Adolf Eichmann

Adolf Eichmann

Adolf Eichmann

The complete transcripts from the Trial
of Adolf Eichmann
Adolf Eichmann,
Germany 1940Photo Courtesy United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives.
SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer Karl Adolf Eichmann
(1906-1962) was head of the Department for Jewish Affairs in the Gestapo
from 1941 to 1945 and was chief of operations in the deportation of three
million Jews to extermination camps. He joined the Austrian Nazi party in
1932 and later became a member of the SS. In 1934 he served as an SS
corporal in the Dachau concentration camp. That same year he joined the SD
and attracted the attention of Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich. By
1935 Eichmann was already working in the Jewish section, where he was
investigating possible "solutions to the Jewish question." He was even
sent to Palestine to discuss the viability of large scale immigration to
the Middle East with Arab leaders. British authorities, however, forced
him to leave. With the takeover of Austria in March 1938, Eichmann was
sent to Vienna to promote Jewish emigration. He set up the Zentralstelle
fuer juedische Auswanderung [Center for Jewish Emigration], which was so
successful that similar offices were soon established in Prague and
Berlin. In 1939 Eichmann returned to Berlin, where he assumed the
directorship of Section IV B4, Jewish affairs and evacuation, in the Reich
Security Main Office. It was Eichmann who organized the Wannsee Conference
of January 1942, which focused on issues related to the "final solution of
the Jewish question." From this point Eichmann assumed the leading role in
the deportation of European Jews to the death camps, as well as in the
plunder of their property. At the end of the war, Eichmann was arrested
and confined to an American internment camp, but he was able to escape
unrecognized. He fled to Argentina and lived under the assumed name of
Ricardo Klement for ten years until Israeli Mossad agents abducted him in
1960 to stand trial in Jerusalem. The
controversial and highly publicized trial lasted from April 2 to
August 14, 1961. Eichmann was sentenced to death and executed in Ramleh
Prison on May 31, 1962. (Text courtesy of USHMM Photo

Eichmann Diary (German)
talks of his visit to the Treblinka death camp during his interrogation in
Eichmann Photo
Gallery ABC News/PBS Presentation (External link)
Books about Eichmann
The following are available from Amazon Books:

in Jerusalem : A Report on the Banality of Evil
While living in Argentina in 1960, Nazi leader
Adolf Eichmann was kidnapped and smuggled to Israel where he was put
on trial for crimes against humanity. The New Yorker magazine sent
Hannah Arendt to cover the trial. While covering the technical aspects of
the trial, Arendt also explored the wider themes that inherent in the
trial, such as the nature of justice, the behavior of the Jewish
leadership during the Nazi Regime, and, most controversially, the nature
of Evil itself. (From Amazon's review.)

House on Garibaldi Street
The kidnapping of Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann
by the Israeli Mossad was one of it's most known coups of the 1960's.
Eichnmann was one of Nazi Germany's most notorious war criminals, who was
personally responsible for the killing of millions of Jews in occupied
Europe. This book brings the story of Isser Harel, Israel's legendary
intelligence spymaster who was Head of the Mossad at the time of the
operation. Harel's story of this complex action is told in a simple and
moving way. The editor Shlomo Shpiro, an Israeli intelligence expert,
places in his detailed introduction the operation in its overall
historical contex. The new books contains, for the first time, the real
names of all Mossad personnel involved, as well as the astounding facts
about the involvement of West Germany in this operation. A must reading
not only to those interested in the hunt for Nazi criminals but also to
everyone interested in real, as opposed to fictional, intelligence work.
(Reader's review)

Eichmann : The Truth About the Pursuit, Capture and Trial
One of the most feared and hated Nazi leaders
of World War II, Adolf Eichmann was responsible for the deaths of millions
of Jews. Israeli Mossad agent Zvi Aharoni tracked down Eichmann in
Argentina in 1960. Here Aharoni provides first-hand details of Eichmann's
capture and interrogation, never before revealed accurately. A fascinating
inside story of history's most notorious manhunt. (Amazon

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