Printing Heading Approach Charts

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Approach Chart - Heading

Click on a text item or symbol in the illustration below for more information.

The geographical name used is generally the major city served by the civil airport or installation
name if a military airport. A hyphen before the airport name is used when the location name is part
of the airport name. The charts are arranged alphabetically by the geographical location served.

NOTE: U.S. Airway Manual: The civil approach charts covering the United States are arranged
alphabetically by state. Within each state, the charts are arranged alphabetically by the name of the
city served.

For each location, the charts are sequenced by the chart index number. This index number will
appear as shown below:

First Digit: represents the airport number and is an arbitrary assignment.

Second Digit: represents the chart type as shown below:

0-area, SID, etc.






2-GPS (Sole use)

9-RNAV, vicinity chart,


Visual Arrival or


Visual Departure



Third Digit: represents the filing order of charts of the same type.

Oval outlines of chart index numbers represent:

Standard chart issued to Airway Manual subscribers.

Special chart issued to special coverages only. Contains modified information for your company.

Standard chart that uses only metric system units of measure.

In this numerical system-both procedure and airport-there will be gaps in the filing sequence
because of deletions, expected expansion, selected distribution and tailoring for specific
subscribers. Two procedures may be combined. Numbering, in this case, will be for the lowest
number of the pair. ILS and NDB is a typical combination indexed as 11-1, 21-1, etc.

All chart dates are Friday dates. This chart date is not to be confused with the effective date. The
effective date is charted when a chart is issued prior to the changes being effective. Charts under

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USA jurisdiction with an effective date are effective at 0901Z of that date.

Procedure identification is given below the airport name. This identification is per the applicable
authoritative source (e.g. VOR-1, NDB (ADF) Rwy 16, NDB Rwy 16, etc.). The use of an alphabetical
suffix indicates a procedure does not meet criteria for straight-in landing minimums (e.g. VOR-A,
VOR-B, LOC (BACK CRS)-A, etc.).

MSA provides 1000 feet of obstruction clearance within the circle (or sector) within 25 nautical miles
of the facility/fix identified just to the lower right of the circle. If the protected distance is other than 25
nautical miles, the effective radius is stated beside the identifier of the central facility. The MSA
value is supplied by the controlling authority.

Communications for "arrivals" are given in normal sequence of use as shown below. See


Chart Legend

, or Introduction page 116, for other communications.

Click on a text item or symbol in the illustration below for more information.

Transition level and transition altitude are listed on the bottom line of the communications and
altimeter setting data box. Transition level and transition altitude are provided for all areas outside
the 48 conterminous United States, Alaska and Canada.

Trans Level: FL 60
The transition level (QNE) is the lowest level of flight using standard altimeter setting (29.92 inches of
mercury or 760 millimeters of mercury or 1013.2 millibars or 1013.2 hectopascals.)

Trans Alt: 5000' (4987')
The transition altitude (QNH) is the altitude at and below which local pressure setting must be used.

Altimeter setting units are listed on the bottom line of communications data box.

Barometric Pressure Equivalent in millibars or hectopascals enables aircraft operators who use QFE
altimeter setting for landing to establish the QFE altimeter setting by subtracting the hectopascal or
millibar equivalent from the reported QNH altimeter setting. The value shown is the barometric
pressure equivalent for the height reference datum for straight-in landing. The height reference
datum will be the runway threshold elevation (Rwy), airport elevation (Apt) or the runway touchdown
zone elevation (TDZ), as applicable.

Letter designations behind a frequency indicate operation as follows:

G-guards only
T-transmits only
X-on request

Bearings defining frequency sectors are clockwise outbound
(e.g., 270° to 090° would be north of the airport.)


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