Buy real estate, bank and home foreclosures with our real estate investing techniques

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Buy real estate, bank and home foreclosures with our real estate investing techniques.

Make Money With Foreclosure & Probate Houses

"How To Buy Foreclosure & Probate Houses

Dirt-Cheap With A $10 Deposit…Then Turn

Around And ‘Flip’ Them Immediately For

Instant Profits

– And Have The Owners Thank You For It!

"Step-by-step proven program shows rank beginners and seasoned

veterans alike the cookie-cutter, fill-in-the-blanks approach to

making money with Real Estate

Even if:

You don’t have much money

You’ve never done anything like this before

You didn’t graduate college (or even high school!)

From Lance Young

Independent Real Estate Investor

Expert on Real Estate Foreclosures & Real Estate Investing

January 27, 2005

Dear Friend;

I average over $100 profit per hour following my specialized Real Estate

system, and so can you.

I've got an important question for you:

If You KNEW Without A Shadow Of A Doubt

You Could Succeed With My Tried-And-True

System, Would You Try It?

If you answered "


", this may be the most important letter you've ever

read. Here's why:

Because not only am I going to prove it to you, you're going to prove it to


• Our Homepage

Making Money Courses

• Benefits of Our Courses
• Common Questions

Real Life Successes!

• Your Success Stories
• My Own Testimonial
• True Homeowner's Letter

Let's Get Started!

• Our Products Page
• Contact Us
• Order Now!

We're giving away hot
money-making real estate
tips - but we need to hear
from you today!

Simply enter your e-mail
address in the box below
and click "Request Info"

($129 value - FREE for stopping



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Request Info

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Buy real estate, bank and home foreclosures with our real estate investing techniques.

I've taught dozens of others how to do the same thing, and many of them

are averaging MORE than $100 an hour. (I've got a box-full of testimonials

and thank-you letters in my office - I'll show you some in a minute.)

Now I'm going to reveal the exact system to you - And let you be the judge.

I know what you're thinking:

"But I don't know anything about Real Estate..."

"I don't have any money to buy a house and wait to sell it!"

"Isn't Real Estate investing risky?"

Don't I need to be a broker or have a license or something?"

Trust Me - I understand your potential concerns. Don't worry, I'm

going to show you my exact method I've developed and use myself

that is:

Specifically for beginners

Doesn't require your own money ($10 deposit is all you need)

Limits your risk to virtually zero

Does not require any special schooling or license. (The knowledge

you'll get from me is all you need)

Here's some comments from my students... The only difference between

them and you is that YOU don't have my paint-by-numbers program to

follow yet!

(Derek didn't have any money, so he followed my

instructions to "flip" the property to a buyer risk-free

without using any of his own money)

"The very first time I looked in the newspaper I found a

property that fit your description, 'bread & butter'. I

immediately contacted the owner who said he was interested in

selling... After two days we closed and I netted $31,463.12

on my very first deal. I can not believe how easy this is. Your

books have changed my life."

-Derek O'Leary, Bloomfield, New Jersey

Again, Derek just followed the simple instructions in my Course... Just

looking through the classified ads, he found a seller, found a buyer, didn't

put up his own money, and made $31,463.12 pure profit. You'll be able to

do it too...

Our 100% Satisfaction

If for any reason you are not
100% satisfied with these
money-making courses,
simply return them in
unmarked, resalable
condition at any time within
one year of purchase and
receive a full refund -- no
questions asked. (2 of 9)1/27/2005 9:03:04 AM

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Buy real estate, bank and home foreclosures with our real estate investing techniques.

(Another success story - She had her doubts too... until

she tried it)

"When I first read your preforeclosure course I wasn't sure I

could do it. So far I have bought 4 houses and made $11,650,

$12,500, $8660 and $6,300. Your course should be used by

anyone who wants to make a lot of money."

Karen De Loy, Bartender, Hyattsville, Maryland

Are You Ready To Get Started?

OK then, here's how it works:

Bank Foreclosures’ Untapped Potential:

My turn-key money-making program takes advantage of the previously

untapped market of preforeclosure homes.

By stepping in and buying homes that are about to fall victim to bank

foreclosures, you can get a seriously deep discount on the price, then turn

around and sell the house for market value. The potential for profits is


(And again, if you don't HAVE any money, no problem - You'll learn

exactly how to find an eager buyer and profit from the transaction without

using your own money.)

(How about spending one dollar to make $11,214.40 in

about 6 hours? This is the real deal, you can do this:)

"I purchased your courses about 2yrs ago and have made a ton
of money utilizing your techniques.

My most recent transaction


I put the property under contract on 12/27/01 with $1 as my

earnest money deposit and promised him $500 and his ex-wife

$500. I flipped this property to another investor for a net profit

of $11,214.40 on 12/31/01. Not bad for about 6hrs of total

work if that long.

Stanley Marshall, Marietta, Georgia

You see, it's not about money, it's about knowing how to do it. In the

above example, Stanley turned $1 into $11,214.40 in four days.

But what if you just don't FEEL like spending a dollar?:

"I bought your course a few years back. I used a technique in

your course. Funny thing is, I used no money to secure a few

deals I did. I have made money many times using your methods.

I would like to thank you for getting me started."

Clyde Gray Jr., Administrative Assistant, Dorchester,

Massachusetts (3 of 9)1/27/2005 9:03:04 AM

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Buy real estate, bank and home foreclosures with our real estate investing techniques.

I almost forgot the best part:

You're Doing The Homeowner A Favor

I want to make sure you understand this - You're coming to the

homeowners' rescue when you do this... They're selling to you for a huge

discount, but you're keeping the bank from foreclosing on them and selling

the house at a public auction, and you're saving their credit!

You'll have homeowner's thanking you as you profit from their property...

It's truly a win-win situation, and a business you can be proud of. :-)

Here's how it works:

Step One:

Find Sellers (With my instructions it's simple, I promise)

With my program you will be able to find sellers quickly and easily, and you

don't need any experience in real estate. There are plenty of homeowners

who will sell to you at a deep discount if you know how and where to

look for them. I'll show you the best way to find homeowners who are

anxious to sell their houses at a 35 to 50% discount.

Then, you resell it for a big profit:

Step Two:

Finding Buyers (I'm giving you actual letters to use -Just

follow my system and it'll all fall into place)

In my program, you will also learn where to find investors, and how to

have them lined up and ready to purchase as many preforeclosure

houses as you can find.

You will be amazed at how quickly you can turn a profit. You can make

fantastic money for yourself while helping people escape the predicament

of bank foreclosures! (I love win-win situations)

Step Three:

Being The Middle Man - No Big Investment Required

I don't hold anything back. My comprehensive courses will teach you

everything you need to know to start right away. Once you know the

simple methods, you really can hold a real estate contract with just a $10

deposit and sell it to someone else at a higher price without using your own


I challenge you to try it for yourself - You'll learn what my current students

already know: That it's easier than you thought, and it really does work!

You Can Do This

If this is all new to you, it probably seems a little intimidating - That's

normal, all of my successful students felt that way starting out.

With the hands-on help you'll receive in my Courses, including:

actual classified ads you can use

resources to tap into

pre-written letters you can use

detailed sample contracts (4 of 9)1/27/2005 9:03:04 AM

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Buy real estate, bank and home foreclosures with our real estate investing techniques.

step-by-step help'll have your first deal under your belt before you realize it!

(Listen, I'm no business whiz - I just learned what I need to know, and in

my courses I'll explain it to you in plain, everyday English like we're sitting

at a table together.)

You don't need a real estate license (in fact you don't need any

experience in real estate investing at all)

You don't need a college degree or any special education in home


You don't need good credit or collateral.

Want to see proof of how "win-win" this is?

Click here to see a real-life testimonial from

a homeowner who was in foreclosure

That's not all...

Buying and selling preforeclosure houses is just one of three different

methods you can use to make big profits with home foreclosures. All three

methods are easier to master than you'd ever imagine with my "paint-by-

numbers" system and will have you on your way to big profits in no time.

Click on the links below for real-life examples.

Money-making option # 1:

Preforeclosure houses

• An example of a preforeclosure deal

• A real-life example of a preforeclosure deal

Click here

Money-making option #2:

Foreclosure auctions

• A real-life example of a foreclosure auction deal

Click here

Money-making option #3:

Bank repossessed houses

• A real-life example of a deal with a bank repossessed house

Click here

Money-making option #4:

Probate houses

Click here

With Your Permission, I'd Like To Send You A HUGE Package

Of Help For You To Get Started Immediately And See For



Simple methods for finding preforeclosure and probate houses. These

methods are so easy that you can do them on an average of less than 10

minutes a day! (5 of 9)1/27/2005 9:03:04 AM

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Buy real estate, bank and home foreclosures with our real estate investing techniques.

Actual sample letters you can mail to homeowners and probate heirs

so they will contact you -- ready to sell! You have full rights to use any of

the letters in my courses. These letters have been used successfully for


An easy-to-use formula that will allow you to find out how much profit

a house has in it before you buy it -- and how much that profit will be.

Easy-to-use ways you can buy and sell preforeclosure properties for big

profits using just $10 of your own money.

Proven methods for finding investors who are ready to buy your houses

as soon as you get them!

Sure-fire ways to tell the best real estate investing deals from those

that spell trouble, so you can concentrate on deals without any hidden


Techniques that give you the upper hand in negotiating with banks!

Once you know how to deal with banks, you can get foreclosure homes that

they have repossessed at absolute rock-bottom prices.

The exact steps to take to make sure you make the maximum

amount of profit with each deal.

My Programs Are Unique

Don't make the mistake of thinking that you've seen these same methods

advertised on TV or in magazines. This is quite different from the Carleton

Sheets program (sometimes incorrectly spelled as Carlton Sheets).

My little-known methods have been used for years by a very small group of

real estate investors who have been quietly making a fortune with them.

Now you can use these secret methods to make over $53,000 a year in

your spare time, or to buy yourself the luxury home that you've always

dreamed about but could never afford.

Regular people just like you with no experience in Real Estate are

succeeding with my proven methods.

I'll let them tell you in their own words:

Click Here For Testimonials


to see how D. O'Leary of

Bloomfield, NJ recently made

$31,463.12 on his first

preforeclosure deal using my

money-making real estate course. (6 of 9)1/27/2005 9:03:04 AM

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Buy real estate, bank and home foreclosures with our real estate investing techniques.

Here's What I'm Going To Send You:

Course 1:

How To Buy PreForeclosure Houses For Big Profits

Course 2:

How To Make Big Money At Foreclosure Auctions

Course 3:

How To Buy Bank Repossessed Houses For Big


Course 4:

How To Make Big Money With Probate Houses

My friend, at the beginning of this letter I asked if you'd use my Programs

to profit if you knew they would work for you. Now you've:

seen examples of my own successes and examples.

read the many Testimonials from my students who started off in the

same boat as you and are now succeeding with my Courses

read the certified "thank you" letter from a homeowner who I

purchased a home from at a deep discount

learned I'm giving you proven sample letters, contracts, classified

ads, resources, and methods to mimick my success using my exact

same tools

been given my personal promise that you really can succeed with my

methods without experience or much money

...But you can't really know if it'll work for you without trying it yourself,


So here's what we'll do:

I want to send you all four of my Courses for a full year and let you try

them out for yourself. Test the waters. Put them to good use. If they help

make you many thousands of dollars like I expect them to, pay me for

them. If not, I don't want them to cost you a dime.

Fair enough?

Then let's do this: Combined, my four complete courses have a price tag of

$499. I want you to prove to yourself they'll make you money risk-free, but

I also only want to extend this offer to people who are serious about this


I need to weed out those who will never actually do anything (except waste

my time!), so I'll meet you halfway:

100% Risk-Free Test Drive Guarantee

By responding before midnight tonight January 27 , you'll get to test-drive

my Courses for a full year risk-free, and I'll reduce the cost by over 70%:

Just $149 for everything

, not $499.

As I said, I need to charge something up front so only those who are

motivated will respond. Think of it as a "good faith deposit"... At any time

during your 12-month test drive, I'll buy back the courses from you as long

as they're in resellable condition. What could be more fair than that? (7 of 9)1/27/2005 9:03:04 AM

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Buy real estate, bank and home foreclosures with our real estate investing techniques.

Why These Real Estate Investing

Courses Are Such A Good Value

Foreclosure seminars advertised on television and elsewhere can cost you

$1,500 or more for a single day. That's an outrageous amount of money

to pay for information that can be explained clearly and completely in a

series of printed manuals!!

Worse, none of these other real estate investing seminars offer a 100%

one year, money-back test drive. That's a risky way to spend your hard

earned money.

I've got one more special bonus for you:

Order by midnight tonight January 27 and you will receive my new report

absolutely Free, How To Buy Property Liens For Pennies On The

Dollar And Cash Them In For Full Value. It reveals a powerful

investment technique that few real estate experts know about. (Imagine

buying a $1,000 lien for $150, then cashing it in for the full $1,000! A

whopping $850 profit on a $150 investment!)

Click Here To Start Your Risk-Free 12 Month Test-Drive And PROVE

TO YOURSELF How Much YOU Can Make With These Profitable

Courses Now

I look forward to you being one of my newest success stories. :-)

Warmest regards, Lance Young.

P.S. -YOu're getting a full 12-month risk-free test drive. You only pay for

my Courses if they make you money! Otherwise, I'll buy them back from

you and you're not out a dime.

P.P.S. -You also get "How To Buy Property Liens For Pennies On The Dollar

And Cash Them In For Full Value" thrown in for free, but I need to hear

from you now.

Click Here To Start Your 12 Month Risk-Free Test-Drive Now

















CONTACT US (8 of 9)1/27/2005 9:03:04 AM

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Buy real estate, bank and home foreclosures with our real estate investing techniques.

Copyright © 2005 Gateway Investment Properties, Inc. All rights reserved.

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