Fire Truck
Make a rectangle for the body of the truck. Make a square for the cab and attach to body.
Roll a small piece of rope and place across top of cab for emergency lights. Make a flat
rectangle and place across front of cab for windshield. Make a flat square f firetruck-
Place window on side of cab. Flatten rope and place across bottom of cab for front
bumper. Make 2 small circles and place above bumper for headlights. Make 4 balls and
flatten for tires. Make a circle to place over each tire for the hubcaps. Attach a tire
Place rope across side of truck. Make two smaller pieces of rope and use them to secure
ladder to truck. Make 2 triangles. Make a short, thick piece of rope and a very long piece
of rope. Wrap the longer piece of rope in a spiral around the shorter rope t firetruck-
Place the hose on top of the truck, flattening slightly. Place a triangle on either side of the
house to secure it to the truck. Way to go! You're becoming quite the Play-Doh creation
champion! firetruck-step4.jpg