MC Sinners 3 Knights' Sinner Bella Jewel

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Knights' Sinner

The MC Sinners Series, Volume 3

by Bella Jewel

Published by Bella Jewel, 2013.

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Table of Contents

~*CHAPTER 13*~ | JACKSON - 10 days later

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use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s rights, and those responsible
may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.


Copyright © 2013 Bella Jewel

KNIGHTS’ SINNER is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events
portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely
coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it

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There are so many people I would like to thank, it’s quite possible I could take up two
pages with it. The support I have received with writing these books, has been utterly mind
blowing. I’ve had so many kind people offering to help, from blogs, to fans, to people I
don’t even know. You’re all amazing, each and every one of you. Now, to the personal

To Lola Stark – my snatch grabber. She’s my budgie eating, whale toe, crazy friend who
kept me smiling throughout this book. Without her, and her hilarious voxer messages, I think
I would have given up many times. You’re my crazy bitch until the end of time snatch grab,
and you know it!

To Sali Benbow-Powers – my crazy, enthusiastic reader. Your notes kept me going, you
ripped a smile out of me every time, without a doubt. Your personality is like a breath of
fresh air, as I’ve told you before. You’re the kind of girl people go to when they’re feeling
down, because you’re bound to make them smile! You know you rocked my book, so you
know, I’ll rock you back!

To Lauren Mckellar, for editing this book for me. You took the time out, chatted with me the
entire way, and were so damn sweet about it. You’re utterly amazing, and I feel so lucky to
have snatched you up. No doubt there are many out there who would like to grab you and
keep you. But they can’t, you’re mine, Muahahahaha!!

To Ari from Coverit Designs. Girl, you rock my covers. Seriously, you’re the best cover
artist ever. You just get an idea, and you make it amazing. Without you, this book wouldn’t
look pretty, which means no one would buy it, so girl, you get half the damn credit!! I love
your work!

To Love Between The Sheets for an AMAZING cover reveal tour, blog tour and all the
other tours you took the time out to help me with. You ladies got my name out there, you
helped me grow and expand. I can’t wait to do a blog tour with you, your energy is

To Wendy Bragg Yoder for reading my book, and going through and picking out all those
tiny things we missed. You are amazing, and seriously you fix everything. I adore you.
Thank you.

And of course to all my fans – You know without all of you, this wouldn’t be possible. So
to each and every one of you reading this right now, THANK YOU!! Keep doin’ what you
do best, and that’s reading!!

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Come and join me on facebook, to keep updated with my

work!! Just click on the links below!

Author Bella Jewel

- Like page.

Bella Jewel

- Friendship page.

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Hell’s Knights - Book One.

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Heaven’s Sinners - Book Two.

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Knights’ Sinner - Book Three.

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Bikers & Tinsel - Book 3.5 - A Novella - 23rd December


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Hello my gorgeous fans!

God, writing the MC Sinner’s series has been utterly amazing and mind blowing. The support I

have received is out of this world. I can’t thank EACH and EVERY one of you enough for the respect,
love and encouragement you’ve all shown me. As this series comes to a close, I feel my heart ache a
little. I have loved writing about the MC guys, and it’s been an amazing experience. It’s very sad for
me to have to let them go, but all good things must come to an end. I promise I’ve got many more sexy
men where they came from.

I really enjoyed writing Jackson’s story, mainly because the age difference between Jackson and

Serenity is the same as my Husband and I, and yes, he happens to be a biker boy too. It was thrilling
to jump into an older man’s head, and show a little of my husband through Jackson. I definitely used
him as an example and found myself smiling at some of the one liners the two use, that are so like my

Serenity and Jackson were hard to write, because there was so much emotion around the two. The

story got incredibly difficult at times, and often I wanted to smack Serenity in the head (Yes, just
because I created her, doesn’t mean I don’t want to beat her). I knew I had to play the story out
exactly how my head had it, but writing it was frustrating, and time consuming, and incredibly painful.
There were parts that hit close to home for me.

I hope you enjoy the final story of these sexy guys, and I can’t wait to share the rest of my work

with you all.

P.S I know you would all like a book from Muff, but right now I just have too much on, but he will

get a little Christmas Novella in his POV on December the 23rd.

Love, kisses, slapped bottoms and winks,
Bella Jewel xo

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Blinding pain as a fist hits the side of my face, twisting my head and sending me into the nearest wall.
I don’t cry out. I’ve learned not to. It only makes him angrier. Blood fills my mouth, and I force myself
to spit it out before the next hit. There’s always a fourth and fifth hit, not just one or two. It never ends
well. As my body slides down the wall, I wrap my arms around my legs and curl into a ball. A foot
hits my side three times, before a hand curls in my hair and launches me off the ground into the
opposite wall. My head slams so hard against it that I feel it split. More blood fills my mouth. I’m
struggling to breathe through it. Gagging, I roll to my stomach, feeling my ribs screaming in pain. I
take a shallow breath, and spit the blood onto the floor.

“You dare fuckin’ argue with me?”
His voice, a voice that’s meant to be gentle, isn’t. It’s hard, cold, and empty. He feels nothing.

He’s just a cold-hearted killer.

“I’m sorry,” I rasp, struggling to breathe through the pain.
“You ever fuckin’ question me again, and I’ll put a fuckin’ bullet in your ugly, motherfuckin’


His words burn almost more than his attacks. I lift my head, blinking through the blood to see him

standing in the doorway, panting with rage. He’s ugly now. I’m sure once he wasn’t, but now he is -
old, fat, hair that’s wispy and grey. I hope that one day I don’t look like him. I hope I never turn out
like him. And yet it seems inevitable, like it doesn’t matter what I do, I’ll only end up the same. He’s
the only family I know. Isn’t it terrible when the only thing you know is pure violence and hatred, and
yet you cling to it because you know without it, you will crash and burn?

I stare at my father, and I know.
Without him I am dead.
So for now, I have to do as he asks.
No matter the cost.

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The Hell’s Knights compound is quite large, nothing on my father’s, but definitely substantial. The
moment I walked into it, and the dark haired girl rushed over to help me, I knew I wasn’t going to
have a problem convincing them I was just some strange little girl who got herself into trouble. I
know most MC clubs don’t just allow walks ins, and I know I won’t be allowed to stay here, but
they’ve taken me in and that’s a good start.

They will never know who I really belong to, or why I’m here. I’ve been given a direct order, and

if I don’t follow it, the consequences are beyond anything I am willing to endure. I have to lie, cheat,
and gather information from one of the biggest MC clubs in the state, so my father can seek his

I am Hogan’s daughter. I can’t escape. No matter what I do.
I’m about to gather information out of people who have, so far, been kind to me. They’ve taken me

in, fed me, cleaned me up after the beating my father gave me, and offered me a place to stay. I was in
shock for the first few hours, completely confused. How could people involved in an MC club, be
this kind? It doesn’t make sense. They blew up my father’s club, they started a war, and yet they’re
living so carelessly here, like nothing in the world matters. The atmosphere is completely different,
it’s so chilled, and so very different to the world I live in. How can two things that are the same, be
so incredibly different?

I hear my name being murmured, and turn to face the dark haired girl who helped me. Addison, I

believe. She smiles warmly down at me, and hands me a cup of tea. I swallow the bile rising in my
throat, and accept it. How can I be such an awful person? I know the world I’ve been raised in, I
know how deadly my father is, but I hate myself all the same. I’m here, scamming these people,
basically being a spy so my father can come in and kill them. Some of them have kids, families...and I
know he’ll come in here and massacre anyone who is around. It won’t matter if they’re females,
males, babies or kids. He’s that kind of evil. And so am I, because here I am.

“Thank you,” I whisper, bringing the hot liquid to my lips and swallowing. It burns my throat, and

I close my eyes, drowning out my wince.

“Was it too hot? I’m sorry!” Addison cries.
I shake my head, opening my eyes to meet her pretty green ones. “No, sorry, my throat is a little


“Are you feeling better after those painkillers?”
She looks concerned, and my stomach twists angrily. I want so badly to just get up and run, but

there’s no place in this world where my father wouldn’t find me. He would do anything possible to
draw me out. He would start killing those I loved most. I would never escape. This is my world, like
it or not.

“I’ve spoken to my dad; he said it’s ok if you stay with me for a few days, until we can figure

something out.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it,” I whisper, unable to look at her as I say the words.
“It’s no problem, we’re going to get you all fixed up.”
God help me.

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“Hey Addi, a word?”
I lift my head to see the pretty blonde, Ciara, standing at the door. She gives me a suspicious look,

but flashes a smile before turning to Addison.

“I will be back in a moment,” Addison says, walking towards Ciara.
They disappear out of the room, and I take the opportunity to stand and look around. I’m in some

sort of office, so I quickly hurry towards the drawers and open them. I shuffle through quickly, but
come up empty. Sighing, I shut the drawer and turn, just as the door opens and the handsome MC
President comes storming in. He skids to a halt when he sees me standing stupidly next to his desk.
His eyes narrow and he walks in further, slapping a wad of documents up and down over his open

“What’re you doin’ in here?”
I can’t help my heart as it quickens. There’s something about this man that makes you want to cling

to him. He looks so gentle, and he’s incredibly handsome. He’s older than me, I am guessing by at
least ten years, but it doesn’t detract from his beauty. His dark hair is plaited in a long, thick braid
that hangs down over his shoulders. There’s no grey in it, not that I can see anyway. His eyes are
green, like emeralds. His arms are laced with beautiful tattoos that run up and down the entire length
of both. His body is tall, thick and broad. I can see he’s powerful, but for the most part, I can see a
certain level of gentle in his eyes.

He was kind to me when I arrived, and it shocked me.
No one has ever been that kind to me before.
“I...Addison left me here so she could go and talk to Ciara.”
He scans his eyes over me again, before nodding and walking over to the desk. I step out of the

way, and watch as he drops the documents in the drawer and slams it shut. He lifts his green gaze to
mine again, and I shiver. Dammit.

“So, your father did that?” he says, pointing to my face.
“Because he got angry.”
“Ain’t no reason to hit a girl, especially not your own daughter. Someone ought to fuckin’ gut


I tremble, and wrap my arms around myself to stop him from noticing. “Y-y-yeah,” I whisper.
“Did Addison tell you that you can stay at my place for a few days?”
“Yes, thank you,” I say, my voice small.
I’m timid naturally, though I have a lot to say if someone pisses me off. Now, though, I feel like a

small, stranded child. I have to keep it that way too, if someone gets suspicious...No, I can’t think
about what he will do if that happens.

His eyes soften, and he nods. “I’m never really there anyway, so don’t thank me. I don’t like

seein’ girls hurt, especially not by their own family.”

“Most wouldn’t dream of taking me in,” I whisper, meeting his gaze.
He gives me a weak smile. “I ain’t most people, darlin’. Now go on, I gotta make a few calls.

You can wait around in the hall, but you do need to leave my compound soon. Rules and such.”

“I understand thank you, um...”
“Jackson,” he murmurs, turning his eyes from mine.
“Thank you, Jackson.”
I turn and head towards the door, just as I reach it, he says, “If he contacts you, I want you to tell

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me. No fucker gets away with beating his daughter, not on my watch. You tell me, yeah? I’ll make
sure it never happens again.”

I don’t look at him, but I nod. I step outside, and my entire body begins to shake.
God, if only he knew.


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“Sorry it smells so bad, Jackson is a pig when he wants to be. I’m almost sure the man doesn’t know
how to do his own dishes, and don’t get me started on the laundry,” Addison says later that night, as
she pulls some sheets off a spare bed.

We came back to Jackson’s house after a few hours at the compound. The house is old, and

crappy, but inside it’s warm. It has a good feeling. Like there is a lot of love flowing around. It’s not
dark. Addi showed me around quickly, before letting me choose a room. Now we’re tidying it up to
make it more...livable.

“It’s ok, I’m grateful,” I say, handing her the pair of clean sheets.
She flashes me a smile, before throwing the sheets onto the bed. We both tuck the corners in,

before straightening out the blanket over top.

“It’s safe here, and Jackson is usually home by midnight, so he’s here too.”
“He said he’s barely home,” I say.
She shrugs. “He’s not, but he always makes sure to come home for the night. He likes to make sure

I’m safe.”

I nod. “Thank you, for this...”
She gives me a gentle expression. “I’ve been in your shoes; I know how it feels to be trapped. I’m

glad you have somewhere safe to stay while you figure it all out.”

God, why do they have to be so nice? I wrap my arms around my stomach again and nod, forcing a


She gives me a gentle smile, before reaching down to grip her phone and keys. “I’m going to whip

down to the store to get something for supper. Anything you don’t eat?”

“Anything is fine,” I smile weakly.
“Great, I’ll leave my cellphone number in case you need it. I won’t be long. Are you ok?”
I nod, and she gives me another smile before turning and rushing out. When I hear her car start up

and drive away, I turn and lift my cell, dialing Hogan’s number and bringing it to my ear with
trembling fingers. Bile is rising up and down in my throat, and I can’t seem to push it back. I swallow
and swallow, doing the best I can to avoid throwing up all over Jackson’s room.

“You got anything?” Hogan barks as soon as he picks up.
I shudder, and close my eyes, taking a deep breath. “No, I haven’t even been here a day.”
“Don’t fuckin’ care, you get busy with it. I want information by Tuesday next week. You find a

way to get outta there and get it to me. Phone is too risky.”

“I can’t just walk out,” I protest. “It’s too risky, they will get suspicious and it will blow the

entire thing.”

“Listen to me, you little fuckin’ slut. I call the fuckin’ shots, and you do as I fuckin’ say. Know that

sweet ass little girl of Janine’s you love so much...”

I gasp, my throat closing in. “Don’t, please.”
“Your friend wouldn’t be happy if her daughter went missing, and died, because of you...imagine

what her old man will do to you, if he knows it’s your fault his daughter is dead...”

“You wouldn’t do that to one of your own men’s children, would you?” I rasp.
“Course I fuckin’ would. I would do it, and I would put it back on you. Don’t mess with me. You

know I will bring you down, and I’ll do it fuckin’ hard.”

“Please, Hogan, I will do as you ask. Just leave them out of it.”
“Fuckin’ right you will. Find out when they’re going to hit us and how.”

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“I-I-I think it’s the wrong club, they don’t seem...”
“What?” he roars, “you little fuckin’ slut. Don’t you fuckin’ question me. I know who fuckin’

blew my compound, and I know why. Those two fuckin’ clubs are goin’ down.”

“Shut the fuck up, and do as you’re fuckin’ told or your friend’s kid goes for a swim...”
Oh God. The phone hangs up and I double over, gripping my stomach as tears stream down my

battered face. I’m trapped. It doesn’t matter what I do. I can’t escape. He’s going to find a way to
make me betray these people, and I’m likely to end up dead because of it. I won’t risk my best friend
and her baby and he knows it. I would never put her in that position. I have no choice.

I have to stay.


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Addison returns half an hour later with a big, good looking biker behind her. I’m in the living room
now, sitting on the couch with my legs tucked to my chest, trying to control the shaking that refuses to
leave my body. Addi tilts her head to the side, giving me a concerned expression before walking over
and stopping in front of me.

“Hey,” she says gently. “You ok?”
“Just feeling a bit ill,” I lie.
“Do you want to go to sleep? You don’t have to eat.”
I shake my head. “I’m ok...”
She nods, and then smiles. “This is my soon to be husband, Cade.”
The handsome biker steps forward, flashing me a warm, inviting grin. I want to shake my head in

confusion. My father must have this all wrong. These men can’t be the cold, deadly killers he speaks
of. They’re so...kind. I’m yet to meet one of them that’s nasty, horrible or rude.

“How you doin’, sugar? Lookin’ pretty beat up.”
I shudder, but keep the false smile. “I’m feeling better. Thank you.”
He nods. “You find that mongrel that did this, and we’ll make him pay.”
I laugh weakly. “Jackson said the same thing earlier.”
“What did I say?”
I jump at the voice coming from the doorway, but Addi and Cade simply turn and smile as

Jackson walks in, shrugging off his jacket and leaning down to open the pizza box. He takes a slice of
pizza, and stares at the three of us. His eyes scan over me a moment longer than the other two, and I
suddenly feel tiny under his gaze.

“Just tellin’ Serenity here, that if she figures out where the mongrel who beat her is, she should

tell us so we can sort him out.”

Jackson nods. “Yeah, fuckin’ sort him out alright.”
“Thank you,” I say in a small voice. “But it’s fine.”
“How old are you girl? Can’t be more than eighteen and you’re tellin’ us it’s fine for a man twice,

possibly three times your age, to beat you?” Jackson says, giving me a confused expression.

“I’m actually twenty-five,” I squeak.
Everyone in the room raises their brows. I feel color creep into my cheeks. I know to most people

I look like a teenager. I am no more than five foot three, with a tiny build, small breasts, small ass,
and, well, small everything. My hair is dark, and so long and thick it almost looks heavier than me.
My eyes are hazel. I’m lucky really, I got my mother’s looks over my fathers, thank Christ for that. My
mother was a cheap hooker, who ran out on me when I was two, but I know she was attractive. Hogan
had a photo of her, and so I kept it. He doesn’t know I kept it, but I did.

“Bullshit...” Jackson says, narrowing his eyes at me.
“It’s the truth,” I say, swallowing nervously.
“Show me your ID?” Addi laughs. “That can’t be true.”
My heart begins to hammer. If they ask too much about me, they’ll figure out who I am. I can’t just

whip out my ID and show them. I should have kept my damn mouth shut instead of opening it. I’m
going to make them suspicious and blow this entire thing out of the water.

“I-I-I don’t have it,” I stammer.
“I was joking,” Addi says softly. “It’s ok.”
I get to my feet, feeling my knees wobble. “I’m just going to get some sleep. Thank you, for taking

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me in.”

They all nod, staring at me oddly as I turn and rush off up the stairs. When I get to my room, I

close the door behind me and press my back to it, letting out a long, weak sigh. I don’t know if I can
do this. I just don’t know if I’m strong enough. How can I hurt people who have done nothing to me?

Think of your family, the ones they blew up.
I’m trying to, but it’s not enough for me to want to hurt them. It’s just not enough. Hogan deserves

everything he gets. He killed that other biker’s wife, everyone knows that. He doesn’t care about
them, or their families, and yet he wants me to care about mine. How can I? When mine are monsters?
I slide down the door, dropping my head into my hands and wincing as my palms press against my
bruised face.

What the hell am I going to do?

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“That was odd,” Addison says, tucking herself beside Cade on the couch.

I am still staring at the stairs, wondering what the hell is the go with Serenity? Something is not

quite right about her. Granted, her own father beats her, but it’s something more than that. I just can’t
put my finger on it. The girl is like a tiny, broken pixie. How anyone could lay a hand on her is
beyond me. I turn to my daughter, and meet her confused expression.

“No idea,” I say, grabbing another slice of pizza and slumping back into the chair. “But she’s got

some history...I’ve seen damaged girls in my time, and I can tell you now, she’s damaged.”

“Yeah,” Addison says, frowning. “I just wish we could help her out of it.”
“Can’t save everyone, sugar,” Cade says gently, giving her a look.
“I know, but she looks so afraid, like someone is just going to come in and blow her to pieces.”
“She’s been recently beaten,” I say between mouthfuls. “It makes sense she’s scared, kid.”
“I know daddy, but it seems like so much more.”
Daddy. Fuckin’ girl kills me when she calls me daddy. Fuck. Fuck. I want to wrap her up and

never let go. Best day of my life when she walked back into it.

We all turn to see Spike and Ciara coming through the door. Jesus, can’t a man get some peace

and quiet? I come home for quiet time, but the shits find me and make themselves at home. Sometimes
stayin’ at the compound seems like the better option. Spike has a six pack in his fingers, and Ciara is
rubbing her belly protectively.

“Spike, to what do we owe this tremendous pleasure?” I say in a monotone voice.
He smirks at me, before coming in and making himself at home on the couch. Ciara slips in beside

him, wrapping herself around him in much the same way Addison did to Cade. My heart tightens, and
I fucking hate it. I hate that I feel so fucking lonely sometimes. I’m coming on forty this year, and I go
to bed every night alone. Occasionally I fuck a random woman, or share with some of the MC’s, but
more often than not, I am just alone.

“How’s Serenity?” Ciara asks.
I shrug. “Ask Addison.”
She turns to Addison, who shrugs too. “She’s ok, quiet, but ok...I think.”
“She said much about where she’s from?”
Addi shakes her head. “Not a great deal of info coming from her.”
Ciara nods. “Yeah, well, she’s probably scared. Though I did figure out something was off with

her when she first came in.”

“How so?” I ask, taking a sip of beer.
“She didn’t seem scared, like the compound didn’t frighten her at all. Most women would be

petrified. She wasn’t.”

“So she’s lived around some serious bad asses?” Addison murmurs. “That explains a lot.”
“Yeah, but I wonder who?” Ciara adds, pursing her lips.
“Ain’t our business,” I point out. “We’re just here to help get her better so she can find a way to

get back on her feet.”

“So boss,” Spike says, cutting us off. “Heard anything since the blow out?”

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I shake my head. “As far as I know, they don’t know it was us. Hogan is dead.”
“We sure of that?” Cade asks, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
“I’ve got someone on it, we should hear for sure soon.”
Spike nods. “Hopefully it’s all fuckin’ over.”
“Yeah, I’m getting too fuckin’ old for this shit.”
Addison snorts, and I give her a glare. “What?”
“You’re like...forty.”
“Yeah, as I said, fuckin’ old.”
“Father, you’re not old, just well-seasoned.”
Spike snorts his beer, and Cade bursts out laughing. I give Addison a wicked grin. “You’re lucky

you’re too old to have your ass spanked, girl.”

She flashes me an award winning smile. “You wouldn’t smack me, I’m too sweet.”
Ciara laughs, standing. “Come on Addi,” she giggles. “Let’s go talk babies and let these guys

grunt and bang each other’s chests.”

“Careful, Tom Cat,” Spike grins, slapping her ass as she walks past.
It never ends.


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I can’t breathe, his fingers are around my throat and I’m thrashing, but I can’t escape it. I want to
escape, but I can’t. He’s too strong, too big, and too powerful. His body is crushing mine against the
wall, and I’m squirming to get away. My body tingles, and my heart thumps as all the oxygen is
squeezed from my body. I’m going to die, this is it for me. It’s over with. I’m dead. Part of me is
relieved, I’m so tired of fighting, but part of me wants to fight. I realize just as the last of my breath
leaves my body, that I don’t want to die. I should have picked to fight.

“What the fuck, wake up!”
I slowly come to, my eyes are hazy. It takes me a moment to realize it was a dream, and I’m now

waking up. I see Jackson leaning over me, shirtless, hair flowing around his shoulders, looking like a
dark angel.

“Hey, you with me?”
I’m panting, and my body is covered in a fine sheen of sweat.
“You were screamin’, fuckin’ loud.”
Screaming? Oh shit. If I scream my father’s name...panic floods me, and I begin to pant even

heavier. This is too risky. I have to get out of here. I can’t do this. It’s too dangerous. I bolt upright,
and Jackson reels backwards. His thick, dark hair hangs over his shoulders, it’s all loose, and he
looks utterly breath taking standing in front of me. His body is hard, large, and covered in tattoos.
God, I can’t be doing this. I shouldn’t even be looking. I leap from the bed, and scurry about trying to
find my cell phone. I find it, shove it in my pants and hurry to the door.

“Whoa, what are you doin’?” he asks.
“I can’t be here, I can’t do this. I’m sorry. I should leave,” I ramble.
I rush past him and down the stairs. He follows; I can hear his heavy footsteps behind me. He

reaches out just as I hit the bottom step, gripping my arm. I yelp loudly, spinning around and shoving
at his chest so hard he stumbles backwards. His eyes widen and he quickly lets me go, throwing his
hands up.

“Don’t touch me!” I scream.
His eyes are full of concern, and he gently shakes his head. “I’m sorry,” he says slowly. “I didn’t

mean to scare you. I wouldn’t hurt you, I swear it. Don’t go runnin’ out in the middle of the night. It’s
dangerous out there.”

“Please,” I say, my voice trembling. “I can’t be here. I appreciate your hospitality, but I can’t


“So you go runnin’ out onto the streets in the middle of the night? You know how dangerous that


“I have no other choice, I can’t stay. I can’t...”
“Hey,” he says, stepping closer, his green eyes searching my face. “Ain’t no one gonna hurt you

here. I swear it. Come on, darlin’...just go back and get some sleep. Sort yourself out. Then you can
leave if you want.”

Why does he have to be so sweet? Why can’t he be vulgar, and rude, and awful...that would make

this so much easier.

“I just...”
“Please, at least stay the night,” he says, his eyes meeting mine. “Just one night. It ain’t going to go

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down well with me, if I know you’re out there alone...”

Thinking of my father’s reaction if I return home with no information, I nod my head weakly, and

swallow. “Ok, I’m sorry, I will stay.”

“There ain’t nothin’ to be sorry for.”
Oh how wrong he is.
“I am asking a lot of you, being here...” I whisper, meeting his piercing gaze.
“I don’t mind helpin’ you out,” he says softly, then turns away.
I watch as he walks into the kitchen. He opens the fridge and pulls out some milk, and then he

goes into the cupboard and finds some honey. He pours the milk into a pan, and then squeezes some
honey in. I walk over, feeling my legs wobble. Watching his back as he stirs, watching the muscles
move and pull, makes my throat tight. Why is a man so beautiful, so alone?

“You don’t have a wife...”
I curse myself for asking such an insensitive question. Jackson gives me a look over his shoulder.


“I’m sorry, that’s none of my business.”
He shrugs. “It’s fine, darlin’. I ain’t got nothin’ to hide. It just never happened for me, I came

close with Addi’s momma, but it was never meant to be.”

“I’m sorry.”
He shrugs. “Sometimes love just ain’t meant to be for some people.”
“I don’t think that’s true,” I say softly. “I think everyone has someone.”
“I’ve found plenty of wrong, just never right.”
“She’s out there.”
He smiles at me, like I’m a small child dreaming far too big. He turns and pulls out a few glasses,

and pours the milk into them before lifting them and handing one to me. I take it, grateful.

“When I was a kid, my momma used to make this for me, it works,” he says, nodding his head

towards the glass in my hand.

“With sleep or the nightmares?” I ask.
I smile, and it’s the first real smile I’ve given since I’ve been here. Jackson smiles too, and it

causes all the breath to leave my lungs in a rush. He’s got these beautiful dimples, and on his square
jaw, they look divine.

“So your mom,” I whisper. “She was loving then?”
He nods. “Yeah, she was amazing. What about you?”
I look away. “She ran out when I was two, leaving me with...him.”
“That’s fuckin’ shit, I’m sorry.”
A random, unexpected giggle erupts from my throat.
“That was funny?” Jackson says, giving me a half smile.
“No,” I say, still smiling. “It’s just the way you say things.”
He grins. “Yeah, I add far too many fucks into my sentences.”
I shrug. “It’s ok, I don’t mind.”
“You grow up around here?” he asks, putting the glass to his lips and taking a sip.
“No, we’ve just been here for the past few...months.”
It’s a lie, we’ve only just gotten into town, but if I tell him that, he’ll ask questions.
“You got any other family?”
I shake my head. “No, just my father.”

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“Sucks to be in a position you can’t escape from.”
I nod. “Yeah, it does.”
He nods, and runs his finger around the rim of the glass. “Well, you stay here as long as you


“Thank you, but I’ll try and get out of your hair as soon as I can.”
He shrugs, tensing and releasing his jaw. “Don’t matter to me, darlin’. You can stay.”
“I know,” I whisper. “But you don’t know me and...”
“You gonna murder me in the middle of the night?”
I chuckle, but it sounds empty, even to me. “No.”
“You gonna steal from me?”
“You’re not one of those female sicko’s that will tie me up and rape me?”
I giggle, and he grins. “Serious question, darlin’. You never know.”
“I swear, I don’t have sex fetishes.”
His eyes twinkle with humor. “Well then, I’m sure we’ll be fine.”
We’re not fine though. Because I’m lying to him. I’m cheating him.
I’m a monster.
“Well,” he says, pushing off the counter. “Hope the milk helps.”
He puts his glass down, flashes me a smile, and walks out. When he gets to the stairs, I spin


“Hey Jackson?”
He turns, looking at me. Damn those eyes.
“Thank you.”
He grins again. “Yeah, no problem.”
Then he’s gone, and I’m left with an aching heart.
How the hell am I going to do this?

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“You sure you want to do this?” Addi asks, unlocking the door to the main house at the Hell’s Knights

I nod. “I need to help out somehow, you all took me in and you didn’t have to.”
“You know it’s no pay, the girls that work at the bar don’t get paid for it...”
“I know,” I say, and then quickly cover it with. “I didn’t expect to get paid.”
She smirks. “Well, if you want to put up with the drunken fools, sure.”
I wave a hand. “I don’t mind.”
We head into the bar, and she turns to me, pointing to the beers, spirits and then the glasses.
“Those are all you need to know about. The men don’t care about what we’re wearing, doing, or

saying. They come to drink, sometimes to fuck, and they move on. Make it known from day one that
you’re not a whore, they will soon learn. Don’t let them push you around.”

I smile at her, but inside my head I’m grinning big. She has no idea just how much I know how to

deal with bikers. I didn’t really want to ask to work here, but I know if I don’t come back with some
sort of information, my father will flip. Working here might give me a chance to overhear something.
It might allow me to find something worth taking back. I feel my stomach twist at the thought of doing
this, but I have no way around it. I can’t walk away.

“Thanks,” I smile. “I’ll ask if I need any help.”
“You girls ready to open?”
We both turn to see Jackson striding in. I pull my lower lip into my mouth as I watch him stop in

front of us. He looks completely stunning this morning, his thick black hair is tied back up, and his
grey shirt stretches across his broad chest. He’s got his colors hanging over his arm. His heavy black
boots jingle as the chains slap together. He’s bouncing his foot impatiently for some reason, perhaps
something is going on?

“We’re all set. I’ve gone over it all with Serenity.”
Jackson turns his eyes to mine. “Don’t let none of those bastards try and put you in the sack, you

tell ‘em to fuck right off if they start.”

I feel the side of my mouth curl into a half smile. “I will.”
“You girls yell out if you need me. I’ve got a meeting.”
I watch as he disappears into the office at the back. A moment later, Cade and Spike come in and

join him, followed by two other men. It must be important, but I have no idea how I’m going to hear
any of it. I turn to Addi, giving her a fake smile. Maybe if I use the old ‘I need to go to the toilet’ act,
it will buy me some time to try and see if I can hear some of what they are saying.

“Have you got a toilet around here?”
She nods, pointing down the hall. “Down the hall, to your left. Near Jackson’s office.”
I hurry off quickly, and when I enter the dark hall, I see Jackson’s door is closed. Quietly, I walk

over, and have a quick glance around before pressing my ear to the door. The voices are muffled, but
I can make out enough of the words.

“You heard if he’s dead yet?” Cade says.
“No, haven’t heard back. I think he’s dead, he was in the house that blew.”
“We gotta be sure. Hogan could be a problem if he puts two and two together,” Spike says. “And

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he will if he’s alive. He knows I’m looking for him.”

I lift my head off the door. They think my father is dead? Oh god, they don’t know he’s alive,

they’re not even ready for what’s coming. This isn’t good. I’m about to turn, when I hear a voice
behind me. “What you doin’ down here, girl?”

I turn to see an old biker, smoke in his mouth, glaring at me. I open my mouth and splutter out, “I

was looking for the bathroom.”

He jabs a thumb to the door over from the one I’m standing at. I scurry towards it, stepping inside

quickly. Shit, that was too close. I walk over to the sink and dampen a piece of towel to wipe my
face. I take a few deep breaths, and calm my trembling hands. This is bad. This is really bad. They
don’t even know Hogan is alive, which means his attack is going to come as a shock.

My stomach turns, and I rub it furiously. I should tell them Hogan is alive. I know I should. I want

to, but if he finds out...oh god. Maybe if I tell Hogan they don’t know, it will buy them a little more
time because he will think he’s got one over them, and create a plan. It might give me more time to be
able to figure this out. I can’t let him kill them. God, what am I doing? What sort of person have I

Then I see Ebony’s little face in my mind, and know I can’t let him hurt her. I’m doing this for her.

I have to protect my friends little girl.

Shit. Addison.
“Um, sorry, I’m coming.”
“Are you ok?”
“Y-y-yes, I’m fine.”
I take a deep breath, and quickly swing the door open. Addison gives me a once over, and smiles.

We both turn, and head back out to the bar. I quickly step behind it, and begin helping her. The first
man that comes up has long, thick red hair, and stunning blue eyes. His arms are covered in colorful
ink. He’s got a dimpled smile, and a kind, handsome face.

“Well, you must be the new girl,” he drawls. “I’m Muff.”
I let off an unexpected giggle that has Addi giving me a look of shock. I smother it quickly. I know

it’s completely random for me, but I can’t help it. Muff...his name is Muff?

“Nice to meet you, Muff.”
He grins at me. “You gettin’ some enjoyment out of my name, princess?”
I flash him a smile. “It’s interesting.”
“There’s a story behind it, you wanna hear that story?”
“Muff,” Addison warns, giving him a look. “Not now.”
He grumbles at her, but winks at me. “Maybe later then? And you can tell me where you got all

those nasty bruises.”

I frown, and he flashes me another smile. He’s very handsome, in an odd kind of way. He leans

over the bar, and orders a whiskey neat. I turn and promptly get it. When he takes it, our fingers brush
and he lets his gaze rake over me. Jesus, he’s totally hitting on me. At least, that’s what I think he’s

“Later then?”
“Later, Muff.”
He turns and walks off. The minute he disappears, Addison walks over, rolling her eyes. “He’s

such a ladies man. Most of the girls love him, because he’s...well...apparently great in the sack. Gives
them loads of attention.”

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“Let me guess,” I say, lifting a glass to dry it. “He likes Muff?”
Addison bursts out laughing, and I feel warmth deep inside me as she wraps an arm around me.
“I like you, Serenity. It’s not often I meet someone with the same personality as me.”
This was a problem.
Because I liked her, too.


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“This is a good thing, yeah?” Spike says, lighting a smoke and leaning back in my large, leather chair.

I’m pacing the room, frustrated and angry. We have no information on the survivors from Hogan’s

club, and worse, they’ve disappeared from their lot and no one knows where they’ve gone. It’s bad. I
know it in my gut. They aren’t going to sit back and accept what we attempted to do, which means we
need to find out where they are, so we can get in first.

“How is it good?” I growl, lifting a glass of whiskey and shooting it back.
“Well, if they knew it was us, they would have come here. We’ve all got watches going, and there

ain’t no other bikers in this town.”

I shake my head, meeting his eyes. “Don’t sit well with me, Spike. I don’t think it’s that simple.”
“He was in that house, Jack’s. We saw him go in. He’s dead. The other guys have moved on.”
I stare at him, and shake my head again. “Maybe, but until I know for sure, I ain’t sleepin’


“When does your man get the information?”
“He was meant to get it back to me already,” I growl. God, some of my fuckin’ guys were slack


“Well, give him until tonight. If he ain’t back, we’ll send one of my guys out.”
I nod, and grip my jacket before turning towards the door. “I’m goin’ for a ride. Tell Cade.”
“Right, boss.”
I walk out, and into the bar. Addison and Serenity are laughing at something on Addi’s phone. I

can’t help but smile, seeing the way their faces are all lit up. Women are beautiful, don’t matter what
they look like, they’re all beautiful. Precious damn gems, that light up your life daily if you’ll let them.
They can also destroy it in a split second, because even if we don’t want to admit it, we’re all fuckin’
suckers for them.

“You girls workin’ hard I see?”
They both jump, and snap their heads up to meet my gaze. Addison rolls her eyes, but Serenity’s

cheeks flush. Fuckin’ girl blushes every time I open my mouth, but fuck, it’s cute. Shouldn’t even been
looking. Dirty fuck I am. I move my eyes from hers, to meet with my daughters.

“Goin’ for a ride, anyone asks, you tell them that.”
“On it,” she nods.
“Later,” I murmur, meeting Serenity’s gaze again. “Ladies.”
They both murmur a goodbye, and get back to giggling at the phone. I head out front, and squint as

the sun burns my eyes. I pull out a pair of sunglasses and pull them over my eyes. I’m about to get on
my bike, when a hand strokes down my back. I turn to see Kayla, one of the club whores, grinning at
me. She’s blonde, bouncy, and easy.

“You haven’t been around, Jackson. I’ve missed you.”
“Yeah, busy,” I grumble.
“You know, Muff is keen to try me out with you...if you’re interested. I’ll come around when I get

back from the city in a few days.”

My dick twitches. Fuck it. I know I’m dirty, I don’t mind sharing a woman with my club members

every now and then, and this girl knows it. She’s usually the one in between us. Muff though? I had no
idea Muff was into that shit.

“Muff isn’t one of my guys,” I say, raising my brows at her. “You been fuckin’ Spike’s guys?”
She snorts. “The two clubs might as well merge into one, they’re always here.”

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She makes a valid point. The only reason they haven’t done so, is because Spike is too damned

proud and likes the idea of being President. Fair enough too, I wouldn’t give up the role easily. It’s
my life.

“Yeah, I’m keen,” I say, needing to relieve some of this fuckin’ pressure building inside me.
She leans up on her toes, running her tongue over my bottom lip. “I’ll be there, Muff too.”
I pull her in for a deep, pretty wet, kiss. She’s a bad kisser, but who am I to be judgmental? I’m

forty and alone. I pull back from the kiss and reach down, gently running a thumb over the cleavage
popping over her top. She mewls like a damned pussy cat, and gives me a sultry expression.

“Later then,” I murmur, turning away.
“Later, handsome.”
I shake my head and get onto my bike, starting it up.
I’m outta here.
I need to breathe.

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Tonight is my fourth night here, and apparently Addi is going to Cade’s for the evening so I’m alone.
Jackson won’t come home tonight, because I’m here and it’s kind of tense for him to be around me. I
can’t blame him really, it’s his house and I’m not someone he knows, or probably trusts. So, for now,
it’s just me. I thought about throwing on a movie, eating chocolate and spending a moment forgetting
about my situation, but as soon as I walk into Jackson’s house, and see the mess, I decide to pay him
in my own way for letting me stay. I start cleaning his home.

I shimmy into a pair of small shorts, and tie my top up at the waist. I bundle my hair onto the top

of my head, and get started. I throw some music on to help. The kitchen, living room, and dining room
take me two hours to clean. The bathrooms take another two. By the time I am around to cleaning the
floors, I am soaked from head to toe, smelling like bleach and god knows what else, and I’m
exhausted. I’m on my hands and knees, scrubbing old stains off the kitchen floor when they come in. I
don’t even hear them over the music, or my cussing about the filth. I hear a loud, “Holy fuck!” and
spin around, slipping and crashing into the cupboards. My head takes a pretty hard knock, and for a
moment I lay there dazed.

“Fuck, are you ok?”
I open my eyes with a wince to see Jackson leaning over me, offering me his hand. With a flush to

my cheeks, I take it. He helps me to my feet, and his arms go around me to steady my body. It’s then I
realize the position he just saw me in. I was on my hands and knees, ass in the air, scrubbing. Jackson
just got a good view of my ass. When I’m steady, Jackson lets me go and is giving me a very strange
look. I feel my heart begin to thud, oh no, he’s angry at me. I’m such an idiot. I notice then, that he’s
not alone. No, he’s with Muff, and I realize not only did he see my ass, Muff did too. I know this,
because Muff’s grinning at me. My cheeks flush and I begin to babble.

“I’m sorry, I was just trying to earn my keep and do the right thing. I didn’t mean to make you

angry, Jackson...”

“Princess,” Muff begins, cutting me off. “He ain’t angry.”
I give him a confused expression. “But...”
I look to Jackson, who is still staring at me, his eyes blazing.
“He’s givin’ you that look, baby, because your shirt”
I quickly glance down, horrified, wondering if my shirt has lifted and I don’t even know. Instead, I

see that it hasn’t lifted, no, it’s much worse. It’s become see through. I am only wearing a thin, white
sports bra and a white top, all of which are soaked because of the water and bleach. I am high
beaming Jackson. My nipples are hard - I blame the cold - and they are sticking out. I squeal and
quickly cover my chest, cursing for being so stupid. I take a step backwards, slip, scream, and
Jackson reaches out, gripping me quickly and pulling me forward...again. I land with a crash into his
chest, and oh, his body is pressing against mine in the most sensual way. I can feel every inch of him
and I like it. This could NOT get any more embarrassing. First he sees my ass, then my hard nipples,
and now our bodies are rubbing together and I’m getting all hot about it.

I am wrong about it not getting worse.
When I move, I realize that Jackson is hard.
He. Is. Hard.

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Oh Jesus. I yelp, shove out of his arms and turn, muttering apologies and mumbling curses under

my breath. I hit the stairs, slip again, cry out, curse and scurry up on my hands and knees.

Someone kill me now.
The last thing I hear before slamming the door behind me is Muff’s booming laugh.


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I hide in my room for the next two hours. What else can I do? I can’t show my face downstairs. I
know they’re still there, because I can hear them chatting and laughing. I’m clean, wearing a dark top
that has no chance of showing nipple, sitting on my bed listening to my stomach rumble. I’m hungry,
all that exercise and cleaning does that to a person. I rub my belly, contemplating if it’s worth going
down and facing my shame, when someone knocks on my door. I jerk, and open my mouth to whisper
a ‘come in’ when Jackson opens the door. Too bad if I was naked.

Our eyes meet, and my heart begins to thud. God, I wish it would stop doing that.
“Thought you might be hungry, just lettin’ you know there’s food downstairs.”
“Thank you,” I say in a small voice. “I’ll come down soon.”
He nods and goes to turn, but I find myself calling his name. He glances at me over his shoulder.
“I’m sorry about before.”
He turns back towards me, and gives me a small, gorgeous grin.
“Ain’t no problem darlin’, what you did was real nice.”
“Not about the cleaning, but the, err...”
His grins gets bigger. Oh my.
“It ain’t every day a man gets a nice view like that to come home to. Don’t you worry about it,

made my fuckin’ day.”

My mouth drops open, and he turns and leaves. Did Jackson just say my ass and nipples, made his

day? My entire body breaks out into tiny little goosebumps. What is happening here? Did Jackson just
give me a moment of flirting? Or was he just being honest? This is bad, this is so bad. I can’t feel a
connection towards the man I am lying to...can I?

Shaking my head, I stand. My stomach is growling loudly at me, and there is just no way I can

ignore it. I make my way downstairs, and see Muff and Jackson sitting in the living room, drinking
beer and eating Chinese food. The steps creak as I get lower, and they both turn to start at me. Such
beautiful men, the both of them. Jackson is tall, dark and handsome, but Muff is so fair, so different.
They’re both incredibly nice to look at.

“Food on the counter,” Muff says, nodding his head towards the kitchen.
“Beer in the fridge,” Jackson adds.
Is that an invite? I’ve never been able to sit with men and just talk. Back home, the men had their

place, and we had ours. We were treated like dogs; we weren’t treated with any kind of respect. Not
like this. These guys, they’re so gentle compared to what I’m used to. I feel odd, and yet so warm at
the same time. I walk over and serve myself some food, and then I take a beer, before sitting on the
small recliner over from the guys.

“So, Serenity, you got yourself a man?” Muff asks, spooning food into his mouth.
I shake my head. “No.”
“Really?” he says, like that’s so shocking to him.
“They’re not so great where I come from.”
“Why?” Jackson asks, his eyes piercing mine.
“They’re abusive, mean, and just not honorable. I guess you could blame the people I hang around

with, but still, I prefer not to go near the men.”

“Fair enough,” Muff says. “Some men are jerks.”
I laugh softly. “Yeah.”
“You study?” he continues.

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“No, I wanted to, but...”
“But what?” Jackson adds.
“Well, we couldn’t afford it, and I wasn’t allowed.”
“You should do it,” Muff says gently. “Fuck everyone else.”
I smile at him. “Maybe one day I will.”
Jackson leans over, gripping his beer. “What did you want to do?”
“I wanted to be a nurse, I know it’s lame, but...”
“Helpin’ people ain’t lame, darlin’. It’s a gift, and you’re sure sweet enough to have that gift.”
I smile at him, unable to hold it back. It’s a smile filled with gratitude and emotion. “Thank you.”
“Just sayin’ what’s true.”
I turn away before he sees the expression of want on my face. My heart begins to thump steadily.

I’m so confused. I’ve been here only a few days, and Jackson is getting to me in a way no one has
before. It’s one of those instant attractions that you have no say so over.

“Well, thanks for dinner you two,” Muff says standing. “But I got business to attend to.”
“Bye Muff,” I smile.
“Later, beautiful.”
“Later man,” Jackson says.
Muff gives us one more grin, before leaving. It’s then I realize I’m now alone with Jackson.

Standing quickly, I take my bowl to the sink and finish the last few mouthfuls before washing it and
putting it up to dry. I turn to Jackson as I walk out.

“Thanks for that.”
“Don’t have to run, I don’t bite.”
My heart feels like it stops beating. He wants me to stay?
His eyes swing up to mine, and hold my gaze. “There’s some scary shit on T.V, but you can watch

it with me, if you want.”

Oh god, he’s offering to watch movies with me. I feel my knees wobble as I walk over and sit on

the couch beside him. We’re quite a distance away, but I can feel his presence like he’s sitting right
beside me. He turns the volume up as the movie begins to play.

“You aren’t gonna scream, are you?”
I laugh nervously. “It’s highly possible, considering I’m scared of the dark...”
He gives me a look. “Seriously?”
“Seriously. It’s childish, but it’s true. I probably won’t sleep tonight, because I won’t be able to

turn out the light.”

He chuckles.
“It’s not funny,” I protest.
“It’s kind of funny,” he grins, “a grown girl gettin’ scared over this bullshit.”
“This bullshit is very real!”
He laughs, and the sound is like music to my ears. I smile and drop my head back.
“So, what’s his real name?”
I watch as he leans back, and puts his arms up behind his head. Oh, those arms.
“Muff,” I say, my voice not coming out quite as strong as I would have hoped.
“Brian,” he says, grinning at me.
“Brian...seriously? That’s so...normal.”
He laughs again, “Yeah and that man is far from normal.”

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“I like him, he’s kind of sweet,” I say, tucking my legs up and nestling back into the couch.
“Most of the girls say that.”
Jackson gives me a look from the corner of his eye. “You don’t know about Muff...and his


“Well, I have a fair idea.”
Jackson gives a lazy, half smile. “He likes the...muff.”
I giggle, and then feel my cheeks flush. Oh god, I am talking about women’s bits, with Jackson. I

turn my eyes back to the movie, feeling my skin prickle, just as some crazy murderer jumps out of a
cupboard. I scream, spinning and burying my face into the couch. It takes me a moment to realize it’s
not the couch, but Jackson’s arm. I leap backwards, eyes wide.

“Oh my god, sorry!”
He grins, clearly smothering a laugh. “Seriously? You’re scared of that?”
“He...I didn’t...” I cross my arms. “I didn’t see it coming!”
He snorts, and I realize I’ve shifted closer, and he doesn’t seem to mind. I tuck my legs back up,

and I can feel his body heat running all over my body.

“Better close your eyes, scary bit comin’,” he warns, just as the girl opens the front door to see

some creepy guy with a mask, and some awful weapon that I don’t give myself a chance to asses. I
close my eyes, pressing my hands over my face.

“Is it over yet?” I mumble through my hands.
“Nah, he’s still chopping her up.”
“Jackson!” I cry.
“Truth,” he chuckles.
While my hands are over my face, I realize what I’m doing. It hits me like a brick. I’m sitting here,

enjoying the company of the man I am going to lie and cheat. For a moment there, just a moment, I
forgot what I was here for. I get to my feet quickly, feeling like a complete fool. I can’t be friends
with Jackson, it’s just not right. Everything about this is so wrong.

“I should really go to bed,” I suddenly babble. “I don’t want to ruin the movie by screaming all

night. Thanks, Jackson.”

“Serenity,” he calls as I turn rush up the stairs, but I don’t stop.
I get to my room, and close the door quickly, before pressing my back to it. This is all so risky,

and stupid. I’m supposed to hate these people for what they did; I’m supposed to hate them just
because they’re bikers. But I don’t. I can’t bring myself to see anything but some amazing people who
aren’t out to hurt anyone. I lower my body down the door, and I sit there until I hear Jackson coming
up the stairs. For a solid half an hour, I hear the shower running. I force any images of him naked and
wet, out of my head.

When everything seems quiet, I creak open my door. The hall is dark. I creep out, desperate for a

cup of hot tea. It’s the only thing that will allow me to get any sleep right now. I begin slowly
creeping down the hall, when I run into a hard, hot form. Oh no. Not again. Jackson is half naked, I
know because I feel his chest slam against my face. His skin is hot from the shower, and shit, he
smells amazing. His hands instantly go up to my arms where he steadies me, and for a moment there in
the darkness, we just stand there. I don’t leap back, he doesn’t let me go.

I find myself wanting to step closer, and without even knowing it, I do. I step forward until our

bodies are flush, and my lips are only very lightly pressed against his chest. His fingers tighten around
my arms, and his breathing deepens. One of my hands lifts and my fingertips just lightly graze the hard

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muscles on his chest. Oh god, everything inside me is throbbing, wanting to consume him. He steps
back at the same time I do, and we both mumble an apology before rushing off. I’m ashamed of myself
for not doing that right away. I let myself enjoy a moment with him.

And shit, that’s exactly what I did.
I enjoyed it.

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I open the fridge, groan, and shut it again. There’s nothing left. I’ve been making do as much as I can,
but this house is in serious need of a decent food shop. I don’t want to ask Jackson, though, because
it’s so rude. I have my own money, but to get into town, isn’t exactly easy. I have no car, and wasting
money on a cab isn’t the logical thing to do. I walk over the pantry and swing it open. The only thing
in there is a few tins of spaghetti and some olives. Seriously? I sigh deeply, and shut it. I guess it’s a
cab for me.

I’m just about to dial one, when Jackson walks in. He looks like he’s busy, and he doesn’t notice

me right away. I feel my skin prickle, because I know how uncomfortable it must be having me here,
especially after the other night. We’ve both been walking on eggshells since then. Jackson lifts his
head, and notices me. He jerks a little, and then puts a small, weak smile on his face. “Serenity, didn’t
know you were here.”

“I was just heading into town to get some food.”
He raises his brows. “There ain’t any in the fridge?”
“Um, no...”
Doesn’t the man ever eat at home?
“Well, I’m headed into town. You can catch a lift with me.”
“Oh,” I say, feeling my cheeks heat. “No, it’s ok.”
“What do you plan on doin’? Wastin’ money on a cab?”
“Well, um,’s the least I can do. You’ve let me stay here and...”
He waves a hand, cutting me off, and grips his keys. “You had nowhere to go, my daughter

inherited my soft heart, and so here you are. It’s fine.”

“I know, but I feel like I’m crashing your space, and...”
He puts a hand up, giving me a look. “I’m fine with it.”
Our eyes meet, and I quickly look away. “Ok then, I’ll just get my purse.”
I stop and stare at him, confused. “No?”
“It’s my house, my fridge you’re fillin’. I’ll give you the money.”
“Jackson, no, it’s fine.”
He gives me a hard look. “I said I got it.”
I nod, defeated. He’s not going to back down; I know enough about bikers to know they aren’t

going to give in if they set their mind to something.

“I’ll just grab a few things, and then I’ll meet you in the truck.”
I nod, hurrying outside until I reach his truck. I slide in the passenger seat, suddenly feeling nerves

flutter about in my stomach. I don’t really understand why I feel this way; I just know it has everything
to do with Jackson. He makes me feel tight in the chest. I struggle to breathe around him, struggle to
keep a logical mind, and I don’t quite understand it. I’m deep in thought when Jackson slides into the
front seat. I flinch, and turn my face so I’m staring out the window. I feel the truck reversing, and a
heavy, awkward silence fills the air. I feel like I need a topic of conversation, so I ask him the only
thing I can think of.

“How did you become a biker?”

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He glances at me quickly, before staring back towards the road. “It just happened. I had a rough

life, and back then, the president was someone that was close to my family. When I lost my parents,
he took me in. It went from there.”

“Do you ever regret it?”
He shakes his head. “Never, I have a family that I could never find anywhere else. Those guys,

they’re my brothers, without them I’m not half the man I am now.”

I nod, understanding that. “I get that, it’s nice to have someone you believe in, the way you believe

in them.”

“You don’t have anyone to believe in?”
I tense up. “I...I just had a different life. I never really got the chance.”
“Sorry to hear that.”
I shrug. “Life is life. We don’t get to choose how it goes, we just deal with it.”
“Right about that.”
We talk casually for the next half an hour. When we arrive in town, Jackson pulls up at the front of

the little store and I get out. “I’ll come back when I’m done,” he says.

“Ok, thank you.”
He nods, and then drives off. Sighing with relief, I walk into the store. It feels nice to have a little

freedom, even just for a moment. Right, where to start? I make a list in my head, and grab a cart. I go
through, picking out everything I think we’ll need. I lose myself in my own thoughts, and I don’t even
notice when Jackson comes up behind me an hour later.

“Deep in thought?”
I squeal and spin around, clutching my chest. “You scared me!”
He gives me a small smile. “Sorry. You nearly done?”
I go through that mental list again, and know there’s one thing I haven’t gotten. Tampons. It’s

coming up to that time soon, and I’m not sure I’ll get another chance to come and get some. My cheeks
flush, and I look away nervously.

“Um, I’m nearly done.”
He falls in step beside me, and I begin thinking of ways to get rid of him.
“Is there anything you need?” I ask.
“Nothing at all?”
“Oh, right, maybe you can take the cart to the counter, and I’ll meet you there?”
He gives me a confused expression. “Why?”
I grit my teeth. “Oh, just to miss the lineup.”
“Thought you said you were nearly done.”
“I need tampons!” I cry loudly. “I can’t get them when you’re standing right next to me.”
I dare to turn my eyes towards him, and his face is blank. Then, suddenly, he bursts out laughing.

His head falls back, and his chest rumbles. That awful prick. I wish the ground would open and
swallow me whole. My entire body tingles with shame, and I drop my head, so he can’t see the flush
in my cheeks.

“You think that’s going to bother me?” he chuckles, reaching over and taking my chin, tilting it up

to meet his expression. I feel my body break out in light trembles all over. His hands on me. It takes
away all rational thought.

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“It bothers me,” I whisper. “I don’t really know you, and...”
He shakes his head. “Darlin’, go and get your girly things. I’ll meet you at the counter, yeah?”
He gently drops his hand from my chin, and flashes me another heartwarming smile, before turning

and taking the cart from my grips. Dying with shame, I find the tampons and pick the smallest box I
can find, before heading back to the counter where Jackson is unloading all the food.

“You plannin’ to cook with all this?” he asks as I place the box on the counter.
“Yeah,” I nod. “ don’t want me to?”
He meets my gaze. “Didn’t know you knew how to cook?”
I shrug, reaching in to help him pull the items out. “I love cooking.”
“Well, you won’t hear me complaining.”
I chuckle. “Most men don’t.”
He grins at me, and my heart stutters. God, he’s beautiful, there’s just no other way of putting it.

He’s pure, masculine beauty. We both look away quickly, and I feel my heart continuing on with its
stupid little flip flops.

Why do I keep feeling like this around Jackson?
I have no right. Not when I’m betraying him the way I am.

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The small warehouse my father is hiding out in, is less than desirable. It’s old, crappy, hot, and it
smells really bad. I walk through the main gates a week later, well past the date I was meant to come
back. I know Hogan will be mad, but I had to find the right time to get out, and today was the only
time I could do that. It took a lot for me to even find the courage to come back here, and if it wasn’t
for my friend, I probably would have attempted to run.

I get deeper inside the warehouse, and groan at the heat. Yuck. I notice Janine right away on the

bar. We’ve been friends for a long time; she’s the Old Lady to one of the well-known members,
Derek. Her little daughter, Ebony, is the only reason I come back to this place. The poor girl would
have no hope without her momma and me. We try to keep her away from as much as we possibly can.

“Sea!” she cries, rushing around the bar and over to me.
We leap into each other’s arms, and cling. I feel tears burn under my eyelids, but I hold them

back. I could never let anything happen to this woman, or her baby. I lean back, and grip her short, red

“You cut your hair!”
“This morning,” she smiles. “You like?”
She frowns, reaching out to touch the fading bruises on my face. “He’s a fucking pig.”
I smile weakly. “Yeah, I know.”
“One day honey, we’re going to get out of this god forsaken place.”
“We are,” I assure her. “I’ll make sure of it.”
“For now though,” she groans. “That no good son of a bitch is the only thing keeping Eb’s and I on

our toes.”

She’s referring to Ebony’s dad, and I can’t blame her really. All of Hogan’s guys are scumbags.

Each and every one of them. I’m sure he went around the world and picked every jerk, pig, rapist and
woman basher he could and created an MC club.

“Where is Eb’s?”
“With her grandma.”
I nod. “My father?”
She jabs her thumb towards a door in the far left corner. “In there, and he’s in a mood.”
I feel my heart thud, but I still give her a smile. “Isn’t he always?”
She nods, and we hug once more before I head to Hogan’s office. When I get in, he’s sitting in his

chair, staring out the window. Taking a deep breath, I clear my throat. He spins in his chair, and his
eyes grow wild. I know how angry he is that I’m late, but I had to make up some excuse about going
into town to buy some fresh clothes. Addi wanted to come, but I was lucky that Cade growled and
said it was his afternoon with her.

“Where the fuck have you been?” Hogan bellows.
“I...I couldn’t get out.”
He slides his chair back, and stands, storming over and gripping my hair. I cry out. My eye burns

as the ripping pain cascades through my body.

“Don’t, please, I’m sorry.”

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“Waste of fuckin’ time you are, always fuckin’ wastin’ time. I gave you a specific order, and you

didn’t fuckin’ follow it!”

His fist drives into my ribs, and I scream. I twist and turn, struggling to get out of his grips.
“Waste of fuckin’ air.”
He hits me again, and I’m sure I hear one of my ribs snap. I scream again, and my legs buckle as

the pain becomes too much.

“I said you better have something, I gave you a fuckin’ week, but you’re fuckin’ useless.”
“I have something,” I scream between tears.
He drops me to the floor, and I wince and roll.
“Speak,” he bellows. “God help me, I’ll fuckin’ kill you.”
“T-t-t-they think you’re dead.”
A loud, booming laugh escapes his throat. I lift my head to look up at him through my tears. What

the hell is so funny about that?

“Stupid fuckers! What else?”
“T-t-t-that’s all I got. They think you’re dead, they think they’re safe.”
“Fuckin’ perfect!” he laughs again. “Now get up, get out, and get me something else. Find out

about security, find out about their rides, schedules, anything I need to work in an attack.”

“Please, just let it go. They have families and...”
His foot hits my ribs. I make a gurgled, screaming sound, and roll away from him.
“Don’t you fuckin’ question me! You know what I’ll fuckin’ do. Now get up, go and get what I

need, and report back in a few weeks. You get every fuckin’ thing I tell you. If you don’t, that baby
you love goes swimming.”

I nod, and tears stream down my face as I get to my knees and push myself up. I wobble towards

the door, not looking back. I get out into the bar, and Janine rushes over, wrapping her arms around
me. I wince in pain, and more tears flow.

“Oh honey, we’re going to find a way out. I promise.”
“I have to go,” I croak.
She pulls back, swiping some tears away. “I promise.”
I nod, and turn and leave the warehouse. When I’m on the street, I feel my knees begin to buckle.

The pain in my ribs is worse than anything I’ve ever experienced. Each step is agony; each breath
feels like I’m inhaling fire. Step by step, I walk until I can wave down the nearest cab. This takes me
an hour and a half, and by the time I get into the cab, I am panting, sweating and gagging in pain. I rasp
out Jackson’s address, knowing no one will be home. They can’t see me like this. It’s well into the
evening now, but Jackson is never usually there until late.

When I arrive at his house, I thrust a twenty at the cab driver who barely gives me a second

glance. I hobble out, feeling vomit rising in my throat from the pain. I fumble with the keys Addison
gave me, and unlock the front door. As soon as I step in, I hear screaming. I lift my head and blink
through my tears to see Jackson buck naked, standing with a shocked look on his face. Muff is doing
the same thing, and there’s a woman on the couch, bent over it, naked, and panting. Oh...OH. They
were...oh...they were having sex. All of them. All three of them. Holy shit. I hear the frantic shuffle of
clothing as they scurry to get dressed.

If I wasn’t about to lose the contents of my stomach, I’d probably scream and blush, running out of

the house muttering apologies, but I can’t even make myself turn. My head is spinning, and sweat is
trickling down my face. My vision begins to blur, and I suddenly feel hot all over. My stomach
churns, and I begin gagging. Thump. Thump. Thump. It’s all I can feel, all I can hear. I reach out to try

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and grip something, anything to stop me falling, but there’s nothing around.

“Serenity?” Jackson says.
I feel my eyes roll, and as if in slow motion, my body begins to fall forward. Jackson is there, I

don’t know how. His arms go around me and my face crashes into his sweaty, hard chest. As his grip
tightens around my mid-section, I let out a piercing scream. The pain that shoots through my body is
beyond anything I’ve ever felt before.

“Stop, stop!” I bellow, squirming in his arms.
“Hey, it’s ok. I got you.”
“Jack’s, I think she’s hurt.”
That was Muff.
I feel my back hit the soft couch a moment later, I’m not really sure how I get to it, and I hear

Jackson bark at the girl, “Get out.”

I hear a protest, and then the shuffling of clothes before the front door slams. I open my eyes, and

Jackson is leaning over me. I realize I’m still clinging to him, and I quickly let go. He presses a hand
to my ribs, and I scream, squirming. Before I can protest, he has my shirt up. An angry, loud curse
leaves his mouth; before he stands and kicks something, I am pretty sure it’s the coffee table.

“He found you again?” Jackson barks. “Where the fuck is he?”
I open my mouth to answer, but what can I say? I have to lie. I can’t tell Jackson he is in town.
“He...he didn’t find me. It’’s just the old injury. I fell this afternoon, I was walking home and

a car swerved, I had to leap out of the way and I landed on them. It’s hurting so badly. I don’t know

Jackson looks down at me, narrowing his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me it was so bad?”
“Because it’s not your problem,” I cry. “You’ve done enough.”
“You could have punctured something if they aren’t healed right,” he barks. “So it is my fuckin’

problem if you die in my fuckin’ house.”

I close my eyes, and the tears finally fall.
“Jack’s, it ain’t the time to abuse her,” Muff barks. “She needs a hospital.”
“Get my truck, I’ll carry her out.”
I open my eyes wide, and shake my head furiously. “I can’t go to the hospital.”
Jackson leans down, scooping me up into his arms. “I ain’t givin’ you a fuckin’ choice.”
“Jackson, please,” I beg. “I can’t answer their questions.”
“You let me deal with them, but you’re goin’.”
“Jackson, please...”
He looks down at me, his eyes hard. “Enough.”
I open my mouth, but he gives me a look that has me quickly closing it again. He carries me out

front as Muff pulls the truck into the drive. He gets out, leaving it running, and helps Jackson put me in
the front seat. Jackson walks around and gets into the driver’s side, and Muff leans in, looking down
at me.

“Sorry you had to see us like that,” he says, smiling down at me sympathetically.
I return the smile, though mine is a little wobbly. “Different strokes for different folks,” I croak.

“It doesn’t bother me.”

His brows raise, and a small smile creeps across his lips. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” I rasp.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
He winks at me, and then leans back, slapping his hand on the roof. “Take care of her boss.”

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I turn to Jackson, expecting him to be staring out the windscreen, but instead he’s giving me a

strange expression. It takes me a minute to realize he’s shocked that I didn’t react to the position I
found them in.

“It doesn’t worry you?” he asks, throwing the truck into reverse.
“That you like threesomes?” I groan, resting my head against the headrest.
Breathe in and out, focus on easing the pain.
“Why would it?” I whisper.
“Most women find it...slutty.”
I close my eyes, letting out a deep, painful breath. “Well, I’m not most women.”
Jackson is silent a moment, before he murmurs, “No, you ain’t.”


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The hospital is quiet, so we get in right away. The nurse asks questions, but Jackson shuts her down
quickly. She accepts only my name. He tells her I am in trouble, and that kind of information can’t be
given. She seems to accept this, maybe because Jackson is giving her a serious ‘don’t fuck with me’
look. She gets a doctor, who goes over me. He checks everything, straps my ribs, and gives me some
good painkillers, and then we’re on our way home.

The ride is quiet. I’m grateful to Jackson for taking the time out to help me, when he really didn’t

have to. By the time we arrive home, it’s well after midnight. We slip inside the house quietly, as
Addi will no doubt be asleep. I turn to Jackson when he flicks the kitchen light on, and for a long
moment, our eyes just meet and hold.

“Thank you,” I say quietly.
He nods, dropping his keys onto the counter. “Anytime.”
He’s about to turn away, when I whisper, “Why are you helping me?”
Stopping, he turns and meets my gaze dead on. “’Coz you ain’t got anyone else, ‘coz I know how

it feels to be trapped, and ‘coz I fuckin’ want to.”

He wants to?
My heart begins beating so hard, I struggle to breathe. Jackson gets to me; he makes me feel things

I’ve never felt before. There’s been no one in my life that’s ever made me feel like this. I had a
boyfriend for a few months, but it didn’t last. My father made sure of it when he found us naked, after
a poor attempt at my first sexual encounter. My father beat him nearly to death. Pathetic, isn’t it? You
have a father that hates your guts, but will beat any man that goes near you, just so he can push his
authority. He wasn’t doing it out of love for me; he was doing it for his own benefit.

It’s terrible, tragic, and pathetic, but it’s the truth. I’ve been with my father, following his every

command, since I was a little girl. I was never going to touch anyone at the club, and they learned
very quickly to stop trying. I never got to go out much; I was forever babysitting, or working the bar.
And now, my heart is pounding, my body is shaking, and if I’m willing to admit it to myself, my pussy
is throbbing. Shit. I want Jackson. I. Want. Jackson.

This is so wrong.
But I can’t stop it.
I step up close, gently going up onto my tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek. His entire body jerks,

and his hands shoot out to steady my body, holding me still. I shudder at the feeling of his hands on my
hips, and the urge to press myself against him, is massive. I pull back, and for a solid few seconds,
we just stare. I can see the lust in his eyes, and as much as I am trying to hide it, I know he can see it
in mine. I lower my eyes to his lips, and Christ, I want to kiss him. He’s older than me. He’s the
enemy. I’m lying to him. Yet, I want to kiss him.

Before I can think about it any further, my face is moving closer to his. I feel his fingers tighten

around my hips, and his entire body stiffens. He makes a growling sound, and the moment my lips
graze his, he hisses. God, his lips - soft, supple, and tasty. The kiss is no more than a graze, feather
soft and light. I feel only a moment of his lips against mine, before we’re interrupted and snapped
back into reality.

“Daddy, is that you?” Addison calls down the stairs.
Jackson lets me go, and I stumble, taking two steps backwards before getting my footing. I let out

a loud wince at the tightening in my rib area. Addison walks into the room, looking sleepy and

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disheveled. She doesn’t even notice that Jackson and I are panting and look anywhere but at each

“There you are Serenity; I was looking for you earlier.”
“I was having some pain. Jackson, um, took me to the hospital.”
Her eyes widen. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine, thanks.”
“Daddy, you should have called me.”
Jackson tears his piercing gaze from mine, and stares at his daughter a moment before grunting,

“I’m goin’ to bed.”

Then he’s gone. I hear his door slam, and I feel my heart ache.
“What’s his problem?” Addi asks, staring at the stairs he just disappeared up.
“I don’t know, maybe he’s tired.”
She gives me a look, and then sighs. “I can’t believe you were in pain and didn’t tell me.”
“It didn’t really come on until this afternoon. I’m ok now.”
“Are you sure?”
I smile weakly, and nod. “I’m sure. I’m going to get some sleep, ok?”
“Yeah, ok. Night honey.”
“Night Addi.”
I walk up the stairs slowly, and then I slip into my room. I can see Jackson’s light on, and I feel

my heart thump. I hate that I want him. It’s so wrong. I have to cut it off, now. If he found out what I
was doing, he’d likely kill me. I can’t hurt him like that. I can’t have any sort of feelings towards him.
It would be so wrong.

I crawl into my bed, and pull the covers up over my body. It takes me a moment to find a position

that doesn’t hurt. I’m lying down, light on, just staring at the roof when my door opens. I lift my head
to see Jackson standing at the door, shirtless, panting, and giving me a stare so hungry it has me
clenching my legs together to stop the ache. He walks in, stopping at the edge of the bed and looking
down at me.

“Jackson, what...”
“You kiss a man, you do it fuckin’ properly.”
The he leans down, scoops my head up in his arm gently, and crushes his lips against mine. I let

out a pained gasp that quickly turns into one of pleasure. His lips consume me, and I can do nothing
but whimper. His tongue finds mine, and desperately, I do my best to kiss him right. I’ve kissed very
few times in my life, and they were usually on the very few times I managed to sneak out without my
father knowing, and went to parties. Jackson groans, using his free hand to stroke my thick hair away
from my face. He presses his mouth harder into mine, and I reach up, clutching his shoulders so I can
deepen the kiss until we’re all tongues and lips. When he finally wrenches his mouth from mine,
we’re both panting.

“Three things,” he growls. “One, you’re too fuckin’ young for me. Two, because of that, don’t

ever kiss me again and three, fuck, darlin’, you kiss like a fuckin’ angel.”

Then he drops me, stands up straight, and leaves the room.
I lay panting.
What the hell...

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“Ugh,” Ciara groans, stopping by the bar while Addison and I are working a few days later.
“Pregnancy sucks.”

I smile at her, and Addison laughs. “Hey, stop complaining, you have a mega cute baby growing

inside you.”

Ciara laughs. “It might not be, you know. Spike isn’t that cute...”
Addison laughs, and I can’t help but join in.
“Don’t let him hear you say that, his ego will burst and he’ll throw you over his shoulder like a

caveman, and dominate you like a boss!”

I snort laugh, and Addison grins at me.
“Like a boss, Addi. Really?”
She giggles, and Ciara joins in.
“Yeah, I am great with words,” she grins proudly.
Ciara turns to me, rubbing her belly. “You got yourself a dominant man, Serenity?”
I flush, and shake my head quickly. “Oh, no...”
“Seriously?” she gasps. “You’re so pretty.”
I shake my head again. “No, no I’m not.”
I’m ugly. That’s what I’ve been told my entire life.
“Bullshit, girl, are you seriously telling me you don’t see how gorgeous you are?”
“I’m seriously telling you that.”
Addi slaps the bar. “Woman! You’re totally giving yourself no credit. I bet we could find a honey

around here to hook you up with.”

I laugh nervously. “Oh no, it’s ok.”
“Muff could do the job!” Ciara laughs.
I feel my cheeks flush at the memory of Muff and Jackson tag teaming that blonde girl.
“Oh, Muff is a good idea?” Addi grins, seeing my flush.
“God, no!” I cry.
“Oh, what about Granger?” Ciara giggles.
“You two are awful! I don’t need a biker to take my...”
I quickly shut my mouth, realizing how bad that sounds. I’m making myself sound like a virgin.

Addison squeals, and Ciara gasps, covering her mouth with her hand.

“You’re a virgin!” Addison squeals loudly.
“What, no!” I hiss.
“Oh. My. God. Serenity, you haven’t had your cherry popped?!”
I cover my face and groan. “It’s not exactly like that; I have had sex...kind of...”
“How do you kind of have sex?” Ciara says, eyes wide.
“Well, when I was about twenty, I had a kind of boyfriend and we tried it, but...”
“But what?”
I look away, my cheeks heating. “He kind of started it, but after two pumps...”
“Oh my god!” Addi laughs. “He spoofed before he even got three pumps in.”
I snort loudly, and then groan at the dull ache in my ribs. “Do you have to put it so nicely?”

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“You poor thing!” Ciara laughs. “Never even had a chance. We gotta get you a nice man!”
“Who’s gotta get who a nice man?” Muff says walking into the room followed by Jackson, Spike,

and Cade.

“Serenity here, she needs herself a nice man to bust that pretty cherry for real!”
“ADDISON!” I squeal, but I can’t help the laugh that escapes my throat.
“Whoa, baby, you’re a virgin?” Muff says, with wide eyes.
I cover my face, feeling my cheeks flush. Bloody bikers and their women. Loud mouths.

“Someone kill me now.”

“Well, fuckin’ dibs!” Muff says. “I get first in!”
I lift my head to see Spike punch Muff in the shoulder. My eyes move to Jackson, who is watching

me with intensity, his gaze burning into mine. Far out. Why does he have to look at me like that?

“Ain’t no fucker touchin’ her without permission,” he growls, swinging his eyes to Muff. “You got


Muff grins and looks at me. “You don’t mind me jumpin’ in, baby?”
I roll my eyes at him. “Dream on, Muff, and I’m not a virgin!”
“Damn, worth a fuckin’ try!”
Addison laughs, and wraps an arm around me. “None of you dirty perves are having her, I’ll make

sure of it. We need a man who won’t spoof before he gets two pumps in.”

“The fuck?” Jackson says, shaking his head in confusion.
“Poor girl, never even got a chance!” Addison giggles.
“Addi,” I laugh, shaking my head. “Stop it!”
Spike rolls his eyes, and walks over to Ciara, leaning down to capture her mouth in his. Addison

groans. “Grosse!”

He pulls his mouth from Ciara’s, and plants a big, sloppy kiss on Addi’s cheek. It makes a loud

smacking sound, and I laugh softly.

“There you go precious, no need to be jealous.”
Addison lets me go to wipe her cheek furiously, “Oh sick...sick!”
Ciara giggles. “She likes it, secretly.”
Cade walks over, wrapping his arms around Addison. “She better fuckin’ not!”
Addi grins up at him. “My lips are only made for you, amongst other things.”
“Ew,” I mumble, stepping away.
“Right, boys, we got a meeting,” Jackson announces, staring at me again. I shudder.
“You girls be here when we’re done?” Spike asks.
“You know we will be,” Ciara smiles.
They kiss their women once more, before walking out. When they’re gone, Ciara turns to me and


“What?” I ask, confused.
“Addison, your daddy was just giving our Serenity here the fuck me eyes.”
“What?” I cry. “He was not!”
“Oh my god!” Addison groans. “He wasn’t?”
Ciara nods her head furiously. “He totally was. He was checkin’ her out!”
“Oh no, no way.”
I feel my cheeks burn. “I think pregnancy has given you hallucinations, Ciara.”
She shakes her head. “Nuh uh, I saw it. Jackson wants to give you more than two pumps!”
I feel my eyes widen. “He’s too old!” I cry.

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“He’s only forty,” Addison says. “You know, older men are said to be better in bed.”
“Addison!” I gasp. “That’s your father!”
“Yeah,” she grins. “But he ain’t yours!”
“You girls stop it, Jackson is off the list!”
“Jackson wants Serenity,” Ciara sings, doing a little dance.
“Oh la la!” Addison adds, joining in.
I put my head in my hands. They both laugh, and wrap an arm around me.
“You’re nearly twenty-six, he’s nearly forty, it’s not a huge gap you know,” Ciara says into my

ear. “And he’s mega fine for an oldie!”

I groan. “Oh my god!”
“I mean, I never want to imagine my father doing...that...but he is kind of lonely,” Addison says,


“You know, I’ve seen Jackson doing that, don’t you?” Ciara groans.
I lift my head. “Seriously?”
“Yep, with another man and a woman. He likes to share his girls.”
I feel my cheeks heat. So they know about Jackson?
“You’re not reacting...” Addison says, narrowing her eyes. “Oh my god, you know don’t you?”
“I may have caught him and Muff tag teaming the other night...”
Addison squeals and covers her ears. “God, no!”
“Oh, you caught them?!” Ciara laughs. “No wonder he was eye fucking you.”
“He was not!” I laugh.
“He totally was!”
I throw my hands up, still laughing. “You two are so wrong, I’m going to get to work, join me

when you move on from your shenanigans.”

I leave to the sound of both of them giggling.
I leave a room for the first time in my life, completely happy.

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I can’t get her out of my head. She’s in there and she ain’t budging. Serenity. Fucking Serenity. She’s
so fuckin’ perfect. So fuckin’ gorgeous. I shouldn’t even be lookin’ at her, but there she was, talkin’
freely about her innocence and blushing so damn sweet. I want her. It doesn’t matter how much I try to
tell myself I don’t, I do. That kiss, fuck, that kiss. It consumed me. All night I lay awake, thinkin’
about it, wondering how the fuck I was going to get around this one. I can’t ignore it, I know that, but I
can’t pretend it’s not happenin’ either.

I’m in the shower, trying to wash away all the tension of the morning. I’ve tried to clear my head,

but I can’t get her to budge. I had to get away from the compound, just for an hour. I fill my palm with
shampoo, and lather it into my hair, before throwing my head back and washing it out. My body is
tight, my dick is hard, and I am acting like a love struck teenager. I don’t know what the attraction is,
granted she’s fucking gorgeous, but she’s so much younger than me. I’ve never looked at a younger
woman, never even thought about it, but she gets to me. It’s like we have something between us that
just can’t be explained.

I get out of the shower and take a towel off the rack, running it over my body. I let out a deep sigh,

and stare down at my dick, hard, standing on alert, and not going anywhere anytime soon. It jerks
when I remember that kiss, when I remember her lips on mine. I will not fucking jerk off to a memory
of her. I won’t do it. It’s fucking sick. Isn’t it? Closing my eyes, I reach down and wrap my fingers
around my dick, squeezing it. Little bolts of pleasure shoot up my spine and I shudder. Fuck, I
shouldn’t be doing this. I haven’t wanted to fuck a woman so much in years.

I begin stroking up and down, in a slow, steady rhythm. I groan, letting my head fall back. I move

my hand a little faster, widening my stance so I don’t stumble backwards. Fuck, feels so damn good. I
hate having to do this myself, but I have no interest in going anywhere near one of the club whores.
No, my stupid, fucked up head only wants one thing - Serenity. I stroke harder, faster, my breath
hitches as I feel my dick swell in my hand. One more hard jerk and I come. I feel the warmth hit my
hand, and I hear my own groan as I gently slow the pace.

Then I hear a little gasp.
My eyes pop open.
And Serenity is standing at the door, mouth open, cheeks flushing, eyes on my dick.
“Oh. Oh. My. Oh. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were home. I thought...I thought...Oh...”
I quickly take a towel, covering myself. “Shit,” I rasp, my voice still husky from pleasure.
“I...I was just...I was just getting my cell and...”
“Um,” I mutter. “Fuck. I got nothin’.”
“I’m so sorry,” she babbles, “oh god, Jackson, so sorry.”
“It’s ok, I mean...”
“I...I...should go!” she stammers, turning and rushing out of the door.
“Serenity!” I call, but she’s gone.
A moment later I hear the front door slam.

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I get home that night before Jackson and Addison. I was hoping Jackson wouldn’t come home tonight,
but he found me in the club earlier and apologized for the incident in the bathroom. Just thinking about
it has my cheeks flushing. God, seeing him like that, watching him come with his eyes closed; his hard
body tense. It was stunning. He was stunning. My pussy clenches, and I grit my teeth, hating that I want
him so badly. I can’t escape it. Doesn’t matter what I do. It’s not going anywhere. And worse,
Jackson hasn’t once mentioned the kiss, which kind of hurts.

I decide that while I’m here, I might as well try to make dinner, hoping it will take my mind off

everything. I still feel like I’m putting them out, and guilt wracks me most days, so I try and do what I
can. I hate what I’m doing, and I’m trying to figure out a way around it. I’ve thought about it, but I just
can’t figure out how to bypass Hogan without him figuring it out. I just know I can’t keep telling him
what’s really going on. How can I? These people have become my friends. They’ve made me feel a
kind of warmth I’ve not felt before. How can I betray them? How can I be that person?

I head to the fridge, fumbling through until I find some chicken and vegetables. I find a knife and a

chopping board, and begin dicing the chicken. A minute into my cutting, my phone begins to ring. I
peer down at the screen, and see it’s Janine. Beaming, I pick it up and press it to my ear, using my
shoulder to hold it so I can keep chopping.

“Hey you!”
“Why didn’t you tell me what he’s making you do?”
“He’s putting you in danger; he’s making you lie and risk being killed if you’re found out.”
“I had no choice, Janine.”
“There’s always a choice!” she cries.
“No, sometimes with Hogan, there isn’t.”
I’m not about to tell her he threatened her daughter. I can’t do that. She has no way to escape. It

would cause an all-out war, and that wouldn’t help anyone.

“You could be killed!”
“They’re not like that,” I whisper.
“Oh my god, you like it there...”
“Janine,” I whisper. “Please. I know it doesn’t make sense, but these people, they’re different.

They’re funny, and kind, and friendly. It’s not like Hogan’s club, it’s so different. I am struggling,
because I don’t want to lie. They’ve been so good to me; they took me in and made me a home. They
knew nothing about me, but they did it anyway.”

She sighs deeply. “You know I worry. This could go so wrong.”
“I know,” I say, weakly. “I just don’t know how to get out of it. If I don’t deliver to Hogan, he’ll

do very bad things. If these guys found out what I’m doing, well, I lose them and they’re the first good
things in my life for so long.”

“Have you ever thought of just lying to Hogan?”
I stop chopping and listen. “I don’t understand...he would know...”
“No, he wouldn’t. If you gave him the wrong information, you could send him away for a while;

maybe give that club some warning.”

“They’ll likely kill me if they found out...”
“I thought you said they were different?”

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I sigh. “They’re still a club, Janine. I’m still betraying them,” I say, shaking my head. “No, I can’t

do it. I can’t let them know what I’m doing.”

“You have to think about what’s more important. You don’t tell Hogan the truth, and you tell it to

them, you might find a way around it. You lie to them, and tell Hogan the truth, and he does damage.
It’s all the talk around here; it’s how I found out where you were. I heard them talking. Honey, they’re
not planning on making it a mild attack.”

I feel sick. I drop the knife and clutch my stomach. Her words are true, I know they are. Hogan is

vile and will kill anyone in his path. Addison. Ciara. Muff. My stomach jerks violently.

“I know,” I whisper. “But what choice do I have?”
“There’s a choice, you have to decide if you’re going to make the right one.”
“I can’t go back there,” I whisper, feeling my eyes burn with unshed tears. “I can’t go back to that


“No, but you can’t live with that club being slaughtered either.”
“Oh god.”
“Lie, honey. It’s not easy, but it’s the best option.”
“Do you have any idea when he plans to attack?”
She lowers her voice. “It won’t be for a few months, because he wants it to be precise. You have


“I have to report to him in a few days.”
“Then lie, give him something that’s kind of true, but not quite.”
The front door opens, and I see Jackson step through. Feeling my body prickle with awareness, I

whisper, “I have to go, I love you!”

I hang up before she can answer. Jackson appears at the kitchen counter, wearing old, faded

denim jeans, a dark black top, and his leather jacket. His long hair is loose tonight and flowing
around his shoulders. Every time he moves, I can smell the shampoo he used earlier. He has a few
days stubble on his jaw. God, he’s beautiful.

“You cookin’?” he murmurs, staring at the food.
“I am, but if you don’t want me to...”
“All good,” he mutters, pretending nothing at all has happened between us.
I feel a pang of anger in my chest. Jackson kissed me, hell, I saw him giving himself pleasure, and

the look he gave me after it told me it aroused him that I saw, and yet he’s refusing to speak about it,
like it never happened. The tension between us is huge, and yet he wants no part in acting on it. I get
it, I do, but he should have thought about it further before he came into my room and kissed me.

“Jackson, can we...”
His word is hard, icy, and offers no argument.
I don’t care. I argue anyway.
“Are you seriously going to pretend nothing is going on here?” I cry.
He glares at me. “There’s nothing going on. I told you that.”
“Oh get your head out of your ass! There’s so much sexual tension in the air, I should just orgasm

standing here.”

He raises a brow, before muttering, “I said we ain’t talkin’ about it.”
“You kissed me! Why did you do that if it wasn’t what you wanted?”
His eyes flare with anger. “It was a mistake. Whatever this is,” he says pointing between us, “Is

just a silly infatuation.”

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“Don’t speak to me like I’m a child,” I protest.
“You are a fuckin’ child!”
My eyes widen, and I know my expression changes to that of hurt, because he sighs deeply and

runs his fingers through his hair. “Look, Serenity, I’m over ten years older than you, my daughter is
only a few years younger. I’m too old. You’re too young. You can do better than an old man like me. I
get it, ok? I get the tension is there, and I don’t fuckin’ know why it is. It can’t happen, you need to
understand that. The kiss, it was a mistake.”

I’m hurt, his words crush me.
“Why would you do it then?” I rasp. “Why would you come into my room and kiss me if you

didn’t want it? Why would you stare at me the way you do...”

My voice is breaking, and I hate that. His eyes soften, and his jaw tenses. “I don’t...I don’t


Before I can say anything more, the front door swings open, and Addison comes skipping through

it. Her dark hair bounces around her shoulders, and she’s got a huge grin on her face. I’m blinking
back the burning tears under my eyelids, and I just want to get out of here. My body is tingling with
shame. I feel like a stupid little girl with a crush that isn’t returned.

“Hey Serenity, you up for a party tonight? There’s loads of hot guys?!”
I stare at Jackson, and he narrows his eyes, like he’s challenging me. God damn him. That

asshole. I lift my chin, and then turn to Addi and force a smile to my face. “You know what? I think
that’s a great idea.”

“Great, come upstairs and we’ll get dressed together. I’ve got something you can wear,” she

grins, before turning and rushing up the stairs.

I nod, and then turn and lift the cutting board, carrying it over to the bin and emptying everything

into it. Then, I toss the knife into the sink and turn to Jackson. “You’ll have to order out.”

He grips my wrist, but I snatch it away. “Stop it,” he growls.
“Why? It shouldn’t bother you what I do. I’m just a stupid child with an infatuation, right?”
“Serenity!” he barks as I walk off toward the stairs.
Screw him.
Screw it all.
I don’t have time for games.


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Fuckin’ women. They are all a giant pain in the ass, and yet I can’t get enough of them. Damn Serenity
and her bullshit. I can’t understand why the hell I want her, it makes no sense to me, but shit, I want
her. I want her so badly it hurts. My entire body is alive with want. I should be pushin’ myself away,
yet I can’t get her out of my head. Something about her speaks to me, and I fuckin’ don’t know how to
stop it.

I slam my beer down on the counter top, frustrated. It’s been four hours since they left, and I can’t

stop thinkin’ about her. I don’t know where they are, or what they’re doing, and it’s getting to me. I
was a jerk to her, because I wanted her to back off, but it’s clear that ain’t going to happen anytime
soon. I thought it was the best decision, making her feel like it was nothing, but when she walked out,
with that hurt look on her face - I realized it was so much more than nothing. She deserves to know
that. She does. But I don’t want to start something that I can’t finish.

I turn to see Spike and Cade walking in, beers in hand. Fuckin’ magic, I’m not in the mood for

company right now. I’ve got too much on my mind as it is, without adding more.

“Boys,” I mutter.
“Uh oh,” Cade grins. “Boss man is pissed.”
I glare at him, clearly he doesn’t know what my daughter is up to, or he wouldn’t be here smirking

like an ass. “You know where the girls went tonight?”

Spike shrugs. “Some girly party.”
“Ain’t no girly party, Addison said there was loads of guys there.”
Both men tense. “Failed to fuckin’ mention that to me,” Cade grunts.
“You sure about that, Jack’s?” Spike asks.
“Fuckin’ sure alright, I saw them go out the door giggling about cute men for Serenity.”
“Fuckin’ daughter of yours will be the fuckin’ death of me,” Cade growls.
Spike lifts his keys, his eyes flashing with jealousy. “We goin’?”
“Fuck yeah we are,” Cade growls, turning and storming out the door.
I follow. Fucked if I know why I do. I opened my mouth knowing they would go after the girls.

Part of me wants to go, even if I don’t want to accept it.

Can’t get her out of my head.

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“Oh my god, Addi!” I laugh, taking another shot.

“You started it!” she giggles.
“You two are so feral!” Ciara says, rolling her eyes.
“Oh, you’re just jealous because you can’t drink,” Addison sings, taking another shot herself.
“Don’t remind me!”
We’re at the local bar, we ended up here after the party turned out to be a flop. We got rounds of

tequila, which so far has ended with dancing on the tables, singing at the top of our lungs, and
harassing poor, innocent men. I haven’t had so much fun in my entire life. I haven’t laughed so much,
or felt so at home.

“Oh no!” Ciara suddenly gasps.
I turn towards her, and see her eyes are on the door. I turn, and see Jackson, Cade, and Spike

glaring at us. I snort a laugh and turn back to them. “Uh oh, you girls are in deep shit!”

Addison laughs, but Ciara doesn’t. “My man looks mega pissed right now!”
I look at Spike, and his face is tight. Damn, he does look pissed. Cade’s expression is a little

softer when he sees Addi is just drinking and causing no problems. Jackson’s face is unreadable, but
his eyes are on me. Damn those eyes. Damn him!

“There you are!”
I turn to see one of the guys I was chatting to earlier. He’s handsome, young, and quite sweet. I

throw him a grin. I can’t remember his name for the life of me, but I do recall promising him
numerous dances.

“Here I am!”
“You disappeared on me earlier.”
I grin. “I was getting another drink!”
He grins, showing cute, round dimples. “You up for that dance?”
I nod, shrugging. “Sure!”
“She’s not fuckin’ goin’ anywhere with you!”
The voice comes from behind me, and it’s icy, angry, and damn sexy. Jackson. My male friend, I

am pretty sure his name was Greg, or George, or maybe Gage, looks up and meets Jackson’s no doubt
pissed gaze.

“Sorry man, is she yours?”
“No, I’m not,” I point out.
“She’s my property right now, and she ain’t available for anyone else. Now fuck off.”
I spin around, glaring at Jackson. “Excuse me?”
“Get outside,” he orders.
“Bite me!”
He growls and grips my arm, tugging me. Oh hell no! He is not going to go all caveman on me

right now. I slap at his arm, but he doesn’t let me go. I give Addi a helpless stare as we walk past, but
she simply laughs and waves, then wiggles her hips suggestively. Some help she is. Ciara and Spike
have disappeared, so I can’t find them for help.

Jackson pulls me outside, and the cool air whips my face and makes the alcohol rush to my head. I

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sway a little, but he keeps tugging me through the bikes and cars until we reach his truck. He thrusts
the door open, and barks. “Get in.”

He spins on me, glaring. “Get in.”
“I said no.”
“Serenity, don’t play with me.”
I cross my arms and stomp my foot, glaring right back at him.
He growls again, leans down, and shoves me into the car. I stumble back into it enough for him to

grip my legs and spin me around. Then he slams the door. He storms around the other side of the
truck, opens the driver’s door, and gets in, turning to give me a glare. I gape at him, and then cross my
arms angrily over my chest.

“Are you finished?” I cry.
“Not even close.”
“Jackson, you can’t just come in here and think you own me, because you don’t. I wanted you, and

you kissed me and then decided I wasn’t good enough or...”

He spins quickly, his hand lashing out to grip my chin. Then his lips are on mine. They come as

such a shock it takes me moment to respond. That moment doesn’t last long though, soon I’m kissing
him back with full force, enjoying the taste of beer on his tongue, enjoying his hands tangling in my
hair. My body takes a moment to react, it’s stiff with shock. When I finally realize that Jackson is
actually kissing me, I groan and shuffle until I manage to maneuver myself over the seat and onto his
lap. He groans as I straddle him, my legs opening and allowing full access under my very short dress.

“Too fuckin’ old,” he rasps, wrenching his mouth from mine.
“Not to me,” I whimper.
I kiss him again, stopping anymore words coming from his lips. Our mouths become frantic, our

kisses become deep and hard. My lips feel swollen and bruised, but I keep pushing. My hands find the
hem of his shirt, and I shove them up until my fingers are touching his abs. I’ve been so desperately
wanting to touch him, wanting to feel the warm, hard flesh under my fingers. He growls, and his hand
slides down between my legs. I groan loudly.

His fingers find my panties, and he gently runs them up and down. My pussy jerks to life,

throbbing beneath his touch. He rubs gently for a second longer, before slipping my panties aside and
finding my wet, hot flesh. A low, guttural moan escapes his lips as he begins to swirl his fingertip
around my clit, causing it to harden. Bolts of pleasure shoot through my body, and I bury my face into
his neck and groan.

“Wet darlin’, so wet.”
He slips one finger down to my entrance, and gently pushes it inside. It hurts. My one pathetic

time was a solid four years ago now, and since then it’s only been me, and occasionally, my vibrator.
I yelp into his shoulder, and he quickly removes his finger.

He grips my shoulder and pushes me back until we’re staring at each other.
“You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”
I swallow, and turn my face away from his. “No...I’m just...I’ve only done it once, and it lasted a

second before it was over.”

There’s silence between us for a solid few minutes. Shit.
“I can’t do this,” he says, shaking his head and gently shoving me further off him.

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“I want you to, Jackson. I’ve never wanted, or had the chance to want, anything in my life.”
“You’ve had one man, that wasn’t even considered a decent fuck. What if a decent man comes

along, and you have the chance to basically share your real first time with him, and you’ve wasted it
on me?” he protests, his voice rough with lust.

“In my life, that chance is rare, if I’m lucky. Besides,” I whisper. “How do you know you’re not

that chance?”

I take his hand, sliding it back between my legs and running his finger up and down my damp

panties. “Please...”

“Jesus,” he hisses.
“Jackson,” I murmur, leaning down to run my lips across his neck. He shudders. “Please?”
He sighs deeply. “I can’t be the one to ruin the beautiful innocence you’ve created.”
I rock my hips against his fingers, causing my ass to rub against his straining erection. “Jackson,” I

rasp. “Please.”

“Fuck, fuck,” he curses.
He slips his fingers inside my panties once more, and I nearly melt with happiness. I couldn’t

think of anyone I’d want more right now, than Jackson. He’s perfect, even if he doesn’t see it right

“So wet, and even then, I’m goin’ to hurt you. I’ve not done this with someone so, inexperienced,

for a long time, darlin’.”

“You won’t hurt me,” I whisper, letting my eyes search his face.
“Baby, I will.”
He rubs gently over my clit, and I groan as the pleasure begins building again.
“Please,” I whimper. “Jackson...”
“Fuck, when you beg like that...”
He finds my entrance again, and slides a fingertip in; he moves it around gently before slipping his

finger the entire way in. It burns a little, and I know this isn’t going to be some amazing moment that
blows my world, but I want it all the same, and I want it with him.

“Oh god, Jackson,” I groan as he rubs his thumb over my clit.
“You’re so fuckin’ wet you’re goin’ to come before I even get my cock inside you.”
My body jerks at his words and my clit swells. I want to come. I’ve done this myself so many

times, but I’ve never had a man do it. I’ve never had someone else’s finger bring me so much
pleasure. Jackson rubs my clit harder, while his finger gently slides in and out of my pussy.

I come.
“Oh god,” I cry out, shaking, jerking, and pinching Jackson’s skin with my fingernails.
“Jesus, so fuckin’ beautiful.”
I shudder and convulse until there’s nothing left, then I slump my head down onto his shoulder. He

slides his fingers from my heat, and gently pulls my panties back.

“I ain’t fucking you here, darlin’.”
“I know,” I murmur into his skin.
“Well, you best get off my lap so we can go home.”
I move quickly, not wanting him to change his mind. I slip over into my seat, and pull my seat belt

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on. Jackson stares at me for the longest moment, I’m almost sure he’s waiting for me to change my
mind, and then he turns the car on and drives us home.

Oh god.
Is this really happening?


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Something that is planned, makes it so much more awkward. When Jackson and I get home, we’re
both acting like two teenagers who are about to have sex for the first time. Jackson gets himself a beer
from the fridge as soon as we get inside, and I can’t help but watch his entire body, as he leans his
head back and drinks it. Strong chest, hard abs, oh...and a very big erection. My heart begins to thud
as I stare at the bulge in his jeans.

“Somethin’ you like?”
I snap my head up to see he’s stopped drinking, and is watching me. I thank the alcohol for the

courage I have next, because I take hold of my dress and begin lifting it over my head. When I get it
off, I drop it to the floor. Jackson’s eyes widen, and he murmurs a curse before walking around the
counter, taking his shirt off as he goes. He reaches me, and grips my hips in his hands, pulling me

“You sure you want this?”
“Stop asking, Jackson,” I whisper. “I want you.”
Without saying another word, he leans down and scoops me up, taking me up to his bedroom. We

get in, and he sets me on my feet before locking the door. I peer around the large bedroom. It’s very
manly and basic, big bed, manly colors, clothes thrown about everywhere, bed unmade. I stare at the
bed, and suddenly my heart begins thumping. I’m about to have sex with the enemy. Oh god, oh...god.

Jackson comes up behind me, pressing his lips to my shoulder, and I can’t bring myself to keep

thinking about what a low life scumbag I am. All I can feel or think about, is his lips moving over my
shoulder. The few men I’ve kissed, or the one I had dodgy sex with, were so inexperienced. Their
kisses sloppy, their hands clumsy. Jackson is different. His hands are skilled, his lips gentle and
perfect. He’s a man. He’s a real, experienced man.

“We’re gonna go real slow, you hear me?”
“Yes,” I whisper.
“You scared, you tell me. You hurtin’, you tell me.”
“I will.”
“Goin’ to take a lot to warm that sweet pussy up, what happened in the truck, it’s just the start.”
I shiver. God, just the start? My legs quake, but thankfully Jackson lifts me again and deposits me

down on the bed. I look up at him looming over me, and watch as he pulls back and begins
unbuttoning his jeans. I’m inexperienced, yes, but I have seen enough to know what I’m in for. I know
what to expect, but seeing Jackson slowly undress, seeing him slowly reveal more and more of his
gorgeous, toned body, has my mind spinning. He lowers his jeans when he’s got them undone, and
that’s when his erection springs free.

Oh. My. God.
I know it’s huge, because I have already caught a glimpse of it, but seeing it like this, up close,

it’s even bigger. Well, it’s not so much long as it is thick. Damn. Oh damn. That’s not the best bit, oh
no, the best bit is the tattoo running up the entire length of it. My eyes widen, and I can’t move my
eyes from it.

“A story we ain’t discussing now,” he says, answering my unspoken question.
“You wanna back out, you do it now...”
I look up and meet his eyes. “No.”
He grins slowly, sexily. “Then let’s do this.”

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He drops to the bed, and hooks his fingers through my panties, slowly lowering them down my

legs. I watch his eyes grow hooded with lust as he glances down at my now exposed pussy.

“Shaved baby, I thought so, but fuck...been a while since I’ve seen one so clean.”
I flush and go to cover it, but he shoves my hand away. “Don’t hide, you’re fuckin’ beautiful.”
He drops to his knees, gripping my leg and sliding his mouth up my calf. My head drops back into

the mattress, and I groan loudly. He takes his time moving up my leg, circling his tongue around my
knee, and up over my thigh. I can feel his heated breath near my pussy, and I feel myself clenching in

“Spread your legs, darlin’.”
I do as he asks, and I gently spread them. I hear his hiss of air as I open myself to him. The cool

air tickles my skin. He slides a finger up my slick heat, and growls.

“Still wet, but I’m goin’ to make you even wetter.”
Before I can ask what he’s talking about, he lowers his mouth to my pussy and captures my clit in

his mouth.

I know for most women this is a common occurrence they come to expect, but for me, this is the

first time I’ve ever felt it. The first time I’ve felt a tongue against my most sensitive flesh. The feeling
is beyond anything I could have ever dreamed or imagined. I open my mouth to cry out, but nothing
comes out. I can’t even make a sound as he sucks my clit into his mouth and begins flicking the end
with his tongue.

His mouth is so perfect, and I have no doubt the way he is working me is full of skill and

experience. I can’t imagine it being this perfect for anyone else on their first time. I arch my hips, and
finally a ragged cry leaves my throat. Jackson hums against my skin, causing tiny vibrations to shoot
through my clit. This has a scream wrenching from my throat as he continues working me with his

I know I’m going to come embarrassingly quick. I can feel it. My entire body is tight, my fists are

clenched, and the pressure is overwhelming. When Jackson slips his finger inside me, I finally
release. I scream out his name in a ragged rasp as my body begins to jerk with each shot of pleasure
that travels through it. For a moment, I see nothing, I hear nothing; everything is just my senses. My
body rising higher and higher, taking me somewhere I’ve never been.

After a moment, my screaming becomes hoarse, and my orgasm dies down, until I’m lying there

panting and out of breath. Jackson slides up my body, his mouth wet with my lust. He leans down,
capturing my lips with his, letting me taste myself on him. It’s an erotic moment, and my body sparks
to life yet again. I cling to him, wrapping my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck. I kiss
him deeply, taking his tongue, taking my own release. He groans and cups my breasts through my bra.
Desperately, he reaches underneath me, not moving his lips from mine, and unclips it. I shuffle, and he
tugs it off before finally moving his mouth from mine.

He stares down at my hard nipples, and then looks back up at me, his green eyes so dark and

piercing my heart skips a beat. “You want me to put them in my mouth, darlin’?”

“Yes,” I rasp.
He gives me a lazy half grin, before lowering his head and capturing my nipple in his mouth. I cry

out, gripping his arms and thrusting my pelvis up until my pussy is rubbing against his erection. His
skin is soft there, even though he’s hard, he’s also silky smooth. He moans deeply, and it vibrates

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through my nipple. He sucks and licks one, before moving to the other. By the time he’s finished, my
body is pulsing for him once more.

“You ready for this?” he says, letting his eyes search my face, as if wanting to see if I’m sure.
“Yes, I’m ready.”
“Goin’ to hurt, baby.”
“I know.”
“What I gave you then, that was the good part.”
I grip his face. “I know.”
“You on protection?”
“No,” I whisper.
He nods, and pulls back, leaning over to grip a condom from his bedside table. He tears the

packet with his teeth, and rolls it over his erection. I watch, feeling lust rush through my body. His
eyes are on me, the entire time he rolls that damned yellow condom over that damned gorgeous
erection. When he’s finished, he moves back over my body.

“You want it quick, or slow?”
I feel the nerves in my stomach begin to flutter about. I try to remember how it felt back then. I

know it hurt. I know it was hard and quick. I don’t know if that’s the best way, or the worst. “I-
I...don’t know.”

He runs his fingers over my cheek. “I’ve been with enough women in my time, to know what hurts

and what doesn’t. I’m goin’ to go easy on you, but you need to trust me, ok?”

“I do,” I whisper, and I meant it.
I trusted him.
He nods, and presses his lips gently against mine, while using one hand to encourage my leg up

around his hip. I do the same with the other one, opening myself as much as possible for him. I feel
him at my entrance, but he doesn’t push for a long while, he just kisses me gently, softly, making my
heart hurt.

Then he pushes in, and everything stops feeling nice. I whimper loudly as he stretches me, and a

burning pain fills the lower half of my body. All the books, and shows that make the first few times
out to be pleasurable moments for a woman, were lying. It hurts. That’s just fact. It can be beautiful,
but that doesn’t change reality. It hurts.

Jackson pushes his hips in further, smothering a groan into my shoulder. I feel tears prick my

eyelids as my body tries to accommodate him. I’m sure it didn’t feel like this the first time. I bite my
lip, stopping the whimper as I shift to try and open myself more to him. He stops moving, and looks
down at me, his eyes concerned.

“Hurting baby?”
I nod, still biting my lip.
“You want me to stop?”
I shake my head.
“Are you sure...”
I cut him off by thrusting my hips upwards, forcing his erection to slide the entire way in. My

mouth opens in a rush of pain, and I lay like that, almost gaping, making a strange, pained sound.

“Stupid girl,” he whispers, kissing my cheeks to try and soothe me. “Stupid, stupid girl.”
I whimper, and tears slide down my face. It hurts. Will it always be like this? It’s not like it’s my

first time, ok, it might as well be, but still. Jackson goes to pull out, but I grip his shoulders. Pain or
not, I want this with him. I want him so badly. I don’t want him to pull away.

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“No,” I cry. “Please.”
“Hush,” he soothes. “Hush darlin’.”
“Please,” I whimper. “I want you. I want it to be you.”
“Feel fuckin’ guilty movin’,” he murmurs.
I take a deep breath, and jerk my hips again. A ragged groan escapes his lips.
“Stop doin’ that baby, I’ll come so fuckin’ hard we won’t get anywhere.”
It feels nice for him? Even though he’s not moving?
“Y-y-you like it?”
He lifts his head, giving me a confused look. “Are you fuckin’ kidding? You’re so fuckin’ tight

your squeezing my cock, milking it even though I’m not moving. I want to come so bad, it’s taking
everything for me to hold it back.”

That’s enough for me, in a husky voice, I rasp, “Move, Jackson.”
He doesn’t argue, gently he pulls back, before slowly pushing back in. It hurts, a lot, but the

second time he does it; the pain eases just a touch. By the fifth thrust, I’m clinging to him, enjoying the
little sensations rocking through my body. It’s not enough to come, I know that, but it feels nice. I feel
full, overwhelmed by the body moving in and out of mine, but mostly I am tingling all over at the soft
sounds of him enjoying my body.

“Fuck, darlin’, I ain’t never felt the need to come so hard...”
I whimper. “Please do, oh...please.”
Call me crazy, but the idea of watching a man come just using my body, is enough to make it come

alive. Right now every nerve ending is on full alert, and my eyes are glued to Jackson’s face. His jaw
is tight, his eyes a little hazy, and his skin is glistening just beautifully. His hard body is moving over
mine, not fast, not slow, but the perfect in between. He’s no longer hurting me.

“Going,” he grinds out. “Baby now.”
He lets out a puff of air, followed by a ragged groan, before I quite literally feel him pumping

inside of me. His body shakes, and his eyes glaze over with pleasure as he jerks his hips gently, using
my body to milk every, last drop from his body. When he stops shuddering, and those gorgeous little
noises stop leaving his mouth, he drops his head into my shoulder. I let my fingers find his back, and I
slide them up and down his sweat slickened skin.

He lifts himself off me after a moment, and I feel the dull ache between my legs when he’s no

longer there. I shift and a bolt of pain shoots up into my pelvis. I groan, and Jackson stops what he’s
doing and stares down at me, a look of concern flooding his features.

“You hurtin’?”
I nod. “Yeah.”
“Hang there, ok?”
He turns and walks into his bathroom. A moment later he comes back out, jeans pulled up, and a

washcloth in hand. He drops onto the bed beside me.

“What?” I gasp.
“Your legs darlin’, open them.”
“, it’s ok...”
I glare at him. “I can clean myself.”

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“You’re bleeding, baby, open them.”
“I am?” I say, staring down at my thighs. Sure enough, a light smear of blood covers my left one.

God, that’s so wrong.

“Oh...oh god!” I wail, covering my face.
Jackson snorts. “You women, ain’t nothin’ to be ashamed about. You had one crappy sexual

experience, that was years ago, so basically that was like your first time. It’s normal. Men are
allowed to help. Stop arguing and let me.”

He grips my thighs and gently parts them, before placing the warm washcloth there. It is soothing,

I can’t deny that. He gently cleans me up, and then goes and tosses the cloth into a nearby basket. I sit,
and painfully slide to the end of the bed.

“What you doin’?” he asks, stopping in front of me.
“I’m going to go back to my room; I know you probably don’t want me here and...”
“Lie down, Serenity.”
I gape up at him. “Pardon?”
He points to the bed. “Lie down.”
“You think I’m that much of an ass, that I would fuck a woman, and then send her on her way?”
He looks offended, great.
“Well no, but...”
“Then lie the fuck down, let me come in there and press that sweet little body against mine, maybe

make love to you again, and then go to sleep.”

My eyes widen. “You want to do it again?”
He grins, dropping his jeans and climbing into the bed. “Numerous times, darlin’.”
He grips my shoulders, pulling me down into his arms. He’s warm, hard, and all man. He smells

like sex, crossed with that Jackson smell that’s all his own. I snuggle into him, placing a hand on his
chest and feeling the bulges of his abs beneath my palms. For a man of his age, he’s very well built.

“Were you for real when you said the first time you had sex, the man only got two pumps in?”
I chuckle softly. “Yeah.”
“Young men, they’re all pussies.”
I giggle now. “And old men are so much better?”
“You just scream my name?”
He laughs, loud and boisterous. “Touche!”
I smile, and tuck myself further into him. “I don’t know what this is, Jackson, I don’t even know

why I am attracted to you, but I am.”

“Yeah,” he says, his voice deep and husky. “I know.”
“But I don’t expect anything from you, I don’t...”
“I know you don’t.”
“Not that I’d say no to more...”
He laughs again. “Easy does it, you don’t want to break that pixie body.”
“I do not have a pixie body,” I protest.
He begins drawing circles on my back. “Yeah, you do.”
“Ok, so I have pathetic little breasts...”
“They are not pathetic, they’re fuckin’ sweet.”
“Well it’s my ass then.”

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“No way in hell it’s your ass.”
I huff. “Then what is it?”
“It’s just the whole package. You’re tiny, like a fairy. Everything about you is petite and tiny.

You’ve got this gorgeous tiny body, a pretty little face, and sometimes it looks like you’re all hair.”

“Hey, I like my hair.”
He wraps his fingers in it, and tugs. “Me too.”
I yawn, and tuck myself further into him.
“Sleep pixie.”
I laugh softly. “Is that going to stick?”
He pulls me closer, and reaches across to flick off the light.
“Oh yeah.”
I find myself drifting, and for the first time in my life.
It’s with a smile on my face.

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~*CHAPTER 10*~


I wake during the night to a hard, hot body pressed against my back. My body wakes instantly when I
realize where I am. I am in Jackson’s bed. Oh god, I’m in Jackson’s bed. My heart flutters, and my
stomach does a somersault. I move gently, only to have Jackson tighten his grip, and jerk his hips into
my ass. Oh, he’s hard. Evening wood? Or just a dream? He rubs his cock up and down my backside,
and I know he’s fully awake.

“Were you going?” he murmurs against my back.
“Actually,” I whisper. “I need to pee.”
He chuckles, and lets me go. “Sorry.”
I giggle. “It’s ok, it’s not every day you wake up with a sexy man pressed against you, ready for


“You might have to do all the work, it’s too late.”
I grunt, and roll, throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I stomp quietly into the bathroom, and

flick on the light. I do what I have to do, peer at myself in the mirror and cringe at my hair, then I walk
back out. I’m about to climb back into the bed, when I hear Addison screaming downstairs. Jackson
groans and sits up.

“Fuckin’ seriously?” he grumbles.
“Fuck you, Cade! I don’t want to hear it!” Addi screams.
My body tingles, shit, I’m in Jackson’s room. In his bed. How is that going to look if Addison

finds me here? What the hell am I doing? I lean down, scurrying about to find something to wear, only
to realize I left my dress downstairs. Oh. My. God. Groaning, I pick up one of Jackson’s shirts
instead. He’s so tall it goes nearly to my knees, so I give up on trying to find bottoms. Screw the

“Jesus, sugar, stop bein’ so over dramatic about it!” Cade yells.
“Oh fuck off!” Addison throws back.
I sigh. Great. Jackson grumbles something, and climbs out of the bed.
“I should go back to my room.”
He doesn’t answer. I don’t know if it’s because he’s not listening, or if he doesn’t want to hurt my

feelings by telling me to leave. I walk to the door, and open it quietly, before tiptoeing down the hall
to my room. I close the door as soon as I get in, leaning against it, and listening a while. I hear
Jackson go downstairs, and start barking orders at Cade. I hear protesting from Addison, and then I
hear the front door slam. I hear light murmuring after that, which is Jackson soothing Addison.

My heart burns.
What game am I playing at?
I push off the door, just as my phone rings. Who the hell is ringing me so late? I dig though my

purse until I find it, and then I put it to my ear, not checking the caller I.D.

“The fuck have you been?” Hogan barks down the line.
I feel my entire body stiffen, and I quickly scurry towards the window and lower my voice.
“I forgot to charge my phone.”
“How many fuckin’ times do I need to pull you into line, Serenity? You are fuckin’ wastin’ my

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time, and I’ll pull you out soon if you don’t start delivering.”

Panic washes through me. If he pulls me out, then I can’t protect the club and they’ll get hurt. I

have to think quick.

“I have information,” I lie. “I was just making sure it was correct before I gave it to you.”
“You bring something good to me tomorrow, or I’m fuckin’ takin’ you out. You’re a fuckin’ waste

of space, you know that?”

Of course I knew that. He told me daily when I was a child.
“I...I know.”
“Useless fuckin’ woman. I ring, you answer the fuckin’ phone. Don’t? I’ll fuckin’ make sure you

don’t disobey me again.”

I shudder, and tears leak out of my eyes and down my cheeks.
“I got it,” I rasp.
“Tomorrow, you better have something good. Don’t make me hurt the kid. ‘Coz I fuckin’ will.”
Then he hangs up. Everything I felt in the last few hours goes rushing down the drain. I’m playing

with fire, and I’m sure to get burned. There’s no way around it. Someone is going to get hurt.
Someone I love.

I hear Jackson knocking at my door, and I can’t bring myself to move to answer it. He doesn’t

deserve this. He deserves better. I shouldn’t be doing this to him. I see the door crack open, and he
steps in, wearing only a pair of black jeans. I cry harder. God dammit. Why does he have to be so
fucking perfect? Why couldn’t I have met him on a normal day? He would have saved me. I have no
doubt about it. Why does it have to be like this?

“What?” he says, confused.
He walks in, stopping in front of me, staring down at me with a concerned expression. “You


“No, but...Jackson, we can’t do that again.”
He looks confused. God, I’m such an awful person. He doesn’t understand why I’m acting like a

crazy person. Wanting him. Not wanting him.

“Why not?” he asks, kneeling down so he’s at my level.
“Because, it’s wrong, and we shouldn’t do it.”
“That really what you want?” he murmurs.
“Yes, I don’t want this.”
“Baby, you’re lyin’. What happened?”
“I just don’t want it!” I cry, glaring at him. “Ok?”
He shakes his head. “If I believed you, I would walk away, but I don’t. I don’t fuckin’ believe


“Jackson!” I rasp. “Stop.”
He shakes his head, leaning forward and wrapping his arms around me, lifting me up and turning

until he reaches my bed. He lays me down on it, bringing his hard body over mine.

“I ain’t done, and I know you ain’t either,” he says, his lips sliding over my shoulder. “Until we

are, we ain’t havin’ regrets.”

“I’m too young, you can do better and...”
“Shut up.”

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“Please,” I whimper as his lips slide down and he tugs the shirt out of the way, capturing my

nipple in his mouth. “Jackson, god...”

“I ain’t walkin’ away yet, at least not until I make you come for me.”
“Goin’ to do that right now. Goin’ to make you come until you’re screamin’ my name.”
“I’m no good, you’re better off without me...I’m trash, it’s all I’ve ever been to anyone...”
“One person’s trash,” he murmurs, sliding his tongue over my nipple. “Is another person’s


“F-f-f-fuck you,” I rasp.
He chuckles against my skin. “So feisty when you’re desperate.”
“Just listen to me...” I protest, squirming.
He lifts his head from my nipple, pinning me with his green gaze. “You want to come again?”
“No!” I snap, but my body shudders.
“Lie. You want my cock inside you again?”
“Another lie. You want my mouth on that sweet little pussy?”
“I hate you,” I whisper.
“Another lie.”
He grips my chin, and brings his mouth down over mine. Dammit, why does he have to taste so

good? Why does he have to make it so hard for me to push him away? All I want to do is take his
body in mine and never, ever let it go. I want him inside me as many times as I can possibly have him.

I’m being selfish. But I can’t turn away. I can’t think of anything else but him when he’s over me

like this, his body pressed against mine. I might be inexperienced, but I’m still a female with
hormones, and my body is aching for him. I want him. Hard. Fast. All over me.

“You want the truth?” I rasp, arching up as his fingers slide down my belly.
“Right now, in this moment...I want you to fuck me.”
He lifts his head and raises his brows. “Fuck you?”
“Fuck me. Dirty. Raw. Primal. I want you to fuck me.”
“Jesus,” he growls.
“Now, Jackson.”
“Bossy pixie,” he grins, leaning down and finding my hard nipple again.
“Back to begging, you know I like that.”
I mewl, and grip his jeans, tugging at them.
“Hey,” he says, gripping my hands and moving them. “You want fucking, I’ll fuck you darlin’. I’ll

fuck you so hard you will forget how to breathe, but we do it my way. You want it raw, I’ll give it to
you raw. You want it primal, that’s how it comes. Fucking ain’t slow and passionate. It’s hard and
sweaty. So, if you’re sure, I’m goin’ to fuck you right about now.”

I bite my lip, and nod. He grins, and drops his head, capturing my lips again and kissing me so

hard it takes my breath away. His tongue is hard, sexy and forceful. His body is flush against mine,
and I can feel every, hard bit of him. He kisses me until we’re in a frenzy, just the way fucking should
be. He kisses me until I’m clinging to him, tugging at his jeans. He kisses me until my shirt is in shreds

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on the floor, and he’s spreading my legs, both of us desperate and panting.

I forget where I am. I forget who I am.
All I know right now is him. I’m not even thinking about it. I just do it. I spread my legs, dragging

my nails down his back. He grips my thigh, his fingers digging into my skin as he lifts it up over his
hips. Then he’s inside me. A ragged scream leaves my throat, as I feel a moment of burning, raw pain.
He slides his cock out, before pushing it back in. My ragged scream turns to a desperate whimper,
and I reach down, gripping his ass and tilting my hips up. I want it harder. Faster. Deeper. I don’t
know why. I don’t care why. Screw the pain.

“Harder,” I moan.
He gives it harder. His hips pump in and out of me with such force our skin slaps together, the bed

creaks, and our groans blend together to make a sound of pure, primal satisfaction. He reaches
between us, and finds my clit. He flicks and rolls it, while picking up the pace and slamming into my
raw body as hard as he can. My screaming has turned ragged, and my voice is hoarse.

“You’re goin’ to come,” he rasps into my ear.
And I am. I can feel it building deep inside me. I can feel myself tightening around him. I can feel

my hips arching upwards almost painfully as my body tenses for that release I know is coming.
Jackson flicks my clit once more, at the same time his cock slides over my G-spot, and I come. I’ve
heard the moment is mind blowing, but that doesn’t even begin to describe it. For a moment, I’m
almost sure I pass out. I know I’m screaming, I know I’m thrashing, but my mind feels like it’s
spinning, and I’m not there with it.

I hear Jackson’s growl.
I feel him pull out of me quickly.
Then I feel his hot come spurting over my belly.
It takes me a moment to realize...
We didn’t use a condom.


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I can hear her soft, steady breathing. The sun shines through the window, and I groan, shifting
carefully to try and avoid waking her. I peer down at her sleeping form beside me, and my heart does
something it hasn’t done for many years, it stammers. Fuck. Am I falling this hard for a girl younger
than me, who I don’t even know? Yeah, I fucking am. I let my eyes travel over her, and it takes
everything inside me not to reach out and touch her.

Dark hair cascading out over the pillow, a tiny body that’s so fragile I feel like I’m going to break

it each and every time I lay my hands on her. Those big, red lips are parted in slumber, and she’s
breathing deeply. The white sheet just covers what I know are tiny, perky breasts. I watch as she
groans, and rolls, her hands reaching out for me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I move closer, letting her fingers
slide over my skin. Then her eyes flutter open.

“Hey pixie,” I say, stroking a piece of dark hair from her eyes.
“You stayed in my bed?” she croaks.
“Didn’t have the energy to walk to my room.”
She gives me a small, cute as shit, smile. “Worn out, old man?”
I grin at her, and lean down, capturing her lips in mine. Fuck, she’s perfect. Like a tiny bottle of

sunshine. I slide my hand down the side of her face, as I deepen the kiss. A little whimper escapes her
mouth, as her tongue tangles with mine. Damn. Just damn. Her fingers slide up to tangle in my hair,
where she proceeds to tug me down so she can kiss me deeper. She’s a little minx when she wants to
be, I saw that last night.

I’ve never fucked so hard in my life.
“Your hair must be worse than mine,” she giggles, pulling her lips from mine and tugging the

thick, messy locks hanging over my shoulders.

I grin. “Yeah.”
“Any reason you keep it long?” she asks, using her fingers to untangle it.
I shrug. “Just always been that way, so I figure it’s just easier to leave it there.”
She continues tugging and pulling, until her fingers are gliding smoothly through it.
“I like it,” she murmurs. “I’d like it even more if I could brush it.”
I snort. “Ain’t gonna happen little darlin’.”
She pouts, and I smirk, flicking her lip. “Don’t pout at me.”
“It’s not un-manly to let a girl brush your hair.”
“No,” I grin. “It’s just outright girly.”
“It’s not!”
She gives me a lazy half smile, and then tugs at my hair again, until our lips are touching. Her

stomach grumbles against mine.

“Hungry?” I chuckle.
She nods, stretching and shifting. “Yeah, but I think I need to shower more.”
“You shower, I’ll get food.”
She nods, grinning. “It sounds like a plan.”
I crawl out of her bed, and sit on the side, ready to pull on my jeans when her hand reaches

around, and her fingers curl around my soft cock. It instantly jerks to life, swelling beneath her grips.

“Can’t cook if you won’t let me go,” I growl.
“If I keep rubbing this,” she murmurs. “Will you come?”

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“Yeah baby,” I grate out.
If she keeps pulling it like that, it won’t be long before that happens.
“I want to watch.”
Fuck her. Damn curious woman. I grind my jaw. Fuck, it’s been a long time since I’ve had a

woman wank me. It’s usually something I don’t accept, hell, I can do it myself. Serenity slides her
hand up and down, watching with curious eyes as my entire body stiffens.

“Will it take long?” she breathes.
“No, darlin’.”
“Will you come all over my hand?”
“Fuck,” I groan, feeling my body tighten as her hand moves fast. “Yeah.”
She makes a whimpering sound, and begins working her hand harder and faster, until I’m holding

my breath, my body is stiff, and my cock is swelling ready for release. When I’m fucking, I can hold a
release back to make sure the woman has her pleasure, but now, there’s no need to. I come, feeling
my cock jerk, feeling my spunk shoot out and land on her tiny hands. She gasps, and her hand tightens
around me.

“Fuck,” I groan.
“Oh my,” she whispers.
My fuckin’ knees shake as I reach down, gripping a towel and using it to clean her up. She peers

up at me through those sexy lashes.

“That was sexy,” she murmurs.
“It was fuckin’ good,” I grunt.
She beams at me, and my heart swells.
Shit, I feel good.
And that doesn’t happen often.

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~*CHAPTER 11*~


“Crispy is better,” I say, reaching in and pinching a piece of the sizzling bacon Jackson is cooking for

“Not,” he protests, slapping my hand away. “Stop touchin’ the food.”
“Chef’s privilege,” I grin.
He smirks. “You ain’t the chef, darlin’.”
I laugh, and run my fingers across his backside as I walk past. His body shivers, and mine livens

up with awareness. I’m about to reach over, when I hear Addison’s voice behind us.

I quickly drop my hand, and give her a guilty look. “Oh, hey Addi.”
“Baby,” Jackson says, not turning.
“Don’t even give me that guilty look, Serenity,” she says, crossing her arms. “I know exactly what

you two got up to last night. I had to wear earplugs to avoid the mental damage it would have done if I
continued to listen to you screaming my father’s name over, and over, and over. Oh, and before I went
to bed, I saw my father here smuggling your clothes upstairs. So obvious.”

I flush and open my mouth and stammer, “I-I-I...sorry!”
She gives me a serious expression, and then bursts out laughing. Jackson is staring at her now,

giving her a look. He rolls his eyes and turns away when he realizes she’s just playing.

“It’s fine!” she giggles. “I totally knew it was going to happen. Though, it would have been nice if

you kept it quiet. I’m going to start staying at Cade’s more now, so you won’t have to worry about

I groan and put my face in my hands. “This is so shame!”
“Don’t be ashamed, it’s not your fault you’re a screamer!”
Jackson snorts a laugh, and I feel shame rise in my chest. God, I need a shower. I cannot stand

here and listen to Addi talk as if it’s totally ok that I am sleeping with her father. Oh god, when I put it
like that, it doesn’t feel so crash hot. “I’m going to shower!”

“Aw, Serenity,” Addison says, gripping me as I go past. “Honestly, honey, it’s fine. I’m happy for

you two.”

“I...I need to shower.”
“Serenity,” Jackson says, but I don’t look at him.
“Aw, Serenity,” Addi groans. “I’m sorry.”
I turn and rush off. I go right to the shower, and strip down quickly before getting under the warm

water. I sigh, and close my eyes. I hate running off all the time, but I feel like each time I get a
blessing from one of them, the guilt begins to just eat away at me. It’s so hard to look past it. I know I
shouldn’t be doing this, and yet I find it hard to move away from it. I can’t stop feeling the way I do,
and at the same time, I can’t seem to figure out how to get myself out of this situation.

I pour some shampoo into my hair, and lather it up, rubbing it through the long, thick locks until

it’s covered. I close my eyes and lean my head back, letting the water wash over me, slowly rinsing
the shampoo out. That’s when I feel the hot, hard hands against my breasts. I know it’s Jackson, I
don’t know how I missed him coming in, but here he is. His fingers slide over my nipples, and he
gently kneads my breasts. I keep my head back, and let a moan escape my lips. When I finally raise

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my head back up, I see Jackson, beautifully naked, standing in the shower with me.

“You don’t have to run away all the time,” he murmurs, stroking and cupping my breasts.
“I know,” I groan. “It was just awkward. She’s nearly the same age as me.”
“Only as awkward as you make it,” he rasps. “She’s gone now, ran out to see Cade. We’re alone.

You can scream all you need now, darlin’.”

My breath hitches, and I find my back pressed against the cool tiles. Jackson presses himself

against me, his body heating mine. His eyes are alight with lust and things I can’t decipher. He’s
making everything feel so real, so good.

“Don’t have a condom, which means I can’t fuck you here, but I can make you scream my name.

And baby, you’re gonna scream it.”

I shiver, and let my fingers slide out, finding his hard, wet abs. I run my nails down his skin until I

reach his erect cock. I whimper, desperately, already wanting him again. Barely a few hours without
him, and I need him again. I wrap my fingers around him, squeezing just enough to make him groan
into my neck as his lips slide up and down my skin.

“I thought I was makin’ you scream?” he rasps.
“Make me scream then.”
He pulls his lips from my neck, and grins down at me. He reaches down, lifting my fingers off his

cock, and bringing them up and above my head. He lifts my other hand, and does the same until I’m
standing with both arms above my head. He lowers his head, and captures my nipple with his lips. I
cry out, letting my head fall back. Sensations travel through my body, and I shudder violently as he
suckles and pulls, causing little tingles of pleasure to break out all over my skin.

Then he begins lowering himself, slowly.
“Keep your hands up there,” he orders as he moves down my body, running his lips over every

part of my wet flesh.

When he’s on his knees in front of me, he takes my ankle and lifts it, placing it on his shoulder. I

quiver as he pushes my knee outwards, until I’m open and exposed.

“Damn,” he growls. “Fuckin’ sweet.”
He leans in, sliding his tongue over the inside of my thigh. I whimper, reaching up and taking hold

of the shower head, steadying myself just a touch as he moves his mouth up my thigh and over my
folds. I feel the water traveling down between both of us, and hitting my exposed clit. Jackson snakes
his tongue out, licking a few random droplets off.

I begin to beg.
He chuckles against my skin, and then thrusts his tongue into my pussy, deep and hard, flicking my

clit with an intensity I never thought possible. I let my back lean against the cool tiles as I tremble
with pleasure. Jackson lifts two fingers, sliding them into my pussy as he flicks his tongue harder,
faster, until I’m doing the one thing he was so sure I’d do.

I scream his name.
“Jackson,” I bellow. “God!”
He groans against my flesh, and his fingers pump harder and faster into my heat as he eats me out

like it’s the last thing he’ll do.

I come, and I come hard.
“Oh. My. God!” I scream, feeling my knees buckle. My body begins sliding down the wall.
Jackson catches me as I slide down, wrapping his arms around me, and pressing me to him. My

cheek is against his chest, and I breathe him in, sighing, completely content.

“Now I’m hungry,” he groans.

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“But you just ate,” I say, and then burst out into a fit of giggles.
Jackson roars with laughter, and buries his face into my shoulder.
“Funny little pixie.”
“I hope you didn’t leave that bacon sizzling...”
He shakes his head, lifting us up and turning the shower off. He gets us both out, and wraps a

towel around me, using the ends to dry my hair.

“No, I turned it off. I wasn’t letting you have this shower without me.”
I snort. “Animal.”
He reaches up, using the towel to dry his hair. “You know it, darlin’.”
I flash him a smile.
And we both dress together.
And for a moment, just a moment.
It feels completely normal.

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~*CHAPTER 12*~


“Are you ok?” Janine asks that afternoon when I get to Hogan’s compound.

I peer around the room, making sure no one is listening, before leaning in and whispering, “I’m

ok, sorry I hung up on you the other night.”

“I was worried about you.”
“I know,” I say, my voice full of sympathy. “I’m sorry.”
“Did you decide what you’re going to do?”
I close my eyes, pushing the image of Jackson’s smiling face from my mind. “I can’t betray them; I

just don’t know how I’m supposed to get out of this easily.”

“What are you going to tell Hogan today?”
“I’m going to lie about the security, it’s the best I can do.”
She looks concerned. “He’s going to want more, honey.”
“I know,” I say, feeling my body tighten with fear. “But I don’t know what to give him.”
“What about a fake ride? If he thinks they’re going out of town, it might buy you a few days to

break it to them.”

“And when he finds out they didn’t go...”
“You’ll be under the protection of them, it won’t matter.”
“It will matter, because I can’t see them helping me when they find out.”
Janine looks concerned for me, and I know why, but I can’t explain it to her. If Hogan finds out

I’m lying, she gets hurt. If Jackson finds out what I’m doing, I lose him. If I do as Hogan asks, Jackson
could likely die. I know I have to tell Jackson, out of all my options, it’s the best one. I have to be
smart. I have to tell him and help them organize a way to bring Hogan down. It’s the only way to keep
Janine and Ebony safe.

“I think lying is your best option right now, regardless.”
I hear Hogan’s booming voice, and I tense. I feel my throat tighten, and I lean over, gripping

Janine’s arms and leaning in to whisper, “Take care of yourself, but promise me you’ll take extra care
of Ebony. Watch that little girl, just promise you’ll watch her.”

Janine’s eyes grow suspicious, and I’d so desperately love to tell her that Hogan is using her, but

it would only end badly for all of us. I don’t know what Hogan would do if I caused that kind of
drama. “What’s going on?” she whispers. “Is Eb’s in danger?”

“Serenity, get your fuckin’ ass here!”
“Just take care of her please. I love you.”
She nods, eyes wide, and then turns and rushes off. I turn slowly, to see Hogan storming towards

me, his eyes wild with rage and something’s probably drugs. Hogan and the club run a lot of
drugs. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s off his rocker on something.

“Where the fuck have you been?” he bellows.
I shake my head in confusion. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I said I’d be back, and

here I am.”

When he reaches me, his hand lashes out and he grips my arm so tightly I wince.
“I told you to be here two hours ago!”

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He didn’t, but I’m not going to argue.
“I’m sorry, it’s not easy to get out.”
“They suspicious?” he snarls.
“No, but they are getting suspicious about how I’m continually coming back hurt.”
He lets me go, and for a moment, I whisper a sweet thank you to whoever let that line actually

work. I didn’t know if it would, but by the look on his face, it’s making sense in his brain-dead skull.
He clenches his fists, and his grey eyes narrow. “What have you got for me?”

“I have security information, and their next ride.”
“Spill it, now,” he barks.
I feed him a string of lies about the security system, guards, and when their next ride is. I know

I’m sending him on a wild goose chase, because I know he’ll follow them for information. It’s a risk,
but I don’t know what else I can do. I have to protect Jackson, but at the same time I have to protect
Ebony. This is the only way I can do both. For now anyway.

“You find out where Spike and Jackson are going to be.”
“Why Spike?” I whisper.
“Spike’s the fucker who ordered that attack!” he snarls.
“Then why are you going after Jackson?” I blurt.
He lashes out, gripping my throat. I gasp, and begin squirming desperately. “Because Jackson was

part of it. I want both them fuckin’ clubs down. I sent you to Jackson, because Spike’s club is merging
with his, and he’s going to be the one that runs it. Plus, he’s a fucking pussy. I knew he’d fall for your
little bullshit act.”

He’s so wrong. So wrong.
Jackson is not a pussy.
Hogan drops me, and I land on the floor with a gasp. I reach up, going for my throat and rubbing it

frantically. I take a few deep breaths, trying to fill my lungs as much as possible. Hogan reaches
down, gripping my shoulder and hurling me up. So much for not sending me back hurt. He shoves me
against a wall, pressing his fingers into my skin and causing a strangled, pained gurgle to leave my

“You find out who is stayin’ behind and who is goin’ for that ride. I want to know where Jackson

and Spike are. I want to know when they plan on bein’ together, and I want to know how I can get in
to kill the fuckers. I want the information in the next two weeks. You got me?”

“Do you want that fuckin’ kid dead?” he hisses, lifting me off the wall, and slamming me


“I understand, I will do it,” I whisper.
“Good, get the fuck outta my club.”
I stumble forwards when he lets me go, and I hobble out of the club. I pass a few of the members,

who grin at me and reach out. Slapping their hands away, I hurry towards the front gates. My head is
spinning, my throat burns, and my heart aches. I don’t know how to escape this one. I feel like I’m
trapped no matter what I do right now. Someone is going to get hurt. It doesn’t matter how I play it
out. How do I choose who to hurt? I can’t, I can’t do it. I could warn Janine away, but if Hogan found
out, he’d likely hunt her down and make it worse. Besides, she can’t just escape her husband, and her
husband is tied closely with Hogan.

There’s no escape for her.
Jackson is the only option I have. I have to tell him. I have to crush him and break his heart. I have

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to betray him and make everything we shared seem like it was nothing but a big joke. He’s the only
chance I have of keeping everyone safe. Jackson is smart enough to outsmart Hogan, and he’s good
enough to end him and keep Janine and Ebony safe. But telling Jackson means I lose him. And if I lose
him, I lose a part of myself.

Because he’s all I have left.

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~*CHAPTER 13*~

JACKSON - 10 days later

“Someone is running drugs through town?” I say, lighting a cigarette and dropping my ass into my
office chair.

Cade leans against the desk. “Yeah, it’s gotten worse. Someone is supplying them, I’ve been

keeping a track on what’s going down in this town, and lately it’s on the increase.”

“You sure about this?”
He nods. “Fuckin’ certain boss, someone is gettin’ some serious shipments in and sellin’ them for


“You able to find out anything?” I ask.
“Nah, I’m goin’ to send a guy in, see what we get.”
“I’ll make some calls, I don’t want anyone comin’ in and fuckin’ around with what we’ve created

here,” I say, feeling my chest tighten in anger.

We might be a biker group, but we’ve always made sure whatever we get ourselves involved in,

doesn’t impact the town in any way. So far, we’ve managed to keep it that way, and have had no
problems. Drugs are something my club doesn’t run, it’s our number one rule, so if someone is in
town running them, I want to know who it is. More often than not, when a drug increase happens, it’s
from a larger group and not just some drop kick teenagers looking for a quick buck.

“You think it’s a problem?” I ask, standing up and crushing out the cigarette. I can’t even put it to

my lips right now.

“It could be, if it gets out of control. More than that, if the people selling them are a problem, it

could put us in a situation.”

“Right, well you organize one of the boys to go in and see what he can find out. I’m going to make

some calls, see what we come up with. It would have to be a large group, if the numbers you say are

“And a large group would have to be camping out somewhere.”
I nod. “Check all the large warehouses, compounds, sheds, anything like that. See if they’ve been

rented, and if so, by who.”

“On it,” he says, digging his cell phone out of his pocket and walking out.
I sigh and drop my head back into the chair. I love what I do. I love my guys. I love my club.

Sometimes though, it gets so fucking draining. Like there’s just no escape for anyone. I close my eyes
and let out a loud grumble, fuck, I’m tired. That’ll teach me for stayin’ up most nights with a woman
who refuses to let me get any sleep. Or maybe it is the other way around. Either way, it is fuckin’

“You look hard at work.”
I recognize the voice and lift my head to see Kayla standing at the door, grinning over at me.
“Yeah, you know me, always busy.”
She walks in, closing the door behind her, before heading over to my desk. I look up at her,

noticing the way her breasts are popping out of her top. It does little for the imagination.

“You haven’t seen me in the past few weeks, I’ve missed you big boy.”
Fuck. Why do girls think it is sexy to call a man ‘big boy’?
“I’ve been flat,” I say, watching as she slides her ass onto my desk and shuffles over until she’s

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sitting in front of me. She spreads her legs, giving me an eyeful of a shaved, bare pussy.

A few weeks ago, I would have dropped down and put my mouth on her. Now, I want to shove

her legs closed and tell her to get the fuck out. I’m not a pig, though, so I’ll be gentle about it.

“I got work to do, I need quiet to do that,” I say, staring up at her.
She pouts. “Jackson, it’s not like you to say no to pussy.”
I snort. “Well, there’s a first time for everything.”
She drops her bottom lip, and lifts my hand. I try to pull it out without hurting her, which results in

her falling onto my lap.

“Kayla,” I warn as she grinds herself on my hips.
“Come on Jackson, I’m horny.”
“I’m busy.”
I hear the sound of my door creaking, and I look over Kayla’s shoulder just to see Serenity rushing


I realize the position Kayla is in, her bare ass facing the door for the world to see. I lift Kayla and

toss her off, before shoving myself out of the chair.

“For the minute, I’m taken. You know the rules when it comes to potential Old Ladies.”
She looks hurt, but I don’t have time to care. I walk towards the door and shove it open, stepping

out. I look left and right, but I can’t see Serenity. Growling, I walk to the bar and I find Addison
wiping glasses.

“Where’s Serenity?”
She shrugs. “I have no idea, she was coming to give you a drink.”
“Yeah, well, she might have seen Kayla in my office.”
Her mouth drops open.
Here goes.
“Dad! Oh my god! Why would you do that to her?”
I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. “I didn’t do anything, I was telling her to go, just looked bad. Where is she?”

“I don’t know, she has no car so she couldn’t have gone far. Try the storage closet. I did tell her to

grab some alcohol on the way back from giving you that drink.”

I nod, and walk down the hall and to the left until I reach the large room, that’s far bigger than a

closet. I open the door, and sure enough, Serenity is sitting on an old, wooden stool, just staring at the
floor. Fuck. My heart aches as I walk over, kneeling in front of her. She doesn’t put her eyes on me.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” she whispers, her voice hoarse.
“It was nothin’, darlin’.”
She finally lifts her eyes, and shit, they’re all red and glassy. My heart thumps harder. “You don’t

have to explain yourself to me,” she whispers. “What you do is your business.”

“Maybe so, but this time I am makin’ it yours. It was nothin’. I was tellin’ her to go and she was

all over me, I was trying to get her off my lap when you walked in.”

“I don’t expect anything from you, Jackson. I didn’t expect that it would be anything more than sex

between us.”

I flinch, and my jaw tightens. “It’s fuckin’ far more than sex to me, pixie.”
She opens her mouth, and then closes it, dragging her lip between her teeth. I take the moment to

lean forward, cupping her face in my hands. Fuck, I care about her. In such a short time, she’s

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managed to creep into my heart and each day she’s here, she’s gettin’ in further.

“If I didn’t have so much to do, I’d spread your beautiful thighs and lick you until you’re

screaming...” I rasp, running my thumb over her bottom lip.

“Why don’t you?”
I hiss, and lean forward, pressing my lips to hers. She whimpers, opening her lips and letting me

in. Her tongue is sweet, and she tastes sweet like she’s been eating chocolate. My dick twitches, and I
deepen the kiss until she’s panting and clinging to me. Fuck, if I didn’t have to go to church, I’d have
her over this fuckin’ stool in a second.

“I’d love to continue this,” I growl. “But I gotta go to church.”
She nods, her eyes alive with lust. “Later then?”
“You fuckin’ know it. I’ll come home after seven, you be there...”
She nods again. I stand and turn, using every ounce of strength in my body to walk away from her.

When I get to the door, I turn and meet her eyes, “Oh, and baby, don’t wear any panties.”

I leave the room to her wide eyes and pink cheeks.


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Addison invites me out to the bar after work, and I know I am meant to meet Jackson. I don’t want to
disappoint Addi, so I decide I’ll go for a few drinks. Jackson doesn’t finish until late anyway. I stack
the last of the glasses on the counter, and then head down to his office to let him know. I get to the
door, and knock gently. He’s been in there all afternoon, busy no doubt. He yells out yeah, so I
carefully open the door. When he sees me, a smile forms on his face. I can’t help smiling back; he just
gets that kind of reaction out of me.

“Hey, I just wanted to come and let you know I’m going for a drink with Addi, but I’ll be home


He lifts a hand, and crooks a finger at me, encouraging me over. I go, walking slowly and

stopping at his desk. He spins his chair around, and pulls me down onto his lap. My back presses into
his chest, and he nuzzles the side of my neck, breathing deeply and wrapping his arms around me.
He’s warm, and he smells amazing. I close my eyes, and drop my head back onto his shoulder.

“You gonna behave at that bar?” he murmurs into my neck.
“You know I will,” I whisper. “It’s just a drink with your daughter.”
“My daughter can be a rebel.”
I chuckle. “Yeah, I know.”
“You know,” he murmurs, running his hand down my belly and then down over my skirt, “This is


“I know,” I whimper lightly.
“And the only fingers that go inside this sweet pussy,” he rasps, sliding his fingers under my skirt

and slipping them inside my panties, “Are mine?”

“Yes,” I moan.
He slips a finger between my folds, to find my clit. I whimper and press myself further back

against him. He slides his fingers up and down, gently teasing, before he inserts two fingers inside
me. I groan and spread my legs wider as he begins pulling his fingers gently in and out of my wet,
aching pussy.

“So fuckin’ sweet, no matter how many times I have it.”
“More” I rasp.
He uses his thumb to rub my clit, while his fingers thrust in and out. I feel him stretch his other

hand around, to take over the rubbing of my clit, as he gently lowers his fingers, removing one from
my pussy and stretching it down to stroke my ass as well. My entire body tenses.

“You’ve never been touched here, never been fucked here. I want to fuck you here baby, I need to

fuck you here.”

“God,” I groan as he uses my own arousal to lubricate the small entrance. “Yes.”
He slides one of his fingers gently inside, while the other one continues sliding in and out of my

pussy. I whimper as an odd feeling of fullness travels through my body, and I squirm to accommodate
it. He’s gentle, using small, easy strokes, while his other hand rubs my clit in a perfect, circular
motion. I’m building higher, even with everything filled, even with the slight pain in my bottom. It’s
there, building.

“I want to come,” I cry. “Jackson...”
“Come then, baby,” he growls into my ear.
I do, with one final rub of my clit, and one final push inside my body with his fingers, I come. The

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sensation is out of this world, I can feel myself tightening around both of his fingers, I can feel my clit
pulsing. The release is powerful, and my strangled screams are not muffled. I have no doubt the entire
club just heard me. Jackson groans, and slides his fingers from my body, before gently putting my skirt
down and turning me around on his lap.

“If I wasn’t so busy,” he rasps, thrusting his hips upwards for me to feel his cock. “I would fuck

you baby, hard.”

“I want you to,” I whimper. “Please Jackson; I need you to fuck me now.”
He makes a pained, groaning sound before lifting me gently and unbuckling his jeans. He jerks

them down just enough to release his cock, and then he quickly opens his drawer for a condom. He
rolls it down his impressive length, and then he pulls my panties aside before sinking me down onto
him. I open my mouth, and a throaty groan leaves it. He hisses, and uses his hands to guide my hips.

“Fuck, just fuck,” he groans. “You’re so fuckin’ sweet on my cock, so fuckin’ sweet.”
I close my eyes, and drop my head back as he begins using his hands to lift me up and down. The

sensation of him filling me is overwhelming, and I find myself whimpering his name desperately. I lift
my head, to watch his arms bunching and straining as he uses them to lift me up and down. God he’s
impressive, for a man his age, he’s so fucking ripped it makes my saliva glands go bat shit crazy,
threatening to cause a drool explosion. I can’t get enough of him. He’s divine.

“Goin’ to be quick,” he rasps, thrusting me up harder. “God, come for me Serenity.”
I don’t want to come, not today. My body is spent, and my eyes are heavy with pleasure and lust

as I watch him, really paying attention to the moment he comes. His head drops back, his jaw tightens,
and those divine eyes almost cloud over as he opens his mouth and a ragged groan escapes it. My
body trembles in response, and I place my hands on his chest, feeling his muscles spasm beneath my
palms. Beautiful.

When his breathing calms, he focuses on my face, reaching out to stroke a damp piece of hair from

my cheek. “You didn’t come.”

“I didn’t need to,” I smile. “I loved watching you come.”
“Well, remind me I owe you later.”
I shake my head, sliding off his lap and straightening myself up. “You don’t owe me anything. I’ll

see you later, ok?”

He winks at me. “Later, darlin’.”
I walk out of his office, running my fingers through my hair to make sure it’s not too bad. When I

step into the bar, Addison is standing next to it, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. I glance around
the bar, and all the guys are grinning at me. Well shit. They all heard.

“Nice to know the old fella still knows how to make a girl scream like that,” Muff chuckles,

standing from a group of guys, and walking over.

“Shut it, Muff.”
Addison giggles. “It’s so gross, yet I can’t help but laugh.”
“You’re sick.”
She wraps an arm around me, and then let’s go quickly. “Ew gross, you smell like my dad.”
“Funny that, because he was just...”
“Do not even finish that sentence,” she gasps, covering her ears.
I laugh, gripping my purse off the counter. “Let’s go.”
“Where are you ladies off to?” Muff asks.
“The bar.”
“You wanna join?” Addi asks, dropping her hands.

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“Sounds good to me.”
We all head out the front door and pile into Addi’s car. Then we head towards the bar.
This should make for a fun night.


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“Ew, Muff,” Addison groans, covering her ears. “You banged Kayla...with my FATHER?!”

Muff laughs, and I giggle, shooting back another shot of tequila.
“What can I say? He offered, I was curious...”
“Too bad he was bi and decided to poke you with his sausage,” Addison squeals.
I snort my shot all over the table, and it burns my nose. Between groans of pain, I am laughing so

hard I feel my bladder threatening to explode. “Oh, god, Addison!”

She puts her hands up defensively. “Well, he wouldn’t know until it was too late.”
Muff groans. “Fuck, Addison, you’re makin’ me feel a little sick.”
“Hey,” she says, poking him in the chest. “You’re the one who got it on in front of him without

asking first.”

I giggle, taking a sip of water to ease the burning in my throat. “Isn’t it embarrassing for you to

whip it out and perform in front of someone else?”

Muff shrugs. “I got a cock, and I know how to use it. I’m confident of that. I focus on what I’m

doing, the other guys focuses on what he’s doing.”

“Do you watch?” Addison says, wiggling her brows.
Muff shrugs. “It’s erotic to watch a woman screaming while getting fucked by another man, sure.”
“Ew, what if his willy touches you?” Addison groans.
Muff rolls his eyes at her. “It doesn’t fuckin’ touch you, princess. It’s perfectly timed.”
I’m quiet now, because the ache between my legs has intensified. I can’t help but think about what

it would feel like to have two men inside me at once. I might be inexperienced, but the thought has
everything inside me flaring to life. I cross my legs, trying to take away the insistent throbbing. Fuck.
My body feels hot all over, and my fantasies are running wild. I recall this afternoon, when Jackson
had two fingers inside me, how full I felt. Would it feel like that, but better?

“You’re flushing like a fuckin’ virgin, Serenity,” Muff laughs. “Havin’ some fantasies?”
Addi laughs. “Oh, Serenity, you aren’t thinking about it...are you?”
“She so is!” Addi giggles.
“I’m not. I’m just...curious.”
Muff grins. “Curiosity is good...”
“Would you really consider it?” Addi asks seriously.
I shrug. “I don’t know...maybe I would. I’m more afraid it would hurt...I’ve never...”
“Had your ass fucked?” Muff snorts.
I glare at him. “Don’t be so vulgar about it!”
Addison laughs again, sliding another shot towards me. “I must say, while I’ve thought about it,

I’m far too possessive. I couldn’t allow another woman in, so it would have to be two men, and
there’s no way Cade would ever let that happen.”

I nod. “Fair point.”
“Jackson wouldn’t care...” Muff smirks.
“Shut up!”
“What wouldn’t I care about?”
I jump when I hear Jackson’s voice behind me. I don’t look at him, because I’m glaring at Muff in


“Your little lady here is curious about threesomes.”

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“I didn’t say that!” I cry.
“She so did,” Addison says, laughing at me.
My cheeks burn. “I’m going to kill you two!”
I feel Jackson put his hand on my shoulder, and squeeze gently.
“You two bugger off, leave her be.”
“Oh, daddy is going to convince her now...” Addison teases.
I know Jackson shoots her a look, because she backs down.
“Cranky old fool!” she grumbles, standing up.
“I love you baby, yeah?” he smirks at her, giving her that devilishly beautiful expression.
Her frown disappears, and she grins at him. “I love you too, old man. Now, come on Muff, let’s


Muff stands, and follows Addi out onto the dance floor. I can’t even look at Jackson when he sits

down, gripping me and pulling me closer.

“You goin’ to stare at that shot all night?”
I shake my head.
“You embarrassed?”
I finally look up at him. “A little, I mean...I just can’t...”
“Can’t what?”
“Stop thinking about seeing you and Muff having sex with Kayla.”
“In a good way?”
His voice is growing husky. Damn.
“Well, I hate that she got to have sex with you, but yeah, in a good way.”
“You curious baby?”
“A little?”
“You know it ain’t something you can just jump into...”
“I know. I never said I wanted to, it’s fantasy is all.”
Jackson pulls me closer. “I could share you once, but once would be all.”
I shiver.
“Let me take you home, let me show you how it feels to have a cock deep inside your ass.”
I gasp, and turn. His green eyes are flaring with lust.
“You want two men to fuck you, darlin’, that’s how it goes.”
“I...I never said...”
“You want me to fuck you there?”
“I don’t...”
“You want my cock deep inside that pretty ass...”
“Oh god.”
“That a yes?”
“Is. That. A. Yes?”
I nod frantically, not even sure why. “Yes.”
“Then let’s go.”
He lifts me out of the booth, and we wave goodbye to the other two. Addison does some sexy

thrusting dance in our direction, to which Jackson groans and shakes his head.

“She’s yours,” I point out.
“Yeah,” he grunts. “I know.”

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“I’m scared,” I whimper, as Jackson slides his lips down my back.

“Don’t be,” he murmurs. “I got you.”
“It will hurt.”
“Yeah, for a bit,” he says, pressing his body against mine, making it jerk in response.
The last hour has been spent with his lips all over me, making me so wet I can feel my own

arousal on my thighs. He’s sucked and tormented my nipples, put his tongue inside my pussy, made me
come twice, and now has me on my hands and knees, with his body sliding over mine, preparing me
for something I’m not quite sure I want.

“You want me to stop,” he husks. “I’ll stop.”
“I’m afraid.”
He hums against my hips. “Don’t be, I’ll be gentle.”
“I t-t-trust you, it’s just...”
“I know, darlin’.”
“Be nice.”
He chuckles now. “I’ll be nice.”
I feel him move, and then I hear a drawer open. I hear the shuffling of condom packets, and then I

hear him squirting something...oh god...what is that? I feel a cool sensation on my bottom a moment
later, and I realize it’s lubricant.

“Can’t do this without plenty of lube.”
He uses his fingers to slide the lube around, and then he gently slides one inside. I tense up,

groaning from the overwhelming sensation. It’s very different to having a finger inside your pussy; it
feels tighter in here, fuller. Jackson grumbles something sexy, and gently begins swirling his finger. I
curl mine into the comforter, and drop my head onto the pillow, closing my eyes and trying to relax.

“Doin’ really well, baby.”
I squirm as he gently slides a second finger in. I feel a dull, aching pain, and clench my teeth. He

reaches around, using his other finger to begin flicking my clit. I groan. He slowly slides his fingers in
and out, while playing with my clit, and slowly, my body begins sparking to life.

“Goin’ to stretch you a bit.”
Stretch me?
I feel a heavier pressure as he moves his fingers, I’m guessing in a scissor like pattern, opening

and closing them to stretch me wider. He does this until I’m wet beneath him, my clit swollen, and my
body is ready to come. Then he slides his fingers out.

“Goin’ to try now, you tell me if it hurts.”
I groan in desperation as my orgasm begins disappearing.
“Hang in there baby, it’ll come back.”
He takes my hips in his hands, and pulls me gently back. I feel his cock pressing against my

opening, and I focus on breathing through it. He kneads my ass cheeks with his hand, while he gently
begins pushing his cock inside. The head of him slides in, and I tense up.

“Baby,” he rasps. “Breathe.”
“It hurts,” I whimper, squirming.
“Give it a second.”
I close my eyes, and begin trying to breathe, even though my breath hitches. Jackson gently runs a

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hand over my ass cheek, soothing, stroking, and then he gently begins pushing in more. I keep my eyes
closed, and focus on that breathing. Inch by inch, he begins filling me, and I begin adjusting around

“God,” he groans. “So fuckin’ tight.”
When I feel he’s sheathed fully, I let out a puff of air I didn’t realize I was holding. Now he has to

move, and that almost scares me the most. He gently begins to slide his hips back, and the sensation is
quite overwhelming. He leans down, reaching around to find my clit again, where he begins a gentle
caress. I groan, and everything in my body feels tight, and wound up. Like if I move, everything will
combust. Jackson pulls his cock nearly all the way out, before sliding back in again. I whimper.

“Good girl,” he soothes.
Gently, he continues on that path, in and out, in and out, so slowly, so gently, until I’m begging him

for more. The pain has disappeared now, and all that’s left is a different kind of pleasure. My clit is
aching, my pussy is clenching, and my ass is full. The combined sensation is quite overwhelming, and
my groans of pleasure seem to please him. He finally begins fucking me.

Not hard.
Just right.
The first time I orgasm like that, is a very memorable moment for me. It’s such a different

sensation, like somehow it transfers through the thin walls into my pussy, and then explodes like a
mini mass of fireworks. I shake for what seems like forever, before I feel Jackson coming too. He
groans deeply, and his fingers tighten on my hips. He begins gently slowing the thrusting of his hips,
until he’s spent, and I’m flopped on the bed.

“Fuck,” he rasps, pulling out and rolling beside me.
“So, that’s what all the fuss is about?”
He chuckles. “Good fuss or bad fuss?”
I hum as though I’m thinking. “I say good fuss.”
He grins, rolling to his side and tracing tiny circles on my back. I shiver, and feel my eyelids

getting heavy.

“Sleep, darlin’.”
I smile weakly, and then I give in and close my eyes, my body completely content, my mind for the

moment, a little less haunted.

For the moment.

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~*CHAPTER 14*~


“Yo’ princess!”

I’m up in my room two nights later, trying to find something to wear to the bar later to meet with

Ciara, when I hear Muff yelling out from downstairs. I drop the dress I was holding, the one that Addi
so kindly purchased for me after I arrived with nothing, and head downstairs. I see Muff standing at
the bottom of the stairs with a case of beer, a pizza, and a grin. I can’t help but smile, he’s just so hard
not to like.

“Hey Muff,” I grin.
“Thought you might be up for a beer? I wanted to see the boss man, but he’s not here, so I figured

I’d wait with you.”

I nod, happy to have some company until Jackson gets home, I’ve got a few hours before Ciara is

expecting Addison and I. “Sure, come on in and sit.”

We head into the lounge and sit down. Muff drops the pizza box onto the table, shrugs off his

jacket, and then tosses me a beer. I pop the top, and take a mouthful of the cool, crisp liquid.

“So, how you settlin’ in?”
I shrug. “As well as I can. I feel like I’m intruding sometimes, but they’ve all been so nice to me.”
“Yeah, we’re not a bad bunch.”
I laugh, and he winks.
“No,” I say, taking another sip of beer and crossing my legs. “You’re certainly not.”
“You figured out where you’re gonna go after this?”
I shake my head, feeling my chest tighten. I quickly shove it down; I don’t want to feel guilt right

now. Just for a moment, I want to feel nothing but normal.

“No, I will stay here as long as they’ll have me, and then I’ll figure something out.”
He smiles. “Jack’s ain’t gettin’ rid of you anytime soon, he’s crazy about you.”
I flush. “Why would you think that?”
He chuckles, showing me a gorgeous set of dimples. “’Coz he gazes at you like a fuckin’ love sick


I laugh. “He does not.”
“He fuckin’ does so. I’ve seen enough of Jack’s to know when he’s not just lustin’.”
“Well, I like him, too,” I beam.
“So, did he take you home and give you a rundown on threesomes the other night,” he winks.
I groan. “I can’t believe you and Addi did that to me!”
Muff laughs. “It was funny, the look on your face.”
“You know you’ve sparked his interest now, don’t you?”
“I believe I sparked yours, too.”
I flush and look away. “No!”
“You like the idea, don’t you princess?”
I quickly shake my head. “Dream on, handsome.”
He laughs. “Don’t be ashamed, it ain’t a bad thing to think about out.”
“I know that, but I shouldn’t really be thinking about it. I’m so inexperienced.”
“I’m sure Jack’s will sort that out for you.”

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I giggle. “Ha, I’m sure!”
“Besides, just ‘coz your inexperienced don’t mean you can’t have a fantasy.”
“Yeah, I guess so. I just never thought I’d even like the sound of something like that until...”
“You saw it?” he grins.
“Yeah, until I saw it. If I wasn’t hurt, I’m sure I would have melted on the floor.”
He laughs loudly, and wraps an arm around me. “That would have been a sight.”
I smile, and nestle into him. Muff is a really good person; it makes me wonder why he’s alone.
“What about you, Muff? Any special lady?”
He snorts. “Nah, none yet.”
“That’s a shame; I would have thought you would have been snapped up right away.”
He guffaws. “Aw, princess, you’re givin’ me a big head.”
“Well, I hope she comes along real soon.”
“Yeah, but if not, I’ll just stick to sharin’ the good ones. If Jackson decides to share you, give me

a call, yeah?”

I laugh, but I feel my body heat. What would it be like to be wedged between Jackson and Muff? I

shudder, and Muff chuckles.

“Damn, you really are curious!”
“Curious about what?”
We both spin to see Jackson standing at the door, looking suspiciously at us. Muff grins at him,

completely unawares. “She’s curious about threesomes.”

“Muff!” I cry. “I did not say that.”
Jackson’s gaze turns to liquid fire, and I swallow. Oh. God.
“Still baby?”
“I...I...never...I need another beer.”
I stand quickly, suddenly feeling both their eyes on me. What a fool I am, actually showing Muff a

reaction to the thought of him and Jackson. I couldn’t actually sleep with two men; it would make
me...dirty. Wouldn’t it? I mean, it’s not every day a normal, innocent girl gets into bed with two men.
I don’t want to have that reputation, I don’t want people to talk...God, why am I trying to convince
myself that this is a bad idea? I shouldn’t even be thinking about it to begin with.

I feel a set of hands touch my hips, and I realize I’m gripping the kitchen counter instead of getting

a beer. I feel Jackson’s lips graze across my ear. “You never told me you actually thought about a
threesome, I thought you were just curious...”

“I never...I never said...I just...”
“Baby, it ain’t a bad thing.”
I shove out of his arms, and find another beer before hurrying back into the living room, and

sitting on the single couch across from Muff. He’s grinning at me. Seriously. Grinning. Evil man. I
give him the eye, and he winks at me.

Jackson walks in with a beer, and sits on the couch beside Muff. Fuck them, why are they looking

at me like that?

“So,” I say, trying to clear the lump from my throat. “Did you get everything sorted at the club?”
Jackson grins. “Club business, baby.”
“Right, it’s none of mine. Got it. Who’s hungry?”
I reach over, gripping the pizza box and pulling out a slice. I sit back, and watch as the two men

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grin, but reach over and take a slice each. I eat my pizza, and drink my beer in super time. My head
begins feeling a little fuzzy, so I have another one, and another one. Jackson, Muff, and I talk about
everything. Muff tells me about his family, Jackson talks about meeting Addison again for the first
time, which has me curious.

“What about her mom?”
Jackson tenses. Oh. Oh.
Jackson loved Addison’s mom. I don’t know a lot about the situation, but I know Addison’s mom

died recently after an overdose. I also know she was a whore.

“I thought she was something she wasn’t, and it ended badly. She ran off with Addison, and I

didn’t hear another word about her until she died.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, feeling awful for him. “Did you love her?”
Jackson looks shocked that I’d ask something like this. Does he think I’d be jealous of a dead

woman? God, he’s so wrong.

“I did, I thought she was it, and then I found out she’d been lying. I can deal with a lot; I can’t deal

with fuckin’ liars.”

My heart stops beating.
I’m almost sure of it.
I struggle to breathe, and my vision wavers. Liars. He hates liars. I’m a liar, and when he finds

out, he’ll hate me. I will lose him. I’ve known it from the moment we started this, but I’d hoped it
wouldn’t come to that. I press my beer to my mouth, and I swallow over and over until I choke.
Jackson shakes his head, and gets off the couch to rub my back furiously.

“Slow down there darlin’, you ok?”
I look up into those green eyes, and I lose a piece of myself. I’m falling in love with him. This

isn’t just sex. It’s an attraction that has buried itself deep into my soul, and I can’t get it back out. I
feel a tear slide down my cheek, and Jackson leans forward, swiping it away with his thumb.

“Hey,” he says, gently. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s...” I have to lie. I have to figure this out once and for all, but tonight, I just want to forget it. I

don’t want to think. For one moment I just want it to go away. “I just can’t imagine how much it must
have hurt.”

He smiles weakly. “It’s in the past.”
I nod, and look past him to see Muff just watching us. My heart skitters. Curiosity burns deep

inside me. I have wanted to ask a question for a long time, ever since I saw the two having sex with
Kayla, but I’m afraid of the answer. Now seems like the perfect time to change the subject.

“Do you think Kayla is a whore?” I whisper.
Jackson reels back, shocked. “What?”
“A whore, do you think she’s a whore. Is that why you both fuck her at the same time?”
Jackson shakes his head. “Kayla is a whore, because she’s had every biker in my club. She isn’t a

whore because she likes a threesome.”

“If she hadn’t had any of the guys, would you think she was a whore if she...if she...wanted it?”
Muff clues on before Jackson, and his eyes grow heavy with lust. He sets his beer down, and he


“No,” Jackson says. “I wouldn’t think that. Ain’t nothing wrong with enjoying something in

private. If she did it on a pool table, in the middle of a crowded club, then yeah, I’d think she was a
whore. Plenty of people have kinks they like, darlin’, it don’t make them slutty. Why?”

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“Jack’s,” Muff rasps. “You’re so fuckin’ slow.”
Jackson turns, staring at Muff walking towards us.
“What’re you talkin’ about?”
“She’s askin’, because she wants it, but she’s scared of bein’ considered a whore.”
Jackson jerks, and turns his eyes back to mine. “ want a threesome?”
“I...” I stare at Muff, then back at him. “I am curious, but I’m just...I’m not sure about any of it. I

saw you two that night, and it played on my mind a little. I wondered what it would be like to be in
Kayla’s position. I’m not sure I could be hardcore about it, god, I’ve never even given a head job in
my life and...”

Both men growl. My cheeks heat.
“You can take it easy, or take it hard. There ain’t no rules, darlin’,” Jackson rasps.
Muff stops beside Jackson, and I stare up at the two of them. They’re so big when I’m down here,

so powerful, so manly.

“I’m afraid, what if...what if I changed my mind?”
“You say stop,” Muff growls. “We stop. Simple.”
“And what if...what if someone found out...”
Jackson shakes his head. “Muff talks, I kill him. I won’t say a word. No one will know about this,

but I will say this...I’m only doin’ it once. Serenity, you’re mine, and I won’t get into a habit of
sharing you.”

My knees wobble, even though I’m sitting down.
I’m his.
I’m. His.
I lick my bottom lip, wondering if the alcohol is making this choice for me, or if it’s something I

actually want. I have to admit to myself, that I’ve always been somewhat of a sexual person. I might
not have experience, but I have always snuck erotic books into my room and read them over and over,
relishing in the dirty, sexy scenes. I’ve always been curious about a ménage, and while it’s a lifestyle
I know I couldn’t live, I would like to...try it.

“I want to,” I swallow. “I want to try.”
Jackson’s eyes flare, and Muff makes a throaty sound.
“You sure, darlin’?” Jackson rasps.
“Yes, I want to try. But...if I say stop...”
“You know I’ll stop,” Jackson assures me.
“Me too,” Muff adds.
“And it’s only once.”
They both nod.
“I mean it.”
They both nod again.
I begin to shit myself. Oh god, am I really doing this? I press the beer to my lips again, but

Jackson reaches down, taking it from my hand and placing it on the table beside me. Then he takes my
hand and pulls me into a standing position.

“Slowly, yeah?”
I nod, only to realize he’s talking to Muff. I flinch when he pulls me into his arms, running his

hand down the side of my face. I feel another hand then, Muff’s hand, sliding over my shoulder,
caressing my skin with the lightest touch. I shiver. Jackson takes my face, and tilts it to the side,
before bringing his face down to kiss me, deep and hard.

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I kiss him back, but I know the moment Muff presses himself up against my back, his erection

pressing into my bottom. He lowers his head, and drags his lips across my shoulders. I panic a little,
when I realize I’m squashed between two men. I yelp and jump, and both men move quickly away.
I’m panting, and trembling.

“Hey,” Jackson says gently, reaching out. “You say no, we stop this.”
Muff nods in agreement, though his light blue eyes are wild with desire.
“I...I...I’m just overwhelmed.”
“We’ll go slower.”
I shake my head, “ want to. I do.”
I walk towards Jackson, and he captures me as soon as I reach him. He pulls me into his arms,

and he spins me around so my back is pressed against his chest. He runs his hands down the side of
my body until he finds my hips, then he grips them gently, and leans down to kiss my shoulders.

Muff walks closer, his handsome face tight with want. I feel my body beginning to warm to

Jackson’s kisses. When Muff reaches me, his hand stretches out to stroke down my cheek. I tremble as
he leans closer, bringing his lips down to mine. The moment they touch, I begin to tremble harder.
Jackson is soothing me with words I can’t understand. Muff continues to kiss me; his mouth is gentle,
not as rough and primal as Jackson’s.

When he parts my lips with his tongue, I groan and grip Jackson’s hands that are on my hips, but

are slowly dancing up my stomach to my breasts. Muff is a great kisser, very skilled with his lips. He
doesn’t give me the sparks of want Jackson gives me, but he’s certainly got my body coming to life. I
groan when Jackson grazes his fingers across my hard nipples, gently flicking them before he grips my

I pull away from Muff, panting, and rasp, “Should we be doing this here?”
“No,” Jackson husks. “We shouldn’t.”
“Come on, princess,” Muff says, his voice thick.
He leads me up the stairs, and I hear Jackson locking the door before following us up. We get to

Jackson’s room, and I turn as soon as I am in. Both men grip their shirts, and pull them up and over
their heads. I feel my body heat with lust. Jackson is tall, dark and handsome. His body is large,
heavily muscled and covered in tattoos. Muff is equally as muscled, but his skin is fairer, and his
body is covered in tattoos that are so colorful, it almost hurts to look at. They are quite fascinating.

Both men stalk towards me, and I feel so tiny under their gazes. Jackson reaches me first, and he

takes hold of my shirt, lifting it slowly over my head. Muff lowers himself to his knees, and my heart
begins thumping wildly. He grips my shorts, and gently lowers them. I comply, slowly stepping out of
them while allowing Jackson to undo my bra. When I’m fully naked, I realize I’ve never felt so
exposed in my life. My skin tingles, and it takes everything inside me not to cover everything up and

Muff reaches around, cupping my ass in his hand, and pulling my body towards his mouth. I


“W-w-w-what is he doing?”
Jackson grins, stroking his finger over my nipple. “He’s doing what he does best. I can fuck you in

many different ways that he could probably never imagine up, but when it comes to licking your pussy
baby, he’s going to make you scream.”

I stare down at Muff, who is staring up at me with eyes so dark with lust, it makes me break out in

little tiny goosebumps.

“You know this is my favorite part of a woman,” he grins lazily. “And princess, you are real

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pretty down here.”

My knees wobble again.
Jackson grips a chair and drags it over behind me, then he sits on it and pulls me down onto his

lap. He gently reaches out, and presses his hand to my chest, pushing me back until I’m lying over
him, my head back on his shoulder, my breasts in the air, and my pussy right where Muff wants it.
Jackson runs his hands down my side, and his lips find my ear.

“I got you. I’m right here, baby.”
I nod, and close my eyes as he begins kissing my neck. His fingers go down and find my nipples.

He begins gently rolling them, paying attention to every, tiny flick that has my body arching for more. I
feel Muff pressing his hands to my knees, and spreading them. Then his hand goes under my hips, and
he tilts them up on a small angle. I feel his breath on my exposed pussy before I feel his mouth.

But I don’t miss his mouth.
Holy fuck.
Holy. Fuck.
I can’t say I’m experienced, I’ve only felt Jackson’s tongue down there, and I thought that was to

die for. I was wrong. Muff has skill. There’s no denying it. He goes in, and he goes in hard. His
tongue is strong, skilled, and damn, I don’t want it to stop. A feral groan leaves my lips as he flicks
the tip of my clit quickly, before sucking it into his mouth, and then suddenly, he’s back to flicking.
He’s like a damned vibrator. It’s as though he’s changing settings.

He does that until I’m crying out, forgetting where I am, and then he stops. I jerk my head up from

Jackson’s shoulder, but Jackson presses a hand to my forehead, putting it back down as if to tell me I
need patience. I whimper helplessly as Muff blows on my throbbing clit, and then he leans down, and
he bites it. I scream. I scream so loud I can’t hear anything else but the sounds of my own, pleasure
induced breakdown.

The pleasure and pain. The mix is mind blowing. I reach down, gripping Jackson’s thighs and

digging my nails in. He tweaks my nipples harder, only increasing my pleasure. Muff continues on his
little attack, by licking me as if I’m a damned ice cream. His tongue flattens out, and he licks up and
down in big, god damned pleasurable, strokes. I am arching, I am whimpering, I am begging, and I
don’t care.

Muff’s fingers find my entrance, and he gently slides one inside me just as he uses his other finger

to flick my clit. He does this three times, and the pain surges through me, before being quickly
replaced with pleasure as he closes his mouth over my clit again, and sucks it in, hard. He sucks, and
he sucks, until I’m bucking in Jackson’s lap and begging him to just stop.

Then he removes his finger, and his tongue slides down lower before thrusting inside of me.
I come so hard I see stars. My head spins and I don’t even realize how loud I’m screaming until

Jackson’s hand comes over my mouth gently. He rasps into my ear, “Fuck, baby, hush.”

Then Muff’s tongue is gone, and I’m being flipped over on Jackson’s lap. He brings my lips down

over his, and he kisses me so hard those stars keep on coming. When he wrenches his mouth from
mine, we’re all ready to rip each other’s close off, and get on with it. Well, at least I know I am.

“I’ve had your sweet pussy,” Jackson growls. “And I’d love to be greedy and take it first again,

but,” he runs a finger around my lips. “I want to be the first here.”

I shudder as he stands, taking me with him, then he deposits me on the bed, flat on my belly. I

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moan as he runs a hand down my back, making my body quiver. I hear the sound of a condom
wrapper, before I hear Jackson say something to Muff that comes out as a blurred mumble. Then
Jackson is in front of me, naked and hard, gently propping me up on my hands and knees.

“Easiest way, baby.”
He presses his back against the head board, and then takes my face in his hands, stroking my

cheeks, staring into my eyes for long moments before gently tugging my hair.

Oh. Jesus.
I love a dominant man.
I lower my mouth until the head of his cock is pressing against my lips. I snake my tongue out,

touching it, tasting it, feeling the silky soft skin caressing my lips. I’ve never done this. I have no idea
how to do it, but I’m going to go with what I’ve read about, or seen on television when the guys at the
compound were watching porn. I open my mouth, and I sink down onto him, taking him as deep as I
possibly can. I must be doing something right, because he lets out a guttural moan, and his fingers
tighten in my hair.

“You ready, princess?” I hear Muff murmur, and then he’s behind me, pressing against my


I can feel my own arousal on my dampened thighs. I nod, and I feel Muff press in. He doesn’t

stretch me the way Jackson does, which makes me think he’s thinner. He’s not small though, and I feel
a bite of pain as he slowly sinks into me. I open my mouth, and a gurgled sound comes out. Jackson
slips his thumb into the side of my mouth, and I slide my tongue across it. He growls, I mewl, and
Muff hisses.

Then Muff begins to move, and my whole world spins. I find it hard to keep a tight grip around

Jackson’s cock, because my moans are too heavy. Muff doesn’t feel like Jackson in this department,
Jackson far outweighs Muff in skill level when it comes to sex, but I’m so aroused, so excited, that
even the slightest touch makes my entire body shake. It feels so damned good.

I close my eyes, and focus on Jackson’s cock as Muff begins thrusting his hips gently in and out,

muttering something about ‘so fuckin’ tight’. I move my hand up to find Jackson’s tight balls, and I
gently massage them, feeling the soft skin against my palm. He groans, and rasps my name, before
thrusting his hips up into my mouth further. Muff picks up the pace behind me, and I can hear his skin
slapping mine as we all move.

We just flow.
Before I can come, Jackson is pulling his cock out of me, and moving from underneath me. I mewl

desperately, but as if it’s an unspoken rule, Muff pulls out, and takes Jackson’s place on the bed. He
lies down, pulling me over top of him. His eyes are lusty; his mouth is tight with need. Jackson shifts
behind me now, and it’s then I realize what they’re going to do. This is it, the moment I’ve been
fantasizing about. I shudder as Muff takes my hips, gently lowering me back down onto his cock.

I whimper.
Jackson is behind me then, his hand flattening out over my back and gently pushing me down

further, so my chest is pressing against Muff’s chest. I drop my head into his shoulder, and just relish
in the sensations washing through me. I snake my tongue out, and taste the salty sheen on Muff’s skin.
He shudders, tangling his hands into my hair, and tilting my face to take my lips in a deep, delicious

“Jackson,” I whimper, pulling my lips from Muff’s.
“Right here baby, you’re ok.”
I feel some cold lube against my entrance, and Jackson uses his cock to rub it up and down,

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spreading it. Then he moves it away and presses a finger inside, gently. I groan, and Muff grips my
face, forcing me to look at him. His eyes are lusty, and he looks incredibly handsome like this. I reach
over, and let my fingers glide through his thick hair. Jackson continues to stretch me, and I groan,
shaking my head from side to side.

“You’re ok, baby,” he murmurs from behind me.
I squirm as Muff gently thrusts his hips upwards, causing a little bolt of pleasure to shoot through

my body.

“Think I can make you come like this?” he murmurs, running a finger over my swollen lips.
“Do it,” Jackson rasps. “Loosen her up.”
Muff grins, and moves his hands down, gripping my hips and gently rocking me. Jackson’s fingers

fill me from behind, gently thrusting in and out as Muff pumps his cock up inside me, deeper, harder. I
feel my eyes roll a touch, and I drop my head down onto Muff’s chest, finding his nipple. He growls
when I pull it into my mouth, gently sucking.

“Fuckin’ hell,” he groans. “Keep doin’ that princess, and this is goin’ to be over before it begins.”
I bite down gently, and he bucks his hips harder. My body swells with pleasure, and Jackson’s

fingers begin stretching and thrusting at the same pace Muff’s hips are bucking. My clit swells, and
my body tenses. God, it feels so good.

“Oh...god...” I whimper, running my fingers down Muff’s sides.
“You know what to do, Jackson...” Muff grinds out. “She’s fuckin’ ready. Sweet pussy is

squeezing’ my cock like a vice...fuck.”

Jackson reaches underneath me, finds my clit, and gently flicks it. Muff thrusts his hips once more

and I come. My fingernails drag harder down Muff’s sides, drawing blood. I can feel the warmth on
my fingertips. I don’t care. God, I don’t care. I scream out his name, and then Jackson’s, and my body
trembles violently.

“She’s ready,” Jackson growls, sliding his fingers from my ass, and replacing them with his cock.
Oh god.
Oh my.
He gently begins pressing in, while my body is still shaking. It feels so much tighter like this, as

though Jackson is struggling to fit. I groan, and Muff reaches up, stroking his fingers through my hair.

“It’s alright, princess. Just breathe.”
I try to, but the sensation of being over-filled is quite intense. Jackson pushes in further, gently

rubbing my back as he goes. He’s being so sweet about it, so slow. I know when he’s about half way
in, because the tight feeling intensifies. Muff begins to rock his hips gently, and I cry out loudly. Holy
shit. The feeling is out of this world, I feel so full, and having two bodies crushed against me is an
intense, beautiful feeling.

“God,” Jackson rasps. “Fuck.”
“I’m hearin’ ya,” Muff groans. “She’s so fuckin’ tight.”
Jackson pushes in further, and when he’s finally sheathed, he begins to move gently.
My mind spins.
Holy sweet fucking mother of everything holy.
It feels amazing.
And crazy.
Jackson thrusts just as Muff is pulling out, and Muff thrusts just as Jackson is pulling out. Perfect

timing. Perfect Rhythm. It’s just perfect. So achingly perfect. I gasp as they pick up pace. Jackson’s
hands are on my hips, Muff’s are holding my face, and every now and then he presses his lips to mine.

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Our bodies are slick with sweat, and the smell is out of this world. It’s all sex, and man, and all the
wonderful things that come with both.

“Fuck, she better come soon,” Muff grunts. “I’m close Jack’s.”
“Let me help you out, baby,” Jackson murmurs to me.
He leans down, lifting my hips just a touch and finding my clit, then he begins to stroke it, gently at

first, but as his thrusts begin increasing again, he strokes it harder. I’m crying out, screaming his name,
moaning Muffs, and feeling my body peaking.

Then I come.
Holy shit do I come.
It’s intense, crazy, mind blowing, beautiful, and so many other things mixed in one. My body

jerks, my mouth drops open, my eyes roll back, and I scream. I scream so loudly I can’t hear anything
else around me. I do feel though, and so I feel the moment when Jackson comes, I feel his cock
pulsing inside me; I hear his rasps of pleasure. Then Muff follows, and I feel his cock jerking at the
same time. When I begin to come down from my head spin, I hear both of their groans, and it sends
little bolts of joy through my body.

It is totally worth it - hearing two men grunting over your body.
Totally worth it.
By the time we’ve all stopped shuddering, I drop down onto Muff, resting my head against his

chest. I can feel his heart thumping against my cheek. Jackson slumps down over me, and we’re all
panting. We lay like that for the longest moment, Muff’s fingers smoothing through my hair, his
stomach rising and falling heavily as he tries to slow his breathing down. Jackson slowly pulls out,
and my body tenses. He gives me a moment before rolling, taking me with him until we both fall down
onto the bed.

Muff drops his head down onto the pillow, and I roll to my back, still panting. Jackson rolls to his

side, running a finger down my belly. I shudder.

“Damn,” Muff whispers.
“Yeah,” Jackson grunts. “Damn.”
I feel a small smile stretch across my face as I use my best hip voice and say, “It was aight...”
Muff snorts, Jackson laughs, and we all find ourselves chuckling. When that dies down, we’re all

quiet a moment, until my stomach grumbles...loudly. Jackson snorts.

“God,” I groan. “I’m hungry.”
Muff makes a deep, throaty sound. “Fuck, me too.”
“I ain’t movin’,” Jackson grumbles.
“Argh,” I growl, bolting upright and crawling towards the end of the bed. “Men.”
Both of them hiss, because I know I’m giving them a nice view of my ass.
“Put that cute fuckin’ ass away darlin’,” Jackson warns, “Or I’ll fuck it again.”
“You don’t have it in you, old man,” I tease, looking at him over my shoulder.
His eyes flare, and Muff grins. “I believe that was a challenge, boss.”
“I believe it was, too.”
Jackson sits up, and I quickly scurry forward, but his hand lashes out, gripping my ankle. He tugs

it backwards, and I collapse, laughing. I feel his body rise up, and then flatten over mine. His
erect...oh my god...he’s hard again. I whimper, and squirm beneath him.

“How the hell...” I gasp, as he presses his cock against my ass.
“Baby, I just fucked a gorgeous woman with another man. It’s one of the most erotic things

someone can do; of course I’m fuckin’ hard again. I ain’t wastin’ a minute.”

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“Yeah,” Muff grunts from behind me. “Me either.”
I feel my eyes widen, and I look over my shoulder to see Muff stroking his hard, large cock. He’s

not wearing a condom anymore, and seeing the shape and contours of his manhood has my heart
throbbing. It is a nice cock. I won’t lie.

Oh dear.
Jackson sits back up, pulling me with him, and then he spins us both around and puts me down,

face in Muff’s cock. I gasp, and Muff’s hands tangle into my hair. Oh...I like this control. It does great
things to my body. Jackson slides two...or maybe three...fingers into my pussy. I whimper, and lower
my face to Muff’s cock, running my tongue around the base. He hisses, and his fingers tighten in my

“Gonna fuck you once more, just to show you how an old man rolls,” Jackson growls from behind

me, and then he removes his fingers, rolls on a condom, and thrusts inside me.

I cry out, and Muff takes the opportunity to thrust his cock up inside my mouth. Oh god. Oh shit. I

wrap my lips around it, sucking as best I can while Jackson works his cock in and out of my pussy,
slow and sexy. God, he needs to move faster, my nerve endings are alive and raw, and I want more. I
need more. I lift my head from Muff’s cock, and rasp, “Fuck me faster, Jackson.”

“Too old,” he chuckles. “Can’t move faster.”
“I take it back!” I cry. “Please fuck me, Jackson.”
“Am fuckin’ you,” he murmurs. “Nice and slow.”
“Baby,” Muff says. “Stop talkin’ and keep suckin’.”
He tugs my hair, and begins lowering me again. I close my lips over his cock, sucking and licking,

while Jackson torments my body. God he’s fucking me so slowly, in and out, in a lazy pace that has
my entire body hanging on the edge desperately. I try to thrust my hips backwards, creating my own
pace, but Jackson grips my hips, stopping me.

“Careful,” he rasps. “You’ll hurt an old man doin’ that.”
I open my mouth to say something, but Muff tightens his grip in my hair, keeping my mouth on his


“Don’t fuckin’ stop suckin’,” he growls. “Fuck, don’t stop.”
Jackson works my body slowly, building me higher and higher, while I work Muff’s body,

building him higher and higher. Muff comes first, with a ragged groan to move my mouth if I don’t
want him to come inside it. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I leave my mouth there. The first spurt
of come hits me at the back of my throat, and I gurgle, swallowing as best I can. The second and third
spurts are less, and soon Muff is softening in my mouth with a deep, ragged sigh.

Jackson fucks me hard then. All of a sudden he bucks his hips, and he’s driving into me

desperately, causing me to go into temporary shock. His hips slap, his balls hit my skin, and my
pleasure builds higher and higher. “I’ll show you how an old man fucks,” he growls. “Now come for

I do, as if my body listens to his commands.
I feel Muff slip out of my mouth as I close my eyes and shudder. He wraps his arms around my

head, pressing it to his stomach, causing my ass to rise up higher and take Jackson’s thrusts deeper. I
am still screaming when Jackson comes again, hard and deep inside me. As soon as he’s stopped
pumping, I feel my body collapse in content exhaustion, and Muff wraps his arms around me, holding
me to him while Jackson pulls out. I feel Jackson collapse beside me, but I’m too content to move my

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body from Muff’s.

“Get over here, baby,” Jackson orders.
I shake my head.
“Jealous?” I murmur, opening my eyes to meet his green gaze.
“Yeah, now get over here.”
I shake my head. “Muff is comfy.”
Muff chuckles, and I feel it rumble through my cheek.
“Darlin’...” Jackson warns.
“Jackson,” I murmur.
He leans over, swatting my ass with his hand, hard. I yelp, and my mouth drops open.
“Want another one?” he growls, his eyes blazing.
“You bully!”
“Here,” he says, pointing to his chest. “Now.”
“Better go, princess,” Muff laughs. “He’ll get all caveman soon and throw you over his shoulder.”
I grunt, and lift myself from Muff. I kneel between the two of them, looking down and admiring the

very impressive view. Jackson points to his chest, and I grin, shaking my head.

“I’m still hungry, are you going to make me some food?”
He shakes his head. “Nah.”
“Then no after sex cuddles for you.”
He goes to sit up, but I quickly leap off the bed, giggling.
“Careful, darlin’.”
I roll my eyes at him, and then lean down to find one of his shirts and a pair of panties.
“I’m hungry,” I say again. “I’ll be back.”
I flash them both a smile, before turning and heading out and down the stairs. I check the pizza box

first. Cold. Yuk. I grumble and walk to the fridge, opening it. There’s not a lot in there, so I pull out
some cold turkey and decide to make some sandwiches. I’m just about to lather them with mustard,
when I hear my cell phone vibrating against the counter. I stare down at it, and see Janine’s number. I
quickly answer it.

“Where have you been?” she cries. “I’ve been trying to contact you for hours.”
“Sorry, I’ve”
“He threatened me, didn’t he?”
She sounds frantic. “He threatened me, that’s why you’re doing this. I’ve been wracking my brain

trying to figure out what would possess you to actually listen to him, and I finally figured it out.”

She’s talking about Hogan.
“It’s...more complicated than that.”
“Did he or did he not threaten me?” she demands.
“Not...exactly,” I whisper, peering at the stairs to make sure I’m still alone.
“What do you mean, not exactly?”
I groan. “I can’t...”
“Oh god...” she rasps. “He threatened Eb’s?”
I’m silent, and I know it’s her answer.
“Oh, oh god! Oh my god! I need to get out of here.”

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“If Derek finds out you try and leave him, there’s going to be a problem.”
“Fuck Derek, he doesn’t care about our daughter. I am not risking my baby.”
“She’s my daughter, Serenity!” she screams. “I’m not risking her.”
“Ok,” I whisper. “Ok...”
“Where are you?”
“I’m with Jackson, at his house.”
“Can I...I mean...can we come over?”
“Please?” her voice trembles.
“Ok, look, ok...come over. I’m sure Jackson won’t mind.”
“It’s just...Derek won’t find me there.”
My heart breaks for her; I can’t imagine how she’s feeling right now. I give her the address, and

she assures me she’ll be here in twenty minutes. I give her a quick cover story if Jackson asks, so we
don’t get put on the spot. I hang up the phone, and my fingers tremble. I put it down, and grip the
counter, trying to take a deep breath.

“Everything ok?”
I hear Jackson’s voice, and turn to see him and Muff, both wearing only jeans, staring at me. I

burst into a fit of tears that are going to make no sense to these guys right now, but I can’t hold them
back. Jackson walks over, taking me into his arms and wrapping himself around me. I bury my face
into his neck.

“Is it what just happened?” he whispers.
“No,” I croak, shaking my head. “It’s my friend...”
“What’s happened?” he asks, pulling me back and gripping my face, swiping my tears away.
“Her...” God, I have to lie. “Her husband is abusive, and she’s scared for her and her daughter.

They have nowhere to go.”

“They can come here for a few nights; I gotta go on a run anyway.”
“What?” I rasp.
“Hey,” he says gently, cupping my face in his big hands. “You’re goin’ to be fine here.”
“I...It’s just...”
“Your friend can stay, and you won’t even notice I’m gone. She’ll be safe here. No one will

bother you. I’ll send the guys past to watch the house every hour.”

“I can’t put you out anymore,” I whisper, shaking my head.
“Hey, listen to me,” he orders. “I have a house that’s far too big for me, and plenty of space. I’m

going away, I won’t even notice. It’s ok, I’m sayin’ it’s ok.”

I nod, biting my lip. Muff walks over, rubbing my back gently and then he walks into the kitchen to

finish the sandwiches. When he’s done, he offers me one, but I feel too sick to do anything but nibble
on it. I can’t stop thinking that I have to tell Jackson about all this. If Hogan finds out I’m hiding this,
then it’s only going to end in disaster. He’s going to hit the roof as soon as Janine disappears, which
doesn’t give me long to explain this to Jackson. He’s going on a ride, which means I have to shut my
mouth until he gets back. It’s too dangerous without him here.

I hear a knock at the door, and I jerk my head up. I feel my heart hammer; I stand and quickly rush

towards the laundry room to find some decent clothes. I throw on a pair of shorts and a tank, and
quickly tie my hair up before rushing out. I rush past Jackson and Muff who are staring at me with
concern. I swing the front door open to face a red eyed Janine and a bouncing, beautiful Ebony.

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“Aunty Senny!” Ebony cries, using her nickname for me. She leaps forward, beaming.
“Well hey baby girl,” I force myself to smile as I scoop her up and pull her into my arms.
I meet Janine’s eyes, and she smiles weakly at me. I reach out, gripping her hand. I mouth ‘It’s

going to be ok’ before turning and pulling her inside with me. Ebony notices the two men, and her
smile widens. She’s been raised around bikers, so they don’t frighten her. She wiggles out of my grips
and rushes over to them, grinning wide. “Hello!” she cries.

Muff grins, kneeling down. “Well hello there pretty girl, what’s your name?”
“My name is Ebony,” she smiles proudly.
“That’s a real pretty name.”
“What’s yours?” she asks, curiosity burning in her little eyes.
“My name is Muff.”
She giggles. “That’s a silly name.”
“It sure is darlin’.”
My heart clenches as she turns to Jackson. “What’s your name?”
He grins at her, and it makes my knees buckle.
“My name is Jackson.”
I squeeze Janine’s hand and tug her forward. Jackson smiles at her, and Muff winks. Trust my men

to charm her socks off.

“Muff, Jackson, this is Janine; my oldest friend.”
Jackson extends his hand, and wearily Janine takes it. “Welcome to my house, Janine.”
“T-t-thank you for letting me stay a while.”
He shrugs. “It’s no problem.”
“Muff,” Muff grins, extending his hand, too.
Janine steps forward and takes it, her cheeks flushing with color. “Muff?”
He chuckles. “Yeah, Muff.”
“That’s very...original.”
I smile, and kneel down, opening my arms to Ebony. “You want to see where you’re sleeping?”
She nods, her gorgeous curls bouncing. “Yes!”
“You know,” Jackson says. “You should come down when you’re done. I think I have some real

special warm chocolate in the pantry.”

Ebony’s eyes light up. “You do?”
“I do, I think if your momma says it’s ok, you can have some.”
Ebony turns towards Janine, and I watch as Janine slowly smiles. “Of course, baby. You can have


Ebony squeals and claps her hand. “Can I have some now?”
I look at Janine, and she nods. Ebony rushes towards Jackson, who extends his hand and leads her

into the kitchen. I hear a few giggles and a male chuckle.

“You want to come upstairs and put your things down?” I ask Janine.
She looks over to Ebony for a moment.
“She’s safe with him, I promise you,” I assure her.
She turns her eyes to Muff, who is sitting on the couch, drinking a beer. He flashes her a grin, and

her cheeks turn pink again. Smiling, I take her hand and lead her up the stairs. I open my room up, and
begin stripping the sheets off my bed.

“I can’t take your bed,” Janine says, sounding guilty.
I wave my hand. “Stop it, I’ll sleep somewhere else.”

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“With Jackson...”
I spin around. “What?”
“Oh come on, Serenity. I saw the way you two looked at each other.”
I sigh. “I care about him.”
She sighs too. “It’s dangerous, honey. You know that don’t you?”
“Knowing something doesn’t take away the natural reactions of the human heart. He gets to me in

a way I haven’t felt before. I care about him. I think...I think I love him.”

“Oh Sea... what’re you going to do?”
I plonk down onto the bed, and she sits beside me.
“I don’t know. I have to tell him about Hogan, not just for my sake but for the clubs safety. I know

that when I do though, I’m going to lose him, and that burns Janine. It fucking burns.”

She takes my hand, running her fingers over it gently. “It might hurt, but you have to do this for

yourself and them. Hogan is crazy. He threatened an innocent child, and that child is part of the club in
a way, and it didn’t matter to him. He’s out of control, and he needs to be stopped.”

“I know that, I just don’t know if telling Jackson is going to make it worse or better.”
“You have to put feelings aside here, and do what’s best for him. He needs to know. He needs to

be warned. It’s dangerous and he could lose his life. You’d never live with yourself if that

“No,” I whisper. “I wouldn’t. I just don’t know how to tell him.”
She nods. “I understand. We’ll figure it out.”
“I hope so,” I murmur, staring out the window. “I hope so.”
And I did.
Because I don’t know what will happen if we don’t.

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~*CHAPTER 15*~


I settle Janine and Ebony after a few hours, and when they’re sleeping soundly, I sneak out of the
room. I head downstairs, where Muff and Jackson are out front talking. Muff has his keys, and my
heart leaps into my throat. One, he’s been drinking and two, I can’t make him go home
after...everything that just happened.

Both men turn when I step outside, and I shiver, wrapping my arms around myself as a cold

breeze washes over me. Jackson reaches out, gripping my arm and pulling me to his side. I snuggle
into him, breathing him in and closing my eyes for a moment. Jackson feels good against me, just right.
I tangle my fingers into his shirt and tug him closer.

“I’ll get goin’,” Muff says, his voice tired and slurry.
I snap my eyes open, and let go of Jackson. “No, you can’t go. Stay here.”
Both men give me an odd look.
“You can’t drive, for starters, and it’s late. Crash on the couch.”
Muff looks at Jackson, who shrugs. “Fine by me, I’d prefer you didn’t drive, you know that.”
“Sounds good,” Muff yawns. “I’m fucked.”
He walks over to me, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips. It’s feather soft, and sweet. “You

did real well tonight, princess. I’ll remember it forever.”

“Yeah,” I whisper, leaning in and giving him a hug. “Me too.”
He holds me for a moment, and then pulls back. He winks at me, and disappears inside. Jackson

pulls me back into his arms, and I sigh sleepily.

“Your friend and her baby ok?”
I nod into his chest. “Yeah.”
“She looks like she’s had a tough time.”
“She has, her husband is an asshole.”
He kisses the top of my head. “Well, she’s safe here.”
“I don’t suppose you’ve got room in your bed for me? I could stay in Addi’s room if not...”
“Always space in my bed, baby.”
I smile, and we both turn and walk inside. Jackson locks the door, and we both say goodnight to

Muff, who is already half asleep on the couch. When we get to Jackson’s room, we both fall into the
bed, sighing deeply.

“Don’t even try anything on,” I groan. “I’m dead.”
Jackson chuckles, and shoves his jeans off. “With ya there, darlin’.”
I roll under the sheets, groaning as the warmth spreads over me. Jackson slips in beside me, and

pulls me into his arms. I rest my head on his chest, and close my eyes. They’re instantly heavy, and
I’m asleep before I know it.

It’s been a long day.


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I wake before Jackson in the morning, and I carefully slip out of bed. I tiptoe downstairs, scared
about waking Janine, but stop when I see her sitting on the couch beside Muff, hot coffee in hand,
deep in conversation. I stop, curious. Janine rarely speaks to other people, but she’s having a very in
depth conversation with Muff. He reaches across gently, and takes her hand. The look on his face is
that of gentle sympathy.

I clear my throat, and both of them turn to stare at me. Janine stands quickly, smiling over at me.

“Hey there, how did you sleep?”

I return her smile. “Well, you?”
“Best in years.”
“Muff been entertaining you?”
She flushes. “Oh, I got up early and we got chatting.”
“That’s good, morning Muff.”
“Princess,” he grins, standing.
I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a coffee. “Is Eb’s still asleep?”
“Yeah,” Janine says. “It was a late night for her.”
I take a sip of the coffee, and groan with delight. “God, remind me never to...” I cut myself off,

realizing what I was about to say really isn’t appropriate.

Muff chuckles. “What?”
I give him a look. “Shut it, Muff.”
Janine stares between the two of us. “What am I missing here?”
Now I flush. “Nothing, he’s just being a pain in the ass.”
Muff laughs, and walks into the kitchen, swinging open the fridge. “What does this man have to eat

that isn’t healthy?”

I cross my arms. “Hey, that food is good for you mister.”
He groans. “Might be good, but it tastes like cardboard.”
Janine giggles. “I agree, there has to be something bad in there.”
Muff flashes her a charming grin. “A woman after my own heart.”
Janine flushes again.
“You two find something unhealthy then,” I say, walking out. “I’m going to shower.”
They don’t answer me, because they’re both in the fridge talking frantically about foods they can

whip together. Rolling my eyes, I walk up the stairs. I get into the room and hear the shower running
right away. Brilliant. I drop my clothes and walk in. Jackson is standing, head back, eyes closed, and
oh, so beautifully naked. His body is divine, so god damned yummy. I open the glass, and a small
smile plays around his lips.

“Couldn’t miss the chance for a morning fuck, darlin’?”
“Too bad if I was Muff,” I giggle.
He drops his head and pins me with his gaze. “I know when it’s my girl, or when it ain’t.”
His girl.
Oh my.
I grin, and step forward, wrapping my arms around his waist and leaning up to press my lips to

his. He tangles his fingers into my hair, and kisses me so deeply my knees buckle. He slides a hand
down my back, and grips my backside, using it to force me against his erection. I whimper and cling

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to him, rubbing myself over his cock until I’m throbbing with need.

“You keen for that fuck?” he murmurs.
I want that fuck. But I want something else more. I begin slowly lowering to my knees. Jackson’s

eyes widen, and he watches with want as I take his cock into my hand, and begin gently stroking it.

“I didn’t get to finish you like this last night, today I want to.”
“Baby,” he groans. “Fuck yeah.”
I lean forward, wrapping my lips around his cock. He jerks and a throaty growl fills the small

shower stall. I use one hand to stroke the base of his cock up and down, while my tongue and mouth
swirl around the tip, sucking and licking until he’s panting my name.

I deepen the pleasure by sliding my mouth down lower, until he’s pressing against the back of my

throat. My eyes water, but I can’t stop, the sounds of him groaning and grunting above me are enough
to spur me on. I pull my mouth back, nipping at the end of his cock, and then I slide him in again.

“Goin’ to come, baby, fuck. If you don’t want me to come in your mouth, stop.”
I don’t stop. I don’t care. I want him. All of him. I suck harder until I feel him swell inside my

mouth, and then he comes. I feel the first hot spurt of his release hit the back of my throat; I groan and
swallow just as the second and third hit. Jackson bellows my name; his fingers are tight in my hair.

When he stops coming, I gently slip him from my mouth and peer up at him through the water. He

smiles down at me, his eyes lazy, his body tight. While I’m down here, I run a finger along the tattoo
on his cock. It’s an odd tattoo, a range of patterns, all black, running up and around his cock. Like
some sort of tribal marking.

“When are you going to tell me about this?” I ask, sliding my finger along it.
“Come here,” he says, leaning down and pulling me up.
I let him, and I stand still as he rubs soap over my body and lathers it up. Then he pulls me out of

the shower and wraps a towel around me. He still hasn’t answered the question, but when we get into
his room, he finally turns and tells me about it.

“It’s a tribal marking.”
I nod. “I figured as much, why have you got it?”
“Well, my dad was part Cherokee, and I liked the tribal marking. It’s not something I wanted on

my body for anyone to see, and so one night when I was young, drunk and stupid, I went and got it put

I raise my brows. Firstly, because Jackson is part Cherokee, though that does explain the olive

skin and that thick, long, dark hair. Secondly, because he got the tribal marking put on his penis. Isn’t
that...I don’t know...disrespectful?

“Isn’t that kind of rude?” I ask, a little shocked.
He laughs softly. “No darlin’, it’s not. It’s a marking all the same, I was just stupid when I

decided I wanted something different. It’s the marking of all the tribal men, so why not put it on what
makes me the most manly?”

I giggle. “You have a whacked way of thinking.”
He winks at me. “I know.”
“So, when do you leave for the ride?” I pout.
He leans over, digging through a pile of clean clothes to find a pair of black jeans. He pulls them

on, and shrugs at me. “In a few hours.”

“Will you be gone long?”
“Few days at most.”
I nod, and he gives me a cheeky smile. “Why, will you miss my cock?”

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I go to laugh and tell him no, because I’ll have my period, when a cold feeling washes over me.

My period...I should already have my period. I begin quickly adding up the days in my head.

“Hey, Serenity, you ok?”
I stare at Jackson, but I am barely focusing. Shit. Shit. I am late, I’m sure of it. Maybe only by a

few days, but I’m late all the same...and I’m never late.

I begin calculating back to the time Jackson didn’t use a condom. Crap. Crap.
“Serenity?” Jackson says again.
“What?” I whisper, shaking my head.
“You ok?”
“Um, sure, yeah.”
“You’re lyin’ again.”
“Sorry, I was just having a bit of a panic about’s ok.”
“You worried someone will come past when I’m not here?”
I nod ,biting my lip. Just add another lie to the pile, Serenity.
“Yeah, that’s all.”
He walks over, gripping my shoulders. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll send a few guys over to watch

the house.”

I nod, unable to think.
“You want some breakfast?” he asks.
“Sure,” I whisper. “That would be great.”
He pulls some jeans on, and throws on a shirt before disappearing out the door. I turn and rush

into my room, frantically looking for my phone so I can pull up the calendar.

“Hey, what are you doing?”
I turn when I see Janine coming in, her eyes relaxed. I stare over, and realize Ebony is in the bed,

thankfully she’s still sound asleep.

“Shit, sorry, I forgot she was in here.”
Janine waves her hand. “It’s ok. What’s wrong?”
I feel my eyes welling with unshed tears. “I...I’m...I’m late.”
Janine’s eyes widen, and she rushes in. “What?” she gasps.
“Late, I don’t have my period. I’m late.”
“How late?”
“Three days, at least.”
“Oh god, Serenity! You haven’t used protection?”
I shake my head, letting those tears slide down my cheeks. “It was just once, he pulled out, but...”
Janine sighs, rubbing her head. “You know that’s not effective.”
“What am I going to do? This changes everything?”
“Ok,” she says, her voice strong. “We’re going to find out first, that’s what we’re going to do. If it

is, we’ll work it out from there.”

“I need to find out Hogan’s plans, Janine. I have to know what he’s going to do, and I have to

check in. We need a lie, a big one, to put him off the scent for a while so I have time to tell Jackson
about all this.”

“If Hogan finds out I’m with you, he’s going to get suspicious.”
“What do we do?”
“I text Derek this morning and told him I’ve gone to visit my mom a few weeks. He didn’t even

care. They’re not suspicious for now.”

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“We have a few weeks, that’s it?”
“It has to be done honey, you know it does.”
“He’ll hate me. If I’m pregnant, it’s going to be so much worse.”
“Hey,” she says, wrapping an arm around me. “One thing at a time, ok?”
I nod.
“Now come on, let’s get downstairs and eat. Then we’ll go to the shop and get a test. Breathe,


I take a deep breath and stand, walking down the stairs with her. Maybe I’m just late? That would

make sense right? I mean, I am stressed and things have been crazy...right?

God. What am I going to do?

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~*CHAPTER 16*~


“Baby,” I murmur against her cheek. “It’s a few days.”

“I don’t want you to go,” she whispers. “Please Jack’s.”
“Jack’s?” I say, pulling back. “Since when do you call me that?”
“It suits you.”
I smile, and run my fingers across that puffy bottom lip. She’s been crying, even though she thinks

I haven’t noticed. Fuck, it makes my heart hurt.

“You goin’ to be ok?”
“I don’t want you to go, what if something happens or...”
“Hey,” I say, cupping her chin. “It’s just a basic ride. It’s fine.”
“I’ll miss you.”
I lean in close, rasping into her ear, “You’ll miss that late night sex.”
She laughs softly. “That too.”
“I’ll be back in a few days. It’s ok, baby.”
“Kiss me,” she pleads.
With fuckin’ pleasure.
I grip her chin, tilting her head to the side and taking her lips in mine. Fuck. Yeah. She parts them,

and I slide my tongue into her mouth, tangling it with hers. She clutches my chest, wrapping her
fingers around my shirt and pressing her tiny body up against mine. I can hear the rumble of the
engines in the background, and the boys cheering and whistling, but I don’t stop. I kiss her until she’s
panting and my dick is hard.

“Miss you, darlin’,” I murmur.
“Me too,” she whispers, letting me go.
She’s got this look in her eye, like it’s the last time she’ll ever kiss me. My chest clenches, and I

wonder if I’m missing something.

“You goin’ to be here when I get back?” I ask.
“As long as you want me here, I’ll stay.”
“I’ll always want you here; don’t you know that by now?”
Her lip trembles again.
“Hey, stop that cryin’. It’s a few days.”
I pull her into my arms and kiss her again, before heading over to my bike. I stare at her, and

something inside me doesn’t feel quite right.

Little warning bells go off.
Something is wrong.
I just don’t know what.


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“It’s ok,” Janine soothes, rubbing my back.

“What am I going to do?” I cry.
“You’re going to tell him about Hogan, you’re going to explain it as best you can, and then you’re

going to tell him about the baby.”

I sit, staring at the pregnancy test with the clear + on the screen. I’m pregnant. With Jackson’s


I’m. Pregnant.
I feel sick.
“If he decides he wants me to go, what will I do?”
“We’ll find a place together, just me and you. I won’t let you go back to Hogan.”
“I’m scared, Janine.”
“I know honey.”
“He’s going to hate me, I’m going to lose him forever...”
She grips my shoulders and shakes me gently. “You don’t know that.”
I close my eyes, and tears leak down my cheeks.
“Hello! Anyone home?”
I hear Ciara’s voice, and I sigh. “Oh no, it’s Ciara.”
“Take a deep breath, and go and answer the door.”
“She’s going to want to know what’s wrong.”
She shrugs. “Tell her your friend was in trouble.”
I nod, standing. Janine takes my hand, and we both walk down to the front door. I open it to see

Addison and Ciara. They swing their eyes to Janine, and give her a smile.

“Hi, Jackson told us you had a friend over. He said it’s why you couldn’t make it last night,”

Addison smiles.

I nod, swallowing. Trust Jackson to get in first.
“You ok honey?” Ciara asks.
“I’m ok, just a long day. This is Janine. Janine, this is Addison, Jackson’s daughter, and Ciara.”
Janine smiles at them. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”
“You too,” Addison beams. “Can we come in? I totally need my father’s awesome coffee maker.”
“Sure, come on. I’ll make you one,” I say, trying to stop my voice from wobbling.
“You sure you’re ok?” Addi asks as we walk into the kitchen.
“Yeah, just tired and emotional. I hate Jack’s being away, too.”
“Aw,” Addison croons. “That’s sweet. Don’t worry; I’m sulking because Cade is away. You’re

not alone.”

I nod, and head into the kitchen to make them a coffee.
“How are you settling in now?” Ciara asks.
“I’m good,” I say. “Jackson is amazing.”
“You care about him, right?” Addison asks.
I nod, swallowing the pain back down. “I do, a lot.”
“He cares about you too; I think he even loves you.”
I’m glad in that moment that Ebony races out with an old car Jackson gave her, because if I have

to say anything about that statement, I’ll break.

“Who is this little cutie?” Addison smiles.

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“That’s my daughter, Ebony,” Janine says.
“Hi Ebony!” Addi says.
“Hi!” Ebony waves. “Look at my car.”
“Hey cool, that’s real pretty.”
Ciara is smiling at the little girl, rubbing her belly protectively. My mind goes back to the tiny

baby growing in mine.

God, what am I going to do?


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“More drugs are bein’ run, I want to know why?” I bark down the phone.

“We’re on it boss,” Spike says. “I have a lead, I should know more today.”
“Is it another gang?”
Spike sighs. “Fucks me, but it’s someone with some good support, there’s too many coming in.”
“Find out for me, and call me back.”
“On it.”
I hang up the phone, and turn back to the guys. Cade steps forward, giving me a questioning


“Still nothin’. You guys manage to find the guy here?”
Cade nods towards the car, and I give them a flick of my hand. Granger and Muff open the door,

pulling out a man in his late twenties, wearing holey shirts and crappy old jeans. His teeth are missing
and his hair is gritty. Junkie alright. They walk the man over, and stop him in front of me. We got a
lead, and came on this ride to get some information and find this man. He purchased drugs in town
last weekend, and we need to know who from.

“We ain’t gonna hurt you if you talk, so you answer our question, and you’re good to go,” I say as

soon as they guys stop in front of me.

The junkie looks up, narrowing his eyes. “You cops?”
I turn, showing him my colors, and then I turn back. “Worse.”
“I didn’t do nothin’ man! Nothin’!”
“If you did nothin’, then we ain’t got nothin’ to worry about. I need to know who you got your

drugs off last weekend.”

“Don’t know.”
I close my eyes and sigh. I’m not a violent person, I always try to avoid it, but sometimes there’s

just no choice. I grip the man’s shirt, and pull him close.

“This will go one of two ways. You tell me, I let you go. You don’t tell me, I beat the fuck out of

you, and then I bury you. What’s it going to be?”

“I know nothin’.”
I drive my fist into his stomach, hearing his ribs crack. He bellows, and squirms in the guy’s


“I’m not joking, tell me or I find something harder than my fist to beat you with.”
“I don’t fuckin’ know his name!” he bellows, groaning. “I just went into town, heard on the

grapevine I could get some good stuff. I got it, and I left.”

“Don’t fuckin’ lie to me,” I bellow, driving another fist into his face. He screams as blood spurts

from his nose.

“I won’t fuckin’ tell you!” he roars.
“Cade, get my gun,” I order.
Cade goes to my bike, pulling my gun out and bringing it over to me. I press it to the man’s head.

“I’ve killed many men before; I won’t hesitate to kill someone like you. No one will even know
you’re gone. You have five seconds.”

“I don’t know!” he cries.
“I don’t...”

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I load the gun.
“You fuckin’ crazy...”
“It was Hogan!” he bellows.
I lower the gun, shaking my head. What?
“What did you fuckin’ say?”
“The man running the drugs, his name is Hogan.”
“Fuck!” Cade bellows.
“Shit,” Granger grunts.
I stand a moment, and then turn my eyes back to the guys. “Get rid of him, make sure he doesn’t

speak. I don’t want Hogan knowing I am onto him. If that fucker is still alive, then he’s playing a game
with us.”

“On it boss,” Granger says, and he and Muff drag the man off.
I turn to Cade. “We’ve got a fuckin’ problem.”
“No shit.”

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~*CHAPTER 17*~


“What else?” Hogan roars, slamming his fist into the wall.

“That’s it. They’re very quiet. I can’t get anything else.”
“You know if they’re suspicious on anything?”
I shake my head. “No, they keep it quiet. I know they went on a run.”
“Where to?”
I don’t want to tell him where. “I-I don’t know.”
“I bet I fuckin’ know where,” he grins. “I set it up just right.”
Set it up?
“What did you set up?” I rasp.
“I have had them chasin’ their fuckin’ tails for weeks. I am runnin’ drugs through their town, and

they’re suspicious. I had a junkie set up that I knew they could track. I know that’s what they’re doing.
They’re tryin’ to find him to get information. He’ll give them my name, just how I want it. While
they’re away, I’m setting up their compound just fuckin’ right. By the time they get back, it will be
rigged and ready. They’ll call an emergency meeting, I know how clubs work. They’ll call it through
because they have just found out I’m alive. I’ll move in then. My weapons arrived today. Machine

Oh no.
I feel sick.
I try to stop my hands trembling; I don’t want Hogan to see a reaction. If he does, I’m not getting

out of here.

“H-h-how can you rig their club?”
Hogan snorts. “I put security in the trees over from the main gate, I’ll see when they arrive and

call that meeting, and then I’ll show up and fuckin’ kill the lot of them. They won’t see it coming.”

God he rigged it. He had it all worked out.
“What happens after that?” I ask, keeping my voice steady.
“Whoever lives, I will take and fuckin’ torture.”
I shudder.
“Go back and find out when that meeting is called. I want you to call it in, just in case my cameras

miss it. I want perfect timing. Chances are they’ll go on lockdown. I want to know when they do. You
call me as soon as they do. If you don’t...”

“I will,” I say quickly.
“Move, I want information as soon as you have it.”
I nod, rushing out.
When I get outside, I feel my breathing beginning to intensify. I call a cab, and get it straight to the

compound. By the time I arrive, I see Jackson and the guys are back. There’s about thirty bikers
combined, standing in the dirt talking frantically. Addison and Ciara are listening, eyes wide. Shit.
Shit. I have to do this now. I have to tell Jackson. This is the moment I have wanted to avoid for so

It feels like I’m walking in slow motion as I edge towards them. Jackson notices me first, and

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begins walking towards me. I put my hands up, and tears begin thundering down my cheeks. He stops,
his eyes narrowing. Everyone turns to watch us, and I know not only am I about to tell Jackson, I’m
about to tell an entire MC club that I betrayed them. My knees shake as I come to a stop. I feel sick.
My entire body is shaking and I am struggling to breathe.

“Serenity, baby, are you ok? We need to get inside. It’s dangerous right now. Hogan is alive. It’s

not safe.”

“I know,” I rasp.
Jackson shakes his head. “What?”
I take a breath, and I open my mouth and speak loudly. “I know Hogan is alive, and I know he’s

planning an attack. The reason I know this, is because...”

“No,” Jackson roars, shaking his head frantically. He knows even before I say it. “Fucking no.”
“I’m his daughter,” I finish. “And he sent me here to find out information.”
My voice breaks on the last sentence, and my knees tremble so heavily I have to use the car

beside me to steady myself. The look on Jackson’s face literally tears me in two. There are so many
looks that can break a person’s heart, but seeing betrayal on the face of someone you love, is heart
wrenching. I hear the cocking of guns, and I see all thirty bikers, including Muff, pointing their guns at
me. My legs give way, and I fall to my knees in the dirt.

“Daddy!” Addison cries. “Don’t hurt her!”
“Why the fuck not?” Jackson roars, turning to Addison. “She’s a fuckin’ spy. She’s been feeding

information all this time.”

“You can’t kill me,” I whisper.
Jackson’s head whips around. “Shut your fuckin’ mouth!”
“You can’t, Jackson, because I’m pregnant!”
Everyone falls silent, a few bikers curse.
“What?” he rasps.
“I’m pregnant.”
His fists clench, and rage fills his expression. “Do you think I want a bastard fucking child with a

lying cunt like you? It’s probably not even mine, you’re a fuckin’ liar!”

His words hit me like a blow to the chest. I yelp loudly, and before I can blink, Addison is in

front of me, shielding my body with hers. I am rasping as I struggle to breathe, his words penetrate
every shield I’ve ever put up, and they crush me in a way all the beatings and abuse in my life never

“You’re not shooting her,” she screams. “If you shoot her, you shoot me. That is my baby brother

or sister in there, you WILL NOT kill it.”

Jackson stares at his daughter, his hands are trembling, his body jerking with rage. “Move,

Addison. You know the club rules.”

“You’re going to kill someone you love!”
“She betrayed me!” he bellows.
“I lied!” I scream. “I lied to him. I never gave him information that was correct. I lied!”
“It doesn’t fucking matter!” Jackson screams. “You fucking betrayed us.”
“I had no choice,” I yell so loudly I hurt my own ears. “I was afraid. He was beating me. I had

NO CHOICE. He was going to kill Ebony, and he wouldn’t have thought twice about it. She is my
family. I couldn’t let anything happen to her. I had no way out. Haven’t you ever been trapped, with
no way out?” I cry loudly. “Well haven’t you?”

Jackson’s gun is in the air, pointing at me, but his hands are trembling. I get to my feet, my knees

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wobbling, and I walk over, standing in front of him and pressing the end of his gun to my head.

“Do it, you fucker. Shoot me. If you are going to do it, then do it quickly. I won’t go back to him,

so you’ll be doing me a favor.”

Jackson trembles even more, and the gun rattles against my head.
“Serenity!” Addison cries.
“Don’t kill her, Jack’s.”
It takes me a moment to realize who is speaking, and then I see Spike step forward. He walks

over, his boots crunching in the dirt.

“Don’t kill her.”
“Why not?” Jackson rasps, his words thick, his eyes frantic.
“One, because you fucking love her. Two, because we can use her to find out what Hogan is up to.

Three, because I’ve seen the man in action, I’ve seen him kill in cold blood, and I can’t imagine what
her life was like growing up with him. You kill her, you’ll regret it forever.”

I close my eyes, waiting for Jackson to shoot me. When I feel his gun lower, my body slumps with

relief. I might not die today, but I’ve lost the man I love. The pain in my heart is beyond anything I’ve
ever felt. It burns. It hurts so badly. I open my eyes, and see Jackson panting with rage, his eyes...oh
god, his eyes are glistening. I fucking broke him. I. Fucking. Broke. Him.

“She’s got your baby inside her, you kill her, you’re killing your kid and we all know you ain’t

gonna live with that,” Spike says gently.

“Who’s to say it’s my kid,” he growls.
“It is,” I whisper. “I might have lied, but I was never with anyone else!”
He doesn’t even acknowledge me.
“Get her out of my fuckin’ house, I want her gone. You take her. Cade can take her. I don’t fuckin’

care. Just get her away from me.”

“Jackson, please,” I whisper.
“Shut the fuck up,” he roars. “I never want to see your fucking lying face again.”
“We need to go on lockdown,” Spike says. “She has to stay.”
“Y-y-y-you can’t go on lockdown here,” I say.
Spike turns to me. “Why not?”
“Hogan...he set it all up. He knows you found the junkie. He knows you know he’s alive. He had it

planned all along. He knows you’ll come back and put your club on lockdown, and he’s waiting for it.
He’s got an attack planned, one so big you won’t escape. He’s got double your men, and weapons you
can’t even begin to imagine. He’ll kill you all if you stay.”

Spike nods. “You know I want to fuckin’ break you for betraying this club, but I know what that

man is like, so you have my sympathy for now. I don’t trust you, none of us do right now, but if you’re
tellin’ the truth, you’re savin’ the club. If you’re lyin’, we will kill you.”

“I wouldn’t hurt anyone,” I say, my voice broken. “I never wanted this. I never wanted to be

involved. He gave me no choice, but I lied to him. I gave him the wrong information to lead him away
while I figured out what to do.”

Spike nods, turning to Jackson. “Put your hate aside, we need to find a safe location.”
Jackson is refusing to look at me. “The hills. There’s a warehouse. It’s secret, we can keep it

surrounded and have watchers on at all times.”

“We ride now.”
“No, we can’t ride,” Jackson says, his voice empty. “We ride, they find us. We have to go


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“Any suggestions?” Spike says.
“The truck. We make out like we’re goin’ into lockdown because I have no doubt Hogan has

people watching us. We leave the bikes out front, we close all the windows and we make it like
everyone is inside. We get the big truck, and we shove every fucker into the back and drive out the
back road. Someone might see, but they shouldn’t get suspicious.”

“Right, it’s a plan. Serenity, turn around,” Spike says.
“I’m checkin’ you for wires.”
I close my eyes, and tears leak out as I lift my arms and turn. Spike walks up, pressing his hands

all over me. I feel so ashamed, so sick to my stomach.

“She’s clean.”
“Cuff her,” Jackson orders.
I turn shaking my head. “Please, don’t.”
“Cuff her,” he says again, not meeting my gaze. “Now.”
I stretch my hands out, and I see Muff walking over with cuffs. He gives me a sympathetic look,

before snapping them on.

“Sorry Serenity.”
“Fuck you, Muff,” I bark.
He looks shocked. “What?”
“I said fuck you,” I scream and then turn to them all. “Fuck you all! I never hurt a single one of

you. I was always nice. Always kind. I fucked up, but what would you do when the only family you
have is being threatened? He would have killed a child! A child! What did you want me to do? You
think I’m proud to be the daughter of such a pig? You think I don’t want to kill myself often because of
my father? Do you think he hasn’t made sure I know what he is, with numerous beatings? You don’t
know. None of you know. I did what I had to, and even then I lied to protect you bunch of fucking
assholes, and when it came down to it, not one of you wants to help,” I turn to Muff, shaking. “You
fucked me, you fucking asshole. You saw a side to me no one has ever seen. I let you take a level of
innocence from me. You shared me with Jackson and you still stood there holding that gun to my head.
Fuck you all!”

Muff looks hurt. “Serenity...”
“Go to fucking hell.”
“Enough,” Jackson growls. “You speak to my men like that again, I’ll fuckin’ tie you up and lock

you down until you’re fuckin’ insane.”

I glare at him. “Go ahead, Jackson. It won’t matter to me.”
I’m so hurt. My entire body is rattling with pain. Spike takes my shoulder and gently leads me


“Get Janine,” I rasp, glaring at Jackson. “The least you can do is make sure that after all this, she

doesn’t get hurt.”

I put my head down then, and I let them lead me inside.
I want to die.

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~*CHAPTER 18*~


The truck is hot, and bouncy. I’m stuck, head down, in a group of thirty, in a truck that’s not really big
enough for us all. Janine and Ebony are squashed up beside me; Muff went and got both of them as
soon as I asked. Cade and Spike are driving, and Jackson is standing at the back of the truck, staring
down at all of us cramped in like a bunch of prisoners. His eyes haven’t fallen on me once.

Not once.
I’m shaking, and my stomach is turning violently. I’m not sure if it’s the sticky heat in the back

here, or if it’s because of everything that went down. Maybe it’s a combination of both. Either way,
I’m about to lose anything I ate this morning. I would say something, but what’s the point? Jackson
hates me. No, that doesn’t even cover it; he despises me and no doubt wishes I would burn alive in
front of him.

My stomach turns again.
I begin rubbing it frantically with my cuffed hands, and sweat starts to pour heavily down my

head. Janine looks over to me and her eyes narrow. “Honey, are you ok?”

I shake my head, feeling bile rise up in my throat. Janine shoves and pushes until she manages to

get to her feet. “You need to stop.”

“Can’t,” Jackson grunts.
“She’s going to be sick, she’s pregnant you asshole. She’s dehydrated, and tied up like a fucking

dog. You need to stop.”

Jackson’s eyes turn to me, and I begin to gag. I try to hold it back, but there’s no stopping it. My

head drops, my mouth opens, and I throw up all down the front of my shirt. Tears stream down my
face from a mix of shame and the horrible aching feeling in my stomach. I hear Jackson thump the
window, as the bikers start to groan.

“Stop the truck.”
The truck comes to a stop, and a moment later the back swings open. The bikers move aside, but

they know they can’t get out until the area has been checked. I slip out of the tiny gap in the back, and
the moment the fresh air hits my face, I gasp. I look around; we’re on a dirt track, surrounded by thick,
lush trees.

“No one around, open it up,” Spike says. “We ain’t bein’ followed, and we’ll hear a car from a

mile or so away.”

Cade opens the back of the truck, and everyone scrambles out. Addison rushes over to me, but I

slap her hands away, just wanting to be left alone. I walk towards the trees.

“Serenity!” Spike calls. “Can’t go in there.”
I spin around, panting. “I’m covered in spew, I’m cuffed, where the fuck do you want me to go?”
He gives me a sympathetic look. “Come here, I’ve got some water and a shirt, I’ll uncuff you.”
“Not wise,” Jackson grunts.
I storm over, so angry, so ashamed, and I shove him hard in the chest. “Fuck you Jackson! What

do you think I’m going to do? Whip out a gun and shoot the lot of you?”

“I wouldn’t fuckin’ know, ‘coz you’re a fuckin’ liar!”
“I had no choice,” I scream. “What would you have done?”
“That’s beside the point, we ain’t talkin’ about me.”

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I’m shaking all over, I smell, and I look like crap, but I don’t care. “How dare you be so

judgmental. How dare you! You would die for your daughter, yet it’s not ok for me to look after the
only family I know. Fuck you.”

“I shouldn’t be the one you’re fuckin’ angry at,” he roars. “You should be fuckin’ angry at

yourself. You’re the lying, cheating, scumbag.”

I jerk, and clench my jaw. “I can’t believe I ever thought you were different. I can’t believe I

thought this club was something different. You’re not. You’re just like him. A cold hearted pig. I can’t
believe I ever let myself love you.”

His body jerks, and his eyes widen with a mix of both hurt and anger. I spin before he can answer,

and I hurry towards the front of the truck. Spike follows me, and carefully uncuffs my hands when we
stop. Then he hands me a bottle of water.

“He’s hurt,” he says gently. “Give it time.”
“I don’t want, or need time,” I say in a monotone. “I just want out of here.”
Spike sighs, but says nothing as I strip off my shirt and rinse my stomach. Then I pull on a shirt of

his, and raise my hands so he can slap on those awful cuffs again. He does, giving me a gentle

“I know what he’s like,” he says.
“None of you know what he’s like,” I hiss.
“I do, he killed my wife. I saw it. I’ve seen how bad he is. I know you ain’t a bad person; you just

have to understand that club rules are club rules. We have to do this.”

I look down, and my eyes burn again. I’m sure it’s from dehydration just as much as it is emotion.

“I never wanted to hurt anyone; I did the best I could.”

“Yeah,” he says, patting my shoulder. “I know you did.”
“She can ride up front with us,” Cade says, coming around the side of the truck. “There’s room

next to Ciara. Addison said she’d sit up back for a while with Jackson.”

“No, it’s ok,” I whisper.
Ciara and Addison walk around the truck then, and Addi walks over, a little more careful this

time. “You’re pregnant; you need to be out of that heat. We’re nearly there, it’s ok.”

I don’t bother arguing; I just nod my head and climb into the truck. A moment later, Ciara joins

me. She surprises me by reaching over and taking my hand.

Neither of us say anything.
We don’t have to.
It’s just there.


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It burns. It fucking burns. Betrayal, it hurts more than anything I’ve ever felt. It’s reliving Addison’s
mother all over again. Except this time, I really had given my heart over. I love Serenity, heart and
motherfuckin’ soul, and she betrayed me. I can’t think around it, I can’t breathe without it hurting.
Everything I started to believe in, is now fucking gone.

“Daddy,” Addison whispers beside me.
I don’t look at her, but I feel her hand sneak into mine, and she grips it.
“It’s not her fault.”
I want to scream at her, to shake her, to tell her it is Serenity’s fault. She made the fucking choice.

She lied. She did this. Not me. And now she’s pregnant, fuck, she’s pregnant and it fucking hurts. It
hurts because I am too soft, I don’t want to leave a child alone, and I sure as shit don’t wanna leave it
in Hogan’s world. I’d never live with myself. But right now, I can’t even look at her. The anger inside
me is so huge, I want to kill someone.

And she said she loves me.
She fucking loves me.
Love is bullshit. It’s a bullshit fucking lie that people make you believe will fix everything.
It fixes nothing.
“Daddy, she’s pregnant...she needs care.”
“Then you can fuckin’ care for her, if you feel the need to baby her so much,” I bark.
A few of the guys look over at me, but most of them keep their heads down. Addison pulls her

hand from mine, and when I glance over at her, she’s giving me a look of pure hurt.

“That baby is a part of me, just like it’s a part of you. I don’t care how much you hate

Serenity...that is your child. Would you have thrown me out so easily? Or is this what really happened
with me?”

I turn on her, gripping her shoulders. “Watch what you fuckin’ accuse me of, Addison. I stood by

your fuckin’ mother while she was pregnant.”

“But you won’t stand by Serenity.”
“She fucking lied to me.”
“So? So what? She fucked up. She’s paying for it. She was protecting someone she loved, which

is more than you can say for yourself right now. Maybe she’s right; maybe you are just as cold hearted
as her father.”

She shuffles through the crowd until she finds Muff, and she sits down beside him. I growl, and

clench my fists.

Fuck this.
Just fuck it.

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~*CHAPTER 19*~


The warehouse is large, three times the size of my fathers. It’s a solid two hours away from the
compound, too, making it safer. It’s fully fenced, and the inside is sectioned into two, large, air-
conditioned spaces. We basically halve it up, one lot of guys in one side, another in the other side,
and us girls get a large office at the back. We all have air mattresses, or sleeping bags. We all found
something we could sleep on. Jackson has a small space at the back to himself. Maybe it’s also an
office? I don’t know.

Spike is taking the truck back for another run to get everyone’s clothes, plus some food and water.

The warehouse is surrounded by thick, green trees, and there’s a creek running along the back of it.
It’s very pretty up here, and if I wasn’t in the position I’m in right now, I’d really like this stay.
Instead, I am curled up on the floor, Janine pressed against my back sleeping, and Ebony tucked into
my arms, also sleeping. I’m not sleeping. I’m just staring.

Depression is a funny thing. It can creep up on you so quickly. One day, you can be feeling totally

ok, the next you can think of nothing but escaping the pain. I feel trapped, like there’s no escape.
Jackson hates me, and I have nowhere else to go after this but back to Hogan. I won’t do that. I won’t
bring a child into that world. Janine said we could get a place together, but let’s face it, we’re both
broke and have no job experience.

I’ve got no way out.
Suicide is selfish, or so everyone tells you. But when you’re in a position, where everything

seems pointless, where you forget how to feel, how to love, how to breathe...then it doesn’t seem so
selfish. Besides, it’s only selfish when you have someone to leave behind. I don’t. I have no one
except Janine and Eb’s, and they’d be just fine without me. Of course they would. They would create
their own world without me in it.

My chest clenches at the terrifying thought that I am actually contemplating my own life. I shake a

little, and gently pry Ebony from my arms and get to my feet. I need to walk. To breathe. Something. I
need to get these thoughts out, I need them to disappear. Something has to give. It has to. I can’t keep
going on like this. I don’t want to keep feeling so broken. So empty.

I walk out into the main area, and there is a group of bikers surrounding a table. They’re all

drinking and talking amongst themselves. I walk past them. My face blank.

“Serenity?” Spike calls.
I keep walking.
His fingers curl around my arm a moment later, and he spins me around. He jerks at my

expression, because I know it’s completely empty. Not one, single emotion shows on my face. “You
can’t go out there.”

I shake my arm from his grip, and turn, walking back towards the room. Like a zombie.
I feel like I’m empty.
Like there’s just nothing left.
As soon as I get back in, I curl up on a chair, facing the window. I stay there, even when Janine

wakes and tries to get me out. I smile for Ebony, but it’s forced. Addi tries to make me eat, I decline. I
don’t hear from Jackson, and I don’t care to. When the night falls, and the bikers start drinking, I
finally move from my chair. No one is in the room, so I venture out, desperate for some water. Then I

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very much plan to go and sit back down to continue on being a prisoner.

I hear laughter outside, so I figure it’s safe enough to find the fridge and get what I need. I walk

into the small kitchenette when I hear giggling, I squint and my blood runs cold. Kayla is sitting on the
bench, legs spread, and Jackson is standing between them, clearly drunk by the way he’s swaying.
He’s laughing about something. Laughing. Like the past few days have meant nothing to him. Like it
doesn’t matter at all that I am in there, pregnant with his child.

I gasp.
He turns.
His eyes widen for a moment, before turning back to that cold emptiness. He’s not actually doing

anything but standing there flirting, but it burns all the same. I spin around, gasping for air as I rush
towards the front door. I get to it, realizing everyone is outside and turn frantically, heading for the
back door. I get out and into the fresh air, and struggle to breathe it in. I feel a set of arms stop me, and
I spin angrily to see Muff .

“Stop her!” I hear Jackson yell.
Muff tightens his grips on me, and when Jackson appears in the doorway, he rasps, “I got her

boss, she’s fine.”

Jackson turns his eyes to me, but I look away.
“It wasn’t...”
“Go to hell, Jackson,” I rasp.
“I got it boss,” Muff says again. “I got it.”
“Serenity...” Jackson says again.
I glare at him, my entire body shaking. “Go to fuckin hell, Jackson. Didn’t you hear me?” I

scream. “Just leave me alone. I don’t need you. I don’t want you. Just GO!”

He looks hurt. Fuck him for looking hurt. He has no right to look hurt.
“Don’t let her go,” he rasps to Muff.
“I won’t.”
He turns and disappears into the warehouse, and my knees crumble.
“Whoa, princess, hey...I got you.”
Muff wraps his arms around me, keeping me upright. He holds me until I stop shaking, and then I

begin to struggle out of his arms.

“You can’t go out there alone, princess.”
“What do you care?” I bark. “I thought we were friends.”
“We are...”
“No,” I cry, shoving him backwards. “We’re not! You were going to shoot me.”
He looks like I’ve slapped him. “I wouldn’t have shot you, but I had to be a part of that.”
My lip trembles, and he stretches his hand out, offering his comfort. I shake my head furiously.
“I don’t want your help!” I cry.
“Yeah, you do. You’re fallin’ to pieces, Serenity.”
“I am not! I’m just doing what I have to do...”
“Until what?” he barks, shocking me. “Until you fall into a thousand fucking pieces, or you kill

your fucking baby because you break down? You need someone, I don’t fucking care if you want it or

“I just saw him in there with Kayla,” I whisper, dropping my head and giving in.
“Aw shit.”
“He wasn’ wasn’t like that, but...he doesn’t care about me,” I rasp. “He doesn’t care that I’m

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“He cares, he’s just hurtin’...”
“I fucked up.”
“It can be undone.”
I shake my head. “I’m scared, Muff.”
“Hey, come here...come with me.”
He reaches out, and wearily I take his hand. He leads me inside and past Jackson, who watches us

as we head to Muff’s made up bed on the floor. Muff sits on it, offering me his hand. I crawl down
with him, and he pulls me into his arms.

“W-w-what are you doing?” I ask.
“Givin’ you some comfort. You’re fucked. Your eyes are dark and your body is tired. You need to

rest. Lie down, let me hold you.”

“You can,” he says gently. “Now come on.”
He pulls me down into his arms, and then rolls us so his chest is pressed against my back, and I’m

tucked neatly against him. I close my eyes, forcing back the tears, and just enjoying a moment of
comfort with someone. I feel Muff lift his head and shake it, and I know it’s towards Jackson. I don’t
care. I just need someone to show me some sort of friendship, just for a moment.

Muff does that.
He holds onto me until I fall into a fitful sleep.
And he stays there with me all night.


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“She’s not eaten a thing, boss. She’s starving.”

I stare at the window, my face blank as Cade speaks.
I turn slowly. “I can’t make her eat, Cade.”
“Fuck, what is wrong with you? She’s starving. Do you hear me? She’s fucking starving. She’ll

kill that baby.”

“Probably for the best.”
Cade hits me, hard. “Snap the fuck out of it!”
I don’t move.
I don’t even blink.
Blood runs down my mouth, and I feel my own tongue slide out and lick it from my lip. He hit me,

and most of the time I’d have him on his ass, but right now, I don’t care. I want to care. Something
inside me is tugging to explode, but my mind is blocking me. I don’t want to feel. Feeling ends up in
pain, and I’m tired of hurting. The two women in my life that I’ve loved have hurt me. I can’t go back.
Can’t do it again.

I’m numb, and each day it just gets worse.
“We need to send her to Hogan’s compound this afternoon...if she doesn’t eat...”
“Send her anyway,” I say, my voice empty.
I spin, glaring at him, feeling my fists shake. “Fucking send her, Cade, you’ve been given direct


He drops his head. “Fuck, fine, whatever you want. If something happens to her, though, it’s on



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They sent me into Hogan’s lot to find out information. They wired me up, and sent me in. I’m starving,
my body is weak, but here I am, likely about to get beaten half to death by my father. Better yet, I want
him to beat me. I want him to take this pain away. I’m tired of feeling this. I don’t have an escape. I’m
trapped, even after all this, I’ve lost my lifeline.

For the first time in my life...I want him to kill me.
“Where have you been?” Hogan barks as soon as I step through the front doors. I look at him, but

my face is empty.

“Finding out information,” I say, my voice empty. He doesn’t even notice.
“They’re on lockdown, we’ve been watching them. How did you get out?”
“I climbed out a window.”
“Are they all there?”
“No, you need to give them a few more days for the last of the club to arrive.”
Hogan glares at me. “You lyin’ to me?”
“No, go see for yourself if you don’t believe me.”
I am telling Hogan everything Cade and Spike told me to. I am just following a damned script,

basically. Hogan walks forward, gripping my shoulder and shaking me. For the first time in my life, I
don’t wince.

“You tell me when they’re all in. We’re going to do a sneak attack, just blow the fuck outta them.”
I shrug.
“What the fuck is your problem?”
“You,” I say.
I know what I’m doing. I’m baiting him. I know Cade and Spike are listening to me, but I don’t

care. I know right now they’ll be screaming for me to shut up. But I’m tired. I can’t live like this
anymore. I don’t want to live like this anymore.

“What did you fuckin’ say?”
“You heard me,” I say, staring into his eyes. “My problem is you.”
He raises his fist back, and hits me so hard I am sent flying into a nearby wall. I hit it so hard my

head slams back, causing it to spin even worse than it already is. Hogan storms over, lifting me by my
shirt and hurling me across the room. I land against the bar, not screaming. I just want it to be over.

“You’re fuckin’ dead!”
I close my eyes.
Hoping he’s right.


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“He’s fuckin’ beating her!” Spike roars, tearing out into the main warehouse.

I stare up at him, knowing he’s talking about Serenity.
“Jackson, he’s fuckin’ beating her. We need to get her out.”
I turn and stare out the window. Spike storms over, gripping me hard and dragging me into the

office. I don’t fight him. I have no need to fight him. I don’t give a flying fuck what he’s got to say.

Then I hear it. I hear her screams.
“Kill me!” she bellows. “I beg you!”
She wants to die. She’s begging him to kill her.
She. Wants. To. Die.
“Jackson,” I hear Spike yell, but it sounds like a far off hum. I can’t move, my legs won’t work.

“Jackson, he’s gonna fuckin’ kill her.”

Can’t move. I can’t breathe. He can’t kill her. No. He can’t fucking kill her.
“You piece of worthless shit. Nothin’ but a waste of fucking air. I’ll fuckin’ kill you, and I’ll

fuckin’ enjoy it.”

He’s going to kill her.
“JACKSON! PULL HER OUT!” Spike bellows.
“Get the guys into action,” Cade yells. “Now Jackson!”
I can’t move. Can’t. My body is panicking, my heart is thumping, my fists are clenched, but I can’t

open my mouth. I can’t open it.

“Fuck it,” Cade barks, lifting a receiver. “Granger, make a ruckus, anything to get his attention.

He’s beatin’ her. We need to get her out. Now.”

“On it,” I hear Granger say, and then Cade slams the receiver down.
He storms over to me, gripping my jacket and shaking me hard. “If she fuckin’ dies, it’s your

fuckin’ fault you cunt.”

Oh shit.
If she fuckin’ dies...
Fuck, what have I done?


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I hear gunshots, and I lift myself from my spot on the floor. Hogan rushed out, leaving me. I lay on the
floor, unmoving, listening to the gunshots out front. I close my eyes, just praying for darkness to
consume me. I don’t know what’s happening, and I don’t care. Some big ruckus started outside mid-
way through Hogan’s beating. He dropped me, stormed out, and left me lying on the floor, not moving,
hoping to fall into oblivion.

It doesn’t last long.
I feel a set of hands wrap around my body and lift me. I open my eyes to see Granger. He and four

other guys are the ones who drove me in here. How did they get into the compound? I feel him running
towards the back door, and when we get out into the sunlight, I see the car we came in sitting at the
back entrance next to three dead bikers. I close my eyes, shuddering. They’re Hogan’s men, I know
that. Granger gets me to the car, and I can still hear gunshots. He throws me in the backseat and runs
around to the driver’s side, jumping in and hitting the gas. We speed off down the road, and he skids
down a dirt track. There, behind a mass of logs and trees, are the three other guys, shooting down at
the compound.

“Get in, now!” he barks.
They run to the car, and as soon as the last door is closed, Granger speeds off. I can hear the

rumbling of Harley’s firing up, and I know my father and his gang won’t be far behind. Granger
speeds down the road, his eyes frantic. I feel my eyes drooping as I struggle to keep them open, shock
is rushing through my body quickly.

“They’re goin’ to be up our tail in a matter of minutes,” one of the bikers yells.
“I know that,” Granger barks.
“We need to find a back road, and disappear down it fast.”
“I gotta find one first!” Granger screams.
“You need to find it fuckin’ fast; I can see a fuckin’ bike!”
Panic rises in my chest, the first emotion I’ve felt for days. Granger steps on the gas, and the car

skids in the dirt. I hear a shot ring out, and hit the metal loudly. I gasp, and Granger curses.

“Go fuckin’ left, it’s a sharp turn,” one of the bikers yell.
“No, it’s a fuckin’ dead end. Head into town,” another screams.
My head spins, and my heart thumps as my eyes dart around frantically.
“Lay down lower, Serenity,” Granger orders.
I lay down lower, my hands shaking, my heart throbbing. I hear another gunshot, and it takes

everything not to scream. The Harley sound comes closer and closer, and I know this could be it for
us. I close my eyes, and warm tears trickle down my cheeks. The car skids suddenly to the left, and
bumps up and down, like we’re going over some serious dirt.

“Yeah, good plan,” one of the bikers says. “They can’t bring those bikes down...”
Another shot, the smashing of glass...and then I’m covered in blood. Thick, hard chunks cover my

body...oh god...that isn’t blood...I open my mouth and I scream. Granger curses, one of the Bikers
starts shooting a gun, and we keep bouncing up and down over the road.

“They’re backing away, they can’t get the bikes over the dirt,” someone yells, I’ve stopped trying

to figure out who.

“Is he...” Granger rasps.
“He’s dead...brains every fuckin’ where.”
“Fuck. Serenity?” Granger calls.

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I’m silent, my mouth is open, and I’m struggling to breathe. Brains. Brains. I’m covered in brains.

I make a whimpering sound, but my body has gone into shock.

“She’s fuckin’ in shock, get her back, now!”
“Serenity, sweetheart,” Granger says gently. “Talk to me.”
I can’t. I am shaking so badly my teeth are rattling together, and I feel sick. So sick. I open my

mouth and gag.

“She’s ok,” a biker rasps, his voice broken. “She’s alive.”
“Close your eyes sweetheart,” Granger says softly. “Close them and don’t look.”
I do as he asks, closing them and trying hard to forget about the blood covering me. It’s soaked

into my shirt, and I can smell it. That awful, copper smell. I open my mouth and vomit comes out, I
can’t stop it. I throw up until I’m gagging and sobbing loudly. My body convulses, and I break. I cry
so hard that I begin to wail.

“Hey, hey, shhh,” Granger tries to soothe me.
“She’s in shock, get her back, G.”
I scream and cry the entire way back, shaking and laying in blood and vomit. When we get to the

warehouse, I hear frantic voices. Granger leaps from the car, I hear him talking, and then I hear the
door swing open. I’m on the floor, curled in a ball, still screaming.

“Oh shit, get Jackson.”
“Jackson!” Granger bellows. “Out here, now!”
I hear the crunching of boots, and then I hear his voice, like my calm breaking through the panic.
“Oh fuck, baby.”
I feel a set of arms grip me, and pull me up. I’m covered still, but I keep my eyes clenched. I feel

my head press to a hard chest, and right away I know whose it is. Jackson. I am still screaming; I
can’t stop it, even though I want to.

“I’m here,” he murmurs, turning and walking. “I’m here. I’ve got you.”
He walks inside, I hear voices, Addison’s I think. I stop screaming, and instead shake violently in

Jackson’s arms. He walks into a shower, and closes the door, and then very gently he places me on
my feet, wrapping an arm around my waist.

“Keep your eyes closed, I got you baby. I’m here. I’ve got you.”
I keep my eyes closed, and a little shaky, whiny sound escapes my throat. He lifts my arms, and

slides my shirt off, and then he pulls my pants off. I hear him shuffle around, and open the door.

“Get rid of that, now,” he orders someone.
Soon he’s with me again, his arms around me, pulling me into the shower. The warm water

washes over me, though it really doesn’t soothe anything. Jackson’s hands rub over my body, and I
realize he’s got his palms filled with soap. I don’t move. I don’t make a sound. I just stand there,
unmoving. Jackson washes my hair four times, and my skin five, and then he tugs me gently out of the
shower and wraps a towel around me.

“Baby, I need you to open your eyes for me,” he encourages.
I don’t.
“Please, look at me.”
I shake my head, clutching his arms. He wraps himself around me, tucking me into his big frame. I

cling to him, not wanting to let go.

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“I’m sorry,” he rasps. “So fuckin’ sorry.”
I don’t speak, I just hang onto him. I just need something to hold on to. He leans down, scooping

me into his arms again, and then he carries me out into the main area and over to his small, private
space. He sets me down on the large air mattress, and gently strokes my hair.

“Daddy,” I hear Addison’s voice. “Is she...ok?”
“I don’t know baby,” Jackson rasps, like he’s about to breakdown. “I don’t know. She won’t talk.

She won’t open her eyes.”

“Can I try?” Addison asks.
“Yeah, I need to go and sort out this mess.”
Like my body comes to life, I bolt upright and scream, “No! Please, don’t leave me again!”
Jackson flinches, and his eyes are bloodshot red. He has wet jeans on, and no shirt. I start to

shake, swinging my head from side to side. I don’t know why, but I can’t stop it. I don’t want him to
go. I want him to stay with me. I need him.

“Jackson, no, please. Don’t leave me.”
He walks over, dropping to his knees. “I’m not leaving you, baby. I’m here, you hear me?”
He wraps me in his arms, and lays us both down. He holds me so tightly I struggle to breathe, but I

don’t care. I need it. I need him. I cling to him, shaking wildly.

“Stop shakin’ for me, darlin’. It’s ok. I got you. I won’t let you go.”
“I’m s-s-s-sorry. all my fault.”
He holds me tighter, until my world begins to spin and everything goes black.
I’m thankful for that darkness.


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“She needs to eat,” Spike says, as we stare in at Serenity, who is curled up like a tiny fairy, sleeping.

“I don’t know if she will, fuck, she saw some bad shit.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Sorry man, I know he was one of your guys,” I say, clapping Spike’s shoulder.
“It’s fucked, but sometimes it happens. We are holding a service for him next week.”
“He have a family?”
“No, thank fuck.”
“What are we goin’ to do about Hogan?” I ask, feeling my fists clench.
“I don’t know, we need to call a meeting and get a game plan underway. We don’t have long.

He’ll be on the hunt now.”

“Yeah,” I say. “I know.”
“Get your girl sorted and I’ll call a meeting.”
I nod. “Thanks Spike, for everything.”
He grips my shoulder. “I know what it’s like to hurt, boss. Sometimes you go to a place you can’t

get out of. You’re out now, and all will come good.”

“I fuckin’ hope so.”
“Yeah,” Spike says, turning and walking to the door. “So do I.”
I turn back to Serenity, and grip the small plate of sandwiches off the table, and carry it over to

the bed. Looking at her sleeping, her tiny body all bruised and battered again, makes my body coil up
with regret. The poor girl, I was an asshole to her, and I put her in a position that could have gotten
her killed. I could have killed her, and my child.

I reach down, running my fingers over her thick hair. She groans and shifts, and I see how skinny

she’s gotten in the past few days. Poor thing, it’s my fault for being such a pig to her. I gently shake
her, and she groans again, fluttering her eyes open. She looks up at me for a moment, seeing nothing,
and then her eyes soften and my heart fucking rips in half. After it all, she’s still lookin’ at me like I’m
her knight in shining motherufckin’ armor.

“Hey beautiful,” I say. “You need to wake up. You’ve been asleep for hours.”
She blinks, and I notice her eyes are red and glassy. She rubs them, and forces herself up on her


“I...I don’t feel so good.”
“You need to eat for me,” I say, pushing the plate towards her.
“Baby,” I say, dropping onto the bed. “For me? Please.”
Nodding, she lifts the sandwich into her hands and nibbles on it.
“You need some painkillers?”
She shakes her head. “I’m ok.”
“Are you sure? What about...ummm...”
“The baby?” she whispers, looking at me through her lashes.
“Yeah, the baby.”
“I don’t know...I think I need to see a doctor.”
My heart hammers. “Why?”
She shrugs. “Well...all the beatings and dehydration...”
“Fuck, this is all my fault.”

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She shakes her head, reaching out and gripping my hands. “No, this one is my fault. I lied; I put

myself in this position.”

“Why’d you do it?” I rasp, and her eyes well with tears.
“He would have hurt her Jackson; he would have killed Ebony without a second glance. I couldn’t

do that to a child. I didn’t want to do it, so I lied, I made up as much as I could to send him off the
trail. I know it means nothing to you right now, but I am sorry. I never wanted to do it, as soon as I got
to know you; I knew I couldn’t keep going with it. I had no escape, the only way out was telling you,
and that meant loosing you, so I put it off...”

I meet her gaze, and she’s staring at me with hopeful eyes.
“I would have done the same thing, in the end...”
Her lip trembles, and she squeezes my hands harder. “I meant what I said out there the other day,

you know...”

“What?” I ask.
Fuck. My eyes are burning. Toughen up, Jackson.
“About loving you...I do...I love you, Jackson.”
I close my eyes, fuck, those words. They crush me. They fucking crush me.
“I...” I get to my feet. “You’re too young for me, fuck, Serenity...I can’t...It’s not...”
Her face.
She’s looking at me like I’ve just ripped her heart out.
“You don’t feel the same?” she whispers, trembling.
“I...what I feel doesn’t matter. I’m no good for you, or...”
“Jackson,” she pleads. “Don’t leave me again.”
“Fuck,” I spin around and walk out quickly.
I can’t love her. I can’t. It’s not right. It makes no sense. She’s a baby, having my baby.
I can’t do this.
Can I?

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~*CHAPTER 20*~


I sit on the bed, completely stunned. He walked out. I told him I loved him, and he walked out. Is that
all my words meant to him? Has he been just trying to find a way out all this time? My stomach turns,
and I shift from the bed, standing up. That’s when it hits me - a sharp, angry pain in my lower belly. I
cry out, clutching my stomach as my head begins to spin. No, oh please no.

“J-Jackson?” I rasp.
I stand and walk to the bathroom, stepping in and locking the door behind me. I lower myself to

the floor, clutching my stomach. It’s hard to determine exactly where the pain is, because my body is
so bruised and battered, but I know it’s down low. I am so sick of crying, and yet tears threaten to
escape. I pull myself up onto the toilet, groaning at the smell. It’s not nice sharing only two toilets
with this many men.

I wipe.
And my head begins to spin.
There’s not much, but it’s blood.
I close my eyes and a mix of anger and pain bubble up in my throat. I get off the toilet, and find my

spot on the floor again. Am I having a miscarriage? Is that what’s happening? Did I kill my own
baby? Did I kill Jackson’s baby? I wrap my arms around myself, and pray for this to be something
different. That baby, it was my tiny ray of sunshine, if it goes...and Jackson goes...

There’s a gentle knock at the door, and I hear Ciara’s voice. I take a deep breath and swallow.


“It’s me, are you ok?”
“N-n-no,” I rasp, my voice breaking.
“What’s happening?”
“I’m...I’m bleeding.”
She’s silent for a long moment. “Oh honey. Let me in?”
“I can’t...I just...I can’t.”
“Hang on a second, ok? I’ll get Jackson.”
I cry out no, but by the sounds of it, she’s already gone. I clutch my stomach harder, trying to

control my trembling. A moment later, a harder knock sounds out.

It’s Jackson.
“Open the door, darlin’.”
I close my eyes and let my tears leak out. I’m so tired. So worn out. I don’t want to move, or to

speak. I don’t even want to feel. I am sick of fighting against myself, and my life. No matter what I do,
it keeps ending like this.

“Baby,” Jackson says, gentler this time. “Please open the door.”
I open my mouth to rasp a go away, but the only sound that comes out is a strangled gasp.
“I’m goin’ to kick it down,” I hear Jackson say.

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“That’s not wise, daddy!”
Addison is there now, too.
“She won’t open it, I don’t have a choice.”
Three kicks later, and the door flings open. I gasp, and wrap my arms around myself, scooting

further into the bathroom. Jackson sees me on the floor, looking like a pitiful child, and walks over,
kneeling down in front of me. His eyes are soft and full of concern.

“What’s happening?”
“The baby, daddy,” Addison whispers from behind him.
Jackson’s face pales, and his eyes fill with hurt. Oh god, he wanted our baby too? I close my eyes

and look away, ashamed and hurt. Is this my fault? I asked my own father to beat me. I pushed him. I
wanted him to end this for me. God, what sort of person am I? I put my own child at risk, because I
was selfish. What is wrong with me?

“ we do?” he asks.
“She needs a doctor,” Ciara says gently.
“Then I’m takin’ her to a doctor.”
He reaches for me, but I slap his hand away. “No!”
“Serenity, this is our baby...”
“My baby!” I cry, shaking. “You don’t want this. You don’t want me. You walked away, Jackson.

I told you I loved you, and you walked away. You can’t just come back now and try to help me.
What’s the point?”

His eyes flicker with emotion, and I notice everyone else leave the bathroom. Jackson stares at

me for a long moment, and I expect him to tell me that he can’t change it, but I’m still going to the
doctor anyway. Instead, he says something that has my world stopping, and all the breath leaving my

“You think I don’t love you?” he rasps. “You think I don’t fucking care? I care, Serenity. I want

you more than I’ve wanted anything in my life, and you frighten the fuck out of me. You could change
your mind at any moment, deciding I’m not good enough, or too old, and then where will I be? If you
think I am pulling away, because I don’t care, then you’re fucking wrong. I care about you, more than I
care to admit.”

I shake, and reach out, gripping his shirt. “Have you seen the life I lived, Jackson? Have you seen

how it went for me? Do you have any idea how much I adore you? I don’t care how old you are. I
don’t want to leave you, because you’re the only good thing I have left. Don’t pull away from me,” I
plead. “I need you.”

“Baby,” he murmurs, gripping me and hurling me up and into his chest. He wraps his big arms

around me, and nestles his face into my hair. “You are the reason I fuckin’ breathe.”

I shudder as he stands, lifting me up off the floor. When my feet are steady on the ground, he looks

down at me, those beautiful green eyes blazing. “And because of that, you’re goin’ to the doctor
whether you like it or not.”

I don’t argue.
I don’t need to.
He’s said everything I need to hear.

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“You said she got beaten walking home?” the nurse says, rubbing a salt water solution over a wound
on my head.

“Yeah,” Jackson grunts. “That’s what I said.”
The nurse gives him a suspicious look. He’s not wearing his colors right now, because he’s trying

to stay un-noticed, but she’s still jumping to conclusions in her own head.

“I don’t beat her!” he snaps, and her eyes widen.
Men, they never help themselves. Now she likely thinks he beats me because of his aggressive

outburst. I close my eyes and sigh.

“Can you tell me where the pain has been?” the nurse says, and I open my eyes to see her glaring

at Jackson still, even though she directed the question at me.

“I can’t pin point one area, but it’s down low.”
“Ok, well, we’ll do an ultrasound to see how far along you are, and if baby has a heartbeat.”
Jackson’s eyes widen, and I feel my body tremble. Another lady comes in a moment later with a

machine, and a long probe. I stare at the probe and rasp, “What’s that for?”

“At this early stage, we have to use a vaginal insert to see the baby.”
A what?
Oh hell no.
All I can say, is it’s one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life, but then she shows us

the screen, and quickly, I forget about it. Everything else seems to blur. I can’t smell the awful clean
hospital, or hear the beeping of the machines, or see Jackson’s face. No, I can only see that screen.
My entire world stops spinning for a moment.

“There we are, see that tiny little bean?”
A tiny blob of white, in a dark circle - that’s all I can see. Somewhere deep down I know that’s

life; our life.

“T-t-that’s my baby?”
“It sure is, and look at that, a steady heartbeat.”
She points to the screen again, and I see the tiny pulsing of a tiny heartbeat. It looks bigger than the

baby, but it’s there. I make a strangled sound, and press my hand to my mouth. Jackson just sits, his
eyes transfixed on the screen, his hands curled into fists.

“You’re about six weeks along, congratulations. Everything looks fine. The small bit of bleeding

could be normal for this early in the pregnancy, or it could be because of the damage your body has
received. For now though, baby looks healthy and ok.”

My baby is ok?
I feel Jackson’s hand touch my shoulder, but I don’t acknowledge it. I can’t breathe. That tiny little

bubble on the mine? Mine? All mine? I can love, and adore, and spoil, and cherish it how I
want? How I need? How it needs? My body begins to shake all over. Jackson steps up beside me,
running his fingers through my hair.

“You need to take it easy for a few weeks, just to be sure,” the nurse says.
I nod, “O-ok.”
“Once the doctor has checked you out, you can go.”
We both thank her, and when she’s gone, Jackson turns to me, taking my face in his hands and

leaning down so he’s looking deep into my eyes.

“I fucked up before; I didn’t tell you what I should have. I let fear rule what I should have let my

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heart rule. I won’t lose another child for half of its life, and I won’t lose a woman I love out of petty,
ridiculous fears.”

“W-w-what are you saying?” I whisper.
“I’m saying I love you, Serenity. It may not be right, and it may not be logical, but it’s real and it’s

mine. I won’t let you go, and I won’t let my child grow up without me. So, you best get used to me
being around, because I’m not going anywhere.”

“I don’t plan to.”
He grins, brushing his lips across mine. “Good, because I’m never lettin’ you go.”
God, could this be it?
Could this be my second chance?

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~*CHAPTER 21*~


“He’s gone out of town, and back to his compound...” I say to Cade a week later.

“Hogan is planning something big, his original plan for getting us on lockdown isn’t going to

work, but he’s got something planned, and he obviously needs his turf to do it.”

“We’re safe out here for now,” I say. “But I don’t know how long that will last. He’s goin’ to

come back.”

“We need a plan; we gotta get rid of him, Jack’s.”
“He’s right,” Spike says, lighting a cigarette.
“Yeah, but this time we gotta do it right,” I point out. “If we don’t, we’re fucked. He’s got double

our men.”

“How are we supposed to take out sixty fuckin’ bikers?” Cade grunts.
I cross my arms across my chest. Fucks me how we’re meant to do that.
“I know how.”
I hear the soft, sweet as shit voice coming from the doorway, and turn to see my lady, looking like

a pretty little pixie in her pink pajamas and ruffled hair. It’s late at night, and I haven’t been to bed. I
figured she’d come looking soon.

“You listenin’ in to club business, baby?” I say, giving her a small grin.
She flushes and shakes her head. “No, I was just coming to look for you, and I overheard.”
“Might as well use her now,” Spike says. “Come in here precious.”
Serenity walks in, and comes over, stopping in front of me. I spin her around, and pull her onto my

lap. She’s light, and warm, and she smells fucking great. I grow hard beneath her ass, and I feel her

“So?” Cade encourages. “How can we take them all out?”
“Once a month Hogan has a massive gathering at the compound, all the guys know about it, and

they’re all required to attend. Club rules. It’s not for families, it’s just for the guys, and it’s held on
the same date so they can all make sure they are there. It’s the best option you have of taking them all

“You think they’ll do it this month?” I say, tightening my grip around her.
“They will, because they’re worried. It’s a good way for them to work out a plan. It’s usually

when they discuss the major club business.”

“And when is this little gathering?” Spike asks.
Serenity lifts my cell off the table, and checks the date, and then she lifts her head. “Two nights

from now.”

“Fuck, is that enough time?” Cade says, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Depends on what we’re goin’ to do...”
“Can I make a suggestion?” Serenity whispers.
“Go for it baby, you know the club.”
“Well, they all sit inside the far left shed. The one right down the back of the lot. They don’t have

security on, but they might this time. I know you tried to blow the compound before, but it went wrong
because it wasn’t thought out. The buildings are too scattered. If you did it right, you could easily
achieve the result you first went for.”

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“We blow the entire shed?” Spike says, rubbing his jaw.
“We blow the entire shed,” I say, nodding.
“We need some serious power,” Cade adds.
“We can get that,” I murmur. “I got that covered.”
“How do we get it close enough?” Spike asks.
“You don’t need to get close enough,” Serenity says. “It’s right down the back, and you can access

it from the bush land behind it. If you put something right up against the fence, that had enough power,
you would blow it easily.”

“How do we get that close and place something, without them knowing?” Cade says, his jaw tight

with concern.

“Janine,” Serenity whispers.
We all turn to look at her. “Your friend?” I ask.
“Yeah, her husband thinks she’s visiting family. If she goes back, they won’t suspect her. There’s

a massive bin right up against the shed, if she could plant something in there, you could then control it
from a good distance away.”

“It’s a good idea,” Spike says. “If we could get her tippin’ gas around the perimeter too, it would

go up even harder.”

“Too risky,” I say. “I have goods that will easily blow that shed.”
“It could work,” Cade murmurs. “If we are careful.”
“We need a backup plan, if for some reason they don’t do the meeting...” I add.
“We can work something out,” Cade says.
“Yeah,” Spike grunts.
“We need to get some stuff and send the girl in tomorrow, if we don’t do it soon, we’re goin’ to

end up in trouble,” I say, rubbing my hands up Serenity’s thighs. “But for now, I’m goin’ to bed. Give
my guy a call, Cade. Get what we need.”

“On it boss.”
I lift Serenity off my lap, and wrap my arms around her, walking us out of the room.
I can’t think of club business right now.
No, I am going to fuck my lady tonight.
Nice and slow.


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They say great minds think alike, well, apparently tonight that is true. As soon as Jackson got me back
to our private little space, he began undressing me, slowly, gently, taking his time with each piece of
clothing. Now here I am, standing naked before him, watching his lusty, gorgeous green eyes
devouring me. He drops his clothes, and then stands, slowly stroking his cock, making everything
inside me clench.

The past week has been hell. I couldn’t have sex, or do anything too crazy just to be sure the baby

was ok, but I’m desperate. My pussy clenches as I stare at Jackson, his big hands sliding
up and down that stunning length. I bite my bottom lip, unable to take my eyes from him. He steps
forward, I step back. “Baby,” he rasps. “No playin’.”

“I’m not playing,” I whisper, lifting my eyes from his cock to his face. “You just look

so...dominant right now.”

He growls. “That’s because I need to be inside you, and fuck baby, I need it now.”
“No foreplay then?” I laugh nervously.
“Oh, darlin’, I’m goin’ to suck your clit until you scream, don’t doubt it.”
I whimper.
He begins lowering to his knees, and my entire body prickles. I want him. God, I want him. I take

a step towards him, and he grins. “That’s my girl, keep comin’ baby.”

I do as he asks; I take another step forward until I’m standing up against him. He hisses through

his teeth, and then leans down, sliding his tongue up the inside of my thigh. He takes my foot, lifting it
and placing my leg over his shoulder. I stumble a little, and my pussy lands right on his mouth. He
growls, I cry out, and then his tongue is inside me, licking, suck, tormenting.

“Jackson, oh god...”
He sucks my clit into his mouth, rolling it around while his hands grip my ass, massaging it with

primal need. He presses my pussy against his face as hard as he can, and his tongue has me screaming
and shaking. He groans, tearing his lips from my pussy, and lifting my leg off his shoulder, flipping me
around so I land on my hands and knees. Then he grips my hips and lifts them, bringing my pussy back
to his mouth. Only this time, it’s from a different angle.

I know my ass is in his face, but he doesn’t seem to mind. Instead, he thrusts his tongue inside my

aching flesh, in and out, in and out, while his finger goes around and starts rubbing my clit furiously.
Oh shit. I come so hard my arms collapse and I land face first on the mattress sitting on the floor.
Jackson groans, and gently puts me down until my knees touch the ground. Then he’s running his
fingers up and down my slick sex, before pressing his cock to my entrance.

“Need you, baby.”
“Yes,” I plead.
He uses his hand to guide his cock into my pussy, and I groan at the feeling of him filling me. It

feels like it’s been forever. When he’s deep inside me, he runs his hand down my spine, making me
shudder. He pulls back gently, slowly, with a guttural groan, and then he plunges back in. I tighten
around him, causing a feral curse to escape his lips.

“Such a beautiful pussy,” he murmurs, thrusting his hips again. “So fuckin’ perfect around my


“Oh god,” I groan. “Say that again.”
“Cock baby, you fuckin’ know how to work my cock.”
“Jackson,” I rasp. “More.”

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“My pixie is dirty. She loves it when I tell her how sweet her pussy is wrapped around my cock.”
I jerk, and bolts of pleasure shoot through me.
“Spank me,” I beg.
“Baby,” he groans. “Fuck.”
“Now, Jackson.”
With a hiss, he brings his hand down gently over my ass. I clench around his cock, so he does it

again. Oh god, the pain, the pleasure, it has my eyes rolling and my body jerking in response. I can
feel my own arousal dampening Jackson’s cock, and I don’t care, I don’t want it to stop. He groans
deeply, and massages my ass, before bringing his hand down over it again.

I come.
Oh, do I come.
Jackson growls, gripping my hips and thrusting deep and slow, careful not to hurt me. I feel his

cock swell, and then I feel him spurting deep inside me, pulse after pulse. His guttural groan fills the
small space, and mine joins in until all I can hear are our cries of pleasure. I drop down onto my
stomach when my shaking dies down, and Jackson pulls out, flopping down beside me.

“Shit,” he rasps. “That was hot.”
I laugh softly. “Yeah, it was...”
He rolls to his side, placing a hand on my stomach and gently rubbing. “You ok?”
I nod, meeting his gaze. “Great now.”
“And baby?”
“I’m assuming fine.”
“Tried to go gentle, fuck, it took everything inside me not to pound that sweet cunt.”
My eyes open in shock. “Jackson! Did you just say cunt?”
He grins, and winks at me. “You bring out the dirty in me.”
I giggle. “You’ll have to tame that when the baby comes.”
He snorts. “Can’t take the biker out of a...biker.”
I laugh loudly. “I think you mean you can’t take the biker out of a man.”
He shrugs. “Same difference.”
I roll my eyes and turn my face, staring up at the ceiling.
“Is it goin’ to burn?” he says suddenly.
I turn my face back. “What?”
“Killin’ your dad?”
I flinch, and he lifts himself on his elbows. “Is it goin’ to fuck everything we’re creatin’ here?”
“Do you have any idea what it was like growing up with him?” I say, searching his gaze.
“No, baby, I don’t.”
“It was hell. He was abusive, and cruel, and mentally damaging. I hate him; I hate him more than

I’ve hated anything in my entire life, as short as it’s been. He deserves everything he gets. He
deserves no one’s pity; he’s a cruel, repulsive monster. It will be the best day of my life when he’s
killed. I know that sounds sick, but it’s the truth.”

“You’re nothin’ like him, you know?”
I nod, smiling weakly. “Yeah, I know. Sometimes, though, I worry parts of me are the same...I

mean...I let him push me in here to gather information.”

“He threatened Ebony and beat the fuck out of you, there wasn’t much choice.”
I meet his gaze. “There’s always a choice, Jackson. Isn’t that the old saying?”
He shakes his head, his eyes gentle. “When you have two paths, both that end in pain, there isn’t

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really a choice. You just have to choose which one you can live with the easiest.”

I swallow, and nod.
“I’m sorry...for all of it. For what I did. For not listening. For the fact that he’s your father and I

have to kill him.”

“Don’t be sorry for me, be sorry for him. He’s the one who is going to get everything he deserves.

You know, I feel a little selfish right now?”

“Baby, I don’t hate you for what you did...”
“Not about that. I feel selfish because it’s not me that gets to kill him. Does that make me a sick


“No,” he says, pulling me into his arms and rolling to his back. “A person can’t do to you, what he

did to you, and actually expect to get away with it. The hate you feel, the need to make him pay, it’s
normal and there ain’t nothin’ wrong with feeling like that. I’ll make him pay, Serenity. For every
hand he ever laid on you. I swear it.”

“I hate myself, you know?” I whisper. “I hate myself for ever letting him put me in the position of

having to lie to you.”

“Maybe you’re lookin’ at it all wrong,” he says, stroking my hair.
“How so?”
“Maybe you should see it like this...if he didn’t put you here, we’d never be doin’ what we’re

doin’ right now.”

“I know that,” I whisper. “But I nearly lost you, Jackson. It nearly wasn’t worth all of this.”
“I was hurt, couldn’t see past it until I heard you screamin’ on that recorder, and then I saw you in

that car, covered in blood, and I knew you weren’t evil. I knew it wasn’t your doing, and that you
would never hurt me or my club. I knew that my life without you wasn’t worth livin’. I couldn’t
believe I nearly lost that.”

“It took a lot not to tell you, but I knew from a very early time that I was going to lie to Hogan. It

wasn’t easy.”

“No,” he says. “I don’t imagine it was.”
“I just want it over; I want to create a life for our baby.”
“I will end it for you, darlin’. I swear it.”
I know he will.
And it scares me.
What if it ends him, instead?

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~*CHAPTER 22*~


“Be careful,” I say, hugging Janine.

“I’ll be fine. The explosive Jackson gave me is tiny. I can’t believe something so small, is going

to do so much damage.”

“Are you sure you’re ok with this, you know Derek will be in that group?”
Her face hardens. “He’s a rotten, woman raping pig. I hope he burns.”
I hug her again. “Promise me you’ll be safe.”
“Promise me you’ll make sure Eb’s is ok?”
I turn and stare at the little girl playing in the corner of the warehouse. “I swear.”
“I’ll be in and out. All I have to do is drop this in the bin.”
“Do you think it will be that easy?” I say, feeling my body tense with fear.
“I think if it’s done right, it can be.”
“What if it goes wrong?” I whisper.
She steps forward, gripping my face. “You have a good group of guys here; they’re not going to

let anything happen to you.”

“What about you?”
She shakes her hand. “I have to drop it in the bin. That’s it. Easy. Simple.”
“Promise me if it looks like you’re going to end up caught, you won’t do it.”
She nods. “I swear it.”
“I love you, you know that?”
She smiles, leaning down to kiss my cheek and hug me once more. “I know it, and I’ll be fine. I

have to go, I’ll be back soon. I swear.”

She smiles, and turns, heading out the door. I watch her go, praying, just praying this goes right.


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“I’m going with you Jackson,” I say, standing my ground. My arms are crossed, and I know the look in
my eye is that of a determined woman.

“Like fuck you are!” he growls, crossing his arms too, and glaring at me.
“I know the land. I know where to hide. I know where you can see without being seen. Without

me, you’ll put yourself in danger. You risk being caught.”

“She’s right boss,” Cade says, sucking on a cigarette. “We need her help. We don’t want to fuck

this up a second time.”

“She’s carryin’ my motherfuckin’ baby!” Jackson bellows.
“She’s goin’ to be far enough away it won’t be a problem, we just need her to show us where to

hide, and then someone can bring her back.”

I give Jackson a look, even though he’s glaring at me. “Jackson, you know this has to happen.”
“Fine,” he barks. “You point it out, and then you’re gone. I mean it, Serenity.”
I nod, knowing this is hard for him, but also knowing I have to do it. “I understand.”
“Let’s get goin’, we don’t have much time left.”
I turn to Ebony and Janine, who are standing, watching me. Janine managed to get the bomb in

without problems. She said Derek didn’t even notice she was back. He was busy fucking some other
woman. That sparked her determination. I hurry over, wrapping my arms around the both of them,
hoping we all come home safely from this.

“I love you two!”
“Be safe,” Janine whispers. “Please.”
“I will, I promise.”
“Take this,” she says, staring around quickly before slipping a gun out of her pants.
“Where did you get this?” I whisper harshly.
“I stole it from Derek.”
I shake my head, putting my hands up. “I won’t need it.”
She meets my eyes, hers full of concern. “You never know, it’s not worth the risk.”
“Come on, Serenity,” Jackson yells.
“I love you!” I whisper, taking the gun and tucking it into my pants. “I’ll be back soon.”
She nods, her face concerned. I blow her a kiss before turning and rushing out.


The drive to my old home town is long, around about two hours. We all sit quietly - Jackson, Spike,
Muff, Cade, Granger, and I. I know we’re all worried, and thinking that if this doesn’t work, there’s
going to be a war on our hands. We don’t have much choice though. We need to finish this, or we’re
never going to live safely. Hogan won’t just give up. He will destroy everyone that gets in his path.

Just before we arrive in town, my phone rings. I glance down at the screen and see it’s Hogan. My

heart skitters. What the hell is he trying to ring me for? I haven’t heard from him since the shooting
that day, well, at least I think I haven’t. I have had my phone off, today is the first time I’ve turned it
back on, and it was only in case we needed it.

“He’s trying to ring me,” I whisper to Jackson.

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“Answer it,” he says. “Feel him out. Tell him we figured you out, and are holding you hostage.”
I nod, swallowing, and I answer the phone.
“Where the fuck are you?” he bellows. “I’ve been fuckin’ tryin’ to ring for days.”
“I had to find my phone...they figured out who I am. They’re holding me hostage to use against


He snorts loudly. “Stupid mother fuckers, they’re goin’ to die, and so are you. I don’t give a fuck

if they kill you, how’s about you tell them that.”

It doesn’t matter how much you hate your father, or how much you know he hates you, it hurts like

hell when the one who is supposed to love you, tells you he couldn’t care less if you died.

“What are you going to do?” I whisper.
“None of your fuckin’ concern, I don’t trust you. You’re a fuckin’ snake; I should have killed you

when I had the chance. I hope those fuckers make it hurt; maybe they’ll rape you until you fuckin’
bleed, and then kill you.”

“You’ll regret that!” I suddenly scream, losing my cool and my level head. “You piece of shit. I

hope you burn in hell for all the bad things you’ve done! I hate you! I fucking hate you!”

“Stupid fuckin’...”
Jackson snatches the phone from me and hangs up. I jerk my head towards the window, and begin

panting. I can’t look at him right now; I can’t look at any of them. I’m so angry. So hurt.

“Serenity, baby, that was fuckin’ dumb.”
I don’t answer him; I just focus on trying to control my shaking.
“Make it hurt,” I rasp. “Make it fucking hurt, Jackson.”
Everyone falls silent.
But we’re all thinking the same thing...
I hope this doesn’t fuck me up forever.


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“You shouldn’t go closer,” I whisper to Jackson as we come to a stop at the hiding point, and get out.

“We might need to,” he says. “I can’t be sure it’ll work from here.”
“Here boss,” Cade says, tossing Jackson some binoculars.
Jackson takes them, and presses them to his eyes. “They’re all goin’ in, I can see them.”
“How many?” Spike asks.
“At least sixty.”
“Exactly what we want,” he rasps.
I know what this means to Spike, Ciara told me what he’s been through, and how desperately he

needs his peace. I hope he gets it, god, I hope I get it.

“You need to go now, Serenity,” Jackson orders.
He spins to me, his eyes hard. “It’s not a fuckin’ option.”
“Now!” he barks.
I nod, giving him a hurt expression. I know the rules, and there’s no point in arguing. I turn, and

begin walking towards the car.

“Granger will follow!” Jackson yells. “Serenity? Are you listening to me?”
I don’t turn. I’m hurt. He’s taking this from me, and maybe I should have explained that to him, but

there’s no point. I feel a hand wrap around my arm, and spin me around. Jackson stares down at me,
his eyes impatient.

“It isn’t safe for you here, and I gotta do what’s best for you. Even if you don’t like it.”
“You’re taking it away from me,” I whisper. “I deserve to watch my home disappear.”
Jackson’s eyes soften. “Your home? Shit, baby...”
“I don’t mean it like that, but it’s where I grew up. Those men, they were all I knew. I don’t like

them, and each and every one of them are pigs, but I deserve to watch that go...”

Jackson strokes my cheek. “You might think that now, baby, but when it comes down to it, you

will regret seein’ that.”

I feel a tear leak down my cheek. Jackson swipes it away with his thumb. “Got to trust me, ok?”
I nod.
He leans down, and brushes his lips across mine. “Love you, yeah?”
I turn, letting him go, and I walk off towards the truck. I climb in the back when I reach it, and I

wait for Granger. It seems like hours pass, and I find myself glancing down at my watch after about
ten minutes. Where is Granger? Am I meant to leave without him? Jackson said he would follow, but
maybe I heard it wrong. I don’t want to go back, I know Jackson will flip, but I can’t stay here either.

I’m about to get out of the car, when I hear a shot - a loud, ear piercing shot. My knees buckle, and

I quickly slide out of the car. Something is wrong; I can feel it in my gut. I drop to my knees, pulling
out the gun that is in my jeans, and I begin crawling back towards Jackson and the guys. God, what if
they’re all dead? Did Hogan find them?

What I see when I get them in view, breaks me apart.
I was right.
Hogan and three of his men holding machine guns - huge, massive, lethal, machine guns. Jackson

and the guys are standing in a small group, only one of them has a gun, but it’s on the ground now.

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God, why didn’t they bring more guns? They never thought it would get this bad. I turn, and my eyes
widen as I see who got shot. Granger is on the ground bleeding, his chest convulsing. I cover my
mouth to stop the scream that threatens to escape. Hogan is going to kill them, god, he’s going to kill

“Where the fuck is she?” he barks.
Jackson’s eyes are hard. “I don’t fuckin’ have her.”
“Bullshit, I put a GPS tracker in her phone, you stupid fuck. I know she’s around here.”
My phone. He was tracking my phone? Oh god. That’s the reason he only just found me. I hadn’t

had my phone on out at the warehouse, things were hectic and I just left it switched off. Jackson said
it was the safest option anyway. Today was the first time I turned it on and decided to bring it with
me. Oh, god, if I didn’t come...

He would have found us at the warehouse. Either way, this would have gone bad.
I wrack my brains trying to think of something quickly, and then I see the tiny remote poking out of

Jackson’s pocket. He just needs to press that button, make a distraction, and then I can shoot Hogan.
God, but still, his guys have those could go so wrong. How are we supposed to get out of
this? I feel ill, and panic rises in my chest.

“Move, you are goin’ to stand in my fuckin’ compound, and we’re gonna fuckin’ kill you slowly,”

Hogan barks.

Jackson turns his eyes quickly towards the trees when Hogan looks away, and he notices me

standing there. I quickly point to the remote in his pocket, but he turns his eyes back quickly, as though
he was watching nothing. He slowly reaches around behind him, and he presses the button. It wasn’t
exactly what I meant, but the explosion is huge, so huge it sends all of us through the air from sheer
force. I land on my knees beside a tree, and cry out in pain as rocks cut into my skin.

I hear Hogan’s clear roar of anger, and I know I have seconds. I hear two gunshots, and I quickly

crawl forward, clutching my gun. The smoke is filling the air, and the sky is alight, red flames
shooting into the horizon. I begin to cough from the smoke, and my eyes burn. I get blurred a view of
the guys, and I see both of Hogan’s guys dead on the floor. Hogan has two machine guns in his hands,
and he’s pointing them at Jackson and the guys. They have no guns. Who shot those two guys? Then I
see Granger on the floor, even though he’s convulsing and bleeding, he has a gun in his hand. Oh god.
He tried to save them. My body shudders, and I grip my stomach to stop the bile escaping.

Hogan raises the machine guns, pointing them at Jackson and the guys. “You stupid fuckers,” he

roars. “You stupid motherfuckers. Did you think your stupid plan would work? Did you think I
wouldn’t get my revenge on you? Those men down there, they were fuckin’ easy to find. I will create
more. You won’t get away with this, you fuckin’ bastards. I will kill you now, and then I’ll create
another group and kill everyone you love, slowly.”

Granger chokes, and Hogan spins, shooting the machine gun. Pop, pop, pop, it’s all I hear. Then I

see Granger’s body jerking as Hogan shoots him in the legs, not enough to kill him. The sick bastard.
Spike bellows loudly, and the pain in his eyes breaks me. Hogan turns back to them, his eyes falling
on Spike. He gives him a slow, sick grin.

“Did that hurt? Seein’ him get shot? Maybe I’ll force you to finish him off. You wouldn’t want

him to die here, now would you?”

Spike tenses, and his body begins to shake. Oh god.
“You’re goin’ to fuckin’ die, Jackson,” Hogan barks, turning back to Jackson. “Now fuckin’ walk.

There’s a nice big cliff ahead, I might watch a few of you fuckers jump.”

Oh god.

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He shoves the gun at them, and they start walking. They have no choice. They die if they fight.

Hell, they’re going to die anyway, but the longer they survive, the more chance they have of figuring a
way out of this. As soon as they disappear through the trees, I run forward, dropping to my knees at
Granger’s side. There’s blood everywhere. It’s all over him.

“You’re ok,” I rasp, feeling tears slide down my cheeks. He’s got blood pouring from his mouth,

and his body is jerking. His legs, they are covered in blood. “Granger, you’re ok.”

He’s looking at me, his eyes wide and frantic as he chokes on his own blood. I tear at my shirt,

using the material to press against his chest. Tears thunder down my cheeks, and I shake violently.
“You’re going to be ok, do you hear me?”

He reaches up, wrapping a hand around my wrist. I blink away my tears, as he holds my eyes for a

moment. His eyes are pleading. I don’t know if they’re pleading with me to save him, or the guys, or
if he’s just saying goodbye. But it hurts, it fucking hurts so bad.

“Don’t look at me like that,” I croak, swiping a bloody piece of hair from his face. “Don’’re

going to be ok...”

His hand tightens around my wrist, and a bloody tear leaks from his eyes.
“Don’t...” I sob. “Granger, you’re going to be just fine.”
He chokes and splutters, and then his eyes roll and his body begins to convulse harder.
“Granger!” I cry. “No, open your eyes.”
His body stops convulsing suddenly, and as if in slow motion, I watch as he stops breathing with

a gurgled rasp. Just like that. His entire life is over. I hiccup loudly, covering my mouth to stop the
noise. I can’t see through my blurred tears. “I’m so sorry, Granger. So sorry.”

I get to my knees, my entire body shaking, and I turn towards the trees. I don’t have long. I have to

be strong. I can mourn once I’ve saved the guys. I hold the gun tightly in my hand, and I hurry forward.
I know the cliff Hogan is talking about. I rush through the trees, swiping at my tears. When I reach the
cliff, I peer through the trees to see Hogan has the guys lined up right on the edge. This is my moment,
this is the only chance I have...I lift my gun and cock it.

Hogan turns.
He heard me.
His eyes fall on mine, and he throws his head back and laughs.
He. Laughs.
“I knew you were around here somewhere, my no good daughter. Come to watch them die? You

know this is your fault, right? You’re the reason they are here.”

My hands shake, and I hold the gun up higher, stepping out of the trees.
“Oh, put that down,” he laughs. “You’re a fuckin’ useless bitch, you ain’t got the fuckin’ guts to

use that on me.”

“I’ve dreamt of this moment my entire life,” I yell. “I want to see you suffer.”
He throws his head back, laughing, and bellows up at the sky. “You pathetic idiot!”
I get a split second while he’s throwing his head around laughing, to see Jackson and the guys.

Jackson goes to step forward; he has a massive rock in his hand. I shake my head frantically, and he
stops. I swing my eyes to the cliff and as if understanding what I need, he and the guys slowly begin
stepping to the side to make a big gap directly behind where Hogan is standing. The gap where I’ll
send him over. Once and for all.

My anger bubbles up inside me, and I swing my eyes back to Hogan just as he drops his head and

pins me with his gaze. “You killed my friend; I will kill you for that.”

“Oh, I dare you, and make it a good hit, because when I get hold of you, I’m going to fucking gut

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“Oh,” I laugh, even though it’s empty. “I’ll make it count.”
I pull the trigger, hitting him in the shoulder. There’s a reason for my move, the cliff is right

behind him, and I want to watch him suffer. Hogan stumbles backwards, roaring in pain. He manages
to lift his machine gun, and a hoarse, pained laugh leaves his throat. “You didn’t make it count, now
you die you fuckin’ whore.” He takes a step back, and in slow motion, he slips. He manages to grip
the side of the cliff, his fingers holding on tightly. His screams fill the air.

Slowly, my entire body numb, I walk over and peer down. He’s holding on, and for the first time

in my life, his eyes are scared. A flash of something goes through me, but I quickly realize what it is.
It’s the flash of recognition that he’s my father, and even though I can’t stand him, it’s me accepting
that and moving on from it. I peer down into my father’s eyes, and I aim the gun down, right at the
middle of his head.

“You wouldn’t do it,” he rasps. “Kill your own father.”
“You’re not my father,” I scream. “You’re nothing but a useless piece of shit that ruined my life. I

told you I’d make you pay, and you didn’t believe me, but you should have. You know why,
FATHER? Because I am a part of you, and you always get what you want, do I. Did you
really think I wouldn’t figure this out, and find a way to end you? I hope you rot slowly in hell, I hope
you suffer every minute, of every hour, and I hope you never EVER rest in peace. Good riddance.”

I pull the trigger. The shot sounds out, and the force throws me backwards. I crash onto the

ground, my head slamming back into the dirt. I cry out in pain, but I don’t move, I can’t move. I just
lay, staring at the sky, my body completely numb. Jackson is the first person by my side, scooping me
up into his arms, his hands frantically roaming over my body.

“Baby, fuck, baby...”
I say nothing.
I just killed my own father.
I stare up at the sky, my body flopping.
“Serenity!” Jackson yells, shaking me. “Talk to me. Baby, talk to me.”
I slowly turn my eyes to his, and the expression on his face is frantic.
“Baby,” he rasps. “Come on.”
“She’s in shock Jack’s,” Muff whispers, kneeling beside us, his voice broken. “Here.”
He pulls a flask of whiskey from his jeans, and he presses it to my mouth, forcing it down. I choke

and splutter, but the burn jerks my body to life. I squirm in Jackson’s arms, and he carefully lets me
go. I run towards the edge of the cliff.

“SERENITY!” Jackson roars.
I drop to my knees at the edge, and I stare down. He’s gone. I know he’s dead, I shot him in the

head, and if that wasn’t enough the fall would have been. I stare into the rocks, and my heart begins to
hammer. I killed him. He’s gone. Forever. I’m free.

It’s over.
I slowly get to my feet, and I turn to Jackson. His eyes are glistening from unshed tears, but the

other guys, they’re crying - all silent, broken tears for their lost friend. Cade steps out of the trees,
with Granger in his arms, oh god. My heart breaks for them, it cracks into tiny pieces. The hurt on
their faces, the silence in the air, it’s heart wrenching. I stare over at Granger, and my body shakes
violently. Poor Granger.

I turn to Spike, knowing Granger was closest to him. He’s staring at his fists, which are clenched,

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and his body is shaking. Slowly, I force my legs to move as I make my way over to him. I stop in front
of him, and I reach out, curling my tiny fingers around his big fists. He looks up at me, his eyes
glistening, his cheeks damp from his pain.

“I’m so sorry,” I whisper. “I tried to help was too late.”
With a shaky hand, he strokes my cheek, so gently.
“Thank you,” he rasps.
“M-m-me?” I whisper, shaking my head. “What for?”
He grips my shoulders, pulling me into his arms, where he holds me for a long moment. His body

is shaking so hard, and he’s panting. It takes him a moment to answer me, but when he does, I know
that what I did not only saved my life, but his. His words fill me, and crush my heart in the most
beautiful way.

“For ending my nightmare.”

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~*CHAPTER 23*~



“Oh god, it hurts!” Ciara cries, clutching my shirt.

I stare down at her, horrified. Is this going to be me in a few months?
“He won’t answer his phone!” Addison cries, giving Ciara a frantic expression.
“Oh my god, this could only happen when he’s on a ride!” Ciara screams.
“Try Jackson,” I suggest. “Or Cade, or Muff...”
“God, I have,” Addison yells. “I have!”
“Don’t yell at me Addison!” I snap.
“Oh god, stop it!” Ciara cries.
“Keep trying them,” I say, a little more calmly. “We will take Ciara to the hospital.”
“Ok!” Addison says, pressing the phone to her ear and standing.
We help Ciara out the door. She’s eight months along, and has decided to go into labor early. The

guys went for their final ride for the year, down to Granger’s family farm to honor his memory, two
weeks ago, and we can’t get a hold of any of them. Ciara’s waters have broken, so there’s nothing we
can do but hang by her side and take her to the hospital.

The ride over is frantic. Ciara screams, I panic, Addison cries and throws her phone out the

window in a fit. Then we all start to cry. I toss Addison my phone. Ciara wails for Spike, and it starts
all over again. By the time we get to the hospital, we’re all a mess and the nurses take us all in and
calm us down. Ciara is wheeled into a room, and a midwife checks her over before coming back out
to us.

“She’s got a few hours yet, she’s about four centimeters. You can go wait with her. Has she got a


“Her partner is out for a ride,” I say. “He will be back.”
Addison’s eyes are wide and worried. The midwife nods, and turns and walks away. I grip

Addison’s arm.

“Look at me!”
She bites her lip, and meets my gaze. “If Spike doesn’t make it back, we have to be here for

Ciara. She needs us calm.”

“I can’t watch a baby being born...”
“Then don’t, but be there for her until that time. She needs us, Addi.”
“I know,” she whispers. “I need a minute; she can’t see me like this. I’ll be back, ok?”
I nod, and watch her disappear out the front doors. I turn and head into Ciara’s room. Her eyes

widen when she sees me, and I see the question in her eyes.

“Nothing yet, honey,” I say gently.
“What if he misses it, Serenity?” she sobs.
I walk over, sitting beside her on the bed, and stroking her hair. “He’ll be here.”
“He’ll never forgive himself if he misses this...”
I wrap an arm around her. “You just focus on breathing; we’ll do what we can to find the guys.”
She nods, and I hand her a small cup of ice chips. “Chew on these; they’ll help keep you

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She puts one in her mouth, and the room fills with sounds of her crunching. Suddenly the door

bursts open and Addison rushes in. “I got hold of him! He’s coming home!”

Ciara whimpers. “Thank god.”
Addison crawls on the bed beside her, and wraps an arm around her too. “Until then, keep your

legs closed and hold tight, honey.”

We all break out in laughter.
God, I hope Spike makes it in time.


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“Where is she?” I hear Spike’s bellow from down the hall.

Ciara is sobbing, gripping her stomach and wailing loudly. She’s ready to push, and has been

doing everything in her power to stop it. The door swings open a second later, and Spike, looking
gorgeous and rugged, comes rushing in. His eyes widen, and Addison and I move away from Ciara
quickly. We both watch as he walks over, gripping her head and crushing it to his chest.

“I’m here baby, I got you. I’d never let you do this alone. I’m here.”
My heart aches and I smile, feeling my eyes well with tears. Stupid emotions. Ciara clings to

Spike, and Addison and I slowly back out of the room. I slam into a hard, muscled form, and a smile
breaks out across my face as soon as I smell the scent that can only belong to one person - Jackson. I
spin around, wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my face in his chest. Two weeks is a
long time when you’re so in love with someone.

“Baby,” he murmurs, crushing me with his arms. “Fuck, my girl. I missed you.”
I lift my head from his chest, and take a strangled breath when I lay eyes on his divine face. Strong

jaw, chiseled cheekbones, full lips, eyes so deep you can drown in them, long, thick black hair. I
reach up, gripping his face and pulling it down. He crushes his lips against mine and I whimper
desperately, pressing myself to him. I can hear Addison’s giggling from behind me, I guess she found

It’s been a hard few months for all of us. Firstly, we had to deal with Granger’s death. I had

nightmares for months, and Spike was devastated. We also had to deal with the fall out of killing sixty
three bikers. Yes, there were sixty three of them in total. The cops didn’t have enough information to
go off, and we all got questioned, but they couldn’t pin anyone. They never tend to delve too far in
biker business, and they were probably grateful to have Hogan and his gang dead. When we all finally
started to settle back into a normal pattern, things began to ease.

“Do you know how hard it has been, not having you for two weeks?” Jackson rasps, pulling his

lips from mine.

“I can feel how hard it has been,” I murmur, pushing myself up against his hard cock.
“’t push me right now.”
“Come with me,” I whisper.
He raises his brows, and I grip his hand, tugging him towards the front doors. When we step

outside, I lead him over to my car, which is sitting in a dark area of the car park. I open the back door,
and turn, giving him a seductive grin. “Get in.”

“Baby,” he growls, placing his hands on my rounding belly. “Pregnancy is giving you devilish


“My man has been gone two weeks,” I hiss. “I’m a woman, and I am pregnant, which means I’m

horny. I want to fuck, Jackson. Are you going to turn that down?”

His eyes widen, and he slides into the car. Grinning, I murmur, “Didn’t think so.”
As soon as we’re in, I take a dive for Jackson’s jeans. He groans as I rub my palm up and down

the hard length of him. I grip his top button, and I tear it open, before lowering his fly. I tug, he moves,
and in a second his cock is free. Oh god. I’ve missed it. How I’ve missed it. I lower my face, and I
take him into my mouth. His groan is guttural, and feral, and that of a desperate man. He tangles his
fingers in my hair, trying to pull me back.

“Baby,” he growls. “Fuckin’ love your mouth, but I’ll come if you do that for a fuckin’ second

longer. You want me in your sweet pussy? Then you better stop.”

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I lift my head, licking the tip once more before peering up at him. His expression is dark, hungry,

and completely rebellious. A sexy smirk crosses his face and he watches as I lift myself up, gripping
my shorts and pulling them off before climbing onto his lap. I feel the tip of his cock pressed against
my pussy, and a pathetic little whimper leaves my throat.

“Better get some control, darlin’,” Jackson grunts. “Or I’ll fuck you far too hard.”
“I want it hard,” I rasp.
“Can’t...the baby.”
I growl in frustration, and slowly sink myself down onto him. He hisses loudly, I throw my head

back. His fingers go up my shirt, finding my bra. He shoves it up, capturing my breasts in his hands
and gently squeezing. I groan, and sink further down onto him. He’s hard. So fucking hard. I wiggle
my hips, trying to accommodate him.

“Fuck, two weeks and you’re fist tight.”
I bite my lip in pain as he finally fills me completely. It’s a little tight, and we didn’t do enough


“Hurtin’ baby?” he whispers, leaning down to press a kiss to my neck.
I groan. He begins to suck. My body shivers.
He bucks his hips.
“Jackson!” I yell, gripping his shoulders. “Oh god.”
“Fuck, baby, take it. Take it all.”
I use my knees to lift myself up, before sinking down again. Jackson lets off a ragged groan, and

his hands find my hips. He begins lifting me up and down, and my eyes fall to the muscles on his arms
bulging as he moves me. Fuck, he’s sexy. So damned sexy. He removes one hand from my hip, and
grips my breast, lowering his head to suck one of my nipples into his mouth.

“Oh god,” I cry out. “Yes.”
He thrusts his hips up harder, and his mouth burns my nipple. My body shakes as pleasure hangs

on the edge, ready to jump over. He lifts his head, staring into my eyes as his finger leaves my breast
and travels down to find my clit. He rubs it. I come. God, I come so hard. Our eyes lock as I do, and
the moment is intense. Jackson keeps his eyes on me as he comes, but for a moment they lose focus.

It’s hot.
God it’s hot.
When our bodies stop shaking, he puts his hands on my belly and rubs. “Sorry baby.”
“The poor girl, she’ll never recover.”
He grins up at me, and I smile down at him.
We found out we are having a girl last month.
I hope she’s just like him.


“It’s a boy!” Spike bellows, rushing out of the room a few hours later.

The look on his face. It’s priceless. It’s something I will never forget. He’s got tears in his eyes,

yet a big smile on his face. Addison is the first up, and she leaps into his arms. He swings her around
and she squeals happily.

“A fuckin’ boy!” he yells proudly.

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The few guys that are with us at the hospital stand and shake his hand. There’s a lot of back

slapping and grunts of happiness and pride. When it’s my turn, Spike pulls me in for a big hug.

“Your turn soon!” he grins, and then lets me go and turns back towards the rooms.
“She wants to see her girls first, and then you all can go in.”
I beam, and Addison grips my hand. We follow Spike down the hall to a room, and when he

opens the door and we see Ciara with a little blue bundle in her hands, we both begin to cry. Ciara
waves her hand, her own eyes watering. “Stop it, don’t make me cry again.”

Addison and I make our way over to the bed, and peer down at the tiny baby. He has a mop of

blonde hair, just like Spike, and his cheeks are full and chubby. He’s adorable, just gorgeous.

“Oh Ciara,” I rasp. “He’s beautiful.”
“Oh...” Addison yelps. “Oh my.”
“He’s a real looker, yeah?” Spike says proudly, coming up behind us.
We both nod.
“Congratulations,” I whisper to Ciara.
“Thank you, for everything.”
I nod, stroking her bubs head. “What’s his name?”
Spike grins, sitting beside her. “Daniel Granger.”
I beam. “That’s beautiful.”
“Yeah,” Ciara whispers. “It is.”
I smile at them, feeling my heart swell.
This started out as an awful situation.
But it’s ended so beautifully.

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“Would you look at them?” Ciara grins, nodding her head.

I peer over to see Jackson, Spike, Cade, and Muff, all talking and chatting around a fire. Jackson

is bouncing our baby daughter, Ava, on his lap. Her dark hair is flying around in different directions
and she has a chubby fist stuffed in her mouth. Spike is holding Daniel ‘Danny’ and every now and
then he tickles his ribs and the little boy squeals with delight. Muff has his arms wrapped around
Ebony, and she’s smiling happily, engrossed in the fire.

“Who knew we’d end up here?” Addison says, leaning against me.
Her belly is starting to swell with her and Cade’s first bundle. Ciara is pregnant again, too, though

she’s only a few weeks along. Muff and Janine started dating a month ago, completely shocking us all.
I’m so happy for her and Ebony. Muff is amazing, and he can give them everything they need. Janine
knows that I slept with Muff and Jackson, but she’s ok with it.

“Can you believe how much she loves him?” Janine says, joining us with a plate of food in her


I grin over at my friend, and she returns my smile. “He sure does love her, though I’m pretty sure

you’re up there, too.”

She laughs. “I sure hope so!”
“Oh, he’s totally checking you out!” Addison giggles.
We all look, to see Muff grinning at Janine. God, he’s a shocker. I roll my eyes, and he catches it,

winking at me.

“We’re lucky you know,” Ciara laughs. “We got the good ones.”
“Yeah,” I say, meeting Jackson’s gaze. “We sure did.”
Jackson suddenly scrunches his nose up, and turns to baby Danny. “Little man, what does your

momma feed you?”

Spike groans, and lifts the little boy into the air. “Ciara, woman, he needs you.”
Ciara ducks down behind us.
“I can see you Tom Cat!” he bellows.
She giggles. “He’s your child too,” she yells from behind us.
“Aw, come on! I want to eat sometime soon!”
“Close your eyes, you’ll be fine!”
Spike stands, muttering about kids and shit, and carries the boy inside. I throw my head back and

laugh, before walking over and sliding onto the chair next to Jackson. I run my fingers over my
daughter’s hair and lean down to kiss her chubby little cheeks.

“Give me my baby sister, she needs love,” Addison says, sweeping over and taking Ava from


“Greedy!” Jackson says, grinning at both his daughters.
Addison pouts. “She’s mine too, you know. Come on baby, yeah, let’s go and find that silly uncle

of yours and make sure he hasn’t passed out on the ground.”

“Oh hey, while you’re there, check her diaper?” I yell, smothering a giggle.
Addison scrunches up her nose. “Oh hell no!”
“She’s yours too,” Jackson adds with a grin. “You just said so yourself.”

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“Ripped off!” Addison says, and then grins down at Ava. “But for you, I’ll do it.”
We both watch as they disappear inside. I turn to Jackson, sliding off my seat and onto his lap. He

wraps his arms around me, and nestles his face into my neck.

“Our baby is fuckin’ cute.”
“Gets it from her momma,” I grin.
Muff snorts beside us.
“Hey!” I say, giving him a look. “She so does!”
“Yeah princess,” he chuckles. “It’s all you.”
“Aunty Senny!” Eb’s says, turning.
“Yes honey?”
“Is Muff going to be my new daddy?”
We all fall silent, and Muff meets my gaze, giving me a helpless expression. I smile, and meet

Ebony’s little eyes. “You know honey; I think it would be really cool if Muff was your new daddy.
You know why?”

She shakes her head.
“Well, he’s really fun. And he’s good at giving cuddles.”
Ebony grins, big and beautiful, before turning to Muff. “I love your cuddles.”
He grins down at her. “I love them too, little princess.”
I roll my eyes, but my heart is thudding. I turn back to Jackson, and he’s smiling up at me.
“What?” I say.
“You, darlin’. You make everything beautiful.”
I bite my lip, and my entire body reacts to his words. I grip his face, bringing his lips down over

mine. We kiss, long and deep, forgetting the world, forgetting where we are, and just existing in that
kiss. Jackson makes everything real, and being with him has changed who I am. He saved me from my
life, even though he doesn’t realize it. He made me who I am. He became my everything. He gave me
what I needed, in more ways than one.

He gave me his club...
And these guys, they are our family.
To some, they might be crazy and dangerous.
To us, they are the reason we breathe.

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Remember there will be a little Christmas Novella released on the 23rd of December for all you Muff
fans. It will be in his POV, but you can see how the Sinners celebrate Christmas!!

I hope you enjoyed this series, god knows I enjoyed writing it.
As you know, I have a dark pirate romance coming out on the 8th December 2013. Here is a little

snippet for you all.

“What is that?” Eric rasps, his voice dry and crackly.
My eyes burn from too much salt, and too little water. “It’s a ship.”
“I know,” he rasps. “But what kind of ship?”
“Does it matter?”
He gives me a sour look. The last few days haven’t been easy on our friendship. When faced with

life and death, anyone would become overly stressed. I get to my knees, feeling my heart hammer.
This is our chance to get help, we’ve been out here two solid days, and there’s a ship heading in our
direction. I won’t be letting it pass. Eric gets to his feet beside me, and our tiny rescue boat rocks. I
lift my sore, aching arms, and yell out as loudly as my dry, raw throat will allow. Eric grips hold of
the flashlight on his life jacket, and he flicks it on, waving it backwards and forwards.

Suddenly a large light is pointing in our direction. I squint and cover my eyes. They’ve seen us.

Help has arrived. Oh god, we’re going to survive this. My knees buckle and I fall, relief flooding me.
Eric continues to yell and wave the flashlight around. From this angle, the light isn’t piercing my eyes,
and so I can see what he can’t...and when I see it, my blood runs cold. It’s a flag...but it’s not a
country flag or a navy flag,’s a skull and crossbones. My stomach lurches, and it takes me a
moment to gather my bearings enough to reach for Eric’s leg and pull at him, bringing him down to my

“What the hell, Indi?”
“What’s wrong?” he asks, confusion washing over his features.
“T-t-t-the flag.”
He shakes his head in confusion, so I lift my wobbling hand and point towards the ship that’s now

coming closer. His eyes narrow and then I see fear wash over his features. He reels backwards,
fumbling for something to paddle us away. Anything to get us out of here. Deep down in my terrified
soul, I know we’ll never outrun a ship like that. We have only two options - Jump overboard, or let
them capture us. Right now both could possibly mean death, it just depends which death we want.
Maybe they won’t hurt us. Maybe they’ll just let us go, or leave us here?

No. They’re pirates. Everyone knows that’s not how it works.
I clutch Eric, terrified. My heart is beating so heavily it hurts and my body is tingling all over,

fear and panic washing through me. The urge to flee, to run, to save myself is huge...yet there’s
nowhere to run to. Eric’s eyes are darting, and he quickly flicks the flashlight off. His body shudders
heavily, and for a long moment, all we can see is darkness. Our breathing is the only sound I can hear,
until the ship comes closer and waves begin to rock the boat. My heart hurts, it aches so badly I want
to rip it out just to stop it. This is like a nightmare, except I can’t wake up. I can’t do anything but pray
to god these pirates aren’t awful.

“We should jump over,” Eric whispers.
“And die?” I hiss.

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“We’re going to die if they get hold of us!”
“We can’t be sure of that.”
“It’s too dangerous!” he growls.
I can’t answer, because the light swings our way and falls directly on our boat as the large ship

stops beside us. I can’t see a damn thing, all I can see is the blinding light. I hear voices, and then I
hear the sounds of them rolling down ladders. I whimper, and clutch Eric closer. I clamp my eyes
closed, wanting to drown out, wanting to take myself away from this fear. I feel Eric flinch, and then I
hear the ragged, angry voices fill my ears.

“Get on the ship.”
The raspy, deadly voice causes ice to run through my veins. I open my eyes and see a man hanging

off the ladder, glaring at us.

“Please, we don’t want any trouble,” Eric whispers.
“Shut up, get on the fuckin’ ship.”
“Just leave us here, we’re just...”
The man pulls out a long, rusty sword, and thrusts it towards Eric’s face. He yelps and leaps

backwards, knocking me over. I cry out as my sunburned back hits the side of the boat.

“Get on the fuckin’ ship, now.”
Eric puts his hands up, trembling. “Ok, ok.”
He wobbles as he edges towards the ladder. The pirate grips his arm, hurling him over until he’s

dangling like a floppy dog off the ladder, one hand gripping it desperately. His screams rip through
me, and I wrap my arms around myself. The pirate shoves at him, forcing him to climb the ladder, and
then he turns to me. He’s an older man, with a long, bushy beard and thinning grey hair. He crooks his
finger, and I don’t dare argue. I walk forwards, reaching out and taking the ladder in my hands. He
grips my shoulder causing me to cry out as his fingers cause my burned skin to protest angrily. He
keeps hold of my shoulder as we climb, and when we step over the side, he shoves me forward.

I crash into Eric, hard. He wraps protective arms around me, and I’m grateful. I blink my eyes,

letting them adjust to the twenty or so men surrounding us. I let my gaze scan them all, and I’m
surprised to find them...clean. Well, they’re not clean as such, but they’re certainly not dirty like I
would have expected. It doesn’t make them any less deadly though. Every one of them has a hard,
angry expression. They all hold a weapon of some sort. Swords. Knives. Guns. I tighten my grip on
Eric and watch the older man who grabbed us, walk towards the door that goes down below deck. He
flicks it open and yells down.

“Cap’n. CAP!”
Wait. He’s not the Captain? I swallow, and I feel Eric flinch beside me. I get a quick glance of the

massive ship, but I don’t take a great deal of notice, my body is too terrified. Old man turns, walking
over to us and stopping, sword out, ready for action. He leans down, letting his eyes scan over both of
us, as if weighing up if we should live or die. Then his eyes harden and he growls, “Get on the fuckin’

“Please,” Eric pleads.
He shoves the sword towards Eric’s throat, slicing a line just thin enough to cause a trickle of

blood to fall. I drop to my knees, terrified. Eric drops beside me, hand clutching his throat, his eyes
wide with shock.

“Head to the floor!” The pirate barks.
We both lower ourselves until our heads touch the dirty, smelly deck. Then we just sit there,


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“Where you from?” The pirate asks, a moment later.
“A-A-America,” I rasp.
He chuckles and I peer up enough to see him turning towards the door. I hear the sound of boots,

and then I see the door creak open. I close my eyes, turning my face towards the ground. I can’t face
this. God, what if they rape me? Or slowly torture us? Or sell us? God, there are so many ways this
could go. I hear the deck creak as the Captain walks towards us. When that creaking stops, I hold my
breath. Is this it? Will he just raise his gun and shoot us? Perhaps he’ll cut us and throw us overboard
to bleed out?

“Where the fuck did you get these two?”
His’s young. I want to look up, but my body is frozen with fear.
“They were on a boat, screamin’ and carryin’ on.”
“They alone?”
“Yeah, just the two of them.”
It’s silent a moment, and I hear Eric shuffle beside me before attempting to speak. “We were on a

yacht and...”

“Did I give you permission to fuckin’ talk?” the Captain barks.
Eric flinches again, and promptly stops speaking. Silence fills the air, and all I can hear is my

own ragged, terrified breathing.

“You, look here.”
Oh god, he’s talking to me. Hot tears fill my eyes and I slowly raise my head. What I expected,

and what I see, are two very different things. It takes me a solid moment to realize that the man I am
looking at is actually a pirate. In my head, I had an image of a fat, hairy, smelly man, but him...oh
god...he’s breath taking. Even in my fear, I can’t move my eyes from him. It’s impossible to look
away, it’s impossible to believe that somebody so beautiful would be in a place like this.

He’s tall, that’s the first thing I notice. His large, six foot frame would over power most men.

He’s a mass of solid muscle; his large arms are covered in black, celtic tattoos. He’s wearing a pair
of ragged, black jeans, a gun and sword belt, and a black singlet that stretches across his large,
chiseled chest. I can see a mass of thick, long black hair peeking out from under the red bandana he
wears on his head. When I settle on his eyes, I suck in a deep, raspy breath. They’re so dark they look
black, yet they’re so utterly beautiful and captivating. His face is covered in rubble, and he’s got
jewelry in both his ears. A thick, gold chain hangs around his neck. He’s dazzling, but like the rest of
them, he looks incredibly deadly.

For the longest moment, he holds my gaze, until finally he speaks. “What are you doin’ out on the


I swallow and open my mouth to answer, but my voice doesn’t want to work.
“Answer me, girl,” he barks.
“We were on a yacht,” I croak. “It caught fire and we got on a life boat, but Eric...I

drifted away and we ended up trapped.”

He reaches up, running his fingers over the dark stubble on his cheeks. The older pirate steps up

beside him and leans down, whispering something in his ear. The Captain’s eyes widen, and he turns
his gaze to me, letting his eyes slide up and down my body. Nodding, as if impressed, he turns and
says something to old man pirate and they both nod.

“You, come here,” he says, crooking his finger at me.
Eric’s lashes out, gripping my wrist as I move to get up. “She’s not going anywhere near you.”
The Captain turns his gaze to Eric, and then lifts his fingers, clicking them. Two pirates appear

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behind Eric, and one of them hits him so hard he falls to his knees. I get to my knees, crying out and
reaching out for him. A hard set of arms curl around mine, and pull me back. I watch as two pirates
lift Eric, one on each arm, and begin dragging him towards the large door leading down to the lower

“Let him go, please!” I beg.
I’m spun around until I’m facing the Captain. His fingers dig into my shoulders and I cry out,


“Shut your fuckin’ mouth and walk.”
He shoves me forward and I force my legs to move, even though they feel like they’re filled with


“Where are we takin’ the boy, Hendrix?”
Hendrix. Hendrix. Hendrix. That’s his name?
“Take him to the holding cells, I’ll deal with him soon. I’m takin’ the girl first, need some info

outta her.”

Info. What sort of info? Why would he want info out of me?
I feel his hand push my back again, and I don’t dare argue. When I reach the large door, I peer

down. Old, wooden stairs are all I can see. I take a step, and then another, and another, until I’m at the
bottom. I peer around the large ship, quite surprised at its size. The first level basically consists of a
long hall with rooms branching off from each side. I am shoved again, so I take another step. As I
move down the halls, I catch a glimpse of the small, bunker rooms on the side. I see a large room
through one of the doors that seems to be a dining hall. I reach the end of the hall, and Hendrix
reaches around me, gripping the handle and flinging it open. He shoves me, and I stumble forward.

I manage to gather my footing, and I get a chance to peer around. This must be his room. It’s large,

with a toilet and shower off to the side, a large bed in the middle and a desk near a set of see through
windows at the back. Hendrix shoves me again so I continue to walk forward until I reach a small
sofa. He grips my shoulder, forcing me down onto it. I don’t fight him, my mind is screaming at me to
just go along with it. He might not kill me if I do as I’m told. I think about Eric and my heart clenches.
Is he ok? Are they hurting him right now? I can’t not ask. I can’t just forget about my friend.

“Are they hurting him?” I croak.
Hendrix is standing in front of me, and at my words he kneels. He grips my wrists and snaps on a

pair of handcuffs. Our eyes meet, brown on green, and I flinch. There’s so much behind those eyes, so
much pain, so much anger, so much death...

“What is goin’ on with him, ain’t your concern. What is your concern, is survivin’. You do as I

ask, you live. You don’t, you die. It’s simple.”

Simple. Simple. Of course, it’s so freaking simple. I put my head down, swallowing over and

over to stop the bile rising in my throat.

“How old are you, girl?”
“My name is Indigo!” I snap, lifting my head to meet his glare.
“Don’t fuckin’ care what your name is, it don’t matter to me. I asked how old you are.”
“What does it matter?” I whisper. “If you’re going to rape me, I don’t imagine you’ll care.”
He snorts. “No, I suppose I won’t. Answer me anyway.”
My body goes stiff.
“Now,” he growls.
“I’m twenty-four.”

Document Outline


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