him very good at other things such as chess, mind games, pattern oriented
thinking etc. This is why many autistics can be considered of above average intelligence in some
areas as they learn to totally master their surroundings. There is another aspect to this as well, a
mind which stays stagnant at very low frequencies would also produce a similar logical cell
structure within the mind itself, and if the person is stacking things at right angles then the visual
representation of what the child is doing might very well be an extension of the logical organized
frequency taking place within the actual cell structure inside the mind. I cant say for sure but it
seems to fall in line with the thinking on the matter as the application of cymatics at very low
frequency produces similar patterns in a very logical orderly fashion, exactly what the child
seems to be creating in the external world, only after it reaches a certain point in frequency does
the patterns become more and more complex, this too represents the natural evolution of learning
and creativity, as the best artists in the world also produce a good amount of empathy which
would also represent a change in stimulus from the outside world, it would also point to why
some of the best designers and even the best artists in the world are controversially gay as they
seem to exert the drive of a man coupled with the emotions of a women which makes for a very
good combination of potential exploitable artistic talent. It could also very well be the fact that it
is his security coming out in the form of activity, this also lends to the fact that as the autistic
gets older, rules and regulations set in as an Autistic is known to go from 0  60 in a matter of
seconds and this is an expression of the internal conflict that one goes through in order to coup
with symptoms, when something changes the order of things is thrown off and throws the
Autistic s security for a loop, much like the situation of a man who has just been cast out to live
on the street. You may see him rocking back and forth, well the rocking is a form of anxiety
release and is comparable to the actions that an autistic, in which a frantic mess of emotion
would come pouring out and would subside with time when things reverted back to normal and
everything became orderly again.
This would indicate that the autistic never really gets over the ailment but learns to cope with it. I
have also heard that autistics use there tendencies to ward off feelings of death. Well this would
lend to the notion that autistics might very well be depressed but yet don t know how to express
the depression and in its wake try and create a world so perfect that it becomes a fantasy so they
can just coup from day to day. This also makes sense from a security stand point.
I also believe oxygen might play a very vital role in the child s overall development. For
the most part children that are very active will draw in excess amounts of oxygen, well this for
the most part massages the cells with stimulation developing them to adequate standards,
stimulation which in turn promotes empathy, empathy which increases the grey matter density in
the brain, which in turn connects the neurons and other material into a tighter knit functional
apparatus, which in turn create better motor skills/memory. Autistic children don t express this
need to participate in such activity and therefore take in less oxygen furthering the autistic
process, all in all if they did participate in more activity it would probably increase the maturity
development factor of the cells since positive stimulation is being applied directly to the cell, this
secretion can do nothing but good in the long run, to prove this point all you have to do is go to a
gym and ask the people there who have been working out for a number of years, they will tell
you directly that it goes beyond aesthetics and actually increases how extroverted you become,
exactly what the introverted autistic child needs. In general I believe that any stimulation is good
stimulation and should be taken upon one self to be exposed to it.
Up above I touched on the fact that the stimulus receptors were underdeveloped and
therefore not allowing the secretion of dopamine to enhance the grey matter of the brain caused
by touch from the mother. Well that too has an underlying cause; the cause I believe is the
emotion factor present in the mother during the conception process while the child is in the
womb. This emotional factor increases the natural testosterone output of the mother, this
testosterone output stimulates the babies developing cells causing them to multiply at an
increased rate. This increased rate creates an imbalance of nourishment and although there are
more cells there ends up being less fully developed cells overall. Now if there are less fully
developed cells then it would also affect the cells responsible for the babies own secretion of
stimulant producing cells leaving the door open an autistic child after birth. There is another
aspect to this as well as the excess testosterone isn t the only reason for a child to develop
Autism. Now if stress or repression of some kind is incurred during the conception process, a
transference of stress occurs which also affects the developing state of the child altering the
absorption of oxygen as the cells are not regulated properly, albeit also stressed out and it is
widely known that stress is one of the worst things you could ever put on your body. This stress
and/or repression doesn t allow the stimulation to flow freely to the child and cuts off the
nourishment, and therefore the child s stimulant receptors become even more underdeveloped
after birth from the lack of oxygen. To give an example the stress/repression created by the
mother during birth works very much the same way as the onset of the common cold, as the
restricted emotional state of the mother doesn t allow the cells to regulate properly at the crucial
developmental stages and thus the person in question would be more susceptible to sickness,
cancer and other ailments that may arise from the body not working at its full potential, this is
exactly what is happening to the child in the womb and anything that is negative in nature
applied from within or from external measures creates a negative tension on the child s
developing mind and therefore hinders the overall ability to use the oxygen present and receive
the stimulation being past on to the child, the opposite is also true, when somebody laughs it
creates that emotional spark of empathy sending a shiver of sensation through the body that
massages the babies developing cells and thus promotes the well being of the child and hence a
healthy extroverted baby is born. There are other factors that increase the negative emotion that
can be past on to the child, such as smoking as it cuts down the oxygen intake by the mother, if
the mother is going to have a child for the first time and anything else that may weight on the
mother mind during conception.
Autism rates
Autism rates are also statistically going up all over the United States and other parts of
the world. This is mainly because our society is becoming increasingly constrained with time and
that turmoil that we experience in our everyday lives is being past on to our children, the trouble
up till this point is really fitting all the pieces of the puzzle together which I have attempted in
this writing. It is also known that black children receive a slightly higher rate of autism then
others, and Asians being the lowest. Well black males/females for the most part produce a higher
rate of testosterone and exasperate the autistic process accounting for the increase in cases
making it harder for the brain to find that equilibrium between development and expansion. Now
within the Asian culture the opposite also holds true as they produce an increased overall amount
of estrogen bringing the overall stats down allowing the brain to increase in grey matter during
the fundamental stages of development allowing the neurons to connect and distribute the
empathy created on a greater equilateral scale.
Asperger s syndrome
This for the most part follows the exact same pattern as an autistic however the cells in
the brain were nourished with adequate oxygen, this leads to some regulation of the cells
themselves and removes some of the testosterone allowing the stimulant receptor cells to receive
some stimulation in a healthy fashion, however the larger then average brain is still present and
still leads to some AS symptoms. This allows the child to take in more information and
ultimately leads to a higher intelligence ratio. The symptoms are reduced and can even be
reversed if enough confidence was gained throughout their life and especially from there family
to reverse the affects of the hindered early childhood, but the amount of stimulation required
would probably the equivalent to 1.5 times the normal development needed simply because you
are working against the cells tendency to reject emotional stimulation in favor of making the
neural connections to function properly and would really need to be forced into accepting at least
some form of the stimulation to allow things to progress normally, I do think overall once that
natural development threshold is obtained then development should go great from that point on.
Asparagus syndrome on the whole offers the introverted qualities of a very intelligent person and
some of the qualities associated with an extrovert. However these qualities may not be realized
until later on in life as the recovery of the cells themselves requires stimulation from an
emotional standpoint and perhaps an external standpoint such as working out at a gym, cuddles
from a girlfriend etc. Only then will a person who has Asparagus Syndrome realize his full
potential. Otherwise he could very much end up like an autistic if he does not receive the
emotional/external confidence that he so desperately needs to succeed in this world.
Other relating evidence
There is also the fact that there are more autistic boys then there are girls. Abnormal
psychology (2005) well we have to ask why that is? Well I believe the answer relies in physical
situation of the mother during birth. If she is under stress from work, how emotional she is
overall, if she smokes, basically anything that sharpens the senses. Well these factors act as a
stimulant to testosterone being produced in the mother which in fact are past on to the boy in the
belly of the mother. This also would stimulate the natural testosterone that the boy would
produce and accumulate at a greater rate during development. This factor is the only reason why
we are seeing more autistic boys then girls because the testosterone present in the girl would
likely produce a tom boy as there would be more natural estrogen production to counter the
Possible Solution
A way to counter the affects of the early signs of autism would most definitely be love
and keep you stress levels down during the conception process, try to encourage activity to
introduce oxygen while doing some yourself, and try and relate to him after he is born on what
he finds interesting. Help him stack his blocks in a logical fashion and build a connection
through the world that he/she sees to try and jumpstart his emotional potential. Otherwise if you
don t he will continue to block you out the world and not develop properly, I believe it is
absolutely critical to get this right in very early stages because if you don t there is no way to
change the wiring of the mind once the damage is done. It really is the only way, apply that
stimulation any way you can while you can in the very early stages of the childhood.
Gerald C. Davison, John M, Neale, Kirk R. Blankstein, Gordon L. Flett Abnormal Psychology C
(15) 504-512


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