Printing Formats Approach & Airport

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Approach Chart Formats

The first approach procedure published for an airport has the procedure chart published on the front
side with the airport chart on the back side. On major airports, the airport chart may precede the first
approach procedure. These locations will have expanded airport information that may occupy more
than one side. When an airport has more than one published approach procedure, they are shown
front and back on additional sheets. Blank pages will indicate "INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK".

On charts dated on and after 10 MAR 95, key information is displayed in bold type. Key information
includes Communication frequencies, Primary NAVAID frequency and identifier, Procedure bearings
and Altitudes, Airport and runway end elevation, Decision Altitude and Minimum Descent Altitude,
and Missed Approach turn limit and direction, course and altitude.


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Prezentacja formatka
Formaty plików dźwiękowych
Content Based, Task based, and Participatory Approaches
Printing bbjorgos lekcja41 uzupelnienie A
Przekroje Format A2
h 1 formatka 2012 budowa hv
Printing bbjorgos lekcja01 05 A
Formatki do zaj z OC Cwiczenie Nieznany
Automatyczne formatowanie dokumentu, informatyka, grafika
Formatowanie(1), Edukacja, Informatyka

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